#me: i'm going to yap about my ocs again
sunnysssol · 8 months
Alfred fell for Suzie because he felt like she was the one being whom he could let down his walls for. He was born alone, and he was going to die alone– that was the mindset he's had since he was young. But when he's with her, he doesn't think about hellfire or being damned for all of eternity for desire, or the sins he can never wash from his hands. He loves them because Suzie is familiar. Strong, safe. He doesn't have to worry about geopolitics if he's with her, basically lol. As much as he loves the spotlight, he also, above all, loves his fucking space. Again, he was born alone, and spent so much time being alone that any other way feels odd, somehow. Like he's just playing the fool. But with her, he doesn't have to pull back his emotions, his thoughts. He doesn't have to worry about her judging him even if he knows he deserves it. Instead, when he fucks up, or when he feels especially alone, they take his hand and squeeze it firmly– "We're going to be okay. We'll get back up somehow."
Suzie fell for Alfred because he made things feel possible. Being raised as the youngest daughter of some nobleman or other, Suzie knew early on that their duty to their family prior to being chosen for this job was to marry some wealthy nobleman, maintain his household, give him children, then die. A lot has happened since that little girl left her father's home, but even then, Suzie told themselves that whatever their duty or station in life is, they were going to fight like hell to make it a fulfilling one. She's always been endlessly curious– after a question has been answered, she has at least five more. Suzie wanted to see and experience everything, to have the knowledge, the capacity– the power to make things happen. She's always dreamed of the sky and the stars– and Alfred, with his all-encompassing, boundless optimism and fiery drive to accomplish whatever task he thought was worth the effort, Suzie can't help but feel similarly.
They both make each other discover things about themselves they never would've known otherwise. Alfred had no idea he too, hated the utter lack of complete independence when one's in the spotlight until Suzie told him how they felt about it. Independence to do whatever they wanted, whenever they want. He had no idea he was being so damn scummy until Suzie smacked him with cold, hard facts in the late 80s. He genuinely thought he was doing good things, deluding himself into thinking he was being good. But most of all, he had no idea about the depth of his compassion until she began involving him in her non-official excursions, helping out in communities and such. He loves his people, but just "loving" doesn't really mean anything if he's some kind of untouchable patron saint. Love doesn't mean a damn thing if the one half is unsure about truly returning it and the other is unsure of what, who it's loving. But Suzie was sure. She was always so goddamn sure of everything– and Alfred admires that. Sure, they take a while to make decisions, but they truly take the time to hear all possible reasons, study all possible scenarios, circumventing most problems Alfred would be blindsighted by.
It's definitely not perfect– their relationship has been on the rocks now and again. But the effort, the devotion is there. And, they make one hell of a good team.
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spamgyu · 4 months
If Mingyu’s get Oc’s flu? Will she take care of him? 👀
At this point, homegirl can admit her feelings xD
admit her feelings?? this is a slow burn babes. im going to make everyone suffer /laughs in evil/
JK.... but uh............. alright here's cute oc x mingyu crumbs
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – flus (again) and piggies
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
[College!Mingyu Masterlist]
It's been days since she last seen him.
Not that she missed him. Definitely not that. No.
But she did have to admit that the absence of his presence, more importantly his pestering voice... was very evident.
At first, when she had first showed up back at their dorm building after spending nearly a week recovering from the nasty flu she had gotten from her roommate, she didn't pay any mind that Mingyu didn't seem to be lingering by her room.
He usually came by when she went away for a few days, ready to yap her ear off about all the things he had managed to get into whilst she was gone.
Maybe he was busy at the time.
But one day turned into three and there was still no sight of him. Not in the hallways, not in the library – hell, not even on campus.
And it wasn't like he was easy to miss – he towered over all his friends... and almost anyone around him. She can pick him out from a crowd within milliseconds.
Because he's tall.
Not because her eyes are searching for him. Definitely not that either.
Walking down to the end of the hall, Y/n lightly knocked on the wooden door.
"Come in."
Popping her head in, Y/n was ready to crack a joke about her life being much quieter since he hasn't been around; but instead the smile on her face fell.
He wasn't his typical chirpy self.
She was fully expecting him to greet her loudly the second he caught sight of her. Instead, he was under his covers – eyes sunken in, nose red from all the tissues he had use to get rid of his congestion.
"Oh my god, did I get you sick?" She gasped, walking over to his bedside – placing her hand on his forehead. Y/n instantly frowned, feeling the contrast of his body temperature to hers.
Mingyu slowly nodded, reaching into the half empty tissue box on his nightstand to blow his nose.
"I'm so sorry, dude."
"S'all good." He coughed into his elbow.
"I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
Mingyu cracked a smile. "You missed me, huh?"
"Eh, a little." She shrugged.
The smile on his lips grew larger. "You missed me!?"
"Let's not get too crazy now." Y/n laughed softly, motioning for him to move his legs – taking a seat in the now available space at the foot of his bed. "Didn't realize how quiet my life was when you're not around. The silence was almost deafening."
"That wasn't supposed to be cute."
"I'll take it.'' He smiled.
"You craving anything?" She asked, scrolling through her phone.
"I meant food," Y/n flashed him her screen that was opened up to the food delivery app. "Least I could do is get you dinner."
"Are you trying to woo me, Y/n?" He teased.
Typically, she would be rolling her eyes at him. But somehow, the action never came – simply letting out another laugh instead.
He was definitely growing on her.
"I'm trying to make up for getting you sick."
"Make it up by hanging out with me this weekend."
The two had yet to actually do anything outside of their school campuses – mostly because they were far too busy with their own friend groups, studies, and lives. Mingyu had made a handful of attempts to make plans with her, but all were sadly declined due to prior commitments and plans.
He found the perfect opportunity.
"You're literally a walking virus right now."
"Okay, next weekend."
"I'll pay." He added.
"Are you trying to woo me, Mingyu?" Y/n narrowed her eyes, asking playfully.
"Are you being woo'd?" Mingyu matched her tone.
Mingyu had gotten accustomed to her no's and waving off all and any attempts of flirting, he couldn't help but be taken back by the sudden change of answer – blinking quickly as he tried to process the word that had left her lips.
"Do you not want me to be?" She asked slowly.
"No I do, just– you never played along before."
Y/n shrugged. "You're sick, I'll give in this one time."
"Will you also give in to possibly spending the rest of your day keeping me company?"
He was pushing his luck, but considering she was being far more pleasant than her usual playful catty attitude – he was going to push all the luck he could find.
"Only if you let me order you food."
Mingyu handed her one of the pillows next to him. "Make yourself comfortable."
Kicking off her Uggs, Y/n happily extended her leg out in front of her as she went back to ordering the promised meal – not bothering to scold Mingyu as he began playing with the loose threads at the hem of her sweatpants.
"I got you Pho."
"Sounds good." He hummed, sinking deeper into the mattress.
Y/n took this as a sign to settle in as well, taking the pillow he had given her and placing it behind her back. "Did you miss all your classes this week?"
"Yeah. I did some wor– Your toes are cold!" He cried once her feet made contact with his upper arm, moving away from her.
Wiggling her toes, Y/n let out a loud laugh. "These piggies?"
"Gross!" Mingyu laughed, pushing them away.
"Gross? I thought you liked me!"
She was joking. She didn't know if he actually did have feelings for her – it had been such a long running joke, what was the harm of playing along?
"I thought so too!"
He was joking as well. He found it cute.
He found every part of her cute.
From the way her nose scrunched when she laughed, to the way she always painted her toes orange because she claimed it looked like little Cheetos. Mingyu was completely and utterly in love with the girl.
He watched as she settled down from the laughter, humming as she scrolled through her phone – completely unfazed by his gaze.
Oh he was down so bad.
"Hey," He tapped her leg, catching her attention. "I do– I– hm... I was joking."
"I do."
"What?" Tilting her head to the side.
God, she was adorable.
"Never mind." He shook his head. He'll have to try another time – when he wasn't sick and able put together an actual, coherent sentence. "Wake me up when the food gets here, yeah?"
"Sleep tight, piggy."
"Are you calling me a toe?"
"A cute toe."
"A toe." He deadpanned.
"A cute toe!" She pushed.
Mingyu chuckled, knowing that there was no winning.
It wasn't like he cared anyways.
She could tell him that he looked like a chewed gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe, and he would take it.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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fainthedcherry · 1 month
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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necroromantics · 18 days
Why are you such a fucking weirdo because you’re literally telling a server with kids in it that you go your girlfriend pregnant or some shit, and not even to mention how much of a dick you are to people. Go get a fucking job and get offline because you’re acting like a pussy
And let’s not mention how you ONLY do this to kids. Like literally you only do this to ppl who are younger than you so you can feel validated because all your fans do is dick ride your awful writing and that awful ticciwork knock off you call your Oc’s
Go get a job instead of being a wannabe edgy 4chaner
Yeesh lots of anger here. I don't think it's worth tryna please or explain myself to people who have spent half a year shittalking me, admitting to stalking me, and wishing death/trauma on me. But I'll unpack this
I don't talk to minors at all online besides in my Discord server, which I'm not very active in. I've stated MANY times that I don't feel comfortable with befriending or DMing anyone under 18. The servers I'm active in are all 18+. The last time I was in a server with minors like that was way back in January, and I've already resolved the drama regarding that with the people involved
I don't know what "this" is that I'm doing to kids cuz once again, ask anyone who knows me, I legit do not regularly talk to minors or feel comfortable doing so. All of my friends are adults, and I like to keep it this way
I have never once asked anyone to validate me, or get involved in my beef, or any of my issues. Everyone who's talked to me knows I'm a grown man and I can handle myself. The posts I make are just me yapping away on my own little online space
My girlfriend and I's OCs are actually self inserts, but thanks for connecting us with TicciWork, it's a personal ship for me that I connect with us too
Also please don't call my followers "fans", that feels parasocial as hell LMAO They're real people, and I'm a real person. If they enjoy the content I put out, I highly appreciate it, and I have no place to call them "fans" and act like I'm above them in any way, especially when they're all talented individuals as they are. I have work, and school, and I have a life that I'd rather focus on than indulging in petty beef with people who don't know me at all. I don't know what you're upset about, but I'm always open for a mature conversation to resolve any issues
At the end of the day, this is the internet, these are pixels on a screen. If you've gotten so invested in one-sided beef that you feel the need to leave comments like these on some random guys Tumblr, I genuinely hope you find happiness and peace in your life. I know what it's like to be angry and indulge in drama all the time, but trust me it's just tiring and it gets you nowhere. It's so easy to be hateful and shit, but it's better for the soul to do the hard thing and be kinder to yourself and maybe others. I hope you feel better soon
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archer-kacey · 5 months
Introduction/ The Illusion of Living
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To clarify, there are two pages of the actual "Introduction", followed by a section labeled "The Illusion of Living," which is ANOTHER introduction. I'm crying.
The FIRST Introduction is all fluff, Joey yaps to his cab driver (just known as "Simmons") and sees a Borzoi, and immediately typecasts it as a villain OC to go up against Bendy. That's it. Next section.
The Illusion of Living [The What]
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Joey does a horrible job at giving a simple explanation of the Illusion of Living, but not for the reason you'd think. At first it seems to boil down to "the art of lying" or "joey caps for five years," if you will. He also, unsurprisingly, thinks he's a genius and that his philosophy is a gift to mankind.
"It is a life philosophy, but unlike some of our great past thinkers, I did not come to any conclusion through thought and careful meditation. Instead it was born within me. My whole existence has been shaped around this concept. It just took some time for me to learn how to articulate it to others."
"I've always believed that we can communicate to even the simplest person. Communication is everything."
"We are all dreamers at heart, and I want to make sure that all of your dreams will indeed come true thanks in no small part to my unique insights."
But then Joey says something interesting for once, and it seems to imply that the Illusion of Living is a two-way street. Joey believes that reality is also fiction, but it seems to work in reverse as well.
"So in the briefest of explanations: The Illusion of Living is the art of mimicking real life on the big screen."
Real life ---> Big Screen. So not only is fiction reality, the two are interchangeable.
Illusion of Living [Bendy]
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"I am a very self-aware person."
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Joey goes on to talk about Bendy, but there's...another aspect I'll be sure to bring up before we close on this section.
"I am not offended that he is first in your heart. He is, after all, first in mine. He was my very first creation- one could even call him my firstborn."
"Bendy is my muse. He is also my messenger. He tells the stories of our lives in absurd, hilarious ways that put all of it into perspective. He reminds us that what we truly need in this world is joy and laughter. Money doesn't matter, power doesn't matter, not when we acknowledge the Illusion of Living."
Nathan adds a footnote here that the Illusion of Living wasn't the only thing important to Joey. He knew the value of a dollar and was a good businessman. So apparently, the money did matter after all. Are we shocked that a Capitalist required money to achieve his goals and aspirations?
"He isnt' real others might argue. Such a ridiculous argument "isn't real." We can see him, we can touch him, kids snuggle with their stuffed Bendys at night. He has more fans than the Marx Brothers! What is real if he isnt'?"
"I tell people that Bendy is the perfect example of my philosophy. He is its manifestation. Or as I like to say, "Dreams come true."
Joey isn't entirely wrong here. We see movie franchises IRL that have a huge influence on pop culture all the time, and we see fandoms and cult followings spring up from said media. The impact is real, if not the characters themselves.
"Your dreams can come true. Because, as I've explained, illusion and reality are the same thing."
Again, the Illusion of Living is an insistence that reality and fiction are one and the same.
I'm going to swap a line from the end of the Bendy section to here, because I want to touch on something I noticed afterwards.
"Now I'm getting ahead of myself. I get excited and tell the story too fast. That's what editors are for I suppose."
Nathan adds a footnote here that IOL went through three different editors, finally landing on the desk of Sandy Pommel (another rando), who opted to put back in a lot of the remarks in order to 'truly capture Drew's charm," as Nathan puts it. (My girl wanted that edit credit so bad lmfao)
ANYWAY, let's take a look at these little slices of IOL I've been saving for last.
"I tell people that Bendy came to me in a dream."
"No, what I had to do was want the dream in the first place. To know that I needed a creation so perfect, so accessible to so many people, that it would help me change the way the world saw itself. That was my dream. I was awake, I knew what I wanted; I made it happen."
He mentions wanting to "change the way the world saw itself" through bendy. Wanting to create a character that was "accessible to so many people." Later in IOL, we see Joey discuss with Abby what he wants Bendy to be like. Not Satan, he specifically clarifies, but an imp-like character, someone mischievous. We know Joey believes reality and fiction can be swapped out for each other, so that could be the world change he was talking about, but I think he also wanted people to recognize their own impish nature- getting into trouble and laughing every once in a while. Or maybe, just maybe, I've been reading the words of Joey Drew for too many hours.
"Only then did Bendy appear to me. Only then did I start working with other artists to make him a reality. But you see, I first made my dream. And then I made my dream come true.
Working with other artists, eh? Like who, Joey?
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Also, note the insistence that he created Bendy first, directly after that sentence. As if trying to convince himself that Henry had no part in creating Bendy, and trying to keep his story straight in the way he wants it portrayed to the public.
(This facade later crumbles on page 154, with Joey pretending not to miss or need him at the studio and failing horribly.)
Things get really interesting when Joey describes Bendy's creation. He sees it as his big dream being fully realized. To him, this is also the"birth" of his son, or at the very least, the creation of his muse, messenger, and avenue to tell his stories. "I tell people that Bendy came to me in a dream" is a coverup of course, some smoke and mirrors to convince people that he had an epiphany and came up with Bendy himself, but he also clearly sees it as a wonderful event.
We know Henry created Bendy, of course. We know it wasn't Joey's hand that ultimately struck paper. However, that doesn't make Joey's feelings any less real.
During Bendy's creation, there are two truths happening at the same time to make the full picture. Henry drawing, and hell, maybe Joey bouncing a couple ideas off him. The process takes just minutes, but it feels like hours. Bendy is created, and Joey is there to witness it. And to Joey, it's the most perfect creation in the world. And he's going to share this creation with Henry, this dream with Henry.
I am not being hyperbolic when I say that, to Joey, Henry created his son.
TL;DR The Illusion of Living is Joey's philosophy that reality and fiction are one and the same. Joey wants his OC to be real so bad. Joey views Bendy as his actual son and Henry created him and also Joey was there for his creation so what I'm saying is Henry created a son for his business partner and they were just gonna chill like that until Henry left and broke his heart or something
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atinyjules · 4 days
Eyes Off You Ft. Park Jisung {ch-1}
A/n: Since this page belongs to me and I am the sole writer of this blog, I think it's up to me to decide when and what I want to post. There are times when I'm in no mood to write and times when all I wanna do is write... like right now. So I hope y'all understand my sudden arrivals and disappearances 🥹🤣
I feel like people think I'm overconfident and because I like my own posts 🤣 but it's purely out of love for my work cause well... how will people like my work if I the writer doesn't like her own posts? I have insecurity about my works, so it helps build up a little courage to post more.
This chapter is fully centered around Lianna ✨️
I feel like I'm yapping... in text form, so I'll just let the story begin. Also, I hope you guys like it!
Here it iss
The mini masterlist for this series can be found here
Genre: friends-to-strangers-to-friends-to strangers -to-lovers au (ikik its long), slice of life, fluff, romance, angst, humor, college au
Pairings: Park Jisung x Lianna Suh (fem oc)
Warnings: Strong language, alcohol, a little angsty, college life (cause it's scary to me, I start next week 😭)
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"What's wrong with studying in Seoul?" An woman asked her young daughter who sat by the bay window, looking at the scenery as she ate her lunch.
"I don't want to study there." Her daughter said making the woman sigh.
The acceptance letter from Neo Culter University of Arts had just been opened by the Suh family, who were very ecstatic, to say the least. Well, everyone except the one who had gotten accepted was happy.
"Lianna Suh, you yourself had sent in your application. Why are you backing out now?" The woman said, making Lianna sigh.
"I'd rather attend college here than in Seoul." She said, making her mother sigh as she sat next to her daughter.
"It's because he's going there, isn't it? I know, I overheard your conversation with your brother. But this is your chance to go study in one of the best arts universities and you get to stay with your brother as well. Didn't you say you don't see your brother enough?" Her mother said making Lianna groan.
"I'd rather attend a community college than stay in the same environment and surroundings as that fool. I can wait till Christmas to see Johnny." Lianna said, making her mother cup her cheek.
"Are you going to let go of your dream just because of a boy you were once friends with? You graduated high school, top of your class in music! I know talent, and I'm not about to let my youngest daughter waste her talents and dreams by attending a community college just because her ex friend happened to study at the university of her dreams!" Her mom said, making Lianna look away.
"I don't even have anyone there." Lianna mumbled, making her mom slap her arm.
"You have Johnny!" Her mother exclaimed, referring to her elder brother.
"Johnny is not going to follow me to Uni and hang out with me! He already graduated!" She whined making her mother sigh.
"Are you a baby? Why do you need someone you know? You can just make new friends!" Lianna's mom exclaimed, making her whine again.
"I can't!" She exclaimed, making her mother pinch the bridge of her nose.
"Mark attends NCUA as well. You can hang out with him!" Her mom said, making her shake her head.
"He's in his final year! And he hangs out with Jisung!" Lianna retaliated causing her to receive a smack in the head from her mother.
"Jisung this, Jisung that! He's your senior. Just handle it for two years, and he's out the door! Even if you don't like it, you have to learn how to search for your own people." Her mom said, making Lianna look down and sigh.
"I just... don't want to be treated the same way, like how it was in high school." Lianna said, making her mother soften and press a kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"If jisung or anyone else says anything, just tell your brother, I'll tell him to take care of Jisung for you. Or I might just do it myself. Just... don't let your talents go to waste because of people around you. I was blessed to have talented and successful children... I am not gonna go let your gifts be wasted like that." She said, making Lianna nod as her mother patted her cheek.
"So... what do you say?" Her mother asked her with a smile.
"Johnny's gonna wait at the airport, right?" I asked mom as we arrived at the airport.
"Yes, honey. Don't panic, I told your brother to be there an hour early." Mom said making me nod.
"Call me as soon as you get there and unpack everything under a day. Don't! Skip meals!" Mom said sternly making me groan.
"I knoww... mom don't nag at me too much, or else I'm not going." I said, making her slap my arm.
"I won't let you do that. If there's even the slightest little problem, tell Johnny and take care." Mom said, making me smile as I hugged her before I left to board my plane.
The flight from Chicago to Seoul went quite smoothly, minus the cranky kids on board. Besides that, everything else went quite well, and I was soon getting off the plane. After my documents and other stuff were checked, I got my bags and began searching for my brother.
"One hour, my ass... where is he?" I mumbled to myself after searching for him for the past 15 minutes.
"If it isn't my favorite minion!" I turned around to see Johnny.
"Where were you?! I thought you were supposed to be here an hour early!" I complained as he shushed me by pulling me into his infamous bear hug.
"Shush, let me hug you properly!" He said making me roll my eyes before hugging him back with a smile.
"Where were you?" I asked, not falling for his trick.
"Okay, you caught me. I took a little power nap that turned into a full-out two hour nap. I apologize for being an overworked 21 year old DJ." He said making me scoff.
"You're almost 30. You're not fooling anyone, John." I said, making him wince.
"Ouch, I meet my baby sister after 7 months, and she attacks me with my government name and age. I'm not hurt." He said, making me roll my eyes as he broke into a big smile.
"I'm just messing with you. How was the flight?" He asked while taking a hold of my luggage.
"It was alright I guess." I said as we headed towards his car.
"That's great. You better be hungry, Taeil helped cook lunch for you." He said, making me punch the air.
"Yess! I'm starvingg! Taeil is such an amazing cook." I say as he scoffs at me.
"So the old man gets praise for cooking lunch while me who came to get you from the airport and drive you home gets the government attack?" He said, making me sigh.
"Be a good sport and let it go, will you?" I said, making him laugh as he got in and drove us to his... now our apartment.
"How's the food?" Johnny asked me as we ate lunch.
"Like it was made in heaven and delivered to us." I said, making him chuckle and ruffle my hair.
"Still quite the drama queen, I see." He said making me roll my eyes.
"Can you like, not touch my hair?" I said, making him pretend to think.
"Hmm... no, thank you. It's more fun now since you grew out your hair. See, I told you that you'd look like a princess if you grow out your hair. Hence, proved." He said making me groan.
"The only reason I grew out my hair was because mom kept nagging." I said as he smiled.
"At least you look your age now. I swear you always looked like an elementary student with that little Bob of yours." He said, making me slap his hand.
"Mind your words." I say making him chuckle.
"Excited? NCUA is a lot of fun." Johnny said, making me sigh as I leaned back on my chair.
"Nor really." I said, making him soften and sigh while patting my head.
"Hey, just have fun. Mom told me you didn't want to go alone on the first day. So... guess what?' He asked me in an excited tone as he wiggled his brows.
"What?" I asked as he stood up.
"I got you a buddy for uni!" He said, looking proud as I looked at him, uninterested.
"And? How's that supposed to make me feel?" I say as he sits back down in his chair.
"You... are no fun. He lives next door. He's your one year senior, but he's quite fun to be around. He said he can show you around and walk with you to uni." Johnny said, making me panic a little at the mention of the person being my one year senior.
"His name is Jung Sungchan. He lives right across our door with his roommate Shotaro, who's a third year. The three of you can walk to uni together every day. " He said, making me internally let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay." I said as I continued eating my lunch.
After a while, Johnny had to go out to get something, so I decided to unpack and set up my home studio. Johnny had made a bedroom for me and added a space to turn into my home studio.
After unpacking and keeping my things in its respective places, I looked over at the space happily as I unpacked all my equipment, piano, etc. After about 5 hours, my whole room was set up, making me look at it proudly.
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(This is just for default. To make it easier for y'all to imagine)
I sat on my chair and looked at my home studio. I still had around four days before classes started, so basically, four days to woman up and start a new life with no regrets.
UwU big bro Johnny is the brother that every firstborn of the family deserves and wishes to have 🥹
Well, that's it for this chapter!💖✨️
I hope you guys liked it so far. This series looks quite promising to me! 💖✨️
Chapter 2 can be found here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖 ✨️
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devilledeggz · 6 months
finally making a pinned post
hey my existence is proven, as i now have social media being a record of pretty much everything i decide to share with the masses of humanity on this hellsite :)
i now have to deal with the mortifying ordeal of being perceived by people i will probably never meet im also here though i only post once in a blue moon, and art posts are pretty much nonexistent, twitter is scary af you cant blame me-
oh and i have a yt channel where i make playlists just don't expect me to upload anything there. if you would like to see how bad the paper chase brainrot has gotten, go check it out!!
info about the blog:
i am a minor, so don't be parasocial with me unless you know me.
here's my pronouns: any (including neo or xenopronouns btw) im agender (maybe pomogender) i do not care what you call me, at the end of the day i am none <3 things i like: - The Magnus Archives - IHNMAIMS - The Dolls of New Albion/Shaperaverse - CCCC/Chonny Jash - TSP/TSPUD - UCV (john doe game & house hunted) - RTC/legoland - UKSRT - Awful Hospital: Seriously The Worst Ever (i started reading this and it's bringing back UKSRT) - STP (slay the princess) i am also the worst paper chase fan ever- those are all the ones i have the energy to list. though there's a lot more i know of, i'm not really in them. i don't make fanart of it though, and if i do it's very rare. i'm more of an oc person. this is the oc blog-
custom tags:
if you actually want to see my art check this tag!: #eggzzzart or if you wanna see some lore of my characters (or just the characters) check these tags: #[oc lore: try again/game over] #[oc lore: nonexistent reality] #[oc lore: nonexistent alter] #[oc lore: 2 faced] #[oc lore: mandy's marvelous murder musical]
if you want to hear my yapping check these tags: #musical mania #the local egg speaks into the void #wanna know what goes on in the head of an eggz? feel free to harass me in my inbox if you have questions on any of these things. or just in general, i thrive off attention-
dont forget to do your daily clicks by the way!!: [link]
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diodellet · 19 days
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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tf2tomfoolery · 3 months
HELLOO HII :)) Here's a few paper sketches/WIPs of the Airman, @2fortred's 10th class oc :D
Thanks for letting me draw him, can't wait to finish these (and some others! :O 👀) and show them here! 👍
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Snippet of a drawing of Airman with Soldier to his left.
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His melee weapon is a crate or a box of some sort. : ) Cya at spawn, son.
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⬆️ Scout noticed his dogtags and started yapping about his own (I messed this one up arrrghHH)
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Something silly to encapsulate what I've been up to when sketching and yeah
A lot of rambling under the cut:
These are VERY much just practice sketches and funny sribbles etc, trying to get used to drawing faces consistently in my 'style' (still.. figuring that out hrmm). 2FORTRED YOUR CHARACTER IS SO FUN TO DRAW AAA HE'S SO COOL! ',:) HOPE YOU ENJOY THESE SILLY SCRIBBLES! MORE TO COME HOPEFULLY SOON RAAGHH I'll muster up the courage to post more WIPS and the finished products eventuallyyyy
I'm planning on cropping these out and cleaning them up digitally on my laptop, perhaps colouring them in, then posting them again in a nicer format! Quite happy with these, mainly because I finally drew down some ideas that have been scampering around in my mind for ages. Yes he is throwing his crate at you :) cya at respawn pardner
I'm posting these even though they're wips, because it's about time I posted something and I keep getting stressed over the usual stuff that prevents me from sharing my art.
Uh ignore scout he's there. Tried to draw a scene of those two where Scout yaps to Airman about their dog tags and then his introverted silence sort of just. Makes scout awkwardly stop talking and gets self aware (it's very out of character LMAO scout not talking and being self aware huh what?)
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Uh burber :]
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The whole page so far (definitely going to clean this up and fix the colours but I had fun) SOLDIER YOU'RE SO DIFFICULT TO DRAW RAAGHH he's kind of there.
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naquey · 3 months
Oki then: who are your ocs and how&why did you come up with them? Have a wonderful week!
When I tell you I woke up and screamed, that I had a big stupid smile on my face, I'm not lying. I texted my friends, and I took a screenshot. I was giggling and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl.
Oh, this is a lovely loaded question, anon! I have the urge and need to yap about my children because I love them so much. For now I only want to talk about the oc that I use the most because I am so familiar with him and he swims around in my brain until something new crosses my sights.
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before i get into talking about Arcturus Black:
"how & why did you come up with them?"
Not to sound 'cringe' or 'weird' I typically come up with an original character if I either want to be inserted into that universe, or there is a character I really like that I want to interact with. They start out as self-inserts but over time develop their own personalities and lore. And this could go for any fandom I'm in.
Arcturus Black is one of my HP oc's whom I've fallen in love again with this HP revival. (idk how I got back into this fandom)
*p.s. I will not watch the new series on MAX because I absolutely despise JK Rowling and her writing is shit anyway
To say it bluntly, I like Regulus Black, specifically the Regulus Black whom we know nothing about. Not the fandom girliepopification of Regulus Black. He was a Quidditch player for Slytherin, joined the Death Eater's young, betrayed Voldemort because he messed with Kreacher.
I uphauled my previous Harry Potter oc and wanted to make another one because I was a Hufflepuff and had landed on giving Regulus Black a son because I had seen a lot of people give Sirius Black children. I thought I was being cool and quirky straying from what other people do. Thus the idea for Arcturus was born.
He was tall, he had dark hair he could tie up, his eyes reminded me of the moon, he barely smiled, he hid behind books, he avoided people. Arcturus quickly became my pride and joy because I loved his personality, I loved his lore, I loved the angst specifically.
Being upset because his uncle, Sirius, preferred Harry over him and even avoided him in some cases. Sirius died in the Ministry thinking Arcturus hated him, the boy that looked almost uncannily like his brother. Fucking- He's a lil shit/pos
He has a friend group consisting of Severinus Lyall (to be yapped ab later), Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom. I like to call the four of them Four Corners because Arcturus is a Hufflepuff, Neville and Gryffindor, Luna a Ravenclaw, and Severinus a Slytherin. They are his closest friends, but there are times he would rather curl up with a good book. Outsiders often mistake him looking at his book as not paying attention whenever one of his friends are talking, but he pays attention even with his face buried in a book.
Did I mention he has a crush on Neville?
He is fucking whipped for Neville Longbottom, just as I am whipped for Neville Longbottom. Dare I say more?
JkJk I will say more. Arcturus denies ever having feeling for Neville in the first place because he's afraid of those feelings. He's afraid of what other people will say. He doesn't know himself well enough to trust those feelings, mainly he's just scared his feelings are filling the void in him cause he has no idea who his dad is.
He's protective of his friends, protective of Neville. He fights for the people who stood by him when everyone else doubted him. He cherishs his friends. They are his support system when he is at Hogwarts.
The disconnect with the Black family name because he didn't grow up with anyone, the hatred of who he is because everyone already assumes the worst of him. I mean, I've planned for Arcturus to have a whole arc to himself about wanting to understand himself and wanting others to understand him because so many people choose to think they already know who he is just because of his name.
And I can relate to him, so much. I can relate to not feeling like I understand myself, or that I'm even more isolated from my already small family, its why I love him so much.
The only reason why I don't think he's a self insert completely is because with writing, everyone puts a piece of themselves in it. In whatever they create, the artist breathes life of their own into their creation. Sure, Arcturus isn't my only oc but he was the one I wanted to talk about because I use him more than the others. I have quite a few that I could talk about but they aren't as feral on the brain as Arcturus is. I'm writing a new fic with him, I'm developing him more. (the fic is a sequel, you should check it out/j)
Okay, I didn't exactly try to sit down and write this in one go, nor did I really have a list or uniform information about Arcturus. I don't exactly write things down about my ocs, instead end up telling my irl friends random blurbs about them whether I have an idea involving fanfiction or not. Honesty, I should do that Meet the Character Monday thing...
If you've read this far, thank you very much for reading. And again, anon, thank you so much for asking this question. It made my day to see it in my inbox!
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if I should send this non-anon or not, but preferred to keep my identity a secret, I guess.
Dunno why but felt like saying this after seeing your posts. I was once a shipper in the fandom, liking both canon x canon and canon x oc ships, until I saw something that made me uncomfortable with the first of the two. That is until I've reached your account.
Sure, I was cautious with ship content (not that I'm saying it's a bad thing. Just made me kinda uncomfortable after that incident) but when I let my guard down and saw some of your posts, I realized that maybe not every shipper is as....uh...y'know the type of people I'm talking about right?
All I'm saying is...thank you. Because of your adorable posts (and the balance of both types of ships [canonxcanon and ocxcanon. I love PriceRaven so much istg]), I tried to look for artists like you. Thanks to you, I can also go and try to find artists similar to yours in context of shipping. And I did and I did not regret it (even if I don't ship anymore, but it was delightful to see the things people create now that I've...healed from it?).
I'm still trying to be careful in the fandom with the things going on. But seriously though, thanks a lot! If there's one thing this fandom needs is people like you. Ones who don't cause a fuss and also knows boundaries when shipping as well. No hate, no discomfort. If people say otherwise and hate on you because of shipping content, damn them. They should be grateful if anything as you did nothing wrong and just wanted to create what you wish.
Anyway, sorry for the long ask (end up ranting. Sorry bout that). But yeah, hope you have a great day! Maybe one day, if you allow me, I could sketch out Raven? If it's alright with you.
Thank you again!
hi!! thank you for the ask and hey no worries, you're welcome to rant in my ask or share your experience
Im sorry for what you went through, fandom often do come with its uhhh moments to say the least, im glad you've healed from it and is able to enjoy things the way they are at your own pace
its definitely good to curate your own space, adjust your settings and block out on things that are uncomfortable, even though there are still some things that will definitely pop up despite the cautious measures, but hey! shit happens and the most important thing is to understand that you're not alone in this, and take a rest from the media once in awhile
Im actually really touched that you find my page a nice place to visit ((yes PriceRaven is like my bread and butter I cant live without them and will yap about them forever)) which also lead you to other artists!
im straightforward, Im okay with almost anything interest wise in the fandom (ships/dynamic/fics genre etc), if im not okay with it i'll just move on or mute/block certain words, simple as it should be.
Although people do find my angst stuff "threatening" LMAO but eh im over it pft if they dont like it then its fine let them be
as the saying goes "no matter how perfect the apple is, someone will still hate it" so fuck it yk, it is what it is (my life motto and also blog's motto HAHA)
Thank you for your message though, Im really grateful for it and im genuinely happy, enjoy your stay here
AND OFC YOU CAN DRAW MY OC RAVEN!! FEEL FREE TO SEND IT TO ME ONCE YOU DID :D (take your time ofc dont mind the excited goofball i am)
have a good day as well!!
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calicosnook · 3 months
Tell me about Harper, your One piece oc!
THERE IS SO MUCH LORE TO HER. OH MY GOD. also a lot of details i don't go over (primarily from age 8-10) since it's super sensitive and traumatic
!!! also general trigger warning brief drug mentions and for abuse of all kinds (including slavery and anything regarding the Celestial Dragons in One Piece) !!!
yapping below cut!!
okay so she's a harp seal fishman first off!
ref below! also in the corner is her (8) and her older sister Carrine! (whom i just realized i didn't add her spots...)
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she is 6'9 feet tall and 20, she's a doctor (not licensed but what crew doc in one piece is licensed) and keeps track of a lot of stuff for her crew! (nobody follows her diet plans even when she asks nicely).
to go chronologically, she was born in the Ryugu Kingdom (aka Fishman Island). she was primarily taken care of by her older sister, Carrine as their mother was (and still is) an addict. Carrine had a necklace with a great white shark tooth attached to it, belonging to her childhood friend (Hody).
when the girls were 8 and 18, they were sold to a Celestial Dragon (and enslaved). soon after they were bought off by one of the Gorosei, Nusjuro.
when Carrine refused to do something for Nusjuro, she was shot in the face in front of Harper. all she got to keep was the necklace Carrine gave to Harper when they were first enslaved in case anything happened to Carrine.
after roughly 2 years, consisting of every kind of abuse, Harper was sent to the Marines when she was 10. she was put in a branch that my bf and i made called the Navy Seals, a branch made up mostly of enslaved seal fishmen.
there she met Leo, her future adoptive father and captain, and Ellen, a future crewmate. together, they escaped and formed their crew, the Seal Pirates. from then on, Harper studied medicine to help others!
!! regarding events / arcs / sagas in One piece !!
The Seal Pirates were working for the Donquixote Pirates, originally they were watching over Caesar Clown experiments on Punk Hazard, until the Strawhats showed up. they ran off to alert Doflamingo in Dressrosa, then staying on alert and on watch for the Strawhats. they made a quick escape when Doflamingo was fighting Luffy.
then the crew ran off to Wano, specifically Onigashima as Doflamingo was working with / for the Beast Pirates. they clashed a lot with the crew, but remained with them for protection until the Strawhats showed up (again), where then they had minor clashes with the Strawhats and the alliance they had, running out of Wano when the raid began.
after Wano, i'm not sure where they are going as the manga is still going ^_^! Harper generally works as a doctor for the crews her crew works for and teaches first aid / medical classes for people in the local area or said crew. While in Wano, Harper was stationed at the prison in Udon with All-Star Queen.
that's all for my yap session!
bonus seal pup! (not sure what seal though..)
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 12: Escape
Sam watched as the man threw punches into Derek's body.
All she could hear was the sounds of knuckles hitting skin and yells of pain coming from Derek. Derek's ribs had to have been broken. The man continuously aimed each strike at Derek's side—which now was completely bruised.
"This could all be over if you tell us who the Alpha is. It's that simple." Derek stayed silent, much to the man's dismay.
"I'm getting tired, Hale." He turned to the girl. "Now…how do you think we'll get the answer out of you?"
Sam wanted to back away, but she couldn't. She planted her feet to the floor, ready to headbutt the man if needed. His hands reached down and she turned away.
The only thing she heard was the snap of her shackles around her wrists and feet as they opened. Sam looked up at the man, suspicious as she stood and backed away. He couldn't have been that stupid. No way.
"There. Now tell me who the Alpha is.", he said. Sam scoffed. "You're trash at torturing.", she says, aiming to throw a punch at the man, but he quickly caught her fist, reeling her hand back and twisted her arm behind her back.
She yelled in pain, trying to stomp on his feet. He threw her down and kicked her side with his heavy boot. Sam choked, gasping for air until she turned on her side, struggling to get up. Before she could even crawl away, the man kicked her again, ignoring Derek's yells for him to stop.
"I should kill you. You should be getting the same exact treatment as him.", he muttered, jabbing a thumb in Derek's direction. "You're just as bad as those dogs. Protecting them. Protecting the Alpha that's trying to kill you. I should kill you for that!"
Sam coughed, turning to him. "Then quit yapping your gums and do it!"
The man smirked. "Y'know, you two are more alike than you think. Stubborn and stupid. What makes you think you're different? You're human," he paused, "you're weaker. You're going to turn into a monster, a killing machine just like your boyfriend over here."
"Hardly. I haven't even been turned!", Sam yelled. He backhanded her face, sending her back to the floor.
"Who is the Alpha?", he demanded. Sam glared at the man and spat out blood on his face. "Piss off.", Sam muttered.
"Wrong answer."
She couldn't recall the next thing that happened. Her vision blurred and she could hardly hear her yells of pain anymore.
Eventually the blur became total darkness.
She woke up to a howl, quickly realizing that she was back to being restrained. Fuck.
She looked at Derek and he looked around. "You heard that?", she asked, making him snap his attention toward her. He nodded, taking his eyes off of her. He couldn't look her in the eyes. He's the one that got her here. Her face was all bruised and bloody. That was his fault…
"I'd tell you to cover your ears but…", he said before letting out a loud, wall shaking howl himself.
He let out a sigh and panted out of the lack of energy he had left.
They looked to see the metal doors opening once again and Sam's eyes widened to see Kate and Allison.
"Sam?" She pushed past Kate to get to Sam, "Oh my god, Sam.", she cupped her bruised cheeks. Sam tugged her face out of Allison's hands.
"I wouldn't get too close.", Kate warned. Allison pulled away, stepping away from Sam.
"What's she doing here?"
"The same as what he's doing here." Kate jabbed a finger towards Derek as she walked over to the electrocuting machine.
She turned the knobs all the way up and electricity traveled through the wires to Derek. He threw his head back and yelled out in pain as the volts of electricity went through his body.
Kate turned to Sam. "I wouldn't say a thing unless you want this to be the next thing to happen to you.", she laughed as she turned the machine off. Derek slumped heavily, his eyes fluttering open and close.
Allison stared at Sam's bruised body and tattered clothing. "What are you doing to them? Is that going to kill him?"   "Oh, come on kid, don't get all ethical on me now.", Kate rolled her eyes.
"She's my friend, Kate."
"Not anymore.", Kate countered.
"What are they?"
"Like you don't know. Shape shifter, lycan, werewolf.", Kate laughed, "To me they're just dumb animals."
Sam rolled her eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sam's not a werewolf. Yet. But she will be in a matter of a few days. So, she'll be next with the werewolf treatment.", Kate grinned. She walked over to Derek, lifting his upper lip to show his fangs.
"See there right here? These are canines, also known as fangs. They're made for the tearing and rendering of flesh. Not so cute now, isn't it?"
"Is this a joke to you?", Allison asked. Sam glared at Allison. She couldn't be this dumb.
"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around. Everything's a joke to me. How do you think I stay sane?", Kate chuckled.
"So it was both of them at the high school? And all of the other animal attacks?", Allison asked ignorantly. 
"No.", Sam gruffed. "Hell, we met up at the same time and you saw exactly what I saw. Don't be dumb."
"Thank you, Sam." Kate rolled her eyes. "There are three of them. Him, your deliciously adorable boyfriend—well, ex now, and the Alpha. The Alpha's the back leader: bigger, stronger, nastier. And to top it all off he had his eyes set on Sam."
"What do you mean?"
"Go ahead Sammy, explain it to her. Explain why you need to be put down.", Kate sneered. 
"He wants to bite me.", Sam gave a short explanation. 
"Elaborate.", Kate pressed. Sam sighed and rolled her eyes. 
"If an Alpha bites a human they turn into a werewolf, just like Scott."
"You knew about Scott? You knew this whole time?", Allison asked, tearfully.
Sam frowned. "He's my best friend, of course I knew."
Her fists clenched and she turned on her heel, rushing out of the room. Sam rolled her eyes once more. She's so dramatic. 
"Look what you did now, Sammy.", Kate smiled before leaving the room.
Time passed, and Sam passed out again. She quickly woke up, a familiar feeling wracked her bones. It's the same feeling she had at the hospital. "Peter's looking for us."
"How do you know?", Derek's voice popped up, his eyebrows furrowed.
"It's this feeling I have. I had it when we were at the hospital. It's like this heavy pressure on my back…", she said, swallowing and looking around.
Rushed footsteps headed toward them and her heart dropped. Either Kate was coming back to finish the job, or they were gonna die otherwise.
Her eyes widened as her heart dropped to her stomach.
"Scott…?", Sam whispered, tearing up. Kate brought him here. She was gonna kill him. Shit.
He noticed Sam panicking as she started crying. He rushed over to her. "Sam?", he rasped. "Sam, what are you doing here?"
"We'll explain later, just get us out.", Derek said. Scott came over to her, took a good grasp on her shackles and ripped them from the chair, throwing them on the floor. Sam shakily stood up despite her body screaming in pain, but she pushed through. They didn't have time. They had to get out of here.
More footsteps came towards them, and Sam looked at Derek. Derek angrily mouthed for the teens to hide. Scott pulled Sam to the darkest corner in the front of the room. The bald man walked through the door and we kept in the shadows. Sam cupped a hand over her mouth so he didn't hear her breathing.
Her body began to hurt a lot more than before. It was burning even. Her back was killing her like someone was carving into her slowly.
Scott tried to calm her down as they watched the bald man walk over to Derek.
"My knuckles are a bit tired, so I brought a little help." She could see there was a baseball bat clasped in his right hand. He was going to hurt Derek some more. The thought only angered sam and burned more pain into her body. Scott's eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at Sam.
"Just warning you, I—" the man's eyes looked at Sam's empty seat.
"What the…"
His face quickly contorted into anger. He stormed over to Derek and Sam suddenly stood up.
She moved quickly, silently, so much so that it made the werewolves nervous to see.
They watched as the girl jumped onto the man's back, and much to their surprise, she snapped the man's neck, dropping as his body hit the floor.
It was like everything blacked out and when her vision came back, she blinked and looked at Derek as he looked back at her with widened eyes.
He instantly got defensive but watched as her expression changed into confusion before it contorted into horror once her eyes focused on the man under her.
She looked down in shock, seeing the eyes bulged out of the man's sockets as his neck was twisted in an odd angle. She backed away in panic but Scott steadied her.
"Hey, let's just get out, yeah?", he reassured, pulling at her. She frowned at him. "We gotta get him out."
Scott frowned at her. "No."
"Not until he tells me how to stop Peter.", Scott demanded, looking at Derek.
She grabbed Scott's shirt. "We do not have time for this shit right now. There are hunters outside and right now, they could finish me and him and start with you. Get him down."
"He's going after Allison.", Scott says. 
"So what?", Derek argued.
"And he's going to come after Sam. The reason I chased her last night was because of him. He made me do it. How do I stop him?", Scott rushed. 
"You can't stop him! Alright? I don't know when Kate's coming back—"
"Kate? As in Kate Argent?", Scott's eyes widened.
"Yes, your crazy girlfriend's aunt has kept us here hostage for however many days or hours it's been.", Sam growled. 
"I don't know when Kate's coming back, but you have to get me out right now. Get me out right now!", Derek yelled.
"Promise you'll help me.", Scott's demanded. 
"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend?", Derek asked, in disbelief.
"No, I want you to risk your life for yours."
"Scott, seriously, this is not the time for this! Do you want to go through what we just did?", Sam urged. 
"I know something both of you don't."
"Quit fucking around, Scott.", Sam says, glaring at him.
"Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied. Remember this?" Scott unfolded a paper with the agency report of the deer with the spiral on it.
"What the hell is that?", Sam asked.
"Where did you get that?", Derek growled. 
"My boss told me three months ago that a woman came into the vet asking for these papers. Do you know who it was? Peter's nurse. She brought your sister here so Peter could kill her and become the Alpha. And that's why you're going to help me. Not only for Sam, but for your dead sister." 
Scott and Sam watched Derek get angrier and stepped back as Derek fell to the floor, finally freeing himself. He looked up and hardened his green eyes at Scott.
"I'll help you."
After Derek had quickly pulled on his shirt and leather jacket, Scott helped them out of the cellar. Derek leaned against Sam, limping as he tried to ease the weight on her. 
They managed to climb the stairs and out into the woods, walking through the crunching leaves.
Derek's arm slipped off her shoulder and he walked out of Sam's grip, stopping in front of the teens. His breathing was labored as he looked around cautiously. "Hold on. Hold on."
Once he caught his breath, he looked around suspiciously but soon began panting again, this time, panicked as his eyes flickered around.
"Something doesn't feel right."
"What do you mean?", Sam asked. Her adrenaline was already running. Him panicking would make her panic more and it'd make this worse.
"I don't know, it's kind of like it was—"
"No, no! Don't say it was too easy! People say too easy and bad things happen!", Scott exclaimed, making Derek roll his eyes. "You think finding you two was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!", Scott fussed.
"Fine," Derek sighed after thinking about it for a second, "you're right."
His breath steadied as he stood straight. His eyes suddenly widened and just before he could say anything, Sam felt something pierce the back of her left shoulder.
Sam shakily looked behind her to see Allison holding a crossbow and Kate right beside her with a grin. She dropped to her knees, suddenly feeling weak again.    "Sam!", Scott exclaimed. She heard Derek groan as he dropped next to her. She could see him trying to get up to help her with an arrow stuck in his thigh, but he fell down as an arrow hit him in the shoulder.
Is that what hit her…? An arrow…?
"Scott, your eyes!", Derek yelled. There was a big flash of light. Sparks danced to the ground, unlike Scott who landed with a loud thump.
Sam reached her arm back and pulled out whatever was in her lower shoulder. A thin arrow shone in the moonlight. She tossed it to the side, getting to her knees.
Derek yelled out in pain as he pulled two thicker arrows out of his leg and shoulder. He hurried and grabbed Sam by the upper arm, dragging her up. Scott continued to scoot away to safety but his attention was focused on something else.
"Sam, go with Scott!", Derek demanded as he pushed her to her friend.
He wanted them to go, to leave him behind to get killed. Allison and Kate walked up to them, Allison held her weapon in her eyes with hatred.
"Allison, I can explain.", Scott defended, hurt.
"Stop lying.", Allison yelled. Kate got to her. She was annoying before, but now she was ready to kill like they all knew she would be.    "I was going to tell you the truth at the formal. I was. Because everything that I said, everything that I did—"   "Was to protect me? I don't believe you.", Allison sneered.
"He's not lying.", Sam says. She turned her weapon to the girl. "You too, shut up. You're just as bad as him." 
Sam glared at her. "Thank God, now shoot them before I have to do it myself.", Kate groaned, walking over towards them.
Allison looked confused now. She lowered her weapon, turning to her aunt.
"You-- you said we were just going to catch them?", Allison's eyes teared up in confusion.
"We did that. Now we're going to kill them.", Kate grinned and reached into her jeans pocket and took out a gun, shooting Derek. "See? Not that hard."
Derek fell on his back as Sam looked at his fallen body in shock. She turned to Kate in anger. "You're a bitch!"
Allison looked at Sam's face, then back to Kate. Allison's expression changed from sad and confused to realization. Kate sighed loudly, rolling her eyes.
"I know that look," she stared at Allison, "that's the 'I'm gonna have to do it myself look'." Kate pointed the gun at Sam. The girl braced herself for the shot. 
"Kate, Kate, no!", Allison yelled but Kate knocked her to the ground.
"You want things done right, you have to do it yourself.", she shrugged. Sam refused to die tonight. Not by this bitch. She ran at her before she could pull the trigger, tackling her down and trying to yank the gun from her hand.
"Kate!" A voice yelled. Chris Argent appeared out of the rolling fog, coming up to them. "I know what you did. There were innocent people inside that house, children! And look at you! You're trying to shoot a 16 year old girl? She's not even a wolf yet! We go by the code.", Chris announced. He recited something in Latin, and Allison ended up finishing it in a whisper.
Kate pushed Sam off, taking her gun and aimed it at her with crazed eyes.
"Put the gun down." Chris' hand was shaking as he held his own handgun in his hand. Kate silently refused to put the gun down so Chris shot a bullet into the tree near them, barely grazing Kate. "Before I put you down."
Kate reluctantly lowered her gun and Sam moved back to Derek. He pulled the bullet out of his stomach and threw it into the leaves.
"Are you okay?", Sam asked, looking him over. He looked at her. "Are you?"
Before she could respond, the presence she felt before was back. Peter was back.
Sam frantically looked around. He couldn't be here. Not now. Now would be too convenient.
But this was Peter. Who knew what he had up his sleeve?
"Hey.", Derek's eyes caught her panicked ones. Before she could speak, the front door of the Hale house screeched open.
"Allison, get back.", Chris demanded. Kate and Chris' arms flew up, their guns pointed at the door. Scott and Allison got off the ground, as well as Derek and Sam.
"What is it?", Allison looked around, clutching her bow and arrow tight.    "The Alpha.", Scott replied. In his Alpha wolf form, Peter came running out at a supernatural speed. Derek pressed Sam behind his back as he watched Peter run around. Chris was the first to be thrown to the ground. Allison went down with a scream as well as Scott. 
"Come on!", Kate screamed multiple times. She was pointing her gun at random places while Derek and Sam backed away, looking around cautiously.
Then a gunshot went off, but none of them felt pain. They snapped their attention to see human Peter holding Kate's gun up towards the black night sky. She was yelling in pain as he bent her wrist back, and then latched onto her throat. Kate was thrown onto the deck of the house and Peter went after her, dragging her inside.
"No!", Allison cried and went inside after her.
"He's going to kill Allison.", Derek whispered and turned to Sam. "Do not move." He ran inside with Scott.
She heard Allison scream before she came running out with tears spilling down her face. She ran to her passed out father.
"Dad, dad!" Allison's small hands pushed at her father's body. He was out cold.
"What does the Alpha want?", The girl cried, looking at Sam.
"Me." A loud roar rang through the woods and then silence. Scott suddenly came flying out the window and Sam ran to him as he gained consciousness.
"Scott, Scott, where's Derek?", she asked him.
A monster like Alpha Peter came running out the window and jumped to the ground with ease. He and Scott had a fight, which ended up with Scott pushing him back. Derek jumped on Peter but got thrown beside Sam.
A loud honk emitted from close by and a bright pair of headlights lit up the scene. Sam's head snapped to where the honk came from and Stiles emerged from the driver's side of Jackson's silver Porsche. "Stiles!!", Sam exclaimed. 
Jackson came out of the passenger side. Derek got up and grabbed onto Sam's arm, pulling her away.
Peter looked at the two boys and then his red beady eyes focused on Sam. Stiles looked at Peter in shock and chucked a beaker of liquid at him. Peter caught the fluid filled glass until he realized what it was.
"Allison, now!", Scott yelled, throwing her the bow. Alpha Peter threw the beaker into the air just as Allison hit it.
"Get down!", Scott yelled as the arrow came in contact with the beaker, it exploded into a fire. Derek pushed me down to the ground as the loud roar and a burst of wind erupted in the air.
Derek looked around and sat Sam up. There weren't any screams. No growls. No scorched body. There was no sign of Peter anywhere. Sam started panting in panic again. 
"Sam.", Derek looked at her, worried.
"He's gone. We just had him…", she whimpered, tears pooling in her eyes as she watched the fire calm down. He was gonna come back. She was sure of it.
As the night stilled, she looked up at the bright moon, sighing as she used whatever energy she had left to get up.
From the corner of her eye, Allison and Scott shared a kiss. She frowned at their behavior.
She understood that they could've lost each other, but Allison just proved to Sam that she was just as unstable as her aunt and it pissed her off.
"Sam, you're okay.", Stiles exclaimed, tightly hugged her. "Where have you been? What happened? You didn't answer your phone and we've been looking for you the past two��" Stiles stepped away from the girl, looking at his hands, covered in her blood.
"Holy shit.", Stiles looked at her with a panicked look. Sam felt dizzy looking at it herself. 
"What happened?" Her eyes glanced at Allison.
"Kate happened." Derek glared at her.
"What do you mean Kate happened?", Stiles asked.
"She shot us."
"She shot you guys?", his eyes widened at Derek before looking at Sam. "Sam, you gotta go to a hospital."
"No," she says, glancing around for Peter. The feeling hasn't gone away yet. It was bothering her.
"There you go, being stubborn again!", Stiles complained.
"Stiles. I just wanna go home.", Sam says, walking over to Jackson's Porsche that stayed in the moonlight. As Sam limped from under the tree shade, her wounds could be shown clear as day. She heard a gasp behind her and turned around to see everyone staring at her in shock.
"What the hell did she shoot you with?", Stiles asked Derek, who looked angry.
"Foam darts. What do you think she shot us with? Arrows!", he yelled. Stiles was looking at Sam with fear stricken across his face.
"An arrow? Sam, you do realize that those are meant for werewolves, right? Not humans? You need help.", Stiles urged, walking over to her.
She weakly glared at Stiles. "And just what am I supposed to say, Stiles? How do I explain all of this? How can I explain word for word about what I went through in the past, however many days? I can't! There's nothing to say.", Sam said, and gripped her head in pain.
That feeling she had at the field was back. Was she still concussed?? Did she make it worse? It had to have been a big concussion.
"Stilinski, get over here.", Jackson ordered Stiles.
Allison was talking with her now conscious father, who gave Scott the evil eye from where he stood. Jackson and Stiles fussed back and forth but she couldn't hear them. Actually, she could barely hear anyone.
Sam looked at Derek who looked at her worriedly. She mustered up a smile and mouthed, "Thank you." Before she felt herself drop.
Derek rushed to catch Sam and held her against him, looking down at her in worry. "Sam! Samantha!", Derek yelled, shaking her.
Stiles' attention snapped at Derek as he saw Sam's body in Derek's arms.
Scott rushed over to them, kneeling down with Derek.
Scott's eyes scanned Sam's bloodied body. He was still feeling the effects of the full moon. Derek noticed this and gave him a growl in warning. "Scott." 
Scott shook his head. The effects only took over so much but Scott controlled himself.
He checked a pulse on her neck. Her pulse was steady but slow. 
"I told you we needed to take her to a hospital!", Stiles cried as he ran to them.
"Okay!", Scott quickly replied. "Okay. Those things are only meant for werewolves and since she's not a werewolf yet she can't heal."
"How about you tell me something I don't know?", Derek growled at him.
"You can heal… but she can't. She's not a werewolf, but-", Scott said only for Stiles to cut him off.
"Is Peter mind controlling you or something? Get that idea out of your head! That's not happening!", Stiles refused.
"You are not biting her.", Derek grounded out, glowering at Scott.
"What do you guys suggest? We can't take her to a hospital because we're gonna get questioned. Our better option is the bite.", Scott offered, frustrated.
"Correction: the bite either turns you or kills you.", Derek said. 
"It's the—it's not—", Scott sighed. "I think I know another way."
"So? What are you waiting for? What is it?", Stiles urged. Scott pulled up his dress shirt sleeve and looked at the watch around his wrist.
"Just get in Jackson's car.", he said, shaking his head. He refused to let Peter have his way with his mind.
The boys, minus Scott who left as soon as he came, dropped Sam off at Deaton's, respecting her request of not going to the hospital.
Sam stirred awake, groaning softly as she opened her eyes, wincing at the bright light in front of her. She squinted, looking at the older man to her side, dressed in a lab coat with a smile. 
"You're awake, good.", Dr. Deaton stood in front of her, shaking black liquid in a small container. Sam looked down to see that she was laid on the same cold, metal examining table from before.
Why was she here…? "Deaton?", she rasped.
"Morning. Well, actually good evening? It's almost three AM.", he joked.
She looked at him, confused. "I appreciate the hospitality and all but… why am I here?"
"Well you didn't want to go to a hospital did you?", he asked, as he organized his syringes and other items.
She frowned as she remembered. "Oh yeah…"
"Here, just take this." He handed her a dark colored capsule inside a pill bottle top. She looked at him in suspicion.
"What is it?"
"Just trust me, you'll want to take it.", he said and she reached for it, examining it.
She popped it into her mouth and gagged as it went down. Deaton filled up a paper cup with water and handed it to her, Sam, thankful for the liquid, hurriedly swallowed.
"What did I just take?", she sighed after drinking. 
"A mixture of herbs."
Her eyes widened in confusion and disbelief.
"Herbs? What is that supposed to do? How am I here?"
Deaton smiled, suppressing a chuckle as he stared at the linoleum floor. "Your friends are kind. They were worried about you so they brought you here. You'll see them soon. Everything will be fine."
Just before Sam could ask anymore questions, she felt faint again and voluntarily laid down, falling asleep again.
She woke up again, looking around to see the familiarity of her bedroom. Was this a dream too?
She got up, steadying herself as she hadn't used her legs in hours and looked around, heading to her bathroom.
Her eyes widened as she brushed her fingers across her face. All the bruises were gone. She looked at her shoulders and arms, everything was gone.
She looked at her left eye, there was definitely a scar above her eyelid there, but not too visible as she almost missed it.
Was it all really over? It couldn't have been a dream, the scar was proof of that. Peter still had to have been out there.
She sighed, and took a long shower, draining her somewhat matted hair from the dirt and blood that dripped down her body, eventually getting it to be curly and loose again.
She washed her face of any remaining dried makeup and squeezed as much water as she could into a towel after getting dressed.
She looked down at her phone that was on her desk. She picked it up, seeing her lock screen was filled with dozens of text notifications and missed calls from Scott and Stiles, even a few from Allison.
She even saw voicemails and sighed as she clicked on one.
"Sam, where'd you go!? You were supposed to stay inside! Jackson just told me he was found by Chris Argent in the woods saying 'he'd take your place'. They heard him saying that and Scott's been outed and I don't know what's happening. I can't find Lydia now and wh—", she heard Stiles' voicemail end.
She picked another voicemail by Scott. "Sam, where are you!? Why aren't you with Stiles?? No one's seen you…. Please be okay…"
She picked another one, most of them being from Scott either fussing or sounding sad and apologetic.
She sighed and set her phone in her pocket as she rubbed her eyes.
She threw the towel in a hamper as she heard muffled voices. Now there were people in her house…?? 
Could have been the remainder of the Argents, coming to finish the job brutally??
"Dude, she doesn't have any bacon…", she hears a familiar goofy voice.
She relaxed instantly knowing it was Stiles. Scott and Stiles were here…
She silently slipped out of her room and downstairs, seeing Stiles eating pancakes, Scott serving them and fussing at Stiles and Derek.
He just sat in a chair beside Stiles, frowning at his complaining.
His green eyes snapped to see Sam standing on the stairs and he sat up straight, catching the attention of the younger males.
Stiles smiled as he licked his syrup covered lips and ran over to Sam as she descended from the stairs.
He pulled her into a tight hug. "You're okay…", he mumbled in her shoulder as she hugged him back. "I'm okay.", she says.
He pulled away, giving her a smile. "You really have to get some bacon in here.", he says, pulling her to the table.
Scott shook his head while Derek just stared at her. He didn't have his usual jacket on which was a new… thing. 
"Well if you stop raiding my fridge, you wouldn't complain. Or better yet, bring your own.", she gruffed, making Stiles grin wider. "She's back!"
Scott smiled at her. "Glad you're okay.", he says, giving her a side hug.
She smiled at him and smiled at Derek. It took her a while to think until her eyes widened. "Shit.", she muttered.
They all looked at her in shock as she pulled out her phone.
"My mom! I don't know what she knows! I don't want her to bite my head off for not calling her.", she says, ready to dial her mom's phone.
"Oh, don't worry about that, I already took care of that. I told her you were at Allison's house.", Stiles said, relaxing. That's right… she did leave with Stiles so it made sense.
"Still. She gets pissy if I don't let her know.", Sam says, texting her mom to let her know she was home.
She got a thumbs up and a heart as a response and sighed. She wasn't pissed. Good.
She looked up and saw Derek staring at her again. She gave him a half smile and nodded her head towards the front door, hinting she wanted to talk.
Derek seemed to deflate for a bit before getting up and walking to the door while Stiles and Scott fussed at each other over pancakes. Sam slipped away and silently closed the door behind her as Derek leaned on the wall of her porch.
"You doing okay?", she spoke up. He looked at her in disbelief. "Am I doing okay?? You--", he sighed, and looked at her. "You should be worried about yourself. You almost got killed."
She gave him a smile. "That's not something new."
Derek just shook his head. "So, you gonna tell me what all that was about?", she asked. He looked at her in confusion.
"Everything. From the moment you left to now. The truth this time.", she says.
His eyebrows furrowed. "I--" he sighed again and explained everything. Sam looked at his face, looking for a hint of lies, deceit, anything. She couldn't find anything. It scared her but in a way, she was relieved.
She sighed and looked at him as he looked back at her. "Please don't lie to me anymore. I wanna trust you. I want to be able to trust you."
"I'm not saying you have to tell me everything, but tell me what I need to know before shit pops off again. That way I can be prepared. I wasn't prepared at all and it frustrated me.", she says, making his shoulders drop as he looks away.
He nods. "Okay. Okay.", he says, looking at her once more.
She smiled. "Okay." They stood in silence for a couple of seconds before Sam rushed to hug him. Her eyes teared up, ready to unleash every feeling she had. "Thank you…", she whimpered in his chest.
His arms slowly wrapped around her, unsure if she wanted to be hugged. He held her tight and rubbed her back. "I told you we were gonna get out.", he muttered.
She let out a watery chuckle. "You did."
She pulled away, giggling some more as more tears ran down her face. He lifted a hand to wipe at her cheeks as she smiled at him. He was confused. Relieved, but confused. Was she happy? Still sad? Did she really trust him?
He knows he lied to her. He knows she was hurt by it which is why he had the two boys watch over her. But… 
Something caught her eye behind him as she saw Stiles and Scott peeking in the window. He turned around to see them as well and frowned.
She shook her head and walked back inside the house.
"So what's the plan?", Sam asked, walking back into the kitchen. 
"What's the plan?", Scott repeated, in disbelief. "You just got shot last night and the first thing you ask is what the plan is?"
"He means are you feeling okay?", Stiles corrected, through a mouth full of food.
"I'm fine. I'm not as sore and tired anymore actually.", Sam admits.
"Where'd Sourwolf go?", Stiles asked.
"Still outside.", Sam says.
"So, he's okay with you now? He's still back to Derek "hard ass, brooding-in-the-corner" Hale?", Stiles asked, smiling.
"Yeah…and you forget he can hear every word you're saying right now."
Stiles' eyes grew wide. "I was joking!", he yells, trying to get Derek's attention.
"So," Sam started, "how was the rest of the formal? Last thing I saw before I left, you went to go find Lydia again." Stiles and Scott looked at each other, nervously.
"I'm assuming that some shit happened."
"No, not really.", Stiles gave a weak smile.
"Stillinski.", Sam growled.
"Sam!", Stiles whined. 
"Peter bit Lydia.", Derek confessed, walking back in the house..
"What?", she looked at him in shock.
"I lost her at the formal. She wandered outside looking for Jackson and Peter got to her first, I saw him attack her.", Stiles confessed, shakily, looking down at his plate.
"What happened? Where is she? Is she even okay?", Sam rushed.
"She's at the hospital.", Scott sighed.
Sam's eyes widened at Scott. "Are y'all dumb?? She can't be in a hospital! She's bitten! How's she gonna explain when the bite disappears?"
"The problem is, she's having an allergic reaction to the bite.", Scott says.
"Have you ever seen that before?", she asked Derek.
"The bite either turns you or kills you. There's no in between.", Derek disagrees. 
Sam took a deep breath out of stress. "She's not gonna die, is she?"
"You're actually worried for the Lydia Martin?", Stiles asked, teasingly.
Sam rolled her eyes. "She's your girlfriend."
"We don't know if she's going to yet, the doctors said they had it under control."
"Okay," Sam presses, looking at them. "What is the plan?"
"There is no plan.", Derek confirms. "At least not yet."
"Okay, so it sounds like we need to get one going. Ideas, hello?"
Stiles raises his hand, making Sam fix him a look. "One that will work, please."
He sets his hand down with a pout.
"Why are you so sure our plans will work?", Scott asked, planting his chin in his palm.
"Because our plans almost always work. That and we have the two werewolves on our side."
"But Peter's an Alpha.", Scott stressed.
"So? You two are Betas. Doesn't that put out his odds?", Sam asked.
Derek heavily sighed, losing himself in thought. 
Stiles looked at Scott for answers and Scott looked at Sam.
"Even if you wanted to make a plan, you're staying out of it.", Scott declared. Sam's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? Why??"
"We've already thought of something.", Scott said, shrugging. Sam gaped at him. "So tell me."
"Scott.", Stiles started "No.", Scott declined the two.
"Why can I not know???", Sam asked.
"Because last time we told you to do something, you completely disobeyed us and ended up in some type of torture chamber with Derek.", Scott accused.
Sam looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Oh okay. Since we're doing the blame game, let's start with you. You were supposed to be watching me, not sneaking off to a school bus to make out with your girlfriend. Not to mention, I technically saved your ass from getting found out in front of hundreds of packed students as you chased after me, by the way, you're fucking welcome."
"You still didn't listen to us, Sam.", Stiles agreed.
Sam gave him the same look. "I don't wanna hear shit out of you. You did the exact same thing as him. You both were supposed to stay inside with me but you both left, following your little girlfriends outside where you couldn't see me or tell if anything was gonna happen, but sure, I'm in the wrong."
The boys looked down in shame. "You're still out of this one.", Scott said.
"Who are you to make that decision for me?"
"Your friend.", Scott countered, standing up to her.
"If you're planning on getting rid of Peter altogether, I wanna be a part of this.", Sam demanded.
Scott shook his head and pulled Stiles away and out of the house before Sam could say anything.
She looked over at Derek as he looked back at her and away.
"Don't tell me you're with them on this too.", Sam frowned. Derek gave her a look that confirmed her question.
She sighed harshly. "You create a plan and then not fill me in on said plan that involves me. I'm not giving up my regular life for your blood hungry uncle."
"You are if he wants to play these games."
"I'm not doing it."
"He told Stiles he'd enjoy putting his teeth into you as much as he enjoyed doing it to Lydia.", Derek exclaimed, making Sam still in shock.
She sighed, shaking her head. "He's gonna have to fight me for that.
Derek frowned at her sudden bravery and determination. What the hell was wrong with this girl?? "You couldn't fight off Scott. What makes you think you could fight Peter again?"
"Can you have some faith in me?? I didn't know what Peter was like until now. So much shit was happening, I couldn't tell what was what anymore.", Sam says, crossing her arms.
Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just trust us on this. You'll be with each of us at different times. Don't worry about the rest of it. We're gonna keep a lookout.", he says as he walks to the door.
Sam surrendered. "Fine… could you at least promise me something? Or some things." Derek let out an irritated groan. Sam placed her hands on her hips. "Hear me out. You, at least, owe me that."
"One, I still need to go to school before my mom finds my counting absences weird. Two," she shook her head, rolling her eyes. "I want to go see Lydia later. So that means, you gotta come with me. I don't trust Stiles to do it right now."
"And the third?"
"Don't get yourself killed." Derek raised an eyebrow.
"If something happens, don't be a hero. Make it back. Alive.", she says, making his shoulders drop again as he looks away.
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canonfeminine · 4 days
🍵 Dear Zuri,
happy birthday zuri! even though you've said you celebrated your birthday 2 days before, i hope you've been enjoying your day so far. i remember when we were just roleplaying in akademi, being meji & jas rather than zuri and saie. a lot of time has gone by, and im glad some of that time has been spent with you! whether you were talking to me about your fanfictions, or i was talking about my interests, i always felt really happy hanging out with you. oh, and since its your birthday i made you a gift! based off of some things you told me you like (music, people, ect.). it took me like an...hour i think to complete, so i hope you like it even though its a bit messy. but i think the mess adds to the charm of it. happy birthday again zuri, and remember, even if it doesnt feel like it at times, you are always loved! :) 🌿love,                                                       saie                                         
💐 Dear Saie,
Thank you Thank you Thank youuuu!! even though i'm replying to this a little late, I can confirm that I had a fun day on my birthday.
We literally go back so far, and I think you were one of my longest online friends that I've had. I'm glad I spent my time with you,and i'm glad that even though dealing with jess and her friend group, they couldn't break the two of us apart.
and yes, all those times we have yapped together about kpop drama and all the times I have talked to you about my ocs, those will also be stored into my heart.
First of all how did you know my favorite color is green?? secound of all how did you that I love Saturn by SZA??? and third of all THANK YOU SM???
i'm joking about the SZA one because I probualy told you at one point, but saie this is super pretty!! i'm sorry that it took you so long to make but i'm forever grateful that you made me something.
Thank you, Saie. oh! and remember, i'll always be here to hear about you kpop rants <3
💐 Written with love, Zuri
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kokoch4n3l · 3 months
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THREE — iv bags and daffodils
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"he looks at me like I'm below him. he doesn't say it nor does he act that way but his eyes say it all. patient likes loves power. he craves it" — MAYA'S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: Maya faces a moral dilemma, trying to pick between her livelihood and ethics all while under the watchful eye of the hospital director and her patient, Kurokawa Izana.
chapter warnings: inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, mentions of alcohol, mentions of depression, drug use, allusions to sex, abuse of authority, power imbalance, unethical use of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of rape, mentions of murder
word count: 4213
moodboard | masterlist | previous | chapter 4
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Pretty is what Kurokawa Izana would use to describe Kaneko Maya. She was so pretty. Kaneko Maya was cute, funny, pretty and just Manjiro's type. Had his younger brother not been a depressed little shit right now, Izana would have gotten Ran to gift her to Manjiro. Even if he did now, Izana doubts Manjiro would even do anything. He heard that depression affects the libido. Even before he was admitted into this shitty psychiatric hospital, no matter how many hostess bars he took Manjiro to, how many hookers he called over, how many strip clubs— Manjiro was just bored. For a while, he thought the guy was probably a nervous virgin who only knew how to fight but after a drunken conversation with Sanzu Haruchiyo, Manjiro's childhood friend, he finds out that was in fact not the case. Manjiro was pretty popular with the girls when they were in middle school(due to his shoulder-length blonde hair and girls having a huge thing for pretty boys with the deep voices). Manjiro was 100%, not a virgin and just depressed as hell. "Kakucho" Izana says holding the flip phone against his ear "How's everything going?"
Friday came by pretty quickly as usual. "It's fine as usual. You'll be out on Monday. Are you excited?" Kakucho, his childhood and right-hand man asks
Izana leans back in his shitty bed and stares out the window. It's about 10:30 am, the sun is still rising. "Yeah, about time. If it wasn't for the cute little doctor that gives me company during her night shift, would've gone fuckin' crazy for real"
"That sounds unprofessional" Kakucho mutters in disappointment
Izana laughs. "It's actually not like that. Cute kid, fresh outta uni"
Kakucho laughs. It's rare to hear Kakucho laugh. "I don't believe that one-bit Izana"
"Well, you better. Kaneko Maya, real eye candy" Izana hums and stares up at the white ceiling and starts to ramble about her "talks a lot and y’know I usually hate girls that yap but she's a real cutie. Thinkin' she can fix me and shit. It’s so fuckin’ cute. She's got this little notebook she takes notes on when she talks to me. Nosey as fuck but real cute. Got these blowjob eyes—"
"She's a psychiatrist, she's supposed to be nosey," Kakucho cuts him off before he can get vulgar, simultaneously ignoring the number of times Izana used the word cute to describe his psychiatrist "What did you say her name was again?"
Izana scoffs. "You gonna do a background check on my little doctor Kakucho? This late in too? 'M leavin' Monday"
"It's my job"
Of course, it was. Kakucho was protective. Overprotective at times. It was one of the reasons Izana kept him around. To feel wanted(and because he cared about him but Izana won't say that out loud). "Kaneko Maya. How 'bout ya’ tell me what cha' find when you're done"
"Of course"
And they end the phone call not long after. Izana sits in silence for a while and sighs tiredly. He stares down his left arm with the iv in it. Apparently whatever medication was being given to him was essential to his recovery but he really fuckin' hated it. He felt like actual shit. Tired all the time, sleepy as shit. He hated it. Oh well, he was getting out this Monday anyway. He had been here for 2 months and Maya had only been working here for a month. Perhaps had she been here the whole time the first month would have been more bearable as well. He was leaving Monday anyway. Maybe if Maya was that kind of girl she'd take up the offer of coming to his beach house and maybe she'd even put Manjiro in a good mood with those cute puppy eyes she has. After all, Manjiro has always had a fixation on cute and pretty things and Izana knew him long enough to know that. Izana hears his door click and inwardly sighs in annoyance at whoever was going to enter his room. He glares at the door but his harsh gaze immediately turns into one of surprise when seeing his night shift doctor. "what are you doing here?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at Maya
Maya is wearing her blue scrubs, her white doctor's coat sleeves folded to her elbows. She's got the pager clipped to her belt, the key bracelet thing around her wrist and her ID card securely clipped to the breast pocket on her coat. "wow no hi or good morning or how are you?" Maya asks sarcastically, the door shutting with a click behind her
Her eyes are slightly red and she looks exhausted. Her hair is tied back in a bun with a few curly strands framing her face. "Hi, good morning, how are you?" Izana says sarcastically then changes immediately to a more serious and authoritative tone "You ended your shift 6 hours ago. Go home"
Maya's shift starts from 9 pm to 4 am, she brings the patients dinner because the nurses pushed the job onto her, brings the trays back and down to the kitchen, then comes back up and sticks around as there wasn't much to do unless one of the patients/criminals, needed something which wasn't often. "Yeah... But I fell asleep in the breakroom after my shift and the old man in charge of the morning told me to take his shift and went home before I could say anything" she complained and plopped down on the chair and bolted down on the floor by his bed "I complained to the director but he told me that since I was here anyway I should just take the shift and he'd paid me extra"
Izana can't help but roll his eyes. She really wanted to pay off those loans huh? "I think that's called exploitation" He says
Which is huge coming from Izana considering what he does for a living. "Yeah but... Money" she shrugs "I get to leave at lunchtime though and don't have to come back for the night shift"
"Oh gee! How great!" Izana says sarcastically once again
Izana feels a bit odd being annoyed about the fact that his doctor is being taken advantage of. He's known her for a month and he knows she's kind and these other shitty old people employed here liked to take advantage of her kindness. To make it worse she rarely complained about it. Oh well, at least he gets to see her longer and talk to her for longer. "Haven't seen those before" Izana says looking at the two necklaces she was wearing
One was a gold oval pendant with a delicate border and the outline of a flower in the center of it. The second necklace, also gold, was a small butterfly pendant. Cute. "What's the thing in the center of the coin?" He asks "A rose?"
Maya looks down at her necklace and realizes they are untucked. It was a huge safety hazard considering she could be choked. But Sunshine Grove was a shitty psychiatric hospital and none of the employees really took safety seriously(Maya neither) so they rarely removed jewelry and just kept things like necklaces tucked under their clothes. "Ah~ it's a daffodil," Maya tells him, touching the pendant "my birth flower. My birthday's in March"
Izana chuckles. How cute. "Your birth flower, hm..."
One thing Izana liked about Maya was that she tended to ramble about random things that interested her. "Oh oh have you heard that greek myth story about daffodils?" She asks
Izana would usually be annoyed at this kind of rambling but perhaps Maya had the privilege to just talk. Pretty privilege is what Ran calls it. Izana forgot what he meant since he usually tunes whatever Ran says, out but he figures maybe this is what it is. "So basically there was this guy Narcissus. He was supposedly really good-looking. But he never found anyone that could attract him. He left a long trail of distressed and broken-hearted maidens, and one or two young men fell as well" she giggles a bit then continues the story "Then, one day, he happened to see his own reflection in a pool of water and, thus, discovered the ultimate in unrequited love and fell in love with himself. Obviously, this one-way relationship went nowhere, and Narcissus, unable to draw himself away from the pool, pined away in despair until he finally died of thirst and starvation"
Izana raises a brow. "What?"
"Yeah, and he turned into a daffodil. So another name for daffodils is Narcissus" 
Izana can't help but laugh. What a stupid story. "I'm guessing this shitty story has a moral like all Greek myths"
Maya nods. "I think it was a warning not a moral. Something like ‘love and obsession lie closer together than we think’ or something" 
Oh. Time passes by when Maya rambles. She was honestly the highlight of his day or well, night. But right now it was the day so she was the highlight of his day. He figures that since she's here right now she won't be here tonight and since it was Friday he won't see her till Monday. He’ll stay a while before he leaves on Monday to say goodbye. Time passes by fast and soon comes lunch. "You know doctor, if there's one thing I'll miss about this shitty place it'll be you talking my ear off" Izana says playfully
Maya laughs. "really well—" she pauses taking in his word "what do you mean? I'm still gonna be working here y'know"
"I'm leaving Monday. Getting discharged and will be back to my normal life" He tells her with a grin "what are you gonna miss me?"
He's being playful but the expression on Maya's face makes him confused. Why is she looking at him like that. He watches her pull out the little notebook of her's and flip through the pages. Izana watches as she mutters something to herself and all he hears are little curse. "Hey, doctor... What's wrong?" He asks in confusion
Why was this her reaction? Maya gets up and walks over to where his IV bag was hung up. She looks long and hard at the bag then turns to him. She's standing right next to him. She rarely gets this close. "You're leaving on Monday?" she repeats with a frown “like discharged and going home?”
Izana is starting to get worried and a bit aggravated, not understanding why she's looking at him like that. As far as he knew she knew nothing about him or what he did. So why was she giving him that look? "Doctor. I'd like to know why you're looking at me like that" Izana says slowly
He isn't nervous. Not at all. A man like him isn't nervous. He's concerned. There's a huge difference between the two emotions. He watches Maya take a breath. "Um... Mr. Kurokawa..." She pauses and looks at him nervously "What... What are you here for? What are you admitted here for?"
That question confuses him. Why was she asking him that? Shouldn't she know? "You should know what I'm here for" He tells her lowly, narrowing her eyes at him "You're my—"
"Mr. Kurokawa" Maya says, her voice a bit breathy 
She looks scared almost and it's starting to annoy the hell out of Izana. "Cocaine addiction. Now tell me why you're making that face"
Maya looks nervous, scared and confused. So many different emotions swirl around in her eyes. "So... You're not a convicted criminal?"
He was 100% a criminal but not a convicted one. No one has caught him yet but Maya didn't need to know that. "No and why does that relate to this?"
Maya looks like she might throw up. "You're here for addiction but you're on the fourth floor and not second" She says
"Why should I be on the second floor?" He asks, his voice demanding and angry
Maya sucks in a breath. "second floor is where patients admitted for addiction stay... You're on the fourth floor where the convicted criminals who got off by claiming insanity"
Oh. Oh… Maya chews nervously at her bottom lip. She looks like she might throw up and Izana is pissed. He's fucking pissed. He watches Maya pat her pockets and she pulls out a piece of gauze and then takes his hand. He's about to ask what she's doing but then she puts the gauze pad over the insertion site as gently as she can. She starts to pull it out, increasing pressure as she smoothly withdraws the catheter. Izana stays silent and watches her stick a bandaid to the area. "keep pressure on it for a few minutes" she mumbles and grabs the IV bag
Izana puts his thumb over his wrist where the IV was inserted and watches her. She looked like she was going to be sick and it was pissing him off. What the hell? Maya is about to leave but he stops her. "Doctor... If this is what I think it is..." Izana says slowly
Maya just shakes her head and leaves his room. Izana narrows his eyes, staring at the door. He looks down at his wrist where the IV was just taken out of and was now replaced with a bandage. He stares for a moment longer then pulls out the flip-phone again and calls Kisaki. 
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"What's this?" Maya threw the half-empty IV bag onto the hospital director's desk
The hospital director, Doctor Nakamura, narrows his eyes at her. "I don't appreciate you coming in without knocking Doctor Kaneko" He says lowly
Maya wasn't going to back down today. She needed answers. She may be new, she may have just graduated a few months ago but what was wrong was wrong. "Why is Mr Kurokawa on the fourth floor and not the second? He's here for cocaine addiction not for a court order" Maya was going to get her answers today "Why is he being given a sedative and that too, that high of a dose?"
She didn't care about superiority or anything. It didn't matter. Not now when a patient was clearly not being treated for what he came for. This was against the ethics of a doctor. "Doctor Kaneko..." Doctor Nakamura says, grabbing the half-empty IV bag with a dark almost crazed look in his eyes "That man... That man is evil incarnate—"
Maya rubs her temples. "Cocaine addiction does not make a man evil incarnate. You run a psychiatric hospital you can’t say things like that. Whatever it is you did, whatever it is you're doing is wrong" Maya says sternly
This was making her sick. She couldn't believe this. She knew Sunshine Grove was shitty with how they'd push all the work onto her but she didn't think it was so shitty that they'd give a patient a drug they didn't even need. This was disgusting.  "Doctor Kaneko. You don't know what he did. this is much deeper than cocaine addiction"
"He's getting out on Monday! Mr. Kurokawa has been here for 2 months" Maya argues "If he did something so bad, he wouldn't be leaving. He'd be in jail"
Doctor Nakamura doesn't look like he has the patience for this. But Maya doesn't either. What was wrong, was wrong. "Listen Miss Kaneko..." He says slowly, now looking very aggravated, no longer using her proper title "We'll have this conversation on Monday when your shift starts. How about you go home? You must be exhausted"
It wasn't a suggestion but an order. "Unless you want to start looking for another hospital that will hire you, Miss Kaneko"
Maya feels a lump rise in her throat. No. Nonononono. No. She can't lose her job. She can't. She stares at Doctor Nakamura with wide eyes. This wasn't fair. She was trying to do the right thing and— shit. She opens her mouth to say something, to try and argue, to at least give him a threat of reporting him for mistreating Kurokawa Izana but nothing comes out. Maya feels powerless. It was between her livelihood and her morals. Was this what her mother meant? Was this what she meant when she said it was hard to be a doctor? Maya thought psychiatrists were different. She thought... She thought... This wasn't fair. She clenches his fists and lowers her head. "Yes sir" she says in defeat and promptly leaves the office
Maya walks back to the lockrooms with her head down. She feels like shit. She can't believe she gave in that easily. She hates herself. She can't even get herself to go back up to Izana's room and give him an explanation. She's horrible. She's a shit person and she knows that the guilt is gonna make her sick till she throws up. Maya pulls her hair out of the bun and runs her fingers through it angrily as she walks into the locker room without paying attention to her surroundings. stupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid— "shit!"
Maya looks up at realizes she just had her book main character moment where she bumps into the really hot guy's rock-hard chest. The guy no doubt was very hot. He's a security guard by the looks of the uniform but doesn't look like anyone she's seen on duty before. He has black hair parted in the center, olive-toned skin and heterochromatic eyes, one red and the other silver. But what really caught Maya's eye was the scar on his face. Starting from his left ear, going over the corner of his left(silver) eye then up across his forehead and disappearing into his hairline. Maya stops staring and lowers her gaze. "S-sorry" she stutters out "I wasn't watching where I was going. My bad"
He's tall and oh... Wow, he's well-built. Maya has to will herself to tear her gaze away from his chest. This guy 100% had a fricken six-pack underneath that uniform. "It's fine..." He pauses and looks at her up and down "You look tired Doctor"
Maya laughs nervously. Oh man, this guy was hot. It's almost making her forget about the guilt. Oh wait, nope she remembered it again. "Well, I'm new and you know, these oldies like pushing their work onto the newbies," She says with a shrug "I'm going home right now though... I haven't seen you around though"
The man is staring at her ID card pinned to her coat. "Hm.. Yeah, I am... I'll be taking the night shift from now on. 4th floor. They're just gonna be showing me around today"
Maya's eyes light up. New eye candy for the 4th floor now that Izana was leaving? Okay, maybe that makes her feel a little better. "Oh I work night shifts on the fourth floor too" she gives the man a friendly smile "I'm Doctor Kaneko Maya"
The man nods. Professional but also somewhat friendly. "Hitto Kakucho. I prefer just Kakucho"
Hitto? That was an odd last name. She doesn't think she's ever heard it before. But his odd last name slipped her mind pretty quickly due to the guilt she was feeling and the unholy thoughts about Kakucho that were going through her head. Oh man, he's hot and these contrasting feelings are making her head hurt. "I'll be seeing you on Monday then Doctor" Kakucho says "Get home safe"
Maya nods and Kakucho brushes past her. The locker room is once again engulfed in silence and now all that's left is Maya's guilt. She sighs and texts Chifuyu to ask him to pick her up. 
Maya sits outside in the reception area waiting for Chifuyu to come get her. She usually drives herself but last night Chifuyu insisted on driving her last night. Maya stares at the white tiled floor, sighing for the nth time. She felt like actual shit. The guilt is making her sick. Izana had been given that damn sedative for 2 months. Sometimes she'd administer it to him too. For what? For some messed up reason, she's still yet to find out. Maya feels guilty and gross and just horrible. She wants to cry. She hates this. None of this was fair. Why did it have to be her patient? Had she really just got herself caught up in something stupid all for the sake of money? Shit shit shit Maya really hated herself right now. "fuck~" she whines to herself and leans forward till her forehead touches her knees while she sits in the chair 
She feels like a stupid idiot. She should have just asked Izana what he was here for on the first day instead of trying to be nice and let him open up on his own. Now look where being nice got her. Maya flinches as her phone vibrates. She gets up and grabs her bag off the floor. It was probably Chifuyu. She bids goodbye to the man at the reception and leaves the building at the sight of a black car outside. Except it's not Chifuyu leaning against the car, it's Naoto. Her cheeks flush. Of-fucking-course Chifuyu was trying to play matchmaker. Right now wasn't a good time with how sick she felt. "hey" Naoto says with a small smile
He looks shy and had it not been for her guilt, Maya knows she'd probably be feeling the same way. "H-Hey, did Chifuyu send you?" Maya asks nervously "I'm so sorry"
Naoto shakes his head and opens the passenger seat of his car. "Oh no don't worry. Was on a break anyway. Chifuyu said he was busy and told me to come" 
Maya slides into the passenger seat and after making sure she's sitting comfortably he closes the door. Maya puts her bag on the floor of the car and puts on her seat belt. Naoto gets into the driver's side and starts the car. "I thought you had the night shift, what are you doing here so late?" He asks putting on his seatbelt
"They had a shortage... I'll be getting paid for overtime though so it's fine" Maya says trying to ignore the shitty feeling of guilt that just isn't going away
Oh man, she needed a drink. "You look exhausted. Should get some sleep when I drop you home" Naoto tells her as he pulls out of the parking lot and then out of the front gate of the hospital
"Yeah, I will.... gonna shower and just sleep and..." She pauses and thinks for a moment as they make it onto the main road "Can I ask you something?"
"You just did" Naoto points out with a small laugh and Maya can't help but laugh as well. "I'm kidding, ask away"
She thinks for a moment and tries her best to word her question. Perhaps getting an outside opinion would make her feel better. "You're a police officer, right? H-Has there ever been a time where you had to choose between your job or..." she pauses "Livelihood is a better word... Um... Has there ever been a time when you had to choose between your livelihood and your morals?"
Naoto looks surprised by her question. He keeps his eyes on the road as he answers. "W-well yeah... Have to all the time. Just last month I got called out on duty to arrest a woman for murder..." Naoto recalls then frowns "I asked her why she did it during interrogation she told me it was because the man raped her"
"Oh" Maya mumbles quietly
"You don't understand how badly I wanted to let her go. Murder is wrong but those cases... In those rare cases, even wrong can be right"
Maya takes in the information. She tries to apply it to her situation, to find just where the director was coming from but she couldn't. Kurokawa Izana didn't deserve that treatment. "But I have to say, Maya, if this is about work our situations are different... In other departments, things can be covered up by saying it was a fraud scam or corruption... In the medical department, however," He lowers his tone to "It's negligence of life... murder"
Maya's heart pounds. He was right. She didn't think of that. "Yeah... you're right" she mumbles
A silence washes over the car for a moment till Naoto speaks up again. "If there is something wrong at work, I can help you out" 
It was a nice offer but what was she supposed to say? Where was she supposed to start? Maya feels stupid because she knows she can just tell Naoto but she can't get herself to. She feels stupid and guilty and the feeling doesn't cease even as Naoto drops her off at her place. Maya's shoulder slouch as she unlocks her door. She hates this so much. A shudder passes through her suddenly at the feeling of being watched. Maya looks around for a moment and sees no one. She shakes her head and brushes it off as stress and goes into her home, locking the door behind her.
From the other side of the street, Kisaki Tetta blows out a cloud of smoke and scoffs.
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notes: I do NOT condone any of the acts committed in this fic. Next chapter is gonna be my first time ever writing smut so plz, if it's bad I'm sorry 😭
I would also like to point out that I am a criminology major and don’t know much about the medical field, especially psychiatry. Everything written in this fic is not supposed to be accurate but just for the plot.
This is a double update so next chapter is already up. I have also added chapter summaries to the masterlist so go take a look!
I hope you enjoyed reading so far :)
updates are every monday
taglist: @kokonoiscoconut @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies
50 notes · View notes
msbigredmachine · 1 year
Dirty Little Secret - A Roman Reigns One-Shot
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They are each other’s escape, too good to let go of. Until they have to let go.
PAIRING: Tribal Chief Roman Reigns x OC
Warnings: LOTS OF SMUT, toxic behavior, cheating, angst
Word count: 10k (Sorry's it's so long 😆)
A/N: ANOTHER ONE! This has been in my drafts for months! Still haven't figured out what genre this story falls under. Maybe y'all can help me out lol. Enjoy!
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Anaheim, California 
Roman’s POV
10.35pm. Fresh off yet another great Smackdown in which I was the center of attention as usual. The show went great; I’m still champ, I’m on a high and I know I'm gonna sleep good tonight…Well, when I do sleep, that is.
I step out of the shower and towel myself as I return to the bedroom of my bus. I stop in my tracks and drink in the beauty perched at the edge of my bed, her long legs crossed, her beloved Women’s title on her lap and her phone by her ear. Even in a bathrobe and a silk bonnet protecting her hair, she looks good enough to eat, just like she did tonight, and I plan on having her for my late-night dessert.
Being the face of the WWE, the Tribal Chief and the Head of the Table, I don’t fuck around with just anyone. Tori Milan is as premium as premium gets. The Alpha Female, the Smackdown Women’s Champion, one of the most successful professional wrestlers of our generation, and my fuck buddy. If the fans knew that I get to dick her down on a nightly basis, they would lose their minds. But they would never know. No one would ever know. She’s my sexy little secret and I plan to keep it that way. 
“Baby, you know I can’t FaceTime while driving,” she scolds whoever she’s talking to on the phone. I know who it is, but I refuse to acknowledge his existence. Yeah, I’m petty like that, and I’m about to be even more petty in a second. 
Stopping at the bed, I move her title belt away, then kneel before her and wrap her legs around my waist. My bare chest is flush against her own as I kiss on her neck while I rub her thighs. Her scent engulfs my senses, bringing me into her world. A small groan rumbles in my chest as I suck a little harder on her throat and push my hands into her robe to massage her breasts. She tries to look mad at me, but the hazy look in her eyes tells me that she’s turned on. So, I switch to a better…distraction.
Kissing and licking a trail down her body, I tuck my head between her legs and grip her thighs so she can’t get away. My tongue jabs between her pussy folds, and she bites her lip to keep from moaning. Spreading her legs wider, I lick and suck her as quietly as possible. That idiot on the phone is still yapping away, oblivious to the fact that his wife is getting this work…again.
“Babe, I hear you, but can we talk tomorrow, please?” She tries to rush through the rest of the call. “Look, I gotta go. I’m about to ride, I mean drive…I’m not cutting you off, Caleb, I need to get going…I’ll call you in the morning, I promise…You too. ‘Night.” Hanging up, she tosses the phone and slumps down to the bed with a loud groan. I bury my face in her depths, dining on her sweetness.  Fuck, she always tastes so good. Even better are the noises she’s making as I eat the fuck out of her.
“Eat it up, Daddy…fuck, your tongue...mmph, eat my fucking pussy,” she encourages me.
“So fucking juicy, baby.” I take my fingers and spread her folds open. “Most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen, you know that?” Lowering my mouth again, I take my time, licking her opening, over and over. She’s squirming, trying to fight off her orgasm, but she’s no match for my talents. Holding her down to the bed, I twist my tongue around her clit, going fast, then slow. Once I push my finger inside her, it’s a wrap.
“I'm gonna come. Fuck, I’m coming!” she moans, her trembling fingers clutching the back of my head. With a few pumps of my finger, she screams out my name. Her back arches, her thighs quiver as she comes all over my mouth and finger and beard. I lick her all up, her satisfied sighs music to my ears. Pulling her robe completely off her, I usher her further up the bed and keep her flat on her back. On my knees, I hold up one of her trademark long legs. The hunger in her eyes fuels me, and I pat her pussy with my dick as she gasps. 
“You know I had a title match tonight, right?” she reminds me. “I wasn’t on just segment duty all night, unlike some people.” 
“That’s why I’m the face of the company,” I tell her. “And don’t worry. You can lay there and let me do the work,” I offer, even though it’s not something I do often. But for her, I always make an exception.
“So generous,” she mocks, her teasing giggle vanishing with a moan when I slide inside her. Her legs open wider and I watch my cock slowly split open her pussy, accommodating all my length and girth. She takes me so well with no complaints, and it’s why I always want her in my bed whenever I can have her.
“You looked so fuckin’ hot tonight,” I tell her between thrusts, watching them chocolate titties bounce, “Your new ring gear is sexy as fuck.”
“I had you in mind when I designed it,” she answers. A shiver passes through me as her tight little cunt suckles my pumping cock. Tori smirks as she gauges the look of pleasure on my face. “Mmm, look at you, Big Daddy. You love this pussy, don’t you?”
“The Tribal Chief loves your pussy, babe,” I say, twisting her lower body to the side so her ass pokes out at me. Grabbing a handful of the supple cheek, I begin flexing my hips firmly, grinding all up in the pussy, making her moan over and over. “You like that, huh? You like the way I’m fucking you, baby?” I ask her, spanking her ass and watching it jiggle.
“Yeah, it feels so good. Fuck, baby, right there,” Her voice dies out as I shift her knee up to her chest and keep digging into her, massaging her g-spot with my dick which is now covered in her juices. Her wetness is the only sound that can be heard at the moment and it’s hot as hell. I make sure to rub her body while I fuck her, making her feel good. Then, I curve my hand around her throat and squeeze a little, taking her pleasure levels up another notch. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she seems to stop breathing. Pride rushes through me and I lean down to slip my tongue in her mouth for an erotic CPR, bringing my girl back to life as I give her this deep dick. Nobody fucks her as good as I do, not even her lame ass husband.
Our collective breathing is ragged as I pick up the pace, thrusting faster and harder into her. Tori clutches my hips, as though trying to bring me deeper into her, and it prompts me to accelerate. Her pussy tugs my dick with every thrust, dragging me towards my release. I pull out and spread her legs open again, giving both of us brief respite. Stroking my dick for a few seconds, I guide it back inside her, watching her jaw drop and her head arch into the pillow. I lean forwards and pin her knees to the bed, and her moans devolve into throaty cries as I pound her into the mattress. The bed bounces beneath us from how hard I’m going, but shit always feels so good with her that I lose control more times than I want to admit. Gasping and moaning, she stares up at me, gripping my forearms with both hands. 
“Shit, babe…yes, fuck me with that big dick, Daddy…” 
“Uh huh, take this fuckin’ dick, take it,” I growl at her, switching to deep, grinding strokes that find the bottom of her pussy. My balls tighten, and judging from the way she’s moaning and the rush of warm liquid I feel underneath me, she’s squirting, and squirting generously. Heat courses through my veins, and I keep going. In and out of her, in and out, until my entire body goes rigid. Her pussy pulses and milks my dick, and I nut so hard, it takes my breath away. Panting softly, I can barely hold myself up on my arms; my heart is hammering so loud I’m sure she can hear it. A lifetime goes by before I release her legs and slowly start to pull out, but she stops me and rolls me onto my back, kissing me softly as she keeps me inside her. She’s lucky she’s got that Nexplanon because she should be knocked up many times over by now.
"Don't move, I wanna feel you go soft inside me,” she whispers against my lips, her heated body flush on top of mine. 
I have zero objections and keep making out with her, caressing her soft skin. Of course, this does little to soften my dick, especially with the way her hips lazily wind against mine. Instinctively, I mimick her, and it turns into a nice grinding session. She’s essentially riding me, and it feels amazing, been that way since our first time all those years ago.
"You got more for me, Reigns?" Tori asks with a knowing smirk, and moans as my hands grip her gyrating backside to keep her down on my erection.
"What if I do, Milan?" I say in response, squeezing her ass, so round and soft in my hands. I could touch her all night, she feels so good.
"You better give it to me, then, cuz I want it," she orders me with another kiss, rocking her hips more persistently. I lean back and rest my arms behind my head in a relaxed position. “Well, baby, if you want it so bad, then take it,” I smirk.
She cocks her eyebrow and smiles, a silent acceptance of my challenge. Planting her palms against my chest, she lifts her knees off the bed and proceeds to ride me like her pussy is asking a question and my cock is the final answer. Her stamina has always impressed me, and the fact that she’s fucking me like this after a twenty-minute title match and one steamy round already, is fascinating. So I let her take what she wants, like I always do. Because I’ve never really known how to say no to her, and honestly? 
I never want to.
C4 Energy Drink photoshoot, New York
I know she can feel my eyes on her. She knows damn well how she should behave at a photoshoot. But she never listens to Daddy, and now I’m forced to act nonchalant as she lowers down with a barbell in a picture-perfect squat, surrounded by all these cameramen watching her poke her ass out, lusting over what’s mine. It makes me want to blow our cover and take her right in front of everybody in here, nosy-ass Bianca Belair included. I’m sorely tempted to, and maybe I will, before the shoot ends.
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Forgive the desperation in my tone. We’ve been apart for two weeks as she had to be in San Diego for press while I was stuck at home in Miami, and the separation has driven me crazy. These days I’m much happier to be at work than back home, mainly because of a certain Smackdown Women’s champion, who has dropped the barbell and is now posing with one of the energy drinks. Why the fuck is she arching her back like that? These motherfuckers are practically salivating and I am fighting the urge to physically throw each and every one of them through the glass windows. After an eternity, the Director calls for a break and Tori stands up straight again. I wait for her to go to a secluded corner, and when our gazes meet through one of the stretched mirrors, that is my cue to go over to her.
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Blocking her from everyone else’s view, I feel her jolt slightly when I press my front against her side. My hand runs up her hip and my tongue sweeps over her sweaty shoulder. The salty moisture doesn’t faze me; I’ve licked up her sweat many times before.
“You keep bending over like that and we’re gonna have a problem,” I growl in her ear.
“Hello to you too, Reigns. I see your eye-fucking skills have improved,” she tells me.
“So have yours,” I mumble, keeping my voice low as I pull her against my groin. “I've missed my baby girl. Did you miss Daddy, hmm?”
She turns her face towards me and raises an eyebrow. “I guess.” She’s acting nonchalant but the twinkle in her eye gives her away. She’s hot for me and I can prove it. I buck my hips into her, and to my satisfaction, she gasps a little as she feels the evidence of my arousal. The hand I put on her hip slides down to her round ass, my grip generous and possessive. 
“Text me when you’re finished,” I instruct her.
She can only nod as I release her and walk away. I feel her eyes on me. The anticipation is making my dick hard, and I might need a cold shower to bring this bad boy down. I shake off all distractions by refocusing on the shoot. I choose to work out with a medicine ball, which is important not only for carrying motherfuckers in the ring, but also my girls when we fuck. 
Yes, I said girls. This also includes my wife.
No, I don’t want to talk about it. And fuck you and your judgment.
I’m almost done shooting when my phone buzzes, and what I see when I open it dries up my throat.
Tori has taken a selfie, standing butt naked with her back to what looks like the mirror in a changing room. She’s angled the phone such that her fat, shapely ass is on full display. I look up and I’m just now realizing she’s no longer on set. A text message has accompanied the racy picture.
Come find me, Daddy. I dare you. 💦 
I don’t take kindly to dares and she’s about to find that out. Excusing myself, I head for the men’s restroom only to take a sharp turn in the direction of the women’s changing room. Entering carefully, I ensure the coast is clear before heading to the showers. I hear only one running, and I know it’s Tori because Bianca is still outside. Quietly, I take off my clothes and put them aside. I take a peek through the curtain to confirm it’s her, and then rip it open, startling her.
“You really thought I wouldn’t, huh,” I growl, stepping inside and drawing the curtain back shut. I smirk at the gleam in her eyes as they flicker down to my hard dick.
"Guess I was wrong," Tori shrugs, gasping when I abruptly move her towards the shower wall. I pin her face-first against the tiled surface and grind against her round ass, kissing all the way along her shoulders and the back of her neck. I kick her feet wider apart and run my hands over her ass, massaging the fleshy mounds for a few seconds before spreading them open. Wasting no more time, I grab my dick and push into her sweet pussy, and she squirms against me.
"Don't make too much noise, and don’t fuckin’ move," I snarl in her ear. Gripping her waist roughly, I ram myself inside her, hard. 
"Fuck,” Tori moans, her hands braced against the wall for leverage. I arch my back, bringing myself almost completely out of her, before driving back in. I stroke the pussy long and deep, my fingers digging into her hips. Despite my warnings, her moans are getting louder and louder, and I’m forced to cover her mouth with my hand.
"Shut up or we'll get caught,” I reply, my face buried in her neck, my breath thick against the goosebumps on her skin. In response, she arches her ass outwards, taking me deeper inside her. I remove my hand from her mouth to yank her head backwards. My dick swells at the way she stares back at me, her mouth open and panting, eyes bright with lust, mirroring my own. We tongue each other down, our kiss hot and urgent as I grind inside her, moaning into each other's mouths. 
“Mmm, this pussy is so good, baby. So fuckin’ good,” I praise her, giving her backside an underhand smack, biting my lip when her pussy grips my dick nice and tight.
“Harder,” she whispers.
Letting out a groan of my own, I spank her again and then start pounding into her, the wet, smacking sound clashing with the running water. My hands glide up her wet skin to paw at her breasts, tugging her peaked nipples. Her body begins to tremble, her throaty moans threatening to undo me. I’m a hundred percent sure that anyone out there can hear us loud and clear, but I don’t care anymore. I need Tori Milan’s pussy like I need air. 
"Shit, Roman," she gasps, her eyes in the back of her head as I fuck her into the wall with an intense speed and desperation. At this point I’m bereft of words, drowning in the sensations washing over me. Her head rocks back onto my tattooed shoulder as she gushes all over my cock. “Oh my god, fuck!” she groans.
I’m right behind her, in more ways than one. I only have a few more thrusts left in me before I explode, holding her tight, grunting into her neck as my hot cum fills her up, my dick emptying inside her quivering pussy. My head is spinning, the intensity of my release and the thrill of getting caught amplify the pleasure surging through me. Keeping her pinned in place, I rock my pelvis against her ass, riding out my nut, ensuring she takes every last drop of me. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I give her breasts a quick squeeze before I step away from her, smiling at her moan of protest when my dick slips out of her wet warmth. She turns around and leans against the wall, a dazed grin on her beautiful face.
"You were quick," she comments.
“You came, didn’t you?” I counter, and she smirks as she nods. “Good. That's all that matters.” I grab her chin and pull her to me, roughly shoving my tongue back into her mouth. Her body presses into mine as we kiss, and I’m not surprised to feel myself hardening against her wet skin - it’s almost scary how horny she makes me.
"If you want more, you know where to find me," I mumble against her lips, "Dirty little slut." With one final slap of her ass, I slip out of the shower, grabbing a towel along with my clothes to change back into them.
I’m almost at the exit when Bianca Belair rounds the corner and stops me in my tracks. Her eyes dart past me towards the showers and she smiles. “So that was y’all making all that noise,” she says.
My being in the women’s changing room nullifies any excuse I want to make, so I merely shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, so?”
Bianca raises an eyebrow. “You know she’s married, right? And so are you.”
If she thinks she can stand here and judge me, she’s got another thing coming. “Girl, you gonna stand here and act like you and Montez ain’t been swingin’ with Naomi and Jimmy?” I grin when her jaw slowly drops. Got yo ass. “Yeah bitch, I know all about that. I also know that since your man’s been injured and Naomi’s gone, you and Jimmy have been going at it…alone.” My laughter is cold and mirthless. “I mean, he won’t fuckin’ shut up about it. All he talks about is how good your mouth feels around his-”
“Fuck you! We’re consenting adults who have an arrangement,” she argues. “Unlike y’all, we’re not cheating!”
“Right, keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you learn to mind your business next time, I’ll mind mine.”
The smirk that clouds her features is one of defeat. “Asshole,” she bites.
“And don’t you forget it.” With that, I walk out, ignoring her accusing glare.
I don’t see what the big deal is. Nearly all my co-workers are fucking around on their partners in some shape or form. They’re either bored or lonely, and I happen to be both. The spark I had with Tracee is not there anymore, but leaving her is not an option, not anytime soon. Tori helps me forget all about the bullshit. She makes me feel really good and I’m not quite ready to give that all up either.
I’ll figure it out. I always do.
Houston, Texas
Tori’s POV
The man breathing down my neck reminds me why I hate these fucking events. I’m forced to engage with people pretending to care about wrestling while they stare at my tits the whole time. A lot of them don’t take me seriously because my presentation is on the more…provocative side, which is fine by me. Yes, I'm sexy and glam. I back the flashiness up with my wrestling ability and my mic work, and I have a title to show for it. I’ve proved them all wrong and I’m proud of that. But more importantly, there’s someone who’s just as proud of me and he makes sure to tell me every chance he gets, at least when his mouth is not occupied with my pussy.
The Tribal Chief. The champ. Ol’ Demon Dick himself. All of those attributes means he is more than a little self-assured. Arrogant, really, to asshole-like proportions. Yet, it hasn’t stopped me from fucking him as regularly as I do. I mean, why would I? It’s Roman Reigns, a walking, talking, five course gourmet meal. Look at him now, all tall and dark and delicious in that suit as he engages with guests at our annual Summerslam fundraiser. Like, why the fuck would I turn all that down when it’s offered to me on a silver platter?
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Ever since we first met in 2016, Roman and I have always vibed. There was an attraction there that we both acknowledged but never acted upon it. I suspect he was more spooked by our nine-year age difference than the fact that we were both with other people at the time. But we are adults and it was not a big deal to me. I’ve always liked my men older, more experienced, sexier…like Roman. 
The pandemic brought us much closer. We spent about seven months in the same rehab center nursing similar injuries, with no visitors thanks to the lockdown. At first, we confided in each other about the pressures of the business we were in and how to overcome our setbacks together. But soon, our platonic conversations became more intimate, sexual, then led to crossing many lines that I’d been dying to cross. Kisses. Touches. Oral sex. As soon as we were both discharged, we met up to get it on for real. I’ll never forget that day, the anticipation that bubbled between my legs, the lust in his beautiful eyes as we finally indulged in forbidden fruit. For twenty-four hours, he fucked me in ways I don’t think I will ever experience with anyone else. He still fucks me like that; that’s why I still crave the depravity in our meetings. Crave the mild abuse he doles out occasionally as punishment for not letting him have me sooner. I crave his touch every day, both gentle and rough. I crave him.
It was early into our affair that he made the decision to switch up his wrestling character. We did a lot of brainstorming together, and I like to think that I inspired some aspects of the Head of the Table as we know it, the initial vibe and aesthetic of it. I think back to that first segment on Smackdown with him in that dark room, sitting in front of a mahogany desk like a Mafia boss as he addressed Jey Uso via satellite. Ironically he had bent me over that same desk in his study at his home just two days before that segment aired. So imagine my surprise to see an exact replica of the desk on TV. Or was it? Because the scratch marks I left on it while Roman was balls-deep in me were still there. I guess we will never know.
Amongst the sea of grifters, I catch sight of the other woman Roman fucks regularly. Her back is turned but I know it’s his wife. Tracee. She’s a pretty little thing. Not his type, but pretty nonetheless. I remember how happy she was on her wedding day and feeling pity for her, especially after her new husband still found time to come to my room after the reception. And speaking of husband…
Caleb is next to me, looking around like he’s discovered a goldmine. He’s been all up in my ear for weeks about coming to the fundraiser to meet with bigwigs to help kickstart his advertising business. I should be more supportive of my husband’s endeavors, but his misplaced optimism is not for me. And the last thing I want is him talking to Roman about anything. But as though on cue, my side piece begins to approach us. I take a closer look at his wife, and I can’t stop my eyes from bugging out of my head at the sight of her protruding belly.
What the actual fuck.
“Hi Tori, my wife has been wanting to meet you. Tracee, this is Tori Milan. Tori, this is my wife Tracee," Roman introduces us, looking slightly uncomfortable as he nudges her towards me.
Performing in the WWE has improved my acting skills. I invoke all of it now as I stick out my hand and flash my best Women’s Champion smile. “Pleasure to meet you, Tracee,” I grind out.
"Hi Tori! Oh wow, you’re much prettier in person!” Tracee clamors. "I’ve been watching Smackdown more regularly and I think you’re amazing!"
“Thank you for supporting me! I really appreciate it,” I lie. “And congratulations on your…” I can’t bring myself to say it, gesturing at her stomach instead.
“Oh, thank you! Roman and I are so excited!” She gazes up adoringly at her husband whose expression is anything but. She returns her attention to me. “You look so nice! And I absolutely adore your perfume, what’s it called?” Her smile is wide and cheery.
I force myself to oblige her, moments away from throwing up. I can feel Roman’s eyes trying to search mine but I refuse to look at him. He’s got me fucked up if he thinks I have anything to say to him. After my tight conversation with Tracee, I quickly usher Caleb to his seat and join Hunter on stage to address the audience. As we present a video package commemorating WWE’s charitable efforts, Roman stands about a foot away from me. I need the distance, because despite everything I’ve just discovered, my body still burns for him. I still want him and I hate it.
My bad mood continues well into the night. I ignore Roman the entire time, stewing over his insensitivity. I’m still in disbelief and I don’t know what to make of it. Of course I know he has sex with his wife, but to see evidence of it, and for him to let me find out like this is callous and heartbreaking.
“The guy with the bald head. Triple H, right? I wanna go talk to him.”
This is about the tenth stupid comment Caleb is making tonight, and I swear I’m seconds away from excusing myself from the party and leaving him behind. “That’s my fucking boss you’re referring to,” I snarl.
“He’s your boss? Oh. Thought it was Vince,” he says sheepishly, sitting up higher in his seat. “Do you think you could introduce us?”
“Babe, we’re at a social function trying to get money!” I snap, irritated. “Do you want me to interrupt his discussion with the COO of Snickers because you want him to see your portfolio?”
Caleb bristles, clearly wondering what is up my ass. “What kind of wife are you? I’m trying so hard to get my business up and running and you’ve shown no interest. Why did you bother to bring me here if you weren’t gonna help me out?”
“Because you wanted to be here so bad, Caleb! You! You would never have let me hear the end of it if I didn't let you come!”
"So, you saying I need your permission now?"
I start to raise my voice, but pause when I realize a few people are already staring in our direction. An exasperated sigh escapes me. “I can’t do this right now. Not in front of all these people.”
“Of course you can’t. Can’t make the great Tori Milan look bad in front of her fans. When’s the last time you didn’t have to pretend you want to be around me?” Caleb accused.
At this juncture, I’m incensed. All I can do is point towards the entrance. “That’s the way out. If you have plans to ruin my night, then leave. Someone will take you back to the hotel if you ask. Bye.” Without waiting for his response, I stand up from the table and march towards the women’s restroom, shutting myself in as I let the tears spill from my eyes.
I have no idea when the fighting started between my husband and me. Actually, I’m lying. I do. But instead of making things right, I run to Roman, because it’s easier for me; we don’t argue, and we do most of our talking in bed. Caleb and I are drifting apart because of me. I barely let him touch me, and when I do, I’m thinking about Roman. I truly wish it wasn’t this way, but I’m too far gone now.
I hear the bathroom door open and I quickly dry my eyes. No one should see me like this. I have a bitchy badass reputation to uphold. “I’ll be right out,” I call out, freezing when Roman enters and shuts the door behind him. He raises his hands at the look on my face. “I come in peace,” he says.
“You shouldn’t even be in here.”
“You’ll be a’ight.” He pauses and gives me a long look. “Why are you avoiding me?”
“Gee, Roman, would you like to take a guess?” My blood simmers and I shake my head. “When exactly did you plan on telling me she’s having your kid?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, confused.
I recoil, blinking rapidly. “What do I mean? Don’t you think I should’ve been clued in at least?”
“Clued in, and then what? You wanna come to the baby shower? Buy her a present? I fucked my lawfully wedded wife and now she’s pregnant. It’s got nothing to do with you.”
That’s fucked up. It’s so fucked up and he knows it. “Maybe you could have told me so I can decide my next course of action. I may be champion but ain’t no way even I can compete with a wife and a baby and your already crazy schedule.”
“Stop being dramatic. You know I’ll always have time for you.” He licks his lips as he scans me from head to toe. “I’ve been staring at you all night, baby girl. I knew this dress would be pretty on you when I bought it. You look beautiful.”
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“Don’t change the subject, Roman. And ain’t your wife outside?”
“Nope, she’s gone, just like your man is. So for the rest of the night, my focus is on you. Focus on me, Tori.” He steps closer to me but I back away.
“No, I can't focus! It’s one thing to hear about your wife when she blows up your phone. It’s another thing to see her in the flesh, carrying your child, I might add, with my husband in the same vicinity.”
“So what are you trying to say?”
“What do you think I’m trying to say?”
“You’re spooked, I get it,” he assesses, “But we’ve come this far and no one knows a thing. You’re panicking over nothing.”
First of all, Bianca knows about us. I'm pretty sure his cousins know, maybe even Heyman. Second, his arrogance astounds me. He’s about to become a whole father, and he’s acting like he has everything under control and I’m not sure how true that is. “I should go,” I mutter, trying to walk past him, but his huge frame blocks my path, shielding my only escape. 
“Baby girl, don’t let this fuck up what we got. I need you,” he pleads.
“And what do we got, Roman? Hmm? I’m your mistress and you’re my side man.”
“Relax. Just relax, okay? Look at me.” He takes my hands into his and presses his forehead to mine, our noses touching. His eyes are loaded with desire, and I know what’s coming. He leans in and brushes his lips against mine, and fireworks explode inside me. His hands slide down to squeeze my butt as he deepens the kiss. I place my hands on his chest and try to plead my case.
“Ro, someone might walk in…”
Without a word, he steps back and locks the door, then returns to me. Pulling me in, he kisses me again, harder, and I sigh as his arms wrap tight around me. Everything else fades away except for this moment, and the feel of his hands on me, and his lips on mine as we moan greedily into each other’s mouths, making each other feel things that neither of us should be feeling.
Still kissing me, he lifts me off my feet, his big hands grasping my ass, and sets me on the edge of the sink, wedging his huge body between my legs. I love how I feel in his arms. He’s a big man with big features - hands, mouth, penis, everything - and he engulfs and encroaches all of me in the best way possible. He gathers my dress up to my waist, and I fight back a moan as he weaves his hand inside my panties.
“Damn baby, you’re wet already,” he remarks, his breath warm on my face. “Is this for me or Caleb?”
“You, Daddy. Of course it’s you,” I breathe, my hips jerking when his thumb brushes my highly sensitive clit. His long fingers tease my slit, rubbing up and down and making me gasp for air.
“You like that, baby? You want more?”
“Then don’t you ever ignore or avoid me again.”
Suddenly, he moves his fingers away and steps back. I pout as I glare at him, my pussy clenching with the need to be filled. “Baby…”
The corner of Roman’s lips twitches as he gauges my frustration. “Aw, what’s wrong? You don’t like it when I don’t give you what you want?” he taunts.
“No,” I admit, reaching out and pulling him back between my spread thighs. Placing a finger under my chin, he raises my face to his, looking me in my eyes.
“Nothing changes between us, Tori. Nothing. You’re mine, period. Do you understand me, baby girl?” he murmurs softly,  placing a tender kiss at the corner of my mouth.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes Daddy. I understand,” I correct myself, shivering when I see the heat in his dark eyes.
“Good. Now tell Daddy you’re sorry for blowing up on him.”
I rub his shoulders apologetically. “I’m sorry, Daddy. It won’t happen again.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him slowly, deeply, using my mouth and tongue to show him just how sorry I am. I smile proudly at his slightly dazed countenance as he pulls away, a sheen of our joint saliva coating his lips.
“Apology accepted. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood. Open your legs wider so I can take what’s mine,” he commands.
My giggle is giddy as I do as I’m told. He preps me by rubbing my folds again, and I groan a little louder than I should. Roman covers my mouth with his, swallowing every sound he coaxes out of me. His lips leave mine for a split second, and then he slowly breaches my entrance with two long fingers. 
“You like that baby? Like my fingers deep in you?” he asks, pumping them inside me.
“Yes, Daddy…Fuck…”
“I know you do. You’re such a slut for me. I’ve taught you so well all these years. God I wanna taste you, T. Wanna fuck you so bad.” 
We both know he can’t because he’ll definitely be kissing up on his wife later tonight, and tasting me on his tongue or his dick will not end well. He has to make do with his fingers, which he is doing spectacularly. Heat spreads through my body and my eyes flutter shut, head thrown back as I ache for more, I always ache for more of Roman Reigns. 
“Naw baby, open your eyes. Look at me when you get off.”
Obediently, my eyes snap open, locking with his. I study his gorgeous face, the lust glittering in his eyes, the tension in his bearded jaw. I lean in for a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing in time with his thrusting fingers, my hips arching into his hand. He hooks my leg over his arm to open me up some more. At the same time, his fingers scissor inside me, short-circuiting my brain. I’m so close I can taste it. His hazy gaze bores into mine, and we both moan as my pussy squeezes around his fingers, lost to the sensations his touch is bringing forth within me. His middle finger curls inside me, and I cry out, a long, broken, high-pitched sob as I finally come undone, flooding his fingers with my cum.
He slides the digits out of me and puts them in my mouth, making me suck off my own juices. He then tilts my face up to kiss me, and we lick and nip the seams of each other’s lips, the wet, erotic sounds ringing around the restroom. My hand sneaks down between our bodies and I cup him through his slacks. His hard-on is raging, twitching in my grasp, and I smile and begin to stroke him. He inhales sharply and eases my hand away. 
“What about you?” I ask, as he sets me back down on my feet. To no surprise, my legs are wobbly and I have to lean against him for support.
“I’ll be fine,” he says. Before I can ask any more questions, he turns me toward the mirror and helps me tidy up my hair and makeup. He washes his hands, doing his best to rid his fingers of my scent. “I’ll text you,” he tells me.
I may not hear from him for another hour, or tomorrow, or next week or even next year. But I nod my head anyway, because anytime I can have him, I’ll happily take it. He leans down and kisses my lips one more time before turning to unlock the door and slips out. I watch him leave, my face flushed and I touch my kiss-swollen lips. I can still feel his fingers inside me, and my thighs squeeze together as I close my eyes with a blissful sigh, treasuring the memory.
London, England
I’ve never been this excited to be in a foreign country. As the champions of Smackdown, Roman and I are across the pond promoting the next premium live event, and for the first time in a month, we’re together and more importantly, all alone. For four whole days, we can do whatever we want, and you can guess exactly what we’re doing now.
Our makeout sessions are the best. Roman is relaxed on a plush armchair in my incredibly fancy hotel room, with me straddling him. My hands are in his hair as my lips slide lazily against his, while he runs his hands up and down my nearly naked body. We’ve been like this for about ten minutes and every second has been heavenly. 
“You’re such a good kisser, babe,” he compliments me, and groans at my little show of dominance when I hold him by the throat and scoop his tongue right back into my mouth. He keeps playing with my g-string and rocking me against his erection, trying to get me to fuck, but I’m not ready yet. We have time. I just want to savor him for a bit.
“Do you ever get tired of having sex?” I wonder, "We did quite a bit on the jet coming here."
“I ain’t hear you complain one time,” he answers with another charged kiss, fingering my waist beads. “And with pussy as amazing as yours? Never.” He grins arrogantly and squeezes my breast. “Obviously, with a dick like mine, neither do you.”
“Good point,” I murmur, licking my way down his naked body until I’m on my knees on the floor. Grabbing said dick, I jerk him off for a couple of seconds, and then go to town. I love the way he feels in my mouth - thick and rock hard and veiny. I drag my lips down the length of him, then come back up to lick the tip, right over his slit. Roman caresses the back of my head, his lust-filled gaze fixated on my actions. “Mmmm, fuck, baby girl,” he groans, his voice deep and thick with pleasure.
I love giving Roman head. There’s so much of him to play with and he tastes incredible. I take him deeper down my throat, letting him stretch my lips. Listening to his gasps and groans is making me so wet that I’m forced to take off my g-string in the middle of the blowjob, tossing the scrap of material onto his chest. He holds it up to his nostrils and moans out loud, and he twitches in my hand, meaning he’s even more turned on. I stroke and suck him diligently, never letting up, my head bobbing up and down. His abs are visibly crunching as I spit all over his dick and suck around the saliva, making that shit sloppy. As I roll his balls in the palm of my other hand, he tilts his head back, cursing and moaning my name. He hardens in my grip and I know he’s about to come. It feels good to know I can please him like this. I love to please my man. My sweet, sexy man.
His phone rings. It's Tracee on FaceTime. 
I don't know what comes over me. I snatch his phone and throw it at him, right onto his tattooed pec. If I've injured him, I don't give a fuck.
“Your pregnant wife,” I announce bitterly, hopping to my feet. Throwing on my dashiki, I stomp away, keeping my distance. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him hurry into his clothes before leaving my room entirely. Smart move. She’ll know it’s not his suite if he stays. Sitting on my bed, I notice my own phone has a text message. My heart jolts when I see Caleb's name, and then breaks as I read his message.
Love you 😘. Miss you 😢😚 
Inexplicably, tears fill my eyes and spill down my cheeks. Not for the first time, I feel ridiculous for putting myself in this position yet again.
Of course I know that sleeping with another woman’s husband is wrong. I have a whole ass husband of my own! But Roman and I have spent years joined at the hip now - or at least at the genitals - and my body has gotten used to it. When we are together, it’s magic, and when we are apart, it’s torture. I love Caleb, I do. But sometimes being with him just isn't enough. I need to be fucked by great dick, not just good dick. I need god tier dick, which is Roman’s. I need a man who treats me in bed the way I so desperately need to be treated. The way Roman treats me. The way he obviously treats his wife.
Damn, this sucks.
About half an hour later there's a knock on my door, and it’s him again. Once I open, I immediately head outside to the balcony, not wanting to speak to him right now. The vibe is gone and I’m no longer in the mood. Roman decides to not read the room and comes up from behind me, resting his hulking frame on my back, his huge arms enveloping my midriff. I let him hold me, not saying one word, trying to concentrate on the fresh summer air and not the lingering fact that I am not the one he truly belongs to.
“You’re in your own head again,” Roman breaks the silence, his words a murmur against my temple.
“Am I?” I counter. I spread my hands apart on the railing of the balcony, glaring down at the pool below.
“Yes. We both agreed on what this was.”
I let out an unladylike snort. “Did we? Did we ever have a discussion about going our separate ways to be with other people? I don’t recall.”
He groans and throws up his hands. “Oh for fuck’s sake, are we doing this again?”
“Are you being serious right now?” I say angrily, seeing red. 
“It’s the fuckin' flip-flopping for me, Tori. You do it all the time. One minute, you have no problem sneaking around with me. One minute you’re all over me and the next minute you want nothing to do with me and you're making excuses.”
After all this time, he still doesn’t get it. “Oh, and you’re not the same?” I argue, “You don’t go running back to her and ignore me for days on end, then text me from outta nowhere asking me to come suck your dick?”
Roman looks at me with what looks like exasperation. “Tori, you know I have to go back to her. She is my wife. And you have Caleb-”
“And whose fault is that?” I yell, rounding on him, my fists clenched. “Who went off with someone else when we should have been together from the start? It should have been you and me, but you fucked it up for some other bitch! You left me high and dry, Roman! You did that! You're the reason I live like this and I hate it!”
The words come out before I can stop them. The air thickens with uncomfortable silence. When the haze of red finally clears from my eyes, I cringe at his pained expression.
“I’m sorry, Tori,” he says, his tone resigned. 
Sighing heavily, I turn back around and sling my braids over my shoulder, too frustrated and mentally exhausted to say anything else.
Behind me, I sense his hesitation. “Do you want me to leave?” 
“No.” I shake my head, hating myself for being so weak for him. I can’t even bring myself to fight him when his arms come around me again, his fingers linking with mine and my words hang over us like a dark cloud. 
“I told you before. I’m here for you, T,” he whispers in my ear. “I’m not going anywhere. My focus will always be on you when we’re together.”
When we’re together. Not all the time, like a normal relationship should be. It’s no coincidence that we’ve been seeing each other less and less lately, and I know it’s because of her pregnancy. The entire thing is so draining. I know I should walk away, I do. But this man has me wrapped around his finger and I really don’t want him to let me go.
He moves his hands to my breasts as he brushes his mouth over my neck, his beard tickling my skin. “You went off on me again. I warned you about that,” he growls. “I guess you want me to fuck that attitude outta you...again.”
“Fuck you,” I growl back, biting my lip as his bulge throbs against my behind. He lifts the back of my dashiki with enough force to cause friction against my skin. He groans when he finds nothing but my waist beads and smacks my bare ass in appreciation. I moan with him.
“I want my pussy, Tori. Give it to me,” he demands, pulling off his t-shirt. 
My response is immediate. “Take it Daddy, it’s yours.”
“All mine?”
And just like that, Caleb and Tracee no longer exist. “Uh huh,” I gasp, grinding back on his erection as proof. He tugs my dashiki over my head and lets it drop to the ground. His hands creep down between my legs, palming my sex as I moan again. 
“Mmm, drippin' for Daddy as usual. I love how wet you get when you’re pissed off.”
My pussy ripples against his fingers rubbing up and down the moist folds, spreading my essence all over his hand. I hear his shorts drop. He then groans deeply as he uses my wetness to lube his shaft. My loins clench at the neediness in his voice, and at the lewd sound of him stroking himself behind me. He bends me over the railing and rubs his tip along my opening. With a handful of my ass cheek in his other hand, he pushes all the way inside me, meeting my hilt. He pumps into me with slow, deep, deliberate thrusts, claiming me, making me his. I squeeze the railing with a death grip as my eyes water. I feel like my breath is being stolen away, the sensation made even hotter as we're stark naked and out in the open air.
“Unnnnhh…” I can’t help but whine. He's so big and he feels so good.
He rewards me with a wet kiss on my neck. "That's it, baby, watch this beautiful sunset while I fuck my pussy." He gathers my braids in his fist and pulls my head back as he pipes me down with that amazing dick, his powerful thighs colliding with the flesh of my ass. "Hmm. Good girl. Such a good baby girl."
I love the dick. That’s it. I’m definitely not in love with its owner. Because I already love another man, and it’s impossible to love two men at the same time.
Roman’s POV
My body is stirred awake by the intense, pleasurable sensation in my groin area. Morning head is goated, especially when done right. And Tori gets it so fucking right. I love how she can’t get enough of me. It helps that I just had a nice dream in which she was throwing that fat ass back on me on a private beach in the Maldives. We need to go back some other time, it was great.
“Mmm, damn, T, don’t stop,” I rumble, my eyes remaining shut as pleasure takes over. Her mouth is all the way down my dick, sucking my meat off the bone and it feels so damn good.
“I won’t, Daddy.”
Hold up.
That is not the T I’m expecting. 
My eyes fly open at the familiar voice. Sure enough, there lies my wife between my legs, deep-throating my cock. I forgot that I’m back home and not in L.A. where I last left Tori. I don’t expect to soften because I’m already so close. To her credit, Tracee is going off on me in a way she never has before. She’s doing all the right things, spitting on my dick and licking it all up, taking every inch of me down her throat while squeezing my balls. I didn’t expect this from her at all. She’s even looking at me while sucking me off, something she never does unless I make her.
I’m up on my hands now, fully sitting, my breathing out of control as she sucks and strokes me harder. “Fuck, oh my god,” I’m about to come, and come real hard. I grab the back of her head and buck my hips, fucking her warm mouth and fucking it hard. My head rocks backwards as I release all my load down her throat with an elated moan. She swallows every drop and proceeds to lick me clean with her tongue before releasing my dick.
“You okay?” Tracee asks, watching my chest rise and fall.
I swallow, attempting to wet my dry throat. “Yeah, just caught off-guard,” I admit. “That was unexpected, in a good way, of course. You’ve never done that before.”
Tracee smiles. “Glad you liked it. I had a great teacher.” She plays a video on her phone and raises it up to my face. 
It’s a closeup of Tori with my dick in her mouth.
I made that recording last month when we were in Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel and I thought I had deleted it. Immediately I try to deny it’s me, but Tracee knows exactly what my cock looks like. Also the tribal tattoos on the hand grabbing Tori’s hair give me away. More embarrassingly, the sound of my voice, praising her and urging her on between moans, rings loudly around the bedroom, making me cringe. Before I can lunge for the phone, Tracee has already scooted out of my reach, climbing off the bed as she glowers at me.
“Took me quite a while to hack into your phone, but I did it,” she informs me. “Airdropped all your shit. The dick pics, her naked selfies, the nasty ass videos.” She shakes her head, her smile cold and vindictive. “Given your track record, I always suspected you were fucking around on me, even before we got married. I confirmed it at that charity gala back in August. You and that tramp made googly eyes at each other all night. On top of that, she smelled exactly like you do whenever you come home. How old is that girl, Roman? She is at least ten years younger than you, you dirty, nasty fuck!"
Nine, actually. But I stay silent, allowing her to vent. Let her get it out of her system so we can move forward with this.
“Oh, and lest I forget, she’s married!” Tracee continues. “I wonder what her husband will think about all of this. Unless he knows and ain’t saying shit. He screams ‘doormat’, so that won’t surprise me. But what is it with you and cheating, huh? You cheated on the last bitch before me, too. Does the thrill of destroying people’s lives turn you on? Does your fucktoy even know she's next? Maybe I should tell her-”
“Stop it, Tracee,” I cut her off. She’s crossing the line.
She laughs childishly at my warning. “Let me guess, you told her you love her, too. Have you filled her head with that bullshit like you did with me? Answer me, Roman. Do you love her? Or is it all about the young nubile pussy I don’t have anymore?”
I swear the answer is on the tip of my tongue. That I don’t love Tori. That this is just a phase I’ll soon get over. But all that comes out of my mouth after several uncomfortable seconds is, “I don’t know.”
Tracee gapes at me in complete disbelief. “You don’t know,” she repeats, letting out a bitter, mirthless laugh. “You know, you are an absolute piece of work. I’m six fucking months pregnant with your kid and you’re fucking another bitch when you should be home with me, taking care of me! Tryna eat your cake and have it! Grow the fuck up, Roman, and face your responsibilities!”
Tracee and I are not perfect, even though I constantly tried to convince her that I was. We both have quirks but we always picked up where the other was a little weaker. But now she has seen through all of the BS and has realized I’ve been the weak one all along. I won’t lie, it dents my ego.
“Oh, and if you think I’m divorcing you so you can run off with your little slut, you got another thing coming,” my wife says matter-of-factly. “Unlike you, I’m not a quitter, and I refuse to raise my child in a single parent home. You have until tonight to end it with your whore, or I post everything I have online, and your fans will finally see you and your side bitch for the lying, cheating scumbags y’all are.”
The look in her eyes tells me there is no room for negotiation. Not that I ever expected one. She pats the top of my head like I’m her pet and walks away. “Good luck, sweetie.”
Tori’s POV
It’s barely eight in the morning, but it already feels like the worst day of my life.
My hands are shaking, my eyes are blurry with tears as I stare at my phone, terrified, watching my life flash before my eyes with every number that ticks by. My doomsday is finally here, and it’s been coming. If it’s what I think it is, how the fuck am I going to break this to Caleb?
The knock on my door startles me so bad I almost hit the roof of my apartment. Composing myself, I go over to the door and it’s the absolute last person I want to see right now. I try to hide.
“T, open up! I know you’re in there!”
Of course he sees me. He knows about the faulty peephole on the door. He also sounds deadly serious. Reluctantly, I open the door and cross my arms. I eye down my lover, inwardly chastising the stirring in my loins. His gray sweatpants and tank top show off everything that needs to be shown off. But his grim expression warns me that he’s not here for sexy time. This is more apparent when he storms past me without even a greeting.
“Are you alright?” I ask him, watching him pace around my living room like a madman. Something is up.
“Tracee knows,” is all he says.
Shit. “Bianca?” I’m gonna beat that bitch’s ass.
“No. She said she’s known since Summerslam.” He looks at me. I can tell he hasn’t slept well in a while. He doesn't sleep as well without me. “I just wanted to let you know to brace yourself. Maybe clue up your husband too. She is coming after me with all guns blazing and it’s not going to be pretty.” 
Fuck! Caleb will hang me out to dry the minute he finds out, and it’s going to destroy me. But I’m Tori motherfucking Milan. I’m the champ, the best female wrestler in the world, and nobody threatens me. “I can handle myself, homie. You tell your wife to calm her ass down.”
“I think we're way past that now.” He pauses, glancing down for a second before looking back at me. “She asked me if I loved you.”
I smirk and roll my eyes. “I bet she did.”
“I said I don’t know.”
I almost fall over in shock. “What the fuck! Why would you say that?”
“I didn’t want to lie to her. I’ve already lied enough as it is.”
“Lie? What do you mean, lie?” My heart is pounding. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? “Now is not the time to be a fucking mute, Reigns, answer me!”
“I may have caught feelings, okay?” he blurts out, his expression utterly helpless. “It stopped being about the sex a long time ago. I just like being around you, being there for you. You make me feel good, T, and not just sexually, ya know. You understand me, you care about me, we have a connection that feels way deeper than just sex.” He stops himself, as if realizing he’s said too much. He bows his head, raking his fingers through his disheveled hair. “It’s okay if you don't feel the same. I’m the one who fucked up and crossed the line.”
“I caught feelings too,” I confess, and his eyes soften, “But it doesn’t matter. It can’t matter. Not when we’re both married and she’s about to have your baby...”
Oh shit!
Right on cue, the timer goes off on my phone. I flash a panicked glance Roman’s way. 
Oh god.
Shutting off the alarm, my legs feel like jelly as I sidle over to the kitchen table. I feel Roman close behind me, wondering what’s going on. My hands are shaking and my heart pounds as I pick up the white stick, moments away from changing my life, forever. Taking a deep, shaky breath, I slowly open my eyes, locking on the words that stare back at me. Wordlessly, I show Roman the result. 
Not pregnant.
“Jesus,” he breathes, wiping his brow.
I shouldn’t be offended by his sigh of relief, but I am. “Yeah, close call, right? You don’t gotta deal with me anymore than you have to,” I gripe.
“Don’t be like that. If you were pregnant, I’da taken care of you and my baby, no questions asked.”
“It coulda been Caleb’s.”
Roman scoffs. “Please. The kid would definitely have been mine. I nut in you almost every time we fuck. You got some black magic in that pussy.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment? Cuz it sucked.” I take another deep breath. Honestly, I’m ecstatic. I’m not ready for motherhood. Not yet, not when I’m having the best year of my career. “We should end this, Roman. This right here is a wake up call,” I say, waving the negative test for emphasis.
“We should,” he agrees. I hate the way my heart sinks and my eyes sting, but it’s the truth.
“We’ve hurt a lot of people with our actions,” I soldier on, trying to talk sense into both of us.
He takes a step closer to me. “We have. But the person I hurt the most is you.”
He is the most unserious motherfucker in the world, saying all of this while staring me down with the hungriest expression. “Roman, please don’t look at me like that,” I beg. 
“Like how?” He tugs me into his arms.
“Like you wanna eat me.”
I should have reassessed my words, because his eyes grow even darker. “Baby girl, you don’t know the half of it,” he whispers, caressing the side of my face as he gazes deep into my eyes. He kisses my cheek, breathing me in, and then, my lips. I melt into nothingness. He grabs the back of my neck and deepens the kiss with his tongue swirling with mine, and I’m taken back in time to our very first kiss, on the hospital’s rooftop, filled with promises we knew would be broken, but choosing to dive in anyway. It was just like this - hot and devouring and passionate, like we are each other’s oxygen and we’re dying to breathe. 
A sudden realization has me reeling, causing my hands to trail up his muscular shoulders and then settle on his handsome face, holding onto him for dear life.
Roman Reigns is my oxygen. I can't breathe without him.
He pulls away from me, holding my gaze with his dark eyes. “You’re so fuckin' beautiful,” he mumbles, giving me a softer kiss that curls my toes.
“You were right. I shoulda been with you from the jump, all those years ago. I blew it, and now here I am, married to someone that's not you, having a baby with someone that's not you. I know I should try to be better with Tracee and be happy with her." He swallows hard and his chin quivers. The badass Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, right now, he is not. "But I love you. I'm in love with you and I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. But I can't have you and it's my fault and I have to live with it.”
“Roman…” The tears I've been fighting back fall. He’s killing me. I am so weak right now. 
His voice is small and soft and heartbreaking as he clings to me, almost as if I’m his lifeline. “Teach me how to resist you, Tori,” he implores me. “Teach me, please. I’ve tried and failed a hundred times already.”
We’re in the same boat then, because I don’t know how to resist him. I’m caught up in so much emotion and it’s overwhelming. “I love you too. But we have to stop. It’s the right thing to do,” I choke out one more time, unconvincing even to my own ears.
Roman chuckles, the sound weighty with defeat. “I know. You right,” he assures me. His thumb brushes across my bottom lip, swollen from his kiss, and he smiles as I shiver. “I'll back off,” he promises, a defiant look in his eyes as he suddenly lifts me in his arms and carries me over to the sofa, “Tomorrow,” he adds with a growl.
I’m aware of the hole we’ve dug for ourselves, and if I’m going to get us out, I have to tell him "no" a little more firmly. I need to show a little more self control. Instead, I’m helping him undress and he's doing the same to me. I should be pushing him off, but I wrap my arms and legs around him and accept his branding kiss. Ending our affair may be the right thing, but nothing has ever felt as right to me as being in Roman’s arms. If this is indeed the last time I get to be with him, I plan on going out with a bang, literally.
We’ll do the right thing tomorrow, I guess.
Sorry it's so long! I hope you like it!
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Banner made by me. Credit to owners of the pics and gifs.
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