loreber · 7 months
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nocreativityfornames · 3 months
Everything we know about Barbatos so far, lore wise.
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➤ He lives in the Demon Lord's Castle with Diavolo and works as his loyal butler. (swd: 2-13)
➤ He's one of the demons who share a pact with Solomon. (swd: 2-A)
➤ According to Mammon, he has a secret torture room beneath the castle from where you can hear the screaming of his victims at night. The other brothers and Diavolo were in the room when he told this to MC but none of them batted an eye or tried to deny it. (swd: 6-19)
➤ Before, citizens of the Devildom were allowed to easily travel to the Human World whenever they wished through passages placed in certain locations in the kingdom, but now those passages are blocked and the only way demons can use them is by getting permission from the few other demons who are still allowed to use them freely first. Barbatos is one of said demons. (swd: 11-4)
➤ He has the ability to time travel thanks to his powers that allow him to create a portal to any place, time and reality he wants. (swd: 15-17 and 53-11)
➤ He was the one to take MC back to the past when they made a deal with Diavolo to figure out who had opened the attic door and released Past!Belphegor in exchange for Present!Belphegor's freedom from being imprisoned for conspiring against the exchange program. (swd: 15-17)
➤ He looked into MC's bloodline under Diavolo's request once the prince realized there was something special about them, and it was then that he found out that they were Lilith's distant descendant. (swd: 16-15)
➤ In response to MC asking him if he knew everything that would happen with Belphegor getting out of the attic before it occurred Barbatos said that no, he didn't know, and even further said: "Imagine for a moment what it would be like to know everything that will happen from now until the end of time. Why nothing could possibly be more boring, wouldn't you agree?" (swd: 15-17)
➤ His main way to use his powers to "space travel" is through the many doors in his room in the Demon Lord's Castle. (swd: 15-17)
➤ He was never a child. (swd chat: The Royals, “That's What I Mean”)
➤ He met Solomon a long time ago when the sorcerer risked death to summon him (swd: 53-16), desperately needing his powers to control time for reasons that are still unknown. (swd: 49-A)
➤ He gave Solomon his grimoire out of trust and respect for him. (swd: 53-16)
➤ It's a big rumor around the kingdom that he's powerful enough to rival even the Demon King himself. (swd: 54-1)
➤ He met Diavolo when the prince was still a child and Diavolo got Barbatos to work for him by luring him into the castle with the promise of very rare tea and then telling him that he wouldn't let him leave unless he agreed to be his butler, getting to the point of even threatening to not assume his position of king in the future if the older demon refused to. And telling this story to Thirteen, Barbatos confessed to having found the whole thing very cute. (swd: 58-A and nb: 15-A)
➤ When it hit the news that he had sworn allegiance to Diavolo the whole kingdom was in shock and it was THE THING everyone was talking about. (swd: 54-1 and nb: 15-1)
➤ He has been around for a long time and shows up in historical records under multiple different names. Rumor has it he was alive even before the Devildom took shape. (nb: 15-1)
➤ When asked about Diavolo in a conversation with MC, he told them that the prince is the very reason for his current existence. (swd: 54-5)
➤ Narrated by Solomon in the Nightbringer Prologue Movie we hear the story of a certain demon, it goes: “Once upon a time, there was a demon who could see both past and future. With a flurry of trumpets from his king, the demon appeared. Finding a lost human the demon whispered: 'I can take you to where you'll be happy.' Through their tears, the human spoke: 'Thank you, o kind one. If you save me from this dark path, I will pray to you every night. Please, tell me what they call you!'" But before any reply can be said Barbatos is shown making a shushing sound, which was largely perceived as him not wanting the viewers to know that he was the demon from the story. Later, the human was revealed to be Adam, a man who came to the Devildom looking for his lover and met a demon named Nightbringer, who he immediately went to begging for help. (nb: 8-16)
➤ He was the one to give Solomon the title of “the Witty Sorcerer” when he brought him to the Fountain of Knowledge for the first time while Solomon was on the verge of death. Barbatos attended the sorcerer's wounds there and declared him the new protector of the spring. (nb: 11-10)
➤ He's to blame for how much Solomon has changed, according to Thirteen. The reaper told MC that Solomon used to be very loveably innocent when he was younger, but that Barbatos let him experience whatever he wanted and now nothing scares or fazes him anymore. (nb: 11-10)
➤ The reason he had been so irritable towards Solomon in the past was because when visiting the sorcerers' home he found a list of demons he wanted to make pacts with and noticed his name was placed 8th. (nb: 25-1)
➤ Before meeting Diavolo he used to use his powers freely to travel through time and space whenever he wanted without a care for how his actions could affect others, and they ended up terribly affecting Diavolo and Solomon, and Barbatos sees his devout servitude to the prince as a way to atone for those past actions, but Diavolo doesn't know that. (nb card: Barbatos, "Tea With You")
➤ Although he accepted to work for the prince for the sake of atonement, he ended up enjoying his time with him and found that he felt a sense of belonging working for him. (nb card: Barbatos, "Tea With You")
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archaiclumina · 10 months
The Veldonya
From Abalathia's proud Spine, She skips her way down spritely, To saunter down the sun-striped hills and wander through the valleys.
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Over the malms she races on, through gorges coloured copper, To tumble down the mighty Pike, For none can ever stop her.
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At last with eddies sweet she flows, to Rothlyt’s depths unmeasured, And war shall pass afore she ends, For she goes on forever.
Archivist's Notes: The Veldonya was composed by the Ishgardian poet and hunter-scholar, Ser Aldous Ladislas Tanner, in late 1468, at the height of the Autumn War. It’s distinctive of the “Return to Nature” period in Ishgardian and Gridanian verse, which often sought to find parallels or comfort in the natural world during times of upheaval.
(Of course none of that is true lol c': I made it up.) This is just a little poem I wrote for the Drachenhome Day of Spoken Word event. I like writing "canon" poetry for the setting. I used to do it a lot for my old OC who was a bard. But since she has been retired, I've really just been experimenting with writing different styles from history. I wanted to try and write what I imagined an Eorzean "Romantic" poet might write about, just for fun. And I've been leveling fisher so I had to go fish Veldonya Carp and this is the end result. Alas, I won't be able to make it in person to the event! (Cursed time zones (ง'̀-'́)ง ) Anyone attending is more than welcome to read it in my stead! Credit for both the meter and the inspiration go to Alfred Lord Tennyson's "The Brook" c:
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maretriarch · 10 months
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as much as i love the basic weird seahorse merponies (not so much the g4s....they're too normal looking. bring back the giant horse head and no limbs) i really like this one line of baby merponies they did w the high waisted tail. the way their cutie mark is on like a weird badge reminds me of like. hiked up pants with a big dorky belt buckle. like its clear theyre just going for a more typical mermaid look but like everything in g1, its just a little bit. Off. In a really charming way
old gens used to move the cutie mark literally wherever if it didnt fit the mold to have it on the flank (ballet ponies on the leotard, secret surprise ponies on their saddle, merry go round ponies on their tack, etc) and while I get we r like really so established into the cutie mark lore now that having the cutie marks anywhere else would be like, having a horn coming out of an elbow or something like it would be super weird and anatomy defying.
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also maybe the best use of pearlescent paint on a toy ever
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defining-skyology · 1 month
Defining Lore(bible).
Did you know TGC confirmed to the Lore community that the story isn't just being made up as they go?
Lore theorists were getting pretty upset around late 2020, because a nihilistic cultural movement was swelling amongst us over a question:
If the story was never fully created/fleshed out, then are we just theorizing about a story... that doesn't exist?
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[[[Longer read ahead]]]
[[[Continue reading]]]
We are back
It's been quite an agonizing week and all I've wanted to do for so long was just get back on this. Even now that I'll barely be approaching our topic of the day/week, the question still lingers: how long does working on a single article take? Though the writing portion of the production process takes 2-4 (idle/distracted) hours of writing, I spend an entire week beforehand searching up, on average, dozens of philosophical and scientific wikis and official research studies, panning for things to help me distinguish my arguments in interesting ways. I've come to really love reading, and while I haven't been able to write; I promise that we've been reading.
Why do these articles need such thorough and often unconnected briefs and research just in order for us to post them? According to the amazing community-control dev Ash from Lorechat, we know that there is supposedly a 'canon' story that TGC's team works together to ensure is still cohesive to the 'grand plan'; fleshed out much greater than most aspiring theorists would/do believe. (Supposedly). When first announcing this to an absolutely livid Lorechat in late 2020, Ash called it "The Lore Bible". The devs have the Lore Bible. But we don't.
The Lore Bible, the original story of Sky; the descriptive, canon history of the Ancestor kingdom, was written before Sky officially launched in 2019. Which means that Ash is suggesting to the Lore community that Sky's story has always had its 'full details', with none of the major plot points of the fall of the kingdom excessively changing. There is an Answer. But to most theorists, we will never come remotely close to confidently knowing we have it, not without help anyways. But I don't think that's true. I don't think it's impossible. And I think, help or not, we can keep taking steps closer towards Knowing.
Because Sky is just a Story. Sky is a fictional world, with a structured civilization and exhaustively-planned ecosystem. They had to have come into having these ideas from somewhere. They had inspiration, and now we do too. We can decide what their inspiration was, and we try to rebuild the Story in our mind from the ground up. We've always already tried to rebuild the Story in our heads from the ground up. But I'd like to verbalize in a different light, for a different view.
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Here on this blog, we won't be rebuilding this World, this concept of what a Kingdom looked like. Instead, I want to tear it back down. I want to strip the fabrics apart by their seams, and see every way that they have sewn this together. I want to peel it back until it was just a thought in their heads.
We have to reverse-engineer the entire thing.
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The point, is to not start creating the entire world. I'd rather not do that. So many Sky theorists try, and it often just doesn't always work perfectly. Why? Because of the loose ends. They built their characters; their interactions, their plot, climax, falling action; relationships; tender moments; bitter tears.
But in the end those characters, those emotions, all stand on loose gravel, in quicksand, their ankles getting pulled in by the unbuilt world they've made.
This is why world building is so important, and the missing step we've been disregarding all these years. We need to prioritize creating the foundation before we can stand up on it.
The Answer is out there folks. So let's keep looking.
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chaosintheavenue · 4 months
Days without Chaos latching onto minor video game characters and destroying their existing lore to headcanon them as members of my favourite VB faction in my own lorebent timeline: 0
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nenilein · 1 year
hey im sorry if this is a weird question or anything/you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but are you the person who wrote a complete turnabout for ace attorney ? and also out of curiosity do you still write/have plans to write for that fic or any fic in general?
Yeah, that fic is pretty dead at this point, huh...?
I still have the full lorebible/story outline document I wrote for it, which covers everything that was supposed to happen in the story, and while I find that doc pretty embarrassing to look at these days, I can release it if people really want to see it. :-)
As for other writing, oh, I've been very active in fanfic writing since then! I've written One Shots for Persona, a longer, unfinished fic for Kingdom Hearts (but that one at least ends at a somewhat good point right now), a finished longer fic for Tales of Symphonia, am currently writing a REALLY long Puyo Puyo fanfic...
My works are spread out across Ao3 and fanfiction.net! Just look up "Nenilein" there and you'll find me!
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skrunklivflour · 6 months
prob gon end my break of insta tomorrow cause I'm sobbing thism is so hard I gotta see what my mooties are doing 😓😭😞😞 what if I miss out on their oc loreb I cantrr 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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sealrock · 8 months
🚀 Rocket - What do you do when you get new ideas midway through a story?
ask meme
🚀 Rocket - What do you do when you get new ideas midway through a story?
meme answer: panic and go back to my insane cork board of red string because the canon is ruined
actual answer: I have to go back to my mental notes and try to fit the canon around the new idea. this has happened a lot throughout the development process of my ocs (some more than others), and at times I would have to tear down what I already established to make room for something new I came up with
I try not to do this as often because I'm very particular on what I write down and my timeline is screwy and lorebent enough as it is. mentally I see this as a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, and as a lover of puzzles, sometimes it's a fun challenge but other times I pull my almost nonexistent hair out in trying to solve the issue of new plotlines
ty for the ask @thefreelanceangel!
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kankri lalonde reviews wattpad y/n fanfiction like it’s an actual book. trust me on this one ok
adding this to the lorebible
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loreber · 5 months
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
Everything we know about Solomon so far, lore wise.
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➤ He's humanity's most powerful sorcerer (swd: 2-A) and one of RAD's first exchange students who has pacts with 72 different demons (swd: 2-2), two of which are Asmodeus and Barbatos (swd: 2-A).
➤ He was the one to rescue MC from Lucifer when the demon was threatening them during the dance party at the retreat, and when MC asked him how to control a demon who's in a pact with them, Solomon explained that they didn't have the magic abilities to that yet but lent them his powers, saying he was "interested to know what would happen if he did." (swd: 8-8) And his powers came in handy later on when MC and the others were escaping from Henry 1.0 and MC used his borrowed powers to summon Asmodeus and charm the giant snake. (swd: 8-13)
➤ He's in possession of the Ring of Wisdom, which grants him the power to control demons. It was given to him by Michael himself, as a way to help Solomon during a time when he was feeling "lost." (swd: 29-5)
➤ He made himself immortal by accident while researching new forms of magic and as a result of it, can no longer grow old or die. (swd: 36-3)
➤ He was the first to suspect that MC's powers were becoming a threat to the three realms when he connected MC's return to the Human World to the "natural disasters" that started happening in ancient locations that were connected to the other realms. And to test if his hypothesis was correct, he brought them to Devildom with him. (swd: 37-4)
➤ Being the one to find out about MC's "situation", he was also the one who told Diavolo and Barbatos about it (swd: 37-4). For a while, they were the only ones who knew, as the prince decided to keep it a secret until there was solid proof that MC was the cause of the disasters happening around them. Eventually, though, Solomon was able to convince Diavolo that it was a good idea to tell Simeon, making him the fourth to know. (swd: 32-16)
➤ After giving it some thought, he decided to go against Diavolo's request and tell MC about their powers anyway. He was beginning to tell them when Lucifer fainted, affected by MC's powers (swd: 36-18). The secret was out to everyone then.
➤ He stole the Night Dagger - the item that was supposed to be used on MC to sever their pacts with the brothers when their powers were proven to be a threat to everyone and everything around them - from Thirteen's cave. (swd: 37-9)
➤ When he found out that to use the Night Dagger to save the three worlds he needed to kill a high-ranking demon with it first he made a plan to kill Lucifer himself, but the idea of MC hating him because of it made him change his mind. (swd: 38-15)
➤ He took MC as his apprentice to help them learn how to control their powers (swd: 38-19) and from then on became their teacher, guiding them through the journey of becoming a full-fledged sorcerer.
➤ According to Michael, he's a decent human with a good head on his shoulders, but can be even more troublesome than demons at times. "He acts as if he understands his own powers, but he doesn't." The angel tells MC - who had been sent back in time to when the brothers were still angels in the Celestial Realm through a dream due to eating Solomon's cooking - before bringing them back home. (swd: 44-18)
➤ He founded the Sorcerers’ Society with one of his past apprentices who he later had a strong disagreement with, which led to Solomon distancing himself from the society. (swd: 45-4)
➤ His pact with Asmodeus was made in a tavern long long ago while the brother was drunk out of his mind. (swd: 53-16) Solomon saw that the demon was in no coherent state and took advantage of that to propose a pact between the two of them. (nb: 6-18 and 17-13)
➤ He met Barbatos even before he met Asmodeus when he risked death to summon the butler (swd: 53-16), desperately needing his powers to control time for reasons that are still unknown (swd: 49-A).
➤ He has Barbatos' grimoire, which the butler gave to him himself out of trust and respect for him. (swd: 53-16)
➤ After MC completed their trials to become a sorcerer and before the brothers left the Human World, he gave MC a sorcerer's ring. (swd: 59-11)
➤ When teleported away by Barbatos as punishment for summing him, he found himself in a dining room where Diavolo and Simeon were arguing over which side should be the one to “guide” humanity, demons or angels. They asked Solomon to make a choice but he told them that humans don't need their protection, claiming that he wants humanity to be free and that's part of an agreement he has with someone. Then, everything goes black and an unknown voice ( who we later find out is Nightbringer ) accuses Solomon of being “difficult” and tells him that things would be easier if he chose his side, even bringing up MC to ask if the sorcerer would change his mind if his apprentice was to “get caught up in the middle of it.” In response Solomon asks if that's a threat and tells Nightbringer that he's acting like a demon, explaining later that he knows MC wants the same thing as him. The voice calls him overconfident for this, saying that Solomon is sure to the point where he becomes arrogant, and tells him that he is the one behaving like a demon. Solomon isn't surprised by this, replying that it's to be expected considering that Nightbringer is “the one who made him who he is today.” (nb: 9-A and 10-A)
➤ He met Thirteen when he was still a child, and she wasn't even an apprentice reaper yet. The meeting was a surprise to both of them but to Solomon even more, who shrieked in terror when he saw her. According to her, Solomon's soul was as bright as MC's back then, but ever since becoming "The Witty Sorcerer" that changed and it no longer sparkles the same way. (nb: 11-10)
➤ Thirteen blames Barbatos for how much he changed. She told MC that Solomon used to be very lovable and innocent when he was younger, but that Barbatos let him experience whatever he wanted and that's the reason why nothing scares or fazes him anymore. (nb: 11-10)
➤ Although he's immortal there are still ways to kill Solomon by using certain magic and cursed items, and Thirteen is waiting for the day he dies to have his soul. (nb: 11-10)
➤ He was given the title of “the Witty Sorcerer” by Barbatos when the demon brought him to the Fountain of Knowledge for the first time while Solomon was on the verge of death. Barbatos then declared that the human was supposed to protect the spring, and Solomon stayed there until his wounds were healed. (nb: 11-10)
➤ He was raised in a place where magic was a thing to be feared and people were locked up and killed for simply having been rumored to have been seen using it. For that reason, Solomon's parents locked him in a basement away from the world when he started developing magic skills as a child out of fear of what the townsfolk could do to him and the rest of the family if they knew. (nb: 14-14)
➤ While locked away Solomon had a friend ( most likely another child ) who would visit him every now and then and chat with him through the bars of the window in the basement. Something happened to that friend, but Solomon couldn't bring himself to say what. (nb: 14-14 and 14-16)
➤ His life goal is to be powerful enough to protect humanity and to create a world where humans demons and angels can finally stand as equals (nb: 14-14 and 14-16), as opposed to now where humans are seen as an inferior race that to one side ( demons ) is prey and to the other ( angels ) are weaker beings that must be protected. That's also why he's determined to continue to make pacts with powerful demons such as Lucifer, to obtain more power from those pacts.
➤ In a book Satan found there is a passage about Solomon that reads: "Long ago, in a corner of the human world, a sorcerer of rare and extraordinary power was born. He was extremely unique, both in power and nature. As such, he was unable to find a place within human society, and was persecuted by his people, who refused to accept such an aberration. For quite some time he fought to suppress his own power; until he could do so no longer, and lost control. He ended up causing tremendous damage and destruction to the human world." "Once it became clear that the sorcerer posed a threat not just to humans, but to all three worlds, a lone demon appeared before him, offering him guidance. The demon made him guardian of the Fountain of Knowledge and gave him a new lease on life. And so, as the freshly minted protector of knowledge itself, he was thereafter known as 'the wise sorcerer, a title he retains to this day." (nb: 16-4)
➤ He fought a war against the Devildom by himself. (nb: 7-8) It started with Solomon proposing to the Demon King that the demonic realm partnered up with him and demons worked under him to further the Human World’s development, which angered the king and gave start to the war, which lasted 7 days. (nb card: "unforgettable past")
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archaiclumina · 9 months
19. Has your OC ever had an experience with the paranormal or the divine? What happened? Was it a one time encounter or is it a normal part of their life? Did they find it terrifying or thrilling?
Thank you so much for the ask! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ It was fun to share this stuff because I don't usually go into it very much with folks! I should preface this by saying I find the paranormal a fun concept to play with in FFXIV because it’s actually real in that world, so I enjoy messing around with it a lot! It’s something which fascinates me IRL, and I always find it more fun to add things I’m interested in learning more about to my RP OCs because I feel it helps give them a bit more longevity for me as the writer!
So, with that said, both Ren and Oli have a good deal of experience with the paranormal, I built it into their character concepts.
Because I type too much, I'll start with Oli, and those interested can find Ren under the cut!
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Oliviede’s experience with the paranormal comes in a pretty traditional occultist fashion, involving old artefacts she owns, and maybe slightly macabre rituals she researches and practices; which she believes provides her with a deeper connection to the will of the elementals both within and outside of the Shroud. Many of these rituals contain elements which her studies have led her to believe are precursors to some of her family’s alchemical and herbalist traditions.
In the spirit of trying to rediscover the knowledge that she lost when her family passed in the Calamity and their home was destroyed, she’s taken to practicing these rituals regularly, and that’s how the tattoos and brands on her body come about. (I personally headcanon these rituals as from the time of Mhach and Amdapor. But of course, because real canon information on these time periods in the game’s history is sparse, they’re just riffs on real world occult stuff I’ve found interesting and spent time playing around with conceptually to create a lorebent version of them within the game’s setting. It was the description for the Demon Door of Amdapor that first sort of spawned all these ideas.)
Another way to put all this is: she takes loads of psychedelics, ritualistically brands and tattoos herself and then tries to commune with the elementals.
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For Ren the paranormal and inexplicable has been part of her life since she was a child.
Ren’s mother, the aforementioned insane perfectionist, is a brilliant aetherologist and astromancer whose work has extensively focused on the aethereal sea. She’s also almost entirely devoid of basic decency, so she tested one of her prototypes for trying to trace signatures within said sea by asking her six-year-old to look through its eyepiece. Because that was the person most readily available to her at the time. Her six-year-old, was of course, Cyfrenne, and it’s fair to say the experience was terrifying for a child. And it most certainly did something. Changed the colour of her eye for one, which became a permanent reminder of the events. But it did something else too, in so far as it gave Ren access to a great many memories which aren’t actually her own.
She doesn’t have visions; she doesn’t see anything. She just knows things she shouldn’t, and the knowledge will occur to her at arbitrary times in her life, and it isn’t always useful. She might be cutting the crust off a finger sandwich and suddenly know an entire story about a lost key that belongs to someone who she doesn’t know at all. They might even already be dead and she’s just remembering what they remembered, as if they’d told her over a cup of chai. Probably because Ren had a bit of a lonely childhood, this oddity has never really bothered her. She’s endeared to it. Most of Ren’s research into arcanima and aetherolinguistics has been wholly focused on finding ways to give these memories form that she could better study them, and perhaps make better use of them for herself. That said she doesn’t tell most people that’s what her research is focused on.
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maretriarch · 11 months
Is the reason you want a bridge piercing so you can put it on your unicornsona's horn (JOKE JOKE JOKE)
horses have nose bridges (?) so it would probably just be. in the same spot between the eyeballs I don't really get what you're saying lol fhdjwjsksk sorry also fake fan any real brony knows the human horn jewelry equivalent is a wedding ring as seen in A Canterlot Wedding...tch read the lorebible
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cupcraft · 2 years
did i miss much tubbo loreb efore this btw
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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okay actual gentle wishlist LKJASKLF
allan lb3′ing and faceplanting LMAO
rps in sharlayan when allan was more Allan :pleading:
idk i think allan getting stabbed and not having his globe would be p neat JFKLASJFSALKjf (any form of angst & hurt/comfort where he’s just fked ig LKJKLASJF)
antagonist allan................................ he can be... v bad .... ;;;;
a scion/someone of high standing in sharlayan spiderman pointing at allan bc They Recognize Him
allan being forced to go to sharlayan at some point bc he will Hate That LKJAFLKASJf
n/sfw context one but. make allan cry LKAJSLKFj
actually someone make allan cry from Emotions bc he’s stopped himself from doing that a long time ago LKAJKLSFj
fjaklsfj smth that kinda deals with/calls out allan’s self-esteem and avoidant issues... its such a big thing with him KLJASKFj
allan actually... coming into his power as an astrologian waaahhh. and exploring the lore of how astromancy works! its so interesting to me kljalskfj time magic and all like... thats so fkn wild and could be so loreb endy but taken to such good heights lkajlskfj
asclepius’ ascian shard having company.... pls.... he’s so depressed... LKJFKALSJF
asclepius maybe... meeting wols in elpis... :eyes: esp if allan ships with them LKJASLKFj (also valid for rush & kratos tbh)
this is hella my own thing but naila almost eating allan im KLAJFLKASJFKlj 
this is a given but exploring how shitty allan feels later in sb/shbs (esp if he’s dragged to the first he’s so fucked then KLJAKSFJ)
also smth that deals with his shitty appetite... idk if i make it obvs (i probably do im not sure LKJKLASJF) but he Barely Eats wheezes 
ill probably add more as i think of them but LKJALSKFJ,,,, sorry these are v selfish weHEZES 
okay darker wishlist ideas pls be warned:
hghjsh anything where allan is captured and tortured and the recovery after that....... wheezes...
there would unfortunately be ppl who’d do that
its even more dangerous if they knew about his secret ability bc it can p terrifyingly easy for allan to become a different person/become essentially brainwashed through abusing/manipulating that secret ability lkajslkjf and then... just... huge conflict between his lost memory and the person that rescues him im cry klajslkfj but its possible to also use his ability to regain himself through that person... god does this make sense... but yeah im Emo
these are the hoes that would like to fuck allan up tho
honestly anything exploring his darker, criminal activities. like say hostages, blackmail, torture, anything goes... :eyes: with allan as the antagonist of course lkJKLASJF
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