#losing my mind over this book (I’ve read 2 pages)
newvision · 19 days
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Raphael Bob-Waksberg, from Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory
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beeeskneeess · 3 months
pac: what do you need to hear right now 🐚
if you are new to pick a pile readings, just take a deep breath and ground yourself and energy, then pick which pile you feel drawn to.
Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t because this is a collective reading
I use intuition and my tarot deck
DISCLAIMER: this is for entertainment purposes only. Take everything with a grain of salt.
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Pile 1
Cards: page of pentacles, the high priestess rx, the 2 of swords rx, 6 of pentacles in rx, 6 of swords in rx, 9 of wands rx, page of wands
Back of the deck: Ace of wands
Random: 1010, plague mask, captains hat, the brothers sun // charles sun, (the netflix show with michelle yeoh[so good]), a guy sleeping, 
invisible war - sitti
arthur’s theme (best that you can do) - christopher cross
Hallu pile oneee!!
I have no idea if i’ve just been watching too much netflix, but what first came into my mind was bruce sun from brothers sun. It’s a TV show on netflix. He’s always a reminder to stay soft and use your words. A strong message of don’t let the world harden you just because you are hurt. Don’t hurt others just because they hurt you. Stay soft, but stand your ground. Don’t lose yourself because of other things that are outside your control and influence. Clear things that don’t make you, you. The main message really is don’t lose yourself despite the circumstances you are in. Despite all the hurt, the expectations of others, the opinions of others or whatever you’ve been through, don’t lose yourself. Don’t forget who you are and what you’re capable of. 
Overall, nurture yourself and your inner fire. Let it burn. Nurture the fire within you. The fire that makes you, you. Not the fire that others have lit for you. What makes you passionate about the things you like doing? What do you like doping? What makes you happy? Start over again if you have to. It’s never too late for second chances.  Find that spark again and let it flourish. Don’t compare where you are to where others are. You are exactly where you are meant to be, even if it means starting all over again. You are never too young or too old to start doing that thing you want.
To do this, set strong foundations for yourself. Be committed and continuously put small efforts that lead towards your success. A small step is bigger than no step at all. And even if you can’t see what’s ahead of you, follow your heart, follow your intuition. Listen to yourself and not your ego of what should be and what could be. Listen to what you want. Don’t doubt yourself.Let go of anything that is really holding you back, like what i’ve mentioned. You have to let go of the expectations of others, the hurt, the opinions of others. And though it is valid, everything you’ve been through is valid, you have to let go. You have to move forward and look to the future.  And despite the challenges you might encounter, stay committed. Do the best that you can do with what you have. Rest, but never give up. Don’t beat yourself up too much, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just have fun with it. It’s a very privileged saying however, life is too short to take it too seriously. I guess realistically just have a balance of fun and seriousness. Also, ask for help if you are having a hard time. You don’t have to go through things alone. Just continue to stand your ground. Don’t be swayed by others, let yourself flourish. Stand in your power. Guard your passions. And find small things to fall in love with this passion as you go along your way. And fall deeply in love with it. Romanticize it. Because in the end, you’ll find yourself. As an undying fan of percy jackson books and series, “hold fast. Brave the storm.”
Thanks for being here! I hope this helps you and I wish you all the best <3 💫
Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t ! 😌
If you enjoyed this reading and found it helpful, why not tip a college student :’)) Thank you in advance 🌊: https://ko-fi.com/ceedeesbees
If you want to book a paid reading with me, just DM me following the instructions in this post. Thank Youuu :>>> 🏄‍♀️
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Pile 2
Cards: the empress, queen of swords, 3 of swords, 8 of wands, 9 of pentacles rx
The back of the deck: the wheel
Random: Walking away with a peace sign, trust, saddle, 222, I keep yawning and I feel heavy, daydreaming, sledding,1515
Song: I couldn’t stick with one, nothing really stuck i think it’s because nothing feels right or worthwhile. Maybe what is needed is silence for a bit to come back to yourself. 
Helloo pile 2! Whats upp?
I think overall, have you been pushing yourselves too hard :’) Please if you have to rest and get some sleep. You’re probably wondering when you’ll stop being tired (?) but, you’ve never even caught a breath yet to reflect on everything that has happened to far. You haven’t really felt your emotions in a long time. I feel like you got to listen to what you’re feeling especially if it’s fatigue. It’s time to take it a little bit slower. You’ve been going to fast, and maybe feel like you have to go really fast. I feel like I’m just lying on my bed ready to sleep. I think you should too. Even my brain isn’t working too well right now. I feel really tired as well. 
Overall, you need to trust a little. There’s a lot of doubt and the feeling of needing to explain yourself, but no need. Just do things because you want to. Especially if you need to take a break. Just sleep for a while. I feel like you’ve done all you could, now its time to leave it up to fate or the universe or any higher power you believe in. Let it go. Trust the process. You don’t have to be in control of every little detail. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out because maybe there’s something better for you out there. Give some time for yourself, don’t be too hyper focused on one single thing. There are other things in your life that matter as well. And you matter as well. Take good care of yourself. Nurture yourself. If you’ve been through disappointments recently because you feel like you haven’t done enough,let me tell you, you have done enough. You have done more than you know. Now it's time to trust that despite all these disappointments, you’re being guided to where you are meant to be. 
Funny enough, I don't feel like I have to say a lot for this pile, but I keep thinking I have to write more for this pile. But, I really don’t feel like I have to write anything anymore. I feel like it’s all enough. I think this is what you may be thinking too, like you haven’t done enough. But i’m here to tell you, you did, and you don’t have to be overworking yourself too much just because of comparisons you make of yourself against others. The message is kind of similar to pile one if i’m being honest here, this time it’s don’t let your comparisons stop you from resting or from thinking you aren’t good enough. Because you’ve already given so much. Too much even. Maybe it’s for faster results or what not, but you’re getting burnt out and you need to rest. Take a break. It’s hard to enjoy anything when you’re tired or stressed. Take things slow and one at a time. Just chill and slow down for a sec. Nurture yourself again. Watch comfort shows or films. Listen to music that brings you back. It will get better. You’ll regain your strength once again, just give yourself some time. rest , but never give up. 
Thanks for being here! I hope this helps you and I wish you all the best <3 💫
Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t ! 😌
If you enjoyed this reading and found it helpful, why not tip a college student :’)) Thank you in advance 🌊: https://ko-fi.com/ceedeesbees
If you want to book a paid reading with me, just DM me following the instructions in this post. Thank Youuu :>>> 🏄‍♀️
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Pile 3
Cards: 3 of cups rx, 9 of wands, 10 of pentacles rx, queen of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, 4 of swords, temperance, page of pentacles, 9 of cups
Back of the deck: page of swords
Random: banana, a guy holding his head and about to tear out his hair in frustration, dolphins, anchor, exercise, a girl with a hat peeking out the side of a boat breathing in the fresh air, surfing
So Slow - Freestyle
Hello Pile Threeee!!
Let’s go!! this is my pile for real. You guys are so hyper, yet so chill. HAHA the duality. Anyways, to start reading with the energy, I'm sorry this is very unhinged and TMI HAHA, but my lower abdomen hurts so Idk if you guys are constipated (cos I know I am) or it’s something with your root chakra. The root chakra is blocked when you fear change or just in the constant fight or flight mode. So, I suggest you try clearing this. Though, I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not very sure what the step by step process is like. But, in my not so expert opinion, I would try doing shadow work. Also grounding exercises for your root chakra. But I think it’s best if you guys also do some research on it. 
Overall, The main theme here is to explore. To get curious. Try new things, be open to new things.  Aaand,  I just wanted to say this cos you guys are my favorite kind of people, I hope you continue to be unapologetically yourself. If you have a question, don’t be shy to ask it. If you want to compliment someone, go ahead and do it, I'm pretty sure it’ll make their day. Anyways, what I'm saying is be a little more open to new things that come your way. Explore it in moments and really take it in, like let it all sink in for a bit. Relish it. Stop and smell the flowers for a while. I’m also really getting it to slow down. And ground yourself. I know you guys are hyper (and i love it ngl), but there still needs to be order. There might be so many things swirling in your mind that you’ve lost track and you already feel so confused on what to say and what to do because it’s all over the place. Take things one thing at a time. ground yourself, get to know your thoughts and feelings and be more open with these things that enter your mind. Take it slow. You don’t have to rush. No one is chasing you. You can just chill for a while. Take it a day at a time. Also, take some time out to feel your feelings and notice your thoughts. Explore them some more one step at a time. Take some time to get to know these. Even though my cards were a bit chatty, a lot of them flew out. I needed to tell it only a little cos I'll get confused if it was too much. 
In line with being open to new things, I’m guessing you also need to remove the things you don’t need in your life to let these new things into your life. You need to remove it even though you’re afraid. But if it isn’t making you happy anymore or if it’s an item and you aren’t using it, it’s best to let it go my friend. I hope you guys clear the things you don’t need, so the universe can bring you the things you need, and maybe so that you can explore more and get curious about the world, and step out a little bit. 
Thanks for being here! I hope this helps you and I wish you all the best <3 💫
Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t ! 😌
If you enjoyed this reading and found it helpful, why not tip a college student :’)) Thank you in advance 🌊: https://ko-fi.com/ceedeesbees
If you want to book a paid reading with me, just DM me following the instructions in this post. Thank Youuu :>>> 🏄‍♀️
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Pile 4
Cards: 5 of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of swords, the fool, 6 of wands, king of wands, 10 of pentacles in rx, page of swords rx, 8 of swords rx, ace of pentacles
Back of the deck: page of wands
Random: a girl in a maxi skirt standing alone in a deserted place. You probably keep telling yourself to focus. 
Hello pile fourr :>>
You guys feel like you’re stuck or stagnant at the moment. Like maybe you have nowhere to go, but you feel like there’s a lot you can do. Maybe before, you were very high achieving. Very ambitious. You did everything and anything you could to achieve something. But your eyes have grown tired. Nothing is giving you the same fulfillment and satisfaction anymore. You feel like you’ve lost all passion for things and are just working on a routine over and over again, and you’re bored. You tried the things that made you fulfilled before, but no bueno. It’s not the same anymore. And there’s no need to feel guilty that you feel like you aren’t doing as much as you would have liked as to. There’s no need to feel guilty if you aren’t chasing the same passions as you once did. 
There’s definitely a lot of things that the cards wanted to say if I'm being honest with you. But, It’s too much hehe i’m gonna get confused for real. But the main thing right now is to start fresh. Try new things. Start from scratch. Start from 0 again, and commit to it even if it becomes hard. Only change or switch it up when you can see it isn’t working out or is just bringing you down even more. Just keep trying new things. This pile is similar to pile 3, but more stuck, not knowing what to do. Cos for pile 3, they’re literally gogogogo, and scattered (in a good and bad way) So, keep trying new things and find the one that sticks because out of the many things you can do here, you can’t run out. Don’t stay still, keep moving. If you’re in a desert and can’t see where else to go, of course you have to keep on walking until you find the right place to stay. And you probably won’t get it on the first try,even if I know you really want to speed things up and hurry it up and keep moving forward, you got to try to stick with one first. You got to explore your passions and new things related to it, even if it may seem hard and what not. I know you’re doing what you can right now, and it’s very admirable, and I hope you just keep exploring, and don’t let failures or the need to rush get in the way or keep you stuck in place because you’re the only one doing that to yourself. You won’t be able to get yourself unstuck unless you take action, and pull yourself to try something, and keep on trying even if it doesn’t work, and rest once in a while when you’re tired. And you’re already focused enough btw. If you keep thinking to yourself, “focus”. You are, you just need to explore a bit outside of that “focus”.
I also wanted to say you are not worthless or anything if you feel like the things that give you passion once don’t stick as well. Maybe you just need a break. Try something else, explore new things that make you happy. You don’t have to revolve around one thing all the time. And If you’re worried that you’re losing that passion you loved so much, you're not, you just need some time for the fire to rekindle again. And sometimes that comes in the form of exploring new things.
Thanks for being here! I hope this helps you and I wish you all the best <3 💫
Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t ! 😌
If you enjoyed this reading and found it helpful, why not tip a college student :’)) Thank you in advance 🌊: https://ko-fi.com/ceedeesbees
If you want to book a paid reading with me, just DM me following the instructions in this post. Thank Youuu :>>> 🏄‍♀️
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Metal Head Princess. Dad!Eddie series. *FLUFF*
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(My header)
Summary: Baby Munson is… (yeah I know we already know based on the header 😅😅)
Word Count: 925
TW: *I know that gender is a social construct, and I 1000% support and believe that. But I did assign gender, I figured with it being a fictional, “oc” character it wouldn’t be a huge deal… I could be wrong.* Eddie being obnoxious (lovingly)
“I’m telling you, it’s going to be a boy 1000 percent.” Eddie chuckles, one hand on the steering wheel while the other is on her thigh.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want a girl.” She teases, taking a sip of water. “I’m telling you, the books and the old wives tales I’ve read about, we’re having a girl. Plus I just feel it in my body.”
Eddie sighs dramatically. “You’re that convinced?”
“Yes! Plus, I see you having a little baby girl version of yourself. You making her listen to all the metal bands, being just like you but with little pigtails and chunky little cheeks.” She smiles, already thinking about how cute and sweet their future child was going to be.
“Yeah I guess I wouldn’t mind a little metal head princess. Next to you of course.”
“Care to make this interesting?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
“Oh, I’m intrigued. Go on.”
“If it’s a boy, I will let you name the baby anything you want. I can’t say no to whatever name you pick.”
Eddie throws his head back and belly laughs. “Yeah, that’s good. Alright, and if it’s a girl?”
She sits silent and thinks for a while, before she laughs to herself. “You have to let me practice doing pigtails on your hair. Bows, headbands and all.”
“Okay, yeah you got a bet, babe.”
“Why am I so nervous? I haven’t been this nervous since our first date.”
“It’ll be fine! You’re just worried you’re gonna lose.” She teases, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Okay, I think I have a clear enough picture. Are you ready?” The doctor asks with a smile on her face.
“Yeah.” Eddie smiles, reaching for his wife’s hand to squeeze comfortingly. “Yeah we’re ready.”
They both look at the screen, watching the fuzzy black and white picture.
“Okay, so we are looking for a possible extra part right around here to indicate what you’re having… and I’m not seeing it, so I think it’s safe to assume you are expecting a baby girl, you two! Congratulations!”
She instantly bursts into tears, clasping her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, really? Is it really a girl?” She sniffles.
“Yup, it looks like it! Congratulations you guys.” She smiles warmly.
“Babe, it’s a girl!” She looks up at Eddie, tears still filling her eyes. As she looks at him, she notices the tears in his eyes. “Eds?”
He clears his throat, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I’m okay. Just… just really happy, is all.” He says to her, kissing her head. “I’m so happy.” He kisses her forehead twice, swiping his thumb through her tears. “Is the baby looking good, doc? She’s healthy and all that?”
“Yes, she's looking very healthy. Nothing concerning or anything I’m worried about. I'm going to print these pictures out for you guys to take home and then I’ll be sending you guys on your way.”
Eddie was getting a quick drink for both of them, deciding on a movie night for 2 to end the day. He looked to her through the kitchen, her body laid out on the couch, a book resting on her bump as she read the words on the page. He loved being able to look at her and just watch her without her knowing, even though it sounded creepy.
She always had her hand on her little belly along with a smile. He loved that she was embracing the “soon to be mom” role; reading all the pregnancy books she could find in her spare time (even trying to get him to read the books too so he knew what she was going through).
“Babe! Come here!” She calls from the room.
Eddie grabs their glasses and walks to her, handing her a cup as he rounds the couch. “What’s up, babe?”
“Did you know that right now she’s the size of a banana?” She says, putting the book down on her belly to look over at him with a smile on her face.
Eddie smiles back, placing his drink on the table in front of him before he lays between her legs, his head resting on her stomach. “Doc said that she could hear me now, right?”
She nods her head, lifting her shirt up a little bit.
“Hey in there. You’ll be hearing a lot from me now that I know you can hear me. I uh… I just wanted to tell you I love you a lot already and I can’t wait for you to get here.” Eddie smiles, rubbing both sides of his wife’s belly. “Actually, I can wait for you to get here. We don’t have anything ready for you yet, so don’t be in a hurry.”
She can’t help but laugh, making her belly jiggle. “Lay down the law with her dad.” She jokes.
“You know, I just realized something… probably going to have to stop calling me daddy in bed if that’s what the baby is going to call me.”
“Edward James Munson! You are disgusting!” She screeches and laughs, pushing his head away from her. “She heard you say that!”
“Sorry!” He laughs just as hard as her, kissing the bump. “Sorry to you too little girl. Damn, going to have to stop calling you that now too.”
“Eddie!” She draws out the “e” at the end of his name, pushing his head again. “You are such a perv.”
“I mean, this is how you got knocked up, babe.”
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curatoroffiction · 2 years
Seductive Speechcraft Midterms Part 2
Satan's one of your partners for Seduction Speechcraft Midterms.
Content Warning:
- Romantic themes (Non-sexual)
- Flirting
- Cheesy seduction
Fandom(s): Shall We Date: Obey Me!
First Chapter
Chapter 2: Satan’s Seduction
You move to grab a new prop from your bag, deciding to take a character prompt from the bowl of prompts before sitting yourself back at the table. Your character for this scene is designed to have an illness they can't cure, which modern medicine couldn't help with. This time, you're reading a medical textbook. You open the page to a random one and motion to the teacher that they can beep in the next student.
Whoever it is, they're taking their time to assess you from afar. They haven't stepped past the door. You begin reading your book, and you have to stop yourself from snickering as you realize you opened to a page on liver disease. This will be a fun scene if they try to ask about what you're reading like the last one. You're in a pretty great mood as you hear footsteps come up alongside you.
"Mmnh, the Merck Manual of Medical Information. That's a curious read. Are you a doctor?" The smooth voice is familiar and you look up to see the familiar lime-blue eyes of Satan.
You smirk and turn your head back to your book. "No, I just love a good medical textbook." Leaving it up to him to interpret whether you're joking or not.
"Sounds like you've got quite the hunger for knowledge." He smiles warmly, moving to take a seat at your table.
"Actually, it's more about how it's written. This particular edition was written to be read by folks of all walks of life, attempting to make medicine an accessible study to the common folk." You push the subject of the book. You want to see how well he can engage you in something you know he's not as well-versed in. It's a human realm book, and he's shown a lot of interest in learning about human texts before. It also pushes your character's narrative in an interesting way.
Curious surprise paints his face as he processes the challenge you're throwing his way. His smile returns once again, this time much more sure of himself as he playfully pretends to muse in thought, stroking his chin. "Hmn.. Would you say you're particularly passionate about making knowledge accessible~?"
"Oh yes, absolutely." You slightly put your book down, keeping your thumb inside it to keep your page, but now he has some of your attention. You begin studying him, now taking a moment to take him in. Your calculating eyes actually fluster him a little as he feels embarrassed, realizing that he's got a foot in the door. "... You don't seem like you're here to ask about my thoughts on this book, however. Out with it. What're you lookin' to get from me?" You've got a playful demeanor, despite your hard pivot into the subject matter of his approach.
Satan lightly taps your book cover, eyes locked on yours. "If you're looking to expand your horizons of knowledge, I've got access to libraries you've never even dreamed of." You can feel his magic tugging at your mind. The sense of ease. The comfort. The intrigue. The way it makes you want to ask more. The way it makes you feel like he's telling the truth.
You watch him for a moment, visibly curious. He knows he's got you, but before he can continue, you finally break eye contact. You scoff, opening your book once again, leaning back on your stool to read. "Something tells me that what you want to teach me is a little less studious, and a little more dubious." He's losing some ground, but that's fine.
He loves the challenge you're posing. He loves the way you side-step him. It makes him have to use his mind to think of ways to intrigue you. The demon can't help but to grin a little as he leans back, watching you, getting comfortable. "Dubious, certainly. I am a demon, after all. Though if medicine delights you, you're only scratching the surface with what that book can tell you.
"You glance to him and look him over, which earns him a skeptical chuckle from you. "Funny. I've actually heard that one before. I'm certain some might call you a 'demon', but I'm not interested in playing fantasy." You choose to ignore his comment about the medicine. It'll be easier to resist if he has to prove himself to you.
"I assure you, every word I'm saying is the truth. Would you like me to prove it to you?" He's keeping smooth, his voice is like that soft, gentle tone he usually only uses when it's just the two of you sharing late-night chats over books, which is to say he's very relaxed and in his element in this moment.
You raise an eyebrow, setting your book on the table, your thumb still propped inside to keep your place. Your other hand rests atop the one in the book and you give him the majority of your attention now. "Well now I'm curious. How does one go about proving they're a demon?"
He stands up and looks around before shifting into his demonic form for you to see. You feign surprise, now letting your hand forget your place in your book as he has your full attention. He smiles warmly to you, waiting to gauge your possibly scripted reaction. You lean against the table, the hand that was in your book now supporting your head as your eyes narrow in visible calculation.
".. Alright then. So you're a demon. What's got you interested in me, hmn?"
Satan shifts back into his humanlike form, once again seating himself at the table. "You've got one of the brightest souls I've ever seen. No doubt, it's honed from time well-spent studying and improving yourself. I want to strike up a deal with you for it." He's very straightforward in this portion of the conversation, which suits him well. It helps that as he speaks, his eyes are warm and gentle, his smile challenging you to find a flaw in his approach.
It makes him seem trustworthy and approachable, which is very dangerous. You can feel him layering in his magical influence as he speaks, helping you to feel safe, to feel light-hearted. As though this were a conversation about favorite music instead of the fate of your soul.
Once again, you feel yourself having to tear yourself to breaking eye contact. You unconsciously touch your face as you look away from him. ".. Sounds a bit too good to be true. I thank you for your offer, but you're just going to have to find someone else to sucker outta their soul.”
The smile once again spreads through Satan's lips. It's hard to contain his excitement. He knows he's got you. He's keeping a cool head though, and even when you steal glances at him, you aren't be able to tell how delighted he is to finally give chase.
"I hope it's not too presumptuous of me, but..." He begins, lacing every word with a glaze of honeyed allure. His magic is much harder to resist this time. You can feel as your senses are awash with the comforting influence. Your heart relaxes. Every word he says feels like a truth that you can and should trust. That he'd never hurt you. "You're passionate about medicine being an accessible study, you read with such fervency that I feel almost jealous of your book for getting so much of your attention.. I just can't help but wonder if it's all because you're searching for an answer yourself."
"..." Your silence and the way you stare at him speaks volumes.
"You've got the drive, I've got the tools, we can make that dream of yours a reality."
You give his offer serious consideration. Your job is to find the reason your character would say no to such a deal. "... You've got the tools, but your price is a bit too steep. I may spend the rest of my life working towards it, but I could also pave the way for others to expand medicine as we know it in the process." It takes a significant amount of energy for you to deny his sweetened offer.
He loves getting to play off of you. You're so different from the usual actors for these kinds of tests. This feels so real. So organic. He can't help but admire your dedication to the part. "If you're looking to pave the way for humans to grow in medicine, whatever you do with the information you learn through our deal is all your own. You can teach as many people as you like. Pass on ages and ages of medicine untapped by humans." Every word from his mouth feels like it's a brush stroke building a bigger scene in your mind. One of grandeur. Of greatness. Of answered questions. It feels like you're standing on the precipice of a legend in the making.
All you have to do is say yes."..." You begin to bubble with soft laughter. It diffuses the building tension of his magical influence building inside of you as you stand up. ".. Something tells me that if I don't go now, I'll find myself lost in those hopeful eyes of yours. ... You can consider me painted with intrigue, but I can't allow myself to make a judgement so rashly."
"Certainly. I'd never want you to regret this kind of deal." His warm smile melts your heart, making you really believe he's going to let you walk away. "How's this- Take however long you'd like to for thinking things over, and when you're ready to talk with me about it, you can use this." He places a page with his pact sigil on the table. "Draw this sigil in a circle of candles and speak my name out-loud. We'll pick this up where we've left things off."".. And what's that name of yours?"
"..." You feel a warmth in your chest. You've definitely fallen under his influence. It's intense. Unlike Asmodeus' charm, this is a type of magic that just makes you more suggestable. It can't control you, it's just capable of bringing your desires to the surface. Dangerous magic indeed. You knew he was talented in this class, you just didn't expect it to feel so... real. ".. Thank you then, Satan. I'll consider your offer."
You take your D.D.D out to take a picture of the sigil and turn to leave the 'stage' of the front of the room and your teacher begins applauding. You sheepishly return to the front of the class, the effects of Satan's speechcraft magic still tugging at your mind and heart.
"Ooh, top marks all around! Satan! You were perfect. You took it slow, you took it careful, you were deliberate. You took care to earn their trust before sharing how much they gave away about themselves. If that were a real moment on earth, there's a very good chance you'd have gotten that soul. You were smooth, you were warm, you knew exactly where to lace your influence so that it felt natural. ___? Did it feel as though he was just a very emphatic speaker?"
"Oh god yeah. That was intense. I had to expend a significant amount of energy to tear myself away from the scene, because it felt like infatuation bubbling to the surface, making me want to hear him out." You can't help but laugh. Satan's cheeks warm up as he hears your praise. He does think he's particularly good, but hearing that directly from you adds a certain layer of excitement from what would otherwise be normal marks for him in this test.
"And you, ___!" The teacher motions to you. "The way you chose to separate yourself when you realized you were outmatched by the strength of his magic, and that you couldn't fight it head-on, that was a brilliant display of your cleverness. In instances where your opponent is particularly strong or well-versed in Speechcraft, sometimes the only winning move is not to play. I'm also particularly proud that you didn't pick up the paper on the table. Any number of objects can be cursed to make you more susceptible or agreeable to demonic influence."
Satan raises his hand. "Is there anything I can improve on?"
"Yes yes- Improvements. Satan, I don't have anything to share in terms of ways you could improve your performance. You hit every note that you needed to, and then some. ___, you need to work on making little-to-no eye-contact. Though you may not be susceptible to charm spells at this time, there's no telling if that'll ever change in your future, and you should be particularly careful to cultivate healthy practices in magic resistance." You nod, taking in the feedback, and Satan smiles, watching how determined you are to get things right and improve.
The teacher motions that Satan can leave now, and you two give each other a warm hug before he goes.
After such an intense session, you end up needing to take a break, putting the midterms on hold for the other students assigned to work with you. It's no wonder, though, given that Satan's one of the seven avatars of sin. The fact that you could resist him nearly as well as you did was nothing short of amazing on your part.
Your teacher notes as much in her notes on your performance.
Chapter End
Chapter List:
- Chapter 1 (Setting The Scene) - Chapter 3 (Mammon’s Magnetism)
You can read the rest of this series, and other works, here!:
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mr-awesome-balls · 2 years
The 10 Novels I Read on May (+1 bonus cuz it's that good)
Just wanted to say that @thedollymaker and @hippo141 are angels and this post is for you guys! Hope y’all find it useful <3 
I’ll be rating and ranking the novels I’ve read from best to worst. Most (more like all) are romance novels which are also popular on BookTok. Writing the tl’dr non-spoiler ver here with more in-depth review on an upcoming post (bc tumblr deleted my half completed in-depth review and it’s nearing 1 am rn so yeah):
1. Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren - 5.1/5 🌟
I have to admit I read this on June 2022, and have read 4 more books since too but I just HAD to put this here because it's that good.
It tells the story of 2 best friends (who are almost soulmate-like imo) who have recently met again after years of losing contact. They had a falling out, but when they met everything just falls so perfectly. And we find out what happened in the past. It had the craziest twist (that i kinda knew was coming but oh my lord let me tell you that I BAWLED). BIG hurt/comfort theme. It reminds me of a warm hug and just - of Home. Home's embrace/warmth if you will.
2. It Ends With Us by Collen Hoover - 5/5 🌟
Girl meets the perfect Boy, but maybe there’s something more than meets the eye. Major page turner, this books makes me feel so much and at the same time left me feeling empty. I learnt valuable real life lessons from this book and you won’t regret picking this up. Hurt/Comfort piece. Also also, read the Author’s Note after ending the novel cuz it provided much needed clarity/resolution/peace.
3. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hover - 5/5 🌟
If you’ve read it ends with us and it left you feeling “it could’ve worked” ((not gonna spoil more but if you know, you know)), then boy is this the perfect one for you. It tells a story of this couple’s journey of overcoming terrible stuff ((think It’s Quiet Uptown, Hamilton)). And also, Best. Coho. Male. Lead. Ever. ((Graham my man, UGH)) So so Romantic.
4. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood - 5/5 🌟
THIS IS THE CUTEST ROM-COM, way more lighthearted than the previous 2. Fake dating, ball of sunshine x broody/grumpy trope, age gap. It’s so cute and the banter is so amazing. I recommend.
5. Funny You Should Ask by Elisse Sussman - 4.6/5 🌟
This novel to me feels comforting. It’s a slow burn but in a comfortable sense? Journalist and Movie star had an unforgettable weekend that left much needed resolution. A decade later, they met again but both changed and grew for better or for worse. Sometimes, stories don’t have to be dramatic. And this novel feels genuine in a sense - a genuine adoration.
6. Verity by Colleen Hoover - 4.5/5 🌟
Murder-mystery, very suspenseful, very exciting, but leaves you mind fucked. Like after ending this, I was just like what the fuuuuck. This novels fucks with your head like ngl. Best opening scene. Young writer was tasked to finish another successful writer’s novel series after she is left incapacitated. But she found a manuscript that perhaps reveals so many terrible truths, or is it?
7. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover - 4.1/5 🌟
This book is spicy, hot and romantic. It’s cute. Started a bit slow but it has quite a strong ending. Friends with benefits to lovers. Brother’s best friend. Pining. The my life is too much of a mess to love again trope. ((read this before november 9 for cameos)) 
8. November 9 by Colleen Hoover - 4/5 🌟
This book is fun and exciting. Boy and girl meets once a year, over a span of 5 (or 6?) years as their relationship grow. It’s endearing, how Ben (main guy) just encourages Fallon (the MC) to love herself more. 
9. In Five Years by Rebecca Serle - 3.7/5 🌟
This perfectionistic, planning and success obsessed lawyer saw a vision 5 years into the future to find her planned life so different than it is now. I’d say that this book is not what you think it is. Imo this is not a romance novel, but more on friendship and learning to letting go. Life happens, it still goes on.
10. Confess by Colleen Hoover - 3.3/5 🌟
To love is to sacrifice is the essence of this book. It’s about 2 people who is sacrificing so much to love the people they love. But maybe, they need to learn to value themselves - to not discount themselves too much. And in finding that in each other. 
11. Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood - 3.2/5 🌟
Environmental engineer inherited a house from her mentor. But what said mentor forgot to mention was that half of the ownership of the house belonged to her nephew (who’s this lawyer at this BP-esque unethical capitalistic giga corporation). Enemies to friends to lovers. The stuck under one roof (thus the title) and the oh my god they were roommates trope. It’s short, it’s cute, it’s sweet.
Just wanted to say that Colleen Hoover is an amazing writer and reading it ends with you got me out of my reading slump. TikTok is a great place to find recommendations <3 Technically I read like 10 books in 2 weeks and it’s more books I’ve read in the past like what, decade? ((well maybe but like i’ve probably poured those energy into fanfics which could easily quadruple the number but eh)). What I’m trying to say is that this is fun, reading is amazing hahaha.
I’m planning on reading unhoneymooners, hopeless, maybe someday and some other more soon but let’s seee, feel free to drop recs on my askbox~
**EDIT** Ok y'all, Imma do a quick update on the ranks because I read 1 wonderful book that just OOFT.
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phoebenpiperx · 7 months
9 favourite most reread books
Thanks to @retrieve-the-kraken for the tag. It's hard for me to list my fave books, so instead I'm listing my most reread books. Here's the list (which is a really eclectic collection); my comments on each book are below the cut:
1. INTO THE DREAM by William Sleator
3. THE ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY series by Sydney Taylor
4. ABOUT THE B'NAI BAGELS by E.L. Konigsberg
5. GAUDY NIGHT by Dorothy L. Sayers
7. LONESOME DOVE by Larry McMurtry
8. MAURICE by E.M Forster
9. All 4 DRAMA! books by Paul Ruditis
1. INTO THE DREAM by William Sleator = It involves prescient dreams, telekinesis, UFOs, and the most terrifying of all things: ferris wheels! (Yes, I've had weird nightmares about ferris wheels my whole life, which is probably why I was first attracted to this book!) I got this book in 5th or 6th grade, and I reread it every few years when I need some shivers down my spine!
2. LORETTA MASON POTTS by Mary Chase = This creepy book, once again with a smart, quiet boy as viewpoint character, involves a long-lost unremembered sister, a secret passage in a closet, a palace, and an enchanted bridge (and has great illustrations like the one on this cover.) I loved this book and reread the library's copy over and over as a kid (and finally got my own copy!)
3. THE ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY series by Sydney Taylor = The series is about a Jewish family of 5 girls (thus all-of-a-kind, though at the end of the first book a baby boy is born) living in NYC in the 1910s. Although my personality is probably more like Ella or Sarah, my fave was always Henny, who was rambunctious and got in lots of trouble. I loved all the details of old-time New York AND all the Jewish holidays that were celebrated.
4. ABOUT THE B'NAI BAGELS by E.L. Konigsberg = It’s a fun book about a boy studying for his Bar Mitzvah while dealing with his mom managing his Little League baseball team, but at its core it’s about the heartbreak of losing a best friend. “Great pains make great heroes, but toothaches just make lousy batting averages.”
5. GAUDY NIGHT by Dorothy L. Sayers = This is a mystery novel set in Oxford in the 1930s; it's the 3rd in a series of 4 novels involving the romance between detective Lord Peter Wimsey and author Harriet Vane (though this one is primarily from Harriet's pov). I just reread this last week, having just got back from Oxford so I wanted to read it while the city layout was still fresh in my mind.
6. DIED ON A RAINY SUNDAY by Joan Aiken is a British thriller about a young mother dealing with creepy household help and lots of chilling rain. After checking it out from my school library, I left it lying around the house and came back to find my mom reading it and unwilling to put it down! We ended up sitting side by side on our floor heater, reading the page-turning finale together, and I’ve reread it many times since.
7. LONESOME DOVE by Larry McMurtry = My mom tried to get me to watch this Western miniseries but I simply couldn’t get into it. A few years later I stumbled upon the middle of the series and got totally addicted. I got the book and ended up reading its 945 pages three times back to back...while living in London! I remember riding the tube home, sobbing as I read the final pages, and then flipping to the front and starting it again, something I’ve never done with any other book.
8. MAURICE by E.M Forster = This story about homosexual love during Edwardian times wasn’t published until after Forster’s death, and the book demonstrates the pain of having to hide one’s true self from the world. “For during the long struggle he had forgotten what Love is, and sought not happiness...but repose.”
9. All 4 DRAMA! books by Paul Ruditis = The high school narrator in this series is gay, “But don’t worry. This isn’t one of those angst-filled books where I’m struggling to come to terms with what it all means. I’ve long since accepted it. I’m gay. I’m over it.” These books are a fun, snarky take on musical theatre, with a play as the title for every chapter and lots of musical references. These are the books I read when I’m doing a show and need a reminder that there’s always chaos backstage in every theatrical production (though I've never done a quadruple-cast show where the leads keep getting taken out!) A large portion of the 4th book takes place at the Ren Faire (and the narrator spends most of his time in the stocks because he keeps using anachronistic devices like a cell phone!) Just a warning, though--the end of the 4th book sets it up for an awesome 5th book, but the series was canceled, so don't go looking for it! But there's closure for the important stuff so you're fine! 😁
And I'll tag @kaysonthejackal, @prettyinsoulpunk, and anyone else who may want to make their own list of faves, etc.
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samtheacesheep · 9 months
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
10. Has a piece of writing ever \"haunted\" you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?: 
There’s a few examples of this for me. The first fandom I was ever in was the MLP fandom- more specifically, mlp equestria girls. And there is one specific fic I read, probably one of the FIRST fanfiction I EVER read, that has probably affected my own writing- both fic and original- in hundreds of ways. It was an angst fic about Sunset Shimmer, who was my favourite character. I don’t even remember if it was good, I was like 13 so my taste wasn’t exactly discerning, but I remember how much it affected me. I reread it over and over again, and I’d say that it really affected how I write, and the subjects I choose to write about.
Even earlier, my favourite author as a child was Jaqueline Wilson. Her specialty was The Kids Are Not Ok, essentially- the main characters in her books were always going through a lot. So I can see how her books also affected how I write. Also, her autobiography made me want to be an author, so there’s that. Thanks JW for the life’s purpose :) 
With both of those examples, I mean haunting in that I can see how they affected me in how I write, in what I write- they’re both there in my stories. 
There’s other pieces of writing that have haunted me more in a “god I can’t stop thinking about this” way- I read Sleep Over recently, brilliant horror book that really affected me. The Locked Tomb series, obviously. Definitely some fanfics I’ve read that I couldn’t stop thinking about for ages- I lie awake at night thinking about them. 
As for my own writing, generally when I get really into an idea I can’t stop thinking about it. I start relating everything to it. 
that got longer than I was planning, oops 
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
1: My plan for the dwampyverse fantasy au is… ambitious, and would be 5 longfics if I wrote all of them the way I want to (obviously the existing mml fantasy au fic is one, so 4 to write). Genie, please let me keep my ambition and motivation to finish them all? Please? I’m so passionate about this project don’t let me lose interest don't let me-
2: Motivation to write an original novel would be good
3: More time to write lol
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?: 
I do all of those things. (although I don’t do it to nice hardcovers, and obviously not to borrowed books or library books). I don’t mind my paperback books being a bit well loved, and I kinda prefer the way they look AFTER they’ve been read- battered and dog eared. 
So obviously I have literally no room to judge anyone doing anything to their books, and I don’t mind someone dog earing my books if I lend them out. However if someone damages a library book I will kill and bite and stab
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch: 
I’d love a true love and all that… but im gonna have to go with the wip. I’ve always wanted to be a published author and write an epic fantasy series
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tobeornottotc · 1 year
I've been viewing your reblogs of the MindF*ck series and my interest is piqued. Can you please pitch it to me?
HIIII no I’m actually losing my mind okay so first 2 books ain’t what you’re here for it’s insta love forbidden romance between a serial killer and an fbi agent but even after 3-5 I NOW LOVE all the books despite the bad writing and the shallowness of characters in book 1-2 but BUT girl when I say it’s a love story between a female serial killer (and we’re in her head) and a fbi agent with the belief that he has to put down serial killers and hates corruption and politics BABE WHEN I TELL YOU once you get to book 3 literally from chapter 2!!! Everything changes everything CHANGES I swear to god, and it just keeps getting better you learn about the revenge plot line the serial killer has been on about and why they kill how they kill, it’s about a whole town its basically like a straight Hannibal 😭😭 but it’s so perfect I can’t explain it has horror elements like the graphic descriptions and what happens in the book but THEN it has thriller elements once you LEARN about why this girl has to BURN THAT TOWN 😭 you become invested in so many characters and disgusted by others you lose your mind and you start to want her to hurt and destroy it all and you want her man to STOP BEING A BITCH and get on her way of thinking and You dread him discovering and YOU CRY and you THEN lose it as the mystery is uncovered about ALL THE VICTIMS every single one of them has a story that is pure heartbreaking IT ALL COMES TOGETHER and it becomes an insane thriller and it has queer CHARACTERS BEING AWESOME, found family and IT HAS like the most mind blowing reveals and THE FINAL guy on her hit list or who should be the final guy 😭😭 I’m it’s just too good ignore writing style, get through book 1-3, I promise you I don’t lose my mind over shit unless I genuinely think it’s something that needs to be read! I can’t even spoil I can’t even explain, and it’s the first series where the romance is the most smallest thing I care about here, I just. BUT there are so many trigger warnings this is a dark very dark book very graphic not for the morally uprights, not for the ones who hate romance tropes that question morality, BUT I swear I’ve never loved something more in my life than the experience o went through with novellas 3 to 5 each novella is 100 pages long we’ll kinds it’s about 690 pages in total 😭😭
Sorry I’m losing my mind wondering how I’m goanna read something again after this
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kosmosian-quills · 2 years
His Last Letter
A sad sad piece I was inspired to make for this week’s @flashfictionfridayofficial​!
Set at the end/towards the end of the story.
POV: Anjelika/Angel
Tumblr media
My hands are trembling as I take the hardback book from Michał's hand. It's a battered old thing. The pages worn away in the corners, the cover peeling away
"I've held on to it for almost a year for you, your majesty," he tells me, "I thought that you should have it.”
I run my fingers gently over the cover, where something has been either torn or cut out, leaving a strange hole in the centre. I open the book and on the first page, I am met with my father's signature.
Looping, controlled and with precision, it fills my heart with heavy, yet warm memories. Times when I had seen him sign his name. The way he curls the "j" in his forename, how he crosses the "ł" in his patronymic.
"Is this...?" I manage to croak out, not realising quite how painful it is to speak, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.
"... Your father's diary, yes. Or, one of them," Michał looks down at me, "there weren't many, but this is the only one I could save. It starts around your birth, and ends..."
I turn to the next page. Sure enough, it's there - November 7th, 2005, scribed in that same loopy typography.
It has been an incredibly emotional few days. Two days ago, my daughter - my wonderful, angelic little girl - came into this world, and I couldn't be happier.
It feels wrong, it feels bad to read this. It feels like an intrusion, a forced entry into something I should never have read. Like I'm stepping on the incredibly private words of my late father.
I suppose, in a way, I am.
A part of me wants to close it here, to bury it in the deep recesses of my mind, and hide it away somewhere. Leave my father's words alone, let them stay unread and private.
But another part of me feels comforted by those words. I can read them in his voice. Feeling the love that he put into that sentence.
I skip forward a few pages and there is a photograph stuck in. An old, retro style photograph - square with a white border, slightly wider on the bottom, with a date written in neat calligraphy.
June 2006.
It's a little baby, presumably me, in front of a mirror with my hand resting on it. My head has turned to face the camera, like I was fascinated by my reflection, and someone called my name.
The entry below the photo says:
Anjelika loves her reflection, she loves talking to them. I could watch her all day.
I wipe away the tears in my eyes and realise that I'm in here alone now, Michał must have left me to read this by myself. A fact I am grateful for.
My heart aches when I look back down at the baby in the photo, little blue dress with smiling sunflowers looking back up at me. Father clearly loved me. I know he did. Why did he never show such affection as I grew older?
Why did he never play games or tell stories with me? It always seemed to be the matrons, my mother or - rarely - Dziadiu Jan.
I flip through the book further, my eyes catching on a newspaper cutting that has been stuck in close to the end of the book.
It's me, again. Except I remember this.
Crown Princess Anjelika officiates the centenery for the Związek Harcerstwa
Barely 2 years ago now.
Me, smiling to the cameras, holding a bunch of flowers that were gifted to me by the young ladies of the Związek Harcerstwa. I find it darkly humerous that this photo was published and not three hours afterwards, I had been held at gunpoint.
There's a whole three pages dedicated to this day. I suppose father had a lot to think about.
she's grown up so much... I regret that my mother isn't alive to see her granddaughter as she begins to follow in not just mine, but her footsteps... I was close to losing her today. I don't know what I would have done...
A loose piece of paper slips out of the back of the book as I flip forward again. I bend down to pick it up, and I realise that it's...
My beloved daughter, Anjelika,
My heart races. My chest tightens. My eyes fill with tears.
It pains me to write this. I have thought long and hard about what you were telling me.
You are my only child, and seeing you so upset by what I was suggesting has made me battle my own ideas about what is best for you. Please understand that all I wanted was for you to be looked after, I wanted you to become a woman who was loved and respected by someone she loved, who loved her equally in return, like the relationship your mother and I share. You never knew your grandparents on my side, but I was mortified at the thought of never seeing you have a family of your own.
I can understand now that forcing my idea of what is the best thing for you was not how I should have approached this. You know yourself better than I do, and your desire to remain unmarried for now is something I should have respected. The fact that I tried to force you into agreeing to court someone  you barely know has sickened me, and I am sorry for trying to do that to you. I hope you can forgive me.
I most especially should not have done this in light of what happened last year. I should have known better, and yet I did not see it.
I hope we can speak about this clearly tomorrow, and work together to decide the future you see yourself in, and I will be beside you with your mother every step of the way.
In my heart always,
your father
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
Zellionsweep masterdoc needs a disclaimer so I added this. If it doesnt end up being allowed to blaze I’ll be so sad
If you’re seeing this and it’s been tumblr blazed just know that absolutely none of this is real lore about a fictional character. Cosmere tumblr went a little crazy over about 12 hours because of a kickstarter stretch goal reveal of a completely unknown character in a book series where book 5 is coming in 2 years and book 4 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger. Not to mention these are 1000+ page books. Anyway I said I’d blaze it if we got it trending and we did and despite everyone waking up this morning and going wtf was that. That was weird. I don’t what came over us because it was an interesting 3 days with lots of psychoanalysis and discourse about a single characters kickstarter reveal and also two preview chapters being released for the said book releasing in 2024 that made us lose our minds and this was just the icing on the cake. So I collected this lore because of the chaos and confusion and also because I like to collect random lists of stuff on here. Look at it. I have like 5 or 6. I’ve only been in the cosmere fandom since January. The list was long and contradictory and complete and utter bullshit. However I do not hold back on my promises of saying I will blaze it. So here we are. You’re confused by what you just saw and I’m confused why I collected it in the first place. Anyway read the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson. This won’t help it make any sense but it’s a good read
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cherrybomb618 · 1 year
Some CoT shenanigans (?)
I know it's been only a day since I read the book but I need to do this so badlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Here are some thoughts about CoT that I need to get out in the open before they eat me alive. I’m just a fan of this series since 2014 and I’ve been waiting for this book to come since that year.
(Note: English is not my native language so sorry for the mistakes)
-------------------------SPOILER ALERT!!!-----------------------------
In general I can say I really enjoy the book, I liked it a lot. I mean, I did feel it a bit rushed since the Intermission chapter, and at the same time I felt it a bit slowed before the same chapter. I felt as things that were relevant (for example, the bracelet thing or finding Lucie) could be written or summarized in two or three chapters but took so long to resolve. Anyways, I’ll be breaking down some of the stuff that I can’t stop thinking about
1. The love triangle. I mean, WHY? There was already a third person in that relationship (aka Gracelet). I won’t lie, at the beginning I wanted to know what would happen or how would it be if Matthew and Cordelia kissed. But just a kiss, not the whole bridge and hotel scene. While I was reading half of it, I wanted the kissing to stop lol. I mean, you can see how much she drowns in love for James in the past books, but there are just tiny glimpses of her POV when she acknowledges Matthew’s smile, eyes, etc., but not in such a romantic way as when she talks about James, it was more friendly if anything when she talks about Math. That difference made me feel that maybe the scene was kinda out of place. Idk, I just felt as if there wasn’t enough romantic history between these two to make such a scene like that (not the way as in TID where you could see Tessa and Jem having those moments as well as Will and Tessa). Their friendship was really special, and it should have remained that way. This love triangle felt as another way to wound Matthew bc I think everyone knew how it would end.
2. Cristopher’s death. IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT (Of course I’m sad but you know). Because I really wish we could’ve been able to see more of him in the past books. I had a really strong feeling that all his potential was only shown in a few pages of CoT, in the way he helped Matthew with his abstinence and Kit’s reaction and wisdom about all the bracelet thing.  I know he’s similar to Henry’s character (in the way he’s too wrap up in scientistic stuff) but Kit is WAY CLOSER to the Merry Thieves (damn, he was one of the 4 members – and as far as I’m concerned James, Matthew and Thomas characters had similar relevance) and way more INVOLVED in the plot than Henry was on TID. I do think Kit deserved more relevance.
3. The coronation. I had hope it would have some deeper meaning to the plot, as if the coronation would allow Belial’s to take control all over the world, not only London (I can’t recall if it was mentioned, if that’s the case, I would’ve liked more elaboration as to the consequences)  – or for instance, it would had some other frikin’ dark and evil reason as to why he’s been planning all this stuff up since so long ago.
4.  There were too many characters for only three books. I mean, we followed so many storylines and that’s why I felt it was a little rushed in the end. And even in the Epilogue, it didn’t give me a sense of closure (tbh, Idk if that’s for the better) – still, I don’t know why I have this feeling as if there were things left unspoken. Like I was expecting for a conversation between James and Cordelia after everything that they went through. Same for Lucie and Cordelia (this is another thing that had me losing my mind, see next point). I was hoping that we’ll get to see Matthew’s story confession and the whole gang reaction. I thought we would see all and more scenes I wanted to read but there were only sentences that made look as if everything was so unseeingly settle.
As well, there were situations that I thought would be a little bit hard to work out (Anna and Ariadne relationship or Alastair’s confession for reference (Idk if I’m missing something but I don’t recall Sona knowing that Alastair liked men, pls forgive my bad memory if that’s the case ☹)) but at the end it was so simple. I mean, despite everything Anna and Ariadne had said in the past, I was expecting they’re relationship to develop a little more strongly. Idk if that makes sense but I felt such an absence of Anna’s usual character, Idk why (For instance, this is regarding her behavior before Kit’s death). I mean, they never really talked, there were only kisses scenes - but I wanted them to actually sit and settle things down, not in the rush of the moment, like the battle.
5. Cordelia and Lucie relationship. OMG I wanted so bad for them to be parabatai. This was one of the reasons I wanted to read TLH, but tbh I felt as if their relationship was push aside (for most of the series). I know each one of them had a secret but I’d loved to see them bonding more than for a few scenes. And in the end, IDFK when did they worked out their problems. I mean, there were pretty awful words and hurt feelings between them but I don’t know if I missed the part where they apologize – or at least talk about it. Still, I’m happy to see they did get to do the ceremony and all.
6. Grace. For most of my reading of TLH I only thought of her just as a tiny not-so-evil lovely bug that was manipulated by her mother. I didn’t exactly hate her – I felt a strange sympathy for her. It was such a complex character and I liked the way she was developing throughout the book – until the epilogue. Idk what it was but somehow, I felt her ending incomplete.
7. Tatiana’s death. I didn’t want Cordelia to kill anyone. I mean, I know they’re shadowhunters but they kill demons, no humans or someone like them. It was weird at the beginning BUT honestly Idk what other ending I can imagine for all the horrible things Tatiana had done.
Now, things I actually LOOOOOOOOOOVED.
1. The way Matthew’s problem with alcohol was handled. I was so f****** afraid he was going to die bc of it, but he didn’t so I’m happy.
2. One thing that I really loved was the fact the it was the love that James felt for Cordelia what break the bracelet and free him from its power and also overpower his grandfathers will (considering that man was a Prince of Hell). I found it rather poetic.
4. I didn’t know how much I needed the scene between Tessa and Lucie until I read it. (And the little fraction of sentence were Tessa and Will were fighting the Watchers).
5. This may be controversial, but I feel so conflicted about the ending. I already established that I didn’t get the closure that I’m used to regarding other CC’s books. Still, I can’t help but be happy that the couples (except for Kit and Grace) ended up being together and happy.
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markrothkono61 · 2 years
a cheeky little 567, even though you said some extremely wonderful things in your tags <3
Ana! My dearest friend Ana! I will never ever ever be able to say enough wonderful things about you (but will always do so when the opportunity arises). You’re the sweetest, smartest, kindest person Ever and all these years we’ve been friends I’ve loved every single moment we have had together. All our jokes, our Kavvadias obsession (πότε θα μπαρκάρουμε;), our shared ability to lose our mind over our silly little books, our epic conversations…ah! I could go on and on but I’d fill volumes! I thank you most ardently for putting up with my late-night literary rants (to who else could I send pages from the plays I’m reading, at 2 am?) and all the poetry I send you. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us and I love you lots!
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art-of-manliness · 3 months
Odds & Ends: January 26, 2024
Pumping Iron. A classic docudrama about a subculture — bodybuilding — then in its early and golden era. Pumping Iron, released in 1977, focuses on the 1975 IFBB Mr. Universe and 1975 Mr. Olympia competitions, with a particular emphasis on the showdown between future movie stars Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger (who’s got charisma and quips to spare). You don’t have to appreciate bodybuilding to appreciate what is really a showcase of the elements of sport and excellence (training, discipline, preparation) and the dynamics of male competition: the mixture of camaraderie and rivalry, physical and psychological warfare, the desire to beat opponents and the ability to admire them, the status-boosting rush of victory and the esteem-crushing agony of defeat. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I first read The Seven Habits of Highly of Effective People back in high school and was blown away by Covey’s ability to create fresh, compelling angles on common sense principles — put first things first; begin with the end in mind — and show how they can be implemented to create a flourishing life. Since then, I’ve re-read The Seven Habits every few years to remind myself of these important fundamentals that I already know but are so easy to lose sight of. My son enjoyed The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, written by Sean Covey. It takes the seven habits and makes them approachable for teenagers. Listen to our podcast about The Seven Habits with Covey’s son, Stephen M.R. Covey, and read our series about each of the habits. Books and Biceps. Jon Finkel is an author who wrote some guest pieces for AoM over a decade ago. He’s got a newsletter I subscribe to and enjoy called Books & Biceps, where he recommends books that dudes might enjoy, along with some workout motivation. Thanks to Jon’s newsletter, I’ve added a few books to my to-read list.  Blackwing 602 Pencils. You might never have thought that there was a difference between pencils, or that there could ever be one that justified paying more than $2 for each. But you thought wrong, and have evidently not tried Blackwings. I was first introduced to the Blackwing 602 by this weirdly interesting guest article all about pencils that we ran several years ago, and was immediately hooked. Made in Japan, the Blackwing 602 features a soft dark core of graphite encased in fragrant juniper wood. It’s a pleasure to write with and glides across the page (the tagline for the 602 is “half the pressure, twice the speed”). It’ll change your opinion of pencils, and maybe even get you to switch out your pens for them.  Quote of the Week False happiness is like false money; it passes for a time as well as the true, and serves some ordinary occasions; but when it is brought to the touch, we find the lightness and alloy, and feel the loss. —Alexander Pope The post Odds & Ends: January 26, 2024 appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/T1x7YY
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dev-does-doodles · 7 months
From Dusk Till Dawn Update: Drawing scenarios!
Hey there person that happens to read this! This is Dev! This is more of a post for me but also for anyone who happens to read my currently work in progress webcomic, From Dusk Till Dawn, if it isn’t finished! By the time of writing this, I am still probably working on Chapter 2! I’ve been…having trouble as of late with life which has made me lose track. But it’s always been on the back of my mind and I’ve been chipping away at it!
Along side posting up some of my other creations, I’ve been posting up drawings of Dusk, Dawn and even Fenn together as if they’ve been a group, partners, or buddies for years! Which is funny, since the main story that they come from and meet together isn’t finished! Just know if you’re confused, just assume that these drawings happen somewhere after From Dusk Till Dawn takes place, or somewhere before.
I’ve got a ton on my mind on scenarios I wanna put the trio in. Especially for Dusk and Dawn. It helps me stay motivated with developing their personalities! But I for sure going to make sure the main story is completed. That’s going to happen, I promised myself!
For Chapter 2, I FINALLY got over this huge stump for a scene. And while I still need to add shading, words, and the little details. Have a looksie!
- Dev
( Things are subject to change! )
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Here’s a link to the main page of the webcomic if you are interested!
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secret-third-thing · 8 months
Hi! 21, 39, 42 and 67 for the ask game, if you're still doing it 🥰
HEYYYY How are you? Thank you for asking!! I wrote a bunch so it’s all under the read more. 
For folks who want to play or reblog, here’s the link! 
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
YES. RESOUNDING YES. 1) As long as we keep the scope small (at least the first time 2) and we don’t have a huge looming deadline. I’m happy to do alternating chapters, writing multi-pov or “owning” certain character perspectives, w/e. My strengths are probably planning and revision… and also interactive fiction ;) 
For what it’s worth, my longest story ever was a 200 page cw-style drama styled drama I wrote with a friend over 2 years. SO MUCH FUN!
I also think I'm a decent beta!
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
This is so far in the future for BITW, but it’s just sassy enough to get me excited. Gianna's started an illegal gambling den in Autumn because our girl is going to lose her mind a bit. Warning: very WIP
Gianna won the hand and scooped her winnings towards her, earning groans from the males at her table. She smirked and called for another round to begin ignoring Eris approaching her from the other side of the den.  "Of course you're behind this, Gianna," Eris said, his voice cutting through the air, brows raised accusingly. She looked up to find him standing over her, red hair and amber eyes gleaming in the dim faelight of the establishment. He donned a sly grin as he leaned casually on the table. “What’s next? You’ll be opening a brothel?”  "Should I?" she replied, matching the intensity of his stare. "I hear your brothers have quite the appetite."
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Oh my gosh. It’s been a HOT minute since I’ve read fanfiction. I have a bunch of Azris stuff lined up to read, but I’ve been mostly reading IRL books at the moment. I’m currently reading While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams and I’m debating either rereading Empress of Salt and Fortune or starting The Foxglove King. 
According to my history, the last thing I read was this: The Asking Price by TheLonelyBarricade. I absolutely recommend it if you’re an Azris fan.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I want to be a prompt/challenge writer so badly, but 90% of the prompts I see are romantic/smutty and I’m just not that confident in my ability to pull off that kind of writing. I’m thinking it might be fun to do a couple of kinky things for Kinktober, but I may chicken out. HM
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lilmackiereads · 9 months
For the review WITHOUT SPOILERS, click here. To continue WITH spoilers, begin reading after the cover photo.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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I am actually surprised with myself for giving this such a high rating as I am easily very bored with the teen romance novels. Of the few YA romance that I have read in the last year this has been my favorite which was a total surprise! I actually almost gave up reading it in the first 50 or so pages because I found the initial few chapters from Spence’s point of view unrealistic. For some reason I just didn’t feel like the dialogue and thought processes going on in this 13-year-old boy’s head felt accurate to the tween boys I’ve known growing up. There wasn’t enough swearing or boyish grossness. For instance, I feel like he needed a bit of a sprinkle of yucky (belching/ nose-picking/ farting/ name-calling) like the boys in Stephen King’s “The Body” aka Stand by Me (1986), The Sandlot (1993) or Stranger Things (2016) because many boys at this age are generally just pretty gross and obnoxious in my experience. (I grew up tween to teen between 2008-2018 and babysat lots of kids and now I work with middle school and high schoolers…)
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HOWEVER, I think Allen did nail Spence’s dorkiness, which is why I ultimately kept reading because he is pretty adorable and his taxonomies are pretty funny.
Unlike John Green (The Fault in Our Stars, 2012 and Turtles All the Way Down, 2017) and Becky Albertalli (Simon vs the Homosapien Agenda, 2015) who are two of the best teen writers that can accurately display the minds of the opposite sex in my opinion, I feel like Allen struggles a bit with writing Spence’s point-of-view. I found Hope’s p-o-v more realistic (and relatable) as a female, but I think that Spence became more realistic as the book progressed from age 13 to 19. Especially once he hit puberty, I think the romantic stakes and thoughts were more accurate to a teenage boy. Haha. But what do I know? I’ve never been a teenage boy.
Hope reminded me a lot of myself because I’m generally happy-go-lucky, but I had a major emo-phase in high school that really warped my attitude at the time (and admittedly comes out to play occasionally as an adult.) I wish we had more chapters from her perspective. I was bummed out when her sister died. It's hard to lose someone so close to you, especially when they're so young. The only thing I didn't like about Hope was her last name, Birdsong. I think it was just a little too on-the-nose. If we're really going for the "girl next door" she could have just had a basic last name like Smith or Miller.
I really liked all the little parties the characters through for the holidays and the references to Hamilton (2015), Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Grease (1978), and Pokémon. Jayla and Spencer's Pikachu and Ash costumes sounded adorable. I feel like Hope’s transition over the story is actually a lot like Sandy’s! Also, the two girls at the Halloween party who were Sandy before and after, such a cool costume idea!
Jayla and Dean were both kind of annoying at times, but ultimately, I think they had good hearts, but were just a little too self-involved for their own good. I really appreciated after Dean went to college and grew up a little and started to stand up for Jayla and Spencer.
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I also like that the book goes over some important topics like racism and the Civil War, disability awareness, bullying, mental health, and using sexual situations as a coping mechanism.
My top three favorite parts are:
The Vice Principal’s Surprise -- I mean DICK CONFETTI? How much better can it get?
2. The Tree Stand in the Rain -- My little heart at all the romance:
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3. The Lightning Bugs -- Just such a sweet and magical moment.
Would I Read this Book Again?
Low key kind of want to read it again right now! I hope they make a movie of this!
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