#mayoral decree
starryevermore · 6 months
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why buy funkos if not to make them kiss 😚
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forgot to do one last night, got busy
LAN parties hold the same social space and capital in margaritaville that bars do in other towns. there are still bars, mind you, but the population being largely nerd ass transfems who enjoy the company of other nerdy ass transfems playing minecraft or deathmatch games with eachother have gained lots of traction. theyre mostly held in the big town library, but some have taken it upon themselves to construct Epic Gamer Dens stocked with snacks, powerful pcs, and. uhm. how should i say, the cooperative experiences after the fact
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bistaxx · 2 years
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darkacua · 1 month
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
OMG! I can practically see her pulling at her pearls in indignation and fury! I wonder how many wet dreams he rejected her to result in this anger 🙃🙄😜 https://www.tumblr.com/maximumwobblerbanditdonut/747779411400671232/public-intoxication-sh-was-invited-to-the-landcon?source=share
Dear Pearl Clutching Anon,
This woman is the worst mythomaniac and the most pathetic know-it-all of the entire fandom. Mark me: probably a sock account of one of the Mordor sopranos, who'd like to play it cool otherwise. She is an impostor, pretending to be a Scot. But her grammar and spelling recurrent mistakes point to anything else but an English native speaker.
Prized and praised as she is by the dim-witted, she is living proof of the fact that you cannot reasonably and endlessly pretend to be an expert in hair implants, cocktails/bartending, audiovisual production, copyright, alcohol sales and pretty much everything in between. To me, she is at her most pathetic when she pretends to analyze the legal intricacies of the French regulations applicable to public alcohol tasting events.
What happened, in fact, at the Landcon 6 whisky tasting?
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Ok. So, this was announced by the French organizers on March 5th and presented as a limited audience event, priced at 350 euros.
This idiot's comment is absolutely priceless:
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She would be surprised to find out that, unlike the US, there has never been any Prohibition decreed in France (Hell would have frozen). Even more interestingly, the only venues where French law specifically prohibits alcohol tastings and sales are enumerated very clearly in regulations far above her intellectual abilities:
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The main idea is that you cannot sell/organize alcohol tastings in public health venues (hospitals, clinics, etc), rehabilitation clinics (d'oh!) - both for alcohol and drug addictions -, schools, youth summer camps, sports arenas, swimming pools or any other public or private sports venues.
(Source: French Public Health Code, https://www.dalloz.fr/documentation/Document?id=CODE_CSPU_ARTI_D3335-1&scrll=CSPU022225&FromId=CODES_SECS_CSPU_TALPHA)
To these limitations, the French national professional organizations add, as best practice, the following: churches, cemeteries, prisons, military barracks, railway/public transport facilities (including depots).
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la dégustation/Tasting Legal Guide - https://www.syndicat-cotesdurhone.com/upload/article/file/202103guidejuridiquedeladegustation-60658bb9468b4.pdf)
To my knowledge, Landcon's venue was neither a cemetery, nor a church (the latter could be, however discussed: wee & lame joke, btw). And for that poor woman's information, you would not need an exemption, but a permit, or licence. In current French law, there are four such sale permits, ranked from I (soft drinks, such as Orangina) to IV (all drinks, including spirits). The fabled Licence IV (also the name of a beloved 90s French kitschy music group, LOL) is now impossible to obtain and if you want to have one, you have to buy the venue (cafe, nightclub, bar, bistro, restaurant or buvette) that had it issued first, many moons ago.
That problem solved, we would have to further analyze the type of event hosted by the Landcon. Was it a tasting or a sale, according to French regulations?
If it was a tasting, no licence is needed. If it was a sale, you might need a temporary licence, granted by the Mayor, provided you have notified them at least 3 months before the event. These are also famously hard to get and very sparingly granted, too.
Because tastings are an exception, they are strictly defined by French regulations as 'free alcohol consumption' and their regulations are excruciatingly detailed. Procedures and limitations vary according to the type of event: sports, tourism promotion, markets and fairs, public gatherings or cultural events (which is the one that seemed the closest to our situation). But a cultural event-cum-tasting would have to be completely free of charge (no paying access tickets), in order to be exempt from any legal obligation. This was not the case, as we know there was a rather steep, 350 euros fee, to be able to attend it:
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la dégustation/Tasting Legal Guide - https://www.syndicat-cotesdurhone.com/upload/article/file/202103guidejuridiquedeladegustation-60658bb9468b4.pdf)
That new activity was certainly not a tasting, as defined by French law. An amateur could then conclude, that S's event was, in fact, a disguised sale and that he is either a sinister fool or a filthy conman.
The trouble is, French legislation tolerates one single, overruling exception to everything I wrote above: sale by the producer of said alcohol. It is to be found (or rather interpreted - and it has been so by myself AND the French professional organizations), in the Code Général des Impôts/ French Tax Code:
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To avoid a tedious legal translation, the idea is that if you do not sell your own produced booze, you are automatically considered as a stockist/trader and as such, subject to alcohol sales' regulations. If the Landcon organizers would have sold/promoted Laphroaig, for example, they would have needed the permit. But hosting a paying tasting event organized by SRH, promoting SRH's whisky and which profits entirely belonged to SRH is a sale by the producer, as defined by French law, not needing a permit:
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(Source: Vin & Société's Guide juridique de la vente/Sales Legal Guide - https://fgvb.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Vin-et-Societe-Guide-juridique-de-la-vente-19042021.pdf)
So: even if the tasting event was, in fact, a sale, French law allows a producer to sell his own alcohol, for promotion purposes as a side event, with no further need to obtain a permit. And this is exactly what their legal team rightfully advised them to do and completely what I would advised them to do, too.
That woman is so often and in so many ways completely wrong, that she is absolutely ridiculous. She (and also her other Big Friend) should perhaps stop pretending to be whatever they are not. Infantilizing, bullying and snarling at people does not help with their credibility.
Such women are genuine Frauds and absolutely despicable. People spend years fucking their eyesight in law school and we do not joke about interpreting and reading legalese. Ever. But to see idiots pretending to know just because they fucking used Google for ten minutes is just infuriating: it took me two hours to find the exception and another two to write this comment.
I hope this long, tedious answer was helpful, Anon.
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sculkshrieking · 1 year
!!! TRANS SCAR !!! Here's his first decree as mayor <3
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Shadybug’s Paris Headcanons
Paris is not the “City of Love”, it is the “City of Progress”.
Many of those old fashioned buildings from a bygone era have been torn down and replaced with buildings that are more practical than aesthetic or factories.
Plastic is fantastic, the Seine is super polluted (and there is a rumored crocodile living there so citizens are advised to stand clear) but after getting rid of some useless parks, Project Oxygen has already started to improve Parisian Air Quality.
There is no ice-rink.
Admission to the Louvre is ridiculously expensive, and several pieces of art and historical artifacts have been locked up in the archives because it was determined that they were detrimental to public welfare and could incite anarchy. (In reality, the Supreme has locked away anything that is related to previous holders of the Miraculous).
There is a strict curfew and Martial law upheld by the Enforcers under the decree of the Supreme.
As such, there is no need for elections or mayors.
Socialism is prohibited.
This means that Libraries are not free; you need to fill out paperwork and pay a membership fee to gain entrance, and pay a separate rental fee for each book you rent, and the late fees are horrific. The selection of books available is limited as any material deemed to promote dangerous ideas has been strictly banned under penalty of law.
Fire and rescue services are not paid by tax payers, they are paid for by the people who need saving, as such, nobody is willing to go into financial debt over a cat stuck in a tree.
But thanks to the Supreme, there are no more wars, no debates over politics or religion. The world can focus on technological progress. Banning dangerous items has greatly reduced all crime, and Enforcers carry out punishment swiftly and efficiently.
Disobedience is not tolerated, because disobedience leads to civil violence and disruption, which leads to anarchy.
But if you are obedient and work hard, it is possible to move up in the world.
Freedom is a small price to pay for World Peace.
No one knows where the Supreme’s headquarters are located expect for a few elite, and no one knows if the Supreme is one person or a group of people.
But the Supreme guides the world and has lead everyone to prosperity. The Supreme cannot be questioned.
The Supreme defeated the Nazis, the Japanese, and even the Soviets.
Any radical or terrorist groups are swiftly eliminated by the Supreme.
There is no such thing as miracles. Keep your head down, mind your own business, fall in line, and strive for your own success, do not be weighed down by others or allow yourself to fall victim to misleading liberal and socialist ideals and propaganda that will lead to civil unrest. The obedient are always rewarded for their efforts. The impoverished exist due to laziness or criminal intent and are to be avoided. Those who ask for help expect free handouts and wish to leech off the hard work of upstanding citizens; they must be shunned.
Nobody does anything without adequate compensation. Never trust a “free lunch”, it may be poisoned.
Pigeons are disease spreading vermin and every effort is being made to exterminate them.
The Supreme began to suspect that whomever stole from him is hiding out in Paris after certain impossible “miracles” begin to happen in the city.
But the Supreme can’t show weakness and allow those who have sworn loyalty to know that he was robbed. Can’t risk them getting greedy and trying to steal from him as well.
He needs someone naive and inexperienced, someone who can be easily tempted and manipulated into retrieving the stolen Miraculous and keeping their mouth shut about it.
Who better than emotionally unstable teens, angry at the world, and bitterly determined to keep their business secret from adults who could never understand their pain? Teens who have no wealth or power of their own to change their lives and achieve their desires. Teens who would be too prideful or too afraid to admit their mistakes when things go wrong? Teens too oblivious to how the world really works, and could not care less for the consequences of their actions, even if it means slowly destroying the city in order to lure out a man who is determined to play “Hero”.
And, should they prove useless, it would be easy to take their miraculous back and let their bodies deteriorate, along with any and all secrets of magic jewels.
After all, it is hardly newsworthy if some Baker’s daughter suddenly “dies from an incurable illness”, and the Tragedy of a teen model “disappearing”, either as a means to escape the pressures of fame or a desire to join their mother in the afterlife is both entertaining and distracting, the Media will eat it up like candy.
This is the World that Betterfly/Hesperia wishes to change.
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
By The Book AU Timeline
[this will be edited as things progress and the au gets more fleshed out]
less of a timeline and more the a brainstorm chart for the plotbeats i have so far
Prince > Little Sage > Pilgrim > Immortal
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ACT 1, PRINCE: 2 years, S1 plus some of S2
ep0 special, MK becomes Monkie Kid
Fated Feast (tm) and dealing with it
MK learning how to use his powers
pretty much all the episodes of S1
Beijing Opera sideplot
first New Years is a Lion Dancing competition special
Macaque introduces himself
Spider Queens get exorcised, LBD reveal
Nezha and Muzha introduction
some more filler episodes of Monkie gang dealing with small easy stuff
MK gets invited to meet Guanyin
MK learning the Dao and Dharma, starts cultivation
Macaque causes trouble (basically Shadow Play ep but not), Wukong finds out
spicynoodles start becoming a thing late in the arc
S1 finale special, except it's LBD and some henchmen
Celestial Realm sightseeing moment, introduction to several immortals and gods
ACT 2, LITTLE SAGE: about half a year, part of S2 and a lot of changes
Red Son's investigation gets serious, Nezha is helping
Wukong gets more present to teach MK
most of what's left of S2, with some changes
Yingge and Longnü intro
Tang starts helping MK and Mei with magic
Mei starts training her dragon powers in FFM
Guanyin meets the Monkien gang, reveal of Tang's past reincarnations
MK gets deeper on training with his monkey form and powers
"recollections of red and blue" is set in this arc
DBK and PIF start making amends with Red Son
qpr chimera fully established, Red Son and MK get serious enough to tell their parents about it
more LBD shenanigans
S2 season finale, except not
LBD tries to trap him in a pagoda, everyone joins the fray, MK escapes because Macaque underestimates him, Wukong gets kebabed, Megapolis is lost and the gang flees for their lives
ACT 3, PILGRIM: about half a year, S3 in spirit but almost every plot gets scrapped cus its just filler anyway
they aren't on a ""journey to the west"", they are gathering allies and tools to use against LBD and Macaque
plan is, burn the motherfuckers with the Samadhi fire with the help of the four dragon king's armies to spread the fire with rain, and use some artifacts to then control the fire and put it out
drastic measure but it do be drastic times
LBD used the skeleton key to open the gates of the Diyu, so the world is slowly getting overrun by runaway spirits, as well as channeling the waters from it to freeze the land
apparently Macaque wants to consume every living thing he's trapped to fuel something, and nobody is sure what
anyway it's crisis politics time, nobody is having fun, everything sucks
time to check in with the past pilgrims for advice and some tricks they know, Monkie gang power up time
the dragon king of the north and his family are missing, time to find them
Shen Gongbao intro, he's involved but they figure it out
it's also time to draft some immortals, we love owing favors to people in this house amiright??
Mayor starts to think the henchman career isn't for him, time to dip
he fucks a plan cus he uses a pill of immortality to heal himself but oops the gang needed that
Mayor spills the beans on Macaque's plan, MK gets impulsive and runs off to face LBD
S3 special time except not
MK exchanges himself for the girl LBD got possessed, which builds the group time to wrap up lose ends
final battle time, hoards of the underworld versus whatever immortals got convinced to help despite going against the Jade Emperor's decree
MK sends a clone with his staff before he loses control back to the gang
Mei in dragon form fighting possessed MK, so that Red Son and Nezha can take a shot at MK to exorcise LBD out of him, Erlang and Muzha helping to hold Macaque back
MK gets shot with the Samadhi Fire, to explosive results
MK vs Macaque kaiju monkey battle time
Macaque gets nuked, LBD gets carbonized, Mayor dies saving people from the city before the fires get to them
everything is put back where it belongs, but there's a lot of loose ends to wrap up, ends in a bittersweet note
ACT 4, IMMORTAL: two years, S4 solely in name, basically a full overhaul lmao
oh man oh man shits gonna hit the fan lmao
the city is saved and the bad guys are gone; time for Consequences
Jade Emperor isnt very happy with the amount of unauthorized actions taken just now
MK goes to fucking trial for the crime of saving the world, it goes as well as one would think
luckily Guanyin comes in clutch and gets his sentence lightened to "community service"
there is an absurd amount of undead still walking around, which means MK has to get on that
also yknow. the devastating amount of damage in the mortal AND celestial realm
MK is given an assignment in the heavenly bureocracy, to help keep him in check and accountable to stuff. is great innit.
another part of his job is, dealing with Wukong's past sworn brotherhood cus they've been uppity since Macaque's attack and threatening to break the human-demon truce
Qi "two dads nuclear family" Xiaotian learns to deal with distant extended family relations with very specific social cues. again, goes as well as expected
under all that, Red Son still hasn't been able to get the missing memories situation fixed
also turns out even Wukong doesn't remember who MK was but he used to know. he doesn't anymore. and he doesn't know what happened. Red Son did not like learning that.
the celebration of Ulhambana in the Celestial Realm is approaching, and Red Son thinks he can get himself and MK invited to it so they can yknow, ask Buddha wtf is going on
so yknow, time to earn the trust of the Celestial Realm again, in a year. that's doable right? ahahah
and because he doesn't have enough on his plate, MK traded off a lot of his merits in exchange for LBD and Mayor speedrunning their time in hell so they can be reborn under his care
MK becomes An Uncle, what could possibly go wrong!
oh, jumpscare, Macaque is still around but Different
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nitewrighter · 10 months
Hello! Just wanted to say that your Cindy story provides me so much comfort and I read it all the time ;;
I really liked that Cindy gets really involved in ruling the country and has like 2 decrees ratified before her marriage. Thats an aspect of princess / royalty / fairytale retellings that dont really get touched upon and I really appreciated it. Did you have any more thoughts / ideas on what Cindy would have done like past the end of your story? I just want to see her do more things / grow more into her own.
In any case, thank you so much for writing that!
Thank you so much for this lovely ask!
I would say that at first, a lot of her changes basically relate to how she immediately related to her own life prior to becoming princess consort, hence why those two decrees have to do with better living conditions for orphans and better working conditions for domestic workers--she wants to be able to prevent the abusive and exploitative conditions she was stuck in for years. There's also a reference to her having an interest in infrastructure with the "potholes" line in the whole 'happily ever after' paragraph at the end. I think the thing to keep in mind with her is that for all her trauma and for all her complex relations to labor, she's a proactive fixer and cleaner! She mends loose buttons on coats! She cleans stains on rugs! She puts a lot of stock in her surroundings and will compulsively roll up her sleeves to set something right if it means improving quality of life. So she is kind of... funnily industrious early on in her career because as soon as she learns she can fix potholes she gets this rush of power and basically ends up running all over the place figuring out places that the crown can help. Like, usually that sort of stuff is left up to reports from mayors and magistrates, but like... it's very easy for that kind of correspondence to just get lost in the weeds and fall through the cracks in the midst of all the other day-to-day operations of running a palace. Cindy puts a lot of pressure on herself to be a good princess, but her idea of being good at anything frequently involves her getting up close and personal and getting her hands dirty. She's lived her whole life with people telling her things are a certain way, so she's actually very insistent on seeing things for herself rather than just being told "It's like X." It's definitely a shock to the insulation of nobility.
So imagine, if you will, you're a longshoreman, and you've been telling your supervisor for weeks that the dock at the south end of the pier is rotten and dangerous and needs to be replaced before someone gets hurt, but your supervisor's been shrugging you off and handwaving you away because that's too expensive, it's too time consuming, those are your wages if everything gets put on hold for construction, and you know he's been telling the magistrate that it's fine, the dock is fine, don't worry about it, but one day, the fucking princess consort shows up with her brick shithouse captain of the royal guard, and the king's valet.
Now, you and your coworkers know there is one board on the rotten dock that you do not step on. You've been hearing it get creakier and seen more and more salt seep into its cracks for weeks now, and you're doing your job hauling stuff off of a boat, and you're watching the princess consort and the captain of the royal guard get schmoozed on by your supervisor and you're like, "You fucking know what?" and you step on that board, very purposefully putting all your weight on that one foot. Creak, snap, crash, splash, the board shatters beneath you and you fall through. Your chin gets clipped by the wooden crate you're carrying on your way down but you manage to shove it away from you in the fall and stop yourself from falling into the harbor by your forearms. Your supervisor is looking at you, horrified, and you hit him with a shit-eating grin (your teeth are a little bloody from the chin-clip) before nobly going, "Oh, stay back, my fellow longshoremen! It's dangerous!"
The captain of the guard has to physically stop the princess from rushing over to you, and he goes, "Let me handle this, your highness," and he dramatically throws off his fancy captain of the guard jacket (to the sound of several wolf whistles even though he's still in a shirt and waistcoat) and starts edging onto the dock himself to help you. You're making a big theatrical show of hauling yourself out of the hole in the dock by your forearms, grunting and the like, when, honest to god you didn't plan this part, the captain of the guard falls right through the dock and lands with a splash in the harbor. God bless you, Captain of the guard, you beautiful brick shithouse.
15 minutes later both you and the captain of the guard are wrapped in blankets (even though you didn't get wet), the princess consort has apparently commandeered some cacao from one of the storage houses and is now insistently shoving hot chocolate at you both, and the king's valet is chewing the fuck out of your supervisor over gross negligence and what kind of message this sends to our nation's peers in trade to see our docks in this condition. About a week later, you've got a new supervisor, and there's construction on a new dock. Not long after that, once every three months there are several representatives from the palace showing up for workplace safety inspection. Congratulations, you trying to make your boss look like an asshole has accidentally created a proto-OSHA.
As Cindy kind of matures in her time in the palace though, she does make more broad changes that are more related to personal empowerment and social mobility. She's very interested in schools, but also trade education and apprenticeships. She spearheads the building of several primary schools, really impressively expanding literacy and basic math skills in the country, and also ends up creating a sort of sponsorship program to connect poorer kids with trade education and apprenticeship opportunities. I want everyone to know that the glassmaker who was convinced the glass shoe was the devil is now saddled with snot-nosed orphan sidekick apprentice thanks to Cindy's legislation.
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empirearchives · 1 month
Napoleon’s decree in 1810: First regulation limiting pollution in French history
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Source: Décret impérial du 15/10/1810
This comes after the creation of the Public Hygiene and Health Council of the City of Paris on 6 July 1802, and each department getting its own Health Council.
In addition, the ordinance of the Prefect of Police on 12 February 1806 concerning preliminary investigations then authorization necessary for factories, workshops and laboratories producing polluting or dangerous products.
According to Éloi Laurent (Towards Social-Ecological Well-Being):
“The first laws regulating French industrial establishments and in particular the imperial decree of October 15, 1810 was the first legislation in the world regulating pollution (it was extended by the law of December 19, 1917).”
Below is an English translation of the 1810 decree.
Imperial decree of 10/15/1810 relating to factories and workshops that emit an unhealthy or inconvenient odor.
NAPOLEON, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation;
On the report of our Minister of the Interior;
Considering the complaints brought by various individuals against factories and workshops whose operation gives rise to unhealthy or inconvenient exhalations;
The report made on these establishments by the chemistry section of the physical and mathematical sciences class of the Institute;
Our Council of State heard;
We HAVE DECREED and DECREE the following:
Article 1 of the decree of 15 October 1810
As of the publication of this decree, factories and workshops which emit an unhealthy or inconvenient odor may not be formed without permission from the administrative authority: these establishments will be divided into three classes.
The first will include those who must be located away from private homes.
The second will include factories and workshops whose distance from homes is not strictly necessary, but which should only be set up once it is certain that the operations carried out there will not inconvenience or cause damage to neighboring homeowners.
In the third class will be establishments which can remain near homes without inconvenience, but must remain subject to surveillance by the police.
Article 2 of the decree of 15 October 1810
The necessary permission for the formation of factories and workshops included in the first class will be granted, with the following formalities, by a decree issued by our Council of State.
Permission for the operation of establishments in the second class will be granted by the prefects, on the advice of the sub-prefects.
Permissions for the operation of establishments in the last class will be issued by sub-prefects, who will first obtain the opinion of the mayors.
Article 3 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Permission for first class plants and factories will only be granted subject to the following formalities:
The request for authorization will be presented to the prefect, and posted, by his order, in all communes within a five kilometer radius.
Within this period, any individual will be allowed to present grounds of opposition.
The mayors of the communes will have the same right.
Article 4 of the decree of 15 October 1810
If there is opposition, the Prefecture Council will weigh in, with the exception of a decision by the Council of State.
Article 5 of the decree of 15 October 1810
If there is no opposition, permission will be granted, if necessary, on the advice of the prefect and the report of our Minister of the Interior.
Article 6 of the decree of 15 October 1810
If it concerns a soude[*] factory, or if the factory is to be established within the customs area, our Director of Customs will be consulted.
Article 7 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Authorization to form factories and workshops in the second class will only be granted after the following formalities have been completed.
The entrepreneur will first send his request to the sub-prefect of his arrondissement, who will forward it to the mayor of the commune in which the establishment is to be formed; by instructing him to carry out a de commodo et incommodo[**] enquiry. Once this is completed, the sub-prefect will issue a decree which he will forward to the prefect. The prefect will make the decision, unless any interested parties appeal to our Council of State.
If there is opposition, it will be decided by the Prefecture Council, except for an appeal to the Council of State.
Article 8 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Factories or establishments in the third class can only be formed with the permission of the Prefect of Police, in Paris, and the mayor in other towns.
If complaints arise against the decision taken by the Prefect of Police or the mayors, on a request to form a factory or workshop included in the third class, they will be judged by the Prefecture Council.
Article 9 of the decree of 15 October 1810
The local authority will indicate the place where the factories or workshops included in the first class may be established, and will specify its distance from private dwellings. Any individual who carries out construction in the vicinity of these factories and workshops after their establishment has been authorized will no longer be allowed to request their removal.
Article 10 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Establishments that emit an unhealthy or inconvenient odor will be divided into three classes in accordance with the table appended to this imperial decree. It will serve as a rule whenever it comes to deciding on requests for the formation of these establishments.
Article 11 of the decree of 15 October 1810
The provisions of this decree will not have retroactive effect: consequently, all establishments currently in operation will continue to operate freely, with the exception of any damages to which contractors may be liable in the event of damage to the property of their neighbors; such damages will be settled by the courts.
Article 12 of the decree of 15 October 1810
However, in the event of serious inconvenience for public health, culture, or the general interest, first-class factories and workshops causing such inconvenience may be suppressed by virtue of a decree issued by our Council of State, after having heard the local police, taken the opinion of the prefects and received the defense of the manufacturers.
Article 13 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Establishments maintained under article 11 will cease to enjoy this benefit as soon as they are transferred to another location, or if there is a six-month interruption in their work. In either case, they will fall into the category of establishments to be formed, and they will not be able to resume activity until they have obtained a new permit, if necessary.
Article 14 of the decree of 15 October 1810
Our Ministers of the Interior and the General Police are each responsible for the execution of the present decree, which will be published in the Bulletin of Laws.
By the Emperor:
Minister Secretary of State,
My notes:
Attached to this decree is an appendix with
“nomenclature of factories, establishments and workshops emitting an unhealthy or inconvenient odor, which may not be set up without permission from the Administrative Authority.”
Some of the substances listed can be translated and some cannot. I recommend going to the link at the top of this post to check it out if interested.
[*] Soude definition
[**] De commodo et incommodo definition
Public Hygiene and Health Council of the City of Paris is a translation of Conseil d'hygiène publique et de salubrité de la Ville de Paris
An additional source on this legislation: Fondation Napoléon
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starryevermore · 1 year
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hubby <3
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wonderful start of something. end goal of getting lineups from everyone by @littlelyarts , starting with three choice girls.
natalie, a deer who got angel possessed (she/it/doe)
cassiopeia, a hyena witch who got hit with a dragonification beam (she/her)
and my fursona emily, a huge dog-deer-taur beaste. (pup/pups)
mel was a BLAST to work with and i cannot fuckin WAIT to increase the bestiary with more of their art.
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slithergaunt · 1 year
Gimme your hands
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I’ve made this tweet, or some version of it, at least half a dozen times during conversation with others. If you aren’t familiar with the actual scene itself in a while, or haven’t seen Jaws (ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME? GO WATCH JAWS) you can find it on youtube as I did as the “gimme your hands” scene.
For those without time, Quint (played masterfully by Robert Shaw) is FINALLY being hired to go out and kill the shark that the mayor and town have been reluctant to actually acknowledge until now. However Hooper (played also wonderfully by Richard Dreyfuss) is a marine biologist or something and wants to come along too, and bring his fancy equipment.
Quint demands to feel Hooper’s hands, and the audience already knows Hooper not going to enjoy this. While squeezing squeezing the fuck out of Hooper’s hands to wound his masculinity, Quint claims Hooper’s fancy 2,000 nets and gadgets will be worth nothing against the shark they face. Then claiming his wealthy idle upbringing make him too weak to participate, leading to “You’ve got ‘city hands’ Mr. Hooper. Been countin’ money all your life..”
This is like mid-argument in the conversation, but the moment tells you EXACTLY the type of person Quint believes he is. Working man, man’s man, had to sweat and bleed in the mud for every dollar he’s made in his life. And Hooper is the soft little wimpy man from the city, the city man, bestowed with wealth, never done “an honest day’s work” in his life, weak and idle with all his fancy toys.
In the past century, we artists have been softer people. We’ve always been considered, and often felt, weaker in our trade. Not a “real job” kind of thing. Layabouts who don’t go out and actually “work”. For over the past century, we’ve been Hooper in this scene getting our hands crushed. I know I have.
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But then, these techbros came along, with their AI generated art. I almost refuse to call it AI art, because that’s not what it is. It’s Mass Non-Consensual Online Image Combination Generated Media. MNCOICGM, rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it. But let’s humor them. Here they come with their new toys, their new gadgets, that allow them to do art purely by typing on a keyboard.
I’m not even gonna post examples of what they spurt out. The equivalent of using the Doordash app to order from 20 different restaurants, having a robotic arm put the contents into a blender for you, baking it, and declaring yourself a chef. And I know what you’re thinking, techbro “there’s SO MUCH MORE to the process than that!” and you’re correct! That IS a gross over-simplification of how much work is done FOR YOU while all you did was type.... a prompt
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So now suddenly artists all over the world, even kindergartners with crayons have put in more work and effort than them. Suddenly we’re the one’s who’ve been putting in the hours, busting our backs, sweating in the mines, and have knowledge and skill sets (they could totally go learn too if you wanted btw) that make us seem like the grizzled workers who had to learn everything the hard way, over years of toil.
And someone has replaced us as Hooper. The rich boy with all his fancy toys and gadgets his dad bought him, who’s never worked a day in his life, and just sits around thinking he can use his new gadget to make things that look just as good as ours (by secretly feeding millions of our images into his gadget).
We never ever IMAGINED the day would come, but the artists of the world, of all mediums, finally have someone to say “Gimme your hands” to, and pettily emasculate by crushing their hands.
My main decree has always been: AI artists, it doesn’t matter how good the programs get, it doesn’t matter what results it produces, no matter how real or how “cool” you’re able to make it look. You typed a prompt, your machine used our shit to do it. I can now FINALLY embody the spirit of my coal-mining forefathers, and call you a pansy who’s never worked a day in his life, and I’ll keep doing it forever.
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The first deputy substitute of prosecutor of the Commune having been heard, the municipal body decrees that the police ordinances and regulations concerning dogs and in particular the ordinance of June 13 1790, will be executed according to their form and content:
It consequently orders,
That dogs found abandoned and dispersed in the streets and suburbs of Paris, after ten o’clock in the evening, shall be killed by those who are commissioned by Administrators of the Police Department.
That the persons who will be responsible for this surveillance shall be required to make rounds, according to the orders they receive, in the seasons which will be indicated to them.
All persons are prohibited, under the penalties imposed by the law of July 22 last year, on Municipal and Correctional Police, from opposing the execution of this decree. The municipal body, orders the police commissioners, as well as the commander-general of the national guard, to take, each as far as they are concerned, the lead in the execution of this decree which will be printed, posted and sent to the committees of the forty-eight sections.
Signed: Pétion, Mayor
Dejoly, Court Clerk 
Order regarding the dogs that are abandoned in Paris passed ten o’clock in the evening, passed by the mayor and municipal officers of Paris on January 20 1792, TYSM! for sharing, @nigrit !!
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unovan-gardener · 7 months
Doin a Protest!!
Hello all Nimbasa College Students and Staff Members!
You may know me as the Honors College RA, or as the President of the Gardening Club. Or maybe just as that guy who spends a lot of time laying in the field outside Natural Sciences a lot.
But today, you should know me as the guy who is particularly upset about the new Castelia City Mayor, Lucrezia Minskt.
The protest will be happening Tomorrow Morning, and we will be meeting up at the Natural Sciences building. As always while protesting, remember to wear an air filter mask and goggles in case of tear gas, as well as obscuring your identity. This is meant to be a peaceful protest, but I have no doubt in my mind that Minskt will attempt to escalate the protest so that she can take legal action, and arrest peaceful protesters.
I have so many notes on the things that Minskt has done, but because they are so long, they will be under the cut to avoid this post being absurdly long.
Minskt is spraying chemical aerosol around the area of Lostlorn Forest, a known habitat for primary bug and grass type pokemon, as well as zoroark. She claims that the aerosol is "patented by my own personal private research company, Minskt R&D, which is proven to repel wild Bug Type Pokémon with minor irritation and no permanent harm*. *excluding Joltik and Galvantula species, which are known to experience semi-extreme illness and major disruption of senses, however are not currently listed as an encroaching pest species and should not be at risk of encountering the aerosol systems". Minskt is also planning to do cutback of Lostlorn's "overgrowth".
Many people in Castelia have already come out and stated that the aerosol is already beginning to come into the city, likely due to airflow, and is harming many of the native wild pokemon there. Atley Deo, the head of Deo Horticulture, has also noted that "In harming the native bug pokemon of Castelia and Lostlorn, so too does Minskt harm the environment itself. Many plants and grass type pokemon rely on bug types for pollination to spread and grow, and to take bug types out of the equation is to throw the entire ecosystem out of wack." There have also been reports that those with asthma have needed to be hospitalized due to the aerosol. Which brings into question how a "panel of ethicists has absolved the Castelia City government, the Minskt Corporation, and any workers therein of any responsibility in the rare and unforeseen possibility of adverse ecological effects", considering there has already been a great number of adverse ecological effects.
There is also the fact that Minskt is now been "authorised by my decree as mayor to mobilize their own private security forces to bolster numbers in police departments around the city!" due to an "increase in vigilantes and individuals acting outside the law to perform unlicensed and citizen endangering personal justice, as well as a responding rise in violent crime" Which. I had one of my honors Law students look at it and not there has not been.
These squadrons also contain: "5-8 highly trained private military personnel, armed with new and unreleased Minskt Security armaments, including high-tech contained plasma cannons, hard light nets, automated targeting drones and experimental hovercraft for inner city manoeuvring!" The important part of this is "New and unreleased". Once again, had my honors Law students look at it, and that definitely sounds like these "armaments" (which is just a fancy word for military weapons and equipment) are not registered under Unovan law (a process that would take months), and are therefore illegal, especially in use against civilians.
Also, bafflingly, she appears to be racist against 'eeby deebies' (although she's referring to them as elevated, which is weird because she seems to dislike them), as she is claiming they require "supervision from a registered pokemon trainer to shop in non-specialty stores". and appears to be attempting to extend these laws to hyrbids. AND to campaign to extend to their "sister city" Nimbasa.
That's all I've got so far, if you have more feel free to DM me and I'll add it to this post. She needs to be stopped though, she's been given and inch, and she's been taking miles.
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blueiskewl · 6 months
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‘Lost’ Botticelli Masterpiece Worth $109 Million Found in Italy
A painting by the 15th-century master Sandro Botticelli, recorded as missing since the 1980s, has been found at a home in southern Italy.
The depiction of the Virgin Mary and infant Christ was discovered in a home in the town of Gragnano, near Naples, according to the Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Unit of Naples.
The painting by the artist most famous for “The Birth of Venus” and “Primavera” is estimated by Italian authorities to be worth at least €100 million ($109 million). It was commissioned for the Roman Catholic Church in 1470.
The 58- x 80-centimeter (23- x 31-inch) work, painted in tempera on wood, had hung in a church in the Neapolitan suburb of Santa Maria la Carità since the early 1900s, after the church it was originally given to burned down.
When an earthquake damaged the church in 1982, the painting was given by the parish to a local family named Somma for safekeeping, according to a spokesman for the Italian ministry of culture, who said that there is an official decree on file that entrusts the painting to them, and they are not facing any criminal investigation.
For the first few years after the family was entrusted with the painting, local authorities checked on its condition, advising them on where to keep it and helping move and clean it.
But for some reason the checks stopped in the 1990s and the painting was listed on the culture ministry’s inventory of missing works.
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The list is frequently updated, and this summer the painting was traced to the Somma family, who had displayed it in their homes over the years, commander Massimiliano Croce said during the presentation of the find.
After tracking down the branch of the family that currently held the painting, the police worked with the local mayor, who was already aware of the Botticelli’s presence in the Somma home and helped mediate its retrieval, Croce said
“This is a work totally unknown to the public which will now be exhibited again thanks to the intervention of the State. We acted in an administrative manner, without resorting to the Prosecutor’s Office or a seizure, thanks also to the mediation of the mayor,” Croce said.
“The family continues to hold the title of the work, which, however, will be preserved in a museum,” Croce added.
The painting, which will need extensive restoration, shows the Virgin Mary, with blonde hair covered by a veil, holding a chubby baby Jesus on her lap — similar to other depictions by Botticelli, according to the culture ministry.
It is missing some paint and has been scratched, probably during the earthquake in the 1980s and in subsequent house moves.
It is not clear why the state stopped checking on the painting.
“The last time the authorities had inspected the private residence where the Botticelli painting was kept was over 50 years ago,” Croce said. “Since then, inexplicably, the painting had been forgotten by the authorities.”
It is thought to be one of the final paintings by the master, who died in 1510.
The painting will eventually be exhibited in one of the national museums in Naples, but restoration will take at least a year, according to the ministry.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau and Jack Guy.
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