#lorenz hellman gloucester my beloved
tidbi-t-art · 7 months
So remember that poll I posted about Claurenz?
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Yeah, this is completely unrelated
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mimzalot · 1 year
the noble standard (Ferdinand and Lorenz)
copied over from twitter  •  29 Mar 2020  - cw: discussing mental health
sighs. sometimes I wonder if, after the war starts, Ferdinand only pretends to care about the same noble standard that Lorenz does because he hasn't the heart to say that he just doesn't care anymore. about anything. it would certainly spoil their tea, which he would hate to lose.
Ferdinand smiling at Lorenz ranting about all the bizarre disorderly shenanigans he's been witnessing now that the world is in disarray and Ferdinand is nodding, "Indeed it is worrying." but there's no light in his eyes. he cares but he also... can't? of course, Lorenz can tell.
but Ferdinand is not one to need to be coaxed into honesty, and if he has not shared what troubles him then Lorenz will... be so polite as not to pry! nor feel as though he is losing something. failing to find his bearings on what once was common ground. failing, as always.
ok no shut up - next time they join for tea Lorenz blurts "I must admit that my customary convictions have been wavering under a relentless gale of change and turmoil." and when Ferdinand raises a brow at him, "Sorry?" Lorenz takes a deep breath and says "I am... I grow... afraid."
Lorenz is still talking about his noble obligations but for once is candid about his fears that he will fail to uphold them. and also that he will lose everything despite his best efforts. to die is one thing but to amount to nothing? to lose ones' purpose? it's terrifying.
Ferdinand understands. Lorenz was counting on him to, and it's a bittersweet sense of commonality between them. but then Ferdinand adds something Lorenz didn't expect to hear: "Your fear is admirable." Lorenz... is very confused?! I beg your pardon? Ferdinand laughs joylessly.
he contemplates his words a long while before continuing. "You are still lucid enough to feel it. And determined! It's... admirable." pause. "I feel as though a dark haze shrouds my present and future - even my past. Most days I cannot find clarity in anything, except... dread."
Ferdinand explains that it isn't the first time he has felt this dullness, but it is the most keen. to feel a lack of feeling... despite the paradox, and having always erred on the side of too many feelings as opposed to too few, Lorenz nods. a strange and concerning affliction.
Lorenz assures Ferdinand that he, well, he does not understand himself, but he will endeavour to. and if Ferdinand feels as though he has lost himself then Lorenz will so gladly remind him! he is Ferdinand! a noble and dashing hero, a fearsome foe, and a dearly valued friend.
shout out to @pegasusrightsforall for writing so enthusiastically in the tags of my rough day? comic that you reminded me to import my meta about these two over I FEEL SO MUCH ABOUT THEM TOOO YOU’RE RIGHT
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monasterys · 3 years
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trans lorenz stim board with paint, roses, and gems!
☁️ 💌 ☁️ | 💌 💎 💌 | ☁️ 💌 ☁️
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pandas-pandemonium · 2 years
'Til Death Do We Part [FE3H: Lorenz x Mercedes]
CW: Angst, implied future character death
A/N: I wrote this almost two years ago, and since 3 Hopes will be coming out this month, I thought, why not post it? Enjoy!
It had been several decades since the war, and since then Lorenz had been happily married to Mercedes. He truly couldn't have chosen a better wife than her. Her benevolence and generosity extended far beyond her family and friends, but also towards the people of Fodlan. Under his stern rule and his spouse's kindness, the people of Fodlan truly admired the couple.
Alas, there is always an end to such events; but Lorenz couldn't be happier. Although he knew his life was at an end, he couldn't bear to worry his beloved wife with such trivial matters; not when she had to deal with so much on her own. Which was why he couldn't look her in the eye when she cornered him one day, demanding to know why he had been hiding his illness from her.
"However did you find out?" he asked.
The woman before him looked pained.
"Since a couple days ago. You were coughing in your sleep as well. Did you really think I wouldn't notice, Lorenz?!" she cried out, grabbing both his hands with tear-filled eyes.
"I-I see..."
"How long?" her voice sounded like it was going to break.
"Answer me, Lorenz. Please..."
"I... It has been, almost a year, I would say. I thought it would go away, but..." he paused, eyes still staring at the ground. "The doctor said it would only get worse."
Suddenly, he felt a sharp sting across his cheek.
"You- how could you keep this from me?! I could have helped!" her face was streaked with tears, and it broke Lorenz's heart so much when he saw his wife in such a broken state.
"There is nothing to be done unfortunately, my love. I... I didn't want to worry you. After all, you have so many things to take care of. How would you face the children in school with a smile if you knew your dear husband was dying, after all?" he tried to smile, but failed to make it convincing.
Mercedes only gripped his hands harder, when she suddenly threw herself into his chest, nearly causing him to stumble from the sudden weight.
"Please... you have to rest from now on. You can retire, my love. I'm sure Philipe will be able to take on your duties. I don't think I could bear to see your condition worsen anymore than it has," she said, voice muffled by his clothes, but the sheer frustration she had was evident.
He could only gently stroke her hair in reply as he pressed a kiss on top of her head.
"If that is what will ease your mind, my dear.  Please, such a sweet face as yours should not be tainted by such sadness," he said, holding his wife's face between his hands. Mercedes let out a pained laugh.
"I wonder who's the one making me cry," she said, though the tears still trickled down her cheeks. She sucked in a breath and wiped away her tears.
"But if you promise, promise, to retire your position by tomorrow, I will spend the rest of my life caring for you. So please, Lorenz, you don't have to hold onto this pain anymore. I'm here for you."
Lorenz smiled, and for the first time since he had fallen ill, his chest felt lighter.
"Of course, my beloved Mercedes. I promise, on my name as Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, that I will, as a faithful and lawful husband, to hereby rely on my beloved wife until the end of my days," and with that, he sealed their promise with a kiss.
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atypicalsenerio · 3 years
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【 You find yourself the recipient of a letter that could never be unassuming if it tried.
The royal purple envelope is a backdrop to gilded lettering, lovingly rendered with a steady hand. It shines when you hold it up to the light; to say nothing of the wax seal that sits heavy in a contrasting deep red. Burned into your memory is the Gloucester rose, the summertime fancy and the lovers’ flower, the signature of one noble son.
Should you choose to open this envelope, there is crisp parchment awaiting you. A practiced hand has sent you a missive, and then some. All the words legible, cursive immaculate, but aside from the flourishes, it is, as some say, a lot to unpack.
At the very top, lettering bigger than the rest, begins this invitation—ah, yes, you see now, it is an invitation—with the setting of intentions: 】
❝I, LORENZ HELLMAN GLOUCESTER, am sending you a formal invitation, extending you the distinct honor of attending the Ethereal Moon Ball as my esteemed guest…❞
【 … 】
【 You quickly realize that the letter goes on. And on. Was there ever an end in sight, or was that the twinkle of your golden name?
You will be here all night, should you read the whole spiel, so you skip to the end: 】
❝SOREN: whisperings of what a shrewd tactician you are have reached even my noble ears, and it would be a grievous error on my part if I did not give you your dues. Should you accept my invitation, I would love to spend a good deal of the evening picking such a tactical mind! I, too, find myself with an interest in strategy, and no doubt your rather unique background offers a perspective unseen within Alliance borders.
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This was... unexpected. Generally, it was Soren putting on airs and flattering to get something he wanted out of someone else. To find a similar tactic used on himself (since he didn’t think for a moment that any noble, much less one like Lorenz, had some genuine fondness for him enough to warrant a scented invitation to a dance), stunned him for a moment.
That, and the fact that he already was going with Ike.
Soren stared at the letter, open on his desk, unable to believe it’s purple existence in his dorm, and again, that he was actually spoken for in regards to the night in question.
He wouldn’t be outdone in a little game of prose, however. Not if he could help it.
Already, he was dipping his quill in ink and pulling out a fresh parchment to deliver to Lorenz Hellman Gloucester himself.
It was, quite literally, dripping with sarcasm in the cursive swirls across the page.
He delivered it that night, slipped under the door.
Dearest Lorenz, my lover to never be </3,
I must ask you to sit down as you read my correspondence, as I fear for your noble’s heart if there is no fainting couch near. Tragically, you have waited too late to ask for my hand. Observe- someone who didn’t see me as a last minute resort has already made the proper arrangements to have my company on the night of the Heron Ball.
However, to soothe the indescribable pain you must be in, I will give you a short tactics lesson.
When you are unobservant and late, and take for granted that you will win the heart of your beloved or the head of an enemy, your chance of suffering a most grievous injury goes up by quite a bit. Do keep this in mind in all your extracurricular excursions.
Please do refrain from throwing yourself sobbing at my feet the next time we pass each other in public. Tempting as it may be, you will not win me over. Nor will flattery. Even half decent flattery that praises my intellect is not enough. You are clearly not captivated by my every aspect of being, and that is unacceptable.
I feel as though you have not successfully won over many women, but I do not care to teach you that.
Regards, Soren
P. S.
I’ve been to your estate.
Wasn’t impressed. :(
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Their Joyous Marriage
Thank you so much for the support again, @reirevan! I’m weak for marriages and now it’s DIMILETH’s turn!!
Summary: Precisely because Dimitri and Byleth held the highest positions possible for anyone to hold in Fódlan, their marriage was one that would need months of careful planning. Ah, but to finally be able to swear their love in front fo the world... anything would be worth it.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Even before they returned to Fhirdiad, Dimitri and Byleth already considered themselves a married couple by the eyes of the goddess. They had exchanged their vows at the Goddess Tower and consummated their wedding, but that was all in between themselves. Their own private wedding, so to speak.
In reality, they would still need to go through many a preparation before they could swear their love in front of the world.
First and foremost, Byleth could not go to the capital of the United Holy Kingdom of Faerghus with her beloved just yet -- as newly appointed Archbishop, she had certain duties to attend to at Garreg Mach monastery, just as Dimitri had his duties as King back in Fhirdiad.
Holding their ring hands before parting ways, they promised to meet again back at Byleth's new home: Fhirdiad. She would do everything she could to transfer all of the routes of information of the Church to the capital, where she was going to make permanent residence of. She was the new Archbishop, but that did not mean that she had to live in Garreg Mach to fulfill her duties.
She was going to be Queen of the new Unified Fódlan as well, after all. Accumulating both positions required her to be as close to the capital as possible -- more precisely, right beside her King, at the Royal Castle.
... Of course, those were all the official responses she sent to the allies of the Church throughout Fódlan. Byleth's true, deepest desire was to be kept beside her husband at all times.
Such tall amount of work would surely take a few months to complete -- to meet with the highest-ranking representatives of the Church around the continent not only to introduce herself but to discuss the best routes they would need to take to deliver information; to hear the plea of the people and spread the doctrine of the goddess she knew of, the Sothis Byleth had housed for the largest part of her life... She was about to reform the entirety of what it meant to be a follower of the goddess, basically.
However, she would leave that bold approach to the faith for when she would be properly installed at Fhirdiad -- for now, she only needed to tackle the most pressing matters required of those in a transition of power.
Besides, there was a detail that kept nudging the back of her mind: As Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth quite literally outranked every kind of priest that existed in their faith. Who would be able to bless her and Dimitri's unions in the name of the goddess if Byleth herself held the highest position?
Of course, Rhea would be the most obvious choice as the previous Archbishop herself, but due to the continuous mistreatment she went through for five years after the fall of Garreg Mach monastery, she was barely able to give her position away before retiring to a deep slumber at the Holy Mausoleum.
Briefly before falling asleep, Rhea had finally revealed to Byleth the truth of her birth, her origin and the reason why she had housed the consciousness of the goddess inside of her. Finally understanding herself for the first time in her life, this new knowledge only spurred Byleth further into longing to be near her husband for as long as time allowed her to.
Which spiraled back into the question of who could officiate her wedding with the Savior King -- two public and named as 'legendary' figures by the folk such as themselves couldn't be united by a simple priest, not even if said priest were the one officially residing at the capital specifically for such occasions.
Seteth wouldn't do either. Although the right-hand man of the previous Archbishop, he was never seen presiding masses outside Garreg Mach, not to mention officiating marriages.
Byleth sighed, exasperated, as she went through a pile of documents. Resting her head on her fist, she peeked under each sheet of paper to see what it was about; sighing each time she did so.
Meeting, meeting, meeting, public speech, class on how to preside a Mass, public speech, meeting with the eastern church, meeting, visiting one, two, three, seventeen villages-
"Wait a moment." She blinked as she finally focused on what was truly written on the papers. "The eastern church... What does this say, again?" She mumbled to herself as she scrambled through the documents to find the letter from the newly appointed Regent of the Leicester region, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, as he liked to call himself at the beginning of each letter. He asked for Byleth's presence in this endeavor of uniting the Church itself under one same banner much like before, so it could follow the example of the continent.
Well, that was what Byleth had planned from the beginning, but what if... A sly smile started to creep on her lips, making her regain the vigor she had lost as she dove into the endless pile of documents.
One priest or Bishop wouldn't do to officiate the Archbishop's marriage with the Savior King, but what if there were two Bishops from two previously warring factions of the same church?
Byleth was going to have a long and strenuous talk with the representatives of the Eastern and Western Church both, so they could bless her marriage! That would not only be appropriate in terms of rank, but also in terms of unification -- if Byleth managed to bring two known enemies together under the same roof to once again unite their faith in the same goddess, she would have given a full stride towards the direction she wanted the Church to go from now on.
A new glint shining in her eyes, Byleth dunked the tip of her feather pen in ink, bracing herself to write letters all day long.
The first one was to her husband, of course. To let him on her plans for their union as well as to ask him to check what the situation was around the Western Church beside the Rowe territory. In more than a few occasions, Byleth had exchanged blows with them under Rhea's orders, so approaching them with nothing to give but her words would prove difficult.
The second and third ones were for Lorenz and the Eastern Church's Bishop, Deacon, respectively. She also wrote a check list of things she wanted the Knights of Seiros posted at House Edmund's territory to check out once they went out in patrol. She would also send a similar list to the ones posted in Arianrhod so they could keep an eye on the Western Church's movements.
There was a steep, uphill road ahead before she could finally climb up to be married to her beloved, but by Sothis she was going to prevail. She WAS going to marry Dimitri by the end of the year or her name wasn't Byleth Eisner Blaiddyd!
... Well, it wasn't yet, but it was going to be!
Dimitri had to cover his face with both hands to hide his blushing cheeks the moment he read the end of his beloved's letter. On a whim, she had signed it as 'Byleth Eisner Blaiddyd', almost literally killing him instantly. "Oh, but I cannot wait to see you again, my light." He whispered to his hands as he tried to regain his breathing.
He peeked at the letter once again, heat immediately flushing his face. He could see by her handwriting on how boldly she had started it, surely filled with determination after a long time of pondering. The first line, written with such a strong penmanship the ink leaked and stained a bit read as 'My Lion', killing him instantly once again.
"I might frame this," he contemplated as he bonked his head on his desk, a giddy feeling bubbling in his chest. He could barely bear to read it without wanting to giggle like a schoolgirl, his entire body heating in embarrassment and fondness at the same time. Slowly did he reach for the letter to reread it one more time, clutching his chest with his free hand. "No, this is for my eyes only." He pressed his lips into a thin line as he opened the locked drawer of his desk. He would keep it there, close to him whenever he was hard at work.
It would help him cope with her absence, alongside with the ring he proudly wore on his finger. His eyes falling to it, the King smiled fondly, his cheeks still flushed with pink. Dimitri raised his hand to his lips, kissing the ring lovingly. "Separated as we may be, we do this so we can stay together until the end."
Byleth herself could barely be found at the monastery -- she took it upon herself to travel to the most distinct churches of the faith as well as to gather information regarding the opposing factions. Knowing that approaching the Western Church without hearing back from her husband would be a tad too risky, Byleth tackled the Eastern Church first.
Deacon, the Bishop of the Eastern Church, was a meek and reasonable man. His predecessor had died during the war with the Empire, though not because of it, since they couldn't be further from the frontlines. Whooping cough or some other ailment.
The previous Bishop had taken the Eastern Church's mistrust on the Central Church to the grave, apparently, since the negotiations went down so smoothly it shocked Byleth and the Knights she had brought from Garreg Mach. The ones posted at Edmund territory weren't nearly as surprised since they had written as much in their reports, but it was still hard to believe without witnessing it firsthand.
However, despite that tremendous win -- Deacon had agreed to bless Dimitri and Byleth's marriage alongside Abbot, the Western Bishop -- the real fight was still to begin: to convince Abbot himself to go to the ceremony.
Or so Byleth thought. The moment she received word back from Dimitri and the Knights at Arianrhod, she realized that the situation might be easier to tackle than she initially thought.
Of course, the deeply rooted mistrust that described the Central and the Western churches' relationship couldn't be so easily erased, but Abbot, the Bishop appointed to lead the Western Church since the incident back in 1180, had actually been working towards mending that. After the fall of Garreg Mach at the start of 1181 he had put a stop to those plans simply so they could survive through the war, but once Byleth started to make a name for herself inside the Central church after they freed Faerghus from the Empire's hold, Abbot had decided to once again merge the Western Church with the Central one.
Surprisingly good news, really! Even if it took a longer while to convince their respective followers, to have the support of their leaders was a surefire way to fostering understanding between them.
And great timing, as well: Byleth had planned all of her voyages with the goal of having the Western Church be her last stop before moving to Fhirdiad permanently. She had already informed her friends of the former Alliance of her marriage so they would be prepared to leave a month open once they arranged everything. She also wrote a few advance letters to the ones she couldn't visit -- Bernadetta, Ferdinand, Dorothea, Caspar... While her business didn't take her to the former Empire region, Byleth still wanted her companions to be there during the most important moment of her and Dimitri's shared life.
Overjoyed but exhausted to the point of being burned out, Byleth returned to her temporary quarters in Arianrhod to rest, her heavy body contrasting with her light soul and heart. She was just one step closer to being with Dimitri again after five long months or running here and there.
"Just one more step," she mumbled as she finally tucked herself in her bed -- a lonely, too big of a bed. "Then we can be together forever," she sighed longingly, her eyes so heavy she barely made an effort to fall asleep.
Unbeknownst to her, Dimitri had stolen away from the capital in a blind eagerness to finally meet his wife again -- according to Dedue, his known accomplice in letting the King escape from his duties, Dimitri had been so antsy as of late he was barely useful in whatever he did.
If only Byleth had stayed awake for another hour, she could have met Dimitri in the flesh, but alas, the moment his exhausted horse arrived at the gates of the fortress, the Archbishop had already given in to fatigue.
"Your Majesty! If you'd given word of your arrival, we would've prepared your quarters-" A knight from House Rowe scrambled to find the words to direct to the sudden appearance of his King, but Dimitri could barely hear him.
"No matter, good soldier. Just direct me to where the Archbishop is- where the future Queen is located." He almost ran inside, knowing that Byleth would be at the noble wing of the fortress, though relying on the man to point which door he should open to finally meet his beloved.
"Future-" the man stuttered, freezing in place. "A-at once, Your Majesty! This way! B-but the Archbishop has already retired to sleep-"
"No matter, I said," Dimitri almost skipped, making the poor knight struggle to keep up. Once the proper way was pointed out, the grand smile on his face almost made it impossible to speak. "Thank you, good soldier. You are dismissed." He said softly before quietly opening the door, disappearing inside of it.
Ah, there Byleth was, wrapped under the covers... And it wasn't a dream, not this time! She was there, she was real; they finally met again!
Barely containing his excitement, Dimitri felt his eye burn with tears, faltering in his steps to the bed. He silently took off his mantle and jacket, placing them over a nearby chair. Then, he took his boots off without even sitting down, bending only when it was time to climb on the bed.
His whole body trembled to the point of worrying that the sound of his thundering heartbeat could wake his beloved up -- how tired she looked! How ragged, how exhausted- how terribly, wonderfully beautiful!
Ah, to gaze upon her features again! Dimitri sniffled with emotion, quietly slipping under the sheets as he laid by his beloved's side. He took a few strands of hair from her face, unsure of what he wanted to do -- to hug her, obviously, but he also wanted to gaze upon her throughout the night, to hear her calm breathing and finally take it in that she was there, with him.
In his un-decision, he decided to simply gaze upon her beauty until either sleep claimed him or left her, whichever came first.
Dimitri thought he would be able to stay up all night as he did many a time before, but simply being with Byleth again made his whole body relax and fall soundly asleep like he hadn't done properly in the past five months.
In the morning, Byleth groggily snuggled into her beloved's chest, her mind still far from catching up with what had happened. She simply dug her face into the familiar warmth, wrapping her arms around his solid build.
Realization hit her so fast it made her jump out of his arms. "Who is- Dimitri?!" She gasped, "what- how-"
Startled by his wife's start, Dimitri sat up almost immediately, although his face was still in the land of dreams. "Hu- Byle- my light-" he shook his head, quickly remembering what had happened. "Oh, My Light, you are finally awake!" Wasting no time, he dove into his beloved's lips, claiming them to himself like the both of them wanted for so very long.
"Mmph...!" Byleth rolled her eyes in pleasure, forgetting how many times she wished for that to happen. To taste his kiss again and be tenderly held by him- oh, what joy!
Once the fog of exhaustion lifted from her mind, she could mostly guess how her husband had found her there, but she was too busy indulging herself into his kiss to speak at that moment.
Finally reunited, the couple could at last work together in preparing for their marriage -- they sent proper invitations to their friends from in and out of Fódlan. Byleth mentioned wanting her dress to be decorated by Hilda, Dorothea and Bernadetta, remembering how good the three of them were with sewing.
It would be special to her to have her former students -- now her allies and friends -- to have an active role in the preparations. She would never have won the war by herself, after all.
Dimitri had bashfully asked for his childhood friends Sylvain, Felix and Ingrid to be his best men and woman, expecting rejection of at least a third of the party. But Duke Fraldarius had actually agreed to it, though his letter sounded rude as always.
"'Don't make me regret it', huh?" Byleth giggled as she read Felix's reply, lying on her husband's lap as they arranged this or that detail of the party inside their quarters.
Dimitri smiled bashfully, "that truly does sound like him, does it not? I am glad that deep down he is still the same boy I befriended as a child."
"Both of you changed," Byleth held two different kinds of sample of laces for the details of the tables overhead, close to Dimitri's face. "But your bond will always be unbreakable, I'm sure of it."
Dimitri chose the lace on the right, nodding as Byleth put it on the 'chosen' pile. "Indeed."
As the big day approached, so did the guests who came from farther away -- Claude arrived with Hilda and Lorenz, bringing gifts and good news from Almyra. The trio never failed to make Byleth laugh with their interactions, bringing warmth into the Queen-to-be's heart.
Bernadetta arrived a few days after, quickly latching onto Byleth's arm. "I-I came to a new place on my own, see!" She stuttered as she followed her former professor around like a duckling. "Although you're here with me as p-promised."
"Thank you for braving through this trip for me, Bernie. I hope I didn't ask too much of you in helping with a few touches on my dress."
"O-oh, don't be sorry, Professor- umm, should I still call you that? You haven't been my teacher in over six years and I'm sure I should be calling you Your Majesty? Maybe Your Holiness? I'm-"
Byleth chuckled. "Just call me Professor if that's easier for you, Bernie. Don't worry too much about it, okay? I called you here because I wanted you to witness this important moment."
Bernadetta lowered her head, blushing slightly. "O-okay. Thank you, Professor. I'll do my best to help with the dress! B-but don't blame me if looks terrible in the end, okay? It probably will..."
"Hah! It's going to be fine!"
It felt as though Byleth had spent the entire year running around from place to place -- which was actually true. She had barely had time to breathe in preparation for the big day, but she couldn't be happier. She was overcome with emotion the first time she tried on her dress, allowing a few tears to escape before sniffling them all back in. Once she saw Dimitri in his outfit testing, she was unable to keep her emotions in check, however.
He looked so radiant and full of life -- so unlike the unhinged man she had found during the war. He was still the same man inside, she knew of it, but witnessing his recovery from this up close was so breathtaking it took the strength out of her body. How she loved him!
Dimitri giggled as Byleth jumped in his arms to steal a kiss, his own emotions overflowing through his eye.
In a blur, time flowed quickly -- soon it was time to walk down the aisle: the cathedral of Fhirdiad was packed with guests from all over Fódlan, the Bishop dual awaiting at the feet of the goddess.
Byleth wore a bright white dress, its ruffles and sleeves skillfully modified by the three young ladies who already sobbed quietly at the front row of the altar. A flowy, lace cape covered her slender shoulders, matching her pair of long gloves as she slowly made her way through the red carpet.
Gustave walked her down the aisle, proud to be the one to hand his new Queen's hand to his King. Once their hands met, Dimitri and Byleth smiled ever so softly it brought tears to that old man's eyes.
"Hey, you're not crying, are you, Felix?" Sylvain whispered by his friend's side as they stood a ways behind Dimitri as his best men.
The Duke flinched, quickly turning his face away from his friend. "What? 'Course I'm not. Go get some glasses."
Ingrid stepped on both of their feet. "Do you want to ruin this ceremony?! Quiet!" She whispered gravely, about to pull their ears.
Abbot glanced at the trio before clearing his throat to start his matrimonial speech while Deacon gestured for all of the guests to be seated.
"We are here beneath the feet of the goddess to bless this couple in marriage..." Abbot started, being followed by Deacon.
"The couple that unified not only our continent, but our faith under a single banner once more."
Dimitri and Byleth exchanged glances, their fingers intertwined into a firm hand hold. "I love you," Byleth mouthed as the Bishops kept on with their speech.
His eyes blurry with tears, Dimitri squeezed his beloved's hand just a little before bringing it to his lips. "I love you, too." He mouthed back, stealing a few 'awww's from the guests who were at the front row.
"... and now, for the Solemn Promise." Abbot finished his part of the speech, raising both hands towards the sky. "Would the couple- ah, you're already holding hands, I see."
Byleth and Dimitri once again glanced at one another, their emotional smiles never leaving their faces.
Deacon extended his hands to the couple, inviting them to place their hand hold over the altar. Once they did, Deacon held them within his own. "Do, Byleth Eisner, consent to this union in taking Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd as your husband, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth?"
"I do." She replied solemnly, never breaking eye contact with her beloved.
"Do you, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, consent to this union in taking Byleth Eisner as your wife, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth?"
"I do... no matter what comes our way." He replied, his voice cracking.
Both Bishops nodded, Abbot joining the hold with his hands. The both of them spoke at the same time: "May the Goddess in Her magnanimous will strengthen your consent and fill you both with Her blessings. What the Goddess has joined together, let no man put asunder."
"Forever," Byleth's lips trembled as she lost herself in her beloved's eyes.
"Forever." Dimitri mirrored, his hands shaking slightly.
"You may kiss the Queen now, Your Majesty." Abbot and Deacon let go of the couple's hands, each patting on a royal's back.
Dimitri was sure he would be bashful in sharing a kiss with his beloved in front of so many people, but he wasn't. He was so focused in her emerald eyes, glistering with tears; in her peach colored lips just waiting to be kissed... He closed his eye as their breaths intertwined, their lips brushing slightly before they pressed against one another.
Forever. They thought in unison as they embraced for the first time as official husband and wife.
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askferdinandvaegir · 4 years
Ferdinand, my most beloved friend! I know we have discussed your exemplary efforts here privately, but I feel I simply must express appreciation for your superior qualities where all can recognize it as fact. You are doing more than speaking to the benefits of crossing the threshold between those considered nobility and the commonfolk, but taking action yourself to demonstrate personally. Such is the conduct that distinguishes you as a man of exceptional character! ~ Lorenz Hellman Gloucester
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Hello, Lorenz! 
As always, you are too kind, my dearest friend. I am simply trying to do what needs to be done. The injustices of the system of nobility and Crests in Fodlan have gone on for long enough, and those who have fallen through the cracks or been purposefully hurt because of it deserve nothing less than the best we have to offer. The best I have to offer, because I can only speak for myself. 
Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, as they always have, and I owe a great deal of the person I am today to the fact that I have had you as a stalwart companion, confidant, and friend. 
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demialwrites · 4 years
Tag-Team Romance
You were a priest at Garreg Mach. You specialized in faith magic and dabbled in reason. You didn't work in the infirmary; that work didn't suit you. Going out with the knights of Seiros as a helper to them was your job. There was a special class that graduated from the officer's academy at Garreg Mach. Most people had heard of them because among them was the famous Byleth and the infamous Edelgard. This year, a special party was being held, a ball, in honour of the one they had during their year at the academy. It was also a small thank you to them for working so hard for the peace everyone enjoyed today. All those who still lived from that class were going to attend. You were curious about it. The night arrived and you hovered outside the doors, hoping to get a peek at the festivities. Listening to the music. Not even expecting to make it inside. A tall, beautiful brunette caught you outside the doors. She laughed at your curiousity and invited you in. "I'm sure it's fine," she told you with a smile. She took your hand and led you through the doors. "Have fun." She released your hand amongst the celebrating people and disappeared to be teased about being fashionably late.
You found a place sort of out of the way to stand and look around. Couples waltzed on the dancefloor to the music. A large man was stuffing his face at the food table. Some stood around the edges, looking like they wondered when this would end. That's when a tall man with an interesting purple hairstyle approached you. "I have never seen you before. You are?" You stared back for a second, surprised that anyone would approach. "Ah, where are my manners?" he continued. He bowed. "I am Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. At your beck and call." You tilted your head at his wording. And so he explained. "I was so captivated by you that I could not help but humbly offer myself." He bowed his head. What were you supposed to say to something like that? "Ummmm..." "Lorenz! Can't you tell you're overwhelming this poor lady?" Another man came up to stand next to this Lorenz. He had a thin, chinstrap beard and a very official-looking yellow-themed outfit. He bowed and smoothly introduced himself as the king of Almyra, Claude von Riegan ("But you can call me Claude," he insisted, "I'm not all for that formal stuff unless it suits me."). In contrast to his intimidating clothes and status, he gave you a friendly smile. Then a smirk to Lorenz, who bristled. "I am doing no such thing! Am I...?" Lorenz asked you. "Relax, Friend," said the second unnamed man. "I'm just teasing you. I am interested in how you found the one person uninvited to this party to hit on." You swallowed and pointed meekly at the door. "Should I go...?" "Nonsense!" said Lorenz, as the other man chuckled. "Not unless my friend, here, is actually bothering you," he said. You shook your head. "Ah!" said Lorenz. "Then at least do me the honour of dancing with me before you slip away into the night." The second man facepalmed at the first man's language. He then put that hand to his hip. "If you don't mind his advances, dance with him. But only if you dance with me after!" He gave you a short bow. "Or we can chat. Dancing isn't for everyone." Lorenz clucked, disagreeing with the last statement. You were overwhelmed now. One of the famous heroes asking you to dance and then the king of Almyra? Not to say that he was nothing like the rumours you heard about the Almyrans. More like a citizen of Fodlan but...not quite. Lorenz wanted the appear a perfect gentleman so he avoided overtly trying to drive Claude away. And Claude was too amused to back off. So they tagged-team romanced you. Lorenz led you around the dance floor in graceful waltzes and Claude chatted with you in between songs. They were both a delight in their own way. The end of the night came and they expected you to make a choice. One or the other. "Do I have to?" you whined. They laughed when you expected them to get frustrated. Apparently, they liked you enough to share. You watched in amazement as they shook on it. "A beau in each land. Lucky you," Lorenz pointed out in amusement. You soon learned what that meant. He lived and worked in and around Garreg Mach and left a retainer to tend his lands in former Alliance territory. Claude, as you expected, was based out of Almyra. He came to Fodlan often on business. The business of bringing the two peoples closer together. Lorenz was a friend and an aid in that endeavour. For now, though, they were focused on you. It was wonderful to be wanted by two people. To be loved and reminded so often that you were. To be fussed over twice as much. Lorenz invited you to tea parties for two and Claude took you for walks in nature. Once, he tried to take you for a fly on his wyvern but it terrifying. Nonetheless, you lost yourself in their love and affection, their endless attentions. You kept a clear enough head just to make sure they were happy, too. And to juggle them properly when necessary. They were only human and they got jealous sometimes. After the honeymoon phase, Claude returned to Almyra while you remained in Garreg Mach with Lorenz. To be fair to Claude, Lorenz returned to devoting much of his time as a political leader and knight. You saw Lorenz every so often and wrote back and forth with Claude just as often. He had many stories to tell. You thought your letters were boring comparison but he assured you that he was just happy knowing you thought of him while he wasn't there with you. Sometimes it was just good to be together. You took Lorenz to stargaze one night, just as Claude had taken you while he was here. Lorenz had to admit it was rather romantic, begrudgingly. Which you found amusing. He soon became more interested in you than the view, however. You didn't scold him because he was holding your face firmly and laying kisses all over it. He paused to also lay a surprising suggestion on you. "We will have to make sure to cement this union properly. With a cute little child." He cackled. "Or children." You pulled your face out of his hand to shoot him an annoyed look. "I'm not going to be some baby-making machine," you said, referring to the nobles of the past, who kept having children until one of them bore a crest. "Ah, of course not. I would not expect you to tolerate that. But doesn't it just butter your roll to think about the baby-making itself?!" So he had an impregnation kink. You blushed deeply because yes, it did get you excited and also, who uses that terrible, unsexy expression?! "Shut up," you said, smacking his arm playfully. "And yeah, it does." "I knew it would!" Claude caught wind of this decision between you and Lorenz. He did not want to be left out, he explained during a visit to Garreg Mach. Two of you discussed it outside at night, where you often spent time together stargazing. "You're not going to deny me the right to have a fair try at this, too, right?" "...no." Claude was giving you his best, most flirty smile. He didn't need to. That both your partners wanted to stuff you full of their seed, for fun and for having a baby...it left you needy and scrambled your brain, in a good way. You stood there, a heartbeat pounding between your legs, wishing Claude would stop talking for once and just claim you. Right here, right now. He didn't. So you had to take matters into your own hands. Or rather, mouth. "Wha-oh!" You interrupted Claude by falling to your knees and starting to undo his pants to get to his cock. He put a hand to his face and gritted his teeth as he watched you suck him off; he'd never seen you so cock-hungry before and he was quickly losing composure. In fact, he had to stop you before he came. He had his heart set cumming in a different orifice. Unable to wait until you two returned to your room, you had him fuck you against the stone wall not far from where you stood. Forehead resting against the cold stone, you panted and let your mind blank. Finally, getting what you needed. "Out here?! Where everyone can see?!" hissed a familiar voice, followed by a disgusted groan. "Lorenz," said Claude, his hips going still. "Do you mind? Could you not right now?" "I can and I will! Especially when it comes to our Darling Beloved." Claude sighed the most exasperated sigh. You, however, were just waiting for him to continue. You were used to their bickering. You started wiggling on his dick, trying to get some satisfaction. "There, look. She's sad you made us stop," Claude, looking at you and talking to Lorenz. "That is because you aren't satisfying her. Let me try." Claude's eyebrow almost shot up off his face but he relented. "Fiiiiine." He knew Lorenz wasn't going to leave until he butted in first. All the way in. Claude slowly pulled out, mindful of not hurting you. You deeply felt the lack of a cock in your pussy. "What...no..." "Relax, My Darling, Lorenz is here." Lorenz had come up behind you. One hand snaked around your hips to press into your clit and begin to circle while you waited for his dick. He used the other hand to free his cock, giving it a few quick pumps to bring it to full hardness. The head was pushing inside, making you soundlessly groan, when Claude piped up and reminded you he was there. "We don't have all day, you know." Lorenz spluttered. "D-do you...do you mind?!" You pushed back, helping Lorenz along until your ass met his pelvis. "That's what I said when you showed up!" Claude pointed out. "Oh. Right." "I swear, Lorenz. When it comes to sex, your brain just doesn't work properly." "It is true," he admitted with a guilty look. Lorenz set a modest pace, feeling you out and getting your slick thoroughly coated on his cock with the first few thrusts. Your hands tensed on the wall in front of you, as if you could dig your fingers into the wood. The familiar feeling of your knees threatening to go weak had returned. Not that either of them would let you fall. Lorenz pressed his body to yours and used his free hand to tilt your head back. He whispered in your ear, surprisingly dirty statements and plenty of praise for you. Your reply was to moan his name. That had him blushing; tickled pink, really. Claude couldn't just stand there and watch. Masturbating to another man fucking you was all good and well, but you had an unoccupied mouth. He intended to fix that. It didn't take much convincing for Lorenz to let Claude join the two of when he was the one who interrupted in the first place. He took some of your weight off the ground by lifting a leg. Sadly, this position meant no more whispers from his lips. You had to take your hands from the wall and Claude was right there to hold you up at waist-height. He took your hands, held them tight. You couldn't see his face in this position and just did your best to pleasure him. Wrapping your lips around his cock and sinking down as far as you could go without gagging. The taste of yourself was strange but it went away after some swallowing. "That's good. I like that," Claude muttered breathily, to himself to you, you're never sure. "Are you alright, My Darling?" Lorenz asked. "Mhmm," you hummed around Claude's cock. "Impressive," Lorenz purred. He was pleased, so pleased, with you. Handling being spit-roasted like a champ. He let his eyes shut and panted quietly while he steadily pumped you full of his cock. Claude was trying to keep his rambling about how hot this was to a minimum. Trying and failing. He cursed up a quiet storm, which was unlike him. All the while, he was thinking...a threesome is great, but did it have to be Lorenz? Of course, it did. "Say, ugh, Lorenz?" Claude asked. Lorenz opened an eye. "Must you talk now?" Claude swallowed a moan and said, "I'm just saying. We both want to, uhhh, deposit our seed. So we should both get our turn." Lorenz paused his thrusts, to your whine on Claude's cock. Claude couldn't help a chuckle at your single-minded sexual appetite. "I agree," he said simply. "We will take turns. It is only fair." Lorenz adjusted his footing, then resumed with a particularly punishing thrust. Earning him a gurgling yelp from you, your eyes rolling back. You mostly heard what they were saying. As soon as you heard them agree to take turns having their way with you, you stopped listening. It was annoying having to clean up the cum leaking down between your legs for the next month but it was worth it. You had never been so content and satisfied in your life. Claude made sure to visit from Almyra more often to get his fair use of your willing body. Lorenz also made more time for you. A few times you thought you were already swelling up with an unborn child but the small bulge turned out to be you just stuffed full with cum. An excellent reminder of who your lovers were and that you were adored by them.
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mandakatt · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Drabble: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - You Can’t
A/N: My last writing stream was fun! Thank you to those who made it out to watch me wrestle the muse into flexing that writing muscle!
Written for @silverdriftdragon​ who asked for Lorenz angst. I hope this scratches that itch however, and of course, there is a fluffy end. I can’t do angst without a fluffy end. I just don’t have it in me. ><; 
Characters: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester /Reader Warnings: Blood, Injury, Near Death Experience Word Count: 810 Summary: Lorenz had gotten caught off guard, and knocked from his saddle, as he moved to recover, you happened to get in between him and his attacker saving him, and not yourself, from a fatal blow.
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It had all happened so fast, and all he could do was watch with wide eyes as time seemed to stop altogether. 
Lorenz had been caught off guard and found himself tumbling out of his saddle, landing hard on his shoulder. With a groan he turned to right himself only to have the point of a lance pierce the ground near his face. He scrambled to reach for his rapier, only to know that he wouldn’t draw it in time. 
So, this is how I meet my end…? I suppose it is not a horrible way to--
Suddenly there was a loud battlecry that surprised both him, and his attacker. They turned to meet your blade, parrying each of your attacks which gave Lorenz time to get to his feet and draw his blade. His eyes fell on the one that had knocked him from his mount when he heard you give off a pained yelp, and his blood suddenly boiled. He wasn’t as good with his rapier as he was his lance, but it was two on one, he was positive that the two of you could overwhelm this opponent. 
He stepped forward to strike, his blade drawing back only to watch in horror as you moved in front of him and the lance from his attacker pierced clean through your side. The noise you made--would be one that he knew would haunt him for days to come-- and when you fell... 
Goddess forgive him but all he felt was anger. 
Lorenz doesn’t truly remember what happened after that, and he only realized he was trembling when he found his now ungloved hand on your side, covering the terribly bleeding wound, and when you whimpered he was positive that he did the same. 
“Shhh, it’s alright,” he tried to smile, but felt his entire form tremble as he did so. “Remain still--” he then lifted his head, and practically screamed at the top of his lungs for Marianne before looking down at you again when you whimpered.
“L-Lorenz...a-are you alright?”
“Yes,” and he couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I am fine my Beloved.”
Lorenz brows furrowed and he watched your eyes flutter closed, and panic gripped his heart. He moved a hand gently to cradle the back of your neck, force you to look at him. “I promise. Now. You must stay awake--please stay awake--I cannot--I do not--I am unable to heal this wound, so you must stay with me till Marianne arrives.” 
You gave off a groan as your face twisted with pain, and your hand slick with blood--though he was unsure if it was yours, or someone else's--rested over his own at your side, giving his fingers a weak squeeze. “L-Lorenz..” 
“...love… you…” and your hand fell, limp at your side.
“No… No!” Lorenz screamed your name, shaking you gently as his hand pressed just a bit more firmly on your wound. “Till death do us part was not a challenge Beloved, you must live, please. I can’t--I cannot be parted from you!” 
Lorenz practically sobbed when you didn’t respond, and when Marianne placed her hand on his shoulder, he leaned to press his forehead against yours, rocking your form slowly.
“Please… please no. N-No you can’t...”
“Lorenz!” Marianne shouted, before she forcefully pulled his hand from your wound and placed her hands over it. Her eyes closed tightly in concentration, magic flared from her fingertips seeping into you, giving you almost a soft ethereal glow.
Holding his breath he lifted his head to watch you, and he swears at that moment he’s never prayed so hard to the Goddess before. 
Please. Please do not take them from me, I will give anything. Do not take my heart from me… 
He was positive that his heart didn’t start to beat again till your eyes fluttered open, and you groaned out his name. 
“Yes. Yes it’s me, Beloved. Oh Goddess,” He breathed as he brought you close once more so he could rest his forehead against yours. “I thought--I feared--”
Lorenz’s eyes went wide once more as you placed your hand against his cheek, only to smile, and press his hand over yours. “Sorry to--to worry you.” and you hissed through your teeth a little. “Shit... that hurts.” 
He couldn’t help but laugh. “It means that you are alive, Beloved. Do not do that again.”
“....n-no promises.” You said with a smile as your eyes closed once again. 
“Come on,” Marianne began softly. “We need to get them back to camp.”
Lorenz nodded gently, and easily scooped you up into his arms, giving a smile of thanks to Marianne as he could feel the warmth of your breath against his neck. He came close to losing you… 
Too close. 
And would be damned if anyone would ever try to take you from him again.
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tidbi-t-art · 8 months
“Nobody will see us, dance with me”
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A little scene from a fic I’m writing
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nobletoatea · 5 years
☯ + meeting claude for the first time
Thank you to @boundlesshart for working with me on this! At first I imagined them being a bit catty but what we worked out fits a lot better and I really enjoyed having to put more thought into this.
Lorenz felt like he was on top of the world- and acted like it too.
He smiled warmly at the small gaggle of noble girls he’d planted himself in the middle of. Duke Riegan always hosted wonderful parties. Some of the most important socializing happened before dinner, people mingling freely in a ballroom as guests arrived, catching up and keeping their chatter volume complimentary to the few hired musicians playing live music in a corner. Lorenz was at his best in the most formal settings possible.
He was a bit disgruntled that at seventeen he was still subtly sorted as a child by the Alliance nobles, but it let him touch base with his own age group. “...yes it has been a hardship being so far from home, my dears. Studying abroad in Fhirdiad while still managing Gloucester territory responsibilities- but your lovely company is all the more worth it for my short time back in Leicester.”
One of the girls nodded sympathetically. Lorenz knew most of them were likely gravitating towards him due to his status. Who wouldn’t? He basked in their attention. “It’s so hard to have to go outside our territories for schooling! With strangers sometimes! Oh! Like that new boy, have you seen him? He has a yellow cape!”
Lorenz furrowed his eyebrows and worked to smooth his expression. He didn’t appreciate attention being detracted from himself. He scanned the room and his eyes alighted on who might’ve been the only person he didn’t know by name in the building. “Well, you’re right. How interesting. Pardon me, but I must introduce myself.” As the future Duke Gloucester, just by how the pieces were falling into place- he had to meet everyone.
For someone to have slipped through Lorenz’s study of the noble families in the Alliance was odd. Was he perhaps a guest of honor? Awfully young to be a diplomat. Lorenz scanned him up and down, making eye contact when he was a few strides away. He was met with an easy smile- a bit too familiar for such a formal event but better than the alternative. He seemed at ease, staying at the far end of the room from most of the higher level dignitaries to relax with the younger crowd.
Lorenz doubted he needed an introduction but gave one anyway, hand on his dose as he bowed shortly. “Good evening. I am Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, heir to Count Gloucester, future leader of the Alliance. I don’t believe I’ve made your acquaintance before.”
His title usually impressed, particularly people outside the circle of nobility. However, he was met with a bright smirk with a hint of laughter in his new companion’s eyes. Handsome features, a small braid off to the side of his face, and dazzling green eyes. Surely Lorenz would’ve remembered him if they’d met before. “I’m Claude Von Riegan.”
Lorenz couldn’t stop a laugh- turning it into a cough. He raised his eyebrows at Claude with a smile of his own. “Pardon? That’s impossible! I know all the Von Riegans.”
“Impossible? Well, then we have a bit of a dilemma. I’ve been me, Claude Von Riegan, all my life,” he said lightly. It could’ve turned into an argument but Claude breezed forward with more tact than Lorenz had. It was difficult for Lorenz to press someone for details in such a lively formal atmosphere- and with such an unaffected charm. “Yes, you’re a Gloucester though. I heard their eldest son had a thing for roses.”
“Indeed. Our gardens are most impressive.” Bragging was sometimes the default method of communication between nobles. Lorenz nodded to Claude, guessing they were around the same age. “I am curious as to your aspirations.”
“Oh? Well, I’ll be attending Garreg Mach next year.”
“As will I, as house leader,” said Lorenz with a dose of warmth. Claude had that uncontrollable look on his face again, like he couldn’t help grinning at Lorenz for some reason. “You may come to me for anything you need assistance with once we start school. Ah, unless you are certain you will not require such a thing? House leaders like the nobles they are for their own subjects must act as guides and supports for their peers- it is not a slight to your abilities.”
“I’ll keep it in mind. Honestly.” Claude glanced around the room, seeing the other youthful nobles in clusters of threes and fours occasionally sending them glances. “I was hoping to meet some people my own age.” He stretched and reached his arms up behind his head like he was sunning somewhere relaxing instead of at a noble’s formal party. “You’re the first one to directly approach me, actually.”
“Oh? That’s a shame, but nobles are often hard on newcomers.”
Claude raised his eyebrows. Even though he was dressed as a noble he stood out. “Outsiders?”
“To be blunt- it is rather rude of polite society, isn’t it?”
“If you can admit that, we might actually be friends.”
Friends. It wasn’t a word Lorenz applied to most nobles he knew and even spent time with. There es always an underlying current of politics between them all. However, for this Claude who certainly was not a Von Riegan... “That could be pleasant. We’re to be schoolmates at least.”
Nothing could’ve prepared Lorenz for the announcement at dinner, although Claude had literally told him his full name. Duke Riegan had Claude directly at his side, a Crest identifier in front of him.
“I present to you, the Leicester Alliance, my beloved grandson and heir- Claude.”
The crescent moon of Riegan lit up in front of Claude to scattered, shocked applause. Claude seemed somewhat closed off, a polite smile on his face that didn’t reach his eyes until he made contact with Lorenz, lighting up with something genuine for a second. Not necessarily an ‘I told you so’, but a sort of bond between them like they’d been in cahoots about it all along.
It didn’t last.
Immediately after the gathering, where a drop of Claude’s blood on the identifier had caused such a ripple it was turning into crashing waves, Lorenz’s own father pulled him aside in their carriage before his other siblings had filed in. “Don’t trust him. Keep an eye on him at school. He cannot be Riegan’s legitimate heir.”
Lorenz sighed. “His crest-“
“Could he explained in other ways. He can’t be trusted, only showing up after sixteen years, looking nothing like any nobles in the region?”
In the year before they were to meet at Garreg Mach, Count Gloucester, always a tad overbearing when working to sway others to his side, did more to Lorenz than the few minutes alone with Claude had.
Don’t trust him. He isn’t one of us. He’s here to usurp us. You’ll find dirt on him. He could be a spy. You have to do this for the Alliance. It’s your duty.
By the time Lorenz met Claude again he was colder.
Claude didn’t seem surprised.
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aethele · 4 years
♡ A Valentine’s Application for My Dearest Love and Most Brilliant Companion, Ferdinand von Aegir ♡ Name: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Age: 24 Do you like to cuddle?: I do — but only with you. Can we make-out?: I do not wish to place undue expectations upon you, but I must admit I can scarcely resist the call of your lips. Your smile, your laughter, your very being calls to me like a siren’s song, enchanting. To be near you is to feel the warmth of the sun upon my skin. A night in or dinner out?: Something of both. We shall take the horses down to the seaside to watch the sunset. Perhaps we shall pack a picnic — something simple, some wine and cheeses. As night falls we might relax back at the estate, just you and I. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Is it too forward to say that I find the thought of feeding you strawberries to be rather tempting? Perhaps. What makes you a good Valentine?: There is no Valentine more perfectly matched to you than I. You are a man worthy of only the finest, and I aim to provide you with such. I love you. I wish to spend the evening showing you just how deeply. Would you cook for me?: No — there are better ways we could spend such time. Would you let me cook for you?: If it were to put a smile upon your radiant face, then yes; there is nothing I would wish to deny you.
♡  valentine’s day application  /   @ambitionsrelic​ !
“ oh,  lorenz !   you should know better than to say such striking things while i am standing.  your words set even the deepest depths of my heart alight with bliss;  i feel as though i might burst into serenade ! ”
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“ —– but please,  you need not go through the trouble of such an application.  when it comes to you,  my beloved … there is never any doubt,  that i would spend today and every other day at your side.  such is the only place i belong ! ” 
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tidbi-t-art · 10 months
The handsome and talented Lorenz Hellman Gloucester
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nobletoatea · 5 years
"Pssst. Hey. Lorenz." Ewan slides over next to his fellow Golden Deer student before remembering - this is the guy that likes all that nobility fluff. Well, if he's asking for a favour, may as well go for it. He clears his throat. "Uh, I mean, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!" He leans in, almost conspiratorially, and his voice falls into a hush. "I saw you in that play not long ago... You kissed Cynthia." It's not said accusingly - just as a matter of fact. "It, uhh... Can you teach me to do that..."
“Ah.” Lorenz quietly replied in turn. “Yes the uh- play, as it could be called.” Fiasco or catastrophe seemed more suitable, but it was at it’s core a piece of drama performed on a stage for an audience. He was still unsure how he got out alive.
“You see- I actually did not kiss Miss Cynthia.” He smiled politely. “It was a stage kiss- while shielding her mouth with my hand, my other thumb was actually on her lips, and therefore I made no real contact with her. As far as kissing itself goes, had it been real..”
He’d never actually kissed before, but this boy clearly wanted advice, and good advice considering he’d come to Lorenz. “The key is mutual respect. Closing your eyes is polite. Keep your mouth closed and ah- despite that bit of drama onstage, make sure you talk about it beforehand and ensure your partner is willing to be kissed. You should be like a soft springtime breeze against your beloved’s lips.” He nodded to himself, as though that was a clear instruction.
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