#losing it. sometimes the fishing simply embraces you.
theminecraftbee · 4 months
Namemc spoilers: Fishing madness got to Grian
me, opening namemc: oh yeah we saw on scar's stream yesterday, the bags under his eyes, the entire barrel of enchanted books that WEREN'T mending, really--oh the page has loaded now--ah. hm. that's. YEP THE MADNESS HAS GOTTEN HIM ALRIGHT.
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hazelfoureyes · 1 month
Sending in anon because I'm a coward... 😩
I'm a new reader, and I just have to say-- your "a doe in fall" series is just... AMAZING!!
I could go on, and on and on about how much I love it. But what gets me the most is always Alastor's dialogue, because as someone who is also on the aro/ace spectrum, I just get it so much. Especially the subtle hoping that reader can like... Read his mind about how he feels for her, and the weird sort of stockholm syndrome we sometimes develop with ourselves after being alone with only our own company for so long, and it really is, lol, like you just get so used to being alone for so long because you know the idea people have of you, you can't truly live up to, so you don't want to "disappoint" them that you actually aren't like they are, so you just sorta... Keep them occupied at arms length-- Therefore you're forced to adapt to your company being the only love you have for a long time. it's like an obligation.
And when or if the special somebody who understands you comes along, you realize... "Wow, I've been living like this for so long, is this what it feels like to be loved and appreciated, in spite of my oddities, or maybe even in favor of them? Strange..."
Emphasis on the "strange" part because, when you're so deeply entrenched in your own soul, sharing your space for another almost feels more like learning how to swim rather than an instant "click", sparks, fireworks and whatnot. The excitement of the magical "other" has been long since drowned and snuffed out of you.
So, when this somebody who is similar to you, or just simply understands, doesn't try to change you or ignore you, but instead envelopes you and adores you, the appreciation is deep and overflowing. But there's a part of you always pinching your heart, a sort of awareness of something that isn't the case, wondering "Is this a dream? what if it is and I'll wake up and this is not at all what I was thinking?".
Haha... ANYWAY, sorry for the slightly morose and LONG read 😂 But I always think of how similar I am to how you write alastor and it's scary in a way, but comforting (especially since he's my first and biggest fictional crush) except in this case my profession would actually be burlesque. Especially since I work in the exotic dance world. It's fascinating being aro/ace in the SW world, I could go on forever- But yeah, I absolutely love your writing!! Makes me feel less alone in this world. Annnd surprisingly I always feel so sensual after reading, I love love love it!! Reading before work always gets me in the mood to dance and pretend I'm Y/N, lol!!
Much blessings ❤️❤️
*cracks knuckles* listen here babycakes, I eat this shit UP. Exploring Human Ace Alastor is my BREAD AND BUTTER. I go into ESSAYS in the AO3 comments in this 😂
you really understand, which makes me so happy and is confirmation I’m conveying him the way I want to.
Now I’m gonna ramble and echo you basically 😂
I really think Alastor (atleast in this story) feels that excitement and strangeness of how open he can be around Autumn (since she doesn’t have a proper name cuz she’s reader 😂). He’s a fish out of water despite the fact he’s actually being his most authentic self. Like you said, it’s new to him just to be … Alastor. To be honest and upfront. His normal operating mode has been so restricted for so long he’s struggling with how to be himself. And then that fear—- well what if I’m too much? What if I ruin this, when I finally have something worth keeping? He’s never gotten this far and the fear of losing that comfort is terrifying but so is the actual comfort itself. It’s new and foreign.
A deep uneasiness that’s if he fully embraces this he’s gonna just fuck it up and it’ll be his fault this time. Not a misunderstanding or misalignment of needs but a confirmation he wasn’t good enough anyway.
“it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all” he would say that’s bullshit
and because of the situations he’s been in before, he’s never gotten to actually explore physical intimacy in a “safe” environment. He was always going into interactions because he had to if he wanted to keep people around. It was a necessity, not something he actually sincerely wanted to participate. So he tried to keep them happy with other means of affection and intimacy to maintain some safe distance but eventually, always, things would fall apart. At a distance or up close.
that’s why that most recent part was called Learning. Alastor is trying new things to learn more about what he’s okay with or doesn’t care for even offering in the future. Autumn is learning (that night, tho she doesn’t understand it yet) that he’s still figuring out how to meet her halfway (even tho she’s not even asking for that) when he’s used to being forced to meet people where they are. And Detective Brady, of course, is learning he may have found motive for Tommy’s disappearance.
I’m really glad you’re enjoying his portrayal and that you’re resonating with parts of him! That makes my soul hum! 💖 your line of work mixed with your Aro/Ace-ness sounds like such an interesting conversation if we’re honest! That’s a small aspect I love about Autumn. She’s in this field that’s (wrongly) considered to be hyper sexual and full of air headed wanton whores, but she’s the first person to be like “oh! You aren't into this stuff. Let me adjust my expectations. I’ll ask for clear verbal consent, not initiate, and I’m totally okay with never fucking again if it’s for your love and company.”
I work in the SW industry in a sense (Personal Assistant) and one of my biggest pet peeves is all of the shit people project on SWers.
sorry for the essay I could talk about this for ETERNITY
omg and THANK YOU! 🥺💖💖💖💖
A Doe in Fall (Human Alastor x Burlesquer Fem Reader)
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
can u do tadc cast (or probably just a few bc this prompt isn’t very creative) x a reader who looks like the player from animal crossing? ball hands,,, maybe weirdly good at crafting things,, gets stung by bees sometimes mayhaps. Maybe they speak animalese and nobody ever knows what they’re saying LMAO
TADC cast x reader whos like an animal crossing player!
depending on what time it is when i finish writing this, i think imma take a short break to stretch my legs and make something YAHOO!! hope you enjoy this anon!! this reminds me, i cleared out my island by making it totally flat... but i never actually... got to decorating it... huh.... commitment is scary, guys
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i think as a funny haha gag thing, how funny would it be if he could actually understand you. like you cant talk, and the noise youre limited to is to your "emotes", but somehow someway for some reason, caine can understand you... genuinely impressed by your crafting and even sometimes asks you to make random things just to see if you can make it! expect some really odd and random requests! not at all phased that you can pick things up with your weird orb hands, hes used to the digital world and its weirdness... thinks...
hey at least theres someone the same height as her in this place...!/hj
tries hard to understand your funky emotes and body language but shes at a loss... i mean at least you can still pick stuff up and try to write, so at theres some method of commutating asides from simply trying to learn how to read you! though, she is a bit unnerved by your silence and how your face is mostly stagnant when you arent.... emoting.. a static smile can get a little unnerving when youre standing next to the person and understand thats its a real person.. you know?
a little confused on how you can just pull things out from thin air, but does admit that it can be useful... has probably tried to ask you to make an exit out of desperation because hey if anyone can make one it would be you so whats the harm in trying (my girl is losing it)
i think you guys bond over the crafting; since ragatha makes stuff too, like pillows and clothing and plushies and the like! sure you guys may not be making the exact same things, but you both create and thats enough to bring you two together! doesnt mind that you cant talk, in fact i think after the chaos of a day in the digital circus she embraces the calmness around you... scolds you for constantly being stung by bees, though... though she tries not to be too mean or harsh since its not like youre trying to get stung on purpose... but please just be careful... she worries about you, afterall!
honestly ragatha doesnt have individual fingers, so the fact you can function with balls hands doesnt phase her
really touching on the fact you have an inventory that you can hide stuff in i think he would slide you things to hide for him; especially its hes going a "imma do something to someone as a prank then run and use you to hide the evidence" ... you know usual jax antics where he tries to get the reader to help him with his trickery. whether or not you actually aid him is totally up to you. probably makes fun of your short height and the fact youre always getting stung. probably points and laughs when he watches you run around while literally being chased by a swarm. promptly screams when you make a run towards him, thus bringing the bees to him. you have probably bopped him with your net after he says something particularly not-nice, me thinks... or maybe you just dont like him and youre constantly bopping him, i mean i do enjoy it when the reader doesnt like a character but you can easily ignore this little aside if you want this to be a friendship or romance!
OOOOO imagine you come with the basic ring/inventory of tools (net, shovel, watering can, fishing rod, ect) and you can just pull it out of no where.... oooooouuugh imagine taking your net out around him and (wordlessly) offering to go look for bugs with him,.. kind of panics when you get stung by the digital bees; probably helps you patch up... honestly i think given that kinger is all about bugs, i think its a safe bet he would know how to treat bites and stings... so hes your man if youre really bad about avoiding bees and the like! can see tropes that trope where like "whats that? little timmys stuck in the well?? (but thats not what you said/meant)" because youre like emoting and trying to direct his attention somewhere but he gets it. so totally wrong and commits to it before you can stop him. i just think thats funny
thinks youre... odd. though... imagine you can change up your style and appearance by simple interacting with a mirror and wardrobe. i think they would think thats cool, that you can just... do that... zooble has to rip their body parts off (sounds way worse than it actually is, LMAO). probably gives you this look when you walk into the tent to show that once again, youve been attacked by a swarm of bees.... how do they always only sting your left eye...? is that just how your digital body shows the injury, or do they just... no nevermind, theyre just going to give out a sigh before taking you to caine or kinger for medicine. definitely gets onto you for constantly messing with the digital bees, though...
honestly between all the characters i can easily see her being an animal crossing fan... and while she may not remember all of her old life, i like to think that subconsciously she would recognize you for what your digital body is intimidating... bonus if in the real world animal crossing was her comfort, so naturally, she instinctively finds comfort in you even if she cant totally pin point it... though, she has trouble understanding you outside of your emotes... but even then when you do an angry stamp or shed tears she cant quite pinpoint why youre upset... oooo please make her an art easel! i think that would be a great gift for her and she will be absolutely over the moon!
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historianthesecond · 1 year
I'm currently loving Who Came In With the Sea. Any idea when part III will be out. No pressure ofc my lovely.
Hi! Thank you 🥺🥺 I'm glad you're liking it 💓 probably between this week and the next (but I really hope it can be this week). I have planned the outline already, I just need to write it down! ���
Buuut, I do have a snippet :3
It was a windy morning, with chipped waves against the hull. You always liked the way the early morning tinted the whole sea as if it were made of silver, sometimes with a thick fog hanging like a veil; the perfect disguise so you could return home from a nocturnal swim without the fishermen noticing as they also headed back to the docks. 
However, in the open sea, matters got complicated. As soon as you emerged, you had no cover from corals or other boats blocking the view; and contrary to the sport fishing boats, the hull of the Volkvolny was too tall to try to climb, unless you tried to use the anchor line a makeshift staircase.
You didn’t trust your arms and legs to support your weight, as you’d been swimming around the ship all night until you felt the invigorating pain of the muscles of your tail, skin hydrated and healthy—finally healthy, showing the outline of your blueish-silver scales as your friend the squid fluttering around you like a crimson ghost. 
You had to shoo it away, promising that you’d snuck up tonight to visit, too. More for your sanity than your friend’s, knowing that there was no way you could deny the sea call now that you had tasted the long-lost feeling of the water surrounding you, embracing you as it gurgled in the bubbles of your breath, like the intimate mutter of a mother. 
Welcome home. 
You looked at the grey landscape in front of you, dunes of seafloor starting to come alive as the creatures of the night retreated to the abyss. The sun was getting brighter, with white and golden rays that would let you stand up like the fallen layer of an iceberg if you stayed there for too long. There was no time to lose. 
The wind was cold against the warmer temperature of the water, your hands gripping the chain locked to the giant anchor, half-morphed from your webbed claws to normal human fingers. 
Your ears filled with the sound of metal rattling against the wooden hull, but nobody looked down at the deck. Perhaps it was breakfast time, the guards from the night before resting already. Breath ragged out your chest as you crawled, the clothing hung on your wet body like an uncomfortable layer you preferred not to wear—but then, you wouldn’t be caught naked from the deck down to the bunks. 
It felt like a little eternity until you reached the rail, hands grabbing the worn-out surface, thinking that perhaps your claws would have better a grip. Your vision adjusted to the growing light shining against the pale sails, dancing points of darkness that solidify in a very concrete, very real figure sitting comfortably over a barrel. 
You looked at him, the glass swinging around his wrist shining a rich gold, probably whiskey or brandy. From all the things you could’ve thought, the first one was: isn’t it too early to drink?
“See?” Sturmhond said to no one in particular, or at least, to someone that was blocked from your view. “I told you all things submerged in the sea sooner or later resurface.” He drank the remnants of his drink, and you couldn’t know if the smile he was giving you was ironic, annoyed, or simply drunk. “We were looking for you everywhere, angelfish.”
“Angelfish?” you had to ask back. If he was surprised of hearing your voice, he concealed it well. 
The captain shrugged. “Amuse me.” He gestured for you, as you were still hung into the railing, arms shivering with the effort. Soon, you felt two pairs of arms helping you up as if you were not heavy at all. The Grisha twins looked at you, eyes fixated in every move as you felt a pang of guilt at seeing Tamar. 
“Why don’t we talk about what can you do?” Sturmhond clapped, his elbows leaned over his thighs, leaning closer to the wet pile of skin and clothes that was you. “Besides talking and singing, as someone has kindly informed me.”
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hello I was wondering could you do boucheron relationship headcannons if possible
Of course! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy reading!
Boucheron is not a common one, hopefully we’ll see more of him in the future as the fandom grows!
Word Count (Approx): 702
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Boucheron! Relationship Headcanons!
Boucheron gets flustered really easily. It’s hard for you to not tease him constantly about it. He just looks so cute with a red face, how could you not!
The subject of PDA in general makes him a bit of a blushing mess, as he can be kinda oblivious….
For instance, when you first started showing interest you’d often sneakily try moves on him…
“Oh Boucheron! You have some leaves in your hair, here let me get that for you!” You’d say getting very close to his face in the process.
“Gosh my ankle is really sore after that training session, do you think you could carry me to the infirmary?”
“Brrrr, it’s really cold out tonight, think I could borrow your jacket?”
Small things like that! And of course he never picked up on your hints, simply thinking you were being a good friend and needed his help on certain occasions. So, when he found out about your feelings, he was quite embarrassed he didn’t pick up on the clues earlier.
Now, when you do similar things while in a relationship he’s a bit more flustered in public. Knowing your romantic intent can make him remember how dumb he was in those moments. Obviously, what you love to tease him about the most!
It’s all in good fun, he really doesn’t mind. If it makes you happy to see him tripping over his words, while you laugh away, he’d gladly play the fool any given day.
Speaking of, he loves your laugh. It’s so beautiful and angelic. Like a choir of a thousand echoing stars. He’s found himself mesmerised by it more than once. Why he could nearly cry, upon hearing it.
So, he tries to make you laugh as much as possible. He finds tickling your sides to be most effective, but you tend to try to fight back in those moments. You’d never be able to overpower him, but he lets you think you’ve won every once in a while.
You’re really impressed by his strength though. He’s so tall compared to you, and he can pick you up like you weigh nothing! It’s incredible and again, gets quite a few giggles out of you when he does it.
Especially after you’ve been away from each other for a while and when you finally reunite again, he picks you up and twirls you around. It makes you so happy to enjoy those moments with your lover. Knowing he missed you so much and wants the world to see how much he loves you. He often cries on moments like those.
He relies on you whenever you go places with one another. Literally he’s lost without you. He gets completely turned around, so he’s lucky he has you to help keep him on track. He cannot fathom how you are able to remember all of the twists and turns in the market square, forest, and even sometimes the somniel! So he’s very grateful you share your tips on remembering your steps. He thinks his sense of direction has improved a bit since he started dating you.
Because of moments like that I think that he has the habit of losing things easily. It’s not that he doesn’t remember where he put it, it’s that he doesn’t remember how to get back to the place he put it haha! So you have definitely saved him a few times by bringing him said objects he had left behind.
And after a long day, of fishing, training, and looking after the prince, there’s nothing more relaxing then cuddling with you as he reads his favorite book before bed. Although you have had to pry the book from him on quite a number of occasions as it seems to make him cry instead of wind down for bed. Instead, you offer for him to run his fingers through your hair as you drift off in his strong, yet gentle embrace…with him following not too long afterwards :)
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kinslain · 2 years
@sharkfinx​​ wrote:
It was weeks? Months? When was the last time they came along to torture—or in their words; Question for secrets which Kisame had tried to take with him in the embrace of death? The day which everything turned quietly and his eyes turned purple and the sanguine-tainted moon has take his mind together with the rest of the world.
His dream world? He didn't deserve it but gladly accepted when it was another path. Something he could had chosen if he only had accepted to go with Itachi that fated day. He didn't questioned or ever thought about one second about Madara, Obito or Akatsuki. When he held Itachi’s hand his heart was full; The title of coward could had killed his pride but for once he chose what the quietly-silence voice of his own will truly wanted. To be with that one man, whatever place or whatever time. To be with him was the happiness he found along.
Just like a fish out of water, Kisame gagged—losing breath as the reality drowned his senses. Pulling him back from that dream world that he was promised. People cheered outside for the victory, but not him. What he received in that empty cell was nothing more than a curse. To see what could have been and having it stripped like an hook tearing flesh. Guards were impressed for the sudden anguished screams as not even the burn of spires or the worst methods of torture had worked on making that criminal howl, especially like a wounded beast.
The following months there's no smirk or remarks upon the activities. Even when offered an easy way out, courtesy of one of the guards as a little gift to "end it all" in a form of a broken shard. Kisame didn't touched it. That was the hell he deserved, and the penitence he would serve.
Sometimes in the lighting of the white full moon he could feel his presence, but it couldn't be right? Itachi was dead. No more lies this time, his mind and body, especially the soul was tired for lies even if it was for comfort.
Then it all changed.
The scent; the chakra that clashed upon his own that made him look forward in between the now long bangs of blue hair. No more tired eyes—that seek for the sky for answers. Lucious black hair, full that glimmered under the poor light. Vests covered him but he could notice the mass gain. So healthy, so beautiful, so alive.
Itachi always had been handsome, no matter what form he turned to be. His wishes would still seek a manner to turn that man into his craving desires. In a brute swing of hand, pulling a chain of his wrist; only to fight with himself as he didn't had energy enough to get closer to the bars. Only after seconds of doing the same his tired mind could make sense of what even he was doing. Trying to break out? Why? What would he do?
" Pardon me, Itachi san.... Did I scared you?" Even his dry lips hurt when smirking after so long. " I just had this INCREDIBLE need to touch you. Kekekekeke; maybe to see if you wouldn't go PUFF and disapear, nee...."
" ..... You look so well. Itachi san.."
" If this is another dream... please, don't let me wake up.. nee. Itachi san."
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Rumours say, Sharingan users can predict the future and that’s the reason for their exceptional battle prowess. They seem capable of reading and evading all attacks while retaliating with pinpoint accuracy. The rumour is false. They simply observe and anticipate. Itachi’s eyes see everything, including the bunching in Kisame’s muscles, the tensing of joints, the bending of limbs, and he expects the clang of chains before they ring out. Which is why he doesn’t as much as flinch at the sudden noise.
“Why would I be scared of you, Kisame?” His expression remains neutral; eyes empty, mouth flat, but Kisame has always been able to read him, regardless. “I am quite real, I assure you.”
However, Kisame’s statement gives him pause, and a small crease appears on his forehead, marring an otherwise blank face. Before his visit, he had requested and had been granted full access to Kisame’s files. The Yamanaka didn’t use any excessive measures to extract the information they needed. It’s easy to crack a broken man, after all. And there are no genjutsu users in T&I apart from himself. So why would Kisame assume he would disappear? Why would he consider Itachi an illusion?
“You saw me during infinite tsukuyomi,” he concludes, eyes widening a fraction. It would explain the wariness and hesitation in Kisame’s voice. “What did you see?” Itachi knows he shouldn’t have asked the question the same second it slips from his lips. They don’t pry. They never have. It’s how a spy/ traitor, and one-who-hunted-spies-and-traitors, maintained a partnership for as long as they did. While they trusted each other with their backs, they never did trust each other with their deepest secrets.
If there was any depth to the trust between them, maybe Kisame would’ve accepted his offer and returned to Konoha when he did. The thought is sharp, intrusive, and cuts like glass. With a small shake of his head, Itachi stops his mind from delving too far back or spiralling too far outwards. This isn’t about then. It’s about now.
“Unfortunately, I can’t say the same to you,” he says, voice measured and low. With the sharingan ablaze, Itachi can see how previously bright and blinding chakra dwindles low and dim. Kisame’s physical state isn’t much better. While he once stood tall; a formidable man of considerable stature, he is now weakened, with too many bones visible beneath ashen skin. Itachi is under no delusion that Kisame couldn’t snap his neck through raw strength alone. However, the stark contrast of memories clashing with reality is disconcerting.
It’s worrying.
“No more dreams.” The time for creating ideal worlds, living in fantasies, and wishful thinking is long gone. “Pull yourself together. We need to talk.”
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digitalboy562 · 6 months
A Simple Guide to Losing Weight and Feeling Great
Embarking on a journey to lose weight can feel overwhelming, but the key is to keep it simple and sustainable. Making small, positive changes in your daily routine can lead to big results over time. Let's explore a straightforward guide to weight loss that focuses on simple steps and long-lasting benefits.
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Eat Real Foods: Instead of complicated diets, focus on eating real, whole foods. Fill your plate with colorful fruits, vegetables, lean proteins like chicken or fish, and whole grains. These foods provide essential nutrients and keep you feeling full and satisfied.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. You don't need to deprive yourself, but paying attention to how much you eat can make a significant difference. Use smaller plates, and listen to your body's signals of hunger and fullness.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. Keeping hydrated not only supports overall health but can also help prevent unnecessary snacking.
Move Your Body: Find ways to incorporate movement into your day. It doesn't have to be intense exercise—simply walking, taking the stairs, or dancing to your favorite tunes can make a positive impact. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.
Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep can disrupt your body's hunger hormones and lead to unhealthy food choices. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your weight loss journey.
Limit Sugary Drinks and Snacks: Cut back on sugary drinks and snacks. These can add up in calories quickly. Opt for water, herbal tea, or infused water instead of sugary beverages. Choose whole fruits or nuts for satisfying snacks.
Be Patient and Consistent: Weight loss takes time, and it's important to be patient with yourself. Focus on making small, sustainable changes rather than seeking quick fixes. Consistency is key to long-term success.
Celebrate Small Wins: Celebrate your achievements along the way. Whether it's reaching a mini-goal, making healthier food choices, or sticking to your exercise routine, acknowledge your efforts. Positive reinforcement can keep you motivated.
Losing weight doesn't have to be complicated. By incorporating simple, sustainable habits into your daily life, you can achieve and maintain a healthier weight. Remember, it's about making positive choices that you can stick with in the long run. Embrace the journey, celebrate your successes, and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, happier you.
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
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word count: 11,648 warnings: swearing, mentions of death, reader is an orphan,  summary: John B was the closest thing to family that (y/n) had left, and now he’s gone and disappeared.  Fortunately JJ’s there to help her feel whole again. based on this song ___
[ yelling at the sky, screaming at the world // baby why’d you go away?... heaven only knows where you are now ]
August 10th, 9:30 p.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Unfortunately… we lost them” Officer Thomas said, hanging his head shamefully.
Pope broke down right away, Kiara at his side, comforting him with a hug and soft words.
“What do you mean you lost them?” JJ asked, jumping straight to anger.  “They’re just gone? They’re dead!?”
(y/n) stood back, glancing down at her cold hands, finding that they’ve begun to shake with the new information.  She didn’t know how to process what she was hearing.
“We don’t know for certain-” Thomas tried to explain, but JJ wasn’t having it, he lashed out completely.
“You drove them right into the storm!” He yelled, lunging for the cop, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him violently.  “You killed them-!”
“JJ..” Kiara cried out, clutching tighter to Pope’s side as she began to quietly sob.
He released the cop with a shove, turning back to his remaining friends.  Pope pulled Kiara into his arms, crying into her hair silently.
But (y/n) was frozen in place, her expression hadn’t changed since Thomas had told them what happened.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks quickly, more and more spilling over with each passing second.  Her whole body shook, and she wrapped her arms around herself.  She wasn’t sure if it was the grief or the cold, but either way, her own embrace provided no comfort.
“(y/n/n)- sweetheart…” JJ stepped towards her, his hands outstretched for her to take if she needed, but she didn’t move.  Her eyes didn’t even meet his.
“John B…” She whimpered, her lip quivering as she sniffled.  “Sarah…”
When a sob escaped her, JJ was there in a second, grabbing onto her and holding her as tightly as he could in his arms.  She continued to sob, screaming and crying as her body finally reacted.
She thrashed in his hold, squirming and pushing at him, hands smacking at his arms and chest, trying to pry him off of her, even though deep down all she craved was to be held, comforted.
“It’s not fair! It’s not fair,” She was screaming, drawing the attention of the surrounding officers, as well as the Carreras and the Heywards who had shown up to comfort their children.
But (y/n) had no one to show up for her, they were all dead.
“It’s not fair- It's not fair it’s not fair” She continued to cry against JJ, until her knees gave out and she crumpled to the ground.  
The blonde boy followed with her, gathering her back in his arms no matter how much she fought and pushed him away.
But eventually her body tired out, and she gave in.  He could feel her slump into his shoulder as she rested all of her weight on him.  His own tears soaked into her hair and tee shirt as he dropped his face to her own shoulder.
“Not fair” She mumbled, on repeat, until her crying made her too incoherent to understand.  
He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what to do, he’d never seen (y/n) like this before, much less how you were supposed to react when your best friend, and your kinda new friend, were lost at sea.
“I’ve got you,” He said instead, knowing that there were no magic words to heal her.  “I’m here, I’ve got you”
They didn’t fix everything, but they seemed to do the trick, because she finally wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her hands fisting into the material of his shirt as she clutched onto him with the same intensity that he held her with.
They spent hours in that tent, long after Pope and Kiara’s parents took them home, they were still there.  Technically they were supposed to wait for a parent or guardian to pick them up.  But JJ’s father was a coked up piece of shit, and (y/n’s) parents were six feet underground.
She didn’t push him away again.  She spent the whole night in his arms, clinging onto him with an iron grip.  And ever since that night, she hasn’t really let go of him. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
September 10th, 3:00 a.m (One Month After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Wake up, (y/n/n), wake up”
The girl gasped for air as her eyes flew open, and as quickly as she’d woken up, she settled back into her pillow, eyes falling shut again as she let out a sign.
“I was doing it again, wasn’t I?” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she tried not to cry, and tried not to remember the vivid details of her nightmare.
Which was more of a traumatic memory than a nightmare, really.
JJ, who was lying next to her, was quiet as he gazed down at her, watching her calm herself down as best she could.  He always gave her the space to relax on her own before stepping in.  He wanted her to know that she was capable of recovering on her own, but that he would still be there for her as soon as she needed him.
After a few deep breaths, the girl rolled onto her side, her face colliding with his chest as she continued her steady breathing.
“Will you hold my hand?” She mumbled, and he simply nodded, reaching for her trembling fingers, and gently slotting his fingers through hers.  She continued to tap her index finger over the back of his hand at a rapid pace.
She did this for a minute or two before speaking again.
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry, baby, it’s alright,” He murmured to her softly, followed by a kiss to her forehead.  “I’ve got you”
A small choked sound came from her as tears threatened to well up in her eyes again.
She’d spent the last month in bed with him like this.  No matter how much time passed, and no matter how much her grief started to melt away and she began her coping process, she’d still wake up in the middle of the night from awful nightmares.
She hadn’t planned on being a regular guest in JJ’s bed at the Chateau, but she also didn’t have anywhere else to go.  She didn’t have a place of her own, she’d lived at the Chateau since she was six and John Routledge had taken her in.
She was just a child when her parents got into a freak boating accident and died at sea.  She hadn’t understood why she was put in the system, or why she couldn’t go home to her mom and dad.  But for some reason, her friend John B had gotten his dad to take her in, and after a day or two of moving in, she’d understood.
John and John B were her family now.
But then a year ago, John Routledge was declared lost at sea, and it was just her and John B.  It was hard, since he was pretty much the only father she’d ever known, and since he was announced dead, in the same way her parents had been.  At least she still had John B, who was a brother to her.
Fate had a sick sense of humor though, sending him off into a storm, likely killing him.
And she ended up losing him, too.
JJ’s free hand smoothed over her back, caressing her hair, and then rubbing circles over her back again.  He always did his best to comfort her in any way she needed.  And it had been a month of waking up with her to her nightmares, so he always knew just what to do.
“Can we go stay in his room?” She asked quietly.
That was a new request that JJ hadn’t been expecting, but nonetheless, he nodded, and helped her to sit up.  He reached his hands out for her, offering to help her get out of bed, but she limply hung her arms in the air, silently asking him to carry her.
“Alright, you big baby,” He teased in a tired murmur, and leaned over to wrap his arms around her torso, picking her up and pulling her into his chest.
Her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, and her head laid down on his shoulder.  Had she not been so shaken up, she could have fallen right back asleep.
“But I’m only doing this cause you’re so damn cute” He told her as his hands shifted to hold her from under her legs, and he carefully made his way through the dark to get to John B’s room.
The flirty comment provoked a small and sleepy laugh from the girl.  It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it provided a certain comfort to JJ.  it had been a while since she truly laughed.  He missed the sound dearly.
(y/n) had spent some time in John B’s room during the long summer days.  But she’d never spent the night in it.
JJ would often find her in there, cleaning up, reorganizing his book shelf, playing his CD’s, feeding the fish he’d won at a carnival a year ago that was miraculously still alive- she’d do anything and everything to spend time in there.  To her, it was all that was left of him.
JJ had even caught her putting on his clothes, worn tee shirts, strangely-patterned button downs, sweaters that were too big for her- but she always took them off before anyone could see.  JJ pretended not to notice, and never said anything.  Both because he didn’t want her to feel embarrassed, but also because sometimes when she spent all of her time in that room, he’d feel just the tiniest amount of jealousy, and it made him feel ashamed.
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
“Alright, here we go, baby,” He said as he delicately set her down on the mattress.
(y/n) visibly deflated as she melted into the cool sheets.  Her limbs were still wrapped around JJ’s figure, so she pulled him down with her as she got situated, but he didn’t mind.
With great caution, he slipped out of her hold just enough to lay at her side, so that he wouldn’t pass out on top of her.
He watched as she seemingly relaxed for the night, finally.  She pressed her face deep into the pillow her head was under, taking in a deep breath, the lingering smell of cologne and the beach and something that was distinctly John B flooding her senses.
“It still smells like him” She murmured.  She doesn’t sound like she’s going to cry again, but JJ keeps a watchful eye on her, just in case.
When she exhaled, she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.  He gave her a small smile, which she faintly returned before moving in closer to him.
“Thank you” She whispered as her forehead touched his gently.
His arms wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her into him completely.  And then he kissed her forehead again, and then her nose, before tucking her head against his chest, just under his chin.
She tended to lean her ear against his chest, using the steady beat of his heart to lure her to sleep.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart” He told her, like he had a million times before.
“I know, you always say that,” (y/n) murmured, lips brushing over his neck as she spoke.  “But I mean it anyways.  Thank you, Jay”
Her hand finds a comfortable place to rest just over his heart, and soon she’s drifting back to a seemingly peaceful sleep.  JJ just hopes she makes it through the night.
He lets his hand brush through her hair, untangling the locks until his fingers can run perfectly smooth through it.  He does this until he falls asleep. ___
[ i put the record on, wait till i hear our song // every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
July 4th, 10:00 p.m (A Month Before The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
Neither of them had made a move yet, but they both knew all too well that there was something between them.  Something fiery and exciting, something soft and intimate.
JJ always flirted with (y/n), long before he realized he actually had feelings for one of his closest Pogue friends.  They’d been friends since they were kids, and they’d technically been living together for the past few months, but only recently had it dawned on him that he was falling in love with her, and it was happening fast.
“As flattering as I find your staring, you look very zoned out,” Her voice drew him from his thoughts, and he found himself grinning as (y/n) walked up to him, beer in hand.
John B and Pope had thrown a Fourth of July kegger, and it was probably the craziest party they’d had in years.  Tourons and Kooks had shown up from all over the island, and every kid on The Cut made an appearance that night.
A couple of Kooks had even brought in their own kegs to help supply the party with enough beer.
But despite all the people here, all the hot Tourons to be exact, JJ had been content that (y/n) had approached him, with her sweet smile and revealing bikini.
“What’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours, hm?” She asked, only half teasing.
All summed had been like this.  The flirting intensified, and they both stopped pursuing one night stands with the Tourons that came to these things.
“Absolutely nothing,” JJ grinned back at her, and she laughed, believing him.  “Where you been all night? Fighting off all these guys I hope?” He asked, half joking.
Coincidentally, a group of basic white tourist boys walked past, one of them letting out a low whistle as their eyes wandered over (y/n’s) figure.
JJ scowled at him, stepping forward threateningly, one of his arms instinctively wrapping around the girl’s waist as he glared down the Touron until he cowered away.
“Wow,” (y/n) chuckled, one of her hands pressing against JJ’s chest, but she didn’t push him away, so he didn’t move.  “You made your point tough guy, jesus,” She said, raising her brows at him.  “Jealous much?”
“Me? Jealous?” He asked with a scoff, to which (y/n) mimicked the sound.
“That’s real hot coming from the most jealous and pissed off guy in the OBX” She teased with a growing smirk on her lips.
“Well, sure, but I’m not jealous of that guy,” JJ told her, gesturing at the lame Touron who was miserably failing at shotgunning a beer.
But as he watched the idiot with an amused grin, (y/n) just smiled up at the blonde boy, admiring his side profile for a moment.
Unlike most stories of friends who became lovers, where they weren’t sure when their friendship blossomed into something more, (y/n) knew exactly when she fell for JJ.
It had been last summer.  They’d been on the HMS Pogue on a fishing trip, and while she’d never been fishing before, she was eager to let JJ and Pope teach her how.  When she caught her first fish, JJ had cheered, but he could tell that it made her sad to throw it in the cooler.  So he told her it was alright if she wanted to throw it back.  He showed her how to carefully take the fish off the lure so it wouldn’t be as hurt, and let her throw it back in the water.
He must have felt her staring, because suddenly he was turning back to her, his eyes locking on hers instantly.
“Look who’s starin’ now” He teased, his fingers brushing against her hips in an attempt at tickling her.
She giggled and wiggled a bit, but she still didn’t pull away from him.
They were very close, so close that if JJ hadn’t been wearing his hat backwards, then its brim would have been bumping into her forehead.  So close, that she could just faintly feel his warm breath hitting the bridge of her nose.  So close, that it would be so easy to kiss him right now.
Curiously, her eyes wandered down to his lips, pink and inviting, begging to be kissed, she thought.  No wonder girls would throw themselves at him, he had the most perfect looking pair of lips.
Of course, before she could decide if it was worth it to throw reason (and the only Pogue rule) out the window, Rafe and Topper were causing trouble somewhere on the beach, and soon JJ was peeling himself away from her and racing off towards the conflict.
He was always there to end it, never one to shy away from a fight.  (y/n) had come to terms with that a long time ago, knowing it was something she’d never be able to change.
But looking back on it, if he hadn’t left her to get his ass kicked by Rafe Cameron, then they probably would have crossed that line between friendship and something more that very night. ___
[ Never got a chance to say a last goodbye ]
September 15th, 9:45 a.m (Two Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
The sun was unrelenting as it shined in through the window, forcing (y/n) to wake up despite her longing to sleep in bed all day.  It wouldn’t be the first time that she refused to get out of bed.
But she told herself that she should.  The sun was telling her that she should.  Even if she did manage to close her eyes and ignore the brightness streaming into the room, she knew she wouldn’t sleep comfortably.
Today, she was going to get up and make herself breakfast.  That felt like a good start for taking care of herself today.
She rolled over with a groan, in an attempt to reach for JJ to see if he was awake.  Some mornings he would wake up before her and she’d find him laying there on his phone, but sometimes he would just peacefully lay there as he waited for her to wake up.
However, as she lazily slung her hand towards the other side of the bed, she only ended up hitting pillows.  And suddenly the easy morning started to turn upside down.
Don’t freak out, she told herself, even as she scurried out of bed.  
Don’t panic, it’s fine, he’s probably just watching tv in the living room.  
As she was about to run out of the room, she decided at the last second it was probably best to throw on a pair of shorts.  The large tee shirt she well fell just past all of her curves, but it would be embarrassing if she ran through the Chateau in front of Pope and Kiara in a worried panic without pants on.
Or maybe he’s making breakfast, like that one time he brought you breakfast in bed, that was really sweet.
None of the calming ideas that crossed her mind actually calmed her, as she searched through the living room, there was no sign of JJ.  The kitchen was empty, the bathroom door was hung ajar, and also empty.
There was a logical explanation for him not being here, deep down she knew that, but then why didn’t he leave a note? Or wake her to let her know he’d be leaving? Why would he leave without saying anything at all? Didn’t he know that this was her worst fear come to life, again?
Panic took over, and next thing she knew she couldn’t take in enough air as her throat closed up and her legs stopped working.  She stood in the living room for a solid minute, hands glued to her head, fists tugging on her hair tightly in a terrible attempt to ground herself to the moment and not spiral any further.
But her heavy breaths turned to sobs and she didn’t know she was crying until she felt the tears on her cheeks.
There’s a logical explanation, there’s a logical explanation, she repeated in her head like a mantra, hoping to god that she’d start believing it soon.
Slowly, she crouched down on the floor, because sometimes when she had panic attacks she got dizzy so it was better to sit down now.
Or maybe he went boating with Pope, they like to fish early in the morning, she thought.  Maybe they hit something, the marsh is always changing with the weather.  Maybe the boat capsized, maybe they drowned to their deaths-
No! Don’t think that!
The sobbing got worse as she assumed the worst, taking in gasping breaths of air, desperate to fill her lungs that felt like they were about to collapse.
Maybe they went into town to pick up breakfast.  Maye they got stopped by Kooks, or Barry, maybe they were murdered in cold blood-
The girl whimpered, trying to ward off the horrific images rolling through her mind, but as terrible as they were, she reminded herself that these weren’t unrealistic worries, that these things had happened before, and would happen again.
He promised me he wouldn’t get on a fucking boat, he promised me he’d start biking around the island, she told herself.  JJ wouldn’t break a promise to her, especially that one, but the anxiety inside of her was still whispering into her ear, telling her that all of her friends very well could have been gone forever.
Maybe he just left.  Maybe he got sick and tired of waiting around.  Maybe he was just being a nice guy the last two months.  Maybe he didn’t care anymore.  Maybe he didn’t miss John B or Sarah.  Maybe he finally fled for the mainland like he’s been talking about since he was a kid.  Maybe he’s with a girl.  Maybe he didn’t care about you anymore.
Her hands covered her face, wishing that she could just stop and focus on something else, calm her breathing.  She wanted to run out of the Chateau and go looking around the island, but she remained frozen on the floor.
“(y/n)?” A voice called, and she could faintly hear the screen door swinging open and then shut.  “Woah, hey, (y/n/n)”
Through blurry eyes, she could just barely make out Pope’s figure, kneeling in front of her.
Pope, Pope is here, she thought to herself, and it sort of helped relax her.  You’re not alone, Pope is here.
She shakily reached her hands out to him, grabbing onto his forearms and anchoring herself to him.
He’s real, he’s right here.  His hands are holding your elbows, he’s real.
“Breathe, (y/n), deep breaths, you can do it,” His initially stressed voice calmed when he realized that she was having a panic attack.  He’d seen her have them once or twice before, but it was always JJ who rushed in and helped her out of them.  “Copy my breathing, can you do that?” He asked.
She nodded her head, eyes meeting his as he took in a long and deep breath, held it for three seconds, and then slowly let it out.  He kept on repeating that action until her exhales weren’t shaky, and her body relaxed.
“There you go, you’ve got it, you’re alright…” He said smoothly.
His thumbs caressed over her arms gently, reminding her silently that he was there for her, that he cared about her.
“You want to talk about it?” He offered, and (y/n) shut her eyes tightly, willing the rest of her tears to dry up.
“I- I woke up and- and-”
When she began to stutter, Pope hushed her soothingly, and helped her through another breathing exercise.
“Okay, now try again,” He said softly, once her breaths evened out again.  “Slowly”
“I woke up,” She said, slowly, and then exhaled.  “And JJ wasn’t there- and then he wasn’t out here-”
When the rambling began again, she breathed in deeply again.
“It’s alright, he’s right outside,” Pope told her, relieved that the problem had an easy solution..  “You want to go out and see him?”
(y/n) nods back at him, and he helps her stand.
“Kie and I came over this morning, we brought donuts,” He said, hugging her into his side.  “We were just on the porch, Jay said you were asleep”
Pope opened the front door for her, as they went onto the porch, and her entire body relaxed as her eyes landed on JJ.
He was sitting on the beat up sofa that had been out there since forever, while Kiara was leaning against the citing of the house, a blunt between her fingers.
JJ smiled as (y/n) came out with Pope, tucked into his side the way a child clings to their mother at large events.
“Morning baby,” He calls to her, and pats the space next to him on the couch, before resting his arm over the back of the cushions.  
In no time she peels away from Pope and is sliding into the space under his arm, her side and her legs pressed up against him.  It feels like that first sip of coffee in the morning, and she forgets about the anxiety attack she’d had just moments ago.
He eyes the way she’s twirling the ring around her thumb, almost obsessively.  She hasn’t taken it off since he’d given it to her, and he doesn’t think she ever will.
“You hungry? Kie and Pope brought donuts” He offered, gesturing to the box on the decorative table Kiara was standing next to.
“Maybe in a little bit” She mumbled, her head falling against his shoulder as she let herself feel relieved.
Some days it was hard to feel content with being content.  But JJ was a huge help with that.  His presence alone was enough to calm her, that much was obvious.
He’s a little thrown off, but wraps his arm around her nonetheless.  His rings are a chill on her hot skin, but it’s somehow comforting.
Panic attack, Pope mouths when the blonde boy looks to him, silently asking what happened.
JJ nods discreetly, before glancing down at the girl under his arm.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly.
Kiara and Pope pretended to argue over the last chocolate sprinkled donut, so that they had a little bit of privacy between them.
“Fine, now,” She whispers back.
Her fingers aimlessly play with the chain around his neck.
“I- I had a panic attack” She admits.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He asked as the tips of his fingers grazed up and down her arm.
She lifts her head to look at him properly, her fingers still twirling his necklace around her fingers.
“Um… you just… you weren't inside…”
It felt embarrassing to admit that something as simple as that had set her off.  When she was in the moment it was a lot more terrifying.  But JJ made sure she wasn’t ashamed of that feeling.
“Well, I’m right here,” He told her with a grin.  “You know you can’t get rid of me that easy” He added, hugging her tight against him and kissing the top of her head.
She always went pink when he did that, that’s why he did it more often than he used to.
“I know,” She mumbled back.  “I just… you know…”
She doesn’t know what she wants to say.  That she’s scared to lose him too? That he’s the only anchor she had left? The only remnants of family she had left? That she loved him more than words could describe?
Whatever she had planned on filling the blank with, JJ seemed to understand her perfectly.  He’d gotten really good at understanding what she was trying to say in between the words she was actually saying.
“I know, baby,” He says softly.
Her head falls back onto his shoulder.  Selfishly, she wished that she could sit here with him like this every day.  Maybe then she'll start to really feel better.
Meanwhile there’s a nagging feeling in JJ’s chest.  Worry, fear, something terrible that began to manifest.  An anxiousness that (y/n) won’t emotionally recover from the disappearance of their friends.
He knew grief took time, that learning to cope took time.  But she’d already had to face those things time and time again, what if this was it? What if this was the last straw, and she gave into them?
His arm around her tightened a little, and (y/n) hummed as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.  She placed a little kiss there before sighing.
“Thanks, Jay,” She mumbles.  “You always know just what I need”
He doesn’t say anything, just smiles and rubs her arm comfortingly.
Despite her words, he still worries on the inside. ___
[ i gotta move on, but it hurts to try ]
August 10th, 1:00 a.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) and JJ had been stuck under police supervision for the last three and a half hours, sitting under the large tents, listening to the heavy rainfall while passing officers would offer their condolences.
It was all bullshit though, and it was starting to piss (y/n) off.
But finally they were allowed to go home, and were escorted to the Chateau.  Which is where they stood now.
(y/n) looked like she was glued to the floorboards of the porch, frozen in place like a statue.  The wind whipped at her hair and the rain still hit them even as they stood under the little roof over them.
“Come on, let’s go inside,” JJ said, reaching out to take her hand, but even as he tugs, she hardly moves.  “(y/n)-”
“I don’t want to,” She mumbles, eyes trained on the front door.
A part of her longed to see John B appear, open the door with a laugh and scold the pair for standing outside in the rain.  The harder she looks, the more she wishes to see him there.
“But I don’t have anywhere else to go” She whimpered, finally tearing her eyes away from the door to look at him.
JJ steps forward, his arm wrapping around her back as he slowly guides her inside.  Her feet shuffle along, but they barely lift off the ground, and she’s barely moving.  He’s just glad to get her inside and out of the rain.
“I just don’t want you to catch a cold, sweetheart” He told her, which was true, but he just needed to say anything to get her to come into the house.  He didn’t know what he’d do if she refused.
“I don’t care” She mumbled, but she was already standing at the inside of the doorway.
“Shoes off,” JJ told her, having already left his shoes at the door and was heading into the house.  “You know how JB feels about shoes in the house”
(y/n) nods, shakily, and starts to kick off her shoes
But now all she can think about is the first time she’d accidentally tracked mud into the house, and how funny it was when John B freaked out.  Thinking about it now, it was just sad.
When JJ came back in the room, she was crying again, silently, she might not have even been aware she was doing it.  She was untying the laces on her boots as tears spilled over her cheeks.
“Come on,” He spoke, and suddenly there was a towel wrapped around her shoulders.  “Let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
“No,” She mumbled.  “I just want to lay down”
Her hands gripped onto the fluffy towel almost violently, her knuckles were white, and her hands shook from the force.  JJ noticed.
“And you will, but you’ve got to shower first,” He said.  “Look at you, you’re soaked to the bone from the rain-”
“No arguments, lets go” He replied, quiet and calm as ever.
She gave in, mostly because he didn’t have the energy to argue with him.  And then she was back to shuffling along with him to the bathroom.
She stood uselessly at the door while he turned the shower on for her.
“How hot do you want it?” He asked, one hand on the noz and the other under the stream of water
She shrugged, mumbled incoherently.
“You’ve got to speak up, honey” JJ said.
“I don’t care” She mumbled a little louder, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Yeah you do, I’ll put it on hot” He answered for her, and adjusted the nozzle accordingly.
But as he turned back, about to leave the room, she didn’t bother to move.  Her eyes were downcast, and her hands had released the towel only to wring her hands together.
“Hey, I’ll be in my room, you can-”
She grabbed his wrist before he could leave the room, and her glossy eyes met his, her mouth opened but no words came out, so she closed it again.  He waited until she could find the right words.
“Please- please don’t leave me in here-”
Her breathing grew ragged and the tears started to fall from her eyelashes, and JJ nodded at her, silently confirming he'd stay so she would feel safe.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay right here,” He told her, both of his hands wrapping around hers.  “I’ll wait right in here for you, alright?”
She nods, still a bit shaky, but she turns towards the shower and slowly works on taking off her clothes, so he thinks he’s doing the right thing.
In all honesty, he had no idea what the right thing to do was.  As he turned his back to her and stressfully ran his hands through her hair, he didn’t know what to say or do, what the right way to comfort someone was.
He knew that Kiara and Pope were at home with their families, probably hugging, telling each other they love each other, the kind of shit you see in movies.
But you didn’t see this part of the movie.  The part where the girl you love is going borderline catanoic as she stands in the shower, limbs heavy and heart shattered.
Was he supposed to talk to her? Offer what few comforting words he knew how to say? Was he supposed to tell her he was there for her, that he loved her and he would never leave her? Was that an overload of information?
“JJ?” (y/n) called from the other side of the shower curtain.
“I’m here” He said, sitting on the toilet seat so he’d be right next to her.
She peeled back the curtain, just enough to peek her head out, and then held her hand out to him.  A slight frown tugged on his lips, but he reached his hand out to hers anyways, softly clasping onto it, as though if he’d put any pressure into holding it, then she’d break like a porcelain doll.
She closed the curtain again and went about her shower.  It wasn’t a bother with only one hand, but JJ could still hear her soft whimpers from inside.
After ten minutes she turned off the water.
“Close your eyes” She directed, her voice was still a mumble, but without the noise of the water running JJ heard her clearly, and followed her order.
Her hand let go of his as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, but it was only briefly, as she was grabbing onto it again as soon as she was covered up.  She gave it a small squeeze to let him know that she was decent.
When he looked up at her, she was staring down at their hands, focused on the rings on his fingers.
The one on his thumb, she had given to him.  Not for a special occasion, she’d just found it in a shop and thought it would look fitting and cool on him.  
She was right.  
He never took it off.
There was another ring on his middle finger, that one was from John B.  He’d swiped it from a second hand shop because it had a neat but very faint engraving of a snake around it.  He’d originally stolen it for himself, but it hadn’t fit right, so he handed it off to JJ.
(y/n) ran the pad of her thumb over the engraving now.  The snake wasn’t very visible, but she could still feel it.
JJ squeezed her hand, drawing her eyes back to his.
She wasn’t whimpering anymore, but the tears hadn’t stopped.  She had to be exhausted.
“I’ve gotta take a shower baby,” He said softly.  “You want to go to bed?”
She shook her head, looking back at his rings.
“You want to wait in here?” He asked.
With a small nod from her, he stood up, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to the crown of her head before turning the water and going through the same routine again.
It took some time as he showered and (y/n) waited for him on the toilet.  When he’d finished and gotten out to find that she was still wrapped in her towel, he’d convinced her to let him help her change into pajamas.
When she’d finished, she wrapped her arms around his neck, stepping forward and hugging him gently, with little to no force at all.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed” JJ said, lifting her up with ease, one arm hooked under her legs and the other.
“You’ll stay, right?” She asks meekly as he brings her to his room.
“Of course” He hums back.
They get situated under the covers, and finally (y/n’s) tears seem to stop.  JJ doesn’t keep his hopes up, though.
He pulls her head to his chest, one arm wrapping around her back at his other hand takes a hold of hers.  For good measure, she hooks her leg over one of his, just to be sure she won’t roll away from him in her sleep.
“You won’t leave?” She murmurs.
The exhaustion and the misery that her body is facing is clear to him as she tilts her head back to look at him.
He gives her a small smile, before letting go of her hand, so that he can take the ring off of his middle finger.  He takes her hand again, and slides it over her thumb.  It’s a little loose, enough that she can twirl it around with ease.
“Now you can have a little bit of both of us with you,” JJ says to her.  “I’m not goin�� anywhere”
She doesn’t quite smile, but her expression relaxes as she looks at him, and he takes it as a good sign.
“I’ve got you, baby” He tells her softly as she settles against him, sleep finally starting to overcome her.
“I can’t lose you too” She tells him right before her body gives out. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
November 10th, 6:30 p.m (Precisely Three Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) had been sitting on the couch all afternoon, replaying the day’s events in her head like a flashback scene in a movie.
She’d woken up with JJ, they made breakfast and went on a walk, avoiding the beach.  They went to visit Kiara at The Wreck with Pope, and then went back to the Chateau to do some chores.
(y/n) liked to keep the place tidy and clean.  It gave her something to do, and deep down, she knew that if John B came home, he’d be happy to see everything was just how he left it.  If not a little more organized thanks to her.
And then they’d gotten the call from the Sheriff’s Department.
JJ came into the room, a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of advil in the other.
“Here” He said, handing them both to her.
“I don’t need it, my head doesn’t hurt” (y/n) replied quietly, barely even looking at him.
“Not now, but from the look on your face I can tell it’s going to soon.  Just take it now, please” JJ said, holding out the cup and bottle towards her again.
(y/n) gave in, knowing he was right, and there was no use in arguing with him because he’d only bother her until she just took the pill.
JJ sat down next to her as she swallowed down the medicine, along with a few more drinks of water.  She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was, and suddenly wondered how long she’d been sitting there.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ asked out of nowhere, and she turned to him.
“What?” She asked, voice barely above a mumble.
“John B and Sarah,” He said their names so easily, so casually her heart clenched.  
She almost never spoke their names.  And when she did, she was usually in a fit of tears.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ repeated his question.
(y/n’s) mouth opened, then closed.  And then open and closed again.  She didn’t understand what he was asking.
JJ could tell, and he sat back to stretch out on the soda, his legs kicking out as his back leaned against the arm rest.  (y/n) turned her body to look at him properly, but didn’t crawl into his arms like he’d expected.  She was too confused trying to comprehend what he was saying.
“I think they’re in Florida,” JJ thought aloud, realizing (y/n) wasn’t going to entertain the question.  “And I think they got married”
“Married?” She mumbled, blinking at him.  “You think they’re... alive?”
“Of course,” JJ said, as sincerely as he could.  “Don’t you?”
She doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t have to.
“There’s no way they aren’t.  John B’s a pretty tough guy, and Sarah’s the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.  More stubborn than you” He spoke with such ease, it threw (y/n) off.  
His knee knocked against her side, and he held his hand out to her, beckoning her to lay with him.
Warily, she leaned forward, crawling into the space between his legs, and then flipping over to rest back against his chest.  JJ’s arms wrapped around her middle naturally, and he continued to let his thoughts roam free.
“Do you think they’ve got some new treasure hunt going down there?” He whispered into her ear.
“Yes” (y/n) replied, finally giving in to the conspiracy.
“Yeah?” JJ asked, glad that was entertained by the idea, and hopefully comforted too.
“Yeah… I’ll bet… I’ll bet they’re tracking more gold… or… or jewels… or something”
JJ smiled at how hard she tried to let herself get used to the idea.  He knew how badly she wanted to move on, and how she felt stuck in the past.  This was a significant step forward, and he was more proud of her than he let on.  He just didn’t want her to think he pitied her.
“They’re probably filthy rich by now,” JJ told her.  “She’s probably turned him full Kook”
“In a good way,” (y/n) spoke, her smile shining through her words.  “He was so…”
“Whipped” JJ muttered.
“In love,” (y/n) corrected with a soft exhale.  “They only had a week together before they… left,” She said carefully.  “And I… I’ve known John B my whole life and he’d never looked at anyone the way he looked at Sarah”
From where her head laid on his chest, JJ couldn’t see well, but he just knew that she was smiling as she spoke, reminiscing in the good memories.
“So you think they got married when they got to Florida?” JJ asked, speaking it like it was a truth.
“Yeah, I think they just might have,” (y/n) said.  She thought for a moment, and then let out a small giggle.
He was surprised by the sound, especially when it erupted into more joyous laughter.
“You know,” She ponders aloud, “I think that when they got wherever they were headed, and realized they were safe and alive, he proposed to her right then”
“Yeah?” JJ asked, amused, and revelling in the sound of her laughter.  
He had missed the sound so much, he’d worried he’d never hear it again.  He closed his eyes as he listened to her soft giggles, and melted at the way her back slightly shook against his chest.
“Yeah,” (y/n) confirmed, and one of her hands reached for his that lied on her stomach.  “It probably wasn’t romantic at all.  He probably didn’t even get on one knee”
“You’re so right,” JJ laughed with her.  “He probably was just like ‘we should get married’ and Sarah was like ‘oh John B, i love you!’ And-”
(y/n) burst into laughter at JJ’s high pitched impression of Sarah.  It didn’t sound like her, it didn’t even sound like any girl, but it made her belly laugh, and she sat up slightly so she could turn to look at him.
“Why are you laughing at me? That was a spot on impression” He told her.
“No, it wasn’t,” (y/n) said, shaking her head as she looked down at him.
There were crinkles at her eyes and her lips were pulled into the widest smile he’d seen from her in months.
He had convinced himself that he wasn’t 100% sure what love felt like, but right now it felt like his heart might just burst because of it.
He hadn’t just missed her laugh.  He’d missed her.
“It’s almost like you have no idea what a woman sounds like- but Jay, you’ve been living with one for like three years now- what?” (y/n) had cut herself off from her teasing when she saw the way he was staring at her.
He looked sad, but he was smiling, so she didn’t know what to think.  Usually she could read him pretty well, but she’d never seen this look before.
“What?” She asked again.  “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason, I just…”
JJ sits up, trying to find the right words as he instinctively grabs a hold of her.  She turns to face him again, her legs hooking behind him as she waits for him to continue.
“I’m just thinking” He finishes.
“Well that’s dangerous,” She replies, the banter coming as naturally as it used to.  She lets out a little snort of a laugh as she smiles at him.  “What about?”
JJ’s hands smooth around her hips, the way they did earlier when they’d gotten the call from Officer Thomas himself, but now it wasn’t to comfort, it was simply because he could.
“You ever think about what would have happened if we never went on that treasure hunt?” He asked, quietly, like he was trying not to upset her.
She goes still, but she doesn’t push him away, and she doesn’t choke up.
“All the time” She murmurs back.
Her voice comes out through a quiet exhale, and if he wasn’t so close, he might not have heard it.  But in the last three months his ears had been practically trained to hear her every breath, and catch on to every mumble.
“Really?” He asked, and she nodded, her bottom lip tucking in between her teeth as she looked back at him.
“Of course,” She quietly replied.  “How else do you think I keep sane during all the quiet moments?”
It’s a sweet thing to say, paired with a soft smile that JJ felt relieved to see.
“Well then what do you think we’d be doing right now?”
“Something stupid,” She answered right away, followed by a small laugh.  “Something sketchy.  That’s all we ever did”
“We fished too, fishing’s legal.  And surfing, that’s legal too”
“That’s fair,” (y/n) hummed.  “Kie and Sarah would’ve gotten along better,” She added.  “It would’ve been nice to have a girls day”
“I’ll have a girls day with you” JJ told her, making her laugh again.
“I know you would,” She said, setting her hands on his shoulders.  “But it’s not the same”
JJ shrugged.
“You can braid my hair and put makeup on me, what else do you do on a girls day?” He asked, and again, she giggled.
He hoped he could keep making her laugh.
“What do you think we’d be up to?” She asked once the laughter subsided and she was left staring into those baby blue eyes again.
The laughter bubbled back over, her hands swatting at his shoulders as she threw her head back.
“Well you don’t have to laugh that much,” JJ said, brows furrowed as he pouted.  “It’s true, we would be”
“Maybe,” (y/n) corrected.  “If you’d ever actually made a move, maybe”
“What do you mean ever actually made a move?” He asked, offended.  “I maed plenty of moves! Lots and lots of moves”
“Oh really?” (y/n) asked, quirking an eyebrow.  “I don’t think we’re remembering it the same way, because I only seem to remember you scaring other boys away from me...”
“Well, yeah, among other things,” JJ said, shrugging casually.  “Can’t have a bunch of lame Tourons crowding my girl”
She laughed at his idea of flirting, but she knew fully well that it had always worked.  JJ Maybank was charming in his own unique way, and even now it made her melt in his hands.
“So you’re saying that eventually you would have done something about it?”
“About it?”
“Yeah, you know, whatever was… between us,” (y/n) clarified, her finger twirling around the space between them.  “I have a hard time believing you would have asked me out”
“I would have!” JJ said, pretending to take offense at her accusation.  “Eventually”
“Mhm,” She hummed, and then shook her head.  “Well, we’ll never know now,” She sighed, dropping her hands to her lap as she started to fiddle.  “I think we skipped a couple steps”
“I think we skipped all the steps, sweetheart,” JJ chuckled, taking her hands so she would stop fidgeting.  “But that’s alright, I wouldn’t take it any other way.  You’d be the only one for me no matter what happens,”
Her face turns a rosy shade of pink, which brings JJ to kiss both of her cheeks with a proud grin.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked.  “Have the what are we conversation”
Surprisingly, (y/n) shrugs and shakes her head.
“I mean, I don’t think we really have to, do you?” She asks softly.  “If there’s no one else for you, and no one else for me…” She trails off, her eyes flickering in between his.  “I think it’s pretty clear to me”
“Yeah,” JJ agrees, nodding his head.  “Pretty clear,” He repeats.  “I just hope you know what you’re getting into” He teases.
She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in closer.
“I’ve lived with you for quite some time now, I think I know exactly what I’m getting into”
There’s a beat that passes between them, a quiet, contemplative beat.
But then (y/n’s) shaking her head, and she’s smiling at him so brightly that it’s contagious.
And then she leans over just a little bit, just enough to tenderly press her lips against his.
He’s quick to react, his hands reaching up to her face, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
She’s so slow and careful with her movements, and JJ thinks it might have been the softest kiss he’s ever been given.  Her lips are warm, inviting, and he begins to kick himself for not making a proper move on her back when everything wasn’t so heavy.
They pull away, their grins equally wide, and (y/n) leans her forehead into his, her eyes still shut.  JJ stares at her, awestruck, admiring every curve and freckle on her face.
His hands fall to her waist again, and he pulls her down onto the couch with him, allowing her to tuck herself in against his side as they lay comfortably.
They talk for a long time, theorizing on where they’d be now in another life, and what Sarah and John B are up to, wherever they are.  There’s a few tears that JJ has to wipe from the girl’s cheeks, but she’s smiling.
She has hope, for the first time in months, she’s filled with hope and love and deep down she truly believes things will get better.
Even if the day started with the Sheriff’s Department calling to let them know that John B and Sarah Cameron are officially and legally declared dead, since they’d been missing for three months.
It might get worse before it gets better.  But it was bound to get better. ___
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
February 19th, 2:45 p.m (Six Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“I’m not sayin’ that I will key their cars,” JJ argues, “I’m just saying that I would!”
Pope and Kiara burst into fits of laughter, knowing full well that JJ would bust up Kook property at any given chance, even unprovoked.
(y/n) rolled her eyes from next to him, patting his arm gently.
“Sure, Jay, sure” She says, completely unconvinced.
Normally he’d continue to argue that he was just making a joke, but no one would believe him, and truth be told, he wouldn’t even believe himself.
They’d all gotten together today to hang out and eat lunch at The Wreck.  It was one of Kiara’s off days, so for once she actually got to sit at the table with her friends.  It was a nice afternoon, and definitely much needed quality time.
“You want more water?” (y/n) hummed, already picking up her and JJ’s empty glasses.
“Sure, thanks,” He answered with a charming smile while she got up.  “Oh, but wait” He called, reaching out for her arm before she could walk away.
He tugged on her arm so she would bend over and he could swiftly kiss her cheek.  She giggled, swatting gently at his bicep, but nonetheless she blushed as she headed off to the counter.
Kiara and Pope each made their faces at JJ.  Winks, wiggling eyebrows, wide eyes, smirks, they couldn’t help it.
“Shut up, both of you” JJ chuckled before they could even say anything.
“We didn’t say anything” Pope grumbled.
“It’s just about time, that’s all,” Kiara said, putting her hands up in surrender.  “You two have been dancing that dance for years”
JJ didn’t say anything, just smiled as he poked around his plate of fries.
“Look at him, he’s so in love with her” Kiara cooed.
But Pope wasn’t looking at him at all, he’d turned in his seat when he’d caught sight of Rafe Cameron eyeing (y/n).  He’d known it wasn’t a good sign.
“Pope,” Kiara called, trying to get his attention, but realized his gaze was focused elsewhere.  “What are you…” She trailed off, turning to follow his line of sight.
She only groaned at the sight of Rafe, before turning back to their own table.  Kooks came to The Wreck on occasion, but not usually Kooks like Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, who were in a booth across the restaurant.
“What’s he doing?” Pope mumbled, now watching Rafe get up from his booth, and make his way to the counter, where (y/n) was chatting with one of the servers.
JJ started to get up, but Pope was quick to put a hand up.
“Wait, doesn’t start anything,” He warned, and for some reason, JJ listened to him.  “(y/n) was friends with Sarah”
“That guy’s a fucking prick- and a murderer-” JJ started to argue, but Pope hushed him, telling him to keep his voice down.
“Just wait a minute before you swoop in there and make a scene,” Pope said.  “He’s Sarah’s brother, Sarah was a good person”
JJ muttered a string of profanities, but sat back down in his seat.  He didn’t take his eyes away from the counter though.
“(y/n) (y/l/n),” Rafe called, letting out a low whistle that made JJ bristle.  “Long time no see”
(y/n) barely looked at him before shooting her gaze down to the cups of water.  JJ can tell that she’s playing with the ring on her thumb.
“Yeah, I haven’t really been… around” She’d answered.
“Why doesn’t he just say his piece and leave” JJ muttered, both of his hands in his lap, curling into tight fists.
“That’s too bad” Rafe responded.
(y/n) wasn’t giving him any of her attention, so JJ knew he shouldn’t be so upset right now.  But he didn’t trust Rafe for as far as he could throw him, and he definitely didn’t trust him around (y/n).
“She can hold her own” Pope reminded him, knowing that JJ was starting to see red.
Yeah, but he’s a creep, he thought to himself.
“I’m sorry about Sarah,”
(y/n) spoke suddenly, soft and sweet, displaying nothing but kindness to a boy she knew wouldn’t know what kindness felt like if someone handed it right to him.
“I didn’t get to know her as well as I would have liked, but… I did like her a lot.  She was definitely a special-”
Rafe cut her off before she could say anything more.
“Well, you move on fast, don’t you?” He snarled.
(y/n) blinked, eyes going wide at the rude comment, even if she didn’t understand it.
“Your Pogue boyfriend’s only dead for a few months and you’ve already latched onto another, huh?” He asked, gesturing towards JJ.
(y/n’s) eyes wandered over to her boyfriend, who had just stood up from his seat with such force it fell backwards, and was now making his way over.
Please don’t get in a fight, she begged silently.  Please don’t make a scene, this isn’t worth the attention of the whole restaurant.
“Rafe, you’ve got it all wrong,” She told him quietly, trying to diffuse the situation herself.  “John B wasn’t my boyfriend, we grew up together, he was a brother to me-”
“You’re disgusting,” Rafe spat at her.  “If it wasn’t for your Pogue friends and your Pogue slut self, Sarah wouldn’t be dead right now!”
It felt like (y/n’s) heart stopped at the cruel accusation, and for a moment, she thought she might burst into tears in front of him.
“She’s not dead” She mumbled, her throat going tight.
JJ was at her side in a second, his arm winding around her hips and pulling her into him, about to drag her away without a word to Rafe.  He knew she didn’t want him to act out, and as hard as it was, he didn’t want to let her down.
He prompted her to follow him back to the table, forgetting about the water on the counter, he just wanted to get her out of this restaurant as fast as possible
“She is dead, they’re both dead because of you!” Rafe called after her, desperate to get the last word in.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” JJ hollered back, throwing the Kook a threatening look over his shoulder.
“That’s fine sweetheart!” Rafe shouted, and (y/n) tried her best to block him out.  “Let your shiny new toy fight your fights for you! Just like John B did.  Do all the Pogues you fuck become your guard dog?”
That was it.
Any chance of her crying went out the window and next thing she knew, she was ripping herself out of JJ’s hold and lunging towards Rafe, swinging without any aim, but enough force that when she hit the Kook in the nose, she could feel the crunch of cartilage against her knuckles, and blood splattered onto the counter.
“You bitch-!”
Rafe barely had a chance to fight back before JJ was grabbing (y/n) by the waist, lifting her up and physically carrying her out of The Wreck.  Pope and Kiara hastily followed them out, laughing joyously.
“Are you crazy?” JJ asked, only setting her down once they were down the street, and they were certain that a group of Kooks wouldn’t follow after them to finish what (y/n) had started.
She was still scowling, and rubbing at her jaw where Rafe had just barely nicked her with his knuckles.
“Fuck,” JJ grinned at her, taking her by surprise.  “You are crazy”
“You’re not mad?” She asked, and all three of her friends laughed.
“Mad? Of course not, you just broke Rafe Cameron’s nose, baby!” JJ cheered, cupping her face in his hands and pressing a quick kiss to her lips, and then her nose, and then her cheek.  “That’s my girl!”
The whooping and hollering of her boyfriend, echoed by Pope and Kie, made her blush red and butterflies erupt in her chest.  Breaking a Kook’s nose was a strange thing to feel bashful about, but the attention made her shy.
“Come on, let’s get home and ice that before it bruises” JJ said, nodding to her jaw.
As they made their way to the Chateau, their hands latched and swinging between them, JJ continued to gush over how badass and amazing she was, no matter how much she laughed it off and begged him to stop making her blush. ___
[ every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
February 19th, 3:15 p.m
“You’re lucky I pulled you outta there before he landed a whole punch,” JJ told (y/n) as he pressed a bag of frozen peas against her jaw.  “This coulda hurt a lot worse, why didn’t you duck babe?”
(y/n) let out a huff, swinging her legs from where she sat on the kitchen counter.  JJ was standing between them, coddling her much more than necessary.
“I dunno, I’m not some pro fighter like you” She retorted, and hissed when he pressed a little too hard against the sensitive skin.
“I know that was supposed to be sarcastic, but I’m gonna take it as a compliment anyways,” JJ retorted, earning a good natured eye roll from the girl.  “You know I’m proud of you, right?”
“I know,” She giggled back.  “You haven’t shut up about it”
“Can’t help it, it was fuckin’ awesome,” JJ gushed again.  “It was so hot, the most perfect punch, I wish I coulda taken a picture of the look on Rafe’s face, priceless.  You’re such a badass, I fucking love you”
He didn’t seem to catch what he’d said, but (y/n) did.  
Her eyes blew wide, and her lips parted momentarily, at a loss for words.  And since she didn’t know what to say, she decided the next best thing was to lean forward and capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
The kiss took JJ by surprise at first, but then the realization of what he’d said hit him, and he pulled away from her abruptly.
“Oh my god, I didn’t mean- well I did, but I-”
“JJ,” (y/n) giggled as he rambled, her hands laying across his cheeks.  “It’s okay, I-”
They were cut off by the phone ringing, which was odd, because it wasn’t their cellphone’s ringtone.  It took a second to even realize that the Chateau had a landline.
“What the fuck?” (y/n) pushed the bag of peas JJ was still holding away from her face, and hopped off the counter.  “Who even has this number? Oh my god, do you think it’s Thomas again?”
(y/n’s) heart began to race as she darted out of the kitchen towards the phone hanging on the wall.
“(y/n/n)- do you want me to take it?” JJ asked, worried that she’d freak herself out too much to actually answer the phone.
But she’d already unhooked the phone from the wall.
“Routledge Residence, (y/n) speaking”
There was a chuckle on the other side of the line, followed by a teasing, “I just knew that you weren’t gonna move out”
JJ couldn’t hear what the caller had said, but from the look on (y/n’s) face, he knew it couldn’t have been a telemarketer.
She dropped to her knees, the cord on the phone uncoiling completely as it stretched all the way down.  A choked sound between a sob and a gasp escaped her, and in a second, JJ was kneeling in front of her, jumping right into panic attack mode.
“(y/n/n), what is it? Who is it?”
“JJ there too? How are you guys-”
“John B?” (y/n) mumbled, voice shaky, scared that this was some practical joke at her expense.
JJ’s eyes went wide, and she finally looked up at him, his jaw slack.
“The one and only,” He laughed again.  “Guess I’m lucky you were at the house, I don’t remember any other phone numbers”
“I can’t believe it- are you okay? Is Sarah okay? Holy shit, John-”
“We’re okay, we’re both okay,” He chuckled, cutting her off.  “You’re not gonna believe this… but… we’ve got it”
“You’ve got it?” She repeated, confused.
“The gold, (y/n), we’ve got the gold”
“No shit-”
“Sarah says hi by the way,” He added.  “We’ll be back as soon as we can with it, okay? I don’t know when, but we’re working on it”
“What’s he saying?” JJ asked, but (y/n’s) brain was in a clusterfuck of information.
“I miss you- well all miss you- we miss you so much” She stammered out.
“We miss you too, (y/n)!” Sarah called, sounding distant through the speaker.
“We miss you a lot,” John B added,  “I’m sorry we didn’t call earlier, we just had to be sure there way it could get tracked-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I forgive you,” (y/n) said through a watery laugh.  “Just- just be safe, and get back as soon as you can, okay?”
“We will, promise,” John B replied.  “And I’ll try to call more too, okay? Look we’re… we’re working it all out right now”
“Okay, good,” (y/n) sighed, and wiped her teary cheeks with the back of her hand.  “I can’t wait to see you both”
“And when you do, we’ll be millions of dollars richer,” He told her.  “Look, we have to get going, Sarah has work.  The Kook Princess has a job here!” He told her with a laugh.  “I’ll call you when I can, alright?”
“Alright,” She agreed.  “Okay, call soon”
“Stay safe, (y/n/n), talk to you soon”
“Bye, John B”
He hung up, leaving the phone to ring a low dull sound, and (y/n) and JJ to stare at each other in amazement.
“They have the gold” (y/n) mumbled out.
“For real?”
“For real,” She nods back at him.  “They’re working on a plan to come home-”
Before she can finish, he tackles her to the ground, hugging her tight, and just letting the phone hang by it’s cord.  They’re laughing, she’s crying, and they can’t remember the last time they’ve felt joy like this before.
(y/n) sits up slightly, enough to wrap her arms around him and kiss him chastely.
“They’re in the Bahamas, and Sarah has a job, and- and they’re gonna come home” She rambled on as tears streamed down her face faster than JJ could wipe them away.
He’s grinning at her, kissing her whole face, everywhere he could.
She starts to giggle from the kisses, her shoulders raising from the ticklish feeling.
“JJ- JJ!” She cried out, having to grab him by his shoulders to get him to chill out.  “We have to go tell Pope and Kie!” “Okay, come on, let’s get going, I’ll drive you there now” JJ said, pulling her up to her feet, but before racing for the door, he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around in the air.
“I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it!” (y/n) cried out, giggling when he finally set her back down, and grabbed her hand before dashing for the front door.  “We’re going out tonight, baby!” She was so ecstatic, her body was practically vibrating.
He laughed, grabbing the keys to his dirtbike from the counter.
“Wait wait wait, JJ!” (y/n) called, her grip tightening on his hand as she pulled him back towards her.
“What? What is it?” He asked in a hurry, his eyes wild as he looked back at her.
She just grinned at him, before pulling him in closer, and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could kiss him.
She could feel his tenseness fade away, and when she smiled it broke their kiss.
“I love you too,” She told him, her smile brightening before she reached up and stole another kiss.  “And I’m glad you’re here with me, always”
“Well, we do live together, sweetheart,” He teased.  “But you know I’d never go anywhere else”
“I know,” She hummed, and leaned in to kiss him one more time.  “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, quit trying to distract me!”
(y/n) laughed as she followed him out the door, an overwhelming amount of delight flooding through her as she got on the back of JJ’s bike, rehearsing in her head what she wanted to say to their friends, and how impatient she was to see John B again.
xoxo ~ jordie
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prettynxsty · 3 years
Salinity I
Sub!Namjoon x Domme!Reader
Warnings: Pussy spanking, Futa/Girlcock, did I mention Joon has a pussy?, cunnilingus, mentions of nipple play, size kink (small top/ big bottom), mentions of spit and sweat.
Summary: This is a product of my horrible imagination as a 2 part impulse piece. Sometimes you just need a good romp in the comfort of your home.
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Namjoon only ever took breaks when his brain needed a cooldown. You’d both been so busy that you didn’t have any time to creep up and ravish him like some cunning predator.
His worries of him being too big for you to mount him subsided after your first few times together. Now you were committed to each other for 3 years.
He remembers exactly how your fingers dug into his bigger hips when you ground him along your bulge. He was the most drunk he could have ever been, rum fought his inhibitions and won.
You stepped to the rhythm, locking onto him as you stalked forward. You were beyond the ability to hear the music in the club anymore, the rest of your senses were in overdrive. You move behind him, wrapping your arms around his stomach.
He molds back against you, glancing over his shoulder to greet his new partner. Your thumb brushes over a sliver of his stomach as you guide his waist in a manner that was iniquitous to everything outside of you. Namjoon tilts his hips forward, pressing more of his ass against you.
His lids flutter shut, the rosy brown shading his outer corner was beginning to mix with the ash brown framing the corner of his eye. You felt as if you reached a new echelon of consciousness. Your clothes stuck to your bodies in a way that was disgusting, you’d only realize it when the lure of the party drained out of your stomachs.
You lean in and kiss his jaw, his sweat mingles with the pitiful remains of your unflavored lip balm. Your tongue pushes past your lips, dragging from the corner of his jaw to the bottom of his chin. Acridity, salinity, it rolls over the center of your tongue in a way that makes the pit of your stomach tingle.
He sighed hotly, you could almost see his breath become condensation. The air conditioner works triply as it would in any other establishment, but the amalgamation of bodies exchange energy and heat at a rate so rapid that it couldn’t keep up.
You don’t know how long you danced with him, you end back up in the booth that you rented with your friends. This was the fusion of the growing heat between you, it was now nuclear. You kissed him, pulling him forward until he was forced to drop himself onto your lap.
His anxieties began to manifest, planting a hand on the table to move. But you placed your hand on his, gazing up into his eyes. You always seemed to have a cerebral connection.
He’s okay.
His subconscious echoes. His unease is unable to direct his mind to mirror it, dissipating under your all consuming fire.
He sucks in a small breath, quickly shaking the thought from his head. He reaches for the remote at his side on the nightstand, busying himself with finding a channel that could be interesting while simultaneously serving as good background noise should his thoughts consume him.
You toed off your rubber sandals at the entryway, shuffling into your home. You held a few plastic bags from the store, it felt good to feel the spring sun and wind. There wasn’t a pill you could take to fulfill the need to go outside, so it felt good to get out when you were granted the chance.
You and Namjoon were both in agreement that clutter contributed to toppling stress and frustration. So you put everything away in the pantry and store the remaining bags under the sink in the ever growing collection of liners for the smaller waste bins around the home.
You dig around in your sweat shorts and fish out your keys and phone as you enter the room. “What are you watching?”
“Man,” you shook your head as you neatly placed your keys in the tray on the bureau. You set your phone beside it before you move across the room to climb onto the bed. “I just know there are better things to watch at this time.”
Daytime TV was strange unless you were a child. Everyone else was too busy to watch until the afternoon, older people were clearly the target audience of a lot of these channels. Other stations seemed to simply recycle runs of their longer standing and obscure shows through the midday until the afternoon.
“We pay for cable and don’t use it enough, babe. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” His lips curve into an amused smile towards the end, spreading his arms as a nonverbal request for your touch.
“It’s not a bad thing you’re vegging out, you’re always using that brain.” You carefully crawl over the dark gray comforter, throwing your leg over his hip and lay over his chest. You greet him completely, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him.
The same bug seems to have bitten you, because you birth the sudden thought that you could kill some time by doing something else entirely. Your loose shorts did nothing to hold your dick in place regardless of what undergarments you wore. Your dick rests against his lower belly. Something shameless crawls up your spine, imagining his shirt hiked up to his collarbone as you helped yourself to his pretty pink nipples.
He casts a short glance down at you, the tips of his ears beginning to burn. He was well aware that you knew your dick jumped for a beat.
You purse your lips together, debating whether you should truly engage in molesting your relaxing boyfriend. Your mind travels back to your agreement that the both of you made. He would have let you know he absolutely wasn’t in the mood when you entered the room.
Your lips lift with a stupid grin as you move your arms from his embrace, scooting backward until you reach his ankles. You lean forward, digging your fingers under the waistband of his tiny black shorts and begin to work them down.
“What are you doing?” He questions you, lifting his hips for you to take them down the rest of the way. He only ever wore those tiny shorts at home, they might as well have been a pair of panties
“Don’t worry about it, keep watching.” You nudge his legs further apart, laying between them and hook his knees over your shoulders.
He covers his face with a hand, seeing you below him shouldn’t have made his stomach flutter like he held hands with a first love.
“You don’t know how much I think about eating this fat fucking pussy all the time.” You kiss the apex of his plush mound. His outer lips are just as gorgeously tanned as the rest of his latte colored skin, plump and warm from being nestled between his softened thighs.
The heat of his cunt warms your cheeks as you lean in to greet his clit first. His big brown thighs squeeze your ears with a shuddering moan from above you. You suck on the fleshy hood surrounding it with a wet noise, smacking your lips as you release it. You repeat this action in an irregular pattern, which is torturous to him.
You purse your lips, spitting a few stringy globules over his pussy lips before diving in to feast on the rest of him. His velvety inner lips swell with blood as you flick your tongue over them and suck on them hungrily. He curses through gritted teeth when you drag your tongue in between his thick petals, sweeping his nectar away like a greedy dog.
The remote in his hand creaks in his tightening grip, he would never get tired of when you had your way with him. You didn’t squeeze your tongue inside of him, you liked to save your favorite part for the very end.
He hadn’t even felt you shift one of your hands from his thighs, his eyes were closed from the bliss washing over him in waves. Suddenly it felt like the breath was knocked out of his lungs, his stomach tightening and releasing.
You spank your hand over his mouth, your middle finger rebounding from his clit. He could only sigh hotly, trying to catch ahold of his breath before you did it again. The sting made his thighs tremble, he was starting to lose control.
You angled your hand, smacking your hand straight over his fat, swollen folds. He cried out, throwing his head back. You lean in to nurse the sting, grinding your tongue over his spongy little love button.
“Please,” he began to babble. He was closer and closer to falling apart.
“Oh god.” He pants, thrashing his head to the right as you dug the thick of your tongue against his clit again. The sting of the slaps began to spread his inner thighs, causing them to tremble even more.
“You’re going to break me, please!” Namjoon’s voice was high and tight, a sob. A world away from his rich baritone.
You gently pinch around the hood of his clit and frantically massage it back and forth as you lap away at his pussylips.
He loses his breath, seizing up as he came. You lap away his milky drips of cream, slowing the furious movement of your hand. Eventually when you feel that you’ve lapped away what he’d be able to give you, you run a soothing hand over his thigh as you pull away.
“Ready to keep going, Joonie?”
He takes in slow, deep breaths to calm his heart before responding with a nod.
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mimisempai · 2 years
I love every single word of love you say to me
Alpine is always a little embarrassed about how her first human is able to express her feelings for her second human. But apparently neither of them are.
Indulge me, I needed some fluff tonight
1641 words - Rating G
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Alpine loved her first human, Bucky. She loved him more than anything. He had taken her in, given her a home where she lacked nothing, especially affection. Then he brought his second human, Sam, into her life and Sam gave them both a family.
His two humans loved each other, there was no denying it. And anyone who knew them could tell.
Sometimes her first human even made her a little ashamed because he was able to come out with sappy phrases without blushing.Alpine couldn't count the number of times she'd witnessed this and Sam's reaction.
One night Bucky scratched her head and said, "Come on baby girl, we'll keep Sam company for a bit while he works on Redwing."
Alpine quietly followed him as he made his way to Sam's workshop.
His second human, focused on his work, hadn't heard that someone had entered.
It wasn't until he felt a presence next to him that he looked up and saw Bucky, leaning against his desk.
Alpine wanted her second human to notice her too so she meowed softly.
Her human second lowered his head to her and as he stroked her under the chin, Bucky said softly, "Joaquin told me as he was leaving that you still had a lot of work to do on the new Redwing programming, so I came here instead of waiting alone at home."
"But why? You're going to be bored,"
"Sorry Alpine, I meant to say, you two are going to be bored, I really need to work on Redwing."
Bucky put his hand on Sam's shoulder, kissed her on the forehead before sitting down on a chair that was lying around in the corner of the workshop, then pulled a book out of his pocket and said softly, "I just wanted to spend some time with you, that's enough for me."
Alpine wanted to mewl inwardly in embarrassment.
Bucky had said it simply, without blushing.
Alpine saw that Sam was rather flustered judging by the screwdriver that fell out of his hand and the look he gave Bucky, who had started to read.
His human, Sam, would always ask Bucky questions as they were about to fall asleep.
He was on his side with Bucky's arms around him and Alpine was lying curled up in the hollows that their slightly bent legs made.
They tended to forget she was there and she sometimes witnessed little scenes like this.
Bucky tightened his embrace as he always did in these situations and simply replied, "Yes, Sam?"
"Are you happy with the path you've taken?"
Alpine knew that both of them had walked some difficult paths. She had been there for some of the times in Bucky's life that had been difficult.
She felt Bucky take the time to answer, she then heard him kiss Sam's hair before answering, "I am, because at the end of the day, we're here like this."
Sam exhaled and said softly, "So you wouldn't change anything in your life?"
His first human's voice was firm as he replied, "I wouldn't change anything, if changing meant losing you."
Bucky didn't notice, but Alpine heard Sam's small gasp in response to Bucky's words.
Feeling them both relaxed, Alpine rolled into a little more of a ball, tucked against the legs of her two humans, and she too, fell asleep.
Alpine loved the new place where she lived, she often walked the streets of the neighborhood and many people knew her.
From time to time she would follow her two humans who were also known to everyone.
They often stopped to say hello to each other.
There was old Carlos who had become friends with her first human. He liked to gently tease Sam and Bucky.
"And here are our two lovebirds. Bucky, I'm warning you you're hurting Sam, I'm feeding you to the fish."
His human raised his hand and said solemnly, "If I hurt him, I'll feed myself to the fish."
Under Carlos' boisterous laughter, Sam pulled Bucky away before he could make any more embarrassing statements. Bucky, who was walking a little behind, did not see Sam's gaze. But Alpine did, she saw that her second human was touched by the words of her dopey first human.
Alpine was no longer surprised by the scene she stumbled upon as she entered the kitchen to eat her kibble.
Her two humans, embracing and dancing or rather swaying to the music coming from the kitchen radio speakers.
Bucky's lips were now against Sam's ear and he was humming softly to the music. Alpine tried to ignore Bucky's silly grin as Sam pushed him away because he was stopping him from making food, but then Bucky wrapped his hands around Sam's neck and put his forehead against his.
"Admit you like it."
Sam didn't answer, but didn't push Bucky away either and let himself be pulled into the sweet slow dance again and rested his cheek against Bucky's shoulder with a smile.
Bucky continued to hum along with the music that spoke of time passing and eternity, when all of a sudden he stopped and said softly, lips against Sam's hair, "I would've waited an eternity if I knew you were what I'd get at the end of it."
As Alpine passed the embracing couple, she saw Sam smile and say something very low, so that Bucky wouldn't hear him. But Alpine was a cat, she had great hearing, and she could understand perfectly what her second human had just said, "I'm glad I didn't have to wait an eternity."
"Hey my girl, I'm going down by the lake to clear my head, watch over Bucky huh?"
Alpine saw that Sam's eyes were red as he left and he wasn't doing well. Plus the sun was just coming up. She loved her second human as much as her first and she could feel that he was in pain. So she didn't hesitate, went to her humans' room and climbed onto the bed. She poked her first human, Bucky, with her nose and he woke up with a start.
"Huh? Alpine?"
He blinked a little and seemed to realize that something was wrong.
Alpine meowed.
"Ah? It's one of those nights is it?"
Bucky dressed quickly and taking Alpine in his arms, he kissed her head before putting her back down on the floor, "Don't worry sweetheart, we'll take care of Sam."
Bucky walked out of the house, and Alpine decided to follow him from a distance. She wanted to make sure her two humans were okay.
Bucky approached the figure on the jetty, then when he got close to Sam he slipped his hand into his and Sam leaned against him.
"Nightmares?" asked Bucky.
"Hm." replied Sam, "the worst ones, the ones that remind me of my failures."
Bucky slipped his arms around Sam and laid his head on his shoulder. He whispered in his ear, but Alpine who had come closer heard him, "If only you could see yourself the way I see you, you would realize how exceptional you are."
Sam chuckled softly and turned in Bucky's arms, "Every time I think you've said the most romantic sappy thing on earth, you come up with something even sappier." before kissing him softly.
Alpine thought the same as Sam.
Alpine saw it right away, it was one of those days, albeit fewer and farther between, the days when her first human was sad.
Alpine didn't know too much about her human's past, but she knew there had been a lot of pain, and before he met his second human, there was no one he could lean on. But sometimes his first human forgot, he forgot that he could ask for help. So Alpine figured it was up to her to give him a hand. While Bucky was brooding on the couch, she went and nudged him several times, she meowed, she made him believe that she was hungry so that he would come to the kitchen, because in the kitchen was her second human.
When Bucky arrived in the kitchen, Sam had his back to him, busy putting away dishes.
"Hey Bucky!"
Bucky didn't answer and just looked at him.
"Bucky?" asked Sam in a concerned tone, "what's wrong?"  "How long do you think it will be before you leave me because I'm a burden?" asked Bucky putting his hand over his mouth because he apparently hadn't intended to say it out loud.
Bucky shook his head.
"Bucky, do you really think I see you as a burden?"
Bucky lowered his head, "No...actually I don't know, it's one of those days, you know where..." Bucky did a little reel at his head, "...it's not going well up there."
Sam nodded his head in agreement, he knew those days too.
He walked over to Bucky, knotted his hands in his and said softly, "I don't know if that's what you want to hear, but that's what I think, so I'll say it. Bucky, you are more than you think of yourself. You're everything to me. You will never be a burden."
Alpine followed them to the living room where Sam helped Bucky sit on the couch. He then sat down next to him and motioned for Alpine to jump onto Bucky's lap. He pulled Bucky to him, and Alpine saw her first human snuggling up to Sam. Then Sam grabbed a large blanket with his other hand and covered them with it. Alpine nuzzled even more between her two humans.
As Alpine basked in the sweetness of this tender moment with her two humans, she heard Sam whisper, "You are my everything.Both of you. I will never leave you."
Finally, her two humans were just two romantic dorks.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
SamBucky masterlist here
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO (A) Half Shark Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Forever Love
Word count: 4921
Warnings: None. 
Title: ABO (A) Half Shark Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Forever Love
Summary: You go to the beach and meet a strange shark tooth Alpha. 
(Gif not mine) 
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🦈-Summer was here and you were ready to enjoy the sun. 
🦈-You wasted no time packing a beach bag and driving to see the gritty sand and blue water. You wore a pair of sunglasses, you were glad you did since the sun was high in the sky and it wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. 
🦈-You all but leaped out of your car and dashed across the sand. You adored summer and missed the feeling of sand under your feet. Before you could get fully sucked in by the sparkling waves you made sure to put on a thick layer of sunscreen. 
🦈-You didn’t want to mess with skin cancer. 
🦈-Once you were all lathered up you set your beach towel down and sat on it until the sunscreen had soaked in a bit. As soon as your phone beeped telling you it was time you were running into the blue water. 
🦈-The cool water was a shock to your body but you embraced it the feeling.
🦈-You were heating up a bit sitting on the beach so it was really refreshing having the cool water lapping against your skin. You should have brought a tube but you were in a hurry to get to the beach so you left it for another time. 
🦈-You pushed all your thoughts away and simply floated. 
🦈-It was twenty minutes later that you opened your eyes. You paused as you looked around and saw that you were farther from the shore than you thought. You weren't the greatest swimmer around so you started to panic a bit but your focus on the distance between you and the shore was pushed aside when something brushed against your foot. 
🦈-You looked down and gasped. A grey fin and shark teeth greeted you. You swiftly kicked at the figure and tried to swim away. You didn’t get very far before a red-headed man sputtered up in front of you. You paused your escape and gaped at him. 
🦈-“Why did you kick me?” He whined, rubbing the top of his head. 
🦈-“Why did you touch my feet?” You argued, if you weren’t using your arms to keep you upright you would have thrown them in air. 
🦈-“I was interested in your second hands.” He frowned, pushing his crimson hair out of his eyes. 
🦈-You spotted silver skin scattered around his tan hand. It almost reminded you of scales. If that didn’t alert you to the fact that he wasn’t human his gills did. Three neatly lined gills fluttered on his neck. The sight was intriguing. 
🦈-“My second hands? You mean my feet?” You asked, still gliding your arms around to keep you upright now that you weren’t floating on your back. 
🦈-“The second hands you have keeping you afloat. I have a tail and you have second hands.” He pointed out, lifting his tail higher to the surface to show you.  
🦈-His tail reminded you of a shark, grey on the sides but white in the middle. If his sharp teeth were any indicator you would say he was some type of shark male hybrid. If he were to turn around you would probably see a shark fin on his back. 
🦈-“Are you gonna eat me?” You almost slapped your self at the stupid question that escaped your mouth. 
🦈-“What?! Why would I eat you? I don’t eat humans.” He huffed, obviously offended you thought he would eat you. 
🦈-Not only have you met a half-human hybrid but you managed to kick him in the face and offend him in all of but five minutes. You wouldn’t be surprised if he decided he did want to eat you. 
🦈-“Then what do you eat?” You asked, tilting your head at him. 
🦈-He drew his head back, surprised that you asked him such a question. Weren’t humans supposed to be scared of someone like him? This is the most human contact he has gotten in decades. His Alpha was oddly quiet in your presence. 
🦈-Was he observing the strange human too? Nevertheless, this human wasn’t afraid of him, he found that admirable of her. He didn’t have many friends. His best friend was a tan puffer fish that was annoyed at him half the time. 
🦈-“Fish, like any other shark.” He said, grinning at the thought of feasting on the scaly creature, his razor-sharp teeth making an appearance again. 
🦈-“Oh.” You replied, your brain trying to catch up with everything. 
🦈-“What do you eat?” He asked, curious about what humans consume. He sometimes saw humans licking a cream-like treat or eating something round and long on a stick. He was interested in what this little human ate. 
🦈-“Ummm… food? Red meat? Vegetables?” You said, not sure what he wanted to hear. 
🦈-“Is red meat good? Better than fish?” He asked, excited by this new information. 
🦈-“I can get you some if you want. I know they sell kabobs on the pier.” You thought, remembering people walk by you with some in their hands while you waited for your sunscreen to soak in. 
🦈-“You would bring me some!” His eyes sparkled, excited at the thought of trying something other than fish. 
🦈-“I mean yeah, I could.” You answered, trying not to blush over his excited face. This male shark hybrid was a handsome one. It was the least you could do, you did kick him in the face and offend the poor guy. 
🦈-“Wait, but then you would have to leave. How do I know if you are coming back?” He narrowed his eyes, not eager for this sweet-smelling human to leave yet. His Alpha pushed forward and nearly growled at the thought. 
🦈-In truth, the poor male was attention-starved. He was a pretty intimidating guy, all the sea life tended to stay away from him. Now that he had someone’s attention he didn’t want them to go away. He didn’t have to dwell much on the thought of you leaving before a soft sound invaded his ears. 
🦈-It was a gentle ring that made his whole body warm. You were giggling at his brooding face. 
🦈-“Of course I am coming back. Now that I know you aren’t gonna eat me I can pester you with all sorts of questions.” You smiled, thinking of all the tales he would have about the deep blue sea. 
🦈-This would be an interesting friendship… or more. 
🦈-Your friendship has bloomed over the last two weeks. It was tradition to come down to the beach whenever you could and buy him a kabob before making your way down to the pier. The main pier was busy and bustling with people but the small one meant for the local fishermen was still pretty vacant and empty. 
🦈-You tried to stay in the water the first week but it just wasn’t practical. You had to wash and dry your swimsuit so many times it was tearing at the seams. Floating on a tube was better but it still had its drawbacks. 
🦈-Your fingers and toes would winkle like raisins. 
🦈-Eijiro was fascinated by your feet and wouldn’t stop trying to touch and nibble on them. You had noticed pretty quickly that although he wasn’t interested in eating you he had some sort of fascination with softly nibbling on you. 
🦈-When you asked him about it he said it was a shark thing. He has grown up with his parents doing it so he thought it was normal to do so to his new human friend. 
🦈-You had just sat down at the pier and dipped your feet into the cold water, not even a second later a sharp pair of teeth were nibbling on your toes. You let out an airy giggle, already used to his odd behavior.
🦈-“Save the chewing for your kabob, Eijiro.” You teased, lifting your toes out of the water and leaned down to show the steaming kabob to him. 
🦈-He was quick to burst out of the water and snatch it up with his sharp teeth. He reminded you of a human version of jaws when he did that. 
🦈-“Thank you, Y/N. You know you don’t have to keep buying me meat all the time.” He said while nearly chomping on the wooden stick. 
🦈-“I don’t mind. If I didn’t spend it on you I would spend it on something else. Like this bracelet. I saw it while walking down the pier to get your kabob. It caught my eye and I instantly purchased it.  It’s too big for me but I like the color.” You hummed, showing him the threaded black and red bracelet on your wrist. 
🦈-In the time it took you to respond he had already finished his kabob, he made sure to put the stick on the pier. You would take it later and throw it away properly. 
🦈-“Oh, that’s a nice bracelet.” He commented, not taking his eyes off it. 
🦈-He peered at it with an awed look in his eyes. Completely unrelated he lifted his hand to mess with his hair, showcasing his empty wrist. Silently hoping you would spot it and say something. 
🦈-“Oh! Would you like it? I don’t think I can wear it without worrying it would slide off. You have a bigger wrist than me so it should fit you better.” You offered, taking off the red bracelet and dangling it on your finger above him. 
🦈-You never saw him move that fast before. The bracelet was already snatched out of your hand and on his wrist in the blink of an eye. You were right, it fit more snug on his tanned wrist than yours. 
🦈-“Make sure not to lose it. I bet it is a whole other story losing something in the sea rather than on land.” You thought, swishing your legs in the water. 
🦈-“I won’t take it off.” He nearly growled, something primal lurked in his eyes.  
🦈-Your Omega was nearly purring at the look. You merely nodded and shifted your eyes to the blue sky. You noticed there were a lot more clouds in the sky than normal, you hoped it didn’t rain. 
🦈-“What happens when it rains? Do you go back to your cave and wait it out like a regular human?” You questioned, looking down into his ruby eyes. 
🦈-“Sometimes I stock up on fish when it is just a small shower. If it starts lightning and thundering I usually chill in my den until it passes. You don’t want to be out in the open when lightning strikes down.” He commented, holding back a wince. 
🦈-“Huh. I hadn’t thought about that.” You said, kicking your feet out and splashing his face with water. 
🦈-He retaliated by catching on of your feet and playfully chewing on it. His teeth were tickling you, you reach down and grab a handful of his red hair. You tried to yank him off but he wouldn’t budge. He was a stubborn shark when it came to his prey. 
🦈-Not that you were prey to him. He just considered you to be his. Especially after your little gift to him. To give shark-kind a gift it meant you had started the courting process. The next time he saw you he would give you one back, to solidify your courtship. 
🦈-“Quit it Eijiro! You’re tickling me.” You laughed, leaning down even further, your face inches from his. 
🦈-Once he felt your soft breath on his face he let go and tilted his head up at you. Now it was your turn to fell his breath on your face. The closeness was enough to make your Omega swoon. You felt your mind was playing tricks on you when you heard a gentle purr coming from him. 
🦈-It was like you were in a trance, your eyes caught his lips and it was all you could focus on. You slowly felt yourself leaning even further down to him. He was leaning forward as well. His breath coming out in big pants. 
🦈-His tail was swishing rapidly in the water. Almost like a puppies tail would when they get excited. 
🦈-“You trying to drown yourself, girl!” An older man’s voice called out from the distance. 
🦈-You quickly put both of your feet on Eijiro’s shoulders and pushed him down. You would have been worried if he was human but since he was half-shark you knew he would be safe. Safer than someone finding out his kind existed. 
🦈-Sure there were shifters on land but people held major prejudice against them. You could only imagine the type of hysteria if humans found out they were surrounded by shifters on land and in the water. 
🦈-Maybe it was because you knew a few shifters and that was why you didn’t freak out when you first discovered him. 
🦈-“I thought I saw a crab!” You yelled, turning to look over your shoulder. 
🦈-An old man with a long fishing pole made his way down the pier. He wore a yellow raincoat with boots to match. He was the definition of fisherman. 
🦈-“Well, that’s good to hear. I hope to catch a lot of them tonight. Supposed to start raining soon.” He drawled, tipping his yellow hat up at the sky. 
🦈-While he was talking you still felt the warmth of Eijiro’s shoulders on your feet. You tapped him on both shoulders, silently telling him to swim away. His response was to slide a hand up your ankle. He wasn’t leaving until you were. 
🦈-“Oh. I better get going then. I wouldn’t want to get caught in the rain.” You said, leaning one hand down to clasp his hand and squeeze it before pulling your feet out of the water and slipping back on your flip flops. 
🦈-You made sure to grab his kabob stick before leaving. You shot him one last look. He was still submerged under the water. His face reminded you of a wounded puppy. You were leaving so soon. Your Omega was whining at the ordeal but there wasn’t much you could do. 
🦈-You didn’t bring your swimsuit so you couldn’t swim with him. Plus the rain wouldn’t have helped matters either. He would have to go back to his cave anyways. 
🦈-“See you later, little crab.” You softly said, giving him a half-smile.
🦈-You turned around and began walking back to your car. You couldn’t believe you were about to kiss him! Your heart was pounding in your chest. He was your friend, not your boyfriend!
🦈-You had to get your emotions under control. You both were from two separate lands, it would never work. You pushed down your sadness and kept walking down the pier, leaving a sad shark behind. 
🦈-“Hey, Y/n, do you have the paperwork I told you have done ready?” One of your Alpha coworkers asked, peering over at you in your small cubical. 
🦈-“Yeah, I just finished typing it up.” You replied, leaning over your desk to get the file. 
🦈-Your scent must have wafted her way. 
🦈-“Are you seeing anyone? Your scent smells different. Kinda reminds me of the ocean.” She prodded, eager to hear some gossip.  
🦈-You instantly flushed, your little trips to the beach must be affecting your scent. It was usually a soft peppermint smell. Now it was intertwined with a hint of saltwater. 
🦈-“N-no, I’m not seeing anyone. I think it is just because I am spending so much time at the beach lately.” You answered, handing her the file over your cubical wall. 
🦈-“Oh, well you should go on a few courting dates. Nothing better than summer love.” She grinned, thinking of all the Omega’s she could court this summer. 
🦈-“I’ll let you know if I do.” You said, looking back over at your computer screen. 
🦈-Should you start looking for a potential Alpha? You had no reason not to look for one. At that moment a certain shark-toothed male popped up into your head. 
🦈-No! He was off-limits. You should focus on Alphas you could actual court. 
🦈-It was decided, you would start looking for a potential mate. 
🦈-“So, have you eaten here before?” You asked, looking up from your plate of spaghetti, you speared a big meatball and brought it to your mouth. 
🦈-You had met him on a dating app. You didn’t know that he was vegetarian until he was ordering at the start of the date. You had placed your order before him so it was a tiny bit embarrassing eating meat in front of him. 
🦈-“Yes. They have a really good vegetarian selection here.” He said, looking down at his meatless meal. 
🦈-You had to admit that this Alpha was very attractive. He had had shoulder-length brown hair, glowing golden eyes, and a strong jawline. He would have made your Omega melt if it wasn’t for someone else. 
🦈-During the meal you found yourself comparing this Alpha to the sliver skinned one that seemed to take up your thoughts. 
🦈-Your Omega couldn’t help but nick-pick at him. 
🦈-He didn’t love meat like a certain someone, his teeth are dull, and he doesn’t have spiky crimson hair. He was nothing like her Alpha. Yes, her Alpha. She had started calling him that after your last encounter. You tried to correct her but she wasn’t having it. 
🦈-You tried to listen to the Alpha sitting across from you but your heart wasn’t into it. Your heart seemed to feel heavy lately, it might have had something to do with your absence from the beach. You hadn’t been back to the pier for a whole week. 
🦈-Your heart was telling you it was time to reunite with the muscled male. You finally submitted to those thoughts. You would go to see him tomorrow. 
🦈-That had your Omega purring and bouncing around. She was finally gonna see her Alpha!
🦈-Your Omega was jumping around excitingly as soon as you pulled into the beach parking area. She was gonna see her Alpha! You had an image of her rolling around on her back happily. You, on the other hand, were a bit nervous stepping out of the car. 
🦈-You knew going to the pier wasn’t an option. 
🦈-Your Omega had cut off that train of thought as soon as it appeared and wouldn’t even let you consider it. She wanted you in the water and as close to her Alpha as you could get. You knew this absence was hard on her so you didn’t argue.
🦈-Since your other bathing suit was beyond repair you went out and bought a new one. 
🦈-A solid red one. It was a tiny bit more revealing than your other one but once you saw it you knew it was the one. Your Omega chirped in agreement, stating that it matched Eijiro’s eyes. You felt pretty confident in it. 
🦈-You had paired it with a white cover-up. You grabbed your beach bag and made your way down to the sand. The instant your feet touched the sand you felt a pair of eyes on you. You knew whose eyes they were. 
🦈-You knew if you looked out into the water you would catch a glimpse of him but you stopped yourself. You knew if you saw his red hair peeking through the waves you would skip putting on sunscreen and dive into the water. 
🦈-You didn’t need to deal with a sunburn along with your confusing feelings. 
🦈-So you lathered up and waited, much to your Omega’s disappointment. You made sure to put on a lot because you knew as soon as you stepped into the ocean Eijiro wasn’t gonna let you out of his grasp for one second. 
🦈-From the intensity of his gaze, you were half thinking he was gonna drag you under and take you to his cave. 
🦈-Once your sunscreen was dry you finally headed towards the water. The water was cold as usual but it wasn’t the reason why your skin was covered in goosebumps. Your heart was pounding each step. Once the water went up to your waist you started swimming further from the shoreline. 
🦈-You were barely halfway to where you usually meet up when you felt his touch on your ankle. Just by the grip alone, you knew he was just as touched starved as you. This week without him made you miss his gentle caresses on your legs and the oddly comforting way he nibbled on you. 
🦈-Once you swam far enough for the shore he yanked you down. Your eyes stung at the saltwater but that didn’t stop you from looking at him underwater. His smile was big and wide, his razor-sharp teeth on full display. 
🦈-He didn’t waste a second pulling you into his arms. The cold water was long forgotten when you were tucked safely in his warm embrace. If you weren’t already holding your breath it would have been taken away. 
🦈-He couldn’t hear your Omega’s purring but he felt the vibrations coming from your chest. 
🦈-He instantly let out his own warm purr. He was so happy you finally showed up! He was worried you had somehow forgotten about him. That maybe you didn’t enjoy his company as much as he enjoyed yours. 
🦈-He swore he wouldn’t even care if you never brought him another piece of red meat again. As long as he had you in his arms he was satisfied. He didn’t hold himself back from nibbling on your neck a little now that he had you wrapped up in his grasp. His Alpha telling him that this was the spot he planned to mark when he bonded to you. 
🦈-He tapped his shoulder, signaling that you needed air, with reluctance he led you to the surface. 
🦈-He wanted to be underwater with you forever. Everything faded away when you were under the blue currents together. 
🦈-You broke the surface with a tiny gasp. 
🦈-“I’m so happy you’re back! I missed you.” He breathed, still not believing you were here in his arms and not somewhere on land where he couldn’t see or hold you. 
🦈-“I’m sorry. Things came up.” You said, not quite meeting his eyes. You didn’t want to see the sadness lurking in his ruby orbs. 
🦈-“That’s fine. I am just glad you are back.” He said, acting like he wasn’t desperately searching for you the entire week.
🦈-“You know I will always come back for my little crab.” You joked, hoping to lift the mood a bit. 
🦈-He laughed, playfully pushing you away. You laughed along with him, the heaviness in your chest from the past week finally lifting. 
🦈-“I’ll show you a crab!” He chuckled, making his hands into claws and pinching you. 
🦈-You giggled, trying to pinch him back. Something caught his eye, his gaze was focused in the direction of the shore. You turned to look and saw a blond surfer dude riding a wave. His hair looked a little familiar so you said so. 
🦈-“Huh, his hair reminds me of the Alpha I went on a courting date with. His hair was brown though.” You hummed, looking at the guy fall off his board. 
🦈-“Courting date? You went on a courting date?” His voice dropped a few octaves, his eyes turning hard. 
🦈-“Yeah? Is there a problem?” You asked, your eyebrow lifting. 
🦈-“A problem! Yes! We are courting Y/N!” He exclaimed, pulling his arm out of the water and pointing at the bracelet you gave him.
🦈-You tilted your head, confused. Did he think it was a courting gift? He couldn’t have. For it to be a courting gift it would need to be made by you. You were sure you told him you bought it from a shop on the pier. 
🦈-“I didn’t make it. It isn’t a courting gift, Eijiro.” As much as it hurt your heart to say it, it was true. 
🦈-“Yes, it is! If you give me a gift it means you want to court me. I accepted it so we are courting. I even have a gift for you.” He said, lifting up his other gift. A pearl bracelet sat on his wrist. It was obviously made for you since it looked way too small for his thick wrist. 
🦈-He slid it off and put it on you. The white pearls glistened under the sunlight. 
🦈-You looked at it in awe, the bracelet was beautifully made. The warm mood was broken when someone called out to you from behind. 
🦈-“You okay out there?” A voice yelled. 
🦈-You turned to see the surfer you both were talking about holding onto his board and look at you. He was about 20 feet from you so he couldn’t see your little red friend. That didn’t mean you didn’t shove the poor boy underwater.
🦈-Eijiro didn’t mind, he was just enjoying the feel of your hands on his shoulders.
🦈-You looked around and supposed you were a bit too far from shore.
🦈-“I’m fine! I’m a great swimmer.” You yelled back, smiling at the nicely tanned boy. 
🦈-While your swimming did improve a little after you started hanging out with the shark boy you still weren’t expert level. You only felt safe so far out in the deep because you had Eijiro by your side. You knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. 
🦈-The surfer gave you a nod and smile before turning his attention back on the upcoming waves. 
🦈-It was apparent Eijiro didn’t like that your attention was off him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down under the water with him. Before you could blink the saltwater out of your eyes his lips were on yours. 
🦈-In an instant, all of your worries and fears washed away. You sank into the kiss with a delighted purr. You brought your hands up and weaved them through his hair. Your legs wrapped around his waist. You tried not to smile as you felt him slightly nibble on your lip. 
🦈-The only thought running through your mind was that you knew Eijiro wouldn’t be your summer love, he would be your forever love. 
🦈-You sat on your pier and waited for your Alpha to come back. That’s right, your pier. After you bonded with Eijiro you both found out he would be able to shift between human and half-shark. With his new second hands, he was free to join you on land. 
🦈-The first thing he did was rent a boat and became a fisherman. The boat was just a cover while he shifted into his half-shark form and rounded up fish to sell. It wasn’t long before he was bringing in some money and together you both purchased a beach house with its own pier. 
🦈-Right now you sat on the pier with a huge metal pot by your side. Usually, you would eagerly hold it in your lap but your baby bump wouldn’t let you. 
🦈-Not too long after you moved into the house the both of you found out you were carrying a pup. Eijiro’s nearly passed out in happiness that day.   
🦈-The one thing about this pup was that it loved seafood. Now Eijirio was a fan of red meat but his pup couldn’t get enough of the sea. Poor Eijiro was devastated when your pup wouldn’t let him cook red meat in the house anymore since it made you want to throw up at the smell. 
🦈-Still, he happily gave it up for the time being, anything to make sure you and the pup were both comfortable. 
🦈-Tonight was seafood boil, that was where the big pot came in handy. Your lovely Alpha was out hunting the savorly little things. Your mouth was already watering at the thought of them. Like he heard your thoughts, Eijiro popped out of the water proudly holding up a big net filled with your latest craving. 
🦈-You could have sworn your eyes were sparkling. 
🦈- “I caught a lot just in case you are still craving them tomorrow.” He happily stated, pulling himself up on the pier. His tail was gone in seconds and in their place were his strong calves. Once he was situated on the deck he put his net into the pot sitting by your side. 
🦈-“Thank you, Alpha! I am so excited!” You beamed, looking down at the pot. 
🦈-It seems your pup was excited as well, they were dancing up a storm. You lovingly rubbed your stomach before standing up and reaching for the pot. Eijiro was quick to brush your hands away and picked up the pot. 
🦈-He wasn’t about to let his Omega carry ten pounds of shrimp while pregnant with his pup. His Alpha nearly growled at the thought. He might have been a little overprotective of you now that you were with pup. 
🦈-The sun was dipping in the sky, everything was orange and blue. You leaned against your Alpha’s side as you walked back to your home. You couldn’t have been any happier. 
🦈-“I love you, my shark boi.” You said, nuzzling into his side. 
🦈-“I love you too, Omega.” He grinned, leaning down to place a kiss on your head. 
This was my first time writing a sort of shark/merman AU. Please tell me what you think of it! I might write more for it when summer hits. 
That being said, please wash your hands and stay safe guys! 
Please reblog and leave a note. Both really help motivate me to write more. 
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twfanfiction2021 · 2 years
How The Story of Us Unfolds
Imagine One - in which you go on a long overdue night out in London and get more than you bargained for
--- ...and all that counts is here and now. My universe will never be the same... ---
It is a truth universally acknowledged that being a couple of years away from turning thirty and a high ranking member of the singleton brigade officially made you the new modern-day Bridget Jones.
But of course that’s all bullshit and in reality you know that. You’re fully aware that you are not defined by your marital status, your sexuality nor the way you choose to live your life - so long as you don’t murder anyone or join a cult, that is. The Twenty-First Century is a time where no set rules apply - you don’t need to find a husband before you turn twenty and be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen for the rest of your days. It’s a time for opportunity, for setting your own goals for happiness; no judgements, no complaints. You know this; you’re fully aware of this… but sometimes you just have to forget all logic and throw caution to the wind.
You swore to have a detox from men to break that unrelenting cycle of boys who seemed nice at first but really were only after one thing. Or the boys who liked to treat their partners like dirt, like something they could control. You had told yourself over and over again to not ignore the red flags but still you found yourself there - and now quite happily five months into your detox, you are embracing the single life and declaring loud and proud that you do not need a man.
Secretly though you still yearn for The One. If such a guy ever existed. But you’ve convinced yourself he doesn’t and so Bridget Jones was sticking around for the foreseeable.
When yet another member of your friend group gets engaged, you plaster that ‘I’m so happy for you but oh my god I WANT TO KILL MYSELF’ smile on your face. Then you let them convince you to join them on the Hen Night in London for the weekend. The last singleton in your group of five so obviously you need to look hot - or at least your best attempt at looking hot. Fortunately the friend known as ‘The Fit One’ will always step up to do your nails and curl your hair, ‘The Sensible One’ will be there to guide you on appropriate attire and the benefits of a push-up bra to accentuate your figure and ‘The Party Girl One’ will put on banging tunes to get you in the mood while you get ready. As your friend who has recently gotten engaged was known as ‘The Baby One’, you have to push that small fact aside so you don’t get depressed and forgo your reputation as ‘The Funny One’.
It wasn’t your biggest ambition to be known as ‘The Funny One’ in a friend group. But such is life.
The best way to get yourself through such a tortuous evening is to get very, very drunk. Of course. Then when you start shouting out that you are simply loving being a Bridget Jones you assume everyone around you fully believes you. And it doesn’t take you long to achieve your goal - margaritas, tequila shots, fish bowls and mojitos are the way forward and you cheer louder and louder every time another round is brought to your table - the furry Hen Do headband complete with male genitalia on springs bouncing violently with your movements. The look you’re going for is a Classy Bird which makes your detox more required - if you actually do manage to attract a guy that evening, they will definitely not be The One you’re yearning for. Not when you have penises on your head.
The Baby-Now-Engaged One had found a great venue that was doubling up as a karaoke bar that night and one by one your friends get up to sing loudly to a roaring audience - actual talent not actually required. Despite your inebriated state you politely decline the catcalls to take your turn on stage, suddenly feeling bashful and declaring you need another drink before you can even think about going up there.
The Sensible One loses her identity after the fourth fish bowl and officially declares in a slur that she’s “pissed out of her skull” and your head rolls forward to land on the table as the room starts to spin around you. “When are you gonna settle down?”, “this detox has gone on long enough, surely?”, “aren’t you missing sex yet?” and “what happened to that guy with all the parrots?” are just some of the multitude of questions thrown at you that evening and you feel like you could scream and storm out. Instead you call out “Bridget Jones fo' life!” and plonk your head back down, squeezing your eyes shut as the drunken mumbling continues around you.
The mumbling suddenly becomes squealing and you shoot your head up straight to find the source of the mayhem. The Party Girl One is fluttering her hands violently in front of her face and chanting “oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” while The Fit One starts clawing her insanely long acrylic nails through her hair extensions - all eyes in the direction of the bar area.
“What the fuck are you-?” You start but The Sensible One answers quickly.
“Max George from The Wanted is at the fucking bar.”
“No he isn’t.”
“Bloody is.” The Baby-Now-Engaged One seems to forget she is in fact engaged as she literally eye-fucks the back of his head. “I saw him walk in. Oh my god he still looks as fit as he did in the band.”
“Don’t you have a fiancé?”
“I can look, can't I?”
“Technically no. Anyway it’s not like you’d have a chance with Max from The Wanted.” You roll your eyes with a scoff; the alcohol clearly already has a bad effect on your filter system.
“Fine.” The answer is curt and you realise you’ve inadvertently offended her. “You’re the last single one - why don’t we try and hook you up with him?”
“Piss off.” You feel your face heat up. “How do you know he’s even single and anyway if you don’t have a chance, I definitely don’t. Plus I’m still on my detox. No men. Bridget Jones loud and proud.”
“I bet we can at least get him to buy you a drink.”
“I bet you’re full of shit.”
“Okay.” The challenging tone knocks you back for a split second and you blink up as your four friends stand and hover over you in your seat. “I bet we can get Max from The Wanted to buy you a drink and when he does you have to go up and sing karaoke. The full works as well - Ed, Camila and Cardi B.”
“No way. It’s not like it’ll work anyway so why bother.” You know your tone is feeble.
“So confident. Why don’t you prove it?”
Your eyes narrow; you’ve never been one to turn down a challenge especially in a drunken state. “Fine because even though he’s not going to do it, at least I can say I’ve met Max George and he turned me down for a drink. Fans will foam at the mouth in jealousy.”
“He wasn’t her favourite member though, was he?”
“No, she liked the curly haired one.”
“That’s Siva isn’t it?”
You ignore them and stand in what you hope is a graceful and smooth movement but actually you manage to bang your hip on the corner of the table and spill a couple of drinks in the process. You grasp your hip and groan at the pain, limping towards the bar before allowing your friends to grab your arms and lead you to one-fifth of your favourite boyband of the last ten years.
Max visibly jumps as your friends call out his name in a high pitched screech that could cause dogs to howl, and suddenly you feel your stomach somersault as you realise this is not a good idea. It’s actually the worst idea in the history of worst ideas ever. What good could possibly come from this? Sure you’ll meet Max George but you are so drunk it’s embarrassing and lord knows what state you look in. Before you can even try and dig your heels in to escape the inevitable doom, you’re paraded in front of him like you’re the special prize speedboat on a TV game show and he looks amused as he tries to take in four drunken girls who were trying to shout louder than the other.
“Alright, girls. Alright.” He holds up his hands to stop them with a laugh. “Calm yourselves! Incredibly flattered as I am, I have a girlfriend, so…”
“No, that’s okay. We just need you to buy her a drink so we win the bet.”
You giggle awkwardly and lower your chin as Max chuckles at you and you’re suddenly very aware you have bouncing penises on your head. Not the best look when you meet a member of your favourite boyband but at least he was finding the whole thing funny. The Party Girl One starts taking selfie after selfie of the whole affair and you don’t know whether to be happy there will be picture evidence you met Max George, or that that very evidence is going to remind you of the mortification until the end of time.
You need to leave this place before you can embarrass yourself and Max any further. Stepping away slowly from the fray, you squeak out in shock as you feel yourself fall backwards over somebody’s foot but very quickly you’re folded in a pair of arms and brought back upright. “Oh my god!” You call out, grasping onto the shirt in front of you as you try and regain your footing. Your hands find biceps, shoulders… and then suddenly your mouth drops two feet as you meet a pair of bright blue eyes. “Oh my fucking god.”
“Hey! It’s the curly haired one!” You hear in the distance.
He nods towards the voice but doesn’t let go of your waist. “Yep, I’ll take that. I’ve been called worse, I guess.” He looks down at you and you tell yourself to close your mouth before he can look in and discover the contents of your stomach. “Are you okay?”
“Um.” Your mouth is dry. A bucket of water being thrown over you would be most welcoming right now. “I-I’m bloody marvellous,” you finally reply, squaring your shoulders. You can be cool. He may look as gorgeous as you remember him looking but that doesn’t mean you can act like a total fangirl in front of him. He smiles at you and for a moment you feel like you’re the only two in the whole bar - until your friends start pulling on his arm demanding pictures and autographs. You turn and see the look of relief on Max’s face as suddenly focus is shifted away from him but as he turns back to you he holds out a shot glass.
“I hear your singing is astronomical. Apparently it’s worth buying the shot to hear.” He’s the cheeky Manc boy the fangirl you from ten years ago knew and loved and you can’t help but accept the drink despite the consequences. “Bird, she’s gonna do a karaoke number for us.”
“Really?” He looks sceptical and you raise an eyebrow and stick out your hip, grimacing when the aches reappear. You bruise like a peach and that will not look pretty tomorrow. “You’re gonna sing karaoke? Can you even stand straight?”
“Yes,” you slur, poking him in the shoulder. “I learnt all by myself, don't you know. Can walk and everything.”
“Why thank you.” Hands on hips; in your mind you look suave and sophisticated. The portrait of utter perfection. The Sensible One has run up to the stage to put in your request - South of the Border - your party trick. Two-fifths of The Wanted are about to be incredibly impressed by your stunning rendition. You tip your head back and down the shot, puffing your cheeks out as the strong liqueur hits the back of your throat. Shaking your head, you look back at Jay McGuiness and know exactly what you want to say… only your words and filtering system seem to be on the blinker.
“You… you were my favouritest.” You watch as he laughs under his breath and tries to look nonchalant. “Like I had a poster. Well it wasn’t a poster - it was actually a really small picture of you that I kept on my fridge when I was at Uni.” It sounds so cool in your head. “It was only a small picture but I had it laminated.”
“I love the commitment. I’ve never had a girl laminate me before.” His hands are hovering near your waist; you don’t realise you’re swaying from side to side and he’s reaching out in preparation to catch you again.
“And I had all your albums but I’ve never met you before. Oh and I voted like all the time on Strictly. You were sooo good! Your Paso Doble…” You drift off and close your eyes, trying to form words on a level to really highlight your appreciation. “There was a flaaaaaame; it was that hot.” Your arms start moving erratically as you try to re-enact the routine. Max is coughing behind his hand and your friends are clearly cringing in your direction. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m coming across here very well. I am normal, I swear. Kinda normal. Ish. Just a tiny bit weird.”
“No, no.” Jay’s grinning widely and reaches up to flick at your headband. “I’m loving the penis headband, by the way. Very classy.” He leans in close to whisper in your ear and you feel the shiver rippling through you as he does. “So can I have your name, or…?”
“You don’t want my name.” You slap his shoulder lightly, shoving him slightly away as you go all bashful. “You just like my penis headband.”
“If that were true then I’m totally in the wrong kind of bar. Although it's pretty impressive.” He flicks it again. “Looks exactly like mine except mine is miniscule.”
“Oh, Bird, no.” Max groans and shakes his head in despair. Jay blushes automatically in response and goes on the defensive.
“That is officially the worst line I’ve ever heard from you. Ever. No wonder you’re still single.”
“Oh, it just came out - I didn’t mean…” He runs his hand through his hair and shuffles on his feet. You smile lazily and find yourself being drawn in… then in a split second you’re pulled away from him and dragged by The Fit One and The Party Girl One towards the stage where the DJ is calling out your name to a cheering crowd. You fold your arms over your stomach and suddenly feel like you want to hurl and you spy Jay moving slowly through the throngs of people towards you.
“Aww fuck.” A microphone is thrust into your hand, your so-called friends join you on stage as the music kicks in and you go into fight or flight mode. You lock eyes with Jay and he gives you an encouraging grin as you lift up the microphone… and do a god-awful rendition with a terrible fake deep voice as you start to sing Ed’s part.
Your confidence grows as you jump straight into the chorus, your swaying getting more and more dangerous though you fully believe you are dancing perfectly to the beat. Jay reacts in a nanosecond and jumps up as you fall forward and he catches you once again. You laugh as he tilts you back up straight and Camila’s verse kicks in.
Naturally you sing this extremely high in a key that hasn’t yet been heard by the human race. “…I saw you lookin’ from across the way and suddenly I’m glad I came, I - oh my god! TW reference! Did you hear that?!” Your excitement makes him dissolve into laughter which only spurs you on further. “I amo… Uh… I don’t speak any Span-ish… la la la la la lando… mmm… green eyes, taking your time, knowing that we’ll never be the same.” He’s looking at you intently and you think you must be bloody alluring in that moment to have someone as gorgeous as him giving you those eyes. Maybe drinking makes you sound better than what you actually do. “…don’t wake up this love is like a dream.”
He grabs the microphone and tilts it towards his face, his fingers gentle over yours and subtly caressing. “So join me in this bed that I’m in, push up on me and sweat darling…” You’re momentarily transfixed as he sings to you, his other hand pressing to your side to ensure you don’t sway too far to the left. It is a possibility - you’re definitely about to swoon. 
Only then Cardi B’s rap kicks in and you decide to impress him with your mad rap skills complete with hand gestures Eminem would be proud of. Jay blinks in surprise and grins at you as you take on a deep tone, attempting to sound gangsta. The crowd cheers and applauds your efforts, and Jay has a hand over his face as he tries to suppress hysterical laughter. That really isn’t what you were going for but it doesn’t stop him leaning back into you and nervously requesting your phone number once the song comes to a close.
“You don’t want my number. I have penises on my head for fucks sake.” You whisper back, feeling his breath on your cheek and you close your eyes at the sensation.
“I really do.”
“But I’m on a detox from men. I’m The Funny One and the last single one for a reason. No one dates The Funny One for real and I’m not up for one nighters.” You feel your knees buckle as your body leans in, unconsciously seeking out his warmth. Jay reaches up and takes a hold of your fingers, squeezing gently. “You’ll only break my heart anyway.”
“And what if I promise you I won’t?”
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bigeclair · 3 years
Oneshots "Brynth"
In the change in appearance and even not great habits that made the techno ambassador be in complete shock. Instead of meeting the traditional high five, he met his friend with an open jaw, which showed that he was in a state of shock.
–D-Dubstep? Is that you bro?!
–Of course I am, Synth! What's wrong with that? I just changed my clothes and even put on these platform shoes, just think! After all, today wakes up the concert of my favorite band "Bad hair day"!– with a more energetic form said Branch. Synth was not opposed to his friend's hobbies, but rather simply amazed by his appearance. His hair became very long and probably soft, and the clothes only seduced the techno ambassador, and the shoes only made the pop troll's height high and for Synth himself it was fine because sometimes he just had to bend his flippers (and for him it was a little uncomfortable) so as not to lose eye contact with his friend. But Branch thought otherwise. Because of the expression on Synth's face, he only thought that he didn't like it, and it's possible, because Synth probably thought that Branch was still a techno fan and seeing this "outfit", he assumed that his friend pop troll just exchanged his love of techno for rock.
— You don't like it?–he asked with a dubious look.
— No, no! On the contrary, he is very cool, even if defiant and daring, and…
Synth wanted to continue his thought, but Branch interrupted him.
–I understood everything you can, do not invent what you like, I went–with a sad voice said Branch and went back home leaving his friend alone.
—But I like your new image bro–the smile that he had five minutes ago just disappeared and instead of this confident smile, there was only the opposite side of it. A sad look. Oddly enough, a Demo was running around in the hands of which there was an ice cream cone and seeing the sad techno-troll, he approached him purely for the sake of interest.
–Hey, hey, you're kind of a Synth aren't you?A fan of cool rave, and techno music, right?– the Demo asked playfully. The other just looked at him with a sad expression and didn't say anything. But the Demo wanted to know what had happened to the main smiley Trollstopia.
–Hey fish can you tell me what happened? I can help!– insisted Demo–If you say it wakes up calmer in the soul, and I will not tell anyone–swore Demo techno-troll only lightly and sadly smiled.
–It's strange to hear this from rockers, but I'll tell you–sighed Synth and began his story. From the moment he appeared in this village to this incident, the techno ambassador said. On the face of the Demo was understanding in-depth look. As if he understands all the experiences of techno-troll and suffering. He only thought a little and added:
–Hey em Synth, I'm sorry for ruining your friendship with Branch and even more than that.–admitted rock troll–But I know how I can fix it!
The concert was just beginning. Apparently all the trolls living in Trollstopia gathered in this stadium to see the coolest rock band in the history of Vulcancity and of course see them with their own eyes. Many people were just waiting with anticipation, like Branch, but something was wrong. It was as if there was a void inside that couldn't be filled by Branch. He didn't know what that feeling was. He supposed that maybe his stomach was aching or hungry, but these were not the same feelings. Maybe this feeling is somehow not physical, but spiritual? A lot of assumptions and so few answers.
–Hey Dubstep!—he recognized that voice, was it really him?
–Synth?–he turned around to see his friend and he was shocked by what he saw.
Long leather wide black bracelets with spikes, a black leather jacket that had torn sleeves that formed like a vest, in some parts of the jacket there were small but sharp spikes, and two thin belts that hung from the techno-troll's waist and even instead of the usual turquoise elastic band there was a black elastic band with a red skull.
–Synth? But…
–What's up Dubstep don't you recognize your friend? –Synth asked with that wild smile that was on the techno troll's face
–No, just you… I thought you didn't like rock–said Branch looking at his friend or even more than a friend?
–Oh Dubstep, know I won't mind your hobbies and new image, I'll be on your side forever– he said in a more soothing tone, approaching his friend to wrap him in a warm embrace.
–But, but what about that case with–did not have time to finish Branch as he was interrupted by the most tender, and such a warm kiss. He felt all those butterflies forming in his stomach and a slight dizziness. That the kiss didn't make it tender, but passionate intertwining tongues. For some time, Branch himself hesitantly reciprocated. Synth's lips simply shut up Branch so that he would not spoil this moment and did not begin to put psychological pressure on himself, although they can already be said to be more than ordinary friends. Unfortunately, the kiss had to be interrupted due to lack of oxygen for both of them. Branch was flooded with all the red tones that decorated the pop troll's face, making him "cute" for the techno ambassador.
— Oh troll you're so cute, even too cute for a rocker–a smirk said Synth to which Branch reacted too violently. Violently so that he began to weakly beat Synth and with a whisper scold the fact that he kissed him in front of everyone, although they were in the corner of the stadium that there were few people. And so their love was born.
- I Will Love You and Take Care of You Dubstep –
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Your demo in a relationship headcanons were simply aaaaaaahhhh!*chef kiss* could we maybe have some for everyone's favorite aussie stringbean?
I absolutely love Sniper...he’s one of those characters I can just fall back on. I also just like Australian accents, especially when he speaks in a low, intimidating voice. Gets me every time. Makes me either blush or happy stim whenever I hear it.
First Date:
You find Sniper on a dating app after a particularly bad break-up.
His profile picture is of him shirtless, holding a huge gun next to him. However, instead of looking sexily into the camera, he’s looking off camera with a bewildered look on his face.
His bio says, “My friends put me up to this. Don’t expect too much. If you go on one date with me maybe they’ll shut up. Who bloody knows?”
You get curious, and you decide to start a chat with him.
“Your friends put you up to this huh? 😏”
“yeah. what of it?”
“What, are you some lonely wolf type or what?”
“you could say that.”
He was texting back almost immediately. Even if he wasn’t a lovey-dovey person, he was certainly interested.
“How would you like to get those friends off your back?”
“i’m free wednesday.”
You make plans, which, despite only seeing this as a one-night stand, you gradually get more and more excited for.
You meet Sniper at a nicer restaurant, wearing a new black dress that you hadn’t worn yet.
When you finally see him at the lobby, you realize that the picture didn’t do him justice, even thought he now had a beige suit on.
His lankiness showed a bit more, but his arms were very strong despite his frame. He was wearing sunglasses, which added an air of cool refinement.
At first you thought he was British because of his texts, but when he spoke, you knew right away he was Australian. You are far from disappointed.
You are still waiting for your table when all of a sudden, Sniper takes out a huge knife. Before you can react, he quickly slices something out of your vision and then brings it before your eyes. You had forgotten to take the tag off your dress.
“I’m flattered. I didn’t think you’d get all shinied up for me.”
You breathe out shakily and rub your neck. Sniper’s eyes furrow.
“I didn’ nick ya, did I?”
“N-no...just s-scared me...”
You thought maybe you had met up with a psycho, and all your suspicions were not put to rest yet, but the close encounter seemed to awaken something in you.
The date continues as normal. Both of you are pretty awkward at first, especially since the knife incident. But before the main meal is brought to your table, you’ve started up a conversation.
Sniper told you he was in the military, but his base is very lax with dress code and schedule.
You start telling him about your job as a graphic designer when all of a sudden a scream interrupts you mid-sentence.
There’s a guy holding a gun about eight tables from you, pointing it at the many patrons. He doesn’t seem drunk, but just enraged.
The manager tries to talk to him, but ends up getting shot, most likely dead.
The yelling continues for about fifteen minutes. You are very uncomfortable, not to mention terrified, but Sniper seems oddly nonchalant.
The guy follows Sniper’s finger, and all of a sudden there’s a gunshot. But it wasn’t from the madman’s gun...it was from Sniper’s.
The guy falls over on top of the bleeding manager, writhing in agony.
Before you can even process what’s happening, Sniper grabs you by the arm and drags you out of the restaurant.
“Dishes it out but can’t take it, eh luv? C’mon, we’ll go to my place. It’s real nice.”
You get into his van, which smells like a mixture of old leather, beef jerky, and...something else. However, your terror quickly trumps your logic.
“First Time”:
Despite your fiasco of a first date, you still decide to stay at Sniper’s until it’s all blown over.
His apartment is covered wall to wall with guns, memorabilia, and sticky notes, usually with names and dates written on them.
On the far wall was a cork board filled to the brim with pictures, yarn, and Xs made in thick red Sharpie.
“If I woulda known it would go this far, I woulda tidied up the place. Sorry about that, luv.”
You brush it off, and you both sit on an old leather couch with bits of stuffing sticking out of it.
You take this as a cue to get around to what this whole date had been about: some sweet, sweet rebound. It seems awkward now that you had gone through so much - besides, you hadn’t expected to connect with Sniper the way you have...
But you still manage to spit it out.
“Er...yeah. That’s what people usually do, right? Yeah? I dunno. I’ve been off the playin’ field awhile.”
Sniper puts his hands around your neck and let’s you begin to kiss him. But it was clear after a while he wasn’t into it, so you pull away and ask if he wanted to wait another time.
“Aw, no, shiela. Look at me, lyin’ ‘ere like a dead fish...I just...I’ll try ‘arder, luv, I promise.”
You pull away completely. This had trauma written all over it, and you weren’t about to force someone into it...you were better than your ex.
“Did I do somethin’ wrong?”
You asked him what was wrong, and why he was being so passive about what was happening to him. Why didn’t he say anything? Do anything?
Sniper sighed, pulling his hat way down in front of his face.
“I like girls, don’t get me wrong. It isn’t that. But I never felt...that way about ‘em. Or anybody else, honestly. I tried it once in college...I just ended up feelin’ sick. Tried it with another girl, then another, then another. I even tried with my guy roommate. But I always ended up feelin’ like I was gonna puke. Sometimes I did. It just never felt right. It wasn’t magical, it was bloody disgusting.”
“But every girl I’ve ever been with expected it, and to keep ‘em, I ‘ad to do what they wanted. Sometimes I’d just lie there, tryin’ not to vomit, trying to at least move a little, act like I was into it. They said they’d change my mind, that this time would be different. At the end of the day, it never was, and I lost ‘em. And now I’m gonna lose you too, ‘n I’m gonna halfta tell the guys...they’ll never let this go...”
Back At The Base... :
Spy called the entire team into the security room to watch the entire date go down. He had placed a bug on Sniper’s suit while helping him adjust it, and now everyone was here to watch the show.
Everybody cheered when the guy was shot, though Spy made a mental note to call Miss Pauling in the morning.
The whole team, Scout especially, was excited to see some action when Sniper brought you to his apartment. Well, everyone except Medic. He stood their with his eyebrows creased. He knew exactly what was going to happen.
“Aw, c’mon Snipes, what’s the hold up?! She is so inta you!”
There wasn’t any sound, so no one exactly knew why Sniper paused for so long.
Finally, you two came back together again, but after about thirty minutes of just kissing, the other mercs got bored really fast.
Scout was especially disappointed.
“Man, this was whole thing was a bust!”
Spy shrugged. “Not quite a waste of time. Look at her. She’s smitten. I never thought I would say this, but gentlemen - we have found Sniper a suitable suitor!”
Medic, eyes wide, kept his Sniper’s medical history too himself - not for HIPAA, but for the drama of it all. He wanted to see how this would play out.
Love At First Shot:
On a casual date at his place, Sniper catches you admiring one of his weapons.
“That’s one’s a beaut, ain’ it? That’s one ‘a my oldest guns. She’s outta service, the old girl, but she don’t look a shot over thirty.”
He picks it up and cocks it, nodding approvingly.
“Got this offa real bloody fruit seller. The muzzle ‘ad stains all over it, rust in some places...the bloke obviously had no idea how to take care of it.”
You suddenly feel a pang in your chest.
“Oi, luv, not a fan ‘a guns?”
“No...I...it just made me remember something.”
Sniper puts down his weapon, sits on the sofa, and pats his leg.
“‘Ere. Tell me about it.”
You hesitate for a moment before shyly sitting on his knee. You’re on the smaller side, but you were still afraid you might hurt him.
“Aw, it’s alright. Put your full weight on. These babies can ‘old an Aussie an’ an AK-47.”
You giggle, letting yourself get a little more comfortable.
“Now, luv...what’s on your mind? What’s that pretty lil’ head a’ yours thinkin’?”
You sigh.
“My boyfriend...or, my ex-boyfriend...we broke up for a reason. Or, well, I dumped him. We had been dating for almost three years, and I didn’t see it coming.”
“Crazy train crashed inta the station, huh?”
“He almost did. He...he had hit me before. I just didn’t say anything because I didn’t want him to get in trouble. But one night...it got really, really bad. He wasn’t even drunk. He was still in his work uniform. I stayed with a friend, and I told him it was over with a text - I was just so scared he’d find me. He knew my friends. He knew my address. And so I just wanted to find someone to protect me. It was more than just rebound...I just didn’t want to be alone. I wanted one person in my life he didn’t know so they could protect me.”
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, but you bit them back. You didn’t feel like sobbing in front of your new boyfriend. Sniper, though, started laying down, taking you with him.
Your head was now under his chin, and you were laying all along his body. The sudden show of affection caught you off guard. You started to cry, burying your face in his chest.
Sniper wrapped his arms around you, supporting your entire weight easily.
Neither of you spoke for a good fifteen minutes, except for Sniper saying an occasional, “Aw, sweetheart...”
Finally, you calmed down, feeling safe in your boyfriend’s embrace.
“Y’know, luv...”
Sniper hesitated.
“I...could teach ya how to shoot. If it’ll make ya feel safe.”
You sniffle and look up.
“I know ya probably want some big, strong man to protect ya, an’ I will. God, if anybody even touches a bloody ‘air on your ‘ead, I’ll kill ‘em. But I wan’ you to go to the movies, or the store, or just ‘ave a nice walk an’ not be lookin’ over your shoulder. I wan’ ya to enjoy your life, luv.”
“I...I can’t shoot a gun...”
“Why not?”
“I can’t...aim or shoot...I don’t think I’ve even held a gun before...”
“Well, we can fix that! ‘Ere...”
Sniper leans over and picks up his old gun again, laying it in your hands. It’s a bit heavier than you expected.
You run your hands over the muzzle and barrel, not even daring to touch the trigger.
Sniper puts his hands over yours and guides them over the gun, giving you more confidence about handling the weapon.
“A gun is like...like a dog. You train it right, an’ you train yourself, you’ll be fine. You’re no kid, so you know ‘ow dangerous these can be. But fear doesn’t shoot the bullet. Fear doesn’ aim for ya.”
Every time you went to his apartment, he would do this. Sometimes you two would be talking, and he would nonchalantly hand you the gun, which, after a while, you took without thought.
Now it was time to take you to the range.
He gave you that old gun to use as practice, but promised a newer, more compact gun when you had gotten the hang of shooting.
Hands on your shoulders, hands over yours, he taught you how to target a person’s more sensitive areas.
Over the next few months, you grew better and better at hitting your mark. You weren’t perfect, but you could definitely defend yourself.
One night, Sniper went to go get you both Chinese food, and you were hanging out at your apartment.
You heard a knock on your window. You ignore it, thinking a bird had flown into it by accident. However, as the knocking grew louder and more insistent, you lift your head, startled.
It was your ex-boyfriend.
He was in a suit, but his face wasn’t nearly as neat. His eyes were red and wide, and his hair was messy.
He had walked up the fire escape to your balcony, and was leaning against the rail, relaxed.
You stayed inside, but you knew that the door was unlocked - he could come in any time he wanted. And he knew this.
He spoke, and you could hear him through the glass.
“Still single. Just like I thought.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off.
“I came back because I was worried. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you...I thought maybe something had happened. You were so depressed when you left. I couldn’t help but think that maybe...well, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re here, and I am more than willing to be with you again. I think we both have cooled off, right? We’ve had some time apart, and now we’ve realized we’re madly in love with each other and can’t be apart for another minute...”
“I have a new boyfriend!”
You blurted it out so suddenly you even surprised yourself. But your ex was unmoved.
“Oh, right. Sure. How much are you paying him, this boyfriend of yours? Do you have to pay extra for sex, or do you have a pity discount?”
“He...he’ll come back...and...”
You looked beside you. Your gun was laying on the floor beside you. Sniper had just taken you to the range, and you hadn’t had enough time to put it away.
You remembered what he said...
“I wan’ ya to enjoy your life, luv.”
You put your hand around the gun, grasping it tightly.
You swallow.
“Come back and what?” your ex jeered. “What’s your new boyfriend going to do? Beat me up?”
You are still trying to make your decision when you hear the glass door open.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, angel. I want to see your beautiful face.”
You whip around, the gun in your hand. Your ex immediately recoils, his hands flinging up.
“Woah woah woah...!”
“Please. Leave.”
Your voice is hoarse, but you try to sound as firm as possible.
“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never get back with you. Ever. You...you made me feel so helpless, scared, alone...I can’t feel that way forever. I don’t want you to get hurt, but I want you to leave and never come back. Please. Just leave me alone.”
Your ex smirks, albeit shakily. “You can’t shoot that. You’ve never touched a gun in your life.”
“My boyfriend wanted me to be safe. He wanted me to be happy. He wanted me to be able to deal with creeps like you.”
You get up, gun still in hand, and your ex backs away.
“He did more than you ever did.”
“What, so you’re just going to shoot me? End up on the six o’clock news?”
“No. I won’t. I don’t want to hurt you. I just want you to leave. For good.”
“I bet that thing isn’t even loaded.”
You show him a half-full magazine and point to the fire escape.
“Like you know how to -!”
You quickly turn to a picture of a seaside landscape, shakily aim, and manage to shoot it, shattering the frame to pieces.
“Get. Out.”
Your ex practically runs out, yelling that he was calling the police.
Sniper comes back a few minutes later, and when he asks you what the hell happened, you start telling him between trembling breaths what had occurred.
Sniper turned bright red and tipped his hat down.
“That bloody wanker...fruit sellin’...”
He starts to walk towards the fire escape, but you stop him.
“I scared him off, please don’t...he said he was going to call the police...”
Sniper took a few deep breaths, calming down.
“We’ve got th’ best lawyers in the country. I’d like to see ‘im try.”
The police was never called - you think it was probably a pride thing, since you had overpowered him so easily - but you weren’t sure you had seen the last of him.
But with your own experience and Sniper’s, you had some piece of mind.
However, you were soon going to find out that Sniper had more power on his side than you thought...
Long time, no headcanon! Well, good headcanons, anyway. I rushed my last post, so I tried to go all out with this one. I might write a second part when headcanons are open again, but I think I prefer leaving some things up to the imagination, hm?
Anyway, more headcanons on the way! Same bat time, same bat channel! The next one is about siblings, though I may post shorter headcanons before that, since it’s such a fun idea to write.
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kuroharada · 2 years
Okay, thanks! Her name is Megumi and she's a fish hybrid (Swordfish, Pacu, and Red Snapper) with red hair + tail and green eyes. She's around 5'1" because she's a fish but IRL I'm around 5'7"-5'8". She's a bit shy but warms up quickly to those who are friendly to her, and tends to apologize and say thank you a lot. She doesn't have good self esteem and often worries about what others think. Despite this, she really hates evil, injustice, and prejudice, and is prone to losing her temper. (1/3)
She wants to stop as many bad deeds as she can but she's also secretly a huge sub who likes flirty and dominant people (Especially yanderes), and gets embarrassed easily. She loves girly things, exploring, oceans, flowers, stars, and learning how to cook and bake, especially desserts (She's a vegetarian). Around those she knows, she also loves to laugh and make jokes. She doesn't often initiate hugs or cuddles since she wants to give others space, but prefers when her partner(s) initiate.
( Alright, let's get started! I'll do my best, alright? )
I ship her with...
He likes to mess with her an awful lot, finding her easy to tease and having great fun doing it. He thinks her dislike of evil is really ironic all things considered, seeing as she's earned his affection of all people. Not that he'd consider himself "evil" so to say, but he knows he does plenty of bad things and has a lot of fun doing them. He just thinks it's funny that she's so pure-hearted and he's so... well, cruel.
If she likes him back, he's likely to tease her a lot more playfully than he did before. He frequently follows her around, wrapping his arms around her from behind and making some smart comment or another - usually of the dirty variety just to make her face as red as her hair. He likes to take charge in most situations, sometimes taking her by the chin and going in for an aggressive kiss almost out of nowhere. He's definitely dominant and he likes to remind her of that every chance he gets.
At some point, he finds himself obsessed with her before he can even recognize the feeling. Any time someone looks at her in any way that he can count as "bad", he simply attacks and devours them in front of her, making sure she is watching. He wants her to know that she is his and his alone, and that absolutely no one will come between the two of them. He can be a little overbearing at times, spending most of his time following her everywhere she goes and watching her very, very closely. On occasion, he may even get a little violent with her herself, unfortunately.
I ship her with...
He saw her for the first time and knew he had to have her for himself. Her hair was what originally drew him in, and he is constantly creating ornaments for her to put in it. He knows she loves him back, I mean, how could she not? With how great he is, there's no one better suited to be her partner for life, and he would be greatly offended (and horribly, horribly angry) if she were ever to want someone else. Without a doubt, he would eliminate any competition the moment he found out about it.
He would absolutely love to explore with her, but he would love it way more if she were to come and enjoy the things he's created in his own world. He wants to show her everything he's made and often creates things for her as gifts. He would create a little spot in the Land of Sun just for her and spend more time watching her than he probably should. When he sees her as happy as can be, he often moves to embrace her, giving her a gentle kiss and caressing her cheek, simply taking in her face with a smile.
If anyone were to try to take her from him, he would find a creative way to get rid of them, such as sending them directly into one of his many suns or just tearing them apart limb from limb. He finds himself getting horribly jealous whenever anyone talks to her, seeing them as a threat to his rightful place in her heart. He has a vicious glare and an even worse bite. He knows he can make her unravel like nobody else can just by pinning her against a wall and telling her there is nobody who will ever love her the way he does, which he does very often. He frequently tells her nothing will ever make him let her go. Nothing. She is his. Almost like a possession sometimes.
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
try again; in every day we breathe life [tobirama senju/you] - chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Now
Summary: Tobirama’s secret disquisition is taking a toll on him. More of a comfort chapter. 
Word count: ~3k
available on AO3. 
Chapter 1 - Now | Chapter 2 - Then, part 1 | Chapter 2 - Then, part 2 | Chapter 3 - Now | Chapter 4 - Then | Chapter 5 - Then | 
Tobirama massages the bridge of his nose as the words on the paper in front of him starts to blur into incoherent sentences. Tremors plague his hands too often now, and his chest often feels tight. He knows these are signs that he is very fatigued and that he lacks sleep–these days, he has simply stopped sleeping altogether. The energy that he rides on is the hope that he can finish his secret disquisition, so that finally he can rest. He just needs to do this one last thing. 
 The events of the year had spurred him on to throw himself on his Edo Tensei . He feels that this is the only way he can cope and handle his troubles in the near future. Especially if his theory about his brother is true: that he is dying everyday he lives.
 He is almost never wrong. 
 He needs a backup plan. A safeguard, among his other collections of safeguards. Someone like him can never have too many. 
 And he believes that the answers lie in his creation. 
Tobirama sighs and he presses his palms into his eyes. Maybe he really needs sleep. 
 The office doors open after a knock, and he looks up to find his brother. He cannot help but notice that Hashirama’s hair is silky and that his face is smooth, free of the blemishes of a wrinkle. There are no spots on his skin, and in fact, his skin seems to glow with youth. 
“Elder brother,” Tobirama greets him, with utmost respect. 
 Hashirama’s face softens towards him. The glaze in his eyes from the other night is gone. He looks more alert. “You called for me?” 
Tobirama tries to hide the way his hands seem to shake and fishes for the papers that he wants his brother to see. He takes his time, in the guise of searching for it, even though he is organized enough to know where each document is. 
 “I…” Tobirama begins, taking his time to form his words. “First, I have told you that this is not a good idea. Despite my best efforts to persuade you, I know you are also quite stubborn. So here. The approval to begin the construction of your precious statues. It commences next month.” 
Hashirama’s eyes widened in surprise. “Brother, I don’t know what to say.”
 Tobirama rolls his eyes, but much to his chagrin, he gives his last sibling a genuine smile. “Don’t flatter yourself. My wife put me up to this.” 
 Hashirama laughs, and Tobirama is glad that it sounds carefree. His eyes form into beautiful crescents, and Tobirama softens. There is his cheerful brother. 
“Give my thanks to her,” Hashirama says. “She is the best of us.” 
 Tobirama nods, and he clutches his hands under the desk. He will always agree to that, because as compared to him, her flaws pale in comparison. 
Hashirama pauses before turning towards the door. “And come visit your eldest nephew and his wife soon. We have heard that they will have a girl in about a month.” Hashirama chuckles giddily. “I will be a grandfather!” 
Tobirama stops breathing, but thankfully, Hashirama has left before he can break down any further. 
 He closes his eyes, and suddenly, he is taken back to a more peaceful morning, as he prepares to travel to Kumogakure. That day will never be erased from his mind, not when he could have connected the pieces that were falling into place that almost cost her life. If he wasn’t so busy, if he just prioritized her a little bit more and only trusted himself to look after her, then maybe he could have been there on time. As the Hokage, it is his job to keep the village safe, but what kind of husband does that make him? When, once again, he has chosen the village over her.
Tobirama remembers her giddy smile, and the warm sensation spreading across his chest as she whispers to him a secret. 
 “ I think it’s a girl ,” she says, unable to control the wide grin spreading across her lips. 
Tobirama feels his heart break further. He hates to see his wife reduced to tears, because those are few and far in between. She is strong, and has always known a clear line between right and wrong. Now, it is almost like she is becoming like him. 
 He was very relieved to hear that she could not ever go through with killing Kimiko, but if he wasn’t there to stop her on time, who knows what could have happened. 
Tobirama does not cry, but if he is going to, this will be the moment he will choose to weep. 
 He feels as if there is nothing he can do, and there is no tangible way to come through on one end in one piece. The gods may just be out there to spite him. 
 Everything is falling apart. He can build kingdoms and construct beautiful castles. He can take dreams and make them into a reality, but they all mean nothing if the people that he centered his life around cannot be with him. 
Being alone has never been a worry for him. Solitude has been his preference for a while now, but being truly alone, and losing those he gave his all for, he would rather lose a limb than bear that kind of loneliness. After all he is human, and not a god. As much as he plays that part. 
He finally goes home, having lost his time once again over his endeavours. He trudges up the stairs quietly, and into the bathroom to try and wash up. He feels dirty. There is dried blood caked under his short nails, and he smells like chemicals, ink and death. He carefully peels his shirt over his head, and he stares at his reflection for a moment. 
 He is beginning to resemble the corpses that he hangs out with. 
 He leans over the sink and runs the water. He opts for using the faucet instead of the bathtub, afraid to make loud noises that will wake you. 
Your husband whirls around, and you give him a once-over. He is trembling a little. You note how messy his hair is–messier than normal–and how his eyes are stark bright like fresh blood, and how his face is becoming knife-like from the days he spends forgoing proper nutrition. Your eyes go to his cheek, where there is a smudge of dirt on it. It almost looks like dried blood, and it makes you swallow your words. 
 You are unsure what to say next, because you have a gut feeling that you should not get closer to Tobirama. He is different from the man you last saw this morning, who was calm and collected. The man before you looks like a stray animal ready to bite the hand that tries to pet them. 
Tobirama tries to get a hold of himself, but his mind and his senses betray him. He feels overwhelmed. 
 "You should be asleep," he mumbles under his breath. 
 "I have been sleeping all day," you reply softly, not wanting to alarm him any further. 
 "Please," Tobirama says. He does not want you to see him like this. You make him feel weak. "Go to bed." 
You ignore the slight hurt that you feel from being dismissed, but this is Tobirama. You have learned how to look beyond what he is saying outrightly. You can sense how freaked out he is. 
 "What happened?" You ask in a low, urgent tone. 
Tobirama turns away and he takes a few deep breaths. He feels like he is about to retch. "Nothing."
 He hears you step closer cautiously, and Tobirama tenses. If you touch him, he will melt and he will let go of any inhibitions he has left. If you touch him, he will want more. If you do, he may also react in a way that may hurt you as he could not bare any human contact on his skin at the moment. Just the thought of it makes his stomach curl.  
"Go to bed," Tobirama repeats and he fills his cupped hands with water. He slaps the water onto his face, but when he opens his eyes, he finds that you are still there. 
 "Tobi," you whisper. 
Water drips from his face and he turns off the faucet. He is not sure what to do next. The two of you have your own brands of stubbornness. 
 The sound of your voice saying his name seems to ground him, and this prompts you to get closer. 
 Tobirama takes the nearest towel to dab his face dry, and when he finishes, you take the towel from him and put it on the pile of used towels.  
"My love," you murmur softly. "Let’s get you dressed for bed." 
Tobirama takes a deep breath, and he turns to you. You wait for him to come to you instead of taking his hand to pull him forward, and from there, you follow him back into your room. Tobirama dresses in silence, and you stand there, your hands opening and closing, trying to figure out what to do next. 
 You are not a stranger to his changing moods, but sometimes they come unexpectedly, and they are not always the same. You know that he has stopped sleeping, and opts to skip meals to attend to whatever it is he’s busying himself with. His silhouette in the darkness is noticeably thinner, and while you are waiting for him to make you understand what he is doing or to let you know what else is bothering him, you are becoming more concerned. 
 You hate to see him like this.  
“Tobirama,” you utter his name, and slowly, you step closer into his space. You see how tense he is, so you make your movements slow and non-urgent. “It’s okay.” 
 You watch him run his fingers through his hair and let out a shaky breath. 
“It’s okay,” you repeat. You try to control the tears that are coming. 
 The shadows of the dark room seem to engulf him, but you will never abandon him and leave him to fend for himself. 
"I'm coming closer," you tell him, and slowly, you slide your arms around his waist from behind.
 You can feel him stiffen, but it does not discourage you. You press your chest on his back and you rest your head in between his shoulder blades, and you hold him. It takes a long time, but finally, his body melts into yours and he gives into your warmth.
 Tobirama lets himself rest in your embrace, and he reminds himself that you are alive, that you are breathing, and your skin has color, not like the ashen gray that dead bodies have. You are warm and supple, not cold and monumental. 
 He is so tired, but there is no such thing as rest for people like him. People like him rest in the battlefield, and it is both their bed and their grave. 
Tobirama rests his arms on yours and he holds your arms. For a moment, you make him still. For a moment, the world falls away, and the races in his mind make its pause. He is not one to ask for much, let alone look for comfort, but for now, he lets himself be held. 
After ushering him to bed, Tobirama is silent. 
 You sense that whatever thoughts that are swirling in his mind have settled like dust. He is not trembling anymore, and the natural paleness of his skin has returned, not like the pale green hue that he seems to embody earlier. The two of you face each other, hands entwined on your pillows. Sleep is a faraway thought, but you are glad to have him like this. 
 Tobirama watches you intently as you press a kiss on his knuckles, and then rest his hand under your cheek. 
“I love you,” Tobirama murmurs. He rarely says this, but it always rings true. He feels ashamed for saying this to you after hiding so many secrets, but he never lies about what he feels towards you. Those three words taste gritty on his tongue, but he thinks you must know. Just in case your perception of him changes.
 He doesn't deserve you, and inside, his heart clashes on trying to be worthy of your love and trying to be the leader this village needs. He is always sure of his ways, but when he sees you teetering between black and white, he questions his path because he sees a part of himself in you. 
 Perhaps, you do the same. 
“You have to rest,” you tell him. “Send a shadow clone. Or give yourself a full day-off. For your sake.” 
 “I don’t know how to stop,” he tells you bluntly. “I must remain steadfast.” 
 “Can you really do this for long?” 
“I have to,” Tobirama says. “There is no other way.” 
 Your eyes swim, and the pace of your heart starts to pick up. Those words scare you. 
  Your Senju husband will fail , Madara once said in your dreams. He will do everything right and what he is supposed to do, but in the grand scheme of things, he is nothing. 
You close your eyes, feeling dread creep under your skin. 
“You know I am right,” Tobirama continues. 
 “No.” You bite your lip. “Sometimes your right does not mean it is right.” 
 “I know,” Tobirama says and his eyes refuse to meet yours. 
A tear escapes your eye, but Tobirama is quick to wipe it away with his free hand. 
 “Do not cry for me,” Tobirama says. 
 “How can you say that?” You say with disbelief. “I have the right to cry for you.” 
Tobirama sighs, and rests his palm on your cheek. The two of you begin a staring contest, but you win when Tobirama finally looks away. 
“We’re becoming ridiculous, aren’t we?” 
 “Quite,” Tobirama yawns. 
 “You still have me.” You lean towards him. 
Tobirama pulls you closer, and he holds you to his chest. You close your eyes as you feel his heart underneath your ear. He still holds you as strongly and certainly. 
“I will take your suggestion tomorrow,” Tobirama finally says. “One thing at a time, right?” 
 “Good enough for me,” you murmur into his chest and you press a kiss on it. 
“All right,” Tobirama mutters, and his arms tighten around you.
To be continued...
Chapter 7 - Then >> 
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