#matrix series
kdval · 5 months
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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
› OC: Ha'al a.k.a. Pale Man [2/?]
It's basically a free interpretation of this iconic The Matrix Scene:
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sonicasura · 2 months
Kaijuformers, Kaiju Transformers, is what you get when one side of the war decides to ramp things and the other follows suit to survive. Should it start on the Autobot side then mostly blame the Matrix of Leadership for its decision to turn Optimus into a giant monstrous titan at some random point. The reason why or whether its permanent depends on you handle the eldritch Spark containing pacemaker.
If it occurred on the Decepticon side first, then it's fucking Shockwave whose at fault. He did make actual Predacon clones in Aligned and took over Onyx Prime's body in the comics. There's a reason why the phrase "There's Satan and then there is Shockwave" exists. Megatron just approves the idea.
Either way it would be pretty fucking scary when you think about this iteration of their war on Earth. Literal giant monster fights that is just as destructive like in actual monster movies. There would be new technology created to make this new style of war more unpredictable.
Battleground Generators that form a temporary alternate pocket dimension to avoid massive unnecessary damage or unwanted casualties. Stealth Fields to make attacks undetectable unless intercepted in time.(You know the cases where entire towns or colonies of people disappear with no explanation on their whereabouts. It's like that but as a hunting ground based attack.)
A species known for adaptation potentially taking things a step too far. Decisions that could ultimately change Cybertronians into something unrecognizable from their original forms. War is terrifying for many reasons as morals barely matter and there are no lines left to cross.
Is it really worth it when the only way forward is to discard what you once were for the power of a monster?
Edit: There's nothing Godzilla related here. I just put the GIF here cause I thought it would fit. Lol
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neotrinitysource · 2 months
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The Matrix (1999) vs. The Matrix Resurrections (2021): a series of parallels, references, easter eggs, callbacks and other meta stuff [ 13 / 36 ]
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miumiumanzo · 2 months
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April is my birthday month so here are some drawings I made to celebrate myself surviving another year (and yeah, it's always a ship I like loll) It's missing something from 2021 because I didn't draw anything that year
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quietrobots · 2 months
watch out boy, she'll chew you up /ly
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(Lucas belongs to me. my only oc ever /srs)
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goblin-meat · 2 years
My new favorite hobby is watching dude bro media and making the characters trans and gay
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Yes I am back with another query on how I should go about writing the "Get Off My Screen" Series abdowuabdoawd
Okay so I have absolutely no idea whether I should make one of the chapters a songfic or not cuz like- a part of me is screaming that I should since the Hazbin franchise loves musical numbers but at the same time it'll be so cheesy I'm literally gonna melt- Song in Question is this: "Just A Kiss" by Lady Antebellum I heard it when I went shopping earlier and just ahahodbaubdwjlasb it FITS????? Oh right here's another song that I've been debating on adding into the next chapter: You Could Do Better(With Me)- still by the same artist, "Need You Now" it's a pretty angsty chapter compared to the lighthearted comedy I've been running with the rest. It's not gonna be too bad though- I wouldn't do that to you guys XD
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mochie85 · 2 years
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki becomes captivated by a mysterious woman he sees in a training program. A/N: Inspired by that one scene in 'The Matrix.' IYKYK. Also inspired by this post from @loopsisloops. As always, my ASKS and REQUESTS are open. Word Count: 2.7K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Fluff Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki stood there, daggers out and shining under the artificial sun. His eyes were trained on the Chitauri soldier in front of him. Noting any weak points. Watching for any tells about his next move. He saw just a split second before the soldier moved his weight to his back foot and started to attack. Loki anticipated and blocked his attacking arm with his left and plunged a dagger onto the soldier’s other side.
The hologram disappeared. Making Loki stand back up in attention. “Good work Rudy,” Tony said through the loudspeaker in the room. Now let’s see how easily you get distracted.”
“Distraction? Do you honestly believe I have an attention span of a gnat? Please.” Loki countered. “I would have you know that I do not lose focus so easily.”
“We’ll see. Give me a second as I load the program.”
Up in the control room, Tony and some members of the team had been watching Loki’s progress through the monitors. They were evaluating whether he’d be beneficial to have on future missions. “What do you think, Point Break?” He asked Thor.
“Make it green,” Thor suggested on the color of the dress.
“I’m surprised you didn’t just program her to look like the Tesseract,” Nat said quietly in the corner, earning a laugh from Clint and Bruce.
“Ok, I’m loading the program. Don’t throw up.” Tony said on the mic.
“How very articulate you are Stark,” Loki sneered.
The team watched as the holographic room was transformed into the bustling terminal of Grand Central Station. Loki stood inside the room, marveling at Midgard’s form of magic. He noted the people everywhere. Arriving and departing, hugging family and friends. Buskers were playing to a small, gathered audience in the middle of the busy walkway, annoying Loki as he passed by.
Loki knew that he had to pass these tests. If he was found valuable, he could very well stay here on Earth and live out his sentence in servitude to these people. As opposed to the gilded cage his father had promised him down in the dungeons. At least here, he could use his seidr. And he would have more autonomy than he would have if he had stayed on Asgard.
A sudden flash of color grabbed his attention to the left. There were so many bodies and people that he had trouble seeing the complete figure. That was until they parted to let her through.
It was as if the sun decided to shine on only her that day. Her skin was luminous like fresh caramel. Her hair had waved and flowed freely down to her waist as she walked toward him. Her ample curves were accentuated and held tight by a green satin dress. Her full pink lips smiled as she made her way in his direction.
As she passed, she kept eye contact with him, making him turn to watch her leave. The hologram turned her head back towards him slightly, her smile growing even more as a blush entered her cheeks.
Loki was captivated. He watched her stroll past him and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. He knew this was a simulation. That she wasn’t real. But for a split second, a moment in time, her smile made him think otherwise. The moment she turned her head back around and kept walking, Loki turned away too.
Loki grunted when he was met by a sharp stab right into the heart. Done by none other than a hologram of himself.
Oh, the poetic justice.
“Very funny, Stark,” Loki yelled out. The world around him started to disappear. He was left in a vast white room with geometric shapes jutting from the ground and the wall to simulate real-world terrain.
“I’m glad you think so. You are right about one thing, you do have a longer attention span than a gnat, at least.” The doors of the training room opened to Loki. “Come on in, and we can discuss your evaluation.”
“Oh, I was so certain that he would not fall victim to her!” Thor said.
“Everyone falls victim to her,” Nat said still reading her magazine.
“Even you, Nat?” Steve asked. She just looked at him and gave him a half-smirk, pulling her magazine further up her face.
Later that night, after most of the compound’s occupants fell to sleep, Loki found himself in the hologram room again. He couldn’t stop thinking about the program. Is she truly artificial? Is she, perhaps, modeled after someone? Loki didn’t want to ask anybody. Especially Stark. It would make him more of an outcast in the group. And Stark would never quit his incessant teasing if he ever found out about this fixation.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.” The incorporeal voice answered.
“Can you load the program Stark ran earlier in my distraction training?”
“Please. Do not mention this to anyone. Especially, Stark.”
“I am inclined to tell him only if you have nefarious intent, Mr. Laufeyson.” The AI said. Wonderful, even the computer doesn’t trust me.
“I mean no harm, FRIDAY. I would just like to see the program again.”
“Certainly,” FRIDAY said as the walls around Loki vanished. Shapes melting into colors and angles of Grand Central Station. As before, there was a loud crowd walking and bustling around.
Loki made his way down the grand room slowly. Watching everyone that passed by with a keen eye. The families. The buskers. The lone people walking to and fro the hectic station.
Just like the last time, out of the corner of his eye came a glint of green. Loki took a deep breath and vowed not to get distracted this time. He looked around. Anywhere and everywhere but her. He anticipated his clone coming from somewhere to stab him as soon as he would turn around. So he was looking for himself.  
But there! In the corner of his eye, she walked straight toward him. Ever as radiant as the first time he saw her. Her skin glowed, showcasing the blush that radiated throughout her body. Her eyes held on to his, gleaming with excitement at seeing him again. At least, that’s how he wanted to interpret it.
She bit her voluptuous lip as she walked toward him. A smile waiting to come through. He couldn’t help but watch her again as she sauntered her way to him. Then passed him. And then away from him.
She turned her head around to keep eye contact with him. That smile finally broke through. He saw her eyes flicker to his left, just for a brief second.
He turned around and stabbed his computer counterpart before he could get to him. Then it disappeared.
Loki turned back around to see if she had gone. The hologram had just started to ascend the steps that would lead to the outside doors. He nodded his gratitude for the signal in telling him about the attack. She beamed and blushed even redder.
And just as soon as she walked into the holographic room, she easily walked out.
“FRIDAY, run that again, please,” Loki called out.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson,” The computer obeyed.
“Um, FRIDAY? Are these sessions being recorded?” Loki asked rationally.
“Not unless you want me to, sir.”
“No. No. That’s quite all right. And please make sure that no one…”
“I won’t tell anyone, sir.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY. I’ll trust you then.” Loki said. He couldn’t be sure, but maybe he felt the room get slightly warmer. Is FRIDAY blushing?
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Loki came back most nights to run the simulation. He asked FRIDAY if there was any way to stop the attack and just keep the program running.
“Unfortunately, sir, that’s how the program was meant to run. You can’t have one without the other,” The AI informed him.
“So be it,” Loki said begrudgingly. “Can you at least make the assailant someone other than me?”
“Certainly sir, who would you rather stab today?” FRIDAY asked pragmatically.
“Hmm. Stark took the last donut with green sprinkles earlier today. I was saving that for after dinner. Perhaps him, for now.” Loki felt petty. FRIDAY was hesitant but did manage to conjure up an image of their inventor.
The bright room turned hollow and dark as the images of Grand Central Station appeared. Instead of walking around, Loki decided to sit on one of the benches and wait for her arrival.
He timed, that at exactly two minutes and forty-three seconds was when the first flash of her dress would appear. At three minutes and four seconds, she would look up and make eye contact. She would continue to keep that contact until Loki’s assailant would come in. That would be around five minutes and twenty-eight seconds.
Most days it was a Chitauri soldier, coming to attack the poor humans of New York. Sometimes it would be whoever pissed off Loki that day. But he knew that in order to see her, he had to fight off whatever was going to attack him. Hence, he fought. Night after night. Sometimes multiple times a night just to see her walk past him.
The timer on his watch read five minutes and twenty seconds. Eight more seconds to go till his attacker would come out. Loki stood from the bench where he sat and blocked her exit. She held eye contact with him. That ‘Mona Lisa’ smile was about to break through.
“FRIDAY, pause the program, please,” Loki yelled out. FRIDAY obeyed. Freezing everything in the simulated world.
She was mid-stride. Her hair flowed down her back. Her green dress looked soft and inviting.  All Loki wanted to do was run his fingers down her cheek. He’s never even heard her talk.
“Is she modeled after someone, FRIDAY?” Loki asked circling her figure.
“She is modeled after <bzzt> no one, sir.” The AI answered. Loki narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“Can she speak?”
“Not in this program, Mr. Laufeyson.” Loki’s eyes widened in surprise.
“She’s in other programs?”
“She is in about a dozen other programs.”
“Which ones does she speak in?”
“None of them, sir.”
“But you just said she speaks in other programs!” Loki grew agitated.
“I said ‘not in this program,’ sir. She doesn’t speak in any program.”
“Well then load something where I can hear her voice!”
“I <bzzt> can’t do that, sir.”
“Why the hell not?”
“It’s classified.”
“But if she has a voice. Then she’s based on someone?! Who, FRIDAY?”
“She is modeled after <bzzt> no one, sir. All files regarding her identity have been redacted.” FRIDAY answered.
“All right, well why is it classified? Can you at least tell me that?” Loki asked, hopefully. The mystery was eating up at him. Who was this woman who entranced him?
“Mr. Stark wanted to keep the identity a secret. There were competing conglomerates after this technology.” FRIDAY replied regrettably. “He was afraid that they might go after her and force her to develop another training module as they did with his ARC Reactor.”
Loki growled into the air. His frustration manifested into smoke all around him. For once, Loki agreed with the pompous billionaire. He wouldn’t want your safety in jeopardy over something so trivial as a computer program. But it made him so discouraged at ever finding who you were.
The program continued on, his assailant came up behind him and as Loki turned about-face, a hologram of himself stabbed him in the heart.
Loki groaned in disappointment and sighed. When am I ever going to stop sabotaging myself? He left the room not bothering to look back at her lonely figure, standing by the bench. Reaching out to him.
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Loki hadn’t gone back to run the program in weeks. He accepted the fact that he was never going to find out who she was. He would have to scour the entire planet! You could be anywhere by now. He was resigned to just keeping her as a daydream that lives in his head. She’s not real. She couldn’t be real. And even if he were to find the actual person, how would they rate next to the idea that he has built up in his head?
But it was a futile endeavor – to not think about her. No matter how hard he tried. He kept finding himself in front of the holodeck door, wanting to go in. How could he have fallen for someone who wasn’t even real? An illusion. He felt like the fates were playing a cruel trick on him indeed.
The holodeck was still used for his training purposes. Loki got to witness other programs that she was a part of. She was always the first one that he sees. The one he looks for.
He once rescued her from a political kidnapping simulation. “Part of your negotiation training.” Steve had said to Loki. She clung to him with tears running down her eyes. She feels so real. Small sobs and bated breath were all he ever got to hear from her voice. If it even was her voice.
In another program, Loki had to fight a version of her that was out to kill him. Dressed as if she were going to a rich soiree, she had protected a suitcase filled with toxins that were set to kill mankind. And Loki had to outsmart her to get it.
“Is all this training necessary?” Loki asked Tony one day. “I’m either valuable to you or not. Make a decision! But mark my words Tinman I will not set foot in that blasted holo-room ever again!”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist! You passed your evaluations. You won’t have to train, at least not in the room, again.” Tony said as he typed away at his computer.
Loki sighed in relief. Seeing her was one thing. But having to end her in order to save humanity was heartbreaking. He didn’t think he could go through that again. The only thought that got him through it was that “It wasn’t real. She’s not real.”
The thought depressed him.
He sulked back to his room to recover. He spent the rest of the night sipping scotch, looking outside his window. Out there in the world, there must be someone to take his mind off of her.
“Mr. Laufeyson?” FRIDAY inquired through his speakers hours later.
“Yes, FRIDAY?” he answered groggily, the scotch from earlier fogging his thoughts.
“Your presence is required in the control room.”
“What does Stark want with me now? I am not going into that torture chamber again!” Loki stood up and stretched. He made his way down into the laboratory where he had last seen Stark working away with a program.
Loki burst through the door. “What is it that you want, Stark?” He stopped at the door, frozen in place by a familiar figure.
Your burnished hair swayed as you stood up from the floor. You had picked up a piece of paper that fell and turned around to face him. Your eyes gleamed at the sight of him, your smile breaking from your lips. The same smile Loki memorized from all his secret trysts back to the holodeck. Loki’s eyes ran over the entire length of your body. You were here!
“H-how?” Loki looked at you.
“Um, hi!” You said, slightly puzzled. “If you’re looking for Tony, he stepped out to get some coffee. But he’ll be back.”
Loki nearly dropped to his knees at hearing your voice. He stumbled back, knocking over more papers and books off of the tables. You hurried to his side to pick them up. He knelt down too, watching you the whole time, as his hands absentmindedly arranged the scattered papers.
“Oh hey, Prince of Darkness. What are you doing here?” Stark came into the room with a tray of coffee.
“I was told that my presence was required – here. In the control room.” Loki said, not bothering to look insulted at Tony’s nickname for him. Not once did he take his eyes off of you. You looked exactly like you did in the holo-room except your eyes were brighter. And your skin looked so soft.
“I don’t remember asking for you,” Stark said, putting the tray down. “Have you met Y/N? She’s one of our programmers at STARK Industries. She developed the training modules we all train on. I’m pretty sure you will recognize her.” You smiled up at him and lifted your hand out for a greeting.
“Hi. I’m Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” you said.
Loki said your name. Tasting it on his tongue. He took your hand gently and gave it a kiss. “The woman in the green dress. How could I ever forget her?”
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All Taglist:
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @user13cabs @one-oblivious-nerd @crimson25 @nopenottodayson @el-zef @lokiprompts21 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @lucylaufeyson3 @loopsisloops @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @immersed-in-mischief @ficitve-sl0th @goldencherriess
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0rb0t · 5 months
oh man I did not realize how angry people were about the selfcest in loki. I LOVED it. I also tbh thought Loki may have seen Mobius as a father figure, the fact he's even got two sons, one who is a trouble maker and is younger, the other who is a BIT more responsible. THE PARALLELS DIDN'T GO UNNOTICED.
I missed all the trailers for the show, so if they were queerbaiting it went right over my head.
Sylvie and Loki were so cute, but so sad. You could tell they were very much at different points of their own stories, but still very much Loki. That terror she felt of opening up and perceiving betrayal.
But what I REALLY love is how every line they say to each other can also be taken as things they actually feel about themselves.
If Sylvie had just been anyone, Loki wouldn't have fallen in love, and I think the same is true for Sylvie. "I just want you to be okay", that was so meaningful AND can still be taken as Loki talking about himself especially after he's said he's been where she's been.
"I'm not you" she says and kicks him through the door, but it absolutely resonated because they ARE each other, and they DO KNOW one another and it's so tragic.
I LOOOOVE it. I love how desperately she wants to keep her life and choices and how paranoid she is. She never craved a throne because she never even had a chance to be IN that story, she craved having a life, being loved, everything that was taken from her.
But there's a special kind of loneliness for people who don't have a timeline anymore, and can only find love in themselves, too.
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arrowsangel · 7 months
So, I’ve noticed something recently about the Earthrise/Kingdom Optimus Prime, Kingdom Rodimus Prime, and Studio Series 86 Ultra Magnus that I have to share.
So, Matrixes. We all know how many figures keep getting them, but they are still pretty cool. But the thing all three of these specific figures is that they all have matrix chambers molded into them.
If you take their g1 personalities into account, this can have a lot of implications. The pictures prove it too.
Optimus. He’s the most famous of the three, the poster boy of the Primes. He also puts a lot of emphasis and faith on the matrix, as proven by the size of his matrix chamber in toy form.
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Now on to Ultra Magnus. He’s a soldier, a City Commander. Ultra Magnus isn’t a leader in his own words, but he was Optimus’ first choice out of those left standing around him. Magnus most certainly puts a lot of emphasis on the Matrix, perhaps more than Optimus does, given his reaction to being handed it in the movie. Thus, it stands to reason his matrix chamber is much bigger and spacious than Optimus Prime’s.
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Finally, and most certainly not least, Rodimus Prime. What is there to say about Rodimus? He’s the one who saved Cybertron from Unicron, twice! But i digress. Rodimus doesn’t feel worthy of the matrix in G1, not until the episode right before O.P.’s return. He thinks others might fill the role better, he thinks that he can’t live up to O.P., and the size of his matrix chamber lives up to that too.
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Rodimus Prime’s matrix chamber is small, compressed, and only fits the matrix and nothing else. He cannot see himself as the leader Cybertron needs, even though he really is.
Rodimus leads the Autobots in peace, reaches out to the rest of the galaxy to build bridges between Cybertron and anyone he can. He pushes back Galvatron, Unicron’s champion.
Back to Matrix Chambers though. Once they are removed, there’s a hidden detail between them all. This time i don’t have photos, but you can look them up, I’m sure.
Anyway, OP has a circular hole in the back, but one could imagine it’s a connection between OP and the Matrix itself.
Ultra Magnus is similar, but still different. Magnus has a circular peg literally plugging into the matrix, so quite literally he’s connected to it.
Rodimus, once again, is different in this regard. Rodimus has a (roughly) completely closed. The center of it where the other two have something to make a connection, Rodimus has a square with a triangle inside, painted silver like the rest of his matr chamber.
TL;DR: Rodimus has a very differently designed Matrix Chamber compared to any other matrix bearer in this post that fits very well with his G1 personality. But please, tell me your thoughts.
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notelectrictigerart · 1 month
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Been a little too much into The Matrix series lately
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neotrinitysource · 2 months
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The Matrix (1999) vs. The Matrix Resurrections (2021): a series of parallels, references, easter eggs, callbacks and other meta stuff [ 14 / 36 ]
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gordielaforge42 · 7 months
Loki having a Neo moment. Or a tesseract moment but an Interstellar one. Or even better a Louise Banks moment.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the complete set of promo shots for the Naomi Armitage six inch ultra-action figure, based on the android protagonist from the "Armitage III: PolyMatrix" video anime series -- part of "McFarlane's 3D Animation from Japan: Series 2," released by McFarlane Toys in September 2001.
BRAND: McFarlane's 3D Animation from Japan
PRODUCT TYPE: Action Figure
SERIES: McFarlane's 3D Animation from Japan Series 2
Sources: www.coroflot.com/mgulen/Traditional-Fabricatoin-Misc-Monsters-n-Maniacs & https://mcfarlane.com/toys/naomi-armitage.
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wojakgallery · 3 months
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Title/Name: Matrix Hacker with hoodie and shades Wojak Series: Feels Guy (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: Hacker Wojak
"He's beginning to believe!"
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floralfractals · 1 month
I appreciate your info dump on linear algebra, what do you have on combinatorics
theres this indian mathematician called Rajat Hazra who was featured in an Indian Express article for computing the expected time needed until a monkey with a typewrite would write COVFEFE in 2017, when that weird donald trump tweet came out. its the time the monkey needs to type 26^7 symbols, but not for the reason you might think (the word ABRACADABRA has an expected time of 26 + 26^4 + 26^11 symbols).
iirc, its because you can combinatorically prove that this expected time is the same as the value at a certain stopping time of a certain martingale process (probabilistic process where you expect a_{n+1} to be equal to a_n on average, no matter the value of a_n).
the martingale was as follows: suppose you have a random letter generator. every round, a person shows up to the table with 1 indian rupee, and they bet all their money on a letter. if theyre correct, they get their money back multiplied by 26. if not, they lose the money and leave. if theyre still there next round, they again bet everything they have. the process stops if the word ABRACADABRA is spelled. you can compute for yourself that at the end of the process, there must be 11 people at the table (given that everyone plays a perfect strategy) with 26^11 rupees, 4 with 26^4 rupees and one with 26 rupees.
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