atypicalsenerio · 3 months
My muses have been dropping like leaves this month as I evaluate my life's schedule and priorities, and it's time to admit that this was coming no matter what for me.
At just about 3 years and had I done upcoming claims, 69 skill points, Soren has won RP and it's time to let him go home. I have other projects I'm putting my creative time and energy into and with my goals being shifted towards the long work of original writing and trying to purposefully improve aspects of writing that RP just can't do, it's what's best for me right now.
It's hard to send, and I hope that those of you I've gotten to know over the past years will still be in touch/a friend to me. Our fellow writers are what matter, less the muses that they write.
I think getting Soren to a place where he's been happy was both challenging LOL and a very rewarding set of arcs to write, and with that I'd like to drop Soren.
Soren has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod N
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atypicalsenerio · 3 months
Sleep offers little respite against the pains of the waking world. You drift off, and always you feel as though you are being scrutinized, but when you drift back into consciousness, the feeling fades, not unlike the coming and going of the tide.
One restless night, you are at last approached by The Watcher.
"You have a decision to make."
A feast materializes before you. You can smell it, can nearly taste it, you can feel the warmth and care put into every bite.
You already know, whatever the decision ahead, you can only choose one.
Little mage, forging your future with your own hands,
There is something you can't do without.
Will you starve, or will you forever forsake choice?
Soren knew they were all growing desperate. He could wear the same face he always did, soldiering on, wondering how close to death he'd have to get this time before catching a break.
The creature before him, The Watcher, does not offer explanations or sympathy, but a choice- a choice that could be the final one he ever had to make again. The feast laid before him was enticing. Soren folded his arms and took in the generous spread, wondering what would drive a being to be so cruel as to demand so much for what it could so easily conjure.
"I hardly see how the terms of such a deal are fair."
If he was honest, he hadn't had much choice lately. Democracy as he'd known it in the past couple weeks had felt frustrating at best, though he was still in better condition than some. He had little left to live for, and all of their options were grim.
What would it be like to truly have no choice at all? Never again- a bold claim.
And what use was free will if he was dead of starvation?
Soren had always liked to make things difficult.
"My death out here seems likely," he admitted. "However, if my willpower was traded away, it would then seem certain. Aside from death, I've spent time as a thing before, and would rather not do so again. I can not accept."
He turned his back on the feast and The Watcher.
"But you could have helped us, if you'd wanted."
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atypicalsenerio · 3 months
Roll: 1
Soren followed them out of the village, nerves tight. He still had dirt to brush off his palms, trying to free himself of the graveyard but not feeling as though they'd left out.
He glanced in the direction of the supposed beast, sensing movement but not able to make out the silhouette.
Crouching down in the nettles, he looked around for anything potentially edible, even taking the nettles themselves to dry for tea. He squinted, bringing a fistful of berries into his palm. "Well... it's something."
Soren stood up, bringing the others closer. "It hasn't moved... just stay close."
You, Me, And My Bestie The Horrors || Leonardo, Micaiah & Soren
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atypicalsenerio · 3 months
Soren didn't have many words to say.
Mostly, he was thankful that there was anyone willing to kneel in the dirt at all for their fallen companions. Civilization was marked by a willingness to grieve, to lay down flowers or at least scraps of nonviable buds.
To attempt to heal those who were struggling, whose outlooks were always grim.
In essence, to have hope.
And then, to face grief.
He was expressionless. "I don't even know who they would have wanted us to pray to. Ashunera comes to mind for us. For me, even Greil, if there exists a benevolence in the realm of spirits who have moved beyond us." Shifting on his knees, he sighed. It was for them, not for him. "Whoever may be listening, may they have more peace than they did in this life."
With that, he kept kneeling but sat back, hands folded pensively.
It was odd, sharing this with Micaiah. It was also the most fitting.
"There was a time I scoffed at those who followed you, you know." Soren let his fingertips drag in the freshly unearthed dirt. "Whatever abilities you possessed, I saw your power as a symbol. It did not matter whether or not you were a fraud, only that people believed in you. How foolish, I'd thought. And yet...
"I sit here now looking to you for similar reasons, some light in the dark. The irony isn't lost on me."
despair and grace they share a face
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atypicalsenerio · 3 months
—we're all gonna die
Soren sat by the slightly glowing blue river, watching as the evening light made the running water seem to dance. He hugged his knees to his chest, his pitcher of water next to him, having drunk his fill to try and stave off any feeling of hunger, knowing a half portion would still be lacking.
He forced himself to breathe evenly with scientific discipline, but his heart still raced with hot fury, frustration drawing his fingernails to his palms, curled into tight fists.
He'd made it out of so many tight spots before, what was so wrong now?
As staff officer, he'd always had ears who would listen to him. Perhaps not always agree, but listen.
They had no leader, no core of sanity, even. Soren knew he didn't have the charisma to win over their group. Those who did listen to him didn't need a veneer of polish and smiles to hear him, and those who gravitated towards the superficial looked over his head. He'd done all he could.
Micaiah here was not the Silver Maiden, just a girl who couldn't afford to use her miracles if she had to. Sigurd was a lord of some kind, and though not Soren's first choice of blue men, a decent kind of leader who might have been able to get through to the most obtuse of the knights had he not been struggling to even stand.
He missed Ike.
Even further back, he missed Greil.
Every dig at Soren himself, no matter the gravity, every consideration that not even Soren had made back in the day that would have never floated at Greil's table, it all swirled around in his mind as he laid back, staring at the sky.
"Don't flatter yourself and consider it a prayer, wherever you are, but if this was meant to be a lesson, it's learned. Get us out of here. If you can hear me, or maybe just Micaiah, do it for your favored one's sake."
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Roll: 3+3=6
Soren stood a few inches from the bed, hands behind his back, also wary of touching anything. He didn't enjoy the idea of leaving the corpse in the house with them, but he also couldn't know if the supernatural seeming cause of death could be transmitted at all by touch. He nodded at her idea.
"Yes. We'd best leave no ground uncovered."
He searched room to room, opening closets and checking under beds. It seemed that only the one bedroom had a body within it. A lack of other corpses should have been a relief, but it didn't lighten his mood at all.
Returning to her, he wore the same pensive frown. "There doesn't seem to be others in plain sight, at least." He hesitated. "Perhaps it would be best if we slept near enough to each other to keep watch over the others as we sleep. It may seem odd, but... practical, if death potentially comes so suddenly here. Someone may be able to prevent it, or see what those asleep can't."
to the walls i built around you
Roll 1d10 for every post after your starter. Starting with your third post (including your starter), with every post, add +1 to your d10 +1 counter resets after +5 1-8: carry on 9-10+: ping key
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Soren listened, expression blank. He'd had his share of hatred and spite, originating from outside and within. Griss had found something to revel in, a sort of dangerous high Soren couldn't disagree was potent, powerful.
But like fire, it was inconsistent, subject to the whims of wind and rain, a race to see whether the smoke choked out everything around it or if the world could douse it first. He doubted Griss liked cautionary tales.
"It's a strong motivator, but it consumes, including the host." Soren shrugged, light in tone. "I prefer to find something sustainable from the start. Turns out there's not a lot of money in revenge."
Make it something practical rather than admit he had something of a soul.
At last, they seemed to be getting somewhere. It was unnverving having all of Griss's erratic attention focused on him, but Soren made an effort to not show it. The prickling at his neck wasn't what he felt around other Branded, but something he wished to avoid when possible. The universe did not care to let him get his wishes. "Yes. There's more here than we can predict- a total loss of life, or an evacuation, too quick to bring necessities to survive, yet with no signs of skirmishes or struggle. I'd prefer to not stay, but I'm only one vote."
Micaiah had asked him about ghosts, and Soren wasn't sure he fully believed in those, but he did believe in the potential of horrors beyond his understanding.
He observed Griss try the medicine and spit it out, head bowed to the moist lump of herbs on the floor. Euphorie's expression behind him was one of outright disgust, shocked into silence.
"How scientific." Soren reached for the bottle of the rest of the herbs, pouring some into the simmering water, watching it tint the water like brewing tea. "Stronger dose? Or is this right?"
Medicine Roll: 3 Collected: 3
Devastating: The Worst People You Know Have Faith Ranks [Griss & Soren]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Roll: 8+2=10
"If you expect me to care about the feelings of the dead when I can barely muster that for the living, you'll be disappointed," said Soren dryly. Perhaps she was trying to ask if he thought their new house was haunted.
Soren looked down at where he'd been planning to put his sleeping bag. Wouldn't it be better to use a bedroom rather than the open common area?
"Yes. Unfortunately for our mutual... guy," he floundered, not knowing exactly what to call Pelleas to Micaiah, or even how he'd tell people about his connection to Pelleas without a longwinded disclaimer, half of it unfit for most anyone to know.
He left the room. Hurriedly.
He came back just as hurriedly.
"Micaiah, you're not going to believe this."
Well, maybe she would. Soren propped the door open, leading into a bedroom where the owner was still in bed, corpse tinted blue. He grimaced. "Maybe I will sleep in the living room, near the door. Or at least in a room with you or Leonardo." He wasn't scared, just practical. "It seems it happened quite suddenly."
An idea... "You wouldn't happen to have any insights?"
to the walls i built around you
Roll 1d10 for every post after your starter. Starting with your third post (including your starter), with every post, add +1 to your d10 +1 counter resets after +5 1-8: carry on 9-10+: ping key
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Soren didn't disagree with Griss's assumption, but he wasn't sure how far he wanted to go in discussing it, Euphorie's presence a weight on his mind. He didn't need to add more worry to her burdens.
"This place is remarkably well stocked," he commented in return, pulling out larger vials of oils and liquids from a lower shelf. With their combined effort, it was becoming clear that they had more supplies than Soren had dared to be optimistic about. If Brizo could be cured, he might even feel fully relieved for a few precious hours, something he hadn't had since the entire ordeal began.
At Griss's statement, Soren turned to Euphorie, handing her a pot. "The stream isn't far, if you could fetch water for us." She looked like was about to protest, looking between Brizo, Soren, and Griss. "Please."
She left, and Soren sighed, resuming his work.
Brizo stirred in his bed, eyes opening for a few moments. "Huh?"
"You'll have medicine soon," said Soren.
Brizo squinted, as if he was unsure if Griss was really there next to Soren. "Is... that man here?"
"Yes. He's a healer."
Brizo frowned, eyes closing again. "No."
"People can be more than one thing at once," said Soren. "In fact, they usually are." Brizo didn't argue, but still frowned.
They likely had only a few moments before Euphorie was back. Soren emptied out one of the cupboards, adding more larger bottles and jars to the counter. "Everywhere in this town has felt off," he muttered to Griss. "Like we're living in a corpse ourselves, yet it's that or back to the wilderness."
Euphorie walked in with the water, setting it on the stove and immediately returning to Brizo. Soren lit the fire under it, hoping for all their sakes that the medicine would be ready quickly.
Medicine Roll: 3 Collected: 3
Devastating: The Worst People You Know Have Faith Ranks [Griss & Soren]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Soren had come a long way to improve his worldview, and the presence of both Python and Azama was threatening to undo it all in an afternoon.
He ignored them as best as he could, not giving them the satisfaction of a reaction. He set aside a few potatoes, continuing to dig in the small plot for more food. He made a face of disgust as their antics with Chiron continued, and Soren only caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye as Azama lined up the worm and the back of Python's shirt.
"Who said romance is dead?" he muttered under his breath.
Just as Soren braced for what would surely be a horrendous sound, his shovel brushed up against something solid- another trowel, and with it an ulna and radius, the rest of the hand not immediately within sight.
A seemingly sudden death, still holding a small tool, caught unawares, either a long time ago or picked clean...
"Chiron, get out of the dirt," ordered Soren, scooting backwards out of the garden himself.
Food Roll: 8+1=9
Dig Up Dirt [Team Pi OPEN]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Thus far, all was quiet, but it didn't make Soren any less alert. He examined the bug that reminded him of a beetle in Delthea's hand, resigned to the reality of potentially having to eat it if their crops and fishing lines failed.
"It isn't brightly colored, so it's hopefully not poisonous. I suppose we'll find out." Were there bigger versions of it? Soren could see how a giant one could be a problem in combat.
Phorycs was still slightly ahead of them, getting close to where the daylight would run out from the mouth of the cave and they'd have only the glowing puddles of water to light their way. He pointed a ways in, to one of the walls.
Soren followed where he was pointing to a small swarm of said insects on the wall, seemingly easy to catch, likely with nutrients enough to keep them alive within their shells.
He listened hard for anything other than the skittering from the creatures right before them and couldn't hear anything.
"Alright. I guess this is our stop."
For now, a voice inside him warned.
Food Roll: 3+1=4, +1 insect
A Bad Solution to a Worse Problem [Delthea & Soren]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Soren had some... peculiar memories when it came to fishing. It was not his fault that that Peony girl had looked like a giant bug, and that they were by the fishing pond, but nevermind all that.
He didn't exactly understand why the vegetarian child had wanted to follow them, but there wasn't much he could do about it.
"Someday, your morals will come up against your chances of living, if they haven't already," he said. This was obviously, to Soren, a reasonable way to address a child. "We won't force you to eat fish, but it's an option for you. Assuming we catch any," he muttered.
Fishing took too long and was even worse when with other people, but fish tasted better than spiders.
"I try to not sit around and spend hours luring fish. Our options are just as few as Chiron's, though." Soren cast his line, face blank and bored.
He still hadn't quite forgotten how easily Sigurd had toted him around and scooted slightly away from Sigurd and closer to Forde.
"Besides one of your best memories involving trout, what do you bring to our group?" asked Soren, not so much as interested in chatting but the information it might bring.
Fishing Roll: 3+1= 4, +1 Fish
Drop the (sea) bass
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
"I always have time for you." What may have sounded like a profound declaration was a statement of fact from Soren, and something Ike already knew too. It felt good to say, to not let his words be so distant from his feelings.
Soren smiled in return, a little closer to Ike. "Good. No matter what."
Ike seemed a little perplexed at the implication of everything that happened at Garreg Mach, but Soren wasn't about to lay all of the close calls and world ending crises on him upon arrival. Give it a week, maybe. He just shrugged, smile still on his face, unable to cast off the elation that Ike simply being there brought. His life could be objectively worse in every way, but if Ike was there, it didn't matter.
At Ike's own always to him, Soren may have once struggled to believe it, but he only shot Ike a more playful look than anyone else could get out of him.
"I know."
Connection so familiar
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Okay, it seemed Naesala was simply full of shit and didn't know exactly who he was talking about. Soren's shoulders sagged slightly with relief. "Yes, imagine," he said, almost wistful, but mostly trying to hold back a sudden laugh at the absurdity of the idea. It even showed as he bit his own lip to tamp down the smile.
Naesala and Almedha sitting at an outdoor little cafe on a date... hysterical. One wrong word and she could fling him into orbit.
"So I see." Soren put a hand on his hip as he spoke. "You've not passed on anything much useful at all. People give us both such dirty looks... can't imagine why."
That smirk didn't inspire confidence. It brought the same sort of alarmed dread it would have over a battle schematic. Soren pretended to think. "Well, if money is out of the question, knowing both of our own need for it... what do you suggest, father?"
the dad scam
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Food Gathering Team Pi Open Starter
Compared to how close they'd come to starving the last week, this new town to squat in was paradise. However, mostly tamed land and a handful of livestock didn't mean much if they didn't make the most of their resources.
Soren knelt down in one of the garden plots, cutting through overgrown vines, a small trowel in one hand. With luck, some of the abandoned food was still able to be harvested, or at least was still needing to get ripe. He braced himself for the idea of finding vegetables already rotting, but he wouldn't know until he checked.
Sitting in the dirt wasn't his favorite activity, and neither was babysitting.
Chiron was eagerly digging across from him, seemingly able to have fun at a time like this. His giddiness in simply existing in the dirt without having a real focus on trimming back the weeds or finding food was grinding on Soren's nerves, but he supposed it was still technically assistance. Chrion held up his hand. "Look, a worm!"
Soren sighed. "Put it aside for more fishing."
He turned, hoping to catch sight of anyone unoccupied and able to mitigate some of the interactions he was having to have with this kid.
Dig Up Dirt [Team Pi OPEN]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Soren watched the little scene play out before him, tense. Though he'd been ready to launch into action, it was handled as best as he could've realistically hoped.
"Give you?" mused Soren. There was a result he had in mind, but... "Depends on how well we work. Making sense of this benefits us all, but I foresee a personal boon too."
Now he sounded like Micaiah. Stop that.
Griss sometimes didn't seem to be in a rush to get healed when he was injured, though Soren could've been reading it wrong. Why he couldn't figure out. Griss certainly didn't seem the sweet selfless type. Whatever the reason was, the chances of everyone, Griss included, needing a vulnerary in the future was all too likely.
He walked by the cupboards and drawers, pulling or nudging them all open, high and low. "There's quite a bit to get through here-"
"Hello? You have a job to do before that first!" demanded Euphorie.
Soren pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed for a second. "Yes, there is a goal in our searching and crafting, starting with a concoction that can lower a fever. I admit to being unfamiliar with some of these herbs and powders- a second set of knowledgeable eyes is helpful."
Brizo stirred in his bed, likely uncomfortable from the fever, but at least alive.
He pulled out a haphazardly crammed basket of supplies, vials, bandages, and papers sticking out at every angle, and set it before Griss. "Well?"
Medicine Roll: 3 Collected: 1,2,3 Bonus Roll: 1, doubled!
Devastating: The Worst People You Know Have Faith Ranks [Griss & Soren]
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atypicalsenerio · 4 months
Roll: 3
Soren didn't have much of an opinion on their shelter. It was just that: shelter. He didn't need finery or comforts, though the old Greil Keep and his room at the monastery would have let him relax in a way he didn't want to admit he needed. He paced around, inspecting the main room for any structural issues.
"That's an odd question to carry around." However, with them, there were always more personal (worse) things to ask. "I suppose we know spirits exist. Dead can be animated again, though not the same as they once were, implying something is missing. It seems logical enough to assume ghosts could exist, though proving it is difficult."
He shook out the bedroll he'd been using with a frown.
"I've seen enough to not assume anything anymore."
Surely she had an opinion too.
"Yourself? Do gods get ghosts, but we mere mortals never linger?"
to the walls i built around you
Roll 1d10 for every post after your starter. Starting with your third post (including your starter), with every post, add +1 to your d10 +1 counter resets after +5 1-8: carry on 9-10+: ping key
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