#love that she is the token white tho
vampyrluver · 1 year
guys, i am suffering from “spider gwen is just like me fr” syndrome :(
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hypaalicious · 8 months
Why I think Nocturne is way better than the OG Castlevania series
Sorry, when I try to shut up about this show I be like
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so here’s my unsolicited, highly biased word vomit that will contain spoilers at the end (but those will be under a cut) so read at your own risk! Okay, leggo
It’s actually diverse.
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One thing about high fantasy is that it’s almost always Eurocentric. Even if it’s not set in Europe, the characters are gonna inexplicably have British accents because we associate that with high fantasy. We’re gonna have European style “old” clothing choices. And if everyone isn’t white, they might as well be because they’ll only throw in a couple ambiguously brown side characters and call it a day. Or if they make a main character a POC then best believe everyone around them will be white.
Nocturne, tho? Oh, you can tell it’s made with more than just a sprinkle of representation. They didn’t just make Olrox indigenous, they tied his Aztec lineage in beautifully. Annette was a slave but it’s not flattening her character because of it. Drolta came to slay but even she has her authentic background. Which leads me to my next point!
The Black characters especially are done tastefully.
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Like… don’t get me wrong. I love Isaac. He was the only reason I stayed tuned into Castlevania past season 1, LMAO! But his backstory felt like straight trauma porn cooked up by a non-Black person who wanted an excuse to see a Black man whipped for character development.
Zodwa Nyoni wrote some episodes for Nocturne and she put her FOOT in it. When it came to addressing Annette’s time as a slave, her connection to the Orisha through her bloodline… I was gobsmacked at how accurate everything was and now I know why LOL! Like, for me, it’s always gonna be hard to see slavery in fiction but I can’t say shit bad about how it was tied into everything in this show. Annette’s ancestors play such a huge part in her growth and it just warmed my heart to see a Black girl whoop some colonizer ass without it feeling hamfisted. 🥹
The token relationship is the cishet one, everyone else is gay asf
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I love that trope flipped on it’s head, ngl LMAO! I, by default, HC everyone as bi anyway but MAN was it nice to see Olrox and Mizrak speedrun enemies to lovers and a hint of Drolta’s devotion/gayness to Erzsebet.
I know the majority of my fictional character thirsting leans male but don’t get it twisted; I jump for JOY for gay shit in media 😂 The only reason I don’t thirst as hard for female characters is because I prefer my men fictional but my women real.
That being said, this series sent me into bi panic and I’d like to be manhandled in a room by Drolta and Olrox.
Nocturne’s first season plays out neater than the OG’s first season.
Like… okay. My main beef with the OG series was that after they defeated Dracula, the rest of the show felt like a meandering fanfic. Sure, there were a few badass moments, but the energy kinda faltered for me and I was bored with a lot of it. I hope they don’t do the same with Nocturne; they left off at a nice cliffhanger which builds anticipation for the next season and… idk it feels more cohesive already? They coulda speedran kicking Erzsebet’s face in like the OG trio did to Dracula but I’m so glad they left us a lil something to look forward to.
Alucard’s glow up >>>>>
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I’m chronically online but I’m so glad I went into this series blind because the way I GASPEDT when he showed up at the end
Like damn for the past fifty-leven years he was in that castle by himself going “do I wanna talk to Sypha and Trevor plushies again or do I wanna make myself even more of a bad bitch?” Then he chose the latter, went to the salon, got his hair bleached platinum along with some sew in extensions for volume, beat his face with Fenty, and said “sorry Drolta but there can be only one vampire baddie on this earth and hunny I’m TAKIN IT”
He looks more like his video game design this way too, which I love! I hate that he took out Cuntress McSlay tho 😔 Drolta I will always love you!!
Mmkay. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start a cult to Olrox real quick. Erzsebet ain’t the only god walking the earth and I feel he just needs good marketing!
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kahlanmars · 10 months
BAD FEELING part. 22
Hi! We are back in the cityyy! But I can't stop myself from writing Daymitch so... kisses and cuddles in the chapter too. Thank you thank you thank you!
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taglist: @crimsonincursive
22. Argent Bracelet
You don’t know how to prepare yourself for a mission. It’s silly, but you don’t know if it’s going to be chilly or hot and you figure you have to wear the jumpsuit, but it seems like not safe enough. They will give you some kind of preparation kit, or not? A bulletproof vest, a helmet at least.
You stress yourself in front of the mirror so much that Haymitch comes to hug you from behind, his face burying on your neck to place some kisses on it and bite your flesh. You immediately relax. He is only in his underwear, he must be cold.
«It’s not a beauty contest.» He murmurs, his voice is still rough from the night before and his hands are roaming through your body.
«Certainly not, because I know I could win that.» You sigh, hiding against his chest. «I’m scared.» You whisper.
«You are stronger than you think.» He kisses your shoulder. « But to lift your mood… I’ve got something for you.» 
You immediately turn around, a lot happier than a moment before. For certain things you remain a child. Presents are one of these things. Presents from the man you love are certainly better. «A gift?»
«Effie threatened me. She insisted that if I had to chase her away from her room on a daily basis, at least I could make you happy.» He grumbles. Dear heavens if you know he could give you a gift because he wants to. 
«I could argue you made me very happy tonight…» You purr before a kiss on his lips. «But I want my gift. And I adore her.»
«Yeah, that’s new.» He has always been a little jealous of you and Effie. Not romantically, just how close you two are. Although he doesn’t know that Effie likes women, or he would be a lot more jealous. You can’t wait for the woman to be out to torture him a little. That’s what he gets from listening to your mother and trying to stay with Marjorie. «Maybe Effie should give you presents instead.»
«My gift, sir.» You remind him. He tosses a little box at you, and you catch it with a glare. That’s not a proper way to give you a present.
When you open it, tho, you squeal in joy. It’s a bracelet. An argent bracelet - because you don’t love gold very much - with a little white daisy charm. It’s classy, it’s simple and beautiful. And it shines. You jump on him to kiss him properly.
«You like it?» He manages to ask you while you are attacking him, as there is not an obvious answer.
«It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to show it to Lora and Perla!» You put it on and watch him from every angolation. You are so proud of your bracelet. You are proud that he thought of a gift for you. 
You didn’t talk about the L-word after you spilt it last night. You don’t want to make a fuss about it, because you are aware he can’t say it out loud right now, he probably doesn’t feel it that way about you yet. It’s fair, you’ve had more time to adjust, you like him from before, you’ve been attracted to him for more time, and now he is struggling with an addiction. Definitely not the right time.
«If you behave like this I’ll have to buy you something everyday.» He half-complains, but something tells you he is not at all that annoyed by your reaction. 
«Thank you, thank you, thank you!» You repeat, smothering his face with pecks. You can’t say it out loud but he is cute. And a nice, very nice distraction. 
«You deserve it.» He winks at you. You’ve been together for a while now, but when he does things like this you feel the crush growing. 
«Thank you. I wish you could have something of me too. A token.» You think and think but you don’t have something that he can wear. 
«Don’t worry about that.» He dismisses it. «We’re partners, you and I, aren’t we? You come back to me and that’s enough.»
You deepen the kiss and nod when you have to take a breath. “Partners” it’s a good word. This is a good admission. «Of course I’ll come back to you.» 
«Keep it for the mission, ok? Don’t take it off.» He warns you, kissing your wrist another time but there is the bracelet now. 
You frown. Oh, you thought it was just a nice gesture… of course the great mastermind had a plan, a tracker if you could bet. But the fact he gave you clues does mean he can’t tell you, not that he doesn’t want to …And it shines. And it’s a nice gesture anyway, the gift remains and it’s a daisy, it’s your flower. So he actually chose it for you.
You nod. 
«Now kiss me before you go.» He demands. A demand you are so happy to please.
«Bossy.» You whack his hand, but you let him carry to the bed nonetheless. Maybe tomorrow will be a bad day, but you still have a few hours.
«Yeah and you like it.» He comments, so confident, so sure of himself, while he tosses you to the mattress and pinches himself on top of you, ready to make out like teenagers.
«It will be quick, right?» Effie wants to know, again. You love her, you really do, but you are scared enough by yourself, you don’t need her part too. She is frightened for you, for her children, maybe for Perla and Lora too now that she knows them. Must be hard to stay in Thirteen knowing you are in danger.
She is not supposed to be on the roof with the others. She is a political refugee, so she has to stay underground at all costs. Your mother too. You have no idea what Thirteen means with a roof, anyway, because there is still ground on your head, but it’s an isolated place where hovercrafts leave and it’s considered not underground enough. If there’s a good thing in this situation is that you’ll see the sun again.
«Very quick. As quick as I can.» You reassure her, and you smile at your mom.  She’s very District and she is probably criticising the prim and proper Euphemia right now because she is making such a fuss, you have to be stoic. You think she’s trying to appreciate that she adores you, anyway. Little progresses. Baby steps.
It’s still weird to see them together, and you are sure they are about to argue on this or that detail.
You give a quick kiss on the lips to your non boyfriend, because you don’t want to embarrass anybody, but he keeps you in his arms, he deepens the kiss and he smirks at you. Oh, he is smug in public, especially since your mother is so against the relationship and he is petty like a child. And also this is a display for the soldiers, that you are his, and he is the Mockingjay’s mentor, so they have to protect you.
«I’ll miss you.» You whisper. Woods and liquor, you have to remember his scent. Remember mom’s baking. Effie’s perfume. You are doing this to free them.
«Yeah, me too. Don’t fuck it up.» You can sense he’s eyeing Peeta while he’s talking to you. Poor mentor, he has so many tributes in one mission. Two children, a non girlfriend and most of his closest friends are here. 
«You don’t fuck it up. Behave with Coin.» You stroke your hand in his hair. «Don’t lose your temper too much.» 
He nods. More than what you expected. «Do whatever Finnick says. I don’t fucking care it’s Katniss’ mission, she’s a teenager. Do as Finnick says.»
«Finnick?» You turn around to watch the others and you see Finnick coming to your group, dashing in his damn suit (you don’t understand why you look like a potato sack and he is handsome). You can’t resist running for a hug, after he hugs Katniss. It’s her turn to talk to Haymitch anyway.
«What the hell are you doing here? You are supposed to be on your honeymoon!» You scold him, mostly for Annie. Poor Annie. He lifts you up and turns you around, happy enough now because he just got married to the woman of his life.
«Killing Snow comes first.» He raises his eyebrows and that tells you that these are not his words. He didn’t want to leave Annie in Thirteen, not alone. You suppose Johanna and Effie can take care of her until you don’t come back. «What about you? Haymitch nearly trashed the headquarters when they mentioned your name.» 
You cringe in embarrassment. You love him, you really love him, but he makes you appear like a coward.
«It wasn’t right.» You shrug. «And it’s not right that you are here.»
«A lot of soldiers in Thirteen have a wife, Dai, not just me.» 
«Yeah, but…» But it’s not true. Finnick was the youngest victor ever, and since he was fourteen his life has been hell. He deserves some peace, he deserves at least a honeymoon in peace with his wife.
«Annie is pregnant.» He reveals. You gasp and hug him again. A baby! They are having a baby! A mini Annie. Or a mini Finnick. A mini Annie is better, there’s enough ego in the family. No, a mini Finnick would be perfect. But you could make little dresses for a mini Annie. Twins, you decide. They should have twins.
«Congratulations!» You are overjoyed. Children tend to have that effect on you. You are already planning the Odair’s nunnery, painting the walls will be great! “What walls”, is a question you will ask yourself later.
«Yeah, remember the time when I told you I wasn’t terrified?» 
You laugh. «It takes a village. We certainly are.»
Your talking is interrupted by Perla and Lora, who arrive together. Cinna is behind them, maybe to talk about uniforms. 
«In a hovercraft? With you? Again?» Perla complains, but she smiles at you. 
«It’s nice, isn’t it?» Lora comments, and you can’t help but watch her puzzled. Did they tell her that this was a mission and not a holiday?
«Pardon me?»
«I mean, I would have preferred to stay at home, but at least this time we are allies for good, no reason to kill each other!» Oh, yeah. That is nice. You just forgot she is Lora and Lora is always an optimist. It is so her to find a silver lining.
«Oh, spend two days with Daisy and then tell me again you don’t want to kill her, I might help you.» The blue eyed girl retorts. You want to smack her but you are adjusting your backpack.
«Have you done some exercise since Thirteen?» She asks again.
«I’ve done a lot of cardio.» You point it out, and when they eye you completely done you just shrug your shoulders. «What? It’s true.»
Lora shakes her head. «I can see your point now, Pearl.»
When everybody is in the hovercraft the tension starts to build and the time for jokes is over. Katniss is very serious, you can still see the marks on her neck from Peeta’s attack, and somehow he passed the tests to be in the mission and he is here too. They didn't give you a test, you don't know if it's because they think you are not traumatised or because they want you to participate no matter what.
Finnick is here, Perla and Lora, Peeta and Katniss and Gale Hawthorne, plus the cameramen and a few other soldiers. 
You start to see this mission is made of people that can die, the dispensable ones. The District is not very pleased by you, or by victors in general. Victors have demands, they want justice but they want it on their terms. They are reckless, irresponsible and they don't want to be in a cage anymore. Not the kind of hero Coin wants when everything is over, a too strong reminder of how it was before.
This is a little less than a suicide mission.
And when Caius comes in from the hovercraft door you have the confirmation. At first you think this is a mistake, he can’t be him, but he has the same blonde hair, the same eyes, the same kicked puppy expression. Hypocritical. It was already bad enough that he decided to punish you by not letting you go in the bunker but you are sure he saw there was another person with you, one that was limping.
Caius. Caius. They want you to go on a mission with the man who nearly killed you and Marjorie. A wound collector. And on top of that, a guard. Guards usually have guns.
But you didn't tell anyone. You didn't say it to Haymitch because he would have killed him and you didn't want your partner behind bars. You didn't tell Effie because you didn't want to upset her. No one knew except for Plutarch and you don't know if Plutarch did it on purpose or he just relocated him, then President Coin had wanted you in the mission and the rest was fate.
Fate sucks anyway.
«Are you okay?» Finnick asks you. «You are pale as a ghost.»
«Do you remember when I went into the bunker with Marjorie? This is the man who saw us and closed the door.» 
You want to be sure somebody knows it, in case Caius decides to try and do something else because you crossed the line.
«Oh.» He brushes your cheek. «Are you sure you want to continue the mission? We can still… I don’t know, you could say you are not feeling well. Johanna is not okay yet and she can’t come, maybe you could…» 
You shake your head. Tempting, but no. You are not going to pretend. «Now more than ever I need to keep an eye on the people I love.»  
You are interrupted by Boggs, a tall soldier who begins to talk. «I want to say thank you to everyone who’s here today. The hovercraft is about to fly, but I want to introduce the team. This is Cressida, she’s a filmmaker and she comes from Capitol City, so she will help us in the city. Her assistant Messalla, her cameramen Castor and Pollux, from District Twelve Gale Hawthorne, and from District Thirteen we have the Leegs twins, Mitchell, Jackson, Holmes and Caius. We all know the remaining victors: Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, and of course our Mockingjay Katniss Everdeen, and the last participants of the Hunger Games: Perla Undertow, Lora Wimsey and Daisy Pinecone. Most of you don’t have a real war training, so follow my orders and everything will be alright. Now try to sleep for a moment, this is the last time you can. We will use the tunnels behind the city to move.» So no sunlight, again. «And every one of you will have a bulletproof vest. We will eat before the mission. Good luck.»  
You do as he says and try to sleep during the flight, but it’s not the easiest thing. You keep trying to guess how it will be, even if you know it will do no good to you. The only time you’ve been to Capitol City you were in a penthouse and you are a little ashamed of yourself for thinking you liked the town. Not the people, but the town was nice. Now it’s filled with horror. And the tunnels… you are not keen to inspect the tunnels, you can imagine the rats, the snakes and other animals you really don’t want to meet.
When you get up, you eat soup in a little bowl and then you begin to walk. And walk. And walk. You have to walk in the dark because every light could be seen by the capitol guards (you don’t know why a Capitol guard should be in the tunnels below the city, but you are there so maybe he would have a point) and you basically follow the soldiers without questioning anything. 
The tunnels are watery, with a lot of puddles everywhere and a smell that resembles awfully rotten eggs. You are not sure you’ll be able to stay in this place so much without throwing up.
After hours you are exhausted, irritated and dehydrated. Peeta is the one who gets it worse, he trembles and sometimes he slips into something that is not a coma, because he is awake, but he doesn’t listen to you when you talk to him and he doesn’t move anymore. It’s usually a few minutes before someone calls him and he wakes up. Still, I wouldn’t choose him for a mission. It’s a miracle Johanna is not here.
«How's it going?» Finnick asks you but you don’t want to complain. You are in the same position, and if the nation knows how much you don’t like to walk, you really can’t complain to one of the few people who always has your back.
«Breathing, for now.» You smile at him. «You?» 
«I meant about the Caius thing.» 
«Oh, I’m trying not to think about it. I’ll just avoid him, I think.» You don’t know how much you could avoid someone who is on a mission with you, but still you could try. You can just hope he is not your difference between life and death.
«Be careful.» Boggs warns everyone. You immediately freeze.
There is a difference between a generic mission and someone who tells you to be careful, because if you need to be careful there is something out there.
«There is something here.» He alerts you again. Soldiers? You don’t know how to fight with a gun! You fought with skates the last time. Haymitch was right, you are not a soldier, you shouldn’t be here.
«What is that? What is that??» What is that? 
He yells and begins to run away scared. He means for us to follow him, so you begin to run and run in the tunnels. Sometimes you look back to see Peeta, Katniss and the others, but quickly you are left behind enough to see what is that.
And not wolf mutts like in the previews Hunger Games or snake mutts, these are… they look like humans. Humans without a face. Something between a lizard and a human, four legged, and they move skittish. 
No, they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t dare experimenting on humans… would they? Capitol City would. Snow would. 
And they scream. They scream so loud and high it hurts your ears. They scream Katniss.
«Come! Come!» Finnick squeezes your hand and he helps you into another tunnel, because you were blanked out, still, motionless. He has to move you physically. 
You want to move, you crave to move, you desperately try to move but your body is refusing to help you. 
This is how you are going to die.
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ae-neon · 7 months
About ccity. It even makes no sense that the MC sees the humans as evil when her mother is a human and was used like an object by her father (who is a faerie). It clearly shows sjm opinions.
I wrote a whole long ass reply to this and it got deleted 😑
But anyways
I'm not surprised. SJM has always used magic power as metaphorical proxy to whiteness and masculinity.
Tho it might not seem so blatant because her humans are often white men and she has bipoc "female" immortals.
Those white human men are not emasculated in the way sjm likes to use to show power gaps between immortal men (unless they are a love interest). Because they are inherently lesser for being mortal. Their efforts to attain freedom and equality are often looked down on. Here magic is about race in a more subtle way as the experiences of humans mirror the lives of poc and especially black people.
and those bipoc immortal females are almost always put down in comparison to white female immortals. Take the cast in Velaris for example. Amren is the only not said to be beautiful and is described as plain despite being the odd one out in a group of 3 tan guys with black hair and 4 women with blonde hair.
Cresseida and Vivianne have in common that they are politically powerful women from other courts. But one is a friend with her own more powerful mate (a romantic connection to a powerful man is a token of power) and the other is used as the rejected spare in feysand's romantic build-up. Here it's about race in a blatant way.
Romantic connection with a powerful man who is the female lead's "equal" (but always more powerful than her either outright through power like a title, physically or via age gap) is proximity to masculinity in the way that White Women™ tend to grasp for.
If there are other powerful men, either the lead or her romantic partner will emasculate him via a show of power.
In the same way, older women with power will be rejected by the male lead and be in direct opposition to the younger, prettier and more powerful woman.
Take Danika for instance. Immediately, to show her power, we are introduced to her mother, a powerful older woman, in a negative light. We are then told that Danika's grandfather, a powerful man, gave Danika the sword he promised her mother on Danika's eighteenth birthday. Putting her in direct opposition with and elevating her above her mother in proximity to magic and masculinity.
No doubt Bryce will have a powerful father and brother (if sjm likes Bryce more than she likes her brother) but surpass them to be "equal" with her male lead who might be magically weaker but will probably be physically more powerful and much older
Its a pick-me fantasy mind map
It's important to remember sjm used Breonna Taylor's death to promote acosf, she went on "birthright" trip to Israel and loved it. She has also heavily borrowed from fellow female ya authors she used to call friends. She apparently rolled her eyes at fans who asked about Malide being a ship. Her writing reflects her.
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Scythe chapter 11-15
You know the drill!! Cmon!!!
Chapter 11!!
-I always forget the conclave’s have names,,,
-The thing is, you can never blame these people for fighting back, it’s human nature, but OUGH the consequences of human nature are so devastating
-But just imagine the guilt you’d feel, your husband got killed and you get immune from the same fate for a whole year. That’s just prime for survivors guilt
-Also the fact that Faraday told the family the man didn’t resist is just testament to his kindness and compassion
-“The sanctity of the law…And the wisdom to know when it must be broken.” *Stares at Goddard*
-MILK SCENE, I unironically love this scene even tho I think it’s really funny
-Also I genuinely don’t know how ppl drink milk b4 bed, is that even a real thing? How does that make you sleepy??
-Also good on Faraday!! Don’t waste shit!!!
-Apparently all the Scythe Rings are white but I refuse to acknowledge that, they’re all multicolored and each color relates to the scythe in some way <3
-That ring security system Faraday has going on is sick as fuck tho ngl
-“Now let’s see how long it takes Rowan to go for the ring.” I love himmmm, he’s fun!!! He can be fun!!
-Tonist mention!! I love the Tonists <33
-Nice chapter!! Gives more depth to Faraday!!
Chapter 12!!
-Rowan and Citra’s test are approaching!!!
-The idea of having to hold yourself back in life because you’re afraid of being killed is actually terrifying—
-Also same Rowan, I hate studying too
-“Rowan concluded that not knowing was more terrifying than knowing.” If I remember correctly what the consequence is then that is CERTAIN true
-I LOVE Citra and Rowan’s banter here!! You can see their chemistry early on!!
-Cute chapter! Lots of Citran moments!
Chapter 13!!
-“I’m a human being, not a mole.” Faraday is soooo fun sometimes like so fun and endearing???
-I too hate walking at 6:30 am (I go to public school in America)
-“I have found that with the Scythedom, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission,” He is iconic yall
-“What’s the worst they could do?” Things said before disasters—
-“Running the gauntlet” Like walking the red carpet!
-“Scythes wished to be seen as the many faces of light, not of darkness.” And soon they will be! Yk, just right after the plague—
-OO now they’re seeing scythe goddard ohoho I LOVE HAVING FORESIGHT
-Citra would cringe at the fact she at one point dazzled by goddard
-Rowan don’t be fatphobic /j
-I like that the conclave’s are pretty boring for the most part, makes it feel more realistic
-I love how only when Citra becomes a Scythe does she begin to understand these rituals, shows how much she grows
-OHOHO we got goddards fuckin note bullshit! Citra is gonna hear allll about that when she becomes a scythe
-Love how Chomsky is basically described as “as white as anyone could be” lmaoo token white man
-also gun lobby, nothing to say about it just…Gun lobby
-Rowan starting to talk like faraday is GOLD
-Again I love Citra and Rowan’s banter
-The idea of the weaponsmaster being a infomercial salesman is SOO funny i need to use that in my scythe oc shit
-Also that digital poison sounds fucking TERRIFYING
-The Scythes not liking the term ‘victim’ is rlly interesting to me, shows they really think of themselves as these faces of light
-Neal I don’t think you know what feminine hygiene products sound like—
-Hand of midas shit but even MORE horrifying!!
-I am terrible with names I saw Scythe Mandela and thought he was Scythe Possuelo and I have no idea why
-Who names their child Ransom??
-VERY good and long chapter!! Two more to go!!
Chapter 14!!
-OOO the test scene!! One of my favorites!!
-Again what is with the shit names??? Jacory??
-OHH you do NOT interrupt scythe curie girl you are FUCKED
-Oh Citra you’re gonna revisit the worst thing you’ve ever done REALLL soon
-We all want a relationship with the thunderhead Curie
-Very good chapter that adds to the stakes of the story!! One more to go!!!
Chapter 15!!!
-God the shock and confusion and how upset they all are really captivates this conversation
-And you see that eventually Rowan is very willing to die at the hands of Citra, that’s how much he loves her like UGHH
-“Scythes were supposed to be above the petty,” oh citra you have no idea bby girl,,
-Hash pales!!!
-Ive already went in depth about why I love this scene in my Citran analysis post but UGH I LOVE ITT
-Liar!! You are totally in love rowan!!
-God he is such a fucking dick i hate himmm
-Very good chapter :)
AND THATS THE NEXT 5!!! Next time we’ll do chapters 16-20!
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freakystrashdump · 1 year
I love posting behind the scenes stuff, so here we go!
Here is a scrapped "apology" scene from chapter 13 of TOB, before I decided to pair it up with Selena helping Luz, thus making her much more calculated and subservient when facing Belos as she aims to manipulate him in to helping her and Luz.
It had Selena coming up on top more than in the final version, by being much more dissatisfied and angry about Hunter's rejection and by Belos being right. Her showing how much she was hurt shocks Belos in to feeling bad about being horrible to her.
It was also supposed to be the first time we start seeing Belos' POV, but I pushed that idea back a little bit
I'll start using his POV more as he starts (figuratively and literally) stripping away the Emperor persona more in front of Selena. As she starts seeing him as a person more and an Emperor less. For instance, now that in the latest chapters Selena saw him in casual clothes, without the robes and the sigil of the emperor on him, switching to his POV may happen more often.
It will only become more frequent when his mask finally does come off. As Selena sees him without the mask, she starts humanizing him, and in return, so does the reader, so to speak, by finally getting to see things from his perspective, not only Selena's.
I may come back to some pieces of this conversation in a future chapter, tho.
“Well you must be happy, huh?” she couldn’t help herself, fists clenched tightly at her side as the cardboard of the delivery box handle bit into her palm. “Congratulations. You were right, and I was miserably wrong. Bring on the fanfare.”
Wallowing in her own misery, she didn’t notice the confused tilt of the Emperor’s head at her sudden intrusion. “I assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“The Golden Guard.” Selena deadpanned, unable to hide the frustration on her face “You were right, my token of kindness was unneeded and a burden. He hates it!” she had to laugh at herself as the annoyance came back full swing, and she furiously blinked back the tears “He…hates it.” she shook her head and looked away as she presented his order to him, which she held so hard her knuckles had turned white. “Here. Your order.”
She stood there like a statue, muscles taut, waiting for him to take the wretched box away so she could leave. Instead, she felt his eyes on her “There is no need to act like I take any pleasure in this-”
“Oh the hell you don’t.” Selena quickly cut him off “Of course you do! I stood up to you for no good reason and it backfired spectacularly! This weeks long passive aggressive dance was for nothing! I made a fool out of myself for nothing! ” she felt a sob come up and quickly shut up by biting her lip. She recomposed herself with a deep breath, hating the little whimper that she couldn’t contain.
“Please take your order so I can leave.”
Saying he took no pleasure in “wining” this spat was a lie, of course. He had waited for the crack to happen for far too long, knowing Hunter would explode sooner or later, as the boy had been shown kindness from others mostly by those who expected something in return. A chance to flaunt his title or to get in his good graces so they’d reach Belos himself, Hunter didn’t trust kindness. Despite yearning for it; even Belos saw how the daily treats lifted his spirits, despite himself.
So he let her continue with her little farce, waiting for him to push her away, and for her to be running back.
Well here she was, running back.
And he didn't feel any better for it.
It was supposed to be a simple grovelling apology, that's what he wanted. For her to ask for forgiveness, timid and fearful, and for him to gladly give it to her, praising her for being the bigger person and for finally seeing reason. Not…this. The guilt and anger choked up in her throat as she continued to curse herself, face flushed with embarrassment and eyes reddened with tears she barely held back, it was as heart wrenching as it was intoxicating.
And most importantly, the hurt. He hadn't expected that - she actually wanted to bond with Hunter, and the rejection left her a wreck. That wasn't part of his plan.
Admittedly, he hadn't expected her to even start this endeavor behind his back in the first place, but she had a habit of taking him by surprise. His temper flaring was not something he wanted her to see either, but the revelation she was doing something with Hunter, leaving him unaware of it, it was like a trigger being pulled, left sensitive by watching so many grimwalkers sooner or later start going behind his back.
Hunter was so much like him. Despite everything, he didn't want to replace him, not so soon. Not ever, if he could help it. Lord, give him just this one.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 5 Illusion
(Spoilers below)
-XY is me. I’m sick and confused by all the name changes
-MR. BANANA is an expert. But considering Bob roth is considered one too… He might be overqualified.
-Glad Alex is keeping the wigs
-Alex went from Simon to Paula in one season (for those that get that reference.)
-As always Mr.Banana is known for his Expert opinion. Truly the intellectual Paris needs at this time
-Plagg having fun with the alliance ring. Adrien being annoyed that he is an NFT
-I just realized how TERRIFYING this actually is for Adrien. He Litterally has no control of his image and voice. Before he was tricked in his ads, now… yikes my dude
-Adrien sounds so shocked that his father wants to see him in the kitchen
-I will say this, Adrien’s horror and confusion over seeing his father is the reaction I had in passion. I too would be very confused.
-Adrien right now
Tumblr media
- Gabriel is so f***ing manipulative. My dude like I can’t.
-The only genuine emotion seems to be when he got burned
- Gabriel is actually really good at manipulation. If I didn’t watch the last 4 seasons I’d almost believe he’s trying to be genuine
-Alya’s theory about Fetch being used makes sense. We know better but it’s a nice idea.
-Nino being left out again. Pass my boy a bone please
-THE RESISTANCE! Nino my guy. I love you dearly. He planning a resistance group
-COMRADE MAYO! Adrien being the token White guy. I love it. Also @xhanisai probably frothing with joy over this
- Nino is shocked that Adrien can have lunch with them. I agree
-Baby boy never been to a cafeteria. That’s adorable.
-DAMN ADRIEN, you gonna kill that girl with your kindness
-Nino, can you give the boy one day to have lunch like normal?
-Nino being an absolute dork and I love it.
-Wait beurre Maître d’hotel (Butter hotel supervisor?) I think he meant butter. XD
-Chloé’s speed is super human
-Nino outted Alya and him to Adrien and Marinette (hilariously they both know)
-Alya is like wtf?
-Nino has a point
- Marinette is mortified tho
-Nino telling them Adrien knew, and Adrien being awkward
-Nino is taking Ls today
-oh and there’s Lila
-Marinette being feral protective
-Nino committing to the bit
-Lila posting social media pics of Adrien. That’s… so like her
-Damn, Nino picked up on the powers thing. He did that BY HIMSELF! Points for Nino. Respect the hustle
-Nino’s plan makes sense tho. But it is a dick move.
-Comrade Béchamel? Cool name
-Adrien really can’t have nice things
-Nino has a conspiracy board. Also I see Alya is rubbing off on him
-Nino is completely right. It is a stunt, but Adrien wants to believe it isn’t
-Nino realizing he went too far. That’s a good friend for apologizing
-And Lila overheard it and is probably gonna tattle
-I did like that quick exchange. Gabriel keeping his cool. But now he knows
-Gabriel acting like a parent… it’s so wrong
-And here comes the plan
-They had Marinette be the klutz. Did they seriously do the PIZZA BIT?!
-All over his White suit. Damn
-But no reaction. To be fair, He was expecting it. But only Marinette’s clumsy is experience
-Adrien… baby boy looks so awkward.
-Walks in, just Pastas his dad. Like not even making it look like an accident
-Now it’s Alya’s turn. I’m embarassed for all of them. Like Marinette could get away with it, because… it’s such a Marinette thing.
-Alya doesn’t even try hiding it. She’s like “this is dumb, yeet” no emotion
-I’m getting such squidward vibes.
-OH S*** He’s taking Adrien out of school. And for once… I can completely understand why. (The dietary food but was HILARIOUS tho)
-Nino went too far, I feel like Adrien is gonna be akumatized more than Gabe.
-Oh… Adrien can’t catch a break
-AND IT WAS A BIT! Gabriel you SOB
-GABRIEL YOU F***ing bastard! I hate and love how brilliant this is. It’s like Collector but crueler
-The plan worked… but it didn’t. Clever bastard
-So the bit allowing him to vanish is teleportation.
-Comrade Ketchup. Nino commits to a bit
-Monarch REALLY being petty
-Pollen, Nooroo and Kaalki… oh dear…
-The rings make it so he doesn’t get I’ll from the effects!? Boooo
-he can use Sublimation to make himself INVISIBLE! Omg!
-“Grated Cheese?” “Plagg would be happy?”
-clever move monarch
-Dude just faked falling into the sewer.
-So pro, cool strategy, con beaten by sewer rats… I’ll say he broke even
-Magic lightning bolt? Nino honey… no
-But they did get to appologize to Gabriel but… Gabriel being manipulative
-COMRADE TARTER SAUCE. As funny as this is, this now makes the resistance useless.
-Gabriel you manipulative bastard
-This heartwarming scene brought to you by the letter M. FOR MANIPULATIVE F***!!!
-Nino added more sauces
-And Lila… now it’s detrimental
-Comrade sweet and sour oh! Cause she is TWOFACED. Clever 🙄
-And Tomoe is in on this but maybe more than we know
I think it’s solid. It has some cringe but I thought the plans were clever. Nino showing how Alya has rubbed off on him is interesting. Though I swear Gabriel’s kindness is F***ing disturbing. And I’m loving it. Gabriel now is starting to feel more like a villain to me.
Adrien also getting some freedom is nice.
But it’s all fake. An illusion.
I am intrigued
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bearballing · 2 months
i almost want to reread the hp books to like highlight all of jkr's fucked up worldview. I'd forgotten about the reason why wizards keep their society secret lol.
but like
-protagonist finds out his parents left him a fucktonne of money
-best friend 1 is The Token Poor Kid and he has 9 siblings or something and he's also below average in school and presented as just straight up not as intelligent as protagonist or best friend 2. he also lauds best friend 2's smarts at every opportunity.
-best friend 2 was born into the non magical society therefore the more elite wizards can be racist towards her (they're literally all white tho). despite having non magic parents she is So Special for being So Smart and Good At School.
-the school is just like a 1900s boarding school, no poors or undesirables allowed. there's literally like a token jewish kid, a token black kid or two, a token irish kid, etc etc.
-a whole school house is The White Supremacist House and everyone who is in it or was in it was Evil. the protagonist's godfather was from a family who all were in that house but HE wasn't because he's a GOOD GUY.
-slavery and the enslaved race being a joke. aforementioned godfather owns one.
-the villain is evil and part of his reasoning for being evil is that he's mad that his father was not a wizard. god fucking forbid. also he's evil because he's incapable of love because he was an orphan.
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chaosismynamemf · 1 year
Here are headcanons bc i decided im not going to wait for someone to ask for them bc im not a wuss PT. 1
Remus and lily are also pretty tall
James and sirius are short kings
peter's average height and hes chill with that
hes also carries himself really like idk proper? idk. He just unconsciously has really good posture. its so fuckin elegant (Bc you KNOW that shit was drilled into him asap. sirius was the same way i think lol. I think my mans literally trained himself to slouch.)
ALSO- I regulus has autism (ik its a popular hc but idc if its popular i agree with it and i love everyone being nd and gay and pwinpiwnpinqfp I NEED REPRESENTATION ALR??)
Reg also has bipolar disorder and anxiety ptsd and depression
Sirius has bpd and ocd and ptsd bc i have bpd and ocd and i said so
james has adhd
remus has depression and anxiety
peter is the token nt friend lmao once again hes just chillin
hes vv supportive tho and is as helpful as he can be you wont catch him slippin and being ignorant and weird about his friends and they mental illness. Nuh-uh no sir.
Ok so i dunno much about the slytherin skittles or like Marlene, dorcus (is she apart of slytherin skittles?? idk man) ,mary, etc etc
But i see them everywhere in the fandom sooooo yall best be aware ive gotten attached to these fuckers
So hot
She could step on me
Her and sirius are besties. Leather jacket duo if you will.
Just thought of that and i am in love
Ugh this man is my everything
i honestly just wanna be his best friend
but anyways
i actually like the idea of regulus and sirius having similar music tastes and exchanging music reccs
dont come at me lmao
Literally reggie and sirius are just 2 sides of the same coin
this post is getting really fuckin long. BUT IDC
i wanna talk about my VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL AND HAPPY gay wizards
i dont know much about other cultures or anything like that.
so im not gonna go willy nilly and assign a bunch of headcanons on race or ethnicity or whatever
my wizard babies were not all white
We can all agree on this yes?
james has a little bump on the bridge of his nose.
And dimples
regulus and sirius getting drunk would either be really really funny or really really depressing
There is no in between
regulus is the type to not heavily drink all too often but when he does? my mans is blackout
the next morning? he dont know shit, legit if he DOES remember anything? hes like "mustve been a funky dream"
Yes regulus says funky
i honestly dont gaf that marauders era is set in like the 70's
Regulus deadass acts like gen Z incarnated, and you wouldnt be able to snatch this from my cold dead hands
even then i wouldnt let go
id wake up to bitch slap you
I think that regulus has like really explosive anger and sirius actually has like the quiet, you know im angry, what'cha gonna do about it?
my logic is that regulus has for the longest time kept all of his emotions and opinions to himself bc he literally couldnt express them because he was barely surviving as is
regulus speaking his mind about anything would be suicide
Now the opposite is for sirius ofc
sirius from pretty early got to scream and shout what he thought and felt until he lost his voice
He got a lot of it out of his system
he hasnt HAD to bottle up enough anger to be explosive
Also jus sayin i set all of this in a everyone lives, nobody dies universe
voldemort is killed in the 1st war because regulus survived the cave and ended up on Order of the phoenix's doorstep bein like
"Let me in, i got sum shit to tell you"
Man's is soaking wet and has a look so intense noone can tell him no
And so my mans joins the order and ends the war MUCH MUCH EARLIER
pop off buddy
love ya, mean it
nobody really trusted him at first
and i mean it
regulus was vv alienated at first (Not by dorcus, but dorcus is only one person and cant keep the caution and disgust and animosity away completely)
and you know what??
He was hurt he was angry he was depressed and he was so so over this shit
So he screamed until he was hoarse and told them to get their heads outta their asses bc he was here to help and here to stay
he knows he fucked up and he is self aware to know that he couldve been called the "bad guy" on many occasions
but that doesnt fuckin matter anymore because hes apart of their little hero club now and he is not being shunned just because he was a dumb kid who made mistakes
long story short my dudes like "SO-if you're going to talk shit, either say it to my face or keep quiet. ight?"
vv quickly after that people choose to keep quiet and actually yknow interact with him and see for themselves that he is not the boogie man hiding under their bed waiting to fuck them over.
I love angry, unhinged, doesnt gaf anymore regulus
Hes been through too much to be calm cool and collected towards people who he doesnt give a shit about (i mean he will but still)
ANYWAYS (can you tell i have adhd? if not i vv much am)
Regulus yanks his school besties (Even and barty) away from voldemort. I think my mans straight up yoinked them.
after the war he reaches out to pandora
this is getting really long so i will make another part lmao
these characters couldve been so dynamic and complex
and jkr ROBBED US
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joeyjoeylee · 1 year
When writing both sides of the law whose POV was more challenging to write through? do you have a favorite POV? You captured Beth and Rios voice so perfectly!! do you have any tips on how to put Brio in a completely different universe but still make it feel like it's them?
Anon, I love you, thank you! Both for the kind words and for the little thrill it always gives me to see the dot on the Tumblr.com Ask Box!!
Putting under a cut b/c, as always, brevity is not ya girl’s strength.
I found both POVs equally challenging for different reasons, and while writing each one, I would longingly think about how much easier the last one was and how much I looked forward to finishing the current one to get back to the other one.
Beth’s was easiest b/c superficially, I’m like Beth. White woman from American suburbia, same general age range, oldest daughter with wacky, irresponsible, beloved younger sibling that I had to parent from the moment of their birth? Check, check, and check. So it wasn’t hard to try to channel that POV, because Beth’s experiences were something I could relate to or imagine her reactions.
By the opposite token, Rio was therefore exponentially more difficult. A man, Latino-American, crime-adjacent, etc. – what do I know about all that other than from pop culture/reading others’ perspectives?
The “man” part being the first hurdle, because yes, I’ve read George R.R. Martin talking about how he as a man writes such disparate women characters (“You know, I’ve always considered women to be people.”) and that’s all well and good (are men people tho? Jury still out. Just kidding. Mostly.), but I also LIVE for the Men Writing Women Badly memes (“Her large gelatinous boobs hung calmly, penitently boobing boobliciously under her boob-framing shirt.”), and I was constantly worried I was doing the same thing in reverse, i.e., “is this actually how a [supposedly] normal hetero cis man thinks/acts? Seems sus….”
And then writing from the perspective of someone a different race/cultural background than my own? I know it’s no surprise that race/culture issues can be so fraught in America and deservedly so (of course elsewhere in the world too, just noting “in America” as that is my personal experience and the experience of the overwhelmingly American media/pop culture I consume), and I was very sure I didn’t have the skill or ability to convey any of that with sensitivity or nuance so tried to avoid it/not get too into it too much for fear of botching it badly or offending or writing something that came off as a straight caricature (example: I cut so much of Rio’s “family” scenes other than the Gretchen ones, etc.).
But then again Beth’s POV was harder for me b/c personality and temperament-wise, she is not me. I am the OG Gen X Slacker Stereotype (the Hufflepuff to Rio’s and Beth’s Slytherins, if you will, which is a good fit as I think about it b/c Hufflepuffs love Slytherins) and sometimes writing all Beth’s lists and research and BETH-ness was so exhausting I wanted to take a stress nap (Insert Fat Amy gif: “ENOUGH [WITH THE DAMN BINDERS, BETH] ENOUGH!”).
And then Rio was much easier b/c his “humor” for me was fun to channel b/c I see it as more like my own, as is what I viewed his approach to school and studying (get by on talking and reading quickly and retaining only what you need to know? Check!), and how his POV could just be long monologues of observing Beth and making fun of her rigidity (this was often-times just straight “JoeyLee dunking on Beth” and not “Rio the Character dunking on Beth” if that makes sense).
As far as tips for writing an AU, I don’t think I have any really good ones – again, I’m not the creative writer others are as shown by the fact that my “creative” attempt at an alternate universe was literally a universe I had actually personally experienced, aka law school – but for me, I tried to think of what I believed to be the core characteristics of the canon characters (understanding that this was MY read of them, and others’ mileage may and should vary):
· She is: intensely private, a Certified Leslie Knope-Level Steamroller, willful, dogged, often entitled, knows how to weaponize her privilege, blind to the things she doesn’t want to face/acknowledge, desperate for approval from outside sources she values (Rio, teachers/authority figures, Polite Society at Large), pragmatic, goofy sense of humor, and above all, will always prioritize “survival” over personal happiness;
· He is: family and business-oriented, charming, charismatic, ruthless, full of joie de vivre and able to see the humor in life, quick-witted, sarcastic, flashy in dress/accessories/material things, and capable of effortlessly slipping into different faces and masks to fit any situation;
· They both are: stubborn, ambitious, very emotional (her more inwardly, him more outwardly), petty, aware of what they look like physically and their effect on others (but often not their effect on each other), absolutely convinced at all times they are right, quick to lash out and go total NUCLEAR/SCORCHED EARTH when wounded or hurt, competitive, and obsessed with each other at all times, even when they supposedly dislike/hate the other.
So I told myself that even though I was writing an AU, they always had to be in personality like how they are in canon, otherwise I would just be writing original characters with the Beth/Rio names slapped on them (this is fine too, of course, but the whole point of fanfic for me is to read about the characters I love).
Then I tried to always write them acting and reacting like those characteristics above, even as they weren’t reacting as I would have and it made the writing harder (me thinking “FOR GOD’S SAKE, can you just HAVE A CONVERSATION for once and stop with this madness!”)
So my advice would be: for any alternate universe setting you can imagine, just think about what the characters’ core characteristics are for you. Then you have to write them always remaining true to those, no matter what different timeline or life experiences you’ve dreamed up (and that could even be half the fun – what would Beth’s life be like in an AU where she doesn’t have Annie as a younger sibling? Or didn’t meet Trashcan Dean too young? What must have happened that formed/shaped her into the same Canon-Beth Personality without those Canon-Beth Life Experiences?).
And final thought, I gotta say, the AUs I’ve read where that is done well (like I have read so many times in this fandom), well, for me, it’s like seeing the Multiverse – all my fave characters in so many different times and places, but still themselves, still them. Don’t get me wrong, I love a canon or canon-compliant fic super hard, and I understand why some readers just can never relate to an AU. But it makes me happy to find a new AU and pretend I’m Dr. Strange seeing another one of the million different universes where my faves are still existing and interacting in different forms. Possibilities = endless.
What’s your dream AU/head canon, Anon? Write me back so I can daydream about it too and break up this ridic work day!!
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zeynatura · 2 years
List of LGBTQ+ characters in Granblue Fantasy the mobage
Finally got myself to create this list that is most likely incomplete because thanks to the gacha nature of the game and me being F2P i haven’t experience all the characters' stories so some characters may be missing and some others may be incomplete, if you know of any character and how they’re queer do let me know, much appreciated if you cite the event, quest or fate episode.
The list consists of the characters name in alphabetical order, how or why are they lgbtq+, personal comments about them and the story, special mentions, headcanons and the token hetero couples as the minority. Beware of spoilers.
Will edit this post so come back to check the original.
[Long post below]
Aglovale - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's unit, Valentine's and White Day's lines, fascinated by Tor, (this is exactly how I imagine it)
Albert - whatever he and Yurius have is def not straight, their whole story is being best friends, fighting to save each other sometimes fighting one another, defending and trusting the other, the iconic scene of Yurius pointing Albert’s neck with his own sword making an oath to him exudes homoeroticism, Albert having tons of fangirls whom he ignores in Valentine's Day specially for MC regardless of gender
Albion - in love with Ares (wlw), destined to die as result to the contract with Luminiera
Alliah - gets married to MC regardless of gender, albeit only political she states there is no better prospect for her to spend the rest of her life with other than MC
Anne - in love with Grea (wlw)
Ange - wants to be a prince to all the girls (wlw)
Anthuria - in love with MC regardless of gender
Aoidos - queer musician
Apollonia - in love with Orchis Queen of Erste Kingdom
Ares - in love with Albion (wlw), got married and had kids yet wished she could have had that life with her instead
Arthur - what he and Mordred have is not straight, gives Vane and Lancelot's vibes, even their fathers were into one another like wtf Misters "i only cry in front of you" 
Arulumaya - in love with MC regardless of gender even to the point of fighting other crewmates that have feelings for MC (example her and Magisa both seeing a future with MC doing their best to make it a reality)
Athena - something about all her character development being around females + MC isn't straight
Ayer - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Azazel - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender, too tsundere to openly admit he cares for MC
Baal - the musical connection he has with Aoidos is so gay, i love it, HoMusicians (homo + musicians, i tried ok)
Baldr - torn about choosing between Freyr and Maldr in the Astral War as he holds dear both, i will forever hate cygames for making Maldr marry Kona when he has more chemistry and on screen interaction with Baldr than her!
Balurga - trans man, the only one so far, gets mistreated by cygames so much, in game his identity gets respected specially after he cuts his own arm to assert his manliness
Barawa - detective in love with the thief he can't catch (Chat Noir)
Benjamin - Aoidos' previous personality, was on a very intense bdsm relationship with his male bandmates Justin (bass), and Valentin (drums) 
Brigette and Cordelia are girlfriends
Cagliostro - trans woman, feels attracted to MC regardless of gender, flirts with MC yet blushes when flirted back, love her, my queen
Cain - in love with MC regardless of gender, one of the few characters having an actual date with MC on White Day
Catura - wants to marry MC regardless of gender
Chat Noir - enemies to lovers with Barawa, crossdresser, feels attracted to MC regardless of gender
Clarisse - in love with MC regardless of gender (tho she missgenders Cag and i dislike her for that, i don't care she's her great+ niece)
Cupitan - has a strong attachment to Tristette, female Naruto (update: Cupitan and Tristette are girlfriends! Is like if Naruto and Sasuke finally got their gay ending)
Claudia - loves sweet girls
Domon > Sho >< Tsubasa - something about their rivalry and friendship is the perfect teenage gay gang/deliquent trope
Elmott - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Enyo - obsessed with Athena
Eustace - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines, he offering his ears so that we pet them on White Day has me in the clouds!
Farrah - has a crush on Katalina
Feather - gay but oblivious about it 
Ferdinand - perfect evil queer representation
Freesia - in love with the former queen of the Erste Kingdom, Orchis’ mother
Freyr - the most important people in his life are Baldr and Geo (mlm) subtext, context, stop trying to only consider explicit stuff representation text
Gabriel and Europa are girlfriends (and Europa will flirt with MC regardless of gender, for being a water primal beast she sure is thirsty)
Grimnir - has feelings for MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's unit, Valentine's and White Day's lines 
Grea - in love with Anne (wlw)
Halluel - likes pretty girls (wlw)
Hekate - horny for, well, everyone really
Helel ben Shalem - her gender in the game is other as in she is a being above gender (love that)
Helel ben Sahar - which means he is as well (tho he already is in the list as Lucio)
Herja - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on her Valentine's and White Day's lines
Ilsa - flirts with MC regardless of gender
Jamil - devoted to MC regardless of gender, his feelings are too intense he thinks himself as unworthy of MC
Joel - in love with MC regardless of gender, the first character confessing their feelings directly to MC
Katalina - too oblivious to realize her feelings for Vira at first, but character development happens and with the help of Ares she promises to make Vira happy and be by her side as to not end up with the same regrets as Ares
Kou - flirts with MC regardless of gender
Ladiva - trans woman, adoptive mother of the crew, love is her power
Lancelot - practically married to Vane, never had a fight because they are so perfect for each other
Lamorak - he being nonbinary makes the three brothers of Wales officially all queer
Lich - something about their summon being male while their humanoid form is female is def not cis
Lobelia - another perfect evil queer representation
Lucio - got eaten by a shark because he was too busy flirting with Sandalphon, does the impossible for Sandalphon to notice him
Lunalu -  her Valentine’s Day lines originally could only be viewed if MC is a woman (gbf added an option to disregard MC’s gender when it came to most holiday lines). She often goes in complete rants about how pretty some women and men are while blushing, bicon.
Lyria - in love with MC regardless of gender
Magisa - in love with MC regardless of gender, thinks of MC as their fated person
Meg and Mari are girlfriends
Melissabelle - In the Popol Saga event Imagination Overdrive, when Lunalu loses her mind and the whole group of Harvin girls tries to bring her back to normal she specifically says "You're you, Lunalu. No matter what form you take, it doesn't change the fact you are the Lunalu i know and love." and this is enough to actually have Lunalu snap out of it. She could have easily said "we" but Melissabelle had to single her own feelings out. Also despite getting headaches from reading she decides to make an effort and read Lunalu’s favourite book and actively engages in her interests despite the fandom world being new to her!?!? that is love right there
Meteon - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender
Miach - either genderqueer or a poor fella forced to crossdress and live as the opposite sex, gotta have to wait for more of their story, tho i love that when Fediel, Jeanne and MC realized Miach was amab said nothing about it, only when Miach told Fediel about it she said that she doesn't find it weird 
Mireille and Risette are in love with each other (wlw)
Mordred - mister i won't cry because i have you (Arthur) to cry for me instead
Morgan - a Fairy with it/it's and they/them pronouns
Morilynn - the Accordant for the Horoscope "Thalassinus" but also the weapon themselves, official English pronouns are they/them, that paired with the fact they are not human but still want to learn about how to be a person seems very nonbinary coded to me
Necesaria - everything about him screams QUEER
Noa and Rackam are soulmates and i hate that cygames didn't let them share power yet they stablished they were the best option for it, instead had to go with the second best option who was Tiamat and i will forever grieve what could have been, thanks for making them gayer in the anime tho
Percival - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on his Valentine's and White Day's lines
Randall - in love with Feather to the point that he got dragged into the same figthing lifestyle as him, "i'll become the better fighter so that you finally look at me"
Repti - another perfect evil queer representation
Rosetta - likes attractive people regardless of gender
Seox - something about MC being the light of his life regardless of gender 
Shizel - she's a trans woman as stated in Erin's SSR fate episode
Silva - in love with Tweyen (wlw)
Societte - practically married to Yuel, adopted three traumatized teenagers with her
Sutera - feels attracted to MC regardless of gender as seen on her Valentine's and White Day's lines
Tor - homoeroticaly devoted to Aglovale
Tweyen - in love with Silva (wlw)
Vane - practically married to Lancelot, uses Lan-chan as a pet name, have been together since childhood
Vira - in love with Katalina, before she met Katalina her life was monotone and colorless, after meeting her she felt alive and happy for the first time
Yuel - promised to always be with Societte, taking care of Kou, You and Sui as their kids or little siblings
Yuisis - asked MC to have a family with her regardless of gender
Yurius - not only does he have Albert but also flirts with MC regardless of gender
Special mentions
The Kahua’s citizens because they’re all female, everyone born there are female as stated in the Paliuli Pararaiha’s event
Yggdrasil’s birthday message where it seems like she and MC are getting married regardless of MC’s gender, it is unknown if Yggy herself is conscious about it because she can’t talk, she communicates via mystical sounds
Dragons are genderless beings, meaning every dragon in the game is queer which includes: the Six Dragons (Wilnas, Wamdus, Galleon, Ewiyar, Lu Woh and Fediel), Orologia, Malinda, Deidre (but not Scathacha?), Vyrn, Ailill, Medb, Fafnir, Lindwurm, even papi Bahamut!
Basically the whole WMTSB main cast is LGBTQ+ and have multiple songs about it
Beelzebub - obsessed with Lucilius wanting both to stand beside him and surpass him (i wish i knew more about Bubz but i haven't reach the top of Tower of Babyl so idk his stance regarding MC in GBF, we know thx to GBFVS both MC and him are singularities, MC being born one and Bubz asking Lucifaa to make him one cause he was dying, and he agreeing to work with MC against Belial makes me think MC is the only person he sees on eye lvl, he looks up to Faa-san and looks down on everyone else), he was struck by Lucifer's power and beauty 🥲 (I cannot, so his murder was personal). He being a clone of Helel ben Shalem makes him pretty trans and his obsession of shaping his body as he desires.
Belial - devoted completely to Lucilius refering him as Faa-san (in GBVS he refers to him as Daddy), jealous of Lucifer (may have some sort of sympathy for him cause he not killing him directly instead guiding Beelzebub to do it for him and feeling pity as he decapitates and steals his body dictates he wants to hate Lucifer more than what he actually does), into MC regardless of gender, implied he is also fond of Sariel (obscuring it, can't let anyone know he has feelings that don't revolve around Faa-san), he removed from Sariel the chaos matter and spared him in a way that didn't cause much actual damage despite looking like it did, he seemed to have an interest in him earlier on given the quests leading up to his raid battle (which may have occurred prior to their conversation in the flashbacks in 000) showing him having him transferred to his jurisdiction (Belial is insecure about being "imperfect" compared to Lucifer and has some deal of ambivalence towards his intended purpose it's probably very interesting and possibly comforting to him that despite the inherent flaws in Sariel's makeup (re:the limiter being set too high) he manages to diverge from his intended purpose entirely because of his personality and desires); very interested in Beelzebub trying to get any form of reaction from him tho getting ignored most of the time and the rest making him annoyed, his summer summon talks about Bubz' body and how he looks better naked, loves flirting and teasing pretty much everyone
Lucifer - in love with Sandalphon
Lucilius - the other person he cared about besides himself was Lucifer
Sandalphon - in love with Lucifer
Sariel - being obsessively devoted to Belial, protecting him ("Don't touch him!") and outright saying he doesn't care if he's using him, seeming relatively apathetic towards pretty much everyone else (besides animals), and currently being in the beginning of an arc revolving entirely around finding out how to get to him in the weird between-dimensions void he and Lucilius are in, never forget when Belial ripped out his wings and Sariel while in pain was like “if that’s what you will”, he didn’t have individuality until Belial told him to. Sariel’s CV Akira Ishida said in an interview about 000 sidestory that Belial is "someone he loves, despite them being apart". (LuciSan and Beriel parallels)
Modern AU from Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend event
Miku, Lyria and Aoto are either in a polyam or queerplatonic relationship and I LOVE IT
Oribe and Fuwa are boyfriends
Personal headcanons
Cassius - aroace
Lucilius - demiroace
Nehan - aroace
Siegfried - aroace
Token hetero couples
Aliza and Stan
Deliford and his nameless wife
Krelkulkil and Keralbarra ;n; RIP
Lady Grey and her dead husband
Leona and Abel
Nectar and Shinsha (tho Nectar is a being beyond gender constructs and Shinsha loves him regardless, they just present as an hetero couple)
Nicholas and Marie
Romeo and Juliet
Sarunan and Honey (Honey is a spirit, I know she is fem but does that make them hetero?)
Scathacha and Naoise (Scathacha is a dragon but she presents as a fem erune, the game does clasify her as a 'female' instead of 'other' like the other dragons so idk)
Sturm and Drang (tho Sturm does have a date with MC regardless of gender)
Tabina and Attiyah
Vermeil and Ludmilla
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
Heya! I missed the last matchup event and I think I might've missed this one too depending on what timezone you're in so if it's closed by the time you read this don't even worry abt it <3 (also I love all of your guys's writing sm and I hope you're all taking care of yourself)
My name is Charlotte, I identify as a woman (she/her), I'm bi with a preference for men but every once in a while my brain just goes into woman overdrive.
Who do I like? Why, you gonna try an set me up or smth? Anywho, my favourite papa is probably Nihil specifically in the MOAC and KTGG mv only because I absolutely adore the 60s and 70s (best decades for fashion change my mind). For humans my favourite is probably seestor (a bit basic, I know) because damn. My favourite ghoul would 100% Mountain because oh boy do I love drummers.
I look like your worst nightmare. Jk. I've got brown eyes that are constantly surrounded with the shittiest "grunge" eyeshadow you'll ever see, waist length brown hair with a lil bit of blonde highlights and SLUT STRANDS!! (shorter hair in the front). I'm around 5'8 and definitely on the thinner side, but not unhealthy (I eat like a bodybuilder). My style is kinda all over the place. For example, today I'm wearing my favourite tiny black and white pleated skirt with a GIANT band shirt and docs, but tomorrow I could be wearing hippie pants and a teeny tiny crop top. To summarise my fashion, either a new band shirt every day with 2 different tiny skirts, hippie pants and a tiny crop top or low rise pants with a tiny crop top. As for shoes, it's either docs or my beat up converse. I've got my first and second lobes pierced as well as my naval, tan-ish skin depending on the time of year and a lil bit of acne.
Now time for who I am as a person. I'm either gonna be super degrading or sound like a dickhead but ANYWAYS MOVVING ONNNNN. I'm pretty extroverted and sometimes loud but I can also get quiet and distracted very quickly (thanks ADHD and autism!). I love love LOVE parties and drinking and also loud concerts in the pit. I can never like something a normal amount, it has to be my ENTIRE personality lol. I'm somehow both a girls girl and also one of those "name 5 songs" mfs when I someone in a band shirt (I ONLY ASK MEN THO COS IT'S FUNNY). I squeal at my favourite things like a stereotypical fangirl and I talk to my parents like they're my friends. I'm the most CLUMBSY MOTHERFUCKER YOU WILL EVER MEET AND MY LOW ASS IRON DOESN'T HELP WITH THE BRUISING. I don't think I'm dumb considering I'm a writer with the grades to back me up on that but I definitely struggle in school because I miss so much of it (thanks seasonal depression, you go girl!). But I'm optimistic for the future.
HOBBIES TIME MY FAVOURITE!! I'm a HUUUUGE musician. I've been playing piano since I was 2 (started actual lessons when i was like 7 tho), cello since I was 12, guitar since I was 14 and bass since I was 15. I've also been singing for as long as I can remember and as of right now I'm in a metal band with my friends on vocals and bass. I also dance on the side for the fitness (guess who can tap dance!) and I LOVE reading and writing fanfiction. I've also spent over $500 on FUCKING CDS because I'm so normal about my interests! /s
I know this is probably super long already but if you wanna read some random facts abt me then here:
-I got a good ol' case of endometriosis
-I either cry never or all the time
-My favourite bands apart from Ghost are Sleep Token, Fleetwood Mac, Alice in Chains and Slipknot
-and I'm a huge lightweight despite my love of Bacardi
Thank you so much for writing for all of us nasty simps, and thank you for even having your requests open <3 stay safe!
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Young Papa Nihil
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He notices how clumsy you can be. He tries to look after you and stop you bumping into things or tripping. He’ll lightly kiss anywhere you are hurt. There have also been some interesting attempts at first aid. He isn’t really sure what to do so he just kinda panics and gets you to sit down.
He is really good however at calming you down if you've had a bad day. He'll run a bath for you (candles, bubble bath the works), play guitar for you, or just sit and chat with you while he holds you close.
He loves loud parties, drinking and going in the pit at concerts. Any excuse to party and he is there. He is a lot of fun to go out with! He can make the best cocktails with Bacardi, anything you want, he'll make it for you.
Doesn't matter you can;t handle that many drinks. He'd never ever force or expect you to drink a lot, all he cares about is that you are having a good time. If you do accidently have a little too much he's happy to carry you home at the end of the night. He can sober himself up to do that as he knows you are clumsy and a drunk clumsy you... bad idea in his mind, he'll carry you.
He adores that you can tap dance. He can’t do tap but he is an exceptionally good dancer with very good hip movement ;)
He loves reading your writing and he is very supportive of it.
He is impressed at your musical abilities and you often jam together. He normally picks to play saxophone with you.
He loves to listen to you sing and he will just melt if you sing his songs to him.
Written by Nyx
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lorddarkkitty · 1 year
Op crews playing board games/card games 2
This is another long post
- They get so rowdy while playing this game, sometimes minor fights happen. They do have fun.
- They play with the giant uno version
- Luffy has a hard time following rules sometimes and often gets yelled at by Nami or Usopp
- Sometimes Robins plays and sometimes she observes.
- Zoro plays sometimes and other times he working out.
- One time while playing he was next to Sanji and Sanji will used the specials cards on zoro. Like a skip , draw 2 and so on and yea they don’t sit next to each other while playing this game lol
- Only those that can drink probably would make a drinking game but then it be a competition between who can drink more like Nami vs Zoro
- Chopper and Brook loves playing this game
<Ima copy and paste stuff from my other post too here about the game boards>
- Their monopoly board is different, it not like cities (like ex: boardwalk), it’s owning islands( 3 main versions of the board exist which one board is islands within the north, south,east and west blue, Paradise(grand line), and the New World. 4 other boards exist but are regional in terms of property like the North Blue version of the game is different than the South Blue version just like US board is different than the UK board ), community chests are treasure chests, jail is Impel down too (idk where to put things like the calm belt and what to change the utilities too cause that wouldn’t make sense and neither would the railroads) the money for the game is obviously one piece currency berries just a smaller version and colored differently too)
- They play Paradise version of Monopoly
- Player pieces are different too. So we got a pirate ship, an open treasure chest with like coins in it, pirates hat, a sword , a parrot, a barrel , an Eternal pose, a devil fruit (that is random in each box.)
- They play with the fake money and Nami is the Banker.
- There only 8 player pieces so they take turns playing
- Nami plays sometimes as the treasure chest or the eternal pose
- Luffy plays as the barrel or the the devil fruit , ship
- Sanji would play as barrel or parrot. sometimes sword if Zoro and Him are in the same game and they often fight about it
- Zoro plays as sword most of the time unless Sanji takes it, the he pick any other token available
- Chopper plays as parrot of pirate hat
- Robin picks ship or eternal pose or pirate hat
- Franky picks the ship
- Brook plays as sword
- Jimbei plays as the pirate hat, parrot, or barrel
- (I thought of this afterwards lol ) Franky has crafted more tokens for the game for people to pick from beside the tokens provided by the box. So Franky makes the following player tokens, some based on his shipmates: a mini version of their Jolly Roger flag, violin [brook], A Poneglyph with tiny writing[Robin], a syringe[Chopper], Chef Hat[Sanji], Slingshot[Usopp], Mini Straw hat[Luffy], Mini version of the Sunny, mini 3 swords that kinda joined together [Zoro], One small Berry dollar[Nami],a tiny shark whale[Jimbei]Book, mini weight bar,
- Franky went over board with making the tokens but the crew loves them so a good majority of the time they use the tokens he made. They switch them every now and then tho.
- The clue board looks different too. There a version where the board is rooms on a pirate ship and the other version is a celestial dragon mansion.
- They play the clue pirate ship one (obviously)
- And the weapon pieces are somewhat different. The six pieces on the pirate ship are A sword, a Gun, rope, the Jolly Roger flag, a cast iron pan, spyglass (I had trouble coming up with 6 weapons lol)
- Okay so the victim is the Captain lol cause this is a Mutiny XD
- The suspects are the Vice Captain[yellow], chef[white], doctor[purple], navigator[green], shipwright[Blue], Helmsman[red] (I had to look that up lol also I’m not gonna give them name cause I can’t think of any sry)
- Again Franky will make little weapons for this too they are: a syringe, a slingshot, hammer , weight bar, a THICK BOOK (XD)
- Sometimes they play with the board but sometimes they play Robins way. Robins way their entire ship is the board. Franky also went out of the way to make the weapons for this game. And even big dice to play. Brook plays the victim and only he knows who killed him cause he has the Manila folder. There still on six players and the others participant in another way like holding the cards and they use the transponder snails. Robin went into making this elaborately to make it more fun and some of the rules made have been modified or rules have been added. (I haven’t worked out every detail on how they play tho sry I just though that was a cool idea )
- They definitely play this game. Someone did have to explain to Chopper that it’s just for fun and not what you actually believe and someone had to explain the rules to Luffy. Once that was out of the way this is a fun game that they play and it really Fits Robin well XD. They also get loud with laughter
- Zoro is the worst judge. One time he choose Sanji card for being the Funniest and then when he found out it was Sanji immediately charged the card cause he didn’t want to give the round to him. This leads to a fight lol. Sanji as also done this to Zoro as well when judging.
- Robin, Nami, Franky are the best when pick funniest cards for the topic.
- Usopp has a con state “oh my gawd NOOO “ face. Like his reactions are hilarious.
- Chopper also makes a face sometimes depending on how awful it is.
- Cards that have to do with death or being dead are somehow played by Brook.
- they have the birthday edition of the game (I also have the birthday Edition of the game lol )
- Chopper love this game and he’ll take it out to play.
- Robin, Zoro , and Sanji often play with him when he asks.
- Robins suggest to play the game to Chopper knowing he likes the game. But she shows no mercy lol
- Zoro also doesn’t show mercy.
- Since there only a 4 player limit when chopper asks if anyone want to play with him sometimes other crew members will play rock paper scissor to decide who plays in the first round.
- Similar to how they play cards against humanity. this always causes the crew to burst with laughter
- Most of the time the players are Chopper, Luffy, Usopp and Brook. The three of them love to ply this game (they would definitely play the SpongeBob version too XD)
- The entire crew does play together sometimes as well
- this game is mostly played by Zoro, Franky, Nami,Robin,Usopp, Brook and Sanji. Jimbe takes part it in it.
- Chopper doesn’t play this game. Robin won’t allow it
- Luffy doesn’t understand it so he doesn’t play.
- Sometimes drinking is involved
- this is similar to the Sorry game where Chopper loves to play.
- Another game that has a 4 player limit, crew members sometimes play rock paper scissors to determine who plays with Chopper
- Another game Robin sometimes recommends to play with chopper cause she knows he loves it
- Of chopper wins he is given Candy for winning.
They have games like Trivia, ScatteGories, chess, checkers, scrabble.
- these game mostly with Robin,Franky, Nami, Jimbei, Usopp, Brook and Chopper
- Robin been teaching chopper how to play chess. But she also plays checkers with him to give him a break.
- Robins plays chess mostly with Franky,Brook, and Jimbei. Usopp every once and a while tries but never wins.
- Nami doesn’t play chess
- his favorite games to play are :what do you meme, uno, and cards against humanity
- Loves playing with his friends
- Does like card games more than board games
- he doesn’t have a preference for cards or boards games and enjoys playing with his crew
- Except with Sanji
- Enjoys cards against humanity, that what she said, uno.
- He enjoys playing a good majority of these games
- His favorites tho are: what do you meme, uno, monopoly and clue.
- Does also enjoy playing the games of trivia and scrabble
- Monopoly is her favorite at of all of them.
- Does also enjoy cards against humanity, that’s what she said, uno , clue , and scrabble
- Sometimes she try to convince some to make bets.
- Also enjoys games that been made into a drinking game
- he enjoys playing any game Robin or Nami play even if he isn’t good.
- Tho is favorite are uno and monopoly.
- He doesn’t like playing with Zoro and will compete with just him.
- Does enjoy playing with Chopper in games of Sorry and Candyland
- His favorites are Sorry, Candyland, uno and what do you meme
- He also likes playing Robins version of clue
- He likes learning how to play chess from Robin
- He also love playing Operation despite it being inaccurate (I didn’t really include the game above either. It was kinda an afterthought)
- She enjoys her version of clue, monopoly, and cards against humanity as her favorite besides games like trivia, scattegories, scrabble, and chess
- Also enjoys the similar game of Sorry and Candyland with Chopper and sometimes even suggest they play.
- She does in fact dominate games like chess, scattegories and trivia.
- She also the once to introduce them to a game called Pictionary( I only really know the concept of the game which you have to draw and that’s it so I didn’t really include it above)
- loves that what she said, cards against humanity, clue and uno
- He also enjoyed making stuff for the games as well.
- Likes Playing chess with Robin and is good enough to go against here.
- loves that what she said, uno, what do you meme, monopoly, and cards against humanity
- Enjoys playing Candyland and sorry with Chopper
- Also enjoys playing chess and trivia with Robin and Franky
- He like being the victim in the robins version of clue, but also enjoys the board game.
- Enjoys uno, clue, monopoly, cards against humanity the most
- Playing chess with Robin is also fun
- Trivia is fun cause he learns things too
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star-drip · 1 year
Also, short ask meme ig.
Who's the heaviest sleeper? Who's the lightest sleeper?
Who's the best cook? Who's cooking is absolute hell?
Who's the smartest? Who's dumber than a bag of rocks?
Who owns a pet and what type?
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OOO thank youuu hehe🤭🤭🤭 (that is a very delicious gif btw thank you for that too <3)
heaviest/lightest sleeper: I feel like Diana sleeps the longest out of everyone. You can't wake her up. She wakes up when she wakes up. 😂 The lightest sleeper is probably Emerson. They just have too much on their mind to sleep very much ig.
best/worst cook: OKAY I really wanna say that Isla and Karissa both are excellent cooks. They probably make cute shit together hehe. 🤭 The absolute worst cook known to mankind is Aiden. Don't let him in the kitchen. The house will burn down lmfao.
smartest/dumbest: Aiden is street smart (his grades were awful in school lol), and Isla is academically smart (doesn't know shit about streets smarts). My para Ethan is just dumb in general. He's my token straight himbo who's also kind of obnoxious. I love him tho <3
Who owns a pet: Diana has two little fluffy dogs. Pomeranian? I think? Either way they're adorable! I love them. :) Isla owns a cat that helps her with anxiety. It's black and white and very fluffy. I want to steal it lol.
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grimmgrinningghouls · 11 months
Go on about ash I dare you. (Interpret this as me legit asking about ash)
OKAY OKAY There is SO much to say about Ash where do I even start bro. She's been plaguing my brain for a fucking year now she won't leave. She's a skywing from WoF but we made wings of fire dope as shit and cured the series of its straight white woman author disease. She's essentially a spartan warrior version of a dragon and she's so silly.
She's also the daughter of two rich dragons, her moms a decorated war hero, and her dads just a rich prick. Her moms a vile dragon who doesn't care about her children outside of them ending up like her, as in also being decorated and valued members of skywing society. The only attention she gives them is putting them through the whole spartan 9 yards. Much like spartans, she started training around the age she learned to fly, which is 7 years old in dragon years. She was 2 in actual years, but maturity-wise she was 7.
Most skywings are required to go into some form of military training, at least for a few years. Its legally required for them to be in boot camp for 2 years, afterward they can choose to join the military or just do what they wanna do. Most of them join the military bc skywings heavily value their soldiers though. Still, the 2 year boot camp they go through teaches them basic reading, writing, math, and all that fun stuff. Ash didn't go through that however. Due to her mother's rank, Ash was allowed to be home indoctrinated lol.
Which in turn meant she was never taught to write, read, or do math. She can read maps and basic words, and do basic math, but she can't write at all and struggles with reading. All of her time was focused on military. She spent the first 5 years of her life doing grueling exercises, including being starved, whipped, threatened with a snake that could kill her with one bite, verbally abused, and generally just neglected unless she was training. Poor girl went through hell. Ash DOES have siblings tho, in the form of Singe, her older sister, who went through much of the same torment, and her two younger twin sisters, Soot and Smog.
Soot and Smog were left pretty much alone by their mother. Their mother was a very materialistic dragon, she only saw others for their use, she saw Singe and Ash as her future killing machines, and Soot and Smog as nothing more than tokens she could marry off once they were of age to richer families in different tribes to further expand her families influence. Soot and Smog were spoiled and pampered since they had nothing else to do, their father was very uninvolved and tbh a lil bit scared of his wife, while their mother put her focus on Singe and Ash. The twins are incredibly spoiled and like to mock their older sisters.
She did intend to marry Singe and Ash both off as well, she was planning on trying to marry Ash into the royal family, and Singe to whatever dragon she thought would increase their family's riches and power.
Around the age of 19 in human years, conflict began breaking out in pyrrhia thanks to the rainwing queen getting bitter. Their mother (Candle btw) saw this as a lovely opportunity to shove her two oldest daughters into the horrors of war. Singe and Ash are both incredibly competent soldiers due to their upbringing and get praised heavily. It catches the eye of Sunstone, the queen's right-hand man and the top general of the entire army. Essentially, Sunstone has the strongest army in pyrrhia at his command. He's impressed by them, so puts Ash under the mentorship of another very high-ranking general named Aelous, and mentors Singe himself.
Aelous is rough around the edges but treats Ash better than her mother did. Sunstone is a very carefree dragon, so he and Singe end up being besties. These are the first real connections Ash makes outside of her older sister. Sunstones not all he's cracked up to be however, he's a jealous, bitter, and downright delusional monster who doesn't care at all for any dragons life but his own. He thinks that all the queens are doing shitty queen jobs, so is planning to overthrow them all and put rulers he finds more adequate on the throne. To do this, he's working with the previously mentioned bitter rainwing queen who he plans to double cross.
Sunstone sabotages his own army and sends soldiers to their dooms, secretly helping the rainwing queen take out the biggest threat to her from the inside out. Enough about him though.
Ash, after just returning from a scout mission, goes looking for her older sister in the skywing barracks. Lots of stuff happens, but for now, all yall need to know is Sunstone killed Singe. This shook Ash and completely uprooted her entire world. I don't want to go tooo into detail with it, but like I mentioned before, Ash was severely neglected outside of her soldier training. She was never taught how to deal with her emotions and is prone to outbursts of rage, sadness, and even joy. She doesn't know how to express herself, so goes through a very rough grieving process.
Won't spoil any more, but she meets some dragons from another tribe who help her with her grief and in finding herself, and in the end, she's the one who takes down Sunstone and stops the war, commits some war crimes, goes to prison and almost dies at one point, accidentally kills her mother and helps her little sisters not be little shits, as well as cuts off her father, falls in love, and gets over (most) of her trauma
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wolvesbaned · 1 year
Lupa 2 10 and 12!
2. what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
I think Lupa would be a fan of both obscure 90s grunge rock and the more popular hip hop from the 90s. stuff she can work out and break stuff to but also just like lie down and dissociate with. there is a specific intersection between the two and it's mostly the "condemning commentary on society" bit. she likes music that validates All the Frustration that lives in her. i don't have specific bands really bc i take and pull from songs that kind of just fit her! but if you want a good generic vibe for how she relates to music i'd say "Too Dumb to Die" by green day and "Killing in the Name" by rage against the machine (i really love how these songs fit her, and also no, I know, they're not obscure lol) (i'm not creative with music related oc trivia sorries). here's her current "character arc" playlist but i don't really like it and want to edit it lol
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Lupa wears one golden hoop earring as a superstitious token of protection (in-universe, there is a belief that gold is a magical protective element for monsters). she also wears it bc she likes how it looks. i've thought about her wearing her brother's dog tags (one of the older ones was in the military. maybe) or spiky bands but haven't really added them to her wardrobe yet. favorite gem might be topaz? probably bc it's like her (werewolf) eye color
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
at the start of the series, Lupa is 17. her birthday is april 25th, 1975 (she's an april taurus lol). she was born on a full moon! (and in-universe, a blue moon). she really isn't a fan of birthdays for a couple reasons: she was supposed to have a twin; he died during childbirth and her parents never really got over it (yikes!). her siblings also are jealous that she gets a birthday all to herself tho bc they have twins lol (it's a werewolf thing). double-edged sword. and then uh. her 18th birthday is the stress-inducing-white-hair Bad Time (and i won't spoil, unless you ask!). i too would also like for her to have one happy birthday! oops.
also thank you for asking abt lupa here are some bonus sketches! <3
oc ask game! (send me more while i try to stay awake!!)
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