#love Thea and Roy though
elizabethbennets · 1 year
Enjoying this show a lot more now that we’re getting into the Olicity era
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Shy Love - Oliver Queen
Oliver x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 710
Requested: hello there! Can you do an Oliver queen imagine where the reader is in love with Oliver and shr struggles to tell him because she’s shy but he loves her to and finds it cute and finally kisses her and it’s really cute and fluffy. - @anon
Authors Note: sorry it took so long not really into Arrow or the Arrow-Verse anymore. Thank you for the request though hope you like it.
DC Masterlist
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“Then, have you seen-” Oliver stopped in his tracks upon seeing the girl he is secretly harboring feelings for and has been since before the boat accident. “Y/n.”
“Hey, Oliver.” Y/n smiled shyly, giving a small wave from Thea’s bed.
“Hi.” Oliver stuttered out, returning the gesture.
“What were you asking again, Oli?” Thea raised a brow with a small smirk on her lips.
“Huh? Oh yeah. Have you seen the keys to my bike?” Oliver shook out of his dazing awkwardness to ask what he originally came into ask.
“Nope. Haven’t seen him.” She responded with a slight shake of her head.
“Ok. Thanks anyway. See later y/n.” Oliver waved bye leaving the room.
“See you later, Oliver.” Y/n did the same.
“You are so in love with my brother.” Thea smiled mischievously as she stated once her brother was gone.
“What? No!” Y/n shook her head with wide eyes.
“Oh, yes you are. It’s fine. I would love for us to be sisters.” Thea smirked with a shrug.
“Thea. . .he doesn’t like me like that.” Y/n shook her head in disappointment.
“Oh, yes he does. Trust me, he does.” Thea stated confidently. She knew her brother and he definitely liked Y/n.
^     ^     ^
“You know Y/n has a crush on you, right?” Thea asked he, brother, over dinner sitting in Oliver’s room eating Big Belly Burger.
“Yup.” Oliver nodded, he knew that she liked him. Sometimes it was very obvious.
“Then why haven’t you done anything about it? I can tell you like her back. I’d even go as far as to say you might love her.” Thea asked, men could be so stupid she thought. He knows she likes him, and he likes her so why not do something about it?
“I think I love her.” Oliver muttered looking down at his food in thought.
“Oh my GOD! You have to tell her!” Thea exclaimed excitedly.
“But it’s fun watching her be shy about it.” he smiled letting out a light laugh. He loved teasing Y/n, her reactions were always cute to watch. Although he’s not much better sometimes.
“Oliver! That’s cruel. You need to tell her.” Then glared at him.
“I will, I will. I’ll tell her later.” Oliver nodded to get his sister to stop giving him the evil eye.
“Do it. Tonight.” Thea stated pointing at him. Oliver knew he should do it tonight, it’s been long enough.
^     ^     ^
Oliver decided to go over to y/n’s apartment, which in hindsight might not have been the best idea. At least the way he decided to use the window instead of the door. Which resulted in Y/n screaming.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Oliver said holding his hands up in show of he meant no harm.
“It’s ok, Oliver. Jeez though, can’t you use doors?” Y/n laughed waving him off while the other hand held her chest, since her heart was still beating really fast from the scare.
“What are you working on?” Oliver asked walking over to where she sat at her work desk.
“A new type of arrow for you and Roy. It should tear through the muscle and lock on.” She explained as she continued to put the new arrowhead together.
“Nice.” Oliver nodded, it sounded painful maybe the criminals would stop after being shot with one of these.
“Did you need something?” Y/n asked, digging through her shelves for something.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Oliver shifted his feet.
“Oh- ok? Uh, shoot.” Y/n glanced at him nervously.
“I like you.” He blurted out watching her closely to see her reaction.
“Huh?” Y/n looked over at him with wide eyes, shocked at his confession.
“I like you, y/n. Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you. An I’m pretty sure or at least hoping you feel the same.” Oliver walked close to her reaching out to hold her hand.
“I do. You liking me is hard to believe but, yes I do love you as well.” Y/n smiled up at the Arrow shooting vigilante. Both smiling that now the other knew about each other’s feelings. Maybe now things could progress between them.
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skcolicity · 1 year
ok, bear with me while I think out loud. after rewatching parts of season 3 up to Thea getting stabbed, I'm having to rework the season to line up with my fic. so I think everything will happen the way it did until episode 19, broken arrow, where things will diverge. first, when Ray approaches Felicity about that "I love you" in the hospital, Felicity remembers her mother's words about needing to make a choice, and she decides being with Ray while she's in love with Oliver is unfair to Ray. this isn't her choosing Oliver because to her understanding he's not an option at all. she's choosing not to be selfish with Ray, to let go of hanging onto him even though she can't really give him her heart. so she'll interrupt his babbling...
With that one word, Ray stops talking, and with a dejected sigh, he knows it's over. She opens her mouth to explain but he holds up his hand to stop her.
An awkward silence simmers between them.
He suddenly recalls a moment from before, when he confronted her about having feelings for Oliver. She had said yes, before she started backtracking that confession.
"It's because of Oliver, isn't it," he asks with a flat tone.
She doesn't say anything except, "I'm sorry."
Another thing that would change is: no metahuman. meaning no need to go to Ray for his help, no raylicity moments that would have been really awkward since they just broke up, so really that time is spent at verdant thinking and talking about getting Roy out of prison. Lance still interrupts them with the search warrant, and their base is outed. the team regroups at thea's loft.
(meanwhile, someone posing as scpd CSI but is actually Sarab in disguise plants something on the underside of Felicity’s desk which emits a silent blinking red light.)
Lance will approach Thea to tell her about Roy getting attacked, pulling her away from the rest of the crew even as he looks scornfully at them.
Thea will tell them what she learned after Lance leaves, triggering Oliver and Diggle's confrontation to happen the same way as in the show, Felicity will run out after him like the show but will instead read him in on their plan, against Roy's wishes, because that's the only way Oliver will stand down.
eventually Lance will come back hours later to tell Thea Roy was killed. Lance blames Oliver on his way out of course. Oliver will turn to Felicity and Diggle with indignation, but before he can ask if that was part of the plan, Diggle says they need to get back to verdant to talk about this.
and that's where they'll be (Thea included) when Roy shows back up. Felicity says she'll hack into the ME's report to say his body was already processed (so that no one is shocked to find the body gone), and goes to boot up her computer to do just that, but then she notices the blinking red light, which has been blinking slowly, when suddenly it starts blinking rapidly and she knows what's about to happen. Roy is closest to her, the other three are further away, so she tackles Roy just as her computer explodes and there's the origin point of my fic.
I'm probably not going to incorporate all this into the fic itself, but maybe a one shot prequel that'll be part of the series but outside the main fic.
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joeey-dee · 11 months
What are your other favorite Arrowverse ships if you have any?
Hmmm… good question. 
I guess Canarrow is a given by now, lol. Not going into detail here now why. 
I really liked Roy and Thea, I think they were a good fit and helped each other grow and move out of their comfort zones and the lives they knew and with that changed their outlook on what their lives are going to be like because of the environment they grew up in. Roy learnt that he could be more than a petty thief and that if someone like Thea Queen not only believed in him but actually loved him, other people might give him a chance too and see him for who he is, not the circumstances he grew up in and that shaped him into who he was at the beginning. She gave him a chance and with that pushed him towards believing in himself and that he could be more than what everyone thought and always told him. He didn’t need to be stuck in the situation he was in at the start of the show. 
And Roy in return taught Thea to look beyond a person’s first appearance, to understand what less fortunate circumstances could lead to and the path someone could be pushed into simply by circumstances and desperation. Roy also pushed her to be more than the spoiled trust fund princess that she was or pretended to be at the beginning of the show, he helped her grow up and look passed her own wants and needs. 
They were good for each other and in their case the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks and the spoiled rich girl actually worked very well, their relationship was very realistically portrayed in my opinion and that made me root for them. 
Moira and Walter were also a couple a got attached to. And I was really sad when they broke them up, even though I completely understand Walter’s reasons and support his choice. Their story was also very relatable and I loved how positive Walter’s presence in the Queen women’s life was portrayed. Stepparents get a bad rep on TV or in movies way too often and that saddens me, because I grew up with at stepdad and he’s the best. I was around the same age as Thea was when my dad died which led to me having a lot more patience and understanding with Thea’s behavior than most of the fandom. I guess I could relate. So, yeah, Moira and Walter have a special place in my heart because Moira got a second chance at love and some happiness after losing her husband and son in such a tragic way. 
I also very much wanted Laurel and Tommy to end up together, those two were so great together and brought out the best in each other. They were a much better fit than Oliver and Laurel in my opinion. They had their issues but I feel they could’ve worked passed those had Tommy lived, Laurel just needed to put Oliver in the past once and for all were romance was concerned. 
I also like Oliver with Helena or McKenna, Sara is my all time favorite but I could’ve easily seen either of those relationships work out in a positive way, once they’d dealt with some issues. McKenna would’ve been very interesting given she was on the Hood Taskforce and her learning her boyfriend was who she’d been hunting for months would’ve made for some great storytelling, plus given her character I could’ve easily seen her becoming Oliver’s inside person at the SCPD. 
Helena was a great character too and I felt her and Oliver’s involvement was very rushed, I would’ve loved for them to stretch it and make her turn on him all the more impactful. They could’ve even brought her back later on reformed and have them fall back into each other and a relationship, and have her become the Arrow’s partner in the field. 
Both Helena and McKenna had a lot of potential that was never really developed and their storylines felt very rushed, unfortunately. 
Lyla and John are also a couple I like, even though they do have some serious issues… but still, I think in they work very well together and they have great chemistry and are a lot of fun.
I think those are the major ones, it is possible I missed some that I enjoyed. I guess Quentin and Donna were pretty great together too and Felicity and Ray had a lot of potential too and would’ve been the better fit than Oliver and Felicity. 
Thank you for your question I hope I answered it to your satisfaction, otherwise just let me know and I elaborate some more, lol. 
I hope you have a great day.
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alghulnyssa · 4 months
You make me nostalgic now even though Arrow and I didn't part on friendly terms. Just for fun: Top 3 favorite characters, least favorites and best character dynamics. Ty ❤️
I see you trying to make me a hater. I have been VERY quiet about certain negative feelings I have. yes this is me being quiet. but alright let’s go
favorite characters:
1. boy what a twist. nyssa al ghul. I know I’m surprised too
2. miss laurel lance
3. I honestly don’t know, I love a ton of other characters. thea, roy, diggle, tommy, lyla I can’t choose
least favorite characters:
1. yeah…… that’s oliver…….
2. ra’s al ghul he was mean to my girl. also deeply inconsistent villain but man had charisma we can’t lie
3. actually I’m gonna say sebastian blood. I’m in the middle of s2 now and his whole storyline just annoys me for some reason and ugh just go back to LA dan
best character dynamics:
god there’s so many
1. laurel & nyssa. it feels right to put them in the first place
2. oliver & diggle. core of the show credit where credit is due
3. ok going with can’t choose again. there’s so many options and I’m definitely not remembering some rn and yeah the characters and their dynamics are really good
also I was gonna say ‘oh who did part on friendly terms with arrow’ but actually I did. they brought nyssa back for the finale that’s all I needed
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luliho · 1 year
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I got the True End of Binding Blade this time 🎉
I accidentally didn't get Roy married though sorry Lilina. I tried to use different characters than last time (except Thea and Melady who I just focused on more), my MVP was probably Sin.
I really loved the end and getting to see Idunn's happy ending in her home game! I have a new appreciation for ascended Idunn in FEH
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getmemymicroscope · 1 year
Arrow, S3, or: WTF, Laurel?
Mid-Season 3, amidst the whole “Brick City” thing (anyone else flash back to the Lego computer game? anyone?) might be the first time that I’ve gotten annoyed with Felicity (okay, no, second - the first being when she was a bitch to Roy Palmer about "your wife wouldn't have wanted this"). Like, I get where you’re coming from and I agree that using Malcolm probably isn’t the right move, but basing everything on “WWOD” as if he’s some sort of god is kinda insane.
Also, they have really mastered making Laurel appear like a conceited, completely dense bitch. Like, every time she does something and you start thinking "good job!," she goes and does multiple things to offset and move the gauge-meter on her backwards. I know she's going through a lot, what with her sister and all that, but like ... come on. How has she been written in as one of the worst characters in the show (just, like, person-wise)? I'm sure they could've done a better job making her a person to root for, especially given everything she's been thru since the first season.
And it pains me to say this, but amidst this Brick City thing - and knowing (as a viewer) full-well that Oliver is going to return ... someone from the team needs to die. Which saddens me, because the only options are Diggle (no!) and Roy (no!) ... or if they're really crazy, Thea (they won't). Actually die, I mean, not "die" (like Superman in the DCEU). I know the point is that "killing isn't the answer" (thus why Merlyn is antagonistic) and so they'll go with this idea that "since our good guys are not taking that route, they don't have to die," but it becomes sorta crazy if they take a full villain and henchmen and the only people that die are the background/side characters.
Felicity as the pillar of morality is fine, but her way of going about it is frustrating. Though, honestly, Oliver is also getting a bit frustrating with some of his stupidity. (Though, that team-up with Flash was pretty fun.)
And all these shows and their love of completely ignoring the idea of "you're too close, sit this one out" (also, Flash) is getting frustrating. Like, honestly ... sit it out. Clearly your mind is too clouded to think straight.
More to the point - these drama-filled CW shows (it's almost like watching a Hindi soap, but with more action) are really not great shows to binge-watch.
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lemoncupcake · 1 year
hi this is your secret santa again :) i hope your vacation was nice!!
the link unfortunately gives me my own spotify wrapped, i think the only way to share it is to copy all the songs to a new playlist or to take screenshots :(
who are your favorite arrow characters? dynamics? which other arrowverse shows do you like?
hi again!!! sorry, i didn't know that. i made it into a new playlist now, hopefully you can see it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Uf4ACL5ojGbvIRKRC4g92?si=e46104e74b434f15
my thoughts on arrowverse characters, dynamics and shows is under a cut bc when you give me an inch i take a mile, sorrryyy
idk if you can tell by how much i post about her, but felicity smoak is my fave hahaha not to overstate but she kind of changed my life. i'm a biology girly for life but she made me interested in coding which lead to me becoming a bioinformatics girlie ✌️ idk if i would've gone that route without her lol
i also love oliver and digg, of course!! in my (correct) opinion, the ota and olicity dynamics are the best in the show (at least when the writers don't make one of them into a pod person).
most of the other characters i think i love more in potential than in truth, tbh. i like the smoak-queen family dynamics but we literally did not get a single scene with all 4 of them in it. i think they really missed out on fleshing out lyla, she would’ve been a great friend for felicity and i think having her more often show up as an ota ally would’ve been great. i also enjoy the ota/roy dynamic and especially the felicity/roy dynamic but it's too short-lived. same with ota/sara. i'm also very attached to thea and the thea/oliver dynamic but i've come to realise it's maybe more that i love the thea from fanfic lol. same thing for laurel tbh, i'm attached to her and her dynamic with sara (and tommy!! god they were cute) but it's more that i love the laurel i made up in my head bc canon is very inconsistent with her characterisation imo.
i don't really watch other arrowverse shows, tbh. i watched s1 of black lightning in full and some spread-out episodes over the other shows, mostly when there were cameos from the characters i already liked or when i thought the premise for a certain ep or arc was especially interesting. which is how i came to love the whole poison mary arc from batwoman and s1e16 of supergirl.
to continue with the honesty train, the only arrowverse show i actively dislike is the flash. i enjoyed it a lot during their first season. i'm pretty sure i watched that season in full, but don't quote me on that. loved all the felicity cameos, especially in ep4, it’s super good!! i never liked it as much as arrow though, so when all the barry time travel shenanigans started changing things for the characters i was actually invested in and then the writers got the habit of constantly badmouthing oliver (which gets annoying quick when you're only watching a specific ep for an arrow character cameo), i started to really dislike it... :(
anyways, i hope my unending rant gave you something you can work with lol
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book-place · 2 years
Real Family
Warnings: bullying, parent death, cursing, tiny bit of violence, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Team arrow x teen reader
*not my gif*
Summary: People are so hung up on the fact that your biological family isn’t around anymore, that they don’t realize that you have a family right in front of you
A/N: I know that nobody really reads Arrowverse on here, but it was kind of fun to write
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You sighed, stepping into the elevator and pressing the down button.
To say you had a rough day was an understatement. It wasn’t uncommon for you to be made fun of at school, but today everyone seemed to take it too far.
Three years ago you had lost your parents in a car accident, and you had nowhere to go. That was until a family friend, Oliver Queen, decided to take you in.
He introduced you to his friends John, Felicity, Roy, Laurel, and of course you already knew Thea. All of them immediately loved you and made sure to help Oliver take care of you, because that man may be a responsible adult, but he knew nothing about taking care of a teenager.
Of course you missed your parents more than anything, but these past three years had been amazing ones with your new family, the ones that took care of you when nobody else would.
You had always been a very smart kid, and about a couple months into living with Oliver, you found out about him and his friends' secret.
He was trying to keep it just that, a secret, but let’s be honest, Oliver was not the most subtle person in the world when it came to keeping secrets from his loved ones, even if it was to protect them.
When you first found out you insisted on helping in some way, and of course Oliver and everybody else refused. They did, however, let you go down into “The Arrow Cave” as Felicity called it, and they helped train you in case they weren’t there to help you in a situation where you needed to defend yourself.
As the elevator went down you looked at yourself in the reflection of the doors. You winced as you saw a dark bruise circling your eye where your bully had decked you when you tried to stand up for yourself.
You were the easy target in school. The girl that had no parents. The weak kid who couldn’t stand up for herself. It never seemed to end.
None of them knew that you did in fact have a family now, with Oliver and the others. But they wouldn’t stop even if they knew, so why bother trying to tell them?
Out of all of the kids that bullied you in school, none of them dared lay a single hand on you. They only caused mental damage.
You had finally had enough and decided that today would be the day that you stood up for yourself. So that’s what you did, and in return you got a nice black eye.
Coming to the cave was a decision you made based on the fact that nobody would be there until later. They all still had daytime activities that they had to do so nobody got suspicious. And the decision was mostly made based off the fact that Thea brought makeup down here to hide any visible, physical wounds for anybody who couldn’t let others see.
Your plan was to quickly apply the makeup and get back home to your apartment before Oliver got suspicious and worried about where you were.
As soon as the elevator doors opened though, your heart dropped to your stomach. Everybody was there. Felicity was spinning in her desk chair as fast as she could while Roy cheered her on. Thea and Laurel were sparring while casually talking and laughing. And Oliver and John sat at the table, chatting while watching the scenes before them unfold with smiles on their faces.
You quickly turned around, planning to get back into the elevator and hope that they didn’t see you, but you weren’t having a good day, why have your good luck start now?
“Y/n!” Roy called out, and even though your back was to him you could hear a smile in his voice.
You quickly squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath before putting on a fake smile and spinning around to face the team.
You kept your head slightly down though, letting your hair fall in front of your face in hopes that they wouldn’t be looking too closely.
“Hey guys!” You said in a fake cheery voice.
“What’re you doing down here?” You could also hear the smile in Oliver’s voice, so obviously he hadn’t seen what was on your face yet.
You shrugged, “I thought I could come down here and do some homework for a while since it would be empty, but now that I see it’s not, I’ll go back to the apartment to do it.” You quickly lied.
“Well you’re top of all your classes,” Oliver replied, “Why don’t you take a small break to hang out with us? You can finish your homework later.”
This caused you to start panicking, “Sorry, Ollie. I have a lot of homework so I think I’ll just go home to try and get it all done.”
“No, come on!” Roy whined childishly, dragging out the ‘n’, jogging over to you and started lightly pulling on your arm.
You tried to keep your eyes trained on the ground as you pulled against his hold.
“Oh don’t be like that, we just want to-“ The man quickly cut himself off, “N/n, what the hell happened to your face?”
The team, who had been watching your interaction in amusement, immediately dropped their smiles and rushed over to you, worry consuming them.
You finally looked up, ignoring Felicity and Thea’s gasps, you gently pushed Oliver’s hands away from your face as he tried to get a closer look,“Nothing, I’m fine.” You lied yet again.
“No, you’re not.” Oliver insisted, trying to see your face again.
“Oliver,” Laurel snapped, then made her voice more gentle, “Give her a little bit of space.”
The man hesitated before taking two steps back.
“What happened?” Felicity asked, a lot softer than Roy had.
You hesitated, finally glancing up at her, before quickly averting your eyes back to the ground, “I said nothing.” You finally grumbled, pushing past them.
They followed behind you like lost puppies as you went over the the mini fridge that Roy and Felicity had begged Oliver to put in, and grabbed a soda, kicking the door shut behind you.
You glanced up at them in annoyance once you found them all still staring at you, “What?” You snapped, stomping over and plopping down in the chair that Felicity had been spinning in just moments before.
“N/n,” John said softly, “You have to tell us what happened.”
“Why?” You glared at him.
“So we can help you.” Thea insisted.
You huffed and rolled your eyes, but secretly hesitated again, “It was just some kid.” You mumbled, but they heard you.
“Some kid did this to you?” Roy asked with wide eyes, practically screaming, causing Thea to elbow him in the ribs.
“It’s not a big deal.” You said, taking a sip of your soda.
“N/n,” Oliver said quietly, slowly approaching you until he was right in front of you, as you watched him slowly sink to his knees in front of you, “Why did that kid do this?”
You shrugged, looking away so the team wouldn’t see the tears in your eyes.
“Y/n.” Laurel said, slightly sternly, “If you tell us, we can help you.”
You looked up at her, eyes swimming with tears, “It’s because my parents are dead.”
Their jaws dropped, “This kid was bullying you…” John said slowly, trying to comprehend what you said, “Because your parents are gone?”
You nodded, looking down and shuffling your feet.
“Oh, n/n.” Thea said, walking over and bending down to bring you into a reassuring hug.
You hugged her back tightly, tears starting to run down your face.
You pulled away after a minute, sniffling and wiping your eyes, “Sorry.” You let out a shaky laugh.
“Hey,” Thea moved your face to look at her, “You have nothing to apologize for, you hear me?”
After a moment, you nodded.
“Now come here.” Felicity brought you into a quick hug before walking over to the mini fridge and coming back with an ice pack and towel wrapped around it.
You hissed slightly as she pressed the ice pack against your bruise and she muttered a small apology.
Upon her orders, you held the ice pack to your face as the adults walked away from you, in a group huddle, talking in hushed voices.
You had tried to ask them what they were talking about, only to get told not to worry about it, which made you huff and fall back against the chair.
As they continued talking, Roy shuffled over to you and pulled a bag of chips out of his hoodie pocket, “You seem to need these more than I do right now.”
You happily took them with a grateful ‘thank you’ and munched on your chips, spinning slightly in the chair with the ice pack still over your eyes as Roy went back to the top secret circle.
After a few minutes they all broke away from their circle and they all, besides Oliver, made their way to the elevator.
They all sent you a smile until the doors closed and it was just you and Oliver left.
It was silent for a few minutes before he came and kneeled in front of you again, “Chip?” You offered, your mouth still full.
He chuckled slightly before reaching up and gently taking the ice pack out of your grip and away from your now freezing cold face.
“How long has this been going on, n/n?” He asked, looking you dead in the eye, and this time you didn’t look away.
Knowing you couldn’t lie to him anymore, you answered honestly after clearing your throat, “Since they died.” You admitted.
The heartbroken look on Oliver’s face made you immediately feel guilty, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You shrugged, “I didn’t want to worry you guys.”
“Well consider us worried.” He said, tossing your now empty bag of chips into the trash. He then paused, “Have they ever… hit you before?”
You shook your head immediately, “It never went this far.”
The blonde man nodded, “But you know how to stand up for yourself, to throw a punch, why didn’t you?”
You shrugged, “I don’t want to be like them.”
Oliver’s eyes softened, “You could never be like them, you are so, so much better. Always have been, always will be.”
You nodded, feeling slightly better.
“Come on,” he said, standing up and then whispering, “I’m sure the others are in the elevator trying to listen to what’s happening.”
You looked at him in confusion until he walked over to the elevator and pressed the button to open the door.
And sure enough, Felicity and Roy came tumbling out, proving that they had just been pressing their ears against the door to try and hear your conversation.
Thea, Laurel, and John all stood against the wall with slightly guilty expressions on their faces showing that they didn’t try and stop the other two, and were probably even having them relay what they were hearing.
You giggled as Oliver let out a little laugh, looking down at the two on the floor, “Comfortable down there?”
“Very, actually.” Roy mumbled before jumping up and helping Felicity up as well.
“Come on,” Oliver said in amusement, turning around and walking over to a cabinet, pulling out an arm full of junk food. “Let’s have a movie night.”
Felicity squealed and grabbed your hand, dragging you over to the training mat where a projector was set up for moments just like this.
John and Laurel disappeared for a moment before coming back with their arms full of pillows and blankets.
The rest of the night was spent watching movies, eating junk food, and laughing, making you completely forget all about what had been happening at school.
The next day Oliver pulled you out of that school and with your permission moved you to another one, where you made lots of real friends and you had no bullies.
And whenever someone asked you about your family, you would tell them about your smart, kickass aunts, childish uncle and your strong one, and above all, your amazingly wonderful father, Oliver Queen.
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avrablake · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @emelkae
Rules: find the seven colors of the rainbow in your wips
The fresh hum of energy from the medicine gave him the strength he needed to rip his shirt into strips. He tied multiple strips together and used the rest to wipe at the wound at his side. He sucked in a breath and ground his teeth through the pain. His efforts were futile. Blood continued to flow from the wound, soaking the thin fabric and staining his hands red. It was Kaori’s specialty. She’d explained the ingredients of her poison to him once, though he didn’t really understand it. All he knew was that the wound would bleed like hell and using his channeling would make his body burn like it was on fire.
Thea rushed off toward the back of the large main building, heading in the direction of the orange glow, and the loudest shouting. She rounded a corner and stopped abruptly.
Kaori stood in her path, swords drawn and gleaming menacingly. The blades were wet—Thea assumed with blood. Her stomach lurched and her vision swam. She sucked in a quick breath, willing her legs not to collapse under her.
(the only yellow I could find comes from this colorful excerpt. Didn’t want to just post this for the other colors though)
She couldn’t really explain why she felt that way, and consciously told herself she was being silly. She had never been one to be afraid of the dark. In fact she loved the night sky, filled with glittering diamonds overhead. Moonless nights like this one were her favorite. Without the additional light, the stars stood out even clearer in the blackness that wasn’t just black but deep purple and navy blue folded together behind twinkling white, yellow, red, and blue gems of light. Thea had once loved leaning against her mother’s shoulders as they found pictures in the stars together. 
Green and Blue
After that, time seemed to slow to a crawl and there was only darkness—thick, hot, and endless. Just as she felt like she the blackness would suffocate her, drown her, the darkness thinned and gave way to blue sky, green trees and a gentle breeze.
tagging @valpur @asher-writes and @thegreatobsesso plus Open Tag for anyone who wants it
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blueberryexistence · 2 years
Arrow Season One Thoughts
(mostly being sad over my new loves)
(i know I'm ten years late to this show, but here's to the beginning of rewatching the entire arrowverse because I'm still sad about legends)
- Moira girl you've got some issues
- Oliver's little fake smile and smirk when he's lying to people though-
- Is there any woman in this show that Oliver hasn't had a relationship with besides his mother and sister? Like EVERY female
- Quentin's voice? He needs to narrate some audiobooks, i would definitely listen
- How is Thea so gorgeous though? Can I be her please
- Not sure how to feel about Roy....
- I would marry Shado.
- Yao Fei, my beloved ..... oh well there goes that
- Laurel needs to get a new apartment- how many times has it been broken into and he shot at? At least 3
- From my random and sparse knowledge of future arrow seasons, i know that Slade Wilson is a bad guy ... But he's hot ok-
- Malcolm's reason for destroying the Glades is so stupid like there's a whole bunch of wives of husbands over there too, only a handful of people ignored yours- you don't have to kill them allllll
- TOMMY?!?!? MY LOVE?!?!?
- I can't remember the last time I cried at a tv show (for reasons other than nostalgia like in legends)
- I really wasn't expecting that to be so good...
- very excited to start season 2 because we get SARA!
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nephilim-problems · 3 years
Can't keep a secret pt 6
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This and next chapter will mainly focus on the arrowverse part of this fan fic. Hotch is talked to and mentioned but not quiet there.. yet ;)
Parings: Aaron Hotchner x reader Barry Allen x reader (past)
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of pedophilia, and, mentions of murder.
I'm not linking 5 chapters here's the masterlist
I ran into S.T.A.R labs finding Felicity sobbing as Caitlin and Cisco tried comforting her. All three stopped as soon as I walked in and stared at me. 
"Felicity," I whispered and she ran over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and continued sobbing. "We're going to find him, I promise." 
"I know," Felicity responded. " I just-- is he okay? He could be dead or-- or people from the league could've killed him," she started rambling. 
"Felicity," I said as she continued. "Felicity!" 
"I can't lose him, I can't," she muttered as I held her. 
"And you won't!" I responded. "Between all of us we'll find Oliver and Thea. But I need details." 
Felicity took a deep breath and paused. 
"It's okay, take your time," I smiled as best I could as I sat her down. 
"We were hunting someone for A.R.G.U.S when the coms went out it happens sometimes-- not often-- but he always figures out a way they all do," she choked out. "but w-when he didn't come back I called Barry. Then Barry couldn't find him and-"
She stopped and started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry into me. 
"Shh it's okay," I responded. "Oliver is okay, so is Thea." 
Everyone else looked down. I could feel the depression in the room. It's almost like I was the only one still convinced they were alive. Cisco was trying to rub Catlin's shoulders as she cried but she still continued to sob. 
I released Felicity and ran over to the computers. 
"We already checked the traffic cam footage," Caitlin whispered. 
"You did but I didn't," I responded as I pulled up every traffic cam in Star City. "There are things you guys may have missed." 
I spent the next few hours going over all the traffic cam footage over and over again. There has to be something, even something small. Joe came to join me and helped. He didn't say anything which was nice. I wasn't in a talking mood. I had a great night with a man I really liked only to have it demolished by finding out my siblings were missing. No matter how mad I was at Oliver or how estranged our relationship was I love him and I don't want to lose him. 
"Hey, (Y/N/N) check this out," Joe said and I moved closer to the screen. "Suspicious enough for you?" 
"Is that Slade?" I asked sincerely as I saw the familiar eye patch and ruffled hair. 
"Slade as in Deathstroke?" Barry asked. 
I nodded and Cisco put the video up on the monitor.
"That's definitely him," I sighed. "This was recorded 2 hours before Oliver went missing. He cut the camera." 
"That doesn't make sense," Caitlin said pacing around the lab. "Didn't Oliver cure Slade of the mirakuru and lock him on Lian Yu?" 
"Oliver has a lot of enemies," I responded. "anyone could've recruited Slade and given him the mirakuru again." 
"But who?" Caitlin asked. "Who knew Slade was even there?" 
"A.R.G.U.S," I responded, taking my head in my hands. " Felicity said they were chasing someone for A.R.G.U.S when everyone went missing right?" 
There was a short pause as everyone looked around the room. 
"Whatever this is, A.R.G.U.S has something to do with it," I said finally and Joe shook his head. 
"I don't think it's A.R.G.U.S," he said and I glared at him. "Maybe someone who was a former agent but there's no reason they would kidnap Oliver, Thea, Diggle, and Roy." 
I nodded my head, " you're right." 
Caitlin immediately ran to the computer and started looking through every single file. 
"It's 5am. Do you think Jitters is open yet?" I asked and Joe nodded. " Coffee is a must have right now. send me your orders. Let Felicity sleep though. I know what she wants." 
"Take my car," Joe said, handing me the keys and I looked stunned. "We can't risk you running into your team. use the drive thru." 
"I'll be right back," I nodded and bolted outside S.T.A.R labs. 
It wasn't until I got to the car I let the tears fall. Soft sobs escaped my lips as I laid my head on the steaming wheel. I was exhausted and scared. Scared for my siblings, scared for my friends, but selfishly I was scared for Hotch. What would he think of me when he found out? I knew he would. I can try to leave the past in the past but does it really ever stay there? I sat in the car for a few moments before turning my phone on. I didn't have any missed calls from Hotch, luckily. I didn't need to be reminded of what had happened just a few hours ago. 
I turned on the car and made my way to Jitters without incident. I ordered the coffee and waited for the order at the next window. I wasn't sure what time it was but the sun was just starting to come over the horizon painting the sky a beautiful orange and blue. The girl handed me the coffee and I raced back to S.T.A.R labs. As soon as I threw the car in park my phone started going off. I quickly grabbed it hoping it was someone with information about Ollie but saw Hotch on the caller ID instead. I reluctantly answered it. 
"Hello," I muttered, wiping my tears as if he could see me. 
"Are you okay?" He asked and I felt a sob threaten to come out my throat. 
"Fine, I'm fine," I stuttered as more tears came down my face. 
"Where are you?" He asked and I shook my head. "What's going on?" 
"You know I can't tell you that," I whispered. 
"Please," Hotch murmured and I looked down. 
I wanted to tell him so bad. My brother is the Green Arrow and his arch nemesis has escaped from a prison and kidnapped him along with our sister and his best friend. That would go over well. Maybe he'd immediately run to his bosses and turn us in, or maybe he'd keep the secret and put his life on the line. 
"I-I can't," I replied and Hotch stayed silent. 
"I just want to help," he responded simply and I felt myself break down. 
"My brother and sister are missing," I managed to say. "We can't find them."
"I can gather the team," Hotch responded and I felt my heart hurt. 
"No," I snapped. "It's too dangerous." 
"Then let me help you," Hotch replied. 
"No," I replied. "I'm sorry Aaron. I really am but I have to do this."
"You can't do this alone," He replied. "I tried." 
"I'm not alone," I replied.
There was a long pause before Hotch finally spoke. 
"I'm not going to stop trying," he managed to say and I cried. 
"I know," I responded. "I'll be back, it'll only take a few days." 
"I know it won't," Hotch sighed and I cried. "I'll file a family emergency with Strauss. She's probably going to call you." 
"I may not answer," I said. "I have to get this coffee in, Aaron. I have to go." 
He didn't respond as I hung up the phone. I was so distraught between Oliver and Hotch complicating things. Just a few hours ago I was hunting serial killers and now I was tracking down a villain we put down years ago. I was crying with my head in my hands when someone knocked on the window. 
I looked up and saw Barry red eyed staring at me. I opened the door and he took the coffee. 
"We found Deathstroke," he said and I jumped up. 
"Where?" I shouted. 
"He's in Central City," Barry said and I swear I turned green from anxiety. "Joe thinks he's looking for you." 
"Then let me be bait," I shouted, jumping out of the car and slamming the door. 
"No," Barry replied. 
"No? what do you mean no?" I snapped, ripping my coffee from the tray as we marched in. "You know it's the best plan." 
"I'm not putting you in danger," Barry responded as we walked into the cortex. 
"To hell with that!" I screamed smacking something on the desk causing it to go flying. "If you can't beat Deathstroke with your speed you're not the superhero I thought you were." 
"Oliver beat me," Barry muttered, hanging his head. "And Slade--" 
Barry paused and touched my tear stained face softly. 
"Slade trained him okay?" Barry shouted. "I'm not letting you go on some suicide mission." 
"Fine," I blinked. "Then I'll do it myself." 
Barry protested but Joe stopped him as I grabbed my suit and ran off to an empty room. I was trying my best to hold myself together as I held the kevlar in my hands. I slowly slipped it on. It was a lot more comfortable than I remembered. I wonder if Cisco had anything to do with that. 
I admired my bow for a moment before slipping it on my back. Then I slipped my mask on and walked out to the Cortex. 
"Wow," Barry said. "It's been awhile since I saw that on you." 
"at least 3 years," I laughed. "Am I doing this alone or are you giving me some back up." 
" We're coming," Barry sighed. " I don't like it but everyone else thinks it's a good idea." 
"Because it is Barry. You're going to be right there," Caitlin smiled and took a seat at her desk. "She's not going to get taken." 
"Please stay safe," Felicity muttered and held my shoulders. 
"I will Felicity I promise," I smiled and grabbed her hand. "I'll bring them all back, we will bring them all back." 
"I know," She smiled and I hugged her. "I love you (Y/N) you've always been like a sister to me." 
"I love you too Felicity. You've been like a sister to me too," I smiled as we parted. "Ready?" 
Barry nodded. 
I felt Barry grab me and suddenly I was in the middle of the street very dizzy. I pinched my nose and steadied myself. Barry grabbed my hand steadying me. 
"How can you handle that Barry?" I grunted as I felt better. 
"Just used to it I guess," Barry said and I laughed. 
"I could NEVER get used to that," I responded, which made Barry laugh. 
"I'm going to check around," Barry yelled. "Be careful." 
"I'll be fine Barry," I smiled as he ran off. 
I decided to take a look around. I was careful to listen to every single sound. I watched Slade kill my mom and though Oliver decided killing was not an option, when I thought about Slade and what he did; I decided if I ever saw him I'd immediately put an arrow through his skull, no matter what Oliver thinks. I rounded a corner and saw Slade sitting down with his hands behind his back. 
"I knew I'd meet you again Slade," I growled before feeling something smack my head. Things went dark after that. 
I groaned awake to a pounding head and a cage. Great. I got taken, damn me for being so rusty. 
"(Y/N)," I heard Oliver's voice before I saw him. 
"Ollie," I muttered. "I'm sorry I was looking for you." 
"I know," was his simple response. 
"Slade is involved," I said and Oliver shook his head. 
"Slade's a prisoner just like us," he replied and I cussed to myself. 
He wasn't sitting down with his hands behind his back. He was tied up and sat down to make it look more normal. 
"Been a long time," Thea smiled from a cell next to Oliver. 
"Yeah," I half smirked. "That's my fault." 
"Well now's as good a time as any to talk so..." Thea started. 
"I don't think now is the best time, Thea," Roy said and I laughed. 
" How's Felicity?" Oliver asked and I bit my lip. 
" A mess," I said. "She really loves you." 
"I don't think that was in any doubt," Dig replied, making everyone chuckle a little. 
"Do we know who took us?" I asked and Oliver nodded. 
"I've never met him before," Oliver said. "He called himself the Fox." 
"The Fox?" I asked and Oliver nodded. "Did he have red hair? Large beard?" 
"Yeah how did you-" Diggle started. 
"He's an unsub my team tracked down a while ago," I said and tapped my chin with my hand. "But it doesn't make sense, everything is about the female child. He's a pedophile." 
"Wait, so he's just a normal person? " Roy asked and I nodded. 
"So you're telling me we fought a mirakuru army, killed the count, defeated the league of assassins, and we got beat by a serial killer called the fox?" Diggle said and I snickered. 
"That sounds right," I said and Diggle laughed. 
" You have to work on your aim man," Dig said, making the room burst out laughing. 
"You know it's great we can have a laugh while we're sitting in cells after being kidnapped," Roy said as he laid back against the cell bars. 
"Oh we're kidnapped, what is it? Tuesday?" Thea laughed and I nodded to her when suddenly there was lightning and wind in my face before my cell door opened. 
I blinked and everyone was stepping from their cells and Barry was standing in the middle of the room holding keys. 
"I knew you wouldn't fail me Bares," I smiled and hugged him. 
"Don't hug me just yet," he muttered. "I-I have good news and bad news; which would you like to hear first?" 
"Ya know some good news would sound absolutely amazing right now," Thea said. 
"Karl Arnold will be spending a long time in prison," Barry said and I smiled. 
"and the bad news?" Roy asked and Barry shifted uncomfortably. 
"He gave Slade mirakuru and now he's destroying the city," Barry said and Oliver tensed up. 
"So we have 1 over-hyped super soldier against 1 super speedster and 5 combat trained vigilantes who were trained by the guy who was trained by Slade?" Roy said and Barry put his finger up.
"This Karl dude was also working with Reverse Flash," Barry said as he slipped his mask on. "So I'm a bit busy. By the way (Y/N) your team is evacuating people into the precinct."
I ran my hands up my face and through my hair.
"Of course they are," I sighed. "Is Aaron with them?"
"Yes," Barry replied. " Derek and Spencer went to S.T.A.R labs."
"Where did Karl get the mirakuru?" I asked as Barry ran off. "He's not some criminal mastermind. He's a pedophile that killed families. Nothing more."
"There's got to be something more to it than that," Roy said and I shook my head.
" I mean he's a sick fuck but he's human. He hates my team but that's it," I shrugged.
" He might be part of the problem but he isn't the problem," Oliver snapped. " Let's go, coms are working now so stay in touch and call if you find Slade. He's mine."
Oliver walked off leaving us stunned but he was wrong. Slade was not his. Slade was mine and I fully intended to kill him.
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herosofmarvelanddc · 2 years
OTP Tag Game
I really needed a distraction today and I saw some other people doing this game and it looked fun. I won't tag people because it's long but please do it and tag me if you want! Rules: pick your 10 favorite ships (can be in random order) and then answer the questions. Choose ships before reading the questions! 1. Romanogers - Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff (MCU) 2. Huntingbird - Bobbi Morse/Lance Hunter (Agents of Shield) 3. Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan (Bones) 4. Keenler - Elizabeth Keen/Donald Ressler (The Blacklist) 5. Olicity - Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow) 6. Jisbon - Theresa Lisbon/Patrick Jane (The Mentalist) 7. Percabeth - Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (PJO) 8. Hodgela - Angela Montenegro/Jack Hodgins (Bones) 9. Thea Queen/Roy Harper (Arrow) 10. Dousy - Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa (Agents of Shield)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Technically I shipped Jisbon before watching the show because my best friend watched it and would recount the angst of them still not being together to me every week on our walk to school. I think the first episode I watched was actually the first episode they kissed and I was in love but I didn't actually watch the show for many years. But yeah, I shipped them the entire time I was watching the show. I really fell in love with their dynamic though around season 3 or 4. 2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? Uh Yes. A lot 😅 I've also wrote several Huntingbird fics. @bobbiamorse is my favorite Huntingbird author so everyone should check out their fics! 3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/Tumblr screen saver? No, but to be fair I never have couples as my profile pic or anything. If I had a Blacklist specific blog though, Elizabeth Keen would definitely be my profile pic and Keenler might be my banner 4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? I would be devastated. Rick Riordan put them (and me) through way too much pain for them to not get a happy ending. No. I refuse to believe that Percabeth isn't endgame. 5. Why is 1 so important? Because they are perfect. Their relationship was underrated but their chemistry was off the charts. They may have never got together in the movies but every single scene they had together was impactful. CAtWS was a phenomenal movie, "I didn't want you to be alone", the 2 years on the run, the 5 years after the snap, "see you in a minute", Steve saying they were her family. All of these moments (and many more) were so small but packed a huge punch. I know people liked their friendship but they literally embodied everything I love in a good OTP. Natasha is also one of the most underrated MCU heroes despite being one of the original 6 Avengers. And Steve Rogers/Captain America is the hero I strive to be. We have similar personalities and he's probably my second fav hero after Nat. So the pair together just meant a lot to me and I love them
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Roy and Thea are a serious ship and didn't get the love they deserved! I know they were both background characters but in general, I think the writers dropped the ball a lot when it came to their potential. The one later season episode where Roy came back was like a balm for my shipper heart and I will stand by that they eventually found each other again and got back together. 7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? That’s. This one is tough. Top 3 is definitely Olicity, Dousy, and Romanogers. All 3 of these, I started shipping almost instantly which I think speaks to chemistry. Dousy had less than 10 episodes between meeting and getting together and yet it was one of the most authentic relationships on the show in my opinion. The relationship was shocking but so perfect and natural. Plus, seeing Daisy happy was exactly what I needed from the last season. Romanogers I already discussed but yeah, I think they have a lot of chemistry because every interaction had so much emotional meaning to it. Olicity has to make the list though because they were the first ship I fell in love with purely through a mutual's tumblr posts. Long before I watched the show, I shipped Olicity because every gif made of them (before they were even together in the show) had them displaying so much love for each other. Even the writer's acknowledged that their chemistry is the only reason Felicity became a regular cast member instead of a rare background character. 8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? I feel like almost all of them have incredibly strong bonds forged by years of friendship and partnership in highly dangerous scenarios. But for this question, I will say Booth/Brennan, Keenler, and Jisbon have the strongest bonds considering it took 6-8 seasons of them being FBI partners before they finally admitted their feelings. They all exhibit unwavering trust in their partner and a willingness to do almost anything for their protection. Their bond goes far deeper than their romance. (And I totally could have also thrown Romanogers in here but I've said my thoughts on them) 9. How many times have you read/watched 10s fandom? I don't even know how many times I've watched AoS at this point 😂 At least 3ish full rounds and several partial rounds. But I've only watched season 7 twice. 10. Which ship has lasted the longest? I think that award has to go to Angela/Hodgins and Booth/Brennan although they have the unfair advantage of having 12 seasons lol. Angela and Hodgins technically have a season on Booth/Brennan but considering they got less focus, I'm saying their equal. 11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? 0 unless you count Jane running away in a panic them breaking up but I don't really consider that since they were married a few episodes later. 12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Almost definitely Bobbi and Hunter. As much as I love Angela and Hodgins, Bobbi and Hunter are trained spies and have seen a lot of weird crap. 13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Did they hide their feelings from themselves? Yes. Hide their relationship from others? No. They kissed and got thrown in a lake for the best underwater kiss ever. 14. Is 4 still together? This question is rude and I take personal offense to it. 😭😭😭 Listen, Keenler is together in my heart but unfortunately, the writer's are cruel, evil people who wanted to make fans hate their show by killing off the main character. I have refused to watch the current season because of this. #ElizabethKeenDeservedBetter 15. Is 10 canon? Yup! Only two ships on this list aren't canon but luckily, Dousy is one of them and they are kicking butt in space on the SWORD team 16. If all 10 ships were out into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? This is way too hard considering most of them are some type of superhero/spy/FBI agent. I would guess that Romanogers, Huntingbird, and
Percabeth would make it the longest but who would win among them is totally up in the air. 17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? Um yeah, Oliver and Felicity 😂 Like yes others tried to use the other for pain purposes but no one was better at sabotaging their relationship as themselves. See Seasons 3, 4, 5 and bits of others for prime examples. 18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? ALL OF THEM! There is not one ship on this list that I don't firmly believe belong together and were good for each other. I wouldn't consider them OTPs if I wasn't ready to go to battle for them 19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s Tumblr page? From time to time, yes. Unfortunately, Bones has not been airing new eps since 2017 so their isn't new (canon) content to fill my soul but Bones is my comfort show so whenever I need a pick me up, I will go through the tag. 20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? Unfortunately probably Thea/Roy. I think technically they weren't even back together when the show ended. Which means they've already been apart for years so as much as my shipper heart loves to believe that Thea went back for Roy like people suggested, I would be okay with that never happening if it meant my other ships got their happy endings (which several did not. grrr)
This was extremely fun and just the distraction I needed. I told myself I wouldn't let this get too long but with 20 questions, it was kind of unavoidable.
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years
Hi! I'm reading Holiday Express Shipping and I was wondering why the Arrow family is the messiest hero family. Since I think the Batfamily and Arrow are both equally messed up. Just wanted to know if there was a story line I was missing and should read. Also what did Oliver do to Roy and how did Roy get addicted to drugs the first time? Sorry if the questions came out really rude I'm just very curious
So, in comics, while the Bats are always a hot mess, and B is a shit dad, I think there's an interesting contrast. I have a lot of the older comics on hand, and for the most part, Oliver and Roy, from the sources I possess, have a complicated relationship as a whole. And there is a point where Oliver disowned Roy, drugs or alcohol (continuity varies, but predominantly, Oliver and Roy fall out because of addiction), and when Roy goes down the rabbit hole of addiction he usually ends up doing things he regrets, or hooks up with Jade Nguyen, again this is from the comics I own, which is not many. But then there is my research, and again, Roy and addiction usually is Oliver's final straw. Now, I could see arguments for Oliver being the better father figure because he accepted from the moment he decided to take Roy in, he was a dad whereas B just was like this mentor/guardian figure to Dick, and didn't try to be a dad, because that is a point of strife when B takes in Jay and tries to be a more fatherly figure. But that's comics.
Now, in Hopes for a Bastard, similar set up for Roy and Oliver, whilst meshing in the Arrow show, and YJ information: Roy came to Oliver with a substance abuse issue; predominantly alcohol initially. But Roy went down the drugs rabbit hole, which had Oliver pulling a tough love act in a desperate attempt to get Roy to get sober, or want to get sober, and Roy landed on Dick's Titans' team to get sober. The team; Garth, Wally West, Donna Troy and Dick, did help get Roy clean, and stay clean. Roy and Oliver had a tense relationship afterwards, but they did reconcile. I did do a lot of research on sobriety and addiction though, and I know that recovering addicts are always recovering, but there is a point sometimes where you think you're recovered, you're fine, you can control the addiction, not the addiction controlling you, but again, addiction is complicated, and difficult, it's a recovery that is very difficult.
Roy hit that point at five years of sobriety in HfaB when he was approached by Amanda Waller to go undercover in Deathstroke's inner circle, and Oliver told him not to do it, so did Thea, and everyone else in the Arrow family, but Roy was determined. Oliver informed him if he went undercover he would not be able to return. The Titans supported his choice, and so Roy did deep cover work for Waller, and he relapsed. When Roy relapsed, and didn't accept the Titans reaching out to pull him out of the mission they did the tough love treatment too, cutting off contact. I'm not saying it's right, but it's what they did. Initially Roy thought he could control his addiction, but again, addiction is complicated and it's addiction. Eventually Roy fell into Jade Nguyen's group, where he got addicted to drugs. Roy was undercover for about two years, maybe three, and in that time, he and Jade had Lian and Lian was his breaking point to both get out and break out of Waller's missions.
When Roy decided to get out, he had lost contact with the Titans but he reached out to his ex, Thea. Thea and Roy were on relatively even terms when he left, she's struggled with addiction, and understands the struggles of addiction. So when he reached out, she reached back, and from there, we have Holiday Express Shipping from that stand point.
I hope that answers your question.
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spooner-cruz · 3 years
I rewatched Green Arrow and the Canaries (Arrow s8 e9) again and I have thoughts ™️.
(Arrow spoilers... duh)
First of all GAY GAY GAY
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If GAATC had gotten picked up Laurel and Dinah would’ve been together and you can’t convince me otherwise !
I know it’s the CW and they’re quite the experts on Queerbaiting ™️ (especially being a CW Arrowverse show *side eyes Supercorp*) which was probably the case, but I chose to believe they would’ve gotten together! I mean ffs their first scene this episode is the gayes thing ever.
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Laurel’s eyebrow raise and smile when Dinah notices her kfhdkchsjd
The director/writer/ whomever, decided to put this DinahxLaurel interaction so that the lyric “I’m in love with you” matches up with Dinah’s reaction to Laurel. That was fully purposeful! Dinah had a whole ass piano solo after that lyric where they couldve put their interaction, but nooo
The lyric:“Im in love with you”!! WHAT WAS THE REASON!! The songs original lyric is “I love you” and I could not find a single other version or cover that uses “Im in love...” instead. I know Dinahsiren fanfic writers picked up on this (as they should) and it’s an often mentioned fact in Dinahsiren fanfic (and i love it) but the thing is we would’ve overanalyzed it just the same had they kept the original lyrics. I’ve heard arguments that “it’s not that big of a deal” AND THATS EXACTLY THE POINT, if it’s not that big if a deal why would they change it??? We would’ve lost our minds even had kept the original lyric, but they made this change so it was noticeable!! So this was either them leading up to a Dinahsiren relationship or very detailed and precise queer-baiting, I chose to believe the former.
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Anyway that’s it from Dinah and Laurel because every single one of their interactions with his episode was gay and they deserve their own separate post + I don’t want to make this one longer than it will be.
who do I have to contact in order to know who the big bad of this show would be???
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I’ve got theories, as I’m sure many do! Please feel free to share your theories I’d love to know!!
What we know:
She’s a woman.
She kidnapped and planned on killing Bianca Bertinelli, which would’ve brought crime and disorder back to star city
She kidnapped William, which is probably how the GAATC would’ve gotten even more involved with all of this
Her “minions” wore the Deathstroke mask and seemed keen on reviving the Deathstroke Gang
THE HŌZEN!! In Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting, in Arrow it was shown to be a symbols of the Queen family, passed from Oliver to Thea to Roy than Thea again then to Felicity and finally William. However, it also symbolizes Lian Yu. The Hozēn was used in 2040 1.0 to bring William to Lian Yu, where Hōzen was initially found around a dead soldiers neck. And before the Hōzen came to symbolize the Queen family, Shado had it and wore it around her neck, which brings me to my theory.
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The main antagonist would’ve been Shado.
All the symbols used by our villain relate to Shado. The Hōzen being the main reason why I think this, before it was a symbol of Oliver’s family, it was a symbol of Lian-Yu and Oliver’s way to remember Shado. The Deathstroke mask adds up too. Slade loved Shado, everything he did was to avenge her death, and though she didn’t reciprocate his romantic feelings she obviously cared about him too.
What I see happening is that maybe Shado was brought back to life after crisis (they explained why Robert Queen wasn’t brought back but they never did explain why Shado wasn’t brought back) somehow she ends up in 2040. So Shado is alive and in 2040, and she wants revenged on Oliver for her would’ve-been death (and his legacy— hence the destroying the city and kidnapping William). It would also make sense for her to honor Deathstroke, especially if she had found out about her friends similar mission to avenge her. Plus she was one of the people who trained Oliver to be the Hood, so she would’ve definitely provided a challenge for GAATC
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Also she’s pretty and I miss her and that would’ve been so cool
I do have a few plot holes about GAATC and just crisis/the 2040 kids in general that I noticed this rewatch and they really bother me:
Did they not restore Zoe’s memory of Crisis?? (2020 Zoe that is).
I fully understand why they didn’t restore William’s memory seeing as he wasn’t actually there during Crisis and JJ was a baby so it’s not like he had memories to be restored.
But Zoe was there through it all. Yes we didn’t see her in crisis, but she had to have known about it, at least in crisis-prep season 8. Rene and Dinah both seemed pretty vocal about their vigilantism when they were interacting with Zoe, and even if they didn’t tell her about Crisis, she would’ve noticed her dad leaving for an island in the North China sea or how he probably acted all sad and shit after he found out 2040 version 1.0’s Zoe died. Plus she definitely would’ve seen grown Mia and William at least once during season 8 even if what just passing by. Also after Crisis happened, even if they didn’t restore her memory, she would’ve noticed Dinah suddenly disappearing?? Or that people that used to be dead were suddenly alive (which is another crisis issue! Moira and Tommy didn’t seem to have their memories restored yet they knew in some version of reality they would’ve been dead, so did the people who’s memories didn’t get restored just accept that dead folks were coming back). At the very least 2040 Zoe would’ve 100% recognized Dinah and Laurel (so would William for that matter wtf).
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Then there’s the Diggles.
So baby Sara seemed to have been brought back, as show in the last few scenes of Arrow. Why was she not in 2040? Would she have been included in GAATC or were they just glaze over how John and Lyla suddenly had a daughter who was conveniently the same age as JJ.
Then also the whole thing with Dig being the Green Lantern, I got to say I’m completely out of the loop with that, but it’s what Arrow seemed to have been leading up to, which just bring me to ask why tf are Digs kids the way that they are? I mean it’s not the most ridiculous thing ever, that the Green Lantern’s kids grew up to be a drug addict, and a socialite who ended up being evil, but it just doesn’t rlly add up that Diggle was the Green Lantern yet his kids are like this.
Also they whole thing with JJ being evil again makes no sense?? Yes he was reminded that in a past life he was evil, but now tf would that make him want to be evil again. Mia was struggling with embracing her past life vs her current life because she had a great life and yet felt a responsibility to live up to her father and be a hero, understandable, but JJ??? He had a great life in 2040 version 2.0, and he moved on so quickly from that when he regained his memory simply because is some past life his dad was kind of an asshole?? Idk doesn’t make sense to me.
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Marinette Vs Santa: The Final Round
Okay, so it’s 11:38 on Christmas. I promised I would post this today. So I am. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Enjoy your present.
           The jolly fat man would get his, Marinette swore. She wore a lovely gold, snowflake-embroidered cocktail dress. Her hair was done in a French side braid with voluminous Curls; more than she ever had in her entire life. Honestly, she looked like a princess.
           And it would’ve been a win for her if it wasn’t for the circumstances that made it yet another Tie against Santa.
           Roy has his hand on the small of her back since they step out of the limo. The forced sweet smile on her face was for the paparazzi that had waited outside the restaurant. When they got inside, and as they were shone to their table, Roy's hand slipped south.
Marinette stiffened and leaned close to Roy and whispered in his ear, “If you don’t get your hand off my butt, I’m going to take off one of my five-inch heels and slit your throat with it.”
Roy’s hand was gone in a flash, “Aww babe,” He said, a little loudly, nodding to the table where his parents’ Oliver and Dinah waited; their eyes watching the young couple’s every move. “You know I can’t keep my hands off you.”
           Marinette giggled, as she fought the urge to slam his against a nearby table, “Not in front of your parents. It’s called manners.”
Your lucky homicide is still technically illegal, Marinette thought viciously, and a sure-fire way to get on fat bastard’s naughty list.
           He wouldn’t win. No, Marinette had gone too far; been through too much to lose now.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Dinah stood once the two approached. She pulled Marinette into a hug. “I’ve tried to instill etiquette into Roy for years. His last girlfriends and he nearly in trouble for public indecency. Maybe you’ll do a better job than I did.”
           Marinette laughed, “I will even if I have to cut off his hand.”
           Oliver chuckled, “You’re definitely Bruce’s girl.” The resemblance was uncanny.
           After that the fell into an easy conversation.
“That dress is beautiful,” Dinah said. “Who’s the designer?”
           Marinette beamed, “I am. I love fashion. It’s my dream,” She explained. “I plan on launching my own company. While there’s always room to learn and enhance my designing skills, I feel as if I have that side at least somewhat covered. However, the business angle is something I need to learn. Which is why I plan on getting my MBA at an Ivy League. I was considering Yale or Princeton.”
“Princeton,” Oliver grinned. “Did you hear that Roy?” Roy rolled his eyes, and once again, regretted being born. “Marinette’s considering Princeton. That’s the top school on his list. Queens have gone there for generations.” He pulled his wife into a hug. “It’s where I knew Dinah was the one.”
           Dinah gave Marinette a blank stare, “I couldn’t get rid of him. It was like having bedbugs.” (“Hey!” Oliver cried in protest.) “No matter what I did, he just coming back. The only solution was to burn the entire place down and vanish without a trace. But apparently, that’s illegal or whatever. Stupid.”
“I know, right,” Marinette nodded earnestly. “What’s up with that?”
           They had a wonderful dinner. They watched a paparazzi pretending to be a waiter be escorted out of the restaurant. It was great, amazing even. Oliver and Dinah had been perfectly lovely. Roy had acted like a perfect gentleman. Marinette could’ve almost pretended she was actually meeting her boyfriend’s family. She was about to count the entire night as a win until…
“So how many grandkids should I expect in the future,” Oliver asked, a sincere look on his face, though he was snickering inside.
           Marinette chocked on her chocolate mousse and ended up in a coughing fit that Dinah helped her with. Roy had met his father’s gaze and gave him his most charming smile, “Seven,” He answered.
“Seven!” Marinette barked out and she looked around frantically as if Ashton Kutcher had revived his hit show and was about to pop out.
Oh, gods; please let me be getting punked, Marinette prayed.
            Oliver’s eyebrows went up, “Seven, huh, big family.”
           Roy hummed, “the Wayne-Queens certainly will be.”
“You mean the Queen-Waynes,” Oliver corrected, his hackles rising.
“Well, I figured since we’d be living in Gotham,” Roy didn’t even bother to hide his smirk. “We’d go by the Wayne-Queen family. I actually found this great place not too far from Wayne Manor. Plenty of room for the kids, maybe a dog or two; a rose garden. You know how Waynes are about their roses. You can visit whenever.”
           Marinette might have momentarily blacked out during this. It was how Marinette knew she had officially lost that round to Santa.
           Oliver and Dinah just looked at Roy; their entire bodies stiff.
           Dinah took a long drink from her wine glass, “Gotham has such a high crime rate. Have you considered Star City, Marinette?”
“I’ve never been,” Marinette said sweetly. “But I could live anywhere really. I’m pretty open.”
           Roy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “Yes, but I figured you’d want to spend as much time with your family as possible. Jason’s my best friend. I love Gotham. It just works. Besides Bruce Wayne would make an amazing grandpa.”
           The grip Oliver had on his dessert fork made Marinette fear for Roy’s life. It was time to step in. “I suppose Robb or Thea would love a big backyard to play in.”
           That got the other three’s attention.
“Robb? Thea?” Oliver whispered. His throat was dry. His brain tried to process what was said.
“I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But Roy and I started talking one day and well,” Marinette trailed off. A soft pink blush appeared on Marinette’s face, enhancing her overall innocent aura. She had done background on the Queen family. “Our firstborn; if it’s a boy Robb as in Robert Thomas; for your father and my grandfather. If it’s a girl, Thea Sabine; for your sister and my mother. It was Roy’s idea. He knows how much you loved them.”
           It was then that Marinette got to check off one more wish off her list. It had been made as a joke in passing to Chloe and Kagami months ago. They had been having a girls’ night. When Chloe, ever prepared, asked what they wanted for Christmas. They had been watching a Justice League fight on the news. Marinette had laughed and said she wanted to show them up one day; make a superhero cry.
           However, watching The Green Arrow tear up while the Black Canary comforted himself, made her think that Santa took her to wish out of context.
           Roy was pulled into a big hug by his parents, and he sent her a vicious glare, and mouthed, “What did you do?”
           Oliver pulled back, wiped his eyes, and said, “You know; there’s nothing like a spring wedding in Star City.”
           Marinette threw down her napkin.
Fuck Santa.
           The news had a field day. The picture of Marinette in her dress and Roy in his designer suit was what everyone was talking about. The women of the view talked about her outfit. Wendy Williams talked about her outfit. It was as if Marinette was living in another universe.
           Nothing could bring her down.
“What the hell?” Jason asked as he picked her up for school. “Why the fuck is Roy spamming me with hate texts. Why the fuck is Oliver arguing with B over visitation rights to his grandchildren? Who the Fuck are Robb and Thea? And why the fuck is Dad asking Aquaman if Atlantis really sunk on its own, or if it had a little help?”
           Marinette tiled her head, “Is Papa planning on sinking Star City? And that’s forty dollars for the swear jar.” Her parents had implements after one too many curse words were thrown around.
“Worth it!” Jason said. “And yes, I’ve positive that’s what’s going to happen. It’s gonna be amazing. Also, he’s gonna kill Roy!”
“He deserves it,” Marinette crossed her arms.
“He put his hand on my butt!”
           Jason paused and narrowed his eyes. “Correction. I’m gonna kill Roy.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes, but then she realized something. “Aren’t they’re usually two of you? Where’s the other one?” It was the routine. She was always escorted into school by two members of the Wayne family.
           Jason smirked, “You’ll see.”
           The paparazzi mostly screamed the usual things at her. At that point, she was used to it. It was the few changes at school that she was used to.
           Damocles had been fired for bribes and severe negligence. He was replaced by Mendeleev. Bustier had been fired for her role in Marinette’s expulsion without proper procedure and basically catering to bullies while blaming the victim. She replaced by a sterner teacher name Miss Reed. She was by the book and not afraid to call in the higher-ups if something smelled fishy.
           The first was any and all forms of bullying in class was no longer tolerated. The school had issued a zero-tolerance policy that the kids in Bustier’s class had felt immediately.
           The second was Lila’s supposed medical history. No doctor’s note, no special treatment. It was also required that Lila present a note from her mother regarding any future absences.
           The third was Adrien’s being pulled randomly out of class. CPS got involved real fast regarding child labor laws.
           The days of her classmates getting away with bloody murder were over. Reed saw everything. Everything.
           Alya, who had returned to class always avoided Marinette at all times. Her parents had given her the biggest talking to about respecting others’ right to privacy. Marinette had agreed to drop any legal charges against her former friend provided she adhere to the cease and desist order. The girl knew too much about Marinette. And Marinette needed to make it clear that she would bury the girl in lawsuits before she’d allowed even one-fourth of it to be made public.
           Jason had walked her to class. But he didn’t leave. Instead, he went directly to the back of the class and took a seat next to Chloe. He pulled out his phone and proceeded to ignore the curious looks from the students.
The blond eyed the ripped jeans, the overly sized red flannel shirt, and the beat-up leather jacket, “Grunge died in the 90s. Like it deserved.”
           Jason, not bothering to look up from his phone, “Paris Hilton said it’s cool that you plagiarized her look.”
           Chloe gasped.
           Marinette just looked up at the ceiling, knowing exactly how this was going to go. Chloe would not forgive this. Jason was an asshole. It would be war.
           Miss Reed walked in and didn’t look twice at Jason.
           Marinette narrowed her eyes; something was up.
           The class went on without a hitch though until just about the end of the first period…
           When Tim and a pretty, brown-haired, tanned skin, an older woman walked in the door. They looked to be having a pleasant conversation.
“Mama,” Lila gasped, her eyes wide. “What are you doing here?” She looked around frantically.
“Ooohhhh,” Marinette nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” That was what was happening. Operation: Get That Bitch.
“Oh!” Tim feigned surprised. “I didn’t know your daughter was in my sister’s class, Naomi.”
           Naomi had been pleasantly surprised when Tim Drake, the CEO of Wayne Industries reached out to speak to her about potential business ventures in Italy. He was in Paris visiting his sister and wanted an insider perspective on Italy’s economy and tourist information. Her bosses were thrilled. Wayne opening up a site in Italy would do wonders for the overall economic and industrial growth. Then they got to talking about a potential student exchange program that Wayne Industries were willing to fund.
           What Tim hadn’t told the Ambassador was that Wayne Industries had been scouting locations in Italy for their new plant for the last ten months. All the research was done. Everything was primed to go. Still, Tim was kind enough to ensure that Naomi Rossi received the credit for getting Wayne Industries on board.
Mrs. Rossi blinked in surprise, “I had no idea either. Lila, we’re here to discuss a potential international exchange program for kids all over the world. Tim wanted to say hello to his sister. Why didn’t you tell me you were friends with Marinette Wayne?”
           Marinette leaned forward in her seat. A slow smile spread across her face.
“I, well, I,” Lila struggled to say.
“We’re not the closest, Mrs. Rossi,” Marinette offered. “She’s always so busy, we haven’t had the time.”
“Ahh,” Tim snapped his fingers. “That Lila Rossi. Marinette told me all about her.” He crossed his arms. “Naomi, how was Achu? I haven’t gone yet. But from what Marinette’s told of Lila’s stories, you two go all the time. You become close to the royal family, yes?”
           Coldness went down to Naomi Rossi’s spine. She stiffened. Her eyes went to her daughter who had a look of dread on her face. Not this again, she nearly groaned. “There’s been some… confusion,” Mrs. Rossi said, gearing up every ounce of diplomacy she learned in her twenty-year career. Lila was so grounded after this. “A miscommunication, I suppose. My ambassadorship has taken my family to England, Spain, and Japan for a little while, and here in France, of course. However, nowhere else. We have never been to Achu. That is a bit above my paygrade, I’m afraid,” She laughed nervously.
           The class was as silent as a library. If Bustier was still there, a few students would’ve started yelling their complaints and cries for explanations. One or two would’ve started screaming at Lila for lying. But Bustier was gone. And the look Reed was giving her class, dared them to try.
           Tim chuckled, “Kids. When I was seven I swore I spent the summer in Greece with my parents. I didn’t find out until I was eleven that I was actually in Rome. What can you do?” He gave her his most charming smile. “England, was that where Lila met Jagged Stone? I think he’s from there.”
“Jagged who now?” Naomi asked. “The Rock Star? No, Lila’s never met him. She’s a huge fan though.”
“But he wrote a song about her!” Alya cried out. “She saved his cat from getting hit by a plane!”
           Miss Reed, “Alya, please raise your hand and keep to a reasonable level while inside. It will be detention if I have to tell you again.”
Miss Reed and Mendeleiev had agreed to The Wayne's suggestion of revealing Lila’s lies to the class. It was the only way they would believe it and that she could lie her way out of. It was unnatural the way the students trailed after the girl, simpering over grand stories and promises of famous connections. They needed to learn to rely on hard work and their own talent, not on how many famous people they might get to the chance to meet.
“A plane?” Mrs. Rossi asked, an affronted look on her face. “You think I would ever allow my child to be in such danger?” She looked at her daughter. “Your grandmother always said you would be a grand writer with all the stories you tell. You could’ve at least come with a sensible lie.”
“I can explain,” Lila said but whether she was talking to her mother or class was anyone’s guess.
           Rose raised her hand, “Lie? Lila can’t be lying. What about all the trips she takes with you? The charity organizations she runs? The famous people she knows like Clara Nightingale who always ask her for help. She’s close friends with Prince Ali. That’s why she’s always away from school. One time she was gone for weeks.”
           Naomi Rossi looked at her daughter, who did everything she could to avoid eye contact with her mother. “You told me that the school was closed due to the Akumas. It was a lie.” She looked at the teacher. “If the school wasn’t closed, Lila should have only missed three days of school this semester due to her being ill with the flu. She should have only missed seven to ten days in total last year. I do apologize, my daughter…” She gave Lila a dark look. “Seems to have a talent for tall tales.”
           Miss Reed stood up, “It’s a matter for the Principle. Her last teacher overlooked many things and wrote off what she couldn’t. Her schoolwork was done the year before; her grades were good enough to pass. She has not missed too many days so far; a few more than the average student but it happens. Any homework missed can still be made up. She is welcome in my class. However, when you get the chance, I would like make an appointment to discuss with you any medical accommodations she has that need to be addressed.”
           Mrs. Rossi crossed her arms, “She never wears her glasses. She has sensitive eyes that prevent her from wearing contacts. Without them, she can’t see more than a few feet ahead of her.” She looked straight at her daughter. “And she knows this.”
           Marinette wanted to bang her head against the desk. Why couldn’t Lila just say that? She’d have understood.
           Mrs. Rossi looked at the class, “I am so sorry for any trouble my daughter may have caused.” She looked at Tim. “I hope this doesn’t cast a negative light on any prospective business relations.”
           Tim shook his head, “Kids will be kids. Let’s continue to speak over lunch.”
“I’ll see you at home, Lila,” Mrs. Rossi said.
           Tim grinned, “Marinette, I’ll see you after school. Jason.”
           Jason got to leave only to stumble nearly down the stairs. He cast a quick glare at Chloe.
           The blond gave him a vicious smirk, “Walk much?”
“Oh it’s on,” Jason hissed.
           Marinette rolled her eyes. Last year, she had wished with all her might that her friends would see Lila for who she really was. Now the truth was out. Lila had been exposed.
           Regrettably, Marinette had already lost all her friends. And those who were still her friends, already knew the truth. So it wouldn’t change much. She’d had already forgiven her ex-friends a long time ago. Marinette just had to intention of being friends with them again. Still, it was a victory.
           Fuck Santa; this round went Marinette.
           The Justice League had been stunned when they learned that the masked hero Ladybug who was protecting Paris in an adorable bright red suit, who seemed to be made of sunshine, rainbows, and happiness was Batman’s daughter. Like so stunned that as soon as they saw her secret Identity of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and her takedown of monsters twelve times her size; one or two (or twelve) asked Superman to take a DNA test too. Because Bruce Wayne wasn’t the only black-haired Superhero around, and you know things happen.
           …Batman hadn’t been happy when Oracle alerted him that someone in the Watch Tower was running his daughter’s DNA against Superman’s.
“How sure are we?” Hal Jordan asked. “The DNA results never came back. How do we know she’s not Big S’s?”
           The main members of the Justice League were waiting for Batman and his family to arrive. Then they were would officially be introduced to the hero Ladybug.
           Superman glared, “Stop it. Batman already brought out the kryptonite the last time you mentioned it.”
           Wonder man nodded, “Her civilian self is the spitting image of Bruce.”
“All of his kids have dark hair and light eyes,” The Flash reminded them. “One of like seven or twelve, or however many he has now, we know for sure is his.”
“They are all his,” Black Canary stated with a growl. She and Oliver had adopted Roy when he was young but that didn’t make the boy any less hers.
           Just then the light of the zeta beam sounded and Batman and Ladybug appeared in the room. The clear contrast between the two was startling.
           The Dark, brooding, Knight of Gotham dressed in all black with a look on his face that could’ve made Superman wince in fear. Ladybug, dressed in bright red, with a big, cheerful, smile on her face and large blue eyes that looked positively mesmerized by the heroes.
“I brought cookies,” The small girl chirped as she motioned to the goodies in her hands. “And apple pie! It’s a family recipe. I made them myself. I really hope you like them.”
           Batman glared worsen to the point where a few Justice League members feared for their lives. The message was clear; they’d like them. Or else.
“I’m sure they’re wonderful,” Diana smiled. “Come on, let me show you where we’ll be meeting.
           Marinette tried not to stare in awe at her favorite superhero. “I also brought Vegan. And gluten-free cookies. I wanted to make sure everyone could get some.” She said as she was led away.
           The world-renowned heroes visibly cooed at the young hero. She was the most adorable thing they’d ever laid eyes on.
           The Flash laughed, “What did you bring, Bats?”
“Death,” Batman growled as stalked after his daughter.
           Cyborg swallowed hard. “I’m not saying you’re right,” He told Hal and Barry. “I’m saying for this type of situation; Maury is classier than Jerry Springer.”
           Superman groaned. They were going to get him killed.
“Apple pie!” The flash said. “She brought Apple, Clark; it’s a sign from the gods.”
           Ladybug briefing them on her hero journey had been riveting. The Justice League had always been aware of Ladybug's existence. Once aware of her, Diana had told them all the history of the Miraculous and how her own mother used to be one of the users. Ladybug, with Chat Noir for a time, handled herself and protected the city well. They saw no reason to interfere. The Justice League had strict rules of interfering with another’s heroes’ turf. They figured if Ladybug needs help, the hero would call on them. They never knew she was a child.
           Her age bothered them.
“She can’t protect the city,” Aquaman said. “We’ll need to step in.”
“Excuse me,” Marinette said.
           The Flash nodded, “We’ll need to run Intel. I’ll have Vibe take a look at things.”
“Wait! I don’t think you-” Marinette started but was cut off.
“The magic is ancient and powerful,” Hawkman interrupted. “We should call Constantine. Or Doctor Fate perhaps.”
           Ladybug shook her head, “That wouldn’t be a good idea!”
           Green Lantern waved her off, “It’s fine, kid. We’ll handle it. While we’re at it; consider joining Young Justice or Teen Titans. Get you some training before you call yourself a real hero. Until then stick with the little league team.”
           Marinette froze. What did he just say? White-hot anger coursed through her veins.
           And to think she always dreamed of meeting the Justice League; of standing face to face with the heroes after having proven herself; proven that she was just as much of a superhero as they. However, Marinette knew she was already a hero. And no one would tell her otherwise.
           The round went to Santa. But Marinette would have her due.
           Fuck Santa!
Superman said, “We’ll start having unplaced league members scouting the area. They’ll notify us at the first sign of Hawkmoth.”
“ENOUGH!” Marinette yelled. She growled at the heroes. “Who the hell do you think you are?” The silence that followed that question was deafening. “You know nothing of Hawkmoth; saw nothing of what I’ve been through. There is a reason I never called in the league. Superpowered individuals still have emotions; still anger. He can turn any of you into akumas. Get inside your heads; learn who you really are. You’ll be a toy for him. Batman brought me here to meet you; not for you to pretend you know how to do my job.”
           She glared at the room and then zeroed in on the Green Lantern. Within seconds, Ladybug had yanked him out of his seat, pulled the ring off his finger, and held by his collar as the man detransformed. “Real Hero? You think I’m not a real hero? I’ve fought monsters nightmares couldn’t even begin to fathom. You want to see what I’m capable of, Glow Stick? How about I take you to the nearest training room and see if you bleed green?”
           Batman stood up, “My team will be running point on the Paris situation; following Ladybug lead. You’ll refrain from entering the city of Paris until further notice. That is all.” He looked at his daughter and had to fight to keep the smile off his face. “Ladybug let Green Lantern go, and give him back his ring.”
           Ladybug huffed, “I’ll give him back his ring. And then I want ten minutes alone with him.”
           Hal gulped.
“No,” Batman said. “We must leave. You have to get ready for Winter break. Next time.”
           Ladybug glared and then dropped the hero on the ground. “Next time,” She promised.
           Then swiftly the father and daughter duo departed.
           Once the two were gone, Wonder Woman chuckled, “Anyone else want to question Ladybug’s Paternity. Anyone?”
           Barry had to fight the shivers that went through him. Ladybug had Batman’s glare and knew how to use it. “Nope. Never again.”
           Marinette’s first night in Gotham was memorable. The entire bat family had been waiting for Marinette when she arrived; Bruce, Alfred, Kate, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Stephanie, Luke, and Damian. Alfred, the man her brothers had deemed their grandfather, had welcomed her with open arms and a dinner that was more like a feast than a simple meal.
           On the outside, Wayne manor looked like any home in the neighborhood; quiet, idealistic, and seemingly perfect.
           On the inside, as soon as Bruce and Alfred stepped away for a moment, her siblings took her to the Batcave. It was as grand as she always imagined. Then someone (Tim) brought out lightsabers.
           Marinette thought it was a fancy version of the toy she used to love so much as a kid; her only complaint was that the plastic swords only came in green, red and the occasional blue. She really wanted a pink one and had put it on her Christmas list for two years straight.
           She pressed the button, only for the sword handle to heat up, and a pink laser rises out of it. “Tim?”
“…This is a real lightsaber,” The heat from the sword threated to burn or hand a little. Or worse. She’d seen all the movies. She knew how this usually ended up.
           Marinette nodded slowly. Because what the heck.
“Just go with it,” Luke shrugged. “Just-just go with it.” He sounded like a defeated man. A tired one at that.
“Don’t be like that!” Dick smiled, “Family bond time is the best time.”
“Jedi versus Sith?” Marinette just asked.
           Tim pointed a bright gold lightsaber at her, “Jedi versus Sith.”
           Marinette looked around at the different colored and very, very dangerous lightsabers. There was no way this could possibly go well. And with the way her Kate, aka Batwoman, was smirking there was no way Alfred would consider her proper adult supervision. Someone was going to lose a hand. Or die. Most likely both.
           But she wouldn’t back down. This was more or less her eight-year-old self’s dream. It was also likely to get her killed.
           …Marinette would take those odds.
“What team am I on?” She asked.
           Cassandra shook her head, “Up to you. Good versus is a chose; just a game though,” She cast Stern looks at Jason, Tim, and Damian, who now sported black robes, clearly, by the Darth Maul make up that had somehow appeared on Damian’s face, were clearly Sith Lords.
           Santa thought this would scare her. That she would be cowed into submission. Finally admit defeat. Well, Marinette only had one thing to say to that. Two things actually.
“Give in to the dark side, sister,” Damian ordered her. His lightsaber was red and had two sides to it much like the character he matched.
           Marinette got into a fighting stance, “Not today.”
           And Fuck Santa.
           Alfred and Bruce were not happy when they finally located the children.
           Or the fact that someone had to get their hand reattached.
           It was two to two. Christmas day had arrived. Marinette had expected the worst; had geared up for the worst.
           Nothing happened.
           Marinette spent the day with her family.
           Her parents had even arrived from Paris on the day before Christmas eve.
           They shared presents. They sang songs. The entire family was together. It snowed outside. She and all of her siblings had a snowball fight while her parents and Alfred watched from the porch.
           It was a perfect Christmas day.
           Except for one thing…
           Marinette knew the truth.
           The perfect day was the result of one thing…
           Santa was preparing too. He didn’t back down. The fight wasn’t over yet. He was too busy to mess with her on Christmas Eve or Christmas. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean anything.
           Everyone knew the Holiday season didn’t officially end until January 1st.
           After New Year’s eve.
           That was the final round.
           The match to end all matches.
           On New Years’ Eve, it would be war.
           Roy wore a tailored tux as he walked her down the carpet, passed the flashing lights of the paparazzi.
Marinette never thought she’d fight the most battle of her life in a ballgown. It was a jaw-dropping, off the shoulder, floor length silver dress with lacy unique floral accents. Her hair was in a side-braid with small forget-me-nots on top of her hair like a crown.
            It was her battle armor, and she was ready for anything.
           It was a promise, she made to herself.
           Okay so it turns out, Marinette lied to herself.
           She wasn’t ready for anything. She did not stand a chance against Santa. He was a jerk. And she was six-second from throwing in the towel and running off crying.
           Marinette had known exactly who was attending the ball. She had memorized every guest on the list. Trying to figure out exactly what the fat guy who throws out her. As soon as she saw exactly which celebrities were coming. She knew.
           The first punch had been the man ten-year-old Marinette swore she was going marry. Harry freaking Styles.
           But Marinette had prepared herself.  It would be a quick conversation and then she wouldn’t speak to him for the rest of the night.
           When she met the superstar, Marinette had smiled and laughed; had a good conversation, wasn’t even awkward at all. She wasn’t the overly One Direction obsessed 10-year-old anymore.
           It was a hard hit, and the best conversation of her life, but Marinette didn’t go down.
           Santa’s next move was a cheap shot, and she stumbled.
           Marinette had been trying to find a quiet place to think for herself so could get strengthen up a bit but, to avoid one of her brothers (Dick), she collided straight into Nick Jonas and fell on her butt.
           She hadn’t even realized it at first as he helped her up.
“Thank you,” Marinette said kindly, as she brushed off her dress. When she looked up and saw exactly who had collided with, her face turned a bright red. “You’re Nick Jonas,” She squeaked; literally squeaked. She wanted to die.
           Nick Jonas. She loved Nick Jonas. She listen to all his songs; even his old Jonas Brothers ones. She had always wanted to meet the singer; she had dreamed about it.
“Yeah,” Nick smiled. “You alright.”
           No. Marinette was not alright.
           Still, she chirped a quick, “I’m fine.” And introduced herself.
           Then he said, “Love your dress.”
“I made it! I can make you one!” Slipped out before she could stop it.        
           He just laughed though, “How about a suit instead?”
           Yeah, so that happened.
           And the night just got worse from there.
           Santa gave her a combo hit; worthy of a champion.
           Not many knew but Marinette was a huge Harry Potter fangirl. Hermione Granger was her all-time favorite. She was a hardcore Harmony shipper; Harry/Hermione forever.
           Tim knew it though. He was a big-time fan as well. And he thought it would be a great idea to introduce Marinette to the actress who played her favorite character; Emma Watson.
           It was not a good idea. At all.
The first words out of Marinette’s mouth upon seeing Emma Watson were literally, “It's leviOsa, not levioSA!”
And it was at the point that Marinette just wanted to call it a night.
Emma had laughed it off, promising she got it all the time.
Marinette met Chris Hemsworth and just wouldn’t stop giggling.
Stephanie had to pull her away.
It was then that she knew Santa had her on the ropes.
She met Big Time Rush.
The boy band had become internally famous over the last few years. Not as big as One Direction but they still had their dedicated fans. Marinette was one of them
Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Carlos Garcia, and Logan Mitchell. They were all eighteen
It should’ve have been easy. She liked their band but not nearly as much as she liked Harry Styles, or Emma Watson, Or Chris Hemsworth.
Still, she hadn’t seen James asking her to dance coming.
However, Marinette had remained calm and cool.
It’s a pity, she was still such a klutz.
Suffice to say, Marinette wouldn’t be listening to Big Time Rush for a while. And James Diamond wouldn’t be asking strange girls to dance any time soon.
Santa gave her a punch right in the face.
She ran into Tom Holland the exact moment she got the hiccups. He did his best to help her get rid of them
Marinette had just stuffed an entire cupcake in her mouth when she realized Jennifer Lawrence was standing next to her. It wasn’t too bad. As the blond did the same thing a second later.
She pointed at Johnny Depp and said, “Jack Sparrow. You’re Jack Sparrow. Oh my god!!!”
           To which he replied, “Captain Jack Sparrow.”
           Suffice to say, Santa didn’t have Marinette on the robes anymore.
           No, Marinette was on the floor; waiting for the referee to call it.
           It was an hour until the official New Year. Fifteen minutes until Marinette was supposed to perform. She was backstage. Everyone was waiting for her. She promised Tim.
And she found that she just couldn’t do it.
           The entire night was too much.
           It was all too much.
           It was over.
           She had lost.
“Rough night?” Roy, her date and pretend boyfriend asked.
           Marinette was sitting on a chair, her face in her hands, “You have no idea.”
           Roy sat next to her, “Pretty exciting though right?” He didn’t get an answer. “Tim said you met Emma Watson, that had to be awesome.”
“It was embarrassing.”
           Roy frowned, “Sabine told me you used to dress up as Hermione Granger all time. You’re saying meeting the Queen herself wasn’t even a little cool?”
           Yeah, it had been amazing to meet her in person. “A little cool.”
           Roy chuckled, “You met Harry Styles,” He reminded. “And from your blond bestie told me; my only real competition.”
           Marinette giggled. “That had been… awesome.” And everything.
“You met Chris Hemsworth,” He added. “Tom Holland, Big Time Rush, and a bunch of other celebs that I’ve been told you were huge fans of. Yeah, you were a little embarrassed.” He shook his head. “But I don’t get it; I’d be so psyched right now if I were you. So why aren’t you.”
           Marinette paused.
           Why wasn’t she?
           Marinette had met people she never even dared to really hope she’d ever meet one day. She wore the most beautiful dress in her entire life; danced with Roy Queen and James Diamond. Joked with Harry Styles. Talked Emma Watson the actress who played the character she loved most out of all the books, tv shows, and movies she’d ever loved.
           It was all a matter of perspective really. Marinette was so focused on the bad, she never even realized just how great it was. Santa had thrown the worst at her but was still there. She hadn’t run back to Wayne Manor no matter how much she had wanted to. She stayed strong.
           At one point, she knew for certain that she wouldn’t just surrender; after the Chris Hemsworth incident. If Santa wanted to win, he was going to have to knock her out.
“Thanks, Roy,” She said. “I couldn’t wish for a better date.”
           It was the most amazing night of her life.
           And no one was going to make her feel otherwise.
           Marinette stood up, determination on her face.
           She had a song to sing.
           Marinette stood on stage. The crowd looked up at her. Her hands were shaking. Her mouth felt dry. The lights were near blinding.  She had changed the song at the last minute. The music was coming from her phone anyway.
           Marinette knew the lyrics to the song by heart; had sung it a thousand times in her room to herself.
           She could do this.
I will do this, Marinette swore.
           The music started. It was her favorite song. And Marinette was going to sing it so loudly, so proudly; they could hear her in the North Pole.
“What if I told you
It was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feelin'
That we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come and now.”
           She was doing it. Marinette was really doing it. She always had a good voice. She had taken singing lessons for a long time. And her teachers always praised her talent. But after one terrible incident, she never thought she’d ever get on stage and sing in front of anyone again.
           But there she was.
“A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever…
           Honestly, Marinette could fall right on her face and it would stop the euphoric feeling coursing through. This was her victory song.
           Jolly Saint Nick had thrown at her more than she ever thought she could take. But she was still standing.
           And as long as she was, the big red guy would never win.
For that one special kiss
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this…”
The music faded. The applause from the audience roared.
Marinette and Roy slow danced to something my Celine Dion neither could recognize. The New Year was less than two minutes away.
“You’re looking a lot better,” Roy smirked. He knew he was good at Pep talks to matter what Artemis said.
“I feel better,” Marinette admitted. “It’s been an awesome few weeks.”
“Yeah?” Roy asked as he twirled her around.
           Marinette nodded, “Nearly Every. One. Of. My. Christmas wishes came true.” She tried not to growl. Positive outlook after.
“Santa must be out to get you.”
           Marinette looked up at Roy with appreciation, “You have no idea.”
“Anything he didn’t get to?” The redhead asked. “Something you can do for yourself first?”
“Countdown to New Years in 10!”
           Marinette thought about it for a second but she realized there was. There was one more thing on her list, that she added at the very beginning of Christmas.
“Yeah, there is.” She said. “Do you want to kiss me.”
           Roy nodded earnestly.
           The crowd counted down. “7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” And then Marinette kissed Roy.
           Balloons came from above. Everyone cheered. But Marinette kept kissing Roy.
           She always wanted a New Year’s kiss.
           Take that and stick it up your chimney, Santa.
           Marinette was officially the winner.
           Nevertheless, there was always next year.
           But for now, fuck Santa!
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