#like sure you can make them a bit prettier but don’t be so **pressed** that your characters have tiny flaws that give them personality
⚠️comedically exaggerated anger about a video game remake ahead ⚠️
*slams fists on the desk*
*throws chair*
*punches wall like my name is Kyle*
*gestures violently*
*throws coffee mug at the defense attorney’s face*
*gets dragged out my door like in the gif pronunciation meme*
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luveline · 27 days
how’re eddie and roan doing??🫶🏻
(step)mom!reader, 2k
Sometimes you know you’re not good enough for Eddie and his daughter.
It’s a pinprick pain in the same place. The tiniest fear turned to heat.
“I’m gonna get you!” he warns.
“No, you’re not!” Roan stands at the other side of the room. With the door at her father’s back, she has no proof to substantiate her claim, but she makes it anyway. “You’re slow!”
You sit on the end of the bed with one leg hanging off, a socked foot brushing the carpet. Your legs are aching and the bottom of your spine feels bruised, so you aren’t joining in tonight. You watch them glare and giggle at one another.
Your head hurts between your eyes.
Eddie makes a ‘scary’ face and runs across the room to grab her. She squeals in terrified delight and races for the bed, climbing up behind you and over it, swapping places with him easily, or so she thinks. She’s slower than he is, and can’t escape his grabbing hands as he leaps for her on your bed, flattening your stepdaughter into a pancake.
“No, no,” she laughs beneath him.
Eddie braces his arms either side of her. “I told you’d I’d get you,” he says in a menacing voice, like a character from a movie, he can do a hundred different impressions. “You’ve stolen your last Twinkie, child. Be prepared for retribution.”
“I hate retribution!” she shouts.
Eddie laughs like a kid. “You’ll have to learn to love it.”
He grabs the end of her shirt, tugs it up, and drops his face into her stomach to grow the world's most aggressive raspberry. Roan screams the house down, laughing and shrieking as the vibrations tickle her skin. Eddie takes another big breath, lets it out against her bellybutton, even as Roan’s knees come up and jab him in the arm. “Dad, oh my gosh, stop!”
He stops. “You surrender?”
“No.” A third huge raspberry gets pressed into her tummy.
“Give up,” he sing-songs, “you know you can’t defeat me, little Munson.”
“Y/N, please help me,” Roan says, half crawling under Eddie’s weight to grab your arm. “Please save me.”
Your smile is two shades off, but she doesn’t notice, and you wouldn’t want her to. “I can’t, princess, only a knight can save you now.”
Eddie blows a raspberry on her tummy, then her neck. She hates that even more than the tummy ones and flings herself out of his arms with breathless laughter, the urgency of knowing you’re going to be killed by such horrible, painful, excruciating affection. “You,” she says, taking deep breaths as she slinks down onto the floor, “are the worse dad. Ever.” She laughs like taffy. “I’m listening to my body and it says I need some soda.”
“You can have a capri sun,” Eddie says firmly.
She rushes away, runs down the stairs, and it’s all Eddie can do to constrain his usual warning, you can tell. “She’s gonna fall down them,” he says, batting the hair out of his eyes, “and then what will I do?”
You smile weakly. “I don’t know, teddy. Guess we’d have to roll her around in a wheelbarrow for a bit.”
He clambers onto his knees beside you. A spiral curl falls into his eyes. Everybody’s pretty when they smile but Eddie’s a heartbreak when he’s upset, when the corner of his mouth twitches wanting to pull down and his eyes lose their mirth. “Hey, what’s wrong?” With a little more pep, “Are you tired? Hungry?”
“You haven’t done anything wrong, so I won’t accept it.” His hand hesitates by your leg. “What’s not okay?”
You shake your head, not wanting to look at him anymore. He’s prettier than you are, with a better heart. He’s a great father and you’re a shitty mom. You have less practice than he has, sure, but you can’t do anything right for Roan lately, you mess up her lunch and forget to buy her yoghurts when you’re coming home even though Eddie called you twice to make sure you got them. He didn’t even get mad. If he asks you one more time what’s wrong, you’re gonna burst into tears.
He doesn’t ask.
Eddie wraps an arm heavily over the back of your shoulders and neck. The other vys for your hand in your lap, his knuckles brushing against your thigh. “You’re not feeling up to it, is that what it is? Maybe you’re tired,” he suggests, with all his usual tenderness. You’re struck with a memory of him when you’d first started dating, how awkward he could be and how he’d shoved it aside when you had one of your worst days at work. He’d surprised you outside, Roan waiting in his backseat, promising to take you home and make you a home cooked meal. You’d eaten it under his arm like this.
There were moments before you’d been his girlfriend where you worried he wasn’t gonna let you have him. That he wasn’t gonna want you, that you’d move on from each other and have to pretend it never happened. But he’s whispering in your ear, hand latched onto your arm and rubbing circles into the tired muscle there without thought. “You can tell me anything,” he’s saying, “you know you can, just tell me what’s bothering you, don’t like it when you’re quiet…”
“Just had a bad day,” you say, tight and squeezed, so clearly evident that you’re gonna cry.
“At work?”
“All day.”
“Why? What’s bad?” he asks.
Nothing, you think, nothing’s bad, nothing is different than usual, but you feel awful. Like your hearts trying to invert itself in your chest, an upset with notes of panic.
“You know what I think it is?” he asks when you don’t answer, his demeanour dipping further and further into tenderness. “I think you didn’t eat enough at dinner, and you didn’t get enough sleep last night, and now you could use a shower and a hug and maybe a little time to yourself. When was the last time you had an hour for you?”
Your eyes crinkle tightly, your mouth twists. You get that weird rush of tingles all over your face and the heat of collecting tears. “It’s not like that,” you insist. “I love you, I don’t want time away from you, I swear.”
“I don’t want time away from you.” He kisses your cheek, twice, a third time, each one with more pressure than the kiss before. “I just mean… I don’t know, baby, I just thought you might be dealing with a lot.”
The worst thing bursts out of you, because you need him to tell you it’s not true. “I’m such a bad mom.”
The crying is unfortunate and immediate, your shoulders seizing under his arm. Eddie could tell it was coming, you’re sure, he doesn’t baulk, he never does.
“You’re not a bad mom, you’re a great mom,” he says, followed by a great wave of shushing.
“I’m awful, I’m supposed to be so much better, I can’t even remember her snacks.”
“Snacks are a really huge part of being a mom,” he says, “but she doesn’t care. She forgave you the moment you said sorry. You think she cares about her yoghurts? That’s not why she sits there waiting everyday after school, is it?”
“You asked me to get them and I forgot.”
“Well, should we call the cops now or later?”
He ushers your face into the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry, but you haven’t done anything that would make you a bad mom.”
You’re not Roan’s natural mother, you didn’t carry her, and so you find yourself in a privileged position. She treats you as she would a mom, she calls you mommy every day. You’re still letting her down.
“I love you, and Ro, and I wouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t love her, but you know… you really– you give more effort than we ever asked you to. You’re amazing. I never could have imagined getting to be with someone I love, and who loves my girl like she’s their own.” His murmuring takes the wryness of someone who knows what they’re saying is immeasurably corny, and he doesn’t stop. “She doesn’t know how lucky she is, but I do.”
“She deserves more.”
“She deserves you. You love her.”
You scrub your face, hiding from him behind your fingers. He waits in the quiet, now rubbing your back in large passes of his hand.
“Is that the only thing that’s making you like this?”
“I just feel like… everything I do, I could do better. Everything. And lately I feel so ugly. I thought this stuff would go away,” you confess, letting your hands fall away.
“I don’t think worrying ever goes away. Everybody worries about something.”
He ushers you back, the arm that warmed your shoulders dropping, his hand reaching instead for your face. He thumbs at tearstains and your damp top lip. “Please don’t cry,” he says, “you’re not ugly, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re killer, you always have been, but it’s my fault you don’t know that. I don’t tell you enough.”
He must tell you everyday, some days he tells you ten times or more. Still, it’s nice to have him say it, to place the blame of your insecurities on him, to try and make it his problem and not yours. It’s extremely loving, if extremely untrue.
“Sorry, Eddie. I think you’re right. Think I need to sleep, and, I don’t know. Stop feeling sorry for myself.” You smile weakly.
“I don’t think that’s what it is. If you need me to tell you what I think about you to feel better, I’ll do it every hour of the day.” He beams at you. “I hate when you cry.”
You huff a laugh. “I wasn’t doing it on purpose.”
“No– No, I don’t mean it like that. Don’t make me an asshole. I’m happy to see you smile again.”
“You give a good pep talk.”
“Can I give you a kiss now, is that alright?”
“If you stop being so nice after.”
Eddie turns his face and kisses you soundly. His hand climbs to your neck, his index finger draws a short, light line up your throat as his lips move against yours, and curls into itself as he pulled away to stroke gently under your chin. Then he gives you a shove, forcing you to lay down.
“Cheer up, dummy. You’re a great mom and you’re gonna be the best wife. Chill out.”
You catch one of his mean hands to hold to your tummy.
He sits there with you for ages. Five minutes turns to ten, then ten to fifteen, nothing else said, but his hand unmoving where you’ve put it.
“Ro!” he calls eventually. “Where’d you go, bub? Are you okay?”
Her mouth is obviously full when she calls back, “I’m okay!”
“That rascal is eating my Twinkies,” he says.
“Go stop her,” you say, pinching his fingers between yours playfully, softly, one at a time.
“We’re having time to ourselves.”
“I don’t need time away from her.”
“I know. But you need time to lay down without somebody bugging you to play, or watch her do a handstand. She’ll come back as soon as she’s hid the evidence, anyways.” He rolls his eyes. “Like I won’t notice.”
You crawl towards him and curl around him, locking him in place. “Thank you for looking after me.”
“It’s literally my favourite thing to do.”
Your front to his back where he’s sitting, your face against the back of his hip, you kiss his t-shirt. He makes a soft sound, breathing out, his hands covering your arm where you’ve hooked him at the waist.
more eddie, roan and reader
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virgincels · 5 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. p in v, uncle/niece incest, somno
notes. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! this is very messy and rushed i haven’t been able to write properly lately so forgive me for the repetitiveness and clunkiness!! ignore typos as always :3 feedback n rbs always appreciated !!! this is reallyyy sloppy and I’m embarrassed so I may go back and delete and rewrite in a few days time 😭
tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.
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“Woah,” Leon's knees almost buckle when you barrel into him, “Pumpkin, wow,” He takes you in, settles his hands on your hips, and it might be inappropriate ‘cause your mother glares at him over your shoulder. What did she want him to do? Grab your ass? Could’ve, should’ve, would’ve. Just doesn’t wanna get put on a list of some kind. “You’re so big now.”
“Yeah?” Your cheeks split with a sweet smile, “I missed you, uncle.”
“God, you’re so big I can’t believe it,” He gives you a once over, he’d like to catcall you to show you how he feels, Leon refrains from doing so. “I remember when you were a kid, always sat in my lap ‘n said you wanted to marry me.”
“Awww,” A gloved hand comes to pat his cheek, you take the tip of the fabric between your teeth, taking it off finger by finger, “I can do that again if you’d really like, uncle.” Your nails scratch his scruffy chin, press your finger into the divot he hates so much, then you stare right at it. Don’t look at that, god. Totally messed him over. Shit fucked up his golden ratio.
“What're you lookin’ at, pumpkin?” He shifts from foot to foot, moves his flight bag from one shoulder to the other.
“Just never seen you with a beard,” You shrug, beaming at him once more. Okay, not the chin then, thank fuck. “It’s cute, uncle, makes you look older.” Leon doesn’t know if that’s good or bad, though he feels his spinal disk shrink with each passing second.
You turn on your heels when his sister-in-law, fine as ever, says your name, “We should go before she gets pissy.” You tell him cheekily, taking his hand in yours, and you’re so big now he can’t believe it. A whole lot of tit, hip, and your ass ain’t too shabby either. Leon’s justification is that he’s only a man, can't help himself when he sees a pretty girl, even if said girl is his niece. He’s an honest guy, gotta give his brother props for marrying such a smokeshow, even more credit for knocking her up. ‘Cause she popped out an even hotter girl, younger, brighter, and your tits sit prettier.
Their family stands on crumbling foundations, when he’s around his brother, Leon’s five seconds away from blowing his brains out at any given moment. He doesn’t know why people question his suicidal tendencies, he’s more than willing to show them. Snow crunches under his boots as he navigates the path leading up to the front door. The layer of glossy red paint has chipped away to reveal the mahogany beneath. It’s been that long, huh?
“I’m in college now, I have my licence and everything, uncle, I wanted to visit you in D.C. but I couldn’t get ahold of you,” You chatter to him, tugging at your laces and propping your shoes up on the shelf near the door, make the move to grab his suitcase, but Leon swiftly moves it aside. “I can carry it, I’m a big girl now.”
“No, you’re not,” Leon frowns, to him you’re a baby. An undeveloped prefrontal cortex and a soft spot on the top of your head. Yeah, you got a rack now, sure, he wants to fuck you now - doesn’t change a thing.
“Okay, well did you bring me a present?” You trail after him, and you really are still a baby.
“Yeah, you’re my favourite girl, I bought you lots.” He’s not sure if you’ll like it. Colouring books, dolls, plastic jewellery. He’s a bit of an idiot. Didn’t think about how long it’s been.
“Can I open them now?” You seat yourself next to him on the couch, knee bumping his.
“Later, pumpkin, I promise.”
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“I want to transfer to Washington.” Wine trickles over the edge of your cup, Leon soaks it up with a napkin, dabs at your face when a rivulet dribbles down your chin.
His brother’s knocked out in their dad’s old armchair, it’s beyond saving, but he’s cheap. Your mom retired to bed a while back, they argued over something trivial, a cheeseboard or some shit, and with that it leaves the two of you.
“Yeah? You got friends out there or what?”
“No, but you’re there, uncle.” You grin, batting your lashes so pretty he gets without popping a viagra or two. Three. He needs three minimum. “I could come stay with you, right?”
Fuck no, under no circumstance should he be allowed within fifty feet of you. And here Leon is, bumping knees, brushing fingers like you’re lovesick teens on a first date. That’s just not right, is it? He’s a decrepit old man on his way to getting a senior bus pass, and he’s your uncle and all. Can’t really go around popping boners over family members.
“I work too much.” Leon says coolly, sweat dripping from his temple, drumming his fingers against the table. “Hey, you wanna open your presents?”
“Yes!” You nod with wild enthusiasm, like a bobblehead, cute ones you keep on the dashboard. Leon would love to take you home with him, display you on the mantle like a China doll, show you off like some rare artefact. Just can’t, he’d end up doing something awful, peeking in on you showering— or worse he’d start sleepwalking, get into your room- “Go get them then, uncle.”
The paper is pink, the shade you used to adore as a young girl, the colour you’ve since painted over in your room. He got that professionally wrapped, big bow on it and all. Leon’s not good at making things look pretty. It’s easier to assemble a gun than it is to wrap presents. Your name is scrawled on the tag in cursive writing that belongs to none other than Claire, she insisted on doing so, felt inclined after seeing his chicken-scratch.
“It’s for me, you shouldn’t have, uncle!” You snatch it out of his hands, Jesus, had more manners when you were a kid. Once you tear through the paper, you blink down at the plastic princess costume jewellery. Clip-on earrings, fluffy mules that are much too tiny, the whole lot. “Oh, wow, well, it sure is nice.”
“Pumpkin,” Leon starts, “It slipped my mind that you’re a big girl now, I wasn’t thinkin’ and I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You placate him with your smile, “I’m just glad you’re here.” Cheesy, still makes him swoon.
“We can go shopping ‘fore I go back, I’ll buy you whatever, yeah?”
“I don’t need that,” You shake your head, eyes flitting from his lower half then to his lips. He’s making shit up in his head now. It’s late, Leon should go to sleep, doesn’t wanna start kissing on you and end up in court. “Oh, you’re going already?”
“I’m tired, pumpkin.” My dick is so hard it’s cutting off all blood flow to my brain, my pants are squeezing it so tight I’m gonna contract sepsis and that shit will fall straight off, I don’t want my dick to fall off, pumpkin, hope you can understand my reasoning. Leon hopes you can see the desperation in his eyes, that you can see the sentiment he’s trying to get across.
The bed creaks with his weight, and it’s the same dusty, bed-bug ridden shit his brother’s had for years. He jerks off, blows his load on his stomach, too worn out to clean it up. Falls asleep with his hand down his pants. Then Leon starts having wet dreams like he’s twenty-one again, of your petal lips, of your hands on his dick, your tits, how your thighs look when you sit. Warmth engulfs his cock, and it’s so real, he’s so sure you’re right there, sucking him off like a good girl. You’re cute like a sex doll, and it’s unfair that he has to put on this uncle act. Used to come natural to him when you were a kid, but it’s just different.
Only when Leon lifts his hand does he come into contact with skin, with hair, and a human. At first, he thinks it’s the dog, one of the three. Then he feels small hands parting his thighs further, the familiarity of your smile warming his skin.
“Pumpkin.” Leon rasps, and it’s not quite warning, just a tone that says keep going, but this is fucked up, doesn’t mean I don’t want it though. He thanks you for making the first move.
You pull off with a wet pop, kissing along his Apollo’s belt. “I want to come to D.C. and stay with you,” You say between fervid kisses, “I want to be with you, uncle, you’re handsome and I like you.” Your confession is feverish, he wonders if you realise the weight of your words. Can’t go around telling lonely old men that you like ‘em.
“I’m your uncle, pumpkin.” Leon states simply, ‘cause he’s an adult and he’s collected, but you can keep pumping his dick like that, he really don’t mind.
“No one would know,” You kiss the sticky tip, pre smeared over your lips like lip gloss, tongue poking out to taste him, dipping into his leaky slit. “I could be your girlfriend.” Leon doesn’t even know you, he knows the little girl you once were.
Leon’s too old for that shit. Girlfriend boyfriend talk. “I’m too old to be dating, pumpkin.” He cradles the back of your head with his calloused hand, guides you to base of his shaft, your tongue tracing the vein that runs along the underside of his cock.
“Yeah, but you’re not too old to marry me, are you?” You’re a clever girl, giving him a cheeky smile as you sit up and clamber into his lap.
“What’s gotten into you, pumpkin?” Don’t stop, pumpkin. Same thing. He hopes his dick says enough, standing proud as you lift your hips, wet hole stretching to accommodate his fat tip. Leon can’t see your face, but he shuts his eyes and thinks about it, how your lips would part so pretty, and you’d toss your head back, sweat making your skin all shiny.
“I just really like you, uncle.” One way ticket out of this shitty town, away from his shitry brother, away from your narc bitch of a mom, free food, free housing - Leon understands your motive. Truly, he does, and he can’t find it in himself to give a damn. If you pretend to love then it matters all the same.
“Okay, then sit on it, pumpkin.” Leon urges, firm hands finding purchase on your hips, forcing you down on his cock till you take all of him to the hilt. The head bumps your cervix, and Leon is in love with you. Thank fuck he came back home, thank god, thank Claire for pushing him to the point of booking a flight. “You wanna marry me?”
“I told you, didn’t I? Promised I was gonna marry you when I was a kid.” You press your tits flush to his chest, lips ghosting Leon’s. “I wanna marry you so bad, uncle, you’re all I want.” And Leon can’t help himself, doesn’t mean to let go so early, the coils of heat in his belly turn searing, and he empties himself into you with a groan. The quiet noise of disappointing you let out as his cock softens inside of you is adorable.
“You gotta get used to that if you marry me, I’m old now.” He strokes your head, holds you tight, refuses to let go now that he’s got you.
“I can deal with it, uncle, as long as I get to be your wife.”
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allywthsr · 6 months
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summary: you and Lando make the gingerbread house challenge, while streaming
wordcount: 1.2k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of blood (but no actual bleeding)
notes: I switched up the order of the fics, the streaming one will come out tomorrow instead :)
advent calendar
”Alright Chat, we‘ll do the gingerbread house challenge, you get to decide whose house is prettier in the end.“
You got two boxes on the table and held them up to the camera, so people could see what kind of gingerbread house you got.
”It’s a simple gingerbread house from Tesco, I‘m going to make some icing in a second, and we have lots of sweets to put on top, just as sprinkles. Lan, do we want to do it on time or are we just free-styling it?“
”I would freestyle it, I don’t wanna rush and fuck it up if I need an hour, I need an hour.“
You nodded and gave him one of the boxes, opening yours and getting out the little plastic bags with gingerbread in them. Lando did the same and you checked if everything was inside, what it said on the box, you quickly whipped up some icing, with only some powdered sugar and water. You made two separate bowls, one for Lando and one for you, placing them on the table, while your boyfriend was reading through the chat.
”Everyone’s saying yours is going to be prettier.“
”I like your chat.“
He pouted and you pecked his cheek, with that he smiled again and checked out the different pieces of gingerbread he had in front of him. He tasted the gingerbread when he bit off on one end and licked the spoon of the icing, complimenting you for being a great cook. All you did was laugh about his statement, mixing powdered sugar and some water together wasn’t a big deal, but for Lando, the non-cook, everything you did in the kitchen was a miracle for him.
On a count to three, Lando and you started building the house, taking the bottom layer and you put some icing in the sparred out notch, where the wall belonged. You pressed the wall in the icing and let it dry for a few seconds, making sure the wall was standing.
Lando was different, he put the wall in and squeezed the icing in between the spaces and only waited for a millisecond before he let go of the wall. To no surprise, the wall fell down and smeared the icing everywhere, ”Babe! It fell down.“
”You didn’t wait long enough, for the icing to dry a little.“
He let out a huff and started filling the notch with way too much icing, pressing the wall hard in the white gooey consistency. When he let go of his wall, you were already on your third, every gingerbread was standing perfectly straight and didn’t fall down.
Chat was roasting Lando for his non-existent skills of building a gingerbread house, some comments made you giggle.
‘I love how Lando is not able to build a house, let’s hope their house in England won’t be built by him‘
‘Lando’s walls are crashing like my dreams‘
‘I want Y/N to build his house, this will be a disaster‘
‘It’s bwoken‘
Lando did your technique for a while, squirting the icing on the notch before placing the wall on top of it, but he used way too much icing and too much pressing down on the gingerbread, most of the icing was spilling out of the edges, you feared the worst. While you placed your first roof half, Lando was still on his third wall, he was struggling to get the walls straight, they were all bending in a different direction and you wondered how he was going to build the top layer on that. You placed the last roof piece on your house and Lando looked over to yours, ”Y/N, why are you so far ahead? I‘m still on wall four, that’s unfair.. can we switch houses?“
”Don’t even think about it, babe.“
He scoffed and fixed a corner, that was a bit loose, with icing. You smiled at his house, the walls were crooked, the icing was overflowing at where the gingerbreads were touching, and little white fingerprints were all over the house, where he touched the walls, somehow he got icing on his fingers and didn’t clean them.
You gently drizzled icing over the roof to make it look like snow, adding drops where you placed different gummy bears and sprinkles, lastly, you added the little gingerbread man in the open door of the house. You were finished.
”Chat, what are we thinking?“, you asked, turning the house in front of the camera and looking at the responses that came in.
”Lan, they think my house looks better, maybe I should take over your stream.“
”Chat, you’re betraying me.“
Lando placed the top layer on the wonky walls and groaned when it wasn’t looking like yours. He quickly added the two roof pieces and the gingerbread man, before you could blink, the whole thing came crashing down, the walls were breaking and the roofs were squishing the gingerbread man, splitting him into two halves.
”Lando! What did you do?“
”I don’t know! It just crashed.“
He started laughing in his high-pitched laugh, and you pouted, he tried to make it work but failed in the end. You two were speechless for a while, the chat was filled with people laughing and sending condolences to Lando and his house. After a minute of silence, he spoke up: ”I know what to do, give me a minute.“
You arched your eyebrow before turning to the chat and talking with them, answering small questions and thanking them for the donations. Lando turned the camera, so it wasn’t focusing on him, but only on you, you didn’t look at what he was doing, but he was using a lot of sweets and sprinkles before he said he was finished.
”Baby, close your eyes, I want your reaction at the same time as chat sees it.“
You held your hands before your eyes and waited for Lando to say something.
”You can look.“
You removed your hands and looked at his gingerbread house, gasping you looked between him and the house.
”What did you do?“
”What is that supposed to be?“
”A gingerbread house but in the earthquake version.“
You let out a laugh, he put red sugar paste all over the gingerbread man, so it looked like he was bleeding, red sprinkles were placed around it and more sweets were thrown on top of the house.
”You are creative baby“, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and chuckled once more, before looking at the positive responses from his chat.
”Who won, chat?“
Lando made a poll, where they only had to click on a name, quickly Lando’s name reached the top, with seventy-nine percent it was obvious who won. With a little defeated smile, you congratulated him.
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usedtobecooler · 1 year
i need you to write about pegging eddie i’m not above begging bestie
you don’t have to beg cause i’m already there lmao
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), pegging, anal m receiving, handcuff use, coming untouched, orgasm denial, face sitting, oral f receiving, dirty talk, sexy lingerie.
Word Count | 1.5K
A/N | this is super short and all smut zero plot, enjoy!!! 🤍
“Tell me how much you like my big cock fucking you,” You grunt, fucking your hips forward and sliding your silicone cock right back into Eddie’s fucked out, puffy hole, “Maybe if you’re all sweet I’ll let you come.”
Eddie’s whining and crying beneath you, hands up above his head, bound with his own cuffs to the headboard. They clink as he wrestles with them, “Baby please, lemme come, I’m begging,”
“Gotta do better than that, babe,” You smirk down at him, shoving your hips forward just a little so that the dildo nudges that little bit deeper, head clearly pressed tightly against Eddie’s spot because he’s mewling, back arching off the bed.
“Love your big cock in me, god,” Eddie cries out, and you glance up to watch his bitten fingernails dig bluntly into his palms, desperate to touch something, anything, “F—feels s’good, sweetheart. So good, you fuck me so good.”
“Really? Aw, babe.” You coo, hands gripping onto the backs of his thighs for purchase as you pull out all the way, then slam back in to the hilt. You break eye contact to watch the strap sink in and out of him, unable to tear your away.
Eddie’s cock leaks unashamed all over his belly, precum pooling in the dip of his bellybutton and streaking down his happy trail, matting down the hair there. He looks angelic, flushed a deep pink down to his chest with need, sweaty fringe stuck with sweat to his forehead.
He’s prettier when he’s needy for it. Begging for your pretty pink dick and gasping for air when you sink in and out, knocking the breath out of him. He loved it — being fucked open like this and laid bare for you to see all of him. Fragile and every bit of dominance knocked out of his body.
“Please, baby, please,” Eddie begs again, legs wrapping around your waist to push you deeper, and you gasp at the face of pleasure he makes, eyes screwing shut and bitten lips opening in a deep moan, “Need to come, need it. Need to come on your cock, please.”
“You’re cute when you beg,” You’re moaning too, feeling your slick slide down the insides of your thighs. This wasn’t all for him — fucking him turned you on as much as it did Eddie, there was something so powerful about knowing you could make him feel the same way he could you. You lean forward and grip a hold of his chin, shaking his head lightly, “Open your eyes when you come, Eddie. Want you to watch me fuck you stupid.”
He opens his eyes, lust blown orbs darting between your face and watching your tits as they jiggle with every rough thrust, your lacy black corset digging in to the underside of them. You’d spilled out of it long ago, struggled to care when you were eight inches deep in his tight ass and unravelling him with every single thrust.
Eddie fights with his restraints again as you pound into him, pushing his knees up to his chest so you can abuse his spot in a controlled manner with every thrust. His rickety old bed creeks under your movements, mixing in with his loud moans and the slick noises of your cock sliding in and out of him.
“Can I come now?” Eddie begs, tears spilling from the corners of his eyes, and you surely should take mercy on him now, with how tight his balls are drawn up and how his cock leaks and kicks like he’s struggling to hold back. You nod slightly, and he clearly takes that as his cue, “Thank you, thank you, aah—!”
Your cunt quivers and aches to be filled as you watch in awe at the hot spurts of come that shoot out of Eddie’s raw and neglected cock, shooting so far it hits his chin. You can’t feel it, but you know he’s clenching down around the silicone toy as you fuck him through it, slowing down as he begins to shake from overstimulation.
You grind to a halt, smiling all giddy at Eddie’s fucked out expression. He’s still moaning softly, hazy eyes blinking up at you and a soft little half-smile directed back at you in return. You lean forward, making to kiss his bitten lips, but change your mind at last second — instead darting down to swipe the come off his chin with a pointed tongue. He groans, and you moan against him, savouring the salty, heady taste of him on your tongue.
He nudges at you, begging silently for a kiss, and you do so with no hesitation. Leaning up that little bit further to bump noses before slotting your lips together. It deepens fast, Eddie opening his mouth for you so you can slide your tongue against his own — letting him taste himself. Your cock slips out of him with the movement, and he hisses, biting down on your lip in retaliation.
“Sorry, Eddie,” You mumble against his lips, retreating back and sitting on your haunches. You unclip the strap in silence, gasping in relief as the weight of it is taken off of your hips. You don’t miss how wet your thighs are with your own slick, glimmering in the warm light of the room.
“Y’gonna get me out of these?” Eddie asks, startling you out of the silence with a small jiggle of the metal. You look up at him and smirk, dropping the strap from your hands in favour of slinking your way up his body to sit prettily on his belly. You know he can feel your wet cunt on his heated skin.
“Dunno, I was thinking you could help me out first?” You feign a slight innocence, grinding down against him and relieving a bit of the harsh aching on your clit. He nods eagerly, waiting on baited breath for you to climb up the rest of the distance and hover over his face.
You do so with no hesitation, spreading your legs and bracketing Eddie’s head with your thighs. His curly hair tickles your soft skin, his plump lips kissing up the insides of your thighs softly until he nudges his nose into your cunt, breathing in deeply until you get yourself settled.
The first dip of Eddie’s tongue between your folds makes your legs buckle, has you fully seated on his face and he groans into your cunt, the vibrations shooting into your core and eliciting a loud moan in return, “Not gonna take long, babe, fuck keep doing that,”
Eddie alternates between licking up and down your cunt, savouring your juices, and sucking and biting at your clit. He’s in a perfect rhythm, one that he knows will get you off quickly. He knew your body so well by this point — what parts to press, what areas to kiss, what pressure you needed. How hard you liked it, how fast. He was insatiable.
“Fuck, fuck,” You cry, grinding down against Eddie’s face, fisting at his hair for leverage. His tongue laps at your core like he’s desperate to make you come and it’s working, your tummy coiling up and beginning to spasm with need, “That’s it, Eddie, your tongue is sinful, god—!”
He’s looking at you like butter wouldn’t melt, a picture of innocence with his big, wet eyes. Nose perched prettily on the mound of your cunt, nestled in your neatly trimmed hair. You wished you had your polaroid, you needed to have a memory of this exact moment.
You grind down against Eddie’s mouth again, one perfectly timed suck of your clit with a grind of your hips and you’re coming — soaking Eddie’s face in your release, cunt spasming around nothing as you cry out, head thrown back towards the ceiling as pleasure wracks your body.
When you come down, he’s back to kissing your thighs, eyes sparkly and face shining with your come. You feel him smiling against your sensitive cunt, tip of his tongue poking out to lick gently at your clit and you clench your thighs around his head, jerking back.
You’re weak for him, always have been. Probably always would be.
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juyeonszn · 6 months
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PAIRING choi chanhee x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, tau beta zeta frat treasurer!chanhee, reader is a stereotypical party girl, she’s also an astronomy major, mentions of alcohol, i’m pretty sure everyone makes a cameo at some point, kevin moon playing matchmaker, we escalate a little fast so, intense making out, marking, vaginal fingering, brat tamer!chanhee, dom!chanhee, lowkey pussy job for like 1 second, nipple play? kinda?, unprotected sex, wall sex, missionary, multiple orgasms, creampie (yk… the usual), overstimulation
SUMMARY in spite of being a frat boy himself, chanhee could never actually see himself enjoying the luxuries of the title. besides, how could he with all the responsibilities of being treasurer? enter you and your carefree spirit and chanhee’s got a real big problem on his hands.
MORE … don’t yell at me PLEASE. i know this is 2 days overdue. I KNOW I KNOW. i’ve been so busy these past couple days and my time management is ass we already know this. BUT IM HERE AND SHES FINISHED AND ITS CHRISTMAS EVE SO??? 🙏🙏😍 anyways. i hope u guys enjoy i had a fun time writing this. i’m a firm believer in dom chanhee 😋 if u liked this pls don’t forget to reblog!
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr
TAGLIST @millksea
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“Who’s that?”
The question comes out before you can even stop it, eyes focused on a guy sitting on one of the couches in the living room, complete disinterest all over his face. He’s pretty. Prettier than any guy you’ve ever seen. But he also looks like he’d rather be anywhere else than at this party.
“Who?” Your friend Heejin asks, following your gaze.
She finds out pretty quickly, especially because of how intense your stare is. She racks her brain for his name, sure it’s somewhere in her catalog of the student body. Heejin was the kind of person who knew everyone even if she didn’t exactly know them personally. She was both sociable and obsessed with gossip, sticking her nose in the business of those around her.
“Ah! That’s Choi Chanhee,” she nods, index finger tapping her chin. “He’s the Tau Beta Zeta treasurer actually. That’s probably why he looks like he wants to kill himself. Dude doesn’t really want to be here, but fraternity brothers are required to attend every party.”
She’s right, it appears, when you see some of the members you do recognize make their way over to bother him. He definitely does not look like the fraternity type, but you guess it also makes sense in a way. Maybe he needed an extracurricular or something that would be nice on his resume.
It’s hard for you to enjoy yourself for the rest of the night, too concentrated on the treasurer who’s lips stay pressed into a frown the entire time. You try to take shots with Heejin, but your eyes gravitate back to the sofa. Ji Changmin and his girlfriend even convinced the two of you to play them in beer pong. (Worst mistake you’ve ever made. You sucked at beer pong.) You finally draw the line at a game of Rage Cage, when you strategically get placed between Lee Juyeon and Heejin, arguably the best drinkers at the function.
Everyone laughs at you when you take a step back and recall your decision to join. And just as you suspected, you end up back in the living room, right where you wanted. Chanhee hasn’t moved from his spot, occasionally taking sips of whatever he’s drinking and scrolling through his phone.
You remember when that was Jacob Bae’s thing to do, and then he went and got himself a girlfriend. Perhaps that’s what Chanhee needed to do. A girlfriend was a little bit of a stretch, but someone to help him loosen up at these things was plausible. Girls weren’t even trying to hit on him left and right like they usually did with the Tau Beta Zeta boys, which was even more surprising considering most of them had their own partners now. Desperation was an ugly look on the university female, you know.
Which is exactly why you don’t make any moves that night.
Initially, you think you’ll wait a week. You happen to see him on campus a few times. The first time is in the library studying with some headphones on, in his element. The second time is in the cafe on campus, again, doing coursework with the intention of being left alone. Then it’s when you’re leaving your Fundamentals of Astronomy lecture, walking to one of his own classes. In your head, you’re being tested, like a dog with a bone being dangled in front of its face. It’s tortuous, wanting to go up to him and introduce yourself, but you don’t do it.
Heejin “drags” you to another TBZ party the following Friday and you put extra effort into your outfit. You walk in with the hopes to sweep him off of his feet, strutting into the fraternity house with a confidence that throws you off. Just when you’re getting ready to walk up to him, Kim Sunwoo intercepts and you backtrack. That ruins any of the lingering self-assurance in your system. So you push things back another week.
The next time you plan on striking, you and Heejin had said you’d meet at the party since she had something to do prior. You arrive at around 11 PM, prepared to shoot your shot and score. The kitchen is the first place you go, concocting yourself a drink that doesn’t get you trashed, but provides enough liquid courage. Then Heejin texts that her project partners wanted to grab food and she wasn’t going to make it. The thought of being alone without moral support effectively kills your mood, so you only stay for another hour or so before leaving.
It’s annoying, really. Every single time you attempt to set your plan into motion, something has to interrupt and mess things up for you.
This is your dilemma for roughly every weekend for a whole month. By the time you know it, it’s midterm season and you’re too stressed out over exams to think about Choi Chanhee. Divine intervention was a crazy concept, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Maybe this was your sign to just call it quits and give up on your weird fantasy of being the girl who charmed him.
“Do you wanna go to the TBZ party Saturday? We can celebrate finishing these stupid fucking exams and just relax for another couple months before we have to worry about finals.” Heejin asks through a mouthful of instant ramyeon. You sigh.
“Sure, whatever.” Your lips purse, pushing around your own food. She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side in confusion.
“What the hell happened to you? You were jumping for joy when it came to going to them all semester, but now that I want to get shitfaced, you don’t seem all that excited.” She puts her chopsticks down, narrowing her eyes at you from across the table. You shrug.
“I don’t know,” you rest your cheek on your palm, huffing. “I guess I’m not really in the party mood anymore.”
“Bullshit,” she scoffs. “You’re the girl everyone thinks of when they talk about the typical university party girl. There must be a reason you’re suddenly Miss Debbie Downer.”
You could just tell her the truth, tell her about your delusions and the need to be different. As your roommate and best friend, she wasn’t at liberty to judge you. But this was so unlike you, so you knew she would anyway. It was out of character for you to be this enthralled by a man, let alone a stranger you’ve never spoken a word to. In fact it’s even thrown you for a loop, this mental break giving you clarity about your recent actions.
“That time I asked you who Choi Chanhee was,” you start after some silence. “I thought about going up to him and finding out why he’s so uptight. I sorta wanted to be in a ‘not like other girls’ situation. But whenever I wanted to swoop in, something always interfered. And now I’m just over it.”
“Y/N. You cannot be serious,” Heejin gawks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Chanhee’s very picky about the girls he talks to. I could probably name on a hand the ones who’ve successfully snuck their way into his pants. He has specific taste, too; pretty ones who know when to shut their mouths.”
Your jaw drops, because what the fuck? He’s not a raging virgin with that personality? No wonder there wasn’t a line of single ladies attempting to land in his bed. They all knew they didn’t stand a chance. It kind of encourages you to resume your mission. You were never one to back down from a challenge.
“In that case…” A mischievous glint sparkles in your eye.
“Good god,” she rolls her own. “I’m warning you now, I highly doubt this will end in your favor.”
“You know me, Heejin. I never take no for an answer.”
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It’s the day before the party and you’re walking out of your last midterm exam, a new light in your eyes now that you’re somewhat free. You step into the quad with your arms stretched above your head, a yawn pushing through your lips. You were long overdue for a good nap.
You whip around to find Kevin Moon from your Music Appreciation class stalking towards you. Part of you wants to pretend you’d never heard him and keep walking, drained of energy after that Intro to Astrophysics exam you’d just taken. Your brain felt like mush at this point. But you were kind, and you would’ve just felt bad about ignoring him anyways.
Kevin catches up to you rather quickly, hands hidden inside of his hoodie pockets. He lets out a sigh, both of you watching the puff of air that forms in front of him. “You’re going to the party tomorrow right?”
“I am…” You furrow your eyebrows, narrowing your eyes skeptically just a bit. “Why?”
“I have a huge favor to ask you.” He clasps his hands together, as if he wasn’t above begging on his hands and knees. You’re confused even further, because what could Kevin Moon possibly want from you?
“Okay… What is it?” The suspicion in your tone is so strong, that there’s no doubt he hasn’t noticed it by now. He holds the heel of his palm to his forehead.
“So, I was supposed to go with my friend Chanhee to try out that new outer space themed coffee place just outside of campus later today, but I got put on alcohol duty and I won’t be able to. I know you’re an Astronomy major so I figured that was something you’d like. Do you think you could go in my place?” He bats his eyelashes at you, like doing puppy dog eyes will convince you. You stare at him blankly. He wants you to do what?!
Meeting Choi Chanhee before the party tomorrow was not in your itinerary. Usually you were decent at adapting to changes in your plans, but this? This was more than just something minor that you could acclimate to. You had to psych yourself for hours in order to execute something of this caliber. Was Kevin Moon trying to send you into cardiac arrest?
“W-Wh— I mean— well—” You fumble over your words— something you never do— and Kevin breaks into a wide grin. You’re not sure if the blush across your face is from the cold weather nipping at it, or the thought of being put between a rock and a hard place.
“Perfect! I owe you one! Meet him in like an hour.” He pats your back like you’re one of the homies, not giving you any room for refutation. You actually feel like throwing up. How were you supposed to just show up without qualms?
Did he really expect you to just do this out of the goodness of your heart? No complaints stacked up to be hurled in his direction? You’d known Kevin Moon since freshman year orientation, but you didn’t think you were close enough for him to throw his dirty work at you. You can’t help but stand there dumbly as he walks away, a pep in his step that nearly has tick marks forming on your temple.
Okay, you know what? This is fine. This was totally fine. All you had to do was sip on some coffee, make some small talk, and then you could be on your way. It wasn’t that hard… was it?
You could throw on an act, pretend like you were one of those pretty girls who knew when to shut their mouths just like Heejin said he was into. You could give him a false glimpse into who you were and he wouldn’t know what you were really thinking of doing. The you of tomorrow would be a complete 180° turn around from the you of today, and Choi Chanhee would be the one groveling at your feet.
As soon as you walk into the cafe, your throat feels narrow, like it was closing in on you. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. It’s not like Chanhee knew you. He couldn’t possibly be aware of your existence, much less of your little fascination with him.
You see him sitting at a table for two, the straw of his drink trapped between his lips. He sips leisurely as he scrolls through his phone, likely waiting on Kevin since you’re sure he left his friend in the dark. You pick at a thread on your sweater as you stop in front of him, raising your hand in an awkward wave. Chanhee glances up, confusion in his features at first and then it morphs into something else.
A laugh has to be held back when he chokes on his drink, slapping a hand over his mouth. He stands up quickly, wiping his palms on his pants.
“Hi,” your voice is small, so far off from your usual boldness. “I’m Y/N. Kevin sent me.”
“Fucking Kevin,” he curses underneath his breath, forcing a smile. “Um, please sit.”
You take the seat across from him, eyes flickering around the coffee shop to absorb your surroundings. It’s pretty, the stars and planets painted all over the walls and ceilings. Even the drinks had celestial themed names. Your friend was right, you would love it here. It was right up your alley.
“I— uh— Kevin had texted me and told me what to order for him, but I’m assuming he meant for you, because he never told me you were uh— that you were coming.” He scratches the back of his neck as a server leaves a drink in front of you.
“He stopped me in the quad after my midterm and asked if I could fill in for him. Something came up apparently.” You explain, humming in appreciation when you taste your coffee. “He remembered that I was an Astronomy major and figured I was his best bet I guess.”
Chanhee purses his lips, it’s almost like he knows something you don’t. He nods slowly. “Yeah… I’m sure that’s why…”
The impromptu formal introduction between you goes on without a hitch. It goes so well, that the time flies faster than you’d hoped it would. You get a tiny peek into Choi Chanhee and his life as the TBZ fraternity treasurer, but it’s not enough to satiate that unbearable curiosity that pricks at you.
Thankfully, you have tomorrow to do exactly that.
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Heejin and yourself arrive at the Tau Beta Zeta party that Saturday with a goal in mind; Getting Choi Chanhee into bed with you.
Okay. Maybe that wasn’t actually the main objective, but it was definitely a side quest. What you really wanted to do was get him to let his guard down. Like your friend said previously, you were the stereotypical party girl. Had there been a picture beside the term in a dictionary, your pretty little face would be there, a red solo cup in your hand and all. If he wound up being entranced by your womanly witchery, that was on him.
Just like your first go at wooing him, you decided to pull out all the stops. You’d worn your shortest, tightest fitting dress despite the weather not necessarily permitting it. It was a cute black strapless number that you paired with some long heeled boots and a warm fuzzy jacket. You looked hotter than the sun itself, and deep down you’d feel extremely disappointed if he wasn’t falling to his knees for you by the end of the night.
A sense of déjà vu washes over you the moment you step through the front door into the jam packed fraternity house. The bumping early 2000s music and the thrumming of the bass gave you an adrenaline rush like no other. Nothing could waver your confidence this roundabout. He wouldn’t even know what hit him.
Before you sink your claws into the treasurer, you need to grab yourself a drink. You and Heejin take a shot from one of the various liquor bottles on the counter, serving yourselves each a cup of whatever Jacob Bae threw together for the party. It was kind of funny that the resident bartender for these things wasn’t even a member of the frat. You and your friend cheers to the night ahead of you, manifesting that things go your way.
It’s rather easy to catch his eye even in the bustling crowd of drunk college students, glued in his usual spot on one of the living room sofas. His dark hair falls into his eyes when he glances down at his phone to check the time, almost as if he was counting down the hours, the minutes until this party was over. He brushes it out of his face with his index finger at the same time he raises his cup to his mouth, knocking back the contents with a slight wince.
He espies your presence immediately after that, raking your figure with an unrecognizable look in his gaze. Though you were shivering upon entering the house, your skin felt hot to the touch now, the burning intensity of his stare melting away any nerves that might’ve been lingering. You pull your jacket off of your shoulders, tossing it over your forearm as you snake through the bodies sardined between the two of you.
“Hi,” you greet once you’re in front of him. “I’m Y/N.”
His lips quirk upwards and he stands so you’re no longer peering down at him. In spite of meeting each other yesterday, he decides to play along. “I’m Chanhee.”
“Well, Chanhee,” you bite your acrylic nail, not bothering to hide the unabashed desire in your expression and drinking in his appearance like a glass of water. “I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. You looked bored and I was wondering if I could change that. I know how to have a good time.”
Chanhee thinks it’s cute, the amount of effort you’re putting into this little charade. He doesn’t doubt that you knew of his reputation when it came to sleeping with girls. He knows he’s a bit conscientious when it comes to this sort of thing, but that’s only because he doesn’t want to deal with being seen as someone who’s ran-through. (For an example, please see (No) Strings Attached™.)
However, you were different. Chanhee thought you were cute from the very first time he saw you, which happened to be at a Tau Beta Zeta party last semester. He knew you were friends with Kevin, so maybe it was on him for the delay of your union, but he’d grown a little tired of always making the first move. He’s somewhat grateful that you were the type of girl who set her sights on something and never backed down from it. You were headstrong and that was exactly what had him hooked.
Nevertheless, it would be a bit of an issue. The only part of the rumors surrounding the treasurer that was true, was the part about him preferring his partners to be on the quieter side. There was something about them following his every demand, kneeling at his beck and call, that lit a fire underneath him. The mouthier they were, the less he enjoyed himself. But for some reason, he doesn’t think it’ll bother him as much with you. In fact, he thinks he’ll have fun putting you in your place.
“You know, Y/N,” he pushes your hair over your bare shoulder, letting his thumb graze your warm skin with a small but conniving grin. “I’m not too sure you’ll be able to cure this boredom that’s been plaguing me. It depends on what you have in mind.”
You might cry. A strained groan stays stuck in your throat, fighting to inch its way out of you. Fuck this stupid party. Fuck your stupid idea. You had a new mission. You needed him now and you needed him bad.
Your lips are on his in a matter of seconds, rushed and desperate. You don’t have the strength in you to act like you weren’t just about ready to combust. The curve of a smile can be felt through the kiss, his hands coming to rest on your waist and dig into the fabric of your dress. Had this been any other guy, any other day even, you would’ve freaked out over the PDA. Right now, though, you’re too lost in the moment, too absorbed in the high that kissing Choi Chanhee is providing.
His mouth travels along your jaw and neck, finally snapping you back to reality. With shaky breathing and a wavering voice, you step back from him. “Don’t you want— don’t we need some privacy?”
He laughs like he’s on the inside of a joke you’re unaware of. “Oh, so now you care about privacy? You didn’t when you were trying to seduce me ten minutes ago.”
Your cheeks flush impossibly more, cowering into the space where his shoulder meets his collarbone. All that confidence and for what? He really could not wait another second to see you crumble beneath him.
“Too shy for me to fuck you in front of all these people, sweetheart?” He asks in your ear, leaving a gentle kiss on the lobe as he does so.
You’re dizzy, so dizzy you might faint in the middle of this living room. Who would’ve known that such a pretty boy had such a filthy mouth on him? He knows he’s got you right where he wants you when you fist the material of his shirt, the vibrations of a whine on his neck. It’s kind of comical how little it took for you to crack.
He hauls you away to what you assume is his bedroom, fingers caressing the inside of your wrist. You think maybe he’s all talk, that he’s actually a big softie who couldn’t hurt a fly. The way he’s careful with his touch and making sure he doesn’t lose you as you weave through the other party attendees. At least, that’s what you thought.
But then he’s slamming his door shut and pinning you against it face first. His lips return to their prior position, sucking in the plush skin on your throat and your shoulders. You can feel him pressed into your lower back, hard and ready for you. He doesn’t seem to pay much attention to it, instead trailing his fingers down your front and sneaking under your dress.
He bunches it up around your hips, middle and ring digits circling your clit through the lace of your panties. Everything is escalating too quickly for you to comprehend. You whimper into the wood of the door, drool beginning to pool in your mouth. You’re so needy that you’re salivating over the prospects of what’s to come.
“Want more, Chanhee,” your words are muffled, but he understands you nonetheless.
“You want more?” He pouts, a false tone of sympathy in his voice. “Poor you, asking for something you can’t even handle.”
You squirm, raising your leg in an attempt to reach a different angle. The pads of his fingers apply an increased pressure on your clit, the friction caused by your underwear skyrocketing your heart rate. You know he can feel the pulse when his lips reconnect to that sensitive area just under your jaw. Your back arches, still craving and yearning for additional touch.
His fingers slip into the waistband of your thong, collecting your arousal and using it as a lubricant to glide through your folds. He thrusts two of them in and out of your entrance, the heel of his palm rubbing up against your clit. You moan, louder this time. His free hand shoves the top of your dress down, groping and kneading your bare breast. You wanted more, he’ll give you more.
You’re a whining, squirrely mess, humping his hand like a bitch in heat. It’s hilarious, really. The way you wanted him begging, but the tables seemed to have turned, flipping it the other way around. He ensures that he leaves his mark on you, biting your skin with the intent to bruise. He doesn’t care if you looked like you were attacked by a vicious animal. If Chanhee was anything, he was possessive, wanting everyone to know what was his and not to get near it lest they wanted to keep their lives. What better way to stake his claim than on your body, where anyone could see?
He senses that you’re close to your release, your walls clenching around his fingers and sucking them in further. Most people would’ve been generous, making your orgasm smooth sailing. But Choi Chanhee was not like most people. That much is obvious when he adds a third finger, restraining himself from groaning at the feeling of your cunt constricting and contracting. The stretch has your stomach tying in knots, each one growing tighter and tighter until they just about untangle altogether.
You cum with a guttural groan, nearly convulsing in his hold, but he keeps you pressed to the surface of the door. He doesn’t stop his motions, fingers curling and uncurling like he was reaching for something inside of you. You push your ass into his crotch, another whine escaping your lips when you feel his cock impressing into it. He bites his tongue to refrain from evoking a sound.
The poised nature of your regular personality makes a comeback, one of your hands cupping the side of his face. You pant as you speak, rasping slightly after all the moaning you just did. “Can you fuck me for real now?”
Chanhee forces your underwear down your legs roughly, kicking them out of the way once they hit the floor. “You’re such a goddamn brat. Nothing is ever enough for you is it?” You can hear rustling behind you, the unbuttoning of pants and the discarding of his shirt. And then you feel him. God, you might die. He’s flush between your lower lips, his teeth grazing your earlobe. “Gonna have to fuck you until you learn your place, don’t I?”
He squeezes your cheeks together with his thumb and forefinger, relishing in the adorable pout it forms. All you can do is nod, eyes fluttering shut when he finally slides inside of you. The weight of him sits heavy in your cunt, the singular drive of his hips causing your clit to bump into the door. It sends a rippled shockwave throughout your body, a voluminous moan breaching past your lips. Chanhee rests his forehead on your shoulder, staying still for a moment to gather himself.
It’s not long before he’s pistoning his cock into your pussy like a sword being sheathed and unsheathed. You claw at the wall as a means of grounding yourself, inconsistently paced cries and mewls of pleasure bouncing around the room. He hikes up your leg higher, palming at your tits so he can override your senses any way he can. You’re so lightheaded and tears have begun to spring at the corners of your eyes. It feels too good.
“O-Oh my god, you’re s-so— f-fuck Chanhee,” you babble, gasping for air as he continuously punches it out of you with every inch his cock buries into you.
He’s enjoying himself too much, loving how fucked out you look. He’s reduced you to an incoherent state of being. You curve your back a bit more for him, allowing the depth at which he slips in you to go further.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t take much to wind you back up to that summit from previously. You’re on the brink of your second orgasm, your chest heating up and your abdomen contracting. He doesn’t let up, pinching and thumbing at a peaked nipple to egg on your release. This one feels a lot stronger than the first, your knees nearly giving out on you.
“C’mon sweetheart, that’s it,” he coaxes, stroking your hair from your face.
Chanhee fucks you through it, allotting space for you to recover before he’s knocking you onto his bed. He removes your dress entirely and rubs up and down your thighs. The exhaustion is already beginning to settle in, but you realize that he hasn’t finished not once and you’d be hitting your third at this point. You’re overstimulated and your body aches all over, but you push through.
He finds your entrance again, pressing into your cunt with more ease. You whine, smushing your cheek into the mattress. Your toes curl and you fist at the sheets, eyes all but rolling to the back of your head where you see white spots and stars coating your vision. He grips your hips to hold you still, starting to rock back into your pussy with practiced aggression. He’s carnal with his movements, but it’s careful, almost like he doesn’t really want to hurt you.
“It’s too much—“ you interrupt yourself with a wail, the tears from earlier tracking along the sides of your face.
“I’ve fucked you stupid, haven’t I? Thought I was done with you?” He strains, folding over so he can kiss the skin of your collarbone and trail up to your mouth. His lips brush yours when he talks, teasing you as if he hadn’t already fucked you within an inch of your life. “Do you think I’m having fun yet?”
Your cunt sucks him in like a vacuum, your volume rising the closer you get to what you hope is your last orgasm of the night. What you needed was the best sleep ever after this. Your brain can barely form sentences, and you struggle to give him a proper response. “Y-Yes, Cha-Chanhee— oh god— s-so much fun,”
Your breath catches in your throat when that familiar sensation reappears. Chanhee is in his own world, focused on chasing his own release. His nails dig into the fat of your thighs, thrusts becoming deeper and slower. You reach between the two of you to swipe at your clit with your middle and ring fingers, the extra stimulation tipping you over that sweet edge.
Your orgasm crests upon you with so much intensity that you can’t even make a sound. If you do, it’s so far away from you that you don’t hear it. The uncontrollable fluttering of your walls sets Chanhee’s into action, his hips stuttering with a groan that doesn’t meet your ears. He fills you up with enough cum that it begins to spill out of you in spite of his cock still plugged inside your cunt. You both take a moment to recollect your bearings, chests clashing with each rise and fall from your breathing.
After what feels like forever, he pulls out and collapses on the bed beside you, the back of his hand thrown over his forehead.
“Holy shit— I mean— wow I really— I really didn’t think you were so…” You don’t finish your thought, head still stuck on the actions you’d committed prior.
“It’s always the quiet ones.” Chanhee shrugs, sighing dramatically.
“You are not quiet,” you turn your head to give him a pointed look. “But, I’m not complaining. I got my insides rearranged six ways to Sunday. Who’s the real winner here?”
“Me, actually,” he says, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. “I’ve had the longer crush.”
“Y-You— huh?!” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head, comically wide like a deer’s caught in headlights. He laughs at your expression.
“I’ve been wanting to make a move on you since last semester,” he admits. “But I was kinda… discouraged? I guess? I feel like I’m the one who puts in too much effort all the time, with everything that I do. I wanted to see if maybe someone would do the same for me. I’m just lucky that it worked out in my favor.”
Your bottom lip juts out and you flip over to peck the tip of his nose tenderly. “Choi Chanhee, you’re extremely lucky. I almost gave up on you, like, a couple days ago.”
Chanhee’s laughter grows and he kisses you softly. “Well, I’m glad that you didn’t. Now I can take you on a real date to that space cafe. Not one that Kevin forced on us.”
“I like the sound of that.” You smile, cuddling into his side.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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matchaxberries · 11 months
Hii I'd like to request Omega verse AU with alpha!Sun and alpha!Moon from fnaf x omega!reader smut. Readers gender doesn't matter so do what is easier for you. It can br headcanons or drabble, thank youu
Sun and Moon Omegaverse Headcanons
Alpha!Sun and Moon x Omega!Reader
Headcanons/Drabbles, Requested, NSFW (smut), Omegaverse!AU
Summary: Alpha!Sunrise and Alpha!Moondrop Omegaverse headcanons/drabbles with Omega!Reader. :3
Warnings: Reader with female anatomy, gender neutral pronouns used, marking, nicknames, feminine compliments, breeding, creampie, praise, degradation, unprotected penetration, predator/prey dynamic in Moon’s, Moon is aggressive, Moon is rough.
(A/N) Hey anon! Random fact, we have a Sun/Moon Pinterest board with 2,000 something pins. :3 I’m excited to write this for you! I’m not sure if you want them separate, or together, so I’ll have a section for Sunrise, then Moondrop. (Still in the shared body, just separate sections for when each is out.) I gave a few somewhat headcanons, then a little drabble about them. :3
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He’s much softer than his counter-part, I think that’s a given. He’s so happy (y/n) chose them as their alpha. He would never let any harm come to them.
He likes to mark them all over their chest, playing with it very gently as he’s kissing all over them, leaving those small bruises he likes to see.
He and Moon still share a body of course, he can’t take all of the fun. (Think of them like a system :3) He can always feel Moon lingering in the back of his mind, jealous he can’t be the one pleasing their pretty omega.
“(Y/n)?” Sun will question, as they’re panting and whining under him. “Are you okay?” He will continue, not realizing even just his scent is enough to drive (y/n) wild. While he’s toying with their nipples and leaving bruises, his scent becomes thicker with his own arousal.
When he’s aroused, he is aroused. There is no mistaking the tent in his pants, the thick air around him. He’s grinding himself against his omega, begging them to let him fill them up.
“Please let me breed you. I want to see you filled up with my cum, I want to stuff you full.” He will whine at them, continuing his grinding.
He uses soft, and cute nicknames for his omega. Things like, “sunshine”, and “pretty.”
His favorite position with his omega is likely just missionary, he wants to see their face while rutting into them, he wants to see himself entering their hole, and see the small bulge in their stomach form from how deep he’s hitting.
He feels a bit vanilla overall though, except the breeding, and excessive praise from him. He might throw in punishments though if they’re bad.
“Sunshine, you know I won’t let you finish if you’re acting like a brat.” He will pout at them, running his hands through their hair softly.
“(Y/n), you’re so pretty. You’ll look even prettier stuffed full with my seed, please let me will you?” He will ask, while thrusting himself in and out of their tight heat. They can’t give a proper reply, the stimulation too much, gripping Sun’s shoulders. They’ll plea weakly, begging to be knotted by the blonde attendant. Sun can smell their arousal, he can feel it. He’s intoxicated by their scent, it’s so sweet to him, it makes him ache from base to tip.
He will bottom out all the way into them, pressing a hand lightly on their stomach to feel his own bulge hitting against their stomach. (Y/n) let’s out choked sobs, digging their nails into Sun’s shoulders, tears pricking their eyes, running down their face. Sun will give a small frown, “don’t cry, pretty. I don’t want to hurt you, I just know you’ll be so cute stuffed full for me, for me and Moon. You’ll make such good pups for us, you’re so good.” He will continue to praise them, all while continuing his thrust. (Y/n) has already finished a few times, it’s too much for them and their aching cunt.
Though, Sun’s thrusts finally become sloppy, he presses all the way into them, pushing their legs up to make the position easier. His dick twitches inside of them, coming undone and releasing his seed deep in their womb. His dick will begin to swell, ever so slightly. He will pull his precious omega into his lap, wrapping his arm around them as they choke back small sobs. He will keep himself inside of them for a while, not to hurt them while pulling out, and so his cum will stay stuffed into them deep. He rubs circles into their back, “you do so well (y/n), you take your alpha so well.”
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Please. I’m soaked. This guy is relentless, he’s rough and kinky. The opposite of his bright and cheery counter.
He is rough with (y/n), aggressive. “You’re my omega, you know that hmmm?” He will pull at their hair, forcing them to look him in the eye.
He will study the marks Sun has left on them, with a small scoff. “Do you think those are anything? I’ll show you how well you deserve to be marked.” Which, also is sort of sweet? He does want the best for (y/n).
He doesn’t want anything to hurt them, except himself that is.
He likes their thighs for marking. He bites hard, and bruises hard. Far harder than Sun.
Sometimes he likes to make a game out of it, he wants to hunt you down like predator and prey, “My sweet star, I can smell you…” he will hum out, creeping around the house wherever they’re hiding. He can smell the fear, he can sense the arousal from his little omega.
He has quite the variety of nicknames for (y/n), including “my star” and “my prey”
His favorite position is all of the above, if he wants it he wants it now, he doesn’t care what his prey is doing, he’s taking them from behind, taking them in the shower, over a table, it doesn’t matter to him.
His thrusts are aggressive, fast, overwhelming. The tears that flow from (y/n)‘s eyes just keeps him going even more.
A small hum sounds from Moon as he creeps around the house, “(y/n), I can smell you…” he begins. (Y/n) stays as quiet as possible in their spot under their shared bed, their heart beating against their chest. They watch as his feet step around the room, stopping by the edge of the bed. (Y/n) holds their breath, hoping their scent of fear and arousal doesn’t lead him right down to them. But, they also hope it does.
Moon’s face suddenly appears with a sadistic grin in front of (y/n). “Found you.” He reaches his hand under the bed, grabbing (y/n) and dragging them out. He throws them on the bed above, climbing to rest over top of them, one hand holding their arms above their own head. He takes his free hand to trace a finger lightly over their cheek, then grabs them by the jaw roughly. He makes sure they keep eye contact with him, holding their jaw stiff. “You know the punishment for me finding you, don’t you?” He softly smiles, but it quickly turns into a smirk when (y/n) begins to move around, trying to get from his grip. “Don’t be a brat, your punishment will just get worse.”
(Y/n)’s legs shake under Moon, his thrusts becoming too much. “Please-“ they begin, gripping the sheets under them until their knuckles are turning white. “It’s t’ much-“ they moan out, Moon only takes this as his opportunity to fuck into their burning cunt harder. “Don’t cum, (y/n). You know the rules.” Each time they’ve gotten close to their release, he pulls out and will only rub his own length against them. They have quite a long night ahead of them, but they know in the end Moon will cave, and let them finish around his cock while he pumps them full of his own seed. Moon knows this too, in the back of his mind.
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Word count: 1,194
Character count: 6,403
(A/N 2) Sorry this took me a bit to upload, I had written a part for it but it didn’t end up saving. 3: So I had to redo it, and it took me a little bit to remember what I wrote and to get the motivation back. I wish it saved, because it was a lot better than what I had written out now. I hope it still suffices. :3
Request Rules
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theemporium · 11 months
can you write a friends with benefits smut with conrad fisher?
thank you for requesting! idk how i feel about writing for conrad ngl but we shall see!!
“We shouldn’t do this.” 
“No, we shouldn’t.” 
“This could complicate things.” 
“We should stop.” 
The boy paused, lifting his head to look up at you with a smirk on his face that made your stomach twist with anticipation. Conrad Fisher knew he was an attractive boy, with the surf-swept hair and freckled, tanned skin. 
But he was even prettier when he was between your legs. 
“You want me to stop?” he asked, though his amusement was clear in his voice as he leaned down to press a kiss just below your belly button. 
You weren’t sure how things got so complicated with Conrad. One summer you both were friends, laughing and surfing and spending the days together until you both had to leave Cousins once again. The next summer you were pulling him into your room in the dark hours of the night, or sneaking into the shower with him before the rest of the families woke up. 
It was meant to make things easier, to squash the attraction between you both that was purely physical. 
You should’ve known better than to assume anything with Conrad Fisher would be simple.
“I said we should stop,” you breathed out, watching as his fingers crept up your thighs and teasingly twisted in the waistband of your bikini bottoms. “Not that I wanted you to stop.” 
It had been a lazy summer day, none of you wanting to do the trek down to the beach. So, you had slept in and ate a late breakfast before changing into your swimming costumes and deciding to have a pool day. 
However, what you failed to realise was that you would have to spend the whole day watching Conrad in just his swimming trunks, water droplets running down his toned stomach and tanned skin. Or that he would be giving you ‘fuck me’ eyes all day after seeing you walk out in a black two-piece that had him itching to have you all to himself. 
To the defence of you both, you lasted a solid few hours before one of you broke. 
The others had said they were hungry and Conrad offered the two of you to go in and whip something up. The rest were far too lazy and sun-tired to even offer their help. 
That was how you ended up on the kitchen counter, your lips red and swollen from his greedy kisses, before he made his way down your body, ignoring your little reminders to not leave any marks.
“I knew you wanted this,” Conrad murmured, strands of hair falling before his eyes and you resisted the urge to push them away. “That’s why you wore this little number, hm?” 
“Maybe I just liked it,” you murmured, fighting the urge to keep your eyes on him as he continued to press soft, open-mouthed kisses along the plane of your stomach and far too close to where you needed him. 
“Not for me?” Conrad teased. 
“Don’t start thinking I’m dressing up for you, Fisher,” you retorted, letting out a small gasp when he pressed his thumb against your clothed clit, moving in small circles.
“I don’t know,” Conrad murmured as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, squeezing your knee before he moved down your thigh. “I think it would be pretty friendly of you.” 
You bit back your smile. “You better hurry up if you don’t want to scar any of the others.” 
“You say that like I can’t have you screaming in minutes,” he shot back, a little too cocky for your liking. 
“You overestimate your abilities,” you teased. 
The glint in his eyes was dangerous and you should’ve known better than to challenge Conrad Fisher. 
It took less than five minutes before you were squirming on the kitchen counter, his head nuzzled between your legs and his tongue lapping your soaking cunt, eating you like a starved man dying. His hands were splayed against your thighs, keeping you spread open and your bikini pushed the side as his tongue licked up and down. 
“Conrad, fuck, please—” Your hands wound themselves in his hair, tugging roughly which only made the boy groan against you. 
“C’mon, baby,” his words were muffled and his hands held onto you tighter as he pulled you closer. “Be a good girl f’me.” 
The noise you let out was needy and high-pitched and borderline pornographic as you came on his face, holding onto the edge of the kitchen counter as you rode out the rest of your orgasm with soft kisses and gentle licks. 
Conrad was grinning from ear to ear, smug and victorious with his lips and chin glistening in your release. “Told you, baby, all I needed was minutes,” he told you before lightly slapping your thigh. “Now turn around, gonna fuck you silly over this counter before the pizza is done.”
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you're apart
Author’s Note: is my Sanemi favoritism showing? 🤍 Spoiler Alert: yes. 😂 Don’t mind my psychology major brain showing ~a bit too. 🤓
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when you’re apart
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,300
CW: anxiety disorder, explicit language, mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I was wondering if you could do how the men hashira react to a female reader with separation anxiety
I have a fear of being alone which makes me very clingy. My longtime boyfriend recently broke up with me due to me being “to much to deal with.”
Being clingy is such a bother I know I just hate being alone
When you’re apart…
… Gyomei doesn’t mind receiving calls from you throughout the day. He’s endlessly patient, always willing to listen, and warns you in advance if he can’t talk for long. His strategy for setting and respecting boundaries? Planning ahead and communicating his availability to make sure you feel prioritized and included in his decision making, while still fulfilling his own wants and needs.
… Obanai dislikes it as much as you do, but is ~somewhat more subtle about it. He, at least, has Kaburamura to keep him company, but kissing you is decidedly more pleasant. He’s mindful about maintaining healthy boundaries and expectations—he knows codependency shouldn’t be romanticized—but he’s also so wholly in love with you, that sometimes he gives up and surprises you anyway. “Obanai? You’re two hours early?? Are you okay???” He nods sheepishly, already pulling you into a hug, “I’m fine. Missed you.” “Is Sanemi going to complain to me the next time I see him?” you sigh, scrunched grin revealing your contentment despite the exasperation in your tone. “Probably, I don’t care. I left him enough to cover more than my share of the tab.”
… Mitsuri totally understands your anxiety, and is lovingly firm about ensuring you don’t slip into unhealthy habits. “You can text me anytime, but only call if there’s an emergency, okay?” she murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your earlobe. You nod slightly, resisting the urge to pout. “I’ll be home before you know it.” Even though it stings, you know it’s never personal. Her willingness to draw straightforward boundaries, as well as her willingness to cross them if you’re truly upset, are just another reason to cherish her.
… Shinobu checks in every couple of hours. Sometimes it’s just a single sentence text, other times a quick call, but she knows how important feeling connected is to you. It’s important to her too, of course, but she’s apt to lose track of time when she’s at the hospital or her lab—she enjoys her work—so she puts in conscious effort to be proactive about your anxiety. When she anticipates a busier or longer day, she’ll ask, “Is it okay if I only check in during meals today?” Generally, you’ll reassure her that, “Absolutely, I’m so proud of you,” and if you’re having a low day, then she always figures out a compromise with you before she leaves.
… Kyojuro unknowingly reassures you, because—apparently—everything reminds him of you. Whether it’s a photo of a flower shortly after he arrives at work Pretty flower, but you’re prettier 🌻, a photo of the sky during his lunch break The cloud formations remind me of you, so soft and mesmerizing ☁️, or a blurry selfie as he finally heads home for the day Cannot wait to see you! 😁, you’re kept in the loop. The one time his phone fell into a puddle (he was trying to photograph a reflection of willow branches Elegant and dreamy, like you 🌿), he immediately visited the nearest shop to borrow their landline Hi, yes, how are you today? Would it be possible for me to make a call? I am happy to purchase something. I would just like to tell my partner that I will be unavailable for the day.
… Sanemi often forgets to explicitly text, call, or otherwise contact you. He doesn’t mean to aggravate your anxiety: he just doesn’t quite ~get it, and assumes it stems from insecurity or jealousy — which also confuses him. “You have nothing to worry about. How could I fall in love with someone else when I’m already in love with you?” he snorts, lightly tapping your nose. “That’s not…” you bite at your lip, unsure how to explain yourself. “I’m not big on texting, you know that. It’s not that I specifically dislike texting you.” You smile despite yourself, eyes rolling fondly, “I know it’s not specific to me.” “So then what’s the issue?” he’s determined to understand. “I’m afraid of being alone,” you shrug, gesturing vaguely, “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.” Arms crossing, he leans in, forehead bumping yours, voice warm and low on your skin as you gulp, “It’s okay to be afraid of things, and being afraid isn’t nothing.” Arms uncrossing, he settles his hands on your hips, kneading gently as he pulls back slightly, fixing an even gaze on your flushed expression, “I can’t be with you all the time, but I can promise that I love you and think about you.” “All the time?” you ask quietly. It’s his turn to blush, eyes closing as he dips his face into your neck, muttering softly, “All the damn time.”
… Muichiro is a bit absentminded, and rarely thinks to check his phone, but he sets reminders—around noon, and later in the afternoon—to make up for it. If he’s occupied and misses his usual look-at-his-phone time(s), then he’s never bothered by a call from you coming through (besides your number, his phone’s always on Do Not Disturb). In the bathroom? He’ll pick up. About to bite into his lunch? He’ll put it aside. Presenting during a meeting? He’ll literally answer his phone mid sentence, and leave the room (creative liberty: thank gosh he’s the boss hah). He’s aware of his head-in-the-clouds tendencies, just as he’s aware of your anxiety, and feels that having a specific routine is perfectly fair: if he forgets to uphold his end of your expectations, then you’ve every right to remind him. Conversely, if he’s feeling overwhelmed, he’s more than capable of reasserting his own needs — an infinite practice of mutual respect and taking necessary space.
… Giyuu feels uneasy too, but his discomfort stems primarily from how most people tend to socially drain him — you’re one of few that he can feel both stimulated and rested around. Therefore, if it’s a spend-time-with-you versus spend-time-around-others situation, then he’d prefer to be with you. Spend-time-with-you versus spend-time-by-himself situations are more complicated. It takes a lot of discussion, some heavy evenings apart, and tense evenings together, but you gradually nurture a shared understanding and acceptance of your varying needs. He’s always happy to reassure you that I’m not upset with you, nor am I tired of you; I’m just tired, while you’re slowly learning to trust him and his commitment to loving you.
… Tengen could care less about how clingy you are. Super duper clingy? He loves it. Not clingy at all? He’s cool and confident — he knows you adore him as much as he adores you. His easygoingness, however, isn’t the most productive in terms of processing and reducing your overall anxiety. In fact, you eventually have to tell him that he shouldn’t answer your texts or calls immediately, every single time, without a hint of irritation, because it reinforces your self soothing behaviors. “But I’m happy to?!” he grins, kissing the top of your head. “I know, and I appreciate you,” you chuckle, tucked snugly into his side, “But I don’t want to feel afraid of being alone-” “Sooo don’t be alone!” he interrupts enthusiastically, “Again, I’m happy to keep you company!” Inhaling deeply, you gently grip his jaw, a silent request for him to focus, “And again, I appreciate you, but sometimes I have to feel afraid to stop feeling afraid. If I’m never alone, then I can’t ever feel afraid,” hesitating, voice softer now, “And I know you’ll promise to never leave me, but shit happens. Y’know?” He’s silent, maroon eyes steady and tender as he holds your gaze. Before you can nervously murmur Tengen?, he touches his nose to your forehead, still smiling. “I love you. I’ll do my best to help, even from a distance.” “Well don’t go too far away,” you quip. “Of course not,” he laughs, “I’ll just go wherever you tell me to,” declared earnest and true.
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adorajane · 2 years
janeeeee <33 waking up with eddie <33
so nice to write! just a small warning though, things the tiniest bit of suggestive near the end! nothing very vulgar at all - just a hickey and some neck kissing!
a summary from jane: eddie is pretty when he’s sleeping, but he’s even prettier when he’s awake. and kissing you.
Eddie is sprawled out on your bed, and god, does he look pretty. His hair is a fluffy mess, his shirt is lifted above his stomach, and he just let out one of the most ungodly snores in all of Hawkins, but he’s still so, so pretty.
You’ve been awake just long enough to brush your teeth and fix your hair, but you think it’s about time Eddie’s woken up and joined you. You don’t want to eat breakfast alone today, anyway.
You crouch down next to the bed and rest your head against your palm. The other slowly lifts from the sheets, brushing Eddie’s bangs back, his hair soft on your fingers. You’re gentle as you rub them against his scalp and whisper, “Eddie. Wake up.”
He stirs for a moment, his eyes screwed shut as he lets out a sound - something that seems to be a mix between a grunt and a grumble. He’s always been slow to get up, something about resting his fingers for you and his sweet, sweet guitar. An absolute dork.
You give him a small shake, your hand squeezing at his shoulder, “Up, Eddie.”
A second later, his lashes flutter and reveal his big, brown doe eyes. Pretty. He’s always pretty, but right now, he’s especially pretty. At the sight of pure adoration in your eyes, he offers you a tired smile, gazing back at you with his own heavy-lidded eyes, “Am I s’posed to be your dog now?”
You shake your head at his words with a giggle, feeling a smitten smile grow on your face as you instead whisper, “Hi, pretty.”
“Hi, sweet thing.”
He slowly sits himself up, attempting to blink away his sleepiness, and he makes sure to shake his head around like a wet dog for that extra effect. You’re sitting on the edge of your bed now, and your hand is resting on top of his.
“You dream good last night?” He asks, moving to intertwine his fingers with yours.
The familiar, cool press of his rings is missing, but the warmth of his skin makes up for it.
You nod as he lazily leans against the headboard. His shirt is rising up again, and for a moment, you let yourself indulge in the sight of his skin, but you’re quick to flick your eyes back up to his as you speak, “Mhm. I had a dream about you, if that’s what you were asking.”
He chuckles at your words, and the smile sticks onto his face as he places his hands onto your hips, pulling you onto his lap. Your chest is pressed against his, and for a moment, you’re worried you might be crushing him. He reassures you with a quick squeeze to the hips. One of his hands begins to trail up your back, and it slowly finds a place on the back of your neck. The other stays put on your hip, his thumb rubbing against the soft skin.
“Goosebumps,” he whispers with his breath fanning against your ear, his voice still gravelly with sleep, “Was I really that scary in your dream?”
Your voice is equally as quiet as you grin, “Terrifying.”
He hums, and it vibrates against your skin as you feel the press of his lips on your neck. Slowly, his lips trail up, and you can feel the slow, wet drag of his teeth. Your breath hitches at the contact.
“How’re we feelin’ up there?” His voice is muffled, and you can feel his words on your skin.
Your hand drifts up from his back to his head, your fingers nestling in his soft locks as you make a small sound, “Good.”
“Good,” he responds.
You tuck his hair away from his face, your hand pausing as he mouths against your neck. His breath is warm, and your own hitches as he begins to suck.
Right as you tilt your head up, preparing for him to lower himself, he pulls back, but not before biting down on your delicate skin. He’s smiling smugly at you now, and you push his head back with a finger to his forehead.
His smile doesn’t leave.
“Patience is a virtue, sweetheart,” he says.
You purse your lips at his words, pressing your palm against his mouth, “Brush your teeth, you beast.”
He’s quick to make his way to the bathroom.
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
A series of letters from one Lt. Harry Crosby to his wife 🤍 (a sort-of continuation of Just Say Yes, but can be read as a standalone!)
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My darling wife,
‘Wife.’ I’ll never get tired of saying that.
How are you, darling? I hope you’re not worrying about me too much; I promise, I’m staying as safe as I can, and someday soon this war will end and I’ll have you back in my arms once more.
I miss you more than words can say, sweetheart. You occupy my every waking thought, and all of my dreams at night. Some of the things I dream can’t be written (you know what I mean), but I hope to be back with you soon so I can make them a reality.
All my love, and a thousand kisses,
Your Harry
My most darling husband, I know you didn’t just try to tell your wife not to worry about you! I know how capable you are, but there will always be a part of me that worries.  I’m keeping as busy as I can. I’ve found a job as a typist at the factory here! It’s not quite the job I’ve always dreamed of, but anything I can do to help you boys! Violet from two doors down works there as well, and I’ve made friends with a few of the other girls there, so you don’t need to worry about me being lonely over here. Be safe, my love, and I’ll be counting down the days until I see you again. The swell of joy I feel when I get your letters will surely be nothing compared to being in your arms again. With my deepest love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby P.S. Say ‘Hi!’ to Bubbles for me! P.P.S. I admit I’m intrigued by these dreams you claim you can’t write about… I don’t even get a hint?
‘Mrs. Y/N Crosby’ I don’t think a prettier sequence of letters has ever existed…
A job! Darling, I’m so proud of you.
Though now I can’t help but wonder at every piece of paper arriving on base here— did you type those words? Perhaps it’s just me wishing you were closer, but I like to think every piece of paper coming in with the supplies came from your hand.
Speaking of paper, was that a hint of your perfume I detected on your last letter? It was a wonderful reminder of you, my love. 
There are flowers blooming in the fields here. I’m not sure what kind they are, but they’re beautiful so of course they made me think of you. I’ve enclosed a few that I’ve pressed, and I can only hope they make the journey to you in one piece. If not, well… I send my apologies and a promise that I’ll make up for it with all the fresh flowers you could want when I’m home.
Bubbles says ‘hi’ back, and wants me to tell you that he’s making sure I’m safe (though I’m sure you know it’s clearly the other way around— no, I’m only joking, honey. We keep each other safe.)
As for your question regarding certain dreams… I’m afraid I’ll have to keep you in suspense, my dear, at least for now.
Your unspeakably proud husband,
[enclosed: a variety of small pressed wildflowers]
It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. Are you getting my letters? I hope so.
How are things going at work? I hope they’re not working my girl too hard. 
You’ll never guess what happened with Bubbles, sweetheart. He was off on pass visiting his girl over in Norwich, and the poor guy caught a stomach bug! He won’t be flying anytime soon, so I’m taking his place for a bit. Frankly I’m not sure how flying with me will be any different from flying with Bubbles with a stomach bug…
I miss you with all my heart, honey. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
Goodbye for now, angel. I hope I hear from you soon.
My brave Bing, Poor Bubbles! Hopefully he’s recovered by now. Tell him hello for me! And I hope your missions went well, darling, and that you’re taking the time to rest when you can. Take care of yourself, my love. Work has been fine, for the most part. Violet and Carol had a bit of a falling out— over what I’m not sure, but it’s made the office fairly awkward. The prevailing theory among the girls is a spat over a boy, though Ruthie’s making a very convincing case for it being an argument over a lost lipstick. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on these riveting (ha) events, as I’m sure you’re as curious about it as we are. Your gifts did make it to me in one piece for the most part, and I’m keeping them safe next to my picture of you. They’re beautiful, darling. In return, I’ve enclosed some pressed roses from our garden. You know I don’t quite have your green thumb, but I’m doing my best (though I am looking forward to the day you’re back home and can take over the gardening duties— the flowers miss you almost as much as I do.) All my love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: two pressed red roses]
My darling,
Would it surprise you to know the boys now have a bet going as to the reason for your colleagues’ falling out?
I told Bubbles about it, then word apparently spread, and now nearly the entire 100th seems to know the story! (For the record, most of the boys are leaning towards the cause being a boy, though Bubbles is still holding out for Ruthie’s lipstick theory)
Do let us know if the cause for the argument is ever discovered: I’ve got $10 riding on this, sweetheart!
I managed to get a moment to myself yesterday, and found myself walking in the field near where the ground crews were working on the forts. And do you know what happened, honey?
A butterfly landed on my hand.
It was a little orange and black thing, and it only stayed for a moment before flying off, but having that pretty thing choose me as a resting place on its journey to wherever it was off to… it made me miss you more than ever. I wish you could’ve been here to see it.
I love and miss you so much, sweetheart, I couldn’t possibly love you more, and yet every day, my love for you grows. I’m just existing until the day I can take you in my arms again and never let you go.
Millions of hugs, thousands of kisses, and all my love,
Your Harry
My most darling beloved Bing, Ha! I’m glad I could provide some entertainment from so far away, honey. Tell Bubbles to rejoice: Mary found a lipstick tube that had rolled into a corner behind her desk, and Vi and Carol have agreed to be friends again, imagine that! You didn’t tell me which side of the bet you were on, sweetheart, but knowing you I imagine you sided with Bubbles as always. Do spend your winnings on something sensible— perhaps more paper to write to your poor wife? Oh, my love. You’ll never believe what happened as I was reading your latest letter out in the garden (the weather’s been lovely lately!) A butterfly— black and orange, similar to the one you described seeing all the way over there — landed on the chair next to me. Your chair, darling. Did you send that pretty thing all the way over to me to say hello? I’ll imagine you did.  I love you more than words can say, darling, and so the millions of kisses I’ve enclosed will have to suffice. Stay safe, and I’ll see you when you come home to me. All my love, and then some more, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: in a departure from her usual singular lip print on the page next to her signature, Mrs. Crosby chose instead to enclose an entire extra page covered in its entirety in lip prints 👀💋]
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lovelynim · 8 months
TickleTober2023/Day 09 - Mirrors
Genshin Impact - Lyney x Aether
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Aether held the small mirror in his hands, looking down to peek at his own reflection while Lyney and Lynette decided something about how they should place everything on stage. He wasn’t sure why the twins asked for his help instead of Freminet’s, but the latter probably found a good excuse to avoid taking part in their rehearsal.
At that point, he wasn’t exactly sure why the twins would need his help, but it was not like he minded tagging along - especially if it meant being around the best magician in all Teyvat for a couple more minutes.
“Distracted by your image, traveler?” Lyney muttered close to his ear, making Aether almost drop the mirror as he jumped in his place, startled by the other’s presence all of the sudden. “I don’t judge , I could spend all day looking at you as well,” he added, moving his hands over the traveler’s arms and helping him hold the mirror, lifting it a bit so both of them could be reflected by it.
“You- sigh, you scared me, don’t sneak up on me like that, I could’ve hurt you,” Aether pouted, turning his eyes back to the mirror to see Lyney smiling behind him.
“Worrying about me?” He teased, looking down to the mirror in their hands and spotting a frown taking place in the traveler’s face, followed by his eyes rolling. The magician grinned, leaning his face a little closer to Aether’s. “Come on, I was just playing around… we can’t have you wasting your handsome smile like that, can we?”
Before Aether could understand the meaning of those words, Lyney dragged his hands across his arms, sneaking them under his arms and prodding at the sensitive spot. The traveler squealed in surprise, giggles began to pour out of his lips as his hands tightened the grip around the small mirror - which was now reflecting his wide smile.
“L-Lynehehey! AhAHAH, q-quihihit it!” He pleaded, pressing his elbows down against his sides as he felt the magician’s fingers poking and wiggling into his underarm and ribs.
Lyney grinned along, pulling Aether into a tight hug and resting his head on his shoulder. Getting a good glance over the mirror in the traveler’s hands, Lyney managed to see how much he was smiling. “Mhm, you look even prettier smiling like this and- oh, are you blushing, traveler?”
Pressing his eyes shut, Aether tried his best efforts to escape the ticklish embrace, but it was all with no avail. “Stohohop tahaAHAhalking!!”
Fearing he would drop the mirror that should be part of the twin’s performance at any moment, he attempted to get down to his knees, but only managed to be followed to the ground by Lyney, who was now digging into his exposed sides. “E-enohOHough! AhAHA, plehehease!”
The magician, however, didn’t seem to care much about his request, taking one of his hands to the middle of Aether’s stomach, circling his navel. “What? No way, traveler ~ Seeing you smile in person is a waaay better than looking at your reflection. You don’t expect me to lose such a sight, right?”
Aether blushed at Lyney’s flirts, groaning through his laughter since it was all he could do to protest against the cheesy comments. That damned magician, if he only wasn’t so charming…
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A/N: Sooo, this was actually planned to be a ler!Aether fic to go along with the rest, buuuut I couldn't resist of the idea of Lyney flirting with him along the way, so here we are. Hope you guys enjoyed it ~
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sstormyskyess · 6 months
Bad Attitude
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[had to repost this bad boy because it got shadowbanned when i first posted it 👍 thanks tumblr!]
author's note: simon is def a brat tamer, like he's all sweet and soft until you really get on his nerves. had to write it because it was living in my head rent-free
cw: drinking mention, smut, pwp, bottom sub!reader, dom top!ghost, brat!reader, brat taming, enemies to lovers, brief choking mention, edging/orgasm denial, light bondage/bdsm, dacryphilia [if i missed anything lmk!]
word count: 1900+
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN AFAB!Reader "Streak"
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“Admit it. You’ve always sort of liked me.” You smirk behind the rim of your glass of bourbon. Simon pinches the bridge of his nose and suppresses a metric fuckton of pointed comments he’s been holding in all night. All he wanted was to have a nice night at his favorite pub in the entire country, but no. You and your bratty little antics had to follow him wherever he went.
“I dunno, Streak, sometimes I wonder if he even likes me. I don’t think your chances are much better, mate.” Johnny chuckles after setting down your next round of drinks, catching the tail end of the conversation. You shrug and lean back in the booth cushions, quickly tossing back the last of your drink. “I mean hey, I might be prettier than you, Soap. That might affect things.” You snicker at the offended look on his face and he started to speak before you cut him off with a quippy, “Thanks for the drink!”
Simon just starts to tune you out when you and Johnny start to bicker. He won’t dignify you with a response; You're too dedicated to pissing him off that it's clear a reaction was exactly what you're seeking out. So, he turns to the TV across the room and focuses on the football game that was playing. His favorite team wasn’t playing though. Well, anything would be better than the little prick—you—sitting next to him.
He barely knows what's going on in the game even after watching for a few more minutes, but he's was broken out of his thousand-yard stare when he's met with your ass scooting right past his face as you shuffle out of the booth. His eyes shoot up to yours and all you offer is a tiny shrug. “What? You wouldn’t get up for me to go to the bathroom.” Simon makes sure to take note of the smirk on your face. You aren't even trying to hide your intentions. A barely audible growl passes Simon’s lips through his mask.
Johnny chuckles and stands up. “Well, I’m gonna go cut in on that match. Have fun with Streak!” He walks off to the billiards table and pokes Gaz in the side, making him mess up his shot. Simon rolls his eyes and leans forward on the table on his forearms. He contemplates for a few minutes before he notices how long you've been gone. He looks over to the restrooms and, making sure he was unseen by the rest of the boys, makes his way over.
When he opens the door, he spots you leaning against the wall, scrolling on your phone. “Oh, hey L.T.! How can I help you?” You snicker and look back down to your phone. Simon stalks over and smirked under his mask when your eyes widen at the close proximity. “Hey!” You jump when Simon snatched the phone out of your hands and pocketed it. “What the hell, man? Give that back—” Simon’s hand wraps around your wrist when you reached around him to get your phone back out of his pocket. He yanks you closer and you collide with him, face pressed into his chest.
Simon’s grip tightened. “Fuckin’ brat. Don’t whine now.” You scoff and tug against his grip. “What’s your problem?” You sneer at him. Simon rolls his eyes and snatches your other wrist before pinning them above your head on the wall. “I’m not daft, Streak.” He growls. “I know what you want.” You struggle a bit against the vice grip around your wrists and huff.
“And what exactly would that be, Ghost?”
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You growl past the ball gag stuffed behind your teeth and wiggle in the leather restraints wrapped around your arms, all the way up to your elbows. You were grateful, at least, that your captor had put some forethought into the nature of your imprisonment. Plain rope was rough and scratchy compared to these nice leather wrappings. Luckily your captor was understanding and attentive to your needs. At least, most of them.
Simon hovers over you, who he laid out over the bedsheets. He chuckles when he receives a very pointed glare from his precious little sergeant. The way he reveled in the shivers that were running up and down your spine downright infuriated you. You’ve been laying here in this bed for upwards of thirty minutes getting teased and toyed with, with no end in sight. There was an absolute mess between your legs and it was soaking both the sheets and the pants that Simon still had on, despite you being completely laid bare.
You start to struggle again, even though you know that you weren't getting out. Really, at this point, you're only trying to find any friction to get yourself off on. Simon squints down at you. “What did I tell you about squirmin’ around like that?” His voice comes out as a growl in his uniquely deep timbre. “Still haven't learned your lesson yet, hmm?” He shakes his head and spreads your thighs further, even though you've practically been doing the splits for a while now.
You jump and let out a high pitched yelp that was muffled behind the ball gag. For what feels like the millionth time, Simon’s hand comes down hard on your cunt. The wet slap that pierces the air nearly brings tears to your eyes, but for the sake of your pride you could not and would not cry. Not for this asshole.
The fact that you’d ended up in this situation would still be baffling you if your mind wasn’t fully focusing on the sting between your legs. Should you have stopped goading Simon on at the pub he’d taken the gang out to? Yeah, probably. Should you have told him to cut it out when he followed you to the bathroom to shove his tongue down your throat? That might have been for the best, yes. But god damn, you’d be lying if you said you weren't having a good time right now. As much as you hate it, you love it so much.
Though, honestly, you certainly weren’t expecting Simon to pull out all the stops and give you the full brat taming treatment. When you got dragged back to his flat, you were immediately bombarded with bites and hickeys all over your neck and shoulders, before he even got you to the bedroom. His calloused hands had shoved you down on the bed and before you knew it, all of your clothes were torn off and thrown all over the floor, leaving you naked. In the process of trying to get your bearings, you completely neglected to keep track of what your lieutenant was up to. When you got flipped onto your stomach and restrained by these accursed leather straps, you finally snapped back to reality and found yourself pinned.
And now, for the past half hour, you’ve been getting edged over and over again to the point of utter frustration. Hot, burning frustration that was getting more and more pent up as the minutes dragged on. Even after you spent all damn night pestering him, Simon was still able to drag all of this out as long as possible, much your dismay. You’d love to say you were surprised by his abundance of patience, but you really weren't. Must be something that comes with that lieutenant rank of his.
Drool pools on your tongue and out of your mouth as you whine. You whine and whine, to no avail. If you were able, you’d be growling out so many expletives, so many things that would absolutely get you a formal punishment if you two weren’t on leave. You manage to hold back the desperate urge to kick at Simon’s chest and wipe that smug little look off his face, but only just barely. You force your muscles to tighten to stop yourself from squirming involuntarily, and you flex even harder when his fingers sweep across your cunt and dip into your tight little hole ever so slightly.
You almost choke on your own spit when you shuddered out a long, needy moan. Your legs instinctively try to close, but he's quick to hold them in place. He clicks his tongue and pulls his fingers out again, eliciting a whimper from the back of your throat. You're quietly grateful for the gag, knowing that if it wasn’t there, all your little submissive noises would be on display for him to hear. You would absolutely never be able to live that down; the embarrassment would be too much for you to handle.
“I told you to quit movin’ around.” He sneers. You squeeze your eyes shut and nodded quickly. When you open them back up, you're met with Simon’s face hovering closer over yours. Your eyes open wider when Simon’s hand creeps up over your chest, twirling one of your nipples between his fingers. They move up and up, over your collarbone before settling around your neck to squeeze at it. Your toes positively curled, a whine slipping past the gag and directly to Simon’s ears, forming a smirk on his face.
Your eyes flutter as the blood supply in your head slowly diminishes and a string of weak, breathless moans make it past the gag. With the added pressure on your senses, you can't manage to hold back the tears anymore. Tears and spit pearl down your face and you meet Simon’s eyes with your own glassy ones. You desperately lock your legs around Simon’s waist, wordlessly begging him to just let you cum—you needed to cum so bad.
He tilts his head and drags the edges of his nails from your scalp to the back of your neck comfortingly. “Poor fuckin’ thing. You need this cock, huh?” He smirks at how fast you nod, proud to have finally broken you. He lets your neck go, at least for now, and uses both of his hands to spread your cunt open wide. “What a view. Never seen you like this, Streak.” He chuckles. You whine and try to grind against his fingers, looking at him with your desperate, teary eyes. Another sob leaves your chest when Simon pushes three of his fingers deep inside you, and they had you fighting the urge to arch up into his touch. It took everything in you, and you could feel your muscles tiring at how hard you clenched, but you hold on for fear of making him stop.
Simon pinches at and rolls your clit between his fingers, and you are a goner. You stood absolutely no chance. The gag was a smart idea on Simon’s end; if not for the gag, your screams would’ve netted him a noise complaint. Simon groans as he watches you writhe from your earth-shattering orgasm. “That’s a good little thing for me, fuckin’ hell…” He stares down at you while he rubs you through your orgasm, leaning down to your ear and whispering all sorts of praises with a grin on his face.
There were just so many wet sounds in the room that were absolutely filthy. The squelching of your sopping cunt, your quiet sniffling, and the ‘pop!’ of the ball gag being flipped out of your mouth. Simon puts a sloppy kiss on your lips, pressing your tongues against each other. All he receives a tired hum from you, since you're unable to do much more than that with your brain having been turned into mush from his ministrations. So much for saving your pride, huh?
Simon pulls back and takes a good look over you. You were a complete mess. Job well fucking done, he thinks to himself. You blink the tears out of your eyes and stare up at him for a few seconds before laying your head back on the pillows and closing them back up again. You wince and groan when Simon tapped your face. “Who said we were done, love? We’ve got a lotta time to make up for.” He chuckles darkly when he watches your pretty little eyes widen once again.
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author's note 2: was considering making a part two for this so if that's something y'all would be interested in, lemme know!
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din-miller · 7 months
Leaf Pressing
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Comfortember day three: leaves changing
Warning: Getting together, set in Jackson, fluff, first kiss, darlin’, all knowledge about leaf pressing comes from online
A/N: joel looks so gooood in this gif, like damnnn boy. This is kinda rushed and I haven’t written for Joel in a hot minute and I didn’t find out until yesterday about Comfortember so I’m trying to catch up. And yes darlin’ is it’s own warning because FUCK it hits the spot every time. Divider by @saradika
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It was kinda a spur-of-the-moment decision. You had seen the changing of the trees, the ground litter with fresh falling leaves and you suddenly had an idea. Something you hadn’t done in ages.
You started by collecting all the leaves that weren’t already curling in on themselves, picking out the prettier ones, setting them on the porch step before racing to the mess hall.
There’s this giddy feeling inside you, one that is rare these days, but it’s freeing and you can’t stop smiling.
You probably look like you’ve officially gone insane as you burst into the mess hall, not acknowledging anyone as you make a bee line straight into the kitchen.
“I need wax paper.” You announced to the poor unexpecting kitchen staff and they all stared at you in bewilderment. Talk of the town you’ll be this week.
The head Chef looked at the staff, “Well don’t just stand there, get this lady some wax paper!”
As the kitchen staff scrambled to find the box of wax paper, you smiled at the chef, “Thanks Donny. I only need a little bit.”
He waved you off, his blue eyes bright as he smiled, “Take all ya need, and here,” He placed a bag of treats in your hand, “Give my love to your Joel and Ellie.”
You blushed, of course everyone in town knows of your obvious crush on Joel and the way you’ve taken to caring for the snippy teenager like she’s your own family.
With the supplies you came for, plus the snacks, you headed back to your place. Once there you stared down at the leaves for a minute wondering how you’re going to proceed.
There's an option, probably the best one. In all of Jackson only one house has the perfect setup for your craft. The only problem is that Joel’s not home and even though he has told you multiple times that his door is always open, any time of day, it doesn't matter if he’s home or not; you still feel like it’s trespassing.
You sighed, standing here doing nothing isn’t going to get the leaves pressed. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you’re packing everything up and walking down the street to Joel’s. His door is locked but you have your own set of keys to his place.
Entering, you take off your shoes and set them neatly on the shoe rack by the door and as you pass the dining area you set the bag of goodies you got from Chef Donny onto the table. It’ll be a nice surprise for Joel and Ellie when they get home.
You entered his workshop area and placed the materials you needed down on the table. Next you searched the closet for an iron board and the matching iron. You know Joel owns them; no one’s shirts can be that wrinkled free. Apocalypse or not.
Now with the board and iron, you started organising all the craft materials and kicked open the iron board stands, placing the board beside the workshop table.
The house is quiet without Joel and Ellie. Though you’re sure if you strained your ears enough you might be able to hear the pitter-patter of Ellie’s stray cat she took in a few months back.
Suddenly there’s a noise behind you, someone clearing their throat and you whip around to find Joel leaning against the doorway; shoulder pressed against the frame and one leg crossed over the other in an unfairly attractive way.
He’s chewing on the snack you left on the table, “Gotta say, darlin’, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Leaves a man wondering how often a pretty girl is alone in his house with him not knowing.”
“This is the first time, I promise!” You rushed out, not wanting to make Joel mad or upset.
“Hey, I ain’t mad. I meant what I said before. Doors open twenty-four seven. Whether it be for food, company, or apparently arts and crafts. Whatever it is, this house is yours too.” He said in honesty before pressing his lips together.
“What's wrong?” You frowned, trying to read his expression, “You got a look in your eyes I’ve never seen before.”
“When I saw your shoes I panicked. I thought something had happened and I wasn’t there for you. Then I find you up here humming along to some old tune, completely safe and I-,” Joel shook his head with a sigh and pushed himself off the doorframe, “I guess I forgot how simple life can be sometimes.”
It’s an easy thing to forget. The world hasn’t been simple for decades, but here, right now it is. For you, for him. You sent him an understanding nod and asked: “You want to help?”
Joel looked at your pile of supplies, “Leaf pressing?”
You held a leaf up for him to see, “I found these leaves this morning and remembered how I used to love doing arts and crafts,” You shrugged, turning back to face the workbench, “Like you said; the simple things in life.”
He came over to get a better look, his body hovering over your shoulder, breath hot against your neck and you can’t suppress the shiver that ran down your spine.
“Good haul.” Joel commented and picked up one of the bigger ones, “I can leave you to it if you want. I don’t mind.”
“No,” You said a little too fast, causing you to blush, “I mean, I don't mind, seriously. I like having you here. You’re, um, good company.”
“Just good?” He teased, setting down the leaf and closing the space between you to rest his head down on your shoulder, hands wrapping around your front.
You sucked in a sharp breath, body involuntarily relaxing against him, “Ego stroking isn’t a good look on you Miller.”
He chuckled against your neck, leaving goosebumps to break out across your skin. He didn’t reply; instead he watched as you sorted through the pile of leaves until you found your favourite ones, then asked him to pick out four from the pile, narrowing down the options. If he was surprised by your ask, it didn’t show.
With the best four leaves picked you placed them onto the sheet of wax paper on the board and then added the other half of wax paper overtop.
“Pass me the iron, make sure it’s on medium heat please.”
Without separating from your back Joel stretched out and grabbed the irons handle and passed it to you. You did the next part in comfortable silence while Joel’s thumbs rubbed circles just over your belly button, slightly wrinkling your shirt.
Leaves pressed together, you turned to him.
“Now what?” He asked, hands finding a new spot to rest, just above the band of your pants.
Your eyes flickered down to his plush lips as you replied: “We, ah, have to wait for the paper to cool off.”
Joel hummed, closing the distance between you slowly, “Then?”
“We choose to either cut out the leaves individually or keep them as is, all together.”
“We?” He raised a brow, eyes twinkling as his forehead finally touched yours.
“Yeah, we.” You breathed, breath tickling his lips and you rubbed your nose against Joel’s before closing the remaining gap to capture his lips in yours, earning an appreciated groan from the man.
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here222lurk · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro Vs. The Plushies
Will Toji win the IDGAF war? 
Part 2
Warnings: 18+ only, fem!reader, fingering, tit worship, sex, breeding, and this is my first fic in a hot second (8 years)
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3 months have passed since you put a label on your relationship. It's been 3 months since Toji started introducing you as his girlfriend, but you still feel giddy every time. You spend your weekends together sometimes in his apartment, but most times outside trying to see the city in a new lens that only you two share. It feels like the right thing to do after having endured the work week. 
But today, you decided to cook for him in your apartment. You saw this pasta recipe on TikTok that you think he’d like so you decided to make it for him today. 
The night before, he made sure to ask if you had all the ingredients you needed on hand, knowing damn well a minor inconvenience can send you spiraling. He made sure to pass by the weekend market to get fresh pasta and tomatoes on the way to your place.
Toji was eager to help and even volunteered to be your sous chef. You weren’t too excited about this. You never really liked when other people were in your way in the kitchen, but to your surprise, he was actually not bad in the kitchen. He knows how to hold a knife and clean as he goes. 
It was nice seeing him harvesting herbs by your kitchen window while you prepare the garlic bread. He’s focused and looking so pensive hunched over a pot of basil, the warm sun shining over his face. He just looked so… beautiful wearing the same skin tight black shirt that hugs his chest in a way that’ll never fail to make your heart beat harder than usual.
“Hey y/n eyes up here,” walking towards you.
You snapped out of the trance he put you in and blushed, “I’m sorry! It’s hard to concentrate when there’s a giant whore hunkered over my herb garden.”
You both laughed at how absurd your brain fart reply was. 
“What?! I’m not…” he paused, “Well maybe for you I am,” he replied while flashing the cheekiest smile you’ve ever seen.  
“Yeah? Prove it.”
“Oh I will,” you feel him hugging you from behind with his hard dick pressed against you.
“After lunch maybe? I’m starving….”
“Yes, chef!” he says sardonically. 
“That was really good. Thank you,” Toji says while he trails to the kitchen holding used plates and utensils. 
“Don’t start bullshitting me” You stay seated at the dining table but your gaze follows him.
“I’m not! Oh how can I ever repay you, my culinary princess?”
“Simple. 25 bucks for the pasta plus 5 for the bread.”
“That’s too much for me, you brat… Will this do?” his voice gets more audible as he walks back to you.
You feel him guiding your shoulders to make you face him. Toji towers over you on your left side. The impression of his hard dick clearly visible underneath his pants. 
You feel your cheeks getting hotter, but try to play it cool looking displeased “Maaaybe…”
“Then let’s find out,” Toji holds your hand as you head towards your bed. 
Your room is a bit messy with your office clothes still on your mattress from all those nights you came home from work feeling too tired to grab a clean shirt to sleep in. You push them off the bed, careful not to send your plushies plummeting to their death along with your clothes. You managed to save them all except for a fluffy pink cow plushie.
The crystal ball you hanged on your window catches the bright afternoon sun and illuminates specks of color around your room. You sit on your bed watching the specks move slowly on Toji as he undresses. You’re unsure if you’ve seen a view prettier than this. He takes his shirt off first, revealing the familiar scars on his body. His pants follow, falling to the floor.
“What’s the matter? Hmm?” he whispers onto your neck. Feeling his warm breath sends a shiver down your spine. He kisses you softly behind your ear, his hand making its way inside your underwear. 
His fingers feel cold against your clit. You push your thighs together as a reflex. 
“If you’re not gonna talk to me can you at least keep this warm for me?” you feel his finger sliding further into your folds. You stifle a moan trying to come up with a reply to humble his smug ass but you lose to his gentle touch and his quickening pace. His movement is encouraged by your wetness. Two fingers begin to slide inside, stretching your entrance. He rests his fingers in the spot you like best and glides over it repeatedly. You feel yourself tightening around his fingers
You like that, brat?
He pulls you in for a kiss and you reach for his dick. Starting your grip from his base to his tip. You feel him already wet with pre-cum and it makes you smile.
“Already?” you tease.
He begins to undo your buttons and take off your bra. Exposing your chest he palms your hard nipples. “Already?” he teases back. He looks so smug the scar on his lip inches upward.
“Asshole,” you mutter.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you in that apron” Toji is a boob guy degenerate who heads straight to lick around your nipples. You feel your nub get harder as he wraps his mouth around your left nipple to suck on it. He sucks harder and harder and the volume of your moans follow suit. 
His idle hand alternates between rubbing your right nipple and pawing on your boob. He groans as he buries his face into your flesh. You can feel his dick grinding on your bare thigh unsure when you took your bottoms off.
The two of you close the distance between each other. You make out like it’s your last and he opens your legs up for him to hold your knees in place. He moans while putting the tip of his penis in and stays there, waiting for you to settle. You grow impatient and scoot your hips to push him further inside. He meets your pace and pretty soon the room is filled with the sound of you and Toji.
His crotch lands on your clit with every grind, making you wetter than you already are. You're too occupied with pleasure that the only coherent thing you could say is “Please.”
You feel his square jaw touch your neck as he starts moaning in your ear. “You look so fucking hot when youre begging for my dick, my princess” he whispers in your ear. And you’re done for. You feel yourself cumming around his hard dick. Your pussy twitching, trying to milk his dick for everything he has. “‘M cumminggg,” as your nails dig into his shoulders. You let yourself loose grinding against him.
Your legs feel like mush but your core keeps its tight grip around him. Toji pumps into you at a faster, frenzied pace. He looks so desperate for relief it’s adorable. He stares at you wondering how you’re the same person who used to find him so insufferable before. Your usually uptight face is replaced with a lewd look that tears him up inside. You find yourself close to cumming again. But before you could share this with Toji, you hear him say “Be my cumslut, baby.” You feel him shooting warm squirts of his thick cum inside you as you pulsate around him. It feels unreal cumming at the same time. It makes you wish you weren’t wearing an implant so he can ruin your life plans and give Megumi a sibling. 
He gets his weight off of you and you start to notice the sun beaming across your bedroom, giving the space an orange tone. You didn’t realize how late in the afternoon it already is.
Your head rests on Toji’s chest as he wraps his arm around you. You watch him breathe heavily as he comes down from rearranging your guts. It’s getting a bit toasty in your pile of limbs, but it feels nice in the February chill. You stay like this, just quiet for a minute before you feel your eyelids get heavier and heavier. The last thing you remember is him kissing your forehead whispering “I love you, y/n” so quietly that you’re not sure if what you heard was a dream or not. You drift off to sleep.
You wake up suddenly feeling like you were falling from a cliff for a second, but you were caught by Toji’s big arms reminding you that you’re safe and he’s here. You wrap your arm around him, pulling him closer. His hand is placed on your back tracing soft random lines that comfort you for whatever reason. 
“Babe? Can I ask you something?” Toji asks you in a low voice. 
“Yeah sure. Always.” You prop yourself up to face him instinctively tilting your head ever so slightly to the side.
He cups your cheek and looks you in the eyes. “How many of these bed hogging plushies are from your dumbass ex?”
You laugh but this question took you aback a bit since you haven’t really decluttered recently. It’s not like the old stuff you received from past relationships still means anything. They just kind of faded in the background and you never really gave them a second thought.
You point to 4 out of 7 plushies on your bed and count simultaneously. “So, four. Oh and that cow on the floor.” Answering made you feel a little embarrassed not realizing how much of the plushies you own came from previous partners. You and Toji only started dating officially only a few months ago. Making him feel uncomfortable is not in the list of things you want to do. 
He follows your index finger and studies the plushies. “Are you into the super soft ones or fluffy ones?” he asks.
“Hm… I have no preference, really… Just anything that you think I’ll like is great.” 
So the next time you meet Toji in the train station, he’ll be picking you up from work and you’ll see a soft green unit big enough to be your pillow. It’s a lot to hold but it looks small when Toji carries it by his side.
“No way. Is this for me?” 
“It’s for my side chick actually.”
You give him a side eye. One pout and he back tracks in record time. 
“It’s for my favorite brat, obviously.” he hands the frog plushie to you and gives you a tender kiss. 
You bury your face in the soft plush and it instantly reminds you of the stuffed toy that never left your side when you were a kid. It smells just like Toji.
“Oh he’s so grumpy,” you can’t help but let out a high pitched adoration for the frog.
His brows furrow upwards, “You don’t like it?”
“He’s perfect. He looks just like you,” you reply, tears forming in your eyes. “I’ll never sleep without Jiji again,” you named the frog. 
“Oh you better.” he smirks.
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The frog plushie in question
Part 2 soon????
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
warning: Language, mentions of sex
note: i didn’t edit this and i don’t want to so im not going to. kyle and reader celebrate halloween together like they do every year. but the frat brothers aren’t on the same page
Every year, the wind chills down from extreme temperatures and the leaves all turn brown for maybe a week or two, then they all fall off the ground. In the American town of New Orleans, this is called fall, not to be confused with the much prettier and complex version autumn, which is essentially the same thing, just not dumbed down enough for Americans.
Kyle loves fall for everything it has to offer. Pumpkin flavored lattes, pumpkin flavored frappuccino’s, pumpkin scones, pumpkin muffins, candles, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and most of all, pumpkin patches, which provide a picturesque date for him and his s/o, Y/N.
None of these pumpkin delicacies are worth it without the prospect of sharing them with Y/N.
To start his day out, he went to Target and bought the softest cardigan he could buy. He wasn’t aware of it, but Y/N was elsewhere in the exact same Target buying a different color cardigan. It was one of their traditions as long-time lovers, they each bought each other a cardigan to wear that night.
It was Halloween, well, the morning of, but Kyle and Y/N decided to make it a day long holiday. Next step on his agenda was to find those disgusting/scrumptious seasonal sugar cookies that have little ghosts and pumpkins printed on the tops of them. Kyle wasn’t quite sure why he kept buying them each year, since in his 21 years on earth, he could never quite decide if he truly liked them or not.
They were so gross they were good, a complex feeling Kyle had experienced many times as a broke college student. Things like junk food, fast food, and anything fried all had this quality to them and he ate them regardless of feeling conflicted by their very existence.
But, of course, he knew Y/N adored them, so he knew he’d never stop buying them. He didn’t have much money to start with, and the cookies and cardigan together were already a large sum, he checked out his items and returned home, not wanting to spend any more money.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“Kyle?” Y/N called out and crossed the threshold into his frat. They heard nothing but a football game playing on the TV in the living room so they wandered through the halls a bit, floorboards gently creaking when they took a wrong step. “Ky?” They called again.
“He’s in his room!” They heard a voice shout over the game from the living room, one they recognized to be a frat brother.
Y/N had a strained relationship with many of Kyle’s frat brothers. They had a sneaking suspicion none of the boys really liked them very much, whether it be the way they look, the way they talk, or perhaps just that they had nothing in common with a typical frat boy. Kyle was the exception to this, as he was the sweetest guy Y/N had ever known.
Y/N saw the group now, on the couch with one peeking his head behind him to get a good look at Y/N. “Thanks,” Y/N pressed a tight smile with their lips and a weird wave that seemed unnecessary, and then scampered off to Kyle’s room.
Y/N knew to knock, they had done this a million times before, but they also knew that Kyle appreciated his privacy and they never intended to invade on it.
There was a small bout of hushed curse words and noises of a few small things crashing to the ground before the door swung open, revealing Kyle in a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants. “Oh, it’s you,” his gaze softened, he stepped to the side and led them in by a gentle hand at the back of their waist. He shut the door behind them.
“The cookies are done already,” he motioned to the decorative plate with cookies on a small tray near the bed. Sure, using a ceramic plate would mean (God forbid) he would have to wash a dish, but something told him it was worth it.
“I can see that,” Y/N added and plopped onto his bed, pulling out the bundled sweater they had shoved into their bag on the way here. “I hope blue is good, I just figured if it was a school color then you might wear it out and stuff.”
He crawled on the bed opposite of them, loving gaze on Y/N as he leaned forward. “I would have worn it anyway, it’s perfect,” he pressed a kiss to their lips.
“Good, otherwise I would have held you down and forced it on you,” Y/N whispered and pulled back from Kyle’s handsome face to cozy themself under his blankets. “Where’s your remote?”
Kyle pursed his lips and looked away. “Did you lose it again?” Y/N scolded, and when Kyle didn’t respond, they knew the answer. “Fucks sake, boy. What don’t you lose?” They grumpily got out of bed and started searching around the room. Kyle giggled and fell backwards on the bed.
“Found it! It was in your closet, Ky, what were you doing with your remote in your closet?” He shrugged childishly and tucked himself into the bed as Y/N had done previously. They gently chucked the remote at Kyle’s smug face and he yelped but caught it.
“Finally,” Y/N mumbled as they got close to Kyle in the bed, wrapping their arms around him tightly and smushing their face into his stomach. “I really missed you,” they murmur.
Kyle kissed the top of their head. “I missed you too baby,” he gave them a quick squeeze before grabbing the remote again. “What do you wanna watch, sweetheart?”
They removed their face from him and let it rest on the edge of his chest. “A Nightmare Before Christmas.”
“That’s a Christmas movie honey-“ Kyle started but was interrupted by a strong knocking at the door.
Bang bang “Kyle! I need a condom!” A man yelled. Kyle closed his eyes and sighed in frustration. He rubbed his hand down his face.
“Do you think you could maybe- I don’t know, take your clothes off? They’re gonna clown on me if we’re not having sex in here, I put a sock on the doorknob for this.”
When they gave him a disgusted look he just nodded and accepted defeat. Bang bang bang “Kyle! Please!”
Bang bang bang “Here! Take your damn condom!” Kyle drawled as he slapped the condom onto the man’s chest and slammed the door in his face.
Kyle made the slow return back to the warm bed and be heard a not so discreet choir of voices behind the door, “oh shit! They’re fucking in there! Can you hear it? Put your ear on the door!”
Kyle’s eyes widened greatly and he sent them a pleading look, clasping his hands together and begging them silently. They groaned and got up onto their knees on the bed, knocking the bedframe into the wall enough for them to hear. “Fuck! Good for him,” is all the two heard before footsteps retreating.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, thank you,” Kyle pulled them into his arms through apologies and hugged them tight. They rolled their eyes and rubbed his back up and down slowly. They clicked play on the TV and in a few minutes, heard Kyle’s soft snores and felt his dead weight on top of their body. Every year.
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