#love in the time of serial killers- 4/10
On my 13th book of the year :p
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multifandomfanatic02 · 3 months
"My Little Partner in Crime."
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pairing : father!Alastor x daughter!reader
synopsis : you spent nearly 80 years by your father's side without him knowing who you truly were. Don't you think it's about time you told him the truth? Would he despise you?
warnings : weep bitches.
word count : 3,106
          It had been 76 years since she had passed. Yet she remained in the body of a 15 year old girl. In hell, of course no one aged. Not many child sinners were often found in Hell but she was special. While she wasn't an overlord, she was a brilliant mind behind one.
           In life, [Y/N] felt she had been misplaced in the world. So many terrible things had happened at such a young age. She got by though. Through learned methods and maybe a little bit of her genes had helped too.
            She was orphaned at the age of 10 years old. Father died before she was born and mama fell severely ill when she was 10. It was an unfortunate circumstance for such a young child to be in, however it only got worse from there. After both parents had died, she ended up in a very poor fostering system. In which none of the children were treated right. It was so much worse for her.
             [Y/N] was the daughter of an infamous serial killer in Louisiana. Which did not look good to potential foster parents. If her father was a fucking psychopath, what would she be like? In a way, they weren't far off in their speculations. And they proved to be right later on.
            Her mother didn't find out about the love of her life's deeds until he was pronounced dead one eventful night. Gunshot to the head in the midst of burying his own victim. Regardless of what was said about the man, she still loved him all the years after before falling to her own demise. It wasn't like he was a crazed monster, in fact, he likely saved more people than he killed. He only went after the worst of the worst.
            It was obvious that the man loved his wife more than life itself. More than his job. It saddened her knowing that he would never get to meet his daughter. Children were never planned or even talked about between the two considering sex was kind of a sensitive topic for the both of them and for different reasons. So the one time they decided to 'experiment' she ended up conceiving. Funny enough, 6 weeks later was when he died. Neither parents had knowledge of [Y/N] presence yet.
          [Y/N] was scorned throughout the entirety of her foster community. Not for anything she did, no no. But for something her father did. No one wanted her. Regardless, she was happy that she was on her own in a way. Her 4 years in foster care were quite peaceful.
            It wasn't until she was 14 that she had been finally picked out of the system. An old man, maybe in his fifties, had come to get her. The fostering system, not wanting her to continue her stay any longer, kept their dealings with him under wraps so everything stayed out of legal documents.  [Y/N] wasn't adopted, no, she was to become his wife and to bear several of his children. Figures. What else would a man like him want in a child. Women were still known as the caretakers at the time. Nobody in this day and age was evolved like her father whom treated her mother like a queen when they were alive.
            Thankfully it never got too bad before she decided to take her fate into her own hands. She was an avid reader. Her favorite things to read were the medical books found in her room when she was in the system. So she eventually learned a thing or two. It started off with a crushed pill in his drink every morning to stave off his libido. So he was never in the mood to touch her. (Don't ask where she gets the medication, it's a secret.)
               Wearing him down slowly every day and night for the next year before his untimely death. An insulin overdose. It'd be like he died in his sleep. During an autopsy, no one would even know. She grinned ear to ear, feeling the man's pulse disappear from his neck. She took a breath before calling 911 in a faked panic tone. Convincing actually. "Hello? I n-need help. My husband isn't b-breathing, I think he may be dead. Please come save him! He can't die! I love him!" She managed to force tears from her eyes.
             Ultimately, he did indeed pass away and she was finally on her own. I guess it wasn't a totally bad set up since his property, belongings, and money went to [Y/N]. It was short lived, unfortunately. All that money that went to ballrooms and jazz music. It was paradise and worth every penny she thought. Only to die at the age of 15 from an infected fox bite. (Random, right? Just like dad's lol)
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           [Y/N] had been in Hell for 76 years. She wasn't well known unlike her companion. Sticking to the man like glue after all this time. She worked well with the Radio Demon. Their minds complemented each other very well. Almost to a point of familiarity. When she first arrived in Hell, it was like she had made a big boom in the talk of the town. She was a mastermind and very talented at killing and pranks. It sparked a lot of the overlords' interest, especially since she wasn't interested in becoming an overlord herself. All she wanted was to enjoy her dark and very humorous afterlife. [Y/N] of course declined all their business proposals, even the famous Vox.
             There was one she couldn't turn away from. He was charming and the two immediately had an unbreakable connection. The connection itself was unreadable but it was there nonetheless. He made a deal with her, promising absolute protection from the exterminators and other overlords and in turn she would help with his dealings. It was a fair trade, the Radio Demon was a bit impulsive with his actions while [Y/N] methodically planned all her own dealings 30 steps ahead. And with her being 15, well, she was thought to be an easy target.
              It was actually strange, they look alike too. The same color scheme, same nose and eyes. Both shared that constant shit-eating grin and composure. The only difference between them being that he's an elk demon while she, a fox demon. It was literally just the tail, antlers, and hairstyle that set them apart.
               Overtime, the radio demon, opened up to her piece by piece. Alastor, that was his name. It didn't take to long for her to come to the realization that he was in fact her beloved father that her mom talked about oh so much. It was clear. It wasn't just their appearance but mannerisms that were so similar. Her name being the same as his mothers surely didn't help either. He thought nothing of it. Alastor didn't know, he was too oblivious to anything that wasn't himself. And up to now, it never felt like the right time to tell him, so it's been a secret.
            Turns out she wasn't the only one to have this realization. Carmilla Carmine along with many other overlords figured it out before even she. Carmilla being a mother herself felt empathy for her and talked to her whenever she needed it. Rosie found a deep love for [Y/N] herself, acting as a mother figure as well. The little darling was just like her bestie, Alastor, how could she not? Other overlords weren't as reasonable and often threatened to use the knowledge as a weapon against her. What would Alastor think? Did he ever want a child? Would he stray away from her if he found out? Often enough, the overlords who threatened her ended up without their lives by her hands by the end of the day.
         Seventy-six years, Alastor had kept [Y/N] by his side every step he took. It wasn't until his powerful fight with Vox that he decided to step away. He disappeared for 7 years without notice. It broke her heart into a million pieces but just like before in life, she marched on and kept her promise to him.
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           It wasn't until news arrived in Pentagon city about this Hazbin Hotel that she'd heard Alastor's name after so long. He was working as the host of the hotel. It wasn't often [Y/N] showed emotion but this time she couldn't hold it in, tears streamed down her face. Her sturdy smile began to slowly break apart. It seemed her father was her weakness. While he didn't want to admit it, it was mutual. He left without saying a word to avoid seeing her disappointment in those little eyes of hers. He didn't want her see him so weak. In a way, he subconsciously felt he had some kind of responsibility over her.
            The walk to the hotel was nerve-wracking for [Y/N]. Seeing him after all this time felt bittersweet. She was excited of course but she was awfully upset about his random disappearance.
Knock, knock, knock
        The Princess of Hell had opened the door, to her surprise to see a red and black fox demon with a huge smile on her face. Charlie was suddenly having a flash of deja vu. Where else has she seen this before? In any case, it wasn't the most obvious thing to pop out at her. This girl was a child. There shouldn't be a child in Hell, whose cruel idea was it to send her down here Charlie thought.
          "Princess Charlotte, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is [Y/N]." She bent down pulling her dress between her fingers to greet her.
           "Just call me Charlie! It's nice to meet you too! Are you here to stay in the hotel? If so we would love to have you here with us. Especially someone as cute as you." Charlie reached out to pinch the young demon's cheeks before composing herself.
           "I actually am, among other things. I was hoping I could be of service to you." Charlie sat questioning her proposal for a second.
             "I'll gladly accept any help I can get but love, you are a child, don't you want to focus on going to heaven and get out of this place?" Charlie bent down to her level and took the girl's hands in her own.
              "Don't let her age fool you, my dear. She is a very capable demon. In fact, better than most overlords I know." The familiar radio static voice tickled [Y/N] ears as Alastor materialized behind Charlie. He smiled genuinely as he held out his arms, waiting for her embrace. Tears suddenly streamed down as she ran into his arms. The two holding onto each other as if one of them would disappear forever.
               "I apologize for my sudden departure, darling. I hope you know that I would never leave you willingly. It was the only way I could keep my side of the deal." He stroked her hair in attempt to calm her sobbing. She couldn't say anything, she had already forgiven him a while back. Alastor couldn't do anything to make her hate him.
               "Alastor aren't you going to introduce us? Who's this sweet thing?" Angel dust walked to the doors to join him and Charlie. The rest of the sinners in the lobby following suit.
              "I guess you could say she is my partner in crime. This little darling has been by my side for nearly 80 years. I owe a lot of my victories to her truth be told." Everyone stood around confused, expecting a different answer. There's absolutely no way she could JUST be his partner they look too much ali-
             "Al, is that.. is that all she is?" [Y/N] sent vaggie daggering eyes as a warning not to continue her statement. Getting the hint, Vaggie backed off and went to sit on the couch in the center of the room. "Nevermind, forget I said anything."   
              "Hey [Y/N], it's been a few months. How you holding up. Still getting into trouble I hear." Husk gives the fox demon some pats on the head.
               "It's nice to see you again Husker, I would like to thank you for looking out for me these past few years." Her grin grew looking up at the fluffy demon.
             "Just doing what the boss told me." Alastor often had souls he was contracted with look after her in his absence. There wasn't much he could do, but knowing she was safe and sound and thriving eased his cold heart. It wasn't often he found himself tied to someone. But there he was, worried for the safety of someone else. A child no less. It took a while to understand his feelings but he eventually did accept it. He cared about someone other than himself.
               Introductions to the residents went smoothly, all of them having such lively personalities she thought. What an amazing new family to have. Besides missing Mama, this was much better than what she had in life ironic as it is.
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           The times were changing and everything felt still, peaceful. [Y/N] had an amazing new family and business. Angel Dust being like an amazing big brother and Charlie like an amazing older sister. However the biggest change was how close she got to Alastor. He insisted her bedroom be near his radio tower so he could watch over her. It was so out of character for the residents that have only known him since he joined the hotel staff.
              She was back to being glued to his hip. Her charm helping to gain more residents with her adorableness. It brought on a whole lot of business deals for the feared radio demon as well. Everything was perfect. Something still weighed on [Y/N]'s heart. Alastor needed to know the truth. Why the two of them have such a strong connection. And why they can't seem to ever let each other go. It's not something easily brought up in conversation. Thankfully, luck was on her side one day during one of their business outings.
           "So.. do we have a deal?" Alastor held his hand out to damaged overlord. The enemy's eyes flickered over to the fox demon, causing a distraction. Long enough for his partner to sneak a gun to the young girl's temple. Her composure stabled, a smile creeping on her face.
            "Before I agree to this deal, you are going to hear me out. Or my partner here will end the little girl's life. And you'll be pickingup brain matter off the ground." Alastor's eye twitched, returning his hands to the top of his cane. His expression eased back into his typical smile, seeing her unfazed by the imminent threat.
         "Fine. What do you want?" The man smiled seeing Alastor accept his conditions.
           "[Y/N]. I want the girl." The Radio Demon's breath hitched in his throat upon hearing the request. Never. Never in a million years, he thought. "You see that BITCH had me killed. Secretly drugging me for a year. Didn't think I would have noticed, huh? She never payed for it, she never had to answerfor her crime. Got her out of that shithole of a foster care and this is what I get?"
            He forcibly grabbed the collar of her prim and proper dress, picking her up to his face. Her ears folded to the back of her head, scowling at the man now. "You were going to make me a child bride."
         "You are a woman. You do what I say. If you don't accept my proposal, I'll tell daddy here your little secret. Won't he be surprised." Her eyes turned red at his words, both her and Alastor, in his demon form, shoving an arm through the man's chest in unison. All he felt in that moment was fear, dying for a second time.
            It took a second for the man's words to process in Alastor's head. Secret? What secret? He didn't want to pry but it was obviously tearing [Y/N] up inside. Her expression said it all. All he wanted was to know she was okay. It was time to let him know. And whatever decision he made, she was going to be okay with.
           "There's something I need to tell you."
           "Darling, you don't have to tell me anything if you are not comfortable. That fuck was just trying to get under your skin." And it worked.
             "No. You need to know." [Y/N]'s lip began to quiver in fear. Scared she was suddenly going to be a disappointment. How could she keep this a secret for so long. He had the right to know. Now. "My name is [first name] [Shared last name]. I..  I am your daughter."
                The gears in his head turned as he tried to process the new information. When something suddenly clicked in his head. The love of his life just before he died, was constantly sick and had been for a few weeks. Alastor had just thought she had a cold and constantly doted on her, trying to provide the best medicine he could.. hm.. find. She never took it thankfully. She was pregnant.
           He hadn't thought about it before now but it has come to his attention that the reason why he cared for this child so much was because she reminded him of his wife. She was careful with every decision, she was always calm in every situation she's been in, and they both had that beautiful fire in their eyes. The fire that let everyone know that they weren't going to submit to nobody. The dynamic between him and his wife wasn't much different from the dynamic between him and his daughter.
              Why hadn't Alastor seen it before. [Y/N] was obviously named after his mother. The girl was literally his mini me. He couldn't help but let a tear or two drop from his eyes before bending his knees to look at her at her level.
            "Tell me... what uh. What happened to your mother?" Alastor held the girl's cheek in his hand caressing it gently and wiping away her own tears, slightly smearing the blood on his hand.
             "Mama died of the influenza virus when I was 10. I'm sure she's in Heaven, having the time of her life." Alastor pulled his daughter into a tight embrace, never wanting to let go.
            "After all this time, I've had a precious piece of her with me. And I won't ever leave you alone again."
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A/N: Yall let me know if you liked this concept, this was fun to do. I know it's kind of out of character for Alastor but I hope it healed something in y'all with daddy issues 🙏
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The Fig & The Lime (The Surprise, Part 5)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: pregnancy times, established relationship, fluff on fluff on fluff, vague references to sex, church times and references to religious trauma Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: As your risk of a miscarriage goes down, you and Emily decide it's time to start telling people about the baby. You decide to start with the hardest person: Emily's mom. And her reaction prompts you both to make your first major parenting decision together.
Week 11: The Fig
You couldn't remember sleeping more in your entire life. You felt like you’d reverted to infancy: eat, sleep, repeat. No matter how long you slept, it was never enough. By 10:00 AM, you needed a nap. Then again at 2:00. Maybe 4:00 as well. And at night? You were lucky to make it ‘til 8:00.
So Emily wasn’t surprised when she got back from her week-long case and found you fast asleep, curled up on your side of the bed, your glasses crooked on your nose and your thumb stuck in a book. She smiled lovingly at you, pausing just to stare at you for a minute, just to watch your chest move up and down, to listen to your little huffs of breath.
Emily set her go-bag down, removed the dirty clothes, and threw them in the closet hamper basketball-style. One missed and landed nearby on the floor. She shrugged, stupidly relieved that you’d been asleep for it. You would’ve made fun of her for missing.
She crept over to you, trying not to make a sound, and leaned down to brush your hair out of your face. She gently removed your glasses and set them on your nightstand, then slid the book out of your hands, careful to hold your place. Emily leaned down to place a soft kiss on your head, standing back to stare at you again.
She shook her head and smiled. How many years had you been together? Was it five now? Six? And she still got butterflies every time she saw you sleeping in her bed. There was just something so vulnerable about you when you were asleep, something precious and rare and beautiful. For Emily, sleeping around someone meant incredible trust, it meant believing that you were safe when you could do nothing to protect yourself. Emily didn’t feel that kind of safe around anyone except you. So it made her heart melt every time she found you sleeping, every time you let yourself drift off, every time she came home and you didn’t wake up because your body and mind felt so safe with her. Emily loved making you feel safe. And, to her, moments like this were the physical manifestation of a mission accomplished.
Emily took a quick shower, washing away the grime–physical and mental–of a week spent hunting a gang of serial killers. She put on a soft t-shirt and sweatpants and crawled into bed, calm flooding her body knowing that it was Saturday afternoon. She’d have the rest of today and all of tomorrow to do nothing but be with you.
As she wrapped her arm around your waist and pulled you to her, you breathed in sharply and blinked. For a moment, Emily felt guilty for waking you, but the guilt disappeared when you turned your head around, bleary-eyed and beaming.
“You’re home,” you breathed, voice raspy. You turned around so you could face her, then wrapping your body around hers and holding her as tightly as a snake, your head nestled in the crook of her neck. "You smell good," you mumbled.
Emily smiled. Half-awake, half-asleep you was her favorite because you were less self-conscious than usual. All-awake Y/N would feel a little embarrassed about wanting to be so, so close to her. All-asleep Y/N would have been, well, asleep. But halfway Y/N… Emily loved the way you pressed your body into hers, like you were making yourself a nest, a home, right there in her arms.
She kissed the top of your head, running her hands through your hair.
“I missed you,” Emily whispered. “Go back to sleep, love.”
“Wait, I have to show you something,” you groaned, stretching a bit and turning to lie on your back.
You took her hand and guided it down your body.
Emily raised her eyebrows and smirked. “Y/N, I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen this, but I’m happy to take another look if you want.”
You whacked her playfully, still not quite awake.
“No, you perv,” you grumbled. You pressed her hand down just above your pelvic bone. “Do you feel that?”
“It’s kind of hard, like a… like a bouncy ball or something.”
You nodded, smiling, your eyes drifting shut again. “It’s the womb.”
“It is!?” Emily sat up and crouched down above your belly, eager to see–though there wasn’t really much to see yet. She pressed on the spot gently with her fingers, staring at it wonderingly. 
The baby’s in there, she thought, giddily. My baby’s right there! She placed a kiss there, for you and for the baby.
“Does it feel weird?” she asked, glancing up at you when you didn’t answer. Your mouth hung open and you snored softly. She smiled; you’d fallen back asleep.
She kissed the spot where the baby was one more time, then kissed your shoulder, your cheek, your forehead. She manhandled you a bit so that you were snug in her arms, the way she knew you liked to be, even if you didn’t like admitting it. Emily wrapped one arm around you, and with the other, placed her hand over your womb, feeling the little rubber ball like it was magic and might disappear at any moment. But she knew the real magic was you, your body knitting together a child right there, right below her hand.
Week 12: The Lime
You glared at yourself in front of the mirror, tugging on your maxi skirt.
“You look beautiful, honey,” Emily said, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Zip me up?”
You sighed and zipped up Emily’s dress, a red-and-white floral number, momentarily distracted from your own outfit by how truly stunning Emily looked.
“I wanted to wear a suit,” you grumbled. “You know I like suits better.”
“Well, Little Lime disagreed,” Emily replied, trying to hide a smile.
You weren’t showing yet, not really, but your custom suits didn’t fit anymore, and you were furious. It was Easter Sunday. You were going to Mass with Emily’s mom.
Neither of you were religious, but it was important to Elizabeth and, while Emily and her mom weren’t very close, Emily figured that once or twice a year, she didn’t mind seeing her mom–and she actually kind of liked going to Mass.
“You know I like to look extra gay when we go to church,” you complained as Emily pulled on a pair of heels. “What if they think we’re just friends?”
Emily chuckled, taking your hand and kissing the side of your head. “Baby, I’m pretty sure no one’s gonna think we’re just friends.”
You locked the apartment door behind you, still not entirely convinced.
“I mean, I can make out with you during the homily if it’ll make you feel better,” Emily teased.
“No.” You shook your head. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“You’re still okay with telling my mom about the baby?”
“Yeah,” you decided. “It’s time. Plus, when would we see her again?”
Emily shrugged. “I don’t know… New Year’s?”
You scoffed. “Yeah, I don’t think we should show up at Christmas Eve Mass with a surprise three-month-old.”
And with that, you headed to the one place you’d always assumed you’d never return to: church.
Elizabeth hugged Emily stiffly as you slid into the pew, then hugged you a little less stiffly. It wasn’t that she was homophobic exactly, it’s that she would have preferred Emily settle down with a man instead of a woman. But she liked you. You had a hard time with her, mostly because you knew that Emily, despite growing up with enough money to support about eight of your family, hadn’t had a happy childhood with her mom. But you did your best to be kind and gracious, for Emily’s sake. Emily didn’t want to be close to her mom, but she did want her in her life, and that was enough for you to try your best.
Emily had a complicated relationship with church. You’d grown up Baptist, not Catholic, so the solemnity and tradition of Catholicism was foreign to you. Despite being an atheist, Emily still found comfort in attending the occasional Mass. It was the repetition, she told you. The familiarity of it. You didn’t understand, not really. When you’d left religion, you had never wanted to step foot in a church again. But Emily was not you. There were parts of it that were home to her–as much of a home as she’d ever known moving around so much. And even though you didn’t understand, you honored and respected it.
You wondered, as the sounds of Latin and the smell of incense mingled around you, if Emily would want the baby to be baptized. You hadn’t discussed it. Religion wasn’t something you discussed often. You guessed you’d be okay with it, but you were adamantly opposed to raising a child to believe in God. Your own childhood had been filled with fiery stories of hell, tales of martyrdom that venerated toxic self-sacrifice, and the crushing, shameful, pervasive belief that something was inherently wrong with you–something that God had to fix.
You would never, never let your child believe that something was fundamentally wrong with her. Never. You wanted her to grow up believing that she was fundamentally right just the way she was. You made a mental note to discuss all this with Emily later. You assumed you’d be on the same page, since neither of you believed in God, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
After the service, Elizabeth took you out to eat at a very nice Italian restaurant. She ordered a bottle of wine for the table, and as the waiter leaned down to pour your glass, you tapped his arm.
“Just water for me, thank you,” you told him.
Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, looking back and forth between you and Emily.
“Something to share?” she asked.
Emily exhaled deeply and smiled at you. She was nervous, you could tell. She took your hand and looked at her mom.
“Yes, Mom. We are… having a baby. Y/N’s pregnant!”
“Well,” her mom responded, taking a sip of wine. Emily’s face fell. You could have slapped Elizabeth. “That’s… that’s excellent, dear. Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” Emily mumbled, and you squeezed her leg under the table. Most of the time she was so good at predicting her mom’s reactions. She was used to being let down and sidelined, used to her mom being disappointed in her. But sometimes, like anyone would, she let hope get the best of her, and got hurt all over again. Of course, Elizabeth had been lukewarm about your pregnancy. She’d been lukewarm about your marriage, lukewarm about your relationship. Hell, she was lukewarm about Emily in general.
You were glad that the baby–and Emily–had one side of the family that was truly over the moon about all of it. Your parents, you knew, would be giddy at the prospect of another grandchild. And your siblings would be thrilled to have a new niece or nephew. And Emily had told you before, often, that your family felt more family to her than hers ever had.
Later, when you came home, you cuddled up to Emily on the couch, leaning back into her chest. She had a faraway look in her eyes, absentmindedly running her fingers through your hair.
“Are you okay?” you asked quietly.
She sighed. “I don’t know what I expected.”
“You expected your mom to be happy you’re having a baby. That’s a reasonable expectation.”
“Not with her.”
You turned your head back to look at her, placing a hand on her cheek. “Emily. You deserve a family who celebrates with you. It’s not fair that she doesn’t do that. It’s okay to be upset.”
She seemed lost in thought for a while. You took one of her hands and played with her fingers.
“I don’t think we should go to Mass anymore.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “I don’t want him growing up in that.”
You felt your heart unclench a bit. All those earlier anxieties, unfounded.
“I don’t want you to feel like you’re losing something though," you told her. "You always said Mass felt like home.”
She pressed her face into your neck, kissing your shoulder. “It did for a long time. But I have other things that feel like home now. Like you. And Little Lime. And the BAU.”
Your heart surged. It was an honor to be the place where Emily felt at home. “No Mass then,” you said.
“No Mass.”
And just like that, your first big parenting decision together had been made.
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harrywavycurly · 11 months
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Summary: Eddie Munson is a serial killer, but to you he’s just your ultra loving husband that works odd hours with his uncle Wayne at the plant in town. You have no idea that half the time you call him and he’s “busy” it’s because he’s duct taping someone’s wrists and ankles together or cleaning up after himself when he’s done…working. Eddie makes sure that you know how loved you are and tries his absolute best to keep you as far away from his business as possible even though sometimes it’s harder than he’d like it to be. At the end of the day you are the most important thing in his life and he’ll do just about anything to keep you happy. This is a series all about the ups and downs of being married to a serial killer.🖤
Story Type: Serial!Killer Eddie x Spoiled Reader
Status: Ongoing
Tag List: Open
A/N: Writing about Eddie being a serial killer wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card but here we are. I also know killing is horrible and horrendous I don’t condone it at all this is all just fantasy and based on watching Dexter 73874 times so if you’re not into it that’s fine I won’t be offended please do what’s best for you!🖤
TW: Knives, killing, torture-ish things, Eddie is a serial killer
Conversations: Here
Texts: Here
Instagrams: Here
Everything Else: Here
*This story is in no particular order so you can read it however you like but you’ll find everything down below*
Part 1: Bedtime
Part 2: Soup
Part 3: Honey Are You Home?
Part 4: Thanksgiving
Part 5: Nick
Part 6: Puzzles
Part 7: How Long?
Part 8: Family Video
Part 9: Meeting
Part 10: Schedules
Part 11: Girl’s Night
Part 12: Pampering
Part 13: No Choice
Part 14: Retired (this is set way in the future)
Part 15: As Planned
Part 16: Reminder
Part 17: She Knows (follow up to part 14)
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Why Alastor has a cane:
1. It doubles as a microphone and looks cool.
2. It’s a power tool that he has to carry around to maintain his strength.
3. Gives him an air of authority.
4. He heard Lucifer had a cane. He needed a better one. Alastor’s has multiple functions!!
5. It’s just the style!
6. Lilith gave it to him and said he’s never to let it out of his sight.
7. It’s his emotional support cane.
8. The cane owns his soul. He has to carry it around where ever he goes as part of their deal.
9. Lucifer broke his ankle once when he kicked him. He has to use the cane for support.
10. That cane is actually sinners whose soul he owns. This is the final form of the first soul he owned. He took their energy until they became one with him and an inanimate object. Now this is where he keeps all the souls he contracts, taking more energy from them until they too become one with the cane. Husk is next :)
11. He was shipwrecked on an island. Completely alone (after eating everyone) he found the cane and named it “Wilson”, developing a parasocial relationship with it. Wilson died but when Alastor went to hell they were waiting for him.
12. When he fell to Hell he landed the wrong way and now his knee is perpetually messed up.
13. Husk told him he should “talk to somebody” so Alastor just grabbed the cane and said “fine.” The cane is now his therapist and he talks to it when he’s alone. His voice keeps everyone up at night.
14. Twisted his ankle from his heeled boots.
15. That bitch Susan seemed to think she was all that because of her cane.
16. It’s his pet.
17. It’s his one true love and the only thing that actually understands him.
18. He thinks his mother got cursed “Beauty and the Beast” style and turned into that cane. Whether this is actually the case remains to be seen.
20. It acts a device to scramble signals, which is why he can’t be captured on camera.
21. So if he comes across something gross he can simply push it away with his cane.
22. Automatic weapon when you’re in a jam.
23. So he can say “STICKS and stones may break your bones!” as he torture and kills someone.
24. So he’s always show ready!
25. He just has chronic pain okay?! YOU try living over a hundred years, being a serial killer, and then getting shot!
26. The microphone actually gives off some feedback that is unbearable to some demons (like Husk) as another way to torture them.
27. The cane is actually Alastor. The body we thought was Alastor is being puppeteered by the cane.
28. It’s a palisman he stole from Emperor Belos and has been trying to keep hidden since someone ate all the others.
29. Vox once said canes were outdated and tacky, so of course Alastor had to prove him wrong.
30. It was a gift from Rosie!
31. So he has even more reach to wack the wings of flying ex-Angels.
32. It’s his soulmate.
33. You know those little blankets little kids carry around with them? The ones they’ll freak out if they’re missing. Yeah it’s like that.
34. He has crippling depression.
35. His therapist told him he needed to get some supports in his life.
36. It’s been the only one there to SUPPORT him this whole time. At this point he has to keep caney around. He’s moved so much in life with them, so to leave them behind would be immobilizing.
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
Therapy Sessions
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bau!team x psychiatrist!reader
Summary: fem!psychiatrist!reader has been a longtime psychiatrist of the BAU team. Always there to listen to their troubles. But what if she mysteriously disappears?
Warning: use of y/n and l/n, curse word(s?), mentions of trauma? (kind of)
part 2 (Doctor is In)
Monday, 11:04 AM
"Have you heard from Dr. L/N? I wanted to schedule my next appointment but can't reach her cell." Spencer, being your frequent visitor, asked his teammates as he stared at his flip phone in deep thought. Maybe the problem was his phone?
Emily turned her seat, legs crossed and arms flat on the armrests of her chair. "I actually wanted to schedule one yesterday. I couldn't reach her cell either." She shrugged, leaning backwards.
Derek rolled his eyes, "Maybe she's on a date? Let the woman have a life." He was your newest patient, though you have been listening to his troubles for 2 years.
You have been the BAU team's psychiatrist for the past six years, or more, you couldn't remember. All you could remember was how they slowly piled, one by one, in your office and shared their deepest sorrows to the safety of your listening ear.
It started when Spencer needed someone to rant to. He arrived at your clinic, soaking wet from the rain, and clutching your business card in his hand. You were about to leave for the day, but you didn't mind the extra hours you had to spend.
Then came JJ, who brought her concerns for Spencer but was completely anxious over different things. She was the sweetest woman alive that you have ever met. And it sometimes pained you to know that she had to endure adversities.
The others crammed right in like children asking for a little bit of company in the dark, and you were more than happy to provide them with a cozy sofa and a listening ear.
Spencer and Emily let go of the topic. Derek was right. They had to let you have a life outside of work, outside of listening from their cries. They bothered you with the shallowest inconvenience 24/7, and it didn't sit right to deprive you of having time off.
With that said, nonetheless, you have been part of their family. Even if you weren't a profiler, they welcomed you to one of Rossi's dinner parties just the same.
Emily loved to joke that you were their sweet, softhearted mommy, while Aaron Hotchner was their strict dad. You always laughed at that.
Tuesday, 4:32 PM
Penelope was maniacally tapping on her keys as she searched for information that the group asked her to look for. They flew out this morning, almost teleporting to Los Angeles for a fast escalating serial killer.
A ringing echoed in her background, waiting for the recipient to pick up the call. The number was yours.
"You've reached Dr. L/N's line. Please don't leave a message at all. Text me directly instead at 571..."
She sat up, rolling her chair across her room to reach her telephone and dropped the call. "No! Y/N! I need you to answer me so you can listen my dilemma!" Penelope whined, and speed dialed your number once again.
You may be the BAU's psychiatrist for six years, but you have been Penelope's psychiatrist for eight years. You were there when she broke down about the horrors of their recent cases, when she got shot, and many more events in her life that she couldn't help but rant about to you. You were her friend, and you felt honored to become one.
Wednesday, 10:57 PM
"Something's wrong." Spencer announced, sitting on the swivel chair with his legs crisscrossed.
Hotch immediately lifted his gaze from the file he had in his hands, glancing at Spencer. "What did you find?"
What the Unit Chief didn't know was that his youngest profiler has been staring into space for a good 30 minutes. Spencer fidgeted on the hem of his slacks. "Dr. L/N has never been MIA for more than a day." He replied, unaware of his conversation with his leader.
"Reid. I need your focus in this mission and not Dr. L/N's?" Hotch diverted, bringing his attention back to the file in his hands.
Thursday, 7:00 AM
Spencer's statement didn't leave the back of Hotch's mind, sending you a text as soon as his alarm went off. He couldn't get a blink of sleep.
As much as he tried to think about the case, worry for a compassionate friend began to creep in his veins.
Hey, if you don't mind. Would you happen to have time for me to visit on Saturday afternoon?
He tapped the sides of his phone, staring at the screen. With a small sigh, Hotch exited the bed and got ready for work.
Within the ten minutes he showered, a towel around his waist, Hotch glanced on the screen and furrowed his brows at the absence of your reply.
It wasn't like you were obligated to respond to him at that time of the day, but he had known you enough years to know that you were wide awake at the strike of 7 AM.
Hotch remembered clearly how the two of you coincidentally met at the park where he usually goes for a run. He learned then that you never fail to wake up on 5 AM in the morning, emptying your mind to make space for people's troubles that you gladly eased.
He dialed a phone number, "Hello, Garcia?"
Friday, 1:29 PM
The team arrived back to Quantico, wiped out and drained from the case, unenthusiastic of the fact that they had to stay for a few hours and complete some paperwork before they could finally go home.
"Did L/N change her number?" JJ walked in the bullpen, waving her phone to the others. She placed a hand on her hip as she navigated through her phone, preparing to edit your contact information.
Not to create competition, but JJ had it worst in their past case. The anxiety that coursed through her bloodstream needed the comfort of your soft voice. She would discuss it with her husband, Will, but you always understood better. She loved the way you explained her emotions to her, giving her a clearer vision of what she was feeling. It made it easier to express her feelings when she comes home to Will.
Spencer perked up, "I don't think so. She's very consistent with everything. She would've told us if she changed her number." He sat on his seat with his legs crisscrossed.
Derek didn't waste a minute and dialed your clinic's main landline. They should've been calling there to set an appointment anyways, but they were too attached to you to even bother. In their eyes, you were the whole clinic, no other psychiatrist available.
"Hi, you are calling from..." Multiple sighs of relief escaped out of the four of them when they finally got someone to pick up. "This is Alexa, what can I help you with today?"
"I wanted to set an appointment with Dr. L/N, does she have any open spots for this weekend?" Derek asked, making eye contact with the three agents with him, assuring them that everything was alright.
Until it wasn't.
"I'm sorry, Sir. Dr. L/N is not available right now but—"
"Is she on vacation?" Emily interjected, moving at the edge of her seat.
"Uh, who am I speaking to?"
They all exchanged looks. JJ leaned against Derek's desk, clearing her throat. "This is Jennifer Jareau from the FBI. I'm a friend of Dr. Y/N L/N and haven't been able to contact her in a while. I just wanted to ask if, by chance you have other means of contacting her?"
A long pause. Worry began to creep over their minds. They could hear murmurs and movements, and after three minutes of waiting, someone picked the phone back up.
"Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Basset, and I'm the head psychiatrist in the clinic. Unfortunately, we haven't heard of Dr. L/N since last Saturday. She hasn't been showing for her shift either. We were getting worried because she wasn't answering her personal cell and home landline. One of our staff knew where she lived, but her apartment was quiet. They said no one answered the door."
Well shit.
That wasn't normal for you to just disappear. You always notified the whole team three months before you would go on a vacation or a requested leave. So, you being unavailable with your means of communication spiked up their worry through the roof.
They nodded to each other, making a wordless agreement that whatever was happening, it was clear that it was not something they should take lightly.
"Okay, Dr. Basset. Is there a chance you can tell us any other information about Y/N? Her emergency contact, parents names, anything would help us." JJ swallowed the lump in her throat. Where could you be?
"Of course! Let me just go get it." Dr. Basset said, shuffling on his end.
Rossi walked out of his room with the intention of filling up his cup with another dose of coffee, but the expressions that the four agents had on their faces didn't pass his peripheral. "What happened? Did you all lose a bet with Garcia?"
Spencer turned his seat, "Dr. L/N is missing." He announced.
"Missing? Did someone report her missing?" Rossi knitted his brows. He wasn't frequent in your office, but he did have a monthly visit.
"She hasn't been to work for a week or answering any of our calls." Emily stated, biting the nail on her thumb.
"Call Hotch." Rossi told Emily, who didn't waste time nodding and went straight to Hotch's office. He looked at the others. "I know we everyone is tired from the case, but this one is very important."
Derek stood up, leather jacket wrapping his lean build. "You don't have to tell us twice." He glanced at Spencer, who was already standing, clutching his messenger bag. Then, to JJ, who nodded her chin of approval.
Emily was about to knock on Hotch's door when it swung open, a file in his hand. "We have a case." He announced.
"But-" Emily attempted to intervene, but he continued speaking.
"We need to find our psychiatrist, Dr. Y/N L/N. Penelope's on her way to debrief us. Gather in the conference room in five minutes."
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sunonyoreface · 1 year
Sunonyoreface Complete Masterlist
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read my work! I’ll update this list from time to time, however it might be a little outdated. Some of these stories are quite old, but I thought I would still link them here because I like to see how far I’ve come as a writer.
Simon Riley
One cot: One Shot
He Knows: Ongoing (short pause to catch up on school)
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
Pt 5:
Pt 6:
Pt 7:
Pt 8:
Pt 9:
Pt 10:
Pt 11:
Pt 13:
Pt 14:
Pt 15:
Pt 16:
Pt 17:
Pt 18:
Pt 19:
Pt 20:
Pt 21:
Pt 22:
Pt 23:
Pt 24:
Pt 25: (last part?)
Jimmy Keene 
Routine Examinations: On Pause
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
Pt 5:
Pt 6:
Deleted. I felt it was wrong writing about a real serial killer. Sorry if it leaves a few holes in the plot.
Pt 7:
Frank Castle
A week At the Cabin (can be read individually) Completed
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Anton Chigurh 
Anton Chigurh (never named this series because it was meant to be a one shot) Completed
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
Pt 5:
Pt 6:
Pt 7:
Pt 8:
Pt 9:
Pt 10:
Pt 11:
Pt 12:
Pt 13:
Pt 14:
Geralt of Rivia
Forest Nymph - Discontinued
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
Pt 5:
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v3lv3tsin · 1 month
my oh my: sim jaeyun
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| pairing: sim jaeyun x reader
| genre: enemies to lovers
| warnings: angst, minors dni
| word count: 1.2k
| stefy's note: this is a collaboration between me and @chericherilvr , we found this fanfic writing site and well decided to have some fun, so enjoy :)
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You never liked working so that's when you decided to apply for a more risque job that hired people with no experience. Perfect job, right?
Well it seems to be perfect until you met Jake, your worst nightmare. He barely showed up to work and was always bullying you. It's like he hated you, but you barely knew each other. Maybe it was the wat you smiled at him or his annoying grin. You couldn't figure it out and when you actualluy thought you did, you didn't.
One day, your boss decided to make you do the unwanted, pairing you up with Jake. Why him? You thought to yourself. All he did was care about his work and ignore the other colleagues. It was infuriating you to say the least, but you had to do it. Even if you wouldn't want to be anywhere near him. He was trouble and not the kind of trouble you wanted to be involved with.
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Time couldn't go slower, maybe this was Crono's way of making you suffer after not getting his name right on last night's trivia game. Spinning a pencil around, staring at your project partner, counting to ten over and over again to not punch Jake in the face. His stupid, smiling, beautiful face.
"You don't get paid to stare at me, sweetheart." The pencil almost snaps when he decides to smirk, "but i mean, if you go out with me i'll do both of our jobs." Jake winks at you, his smirk only growing and licking his lower lip once he sees your glaring eyes. It's the moment when you have to remind yourself about professionalism.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
"Thank you, but i'll have to reject the kind of offer." Your voice dipped with poison and sarcasm behind your smile. "How instead you stop calling me that."
He shakes his hand, leaning forward closer to your desk. "Okay, how about, darling?"
1, 2, 3, 4...
"No? Okay, how about..." He pauses for a brief moment, leaning a bit away before holding his head between his hands.
5, 6, 7, 8...
"Babe? My love? My world? Princess? Honey?"
9, 10, 1, 2...
"Stop!" Your hands point towards all of Jake. "Flirting, stop this, whatever it is."
The motherfucker Jake decides to chuckle at your cringing face. "Sorry, babe, old habits die hard." 3, 4, 5, 6. You stop counting when you hear the pencil finally snap in between your fingers. "I don't know what you're trying to do here, but whatever it is, it needs to stop." You say annoyed, being fed up with all his flirty comments.
"Haven't you heard of magic, darling?" His voice dripping with sarcasm. "If you think going out with me will end up in me being a serial killer, don't worry. I'm not interested in killing you anytime soon, only with my charm." The moment you heard his flirty voice, you lost it. All the counting from your head starting again just so you could focus on what you're actually supposed to do.
"Let's focus now on the actual work, which is actually about magical rituals." Both of you looked at the document in front of you, filled with several photos of corpses that have been mutilated or decomposed. This sent chills down your spine. "There's a killer on the loose. Name. Yang Jungwon. Burned down his orphanage, killed his classmates and roommate." You say, giving him more information about the several murders and the killer. "And he has a temper." You whisper to Jake's ear, almost in a mocking way, knowing that when it comes to people that don't deal greatly with anger.
"I can handle him, sweetheart. You won't escape me if that's what you wish for." He says in a cheeky grin, pushing his body closer to yours. He was close. Too close. The only thing between the two of you was the desk, which he could easily move with his hands. Those hands that drove you crazy even if you hated him, you couldn't deny that he was attractive.
Suddenly you hear you boss voice. "What about Y/n and Jake?" Both of you turned your head around, forgetting about the trivia game for a second.
You sit back down on your chair, fixing your hair. Nothing's going on, everything's ok. You nod to yourself. Jake decides to answer for both of you, smiling at your silence. "Orphanages and magic rituals? Is he trying to summon something?" You mumble trying to not roll your eyes.
"Yes, a dick you can suck on." Your boss nods at Jakes words and starts giving hypothesis while talking with the rest of the teams. Lost in thought looking at the files, you don't catch Jake leaning over the desk and whispering in your ear. "Sure you won't like it to be that? Or better, him summoning my hands seeing as you have a big liking towards them?"
You flinch at his voice, a shiver running down your back at the thought. "We don't even know if he's summoning something." You try to bite back and move away from him.
"Do we now, darling?" Jake's words linger on your mind for the reat of the day. The last words, you swear to yourself, not the hand thoughts. Music plays softly and wind comes in through your car window while driving. "Wait! I haven't opened a window?" You shift to look at your left, where the air is coming from, and slam the breaks once you see someone sitting next to you.
Everything stops for a couple of seconds, adrenaline melting in your body mixed with the relief of stopping in an empty road. Your hands fumble with the seat belt after regaining conciusness. There was no one next to you when you left driving for work 13 minutes ago. Just ignore the chuckle and run for your life. But after opening the door your body is pushed back against your car.
"Sweetheart, why would you run away from me?" Your eyes widen at his words, at his voice. Bracing yourself to look at him, where you expected to find Jake's brown eyes and a scar stare back at you.
"Oh, sorry." The man you knew as the killer you're hunting down transforms his body into the same person that's working with you to end him. Jake smiles at you, and traces your face. "Surprise." He cheers , before chuckling at your confused face. He runs his hands down to rub your arm, soothing your trembling body. "I wished you would've found another way, but I couldn't risk your pretty brain to catch me out first." He laughs, almost giggling.
"What...What is.." Your voice barely a whisper.
"It's ok, babe. I won't harm you." He tries to flash a comforting smile, showing his sharp teeth in the process. Fuck, this now made sense, he wasn't trying to summon anything. He wanted blood. He needed blood. Because he is a vampire and now you're his next prey, one way or another.
Your morals were all wrong when you felt his lips on yours. He tasted sweet. Bloody sweet. All the bodies that you found drained out of blood. It was him. He was intoxicating. Jake wanted to do this ever since he saw you walk in the office, with that damn short skirt, that was too short for you. He imagined himself between your legs. Without thinking, he wrapped his veiny hand around you neck, holding you in place. You were his now. His to love. His to corrupt.
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© V3LV3TSIN ⎯ do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Headcanons about coming 💦 : Michael Myers; Corey Cunningham
1.1k words | Michael x you; the different Coreys x you
Summary: mannerisms, preferences, vocalization, stamina, load, refractory period, consistency, misc.
obviously NSFW, unsafe sex, be responsible, etc.
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thank you @hiraethedits for the corey comingham gif 🖤
Michael Myers 
His body generates more semen with every kill. His balls have virtually unlimited capacity.
Superstamina. When he comes, it's usually not because he has to, but because he's ready and wants to.
Usually doesn't pull out because he wants to see you unravel when his monster cock empties explosively inside you.  
Also loves violently pumping you full of his cum just because. 
Prime grisly dick - No regard for safety, ever. No condoms. Comes when and where he wants.
IF he pulls out before he comes, it's because he wants to come on you. You look so hot with his cum on your face as you wince in pleasure and pain and bemoan the void he left. 
Usually comes with a huff, but if you're really lucky, an audible grunt. It's also possible he's completely silent though.  
Often stares straight ahead and shows no emotion when he comes, but if it's right after a kill, he may be more expressive.
If he looks upward, it's a sign of vulnerability or trust since it briefly exposes his throat.
Won't warn you before he comes.  An exception is when he's playing his game of making a bystander jerk off while he fucks you (then kills them if they don't come before him). It's fun if they know their impending doom. 
May pull you into him when he comes, but by then, it's not much of a warning.
Imperceptible refractory period. Yeah, capable of multiple orgasms. May God have mercy on your soul. He might stay hard and keep fucking you. 
For example, he may want to see how many times you'll come on his dick. This is for his own gratification more than your pleasure.
Can come for 30-60 seconds or more if the moment is right, especially it extends your orgasm.
Cum is thick and hot. Like hotter than normal body temp.
Typical load is 17-20 mL. Could be even more.  
Lots of pulses, could be 12+ ropes.
If he comes in your mouth, you better swallow.  If you spit him out, he might clamp your mouth shut the next time. 
Pulls out right after he comes if he's had enough (for now). Probably out the door before your insides have rearranged themselves back how they were.
Loves to make you come, and it's all about control.  It turns him on that you come at his will.
Not me scrolling through my fics studying how the different Coreys cum lmao. tags: @ethanhoewke . corey o-face gif: @hiraethedits
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Corey Cunningham (Post-Michael)
Vocal.  He will often moan or groan or sigh unless he deliberately restrains himself.  He may moan your name. [Bonus: Corey has a Leon S. Kennedy Mode as astutely observed by @yllcm.]
Not as much control as Michael over how long he lasts.  He may occasionally come sooner than he intends to in an intense situation. Your orgasm will usually send him over the edge.
Wants you to need him, and if you aren't showing it enough, he may ask for a lot of validation, which could include saying you want his load, that you want him to fill you up with his hot seed.
Doesn't pull out. To him, there's no better feeling than his fat cock erupting inside you. And why shouldn't it?
He's possessive and smart. He knows you'll get a burst of oxytocin binding you to him further, so if he's trying to make you his, he'll strategically make you come as often as possible.
Cum is silky and smooth.  
Typical load is going to be 5-8 mL in 4-9 shots. 
Recovery period is 2-10 minutes before he's ready to go again. May stay inside you in between, then you can look forward to feeling him harden again. 
Doesn't use condoms.  He used to be a good guy but he's a spree/serial killer now.  Remember - you're getting grisly dick, lewd lumber, criminal cock -- come what may, come who may. 
Small chance he may try to breed you, particularly Survivor!Corey His brush with death made him fascinated by life and death and he may want to bind someone to him for eternity.  
When you suck him off, he wants you to swallow. Otherwise he might feel rejected, unwanted, or suspicious of you.   
Even post-Michael, Corey may come without touching in extenuating circumstances like excellent nipple play. This applies to all Coreys.
If you haven't come yet, he'll see to it that you do one way or another. And when you're both done, he'll stay and hold you or at least hang out after. 
If Michael is involved or even in the vicinity, all bets are off. Michael in the picture is like a multiplier for how big his load is and how often he comes. He's prone to thinking about Michael when he comes, and coming when he thinks about Michael. He could even come in his pants. Eventually he may learn to avoid this by conjuring the Shape's super-stamina.
Corey Cunningham (Post-Accident, Pre-Michael)
Will most likely come quickly if you fuck his brains out.  Sometimes prematurely, in which case he  may apologize. If you want him to last longer, you need to play your cards right. 
Vocal for sure. Highly recommend edging this man into a whimpering mess.  He'll writhe and whine and even cry.  He'll beg. 
When and where he comes, with a condom or not, pulling out, etc. really depends on the scenario. This is because he's so vulnerable, emotional, and impressionable. Also because you're so fucking hot. He may get caught up in the moment.
If you're in a relationship, he'll be attentive to your preference in where and how he comes.  
If he's not in a good place, he doesn't think much about the future or consequences of his actions.  He might be shocked that someone wants to fuck him and yield all control to you, including when, how, and where he comes.
He likes to stay inside after he comes when possible. He feels safe and protected.
When you suck him off, he wants you to swallow.  If you don't, he'll be wounded.    
Corey Cunningham (Pre-Accident) 
Generally jerks off enough that his stamina would be okay. 
If he hasn't jerked off, he's prone to premature ejaculation (especially virgin!Corey, of course) 
Pretty vocal. He gasps and sighs a lot. When he comes, he's sometimes apologetic, even when his timing is great. He may be self-conscious regardless of performance since he's not that experienced.
The fact that he may come sooner than he plans makes him very attentive during foreplay, because he wants you to come, too.
Always prepared with a condom, even if he's not dating someone, even if he hasn't had sex yet, or hasn't had it in awhile.  So he generally comes inside.
He's a gentleman and will always clean up after himself. 
Of course, this can all vary a fuck-by-fuck basis, reader-to-reader, etc.   
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positivexcellence · 2 months
Interview: Jared Padalecki on Walker Season 4, The Show’s Future & More
KSITETV’S CRAIG BYRNE: What can you tease about The Jackal, particularly in relation to his history with certain characters?
JARED PADALECKI: The Jackal is a serial killer who haunted then-Ranger James and Ranger Walker five years prior when they were partners, and before Ranger James became Captain James. The Jackal, and his choice of kills and the victims he left behind, really tortured and tormented James and he took it personally. We were never able to solve it, and the Jackal;s case went cold, and we have kind of assumed he had died or stopped or something. And then, as we found out during James’s wedding of all times, someone with a similar M.O. to the Jackal surfaced, and because of how dark it sent James five years prior, Trey and Walker decide to look into it low-key with Detective Luna from Corpus Christi, who Walker and James had worked with back in the day.
We find out in Season 4 that sure enough, the Jackal is back, And so, Walker finds himself stuck in a position. We’ve learned in the first three seasons that keeping secrets among Rangers is not a great idea, but Walker thinks he’s doing what’s best for James. He doesn’t want to him spiraling. James just went on his honeymoon, and he’s married, and he’s going well. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe this is a coincidence. But we soon seem to settle that it is the original Jackal, and the Jackal is back. Walker takes it on himself to save James from that same torment that he went through five years ago., but the question is how much can Walker take on on James’ behalf, without falling prey to the same feelings himself?
Twitter made me ask you this: Is there any chance that The Jacckal might be played by an actor that you’ve referred to as “Jackles” before?
[LAUGHS] No. All But that’s a great question!
The readers of KSiteTV loved Walker Independence, and it’s great that hopefully we’ll be seeing more of Justin Johnson Cortez as Detective Luna. Is there any chance we might see more people from the show in new roles in the present day, or maybe another Hoyt flashback?
JARED: Let’s say yes. We will be seeing some of our our Windy family. We loved the show as well.
And is there any chance we’ll see those classic characters again?
The answer, again, is yes.
Jensen [Ackles] and I used to have something funny during Supernatural. We did several seasons with 23 episodes, and we likened it to sports analogies. We’d be like “you know, if you’re going to shoot 23 three pointers during a game, you’re not going to make ’em all. If you’re gonna drive the lane 23 times, or go to bat 23 times, then you’re gonna put some air balls. You’re gonna strike out sometimes. But with 13 episodes, they’re all knockouts. They’re all home runs.
We didn’t waste any time this year [on Walker]. We have 13 episodes to make an amazing season of television. I’m on set right now shooting the finale, and I can say with confidence that this is our strongest season.
Are you feeling good about the possibility of a fifth season?
I am. I don’t know… I mean, even during Supernatural’s last season, something can always happen. There can be a strike. There can be COVID. There can be a merger. There can be something.
My career for the last 25 years has been based around not really knowing what’s going to happen. You know, “is Gilmore Girls gonna go? Am I going to get an option to do it again? Oh, now it’s CW instead of Warner Brothers. Oh, now we have a new showrunner. Oh, now we have another showrunner! Now we’re changing nights. Now there’s COVID. Now there’s a strike.” [Last year’s strike] was the second strike I had been through in my career. So, all I can speak to is the quality of work we’re putting out, and there’s nothing I could change.
I will say that I have no reason to think that we we will not carry on. I intend to do the show for another 10 years, so hopefully the powers that be feel the same way. I know our cast and crew all hope for the same. We’re willing and able. Our writers are incredible, with the stories they come up with and the speed with which they can come up with great storylines and great arcs for each and every character… and our crew that makes it… if I was a network, then I would want this show to go as long as everybody who’s making the show would go.
I couldn’t be more proud of the work that we’re putting out there. I think we kind of stand alone, as far as new scripted hour-longs out there. We’re a great combination of heart and action, and trying to mimic reality as best as possible, which I think is needed and necessary. I’ve certainly heard from fans on the street and via social media and whatnot, how much they appreciate it and enjoy it. I’m very optimistic.
How are things with Cordell and Geri as we get into Season 4?
They’ve had five months together since Larry and Kelly’s wedding, snd things have been going well. Things have kind of cooled off; the Jackal’s trail went cold, and so maybe it was not a big deal. They’ve kind of been enjoying the summer with August and Stella and Bonham and Abeline, and they’ve had some time together.
There’s been work for Cordell and for Geri, obviously, but they’re on the same page. They’re living together, and they’re enjoying each other’s company, and they found a place.
Obviously, they both went through some hardships in their prior relationships. Luckily, I think with a lot of great relationships, when they become romantic, they start as friendships. Because Geri and Cordell started as a platonic relationship for many years, they’ve seen each other as friends, and they kind of know who each other’s hearts are. I think they’re enjoying that time and chance to breathe together, and just be with each other.
Is it hard for Cordell that Stella and August are both growing up, with Stella already off to school and August approaching senior year?
It’s very, very hard, and I think you’re more prescient than maybe you even realize; we kind get into that in Episode 2, and as the season goes on, of what it’s like to be to be preparing to be an empty nester, especially without your spouse. So we certainly do see that, and again, going back to what I said earlier about Walker’s storylines imitating life as best as we can, we certainly do see Walker going through that very real [situation].
At work, he is this big Texas Ranger who gets to go in and save the day and all as well, and then at home, he wants to be a Dad, but the clock is ticking. One of his kids is already gone, and the second is a senior in high school, and presumably soon to be spreading his wings. So what does that look like and feel like for this big tough dude?
Will we get to see Walker’s reaction to the situation that Stella got into at the end of last season?
Oh, yeah. And that storyline doesn’t stop, because it’s not all over. Obviously, months have passed and there have been investigations and there is conclusion of sorts, but as with most things in life, it brings about a whole new set of problems that we will deal with through the entire season.
Why should people check out the season premiere on Wednesday night?
I think a lot of us, myself included, have been dying to see what the whole Walker clan is up to. Not with the Walker clan with with the last name Walker. And we get a great catch up with a friend we haven’t talked to in a while. We have action. We have comedy, we have drama… but also, it feels like a dear friend that I haven’t caught up with in way too long, and I get all the ins and outs of what’s been going on their lives over the last period of time
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heesdreamer · 2 years
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5 times he calls you
SUMMARY ➩ 5 times series (5 times heeseung called you)
give it time first date
SUMMARY ➩ being jakes twin sister, your reputation followed you around wherever you went. add on the fact you were a known man eating playgirl with a thing for nerds and you were heeseung’s worst nightmare
anon request
SUMMARY ➩ jake is a terrible boyfriend and reader cheats on him with heeseung. smut… like really smut (popping my full smut cherry)
SUMMARY ➩ navigating life 1 year post end of the world was already difficult as you avoided rotting corpses with hefty appetites and groups with various bad intentions. things get harder when you run into a group of survivors, 7 boys who make it impossible to run away.
lost time
SUMMARY ➩ you and your bestfriends, growing up together since you were babies, had a tradition of going camping together every summer. this year you get paired up to share a tent with the boy you’ve been in love with since elementary.
fear of spiders
SUMMARY ➩ you’re pretty sure that your quiet and mysterious roommate just might be a serial killer… plus he’s weirdly afraid of spiders (spiderman au)
give up on me
SUMMARY ➩ you’re moved back to your hometown and finally moving on from your toxic 4 year long relationship with your highschool sweetheart heeseung when you get the email that the 5 year reunion is approaching
as long as you’ll let me
SUMMARY ➩ prone to a bad reputation and accepting your friends ridiculous bets and challenges, you’re hit with the task to take the virginity of your schools number 1 student
you make me you’ve made me
drabble 1
SUMMARY ➩ struck with insomnia your entire life, you’ve taken to exploring the city restless all night. things change when you meet a tall boy with tired eyes and bruised knuckles
one hundred and one
SUMMARY ➩ returning back home from a failed year at college, you’re reunited with your little brothers best friend who always had a crush on you. this definitely hasn’t changed, but he sure has.
echoes of riot
SUMMARY ➩ falling inlove with a rockstar is never easy, especially when he returns to your hometown on a successful tour three years after you lost contact
SUMMARY ➩ basketball player heeseung x cheerleader reader. E2L smut
two for one
HEEJAKE x reader
touched starved
SUMMARY ➩ your bestfriend dyes his hair blonde and old feelings start to surface.
SUMMARY ➩ Four years after he disappeared from your life your childhood friend and love returns back to town completely changed.
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it will be
SUMMARY ➩ starting your life in college filled with your mothers paranoia and lack of social skills, you befriend three boys with a long twisted history. a history that somehow leads to the handsome boy with the cold stare.
off the ice
SUMMARY ➩ dubbed ‘ice princess’ at an early age for you ice skating skills, you face the biggest challenge of your career when you’re paired with your rival for a competition dance.
just be
SUMMARY ➩ bad boy sunghoon x good girl reader paired together for a class project (but with twists)
prompt challenge
22 10 & 4
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let you break my heart again
SUMMARY ➩ attending the same college as your childhood friend ( and longtime crush ) jake sim, you weren’t prepared for the complete change in his personality.
skin on skin 2
GENRE ➩ religious corruption au, church boy jake au, slightly evil reader
two for one
HEEJAKE x reader
forgotten consequences
SUMMARY ➩ Your bestfriends little brother comes back from Australia and catches your attention despite knowing the consequences
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homes not home
SUMMARY ➩ recently smitten with the most popular guy on campus, park sunghoon, you’re struck with the rumor that he only likes girls with experience. your only option is to ask your best friend for help.
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anything else
SUMMARY ➩ life brought you four boys at different times, somehow knowing when you needed them most. how could you possibly choose?
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harry potter headcanons
SUMMARY ➩ navigating life 1 year post end of the world was already difficult as you avoided rotting corpses with hefty appetites and groups with various bad intentions. things get harder when you run into a group of survivors, 7 boys who make it impossible to run away.
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - Prologue
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - The Prologue Word Count: 4001 Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Warnings: major angst, major fluff, mentions of murder, crime scenes, near-death experiences, slow-burnish romance, death, canon violence, rape, swearing, guns, knives, prostitution, canon cuteness of the team. Spoilers: Maeve's death, mentions of previous cases or canon events from seasons 1-10.
Spencer and you have an unspoken connection with one another. Nothing has ever happened between you two, especially since everything went down with Maeve, but your love has grown and overcome and is now clear as day to everyone. However, just when Spencer builds up enough courage to ask you out officially, you're requested on an undercover mission that halts your budding relationship in its tracks.
Months go by without a word from you until bodies of prostitutes start showing up in New York and the BAU is brought in to help. Spencer and you finally reunite as both your cases collide, but your lives and your love are both on the line now.
Will you and Spencer be able to find the way back home this time?
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
You released a tired, relieved sigh as you and the rest of the team exited the elevator and walked back into the bullpen. You'd just landed back after a week in Utah chasing a serial killer who turned out to be a mormon. He killed in the name of burning out the false children of God from humanity - literally. The Unsub managed to burn six innocent people alive before they apprehended him.
'I cannot wait to go home for a hot bath and a good glass of scotch,' Rossi said, rubbing at the kink in his neck from the sleep home on the plane.
'Ditto,' Alex said. 'James is home for the weekend, and he has promised me some home made pie that I am very much looking forward to.'
You smiled as you reached your desk, the echo of the others adding to the conversation of what they were looking forward to when they got home warming the usually busy room as they passed you. A sense of comfort and relief washed over you as you placed your go-bag on your desk. Hearing all your friends' voices back in the office after a mission was never a guarantee, so you relished every time you heard them, regardless of the conversation.
You looked up when a figure entered your peripheral vision, and that comfort and warm feeling spread further through you when you saw who it was.
'What about you, Y/N?' Spencer said by way of greeting, a soft smile gracing his own tired features. 'What is waiting for you at home on this fine Friday evening?'
You paused to think about it for a second, a content smile tugging at your lips at the thought. 'Well, unless I've been robbed in the last few days, I will be enjoying a nice glass of moscato while I order pasta from the restaurant below my apartment, and snuggle in with my book that I've spent literally months trying to finish,' you said dreamily, the thought of good food and good wine and a good book sounding almost too good to be true. But Garcia had informed the team before landing that no new cases had been submitted and so you had the weekend to yourselves.
'That all?' he asked, amusement dancing on his lips.
You chuckled, shaking your head. 'I know. First Friday night home in DC in a while and I am choosing to stay at home instead. The utter shame of it all.'
You both laughed, and it pleased you to see his amber eyes light up after the long week you'd had.
'I didn't mean that as a bad thing,' Spencer said, brushing a stray curl from out of his eyes. Even though it was the shortest length it'd ever been, some rogue curls still managed to dangle out of confinement every once in a while. 'What book are you reading?'
'Don't laugh at me, but... The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.'
Spencer's brow furrowed curiously. 'Why would I laugh? I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work.'
You shrugged, casually leaning against your desk as you crossed your arms. 'I know, it just seems a little silly that a federal agent is reading some old detective stories.'
'Actually, Doyle was one of the forefathers of detective fiction, as he brought in the concept that the science of deduction isn't just physical evidence but psychological observations. He created a space where all the sciences we know today can help in solving crime, and actually paved the way for more psychological avenues to be taken more seriously in academia and law enforcement. If you think about it, without Sherlock, you and I may not have our jobs as profilers right now.' Spencer paused when he realised he was rambling, and despite your soft, encouraging smile, he saw the tired blankness in your eyes.
Spencer licked his lips before speaking again. 'What I'm trying to say is... I don't think it's silly at all.'
You nodded your thanks although you knew you didn't need to. 'So what about you?', you asked in return. 'What will entertain Dr. Spencer Reid on this "fine Friday evening"?'
His words repeated back to him kept the smile on his face, more importantly the life in his eyes. But he began to fiddle with the strap of his satchel bag, and you couldn't help but notice he slightly swayed. Like he was nervous or something. It was cute.
He was cute.
You forced the rising heat in your cheeks to stay underneath the surface to not give away your embarrassment or your inner thoughts. Thoughts you'd been having since the day you'd met him six years ago. Thoughts that you'd suppressed so as to not interfere with your work, and then later so it wouldn't ruin your hard-built friendship.
When he told you about Maeve, you'd had mixed feelings. Of course, you'd been ecstatic for him that he'd found someone he could be himself with, and even more so when he disclosed to you that no one else knew about her - just you. But you couldn't deny the twinge of sadness that pulled at your heart knowing that that someone he could be himself with wasn't you.
But you hadn't hesitated, hadn't faltered when he'd needed a shoulder to cry on when Maeve was killed. Once he decided to open up and accept help, you were first in line to help keep the young doctor afloat in his sea of grief and loss.
It's been over a year since Maeve's death now, and while she would always remain important in his heart, he had, for the most part, moved on, slowly getting back to be his usual, quirky, logical self.
The past year and a bit has only brought you two closer together, and as much as you have tried to hide how amazing that makes you feel, you've had plenty of conversations with Penelope and others on the team about finally asking the boy wonder out. It's not like you didn't want to, but if Maeve was his type of girl, you just weren't sure you were what Spencer was looking for in a romantic partner. Besides, you were happy with your friendship.
It was by far the most precious relationship you had aside from your family - why ruin it?
You quickly realised you'd both been silent for a while, Spencer still not having answered your question yet. 'Spence?' you prompted gently.
The cute doctor managed to grasp his satchel strap fiercely and ground himself back in the present. 'R-Right. I too have a book at home. The one you got me for my birthday, actually.'
'Oh yes!' The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. You'd been hooked from the first line, and by the time you finished, all you could think about was how much you thought Spencer would enjoy it. So you instantly wrapped up your own personal copy and waited for Spencer's birthday to roll around. You never told him it was yours, you just hoped he didn't notice the slight bend in the spine or minuscule tears in some pages from you flipping them too quickly. 'I've been meaning to ask you if you enjoyed it or not. I just assumed you'd read it already.'
'We've just been so busy with cases lately. I haven't had time to even consider picking it up.'
You rolled your eyes. 'Come on, we both know you could've finished that book on one of our plane rides.'
He shrugged, eyes dipping for a moment before landing back on you. 'I know. I guess... I just wanted to give it the time and attention it deserved,' he settled on, and the honesty in both his words and his eyes threatened to steal your breath.
A silence that rested between comfortable and awkward settled upon you two. This had happened many times in recent weeks although you weren't quite sure why. Regardless of your hidden feelings and the tragedy of Maeve, neither of you lost your comfortability with one another.
'So... we've both got book dates tonight,' you said in an attempt to break the silence. The rest of the team was still chatting just a little away from them, but it felt like it was just the two of you sometimes when you talked.
'Well, actually, maybe...' Spencer started, and his fingers were twitching again. 'I was wondering if maybe you'd want t-to bring your book over and... join me, tonight.'
The request wasn't an unusual one. In fact, you'd conducted your own mini book club between the two of you on plenty of occasions. Mainly because you both found out you were the kind of people that liked your personal time and space, but didn't like the thought of being completely alone. This wasn't new, but it warmed your heart all the same at the gesture.
'That sounds great, Spence!' you said heartily. 'Give me half an hour and I'll be around at yours-'
'Actually,' Spencer interrupted, 'I was thinking we could grab some dinner together first. You know, like at a restaurant or some place you can sit in at.'
'...Like a date?' you asked softly, breathlessly. The words just kind of slipped from you before you even contemplated how they would affect Spencer. It just felt natural and right.
Your heart pounded like a jackhammer between your ribs, but you were more concerned at what expression Spencer would pull in the next five seconds.
To your relief, he smiled that small little smile of his that spoke volumes of his insecurity but also of his genuine intentions. 'Yeah. I guess it is like a date,' he finally replied.
Oh my goodness. He was nervous. His words were rushed and higher-pitched in tone. but you still managed to understand him, as well as what dinner implied.
A half-smile pulled at your lips. 'Dr. Spencer Reid,' you began softly, half-scared, half-excited to speak the words you'd been holding back for so long. 'Are you asking me out on a date right now?'
At your words, his anxiety seemed to disappear, as he stopped fidgeting with the satchel strap and took a daring step closer to you. 'I guess I am.'
You couldn't stop it now, the smile of pure joy you'd been holding back from splitting your face open. After years of suffering silently, of repressing the truth, it was all worth it for that one question.
'So what do you say, SSA Y/N L/N,' he quipped cheekily. 'Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?'
The answer was right there in the tip of your tongue, almost spewing from you, when your name was called out across the bullpen for all to hear.
The globe of silence and serenity that had built around Spencer and yourself suddenly shattered as you both, alongside the rest of the team, turned to Hotch standing in his office doorway. But while you all looked at him, his hard gaze was honed in on you.
'L/N,' he called again, having your attention now. 'Can I see you in my office, please?'
You looked between him and Spencer, unsure who to answer first. In the end, you were still technically on the clock so you nodded at your boss and said, 'Sure, I'll be in there shortly.'
'This can't wait, I'm sorry.'
It was the seriousness and discomfort in his voice that caused you to throw aside your personal agenda, giving Spencer an apologetic look before quickly making your way through the bullpen, up the stairs and into his office. You tried not to look at your team too much as you did, but you felt their gazes on the back of your head nevertheless.
They were just as confused as you were, then.
'Close the door,' Hotch instructed gently, to which you obliged. He pointed to the seat on the other side of his desk. 'Have a seat.'
'Everything okay, Hotch?' you asked, taking a seat in the chair. 'Oh no. Did I make an error in one of my reports again?'
'No, nothing like that,' he reassured you, which didn't help your already built up worry. For a moment, it was just you two sitting in his office in silence; you waited for him to explain his mysterious actions, while he seemed to struggle to find the right words.
He never struggled to find the right words.
You leaned forward in your seat, worry furrowing your brow. 'Hotch. What's wrong?'
'Nothing is wrong, so to say,' he insisted, but his frown remained. 'I've just been in contact with your old unit chief from Organised Crime. They believe there is an underground operation being conducted by gang leaders in Manhattan that involves the transporting, selling and purchasing of girls and women in the prostitute industry.'
'Okay,' you drawled out, more confused than ever. 'What has this got to do with us?'
'It doesn't,' Hotch answered immediately. 'Just you. Your old unit chief wants you back to go undercover in the case.'
'What?' You stood up from your seat instead of shouting, but goodness it took all your strength not to. 'Why do they need me? They have a whole squadron of agents to choose from.'
'They want a profiler to help them find out who these people are first, then go undercover and become part of the operation's inner circle and report back to them,' Hotch explained, although his tone displayed his displeasure in saying so. 'Y/N, you have more experience in undercover missions than anyone else on this team, even before you joined us as a profiler.'
You knew his words to be true, but the reality of it all was an ever-growing weight on your chest. 'What they are asking, Hotch, could take weeks, months even. Those kind of people will not trust so easily,' you tried reasoning with him.
You couldn't help but look through the blinds to your team still standing and talking outside in the bullpen. To Spencer, who had joined the team since you had left, but just looked at the window as if he could find out what was going on behind the glass and blinds if he looked long enough. It broke your heart to think you wouldn't see him for months, maybe even years.
Because that was the thing with undercover missions. Once you assumed the life of someone else, your old life became non-existent. That meant no contact with anyone outside of the case as a safety precaution.
That meant no talking to Spencer, or anyone in the BAU, until the case ended. Or unless you were killed, in which case you wouldn't be able to do a lot of talking anyways.
You turned back around at the sound of Hotch standing from his seat and coming around the desk to speak directly in front of you, no walls to hide behind. 'You know I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't tried to change their mind first. But even I can't argue that you are the best agent for the job.'
You nodded your understanding even if you hated to admit he was right. 'I guess it's not one of those jobs that I can decline, is it?'
Hotch shook his head regrettably. 'Head Chief requested for you personally. You've already been taken off the roster here at the BAU so you're not disturbed by other cases.'
Hearing that was just rubbing salt in the wound, and you hated the burning feeling of tears rising at the back of your eyes. You were already gone from here, like a ghost that didn't realise she was one to begin with.
Hotch's hand rested heavy on your shoulder as he comforted you. 'We can discuss your return to work when your mission is over. You will always have a place with us, Y/N.'
You attempted a smile, but it was strained as you tried to force back tears. You wiped at the strays that dribbled down your cheeks, pulling yourself back together before speaking again. 'All right. How long do I have before I am expected in the Big Apple?'
'There's someone waiting for you at your apartment already. They'll take you to their headquarters when you're done packing tonight.'
You sucked in air as you felt your whole world tilt unstably. Tonight. You had to leave tonight. Again, you found yourself seeking out Spencer through the half-closed blinds.
'So what do you say, SSA Y/N L/N? Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?'
You bit your lip as you blinked your tears away, trying but failing to ignore the cry of your heart as its strings were pulled harshly. 'Tonight?' you asked in the hope you'd misheard.
But no such hope existed, unfortunately.
'Yes,' Hotch said, that one word the final nail in the coffin of your impending suffering. 'I'm sorry. This goes without saying, but don't mention any of this to the team as you leave. Only myself and Section Chief Cruz will know where you are and the details of your mission.'
You huffed out a joyless laugh. 'Hiding truths from a team of profilers is like playing poker with a mirror attached to your face,' you said, and you didn't bother to hide your displeasure and sadness when you did. 'They're going to ask questions, and they will find out the truth eventually.'
'Let me worry about that,' Hotch said gently, letting go of you and leaving a cold mark where his hand once was. 'You've got bags to pack.'
'Right.' You sucked in a few deep breaths before making your way to the door. tears burned at your eyes again but you couldn't let the team see you like this. You couldn't let Spencer see you like this.
Because you had a job to do. And you always finished a job.
Before you could open the door handle, however, Hotch stopped you once more. 'Y/N.'
You looked at him, forcing an expression of blankness and indifference. 'Yes, sir?'
He must've seen your inner struggle, as he offered one of those genuine smiles of his that were oh so rare. 'We'll see you when you get back,' he said.
It wasn't a promise or a done deal, but it was the most hope you could ask for right now. So you smiled your thanks, nodded your goodbye, and opened the door back into the bullpen.
Immediately, all eyes set upon you and the room grew quiet. Your first instinct was to cry, then to run, then to blurt everything out because you hated keeping secrets. But you remembered what had just been said, and you whipped a bright smile onto your face to hide your despair.
'Don't you guys have homes to go to?' you asked cheerily, walking down the stairs as casually as possibly. You would've bee-lined for your bag, but if you moved too quickly they would suspect something. 'I recall hot baths and scotch were awaiting most of us, are they not?'
Thankfully Rossi took the bait, and picked up his go-bag in a huge huff. 'The lady is right. I spend enough time with you people as is, I am not wasting anymore not drinking and soaking.'
'Soaking in what? The bath or scotch?' JJ asked, also picking up her go-bag to make her way back to the elevator.
The group devolved into laughs and other jests, and you breathed a sigh of relief as you picked up your go-bag and followed them. Before you could though, a gentle call of your name halted you in your tracks, out of both politeness and frozen fear.
'Hey,' Spencer started, looking between you and Hotch's office. 'What was all that about?'
'Oh, uh, nothing super important,' you said, scrambled as you words were. 'Just a paperwork issue. Again.'
He broke out in smile that set your heart aflutter despite your inner turmoil. 'You know, you really shouldn't do paperwork on the plane when you're tired if you're just going to make a mistake. You're better off leaving it to the morning when your brain and body has rested enough to comprehend what the paperwork is asking of you.'
'Well sorry if I don't want to do a mountain of paperwork when I come back into the office,' you countered, grateful for the playful distraction as you made it over to the elevator. The others were just piling in when Spencer halted you again.
'So...' he dragged out, eyes flickering between you and teh floor nervously, '...what do you say?'
'To what?' you asked.
'To dinner. You didn't have time to give me an answer before.'
Shit. Your voice failed you now as you grasped at words - any words - to tell him. Your heart screamed yes, but there was someone waiting for you back home. A home you wouldn't be visiting for who knows how long.
Capitalising on your gaping mouth, you forced out a yawn and feigned covering it up out of embarrassment. 'Oh my goodness, sorry about that. Um, actually, now that you mention it, I am pretty beat. I'm just... going to go home and sleep it off if that's all right.'
It pained you to see his smile drop at your words, to see the hope leave his beautiful eyes at your rejection. And you knew you shouldn't say anything or make promises you couldn't keep, but you couldn't just leave him with no hope.
'Maybe next week sometime,' you offered, hoping your smile could bring some of that light back. 'You know, you've never tried the Italian Restaurant under my apartment before. We could go there. On me.'
Instinctively, you reached for his hand, relishing in the warmth it held and brought into you. To your relief, he didn't pull away. Instead, you got your smile back, and a little light returned to his eyes. You were kind of glad you wouldn't be around when the light left him completely.
'Okay,' he said softly, surprising you with a gentle squeeze of your hand in his. 'It's a date.'
'Yeah,' you replied, trying and failing to push aside the fluttering sensation his words gave your heart. You were only prolonging not only your pain, but his.
Selfish. So selfish.
'Come on, you two,' Derek called out from the elevator. 'I can't hold these doors open forever. Savannah will kill me if I miss our dinner reservations.'
You both quickly made it in to the elevator before Derek let them close on you, and then you were caught up in the chaos that was your team. You weren't sure how you got onto the topic of what scotch goes best with what foods, but you didn't care. It made you happy to know they never let the weight of a dark case get in the way of living their own lives to them fullest.
You all reached the car park and before you could make a run for your car, Spencer called out to you. 'See you Monday, Y/N!'
You turned back around to face not only him, but Derek, JJ, Penelope, Alex, and David as they all slowly went for their cars too.
You caught yourself staring at them, taking their happy faces in one last time before you left them behind. Hotch said you'd always have a place with the BAU, but you weren't sure how long this mission would take. And if you'd be replaced by then.
You forced a smile onto your face and waved them farewell. 'Yeah, see you then.'
You hated the bitter taste the lie brought to your mouth, but you managed to keep it together long enough that you got in your car and drove out of the car park without any more issues. That's when the tears came.
You wouldn't be there next Monday, and were not getting that date with Spencer next week.
It hurt you more to think that you may not get that date at all.
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lol-jackles · 17 days
Walker review, episode 7 "Hold me now"
It's a beautiful golden morning and Cordell prepares to fix breakfast of egg and bacon for August but he's already half-way out the door. Come on Auggie, it's bacon, everybody loves bacon! Cordell puts away the egg and bacon and opt for cereal while he reads James' book on a serial killer. Cereal, serial, get it? I slay me.
Little did August know that morning would be the last time his dad would be there for him, and he'd going to wish he had stayed for breakfast.
At Ranger HQ, Cordell is leading the team search for the serial killer called the jackal who was previously dormant but now back and have killed 2 people. Cordell's first choice of suspect, a wife abuser, turned up to be a dead end but that doesn't slow him down. The following day he picks another suspect from the bottom of the least suspicious list, a former zoo keeper whose zoo was the closest site of the first victim. Nobody is on board with Cordell's theory so he's like, no problem, I'll check the defunct zoo myself. Cassie refuse to let Cordell go alone and Luna invites himself along.
The trio arrives at the creepy abandoned zoo and only the audience see the decayed corpse of an animal, a jackal with missing teeth, which is the killer's calling card. Luna and Cassie find a disturbing underground room filled with tools of the killer's trade. Cordell finds fresh tracks and chases a distant figure, who escapes after he ambushes Cordell and knocks him out. Though the killer remains free, the rangers are closer than they've ever been in years and his lair will provide much needed data for a profile.
Cordell is upset that he was so close to catching the killer and is more determined than ever to finish the job. He returns home to find Liam upset that history is repeating itself, Cordell is neglecting his family and Liam is picking up the slack. Cordell says he will make it up to his children and tells Liam to stop being so dramatic. (At this point I', convinced Ben is running the horse rescue.)
Both men are correct and there's no easy answer. A serial killer is on the loose and catching it is not a 9 to 5 job. There's an expectation that public service jobs mean some family times has to be scarified. I know a family that has 3 generations of firefighters, they never spent a single Thanksgiving and Christmas together as a family because the men are too busy putting out kitchen fires and/or fireplace fires caused by idiots. Mothers Day is the only holiday that most criminals take a break from their usual criminal activities.
Cordell goes to his study room filled with research on the jackal and it is revealed that he stole evidence from the killer's lair, a length of rope. Cordell tightly wraps the rope around his wrist as if he's trying to get into the mind of the killer and looking through his eyes. In an earlier scene, Cassie said zoo keeping isn't that much different from ranching and pointedly looks at Cordell.
Sidenote, Luna and Cassie finds the killer's note written in capitalized letters, which is the same style Luna wrote in his love note to Cassie. I really hope this is a red herring for Cassie's sake, her two previous dates literally tried to kill Cordell: for a cause and for revenge, respectively. Cassie doesn't need the third romance to turn out to be another psycho and also I need the three of them to go undercover at a Shadow Hawk convention.
Speculation #4: the Jackal is a member of the survivor network and encouraged people like Henry to blame innocent people. He knew Luna was undercover at the motel and learned his handwriting style to feed false leads to the survivor network.
Score: 9.7 out of 10.  We get to see why Cordell is the best ranger as the stakes are deepening. A point 2 deduction for the stalled necklace mystery, another point 2 deduction for Bonham and Abeline subplot about derailed retirement plans. Point 1 given back for August maturing and being a good kid.
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enha-cafe · 1 year
hmhmm what we think
#1 sunghoon sends best nudes fr actual lighting n mirror selca game like works of art 11/10 could frame them n will beyond satisfy
#2 jay his nudes they’re pretty good n radiate confidence yessir but probably took too long to send back
#3 heeseung like a solid 50-50 ngl sometimes nudes r really good other times they’re blurry or like weird angles or sometimes just doesn’t send back lol
#4 jake blurry af like wtf happened sir like he came on his phone camera n so inconsistent lol he’s just a perv n gets off on receiving wayyy more :P
sunghoon would have some top-tier nudes that make you almost feel like your nudes suck. he has you dripping over a single photo and can't help but think if he takes photos during sex that would look even half as good. jay has those nudes that get you salivating because why is his dick so pretty? why does he look so cocky? like you are on your knees and so ready for him.
my boys heeseung and jake have some half-assed almost serial-killer vibe nudes. heeseung has those nudes that just have some great angles or he has you squinting at a blurry photo. when he doesn't send anything back, he is jerking off 9 times out of 10. jake's nudes almost have you questioning why you're even texting him sometimes. you're kind of turned on because you know he's overly excited and jerking off.
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sananaryon · 5 months
Magnus Archives dudes ranked by how much I, an aroace lesbian, would want to fuck them
Jonathan Sims - 7/10
Fairly middle of the road academic, would be the worst to make breakfast for the day after, but gets point for being a mess.
Martin Blackwood - 1/10
It's good for others but the teddybear vibes dont do it for me, i'm sorry
Tim Stoker - 9/10
He seems fun and I think he'd understand that this is no strings attached, we'd have a good time.
Elias Bouchard - 6/10
Evil old men are fuckable, but loses points for being the worst.
Gerard Keay - 3/10
I wouldn't fuck Gerard, I'd make him good food and let him stay at my place for as long as he needs.
Jurgen Leitner - 5/10
Look. He gets a worse rap than he deserves. That said he loses points for probably talking too much during sex.
Michael Crew - 7/10
I like his powers and he seems like a fun guy to fuck, plus scars are hot but seeing them also involves seeing a semi-buff dude shirtless which is like my biggest turnoff.
Michael Distortion - 6/10
I am a monsterfucker but i don't like his voice.
Peter Lukas - 3/10
Bear DILF is a great vibe but i feel like he'd wanna do it in Lonely and i'm cold at the moment so that sounds awful.
Oliver Banks - 3/10
He'd be an 10 if he hadn't said anything to trigger my thanatophobia halfway through. He'd make good breakfast after though.
Adelard Decker - 7/10
Saved more people than Gertrude, I'd fuck him just for that.
Eric Delano - 9/10
Michael Shelley (pre-Distortion) - 3/10
Another one that just doesn't do it for me, but he's cute enough.
Mikaele Salesa - 10/10
He has sugar daddy vibes, I'd fuck him for a new ps5 and he'd pay my bills.
Breekon & Hope - 10/10
Worse ways to spend a weekend than being spitroasted by buff delivery men with sexy voices.
John Amherst - 1/10
He has every std
Maxwell Rayner - 2/10
I mean, he's hot enough but next to Manuela everyone is a 1. This is the one time i let my lesbianism influence my judgement
Jordan Kennedy - 6/10
The ants are a turnoff but I respect a working man
Jared Hopworth - 10/10
Tom Haan - 4/10
Cannibalism is hotter when women do it, I lied about not letting my lesbianism decide.
Robert Montauk - 8/10
Dilf AND serial killer? My panties are already wet
Trevor Herbert - 4/10
Points for being the same as Robert but he was mean to Daisy so fuck him in a non sexy way
Simon Fairchild - 4/10
His optimism just gets to the point of annoying, dude shut up about what a lovely day it is while im sucking you off!
Edwin Burroughs - 7/10
I wouldn't need possession to corrupt him
Raymond Fielding - 5/10
Middle of the road, I wouldn't say no but i wouldn't initiate.
Robert Smirke - 10/10
This is 100% because i study architecture and fucking Robert Smirke would give bragging rights forever.
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
The Evans masterlist
Heres a masterlist of the ahs Evans I uploaded them on my old account then deleted them and made this account
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Evan peters:
Late sleepless nights (smut)
Memories (smut)
Baby talk (smut) , 2
Through good and bad
Stage fright
Do you love me? (Smut)
Insecure of the ex (smut)
You need a break
Teaching the first grade
After party (smut)
Talk tonight (smut)
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Tate Langdon:
I don't care about your past part1
I don't care about your past part 2 (smut)
Sister's boyfriend(part1) (part2) (final part)
Your fucking perfect
High by the skatepark
Don't let them get to you
Ghost boy (smut)
The summoning (smut with jmp), part 2
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Kit walker:
Hell on earth
It's nothing
I'd never leave here without you , 2
Romantic atmosphere (smut)
Temptations, 2
One moment of happiness
I’d take the brunt of it
Next chapter (smut)
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Kyle Spencer:
I was all over her
The day after you stole my heart
Sick days
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Jimmy darling:
Lobster boy and lobster girl
Friends on the wall
You promised yourself that you'd never
Just Call me Florence
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James patrick march:
Sweet serial killer
The wild rose
Stuck on the puzzle part 1 part2 (part3)
20 years
Vanishing point (smut)
His protégé (smut)
Broken angel (smut)
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Kai Anderson:
It's was my intention
Your mine (smut)
He's a cult leader (series) (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Ride it (smut)
Beautiful boy
You're going to be the best mom
Nothings gonna hurt you baby
The man in the long black coat
Don’t yell at my son
Appreciation (smut)
Punishment (smut)
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Austin sommers:
Mr Sommers (smut)
When the stars go blue
Beautiful disaster (smut)
Bloody Mary (smut)
Warren lipka :
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You get me so high (smut)
Baby you can drive my car (smut)
Best friends cousin
Why’d you only call me when you’re high?
Alex adult world:
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Ripping off the band-aid
Peter maximoff:
Took you long enough
All of you (smut)
Jeff pfister:
New colleague, 2
The stain on your neck
Colin zable:
Second best part 1 , 2
Picture perfect date
Jealous of the officer
From the moment I took you to the station , 2, 3
Jeff wald (I am woman)
One night stand (smut)
Stan bowes (pose)
In the office (smut)
The Evans (preferences)
What they're like to date
What they're like when your pregnant
What they're like drunk
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