#love how they daze off while each other speak
f1-stuff · 2 years
idek (x)
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onlyswan · 11 months
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summary: in which jungkook’s new lip piercing makes you want to cry, and he can’t live without you.
> established relationship, fluff / word count: 1.4k
> warnings: mention of or*l (f. receiving)
> in which masterlist!
note: heh surprise :D my impulsive, jungkook lover brain couldn’t resist so here’s a little something 🥲
“why are you looking at me like that?” jungkook nervously asks as the excited beam lighting him up gradually fades. “do you not like it?”
you remain speechless with an unreadable expression written on your face. dumbly staring at the lower right corner of his lips, it is adorned with yet another piercing that makes your boyfriend appear more enchantingly attractive in your eyes — which are, by the way, currently blurry and dazed. your brain is still fuzzy around the edges, short circuiting the longer you observe the silver stud.
it infuriates you, almost, how he still manages to effortlessly drive you crazier for him five years later.
it’s extremely rare for you to fall asleep before 10pm, and to be frank, you hate him for waking you up because you know you won’t be able to go back to sleep until 3am no matter how tired you are. and you’re still not quite certain if you’ve already registered that your consciousness has been rudely pulled back into reality; because then again, you’ve always been obsessed with his lip ring, maybe unhealthily so, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that you’d dream of him surprising you with a new piercing just beside it.
however, there is a particular reason that holds you back from strongly wishing for that to come true.
“but you loved the ring, even the eyebrow ones… did i pick an ugly placement this time?” he wonders out loud with a frown, confused that his surprise didn’t receive the type of reaction he expected.
when he tries hard enough, he can picture them vivid enough to draw from memory… your eyes glittering with awe and adoration each time he presented himself with a new piercing or tattoo. you, showering him with love and praises that erased every ounce of anxiety he had about his life-altering decisions that usually came in the aftermath. what others would call impulsiveness, you named his fearless self-expression.
“ow- ouch- baby! what the hell? what was that for?”
with doe eyes struck by headlights, he gapes at you in surprise as he rubs his poor shoulder that was slapped without warning.
“why did you get it there? we’re not allowed to make out again until it’s healed!” you pettily complain with a drawn-out whine, knees bumping against his thighs as you bounce your crossed legs in bitter vexation.
“oh, shit.”
in real time, you witness the realization comically dawn on jungkook’s face, flabbergasted that in the thick haze of his excitement, he forgot about this excruciating restriction during the extended healing process. in his defense, it’s been forever since he got his first lip piercing.
oh, he’s in so much trouble.
he stares back at you, frozen and unblinking as he slowly speaks with a guilty wince. “ahh, you’re right… i must be out of my mind… i can’t eat you out, too… fuck, how did i survive this back then?”
the genuine innocence lacing his voice only fuels your urge to curl into a ball and cry in frustration. yearning for his touch while he’s not physically present is one thing, but this is much, much worse.
“stop talking.” you glare at him, angry eyebrows contrasting the puffiness of your face caused by sleep.
“you’re so adorable.” the endearing sight elicits a breathy chuckle from him, followed by a small whimper triggered by the pain that spreads on the lower part of his face immediately after. he brushes it off without care, muttering quietly- “come here.”
he carefully guides you to sit on his lap, sinking further into the soft mattress with your weight added on top of him. and for tonight, you allow him to manhandle you as he likes, not having the energy to jokingly pretend to argue with him. you wrap your arms around his neck to pull yourself closer to him, only realizing how much you’ve missed him now that you’re skin-to-skin.
“don’t be upset, baby. i’m sorry.” he sweetly coaxes you into a better mood. “i will make it up to you after. i promise. i always do, right?”
with drowsy eyes still trained on the new jewelry that shines from the light of the night lamp, you sniffle and pout at him.
“and we can still do this, remember?”
the world becomes still and quiet, and the oxygen gets trapped in your lungs when jungkook holds your face in between his warm hands, crossing the short distance between you. your eyelids slowly flutter shut, lashes kissing your cheeks as his lips softly brush against yours. languid and tender, slightly sticky from your sleeping mask that smells like candy. he ends the blissful moment too soon with a gentle pucker of his lips, leaving you with a simple peck that will haunt your mind for the weeks to come, as if you’re a teenager who just had their first kiss in the middle of the dance floor.
“hmm, see, baby? not bad?” he says quietly, pads of his thumbs tenderly stroking the apple of your cheeks.
jungkook is too persuasive for his own good. the memories of you suffering last time are clouded with the new sweet memory he just orchestrated, and you’re almost convinced that it truly might not be that bad after all.
“but we need to be veeery careful like that for now, understand? so it’ll stop hurting and heal fast.”
and just like that, you’re a little more awake.
“does it hurt a lot? did you bleed a lot?”
hearing him say that he’s in pain made you worriedly react within a split second. his heart melts, and then breaks into two as he gathers all the self-control in his body not to pepper your face with kisses like he usually does.
“the piercer was good and quick, i didn’t feel a thing. but i’m definitely feeling something now.” he shakes his head, uttering the last sentence humorously.
“of course, it hurts now. you won’t stop moving… let me see.” you scold him with a roll of your eyes, slightly turning his head by the back of his ear to have a better view of the swollen flesh around the piercing.
“how is it doing?” he inquires after a few beats, curious and impatient with your silence.
and that’s when he sees that look on your face, the glittering eyes he was anticipating to meet since he finished his appointment the morning before. you grin from ear to ear, scrunching your nose cutely before giggles bubble from your chest. sheepish with your transparent delight, you hide your face in the crook of his neck, tickling him with your every exhale.
“my boyfriend is so cool, and so handsome. i’m so lucky and proud.”
that’s him. that could only be him.
jungkook, despite being elated by the compliments, can only muster a small shy smile. he carresses your hair lovingly, securing his tattooed arm around you as you threaten to slip off from his lap.
“hm, i like it. so much…” you hum, planting a chaste kiss to the sensitive spot on his neck. “you’re always putting me through this, making me want to kiss you more all the time. this is so unfair.”
“baby, please. behave for me?” he mutters, squeezing his eyes shut as if he’s in unmaginable pain. in his dramatic mind, currently flooded with love chemicals, he is. “if you keep talking like that, i will really end up risking an infection.”
you lift up your head to show him a grimace of disgust. “ew, pull it together. i wouldn’t want to kiss you with that.”
“tsk, you’re such a brat.” he calls you out with a pointed look, lightly smacking your thigh, revealed by your shorts that has further ridden up, before kneading the soft flesh under his large palm to soothe it.
you teasingly stick out your tongue in response, breaking out into laughter. and not so subtly, you squeeze your thighs together, grasping his wrist in a futile attempt to control the frenzied butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“have you cleaned it?”
“not yet.”
“then let’s do it. i’ll help you.” you climb off his lap as you eagerly tug at his arm, planting your feet firmly on the ground. “love, hurry- hurry. i want to see it in better lighting.”
exhausted after an eventful day, jungkook limply flops down, occupying the side of the bed that you’ve kindly warmed up. “you can go ahead. i’ll follow you after five minutes.”
“ugh, no, you won’t. you’ll fall asleep if you keep your eyes closed for another thirty seconds, and then i’ll have to wake you up.”
he pops one eye open, and then another, meeting your affectionate gaze with a silly grin because damn, you know him so well.
“i love you… don’t ever leave me. i think i’d seriously die without you.”
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luvh4nji · 6 months
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warning: general drunkenness, reader is referred to as "girl" in san's
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seonghwa ; he's so unbelievably soft for you. something about having his pretty baby so in love with him, hanging off his arm and pressing your side impossibly closer to his, even when you're not completely yourself, makes his heart swell in his chest, his stomach doing somersaults.
"be careful, love." he chastises you gently, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to his side, thumb rubbing little circles on the skin of your shoulder. "don't want you getting into trouble, yeah?" and you just swoon over him, turning in his hold so your arms snaking around his own shoulders, nuzzling into his chest. and you're too hazy to notice the soft look in his eyes and the soft blush that covers his cheeks.
hongjoong ; he seems like the type to be a little insecure in a relationship. he's so busy, he porbably doesn't feel like he gives you enough attention and it gets him down a little bit. the question of what if you find someone who treats you better? always sits in the back of his mind. but when you get all clingy and sweet with him when you get a little drunk at the studio, his worries almost seem to dissipate.
"and those are the reasons why..." you start, cutting yourself off with a hiccup, resting your head against his chest from your spot in his lap. "those are the reasons why i love you." you finish, smiling to yourself in your drunken daze. "ah, okay, i see. " he indulges, nodding and smiling down at the mess you are in his lap. he hears something that sounds like a muffled "you better" coming from you, feeling the vibrations of your voice as he runs his fingers down your back.
yunho ; he would think you're the cutest thing he's ever seen <3 he's truly the type to be completely entranced by his partner and to see you have that same reverence for him? it just makes him so, so happy. he's the type to have you close to him all night, sitting in the booth of the bar wiht his arm slung around your shoulders while you lean against him, ead on his chest, hand lifted to hold his, looking up at him like he hung the stars in the sky.
"you feeling okay, baby?" he asks, noticing how quiet you'd gotten. and you'd just nod against his chest, sniffing a little bit from the drinks, mumbling that you're fine and that you just want to look at him, blinking slowly as you explain yourself. and he gets so red, smiling brightly and keeping you close to his chest proudly while the rest of the guys at the booth tease you relentlessly.
yeosang ; he gets so shy and flusterd, poor guy :( he's not a very touchy person, generally speaking, so when you go to him, laying your head in his lap where he was sitting on the couch in your apartment, once the sleepy affect of the beverage has sunken in, gazing up at him with big, lovestruck eyes, he can't help the soft pink that colors the shells of his ears.
"are you okay, y/n?" he asks, voice low, with that shy quality to it, as you look up at him, your hand reaching to cup his face, fingers tracing his birthmark delicately. "better than okay, sangie." you grin, running a thumb over the crest of his cheekbone. "i got so lucky-- to have someone to beautiful." you hiccup through your words, making him look up and away from your reverent expression, biting the inside of his cheek to hold in a smile.
san ; loves it. adores it even. you already knows he's absolutely a clingy drunk and he loves that you are too because it just proves to him how perfect you are for each other. he's the type to believe in soulmates and this is his sign. he just loves how you look at up at him, blinking slowly, and grabbing his hands, pressing little kisses to his knuckles and telling him how how handsome he is.
"yeah, honey? i'm the prettiest boy you've ever seen?" he asks, half-teasing, but you just nod in agreement, movements slow and lazy due to the alcohol flowing through your system. "i'm glad you think that." he says through a soft smile, reaching to ruffle your hair from you're leaning against his chest. "cause you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen. makes us a perfect match, doesn't it?"
mingi ; adores you when you get clingy. he's absolutely the type to revel in your physical nature. he loves how you excited you get to see him when he comes to pick you up from the bar after your friends had called him, asking for his assistance in getting you home. he loves how you run up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek, telling him how much you missed these past few hours that you'd been out.
"missed me?" he asks, only half-teasing, laughing to himself when you nod against his chest, mussing your hair in the process. "i missed you, too, honey." he grins, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "now lets get you home, yeah?" and he smiles to himself at how you cling onto his arm, grip vice-like in the car.
wooyoung ; he doesn't seem like the type to let himself be soft often. he feels like he has to be funny or flirty or abrasive at all times, but all those walls come down when he's around you, especially when your uninhibited and he knows you need his help. his voice gets so soft, touch gentle as he lets you wrap yourself around him, nuzzling into his chest, pressing sloppy kisses to the skin there.
"okay, baby," he starts when your body goes nearly limp against his. "you think it's time to go home?" and you just shake your head, hair mussing against him, before raising your gaze to meet his and mumbling something about how you'd go wherever he wanted you to. and he'd just laugh, soft and warm, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you out of the bar. "alright, alright. let's get you home, lovey.
jongho ; although he doesn't necessarily seem like the clingiest person himself, he does seem like the type to enjoy having a clingy partner. it has something to do with him liking to be needed. it makes his chest puff up in pride and his eyes shine when you latch onto him. especially when you're all hazy and uninhibited, letting him take care of you.
"oh, really?" he grins pulling you close to him as you grapple onto his strong arms as you mumble something about how strong he is and how you adore him and everything he does for you. "you need me that much?" he asks, tone almost condescending if it wasn't him, and if you weren't inebriated. he shifts his grip around you as you nod againist his arm, staring up at him with big, sparkly eyes. the image of you so adoring of him makes his heart swell in his chest, biting his lip and trying to swallow his smile.
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tim-shii · 2 months
hi! just found your acc and i just want to say i absolutely adore your work first off. you bring my wife (aventurine) to life beautifully.
saw the as a boyfriend and oh my GOD the part about him getting anxious over reader speaking with ratio? so good. i need jealous pouty aventurine. and honestly might be a bit ooc for ratio but i think he’d encourage it just to get under aventurine’s skin tbh.
up to you though, i’d love for you to write a lil drabble or something of the sorts expanding on this, whatever you have the imagination to write.
that’s all~!
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a/n: tysm ?! ure so kind im glad very happy !! that u adore my work 🫶 we have to make sure wife is loved always 🫡 here's jealous aven from this ; @svnarin proofreader !! (she told me to put it here)
cw: bf!aventurine, slight angst
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“such lavish proposal. are you certain i am the person who should be hearing that?”
“absolutely. you’re the perfect person i should be consulting about it.”
aventurine is not a jealous person. he’s confident in himself, you had praised him several times of how much of an amazing person he is. jealousy means there’s a lack of trust between the two of you and aventurine doesn’t like that idea at all. he thinks that trust is a significant factor when it comes to relationships. he doesn’t keep secrets and even if he does, he’ll eventually open up to you after some time.
aventurine is a quartz-based gem stone. a stone that brings good fortune and helps you create your own luck. it’s also green. the same green in the monster’s eyes that’s currently chomping down on aventurine. he can’t help it! can he really blame himself when uneasiness swirls in his stomach after seeing you with dr. ratio?
out of everyone he gets jealous of, it just had to be him. veritas ratio. his good friend, veritas. the most logical man aventurine has ever known.
while aventurine is confident in himself, no doubt there’s a part of him that feels inferior to the doctor. the man has radiant violet hair that compliments the tone and structure of his face. he also has a slightly muscular build compared to aventurine’s more slender one. there’s a lot to compare and aventurine isn’t sure if he can even list it all out.
his brows furrowed, eyes dulling as his thoughts consumed him at once. what proposal? what’s that about? and perfect person? he doesn’t understand. are you leaving him? can he really not make you stay? was it something he did? something he said? but he can’t ask you those. because what if instead of an answer, he’ll be greeted with a farewell—
a flick on his forehead snapped him out of the daze. aventurine blinks back, now finding you in front of him.
“i was right. he was sulking.” he hears veritas quip.
“not sulking. more of, in a daze.” your fingers thread through his soft locks, aventurine hums at the affection, absentmindedly leaning his cheek on your palm.
“you give him too much credit. he’s probably wallowing in the sorrows of his mind for no apparent reason.” ratio snickers ever so quietly.
“or he could just be tired and sleep deprived.”
“or he’s jealous. he glares at me any longer, my skin will start withering and rotting.” for a doctor who has more than eight doctoral degrees, he can be quite the drama queen.
“goodbye, doctor. thank you for your opinion, i shall greatly treasure your wise words.” veritas only shook his head before slipping out the door. once he’s left, all your attention shifts to your boyfriend.
aventurine lets you sit atop his lap, gloved hands instantly finding home on your hips. for a moment, you both stare at each other in complete silence.
“spit it out. what’s wrong?” you spoke first.
aventurine sighs. “i didn’t like seeing you with him.” for all his life, lying came easy. with his good looks and charming personality, making people believe whatever he says is child’s play. but aventurine can never lie to you. he doesn’t have the heart to face you once you’ve realized he’s fooled with your thoughts.
you raised a brow in amusement. “so you were jealous?”
“no. i don’t get jealous.” he grumbles. “i just,” aventurine gazes at you with a fond look, an expression so serene and completely enamored. “i’m better looking than him, right?”
blood rushed to his cheeks when he felt your lips on his. his hold moved from your hips to your neck to deepen the kiss, left thumb caressing over your pulse. he chases your lips like an intoxicated man once you pulled away. only to be stopped by you leaning your forehead on his.
“the best looking man in my life and in the whole universe. my most beloved, too.”
“you flatter me.” he grins stupidly before pulling you in for another kiss.
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moremaybank · 9 months
reader scolding jj over something and he just keeps kissing her lips and she’s just stumbling over her words each time he kisses her 😫
i fucking love this idea omg
You'd been lecturing JJ for the past ten minutes, or trying to, rather, because he's just been standing there with a smirk on his lips and a dazed look on his face. He's in dreamland, and you can't for the life of you figure out how he even managed to get there given the current circumstances.
"JJ, focus," you huff, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "I'm trying to talk to you here."
"I am focused, baby," he speaks, walking closer to you. His large palms rest on your hips as he tugs you closer. "You're sexy when you're mad, y'know that?"
You let out a groan. "J."
"Okay, okay. Go ahead, pretty girl." His thumbs rub circles into your hipbones as he tries his best to hear you out.
"I asked you to clean up while I was gone. I get back, hours later, and you're still in the same spot. Now I have to clean up on top of everything I've had to deal with today at work and I-"
You're cut off by JJ's lips, pressing against yours as he tries to soothe you. You sigh against his lips, half-annoyed and half-wanting. Annoyed because he isn't taking you seriously, but wanting to give in to him. Wanting to let go of your so called anger and let him continue to love on you. Your hands press against his chest, pushing him away.
"Hm?" He hums, his lips moving on to your jawline and up to your cheek.
"You aren't listening to me," you whine, trying not to melt into his touch. Him and those damn lips. They were like an addiction you couldn't kick.
"'M listenin' just fine," he murmurs against your cheek.
You cock your head to the side. "Then what'd I just say?"
He pulls back, giving you a cheeky grin. "You said I wasn't listening."
"You aren't funny," you glare. He hums at you again, going back to kiss you. You shove him away, watching him pout. "Stop it. I'm mad at you."
JJ kisses your lips again, then your cheek, your other cheek, your forehead, the tip of your nose, and your chin. He's smiling against your skin as he watches you fall back. "You can be as mad as you want, baby. I'm still gonna be here kissin' you."
"JJ, I asked you to do one th-thing," you speak, stammering as JJ's lips now find your neck. "I really n-needed your help, a-and you just— shit. Stop, this isn't fair."
He kisses your lips again. "Keep talkin' baby. Tell me how I can fix it."
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wishmemel · 3 months
cherry blossom springs, ft. fushiguro megumi
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synopsis: megumi's oblivious to a lot of things. he's just never seen or lived. not really, not like you do. the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you’re sunshine. but what is he supposed to do with that and when did he get so lucky to be able to call you his? tags: megumi x f! reader, non-curse au, megumi’s pov, established relationship, fluff, characters are in uni (2nd year?) but have known each other since high school, sanrio lover! reader as always, reader is a spring baby cw: i don't think there's any! wc. almost 1.2k posted: 08/03/24 a/n: i've had this in my drafts forever, just felt iffy posting it since the word count is so low and it doesn't exactly come off as a story :(( but then i thought it was too poetic not to and it'd be a shame if no one else saw megumi the way i do so enjoy!!
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Your pinky is interlaced with Megumi’s and even though you’re here—at your class, where you’re supposed to be—he’s reluctant to let go.
He’s only just found you, how is he supposed to let go so soon?
The two of you pause outside the door, locking eyes with each other shyly.
Megumi’s gaze softens, his tone hesitant and cautious, as if he’s still afraid that you’ll turn tail and reject him. “You’re… you’re my girlfriend, right?”
You blink at him, then giggle a little in response at his insecure question. “Duh, of course. What, you want a kiss to make sure?”
He’s already protesting, eyes wide, ears red, but you plant a quick kiss on his cheek before he can say anything, and he just watches, dumbstruck, as you wave goodbye at him, still giggling to yourself, before heading inside the classroom.
He blinks, dazed, and wipes his cheek, staring at the pink lipstick smeared on his fingers with a stupid smile.
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You chatter off about your classes and he nods, pretending to listen while he’s captivated by the sight of your lit eyes and your bright smile. The high pitch of your excited voice is music to his ears and he's convinced he must’ve been unable to hear before he met you.
It’s like seeing love take form in a person. He can’t help but be drawn to you, and, more than that, he’s still dazed, head spinning from trying to wrap itself around the mere idea that you were his and he was yours.
He can call you his girlfriend now. He can talk about you all he wants without feeling guilty or self-conscious about the idea. He can hold your hand like this in public, your thumb softly stroking against the back of his hand in ways that make his heart race. He can stare at you like this for hours, enchanted by what you’re saying and not have you question him because you’re his girlfriend and he can look and no one’s going to stop him.
Is this what love is?
He can never tear his eyes off of you—things that should be embarrassing, he finds endearing. He has the urge to stare at you all the time and he’s always resisting the urge to reach out and touch you, even in small ways, even a little, like brushing the hair out of your eyes or making you pause so he can wipe away a stray eyelash. You have this way of keeping his face constantly hot and red—he’s always blushing and it’s so humiliating, but it feels like love.
He swears he can see little hearts floating next to your head when you speak to him, and it’s like all your words come out as music, lyrics that wrap around his head and go through his ears like some kind of alluring song he can never get enough of.
He sees Hello Kitty themed things and immediately thinks of you, wondering if you’d like a keychain that he spots on a student’s bag or some large sunglasses on another—all so ridiculous and shameless and so utterly you.
He finds it senseless how you don’t care about anyone else’s opinion, how you flaunt your style and your likes. He finds it ridiculous that he’s stopped caring the longer he’s with you too. But why look at anyone else, why think of anyone else, when you’re right there?
You’re his sun, the centre of his universe—life without you would go back to being dark and gloomy and unbearable.
You tap his shoulder. He flinches.
“Megumi,” you giggle enchantingly. “You’re not paying attention to me.”
Has he ever stopped?
“Come on, we’re going to miss our next class!”
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Spring brings with it cherry blossoms and it seems like you can’t get enough of the beautiful pink flowers that decorate every corner of campus.
You love spring for more reasons than one—it’s your favourite season and you love to see the blossoming flowers, always stopping in awe to point out each new bud to him with buzzing excitement. He finds it contagious, he can’t help the smile that twitches at the corners of his mouth.
When the two of you are apart and he’s missing you, he sends you pictures of the pink petals fluttering to the ground to remind you that he’s always thinking of you. You send him selfies of half your face in class, barely concealing the wide smile that you bear.
Before your dates, he plucks flowers from the courtyard of your university, late at night so he won’t be caught, and brings them home to colour coordinate into blooming bouquets tied with white ribbons. But when he shows up he never tells you where he brings the bouquets from and you never ask, though you must have noticed the coincidences.
Instead, you have on your brightest smile, this tender look in your eyes that says, for me? you did this for me? every time and it makes it so worth it that he forgets the bleeding palms and the thorn scratches and the hours he spent coming up with arrangements until his eyes started mixing colours.
Spring brings with it your birthday and you haven’t said a word about it.
He’s sure you think nothing of the event—he wonders how you’ve spent it in earlier years—but he’s determined to make it everything you want, gaudy heart balloons, tacky surprise party, and all. Even if he hates such events. There’s nothing that isn’t worth sacrificing for you.
You're always giving—you insist on paying for his meals when the two of you go out together (though he never lets you), you're the first one to initiate any physical contact between you and him, and it's because of you that the two of you are able to talk through your problems (because lord knows Megumi is the type to remain silent and ruminate over such things.) For once, he wants to take the first step, he wants to give you something that'll light up your face. More than just "seeing him smile" like you claim. Something satisfying and worthy. He's sure he'll come up with something in time for your special day.
Spring brings with it rain and it means, more often than not, that you two forget your umbrellas at home and have to run to classes on the other side of campus.
Still, you’re always laughing beside him as he uses his jacket as a cover, and he finds his head whipping at the sight, trying to take you in as much as he can.
You see him staring. You laugh harder. You tell him to look ahead before he falls.
He thinks it’s too late, but he’s afraid to say that out loud.
Spring brings with it blossoming, blooming love like the flowers you adore and the growing smile he can’t wipe off his face.
Under the cherry blossoms, Megumi thinks he could love you like this forever. This is his third spring loving you, but it can’t be his last. He wants to make sure this love continues forevermore.
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prongslvl · 11 months
HIGH (ON LOVE) - james potter
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PAIRING james potter x fem!reader
SUMMARY you get your wisdom tooth out and fall in love with your husband, james, all over again. oh, and sirius is there too.
a/n: a special request from the lovely @loving-and-dreaming ! apologies for taking a while to finally finish this but i hope you still enjoy reading it. 🫶🏻
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James sat on the uncomfortable hospital waiting room couch, his leg bouncing with nervous energy as he anxiously waited for you to return from your tooth extraction. It was a relatively minor procedure, but he couldn't shake off the worry that clung to him like a shadow. The concept of tooth extraction was foreign to him, but he knew it was for your well-being. The lack of knowledge about the process made him feel somewhat helpless, but he trusted the medical professionals to take care of you.
Restlessly, he fiddled with the ring on his finger, a symbol of your love and commitment to each other. It was a simple silver band, but it meant the world to him. Leaning against the wall, he kept glancing at the entrance, hoping to see you walk through any moment.
Finally, the door swung open, and James eagerly stood up, expecting to see you. However, it was Sirius who entered, munching on a candy bar, looking far too relaxed.
"Missed me already?" the black-haired boy teased. "Don't be so jumpy, mate. She's gonna be fine.
"I know she will," James replied with a frown, trying to keep his worry in check. "Just been a while since I've last heard from the nurse."
Sirius plopped down on a chair beside the bed, tossing the candy wrapper into a nearby trash bin. "Calm down, Prongs. People will see you and think you're waiting for your wife to finish giving birth.
"Ha, very funny," James retorted half-heartedly, sinking back onto the couch.
"It's just teeth, my friend. Your lovely wife has survived way worse than this," Sirius remarked, trying to lighten the mood.
Though it was supposed to be another joke, James couldn't help but agree. You were resilient, always bouncing back from every fall and mishap during Quidditch. He admired your determination and strength, but he couldn't stop the gnawing worry that nagged at him now.
Too deep in his thoughts of you, James didn't notice Sirius shaking him. "Prongs, she's here— help her out."
Startled, James turned towards the entrance, and there you were, in a wheelchair with your eyes closed. The nurse carefully wheeled you in, her demeanor reassuring.
As soon as you were close enough, James rushed to your side. The nurse held your arm while James gently took your other hand, helping you onto the empty bed.
You looked dazed and groggy, and there was something in your mouth that prevented you from speaking clearly. James felt his heart clench at the sight, desperate to make you feel better.
As if the nurse read his mind, she explained, "The cotton balls inside help with the bleeding and keep her mouth open for the healing process. She still has some of the medication from the operation.
James nodded, grateful for the explanation but unable to focus on anything else but you. You started to mumble words he couldn't quite understand, likely a side effect of the medication.
He held your hand tightly, trying to calm your agitation. "Hey there, love. It's me, James. How are you feeling?"
Your eyes struggled to focus, and then you managed to mumble, "So handsome..."
A soft smile spread across James' face. "Am I?"
You nodded slowly, and it made his heart soar. "You're exactly my type, you know. Handsome, glasses, hair, everything..." You tried to reach for his face, and he gladly leaned in to meet your touch.
"Thank you," he said, touched by your words, and feeling a bit bashful at the compliment.
But then your eyes shifted away from his face, and your expression changed to one of distress. You started to cry, and James' heart sank, worried that you were in pain.
"Why are you— why are you crying? Does anything hurt?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he gently caressed your swollen jaw.
You shook your head, still sobbing, and managed to say, "The ring on your hand... It's from your partner."
He chuckled, wiping the tears from your cheeks gently. "It's alright, love. You're just a bit groggy from the medication. Don't worry about a thing."
You sniffled and looked at him with teary eyes, still not fully comprehending the situation. "But that means you're married."
James couldn't help but smile at your innocent concern. "Yes, I am. To you," he said, holding up his hand to show you the matching wedding band on your own finger. "We're married to each other."
Your gaze shifted between his hand and yours, and a flicker of recognition finally crossed your face. "Oh!" you exclaimed softly, as if a light had suddenly switched on in your mind. "You're my husband!"
"That's right," he said, relief washing over him as he saw you starting to understand.
A grin spread across your face, and you giggled, sounding slightly loopy from the medication. "I have a husband, and he's handsome!"
"You certainly do," James replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "And you're my beautiful wife."
You giggled again, and then your expression turned thoughtful. "Do you love me?"
The question caught him off guard, but he didn't hesitate to answer. "More than anything in the world. I love you with all my heart."
"Forever and ever?" you asked, a hint of vulnerability in your voice.
"Forever and ever," he repeated, leaning in to press a soft kiss on your forehead. "I promise."
Sirius, who had been watching the interaction with amusement, chimed in, "See, you two are perfect for each other!"
You beamed at him, seeming to have momentarily forgotten about the tooth extraction. "He's my type," you declared, pointing at James.
"He sure is," Sirius agreed, giving James a playful wink.
As the effects of the medication started to wear off, you snuggled closer to James, content and reassured by his presence. He held you gently, cherishing the moment and feeling grateful for your evident love for him despite under the influence.
"I was your type?"
"Merlin's beard, James." You groaned, turning away from the sly grin of your husband, focusing on your cooking. "Talk again, and I'll burn your bacon."
You felt his hands snake around your waist, underneath the apron, and his light kisses on your neck. "You would never do that to your husband, won't you?"
Before you could retort, he spun you off your feet, surprising you with his playfulness. You gasped, "James! Put me down!"
Though your face held obvious annoyance, the knots inside your stomach didn't stop as he tightened his grip on you, burying his face in your hair.
"Why did I marry you again?" You asked playfully when he finally placed you back down.
He tucked some of your stray hairs behind your ears with a smile on his face. "Because I'm your ideal type. Handsome, glasses, hair, everything."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide the smile that tugged at your lips. "Well, I suppose I can't argue with that. Now, let me finish cooking, or we'll have to order takeaway."
As you returned to the stove, James wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Whatever you say, my love."
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darlingsfandom · 1 month
could i request thomas gibson / aaron hotchner begging you to pull over so he could pee and you sucking him off instead? (feel free to ignore if this is outside of what you write sorry)
This is my wheelhouse friend 🩷
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TW: smut, oral(m receiving), unprotected sex, public sex, slight fingering and swearing.
“And why me?” You asked crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned against the SUV.
“Because you LOVE us!” Prentiss smiled at you as she grabbed your shoulders and made her look at you. She gave you the puppy dog eyes and man did it work! She’s your best friend, how can you say no?
“Plus Hotch is less cranky when he’s with you, which means long road trip back with you and he’ll be complete sunshine!” JJ added as she grabbed her bag from the desk.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” You threw your hands in the air. The team gave you a group hug. It’s not that you didn’t want alone time with Aaron, it was more of how long could you keep your hands to yourself. You just spent the last three nights sharing a small motel room with him since there weren’t enough rooms, (part of why you didn’t care for small towns), and it was torture because he was there, right there to touch , to feel! But you didn’t. You wanted him so bad it made you look stupid.
“Hotch! You’re with Y/N in the SUV! We know you’re not supposed to be flying with your busted ear right now .” Prentiss pulled you from your daze as Aaron stood there with a look on his face that you couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or happy.
“I can drive by myself.” His words stabbed you in the gut.
“No you can’t, what if something happens to you!” You blurted out. “Besides it was either me or Reid!”
“Hey! I’m not a bad road trip buddy.” Reid frowned at you .
“I know you’re not honey, but Hotch can be.” Your words struck into Hotch like a knife as he furrowed his eyebrows together.
“Great! We’re all settled on that! we’ll see each other back at the office soon!” JJ spoke up as the team climbed into a different car to head to the Jet. You stood there with Hotch in the parking glaring at each other before you rolled your eyes and got in the car. Hotch followed behind and didn’t speak a word to you for the first forty five minutes of the drive.
“Okay let’s clear the air…” you spoke up making Hotch look at you slightly as he continued to drive down the dark road. “Clearly there’s a tension between us and it’s not okay with me.” Hotch nodded in agreement. “Correct me if I’m wrong , but it’s a sexual tension.” Hotch didn’t say a word. He continued on for another five miles before he pulled off to the side.
“You think ? Or you know?” He asked leaning back in the drivers seat. You chewed on your bottom lip a little bit as he ran his hands over his face before getting out of the car. You watched for a second before following him.
“Are you just going to leave me like that?” You asked as Aaron stood with his back turned to you.
“Y/N, I have to pee so unless you’re going to watch, I suggest you get back in the SUV and wa—- what are you doing?”
You stood in front of Aaron with a devilish grin on your lips.
“No one has to know Hotch.” You were down on your knees in front of him. Your knees digging into the soft ground as he stood there with a look of shock on his face. “Don’t be shy with me. We did just spend three nights sleeping in the same bed, you’ve seen me naked , granted that was an accident ! But as you just asked… I KNOW! There’s a sexual tension between us.” You purred softly while stroking his thigh. Aaron swallowed the lump in his throat before he grabbed your hand and placed it on his cock.
“WOW!” You whispered as you felt his cock twitch in your hand. You moved back a little and let Hotch relieve himself. He let out a little groan when you squeezed him. Before Hotch could say another word, the tip of his cock was between your lips.
“Fuck! Y/N! Smart and knows how to please a man? Good girl.” Hotch ran his fingers through your hair gently. You sucked gently on the tip watching his face twist in pleasure. There is no way to explain to anyone why you two were going to be late but this was worth it. Hotch held your head in his soft hands while slowly thrusting his hips forward. Your throat resisted at first making you gag around him but eventually your gag reflex faded and Hotch made it further down your throat. Your eyes were full of tears , make up running, drool hanging from your chin and rubbing against his balls. You looked like heaven to Aaron.
“Fuck! You’re doing so good for me sweetheart.” Aaron praised you as you sat there being face fucked on the side of the open road. Anyone could drive by see what a whore you were being for him. Aaron pulled away and a loud gasp left your lips. You looked up at him before he helped you up, he leaned in and kissed you softly while you reached between your bodies and rubbed his erection.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you!” He whispered against your lips before turning you around, yanking down your skirt and pushing you against the side of the SUV like you weighed nothing. Aaron lined the head of his cock against your wet folds and slowly pushed in.
“AARON!” You cried out as he stretched you out. Even with how soaked you were it was a little bit of a burn. Your hands gripped his shoulders while his hands gripped your hips.
“Such a tight pussy sweetheart and it’s MINE!” He growled into your ear. He was right! It had been his for awhile, you had longed for Aaron since you started at the BAU, but you never wanted to cross that line until recently.
“Fuck yes, I’m all yours! It’s your pussy!” Your voice was tiny and shaky as Aaron thrusted up into you. He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist making his cock go deeper inside of your warm tight pussy.
“Yes it is! Who owns your pussy honey? Tell me! Who OWNS YOUR PUSSY?” He said with each snap of his hips getting harder .
“AARON FUCK! YOU OWN MY PUSSY!” Your words were a hot babbling mess as you held onto him for dear life. Aaron was bouncing you on his cock now making sure to watch your tits move along with each movement. Your body was shaking, on fire and overwhelmed. It was a high you’ve never felt. You enjoyed every second of Aaron using you . His thrust were getting sloppy, his pace was slowing down and his eyes were getting heavy.
“Oh Y/N! Fuck! I’m gonna cum! Y/N! FUCK!” Aaron moaned into your ear as his cum shot inside of you coating your insides. You could feel it wanting to drip out of you but it couldn’t go anywhere with his cock still buried inside of you. “Oh don’t think I’m done with you.” He whispered breathlessly. His fingers slid between your bodies and he found your swollen clit. Aaron waisted no time in rubbing it in fast circles making you whimper below him like a pathetic slut.
“Fuck right there! Yes Aaron ! Yes fuck!” Your thighs were shaking, your eyes went to close but Aaron used his free hand to squeeze your face to make you look him in the eye as your orgasm hit you hard. Your mouth hung open as his name escaped your lips. Both of you smiled at each other as the two of you slowly peeled away from each other and cleaned up.
“You know … the teams going to know right?” Aaron questioned you as the two of you were back on the road.
“Of course , but that doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t ?” He chuckled.
“Nope! We just gave them what they already knew!”
“You mean to tell me the whole team knew I liked you?”
“Well actually it’s the other way around… son of a bitch! “ you slapped your sore thighs.
“They set it up so we’d have to be together.”
Hotch licked his lips before reaching over to squeeze your thighs. “Well I’m glad they did because I got my alone time with you and that’s what I’ve needed.”
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k4marina · 1 year
— mornings || s.r
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thots thots thots bby.
more horny shit for you horny fucks
synopsis: just a little smooching (and some more) with simon
warnings: 🎶it’s getting hit in here, so take off-🎶 kidding, slight sexual themes, language, simping on both ends, this is rusheddddd
simon”ghost”riley x fem!reader
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“sweetheart,” that thick manchester accent oozed out like honey. it was rare for simon to fully speak with his accent, but whenever he did it was in the mornings like now.
he let out a deep groan, shifting his hips, moving you around a bit. you sat perched on his lower abdomen, lips darting from his neck to his jaw and to his chest. simons hands were firm on your hips, less to keep you but himself steady.
“i need to.. fuck..” he sucked in a breath when your lips made contact with a slightly sensitive spot on his neck, by his ear. “i.. i need to get to work. i can’t be late.”
you hummed, eyes closed and savoring the feel and taste of him. “almost there. what’s the rush?”
he scoffed, his hands subconsciously making small circles on your hips. “i cant be late- we can’t be late.”
you groaned. “fine fine.” you led a trail of kisses and small bites up his neck to his lips, capturing him into a deep kiss. your hand came up to caress the side of his head while one of his hands went to the back of your head, pulling you down more.
the kiss was slow and meaningful. biting and pulling at each others lips, tongues swirling together with your teeth occasionally rubbing against each other.
when you finally pulled back, panting and dazed, a small string of saliva connected your lips to his.
god, how you wished you could always spend your mornings like this. feeling nothing but each other with no care in the world, kissing as if it were your last kiss. leaving simon, the ghost panting, dazed, and slightly flushed from nothing but a few kisses.
“love.” simon called out from the bathroom. you sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on your military cargo pants. you leaned back, “yeah?”
simon walked out, cargo pants on but no shirt letting his toned and chiseled torso on full display (not that you were against it). he pointed towards his neck and chest, specifically at the dark hickeys that littered his chest and neck.
you purses you lips, “what?”
“you really think i can go into work like this?”
you scoffed, “if i could go after what you did to me last week, then yes you can go like that.”
you got up, walking over to him, arms around his neck. “besides, you’re always covered up. it’s not like anyone will see anyways.”
“you little..”
it’s safe to say that both you and simon arrived late to base that morning. both of you sporting a new look around your necks.
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wow another rushed fic? if there’s any mistakes lmk i wrote this at the dead of night so my brain isn’t doing very brainy things.
idk how many of you will actually read this, BUT if you do, i’m just letting you all know that my request are open so if y’all want time to write smt for simon or idk who else then drop and thing. i’ll do my best but no promises.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
How They Say They Love You
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Mihawk x GNReader
Fluffy Fluff McFluff 💖 💕
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Support me On Ko-Fi so I can eat 🙃👍🏽
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Words of Praise
• Luffy shows love by words of praise and also constant physical touch.
• The Goofy ADHD man loves to talk and praise you. Speaking about you like you were sent by the gods gift wrapped for him and that you are just perfect.
• Him speaking to you is also a act of love, chatting with you for hours on end since he can't get enough of it. It's truthfully really sweet and he will just like to hear you talk as well.
• "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! There you are! I had a crazy dream I wanted to tell you about!"
• He may not have the strongest attention spand but for you- He could listen to you all day.
Humming softly as you looked to him, giving him your undivided attention which made him smile.
- "Hey (Y/N)" Luffy whispered, wrapped around you as the two of you laid together on the deck of the ship and staring up at the stars above. His hands rubbing circles on your skin as you cuddled closer.
He had been chatting with you for the last hour, deciding a date on the deck of the shop would be nice- Getting Sanji to make the two of you a nice dinner and even some drinks. For you a cocktail while Luffy opted for milk.
"I just to let you know, I appreciate you in every way. I adore you. If something was to happen were we could never sail again, I just want you to know that I would very satisfied with it since I got time with you. I love you."
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Quality time and Listening
• Zoro adores you, but he is a rather stoic person when it comes to the romantic aspect of his emotions. So the way he shows his love for you is by quality and listening.
• As you chatter on he will calmly lay next to you listening to every word. If you want also giving back useful commentary to show how important what you're talking about is.
• He also shows it by actively wanting to be near you. While it doesn't seem like much at first Zoro will always place himself close to you, enjoying your presence above all else.
• He also likes taking you around to beautiful places so that the two of you can revel in it and just enjoy each other's time.
- You had been sitting in your quarters reading. You had a bad day and truthfully were trying to find a way to wind down. Rubbing your temple to try and ease off the frustration.
Already feeling better about the shit day You looked to Zoro, seeing his eyes focused on you as you spilled your heart. It made your heart flutter as you could see the way he looked at you- like you were the most important person in the world.
"(Y/N)- You're stressing" Zoro said suddently, surprising you by his sudden presence in your quarters. Walking over from the doorway he sat next to you calmly, Leaning back in his usual lax self.
"Sorry I just had a bad day" You mumbled, Zoro waving for you to speak about it. Which you gladly did- Beginning to rant about how Nami had annoyed you and venting.
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Cooking and PDA
• Sanji is a very romantic person at heart- He is big on showing love their very public displays of affection and also flexing his skills on you.
• Be prepared to be talking and suddently dipped into a passionate kiss infront of everyone before spun and left blushing, dazed and not knowing which direction you were in.
• "Well hello sweetheart~" He purrs out and wraps a hand around your waist and plants his palm of the flesh of your ass drawing a Squeak from you and smacking the man's arm for such a think. Drawing a loud laugh from him.
• This man can't get enough of you ❤️
• He also loves to use his cooking skills to show love. Be prepared to gain some extra love weight with this man around! From your favorite breakfast in bed- Suddently having a homemade candy kissed into your lips and more.
- You were in the shared room you had with Sanji, going through your supplies to be prepared for when you guys next docked and more then likely ran into trouble.
So focused it wasn't until a firm smack to your behind drew you from this and you spun around red faced to see a Smiling Sanji-
"You're gonna leave a mark on of these days!" You whine, Sanji winking at you "I'll kiss it better then" He held up a beautiful slice of cake to you. You giggling at this and reaching forward to take a bite of the sweet dessert and hummed in delight.
Sanji stared at you, a smile on his lips as he kissed the back of your hand and caressed your cheek.
"I hope the dessert is sweet enough for you. Even if it pales in how sweet you are~"
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Physical Affection
• Oh this man is a cuddler- Head over heals and wants a hug more then anything!! Maybe it was a lacking of physical touch growing up as he only got a handful of hugs from Kaya after his mother died- or that he just likes the way you feel. But Usopp is very physically affectionate
• This man leans on you, while he spouts nonsense he will subconsciously lean against you like you are his anchor
• Will want some cuddles at some point- Can't sleep without them after a while or can't sleep if you're not near by.
• Likes all forms of physical Intimacy, Holding hands, Hugs, Kisses, Massages, cuddles, sleeping together, 'Sleeping' Together ❤️ , and more. Just wants it all
• Will walk in to see you hard at work and immediately start to massage your back- "A little to the left" You groan out, Usopp chuckling at this and doing as you instructed with a proud smile.
- You'd taken a break. Tired from the long day of working on the ship, you leaned against the railings and stared out at the sea. Taking in the salty air and calm rocking of the boat.
Usopp hugged you tighter and tucked his face against your neck; His arms wrapping around your waist as his hands rubbed gently against your sides. He felt warm and so soft- his love practically pouring through in his hug which made you smile.
"You doing alright?" You hear Usopp say softly, covered in soot and smelling like gunpowder as he grinned at you. You nod and relax as you feel him wrap his arms around you.
"Just tired" You say softly and close your eyes to relax against the man.
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Gift Giving
• Nami has a rough time with admitting feelings. Having been in a abusive situation for many years she can't show vulnerability easily and that includes romance- But she's so in love with you it conflicts.
• So Nami had found a way to show you the love you deserved while she slowly worked on herself. She studied you- Saw the things you liked and what made you smile and got things for you.
• Hiding them around in places only you would know about or directly handing them to you.
• Nami knows she is a work in progress. But hopes that her gift giving and slowly opening up to you just shows how much she cares.
• The two of you were sitting side by side- Holding hands which was new for Nami and just enjoying the moment. Nami shifting and holding up a wrapped box for you "This is for you-" She said shyly, You smiling and giving her hand a gentle squeeze and thanking her profusely
- Nami had left the day earlier- It had made you a bit sad however she had some errands to run for the Strawhats due to her natural skills in bartering and getting what she wanted.
You had walked into the bedroom to change for the evening, however saw flowers on the bed, your pajamas already laid out and some gift boxes on your side. A letter laid ontop of them- opening the letter quickly you smile at the words
"I love you (Y/N) I got these for you. I'll see you Tommorow morning I promise. ♡ Nami"
Holding the letter close to you and feeling your heart flutter. You smile and open up her sweet gifts. There was your favorite animal in a stuffed toy form and a dessert that looked expensive and was just to your taste. You knew even if Nami had a hard time expressing herself but it was these moments that clearly took a lot of thought and care that truly showed her love.
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Domestic and soft Intimacy
• Buggy is a egotistical brat- But he loves you more then he loves the sea. You are his stars, so he will show you love with his real self.
• His whole life is a performance, but with you it's the real deal. So you only get the real him in turn. Even if in public he is loud, rude and will pretend to treat you the same even if he seems to fail even infront of others.
• Gentle hugs, soft kisses, Holding you with a arm over your shoulder or a gentle hand rubbing your thigh.
• Also is oddly domestic-
• Whem you are sick he makes a nice soup for you- Sitting next to you and feeds you the homemade soup, measures out your medicine and makes sure you're hydrated. "Rest Doll- I'll take care of you.."
• Buggy acts almost like a house husband with you. Gentle, domestic and soft- The opposite of his Clown Persona.
- The two of you had woken up late, having not gone to bed early due to.. reasons 😳. So you guys were scrambling to get ready- Buggy buttoning your shirt while you fixed his hat and so on.
"Damn it I can't find my boots"
You hiss, searching desperately as Buggy helped look for you as well. Finding them with his stuff he carried them to you and gestures you to sit on the corner of the bed. Obediently you do, Buggy kneels and carefully slides the boot on each foot and starts to tie your laces.
You felt your cheeks warm at this- Buggy humming softly as he finished tying your shoe and smoothing out your bottoms of any invisible on your clothes. He looked up at you and you just saw the undying love in his ocean eyes, rubbing your leg for a second before standing to finish getting you ready.
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Acts of Service and Gentle Touches
• Mihawk is a very VERY reserved man. Not one for open affection or truly any hard emotions at all. So while he does love you he has a incredibly unique way of showing it.
• The man sees acts of service as a way of love and so he does anything for you. All you have to do is ask and you shall receive- From cooking dinners, cleaning, being mindful of how you like things. This is how he shows love.
• As time progresses he will start adding little touches. Rubbing his hand over your arm, holding your hand- small things as he slowly works up to being more physically affectionate.
• Mihawk had kept you from a certain room for a while, after a week he lead you to it silently. You walk in and are blown away by what you see- There he has made you a personal studio for you to do your favorite hobbies. Have it be reading, writing, painting, sewing, gardening. It's for you- "I hope it's to your taste..."
- You had been in your study, setting up for your latest passion project. Looking around you spot an item you needed and groaned- realizing you'd placed it on the top shelf.
• He cares so much for you and it shows in his actions and the light touches he provides.
With one warm hand on you and the other grabbing the item. Feeling how gentle he was and so caring even for an item he cared little for- His golden gaze landing on you. "I can help more if you wish"
You had prepared to just climb the shelf- However like he could sense your bad choices Mihawk appeared. Arms crossed as he stared you down-
"What do you need?" He asked calmly, having you move away from the shelf and stepping forward.
"The purple one please" You chime cheerfully, Mihawk placing a hand on the small of your back to make sure you were safe before reaching to grab the needed jtem.
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turnertopia · 2 months
can you write a Alex x fem reader where the two meet when they’re young and then they become best friends. After a concert they go out for drinks and are dancing together at a bar (A little drunk) and it gets a little spicy and then they leave for a hotel or something and you can make it smut or not 🫣🫣 ❤️❤️
much loveeeee
thank u for the request, hope this was okay for u ! if any of this is cringe don't tell me i'd rather be blissfully unaware and ignorant :3
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pairing: am!alex turner x fem!reader
summary: long desired tipsy sex w a cocky am al teehee
warnings: no use of y/n, not proofread, small plot, smut (mdni), mentions of alcohol and drugs, p in v sex, unprotected sex, switch!alex, hickeys/lovebites, bit of nipple play, handjob kinda, use of unscientific terms (cock, pussy, etc.)
words: 1.6k
note: wrote this in the middle of the night please this is horrid i'm so embarrassed omg
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the post-concert glow is evident in alex's blown pupils as you both share a pricey bottle of wine at his favourite bar. sharing the adreneline as well as a drink, the man offers his hand.
"used to love this song, didn't you, love?" his tipsy giggling makes you grin as you listen in to the music playing from the bar's speakers. dizzee rascal, 'dance wiv me', both you and a 2008 alex had countless laughs and dances to this song in the past, this occasion no different. "come and dance with me!" he grinned stupidly. alex clumsily drags you over to the dance floor, grabbing your hands and lacing your fingers between his ringed ones in order to not lose you amongst the crowd of drunks.
he twirls you around with a lazy grin, moving one hand onto your waist. you feel it, a subtle blush growing your cheeks, going unnoticed by alex due to the rapid flash of the prismatic lights. you're both getting very close to each other. your eyes lock together a few times. the song fades out and he pulls you close, leaning into your ear so you can hear him over the blast of the speakers.
"we should go." he says. "gettin' late, you get weirdos in here when it's too late. i'll book a hotel for the night, yeah?" his hand squeezes your waist. "alright." you reply, letting him lead you to the exit.
you're all giggles as you exit the pub, gaining odd looks from the people smoking outside. both yourself and alex are falling over each other on the way to the hotel only a street away. you're still holding hands, too.
alex makes a fool of himself while speaking to the receptionist with his slurring and tipsy snickering. getting into the lift, you can't seem to keep your hands off each other. your hands combing through his now tangled hair, remembering how he had been so precise when gelling it before the concert. you grin. his hands are groping at your waist, hesitant to go any further yet in fear of making you uncomfortable despite his cocky attitude this evening. how gentlemanly.
the ding of the lift snaps the two out of your little lovebird daze, stumbling over to your room. before he can get the key in the door, you give into the temptation and slam him a little roughly against it, greedily pressing your lips against his. he doesn't hesitate for a second, kissing back like he was getting paid to do it. "fuckin' hell." he hisses, his hands aren't as shy now, boldly grabbing your ass while the other stays firmly planted on your waist. you tug his hair, and he lets out a breathy moan and gives you perfect access to slip your tongue into his mouth. he groans, breaking your little makeout to speak.
"let me open the door." he breathes, fumbling with the key curtly. you tease him, slipping your hands up the back of his shirt and dragging your nails down his back. you could have sworn you heard him growl. he finally opens it, the door swinging open with such force it slams into the wall behind it. you're quick to shut it behind you, alex's hands hooking under your thighs to pick you up, re-attatching his lips to yours.
he finds the nearest bedroom, tossing you onto the bed and kissing you more. shoes get kicked off, and he reaches for the zipper of your dress. "please can i take this off? i need to see you." he groans, his cheeks painted in a pretty pink blush. "go on." you purred, and he almost tore the dress off your body. he moaned softly at the sight of you in your underwear. "fuck, shit, fuck, wanted this for so long.." he hissed, kissing and biting your neck, leaving behind marks and little bruises of his love. "take it slow then, al." you murmured, your cheeks also covered in a matching rosy blush.
his rings are cold against your flushed skin, making you shudder. his kisses travel down to your cleavage, unclasping your bra with a hasty motion. he exhales slowly, one ringed hand kneading the flesh of your breast. he takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue snugly over it.
closing his eyes, his other hand palms it's way down your body, cupping your mound through your panties. your helpless squirming was met with a smirk and a firm hand pinning you onto the bed by your waist. he grazed his fingers over your slit through the lace material, only rewarding you with feather-light touches.
"please, alex." you mewled, he relished in the way you spoke so desperately. "please what?" his grin widened. you huffed, turning your head to press into the pillow. "no, love, you have a voice. use it. what do you need?" he coaxed, the pad of his thumb toying with the delicate bow that adorned your underwear.
"...please touch me." you mumbled, that rosy blush making your face hot as it saturated your skin. his lips curled with satisfaction this time. "that's a good girl, hm? very good." his praise reverberated through your ears, a feeling of gratification filling your senses at those very few words.
he dragged your panties down at such a frustrating and deliberate pace, a soft whine escaping your lips after being choked back for so long. "shh.. s'okay, we're getting there now, aren't we, hun?" he cooed at you amorously, but also contradicting himself with that condescending undertone.
he groaned with admiration at your dripping pussy, wasting no time in gathering the slick on his fingers. after waiting so long for any sort of contact with your aching core, the grazing and prodding of his fingers was more than enough stimulant, making you moan out with an arched back.
he was basking in your encouraging moans and mewls, only spurring him on. the strain in his jeans was only getting tighter. you caught sight of the aching bulge, testing the waters by pressing the heel of your foot against it. alex choked on his breath, the steadiness of it instead growing shallow.
"doll." he croaked, hissing as you began grinding your heel against the ever-tightening fabric. his grin was wiped off, replaced with a line, his lips firmly pressed together in order to conceal his sounds. however, your lips were curled into that cocky smirk that usually adorned his pouty lips.
how easy it was to shift the dynamic.
you finally started on his clothes, hungrily pulling the muscle-fit t-shirt off his toned figure and attaching your lips to his neck, sucking and biting. he grips your waist, tilting his head back and finally letting out some noises. you straddle his lap, completely bare, sitting on his thigh as your wetness drips onto the denim.
you move at an achingly slow pace, teasing him just like he did to you. you grip his crotch, his cock is heavy beneath the layers. you unzipped his jeans, watching how the tent in his boxers protruded deliciously. both of you helped push the material down his thighs and legs, leaving him in his underwear.
"please, baby. please." the begging just rolled off his tongue. your grin was cruel, knowing how easily you could deprive him of the pleasure he sought after. but that could wait for another time, now you knew how he could be teased effortlessly and turned into a mess. but now you were both too desperate and pent-up to tease any further.
you released his thick, aching length from the thin fabric. it almost slapped his tummy with how hard he was. and over what? a few kisses and touches? how he was aching, only for you.
when you sat back on his thigh, now both completely bare, he groaned. you looked up at his big brown eyes. pupils blown from lust and need. kissing him gently as you wrapped a hand around his cock, he moaned into your swollen lips.
pumping him slowly, his cock grew wet and twitchy quickly, coated in layers of pre-cum and spit. you let go after a short while, straddling his thickness with your lips still connected, fingers intertwined with one another's.
you sunk down on him, earning a contented sigh from each of you. you bit his lip at the stretch, groaning alongside him. his hands gripped your hips now, guiding you.
"fuuuck... fucking -- that's it." he hissed, eyes rolling back. "so tight." he looked down at the sight of him disappearing into you. was he in heaven?
"al, s'too big." you tugged at his hair, clenching around him. "gonna split me open." you whined.
he chuckled lowly, guiding your hips so you were bouncing on him at a faster pace. "got you, sweet girl. feels s'good darlin'. you were slamming down on him, a squelching noise coming from between the two of you. his toned abdomen pressed against you, sweat sticking to the both of you.
both of you were close. you could each tell, the way he twitched inside of you and the way you spasmed around him.
"lovey, i'm almost there." he gritted. "cum with me, baby. i've got you, jus' let go puppet." and you did. you convulsing around him brought him to his climax, releasing hot spurts of his seed deep inside of you. he whimpered with you, holding you close as you caught your breath. he kissed your forehead, sliding out with a grunt.
you looked at each other for a moment before giggling quietly. "we'll talk in the mornin', kay?" he whispered with a stupid smile. you nodded softly, the drowsiness hitting you after the few drinks and what you just did.
"g'night, love." he kissed your head, pulling the covers over your waist with an arm around you.
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neoplatinum · 2 months
cinnamoroll girl | kim 'winter' minjeong
summary: you meet a girl obsessed with cinnamoroll
pairing: minjeong x reader
themes: fluff, just two very cute girls, cinnamoroll, yizhou & aeri!, mention of jimin!
wc: 1.7k
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"aeri, stop." you pull the covers back up your face. curling into yourself in bed. you already feel awful, so why is she bothering you right now?
"you are such a mood killer! she dumped you six months ago, get up!" aeri tugs the comforter so hard she falls on her butt. you laugh at her until you realize how cold you are without the blanket. so you rush forward to try to grasp it out of her hand.
"aeri! give it back!" you shout at her.
"no! please come outside with us. we're all so worried about you." aeri pulls the comforter harder, and you let go. aeri once again hits the ground again. you hear a loud thud and see her soothing her head.
"that's what you get." you stick your tongue out at aeri, to which she throws the comforter right back in your face. you get sent backwards, falling into bed.
"ning! i'm done with her, she's hopeless!" you hear aeri shrill. yizhou walks in, eyes wide at aeri on the floor. but she ignores the girl, walking towards the bed and trying to coax you out.
"sweetie, it's not healthy to stay in bed all day. come join us outside!" out of spite for aeri, you comply immediately. getting up with a playful smile as you watch aeri's shocked face. aeri walks out annoyed while you get ready for a night out.
"ning, i'm going to strangle that girl." you hear faintly in the hallways.
you join the two girls outside, eyes smiling at yizhou while aeri punches your shoulder.
"you are so annoying, why are you only nice to ningning?"
"because." and you leave it at that, walking out of the apartment.
"aeri, who's that?" you point at the girl with the short bob. her eyes are wide as she tries the claw game; it looks like she's trying to get a cinnamon roll plush.
"that is ning's friend, be nice. we invited her out too." aeri explains, but all you can see is the love of your life. hot hot biker jacket girl with a short bob and a handsome face. lips to die for and long, long, long legs. wow, she is exactly your type.
"ning! you didn't tell me you had such a hot friend." you don't take your eyes off the girl, just speaking loud enough for yizhou to hear.
"i did, i told you multiple times about minjeong. you have just been so 'woe is me' about your heartbreak that you never met her." yizhou continues, eyes rolling when she sees you eyeing minjeong like a puppy seeing their owner.
"god you are so gay, not even an hour ago, you were moping about jimin." aeri starts shaking a hand in front of you, and you finally snap out of your daze.
"shh, don't speak of her please." you shush aeri, and pull the two girl's arms. you need to meet minjeong quick. so you approach the girl at the claw machine.
"hi!" you enthusiastically say to the unsuspecting girl. the girl gives you a once over and a look. before pointing at your shoes.
"your shoelace is untied." she points out, and you look down. sure enough your right shoe is untied.
"oh, um. yeah sorry." you kneel down to tie your shoe, meanwhile aeri and yizhou are snickering at each other. you attempt another introduction.
"hi, you are minjeong?"she tilts her head, and you swoon, it's really like looking at a maltese.
"yes." she says and returns to her claw machine. both yizhou and aeri let out a boisterous laugh. leaving to go "get food", which really means they're going to watch you try to flirt with minjeong from afar.
"do you like cinnamoroll?" you watch as her eyes light up, suddenly she's stopped looking through her pockets for more coins.
"yes! he's my favorite sanrio character." she exclaims, taking out her phone to show you a photo of her cinnamoroll collection. they have nearly taken up the whole wall of her bedroom. it's adorable actually, how dedicated she is to this sanrio character because of how cute it is.
"that's so cute." you point out.
"yeah but i'm having trouble getting this cinnamoroll." minjeong points at her claw machine. "i've been here for ten minutes, but i've had no luck."
"maybe i could try?" you offer. digging through your jean pockets for coins. you start shoving coins into the machine. flexing your hands and stretching your neck. getting ready to get this cinnamoroll plush for this cute girl.
you go for the first try, lining it up in the front, and lining up the clawe by checking the side glass. tongue in between your teeth as you focus. dropping the claw...it grabs one and you can hear minjeong gasp. as it rises up, it releases the cinnamoroll. dropping it back onto the pile.
you aren't going to let that stop you from winning this plushie for minjeong though.
you get another try, aiming for a different cinnamoroll, same method. checking the front, and checking the side for position, dropping the claw and crossing your fingers, begging for the claw to give you the plush. and with bated breath it drops into the dispenser corner.
"yes!" you shout, high fiving minjeong who gives you tight hug after, leaving you breathless with a rapid heart beat. goodness, this girl's got you good.
aeri and yizhou return with hot dog and drinks in hand. watching minjeong get absorbed in the cinnamoroll doll that you just won for her. minjeong hands it back to you.
"it's for you." you say, and push the doll back into her hands. she smiles widely at that, tucking it into her bag and the other two girls give each other a knowing look. you four enjoy the rest of the arcade, all the while you're busying eyeing minjeong and you think she is just so darn cute.
"can i have minjeong's number?" you ask aeri. she's popping popcorn in her mouth as you both watch spiderverse.
"ask her yourself." aeri doesn't take her eyes off the movie.
"when would i be able to do that?" you ask.
"tomorrow, she's coming over." aeri continues digging through her bowl of popcorn.
"tomorrow? aeri our apartment looks like a mess right now!" you get up and start picking up all the random clothes and pieces of trash littered around the living room. you start running into your room like a sprinter. grabbing all the dirty clothes off your floor, and shoving them into a laundry basket. you run out and throw all the clothes into the washer, immediately pressing buttons to start the wash cycle.
then you're wiping down the kitchen counters, the dining table, the windows. you wipe down the coffee table and lift aeri's legs to wipe it completely.
"aeri move!" you shout at her. she rolls her eyes but lets you clean around the couch. then she's back to sitting down. you start cleaning the many dishes in the sink and placing them in dryer rack.
"maybe i should say minjeong is coming every week for you to do these chores." you roll your eyes but honestly yeah this is a great motivator. then you start cleaning the bathroom and washing the shower. (aeri is confused why you're washing the shower because minjeong is definitely not staying over)
you finally clean your bedsheets and comforter after your laundry load, excited to have minjeong over. then you start pestering aeri again.
"what does minjeong like to eat? snacks? drinks? favorite food?" you start, opening your notes app to diligently write down each answer. aeri shakes her head at you.
"and do your job for you? no way, ask her yourself. it's more genuine that way." she answers as she pauses the movie, getting up to watch you run around like a headless chicken.
"fine. be like that. just so you know, i ate your lunch last week." you stick your tongue out at her before hiding in your room.
"you come back out here!" aeri shouts. you tune her out, smelling yourself: yeah you need to shower. while aeri pounds at your door, you're busy gathering yourself for a long and definitely needed shower.
"hi minjeong!" you bump aeri out of the way, to greet minjeong first. the girl looks so adorable in a blue button up and light washed jean shorts.
you think she looks like how the first spring day feels. warm and inviting. she walks in with a small smile, a little timid visiting you and aeri.
"hello, thank you for winning that cinnamoroll plush for me." she says as she gifts you two some wine.
"oh no problem, anything for a pretty girl." you say to her. aeri's gagging just at the sound. then minjeong walks in with yizhou trailing behind her.
it's a full house, when you all sit at the dinner table, enjoying a delicious dinner filled with laughter and bad gossip about people. you get to really feel the energy of minjeong, a rather reserved girl to people she doesn't know well, but gets very comfortable around people she knows well.
yizhou is doubling over in laughter, and nearly spilling her wine all over the floor, while hitting aeri. minjeong just laughs and points at them two. you laugh at the sight of them three, it's like dumb, dumber, and dumbest.
aeri and yizhou are knocked out on the couch after laughing too much. you take the time to help clean up around the apartment, putting away leftovers. meanwhile minjeong offers to help wash dishes, not letting you say no.
so you and her are quietly cleaning the apartment while the two other girls take a much-needed rest after their drinking.
you walk behind the kitchen counter, and you start drying dishes that minjeong has washed.
"hey minjeong."
"could i have your number?" you ask, very nervous and feeling the jitters in your body.
"yeah, only because you won me that plushie." she looks at you and smiles. you don't stop smiling the rest of the night, even if aeri kicks you when she wakes up.
a/n: my original minjeong work got deleted :((((, but it's okay i didn't love the plot for it. so here we are with this piece instead. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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tiredcreatur3 · 1 year
toji x pregnant reader
breeding kink go brr i cant stop
that man would be so soft for you after finding out that you’re pregnant with his baby.
of course, it was your decision whether you were ready to have a baby or not and he was there to support you no matter which option you’d pick.
but oh, was he secretly snd selfishly glad when you told him that you were ready to bear his lil baby. that man was beaming ever since you told him the news, always coming home from work after the whole day of asking for updates from you on how you were feeling or if you didn’t need anything and all of that.
and of course, seeing those soft eyes of yours sparkle up at him as you’d stay close to him, your full plush tits against his chest, tugging at his sleeve and hoping he’d get it.
and being the perfect man he is, he always would. laying you down in the bed and taking off ur panties, seeing them all soaked and he knew he read somewhere that once a person becomes pregnant, they really hormones are just all over the place and oh, he couldn’t blame you for wanting to get your lil tiny pussy stuffed every day after he’d come from work home.
he’d take off your panties, play with your cunnie for a bit, rub at your clit and finger you for a while as he’d watch all those sweet reactions of yours while stuffing three of his thick fingers inside you, fucking them in and out.
you couldn’t even speak, couldn’t even get a word out because oh, you’ve been trying all day to make that awful feeling in your lower tummy go away, playing with yourself with a toy and even squirting few times but you were never satisfied until toji came home and helped you out.
you watched him, mouth slightly ajar as your whole body shook a little bit, so so sensitive but you just needed him so bad, needed all his attention and wanted to be all clingy and needy.
“that feels good, pretty girl?” he asked you softly, other hand stroking your cheek and smiling to your dazed little self, losing yourself on his fingers only, eyes barely open, each thrust of his digits making your warm pussy flutter around them, almost drooling on your t-shirt, dumbly nodding your head.
“you already played with your pretty little pussy, haven’t you hm?” he hummed out, pulling his fingers out for a second, running his thumb through your folds a couple times, gently circling that puffy wet nub, hearing you whine.
you nodded, only a small shaky sigh leaving you, truly having any sort of thoughts taken away right from you by your boyfriend, loving when you could relax after a whole day of your body hurting and being all sore and grumpy.
he caressed over your thighs and then your tummy and tits while three of his fingers stuffed that pretty pussy of yours. he couldn’t get enough of you. you were stunning, you were so fucking beautiful and to him, you just had that little pregnancy glow even though you always told him you look god awful and all.
he could tell you were already getting close, soft little squelches leaving your tight cunt as you couldn’t utter a single word, just quiet needy whines and whimpers.
“oh look at you, you’re so close, aren’t you?” he smiled to you, desperately holding onto that one arm that caressed your cheek with both your arms, hips slightly angled and shaking as you nuzzled at his hand, all fucked out, eyes beaming and glossing, hard nipples peeking through your shirt, knowing you gave up on ever wearing bras now because they just hurt too much.
and oh, he felt like he was going to melt for you, eyes softening as he watched your pretty face clinging into his hand with each thrust of his fingers, just wanting to make his lady feel good. he’d do anything for you, he could never say no to those eyes of yours.
“that’s it baby, that’s it.. good little girl.” he sighed softly once you were coming, never stopping what he was doing, making you let out little choked moans, hearing how wet that man could get you, almost wanting to rip his arm off.
“there you go, little one.. god i missed you all day.” he let out, leaning in to kiss you lovingly, really having thought about you all day at work, what you were doing, if you were okay and all, even though you two would mostly text all day because of how worried he’d get.
“m-missed you, t-to..” you whimpered against his lips, loving whenever he wouldn’t just pull his fingers out after and would keep them inside you for a little longer, gently moving them in and out.
“i-i love you, wish you didn’t have to go to work.” you said quietly, kissing him back as he deepened the already quite heated kiss, only having him pull away, leaving you panting as you stared up at him.
“you know i want you to be happy, sweetheart.. want you two to be safe and sound because i love you more than anything.” he let out, feeling very responsible in taking good care of you and his baby, he wanted only the best things for you and yeah, he hated to admit it but he’d spoil you here and there.
you smiled shyly to his words, nodding your head and letting him kiss you again, feeling so grateful to have found toji because he really took you and the pregnancy very very serious.
you licked your lips once again as the male pulled away, gently pulling his fingers out of your wet little pussy, licking them before leaning down to get a little taste himself.
he dived right in, knowing you needed this and he wasnt really in the mood to tease you either, sighing as oh, your pussy tasted like heaven, eyes closing to enjoy it fully, licking into those soft folds, not caring that you haven’t really gotten to shave, he’d still eat it no matter what.
you sank even further into the bed, legs spread apart nicely and comfortably, having been so used to getting eaten out every single day that you already knew how to get comfy real fast and god, that shit was better than anything else in the whole world.
sore needy pussy getting taken care of by your handsome man and the future dad of your kids, puffy little clit getting so so much needed attention, sighing shakily as you couldn’t even think straight, the man wearing the last bit of your sane self out but you couldn’t stop him. not when it felt this good.
he’d pull away, lick few long strips across your spent pussy before diving right back in, suckling gently, leaving you completely out of it once he pulled away, licking his lips as you watched him, panting and shaking.
“n-noo..” you let out with a soft whine once the male began to push his work pants off, knowing that this man prolly had no mercy and just wanted you to sleep really good tonight.
“what is it, baby? you don’t want my cock hm?” he asked, gently rubbing the big tip across your folds, tapping your clit with the cock head.
you didn’t know what to say because obviously you wanted it but oh, your tiny little pussy, that poor cunnie of yours, already having been used so much today but oh, you really couldn’t say no to toji’s dick, not when it was this hard and flushed, the tip leaking so much pre cum. obviously you had to take care of that.
“c’mon, say you don’t want my cock, baby.. it’s okay.” he teased you so so obviously, little smile creeping up on his face as he could see how you reacted, purposely angling your hips whenever the male’s cock slid down to your little used up hole, so badly just wanting to watch it go in as always.
you looked up at him, pouting as he teased you, so so tired and fucked out already, it being past your bedtime too as now that you were pregnant, you could barely stay up past 9 pm.
he soon broke out into a small laugh, leaning down to kiss your forehead, never being able to tease you for too long and always giving you what you want. he turned you into a spoiled little girl but he wouldn’t take it back.
he slowly slipped inside you, loving how you always watched the first couple of thrusts, eyes all soft and mouth slightly open, little shaky sighs leaving you, barely being able to do anything but take the male’s cock, poor tired lil kitty still getting so much attention after a long day and oh, that’s exactly what you needed.
“i-i’m gonna cum..” you whimpered out quietly, looking up to the male, the pregnancy having gotten you so so sensitive that no matter how hard you tried, you never last on toji’s dick.
he hummed to you with a small smile, nodding his head, keeping eye contact as he kept the same pace and soon having you cum all over his dick, nice and hard, whining as the older just kept on going, having your small body tremble under him, wide shoulders and big chest towering over you, hips pumping into yours consistently.
way too tired to finish this but you get my point.
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fushisagi · 11 months
love and all its cons
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୨୧ ━━ ❛ it’s difficult for one to familiarize themselves with the mystery that is your and isagi’s relationship, something that significantly blurs the line between friends and lovers. ❜
word count ⋆ 7.2k (7,278) genre ⋆ fluff, secret established relationship, 5+1 ━ pro-football player!isagi, pro-volleyball player & gn!reader
after months of you and isagi sending each other shy smiles, yearning glances, and dancing around your feelings, bachira decides it’s time for him and the rest of the team to intervene. mission: get isagi a significant other is a go!
warnings ⋆ alcohol consumption, all characters are 20+, everyone is a little bit of an idiot and oblivious, (brief) jealous isagi, i snuck in hinata from haikyuu!! in here bc i love him sorry, that’s it i think lmk if i missed anything!
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“Yeah, you’re right.”
Bachira immediately knows something’s wrong when Itoshi Rin of all people agrees with him.
The whole team is taken aback by it, too, showing their surprise with wide eyes and thinly veiled confusion. Towards the back, Reo opens up the news app on his phone, muttering about how Rin’s agreement must be some sort of bad omen, an indication that the world is ending.
“I’m sorry,” Chigiri starts, eyes narrowed, “did you just agree with Bachira? Like, willingly?”
Rin tsks, throwing all of them a look of annoyance. “Yes.”
“Are you sick or something?”
Reo finally makes his concern known, clutching his chest dramatically as he declares, “Oh, God. I really should’ve been a survivalist. Does anyone want to come to the store with me to buy non-perishables?”
Nagi sighs tiredly, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. “Reo, it’s too early for you to be overdramatic.”
“It is 5pm. Practice just ended.”
Nagi responds with a yawn.
Bachira snaps out of his daze with a shake of his head. He grabs onto Rin’s arm despite the boy growling at him to let go, and forces the team into a huddle with a conspiring smile on his face. They watch him warily; a grin like that could only mean trouble, and the last time Bachira managed to drag them into his shenanigans, they ended up being slandered on national television for breaking and entering.
(He had somehow convinced the entire team it would be funny to break into Ego’s house and scare him awake).
(It was not funny. Practices for the next three months were grueling).
“We should set them up together!” Bachira exclaims delightfully.
For a moment, nobody speaks. Then, everyone looks over to Kunigami who, just last week, had come to practice with a venomous bite in his words after going on a date with someone Bachira set him up with.
Almost immediately, everyone’s voices overlap as ideas are shut down and new ones are suggested, unaware of you and Isagi watching them with a mixture of amusement and confusion. While his teammates aren’t looking, Isagi presses a kiss to your cheek and grabs you by the wrist to the farthest side of the field, where the both of you can discuss your plans for dinner without worrying about someone hearing you.
“We should just lock them up in the supply closet,” Reo says.
Kunigami shakes his head. “That would be a disaster.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I just do.”
Zantetsu muses, “Should we send both of them flowers and sign the card so they’ll think they were the ones who sent it?”
Rin scrunches his nose. “I am not spending my money on those two idiots.”
Nagi huffs. “Wouldn’t it be easier if we just told them they like each other?”
Bachira waves him off. “No. There’s no fun in that.” Then, a lightbulb turns on, and he’s clapping his hands with the excitement of a child waking up on Christmas day. “Ah! We make the both of them jealous.”
“No,” Kunigami shuts the suggestion down with a frown on his face. “that’ll create misunderstandings—”
“Awww,” Bachira whines with a pout, “you’re no fun!”
Across the field, you watch the exchange with furrowed eyebrows as Isagi orders takeout on his phone. He follows your gaze, snickering when Reo reaches over to smack Zantetsu’s head but misses and hits Rin in the face instead. Even from here, you hear everyone shouting at each other as Rin attempts to smack Reo but ends up landing a hit on Chigiri when Reo quickly ducks out of the way.
“What the hell are they doing?” you mutter as Bachira tackles Nagi with a giggle.
Isagi shrugs unhelpfully. “Don’t know.”
Someone knocks Zantetsu’s glasses of his face, which results in him gasping loudly. The arguments don’t cease despite the fact that they’re now all on the ground, attacking each other with punches and kicks only meant to bruise.
“You’re friends with a bunch of idiots, babe.”
Isagi, ever the dramatic boyfriend, looks at you as if you’ve said something so incredibly hurtful. “Excuse me, you’re friends with them, too.”
“Yeah,” you say, wincing when Bachira jumps onto Kunigami’s back and starts ruffling his hair, “Yeah, unfortunately, I am.”
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attempt one: bachira meguru & kunigami rensuke.
When Bachira tells Kunigami he’s planning on tricking the two of you into going on a date and watching from the sidelines, Kunigami feels he owes it to both you and Isagi to tag along, seeing as the last time he let Bachira meddle with someone’s love life (i.e. his), it ended with a chipped tooth and a trip to the dentist’s office.
(Bachira insists it’s not his fault Kunigami punched his date. Kunigami insists it is because there was absolutely no reason for Bachira to set the date up at a Five Nights at Freddy’s themed party).
This is how Kunigami finds himself lurking behind a blue van as you and Isagi walk across the parking lot, talking animatedly as you make your way towards the entrance of the arcade. Every now and then, Isagi checks his phone with annoyance and you glance at your watch with a frown.
Kunigami phone buzzes in his pocket. He already knows what the notification is before he sees it.
groupchat: blue lock!!! 🥳⚽️❤️‍🔥
isagi 🤓 > where r u guys?
Beside him, Bachira’s fingers dash across his keyboard.
bachira 🐝 > sorry! D: I won’t be able to make it 😣😓 > looks like it’s just you and y/n~~~ 😉😉😉
isagi 🤓 > ??? > what about the rest of the team
bachira 🐝 > they’re all sick unfortunately !! ):
At this point, you and Isagi have already made it to the doors. Kunigami is too far away to read Isagi’s expression, but he looks at you for a long moment, says something that makes you laugh, before he turns back to his phone.
isagi 🤓 > really?? ALL of you are sick???
bachira 🐝 > yep!
Bachira kicks Kunigami’s shin and gestures towards his phone. The taller boy sighs and begrudgingly sends a message to the groupchat.
kunigami 😵‍💫 > yeah > cough cough
Bachira hums approvingly before walking around the car and hastily making his way to the entrance. Kunigami is quick to follow, lowering his head and bending his knees in hopes to not attract any attention with his height.
Once they step inside, Kunigami is forced to lift his chin up as he searches the crowd for any sign of his friends.
“There they are!” Bachira declares excitedly, pointing to a large claw machine before dragging Kunigami to hide behind the pinball machine.
Isagi has one hand on the joystick and the other hovering over a red button, his tongue sticking out in concentration. He leans closer to the glass as the claw hovers over a blue plushie, and just as he pushes the button, you shove his other arm, causing the claw to move forward and come down at the same time. The claw, predictably, grabs onto nothing, causing Isagi to turn to you with a pout on his lips.
“Hey!” he whines, softening when your head meets his chest as your shoulders shake with laughter.
“I’m sorry,” you say in between giggles. When you look up at him, he tries his best to look unimpressed, but he can’t bite back the smile that blooms across his face. “I’m sorry, Yoichi, I really am, but you have to admit it was pretty funny.”
“And to think I was going to win that for you!”
You glance at him, unconvinced, and then to the Snorlax plushie staring back at the both of you. “Yeah, right. You were gonna keep that for yourself.”
It’s silent for two heartbeats before Isagi sighs. “Yeah, I was gonna keep it for myself.”
“You’re a terrible boyf—”
“Um, excuse me?”
Kunigami and Bachira jump in surprise, turning to face an exhausted employee. She has her arms crossed over her chest as she suspiciously looks between the pair of football players hiding behind an arcade game. Kunigami’s eyes widen in realization. He doesn’t exactly know what conclusion this woman has come to, but he knows that two men — with baseball caps on their heads, sunglasses on the bridge of their noses, and masks on their faces — lurking in the shadows of an arcade is bound raise a few eyebrows.
“Oh, hello!” Bachira greets with too much chirpiness for Kunigami’s liking, but he can tell his friend is nervous when Bachira glances at you and Isagi, who still — thankfully — haven’t looked over to the commotion by the pinball machines. “Sorry, we were just… waiting for our turn.”
The woman blinks. “You’ve been standing here doing nothing for five minutes. Nobody’s touched the pinball machine because they thought you guys were going to play.”
Kunigami scratches the back of his neck. “Well…”
He doesn’t continue.
The woman looks at them incredulously. “Well?”
Kunigami looks at Bachira, panicked, silently begging for help. Bachira blinks back up at him and shrugs.
Ever since he met Bachira Meguru, Kunigami swears years have been continuously removed from his lifespan.
“We can’t allow you guys to stay if you’re not going to play any games. It’s company policy.”
“Oh! Then we’ll just play! Um…” Kunigami trails off as he begins patting his pockets, eyebrows knitting together when he feels wrappers, his ID, house keys — everything but his wallet. He looks at Bachira. “I don’t have any money.”
“Well, don’t look at me! I don’t have any, either!”
Across from them, the woman sighs.
Kunigami’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets. “What do you mean? You paid our taxi driver!”
Bachira nods. “Yes, but that was the last of my change.”
Kunigami’s eye twitches.
Over at the claw machine, you and Isagi have diverted your attention towards your friends. Your suspicion is written all over your face and Isagi, with a grin bright enough to rival the sun, has pulled out his phone to record.
“Is that…?”
Isagi snickers. “Yup.”
“I thought you said they were sick.”
“That’s what they told me,” Isagi explains, holding in his laughter as the employee politely asks Kunigami and Bachira to leave the vicinity. “But I think they’re just spying on us.”
Curiously, you ask, “Why would they do that?”
Isagi doesn’t respond. Instead, he ends the video and pulls up Blue Lock’s groupchat, which includes him and all his teammates. He scrolls up to a text from two nights ago.
bachira 🐝 > okay operation set isagi and y/n up is a GO!!!! :D 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 > does everyone remember their positions?!! 🫡
rin 😐 > Please shut the fuck up
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attempt two: zantetsu tsurugi.
Zantetsu is stressed.
He’s been watching Isagi like a hawk ever since practice started, sticking to him like glue by never leaving his side. He follows Isagi when it’s time for drills, chats with him during break, and joins him to his trip to the water fountain. And yet, despite how much they’ve talked today, Isagi still has yet to mention the flowers.
Zantetsu’s learned the hard way that flowers are expensive, but he still sent two bouquets last night — one to your apartment and one to Isagi’s; he’d even gotten Bachira to sign the cards so it would look like you got the flowers for each other.
(When Reo said the forgery was awful, Zantetsu dismissed him with a roll of his eyes).
But Isagi hasn’t said a word about it. And, during the fifteen minutes you popped by, you didn’t say anything about it, either.
Zantetsu sits on the bench, close to pulling his hair out. On one side of him is Nagi, nonchalant as his thumbs dash across his phone screen; on the other side is Reo, who watches you and Isagi laugh with a look of disgust plastered across his face.
“I don’t get it,” Zantetsu groans, putting his head in his hands. “I checked with the florist six times.”
Reo snorts. “Are you sure you got their addresses right?”
“Yes! Look!” Zantetsu opens up his phone and scrolls through the digital receipt in his email. Reo looks over his shoulder and confirms the addresses with a grunt.
Nagi barely glances at his teammate’s screen before muttering, “Stupid Zantetsu.”
“What! but I did everything right!”
“Well, there’s no one else to blame,” Nagi drawls. “You’re the only one who bought the flowers.”
Zantetsu slips off the bench and lies down on the grass, muttering incoherent complaints while Nagi pays him no mind and Reo starts poking his side with the toe of his shoe.
(What Zantetsu doesn’t know, however, is that you did receive the flowers. Isagi had been at your apartment when you got the delivery and texted you that someone on the team had sent you daisies along with a card that badly resembled his signature).
(There is also the fact that Isagi spends more time at your apartment than he does at his. Five months after Zantetsu ordered the flowers, you and Isagi go to his home to pack up his things so he can officially move in with you, only to find a bouquet of dead roses on his doorstep).
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attempt three: chigiri hyoma, mikage reo, & nagi seishiro.
Reo kind of likes the power that comes with playing God.
Ever since Kunigami and Bachira got kicked out of the arcade, Reo’s been plotting. He’s unlike his usual self — instead of bursting with energy, Reo comes to practice silent. He’s scrutinizing Isagi so much that the boy has started avoiding him; he’s been asking you random questions whenever you visit; under the guise of caring for his teammates, Reo has made a shared Google calendar and forced everyone to add their schedules to it (really, he’s just trying to see when Isagi is free so he can set this plan in motion).
And what Reo wants, Reo gets, and Chigiri shouldn’t have been surprised when Reo comes up to him with a 30-slide PowerPoint.
“Hear me out,” he’d said when Chigiri opened the door to his apartment. “I’m a fucking genius.”
Chigiri had no time to reply before Reo was letting himself in.
The party — a trap disguised in diamonds and alcohol, is what Reo refers to this as — is in full swing when Chigiri arrives, toeing off his shoes as he nods to familiar faces whose names he can’t quite remember and brushing off anyone who offers him a drink. He finds Nagi in the corner leaning against the wall, surprisingly off his phone, and staring at two people in the living room.
You and Isagi have taken the couch hostage. While there may be room for someone to sit, Chigiri can see why people don’t. Even from a few feet away, he feels as if he’s intruding when he watches Isagi stare up at you with his head in your lap and your fingers combing through his hair.
There is no way friends are this affectionate with each other.
Chigiri doesn’t have time to dwell before Bachira, who may as well be bouncing off the walls, swoops in to pull Isagi off your lap. He slowly rises, engulfed with sharp irritation that’s wiped away as soon as you place a hand on your shoulder and murmur a temporary farewell.
“They’re stupid,” Nagi mutters. Chigiri silently agrees.
It doesn’t take long for Reo to find them, hyper and euphoric, and Chigiri wonders if he’s either drunk off alcohol or adrenaline. He places a hand on both Chigiri and Nagi’s shoulders before declaring in true dramatic Mikage Reo fashion, “It’s game time.”
Nagi cringes. “But I’m too tired.”
“I gave you the easiest assignment!” Reo exclaims incredulously.
“Luring Isagi into your room sounds far from easy.”
“Would you rather be chasing after Y/N?”
Nagi frowns, glancing over at you. You’re strategically slipping through the crowd to avoid people you don’t want to speak to, politely giving them smiles before you disappear from sight. It’s almost as if the shadows are swallowing you whole and teleporting you to another area in the penthouse.
Nagi shakes his head and halfheartedly wishes Chigiri good luck before beginning his search for Isagi.
Chigiri sighs as Reo slaps him on the shoulder and pushes him out from his safe place against the wall, similar to that of a mother letting her child play in the playground. A rather chaotic, migraine-inducing playground.
With an annoyed huff, he begins walking the perimeters of the penthouse, scanning the crowd in hopes of finding you in your desperate attempts to vanish. He knows you find these rambunctious gatherings more bearable when you’re with Isagi; you may be friends with the entire team (one time he overheard Zantetsu saying you were one of his emergency contacts), but there is nothing that compares to your closeness with Isagi. People have tried and failed to puncture the bubble the two of you live in.
It’s difficult for one to familiarize themselves with the mystery that is your and Isagi’s relationship, something that significantly blurs the line between friends and lovers.
Chigiri may not be as observant as his other teammates, but he can spot love when he sees it. Especially if it is so ridiculously obvious that it might as well be as blinding as the sun.
He finds you in mere minutes — clearly not fast enough for Reo, who he knows is the culprit behind the continuous buzzing coming from his device. You’re in the kitchen, sitting atop a counter, nursing a glass of apple juice. When you see Chigiri in the doorway, you smile, though the tension in your body remains.
“Hi,” you greet. He makes his way towards you, swift but nonchalant. “Having fun?”
“A little. You?” At your grimace, he laughs. “You didn’t seem to be this miserable when I saw you with Isagi earlier.”
It’s bait, you know it’s bait. He expects you to brush it off with stammered words and wandering eyes but instead you shrug, hiding your smile behind the cup. If Chigiri is surprised at your silent admission, he doesn’t show it.
“Yeah, but he’s not here right now, so…”
Chigiri hums teasingly. “You two looked cozy on the couch.”
You snort, downing the rest of your juice before placing the cup in the sink beside you. “He was just telling me about how Zantetsu was trailing after him like a lost puppy yesterday at practice.”
Comparing Zantetsu’s behaviour to that of a puppy is pushing it, but Chigiri decides now isn’t the time to protest. He wonders if you’re aware about the flower mishap — or if you even received the flowers in the first place.
“Did you get flowers a few days ago?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah. It said they were from Yoichi.” Chigiri’s eyes widen, urging you to continue. Maybe, just maybe, he won’t have to resort to locking you in a room to deal with your feelings. “But the penmanship was so atrociously bad I assumed the bouquet was from Bachira.”
All hope disappears. It shows in the way Chigiri’s shoulders droop and the way he rubs his temples, missing your small, amused smirk.
“Okay,” Chigiri clasps his hands together with the type of determination you only see on the football field. “You’re hopeless.”
You scoff. “Excuse me?”
“I know where Isagi is,” Chigiri states instead of offering an explanation.
Getting you to follow him is easy enough. With childlike excitement, you jump off the counter and trail behind him with a smile on your face. There seems to be more energy and pep in your steps, and your smile is so wide Chigiri is surprised you’re able to keep it on your face without your cheeks hurting.
And this doesn’t even compare to how Isagi acts at the sole mention of you. Chigiri wonders if setting the two of you up is the best for his sanity; he’s not quite sure he’ll be able to handle such a chipper, lovesick Isagi everyday during practice.
But then he glances at his notifications, snorting at Nagi’s anguished messages to hurry up, because hearing Isagi talk about you is much worse than watching three cheesy Hallmark romcoms back to back. Perhaps, Chigiri thinks, it would be cruel to not push the two of you together. He can worry about the suffering he’ll have to endure in the future.
Once he’s led you to the end of the hallway where Reo and Nagi loiter just outside the guest room, you falter in your steps. The next few seconds are a flurry of confusion and snappy remarks, and the next thing you know, you’re shoved into a room and the door behind you is locked with an obnoxious click.
Isagi shoots up from where he was previously lying on the bed. “Thank God you’re here. I wasn’t sure if they were just going to leave me in here by myself.”
You sigh, making your way towards the bed. Isagi shuffles to make space for you. His hands find their home around your waist before he uses them to pull you against him.
You grumble as he nestles his face into the crook of your neck. “You were right.”
You feel him smirk against your skin. “Right about what?” he asks with faux perplexity.
“You know what.”
“Hm, I really don’t.”
You huff, flicking the back of his hand, and he responds with a laugh. “They’re trying to set us up.”
“Yeah, that much was obvious, babe.”
“I thought they already knew,” you say, meeting his gaze when he lifts his head up to meet yours.
“I thought we agreed to keep this a secret.”
“No, I know,” you say, but then you gesture towards the door, and add, with bewildered mirth, “but it’s not like we’re being very secretive. I thought they would have figured it out by now.”
Isagi guffaws and despite just how loud it is, you lean into his touch, yearning to hear it again. “Didn’t you say they were idiots?”
“I didn’t think they were this oblivious.”
“And to think that’s what they’re saying about us,” Isagi smiles but it turns serious as he places his chin on your shoulder. “But do you want to tell them?”
You want to say yes. When you first agreed to this secret relationship — to avoid pressing questions and people invading your privacy — sneaking around quickly became tiresome. And it still is, though you admit it’s nicer to interact with your boyfriend in the confines of your apartment and the stadium whenever you visit, away from any prying eyes that could twist every interaction. You feel the most comfortable with him there, away from the public eye, and you know he feels the same way.
However, it might be nice for your close friends to know.
But then you remember how, just last night, you and Isagi were huddled around his phone, laughing at the ridiculous plans his teammates have made in order to get you two alone together. It seems that they’ve forgotten that your boyfriend’s in the chat too, and their naivety has become newfound entertainment.
You’re curious to find out what else they have up their sleeves. When you look at Isagi, you know he shares the same sentiment.
He grins. “That’s settled, then. What do you think they’re going to do next?”
“Bachira seems very adamant about the jealousy plan.”
Isagi snorts. “I kind of want to see where he goes with that.”
Your eyes narrow. “Why?”
He pecks your nose. “Because you’re cute when you’re jealous. And it boosts my ego.” you scoff, but before you can even think about replying, Isagi says, “Hey, do you want to leave and make out in Reo’s room?”
“We’re locked in here,” you deadpan.
Isagi lets go of you and walks towards the door. He points at the doorknob with a wide grin on his face.
The room locks from both the inside and the out.
You let out a disappointed sigh.
Sometimes you worry that the next time you see Reo, he’s going to be swindled out of a million dollars.
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attempt four: bachira meguru (again) ft. itoshi rin.
This really could be the best idea Bachira’s ever had — the thing is, though, nobody has the slightest ounce of faith in him. Which, if he’s being honest, is kind of offensive.
(So what if he and Kunigami got kicked out of the arcade a few days ago? Sometimes genius plans fail! It doesn’t mean Bachira’s lost his touch).
The team has found themselves at a gala, surrounded by athletes and sponsors alike in a large ballroom smelling of wealth and prestige. Caterers carrying trays of champagne flutes slip through the crowd with practiced ease, faces painted with polite smiles that do not waver despite the football team’s — read: Bachira and Zantetsu’s — overwhelming excitement.
Rin, who narrowly escaped a conversation with a bubbly volleyball player he barely remembers the name of, walks into a prison as worse as forced small-talk. With Bachira by his side, he scowls as the shorter boy starts unsubtly pointing towards you and Isagi, whispering amongst yourselves with reserved smiles and fond eyes.
“This is stupid,” Rin says monotonously when Bachira suggests that Rin should split you and Isagi apart.
“It’s not!” Bachira argues, growing annoyed at Rin’s apathy. “Tonight’s the best night to make one of ‘em jealous. Hey, what about I split them up and you make them jealous?”
Rin’s response is simple and curt, “No.”
Bachira sighs, though he can’t say he’s surprised.
The night goes on without many bumps in the road. Rin stays by Bachira once he learns that nobody’s willing to talk to him if he pretends he’s preoccupied in a conversation, no matter how one-sided it is. Some of his teammates join in for a bit before they drift away again; Reo stops by to encourage them to talk to sponsors (Rin scowls in response), Kunigami and Zantetsu tell Rin on separate occasions he looks like he stepped in shit, Chigiri halfheartedly wishes Bachira luck, and even Nagi came by for a few minutes to talk to them.
The only teammate Rin hasn’t spoken a word to is Isagi.
He really doesn’t care, but he thinks he’d rather have a conversation with him than have to painfully watch him pine over you. The sight of it bothers him so much he’s actually considering going along with Bachira’s plan, but before he can open his mouth and spout out words he’ll likely regret, somebody comes by and takes you away.
And you let him.
For a moment, Rin’s eyes widen.
“What the—” Bachira squeaks, jaw slack. “Who is that?”
Rin recognizes the man as one of the people he avoided having a conversation with. His hair is bright, matching the excitement in his grin and the radiance in his eyes, and Rin’s pretty sure he’s seen him on billboards and advertisements hanging on the large glass windows of retail stores.
There is familiarity in his touch, Rin realizes. But there is something between the two of you that doesn’t match the atmosphere between you and Isagi — there are joyful grins and clumsy movements, sure, but it all seems friendly.
He frowns, glances at Bachira, only to find him staring at Isagi, and Rin wonders if the champagne has messed with his imagination or if there is actual smoke is coming out of Isagi’s ears.
Well. At least Bachira didn’t even have to lift a finger.
Only a couple seconds pass before Isagi grumbles and stands from his seat, walking over to where Rin and Bachira watch you and the unknown man dance next to the other couples in the ballroom. When Isagi stands in front of them, he is the perfect picture of a man wronged, his usual boyish smile replaced with an annoyed frown.
“Hello, Yoichi!” Bachira greets, though his voice is strained, and his wandering eyes don’t fail to show his discomfort. “We haven’t seen you all night.”
Isagi grunts. “Sorry.”
Rin really shouldn’t find pleasure in this, but he thinks it’s a little funny. However, his face is blank when he states, “Y/N looks like they’re having fun.”
Rin expects Isagi to glare at him with the same intensity he has on the field, but Isagi only pouts. “Uh-huh.”
“Who’s the guy they’re dancing with?” asks Bachira.
“His name’s Hinata,” Isagi grumbles, taking a champagne flute from a passing caterer’s tray. He mumbles a thanks before continuing, “He’s a volleyball player, so they met through that when he first moved to Tokyo.”
“Ah,” Bachira nods. Then, rubbing salt into the wound, he adds, “So they’re, like, super close?”
“I guess?”
“Are they dating?”
Isagi’s expression sours. “Definitely not.”
“How unfortunate,” Rin muses. He doesn’t bother to veil the glint of mischief in his eye, but Isagi is too preoccupied swirling his glass in disgust to notice, “They’d look nice together.”
(Bachira is sure the world has been thrown off-balance. Did Itoshi Rin just play instigator? For the sake of his teammate’s love life? He feels like this moment needs to be documented).
Isagi hums but doesn’t offer anything else. His posture is a lot more rigid than usual and he burns holes into the back of your head with an infuriating amount of infatuated neediness. It is only when the song ends that he relaxes, smiling wide when you part ways with Hinata to make your way to him.
Like metal to a magnet, you attach yourself to Isagi’s side, eyebrows furrowing at Rin’s contemplation and Bachira’s determination.
Shuffling awkwardly on your feet, you flash the both of them a wary smile before asking, “Are you guys having fun?”
Bachira grins and your stomach sinks. You’re not sure if you’re going to like where this is going to go. “Not as fun as you, I bet!”
You share a look with Isagi that only the two of you can decipher. “What do you mean?”
“We saw you dancing with Hinata,” your friend explains animatedly, pointing towards the boy seated at a table with his own teammates. “He’s cute! Have you ever thought about dating him?”
Rin’s face contorts into one of displeasure. Bachira does not have one subtle bone in his body.
You blink. Isagi places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes, an action that doesn’t go unnoticed. “No? He’s my friend.”
“Oh! So, like Isagi?”
Isagi’s hand drops from your shoulder. Beside him, you’re biting the inside of your cheek, but the amusement on your face is as clear as day. “Bachira,” Isagi warns, frazzled and panicked.
Bachira frowns, confused by Isagi’s uneasiness. “What?” he questions, tone light and mischievous. He draws all his focus onto you, and you suddenly feel as if you’ve been shoved into an interrogation room. “It’s just a question! Even Rin said you two would look nice together!”
“He’s a friend,” you repeat, and it feels more like a reassurance for the boy next to you than anything else. “Speaking of which, Hinata wanted to talk to you, Yoichi, about the game last week. He said he wanted to congratulate you.”
Isagi brightens at the reminder of his goal that earned them a victory. “Oh—!”
“Wait,” Bachira interjects, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “You know him? Like, personally?”
“Yeah, we’re friends—”
Bachira gapes. “You have friends?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I meant other than us!” Bachira adds quickly. His mouth is hanging open, and the loudness of his shock has drawn the attention of the other guests, causing you to shrink into yourself. Your hand finds Isagi’s before you tug him away, throwing apologetic glances at any questioning looks you find yourself on the receiving end of.
“You idiot,” Rin hisses, “people are staring.”
Before Bachira can say anything more about his utter shock at Isagi having a social life outside of football, someone taps Rin on the shoulder. It’s an older man, presumably someone who wants to sponsor him, and at the sight, Rin glowers. When he looks over his shoulder in hopes of throwing Bachira under the bus, he sees that the spot beside him is empty.
A few feet away, a caterer yelps when Bachira accidentally bumps into them.
Rin grits his teeth.
(On your way to Hinata’s table, you snort, “And here I thought you liked Bachira’s jealousy plan.”
Isagi rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Aw, don’t be like that, Yoichi,” you coo, which only causes his pout to grow, “I think you look cute when you’re jealous.”
“I hate you.”
You laugh and he tugs you closer to his side. “No,” you say softly, “you love me.”)
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attempt five: itoshi rin.
Whoever thinks that Rin is doing this because he cares is way off base.
If anything, he’s doing this for the sake of his own wellbeing. He was stupid to leave this situation in the hands of his teammates, who have yet to make any progress on doing something about Isagi’s ridiculous pining.
This is how Rin finds himself standing in front of you, awkward and out of place, as you slowly place your duffel bag on the bench. Behind you, your teammates are warming up for the upcoming game, throwing the occasional perplexed glance at Rin’s intimidating figure, before deeming it better to brush him off and ask you about him later.
“Rin, hi,” you say apprehensively. “The game isn’t until five.”
“I know.”
“And it’s three.”
“I know.”
You wrinkle your nose at his tone but choose to ignore it so you can put your kneepads on and tie your shoelaces. In the corner of your eye, Rin continues to just stand; he’s so rigid that you’re convinced that a light shove is all you need for him to tip over and shatter on the floor like glass.
When the comfortable silence begins to grow awkward, Rin clears his throat, “I need to talk to you.”
“You could’ve just called me.”
“You wouldn’t have answered,” he deadpans, briefly glancing towards your phone, silenced, and peeking out the side of your bag, “and it’s important.”
“More important than preparing for a game?”
You gesture around you. Volleyballs soar through the air once they make contact with skin, forearms are tinged red, and shoes squeak against the vulcanized rubber floors. When Rin looks at you, you’re itching to leave, eager to part from him and this conversation in order to get your hands on a ball.
Rin hesitates. “Well… no?”
With a sigh and roll of your eyes, you point to the door. “Okay, well, tell me about it later. I’ll see you—”
“It’s about Isagi.”
You freeze.
“What about him?” you ask. Your previous chagrin has quickly been replaced by worry. A mien that’s a mixture of love and panic is painted across your face as you hastily grab your phone (Rin notices your lockscreen is a candid photo of Isagi playing with a cat on the screen) and open your messages.
“He likes you.”
A quiet moment passes.
Then, you croak, “I’m sorry?”
“He likes you,” Rin repeats uncomfortably. “He has feelings for you.”
You stare. Rin prepares himself for the flurry of feelings he’s sure he will be hit with in a matter of seconds. An assortment of disbelief and hope and infatuation that will come once you’ve been snapped out of your still state, face blank as the cogs in your mind begin to turn.
He prepares himself for your emotions.
Instead, he’s met with a harsh shove on his shoulder and the same annoyance that was on your face a few minutes ago. “That’s the emergency?” you exclaim incredulously. “I— This is unbelievable. This really couldn’t wait until later?”
Rin can barely contain his shock. This is the last reaction he was expecting. He’s seen only a handful of romance films, but he knows that they always involve a timid denial of feelings. When he came here, on his day off, with the intention of finally putting an end to everyone’s misery, he expected you to falter and soften before dialling Isagi’s number and confessing.
He did not prepare for your disbelief — not at his words, but more so at him.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Yes. Thank you for informing me. Now, can you go?”
Rin cannot believe his ears. “Do you understand what I just said?”
“Yes, I—”
“I’m pretty sure he—”
“I get it,” you interject, opting to start pushing him towards the exit. “And I already thanked you for telling me, it really is appreciated. I’ll see you at the game, yeah? Bye.”
With that, you spin on your heel and stomp over to the court, leaving Rin to stand in the door, dumbfounded.
Well, that is the first and the last time he’ll ever do something nice for you or Isagi Yoichi.
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Isagi isn’t quite sure what he’s done wrong.
When his teammates take their seats one by one, he immediately notices the defeat strewn across their faces. Alarmed, he asks if they’re alright, but all he receives in response is Chigiri’s fatigued sigh and a sharp glare from Rin.
His eyes find yours once you step onto the court, and with a shrug of your shoulders and a reassuring smile, Isagi sweeps his worry under the rug. He knows you’ll end up telling him what you know later anyway, whether it be in the car or under the duvet, his thumbs rubbing circles on your wrist as you’re both lulled into slumber.
But right now, Isagi redirects all his energy into focussing on the game.
He ignores the chatter beside him, rapid bickering that doesn’t evolve into a full-out argument, and watches as you strike a ball to the floor with impressive ferocity. Isagi is the first out of his seat to shout for joy, followed by the rest of the delighted crowd. The smile of his face is so blinding it might as well light up the entire gymnasium.
After every point you score, he’s on his feet. Pride swells in his chest as your team inches closer and closer to victory. His cheeks hurt from how much he’s smiling, especially since it grows every time you make eye contact with him on the stands, beaming. After each set, Isagi makes a mental list of different things he could do to have you look at him that again.
It is only during the last set when Isagi’s smile drops. The intensity on his face is not dissimilar to the one he dons during a game, and his teammates bristle at the sight of it, unfamiliar to seeing it off the field. They can’t blame his sudden seriousness, though, because while your team is at match point, the opponents aren’t too far behind.
The whistle blows. A player serves the volleyball into the air.
Everything happens in slow motion. Isagi wonders if this is what it feels like to watch his games from the sidelines, with every breath feeling like it may thwart a play and every movement causing anxiety to crawl up his throat like bile.
When your hand touches the ball, spiking it for what Isagi swears is the nth time of the day, time no longer stands still. The crowd roars as you’re crushed into a hug by your teammates, all wearing matching grins of triumph.
The next few moments are the consequence of a split second decision.
Isagi didn’t know he was going to do this when he woke up this morning, the spot beside him cold and a text on his phone reminding him to eat breakfast. He spends the entire day doing the laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and moping in your absence, too busy to even consider going through with an act that could be a PR disaster.
But then you look at him, and you’re shining, and Isagi decides to give in.
He’s out of his chair within seconds, waving off the questioning remarks coming from his friends as he speeds to the court.
(He’s more than grateful that security knows who he is by now, because if he were any other guy, he would’ve been detained the moment his feet touched the floor).
You seem to understand all his intentions by the time he’s within earshot. That’s the one thing about you that Isagi could only imagine wrapping his head around. All it takes is one glance, one second, for you to know what he desires. It almost makes his heart burst, at the realization that somebody loves him so much that they know every inch of him.
“I’m sweaty,” you say once you’ve escaped your teammates’ grasp.
Isagi raises an eyebrow, because when has that ever stopped him? “I don’t care.”
Your face is in his hands within seconds, cradled in delicate fingers that contrast the way his lips move with enough passion to light the world on fire. Curling your fingers around his belt loops, you pull him closer before resting your hands on the sides of his neck with your thumb tracing his jawline.
Being with Isagi under the spotlight like this is exhilarating.
The happiness, however, is short lived.
“What the hell!” Bachira shrieks, and Isagi pulls away — not too far, though — and rests his head against your forehead, sighing. “Does this mean my plan worked?”
Rin growls. “There is no way in hell you’re taking credit for this.”
“Actually,” Reo chimes in, “I’m pretty sure Chigiri, Nagi, and I are the reason for all of this.”
Zantetsu scoffs, immediately pushing past Reo to get closer to you and Isagi. “No, this means you guys got the flowers—”
Isagi lifts his head up, exasperated. “We’ve been dating for five months.”
He had been hoping that statement alone would be enough to get them to shut up.
He is dreadfully wrong.
“What?” Chigiri exclaims. “So, everything we did was for nothing?”
“Wait,” Kunigami interjects, eyebrows furrowed. “So that means you guys have been giggly and insufferable all these months because you’ve been dating?”
You muse. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“And that’s not going to change?”
Isagi throws his arm over your shoulder. “Oh, definitely not.”
Then, Bachira tugs Rin’s sleeve and gestures for everybody to get into a huddle.
“Guys,” he says in what you assume is his attempt at a whisper, but you’re close enough to hear, even with the surprised clamor from the audience. “We need to break them up.”
Isagi squawks in protest, letting go of you to force himself into the huddle.
You watch the scene with a fond smile. One of your teammates comes up beside you and murmurs in wonder, “Your boyfriend and his friends sure are something.”
“What, idiots? You can say idiots.”
Your teammate snorts. “Yeah. It’s a little endearing, though.”
You laugh, nodding in agreement, and when Isagi calls you over to help, you take his hand and let him drag you into the circle, shooting down all the suggestions they’ve jokingly made about you dumping him.
You’ve come to the realization that you fit. Right here, next to Isagi, there will always be a place for you. Perhaps, then, that makes you an idiot by association.
(You don’t think you’d have it any other way).
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© fushisagi, 2023. do not translate or plagiarize my work.
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harleehazbinfics · 2 months
a/n: im brushing up on how to write for lucifer. i missed him 😭
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During the fall of man, there was chaos among the order of the angels. With heaven's very own Lucifer being the catalyst of it all, it had sent all the elders in a frenzy and leading to his eventual fall from grace.
You were but a child when it all happened. They all used his name as a threat, to scare off angels that dare defy the rules. However, you didn't quite understand why he was condemned from heaven for merely dreaming, and why couldn't he be redeemed by asking for forgiveness. Isn't that what your principles were? You confronted your mother about this, but in fear that she would lose you she begged you to stop speaking about the matter.
From then on, you stopped talking about it. Up until a fateful occurrence.
You were rushing your way towards your office, a tall stack of papers in your arms and as you guessed it, rushing when you can't even see in front of you is a really bad idea.
"Oops, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" You cried holding the remaining paper in your arms. The person who bumped into you used their magic to lift sheets of paper off the ground and back onto your stack.
"Oh, it's fine. What's the rush?" A familiar voice of a man calls while he was helping you.
"I need to bring this report to the virtues. Hopefully, the meeting hasn't started yet," you explain, "Thank you, Sir Michael! Would you like to walk with.. me.. there..?"
You look up at the male in a daze as you figure out it wasn't Michael at all. Though they look similar and act the same way, it definitely wasn't him. He wore a distinct white top hat with a snake coiled around the base with accents of red, you trailed down to his face seeing his apple cheeks and awkward sharp toothed smile from being mistaken for his brother as he clutched onto his apple cane.
"O-oh! I'm terribly sorry for not noticing, Sir Lucifer!" You apologized, cheeks heating up from embarrassment.
"Oh it's fine. I get that a lot," he chuckles charmingly.
You blush at your mistake and how irrefutably handsome he was. He has a kind smile that seemed to wane ever so often with how downcast his eyebrows fell. It was as if he felt uncomfortable being here.
Your tug your lips into a thin line before cheerfully saying, "Is there anywhere in particular you're going? I'd love to be your escort!"
He seems dumbfounded at how an angel was kind enough to talk to him so candidly. Weren't there tales about his disobedience spread across of heaven? If this matter didn't require his attendance, he would have never come at all. However, seeing your gentle kindness made it seem worth while.
"Oh, couldn't possibly bother you. Aren't you late for a meeting anyway?" he refuses gently, pointing at the papers.
"Oh, it's fine!" you blush, "I'd be honored to spend some time with you!"
He quirks his eyebrow at you with a smug smile, making you splutter at your mistake, "I meant--as your guide! Yes! I don't have those kinds of intentions towards you! I apologize if it seemed that way!"
He gives you an attractive laugh and uses his magic to lift the paper off your hands and levitate beside you. Saving you the trouble of carrying them everywhere. He gestures his hand forward and replies, "Then shall we?"
You beam him a smile and escorted him to his meeting room, while giving him an update on the changes that were made since he's been gone. He looked less tense when you first bumped into each other and even chimed a joke or two in your conversation.
Not before long, you arrived at the door now carrying the paper in your hands. Giving him a big smile while he carefully walks forward to the door.
"It was nice talking to you, Sir Lucifer," you say a blush adorning your cheeks which he found adorable on you.
"I enjoyed our time together, (y/n). Hopefully, we can meet again someday," he replies with a smile of his own.
You gave him one final smile and started to walk down the hallway. But before you could take your 2nd step, he says something that made you blush from your cheeks to your ears and nape.
"By the way, you can just call me Lucifer. I'm divorced," he calls with a flirtatious smirk before entering the room.
His gesture makes you blush from the top of your head to your toes at his comment, calling him sly in your head. You shake your head trying to gain your composure as you trotted to your office. But it doesn't wipe the stupid smile you had on your face.
🔗All OTHER Lucifer Fics Taglist:
@bonnie-02, @marxo5, @whaatttlaufey, @froggybich, @rybunnie, @midorichoco, @bontensbabygirl, @janey, @akiqvq, @wonderlandangelsposts, @spoiled-slutt, @preciousbabypeter, @roboticsuccubus83, @simbalioness, @reachthestars, @atlas-rin, @luc1fersducky, @lovestruck-enby, @azullynxx, @delightedtosee, @s2tng, @cherry-4200, @aria-tempest, @lvstyangel, @0strawberrysorbet0, @corvid007, @kaminarithebest, @selvyyr
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merajsblog · 6 months
yuji itadori
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you adored yuji. ever since you had met him, you were inexplicably drawn to him. his poise, his aura, the way his eyes focused. the callous and scars on his body signifying his hurdles. even his body was becoming hardened over time, by scar tissue, and yet still he remained kind. many had tried to break him, under the preface of killing fellow sorcerers and trying to pry themselves under his skin.
after mahito had taken so many away from him, he met his doom. the aftermath of shibuya was…rocky to say the least. once everything started snowballing it was tough to make time for each other.
you two were sat in the common area, watching the stars. yuji was sat in front of you, his head in between your legs as you sat a step up behind him. you had your arms wrapped around his neck, and his hand was caressing your calf. his head was pressed against your right inner thigh. he seemed almost in a daze now. he usually was. you saw the damage that sukuna had made, in yujis body. of course he took it upon himself to wallow in suffering from it. it had been a while since you saw his grin last, the one that could light up a room. his nose crinkled a bit when he smiled and laughed like that.
you pressed your nose to the top of his head.
“is something on your mind, love?” you whispered softly into his hair. you felt him rustle below you, laying his head back on your lap. his eyes pooled like circles of tigers eye and honey. the moonlight shone over his face, illuminating his frown and rugged eye bags. his soft pink hair was pressed against your stomache.
“nothing much. why what’s wrong?” he asked, looking at you with admiration, still. you softly smiled at him, “nothing. just wanted to make sure you weren’t in your head so much.”
he gave you a small smile. you kissed his forehead softly. that was until one of yujis second eyes opened, and a nasty smirk took place on his cheek.
“aw how cute. i’ll kill you next first.” sukuna rumbles out.
disgust washes over you. you feel your gaze harden, your nose flaring. your eyebrows start creasing downwards, your lips pulling into a scowl. how dare he speak. you can feel your heart blaring. it pissed you off. your skin was crawling. disgusting. he let out a small chuckle but soon went away. you had no words to say.
you were met with big eyes, brimmed with tears, and lips turning downwards into a horrible frown. he looked distraught. you immediately cupped his face.
“hey its okay don’t let him get to you.” you say, whispering to his lips. he tries to nod, but all he can do is choke on the swell of emotions he is feeling.
it’s not long before hes crumbled up in a ball, trying to swallow his tears. he hated this hold sukuna had over him. but it was a human reaction. sukunas threats were no joke.
you hold his back, just being there for comfort. it was all you could do. you were both powerless again.
it wasn’t long before this wave of emotion would be overcome, but it wouldn’t be long before the next one happened again. he didn’t want to taint anyone’s name, but by taking on all this suffering he would bring himself to ruin. not everyone’s suffering was his to take. maybe with time he would understand that. but for now he would be here, with you. for he would still remain kind.
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