#majestic sea flap flap
writers-potion · 8 days
Could you give any advice for "descriptive" writing of any scene or action scenes or mapping out the scenery (Mountains, forests, streets etc) - i believe this is a struggle for Non-English speaking writers due to lack of vast vocabulary.
Common Scenery Description Tips
Vocabulary is clearly an important part of description, but it doesn’t have to be a limit. The most important thing about description in fiction is picking the right details to mention:
How does the details add to the mood of the story? A mountain ridge will be dark, gray and foggy if the overall mood is meant to be mysterious/brooding. In contrast, a mountain can be brilliantly snow-capped, lush green and “smiling down” upon the character if they’re out for a light stroll.
How are the contrasts/complementary aspects being brought out?
Are you using the five senses? You can even combine the senses, ie. blue ringing of the church bells
(If you have the POV character) what 
Some other tips for setting description:
Use similes and metaphors. Creative figures of speech always get my attention as a reader. 
Mention story-specific elements. For example, “The sky was the shade of Zoes’ eyes” or “the mountains looked like a group of trolls sleeping on one another” 
Be concise. Today’s readers don’t want to read paragraphs and paragraphs about one landscape. Outline the larger elements in the scene, their location and general mood. Add some details, then move on. 
If the same location appears multiple times, differentiate the description little by little as you write, instead of trying to lay out one scene in too much detail at once. 
That said, here are some helpful words/phrases:
Color: bone-white, phantom-white, hazy gray
Sound: rumbling, booming grumbling, bellowing clapping, trundling, growling, thundering
Shape: crinkled, crumpled, knotted, grizzled, rumpled, wrinkled, craggy, jagged, gnarled, rugose  
Action: sky-punching/stabbing/piercing/spearing, heaven-touching/kissing, snow-cloaked/hooded/wreathed/festooned
Sloping sides, sharp/rounded ridges, high point/peak/summit
Majestic, gargantuan humbling, vast, massive, titanic, towering, monumental, mighty, vast, humbling
Mountains having faces, etc. 
Color: blue-green, crystal-clear crystalline, emerald, frothy, hazy, glistening, pristine, turquoise
Size: boundless, abyssal, fathomless, unconquerable, vast, wondrous
Sound: billowing, blustering, bombastic
Action: boisterous, agitated, angry, biting, breaking, brazen. Churning, bubbling, changing, brooding, calm, convulsing, enticing erratic, fierce, tempestuous, turbulent, undulating
Alluring, blissful, betwitching, breezy, captivating, chaotic, chilly, elemental, disorienting
Sight: A landscape of sand, flat, harsh sunlight, cacti, tumbleweeds, dust devils, cracked land, crumbing rock, sandstone, canyons, wind-worn rock formations, tracks, dead grasses, vibrant desert blooms (after rainfall), flash flooding, dry creek
Sounds: Wind (whistling, howling, piping, tearing, weaving, winding, gusting), birds cawing, flapping, squawking, the fluttering shift of feasting birds, screeching eagles, the sound of one’s own steps, heavy silence, baying wild dogs
Smell: Arid air, dust, one’s own sweat and body odor, dry baked earth, carrion
Touch: Torrid heat, sweat, cutting wind, cracked lips, freezing cold (night) hard packed ground, rocks, gritty sand, shivering, swiping away dirt and sweat, pain from split lips and dehydration, numbness in legs, heat/pain from sun stroke, clothes…
Taste: Grit, dust, dry mouth & tongue, warm flat canteen water, copper taste in mouth, bitter taste of insects for eating, stringy wild game (hares, rats) the tough saltiness of hardtack, biscuits or jerky, an insatiable thirst or hunger
Dusty, fume-filled, foul, sumptuous, broad, bucolic, decayed, mournful, seemingly endless, empty, unpaved, lifeless, dreadfully genteel, muddy, nondescript, residential/retail
Bleach, flimsy, silent, narrow, crooked, furrowed, smoggy, commonplace, tumbledown, treeless, shady
The blacktop streets absorb the spring sunshine as if intent upon sending heaven's warmth back through my soles.
The streets absorbed the emotions in the air, the city as the steady and reassuring mother.
The streets were a marriage of sounds, from bicycle wheels to chattering.
In the refreshing light of early daytime, the streets had the hues of artistic dreamtime, soft yet bold pastels.
Cobbled streets flowed as happy rivers in sunlight.
Some extra tips for locations like parties, where lots of action is going around practically everywhere:
Focus on the important characters - where they are, who they’re with. 
Provide some overall description of the structure of the party scene (a pool, a two-storey house with yard?), then move on to details. 
Don’t try to describe everything. 
whirlwind of laughter and music, a symphony of joyous chaos.
It was a gathering that shimmered with the glow of twinkling lights and echoed with the rhythm of dancing feet.
The air was alive with excitement, buzzing with conversations and the clink of glasses.
Every corner held a story waiting to unfold, a moment waiting to be captured in memory.
It was a tapestry of colors, a mosaic of faces, each adding their own brushstroke to the vibrant canvas of the night.
Laughter cascaded like a waterfall, infectious and unstoppable, filling the room with warmth.
The night was a carnival of senses, with aromas of delicious food mingling with the melodies that filled the air.
Time seemed to slip away in the whirl of the party, moments blending into each other like colors on a palette.
The energy of the crowd was electric, pulsing through the room like a heartbeat, binding everyone in a shared moment of celebration.
It was a celebration of life, where worries faded into the background, and the present moment was all that mattered.
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lxkeee · 3 months
—Angel! Lucifer Morningstar x Mermaid! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance with slight angst
Synopsis: what if there are other supernatural beings that existed alongside angels?
Notes: If only I wasn't lazy in making my titles have ombre colors I would've had pretty colorful titles rn>:(
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Long before humans, supernaturals have already existed. One of these are the angels.
Lucifer was a curious angel, one of the first angels that was created by God. One of the most beautiful angels to have ever existed and one of the few who has the purest of hearts and intentions. Three pairs of wings adorning his back.
Despite his good intentions, the elders do not agree to his way of thinking as they think his ideas are a threat to the order they tried so hard to maintain.
With this, he was often alone as the other angels tend to avoid him.
So most of his time, he often flies around the vast lands of the earth. Getting his mind away from spiraling into insanity.
Lucifer wonders about the other supernatural beings, he knows they exist but he hasn't met one though.
One of the kinds he wanted to meet were the mermaids, he read about them when he spent his time in the heaven library. He thinks they are fascinating and beautiful based on the descriptions written on the books.
Oftentimes, he made sure to fly nearby the ocean waters. Enough that his body barely touched the cold water.
Unfortunately, he hasn't made any progress in seeing one with his own two eyes.
He sighs as he twirls in the air, large majestic wings flapping to keep his body in the air. His reflection is mirrored by the sparkling sea water. The light blue skies as his background, white fluffy clouds passing by his body. Strong winds caressing his face. A gentle smile on his face. He loves flying so much, he's free.
Folding his wings back, allowing his body to dive down. Spreading it once more to stop himself from diving into the cold ocean water, the gust of wind made by his wings made small splashes in the water.
He maintained this distance, his body a few inches away from the water. Keeping his body stable as he glides through the air.
A laugh escaping his lips, the angel genuinely enjoying this pastime of his.
Somewhere in the distance, a splash was heard. Catching his attention, his eyes whipping in the direction of the sound. His eyes widened when he could see a light blue and dark blue ombre colored mermaid tail splashing through the water and disappearing once more down to the depths.
A mermaid!
The discovery was enough for him to lose his focus as his wings stuttered. Making him fall into the cold ocean water. Halo disappeared when he made contact with the water.
His eyes widened in panic, his wings would be soaked and that means he couldn't fly. He could feel his body getting heavier as his clothes got dense from the water. He struggled to keep himself afloat, his wings adding a weight for him to carry.
Water begins to fill his lungs as he struggles to breathe, his consciousness begins to slowly fade away. Before his world was enveloped with total darkness, he swore he could see a blurry figure swimming towards him.
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[y/n] groaned in annoyance, she just went for a small swim. She didn't expect to see an angel and she surely didn't expect the dumbass to fall into the water.
Watching as the angel struggled to swim upwards, she sighs softly to herself as she began to swim towards the drowning male. Worry in her heart when she saw him close his eyes.
Catching him into her arms, his head on her shoulder. Keeping him steady as she swam upwards, her powerful light blue and dark blue ombre tail moving against the current.
Their heads are finally out to the surface, [y/n] turns her head around—left and right as she looks for a nearby land. Finally seeing one, an island a few distance away from them.
The angel is still unconscious in her arms, carrying both of them against the current. Making sure his head remained on the surface. To avoid more water getting into his lungs. Her gills open slightly as she breathes in the oxygen in the surface.
Finally arriving at the shore, she drags the heavy angel. Muttering something in her language, annoyance in her voice.
She finally managed to bring him to dry land, the angel was a mess, his light blond hair all over his face. Moving away his hair so she could perform CPR on the male, as she did so. She pauses.
He's... He's beautiful.
Red circles adorning his pale cheeks, highlighting his beautiful angelic face. Plump and soft lips.
[y/n] shakes her head to shake off the intrusive thoughts. Pressing her hands against his chest, pushing it so the water in his lungs would be pushed out.
Tucking her long hair behind her ear as she leans down, pressing her lips against his and breathing back oxygen back into his lungs.
Removing her lips from his, she returns to pumping his chest again to remove the water and then once more pressing her lips against his to give him air.
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The taste of salty sea water fills his throat as he finally coughs, coughing out the water that filled his lungs. His ear finally registering different sensations around him—the familiar feeling of sand against his skin, the sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore.
He breathes heavily, trying to catch his breath as he opens his eyes to see.
A very gorgeous woman in front of him.
That surprises him, causing him to jolt upwards.
Accidentally headbutting her in the process.
Both of them yelled in pain, their foreheads aching from the impact.
“Is that how angels treat their saviors?” the girl asked, eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him slightly. Her hand rubbing the painful area on her forehead.
Lucifer finally got a good look at her, she's beautiful. Like an out of this world beautiful.
His eyes landed on the gills and light blue scales on her neck, his eyes widened as he finally remembers why he drowned.
His eyes moved downwards to her body to see the large and majestic beautiful light blue and dark blue ombre mermaid tail on her body.
Though, heat filled his cheeks as he realized the girl was naked.
Avoiding her gaze, hand on his collar as it suddenly felt tight than usual.
“Sorry and thank you for saving me.” he says shyly and the girl just raised an eyebrow. Finding the angel cute, especially when she knows he got shy when he realizes she's topless.
“It is no problem, though, make sure not to drown yourself while flying.” she says with a deadpan making Lucifer cover his face with his hand in embarrassment.
“Sorry, you just caught me off guard that's all. Normally, I'm not that careless.” he explained shyly, [y/n] raising an eyebrow at him.
“So it's my fault you almost drowned then?” she asked with a small glare, Lucifer began to panic and [y/n] laughs softly.
“I am just teasing you.” she says with a smile, her laugh reminding him of the soft bells that often ring in heaven that were pleasant to listen to.
Lucifer's tensed shoulders relaxed as he calmed down.
“I am really sorry for being reckless.” he apologizes sincerely and the mermaid smiled softly at him.
“No worries, though, I have a favor to ask you.” she says and Lucifer raised an eyebrow, “What is it?”
“May I know the name of the angel I just saved?” she asked him, giving him a close eyed smile.
He blushed slightly and smiled, “Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar.” he introduced himself.
“Lucifer Morningstar, what a beautiful name for someone as beautiful as you.” She says with a smile, the compliment making Lucifer's cheeks heat up more. How befitting for him, Morningstar. The star you can see during earliest dawn.
“Nice to meet you Lucifer, my name is [y/n], [y/n] Soleil.” she introduces herself.
Soleil, that means sun. How fitting for someone like her, she looks like she shines the brightest like the sun.
“Nice to meet you, [y/n].” he says, gently holding her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckle.
[y/n]'s cheeks heat up slightly. Heart beating erratically.
Both of their hearts are thumping so loudly against their ribcages.
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They spent most of the day by the sandy shore, [y/n] keeping him company as he dried himself.
They have gotten to know each other, having a similar mindset and interests. Made them bond.
The sun was finally setting on the horizon, the shades of orange, pink, blue, yellow, and red adorned the ocean as the sun finally kissed the sea.
Lucifer has finally dried himself up, his wings now lightweight now that it's dry.
The day has finally come to an end. Standing up from where he was sitting.
Both of them know that they finally need to say their goodbyes.
“I... I need to go now...” Lucifer whispers hesitantly and [y/n] smiled, lacing her hand with his to give it an assuring squeeze.
“I know, it has been truly fun spending the day with you. If you want to hang out again, I'm just swimming around these areas. So you know where to find me.” she says with a wink at him making him smile.
“I'll keep that in mind, I'll see you around [y/n]. Farewell.” he says sadly, spreading his wings and finally took off. He looks back down to see her returning to the water.
Her tail disappearing back into the deep depths.
Her head popping back out into the surface, he could see her waving at him and he waved back.
Both of them left at the same time. Maybe they'll see each other soon.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex
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0v3rcast · 10 months
Gnaw: Grudge Match
For the first time, the Archon War and its ending are subject to a second opinion.
(And that opinion is yours.)
Osial banks across the stormy sky, feathers of his right wing dipping into the clouds above, water and wind forming beads against his wingtips that follow him as he dips back down. You lend him your energy, and Electro arcs across the vast plumage of his wings and pools inside the beads.
He flaps his wing. A single storm bead rockets down from the sky.
Fishing boats and trading ships are reduced to soaked splinters and fractured metal. The remains of sails, now naught but tatters, writhe in the wind before falling into the sea.
Those who do not die from the sheer enormity of the impact drown in the harbor, bleed out from shrapnel of their own ships, or meet their end at the hands of your contributed Electro energy.
Within fifteen seconds, the harbor has been reduced to a graveyard, the ruined husks of an entire fleet now skeletons lying in deathless slumber on the seabed.
Osial laughs, wild and untamed, just this side of lost to mania, and he dives, his wings glimmering with Anemo.
The Golden House didn't really stand much of a chance.
Electrically-charged Mora are funneled en masse into the vortex above, glinting gold with lightning tails flowing up into the sky in chaotic patterns. Some magnetize against each other, some fly alone, others ricochet into the sea or embed themselves into the land.
Several unlucky souls are punched cleanly through by the symbol of their nation's prosperity, leaving gaping holes in their flesh and ruined bones.
Their screams, warped by the wind and rain and the song of thunder, are a beautiful chorus to you. A performance to welcome you home and give warning to those who foolishly stand against you.
Thunder roars, deafening, and lightning falls, piercing Millelith members. Rain weighs them down, wind steals their breath, and the wind chill robs even the most hale and hearty of a steady aim.
Osial flicks out another storm bead. Several buildings are blasted apart, their rubble crushing their neighbors, metal and stone and wood making a cacophony of ruin.
Entire lives are being uprooted. Centuries of tradition are vanishing under the onslaught. The work of thousands of human lives simply vanishes as it topples into the bay, the waves hungrily lapping at the base of the city and greedily swallowing all that cannot escape.
A small smile stretches over your face.
They deserve this.
With a flick of your wrist, the remaining Mora cluster together into a single massive ball, and you will it towards the wreckage of the city with a little mental exertion.
It crashes down into the heart of the city, right where Rex Lapis once died, and it then erupts as all the force keeping it together simply ceases to do so.
Golden coins and human gore scatter in every direction as fleeing civilians are reduced to mulch by this world's most ostentatious fragmentation explosive.
Osial howls in glee, currents of vicious wind tearing humans from the streets and into his waiting maw as he dives again and again.
In the distance, there is a roar.
The earth shakes to its foundations as immense stone pillars rip free, aimed for Osial, their normally flat tops ground to geometrically perfect diamond spearpoints.
"Morax," Osial sneers. "Come to watch your miserable excuse for a city die under my wings?"
The being that appears then is not Zhongli, or even Rex Lapis. It is Morax. An ancient dragon, Archon of Geo. The God of Contracts and War. This is no simple serpent, no puppet meant to be majestic and awe-inspiring - this is the war-form. The true face of a draconic god, plated in metals hewn from the heart of the world, innards glowing with yellow-orange energy.
This Morax is the face of death.
Morax roars in wordless fury at his old foe... but then his eyes catch sight of you.
The roar becomes deafening, full of such hatred and vitriol that Osial briefly forgets to fly from surprise, leading him to dive instead.
On some cruel instinct, you give Morax the smuggest, most shit-eating grin you can conjure, and you mouth 'where were you when they needed you?'
If looks could kill, Morax would have just reduced you to subatomic particles.
You gesture to Osial, your gift helping to subtly translate, and he launches up into the storm and the highest points of the atmosphere.
Morax follows, howling threats in a language you don't know.
(The elements lean forward in their seats. You've just invited them to the best fight this eon. Bets are already being made. Geo and Anemo both grin at the other, eager to see whose champion is superior.)
Meteors fall, carved apart by wind.
Voices carry for thousands of miles, roaring in pain and glee and fury.
Bones shatter, scales are torn apart, wounds ooze blood in quantities enough to bathe Liyue in a red rain... and Gods war.
On the ground, the storm has only increased in strength, now that so much more energy is being poured into the area.
Not helping is the hail of immense stone pieces.
Where godly blood lands, life is burnt away by the acidic touch of divinity.
Those who did not flee before can flee no longer without risking swift, painful death.
(Ganyu weeps, the work of thousands of years falling apart in less than five hours. What use were her labors?)
(Ningguang vanishes into a bunker beneath the stone, where she can wait out this chaos. She will build herself back up. This is simply a setback.)
(Hu Tao watches from a distant field as her home is utterly destroyed.
...some morbid little part of her gleefully remarks that business is about to be skyrocketing.)
(Shenhe is unaware of this happening, having been spirited away into Cloud Retainer's realm the moment said Adeptus realized just who had been given a burial at sea.)
(Yanfei is luckily out of the country right now, instead in Fontaine to deal with a reappearing case she'd long thought solved.)
(Xinyan assists in evacuation efforts, her flames burning away godsblood and rain to shelter those nearby.)
(Chongyun and Xingqiu barely manage to stem the tide of raging Hilichurls that are dead set on killing the escaping civilians.)
(Kequing lies in the collapsed rubble of a multi-story building, her Vision repeatedly shocking her as Electro takes the moment to be immensely petty.)
(Xiao drowns in his Karmic Debt, feathers trying to force their way through his skin as his more animalistic instincts refuse to obey.)
(Baizhu has already fled, knowing that he neither can be nor wishes to be of use in this fight. His work is not yet done.)
(Yaoyao stands guard over the population who have made it to her home village.)
(Yun Jin helps to gather scattered families back together amongst the crowds of refugees. Xiangling and her father work to feed the masses while they are all displaced.)
(Beidou watches the storm from the far horizon on the deck of the Alcor. Going in would be suicide, but not helping is just as unthinkable. She must choose, but the sheer weight of the choice is paralyzing. The fleet follows behind her, whether that is into certain death or into retreat.)
(Qiqi stands in the heaviest torrents of the storm. Where the blood of gods stains her skin, life is breathed back into dead flesh.))
Far above in the heavens, Osial and Zhongli are tangled, claws gouging into the new Anemo Archon's innards as coils attempt to shatter the Geo Archon's ancient spine.
There is a deafening crack as Morax's spine bends in a way it was never supposed to.
Ribbons of intestine hang from the massive wound in Osial's underbelly.
Both of them begin to fall to the face of Teyvat tens of thousands of miles below, and you are along for the ride.
Osial lets out a wheezy cackle as he tightens his grip on Morax, drowning in his own blood.
Morax writhes, wings unresponsive.
You hug yourself against Osial. Impact comes far sooner than you expected.
There is darkness.
When you wake, you are in the shallows of an immense crater, exactly where Liyue Harbor should have been. The moon glows pale white above you.
Shattered pillars and ruined buildings jut from the not-quite-bay.
Sitting next to you is a not-very-undead Qiqi. She gives you a relieved look when she sees you're alive. You offer her a thumbs up, as though that will solve the issue.
She accepts it with as much grace as anyone in her situation can and returns the thumbs up, smiling at you faintly.
Beneath you is Osial, dying from mortal wounds but still very alive. Somewhere in the distance is a similarly wounded Morax.
You climb down from your dying companion and come to face him.
"Ah... good. You still live. I did not fail you," Osial gurgles. "Thank you... for helping me settle the score, my maker."
You tell him to hold on. You're sure there's something you can do to heal him. He lets out an amused huff.
"Your kindness is touching, but I know my end is coming. I can feel the Abyss."
You refuse. Osial is yours, damn it. Your friend. Your first Archon. Your protector.
A feeling wells up inside of you.
He will not die. You won't allow it.
Your eyes burn as tears stream down your face. You rest a hand against his scaly face, and ask him to trust you one more time.
"Of course. Always."
You let your power flow. The world erupts into starlight as a new constellation is born, sky adorned with a new pattern of stars: Serpens Fidelis.
The loyal serpent.
Where once laid your dying companion is now a male of mortal human size, who sits up, obviously quite discombobulated. He manages to find his feet, though repeatedly stumbles as he takes his first steps.
Scarred tan skin faintly reflects the moonlight, bathing him in an ethereal glow. Silver locks of hair with deep blue accents seem to drink in the moonlight.
He turns to you, finally, and grins, canine teeth closer to fangs than human, Cherenkov blue eyes glimmering with undeniable joy.
"Thank you, my maker. This new form is far less damaged."
From his right hip dangles a Hydro vision. The Anemo Gnosis is in your hands instead. It appears the cost for his life was you reclaiming the archonhood you bestowed upon him.
He is otherwise entirely nude and doesn't particularly seem to notice this. Maybe that's because he's never had to wear clothes before.
You kindly point this out to him, more than a little embarrassed on his behalf, your hands over Qiqi's eyes so she doesn't see.
Holy shit, was he always that built?
He grins at you, shooting you a salacious wink. "Yes, yes. Get an eyeful of my statuesque physique. I worked for many years on it."
You ask how he managed that as best you can while dying of embarrassment.
"You become quite proficient at lifting weights and swimming at the same time while trying to struggle free of stone javelins pinning you to the seafloor," he says mildly.
He manipulates the water and stormclouds into a set of luxurious robes. A sash at his waist now holds the Hydro vision.
On his back rests a fragment of the Jade Chamber carved into a massive greatsword.
"Shall we gloat over our dying adversary together, my maker?"
Yes, this sounds like a phenomenal idea.
You let Qiqi go, now that Osial is not running a one-hydra nudist colony, and she follows behind the two of you like a lost puppy.
Morax has returned to the form of Zhongli by the time you get to him.
The Vortex Vanquisher lies shattered at his side, and hundreds of rips and tears in his clothes display his grievous wounds.
Osial confidently struts over.
"Why hello, hated enemy mine~"
Zhongli weakly snarls up at him, and also at you, his fists curling feebly at his sides.
"Damn you both. May the Creator strike you both down into the depths of the Abyss."
Osial lets out a small 'snrk', begins to lowly chuckle, and slowly escalates to peals of howling, gleeful laughter. Zhongli just looks offended while Osial laughs himself nearly sick.
"By the maker, you have no idea who you're talking to right now, do you?" He wheezes, tears in his eyes, clutching at his sides.
"The destroyer of my people and an abomination wearing the skin of the Creator of All." Zhongli fires back, indignant. "Are you blind?"
"Go ahead and pray for our maker to save you. See what happens," Osial says, grinning cruelly.
Zhongli murmurs a prayer for protection from evil.
A faint glimmer of magical energy escapes his lips and swirls just above your hands. You cringe at it and wave it away like it's smoke.
Zhongli goes ghost-white, his eyes becoming impossibly wide.
Tears bead at the corners of his eyes as his actions finally begin to play back in his mind.
"Please, my maker, forgive m-"
Osial cuts off his head.
"What an asshole," he snickers, some blood now on his cheek, a massive grin on his face. "I'm glad he's dead."
You just look at him like he's crazy. Which he probably is.
"Oooooooooohhhh, that's who you are." Qiqi says from behind you, having caught on to your true identity.
Another massive hydra erupts from the ocean in the distance and lets out a sound akin to whalesong.
"HI, HONEY!" Osial yells in her direction before immediately bolting towards her.
You let out a distressed sigh. Exactly what kind of mess have you just gotten into?
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead @call-me-shroom @evqnescents @valeriele3 @mochicurls21 @sinnful-darling @fleshdotmp4 @ash1 @chilling-on-the-moon @fluffy-koalala @extremelytoastybread @euphoricaldemise
This should probably be all of you.))
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wordy-little-witch · 21 days
Also, anon from before but relating to a non agere thing this time… but a while ago you did a supportive Papa Roger with transfem Buggy an you mentioned him wearing a gaudy dress to prove a point and I can’t stop cackling and thinking about this scenario:
You’re an average upcoming pirate on a ship. You’re not a big deal, your bounty’s not particularly high, you fly under everyone’s Radar. Suddenly your buddy in the crows nest is screaming frantically down at you. They spotted a ship! And it’s the fucking Oro Jackson. Your captain grabs his binoculars to confirm that they are telling the truth… and suddenly is stunned into dumbfounded silence. You grab the binoculars out of his hands to have a look as well and the reason for his confusion soon becomes evident.
There, one foot propped up on a barrel. Stands Gol D. Roger himself. He’s wearing the ugliest dress you have ever seen in your life, a hell spawn somewhere between a twelve year olds Sunday best and your grandmas bathroom rug that smelled like mothballs. He’s beaming with confidence, smiling and having his eyes set on your ship, while this sin against fashion is flapping majestically in the wind. Something else is also flapping a little in the wind. Apperantly the most feared pirate of the seas has decided to go commando today.
About half an hour later your entire ship is destroyed. Miraculously there are no men lost, but you feel like that was more to make a point and to make sure you carry the very important message to the next shore when you get there:
You do NOT make fun of Gol D. Rogers daughter.
This. This right here is the EXACT vibe I was going for. Someone look me in the eye and say Roger WOULDN'T pull smth like this. You can't. It's definitely canon compliant.
Bonus points, while Roger WOULD do this in response to a literal slight against his baby girl, he would also try smth like this to a perceived slight.
Buggy isn't even all that bothered by some guy saying she doesn't have the figure for that skirt or some shit, but Shanks is FROTHING. how dare this ingrate approach his Buggy, his Blue, his best friend with anything other than absolute WORSHIP in their souls-?!
Buggy shrugs it off, grabs her book from the stall and drags Shanks with as they continue shopping at the market. Honestly, she forgets about it. She's heard far worse.
Shanks though? He's telling captain. He's telling Roger, and Rayleigh, and everyone who will listen to his livid retelling bc this guy quite literally called Buggy's ability as a PIRATE into question because of her clothes, because of her build. He's so angry.
Roger is equally angry.
Roger might be angrier, actually.
Rayleigh and Buggy are both pointedly Not On Deck during the following events because they cannot, Do Not See. Out of sight. Out of mind.
They're both praying to get the mental image of Roger in that dress out of their brains without resorting to bleach or an ice pick.
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shiro41 · 4 months
Sypnosis: Gojo takes you under the sea.
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The calming waves of the ocean greeted your sight once you stepped out the cabin of your ship, you feel the blazing winds caress the fabric of your clothes and your exposed skin. The sun's rays now gone as the glow of its golden eye's replaced with the silver shine of the moon. The water reflected its light that creates a serene glow to the ocean beneath your ship.
"I knew you'd be here."
You chirped, a smile present on your lips as you looked down the dark waters of the ocean deep. It bubbled with a figure of shining white fins and gills rising to the surface, greeting you with a smirk of its own.
The creature's figure emerged from the waters, presenting you a clear view of its snow locks and midnight claws. His eyes bore into yours with cerulean blue dancing in his eyes, such majestic creature in the waters come and meet you in the darkness with the moon's light illuminating your figures-- similar to Romeo and Juliet's story whom knocked at the balcony from the ground-- but you were on a ship in the middle of nowhere in a wide ocean with this mystery of a creature greeting you at night.
"I thought you'd never come."
You stated, leaning more into the sides of your ship to get a better view of the mermaid below.
"Why shouldn't I? You're the only one that lets me escape my world."
"You technically are still in your world, Prince Gojo."
His reply was a splash of water using his magnificent tail that spreads twice the size of his torso, some droplets hit you in the face that turned your amused face to a frown.
"I want to know more about humans."
"You wan to...? Again? I told you huma-"
"Humans are dangerous, yes. I know."
He interrupted, rolling his cerulean blues to the back of his head as if it ever did move from your point of view. His claws lightly scratched the wooden surface of your boat, whining from below about his curiosity of humans.
"Y'know, someday humans will be the cause of your demise."
"You are one and I'm still alive."
He retorted, snickering at you who gripped the wooden rails of your ship and grit your teeth. The mermaid below annoyed you at the moment, how could such majestic creature be so naive about how dangerous humans are despite the warnings and cautions you gave him.
"Come down, I want to show you things."
He invited, flapping his tail on the ocean waters like an excited dolphin and continued to do so as if convincing you to join him in the water like you can breathe in it similar to air in land.
"Why not?"
"I'll get killed, stupid."
Silence was met excluding the small splashes of water created by waves, until the mermaid whined yet again to the human above.
"No one's gonna murder you as long as I'm there!"
He persuaded.
"I can't breathe underwater."
You let out a chuckle at his sudden realization that humans are not fish and they can't breathe under the thick water, he let out another whine and splashes yet again erupted.
"If you're gonna splash more, my crew will know and they'll capture you, silly fish."
"But you're going to be there so what's the problem?"
"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Waters come and shook your ship, leaving you stumbling back. His sudden reaction surprised you and panic settled in once the realization dawned upon you that your crew woke up. The mermaid frowned below, still waiting for your reply and sent another wave to rock your ship rather aggressively.
This caused you to not only stumble, but fall off the ship--unfortunate enough to slide and slip out the comfort of your home to the cold abyss of the ocean. You ended up letting out a shriek and land on the water that made a splash, engulfing you.
The mermaid was quick to hold onto your figure and drag you down deeper into the blue darkness where cute fishes were asleep and unknown glowing creatures decorate the scary ocean.
"I'll take you home and show you my treasures, Pirate."
You slammed your fist against the mermaid's back, intentionally coming contact with his gills that made him hiss and turn to you who slowly turned blue due to the lack of air. He was quick to notice and created a bubble which he put on your head for you to breathe.
"I hate you, you dumb fish."
"Don't hate me, I'm leading you to my treasure."
As soon as he mentioned treasure, your mood lightened up and your anger soon transitioned to a lighter emotion. Despite you swimming with him, his speed is far faster than yours resulting to him dragging you with his claws lightly pressing onto your sleeves.
"Can you not hurry up!?"
You complained, glaring at the white mermaid who only looked back at you.
"Don't speak much, you'll lose human water faster."
"Human water!?"
"Idiot, it's the water you breathe remember?"
"It's called 'Air' you clownfish!"
The light of the moon slowly disappeared as the mermaid dragged you down deeper to the seemingly unending journey to the deep blue. The creatures became more and more peculiar, ones you never seen in your life and probably doesn't exist in any books written in history.
Soon, he's leading you to a wrecked ship deep down with little to no light and casually grabbed a fish with a light on its head that acted as your lantern in this journey.
"I feel bad for that fish."
"Don't be, Pirate."
You rolled your eyes and continued to get dragged by your enormous fish companion, now opening the door to the wrecked ship, finding it dirty and rather empty than you expected it to be.
"I thought you were going to show me your treasures, Gojo."
"I am! This place is full of gold and human things!"
The mermaid let go of you for a moment and swam excitedly like a seal. His canine teeth showed as he grinned and made a tour as if it were his abode.
"And this is- a hairbrush!"
"That's a fork."
He swam in an excited manner, showing you basic everyday things that fell to the ocean and is found by him-- even plastic which he calls 'death chokers' are present in his collection.
"Look, I appreciate you showing off your collectibles of normal human things but, where's your treasure?"
He blinked, cocking his head to the side.
"Oh! Right this way!"
He swam to the opening of the cabin, quickly grabbing the shiny things randomly scattered in a record speed. You were left in an idle state, waiting for him to come back with the treasures he promised back at the surface.
"Those are shells, Gojo."
His lips form a pout, visibly upset by your reply. His hands grasp your waist in a manner so delicate and gentle before he speeds towards the surface of the ocean blue. You didn't notice the decreasing size of the air bubble he created a few minutes earlier.
"You weren't happy to get shells?"
His eyes that reflected his home glossed, almost as if he's about to cry when you didn't appreciate the treasures he saw that's for you, aren't as valuable as gold.
"...tsk..give me the shell."
You roll your eyes, palm open to receive the pale shell that in turn made his composure bright and happy, almost like a dog getting ready to play fetch. His fin wagged beneath the surface, creating bubbles and splashes while he buried his face in the crook of your neck- almost wiggling himself to you.
"You're so clingy, Gojo!"
You whine, cautious about the gills that creeps up from his neck to his jaw that feels slippery to the touch but is somehow sharp. You knew it was sensitive to touch and you hope you didn't send some kind of electric shock- pleasant or not- to him.
"Please keep the shell, Pirate! Keep!"
He insisted, still not creating distance between the both of you.
"I'd kill you one day, you're aware right?"
"I know you can but you won't!"
A cheeky grin appears, revealing his canines. You weren't informed mermaids have canines, fishes mostly don't have teeth visible in their mouth. Carefully, you pinch the cheeks that's similar to human skin, resulting a small whine from him and a chuckle to erupt from you.
"Whatever you believe, Gojo."
You sold him 3 days later.
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0-g-i · 3 months
*Working on new fic, reader is an Manta Ray,  majestic sea flap flaps*
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It's 5 am then making this post, but really excited about Manta Ray MC.
1,468 words in, and seeing if Eclipse could be in it. So far, yes. He may be some kind of sea lion fish. Sun, and Moon are here too. :3
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Hey bub 🤍 I have two ideas living rent free and rowdy atm, so this is pt.1 of 2 ( though they are seperate; i didnt want to put them in the same ask).
Your animagus!reader was amazing!! But it got me thinking how your patronus and animagus form are generally the same; so what if reader had one of the rarer forms?? (eg. Dragon, unicorn, runespoor, hippogriff) Or being something that doesnt fit with the idea to help on the full moon. Like i.agine being a butterfly?? Or a penguin?? Or a sea otter?? Adorable but excessively unhelpful for its main intention.
I dont really have a plotline but id be interested to know where my curiosity takes you x
Lmfao babe I love this so much and I've been trying for a couple weeks now to think of a plotline for it but the only thing in my head is an image of Remus and Sirius transforming into their majestic/vaguely threatening/whatever animagus forms and then reader transforms into a butterfly and just flaps around Remus' head and he's like "...yeah this is super helpful thanks babe"
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numenskog · 7 months
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Main character has been TINY for days and I dunno how to feel about it. Also introducing majestic sky flap flaps
"A Way Home" day 8 - sea of clouds
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indigo-ghost-girl · 10 months
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Spoilers for parts of Sonic Frontiers...
Part 1
Part 6
“Go! We’ll cover you.”
“You can’t!” Knuckles shouted back, balling his fists.
“There’s no time to argue,” Amy muttered.
“Plan?” Came the soft, curious voice.
All eyes shifted, nervously eying the possessed hedgehog. The handle of Amy's hammer creaked under her anxious grip. The red hedgehog drifted to the floor, shoes trampling the fragile grass border between plant and stone. The broken stems seemed to steal its attention away for a split second.
“Knuckles, Go!” Tails whispered through gritted teeth as it looked away.
The red hedgehog crossed its arms, “Does this plan involve recharging the “chaos emeralds” perchance?” it questioned, its monotone voice drooping in disappointment.
Knuckles stiffened.
The red hedgehog laughed, gently amused.
“Your minds became open books the moment you began sharing my prison-”
The smile fell. Neon purple eyes shifted attention away from the three, staring into the horizon. Sonic’s head shook suddenly, a hand raising to the hedgehog’s forehead, “Cease your tantrum mortal,” it scolded quietly, snarling in mild irritation.
Knuckles took advantage of this distraction and bolted. Red blur rushing under the giant legs of the structure.
Tails and Amy exchanged a glance.
“Be silent.” It lamented.
“Hya!” Amy leapt up, hammer dipped behind her head.
It lifted a hand. Amy's hammer crashed down on him. The possessed hedgehog was unphased, the force behind the impact flowing through his body completely, manifesting in a small crater under his slightly melted shoes.
It snapped from its daze. Its arm swayed, throwing Amy over the cliff sending her plummeting towards the sea.
“Your companions are almost as persistent as you,” it tutted.
Amy used the air and the weight of her hammer to backflip onto land again.
“…and unfortunately,” It smiled, almost sadly, “I cannot allow that.” It took a moment to peel off a piece of Sonic’s smouldered glove from its wrist. A second blur shot down the cliff in a blink, blasting past the fox. Tails was knocked back almost instantly.
He caught himself mid-air, spinning his tails. “Hey!” Amy's head poked over the edge of the cliff. “We are your opponents!” she called after the blur.
Guilt scraped at the back of his mind as Knuckles pushed his speed to the limit. He swerved into the field of poppies, heading for the cliffside where, as arranged, Eggman waited in his Egg Mobile.
The doctor was leaning on his fist in boredom. “Took you long enough,” The doctor grunted at the echidna. “Did-”
“Eggman, incoming!” Cried Tails from his radio.
“What the-?”
A bolt of red lightning shot at him, forcing Knuckles to dive. Knuckles yelled as a metal claw yanked him away, a second bolt of red lightning frying the spot of grass he had been laying on.
“Hey!” cried a disgruntled Knuckles, dangling from the metal arm protruding from Eggman’s vehicle.
“You’re welcome,” Eggman muttered, grasping the controls and turning on the rocket boosters.
A flying bolder bashed into the side of the Egg Mobile. Eggman was sent into a hurtling tailspin. The human yelled, scrambling with the control panel to regain control of his vehicle.
Knuckles was flung from the arm.
A second moss adorned bolder came hurtled at the metal egg.
Crack! A giant yellow bullet collided with the bolder, disintegrating it in milliseconds.
“Leave father alone,” demanded the projected voice of Sage.
Supreme rose from the trees, enormous gun the length of a cargo train held in its only remaining hand. Blue patterns flickered across the robot’s surface, the multiple eyes on its red face glowing a cool blue.
Six pillars rose from the titan’s shoulders, clunking into place. They fizzed a cyan blue, four sets of blue lines flowing out from them. The lines raised, shimmering out with a flourish of blue sparkles.
Eggman flung his arms up, “That’s my girl!” he cheered.
The four majestic energy wings extended upwards and propelled the machine into the air with a single flap.
Knuckles caught his remaining claws into the side of the cliff. Stone tearing away in two broken lines as he slid down. He punched his second fist into the cliff, trying to catch himself on the other two. He was met with a stinging pain and the memory of his broken claws.
Luckily, the resistance from the rocks slowed him to a stop. He huffed out a breath. Salty sea spray licked at his tail as he craned his neck up the cliffside. He couldn’t see anything other than sky from this angle, but he knew something loud was happening.
The barrel of the giant gun turned to the smug red hedgehog. Blue light built up in the triangular metal tunnel, drawing on the reserves of chaos energy stored in the mechs core. The bullet of energy shot, warping the air around it with a thunderous boom.
The hedgehog held out a palm towards the bullet, catching it like it were simply a tennis ball. Anything left of the white cotton glove disintegrated instantly.
Its eyes examined the energy much as it had before, however unlike before, a mild apathy settled on its face. The energy popped in its hand, agitated. The thing seemed indifferent to the growing light purple lightning scars engraving their way down Sonic's hand and wrist.
“Artificial intelligence, you are aware the titans adapted the power of the chaos emeralds, correct?” It said, its more feminine vocals taking charge for a moment. It studied the power in its palm. A very Sonic like triumphant grin formed, “You are also aware, that this body conducts that power effortlessly, yes?” The sparking blue bolt morphed into a neon purple.
It took another moment to examine the energy fondly, transferring it to the other hand, possibly only to burn away the other glove.
“So, in essence, that little trick can no longer hurt me,”
Its right hand waved casually, dismissing the energy. With a crackle, the purple beam shot from his palm, shooting straight into the giant blue diamond of the large structure. It hummed, giant violet-red cracks breaking out in spiderwebs across its surface. A great crack smashed through the air, the diamond shattering like glass. A blinding ball of red light engulfed the structure. Giant chunks of stone hurtled into the air, decorating the cold morning sky.
Amy and Tails threw up their hands to block the light from the explosion. They were luckily far enough away not to be caught up in it but they were forced to scramble away from the giant chunks of falling building raining from the sky. Both blinked quickly as their vision recovered.
Tails yelped. A stone the size of a small fridge landing on his left leg.
“Tails!” Amy turned, sprinting up to him, zig zagging around other falling debris. She swung her hammer, knocking the stone off his leg.
“Look out!” Tails warned, pointing up.
A looming shadow engulfed the two. The pink hedgehog grabbed Tails’ hand, running to the edge of the shadow. Her boot caught a stray stone, sending them both tumbling into the lake of red flowers. Amy curled protectively around the fox, pink spines pointed outwards.
Knuckles leapt onto the scene, jumping from one falling rock to the next, launching himself up. With a yell of rage, he punched upward, encountering resistance before breaking through the giant slab of rock. It split clean in two, sending the two pieces sailing harmlessly into the ground either side of the other two below him.
Red petals flew up around him as he landed next to the others. Knuckles cringed, rubbing his arm to reduce the painful throbbing. He remembered before on Ares when he had tried to punch that signal thing. It hadn't even budged.
“Chaos-” Started the possessed hedgehog unhurriedly, raising his palm to the titan. All three creatures looked up in horror. “-spear,” A giant neon purple spear shot from the earth. It tore through the titan’s armour, impaling it straight through its abdomen. The tip of the spear burst out its head.
The red hedgehog tilted its head slightly, palm becoming a delicate point. The robot was hit with a sudden barrage of enormous neon arrows, pincushioning the mighty machine. Each attack impaling the giant mech with an unhealthy crunch.
The communicator on Eggman’s headset sent a loud anguished cry of pain shooting through his left ear.
The ancient technology sputtered, joints creaking, blue glitchy squares leaking out like plumes of smoke.
“Sage!” Eggman cried desperately, hand shooting up to his ear.
The spears flickered out, air hissed from underneath the great shifting panels of the mech. Large triangular chunks of alien metal detached from its surface, hitting the ground in a stream of weighted thuds.
The trio watched the wrecked titan fall to the earth with a mighty crash, launching small rocks and clumps of dirt into the air.
“Okay, new plan,” Tails squeaked, his tails twitching anxiously behind him, “We need a new plan,” the fox ran his fingers quickly through the fur on his face. Amy crawled off him.
The fox’s eyes settled on the tall, keyhole like structure of a cyberspace portal on a nearby hill then to a pile of crates full of Eggman tech. Tails nodded to himself, but if this new plan was to work, he needed a distraction.
“How dare you!” Eggman howled, voice amplified through a loudspeaker.
The red hedgehog flinched at the doctor’s voice. Static leapt up into the air, bolts of red zapping furiously from the grassy floor of the island. Its neon purple eyes gleamed intensely, staring down at the doctor.
Eggman’s fury melted away into uncertain anger. He was still furious, rancid even but the usually quiet logical part of his brain was blaring warning alarms at him.
“Dr Ivo Robotnik,” it monologued calmly, yet its tongue warped around every word in disgust, “You contained the mortal on a ship in the atmosphere, restrained him for 6 prolonged months.”
“He may not declare it aloud, nonetheless…”
The doctor connected the dots. The logical side of Eggman’s brain won. He smashed his fingers into the keypad, grabbed the two handheld controls activating the jets and rocketing off.
“HE DOESN’T FAVOUR YOU.” Boomed the voice after him.
Eggman’s egg fleet rumbled in over the horizon. Some blinking into view, dropping their camouflage. Giant fish like metal tanks, blacking out much of the sunlight. There were so many they caked the sky like an angry thunder cloud.
The doctor smashed the big red button on his console with his elbow. “Attack!” commanded the doctor in a desperate shout.
All the cannons pointing towards the hedgehog fired at once.
Tails watched the bolt of red lightning shriek after Eggman. A hailstorm of yellow energy bullets thundered down on the possessed hedgehog. Tails flattened his ears, Amy covering hers, both of them still burdened with the high-pitched ringing from the previous explosion.
“That works,” Tails gulped, pushing himself to his feet. He cautiously put pressure on his leg, hissing when a white-hot pain shot through his foot.
Amy opened her mouth.
“I’m fine,” Tails winced. The fox span his tails into a helicopter whirr, lifting his injured foot from the ground and flying over to the metal crates.
“Tails, where are you going?” Amy called after him, following in a quick limp.
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bloomblanche · 7 months
(Splatoon fan species)
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Aka: I overanalyzed Raian's design and ended up making a whole species of cirrate octopuses (otherwise known as dumbo octopuses) over it.
(The cover is an edited version of the official White Day 2020 illustration, if anyone's wondering.)
(Also, I'm going to use a lot of synonyms for "cirrate octopus", so here's a little list of what they all mean)
Cirrate octopus: octopus in the suborder "Cirrina" or "Cirrata"
Dumbo octopus: finned octopus (note: every cirrate octopus has fins, so they all classify as dumbos)
Flapjack octopus and Umbrella octopus: octopus from the family "Opisthoteuthidae"
Now, without further ado...
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I love dumbo octopuses. Who doesn't? With their little ear-fins flapping around as they float majestically through the deep sea, it's hard not to like them. And their rarity only makes them more mysterious and interesting. If they ever were to add a dumbo octopus character in Splatoon, the whole fandom would go crazy for sure. It's a wonder how absent they are from the franchise.
...or are they?
(cue vsauce music)
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If you're in the splatband fandom, you probably know who this is. This is Raian (or Orion in the English localization) from the band Chirpy Chips! This creature has been mercilessly occupying my brain for, uh... almost a year now. Help.
But here's the most interesting part about them: they're a flapjack octopus! That's right, they're canon! And they've been right here since Splatoon 1. But... there's one small problem. They don't look like an Octarian at all. This is possibly explained by the fact that cirrate octopuses don't have ink sacs, and Octolings (like Inklings) are primarily composed of ink. That's where my fan species comes in!
They're mostly a product of me over-analyzing Raian's design and adapting it to my style. But then, I started attaching a lot of lore to them, and... boom. Now I've made an entire species over an obscure Splatoon character from an arguably less obscure in-game band. The brainrot made me do it, and I don't regret it in the slightest.
Here's a remastered collection of everything I've posted about them on other platforms!
Design breakdown
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(I wanted to provide a closeup of every single element over the course of the post, but I can't because of Tumblr's picture limit. Don't hesitate to go back to the design sheet above if you need to.)
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The eyes
When I first saw Raian, I thought they had pitch-black eyes. Turns out they're probably just closed, but I really liked the idea. Since cirrate octopuses live in the deep sea, they'll probably need to see as much light as possible. The Octarians also have this alien theme going on, as with octopuses in general. And with deep-sea creatures often being described as real-life aliens, I figured that I would take this aspect and go all out with it. I'm aiming for a "cute yet vaguely eerie" vibe, and I think the eyes fit very well with that!
However, I do think they would have coloured eyes. Or even irises! Take the Stauroteuthis genus (picture on the right), for example.
The fins
What's a dumbo octopus without its fins? They're always flapping about, so I loved the idea of having them move based on how they're feeling. Despite not giving them any eyebrows, I would still keep the "eyebrow muscles" for the sake of more dynamic facial expressions (like the ones in the introduction picture).
Their bangs are made out of webbing. As for the "antennas" on some haircuts, they're a modified pair of cirri! With the importance of fins, I figured that Cirralings would enjoy having "ear surrogates" for when their ears are hidden.
(or just because they feel like it)
(or not, it's their choice)
also it's cute
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To those who don't know: a cirrus is a small hair-like strand that moves a bit like a mini-tentacle. The suborder "Cirrina" is named after those strands, which they most likely use for feeding.
If we go back to Raian's design, there's a problem: despite being a cirrate octopus, they don't have any visible suckers nor cirri. Will we ever know your secrets, mysterious chiptune flapjack???
...so, I came up with something. If we go back to the reference picture under "Design breakdown," the suckers are on the same side as Inklings and they're covered by their cirri. It's a little unusual, but again, it fits with the vibe I'm trying to create.
The swim form
Since many cirrate octopuses live at the bottom of the ocean, I figured that I should keep them adapted enough to sit on the sea floor like they usually do. Those who live in the open ocean probably look more like a traditional octo form.
One thing's for sure: Opisthoteuthidae certainly don't need much stylization with how cartoony they already look.
The hands
Cirrate octopus have a lot more webbing between their tentacles than incirrate ones. Here's a cool way to translate this: webbed fingers and toes!
I'm sorry for telling you to scroll back again, but I'm very proud of how I drew that hand. Look at it. I'm not forcing you, like- you don't have to do it if you don't want to, but. Look.
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The teeth
These are just Octoling teeth but flipped and a little different. I also decided to "fuse" the teeth together to better distinguish them from the Octarians.
My main goal with this species is to show how differently they would evolve compared to their surface-dwelling cousins, all while staying similar to each other. I haven't studied biology since secondary 4 (aka 10th year of American high school), though, so please take this with a miniscule grain of salt.
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The mask and neck, as well as any other design choice that I haven't explained, are just some elements of Raian's design that kinda just... exist. That doesn't mean they're useless, though. If anything, it makes them look more "cirrate-like."
On a side note, I thought it would be cool to base them around what they're most famous for: their appearances! Given their reputation as "the octopus suborder that makes scientists so happy that one of its species almost got called 'Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis'", I think they have something to be proud of.
Unorganized tidbits of lore
I wanted to illustrate all of these individually, but I'm pretty busy with university. Also, I'm kinda slow at drawing. In the end, I got too impatient and decided to reveal my most developed ideas right then and there.
Cirratians, like most deep sea species, evolved through many miracles. First, the miracle of coming in contact with the crystals. Second, the miracle of evolving on dry land via caves. Third, the miracle of surviving in the harsh, barren underground.
Because of this, they evolved to be drastically different from their surface-dwelling counterparts. Since they don't have ink sacs, their bodies are mainly composed of water. However, they can still be splatted by getting submerged in dense enough liquids such as brine.
Not every cirrate octopus is a Cirraling, as evidenced by the existence of cirrate Octolings. As the name suggests, the latter are Octolings with cirrate ancestry. They almost always inherit the ink bodies of Octarians, but some are born without ink sacs. There are two types of cirrate Octolings: those whose ancestry dates back to the dawn of evolution (often through interbreeding and assimilation) and those whose ancestry is a result of modern Cirro-Octarian contact. Scientists are still researching this odd, prolonged "contact gap".
Similarly to Octarians, they have their own variants born from severed tentacles. Though, due to their different needs, these ones are non-sapient and take the role of cattle and companions. In ancient times, long tentacles were considered a sign of wealth.
They have a traditional dance characterized by slow movements and light, flowing fabric. Skilled dancers will try to make their costumes flow as much as possible without moving too fast. If they did, it would be considered a waste of energy.
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Like many deep sea cultures, one of the most important gods they worship is based on ancient whale falls (illustration by @thap34nut ). This large, skeletal god is a symbol of plenty. It is credited as the origin of marine snow and an essential provider of food to their ancestors. In the afterlife, it will grant eternal satiety to those who died of starvation. Meanwhile, it will punish the greedy with eternal hunger. To honour that god, they have a similar holiday to Squidmas colloquially called "the Deepest Gratitudes." The many bone decorations (which are usually painted rock sculptures) are often the source of culture shock to many uninformed outsiders.
Despite their internal shells, Cirralings are very squishy. This allows them to better withstand their highly pressurized environment. However, this also makes them vulnerable: they are notably more prone to bruising than most inkfish. So, they prioritize diplomacy over conflict.
Their natural charisma is known all over the deep sea, and many young Cirralings move to bigger cities in hopes of breaking through the idol industry. They are often stereotyped as charming and polite at best, or two-faced manipulators at worse.
Despite their reputation, they have a certain "shyness" to them. Indeed, most Cirratian cities and settlements are rather isolated. Their conflict-avoidant culture is most likely a result of the competitive, individualistic atmosphere of early deep sea civilization. Since then, however, the "spirit" of humanity and the survivalism of deep sea life managed to blend together more smoothly. Despite their cold and aloof appearance, these modern civilizations are now characterized by a certain sense of unity.
Cirratian society is noted to have a pretty unique atmosphere, even compared to their surrounding cultures. Despite shrouding themselves in mystery, they are warm and welcoming. Despite living simple lives, their social rules are very strict.
Cirralings are significantly less concerned with imitating humans. Their skin tones are rarely human-like, and while dull, they vary a lot in terms of colours. Their fins and tentacles also play a very important role in expressing emotions, sometimes even more than facial expressions. They have gained minor colour-changing abilities from the crystals, though many of them describe the process as "time-consuming and not very instinctive." They specialize more in bioluminescence.
Their eyes vary much less than other humanoids: they are large and dark to absorb as much light as possible. Some may have smaller or lighter irises, but this is rather uncommon. Cirratians come in all shapes and sizes, but their eyes are their most recognizable aspect.
The Cirratians and the Octarians have an odd relationship. They want to understand each other better, as there's potential for solidarity and brotherhood. However, it's hindered by their inherently different values.
Sometimes, Cirralings sneak to the surface in search of resources. They rarely interact with surface dwellers, as both parties would fear each other in the past. In fact, the "glowing-eyed mimic" or "void-eyed mimic" cryptid originated from various Cirraling sightings.
They often come to the surface through bodies of water. For a variety of reasons, some may even wash up on shore. Those who choose to stay will almost always hide their identity, though they have been revealing themselves more and more as the years went by. The events of Octo Expansion lead to a wave of deep sea creatures who immigrated to the surface in search of new opportunities. By then, almost every Cirraling had stopped hiding their identity.
Thank you for your interest❣️
Here's my favourite flapjack pic, for the soul.
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writernopal · 6 months
🦎The Angel's Lyre🦎
A snippet wherein the author is slowly falling in love with describing the majestic Lizardfolk vessel, The Angel's Lyre. She was one of the first ships I ever characterized in the original telling of AASOAF, so as cool as some of the others are, she is very near and dear to my heart and I'm so glad I can FINALLY do her justice in canon. Enjoy this snippet or don't! Do whatever you want! BUT if you are going to read it, I highly recommend reading it to The Flower Garden by Joe Hisaishi. (excuse any mistakes, this is largely unedited 💙)
WC: 946 CW: none
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I arrived at the bottom of the stairs that led to the main deck above. From here, the once muffled sounds from down below were now clear and identifiable, as if I’d just raised my head above the water’s surface. The low of hum of men going about their duties acted as a sort of tenor to the bassy sound of the sails flapping in the wind. The groaning of wood and straining of line harmonized with them, ever backed by the choir of the waves, repeating their shh-ah, shh-ah against the keel and hull of this ship and all others who’d cleave them until the end of time. I carefully ascended, skirts clutched in hand to avoid tripping, but nearly lost my footing once I reached the top. Not because of my indulgent imbibing the night before, but because it felt as if I’d just passed the portal to another world. And it was breathtaking.
Every surface was painstakingly carved with motifs depicting the grandeur of The Holtep Empire. The rising of their divine goddess Kava, spear pointed heavenward, and whose features were sharp enough to cut stone. The triumphs of many storied warriors, among them the familiar one of the Son of the Moon, greatsword victoriously aloft as the moon gave way to the shining sun. And of course, their emblem, that of a three-headed Lizardfolk clutching Oepus in its claws. A reminder that they believed themselves to be kings. Gods even. And each work, robed in rich red and gold paints, lustered with an incomparable fire and life in this western sun. 
Her four masts towered overhead like giants, each one handsomely decorated with scale-like engravings, as if strangled by the bodies of giant snakes. And her yards were wide. All proudly hanging white and gold brocaded sails, adorned with moving men in all colors and forms across their widths. Each one worked tirelessly to catch the wind precisely as their crewmates on the deck below instructed. I’d never been to the theater, but the way they moved, with such grace and certainty, evoked images of the elegant dancers I imagined might perform in a place like that. Gliding across the stage with all manner of pomp because they knew they were beautiful…
The decks themselves glistened in the afternoon sun from the sea spray and the ballista seated at her waist and bow glimmered along with it. Their filigree, as rich looking, perhaps more than any others I’d seen, rippled in the golden light as if these armaments might at any moment draw breath, stand upright, and strut alongside me. Ropes and barrels and devices I couldn’t even begin to name, made their home all along the ship, tended to by clusters of men performing their equally mysterious duties. None noted my presence, entranced instead by their vessel’s care and appearance like that of a dedicated potter to the lump of clay that spun on his wheel.
And now, in the calmness of observation, I could appreciate that she was the sort of vessel to have a quarterdeck and a poop deck. The latter term always sounded comical to me, but any trace of how funny-sounding the term was melted away as I looked upon her so directly. Both decks possessed handsomely bowed railings, calling to mind the tender and swelled shape of her instrumental namesake. And indeed, from those parts did sound a song. The rich voices of the men stationed there floated about the decks and air so pleasantly that I wished I could levitate, if only to blanket myself fully in their tune. And somewhere buried in that fortress was the wheel. I couldn’t see it, but I didn’t doubt it was a sight to behold. Perhaps like a crown on the head of a king.
I was not a sailor, but even I knew that calling The Angel’s Lyre ‘a ship’ was a disservice. She was a work of art. A masterpiece. Glorious and graceful and musical and dream-like. I could understand now why men so easily took to believing these masses of timber and nails were living, breathing beings. Why they named them. Why they would dangle themselves from dangerous heights and even be willing to die in service upon their decks. A single, indispensable truth, and one so expertly hidden that, despite always being seen, was rarely perceived. They were the blood to her life and the air to her lungs. And she belonged to them as much as they to her. Each capricious, but loyal. Tempestuous, but resolute. And with the sea stretched so far beneath them both, the sun on the horizon, and the wind to their backs, who in all the world could rightfully fault these men for loving such a dangerous mistress?
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AASOAF 3 Taglist: @outpost51 @thelivingdeceased @faelanvance @captain-kraken @illjustpretend @elshells @writeblr-of-my-own @the-mindless @zestymimblo
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lxkeee · 2 months
-Angel! Lucifer Morningstar x Mermaid! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance with slight angst
Synopsis: what if there are other supernatural beings that existed alongside angels?
Notes: If only I wasn't lazy in making my titles have ombre colors I would've had pretty colorful titles rn>:(
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It has been a few days since the two immortal beings of different kinds met, Lucifer and [y/n]'s friendship bloomed. Occasionally spending time by the island and getting to know each other better, at the very same shore where [y/n] had dragged Lucifer to save him from drowning. Sometimes the two liked exploring the area around the island, Lucifer flies gracefully against the wind while [y/n] swam beautifully in the water, just like now.
Large and majestic white wings spread out behind his back, flapping to keep himself in the air. The golden rays of the sun caressing his skin, his blue eyes squinting against its harsh rays, a grin plastered on his face as he performed tricks in the air—twirling and diving, truly astonishing to watch as [y/n] admired him as she swam underneath the cold dark waters, the cold waters of the sea hugging her form, her large majestic tail swaying against the strong currents and allowed her to keep up with him. The water runs against her scales, caressing her skin.
Raising her arm up, allowing it to break past the surface of the water. The water currents hitting her arm as she reaches up to the angel flying above her.
Lucifer's eyes gleam, a grin forming on his face as he looks down on the water, his form reflected on the clear and crystal blue waters, he could see his friend's majestic form underneath, swimming to catch up to him.
Without hesitation, he reaches towards her—extending his arm and allowing his warm hand to intertwine with her cold ones. His soft hands against her round ones, their hands a perfect fit like it was made for the other to fill the gaps. His light blond locks fluttered against the wind, it was neat and tidy but now it's messy from the strong winds. [Y/n] laughs underneath the water as she sees how messy his hair is but despite the mess, he still looks beautiful to her. Blue eyes focus in front of him, his tongue sticking out in the process, a small smile on his face. Majestic, absolutely divine. Her eyes dilated as she admired him.
Reluctantly, she slowly removed her hand away from his—this caused the angel to pout slightly, he genuinely enjoyed holding her hand. With a soft sigh and a small smile on his face, he opts to let his hand run against the current, feeling the coldness of the ocean against his skin. Thoroughly enjoying the sensation of her home against his hand.
Lucifer smiled softly, eyes half-lidded and dilated as he looked at her majestic form swimming underneath the crystal like waters. Her hair swayed against the currents of the water but still looked so silky and soft.
No words needed to exchange between them, this is enough.
Eventually, things have to end. The two returned to the shore. Lucifer helping her, of course. They didn't notice how much time had passed, finally realizing how much time they spent just flying and swimming around and having fun. They sat beside each other, gazing at the horizon and admiring the setting sun. Pink, orange, red, yellows, and blues painted the skies, stars beginning to be visible, birds flying over the clouds and towards the horizon.
The sounds of the waves and the sounds of the birds chirping fills their ears.
They remained quiet, sitting side by side. Her hands support her body as she planted them on the sandy grounds of the shore, his hands on the hand is placed on top of his knees. Lucifer tilted his head to look at her, admiring how the sunset is reflected through her eyes, the rays highlighting her eyelashes. Beautiful, he thought to himself, unaware how much his eyes dilated the moment he gazed at her.
His eyes lowered to see their hands just so close to each other.
Without thinking, he moved his hand and placed it on top of hers.
[Y/n] flinches slightly from surprise, Lucifer's eyes widened at the reaction, thinking that the physical contact was unwanted. He hesitantly and slowly moved his hand away from hers.
"Don't." She says softly, tilting her head to face him. He loved how her eyes sparkled when she looked at him. [Y/n] smiled softly and decided to remove her away from the sand, wiping the excess sand away from her skin and gently intertwining her hand with his.
Silence, aside from the loud beating of their hearts that only they could hear.
Of course, the other didn't know how much and how hard it was beating against their ribcage.
They shyly gaze away from each other's eyes, pink dusting their cheeks. The two of course, not knowing why their hearts are acting like this or why they feel so incredibly shy.
With courage, [y/n] leans her head against his shoulder. He flinches slightly but eventually calms down. Leaning his head on top hers in return. He could feel his suit getting soak a bit but he doesn't mind, not one bit. Extending his wings, he wrapped it over her shoulder, keeping her warm against the cold ocean winds. [Y/n] smiled softly, snuggling more against his side for warmth.
He's so unbelievably warm, in a comforting way.
“Thank you...” She whispers softly as she snuggled against his side, staring up at him through her eyelashes. He loved the way her eyes looked through her eyelashes, he could see his reflection on them, he could see the stars and galaxies in those [e/c] orbs of hers. A smile found its way to his face.
“It's nothing much, I don't want you getting a cold now.” he says with a small chuckle, the two resumed to staring at the horizon. [Y/n] chuckles softly beside him.
“Me? Getting a cold? I doubt it.” she says playfully and he rolls his eyes teasingly.
“Whatever you say.” he says with a small chuckle. Silence falls on them once more.
Absolute peace, they could get used to this. They wished that time would remain still.
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@kaurochika @akemika75 @kouyoumarryme @local-mr-frog @myluckymoon @nirvana5874 @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @yukichan67 @apple-pop @akiralovespenguins @storydays @kaurochika @amphiroxx
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weirdnaturalscience · 8 months
I saw that last ask about assigning animals to talents so here's two more if you're still open to it!
Zebras and Manta Rays (or any sea pancake variant, they're all sweeties)
Ooh interesting! People have usually been giving me their weird talents and I assign them an animal, so the reverse will be fun and challenging!
I would assign zebras the talent of being the ones in the group that never get bitten by any bugs. Like they're the ones on the hike that are having a blissful time while everyone is itching all over and miserable. This is because zebras' stripes function to confuse and ward off biting flies that carry disease. The stripes are a high-tech bug deterrent that also looks fashionable.
Ah the majestic sea flap-flap. Manta rays are beautiful swimmers that even perform aerial leaps, so I feel like their talent is extremely elegant and athletic dance. They're the really talented dancers that drink lots of protein smoothies (their diet is plankton, almost exclusively).
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Another strange fact that I learned about them just now: their gestation period is a year or even 13 months!! That's too long.
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bizkitsnuggets · 26 days
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The teacher talked endlessly as [Y/N] drew small doodles of whale-sharks in her sketchbook mindlessly. She also drew two cigarette sticks purely because she has yet to find out Jotaro's favorite brand.
The girl of course, without realizing, drew a bluefin tuna. This time she didn't draw it just by itself. She added a person, a fisherman. The bluefin tuna was freshly caught and it reminded her of the first time she went on a fishing trip with her father.
She was seven years old at the time and it was late spring. That's usually the time where bluefin tunas become available in the sea of Japan. [Y/N] was the one who asked (forced) her father to take her on a fishing trip and he obviously had no choice but to oblige. He thought it'd be a good idea to show her just how bizarre the ocean world is.
So, there she was, in a boat with her father's crewmate. As they're doing all the work, [Y/N] sits on top of a barrel all cutely. It wasn't until a few moments later that one of her father's crewmates alerted them about some sort of big fish. The girl's father then ushered her to come see.
"Alright kiddo, don't get any closer. Just watch and learn." Her father told her before reeling his fishing rod into the water. Not long after, the rod started to wiggle, startling [Y/N] and her father. "This is it!" he shouted, his crewmate then took some sort of dart with a rope and when the fish was near the boat, he threw it. [Y/N]'s eyes widened as her dad pulled the fish onto the boat.
The fish was humongous, it was almost larger than her dad. "This is the fish they usually use in sushi, kid. It's called bluefin tuna." He extended his hand so the girl could take a better look at it. [Y/N] didn't know if it was the sun that made the fish look so majestic. Never in a million year would she expect herself to call a fish "majestic" but here she is. It was practically shining.
The girl could only look at it with her mouth open and her eyes wide. Her words were taken away from her and her muscles seemed to stop moving. It was the first time she'd seen a fish that big in real life. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit taken aback.
But after that, she never saw a bluefin tuna again. She'd only see it already sliced up and served as food whenever she went out to restaurants.
Well... not until one day, in her second year of Highschool, she had gone to the beach to take pictures of the sunset. She stood by the shore, holding her digital camera up and took a picture of the golden hues.
It was mesmerizing to say the least. Suddenly, she heard a flapping noise beside her. Her head turned to the sound, and to her surprise it was a stranded bluefin tuna. It was flipping around, struggling to get back in the water.
The girl backed up out of surprise. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to help, but she wasn't authorized for that and there was a possibility that she could end up hurting the fish. So, [Y/N] did what any sane person would do, she called to the fishermen that were nearby.
It didn't take long before they started running towards her. However, [Y/N] didn't know why, but she felt as if the fish was glowing. She didn't know if it was the radiant hues from the sun, but it was weirdly alluring.
Slowly, she put her hand up as the sound of the shutter camera went off. Suddenly, she felt the urge to look to her side. Again, she didn't know why. And there he was. The infamous troublemaker, Kujo Jotaro. He was a few feet away from her, looking at the sunset.
He was far away enough for him to not notice her but close enough that she could still make out his facial expression. His brows were furrowed, his face as if made of stone. He looked normal, he looked like he would every day at school. That same scowl, that same lidded eyes. But despite that, he looked remorseful.
Oh, after missing fifty days of attendance he's finally back. I wonder what happened.
That day was a core memory for [Y/N]. She never cared for Jotaro, she never spared him a glance. But that evening made her change her opinion on him a bit. He reminded her of the bluefin tuna which was stranded. Jotaro looked lost, stranded. Just like the fish.
"Ms. [L/N]? Ms. [L/N]?" The teacher called out to her. The girl looked up from her notebook, "yes sir?"
"What's so interesting about your notebook, Ms [L/N]? Mind sharing it to the class?" He interrogated her in a sharp tone.
"No sir, sorry."
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ardenpodcast · 1 year
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Greetings Good People of Tumblr! It is I, Andy Wheyface, logging in to give you my insights into the most spectacular television program - a little show called DUCKTALES, starring my fellow billionaire, Scrooge McDuck! (And his nephews, who I presume are locked in perpetual battle with each other to secure his affections and inherit his vast riches!)
To celebrate Arden's Indiegogo campaign for our third season hitting another big milestone, I've just watched the DuckTales theme song sequence. And I must say, my mind is positively RACING from these intriguing (and highly realistic) sights and sounds.
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For starters, look at this! A WAVE of MONEY? Genius! Naturally I also have an unimaginable quantity of golden coins in a big vault such as this one (more on that later) - but I never considered installing a wave machine capable of creating a monstrous, crashing tsunami of gold that will rain down upon my body and sweep me up in its unstoppable path... until NOW!
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Next, consider this helicopter. I know what you're thinking - "Andy, you're an eccentric billionaire! Surely you're not impressed by a helicopter, of which you must own several!" How well you know me!
But what I don't own... is a helicopter piloted BY a DUCK! But of course, it makes perfect sense - ducks are masters of the skies already, flying as they do upon their majestic wings. So naturally they'd make excellent pilots.
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And now, I can hear you saying, "Andy, if you're building a powerful duck army in New York City, a legion of ducks stronger than anything this world has ever seen before, perhaps you should provide them with helicopters," and let me assure you: plans ARE already in motion. But I thank you for the suggestion just the same!
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Now what exactly is happening here? It's unclear, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that Scrooge McDuck is walking through some sort of rejuvenating energy field that will make him feel younger in mind, body, and spirit. Based on this image alone, I can promise you that my duck army WILL be equipped with state-of-the-art rejuvenating energy fields, as I've gathered that they must be extremely important to ducks of some prominence!
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Ahh, now this view will look familiar to all of you - we all have a spiral staircase leading down to our money vaults, do we not? I certainly do!
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And THIS view will look familiar to those of you who have been hospitalized for trying to dive into an enormous custom-built vault full to the brim with golden coins, as inspired by Scrooge McDuck himself!
I am, OF COURSE, talking about ME, Andy Wheyface! As it turns out, slamming into a mound of solid gold at a high velocity is not nearly as comfortable as you'd think!
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The pain was agonizing!
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Good People, this particular screencap sent a chill down my spine, so much did it remind me of when another type of vicious underwater beast (sea lions) attacked my underwater casino - an event that is still having unexpected consequences upon the duck community to this day!
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And such occurrences remind us of the fragility of life, of the constant danger lurking around every corner, of the need to ARM ducks against threats of all kinds. Which is why I've already commissioned robot duck suits just like this one, so MY ducks will not have to live in fear! I told you this title sequences was full up to the brim with inspiration! I have no idea what's happening here, but I DO know with every fiber of my being that it's a SPECTACULAR idea!
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Now, this moment made me pause, so deep in contemplation as I was. When they soar above the clouds, flapping their wings mightily as the wind carries them across the heavens like a starlit highway... do ducks dream of going to space? Do they have ambitions of seeing the Earth from above?
Would that we could ask them such lofty queries....
Anyway, I've now commissioned a tiny rocket to carry ducks to space, so I suppose we'll find out soon enough!
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Another interesting thought here - ducks accessing GENIE technology! What would a duck wish for, had it access to all the powers and mysteries of the universe? Wealth? Power? An unlimited supply of pretzels? ALL OF THE ABOVE?
And if someone - say, an eccentric billionaire and owner of Wheyface Industries - provide the ducks with such things... would they view ME as a genie? Or even as a GOD?!
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And that, good people, has been my commentary on DuckTales, a vivid documentarian glimpse into the upper crust of duck society!
And if you have been inspired by this magnificent program, let me offer you this advice:
Put on some body padding before diving into your coin vault. Your bones will thank you!
If you'd like to earn more rewards like my DuckTales commentary, donate to Arden's season three campaign on Indiegogo and help us reach more milestones!
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vbholidayfestival · 4 months
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Up next are the Johto lights displays.
The Brass and Tin Towers are the centerfolds of the Johto section, with Lugia and Ho-Oh flapping their wings above the towers. As you look on, the Brass Tower suddenly burns down, engulfed in flickering orange flames. From the ashes of the fallen tower appear three figures: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, who then speed away. Once more, an inconspicuous Mew formed out of pink lights can be spotted near the top of the Tin Tower, spying from above.
The second Johto display features Olivine's famous Glitter Lighthouse, decorated in pine garlands with hollies and golden tinsel. At the very top, an Ampharos wearing a Santa Hat is animated using the move Flash to serve as a beacon for presumed sailors navigating the invisible stormy seas. Nearby, several pokémon are pictured participating in the famous Pokéathlon while dressed in assorted holiday attire. Front and center is a powerful-looking Typhlosion, wearing a cute red vest and a Santa hat as it smashes a block to smithereens. Several Marill dressed like elves, one of them holding a red pennant, are depicted flanking the Typhlosion.
Oh, there's a hooting sound nearby! As you near the end of the Johto area, you come across a giant wreath-like clock with numbers fashioned out of cool white lights. A majestic Noctowl roosts atop the six o' clock position, while an adorable HootHoot perches on the minute hand of the clock, the animatronic tilting its head each second... Maybe they're telling you it's time for a snack?
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art by mod Psyseon / @mirroredranger
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