#made at 3 am
riiceghost · 5 months
um no one asked but here’s some Val hcs I have:
killjoy knits and crochets, I like to think she learned this from a coworker at kingdom cause I think she’s a very creative person but can’t take a break for the life of her so crocheting and knitting is her way to be like all technical and stuff but take a nice break bc those activities (CAN BE) very relaxing
Raze can cook an amazing meal! I think she’s great at cooking and makes these beautifully looking and tasting meal however I think she struggles with baking since with cooking she does what I call the Asian way of cook; she just goes with the vibes of the meal and gets the right ratios every time but baking is like a fine delicate art so like as much as she tries she just cannot bake.
Sova bakes like a fucking master this man will and can bake anything he’s like “oh you want this really intricate baked good? I gotchu” and makes it. like wtf
He’s also not a natural blonde he actually has black brownish hair (it’s either a brownish black or a very very dark brown that looks black sometimes) and on this note he helps all the agents dye their hair when asked like he normally helps jett but sometimes gekko is lazy and asks for help, neon asks for help with the underdye she has, sometimes he helps yoru and fade too!
Phoenix gifts people cologne and perfume I have no reasoning for this other than I think it’s funny but he means it very well and gets the most fitting scents for everyone
sage cannot keep a plant alive for the life of her. She tries to hard but they all keep on dying some how. she gets distraught about it because everyone assumes she can and gets her plants but she can’t.
Skye regularly holds wood carving lessons at the protocol, all agents have stopped by at least once and she keeps everyone’s first attempt. Breach, Gekko, Killjoy, Raze, and Omen are the most frequent.
Yoru is very good at styling hair and will always give a hand to his fellow agents if needed, albeit reluctantly and constantly complaining. Sage and Skye don’t hear his complaints though.
Astra is pretty much the protocols 2nd mother. As much as everyone jokes sage is the mom, Astra does her part in watching over everyone! She helps out with minimal tasks, offers help to everyone, checks up on people and makes sure they’re doing alright, yells at people to take breaks (cypher, killjoy, sage, brimstone), keeps up a positive and lovely atmosphere and keeps everyone in line when needed!
K/AYO holds a game night every thursday night for everyone! Usually board games, sometimes video games. He has written very specific rules including: no playing Mario kart, Uno, and sorry. Monopoly is fine as long as no one gets into a fight. (He def has more, but these are the ones in BOLD)
Sova, Skye, and breach go on morning jogs together regularly! Others are free to join them! Fade and Deadlock tend to join them every now and then.
Deadlock and Sova r very much sibling energy but on a more chill level.
Gekko’s crew helps around the base a BUNCH. Wingman helps sage a lot, dizzy helps in the kitchen, thrash helps at the range, and mosh is very much emotional support.
On that note Jett and Neon ask jokingly for a therapist to be hired, Brimstone actually considers it every time because some people here are concerning then turns it down due to it being a security hazard.
Brimstone has a little box for people to put requests into: these requests can be about anything. Raze has asked for a free for all or team death match style of paintball! Viper, kj, cypher, and breach always ask for more equipment. Some agents ask for hobby stuff, trips, or group bonding. He goes through them every week and if it’s urgent like fixing something, they normally tell him or sage straight up.
Everyone in the protocol don’t really talk about their past, like ever. However, if the moment is right, they’ll drop a bomb to make a story or lesson really stick. Sova dropped the fact he has 5 sisters when Jett and Phoenix got into a fight and he had to tell them to quit it or else he’d make them hand write apologies together and stick them into a shirt like his sisters did to him and his younger sister. silly stuff like that nothing serious yk.
Also on the note of Sova (can you tell hes on of my favs) I don’t think he HATES cypher, just dislikes the fact he’s so secretive yet will through out information about others. He feels as if it’s hypocritical and dislikes this. idk if I explained this very well and can go more into detail it’s kinda fun I like cyberowl a lot !!
Harbor also realllyyy likes pottery, he’s a historian yk and sees a bunch of artifacts and pots that are from decades ago. He’s learned how to replicate and learned how respective periods made their pots/anything else clay related!! he’s very much into historical accuracy of how artistic things are made (ie paintings, clothes, pottery, and more)
Im half awake so the harbor one is a little wild but yeah if u want more lmk I got plenty.
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theharlotofferelden · 9 months
Genuinely loved the experience of being at camp for the first time and seeing all the companions with their tits out like they're all gonna go clubbin or some shit
Then there’s Gale
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Who's just. So utterly swagless that his clothes smell like dusty old books. My man doesn't give a fuck about the drip he's getting his ass ready for bed
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obsob · 5 months
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to be loved is to be held!!! print
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Still. Not. Talking.
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timetodiverge · 3 months
Excuse me sir, that's my Emotional Support vicious lurca hound
....soooo Batcher is fully Crosshair's puppy now, yes???
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-spending the morning at the beach with him instead of Omega -sitting next to him at the table -staying near him while everyone was yelling -squaring off against the wyrm ("YEAH YOU BETTER RUN!!"), then going right to Crosshair to check in, then STAYING THERE while Crosshair has his moment with Hunter
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sttoru · 2 months
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“ryo,” it rolls off your tongue. naturally—as if you’ve called him that thousands of times before. you don’t realise it until he stops his movements.
sukuna narrows his eyes. you turn your head and look up, oblivious to your slip-up. the sorcerer doesn’t utter a word and instead glares down at your short frame. he looks irritated, or more annoyed.
“oh,” you realise why only a few seconds later. you bow your head at him and try to explain yourself in a hurry. normally, you’d address him with respect like everyone else does. ‘my lord’, ‘lord sukuna’, or even ‘master’.
you nearly fall to your knees. you don’t know how or what sukuna’s going to do now that you’ve dropped the honorifics on accident and called him by a nickname. you hold your hands together, “my deepest apologi—“
“again,” sukuna demands in a rough voice. you freeze for a second before tilting your head back. you catch a glimpse of his expression; he’s amused, intrigued and perhaps still a bit annoyed. he repeats, “call me that again.”
sukuna isn’t annoyed by the fact that you’ve called him by a nickname for the first time. he’s annoyed, because your sweet voice makes him feel stuff he’s sworn to never feel for a regular human. that warm feeling in his chest. . . he hates it. yet he yearns for it. from you.
you hesitate for a second, unsure if the firm tone in sukuna’s voice was a bad sign or not. you decide to just comply and hope for the best, “. . . ryo.”
sukuna grits his teeth. you think he’s mad, but in reality, he’s trying to eliminate the feelings of love from within him. your voice calling him so affectionately—so intimately; it makes him feel that warmth in his chest.
no one’s dared to call him anything like that before. everyone’s formal with him. it’s a must. sukuna’s used to everyone acknowledging his superiority in the conversations he holds. it’s a given.
no one refers to him so casually. no one dares to.
you’re the first one to break that pattern. the first one to make sukuna’s cold heart tremble. if it were anyone else, they’d be his dinner by now. but it’s you so it’s. . . fine, he assumes. an exception.
silence falls in the hallway. luckily, not another soul is around to witness the king of curses struggling to contain his own ‘foolish’ emotions. sukuna clicks his tongue and sighs before continuing to walk ahead of you.
you scurry after him—keeping your head low. you don’t wish to upset sukuna any further. you feel like you overstepped a boundary just now. the silence continues for a couple seconds, both of you deep in thought.
sukuna’s the one to end the quiet atmosphere. his voice is as deep and cold as ever, though there’s no denying the subtle softness that creeps in whenever he talks with you.
he takes a deep breath and sighs. sukuna keeps walking and doesn’t spare you a glance, however his voice and words tell you enough;
“from now on, that’s the only way you’ll address me until i say otherwise, understood?”
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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egophiliac · 1 month
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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kaiju-krew · 1 month
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um. anyways
zeuszilla trend got me actin silly
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kiwibrain · 13 days
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part 2 of the silly isat dunmeshi crossover, with angst and a recipe i made up in 2 minutes :)
Part 1 ✨
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spielzeugkaiser · 6 days
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Being on the nostalgia train this week really helped stretching my artistic legs again. So here, have some old things and some new! For now I'm done with this.
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sushirens · 2 months
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after years of waiting, we finally got a new irl zits pic to turn into a weezer meme, who cheered.
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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tshortik · 3 months
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Cryptic visions of space and time...
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deep-space-lines · 2 months
okay but like. I just had the weirdest thought about that ‘don’t look I’m naked’ comic. Which is that that’s essentially the same thing Adam and Eve did after they ate the fruit of knowledge of good&evil. So I feel like the theological implications of that could kneecap Gabe if he doesn’t think V1 is a being with free will.
yeah ok. i dunno man. is this anything
((side note. this isn’t necessarily meant to be in-character or story-accurate or take place at any particular point in time, just a way to explore some Thoughts. i was also imagining more that V1’s words aren't actually spoken, more like Gabriel’s more articulate interpretation of whatever garbled mechanical noise V1 is using to communicate. I think an angel could do that.))
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and then they fucked nasty the end
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corgiteatime · 5 months
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yeah sure i'm fine i'm totally normal i'm ok i'm fine i'm normal i'm n
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