#me writing this a month ago: lmao this is so silly. imagine if liking things actually made you do them better
Locus Amoenus - Chapter One
Pairing: Sketchbook (Kaisa/Johanna)
Summary: Locus Amoenus: A literary topos and one of the five latim mottos of the arcadist, or neoclassical movement. Literally translates to "a pleasant place"
The events of Inutilia Truncat from Johanna's point of view, and their following study date.
Notes: These first two instalments of this verse are just Johanna living in the romcom genre while Kaisa is in a hunger games-esque competition 😭 They’re so out of sync but I promise it gets better.
The Edmund character (Johanna’s cousin) is one from Hilda, not an oc. I’m curious about it, so before you get to the parts of this fic where he is described (see: next chapter), please tell me what your guesses are about who he is skjdksdh
This, too, was beta read by the lovely @waddles-ex-machina! Everybody say thank you, waddles <3
Read it on ao3 or read the first instalment in this verse :) (advisable but not necessary for understanding)
Johanna knew from the moment she saw her that she would fall for her.
It wasn’t that she was some stalker who immediately latched onto people she didn’t know, or that she was desperately needy. After her long process of accepting herself in her teenage years, she’d had a couple of chances to be with some very nice girls. She’d even had her first queer relationship in the first year of college, with a friend of her cousin’s. It hadn’t worked out, and they had only been together for a few months, but they were still friends and Johanna was in no rush to get into a new relationship. She was willing to wait and see what life had in store for her.
So it wasn’t out of an immediate need to be the subject of someone’s romantic feelings that her attention was instantly drawn to the girl sitting at the back of the lecture room. There was just something about her that fit so ridiculously perfectly into what Johanna considered to be her type that really, she could hardly be blamed for it. And given that her choices seemed to be taking action or spending a whole semester pining, she didn’t think much of it when her feet, seemingly of their own accord, took her to where she was sitting. 
The girl had thin black hair that barely brushed her shoulders, the edges a faded violet colour that told her she probably had had it dyed a while ago. It fell over her face, hunched over her notebook as she was, but it didn’t hide the sharp curve of her nose from view. Her backpack, Johanna noticed, was beat up and covered in pins, and she was wearing an equally beat up pair of all stars, jeans, and a knitted sweater. All black. Even though it was just past one in the afternoon, the light that came from the window behind her was weak, as the sun had been covered by clouds, and the whole image in front of her reminded Johanna a lot of a little black cat, lounging in the sun.
Black Cat Girl hadn’t seen her arriving, though, or at least she chose not to act like it, so as soon as she got near enough, Johanna cleared her throat. It was the first day of that discipline. It wasn’t weird to introduce yourself to your classmates, right?
“Hi!” She said when the girl finally looked at her. She had beautiful grey eyes, Johanna noticed, and the pale skin of someone who spent most of her time with a book in her hands. Her brow furrowed for a second, however, looking clearly like she found the situation very strange.
“Good morning.” Black Cat answered, still looking confused. Johanna wondered if she was doing something wrong, if there was any code of conduct that she was unaware of and was breaking. But since nothing of the sort came to her mind or was pointed out to her, she continued. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m Johanna! And you?”
That one word was enough to make something click in Johanna’s head. She’d heard that name before, plenty of times, but she’d never had a face to link to the name. Black Cat had a lot of gossip about her circulating through campus, and none of it pleasant. It had been the beginning of Johanna’s second year when rumours of a new student who only got her scholarship because her mother was the former head of the History department became everyone’s favourite conversation topic. Some people hadn’t cared. Some people had been upset, and some people had declared to everyone who would (and wouldn’t) hear it that this was another case of a privileged girl taking the place of someone who was both more hardworking and deserving, and more in need of it. Some people, however, had never felt comfortable spreading this information that no one even knew the source of, and was potentially very dangerous to this unknown person’s reputation. Johanna had been in this last category. It had even been one of the reasons she had broken up with her first girlfriend, really. Abigail was a good person, even if loud and too rowdy for Johanna, but her glee in spreading this sort of gossip about people had really put her off. 
So this was who she was standing in front of right now. Lucky for Johanna, she’d never been the sort to settle so easily for one side of the story, and she wasn’t about to start now. 
Kaisa hadn’t said anything else, however, and was just staring at her like she was trying to make sense of why she was there, and wondering if she was going away.
“I’m an Arts and History major!” Johanna informed in an attempt to make small talk, but it was hopeless. She’d lost Black Cat’s attention to her notebook, which she was now leafing through, and the only answer she got was a non-committal hum. “This seminar looked interesting, I hope it’s enjoyable.”
Having accepted that she was probably not going to hear more than one word at a time from the girl, Johanna plastered her smile firmly again to her face. “Well, nice talking to you! Good lecture to us both!”
She walked back to her front seat blushing and cursing her heart for picking the one person in the room who looked like she would hiss and scratch if Johanna got too close.
Doodling in the Humanities building’s garden after her classes were done for the afternoon had been Johanna’s little tradition since her second year. She found that taking a little time to clear her mind and refresh her thoughts after a long day of lectures was very useful before she headed home to study by herself. Some days, it still took effort on her part to make the conscious choice of spending that time on something “unproductive”. Depending on what was going on with her classes, the voice in her head screaming at her to stop laying around and get to work could get pretty loud. But with time and therapy, Johanna had gotten very good at gently telling this voice that she was more than what she accomplished.
It had been really hard to do that that afternoon. During the lecture professor Abigail had revealed that her TA would put up their latest grades on the usual spot on their department’s corkboard, and that they would be available when the lesson was over. Johanna had been doing surprisingly well on the seminar, but their first exam of the semester had left a bitter taste in her mouth; the questions seemed to require their knowledge of ridiculously specific pieces of information which most of them couldn’t even remember being mentioned in class. Those that weren’t worded like pranks to make them fall into tricks, that is.
Still, she knew it would do her good to keep up her routine and come back to check her grade when she felt less jittery. It had become clear that forcing herself to do things like this, taking the time to smell the flowers (literally, in this case), helped in her process to heal her brain of all the excessive perfectionism and productivity mindset that had been ingrained into her from a young age. And besides, even if she had done terribly, from the look of things she could probably make up for it with her grades on other assignments.
The day was looking lovely. Autumn hadn’t fully hit yet, so the trees still had yellowish leaves on them, making the air around them look golden. The few cicadas that survived despite the thorough maintenance to which the garden was submitted had begun singing. And students all around were beginning to come out of their classrooms, filling the area with the simple yet beautiful sound of life happening. 
Some days, when she was here, she would draw to the sound of music. Some others, she’d put a guided meditation on her earbuds and let the narrator’s voice guide her, sketching whatever images came to her mind. That time, however, she chose to just sit with the sounds of the garden. She did put the earbuds on, though, even if she wasn’t playing anything on them. It might be petty, but Johanna enjoyed that alone time and didn’t feel like being bothered by any classmates she barely knew shouting their “good evening”s at her. If they were smart, they would get the hint.
Someone, however, did not seem to get the hint. She’d had her sketchbook open in her lap for barely two minutes, doodling one of the details that marked the fountain’s stone while she waited for inspiration to come, when she heard someone coming her way.
She didn’t look up, not immediately. The person could just be taking a stroll through the garden, or they could also want to sit on the fountain’s edge and enjoy the view. It could be one of the gardeners, for all she knew, so she kept on pretending to draw even if her attention had been captured by the newcomer.
Still, at some point, it became clear that the person was heading directly to Johanna. Not to any other spot on or near the fountain, but the strides that just entered her range of vision were purposeful and most certainly tracing a route to her. When that happened, her hand became still so she could look at who was coming, and when she did she suddenly didn’t care about being bothered anymore.
She put away her earbuds quickly, though she hoped not clumsily, and offered her most inviting smile. When she did so, the girl who had come to her stopped in her tracks, looking just slightly taken aback. 
Don’t worry, Johanna told herself. You did nothing wrong. Black Cat came to you, and you smiled at her. That’s what polite people do. It’s not weird at all. You can get through this interaction without being weird. She doesn’t need to know you look forward to the seminar just to get a glimpse of her. She doesn’t need to know you stared at her backpack when she went to the toilet during class once and you wanted to look for pride pins, nor that you had to bite back a squeal when you found one with the lesbian flag on it. She especially doesn’t need to know that you have a playlist with songs that remind you of her vibe and that you were excited when a singer you like named a song 'lavender haze’ because it reminds you of her hair. Kitty doesn’t need to know anything at all.
Thinking of her as “Black Cat Girl” probably wasn’t that fair anymore. Though she still wore all black some days, it turned out that there was more to her wardrobe than looking like the grim reaper’s teenage daughter 24/7. Just now, her jumper was a deep violet colour, and the white collar of a button down shirt could be seen at the base of her neck. Though her ankle lengthed, pleated skirt and her platform boots were both black. Maybe she did still deserve it.
“Hi!” Johanna spoke up when Kitty did nothing other than stand there looking like she wanted to bolt. Ever on-brand, she only gave her a single word in reply.
Even though, she had entered the garden, and she had come to Johanna, she was looking terribly uncomfortable standing there, like she was having second thoughts about something. There was a smooth silver band on her left ring finger which she used her right hand fingers to twist and scratch, which looked like some sort of nervous habit. Johanna’s heart picked up speed as it allowed itself to hope for a second. Could she finally have noticed the way Johanna looked at her? Finally interpreted her weekly happy greetings and waves for what they were?
Was Black Cat finally going to make a move?
Sensing Kaisa’s growing unease, Johanna decided to take pity on her.
“Lovely day, isn’t it?” She asked, knowing it was the most generic thing to say ever, but whatever worked to get her to feel more grounded, worked. “I don’t usually see you around the gardens, though. What brings you here?”
When Kaisa shyly and tentatively informed her that she’d come to see her, Johanna’s happy surprise wasn’t feigned, even if that was what she’d been assuming. Whatever this was about, it wasn’t a conversation to have with such a distance between them. Johanna might have a good few inches on Kaisa, even with those boots of hers, but with her sitting down Kitty was practically towering over her. Though it was a pretty sight, she’d rather have her close. She fixed her posture, realising she was still hunching over her sketchbook (her cousin constantly said that her art would be the death of her spine) and tapped the cool stone next to her in invitation. However much she was glad when Kaisa took the cue and sat down by her side, she had truly miscalculated that move. From the way her face was heating up, it was safe to say she hadn’t been ready for the effect that having her crush so close would have on her.
“Well, it’s good to talk to you again, Kaisa!” Kitty was looking everywhere on her face but her eyes, and she wondered if her blush was really that ridiculous. She hoped it didn’t make her think she was a creep. “Forgive me, but what is it you study, again? You told me when we met, but I’m afraid I’ve forgotten.”
She hadn’t told her. Johanna’s pride wouldn’t ever let her forget that interaction, but she was going for sweet and polite here, so accusing the girl of withholding information about herself would probably not have the desired effect.
“I’m on English and History.” She informed, and it had been on the tip of Johanna’s tongue to comment on how interesting that was, and ask her what had drawn her to those areas, when she continued. “This may seem a bit random, but I was wondering if you could help me.”
“Oh!” Oh. So that’s why she was here.
Oh well, at least she’d already heard sentences that had more than one word from Kaisa’s mouth. Johanna would take her wins where she could. And to be honest, being asked to help someone who she wanted to get to know better sounded like just her kind of thing.
“Of course. What can I do for you?” Johanna closed her sketchbook, which was still on her lap, to make sure Kaisa knew she had her full attention.
“You’re doing good at the seminar.” It wasn’t a question, but a firm statement.  “Like, exceedingly well. Phenomenally. I never see you stay and look at the grades, so I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but you had the best grade in class on every graded activity so far. The results for our first exam are just out, by the way. You did it again. Congratulations, an impressive 9,5 on that honestly evil test.”
A tension that Johanna hadn’t realised (or rather, had refused to indulge) was on her shoulders was set loose. She hadn’t needed to worry, after all. Thank goodness she liked that subject so much she’d actually read the entire textbook chapters and done all the suggested readings. And then she realised what this meant. Kaisa had known she existed, and had been paying attention to her. Just not in the sense that Johanna had intended.
Despite her will to appear classy, she snorted.
“You must think I’m so laid back! I always come here after the seminar because it’s dusk, and it’s honestly so gorgeous from here that I don’t want to lose it. But after the sun is set I always climb back there and see the results.” She babbled, feeling the need to explain herself. Kaisa was nothing short of an exceptional student, she knew so not only because of her grades and reputation, but also because of the way she carried herself. Coming across as the one person who gets good scores but did nothing to deserve them would do absolutely nothing to win her over. “Thank you for telling me, though, I had been worried about that exam. I don’t think the professor had our best interests in mind when she wrote it, honestly.”
Black Cat was staring straight forward when she let out an agreeing hum. But even without her looking at Johanna, she was able to notice the twitch of her eyebrows that preceded her next sentence.
“Why, though? I mean, the buildings block the view from all sides, it’s not like you can actually see the sunset. The sky gets some pretty colours, but can’t you see those from the windows?”
Were it anyone else, or said in some other tone, Johanna would have felt like she was pointing fingers at her. But Kaisa didn’t sound accusing at all. She sounded genuinely curious, and more than a tad bit confused.
Johanna chuckled, hoping to convey a sense of kinship with her. She’d been there, not long ago. How many beauties had her High School self also not been able to see?
Having gotten Kitty’s direct attention again, Johanna breathed, softly, for her to look around. And as she did so, Johanna got to watch the way understanding dawned on her ice coloured eyes. How lucky she was, to get to notice how beautiful that place really was for the first time. Johanna wished she could go back two years and get that feeling again for a full two seconds, before deciding that getting to watch Kaisa come to that same realisation was even more worthy of her attention.
Johanna felt almost in a trance-like state, finally being able to look at the girl she’d been crushing on for months to her heart’s content, without the fear of getting caught by someone or being weird. She felt like this was a moment that deserved being frozen and kept in a little snow globe, for her to look at and remember throughout her life, before gently putting it back on her mantlepiece.
“You have a point.” Kaisa said suddenly, making the snow globe drop to the ground and crash in her little fantasy. Having a vivid imagination as an artist was useful, but sometimes Johanna paid a weird price for it. “Anyway, I came here to ask you if you have any tips for studying this subject. I generally draw schemes while reading the textbook and then look for practice exercises. It has worked well so far, but clearly you have something that works better. You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, of course, but if there’s anything you could share with me, I’d be grateful.”
With the moment between them broken, it felt weird to just stare into Back Cat’s cheek, but with her still looking away, Johanna had no other choice since staring was really the only reaction she could conjure up for a couple of seconds. If the girl was expecting any miraculous answer or successful formula, she was about to be very disappointed.
“I don’t do anything special. I just enjoy it?”
She didn’t know why she’d phrased it as a question, but it made Kaisa turn to her again, disbelief clear in her eyes and in the arch of her eyebrows.
“Enjoy it?” And sure enough, it was clear in her voice too, like she’d truly been expecting her to have some sort of magic brain booster. Johanna chose not to comment on how Kaisa always came right behind her on every grade, usually not even a full point behind. It was clear to her, even after only talking to her for a short while, that her problem wasn’t her grades, but a crippling perfectionism that would probably not be healed by being pointed out by a practical stranger in the middle of the humanities building’s garden.
Everyone was on their own journey to unlearn toxic mentalities, Johanna knew this very well. All she could do for Kitty for now was be truthful and offer her some insight into hers.
“Yeah. I relate a lot to neoclassicism. I spent my first years in my grandfather’s cottage out in the wilderness, so all the paintings of farm life feel familiar to me. Like they’re images that are close to my heart. Also the fugere urbem feeling in the writings speak really deeply to me, I had a hard time adapting when my parents brought me over to Trolberg when I was a child. I think that’s all there is, really. My study strategy isn’t even as neat as yours. I just… enjoy it.”
She hadn’t been looking at Kaisa as she said it, instead opting to twirl her pencil between two fingers, trying to minimise the feeling of discomfort at allowing herself to be vulnerable near someone she barely even knew. It seemed Johanna had evoked some sort of emotion within her, though, because Black Cat’s only answer was a pensive “I see”.
Johanna braced herself. She had an opportunity to get to know Kaisa better, even if it didn’t really scream “romantically interested in you”. The more time she spent with the girl, the more her suspicion that she was, indeed, a fascinating person to whom there was more than the gossip and appearances was confirmed. If this led to nothing more than a friendship, Johanna would still consider herself very lucky.
“You don’t seem convinced.” Looking again at her, she tried to keep her tone as high spirited as she could. The last thing she wanted was to pressure Kaisa into doing something she didn’t want to, or make her feel like she needed to do it. “I have something to suggest. Why don’t we have our next study session for this seminar together?
Kaisa looked back at her so quickly Johanna feared she might snap her neck, and then she’d have to carry her all the way to the Health Sciences building to get her looked after. Kitty looked light enough that Johanna could probably do it without much of a struggle, but those guys over at Health Sciences were a bunch of weirdos.
“For real?” She asked, apparently going from ‘philosophical’ surprised to ‘what the heck’ surprised in the blink of an eye. Not exactly the most desirable reaction to asking someone out on a date, even if of the “study” sort, but Johanna was quickly coming to notice that for all her black clothes and ‘no effs to give’ attitude, Kaisa was probably just shy. For the first time, Johanna really took pause to wonder at what having such accusing rumours spread about you as soon as you arrive in university must do to you.
“I mean, yeah, why not? If you’d like it, that is. I know some people only study well alone, and I totally respect it if that’s your case. But if you’d like to give it a go, I’m sure it would be fun. And you’d get to see how my studying isn’t nearly as effective as yours.”
The look of innocent confusion on Kitty’s face was really too cute for Johanna not to smirk at. A big part of her felt terribly sad that being asked to hang out seemed to take her by surprise like that, but if she was being honest, she felt an inkling of pride at being able to (positively) stun her like this.
Somehow, Black Cat had swiftly put her emotionless mask back, and this time it was Johanna who felt surprised. Of course, she’d been the one to ask, but it only now registered in her mind that this meant she’d be spending time with the girl she liked. Up close. With Kaisa. Oh, gosh, what had she done? She’d barely survived this five minute conversation!
“Great!” Johanna really hoped that Kaisa hadn’t noticed how her voice broke on that word. “You free on Saturday?”
Kaisa looked up, which Johanna recognized as indicative of trying to remember something. Unsuccessfully, however.
“I’m not sure, to be honest. I think my little sister asked me to go with her to a scouts thing, but I could have gotten the date wrong. I get really confused with my appointments when I have exams, it feels like my mind erases any information unrelated to them. Can I check that and get back to you?”
Before she could think twice about it, Johanna answered. “Sure! Give me your hand.”
Upon being handed her wrist, Johanna gently uncovered her palm, which was being covered by the violet sleeves. Her skin was thin and pale, and Johanna could see the veins underneath. Her fingers were slight, making her wonder if Kaisa had ever considered learning to play the violin. She’d be good at it, by the looks of it. Luckily, Johanna had kept a pen in the breast pocket of her denim jacket, which prevented her from needing to reach into her backpack to get one.
Using every bit of boldness she had, and with a lot of care, she wrote “Jo from the seminar” and her cellphone number underneath it. And then, with a bit of boldness she hadn’t thought she had, she drew a little winky face. She hoped it wasn’t too forward. If she made the cool shy girl uncomfortable she might actually have to leave campus out of pure shame.
Her own palms were starting to feel sweaty with that much closeness. Her mind had chosen that very moment to point out the fact that this was the first time they were sharing any sort of touch. With this thought, she let go of Kaisa’s hand and offered her what she hoped was a non suspicious smile.
“There you go! Text me or call me when you have the answer, whichever you prefer. I’ll see you around?”
Kaisa nodded, and then, just as the electric lamps started being turned on in the garden, she got up. Her ‘thank you, good night’ was brisk, but it sounded genuine. She’d probably had enough small talk for the day, and that was something Johanna could respect. She waved in response, hoping she didn’t look too silly but unable to contain herself. There was just too much joy suddenly being stored in her body, it felt like it needed to be let out or it wouldn’t all fit inside her. 
When Black Cat was out of sight, Johanna allowed herself a happy chuckle. The cicadas were louder now, a sound that had always been enjoyable to her ears and reminded her of her childhood,  but she decided on taking the short walk back to the house she shared with her cousin on campus already. Her drawings could wait. Right about now, she felt like she needed to listen to a certain playlist of hers.
It was later in the evening when Johanna heard her cellphone pling. She had already finished revising the subjects that she had seen in her lectures that day, and eaten the leftovers from what Edmund had cooked for his lunch. Her cousin wasn’t home anymore, though, having gone out to a friend’s house to work on a group project, so Johanna had the house to herself.
They had a hammock on their front porch, from where Johanna could watch people walking around campus. The small house (more like a cottage, really) that they lived in was on the outskirts of the university’s grounds, and that was why it was perfect. Close enough that it was easy to walk anywhere they needed, far enough that no noises or activity from frat parties bothered them. Their porch was the perfect place to sit with a good book, in Johanna’s opinion, and that was what she was doing.
Her cellphone had been laying forgotten on her thigh, and she picked it up half-fearing having received an email from a professor scheduling some sort of exam or graded assignment. She needn’t have worried, however, because what she really got was much better.
“Good evening, Johanna.” The text from an unknown number read. “Kaisa here. Sorry to text you this late, I arrived at home not long ago. Turns out the event I’m going to take my sister to is this Saturday, but only in the afternoon. We could study in the morning, if you’re available.”
Johanna smiled at her screen, feeling silly for being happy over something so simple but not being able to care.
“Yes, that’s just fine! What do you say we go to the Humanities library?”
“Sure. Is 8:30 good for you?”
“Yeah, perfect”
“Okay, then. See you there. Good night.”
The ‘typing’ sign went on and off a few times as Johanna stared at her cellphone, like Black Cat couldn’t decide on what to say, or whether or not to say it. After what seemed to be a few seconds of indecision, her cellphone vibrated in her hand with one last message.
Johanna chuckled, feeling her cheeks get warm. Maybe she would be able to get through to that girl, after all.
Without allowing herself to overthink, she saved the new contact as “Kaisa 🐈‍⬛🔮”, and went back to her book.
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floralseokjin · 2 years
this is random but I've been wondering. what is your personal favorite headcanon for each of the couples? idk if you've been asked this before so ignore if you have <3
This was a really fun ask! Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond though, I’ve had a dedicated page for headcannons in my notes app for months, compiling my ideas. Here’s a few of them! Also sorry these are just for my Seokjin fics, I had ones for PBN and FLLL too but I wasn’t very happy with them.
OC needs to listen to asmr before she falls asleep. She just straight up ignores Jin when it comes around to 10pm, earphones in, eyes closed as someone is whispering a makeup haul to her. It always ends up with her falling asleep before him and he has to remove her earphones and take away her phone. True love ❤️
I was going to write a drabble about this (I still might), but one time Seokjin has to go away on business for a while and as soon as he comes back he rushes over to see Oc. He breaks her (already breaking) bed midway through sex and has to stop to crawl under it and inspect the broken slats lmao! He orders her a new one straight away of course ☺️
Thanks to an ask I received a month or two ago (which I can’t find right now 😭) I can’t stop imagining Seokjin making up really silly (but surprisingly amazing) songs like Super Tuna to make baby glob smile and giggle. Oc loves it too and that’s how she learned Seokjin had a really great singing voice! He also ropes her in to make choreography 🤧 I can imagine them both entertaining their daughter by singing and dancing!
Maybe because I was rewatching The Office a couple of months ago, but I can imagine Oc and Seokjin lying in bed after having sex, her telling Seokjin about all the ridiculous things that used to happen when the old manager was still in charge. They would both nearly be in tears while she recounted everything and he would be so sad he wasn’t an employee at the branch during that time because it sounded amazing.
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fluxweeed · 8 months
I want the DVD commentary for all 246 words of Fresh Eyes!
oh man i'm not sure how much i can say about 246 words i wrote 3 years ago!!
1) it was originally for the drarry discord server's drabble challenge, where each month they release a prompt phrase and a word count limit and ppl anonymously submit drabbles. the prompt for this one was "return". i think it took me like 3 days to think of the concept after the prompt was released? and maybe another couple of days of actually writing it? i am Slow
2) i really really like it when something reads differently the second time through – this was written at the same time as i wrote the four doors, which does a similar thing. (i also almost did this same thing for all i have to do, which i also wrote that year, but eventually decided the tension was higher for that fic if the reader knew from the beginning what was happening)
3) someone once said something like "how did you fit two whole lines of foreshadowing into 250 words?" – i just threw this into a doc and highlighted the bits i'd personally consider foreshadowing and by my count there are 10 😂 maybe more? even in fics where there's no "twist" i LOVE having lil easter eggs of the ending throughout. i do it with four doors, i do it with my silly texting fic, i do it with the even sillier "harry gets a vagina" fic (that u recently wonderfully podfic'd!!!). loooove that shit. yum yum.
4) "returning like a faithful Crup" – this is an example of something i do a lot which honestly is a little cringe and not original at all: but i also love wizardifying sayings or using wizardy references when writing from the perspective of a pureblood. like it's silly. it's harry potter ffs. but imagining how characters think / perceive the world is one of my favourite (if not my favourite) things about writing – another reason why my silly texting fic was so fun to do, bc i got to think way too much about how everyone would text!
shouldn't have doubted my ability to ramble on lmao, this is longer than the drabble itself. thank you sm for the ask, @lastontheboat!!! 😘😘
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bitegore · 2 years
ETA: local area lizard dumbass forgets to ping the person who tagged nem in this lmfao. thank you @disir-ex-machina
Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better.
Favorite Color: i don't like colors, i like high contrast, so i guess "black" or "red" but with a side of any contrasting colors are cooler than any color on its own. I like bright teal and red-orange.
Currently Reading: does fanfiction count? i'm reading Bibliotecaria-D's complete backlog. A little while ago I read through everything Ultharkitty ever posted. Being a filthy completionist about fic writers is easier than about published ones, at least, since they're all just there.
Last Song: The Night They Moved The House by Ten Strings and A Goat Skin. This song is so fucking funny. Imagine being Mr Joe Labelle, whose name lives on in legend because he was the guy what stole the house from the widow Victoria and betrayed her dead husband to steal her home. i want to be remembered long after I die too but like, lmao, no like that
Last Series: this is about tv? i think Transformers Generation One on the youtube. I don't really know, I haven't watched tv in literally two months. Probably longer. I don't care for tv.
Last Movie: Event Horizon (1997); latest victim of my extremely high bar for horror. Good movie! Great character cast; i liked it a lot. Not even a little bit scary though, but the director actually managed to earn their jumps-cares in my opinion (i am also a jump-scare disliker; they don't work on me so largely they just feel cheap lol) so i have to say i think the director was pretty fucking good even if they couldn't successfully knock any fear into me.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: i am what you may term "a fucking idiot" and therefore i totally thought that this was asking for a recipe first and which i liked second. so like yes? i like them all? preferably together? and if i had to pick one it'd be spicy but they're best together. but for a sweet savory and spicy meal i recommend poke sauce on chicken with rice. it tastes good. the poke sauce i use is Kikkoman's because i can't cook to save my life and they sell it at my local stop and shop; you put it on a chicken cutlet and stick that in an air fryer and then you flip it and put more on the other side and put it back in the air fryer and then you take it out and you put it on your rice and you add more sauce and then you eat it.
Currently Working On: eehhhhhhhhhh i'm less "working on things" and more "existing and things are happening". I guess technically my docket includes- a long running short story series i'm working on for a writing group (not posted anywhere), a buncha short fanfictions, and two separate texaid drawings i owe people. also like making money. i started doing adopts to make money, i want money, but i'm lazy so i'm just kind of vibing in the direction of quick cash, as you do
i don't usually do tags but these questions are fun so! @quetzalpapalotl @honestlyvan @mx-plugs @cleverthylacine @megatronismegagone @thisisfrenchhouse ...eh, i think that's enough tags. feel free to not answer OR to tap yourself in, i don't mind one way or another. also you don't have to give a recipe i am just a little bit silly
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shan-helsing · 11 months
I know it's random, but any wulfric hcs 👀 ?
WEEPS INTO MY HANDS. TYSM FOR ASKING. i'll write some i can think of rn !
▪︎wulfric comes from some random germanic village, not the same as viago but similar, and has a ridiculously insane name. my gf is a huge fan of the name wulfric van schlammstein for him. bc it sounds funny.
▪︎ he travelled to england for research in studies (dawg i do not know, i'm still brainstorming this) n there he met lovely laszlo, mr gorgeous leslie cravensworth. since laz is KIND OF a science guy and I KNOOOW he did all that silly science stuff after he turned but i like to hc that laz in his human years was also studying science, as well as being in that club. as well as being raised in an aristocratic household.
anyways they somehow meet and something sparks. but since laz is consistently busy with his stuff they can only have cute little rendezvous at night in a park or something. they kiss. smoochie even.
▪︎ wulfric was NOOOT aware laz was turned by nadja. when nadja came and bedazzled laz he loves her forever and ever he kinda found wulfric cringe. like cringey dandelion ex bf (they didnt even break up officially) so laz kinda. tried to get wulfric outta his life. I had to think silly about this since its fucking. Wwdits. i have to be silly.
Laz invited wulfric for dinner in the middle of the night. Wulfric took ZERO notice to it being 12am. laszlo ate NOOOOTHING DRANK NOTHING. this bimbo had 0 realisation of any vampiric things. Anyways laz tried to poison wulfric many times that night. He thought he succeeded, but wulfric just got some weird tummy ache afterwards. It was probably expired food LMAOAOAO (im still brainstorming all of this hehehehe)
▪︎ wulfric got turned by a random vampire before he set to seas back home. This wouldve been the last time he saw laz. Loooong long ago. Wulfric was still idk man kinda food poisoned and whatever way he was, the vampire who turned him got stuck in bat form. They are best friends now.
▪︎ wulfric super slumbered for about 150 years. he knows nothing. ZILCH of any of the wars LMAO. he woke up in the 70s and just had the time of his life. sailed to the new world. hes super clueless about anything thats happened so he just takes everything at face value.
▪︎ wulfric also has a familiar !!!!! his name is dorian (i'll link a pic below) dorian was turned just before wulfric super slumbered so he knew that dorian would protect him. dorian is still his familiar. Even as a vampire. Wulfric knows hes cheating the system - he does not care.
▪︎ i like to imagine wulfric comes back into the picture w laz in a super funny way. laszlo installs an electric fence and just so happens to electrocute his silly bimbo ex bf as a bat. What the FUCK. wulfrics allllll over laz and laz just gets so flustered and embarrassed. JUST BUGGER OFF 😭😭😭😭😭 wulfric is not going anywhere.
▪︎ wulfrics kinda the silly cameo like jeff. But except laszlo gets so humiliated everytime. He wants to just be like ok. ten minutes of insane sexual intercourse then youre gone. yea.
▪︎wulfric TOOOOTES calls laz leslie. IT DRIVES HIM INSANE. wulfric EVENTUALLY starts saying laszlo, but at first it was a joke.
▪︎ wulfric is a cute little hondura white bat because they look so fucking silly.
▪︎i cant think of any more rn but i wanna say nadja likes him. calls him a dandelion puff (thank you my pal bee) and mocks him then kindaaaaa gets used to him. this is my husband laszlo and his boyfriend wulfric. new besties.
WOOOOW THAT WAS SO MUCH. SORRY I LIKE. BLUSHES. GET ALL SILLY WHEN PPL WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY GUYS. i love wulfric. I made him about a month ago so im still working on him but hes an immediate favourite for me outta my ocs. hes so perfect. So cutie pie. This guy loves disco. He has a disco ball in his home.
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murswrites · 3 years
2,000 Followers Celebration!
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Request Queue / Rules for Requesting / Masterlist
Guess who hit 2k followers? Me? Somehow?? Thank you all so much, it literally means the world that I've managed to convince so many people my writing is spectacular 😌✨ Okay, that's enough sarcasm LMAO. Seriously, thank y'all so very much for reblogging, commenting, giving me feedback, being kind, and mostly entertaining my dumbassary for over a year.
It's so wild to think how far my writing (and I've) come in the last year, I definitely wouldn't be the same person I am today had I not posted my first Peaky Blinders imagine over a year ago in March 2020, at the start of what I thought was a month off of school which quickly turned into a year-long endeavor.
Tumblr has become my main source of entertainment and honestly my favorite social media platform. And it's all thanks to you cool cats for making an idiot like me feel safe enough to shitpost on the regular and slaughter caucasian men for fun.
I've decided to do something lowkey for this celebration even though this is such a huge milestone purely because my mental health isn't the best and my brain is seriously melted from playing Minecraft so much lately 😭
We're gonna be doing a good old fashion sleepover that's going to start today (Tuesday, April 6th) and end next Tuesday (April 13th, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time) This is definitely not an original idea so just know ALL of my moots that have done sleepovers have inspired these options <3
Sorry for the ramblings! Get ready for a week-longer slumber party besties, I'm going to make your life a living hell 🥰✨(loving/sarcastic) [the idea is to send the corresponding emoji in your ask so I know what you want!]
🖤 Cast your mutuals - send me an ask to cast my moots as anything! Astrology signs, colors, smells, TV shows, songs, whatever comes to mind! 💔 Fuck, Marry, Kill - send me characters (or celebs) from any of my fandoms and I'll cry over y'all tormenting me <3 💛 Would You Rather - what's a sleepover without these silly games? (anybody remember M.A.S.H??) send me two random things to choose from, may it be people, games, colors, drinks, etc. 💙 Paragraph Fics - very short fics based off of a single dialogue prompt, a small idea (ex: reader learns how to swim) and I'll write a paragraph (or more if I'm inspired) for you! 💜 Ships [10/10] * - there are limited spots because the last time I did them I quickly got overwhelmed (despite having so few). Send me your name, pronouns, sexuality if you like, MBTI assignment, moral alignment, hell your zodiac sign, anything about you that you think I need to know, and then at MOST 2 of my fandoms and I'll ship you with a character! 🤍 Miscellaneous - send me anything honestly, random ask games, things that remind you of me, song, movie, book recommendations, etc.
* = Any of my mutuals will be able to send ships even if all spots are "filled", that's on favoritism (/s)
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ok bhah ch1 reread thought dump lets goooo
@youngbloodbuzz  @romanitwontletmetagyouuuu??? thank u for writing this. in return I gift u this lightly unhinged commentary
oh the opening quote “Do you think it all meant nothing, all the longing? The longing for home?” violence
lmao ok I started this ages ago and then got distracted for a week because that’s just who I am as a person lets try that again
eddie n his glowing glasses nice we love a canon nod
ok I remember getting really emotional reading the chapter where Dani’s car died bc of what it represented to her n now I’m being reminded of it all again with the ‘poor little car’ comment oh dear we’re like 2 paragraphs in and I’m already compromised
the wavering reflection in the water in her hands..... Dani posessed by the ghost of comphet..... I am Drawing Conclusions
eddie “we can hang out more” dani “aha wouldn’t that be neat”
god the prom photo... remembering Dani’s meltdown at the prom bc she missed Jamie... I’m dying Jack I’m dying
lil palm kiss... I know u will not ever love hm that way Dani but fuck I’m a sucker for a palm kiss
lil nerd ass w her folder tabs I love her
god the tone of this is so comforting like I can just hang out n imagine each scene progressing so naturally. wish I did not have to suffer emotionally at the same time but at least it’s a smooth read
Dani feeling like an invader amongst all the physical representations of her relationship w eddie BABY U DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY STOP LETTING OTHER PEOPLE INFLUENCE UR LIFE AND RUIN UR HAPPINESS
“Hannah Grose, seamlessly elegant” yes
Hannah: congrats on ur engagement. Dani, with tears in her eyes: thank
Dani relaxing when they’re talking about teaching pls I love her love for it so much
Dani at the blackboard with the “Miss, Ms?” confusion now I am thinking about the Ted Moseby professor/proffessor scene. HIMYM my beloved
mikeyyyy my boy
the image of Dani w chalk dust on her skirt is v endearing.
oooh the library trip gay foreshadowing yes
wait the silver stars on his backpack......... cup of stars crying time
Mikey correcting her on his name when she was the one to give him the nickname in the first place... feeling some kind of way
Dani fostering the talents she sees in her kids is so sweet and mikey shy lil math genuis is also so sweet pls i love this duo
i do wonder if part of her is like I know a Mikey Taylor but I literally refuse to believe it is the same one bc his sister broke my heart and we are absolutely not in the business of confronting hard feelings in this house!!
keys on a lanyard... ok lesbian
“You’re still here?” the love I have for canon lines being used when I can hear them being said in my head
awww bonding over Wonder Woman. cute!!!! When Dani becomes Mikey’s official second mum (everyone be quiet I am manifesting) my heart will explode
eddie ur really just gonna rock up and toot at her. jail for 1000 years
ooohhh Dani is Realising who the sister is. honey you got a big storm comin. oof (the ‘wonder woman punching stars out of her foes” to “dani feeling like she’s just recieved a blow to the ribs.” the cinnamontography). aw baby :(
“Jamie. Jamie, here. Jamie, home.” please i am thinking about her last letter and I am not strong enough
“Somehow Eddie didn’t notice.” sum up a relationship in a sentence
“Jamie would appear, as if summoned by the gravity of Dani’s pounding heart” fuck this hits on so many levels I need to go think about my life for 45mins
CARSON MY BOY. in his studded leather. a fashionable gay never loses.
I looove how soft n caring Dani n Carson are with each other thank gods she has him.
god this post is already so long n I’m only halfway through why do I have so many silly thoughts
god just the... expectations of affection from her by eddie w that placating cheek kiss she gives him is like... I cannot imagine Jamie ever asking that from her in the same way even when they are in a relationship!!! and it’s not even wrong of him to do that??? but it’s just a lot to think about the kind of person Dani makes herself to be to stay with him vs the kind of person Jamie lets her be by not expecting anything of her. they’re such opposites
dani not even feeling at home in her own (former) home pls when is she going to find a soft place to land (it’s also making me think v hard about the title like... the haunting of Dani and Jamie’s relationship (and what that represents for Dani) on Dani’s whole life and Jamie coming home and bringing that to Dani’s doorstep. resurecting a ghost so to speak........ too many homes to think about. I don’t know if I fully understand but I am Thinking)
dani and her inhaler... asthmatic bitches represent
oh my god not the box of memories. been trying to erase that from my own for weeks now let me live
ooh the line about her feeling like an archaeologist at the start of this section and then her ‘exhuming the past’ w the photos of her n Jamie i love a consistent narrative.
THE MIXTAPE. THE MIXTAPE. is there a playlist for this chapter I would like to take that aural journey
oh no i cannot remember where the flower comes from but aahhh this box of memories pain.
this description of carson in a tight white undershirt tucked into his jeans makes me think of freddie mercury. didn’t mean to make you cry etc
lmao Dani trying to get info from Judy abt Jamie in a roundabout way... international superspy she is not
Dani entirely uncomfy in church... i feel it. godd the repression of it all w the movie and the feelings and the Jamie-influence on the feelings my heart hurts.
God knowing how much Judy loves her but the weight of that love also stifling her... pain
they’ve really got her all shacked up w a house and a husband and a kid on the way can we let the girl be a lesbian in peace (also lowkey hoping Dani gets some time on her own at some point no Eddie no Jamie no weight of expectations pls she needs it we all need it)
the thread of Dani refusing to do things for herself in order to make other people happy throughout this entire piece hits so fucking close to home and is entirely heartbreaking to read thank you
Jamie: appears. Dani: every single emotion all at once
Judy and her girls back together is v sweet even if Dani is dying inside at it all
“Jamie only had eyes for Dani.” Again, sum up a relationship in a sentence.
What do you even say to a girl who *the sky goes dark as i attempt to even summarise a fraction of their relationship*. Apparently the answer is “Jamie. Hi.”
It’s ahh. fairly entertaining to be going through Dani’s emotional journey alongside her and knowing that Jamie is also Going Through It on some level but having 0 insights to it bc she keeps her emotions so in check.
oooh how much of a gut punch is this engagement revelation for Jamie??? like on some level I’m sure she always knew this was coming but I’m sure another part of her still desperately hoped one day Dani would choose her. god I would kill for Jamie’s POV in this scene
Jamie’s scarrrr. Literally Dani’s impact
oh fucking hell that moment of like... familiarity and almost a coming home for Dani when Judy is talking and she meets Jamie’s eyes... she really was entirely screwed from that moment on huh.
oof god this is a hell of an opening chapter lets see if my attention span will let me continue this journey (also @ myself reminder to read this all in chronological order one day for a real nice session of emotional destruction)
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the-gay-prometheus · 3 years
AU Segment - “Try” (rewrite)
Frankenfandom is asleep (not really I know but seems p inactive right now lmao), time to post my rewrite of “Try”
Rewrite complete! Finally! I’m actually somewhat (somewhat) happy with how this turned out. I realized that my first version of this scene was so ridiculously out of character, especially on Henry’s part, so I really took the time to focus on making sure I got the characterizations right.
Important Warnings for this one!!!! There is a brief mention of a needle, brief mention of violence, and discussion about death/dying in a general sense.
There is some important background info for this one: This takes place long after ‘What’s in a Name’ and a few months before ‘We’ve Got Work To Do.’ By now, things have really mellowed out between the three of them. Victor and Henry are officially ‘married’ and now husbands (that’s a scene for a different time when I’m writing more happy things instead of angst again), Agape (the creature, for those of you who are new here) is their well-loved son. Not all is entirely well, though. Victor has recently been plagued by nightmares, though he won’t explain what they’re about. On what he swears is a completely unrelated note, he’s been dabbling in science again, and at his request, Agape has built a new section onto the cabin as a laboratory for Victor to work in. Victor spends most of his days in there, Agape usually accompanying him either to learn or to assist, as well as staying there alone well into the night, but recently Victor has been starting to neglect himself for the sake of whatever it is he has going on behind that door...
As always, likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind (including constructive criticism!) are much appreciated!
Rain steadily tapped on the roof, the only sound to be heard other than the scratching of a pen as Henry wrote by the light of the last lit candle in the bedroom. The gentle scratching stopped as he read over what he wrote, followed by one final scratch and the gentle snap of his journal as he shut it and set it on the bed stand closest to him. He stretched with a yawn, absentmindedly reaching over to the other side of the bed before suddenly snapping his gaze over. In his deep concentration of writing, he had failed to notice that Victor had still not yet come to bed. Slipping silently out of bed, grabbing the burning candle on the bed stand and walking out of the room as quietly as possible. He passed through the common area, embers still glowing softly in the fireplace, and walked down the short hallway on the other side. The door to Agape’s room was slightly ajar, and, curious, Henry gently pushed it open further and peaked inside. Sure enough, Agape was there, sleeping soundly in bed. With a sigh of relief, he pulled the door mostly shut and continued down the hall to where the door to Victor’s makeshift laboratory was located. 
He pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped in carefully, gently closing the door behind him. “Victor?” he called out softly, walking past the rows of shelves and tables, each covered in a mess of tools, beakers, and jars, weaving through them along the familiar path. Toward the back wall was a softly glowing light emanating from a nearly spent candle upon a messy table covered with beakers that glinted in the light. Sitting slumped over in front of it all was the silhouette of the exact person he was looking for. As he approached, the light from his own candle further illuminated the workbench, revealing various tools he didn’t recognize, a mess of papers, and a large beaker filled with a grimy-looking dark fluid sitting atop what had likely once been a lit burner. “Oh, Victor,” he whispered softly with pity in his voice. He set his candle down and reached out, gently placing a hand on his sleeping husband’s shoulder. Victor awoke with a start, nearly falling off the stool he was sitting on as he jumped at the touch of Henry’s hand. Henry couldn’t help but smile as Victor looked back at him, his brown hair a shaggy mess, his goggles crooked on his face. “I thought you were coming to bed,” he mused quietly as he lifted the goggles up off of Victor’s eyes. Victor squinted as his goggles were lifted, raising his black-gloved hands to rub the sleep from his eyes - only pausing to realize that maybe touching his eyes with gloves he had just been handling dangerous substances with wasn’t the best idea. He yawned as he slipped one glove off and rubbed both eyes before tugging the glove back on.
“I am,” he muttered, speech somewhat slurred as he turned back toward the table. “Justg.. Just gotta, finish- this…” He rolled a hand in the air, then dropped it back down to his lap. “..thing.” Henry chuckled softly - it was amusing, albeit concerning, to see Victor so loopy.
“I think this thing can wait until you get some proper rest, love,” Henry replied, smoothing Victor’s messy hair with his fingers. 
“Mm.. nooot really,” Victor answered, sorting through the various tools and beakers strewn about the table as though he were looking for something, then finally settled on one beaker that looked to have once held some kind of dark liquid in it. The scientist picked it up, inspected it closely, took a few long, slow blinks, then tilted his head back to look up at Henry. “...I needm… more coffee,” he mumbled with a sleepy smile. Henry gave him an odd look.
“More? I just brought some back for you two days ago.”
“Well that- that was… that was two days ago and this is now.”
“Please tell me you haven’t finished an entire tin in two days, Victor.” Victor groaned and set the beaker down.
“More like finished half in two days and half in… maybe one night,” he muttered, slowly starting to wake up more. “It’s all a bit of a blur, really.”
“This is why you need sleep,” Henry pointed out, running his hand from Victor’s hair back down to his shoulder.
“No, no. No I don’t need sleep,” Victor replied, starting to sound much more like himself. “I need… I need um…” He glanced around, his eyes falling on the beaker full of dark grimy fluid on the unlit burner. “Gah- nonono- noooo…” he grumbled, nearly knocking over the beaker that once held coffee as he fumbled for the one on the burner. He grabbed it, took one whiff, then unceremoniously dropped his head onto the table. Henry jumped slightly, gently nudging him as he was somewhat concerned that the smell of the concoction had somehow knocked him unconscious.
“I’m fine,” Victor grumbled. “Fine I just. I have to start this over.” He set the beaker down on the floor next to the table and slowly stood, somewhat wobbly at first, before wandering off to grab another one.
“No, I think you need sleep,” Henry called to him, turning and leaning back slightly on the table as he watched Victor grab a new beaker along with various jars filled with substances he couldn’t recognize. 
“I am- I am a god, Henry; gods don’t need sleep,” Victor called back to him with a hint of sarcasm in his tone as he plucked the ingredients he needed from the shelves. Henry chuckled and shook his head.
“Oh, silly me. How could I ever forget,” he mused, rolling his eyes. “Of course you’re a god, darling.” He turned out of curiosity to look at what was on the table, his eyes catching sight of something that Victor had been obscuring while he was sitting there. It was an odd thing, or the makings of an odd thing anyways, just barely started. There were gears and a crank connected to them, a tangled mess of wires - some attached to the thing and others lying nearby, various empty vials with tubes dangling from their cork caps, and sitting directly beside it all was a frighteningly large hollow needle. He leaned in closer to inspect the device. “Since when did you start tinkering?” he asked as he looked at how each gear was connected.
“Since I needed to for this project,” Victor answered as he sifted through more jars to find exactly what he was looking for. “Agape has been a big help. You’d never guess it but he’s got a knack for that sort of thing. Tinkering and such, that is. Well… he’s got an interest in all of it but he can be a little careless with the chemicals,” he continued, suddenly realizing he didn’t have enough hands to hold everything he needed and placing the beaker in his mouth to hold it.
“Can’t imagine where he gets that carelessness from,” Henry muttered sarcastically as he glanced back to see Victor on his tip-toes sifting through jars with one hand while holding far too many other jars in his other and a beaker between his teeth.
“I’s a real ‘ys’ery,” Victor answered sincerely with the beaker still in his mouth. Henry smirked and shook his head.
“Sure is.” He turned back toward the table, his eyes catching sight of an open journal, dark-stained pages covered in writing and sketches. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he picked it up and moved further into the candlelight to read as Victor returned and carefully set everything down on the table. “So is this what the two of you have been working on?” Henry asked as he flipped back a few pages to start reading closer to the beginning.
“Oh good god no,” Victor answered as he refilled the burner with oil and lit it using a match he ignited from his own nearly spent candle. “I’ve just been doing simple things with him. Common chemical reactions, a few lessons in physics, electricity, etcetera.” He began filling the new beaker with some of the ingredients from the jars he had grabbed. “This is more of a… personal project.” As he continued, he paused once he opened one jar, thought for a moment, then began rummaging around the table, searching for something. “Henry, you haven’t happened to see a journal lying around anywhere have y-” He cut himself off as he turned to see Henry standing there, journal in hand, a look of somewhere between shock and horror on his face. He felt his heart skip a beat as he froze.
“You’re…” Henry began, his voice low and quiet. Victor lurched forward suddenly, snatching the journal from his hands, though Henry still held his hands as though the journal still lay between them.
“What did I tell you about touching my things,” Victor snarled, holding the journal behind him. Henry didn’t acknowledge him, instead staring straight ahead almost unnervingly.
“You’re making another one…” 
“And you just broke my most important rule,” Victor remarked, eyes narrowed. Henry swallowed hard and took in a deep, shaky breath.
“...You’re right. I apologize - I shouldn’t have taken it without asking but-”
“But nothing, Henry. Go back to bed and let me work,” Victor snapped, flipping the journal back open and scouring the pages to find the correct amount of the ingredient he was working with.
“Victor-” Henry reached out to him, placing his hand on Victor’s arm gently.
“Just-” Victor started, voice raised in anger as he knocked Henry’s hand away. He paused, seeing Henry was clearly emotionally upset, and sighed, returning his eyes to his work, as he muttered, “leave me be.”
“No, Victor. We need to discuss this,” Henry managed to mention softly.
“There’s nothing to discuss,” Victor growled, pulling his goggles back over his eyes as he placed the beaker over the burner and began stirring the contents with a glass rod. 
“Then at least talk to me,” Henry suggested, sitting on the floor beside him. Victor ignored him, choosing instead to continue his work. There was silence between them except for the twisting of jar lids and the clinking of scooping tools against glass, only broken as Victor held out a small piece of cloth to Henry.
“Cover your mouth and nose with this until I say so,” he muttered, his voice muffled behind a cloth that he had tied around his own mouth and nose like a bandana. Henry didn’t question him and tied the cloth around his face, peeking up over the table as Victor carefully poured one substance into the heated beaker, which immediately began to furiously boil and bubble while emitting an eerie green light. Even through the cloth Henry could smell something atrocious, and he did his best to hold back a gag while Victor simply sat there observing as though this were something he was entirely accustomed to. After a few minutes the smell dissipated and the light dulled, at which point Victor held his hand back out - which Henry interpreted meant he could remove the cloth, so he did. “I have my reasons, you know,” Victor mumbled, taking the cloth and setting it on the table along with his own.
“I have no doubt about that.”
“Then why is there anything to discuss?” He turned toward Henry, looking down at him though his eyes were masked by his goggles.
“I feel I should have a say in this matter,” Henry replied. “None of this is just about you or me anymore. It’s about us together.” 
“I don’t dictate what you do in your own daily life or what choices you make, why should you dictate mine?” Victor countered, turning back to continue to work on the solution he had started.
“There’s a difference between choosing whether to spend my time writing or climbing, and choosing to create an entire living being that we both will be responsible for,” Henry pointed out.
“I never said you would be responsible for it.” Henry sighed, realizing this conversation was getting them nowhere.
“Did he ask you for this?” he asked, changing his direction. “Has he decided that this is still what he wants even after all this time?” Victor didn’t answer, instead paying close attention as he measured out a powdered substance on a small scale. “Victor-”
“No, Henry. He has nothing to do with this,” Victor interrupted with an exasperated tone, scooping the measured substance up and pouring it into the solution, which instantly swirled into a dark red hue as he stirred it in. He tapped his stirring rod on the side of the beaker, then dropped it into a dirty yet empty flask nearby. Resting his elbows on the table, he leaned forward and raked his fingers through his hair, sucking in a breath through gritted teeth before exhaling harshly. “Not directly, that is.” Henry reached up, placing a hand on his back, which Victor responded to with a silent shudder.
“Then why now? Is it…” He paused, wondering if he should press further with his question. “Is this related to your nightmares?” There was no reply, other than that Victor raised one foot slightly off the ground, his leg bouncing - a typical nervous behavior of his.
“It doesn’t concern you.”
“It does concern me. I’m concerned about you, Victor. You’re withdrawing yourself again, and I’m… I’m frightened for you. I want to help you, but I can’t do that unless you let me.”
“I don’t want your help.”
“Then why am I still here?” Silence. Victor put his foot down, suddenly all too still. “If you really didn’t want my help, you would have chased me out by now. I know you, Victor, and you know that.” Henry leaned over, resting his head against Victor’s leg and reaching upward. Victor slowly removed one glove, his hand slipping down from the table and falling into Henry’s outstretched palm.
“I don’t have a choice, Henry,” Victor said quietly, his voice cracking slightly as though he were on the verge of tears. “I have to do this. For his sake- I-” He sucked in a shaky breath, tilting his head upward. “This is all my fault.”
“What is?” Victor squirmed his hand out of Henry’s and began sifting through the clutter on the table until he found a piece of paper covered in messy handwriting, some words smudged and bled as though water had been dropped on the page as it was being written, and handed it down to Henry. 
As Henry read the writing on the page, Victor removed his goggles and set them off to the side, taking his ungloved hand up to rub the tears away from his eyes. About halfway through reading, Henry slowly stood, moving behind his husband and wrapping one arm around him while he continued to read. Victor practically collapsed into him, leaning back and nestling his face into Henry’s arm in need of some comfort. “Victor…” Henry whispered his name, tears dripping down his cheeks as he set the paper down and wrapped both arms around him, clinging to him tightly. “I’m so sorry.” All at once, everything made sense. The way Victor would wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of each night in panic - sometimes running out of bed and and returning moments later with a sudden need to be as close to him as possible, his sudden reinterest in science, the way he’d lock himself away in his laboratory for hours on end, his sudden need to spend as much time with Agape as he could and to teach him everything he knew, how he had suddenly insisted on tucking Agape into bed each night even if he himself wouldn’t come to bed until hours later… all of it made sense. Victor removed his other glove, turning in his embrace and holding Henry with as tight a grip as his exhausted body could muster. Henry held him tighter with one arm, lifting his other hand to gently run his fingers through Victor’s hair. “I know it seems so real, and I know the pain it’s causing you is very real, but it’s still just a bad dream, Victor. It’s not going to happen and- and it concerns me that you would go so far as to make such a rash decision like this based on a recurring nightmare,” he explained softly. Victor looked up at him, eyes red from tears and a lack of sleep.
“But it is real, and it is going to happen and I-” He paused, voice breaking. “I can’t let it happen Henry I… I can’t just pretend everything will be ok. Everything isn’t ok. Everything won’t be ok. Not until I fix this.”
“Victor, you can’t fix something that hasn’t even happened yet- or that likely never will happen, for that matter.” Victor pulled back, looking up at him pitifully.
“But it will, Henry. If I don’t do this, it will.” Henry hushed him quietly, holding him tighter.
“How can you be so sure?” he asked sincerely. Victor trembled, clutching tightly at the back of Henry’s shirt.
“Because someday he’s going to be alone.” 
“Most children lose their parents someday. He’s just… going to have to learn how to cope, like any other does.”
“No child is alone for eternity, though.” Henry glanced upward, pausing the movement of his fingers through Victor’s hair.
“Eternity?” Victor buried his face into his chest.
“He will never die of old age, Henry.” He heaved a deep, ragged sigh, pulling back and shakily rising to his feet. Henry watched with worry as he began to pace. “All because I was too… too careless to think before I actually made him.” Henry almost wanted to say something, but he kept quiet, realizing that it would probably only make things worse. “I was so caught up in proving to the world that alchemy is a viable science and-” he paused, spinning on his heels and looking at Henry directly, “it is a viable science, I think I have proved that well enough by now.” Henry nodded along with a half shrug, signaling for him to go on, and Victor continued his pacing. “I just- I didn’t stop to consider what actually using it to create an entire new life would fully entail. I mean I- I knew that using the elixir of life on something already dead would never work on its own. It was just a matter of starting the heart. One beat is all it takes, Henry - just one beat and so long as something has the elixir coursing through it veins, it is alive.” He slowed, coming to a stop and standing with slumped shoulders. “What I hadn’t thought about was that the elixir also provides everlasting life, even to something once dead.” Despite his hanging head, he raised his gaze to Henry. “So long as there is blood in his veins, so long as his heart is able to beat, so long as his brain can still function… he will never die.” A crack of thunder sounded from outside, rattling the glasses in the laboratory and causing Victor to jump and cringe with a yelp. He began to shiver, wobbling where he stood as anxiety and exhaustion began to consume him. Henry ran to him and caught him as he collapsed, holding him tightly as he slowly brought him down so they were both sitting on the floor.
“Take it easy, Victor,” he uttered softly, resting his head against Victor’s. “I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.” Victor clenched his eyes shut as he steadied his ragged breathing, and pressed himself closer to Henry. “I’d like to think that… maybe after all we’ve done with him, all we’ve done for him, it won’t come to that. Maybe he could be content just to be alone,” Henry murmured, trying to be optimistic.
“Not after what I’ve done. Not after what he’s been through. I-” Victor curled up slightly, hiding his face away. “His fear of abandonment, his need for companionship, both far outweigh any of the progress we’ve made. He may survive for a few years and cope with the grief after we are dead and gone, but it won’t last, Henry. He’ll go searching for friendship and only find hatred and violence.”
“Perhaps we could start trying to find him a friend before it’s too late,” Henry suggested, running his fingers along Victor’s back. “Then we could be sure that he won’t be alone without worrying about what may happen if he tries to find one on his own.” Victor shifted and looked up at him, eyes red and puffy with tears.
“And then what? What happens after that friend dies? Who does he turn to then?” Henry went quiet. Although he was ever the optimistic one, Victor was right - this would be a never ending cycle, and who could possibly know how long it would take for poor Agape to finally cave under the pressure of it all. “If I… if I can manage to create a second one like him, perhaps even perfect my original experiment and create one even…” He hesitated. “...Not better, necessarily, but… more like my original concept, I suppose - if I can do that, he will never have to be alone again, and maybe - just maybe - I could prevent him from making such a decision.” Henry sighed softly, moving his hand up and gently wiping away Victor’s tears.
“We can’t even be sure another one would turn out anything like him, though. And there’s no guarantee that they would get along. I know you’ve thought this through and it all seems very reasonable in your own mind but… Victor there’s more to it than what you’re saying. For example… it could turn out to be inherently violent, unlike him, and wind up hurting him, or us, or others as well. Their personalities could clash - there’s no telling that they would even stick together for their entire lives. If anything it’s more likely they would have their own separate hopes and desires, and need to go their own separate ways. And even if they did manage to keep each other eternal company, why would you want to bring another being into such a lonely existence?” Victor sniffled, glancing away from him.
“I… I can’t guarantee that any of that won’t happen but…” He wrapped his arms tightly around Henry. “If there’s even some semblance of a chance that I could ease the pain for him, enough to stop him from causing his own destruction, then I have to take it. I have to try. I’ve sworn responsibility for him, and thus have sworn responsibility for his future regardless of whether I am present for it or not. This is my mistake, all of this is my mistake, and I intend for this to be my greatest solution.” A sudden hiss and pop caused him to snap his attention to the table, where the substance in the beaker over the burner sat smoking, now looking entirely like that which had been in the beaker that was there when Henry had arrived. “No- NO!” Victor shoved Henry away and scrambled to his feet, leaning onto the table and staring at the ruined solution with wide eyes. Henry stood and walked over to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder as he suddenly broke into sobs.
“Henry this has to work! It has to!” Victor managed to cry between sobs. “It has to…”
“I know, love. I know,” Henry reassured him quietly. “Come on… you can try again tomorrow but… for now, you need rest.” Victor trembled as he tried to calm himself, standing frozen as Henry blew out the flame from the burner as well as the nearly dead flame from the candle Victor had been burning for light. “I’m not going to stop you from making preparations,” he mentioned as he turned Victor away from the table and began helping him unbutton his lab coat. “But you need to promise that you’re going to take care of yourself, and that we-” He paused, lifting Victor’s chin and looking him in the eyes. “-and by we I mean all of us, including Agape-” Victor shakily and slowly nodded as he slipped his coat off and set it to the side. “-will have a very thorough conversation about the actual details of it before you go through with anything. Am I clear?” Victor nodded again, embracing him suddenly and tightly. Henry held him close, gingerly kissing his cheek. “Thank you. I’m here for you, Victor, and I know he’s willing to be there for you too. Just, please - don’t shut us out.”
“I love you,” Victor managed to whisper, shaking as Henry released him and took his hand.
“I love you too, Victor,” Henry breathed in reply, bringing his hand up and kissing his wrist gently. Taking the candle he had brought from their bedroom with his other hand, he began slowly leading the way toward the door, Victor stumbling along with him. Just as they reached the exit, Victor hesitated, glancing back over the laboratory one more time. Another rumble of thunder sent shivers down his spine and he gripped Henry’s hand tighter. “Everything will be ok,” Henry reassured him as he pushed open the heavy door and helped him to step into the hall, being careful to close the door behind them gently. “He’s going to be ok. We’re going to be ok.”
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lovesbitca8 · 3 years
Asks that have sat too long...
Finally clearing out my inbox from like, November. 
@beau-pigzy said: Heyyy! I'm such a big fan of yours and loved your Dramione series! Thank you so much for the great and brilliant stories that you've provided for the audience (Well, Dramione fans though). Will be rooting for you! P.S. Your portray of Lucius Malfoy is such a bad ass and genius, and damn, that last chapter was a nice cherry on top. Love to reread again and again haha.
Lucius is my main squeeze.
@sri1997 said: Rereading 39 Part 1 in anticipation of Part 2 - "there's only one thing she wants from the Malfoys and he isn't here" - Isn't that the one thing we all want ? 😏😏
*raises hand*
@peachykeenqueen said: Came to your account for the Auction! Finished it right before chapter 39 was released and I’ve managed to go back a read both The Right Thing to Doo and All the Wrong Things!!I love the way you tell their stories! You’ve got me laughing, crying, and absolutley beaming and I’m so beyond excited for chapter 40!!!!
Apologies for the delay, but I’m so glad you loved it! (around chapter 40 lol)
An Anon said: AND OF COURSE YOU'RE GONNA END IT WITH THE TRIAL, JUST LIKE THIS WHOLE WONDERFUL UNIVERSE STARTED IN TRTTD. u tricky genius. I love it. I dont want it to end. I want it to end. wut have u done to me. Question: how is blaise such a good friend and where can i find me one of him. Also: where the hell did u learn to write. I want to send them a thank you note
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An Anon said: one can only IMAGINE the trauma that will permeate the wizarding society, generations emotionally broken oh my goodness it hurts me 😭😭
Yep. Very similar to our Muggle histories. 
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An Anon said: i’ve just plowed through the rights and wrongs series and am now nervously anticipating the ending of the auction and i just wanted to tell you i am FLOORED by your writing. i’m obsessed and in awe and so grateful for your existence ❤️
An Anon said: Should have titled this chapter “Draco Has Some Really Great Friends Who Love Him More Than He Knows.” Don’t mind me. I’ll just be in the corner crying over these Slytherin babies.
Yessss. I love those little snakes.
An Anon said: i have complete and total faith in you 100% but how how how are you going to wrap this up in one more chapter i’m dying! i’m so excited to finally know how this ends but also so sad i’ve been on this journey now for what like a year and a half now? sunday’s won’t be the same! this chapter had me everywhere! the scene with blaise pansy and draco and the viewing and pansy trying to save hermione (for draco) broke my heart for them all they are such ride or dies i’m glad hermione is going to bat for them too. i’m glad pansy’s free, now we just need blaise and draco and oliver. i was screaming at everyone this whole chapter like “oh my god you’re all like so silly you don’t even know! blaise didn’t even do most of the things you’re trying to punish him for! tell them that he wasn’t holding gulianna as a slave and the lengths they went to to protect her!!” lmao. but i know the info has to be saved for the right time, hopefully that’s what his american lawyer is for and that fact plus bellatrix will be enough to keep him safe. “bring him home, hermione” broke me, i am ruined, i simply can’t express. i know this is a story about draco and hermione but god did you ever do a fantastic job making me care about the supporting characters i am so soft for blaise caring about draco at his own expense 🥺. anyway fantastic 39 part two i applaud you. can’t wait for the final chapter which comes just after my birthday so i’m counting it as a personal gift for me hahaha
Okay 1 - Happy Belated Birthday; and 2 - thank you for emotionally transporting me back to Chapter 40 with this Ask.
An Anon said: Me, an ASOIAF stan watching everyone go crazy over Draco and Hermione being "siblings" is hilarious AF. It's fictional incest. Why exactly are you worrying about if the baby is going to look alright? You're all worrying about the wrong thing. Anyways it is just me or them being siblings just adds spiciness to their relationship LMAO
I have also been in fandoms with that sort of “spice” so I was UNPREPARED for the “sibling-backlash” lol
@teacher-with-bad-handwriting said: I’m literally crying while reading about Blaise wanting to help get Draco home, even if it means he might have to stay in Azkaban.They had such a pure friendship in TRTTD, I’m glad they’re still ride or die in The Auction
I love bromances. I love men who are comfortable enough with themselves to let their fondness show. 
An Anon said: Okay okay sorry for bothering you but when i tell you i just screamed when i saw that you uploaded the new podcast episode. Like I've been waiting for the 39 part 2 recap. And I dont know if you have an upload schedule cause i basically binged the whole auction and the podcast. Just amazing to hear how much work you put into each upload. Much love to all you three ❤❤❤
That was one of my fave episodes, so I’m glad you were looking forward to it!
An Anon said: I’m rereading ATWT in anticipation of TA ending and I just came across my favorite line in the history of fanfiction: “Fuck, we’re both such idiots. I hate us so much.” I FORGOT ABOUT THAT LINE AND IT IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST I NEEDED TO THANK YOU FOR IT.
I should change all my story synopses to just that. 
An Anon said: A very random thought came to mind several months ago and has been pestering me ever since. I don't expect it will be answered in The Auction so I'm finally going to ask. How's Professor Binns? Did he even notice anything? (Also, Hogwarts was still being used as a school right? But it was also Voldy's HQ? Have I remembered/interpreted that correctly? Were there children running around Voldy's HQ?) Anyways, can't wait for the final chapter! Thank you for every single thing you do!!!
L.O.L. Professor Binns is probably still teaching, Death Eater infiltration or no. The children and classes had been moved to upper floors while Voldemort was there, but Binns just floats in, teaches, and floats out. 
@rethinkthesituationnn said: I just have to say how beautifully done the Orpheus & Eurydice reference in The Auction was. That’s all. Now, I’m just going to furiously refresh until chapter 41 is posted. 🙃
Thank youuu. I probably had the most fun writing that chapter out of the last third of TA.
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thomothysdoodles · 3 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 17, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98
I am so sorry, I literally have no idea what came over me
Wow Lulu you really said ‘let’s ask this bitch EVERYTHING’. I love it tho lmao. Since it’s long imma put it under the cut tho
4. How did your elementary school teachers describe you?
“A pleasure to have in class, a bit lost in their mind, if they committed and focused more they’d excell but they settle for good grades”
From elementary to high school lol
5. Do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I like soda cans
6. Pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Somewhere between tomboy and grunge I think
8. Movies or tv shows?
Tv shows
9. Favorite smell in the summer?
Sunscreen and freshly baked bread
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day?
A cup of milk with some cereal or biscuits. For the past month I’ve been following the keto diet tho, and I usually are some ricotta with peanut butter for breakfast
12. Name of your favorite playlist?
“Sad but vibing” lol
14. Favorite non chocolate candy?
Strawberry lollipops
17. Most frequently worn pair of shoes?
A black vans pair, I bought em in August but the left one already got a hole on the front 😤
18. Ideal weather?
Cloudy but not too windy or cold. I just don’t like the sunlight in my face
20. Preferred place to write?
On my phone’s notes app lol, I’ve got almost two thousand notes in here
23. Strange habits?
I hide stuff in my room with no apparent reason. I’ve got money stashed around my room in four different points lol
26. Favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Given the chance, I like to race with my bike to get some refreshing wind
27. Favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Cozy up in a blanket and watch some tv
28. Five songs to describe you.
Karma— AJR
Ultimately— Khai Dreams
Putting a spin on Slow Dancing in the Dark— egg
Mars— YungBlud
Gotta be a Reason— Alec Benjamin
31. What outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Black jeans, black sturdy boots, and a silly little hoodie lmao
32. Top five favorite vines?
‘Let me see what you have!’ ‘A KNIFE!’ ‘NO!!!’
‘Hey bro, what do you wanna eat?’ (‘The souuuls of my enemies’) ‘A bagel’ (‘NOOO’) ‘..two bagels.’
‘Two shots of vodka..’ *pours half a bottle of vodka*
35. Average time you fall asleep?
I am terrible at this. I love sleeping but I also love feeling ✨ unbothered ✨ doing whatever I want in the middle of the night. So, never before 3am usually
37. Suitcase or duffel bag?
38. Lemonade or tea?
40. Weirdest thing to happen at your school?
I dunno how weird it is, but I always found peculiar that there were cigarette butts on the ceiling of the bathrooms. Like, seven feet tall ceilings. How did those cigs get there??
41. Last person you texted?
My best friend to tell her that my sister found a way to let me watch supernatural on American Netflix >:3c
42. Jacket pockets or pant pockets?
Jacket pockets
43. Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie and/or jean jacket
44. Favorite scent for soap?
I dunno. Talcum powder I think
45. Which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. Most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Tee and boxers. Sometimes socks too
48. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
Umh. Clementines maybe. Easy to peel, sweet but also not, sometimes with seeds.. and some people loathe the little white stripes they have and they spend hours peeling those away
49. What saying or quote do you live by?
“Like any / unloved thing, I don’t know if I’m real /when I’m not being touched.” —Natalie Wee
50. What made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
My best friends always make me wheeze, it can be the stupidest dumbest thing ever, I’m really fucking easy to amuse lol
51. current stresses?
My driver license my driver license my driver license my driver license my driver license my d
52. Favorite font?
I have no idea. This one? Lol
53. What is the current state of your hands?
Good. I just cut my nails, I really wanna put some nail polish but my dad comes back home tomorrow and he always looks me weird when I put it
55. Favorite fairy tail?
The little mermaid
56. Favorite tradition?
A tradition I have with my friends is that when we celebrate someone’s birthday, we go to the thrift shop and buy them stupid stuff to wear or put on. On my birthday a couple days ago I had to wear playboy bunny ears and a black glittery bow tie lol. Once I bought my best friend a tiny pirate hat, and for another my friend took a boa with pink feathers lol
57. The 3 biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I’m having a hard time with my parents since I dropped out of uni but I think I’m starting to overcome it finally
When my parents were about to divorce and in was dreading the idea of moving from this city
That time in middle school I spent a couple weeks at the hospital to run a bunch of neurological tests
58. Four talents you’re proud having?
I’m pretty good at multitasking
It’s very difficult to enrage me (yes I consider it a talent)
I can juggle lol
I can read in moving cars/trains etc without getting sick :D
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“What the f—“
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/ etc?
“Happiness isn't in the having. It's just in the being. It's in just saying it.” Aka Castiel’s love confession (OF COURSE I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING DESTIEL RELATED)
62. Seven characters you relate to?
No specific order:
Dean Winchester
Eric Derekson
Jake Peralta
Doug Eiffel (👀)
Tony Stark
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
63. Five songs that would play in your club?
Anything from P!ATD
Bang!— AJR
Natural— Imagine Dragons
Anything from Set It Off
Maniac— Conan Gray
64. Favorite website from your childhood?
I didn’t use computers in my childhood lol
66. Favorite flower(s)?
Fresias 💕
67. Good luck charms?
I used to keep in my pocket a little hazelnut my dad gave me once telling me that it was a good luck charm. I took it away tho. I dunno, maybe my rings
68. Worst flavor of any food of drink you’ve ever tried?
I have to admit I never tasted it, but the smell of truffle literally makes me gag, so that
69. A fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Apparently your love language is both the one you give AND want love, and also the one you most lacked growing up. So. Mull that over.
70. Left or right handed?
71. Least favorite pattern?
Holey ones. Make my sight go double
74. At what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an Advil of ibuprofen?
A seven I guess. I usually try to sleep off anything I have, I hate to take medicines, and loathe to call the doctor lol
75. When did you lose your first tooth?
Around.. six I think?
85. Fairy tails or mythology?
Mythology forever
86. Cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies 🍪
87. Your greatest fear?
That the other shoe will drop and I’ll be alone and lonely
88. Your greatest wish?
To have enough stubbornness to do what I wish to do without getting demoralized so easily
90. Luckiest mistake?
Me and one of my best friends got to know each other through other common friends, and once they both couldn’t come and we ended up spending the day together. We had lots of fun, but we also got drunk and I lost my mcfreaking watch lmao
92. Lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
94. Favorite season?
Winter ❄️
95. Favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr! (And the music one. And the podcasts one. And— jk lol)
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
*busts through the door like I'm the Kool-Aid man* BONJOUR FUCKERS I'M BACK!!! It is I, the Theatrical Gay Anon™! I hope you're ready to endure my endless babbling for a bit cuz I've got lots to say holy shit. Consider this part 1 of like, 1000 cuz I think Tumblr got rid of the submissions feature. I apologize in advance for the spam hehe.
Okay, with that out of the way. Ms. Yehet-Me-Up, may I call you Sarah? Sarah, what the fuck!? I can't even rn. I I give you a simple suggestion, no expectations behind it. I say "Hey, don't you think it'd be cool if Zitao was in the Exodus Mall universe?" to which you said "Yeah, that'd be neat, I might do that. Perhaps make him work at an Irish pub or something" and then I flip out with gratitude and excitement thinking you're gonna do like, a DRABBLE. 500 words at MOST -Theatrical Gay Anon
Imagine my SHOCK, my STUPEFACTION, upon realizing that you wrote OVER TEN THOUSAND WORDS about Huang Zitao aka the wind beneath my wings, the rain to my drought, the corny joke to my Junmyeon. And not only that! But you did this A MONTH AGO. I could've been reading this for so long and I had no idea! How foolish am I? I can't believe you wrote all of this based off of a silly little suggestion I made. I feel like bowing over how not worthy I am Wayne's World style -Theatrical Gay Anon
NOW IN REGARDS TO THE CONTENT OF THIS MASTERPIECE OH MY GOD WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? I am floored by your preeminence. First things first, the title? Perfect. Full disclosure, I suck at titles. I've been writing for over a decade now and I'm still shit with titles. It's so hard to come up with just a few words to encapsulate everything you wrote but you do it SO WELL. The moodboard? Amazing. I've always loved that picture of Zitao and it fits so well with the pub setting -Theatrical Gay Anon
I'm afraid you've written "Fractions of Tomorrow" so well that I don't see there being a need for anyone to write anything else...ever. Stories? CANCELED. Poetry? CANCELED. Biographies? CANCELED. It's all over folks. Sarah has written The Best Thing Ever. We've peaked as a society. After I finish writing these asks I'm gonna become a hermit in the woods and make friends with all of the woodland creatures that inhabit it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
But seriously though, I love absolutely everything about this story. As a Zitao fan, I'm used to getting breadcrumbs. Not a lot of ppl write fics about him. I can count on one hand how many long fics of his you can find on Tumblr. But THIS?? This was no breadcrumb, this was a whole fucking bakery. And it all appeals to me so much oh my god? The sappiness of it all, the flowery prose, the rebellious rejection of cynicism, it's all so beautiful I want to marry it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
If I discussed all of the sentences in this fic that made me giggle with joy and kick my feet around I'd be here all day so keep in mind this is just a FRACTION of the ones I loved but I couldn't go without mentioning at least some of them so here we go. "It’s not his first time here, but it’s his first time paying attention" SHUT UP this line is go good it's so simple yet so nuanced I adore it. Seriously, why hasn't anyone hired you to write a screenplay? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"He wonders if you ironed the collar of your shirt to be that precise or if you simply move through the world without acquiring any wrinkles" God, this line is so CUTE it's DISGUSTING he's fond of the reader's un-wrinkled clothes that's such a specific thing to like and is totally the type of thing I've done with the ppl I've crushed on throughout my life. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Zitao,’ he says finally. ‘Cute.’ You say" this is such a little thing but I love that you included his full name in this. I love his full name so much it sounds really pretty. Whenever I hear him refer to himself as "Huang Zitao" in interviews my heart soars. Hearing him speak Mandarin in general is a delight as well. It's an audibly gorgeous language and any racist who says otherwise can EAT MY ENTIRE ASS -Theatrical Gay Anon
"For someone who’s been in love for as long as you can remember she fights awfully hard against Baekhyun’s romantic nature" DEAR GOD I LOVE THESE TWO! I love these movie loving lovesick fools. I love that everyone in the world knows they love each other except them. I love seeing bits and pieces of their story throughout this written universe. I can't wait to see it all come together in Baekhyun's Exodus Mall fic. It's gonna be GLORIOUS -Theatrical Gay Anon
Also! I know you enjoyed my song recs that I thought fit perfectly with All Our Broken Places so here are some for when the Baek x Hitchcock fic drops. I know it's not done yet but I just *know* what it's gonna be like I can feel it in my bones. "Sidekick" by Walk the Moon and "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove. As for Fractions of Tomorrow I knew right away what songs I'd pick. "Dreams" by The Cranberries, "Jumpstarted" by Jukebox the Ghost and "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey -Theatrical Gay Anon
Gosh, this fic filled me with so much energy and joy I feel like a toddler on caffeine. But I really should sleep now though. It's gotten so late that I can see the sunrise peaking up sdksdksl. I'll see ya soon! I will be spamming you with more compliments about this fic once I wake up though! - Theatrical Gay Anon
Hi! I'm back. Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about some of my favorite lines from the story. "‘Hey man, how’s it going?’ Baekhyun reaches out and does a complex handshake with the man before you. ‘Oh, you know. Just working at the salt mines,’ Tao says with a laugh." I LOVE that you made Baek the one Zitao was close with. I miss the beef brothers so much. I'll never forgive SM for what they did to OT12. They were all such good friends 😔 -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘I’m not sure.’ For a flash Tao’s eyes linger on you once more. ‘I think it would depend on the person.’ And then the bastard goes and winks at you." GOD, HE WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! HE'S SUCH A SHAMELESS FLIRT I HATE HIM *narrator voice* This was of course a huge a lie, he in fact loved Zitao immensely -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Sweetheart, I’m everyone’s type.’" You've captured Zitao's unlimited confidence so well and that makes me really happy. It's one of my favorite things about him. The man truly loves himself and I think that's awesome -Theatrical Gay Anon
"Tao looks at you through his lashes, bending close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips when he speaks. ‘Words are just the appetizer, darling. I prefer to have an entire feast.’ 'Any other questions or can I grab your orders?’" ASDKDSDSL SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA SAY THAT PANTY DROPPER LINE AND GO BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL ZITAO???? HUH??? IS THAT WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO??? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Oh, nothing.’ He looks like the cat that caught the canary. ‘I just love being right.’" Something I love about EXO fic writers (myself included lol) is that despite all of the different ways they'll write the other members, there is one member who is always written the same and that's Baekhyun. He will always be written as a cheeky little shit cuz he *is* a cheeky little shit. That's just who he is. Messing with ppl is a favorite past time of his. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"'So, love, huh? There’s not some girlfriend or boyfriend of yours waiting for you at home?’" Thank you for not being heteronormative with the "are you dating someone?" convo. I know it might not seem like much but I really appreciate it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"The beginning of love is always a lightning bolt. If that’s all it ever is you never have to deal with being knocked on your ass by the resulting thunderstorm" OOF, this one got me. So very true. The beginning of love is so scary! -Theatrical Gay Anon
"I could argue that anarchy still is love. Love of your beliefs and love of a person or a place or a thing so much that you’re willing to fight for it" OKAY BUT PASSIONATE LEATHER JACKET WEARING ANARCHIST ZITAO IN A ROCK BAND IS SUCH AN ATTRACTIVE CONCEPT!!! There's nothing sexier than a bad boi that will hate capitalism with you! He'd probably be the one to give ppl rides to protests and stuff I LOVE IT -Theatrical Gay Anon
"If we say love is a feeling, who’s to say that we aren’t in love? If we decide it’s an action then which one is it? A kiss or a commitment or - maybe it’s nothing more complicated than putting words to the way I feel when you look at me?" Listen I don't mean to be dramatic or anything (wait, who am I kidding? I'm literally the Theatrical Gay Anon being dramatic is like my Thing) but if a guy ever said that to me my trans boi pussy would be open for business IMMEDIATELY
Alright, so, uh Final Thoughts. This may be my new favorite work of yours, and no it's not just cuz it's got my ultimate bias in it lmao. This year has been so shitty and it's made my depression + anxiety reach the highest possible levels but reading this, this love story filled with hope and certainty despite not knowing what the future will hold for them, made this year seem easier to cope with. Thank you so much for making this, it means the world to me. -Theatrical Gay Anon
ALRIGHT, LAST ASK AND THEN I'LL SHUT UP I PROMISE but I personally headcanon that Double Shot + Zitao stayed together till the very end. They didn't get married cuz they hate formalities but they got matching tattoos and even when they're old and grey you can still them clear as day on their wrists. When they're asked how they met no one believes their answer lol. And when Double Shot died of old age before Zitao he would sing her favorite song by her grave every Saturday -Theatrical Gay Anon
OKAY SO I know I said I was done and I know I've already sent in like, 30 bajillion asks but I'm curious does Yifan or Luhan also work at the Irish pub?? Or do they work somewhere else in the mall? Inquiring minds want to know -Theatrical Gay Anon
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When I tell you this made my entire month (when you sent it weeks ago, I’ve been hanging onto these because they seriously bring me SO much joy holy crap) I am not remotely kidding j;oaisjdflkasdjfa
I am absolutely going to put on these song recs while I work on the next chapter! 
a;osdfjlaksdfjasl the fact that you stayed up late to read this warms my heart so much. It reminds me of all the times I stayed up til the ass crack of dawn reading fanfics because I simply could NOT stop reading, so the fact that you enjoyed this like that makes me helllllaaaa emo 🥰
I just??? 2020 was indeed such a long year and affected my energy and creativity and honestly don’t really remember writing this hahaha. I kind of go into a fugue state with these longer fics and they just EMERGE. So to see you reflecting back some of what I wrote allows me to enjoy the process so much more. Makes writing and tumblr fun and I seriously wish everyone writing and creating could have someone as passionate and thoughtful and hilarious as you hyping them up 🌟 it honestly feels like a GIFT and I will absolutely keep writing this series and hoping to be worthy of it 😘
We will definitely get to see more of these two in the finale fic! I got into EXO after Tao, Yifan, and Luhan left so I’m not quite as familar with their personalities, but I could definitely see Yifan working at the US Bank haha. Business suit by day and partying/flirting by night. As for Luhan I feel like he’d work somewhere like the bookstore or the music store?? somewhere quieter and more contemplative. 
Thank you again for sending this and for being you <3 I hope 2021 is a wonderful year for you and that you know how AMAZING you are 💖💖💖💖💖
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namfine · 4 years
can i request a pacify her - melanie martinez au with taehyung? 🥺
Anon I am so sorry this took so long to get to!! I listened to the song several times and this is the vibe I got from it, I hope it’s to your liking ;-; it’s 20 pages long lmaoIf you know the song then I guess you know what to expect?? If you don’t well then you’re in for a ride O: Edit: Idk why it looks so messed up on mobile, so I apologize for that ;-;-Admin FizzyPairing: Kim Taehyung x ReaderTags: College!au, implied cheating, lowkey kinda “crazy” reader???, angst, a wee bit of fluff, drinking
     You knew it was wrong to develop this crush on him, but honestly who wouldn’t? With his wavy black hair that looked soft to the touch, warm brown eyes that you seemed to get lost in every time you locked gazes, that unique smile of his that shaped his mouth into an almost box like form, and an overall personality that made you feel warm and giddy from the inside out. Kim Taehyung was truly a work of art, the perfect gentleman whose attractive features were truly just the cherry on top of his whole being. He was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with, the guy everyone wanted at their party, and the guy everyone wanted to date. Which is where your little problem comes in.He was taken, it was known by the whole campus that there was this lucky person who got to kiss those lips and call him theirs. It was another equally popular student so it was no surprise when the two finally got together, having been dating for about 5 months now. Lots of people were heartbroken, yourself included, but that didn’t necessarily stop you from developing feelings for the man. Even though you knew nothing would ever happen between you two.  You were not exactly content with not being with him, but always happy to look at him from afar but always saddened that he will never look at you the way he looked at her. You could say you two were somewhat acquaintances, exchanging a few words every now and then in the one class you shared. When he gave you that infamous boxxy smile of his, you swear your heart would burst out of your chest and land straight onto his lap. His always bright and upbeat personality slowly became the best part of your day.
So imagine your surprise when one day he walks into your first shared class with a sulky look on his face. He took his usual seat next to you, giving you a small nod of acknowledgment. Your eyebrows furrowed together at the lack of enthusiasm from the usually happy boy. You pressed your lips together wondering if you should say something, the obvious factor of something troubling him now starting to bother you. “Hey…are you alright?” 
His eyes open slightly in surprise, almost like he forgot you were there even though he said hello to you not even less than 10 seconds ago. “Ah, yeah I’m good! Just got a little something on my mind.” He gives you a small smile and was about to turn back towards the front of the classroom, but you didn’t want to stop talking just yet.“Um, I know we don’t really know each other that well but if you ever just wanted someone to talk to…” He looks back at you with wide eyes and you press your lips together again, wondering if maybe you had overstepped your boundaries. “Oh, thank you y/n, that’s very thoughtful of you.” He gives you another smile, this one softer than before, and turns fully back to the front. Deciding on not wanting to push him further, you give a small nod of approval yourself and also turn back to the front, questioning if he would really take you up on your offer.–Class went by as normal after your chat with Taehyung, the professor droning on about something you really couldn’t bring yourself to pay attention to, especially with the thought that something was bothering your crush.What could it be? Maybe he was having trouble in another class? Family issues? Maybe something was happening with his girlfriend.The thought of that caused a chill to go through you, an odd feeling starting to spread through your chest. You knew it was silly to automatically assume it had something to do with his girlfriend but your mind started to wander; what if they’re fighting? Or were on the verge of breaking up? A quick thought flashed through your mind that it would be your opportunity to make a move.You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the other students beginning to pack up and exit the room. It was only when someone placed a hand on your shoulder that you jolted out of your daydream state. You looked up to your left and made eye contact with those warm brown eyes. A small laugh left his lips “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you jump- you just seemed to be lost in thought.” There it was, the part of his personality that made every person feel personally cared for by Taehyung. You felt a smile forming and let out a soft hum while nodding your head.“Yeah I was just thinking about something, guess I let myself get too carried away haha.” He takes his hand off your shoulder and adjusts his backpack, giving you a small nod before starting to make his way out.“Oh y/n?” You look up at him, a confused look on your face.“If you ever want to talk, I’m here to listen.” A blush starts to spread on your cheeks but before Taehyung could notice, he makes his way out of the classroom.You didn’t want your conversation to end there, so you quickly packed up your things, not caring to put your pencils in the case or your papers in your folder, and hurriedly made your way to catch up with Taehyung. You looked left and right for him, seeing him leaning against a wall with that worried look on his face again. He was staring down at his phone and biting his lower lip. Without giving it a second thought you began to walk towards him.“Something troubling you again?” You asked softly, not wanting to startle him with your sudden appearance. He sighs before shoving his phone in his pocket and turning his head to you. He seemed to be thinking about something for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth to speak.“Ah it’s nothing to worry about, I was supposed to meet up with Mina but she has to stay behind in class for something.” He gives a shrug and a ‘‘oh well’ face.“Oh, no I’m sorry to hear that. Um-” You bit your bottom lip, pondering if it was okay to ask this. When he tilted his head to the side, you decided to just say fuck it and proceed.“I’m heading towards the food court, you could join me if you’d like?” Your heart started beating rapidly in your chest, feeling a sudden clamminess on your palms. What were you thinking? Asking The Kim Taehyung if he wanted to join you for lunch. What a idiotic move, he has a girlfriend for Christs sake, as if he–“Sure, that sounds really nice.” You swore you could actually feel your heart begging to burst through your ribcage. “Cool, okay.” You turned the opposite direction and started walking towards the food court.“We can talk about the assignment the professor gave us.” He said when he got next to you.“The what–”—Never did you ever think that you would be having lunch with Taehyung. The thought would make your cheeks flush red and a wave of nerves travel through you. But yet here you are, with said man sitting across from you, putting fries inside his burger. You had gotten yourself a soda and a slice of pizza, the slice being ginormous. The stand you got it from being famous on campus for having one slice be about the equivalent of two. You grabbed your fork and knife, beginning to cut off a piece. “You cut your pizza?” Taehyung asks with humor laced in his voice. You look up at him and see him trying to hold back a laugh. In retrospect it was silly, pizza is a finger food but the portion was huge! You wanted to enjoy your food and not struggle to pick it up every time.“Well, yeah! I mean at least the pizza from here. This thing is huge and I don’t really want to get my hands dirty.” You said back while laughing. Taehyung laughed, the sweet sound making your heart flutter, he shook his head thoughtfully before taking a bite of his burger. “I mean you put fries in your burger, that’s pretty odd too.” “Is it? I actually know quite a bit of people that do so!” He raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk crossing his lips. You narrowed your eyes at him playfully and snorted, going back to cutting more pieces off your pizza. He takes a few more bites of his burger and wipes his mouth with a napkin. He cleared his throat before speaking out.“So, do you know what you’re going to write your paper on?”“Uh…can’t say I do. To be honest I kind of zoned out during class, as you saw. So I don’t know what our topic is supposed to be based on.” You laughed, feeling embarrassed to be reliving that moment when Taehyung brought you out of your thoughts about Taehyung. A hearty laugh escaped his mouth and even though he was laughing at your expense, it warmed your heart hearing it play through your ears. He began to explain what the subject was on and even helped you pick out a topic. After finishing your meals, you continued to talk even more, glad to be able to just spend time with Taehyung. You could feel your crush on him just keep getting bigger and bigger.You were about to ask him a question when you heard someone call out his name.“Tae!”Your heads turned towards the voice, a muscle in your jaw twitching at who was calling after him. The smile that appeared on his face made your chest tighten on itself, his perfect smile not aimed at you. You should’ve figured that your little pseudo date with Taehyung would eventually come to end but you didn’t expect it to come from his girlfriend. “Mina, hi! You made it out.” She reaches the table you two were seated at, leaning down to place a quick kiss on Taehyung’s cheek. His boxy smile appears and he clasps onto one of her hands.“Yeah I’m sorry! I just needed to ask my professor a couple of questions about something, but it’s all good now!” She beams at Taehyung, seemingly not noticing your presence just yet. You were about to say something when Taehyung spoke first.“This is y/n! She’s one of my classmates.” Mina turns to you finally, a graceful smile forming on her perfect lips. Something about it didn’t seem too friendly to you however.“Hi! Thanks for keeping Taehyung company for me, but I’m sure you have your own stuff to do right?”The question seemed so innocent but you felt something else lingering behind those words. Your eyebrows shot up and you made brief eye contact with Taehyung, giving you a sweet smile. “Oh, yeah I should probably start heading to my next class. I’ll see you later Taehyung.” You gave him a smile and he smiled back, feeling your heart flutter again. “Bye y/n! Thanks for inviting me, I had fun. Good luck on your paper!” His perfect smile reappears and you wanted nothing more than to just kiss him. You wave goodbye, giving one final glance at Mina who was currently occupied holding Taehyung’s hands. However she sensed you staring because she spared you look and raised an eyebrow, almost seeming to be taunting you. You rushed your way towards your next class, not wanting to see the googly eyes that Taehyung was giving Mina instead of you. –The rest of your day went by in a blur, not really remembering anything relevant that happened. The only thing on your mind being that you got to hang out and eat lunch with Taehyung. It was silly to be thinking about it this much but you got to spend time with your crush. Even if said crush was dating someone at the moment, it still made butterflies appear in your stomach. You were starting to walk towards your dorm when someone called out your name, feeling chills run through your body at the familiar tone.“Hey, are you headed home?” You turned around and came face to face with Mina. She wore a concerned expression on her face but you narrowed your eyes at her, feeling something a bit off with her question. “Yeah I am…why?” “I live this way too, thought we could walk together.” Okay this was weird, why was Mina, Taehyung’s girlfriend, wanting to walk home with you. You had just met her today.Oh…You immediately felt on guard, not knowing what her intentions could be. You’ve never heard anything bad about Mina, but with the way she was looking at you earlier today, you had your suspicions. It was quiet between you two for a couple of seconds, the only sound being the steps of your feet.“You know it was really nice of you to invite Tae out for lunch today.”“Oh uh, yeah. He just looked kind of bummed so I thought some food could cheer him up.” You weren’t completely lying, food is usually the go to when someone is feeling down. You had your own selfish reasons yes, but obviously you weren’t going to let Mina know.Unless…“Hm, I see. That’s pretty sweet of you considering you guys aren’t really friends” Her hands clasped together behind her back and she stared ahead.
A wave of nervousness went through your chest and into your stomach. 
“I mean we’re classmates and we talk every now and then so I just thought…”
You trailed off, not really knowing where to go from there. 
You came to stop in front of a building, the setting sun casting a golden light across the wall and making your shadows appear in front of you. Hers seemed to be looming over yours, getting ready to swallow you up at any minute. 
“Listen, it’s sweet of you to do that but you don’t have to worry about Taehyung.”
Your eyes snapped in her direction. You remained silent, waiting for her to continue on. When she didn’t, you took your chance to speak.
“Taehyung is my friend and he just seemed bothered today so—“
“Oh? He’s your friend now? I thought you were just classmates who talked every now and then?”
Your eyebrows came together and you felt anxiety starting to course through your body. Could she tell that you had a crush on him? You didn’t think you were being obvious. 
“I…just wanted to help.” You whispered, staring into her eyes. Her face bore no expression, her eyebrows faintly lifting upwards. 
“Well you don’t have to do that anymore.” 
And with that she turned back to the building in front of you guys, making her way inside and leaving you out in the cold chill of the evening.
The next day in class you weren’t feeling particularly happy, the encounter with Mina still at the back of your mind. Would she tell Taehyung? Should you tell Taehyung? Your mind was going in a million different directions, not knowing what to do. 
From the corner of your eye you could see him coming in, greeting your fellow classmates. Even from your side peripheral you could make out that beautiful smile of his. 
He places his stuff next to you and sits down, his mood drastically different from yesterday.
“Hey, morning” you replied with a tired voice and a small grin.
“You okay? You look like you’re fighting to stay awake right now.” He laughed and you knew he was trying to joke around with you but with the way Mina talked to you yesterday, you didn’t know if you wanted to have another encounter with her.
“Yeah I uh, was struggling to fall asleep last night.” 
“Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that. I think chamomile tea can help with that! My friend Hoseok drinks it every now and then to help him.”.
You smile at him and nod your head politely. You sit up straight when your professor walks in, dropping his briefcase onto the floor next to his desk. 
He began to speak but once again you droned out his voice, not really caring what he was talking about. You should be paying attention but your mind would not stop wondering back to Mina. Eventually your thoughts drifted to Taehyung, questioning if he knew this secretive side to his girlfriend.
The class went by quicker than expected and once again Taehyung was shaking you out of your thoughts.
“Did you fall asleep with your eyes open? I swear it was like you didn’t blink for five minutes.” 
You smiled to yourself and sighed, turning to look up at the boy on your left.“Yeah I think I just accidentally caught up on a few Z’s”.Taehyung laughed and you couldn’t help the smile that made its way to your lips. How could someone be making you feel like you’re on Cloud 9 just by laughing? It was at that moment that you decided ‘What was Mina gonna do? You guys are friends so why shouldn’t you be able to talk to him and such?’.“Hey Taehyung?”He tilted his head to the side and hummed at your question.“Would you wanna have lunch with me again? I mean if you’re not busy that is.”–As fate would have it, Mina just happened to stay behind in class again claiming that she “still had questions to ask the professor”. But you really couldn’t care, all that mattered was that you were once again having lunch with Taehyung. Today you were having chicken tenders and fries, while he was currently putting Doritos inside his sandwich, the action making you raise your eyebrow in question.“So do you always put something extra in your food or…” You trailed off and dipped your fry in ketchup, squinting when he pressed down on the sandwich, the crunch of the chips filling the air. “Yeah, it gives it that extra flavor. I can’t believe you don’t.” “I guess it’s just something that never occurred to me? It’s certainly an…interesting thing.”“Do you wanna try it?”It seemed like your body just went rigid, your grip on your chicken tender getting just slightly tighter. It was a simple question but why did your body seem to go into panic mode?“Uh, yeah sure. Do you have a knife?”He shook his head and just held his sandwich out to you.“Just take a bite.”It was a simple gesture, nothing to overthink about, yet it felt somewhat intimate just leaning forward and biting his sandwich. Something in you wanted to take a step further. So you leaned forward and placed a hand over his to hold the sandwich steady, the sudden skin contact making a chill go through your chest. You locked eyes with him as you placed your mouth on his food, biting down and hearing the crunch of the chips ring loud in your ears. You let out the tiniest sound of approval, making sure to lick your lips after swallowing.“Woah you’re right. That is pretty good.”Taehyung only seemed to be fazed for a half second before smiling at you and nodding in agreement. “See! Look what you’ve been missing out on!” The conversation continued on and even though you were having a pleasant time, there was one question that kept pestering you. “So, are things with you and Mina okay? I don’t mean to pry but it’s just…Well this is the second time she’s had to stay behind for something.” You looked down at your food, your heart beating a million times per minute because you really should mind your business but also you just really want to know if their relationship is flopping or not. Taehyung sighed and put down his drink, hands dropping into his lap. His mouth scrunched to the side before giving you a sheepish smile. “Ah, it’s been a little off lately. Every time we plan something, she always has something come up. I know she’s busy and stuff but lately it just kind of seems she’s avoiding me…” He trails off, cheeks turning a little pink at the embarrassment of basically saying Mina has been blowing him off. He put his hands on the table and began to rip up a napkin. “Oh, no I’m sorry. Maybe she’s just busy with school?” You really couldn’t care what her reason was not hanging out with him, she was dating Kim Taehyung for Christ’s sake she should be wanting to spend every second with him. “Hm, I don’t know. Even when we’re not in school she’s been telling me that she has things to do that day or she already has plans. Maybe I’m just looking too into it.”You couldn’t stop yourself from reaching forward and placing a hand on top of his, your skin suddenly on fire from the contact.“Hey don’t think too much into it, okay? She probably has a lot going on right now. I’m sure things will…go back to normal soon enough.” For extra measure you gave his hand a little squeeze and Taehyung smiled back at you, placing his other hand on top and giving a few pats. He removed his hand and picked his sandwich back up.“Yeah hopefully, thanks for listening y/n. Sorry I didn’t mean to just dump all my issues on you.”You smiled and shook your head “Hey, no don’t be sorry! We’re friends and friends hear each other out.” Your heart just kept beating at your sudden bravery. What were you doing exactly? Flirting with Kim Taehyung? You knew it was a dangerous game to be playing but you couldn’t help it. Especially since a small part of you wanted to spite Mina.“Thanks. And hey, what about you? You’ve had something on your mind too. You wanna talk about it?”You swallowed a thick lump that formed in your throat. You could lie and say it was something else. Or maybe you could use this as some sort of advantage. “It’s nothing really, just uh…guy troubles aha.” Well you’re not wrong.“Oh no! What’s up? If you wanna talk about it that is.”.“Well…it’s just this guy in one of my classes. I don’t know how he feels about me. We talk all the time and I feel like he likes me but I’m just not sure, you know?”Taehyung nods and places his head on his fist, narrowing his eyes as if he’s in thought.“Well I think you should just go for it y/n! If you guys have good chemistry and stuff, you should just ask him out.” He points a chip at you before popping it into his mouth. “It’s not that simple Taehyung haha, girls asking a guy out is way more nerve wracking than a guy doing it. Girls will automatically assume it’s because they’re ugly when a guy rejects them.” You quickly took a sip of your soda and looked away from him, feeling heat on your cheeks.“Well that guy would be a fool for saying no to you y/n, you’re very pretty.” Now the heat was spreading all the way to your ears. Did he just compliment you? Surely he just meant it in a friendly way right? You were about to say something when someone called out his name. Grateful for the distraction, you saw him turn his head towards the voice and you hurriedly tried to pat the condensation from your cup onto your cheeks.“Hobi, hi!”Taehyung exclaims and you see him clap a hand with this ‘Hobi’ fellow. When you deemed yourself decent enough, you turned to face them and saw one of the most beautiful smiles ever. Not as beautiful as Taehyungs, but definitely unique in its own way.“Hey, how are you! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Hobi enthusiastically says and sits down right next to him. You bristle slightly at the action, grateful that he distracted Taehyung from your flushed cheeks but you were calm now, you wanted to get back to what he was saying. “I’m doing good, man! Oh hey, this is my friend y/n!” He gestures his head to you and put on a bright smile.“Hi there! Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi.” He smiles brightly at you and sticks a hand out for you to shake. You shake his hand and mumble out a soft ‘hi’. His energy was just radiating off of him. “So what’s up? You have something to tell me?” “Yeah dude! Jungkook is throwing a party next week and everyone is invited!” He turns to you and gives you a wink.“You too missy, no excuses.”Your eyes widen at the invite. A party? You’ve never been to one, especially not a college one.“Oh uh, I don’t know. I’ve never really gone to parties…” At this both Taehyung and Hobi’s mouths drop open.“Seriously!? Well then this one has to be your first.”You were about to open your mouth to protest again but then you locked eyes with Taehyung. A party could seriously be your opportunity to get even closer to him. You hummed and looked up at the sky, pretending to think about it.“Sure, okay it sounds fun actually.” Hobi brings his fist inwards in a silent victory while Taehyung laughs and smiles at you.One day, that smile is only going to be aimed at you. –Over the next few days, you and Taehyung talked more in class. Although there were some moments when Mina didn’t have to stay behind so she did catch up with him, leaving you to have lunch on your own. It did start to make you wonder what exactly she was doing. Taehyung had come to confess to you that she had started being secretive with her phone, immediately putting it away and changing the subject whenever he had innocently asked about it. The thought made your blood boil. She couldn’t be cheating on him could she? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Especially to Taehyung. Which is why when you came upon the scene in front of you, a vile feeling rose up in your chest. Your tongue felt dry in your mouth, your head started spinning and your skin prickled on the back of your neck.Mina stood against a wall with someone in front of her, talking in hushed whispers. But that’s not what was getting to you, it was what you heard that made you almost scream in anger.“We can’t let Tae find out okay? He has no clue whatsoever.” The man in front of her nodded and laughed and grabbed her hands, pulling her into a hug. Mina laughed and pulled away, still clasping his hands and smiled up at him.“We have to keep this a secret.”You had heard enough, you turned around and walked away as quickly and quietly as possible actually feeling your face flare up at the anger you had towards Mina at the moment.A part of you was hurt, how could she do that to him? How could she just go and cheat on him? It was absolutely ludicrous! Didn’t she know she was lucky to be able to even call him hers? A pictured Taehyung’s saddened face flashed through your mind and your heart ached.Should you tell him? Was it any of your business? What kind of friend would you be if you kept such vital information from him?You suddenly stopped in your tracks. If Taehyung found out about this, they would surely break up. He would be single. Hurting yes, but single.That could be your way into his heart. Your lips pressed together at this sudden thought. Obviously you wouldn’t throw yourself on him immediately, you would give him time to recover and get over Mina. But now the question was; when would you tell him? Should you tell him today? Or maybe wait a few days to see if she would get caught? Maybe you should tell him the day of the party, it was only in two days after all.You were so lost in thought that you didn’t hear the person calling your name.“Y/n! Hey y/n!” You only stopped in your tracks when the person grabbed onto your backpack strap and gently pulled you back. You looked up and came face to face with those brown eyes once again. “Hey, some of us are heading to this burger place right now. You wanna join?” You wanted to scream out yes but another part just wanted to out what you had just witnessed. You were about to answer when someone else had called out Taehyung’s name.“Hey! Are we ready to go? Sorry I had to do something first.”Your blood started to boil once again, and you swear you saw red flash in front of your eyes.“Yeah! I’m just asking y/n if she wants to come.” You turned around and made eye contact with her, a small smile displayed on her face. As much as you wanted to join and glare daggers at Mina, you had suddenly felt very drained from everything.“I would love to, but I actually gotta head home. I need to work on a research paper.”“Oh, no. Well alright then! I’ll see you at the party then alright?”“We’ll miss you!”That false sugary sweet voice filled your ears and you clenched your teeth to keep yourself from speaking. As much as you would love to expose her for the horrible person she was, this was something Taehyung should hear in private.“Yeah, next time I’ll be there.” You gave Taehyung, Mina and his other friends a polite nod and made your way home.–Saturday night, the night of the party had finally arrived. You were currently in front of your closet, trying to decide what to wear. Friday had been uneventful, you hadn’t seen Taehyung due to him not having classes on Friday’s. You did see Mina however, hanging out with some of Taehyung’s friends. You shook your head at the memory and went back to focusing on what you were gonna wear. Should you go for something simple? Maybe something that shows some skin. You were trying to impress him after all, especially since you decided you would tell him what you saw that day. You had settled on wearing tight black jeans with an off shoulder red top and your boots. After fixing up your hair and makeup, you grabbed your essentials and made your way out of your dorm. The party wasn’t that far from you, only maybe about a 10 minute walk. You could use the time to think about what you were going to say to Taehyung.When you had finally reached your destination, it was already bustling with life, the party goers outside of the house having somehow already created a giant beer pong table. You laughed at the sight and made your way inside, eyes scanning for Taehyung and maybe Hobi. When you saw Hobi by another beer pong table, you walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Hobi swallowed the drink in his mouth before smiling at you, “Y/n hey! You’re here!”“Yeah! I see this party is already getting crazy.”“Yeah well, that’s Jungkook for you. He goes all out with these things.” A voice suddenly appears behind you and you jump at the suddenness of it. “You know I can’t let my parties be lame! I have a reputation to maintain.” The owner of the voice steps into your peripheral and you’re met with a tall man with long jet black hair and a bunny-like smile.“Hey, I’m Jungkook, the host of this very awesome party.” You laugh and raise your hand to greet him back.“Oh hey lemme introduce you to the rest of the gang real quick.” He gestures to his friends currently occupied playing beer pong. One of them had his back to you. “At that end is Jimin and Jin, currently the beer pong champions.” Hobi laughed and you saw Jin give you a thumbs up.“Yoongi right there is our ref, just to make sure none of these guys get too out of hand.” Yoongi gives a grunt in response, too focused on the game.“And this is Namjoon! The guy who’s about to lose his sorry ass.” Namjoon stands up to his full height and turns to face you, the color immediately draining from your face.It was the same guy you saw Mina with.“Hi there, glad you could come to this crazy, wild zoo fest we’re calling a party.”Your throat tightened up but you managed to croak out a ‘hello’. He smiles at you and turns back to the game. “Have you seen Taehyung?” You asked when you felt your nerves calm down a bit.“Nah he’s not here yet, but Mina texted me saying she was almost here.”At the mention of her name, your hand clenched into a fist.“Oh, okay.”“Do you want a drink or anything? You might wanna get some now before the rest of the party people take all the good shit.”“Uh yeah, I’ll go grab what I can haha.” Hobi smiled and led you to the table where there was an abundance of alcohol and soda. He told you to help yourself before going back to his friends. You poured yourself a drink, more alcohol than soda, and chugged it down. Your hands were shaking for the moment you would tell Taehyung what you saw.–After an hour or two, you were definitely buzzed. You drank about three cups, not caring about the bitter taste of beer anymore. You were currently sitting on the couch, glaring at Mina’s back. She was currently holding Taehyung’s hand and talking with Namjoon and Yoongi. You had said hello to Taehyung when he arrived, wanting to keep him to yourself but he said he wanted to go find Mina as soon as possible. You had nodded and went back to the kitchen to grab what would be your third drink. You closed your eyes for a moment, feeling the loud music vibrate through your body. God, how would you get Taehyung alone to tell him? You would have to try and wait to get him alone and away from Mina, but he was currently occupied with said girl. You felt the couch dip next to you and opened your eyes to see Hobi sitting next to you. “You enjoying yourself so far?” “Yeah! This is really fun, thanks so much for inviting me.”“See? And you didn’t want to come. Isn’t this great for your first party?”You nodded in agreement and you both laughed. Hobi was cute, with his bright personality and equally dazzling smile. If on the off chance things didn’t work out with Taehyung, you wouldn’t mind trying to get to know Hobi a little better. Hobi had asked you something and you were about to answer when you noticed Mina walking away from Taehyung. He had nodded and went on talking with Yoongi and Namjoon. After a couple seconds you noticed Namjoon slip away and head in the same direction as Mina.“So would you wanna go?”Hobi’s voice brought you out of your thoughts and you stared back at him.“Sorry, I zoned out for a bit, I think the alcohol is starting to get to me haha.”Hobi smiled softly at you and leaned in a little closer to you. “I asked if you would maybe wanna join us for our movie night tomorrow. It’s usually our way of unwinding and collecting ourselves after parties.”Your heart skipped a beat at the invitation. Did Hobi already like you? “Lemme get back to you on that, I have to use the restroom real quick.” He smiled and gave a quick pat to your back. You stood up and made your way towards the restroom. On the way there you saw Mina and Namjoon up the stairs, making their way down the hall and into a room.You could not believe she was doing this in the same vicinity as Taehyung. You slammed the bathroom door and turned on the sink, splashing your face with cold water. Your hands gripped the edge of the sink and you closed your eyes, trying to steady your breathing. A knock on the door startled you so you dried your face with a towel and yanked the door open, not expecting to see Taehyung.“Y/n hi, I saw you run in here so I wanted to see if you were okay.”God you could just cry right there at his caring nature. Mina was seriously going to regret doing this to him. “I need to talk to you.”Taehyung’s eyes widened but before he could say anything, you grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.“Woah! Okay.” He exclaimed and almost stumbled into the sink. You closed the door and braced yourself for what was about to come.“What’s up? Is everything okay?”Just say it, don’t dwell and beat around the bush, just get it over with.“I think Mina is cheating on you.”The air immediately became tense and you didn’t have to turn around to feel how Taehyung’s demeanor changed at once.“What? What makes you–why would you say that y/n?”You took a deep breath and turned around, heart crushing at seeing his hurt face.“I…I saw Mina and Namjoon together the other day.”“Namjoon…? You saw them–”“I’m sorry I didn’t know how to tell you or when but I saw them by themselves the other day and they were holding hands and hugging and…”“And what?”By now your voice was extremely shaky, a cold sweat had broken out on your skin.“I overheard what they were saying,” you whispered “She said that ‘it had to be kept a secret’ and that ‘you couldn’t find out’.”Taehyung looked down at the floor and closed his eyes, you could hear the gears in his head turning, trying to collect all the information that was just thrown at him.“I also just saw them go into another room upstairs, Taehyung I’m so sorry.” Before he had a chance to respond, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He didn’t make any moves at first but slowly hugged you back, his hands resting on your lower back.“Is that why she’s been so distant lately?” You didn’t know how to answer so you just placed a hand on the back of his head and pressed it into your shoulder more. You stood still for a couple of seconds before he pulled away from you, eyes still trained on the ground. You placed your fingers under his chin and had him look up at you.“She doesn’t deserve you Tae, you could do so much better.” You whispered while looking into his eyes. He tried to give you a smile but couldn’t bring himself to. It was at that moment that you glanced down at his lips, this was your chance to make your move. He would see that you were the one for him. When you looked back up at him, his eyes were searching your face and for a split second you saw him glance at your lips as well. That was all you needed to make your move. You slowly leaned forward, testing the waters first. When Taehyung didn’t make any sudden movements, you leaned in closer and could make out a little mole on his nose. Right as you were about to kiss, a knock was heard against the door. “Tae? Are you in there? I have to tell you something.” Taehyung jerked away from you, hands tightening into fists at his sides. He pulled away from you and opened the door, revealing Mina and Namjoon on the other side.“What’re you…nevermind that listen, I have to show you something, you need to come to the living room.”“And why would I do that?”Mina physically jerked at his response, clearly not expecting that.“Um…it’s just really important that you come out and see..” Namjoon steps up to be closer and his eyes widen at seeing you in the bathroom as well.“Don’t you think there’s something you should tell me?”Mina’s eyebrows came together in confusion.“Tae what’re you talking about?”“Oh stop playing dumb Mina and just admit that you cheated on him.”At this, all three looked at you, Mina and Namjoons mouths opening in shock.“Excuse me?? I would never cheat–”“She saw you guys together! And she just saw you guys sneaking off into a room to do God knows what else!” Taehyung yelled at them, his hands clenching and unclenching.“Tae, it’s not what you think–” Namjoon jumped in trying to ‘help’ in whatever way he could.“And you, I can’t believe you did this to me too! We’ve been friends for years, how could you hurt me like this?”At this point you had felt awkward, your work was done but now how were you going to leave? As much as you wanted to see everything go down, you wanted to get back to the party. “Taehyung, listen to me. I did not cheat on you.”“How do I know that?”“Because this party is for you!”At that, you felt your heart drop into your stomach. Say what? Was she really trying to use the party as her escape plan?“That’s why I’ve been so distant lately. I was planning out this party as an early birthday celebration for you since you’ll be going home. Namjoon was helping me out.”Your skin turned hot at once, your heart turned to stone, you felt nauseous all of a sudden. She was lying right?“This party is for you, Tae. We have a cake and everything…” The air surrounding you became extremely thick, you could cut the tension with a knife.“Tae, I…” You cautiously said. Shit, how were you going to fix this? Shit shit shit–“Was this your way of trying to break us up? Were you that jealous of us that you would lie?” Mina’s voice came through and you felt tears beginning to form.“N-no I just…” Your voice, coming out in weak whispers, barely being heard over the booming music of the party.“You are pathetic y/n. I can’t believe you would do this. I thought we were friends.” That, that was what made the tears cascade down your cheeks. As if things couldn’t be worse, Mina had to go and call you her friend, knowing that that was absolutely a lie. “Come on Tae, let’s go.” Mina grabbed Taehyung’s hand and dragged him out of the room, not even letting him spare a glance at you. Namjoon gave you one final look, shook his head and closed the bathroom door, leaving you alone with your tears.
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
UHHH THE FIC I WISH YOU WOULD WRITE?? Deadass just.... roy and dick hanging out There is a severe lack of fics with them and i just live for your writing in general
thank you so much, that means the world to me 🥺🥺🥺!!! and ohhhhh that would be a lot of fun!!! and this isn’t a fic exactly, just a bunch of headcanons, but still let me preface by saying I haven’t read a lot of their comics so this would all be considered AU probably! AND THIS GOT SO LONG OH MY GOD im not sorry but WOW I got way off track lmao
I can see them doing a lot of different things lol, like when they’re younger I think they’d play hacky sack and arm wrestle and stuff but also I think there would be a lot of nights spent at one or the other’s place, laying under blankets with popcorn and their favorite movies on. I like the thought that either it’s a movie they both love, Their Movie(tm), or it’s multiple ones that only one likes and the other hates but can recite word for word bc they’ve seen it so many times. idk why but I’m picturing Stuart Little dkjfhkjdsah do w that what you will. I also don’t know if this is like a Thing or not but I love the idea of them together at galas. hiding under tables w their PSPs or DSes, trying to be quiet but everything is funnier there, and they overhear all kinds of shit that maybe they shouldn’t but THEY’RE BASICALLY 12 ANYWAY that’s almost a teenager and teenagers can watch R rated movies soooooo!!! and omgggg imagine the superheroing antics. when they’re training together, I think they’d throw trash talk around and at first they aren’t sure where to stop so some feelings are hurt. but the more they work together, the easier it is to tell what’s a joke and where the line is and stuff. they would absolutely practice their aim with nerf/water guns. someone says that they, the ones in the Titans without the powers, are useless and both get absolutely pissed because the other is SO IMPORTANT TO THE TEAM IN THESE WAYS *proceeds to list 27 reasons and doesn’t think to defend self*
when they’re a little older, like teenagers, I think they’d have a lot of fun working together on cases. they’d butt heads but eventually it would be kind of instinctual, like okay Dick will take the lead on this case and Roy will be in charge for this one, and they won’t have to think before doing something that depends on the other because they just know what the other is going to do before they do it. if that makes sense. across the room at Superhero Meetings, they’re making faces/mouthing stuff at each other making inside jokes. Bruce is like “can you please stop.” and they say at the same time, “I have no idea what you mean.” they spar a lot, and continue the time honored tradition of hacky sack and arm wrestling when they’re bored. they always go to each other for advice. when one of them needs a break from life, they just show up at the other’s place. (Ollie, many times: “Bruce? Yeah your gremlin is here. ... Yes I called him a gremlin what are you gonna do about it. My son is making him feel better. ... We’ll have him home by tomorrow afternoon.”) and Dick definitely, 10000% asks Roy if he’d like to join the Titans again, and is sad when Roy says no. they also know exactly how the other likes a lot of foods, like Dick likes his coffee w tons of milk/cream, and Roy likes Hawaiian pizza, and how much is Too Much Mustard, etc etc
as for when they’re adults,,,,,,,,,, this is kind of dumb tbh but them just??? sitting together in silence/quiet music? doing paperwork? they’re not talking or anything, but they aren’t alone either, and once they’re done they’re going to hang but didn’t want to wait???? I love that. I love them having sleepovers as kids, not so much as teens, and then having them again (bc they were comforting, and bc they trust each other so much, and bc they want to stay up all night eating pizza and playing chubby bunny again). speaking of, they meet up and eat pizza together sometimes. I can decide if it’s better like, they’re in disguise? they’re obviously themselves? they’re in costume??? idk I love all of it. they have Shows and they probably try to go on missions together bc Roy is NOT waiting 2 months to watch the next episode absolutely not. they prank each others’ siblings, and by that I mean I’m picturing Roy and Connor (Conner? idk how to spell his name I’m sorry dkjfsdahh) hanging out and Dick pranks him in a way that Connor would IMMEDIATELY assume was Roy, but Roy is right there. within sight the whole time. (C: “what is this bullshit, a shapeshifter?”) 
when they’re like ADULTS adults... training kids together and reassuring the ones without powers that they’re just as capable, and cracking jokes that got old TWENTY YEARS AGO, DICKOLAS. (Roy is still laughing tho. don’t be fooled.) leading the Justice League together I’m 🥺🥺🥺 and ugh oh my god I’m having parents feelings lemme just
obviously they raise Lian together lmao this isn’t a question. holy fuck imagine them tucking Lian into bed at night. reading/telling her five stories (even tho Roy says 2 is really enough, but she just loves the voices they make and how Dick acts stuff out so muchhhh she doesn’t want it to end) before going to bed themselves. staying up to lay on the couch, on top of each other, and be like “WOW she’s adorable but I am so exhausted.” again w the shows but it’s always reruns of like Fresh Prince. they have a stash of food Lian can’t eat, like sugary cheat stuff, and sit at the table holding hands while they eat them. they are the most embarrassing parents ever oh my god they go to as many of Lian’s school events as they can and take videos and actually go back and watch them??? even though they were there??????? Donna comes over and is treated to a viewing of every single award Lian has ever won, which are displayed on the walls. I also have this headcanon Roy has to get glasses when he’s older, like in his 40s, and I think Dick would spend a lot of time helping him look for them lmao. please also imagine them dying their gray hairs together. standing in the bathroom, shirtless, laughing at how silly they look and also how the gray looks REALLY GOOD are you sure you want to dye it. I’m also losing my shit at the thought of them having chairs like !!! this is so domestic but there’s Roy’s Chair, which is soft and has a high back and pops out/reclines so he can chill, and there’s Dick’s Chair which is softer/fluffier, wider and smaller in the back, and it doesn’t recline but it does have huge armrests bc Dick sits sideways so he can look at both Roy and the TV. (they sit in these chairs with their grandkids and fall asleep in them all the time and they are perfectly apart so that they can hold hands comfortably.)
I’m also having NSFW ideas as well but this is already so much?????????
send me a “I wish you would write a fic where…”!!
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Mine (N.M)
A/n: This was written for Chan’s 700 challenge which is hosted by @temperaryheart ! My first time ever entering a writing challenge and I’m super excited!! It is like 1 am, so please forgive any mistakes. But I’m tired hope you guys enjoy :)
You and Nick have been roommates ever since you were looking for a roommate to go half with on an apartment which was about 3 years. Being that the apartments in La were not cheap. At first, you thought that you weren’t going to find a roommate until you crossed paths with Nick. He had overheard you talking about needing a roommate.
“I’m sorry to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help overhearing you need a roommate. Honestly I’m trying to move out of my old apartment, I’d love to be your roommate,” the stranger gave you a small smile.
“Are you serious? Thank goodness! I’m Y/n nice to meet you,” you stuck your hand out waiting for him to introduce himself and shake your hand. He shook your hand and gave you a bigger smile.
“Hi, I’m Nick. It’s nice to meet you too,” and within a month he became your roommate.
“Y/n, come here for a second,” Nick yelled out to you. To which you replied with a quick “coming”. You walked downstairs to the living room finding Nick on the couch with his phone set up. You sat next to him and saw he was on live.
“The people wanna see you ma’am,” you have a wave to the camera and seen that the views went up.
“Nick, they like me more than you loser,” you let out a giggle and crossed your feet on the couch.
“I did not bring you down here just for you to bully me. It doesn’t work like that,” Nick crosses his arms with a pout making you kiss his cheek.
“Whatever you say shark boy,” you began to look at comments which was blowing up at the moment.
“Can they honestly just date already?”
“I’m so glad Nick met you Y/n”
“Aww best friend goals”
You guys stayed on live for an hour before Nick shut off his phone and gave you his full attention. You didn’t want to admit it but you harbored a crush for the boy. He had caught your heart the minute he gave you that signature smile. But you didn’t want to mess up a good friendship and didn’t want to lose him as a roommate either over a dumb crush.
“Ay ma, my family is inviting us to come out for Thanksgiving. You down to come?” Nick had hopeful eyes wanting you to say yes so bad. Truth was he had a crush on you too. The feelings were definitely mutual but neither one knew about the others feelings.
“Yes, I totally am down. I miss your family”, you hugged him and smiled. “Tell your mom I said thank you for inviting me”.
-Few weeks later-
Before you knew it both you and Nick were getting ready to go to the airport. Edwin and Brandon agreed to drop you guys off since it was the least they could do to take the stress off you guys. Knowing that an Uber could take 30 minutes or more to get to you guys and possibly make you both late.
“Is that everything?” Edwin questioned you as you placed your bag in the back. You tiredly nodded your head, being that you got no sleep whatsoever. For some reason you were nervous and didn’t know why.
“Are you okay mamas?” Nick wraps you into a loving embrace. Being in his arms felt so right and you never wanted to let go.
“I’m fine. Just really tired, I didn’t really get sleep last night,” you mumbled into his chest.
“Alright, let’s go lovers you don’t wanna miss your flight”, Brandon went into the driver's seat of the car. Quickly getting in the car, you guys were on your way to the airport. But of course, you fell asleep with your head in Nick’s lap.
“Hey, ma we’re at the airport. Wake up baby,” Nick gently rubbed your arm until you got up. Everyone got out the car and started getting out the bags. Nick held your mini Nike backpack for you and you wheeled your suitcase. Nick also had a suitcase and a small backpack but he wanted to help your tired self as much as he could. You gave Edwin and Brandon hugs before walking over to the checking in machine.
“Yo, please tell her you like her during this trip,” Brandon quietly told Nick. Nick slightly blushed and shook his head.
“Maybe but aye thanks for driving us. We appreciate it,” Nick hugged the two boys and walked over to you who was already at the suitcase check in with two tickets in hand.
“Come on Nick, hurry so we can get snacks before heading on the plane,” you gave him a smile.
Finally, you guys get on the plane and get seated. Luckily it was one of the seats where there’s only two seats and you got the window seat. Nick took out his phone and began a video for his insta story.
“We’re on the plane and mamas here is tired. Say what’s up Y/n,” you gave a small smile and wave. “Imagine looking this cute while being tired,” Nick ended the video right there and decided to take a nap along with you.
-After getting situated into the house-
You were so jet lagged and immediately after saying hi to his family with hugs, you went into the living room with Nick and laid on him.
“Hey guys, me and Y/n are finally in Jersey,” Nick waved to the viewers.
“Hi guys I’m tired. Like jet lag is a bitch,” you cuddled into Nick’s side more and he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Nick we see that hand sir👀”
“Okay but they’re definitely dating”
“She does look really tired lmao”
“Y’all notice ever since Nick met Y/n, he’s been giving us hella content? Just me? Okay”
“Tell Y/n she looks adorable”
“Y/n, they want you to know that you adorable babygirl,” Nick chuckles because when he leaned down to look at you, he found you were dead asleep.
“Y’all she’s out like a light,” your hair was in your face and your hand gripped his shirt slightly. Nick couldn’t help but to swoon over how you look so good in his arms.
You don’t remember what time you fell asleep but you wake up to the smell of food. You lifted your head to see you were fully on Nick’s lap.
“Hey you’re up, I moved you from my side because it looked uncomfortable,” Nick held his hands at your waist.
“Thank you loser, but I smell food. I love you dearly and imma head out,” you get out of his lap and leave him to go to the kitchen. Chris pulled Nick aside to have a quick conversation.
“Nick, you need to man up and tell her your feelings before it becomes too late,” he said to his younger brother.
“Alright, I’ll do it now,” Nick walked into the kitchen where you were laughing with his mom and Mia. “Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?” You nodded and excused yourself. He leads you up to his old room and closes the door after you.
“I’ve known you for 3 years almost 4 now. You always amaze me with how smart and talented you are. You support me and the boys everyday and I love you for that. Yes, you’re my best friend but I have major feelings for you. And I know-“, you cut Nick off from his rant.
“Nick, I feel the same,” you smiled at him. He immediately picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Soo will you officially be my girlfriend mamas?” He bit his lip to contain the smile that was about to grace his face.
“Yes, Nick Mara I will be your girlfriend officially,” you leaned your head down and kissed him.
“Finally, I get to actually kiss you instead of just looking at your lips 24/7,” you let out a laugh at his silliness.
“Wait, what about your fans? They aren’t going to take that Nick Mara is officially not single anymore,” you actually began to wonder what the reaction was going to be.
“That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Everyone swears we’re together, I mean, look at the comments,” Nick pointed out.
“Okay, that definitely makes sense. You right,” you both looked at each other before laughing.
“Wait, we gotta be extra and take a picture in the mirror,” Nick put you down and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He then grabs your hand and walks to the bathroom. You turn on the light and stand in front of him. He wraps one arm around your shoulders pulling you into his chest. Your hands on top of his arm and you smile. But you smile even bigger when he turns his head to the side to kiss your cheek.
Once he took the different pictures with different poses, he opens Instagram and selects the pictures he wants. Some of which were you guys making funny faces and posted it. The caption being “She said yes to being my baby officially. Y’all I really love this girl to death❤️”.
“Okay babe, let’s finish eating. I’m very hungry,” he didn’t even get a chance to answer before you pulled him down the stairs back to the kitchen. Nick couldn’t help but smile because you really caught his heart 3 years ago and now he gets to call you his officially.
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eurydicum · 5 years
road trip — s.h
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
Category: fluff 
Summary: You and Dustin planned a little road trip to go see Suzie in Utah, and of course Steve was gonna come along for the ride.
     Requested by: @ofrosesandteacups ! 
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
I really really liked this concept hehe :) 
Honestly, I liked it so much that I’m going to be doing a few spin-offs for this :) 
(I have five in mind!) 
Also! This takes place during an alternate universe proceeding season three, but all the demogorgon stuff didn’t happen, Mews is alive, Starcourt Mall and The Palace are present, the Byers (and El) didn’t move away, and pretty much Hawkins is very normal but all beloved characters are thriving and here. 
Lastly, this is kinda bad now that I’m re-reading it lmao sorry :( 
harrington master list 
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    “Got everything packed, dears?”
     Your mom asked for the millionth time, checking over all of your belongings alongside Dustin’s things. You and Dustin both nodded, going over everything necessary once more from the list for your mother’s sake. Two weeks of planning and packing and so many long, extra nights of putting up with Keith at The Palace finally led to this fateful day  — and would actually lead up to a whole month of rest and recreation. 
    To put it simply, you and Dustin were very eager to go on another summer get-away. As much as you both loved Hawkins, it was nice to get a breath of fresh air from the insanity at home. On the plus side to everything going on, you’d get to spend your month with your favorite boys and finally meet the girl that stole your brother’s heart nearly a year ago.
    Dustin helped you pack everything into your minivan, placing the cooler in the middle and the bags on the chair that Dustin wasn’t going to be sitting in. You ran to your mom and gave her the tightest hug, Dustin joining soon after calling ‘group hug!’. 
    “Take care of Mews for us okay?” Dustin nodded at his mom, giving that concerned parental look to her. Your mom laughed, obviously agreeing to take care of the poor kitty for you both. Mews was your precious baby and you didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. 
    After long minutes of smothering hugs and kisses, you and Dustin drove over to The Palace to say your good-byes to all of Dustin’s friends. The car ride there was full of you two discussing ideas of what to do while you were in Utah and the like, Dustin scribbling ideas down on the backside of your checklist. 
    Roughly five minutes later, you pulled up to The  Palace and hastily parked the van. You looked to Dustin for a moment as he grinned at the sight of the arcade, and you could tell straight away that he wanted to get a couple of games in before ultimately leaving. 
    “You can play,” You murmured in your silence, tossing a bag to him as he sat in the passenger’s seat. Dustin smiled wider than before, throwing his arms around you in a tight hug. “Now go! — I didn’t put up with Keith’s shit for extra hours for nothing,” You jested, shoving your little brother out of the car. 
    The quiet buzz of fuzzy arcade static, cheering of kids, and intro start-ups on replay rang in your ears. In a way, it felt peaceful to walk in here without having to reprimand kids for beating up the machines when they got angry. You walked around the carpeted floors for a little while longer, eventually spotting Dustin with the rest of the gang. You chuckled softly to yourself, quietly reminiscing of your middle school days with all your friends. 
    “So you’re finally leaving, huh?” Keith questioned, bursting you out of your slight daze. He slowly chomped on Cheetos, eyes narrowing at you. You smiled sheepishly, nodding as you met his gaze. 
    “Yep. You’re gonna have to hold up fort without me, bud,” You joked, raising a fist up to Keith. He rolled his eyes, giving a small smile before returning your fist-bump. “Gonna miss you,” You added in softly, snickering lightly. While Keith was a creepy piece of shit, you guys became really good friends over time and you were quite pleased with that. 
    “No you won’t,” Keith laughed, making you snort and shrug. “Have fun in Utah,” Keith finalized before you saluted him and departed from him and join your brother. 
    “Ready to jet?” You asked, swinging your arm around your little brother. 
    “Do you guys really have to leave again?” Will frowned, walking over to give you and Dustin hugs. 
    “It’s only for a month,” You reminded as you were hugging Will. “We’ll be back before you know it,” You smiled. 
    “And you could help me with my new campaign?” Will asked with hopeful eyes, and you smiled at the charming boy’s question. 
    “I wouldn’t trade it up for the world,” 
    There were numerous farewells exchanged between Dustin and the gang, and of course, you said your good-byes to the children that stole your heart. Before leaving, you gave Keith one last smile and wave — and of course, this caught Dustin’s attention. 
    “Since when did you get along with Keith?” Dustin asked as he slid into the passenger’s seat. 
    “I said he was creepy, never said I didn’t like him,” You chuckled, buckling up. “The guy is weird with single girls, but he’s … decent … enough with me,” You carefully chose, backing up out of  The Palace parking lot and toward the Starcourt Mall. 
    You and Dustin luckily found Robin’s car in the parking lot of the Starcourt, and you took the convenient spot beside her. You snagged your wallet with you and gave a quick glance at your brother. 
    “Wanna buy ice cream before we head out?” You asked with a grin, and of course, he nodded. The both of you hastily walked into the mall and toward Scoops Ahoy with a determined stride. The two of you were so goddamn excited and were minutes away from heading out on your day-long trip and month-long vacation. 
    “Robin!” You cheered when you saw the pretty face of your favorite worker. She smiled and glanced over her shoulder to yell at Steve. 
    “Hey dingus! Your wife and kid are here!” Robin drawled with a teasing tone, and you’ve never seen the guy stumble out from behind the backroom faster. He had already changed out of his uniform, dressed in a thin sweater and jeans. 
    “You forgot something,” You teased, striding over to him to pluck the hat off of his head. Steve chuckled and gave you a little kiss on the cheek, taking the hat from your hands and tossing it onto the back counter. Robin rolled her eyes endearingly at the two of you  —  honestly finding you two disgustingly adorable. 
    “Let’s hurry up and go,” Dustin exaggeratedly said, causing a short laugh to come from Robin. 
    “Yeah, come on, lovebirds,” Robin teased. “Little Henderson’s gotta see his girl too,” You laughed, parting from Steve before leaning against the counter. You tapped the silver bell and gave a cheeky grin at Robin. 
    “Mind if we grab some ice cream first?” 
    In less than thirty minutes the three of you had left Hawkins with bubbling thrill in your stomachs and smiles on your faces. Steve took care of the driving duties while you were his not-so-alert passenger. You were hunched over on the dash, the list from earlier and a pencil in hand. Thus far, you three had hiking, ice cream, and museums vaguely written down.
    “How about the movies?” Steve suggested. “If memory serves me right, ‘Ferris Bueller’ should be coming out,” 
    “Oh! ‘Aliens’ is coming out too!” Dustin reminded, and you hastily wrote down their suggestions. Steve glanced over to you for just a moment, quietly admiring you and silently doting on how cute you were. You were sat cross-legged on the seat and your face was hard with concentration as you attempted to write as legibly as possible.
    “Eyes on the road, Harrington,” You called him out with a little smile playing on your lips. His eyes shot back to the road, a light blush across his cheeks. After writing down the lists, you looked back over to Steve and quickly left a short kiss on his cheek. Steve blushed a little more and giggled lowly, reaching over to hold your hand without taking his eyes off the road. 
    Dustin smiled to himself when he noticed Steve holding your hand daintily. Honestly, Dustin was insanely happy that you and Steve were dating.  More often than not, you were full of bright grins around him. It was obvious that Steve made you happy, and that much made your brother elated. 
    He loved you both in his own way, and he couldn’t imagine a better summer than the one he was about to have. He was going to be surrounded by some of the most important people in his life and soon come back to see the rest. 
    By the time it was 8:00 PM, you all reached a mostly empty campsite. Sunset would come by nine and it was best to get yourselves situated sooner rather than later. Steve parked the van and you hastily popped open the trunk, crawling inside to grab the giant blankets and pillows you instructed for them to bring. 
    Steve began to set up a little campfire while you and Dustin set up the sleeping space — one thin blanket laid across the surface of the van as a make-shift comforter and the numerous pillows scattered where your heads would be. While Dustin worked on setting up the radio and numerous snacks for the lot of you, you fumbled with stringing up the back end of the van with the numerous set of fairy lights that you purchased from the shop. 
    “Good job, campers,” Steve proudly appraised, a cheesy grin on his face. 
    “Wow, Eagle Scout Harrington  —  look at you,” You jested, gesturing over to his campfire set-up. Surprisingly, he did rather well with the whole thing. Dustin applauded him and the fool bowed as if it were some performance. You chuckled at their silliness and gathered together the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. Steve lurched inside the van and grabbed the metal hangers he brought along for this particular moment. 
    The three of you sat in the comfy back of the van, at ease with the world and one another. The night was quiet, save for the occasional bustle of the trees due to the wind or the howl of distant creatures. You head was leaning against Steve’s shoulder and your hands were intertwined while you toasted your marshmallows. 
    Not even a few hours into the day and the moment was already perfect. Dustin and Steve shot jokes at one another —  one of which included Dustin turning into a gummy-mouth monster with the melted mallow. Music was softly playing in the front of the van and the fire warmed your shivering forms. 
    The meal eventually subsided, and all the laughter came to a gradual halt as you all felt sleep creep behind you. Steve held you in his arms, and you were facing your brother. While both of your boys had been asleep, you were still awake. You brushed a stray curl away from Dustin’s face and smiled to yourself, peaceful as can be. 
    Back on the road and only a few miles away from Suzie’s house. Dustin could barely contain himself as he practically bouncing in his seat, entirely fidgety and restless as the destination came closer and closer. Steve checked out Dustin through the rearview mirror and laughed. 
    “C’mon, bud,” Steve smiled. “Don’t get all hyper now, we’re almost there,” You smiled at the little comment and lulled your head against the seat, staring out at the barren land before you. Hawkins was filled with trees and yet here in Utah it was deserted and you could feel the heat radiating from outside. It was definitely a lot hotter than Indiana. 
    Before you knew it, Suzie’s house came into view and Steve parked as excruciatingly slow as possible  —  obviously to torment Dustin. Before Steve could even drive up to the house, Dustin was already unbuckled and literally ready to hop out of the van. 
    “Fuck this!” Dustin complained as Steve joked to adjust the parking one more time, and leaped out of the van. He hastily ran up to Suzie’s house and knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on his feet as he waited for the door to open. 
    “Should we go too?” You asked Steve as he set the van on park, and he nodded in your direction with a grin. You both stepped out of the car and by the time you approached the house, Dustin and Suzie were wrapped up in one another’s arms. 
    “So she is real,” Steve hummed in amusement  —  causing you to chuckle and slap him square in his chest. 
    “Of course she’s real, idiot,” You laughed, rolling your eyes. Dustin and Suzie began with the cute, but cringey nicknames and that alone almost made Steve burst out laughing. You had to cover his mouth and suppress your own laugh too, both you just grinning stupidly at one another before Suzie interrupted you two. 
    “Hi! You must be Dustin’s sister,” Suzie addressed you first, beaming sweetly at you with her hand extended. 
    “[Y/N] Henderson,” You grinned as equally bright as her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally,” You shook her hand firmly. Suzie returned the gesture, her smile practically never ceasing. 
    “I’ve heard only good things,” You added on with a little wink, your gaze flickering over to Dustin for a moment. 
    “I sure hope so,” Suzie giggled, giving her boy a playful glare.
    “It’s nice to meet you, Suzie,” Steve then cut in, offering his hand out to the young girl. 
    “You must be Steve,” Suzie said as she adjusted her glasses for a moment, reaching to shake his hand immediately after. “Dustin talks a lot about you as well,” She mentioned. 
    “I’ve heard only good things,” Suzie mimicked, smiling in your direction as she said this. You chuckled lightly at the repeat, your cheeks flushing a light red. 
    “Come in,” Suzie motioned, leading the lot of you inside. Once past the living room, you were met with a gorgeous dining room with plates of food waiting for you all to devour. 
    “Did you make this?” Dustin asked with a surprised smile. Suzie nodded with a proud grin, quickly asking for your preferred drinks before heading out to the kitchen. 
    During the lovely lunch, the lot of you were chatting among yourselves — telling embarrassing stories and teasing one another. You told Suzie all about the embarrassing moments of his and he did the same for you, but this was all in good fun. The room was filled with the beautiful sound of absolute bliss. 
    Suzie asked all about Hawkins and what it was like out there. She was grinning at the prospect of endless miles of trees and having snow fall on your tongue during winter. 
    Midway through the dinner, you felt Steve’s hand reach for yours under the table. You happily took hold of his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. While you continued to eat and listen about Suzie and Dustin’s adventures during summer camp, Steve stared at you lovingly — and back again toward the children. While you were listening, Steve leaned over and whispered sweetly into your ear. 
    His comment raised heat to your cheeks and your hold on his hand tightened just a little bit more. You looked at him with a soft gaze, lowly resisting the urge to kiss him right then and there. Dustin picked up on this new exchange and gave a curious look to the pair of you, narrowing his eyes and suspiciously looking to you both. 
    “What did you tell her?” Dustin asked slowly, assuming that he said something promiscuous or something of the sort. You shook your head and dismissed his question, waving your brother off. Dustin rolled his eyes and picked up from where he left off. 
    The entire lunch was lovely, and the rest of the entire month was even better. Every moment shared between you four was filled with laughter and smiles, practically emitting the personification of summer and love. Honestly, you didn’t want to go home and miss out on more of this. 
     Throughout the entire vacation, you couldn’t help but ponder on Steve’s whisper from the first day. They were the words that kept you attached to Utah truthfully. And you entirely believed it was true. 
    “We’re like a cute little family,”
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sunnyborabora · 5 years
Phoenix (Taeyong x Reader Mafia!au)
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You are the living proof that you can run away from death itself. But you were to naive, thinking that you’ll be able to live your life like you want forever. With your past it’s almost impossible, and the world you desperatly ran away from is sucking you back in sooner than you thought. 
Warning: Angst, Violence, mention of blood, mention of past abuse, guns, Crack and a bit of fluff
It took me a month to write this, this is so long and absolutly not like I predicted. It’s litterally a big mess lmao but you’ll be able to see caracters from other groups and we love an extending universe. Love the mc with all my heart, please be kind to her. Hope you’ll enjoy and stay ready for some halloween drabble soon! 
Your breath was shallow when you finally arrived at your door. Stupid elevator was not working again and as if it was not already a messed up day you had decided to bring your entire life in your bag today, the thing weighing more than you at this point. You opened your apartment door, finally coming in. Maybe you had lost some of your instinct by starting a normal life years ago, but it was obvious that something was wrong. You kept your bag in your hand, his weight straining your arms already but you felt like it could me useful. There was no one in your living room, the place quite as ever. You almost cried on the spot when you saw him. This was why it was so quiet. « Oh no baby... » The little body of your small dog was laying on your carpet. You were tempted to call him, maybe he would wake up and come back to you wagging his tail like crazy. But you were doubting this. Your dog was dead. Someone came into your apartment to kill your dog. And for the first time since you opened the door you wished the intruder to still be there. « If you are still here, come out », you said, your voice full of venom. Nobody answered. You fell near your little buddy, looking at his pretty brown fur now spotted with red. Fuck what even happened. Maybe you were just crazy, he fell and hurt himself and you didn't come back soon enough. Yes maybe it was just an accident. But you suddenly heard something roam behind you, and maybe it was your instinct who was coming back at lightyear speed because you jumped on the side, avoiding the hit from a meter only. You watched the person who was in front of you, but could not see his face. Very convenient. « What do you want ? -Where is NCT ? » You almost screamed at the name. You got up off the floor, trying to look less pitiful than when you were lying on the floor. It didn’t seem to work and the man didn’t look intimidated one bit. « I don’t know where they are. If I quit years ago it’s because I didn’t want to do with any of that ». A new hit. You blocked it this time. The best you could at least because he was tall, taller than you and way stronger. But you gripped his arm and used it to keep your balance and kicked his face. He took a few step back, just enough for you to plunge on your bag, and with all the strength you could gather at this moment crash it against your opponent face. He felt on his knees. A last smack with it on the back of his neck, and he collapsed on the floor. You stayed a few minutes catching your breath, your brain completely dead. It took you a while to react again, deciding to move. You searched on the man body if he had anything that could allow you to identify him. There was nothing as you expected. You couldn’t recognize his face but snapped a picture, you knew some people who might know who he was working for. Last thing you took a bag and threw everything you could think would be useful inside. You had to leave. You had to be fast, you didn’t kill the dude that was currently lying in your living room, he would wake up at any moment. There was, under the board of your wooden floor a little box, with a passport, a driving license and a new phone. Yours was obviously compromised. Throwing this in your bag you were ready to leave. Maybe it was the sight of your dead puppy, the feeling of faillure that was invading your chest, the disappointment of, once again, having to start a new life elsewhere. You wrapped your dog into a blanket and you were ready to go. No way you were going to leave him here. You were maybe becoming paranoid, but a man just assaulted you so you had all the rights to. You almost fall off the stairs twice because you were running. Your car was so far away, maybe someone was waiting for you in the parking lot to kidnap you or something. You mentally slapped yourself when nothing happened because of course nobody tried to kidnap you. But you would not have thought about someone breaking in your apartment this morning when you woke up so… You didn’t really have an idea of where you were supposed to go. You had not planed your escape this time, silly you. You had to gather information, make sure to know what you were getting yourself in. Maybe you could just resonate with the people who were chasing you. If you understood correctly, they weren’t looking for you directly ! But at the same time, he didn’t seem to believe you when you told him you had no idea where NCT was. You did not have any contact with the mafia world for 4 years now, enough to make the majority of them forget about your existence. Well that’s what you thought at least. You drove out of town to find a small hotel where you could stay the night the time to lead the investigation. Maybe you should dye your hair, or shop it all off. Or maybe you were doing too much once again. You stopped on the side of the road before arriving to the hotel. It was time to say goodbye. Who had a shovel in their trunk, you wondered, except for the people who were burying stuff in the forest often. Digging the ground deep enough had made a mess out of you but at least it was over. That’s what you were salty about, this asshole had really killed your dog. At least, he didn’t steal your car or something. Didn’t mean you weren’t planning a revenge vendetta in your head. « Good bye buddy ». You teared up a bit, getting really sentimental. Everything but not your dog… What type of psycho was going around killing puppies ? Returning to the car was harder than you thought. It took you almost ten minutes to decide to leave your little puppy there. You threw the shovel back in the trunk and left. When you arrived to the hotel you decided to play it cool. You knew by experience than trying to be discrete was the best way most of the time to attract all the attention on you. Finally, there was plenty of room left and the owner, a sweet old man, let you choose. You settled in your room, ready to get into action. You knew that if whoever attack you this morning was looking for NCT it was pretty useless to look for them. They probably left the city. And even if they were still here, you would not have been able to meet them without getting killed. But you knew that they owned several club through the city and that if you intended to find information or people who could tell you what happened. You did not leave anything in your hotel room, anyway you had nothing to left here anyway. You arrived in front of the club and started cuing. You looked around you trying to see if you recognized anyone. First thing was that the club wasn’t closed. But if the entire group was supposed to be missing why the club was still open. You were soon in front of the door and there you realized that you were a big idiot. The bouncer looked at you in disbelieve. You looked around and saw that you were not really fitting the dress code. You smiled sheepishly at him, but apparently you were not as charming as you though because he still told you to get out. « Wait ! Someone is waiting for me inside ! » You were starting to look like those dumbasses who were trying to bullshit their way into clubs without paying. But suddenly you recognize a silhouette. « Kai ! » The man turned around and looked at you like he just seen a ghost. You saw him mouth « what the fuck » before walking, more like running, in your direction. You smiled as he got closer to you, but he didn’t seem as happy as you. « I am taking this one » he said before grabbing your arm hard and dragging you inside. « Wait, Kai, what the fuck ? » He shoved you inside the first room he saw before closing the door behind. « Y/n ! What the fuck ! -You what the fuck ! You crushed my arm you dumb ass ! » He looked at you in disbelief and you understood. « Yeah…. I mean… You thought I was dead, but I am not … Quite a shock I imagine. -Quite a shock indeed…. » This was really awkward. « I didn’t come here to cause you trouble. I know it’s hard to believe considering the situation… -What ?! That it’s hard to trust you when you literally simulated your death for four years… » Said like that it sounded really stupid. « Listen ! I just want information ! A man came, he fucking killed my dog ! And asked me where was NCT. I didn’t mention or even heard of this name in four years, and suddenly someone knew that I was linked to them in the past and thought I knew where they were ! I didn’t even they left ! » He seemed surprised. « Someone killed your dog !? » Of course. « Yes, fuck. Now I am on the go and don’t know what to do. I came here hoping to met someone who would tell me why NCT left. Running into you, not gonna lie, it’s the best thing that happened to me today ». He came closer to you and hug you. It has been so long. So long since you’ve felt like this. Comfortable, with someone that you knew since birth. Someone who knew you. « I missed you dumb bitch. - I missed you too » Jongin decided it was better to talk elsewhere, telling you, you already spoke too much inside those walls that had ears. To make sure that nobody was suspecting something between you two, you played along. « Hey, leave me alone ! » You screamed as soon as you were out of the room. He grabbed your arm again, a smile playing on his face. « No invitation, no entry. Now move ». He pushed you out of the entrance, you came crashing on the ground. You glared at him, and he answered with an innocent look. He was enjoying this way too much. You got up and walked toward your car trying to look as furious as possible. Like Jongin told you, you drove on the main street and turned around on one of the small street. You waited a while, watching the minutes pass as you were becoming more and more impatient. You almost had a heart attack when someone hit your window. « You scared me to death you bitch… -Good » he said smiling. He told you to drive, that you’ll be safer at his house than at a random hotel. « It’s good that you are not sleeping there. They probably already know where you are, they’ll go and see that you are not here. Did you tell the owner where you were supposed to go ? - Yes, I told him I was going in the south, that I was in a hurry and that I’ll be only staying the night. They’ll probably ask him and it’ll lead them to a wrong path ». He nodded. The rest of the drive was silent. « Are you living alone ? -Yes, it’s only for a few weeks left, my mission here is almost over, I’ll be back at the headquarters in no time. -How are the others ? Suho ? Kris ? -You have a lot to catch up » His apartment was a mess. Papers, notes absolutely everywhere. His walls were covered in pictures, red thread making links between different people. « You’ve been working hard damn… - Yeah I’ve been here for three months now, » You sat down and for the first time today you felt incredibly tired. « So, do you want to know everything now, or you want to sleep first. -Let’s go with this. » After a cup of coffee, Jongin sat down beside you. « The man who is looking for you, they are members of the organization NCT was a part of I think. A few month ago the boss was killed. -Tenro was killed ? By whom ? And why ? -Jaehyun killed him. » You gasped, suddenly speechless. « What… What happened ? -What happened to us. Wanting freedom. -He ran away after ? -We thought he was dead for a while, Ten and Jaemin had disappeared with him too. We didn’t know anything until three months ago, Taeyong called us. -What happened to the rest of them ?
-They had to run away too. After Tenro’s death, the organization literary exploded, everyone was starting to slaughtered each other, for the power. -Where are they now ? -No one knows, not even Suho. -So the man who attacked me this morning thought I would know where NCT is, that I would tell him, so he can finish the job ? -Yes basically. -I need to leave then. -I think you would be safer out of town, if you want I can call Suho. Even Kris. -What even happened ? -The group split Y/n, a bit after your…. Departure. -What !? -Tao, Kris and Luhan left. They have their own group now. We are still in touch, but we keep the business separated. » You looked at him, you could see the pain in his eyes, and you knew, because you were feeling the same. « I am- -Don’t say you are sorry. This is no one’s fault. -I know but… » Nothing came out of your mouth. All of this was a mess. « I don’t think this is a good idea for me to go back ». You wanted to say home, but you were not sure if you were worthy of calling this your home again. « You are always welcome Y/n, at least let them know you are alive. Please. » You nodded. « I’ll do it. But first I need to know where is NCT. I need to find Taeyong. -You can’t do anything for them, they should stay on the low right now. Which means it is going to be difficult to find them. » You thought about something. « You don’t know anyone, in the area, who is most likely to… collect information. -What do you have in mind ? -If someone as able to know I wasn’t dead, it’s impossible that a group of 20 guys disappeared without anyone knowing anything. » He seemed incredulous. « Wait ! Maybe I know someone. -Who ? -He is apart of another group. If you pay him a good price, he might tell you what you want to know. -Are you sure he knows what I want ? » He raised his shoulders. « I don’t, but that’s the best option you have ». You slept like the dead this night, maybe not being alone for the first time in what seemed to be for ever was comforting. Jongin had told you where you could find the guy you needed to see. They were apparently based out of town and where now at the head of a huge empire, with multiple connection on the other side of the ocean. Kim Seokjin was the man you were supposed to meet. He apparently knew everything about everyone in this city and it was exactly what you needed. You walked toward the coffee shop, telling yourself that it was the best idea to cover up a crime organization. The shop looked lovely, white and design, a very pleasant aesthetic. You didn’t know Bangtan when you were still a member of EXO. But apparently they now had the stranglehold on the biggest part of the city. « Hi ! Welcome ! » A man told you. He looked like an angel with his short blond hair, the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen. You smiled at him, walking toward the counter. « Hi ! I would like a hot Viennese chocolate, and something else… -Something else ? » He smiled gently. Your eyes shift on his name tag. Jimin. « I am looking for someone. Kim Seokjin ? » He stopped for a second. You noted the change in his demeanor. His smile seemed facked, and he was suddenly very suspicious of you ; « Jin-hyung ? He is not here today, sorry. -Are you sure ? » You smiled trying to look innocent. He smiled back but you knew that you were busted. He left, leaving by the back door. There was no other staff members in the room, just clients that were quite numerous now. You waited ans for a second you thought you should leave. But you needed the info, you doubted that they were going to kill you. Jimin come back still smiling. « Follow me ». You did so and prepare yourself. You really hope they weren’t going to kill you. But as soon as you passed the door you and the door closed behind you, you felt Jimin shift behind you. You felt something hard-pressed against the back of your head. « Keep walking. » You really wanted to tell him that you were not going anywhere anyway because you really needed to talk to Seokjin or whoever could answer your questions. You arrived in front of a door and Jimin told you to open it. As soon as it was open, you felt a hit in your back that made you fall hard. « Yo, what the f- -Who are you ? » You jumped on your feet. A bunch of man were standing there. The tallest was standing in front of you, a severe look on his face. « My name is Y/n. -Why are you here ? -I need information. Someone told me that one of you was a specialist in collecting information that people didn’t want public. -That must be me ! » He came out of his spot at the back of the room. «Kim Seokjin then ? » He smiled, his handsome features almost making your jaw fell. « If I knew how I was going to be treated like this I would have x=went to someone else. -Please, excuse Jiminie, he thought you were coming to kill me. -Why would I kill you ? -Because I told to those guys that you weren’t dead. » You law key hoped on your way here that it would not be him. « Dude what the fuck… -Business is business, sorry… -I hope at least they paid you well… -Don’t worry about that. » You groaned. Like he said business was business. Which meant that you had your chance. « I need to know where is NCT ». Seokjin looked at you weirdly. « Didn’t you ran away from them ? Why would you want to find them again ? -My cover is blowed anyway thanks to you… I am not safe out there… And I need to talk to them ». He smiled. « Do EXO know that you’re alive ?
-Kai knows. I met him yesterday. -Not gonna lie, you are very impressive. Faking your death and hiding for like four years straight. -Yeah… Which lead me to ask you how the fuck did you find me ? -Taehyung", he pointed at a guy who smiled at you when you looked, "he is very good at snooping around » You raised your eyes. « Do you know where they are ? -It’s possible. -I have money. Even if after that you sold me to a group of hit man, you should do it for free. -Sorry honey, can’t do that » You simply threw your bag at him, maybe a bit harder than you intended to. You heard someone laugh in your back. You supposed it was that waiter, Jimin. « I need to look through it. And everyone need to go to work. That coffee shop won't run itself alone. » He looked at the taller man, who simply nodded. Maybe the leader wasn’t who you thought it was. « Come one follow me ». You did what he said. You had to walk up stairs before he opened a door on the left. He threw your bag on the desk and made a sign for you to sit down. « First, I just want to tell that I don’t know where NCT is - You’re kidding. -They split the group. I know where you can find some of them. Not all. -In fact I need to see the leader. Taeyong ». He smiled. « I can tell you that. -Good. Tell me. » He opened the bag. « I think it will do. -You did not even count. -I am good with money. » You laughed in disbelief. « Okay… » Jin told you how you could find Taeyong and the biggest group of NCT members. Apparently they were in the north, a day or so of driving, in house hiding. Nobody knew this except him because Jaehyun told him when he left. « I have a question tho. Why didn’t you tell the men were NCT was since the beginning ? It would have been easier than telling them where I was, so I could tell them where they were. Even more when I had no idea where they were. -I like the kid, Jeahyun I mean. And EXO are protecting them from afar, don’t want to have Junmyeon on my ass. -So you sold me ! Fuck you honestly ! » He laughed hard. His laugh was so obnoxious like you were whipping a window or something. « Sorry Y/n ! -They killed my dog tho… » You rose up, ready to leave. You had no point in staying here any longer, because the longer you will stay here, the longer you will be in danger.
« I am leaving. I need to go. They might be able to find me if I stay in the same place for too long. -They already have might locate you. -I know, this is why I need to leave. » Seokjin caught your arm before you could exit. « I might have an idea. For your escape plan. » You raised a brow. You were not going to reject help. Finally, a guy named Jungkook took you out of the building. He seemed younger than you but you didn’t ask him. « Jin-hyung told me to drive you to our warehouse. -Why ? Are you going to kill me there and I don’t know hide my body somewhere ? -No, oh my god, why are you so dramatic. -Yesterday someone tried to kill me, and they fucking killed my dog ! -They killed your dog ! No ! Not the dog ! » You thought it was sarcasm at first but it really wasn’t. He genially was sad for your dog. « I was almost killed too. » He simply raised his shoulders. « Yeah but the dog. » You almost hit him, but reminded yourself that he was driving the car. « What are we going to do here ? -A new car. So you can leave the city without raising suspicions. -Oh, that’s actually really nice. Just so you know I gave all the money I had to Seokjin. » He smirked. « Don’t worry, we are doing this for free. -Why ? -I don’t know. Jin and Namjoon-hyung, they have a thing for rescuing lost puppies. » You were not sure he was talking only about you. His phone started ringing. He didn’t move and just kept driving. You soon arrived at the warehouse. « So what are you going to do after ? -I am going to go find them and after I don’t know… -And what if they don’t want to see you ? -Why wouldn’t they ? -You left, I mean… » You stopped. « I hope they won’t… Jongin told me to come back… If Taeyong don’t want to listen to me… » Jungkook looked at you, he put his hands on your shoulder. « I don’t know if Jin hyung told you… -The lost puppy thing ? Yeah, he told me » you laughed. He smiled at you and you felt like he was going to say something but his phone ringed again. He looked at it and smiled. « Take the keys, it’s the black one ». You them and left, but not before you saw a smile on his face. You found the car, it was bigger than you expected. You sat at the driver seat and you were ready. It took you a few seconds to give you the strength to start it. Jungkook was waiting for you outside. « So ? You like it ? -Is it really important ? » You loved it really. « Try to get it back one day, in one piece. -Jeez so it’s not a present ! -Or maybe it’s just an excuse to see you again -Are you flirting with me ! Jungkook we know each other since three hours what the fuck ! -Goodby John Wick, try not to get killed and don’t blew off the car ! -Fuck you ! » You didn’t wait for his answer as you took the road. The drive was long and you were tired faster than you thought. Maybe you it was because of what Jungkook said. What if they didn’t want to see you ? Which would be completely normal. You left for four all years. You didn’t regret a thing, if you had stayed here, with them, you would have died. You didn’t want to remember in which state of mind you were during this period. You stopped yourself at a gas station, because you needed to eat something and to fill your tank. It was almost midnight, and you were hungry as hell. You put on your hood, trying not to show your face on camera. But not trying to look like you were gonna rob the place. A sandwich and a bag of chips in hands you were ready to go and pay. When a bunch of men entered. You didn’t lift your head but you recognized a voice. You needed to stay calm, if you were leaving now without paying you were going to look more than suspect. « Hello, this is all you need ? » You nodded. Giving the cashier the money as fast as you could you walked, trying not to run to the car. You opened your door, almost jumping inside as you started driving. Maybe you were more screwed than you thought, as the face of the man who assaulted you two days ago was coming back in your head. He was there, back in the store, very much alive. You had to hurry. You arrived near the hiding house around four am. You drove so fast you thought you were going to die several times. But you needed to arrive fast so you could tell them that the enemy was closer than they probably thought. But as you were now parked at the beginning of a small path leading to the woods, you wondered how you were going to do this. Maybe you should just walk in. And that’s what you did. You drove your car a bit farther down the path just enough that it would be impossible to see it from the road. And then you walked. The gun you find in the truck, tucked in your back. You were dying inside at each step you were taking. You posted yourself at the realm of the forest to see if no one was outside. You walked toward the door and no one was shooting at you. You knocked at the door, your heart beatting so hard in your chest. You weren’t expecting a woman to answer you. She looked at you incredulously. « Who are you ? » You opened your mouth but nothing came out. « What’s happening at the- » You looked at the man who just spoken. « Jaehyun… -Who are you ? » You flinched at his voice. « It’s me… Y/n... » He growled, his hand moving so fast you did not even see the gun that he was holding. « I repeat, who are you ? -I just told you, I’m Y/n…. -She is fucking dead stop it now ! » You heard the noise when it was too late. It was like your entire arm was coating fire. You gasped, and the shot made you fall back. You stumbled down the two steps that were leading to the house before crashing to the ground. You cried out in pain, your shoulder bleeding out as your blood was getting everywhere. You saw, as well as you could as your vision was becoming blurrier. « Please, Jaehyun listen… I swear it’s me… -It can’t be you… She is dead. I saw it myself ». He pressed the gun against your head. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. « Jae-, you remember…. That one time when we were with Johnny… I was like 10 or something…. And he had the idea of stealing the boss car. We crashed it against a tree… We swore to ourselfs to never say it to anyone else… You remember… » You felt the gun trembling against your head. When you didn’t get shot. You heard a scream before falling into nothingness. You woke up feeling nauseous. You groaned wanting to stand up but you couldn’t. « Don’t move. You’re badly injured. » You opened your eyes and even if it took some times for you to see. « Even dead you just keep fucking things up hm ». You started crying again. « John- » He took your hand in his as he sat down next to you. « Please…. Tell me what is happening, because I am a bit lost…. ».
You told him everything. As he was becoming paler and paler, he was holding your hand more firmly. « I-I… Why didn’t you tell us … Tell me… » You looked at him. He seemed to understand. « You know what, forget it… » He smiled at you, his free hand stroking your hair gently. « Rest, I had to tackle some of them to the ground to stop them from coming. -I should go apologies. -No. No you have nothing to apologize for. Now that I know, I am going to tell you something. You should never apologize for something you did that was meant to save your life. You just protected yourself. And now that I think of it, even if you had told us, I don’t know if we would have been able to help you. » You wanted to kiss him honestly. But you suddenly remembered something. « Wait John ! I came to tell you something. -So it wasn’t to tell your best friend that you weren’t dead… -We’ll be all dead soon if you don’t listen to me » He realized how much you suddenly seemed very serious. « It is about you. You’re safety. -I should call Jaehyun and Taeyong » You tensed at the mention of this name. « Don’t worry, Jaehyun calmed down. -It’s not Jaehyun that I am worried about. -Say yikes » You wanted to throw something at him but it was almost impossible from you to move. « Two or three days ago, maybe, I don’t know, when did I arrived ? -Yesterday. -Yeah, damn I really slept 24 hours ?! Anyway, a guy came at my apartment, he knew who I really was. But he wasn’t really looking for me. He asked me where you guys were. I think SM is looking for you… -Do you know who this man is. -No, but look into my phone, in my bag, I took a pic of him. -Okay, I am going to see this with the others. -Wait, there is something else. When I was on my way here. I saw him. The same man. They are coming close, I have no idea how. » His jaw clenched. « Our plan was to stay on the low. Hoping they would forget. -I don’t think it will be possible. You should leave. It’s not safe anymore.
-We can’t. We have to wait. -Why ? -You know why we left ? -Jaehyun has the trigger easy. » He looked at you before starting to laugh. « How do you even know ? -I met Jongin on my way here. -EXO knows ? -No, just Jongin. -And you thought telling us was difficult. -Hopefully nobody’ll shot me this time. » He laughed again, so hard this time he almost started crying. « I missed you bitch. -I missed you two, I guess. » He smiled before quitting the room. You thought you’ll be bored, staying by yourself, but you just slept. It looked more like a coma than sleep now that you thought of it. It was dark outside now. You tried to see if there was anything in the room that could tell you what time it was but you didn’t see anything. « It’s 1 am ». You almost jumped out of the bed. You looked at the person standing near the door. « You almost killed me from fear what the fuck -That’s pretty fair don’t you think. You die you come back get shot and almost die again ». Taeyong had changed since you last saw him. He seemed more mature, his hair were an icy white. He looked more tired. « Yeah well, I think we are good now. » He dropped a plate on the table that was near your bead. A smirk form on his lips. « No we are not ». Yeah, that’s what you thought. « Listen, I wish I could tell you. -You told Johnny. -I know. But it’s easier to tell Johnny. » He sat on the chair near the table. « I can’t force you to tell me. But I am not going to lie. Right now, I can’t feel anything but hate toward you. Loosing you. It almost killed me. And you did it only because you wanted a normal life hm ? -You think I did this because I wanted to live the « normal girl » life Tae ? That just proves that you don’t know me. And that you would never have been able to help me ». At the time, you had wanted to tell him so bad, because he was Taeyong, the boy who had loved you since you were children. « Staying at in the situation I was four year ago, it would have killed me. All the things the boss did to me…. And to the other girls…. I couldn’t tell you, I felt so unworthy, so dirty, I felt that if you knew… You would stop loving me… » He didn’t say anything so you took it as a cue to continue. « You know the last night we spend together ? When you find me crying. And that you comforted me… You told me that you loved me… » His eyes were shiny with tears. « I was crying because I tried to kill myself minutes ago. » You saw a tear fall down his cheeks, but your eyes were dry. He wanted to know anything, right, he was going to listen. « When you told me you loved me, you show me that there were good things in life, that maybe I should live. But I couldn’t keep living with all of you. » Killing your original form, to be able to live the life you deserved. Like a phoenix, you had reborn from ashes. He was now crying, his head low. « Please forgive me ». You did not answer. You simply turned your head on the side. You were suddenly very tired. When you woke up you were alone and that was better that way. You felt better, less comatose. Your shoulder was still killing you, but you felt like you’ll be able to stand up without falling. And that’s what you did. You went to the bathroom with the urge of taking a shower. It was a true trial. Taking of your clothes was in fact impossible. At the moment you were going to go into the bathtub all dressed up someone knocked at the door. « Hi ! I saw you weren’t in bed, so I assumed you were in here ! » It was a feminine voice. Probably the woman who opened the door to you when you arrived. « Can I come in, I could help you ? » You opened the door, and she was here standing, a smile plastered on her face. She was really pretty and sweet looking. « Yeah of course, come on in… -My name is Roxanne by the way » You smiled at her. « I’m Y/n. -I know, everyone is speaking about you. Johnny almost tackled Jaehyun to the ground this morning, so he would leave you alone. -This bitch, he shot me. » She laughed. « In his defense, I should not have open the door. He becomes kinda extreme whenever I do something. » It took you a second to react. « You- you and Jaehyun ? » She smiled, getting a bunch of towels out of a drawer. « Yeah, we are getting married in a few weeks. -Oh damn. That's pretty cool ! » She helped you to get out of your shirt, trying not to hurt you too bad. « How long have you know him ? -We knew each other since we were kids. » You remembered vaguely Jaehyun mentioned a girl from his school when he was coming back. Contrary to most of you, his parents decided to put him in public school. « I think I remember it. Jaehyun mentioned you a lot when we were young. -Really ? We still drifted apart at some point. -What happened ? » Her speaking to you was a good distraction from the pain in your entire body. You would have been shy about getting naked in front a stranger if it wasn’t for taking your first shower in almost two days. « He started ignoring me, when we entered high school. I thought he had, like, forgot about me. » He started ignoring her when you all turned 15. Approximately when you started doing your first missions. She helped you to get in the tube and got the water going at the good temperature. You had to be careful not to reopen the wound. « Oh I see. When did you cross ways again ? -At a party. I didn’t know at this time that Johnny was a part of all of this. I was friend with him, and he told Jaehyun who I was. This creep come all the way to my university to talk to me. -I am not surprised » That was a very Jaehyun thing to do. « Yeah, and you know, I told fuck off but still dated him. -Yeah they tend to have this effect. » You got off the shower, she handed you a towel but soon realized that you would need help with that too. « He killed the boss for you ? -I think. He told me all the time that he did this for himself first but… But I can’t help and think that I might have influenced him. -Don’t feel guilty. Jaehyun, well you know him better than me I suppose » It hurt you more than you expected to say that « He is not a man you can manipulate » She nodded, helping you to get into the clean shirt she had brought along with the towels. « You are right. He is so stubborn. -And he is not even the worst » You both laughed. But soon you found yourself in front of the room door and you realized it was time to face everyone. « You can stay here again for a bit. If you are not comfortable with seing everyone. -No it’s fine. I rested enough. » You’ll have to face them anyway. You didn’t see anyone on your way to the kitchen. In fact the house seemed pretty empty. You couldn’t help but feel relived. You sat in the kitchen, because your stomach was growling. « So you finally came out of your cave. » You didn’t need to turn around to see who it was. « Hey, how are you ? » And as you were going to answer you saw he wasn’t talking to you. « Yeah someone plunged me into a coma so sorry if I didn’t come earlier ». He turned his face towards and you saw his expression changed. He seemed not so oppose to plunge you into a new coma. He sat down at the table in front of you and you thought you would choke on the pressure. « Fuck I can’t believe it ! » You heard a big noise. And then you saw them. Heachan, Chenle, Jungwoo. Maybe you were going to cry. Chenle almost knocked you off your chair. And it almost became impossible to understand whatever was happening. Suddenly everyone was here and they had changed so much. They had changed. You left some of them as they were children, now they were men. Mark hugged you. « Welcome back » he whispered in your ear and that might have done it for you. Johnny was here too, happier than ever, smiling at the scene. You noted than neither Lucas, Kun or Renjun was here. Taeyong was nowhere to be found either. Maybe it was better that way. You didn’t know what had been said while you were sleeping but nobody asked question, nobody told you anything about your departure and your sudden come back. You were thankful. You might have been able to say everything to Johnny and Tae but you weren’t sure you’ll be fine with saying in front of all of them. Some things were meant to be buried deep. None of them let you lift a finger. They literally did everything for you all day, almost tying you up to the couch. The youngest then proceed to tell you absolutely everything that happened during your four year of missing. You then learned than renjun had fallen for a girl and that they were in hiding with Kun and Lucas. They all wanted to tell you what happened, even picking up fights about that. « Mark you suck at telling stories ! You make them boring ! -You don’t even know how to speak properly, don’t criticize my sorry telling » The day was spent like this even if you noted that Johnny, Jaehyun, Taeil and Ten disappeared. As you were on your way to the kitchen Johnny called you. « We need to talk. -Please daddy don’t say that you are scaring me... » He almost hit you but then remembered. « As soon as you are heeled I am beating you up again. -Fair enough » You entered a room that was in fact a sort of office. A table in the center was covered in paper, pictures, notes and documents. All the missing men from before were there. Taeil smiled at you and you smiled back. But you stopped when you saw Taeyong. He was doing his best not to look at you, and you appreciated that. « So we are here to talk about the fact that we’ve been naive enough to think they would leave us alone. -I looked into your phone and I didn’t recognise the man. -Does that mean that they hired mercenary ? » You asked. « That’s possible. » Said Ten, « It’s not their style but… -But you were their hit man. Now that you are gone. They might have had to call for someone else services ». Johnny nodded. « That’s what I think too. -That’ll make things more complicated… -Indeed… -How did you find us tho ? I am curious. -I find Jongin working at your club, he was in an infiltrated mission, collecting information. He didn’t know where you were, but he told me he might know someone who did. So I find Bangtan. -Bangtan ? Why would they help you ? And how did they know where we had been ? -I paid for the information they gave me, and I supposed that after meeting me and discovered my magnificent personality they felt guilty about telling me off to the hit man. -They what ?! -Yeah they law key sold my ass… But hey they gave me a car after, so I could run away... » Johnny looked at you as he didn’t seem convinced. « If they accepted to tell the hit men where you were, why they didn’t tell them where we were ? -Because of me. » You all turned around to face Jaehyun.
« I helped them at some point, me and Jungkook, the youngest, we know each other well. -This is what they told me too. -So we don’t have to worry about them ? -No, not at all, I trust them. -We need all the ally we can get. » Those were the first words Taeyong said since the beginning. Taeil raised his brows. « Allies ? What do you mean ? -I mean that it has become obvious they won’t leave us alone. If we can gather all the support we can find, it’s for the better. -He is right », you said, « At this point I don’t think they’ll give up, it’s not a question of fight or anything, it’s more deterrence. -Exactly. We won’t have to do anything, just spread the word that we have the support of multiple groups, and they’ll probably give up. -Then we should contact the groups we had deals with. -Call EXO, tell them to take Kai back before something happen to him. Y/n call Bangtan and explain to them the situation. The others, gather as much support as you can. Now we have to find a way to spread the word ». Everyone left, Taeyong not taking a look at you. You couldn’t help but feel sad. « Thanks for your help » Taeil smiled patting your shoulders. You ended up alone and you decided to stay here. You took your phone that had stayed on the table, and composed the number Jungkook gave you. You ended up leaving a message telling him to call you back as soon as he can. It was already dark outside when you came out. You had spent some time looking at the diagram on the table, trying to make some link they might not have made but nothing. You joined everyone at the table to eat, you wondered a second how everyone was even fitting around one table. This house was bigger than you thought. Soon everyone was dispersed inside the house, in their room. You were sitting outside trying to think, your phone still in your pocket expecting a call back from Jungkook. « Can I sit ? - Yeah, of course » Taeyong had stripped down his day clothes, and you could see his hair were still wet from his shower. « I am so dumb. -I mean… Can’t deny that ». He looked at you already exasperated. « Why is it so hard to talk to you ? Before it was the easiest thing… - I don’t know… Time has passed… -Yeah » He took a deep breath by his nose. You looked at him. The moonlight hit his face so perfectly, casting shadows accentuating his beautiful features, his white locks looking like liquid silver. He was ethereal. « I am sorry. For what I told you. I don’t hate you. I never hated you. I loved you since the beginning and I never stopped loving you. That’s what I think made me angry. I- I was so sad…. You made me so sad at one point… How was I still able to love you. » You were still looking at him, but he wasn’t looking back. « But how can I blame you. I feel so fucking guilty. I didn’t see anything during all those years… How you, and the other girls were treated… I never see what they were doing to you… » He looked at you. His eyes full of tears. « I am so sorry Y/n, please forgive me ». You started crying as well not being able to stand. You took him in your arms, your shoulder suddenly killing you, but you didn’t care. He was here. « Why are you sorry. You are not a mind reader. I can’t complain about you not knowing what I never said to anyone. But please, never say you hate me ever again… -I swear » He kissed you and it was like the first time. You were sure that you knew his kiss by heart and that it was impossible to forget them but you were wrong. You both had changed, and he was kissing you with an unknown passion. « I missed you. -I am not leaving this time. » He was ready to kiss you again when phone ringed. You turned your face at the moment he was going to kiss you and as you took your phone to answer you found a pouty Taeyong. You smiled before picking up the phone. « Jungkook ? -Fuck Y/n sorry I couldn’t answer you earlier. Thank god you are picking up. -Yeah I wanted to talk to you about something- -No listen, they moved, they are a group of hit men who are on their way to find you. You have to fucking move. -Wait, Jungkook are you sure ? -Yeah, fuck, they came here and fucking threatened Jin. They think he didn’t tell them the truth ». Well technically he didn’t. « Are you all okay ? Fuck is Jin fine ? -Yeah nothing happened but they are coming closer. Get the hell out of he- » You heard a crack on your left. Taeyong jumped on his feet, suddenly pointing a gun at the source of the noise. You saw a man emerged from the shadow. « Jungkook… I think I’ll need your help…. -It’s too late… Fuck Y/n I am so sorry… -It’s fine… Call Jaehyun tell him everything » You hang up. « Here she is… Sneaky little mouse. » It was the man from your apartment. « I knew you would find them. To your credit it’s not you who lead us here. », he laughed. You were injured, weaponless, and emotionally unstable. But you were ready to fight if you had too. A second man appeared and lashed onto you. « No ! -Tae be careful ! » He turned around just to see the first man grabbing his gun. The hold of the other man on your throat become stronger. You pushed him back, hitting the house wall. His grip become looser, and with a hit of your elbow he let you free. But the sudden pain in your shoulders almost made you fall down. You tripped on your feet and at the moment were a hand grabbed your hair, you yelped in pain. You heard a loud bang, and suddenly you were free. You fall down a pair of arm keeping you from hitting the floor. Even with your blurry vision you could still see Taeyong’s face. « Told you I would end up shooting you again. -Fuck you Jaehyun » You heard him laugh as Tae was holding you closer. « What’s the deal with you and dying I swear… -You know what you say to the god of death… -Don’t fucking quote Game of thrones while you are bleeding all over me. » You laughed but stop when you almost faint from the pain. « Did you kill the other guy ? -The first one ? -Yeah -Yes, why ? -It was the one who killed my dog. -I am going to spit on his grave after » Jaehyun almost chocked on his saliva. « Come on carry me inside before I really die this time. -Too soon. -So you can do jokes about my fake death but I can’t ! -Exactly » He carried you inside where Jaehyun was waiting with the medical equipment. You ended up with new sutures and a very confused Johnny watching you bleed all over his carpet. « So we are moving out again ? -Apparently » He sighed for the millionth time now. « I had Junmyeon on the phone. We’ll stay there. » Everyone looked at you. 
« Fucking perfect ». 
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