#like most of the people i follow are pretty chill and yet I've seen quite a bit of 'omg how could people be choosing this?!'
sunminshine · 1 year
I dunno I feel like the introduction of polls on tumblr is actually not that great, especially within the kpop fandom. To all those enjoying it, that's awesome! I just now feel the need to avoid them.
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slutforsnow · 4 months
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Chapter 9
TW/CW: Possessive/obsessive Coryo murderous thoughts
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When the train that weaved its way through the districts arrived at D2, Sunni practically leaped off the train and hugged her friends who were waiting at the station for her. The friend group was quite large, comprising of maybe 6 people.
"Cori, Sej, come here, you guys gotta meet my friends!!" She called, waving to the boys as they gathered their own + Sunni's luggage off the train.
Getting a closer look at Sunni's friend group, Coriolanus realized that she had a very mixed group of friends; black, white, desi, indian, boys, girls, androgynous, plus sized, and skinny friends. He didn't think negatively of that fact, though; he thought it was nice to see her have a large and very close group of friends. Most girls back at the Academy just just stick 1 to 3 people, and there'd be one poc at the most.
"Guys, this is Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus!" She introduced stepping to the side, allowing everyone to shake hands. "Cori, Sej, these are my friends Nero Amadeus; he/him, Maxima Benedictus; he/she/they, Nataila Catullus; any and neos, Viktor Dellis; he/it, Vivian Diamandis; she/her, and the twins Dele, & Demitri Chaconas!"
A chorus of hellos and heys and followed Sunnis friends as the boys shook hands and introduced themselves to Sunni's friends.
"So, Sunshine, how's the Capitol?" Maxima asked as the residents of District 2 led the Plinths + Coryo to the hotel where the Academy students would be staying.
"Uh, shiny," Sunni answered. "And there's more douchebags."
"Ha, fuckin' told you Vik!" Demitri interrupted, reaching over to smack Viktor in the back of the head. He simply ducked, snickering as they instead hit Sunni.
"Sorry, Sun, Vik ducked!"
Nataila laughed to herself as Vivian and Dele shared a look that read "they're so childish".
As the group chatted excitedly about plans for the week and caught up, learning about the Capitol as well, Coryo was glaring daggers at one of the males; Nero Amadeus.
Nero had his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he listened to the chatter, smiling as Sunni. He was happy to see her so excited and to be reunited with her friends but Coryo didn't know why and I was determined to get a straight answer out of the brunette or beat it out of him.
Cracking his knuckles and tossed his suitcase, which was actually Sejanus' that he was borrowing (read as stole), onto his bed once the group reached the hotel; all the Academy children were were on the top two floors and Sunni's group had the highest one.
"I don't trust that Amaedus guy," He huffed out to Sejanus.
"What? Nero? Why?" Sej asked, setting his backup suitcase on his bed.
"I dunno- I just get a bad feeling from him," He replied, tearing his hoodie off as he spoke.
"He seems pretty chill—besides, we just met the guy. It might just be your paranoia since this is your first time in 2," Sejanus offered, taking off his sweater and setting it on his bed.
"No, I don't think it's the paranoia. I'd know if it's the paranoia."
"Jealousy?" Coryo almost laughed. Him? Jealous? Over what? A girl that's not his yet?
"Jealousy, Sej? Really? Im not dating her, so why would i be jealous?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Friends can be jealous. Hell, I thought Sunni would've replaced me after me, dad, and ma moved to the Capitol, buy she still cares just as much after a decade," Sejanus answered, opening the curtains to check our the view.
"That's different, you're family," the blonde snapped, falling back onto his bed. The was comfy; it felt like it was made entirely out of feathers, and it felt way better than his bed at home.
"Yeah, I suppose, but we should trust them. After all, they've been around Sunni longer than either of us, and for the past 10 years, I've only seen her on visits."
Coryo scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever. He was going to find out if Nero had a thing for Sunni and if he needed to dispose of him to make sure he didn't get a chance.
But he'd also have to make sure that no one else would find out about how Nero "went missing". He needed Sunni to completely trust him, no matter the cost.
An awkward silence filled the room, only to be disrupted by loud music entering the room. Coryo sat up, glaring at where the music was supposedly coming from; he didn't need a headache before the festival.
"The hell is that?" Sej inquired, coming out of the bathroom, zipping up his fly. Coryo shrugged, and the two left their room, to see what the noise was. Seeing a door was cracked open, they gently pushed the door open and Coryo feel his blood boil.
Nero and Sunni were dancing to some upbeat and chaotic aong, singing along with it as the others were laughing and talking about an itinerary that Sunni made at some point. When did she make an itinerary, Coryo had no idea, but he didn't care right now. All he cared about was separating his girl from some loser nobody.
"So do you guys plan on making everyone else deaf?" Sejanus shouted over the music, grabbing the others' attention.
"Sorry, Sej, this is what we do all the time!" Sunni shouted back, letting go of Nero so he could turn up his hearing aids once the music was off.
"Why?" He yelled back, walking into the room, followed by Coryo, who was glaring daggers at Nero.
"Why not? It's an homage to how we met; loud music," Sunni replied, laughing as Dele turned the music down.
"Yep: we were all at a skate park, testing our skates and boards and we started bonding over some loud music people were playing," Demitri added as Viktor kicked their ass in another round of COD.
"Dude, how do you get so good at Call of Duty?"
"Eh, having divorced parents who always argue make it easy to find time to game," He replied with a shrug.
"So divorced parents equals being a god at Call of Duty?" Nataila teased, grinning.
"I mean, in my case, yeah."
"So then what does having a dead parent equal?" Maxima inquired.
"Art skills," Sunni answered, hopping her happy little butt onto the counter.
Coryo made his way to her as the others gasped and told Sunni she was quote unquote "wrong for that" while trying not to laugh despite Sunni giving them permission to, when Sunni was laughing and laid his head on her shoulder.
She beamed at this sudden "affection," and gently scratched the top of his head.
"Hi, Cori," She whispered to him as the others, including Sejanus, started talking about things they could do for the first day of the festival.
"Hey, Sunshine," He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.
"You okay?" She asked, gently lifting his head to meet his semi-relaxed gaze.
"Just feel better around you," He lied to her. Well, he wasn't really lying, but he couldn't say he was claiming what's his. He couldn't scare her off. He wouldn't scare her off.
"Okay," She replied, smiling and letting him go back to nuzzling her. Fortunately for Coriolanus, Sunni didn't notice the hateful and murderous glare he was sending towards Nero, who was chatting absent-mindly with Maxima.
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Late into the afternoon, once all the Academy students were settled, the group had set off to explore District 2 and everything that had been set up.
Games, of course, for the little kids who had rich families or the Academy kids who had younger siblings or students who wanted to relax and feel like a child again, but also dancing, music, and all sorts of different delicacies. It was so wonderful, filling, and fun that they all felt calm. Even with the occasional dead dad or divorced parents jokes, which Coryo learned were coping methods that Sunni and Viktor used to cope with the loss, everyone felt happy.
But Coryo wasn't happy. People were calling to Sunni, getting hugs and having her full attention. Sejanus, at one point, had to restrain Coryo from committing any more crimes again because a guy hugged Sunni for 2 minutes too long.
Sure, Sunni reassured him and said he was "just a friend," but Coryo had countered with "friend's don't have their hands way too low where they shouldn't be." Which eventually led to Sunni nodding but telling him he didn't need to jealous because they guy was 15 and just really tall. At that point, Coryo let it go and gave in but has held her close to him, not wanting anyone to pull her away from him. As the group walked to another restaurant to check out the place, Sejanus shot Coryo a text wearing a shit eating grin.
Sejanus: Not jealous, hm? You haven't let go of Sunni since we found out about the loud music lmfao
Coryo rolled his eyes, seeing the text. Of course, he wasn't going to let go of Sunni. People could've turned against her after she was transferred to the Capitol, for God's sake! He had to protect his girl, even from her own friends if he had to.
Then Sejanus sent Coryo another text, but it was a photo of Coryo with his arms around Sunni's waist and holding her small hands in his and he had his head on top of hers.
He smiled a little at the picture and saved it to his phone before putting his phone in his pocket.
He'd make that his lockscreen later.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 months
TMAGP 11 Thoughts: Anchors Aweigh
We're finally back. Not much to say up top except it was a long wait.
Spoilers for episode 11, and light spoilers for TMA season 5, below the cut.
A very strong cold open to welcome us back. Celia doesn't just wake up in a strange location, she's got no memory of getting there, it's not her first time doing it, and she's looking for a character we've not yet been introduced to. Honestly there are a load of things this could be. If she's TMA's Celia it could be after effects of her time in the domain that stole her name. Or it's not after effects but the same effects now being re-triggered if she's in a universe with the same entity that did it. Or it's a side-effect of crossing between universes. Or the way she crossed between universes isn't how Anya Villette did it and she's actually occupying TMP's Lynne Hammond's body but not entirely suppressing Lynne in the process. Or Lynne has taken on Celia's memories and Celia never truly left TMA's universe at all. Lots of ways I can see that playing out.
The first office section is a bit of a recap of last episode with some banter more than it is anything substantive. However, Alice does think she's being followed which is probably something that'll come up later. I think the obvious thing to jump at here is that it's [Error]. It's not the first time we've seen someone dig through the Institute's soggy ruins only to come away with some paranoia though. It doesn't seem to be hitting her quite as hard as RedCanary but it certainly mirrors their reaction. Either way I think this could easily be a RedHerring and [Error] has nothing to do with it and it's just TMI magic.
For a small thing during that interaction there is another "lie detector" audio distortion. I'm not sure I've been mentioning all of these in these posts but when Alice says "Hm? Nah, it’s nothing." there is a distortion afterwards. Likely because such distortions signify lies. This exactly a new observation but I can't remember if I'm making an effort to note when they happen.
So for the first case back it's a pretty chill one all in all. Some spooky happenings where nothing major really happens but does contain a good bit of world building.
So for some general musings in order. First off Alison Leshi's email address is G.Leshi instead of A.Leshi. It's not likely important as there isn't a Leshi in CHDB (see masterdoc link below), so it's probably nothing. Could just be some subtle trans rep but I figure it could somehow come up later and so is worth a mention.l
Next up we've got our second mention of ink5oul. The "big snake tattoo" on their arm is pretty clearly the same as the "gorgeous floral serpent design" Daria mentions in episode 2. Daria also explains that ink5oul is a popular influencer and like most of those they try and throw that weight around here. They're a very big deal online don't you know. Something that I think is interesting, but maybe not intended, is that ink5oul's Instagram account is flagged with the alchemic symbol for salt and this case is deeply tied to the sea. That account might not be official but it's a nice connection if it is.
There are a couple of name drops that will likely prove pretty important. Oscar Jarrett is likely a character we'll meet later and as of right now the name is all we have. Sutherland Macdonald, on the other hand, is a very real person and given how TMA likes to use historic characters I have a feeling they'll be quite important. Macdonald was Britain's first professional tattoo artist. Insofar as he had a public business in which he tattooed people as his work. He was exceptionally talented, very popular, and highly sought-after. More than that though of his documented works serpent-motifs, both snakes and dragons, are very common. Given ink5oul's own, well, ink I'm pretty sure that's not a coincidence. Sutherland Macdonald could very well be another figure like Smirke. A real historic person with embellished and occult history for the show. Oscar Jarrett could be a protégé or rival of Sutherland, and tattoos might end up being the new Leitners.
There isn't much to dig in to beyond that but I will say I really enjoyed this episode. Excited to see where this all goes.
Back in the office we've got Gwen trauma, Celia trauma, and Lena being Lena. Which is all great stuff. Bonzo is likely hunting Klaus given that conversation too. That's the only figure Gwen has any real knowledge of and Lena obviously has some unresolved business there. The transcript sheds some additional light on the interactions here too as both times external is mentioned it's capitalised. Which does seem to imply it's an official position at the OIAR rather than something euphemistic. Mr. Bonzo getting more detail here is also great. It's another reinforcement that whatever he now is very much isn't how he started. "Green custard" getting a shout out is also very welcome. That's not so much a Mr. Blobby thing but people getting slimed was a big fixture of that era of children's TV in Britain.
Sam finally looking to cross reference these things is great to hear as well. I crave more data. Speaking of data, now it's time for the nerd shit.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 5246 is pretty unremarkable and so I don't think I've got much to explain there. 4 is a little lower than I was expecting but not off by so much that I think something is wrong.
CAT# Theory: CAT23 sure is a category. I was hoping to have something solid by the time the break was over. There are enough outliers in every theory I've seen to pretty confidently think no one is on the right track with this or some people are but the data we have is faulty. Which to be fair we know is the case. It's just about which parts of the data should we be ignoring.
R# Theory: C fits in perfectly with my theory. Not much to say on that one.
Header talk: Tattoo (corpse) -/- compulsion is mostly interesting because of how it creates problems with Daria's case. If Tattoo is a section that would strongly imply that Daria's case should have been Tattoo rather than Transformation. But that one did also show up on Klaus which implies that it's correct. Just a weird section in general. The subsection is about the sort of mess you'd expect at this point. The crosslink is also just a crosslink.
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juhbebbie · 11 months
Okayyyyy so City of the Dead thoughts for anyone who cares
Was I disappointed? My expectations weren't super high so I guess not, but the super overdramatic self pitying narration threw me off quite a bit. Like okay man chill out a bit. Kind of expected to not see Layla until the end so I guess there I was disappointed but not surprised. Fingers crossed she will be a central character from here on out and not a one and done thing in the series.
Okay elephant in the room time. I know a lot of people have been saying they REALLY did not like it and I really cannot blame them, but also I'm trying to stay hopeful because it just the first issue. I'm hesitant to get pissed off over the total lack of Jake and Steven just yet, when in Mackay's series neither made an appearance until like a year into the run. Yes this series isn't going to be nearly as long, but still. That being said, no I definitely don't expect Moon Knight to really be shown as a system, but I'm gonna give Prepose a couple more issues to prove me wrong (the bar is on the floor). Mainly just because I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to denounce Prepose for not including them and then praise Mackay when it took him 12 issues to really acknowledge that they are a system. I'm going to give Prepose a chance since he wrote a pretty good Black, White, and Blood story that did have them shown as a system in a pretty cool way imo.
All this to say that I'm not trying to undermine anyone else's concerns, this is just my own opinion and trust me, based on what little interviews I've read I fully expect Jake and Steven to be completely ignored and if (and when) that happens I will be right there with the rest of yall lol. I will say that it's already very clear that the set up so far was not written with the intention of having a place for Steven or Jake, which is very disappointing.
Okay positive things! I enjoyed seeing Dr Badr a lot and i didn't have much of an issue with how he and Marc's relationship was portrayed. Yes in the main run they're closer now, but they are still very much at odds but willing to work together towards a common goal, which is exactly what we see here in this issue.
I also liked where the thing with the kid is going. The detail of him being kicked out after his brother's death definitely makes me think he's going to be a reflection of Marc, which would be a cool parallel to have.
And the art for the most part was really gorgeous! I don't know what the hell was going on with Layla there at the end (otherwise great male artists not knowing how to draw women), but other than that I REALLY loved how the actual city looked.
And the Egyptian mythology was actually a lot more accurate than it usually is, which, as someone who has always been a total nerd about that stuff, actually made me really happy. There are several specific things I wanted to point out but this post is long enough as is.
Also. "I don't care if I burn" that was badass as shit come on. One of the (admittedly several!) moments of overdramatic writing that came off very well kind of like how it does in the Mackay run (don't wanna compare this too much to the Mackay run though because I understand it's obviously going to be different and that's fine)
But yeah. The overall feel and tone was very... off. I was on board with the general plot and Marc's motivations but everything around the basic plot structure just seemed like Prepose was trying to do a weird Huston run thing and it wasn't working (I don't think it worked in the Huston run either but I digress).
I've seen people saying that they didn't like how Marc was an enthusiastic follower of Khonshu, but that wasn't really the vibe I got at all? If anything it was pretty clear how much he hated everything he was doing. Which also kinda felt off. Having him say that everything was "punishment" over and over just kind of felt like I was getting hit on the head with a theme that didn't even make sense for the character, at least not at this point. Don't get me wrong, self punishment is absolutely a big part of Marc Spector's character, but there is an important distinction between doing things to right your past wrongs and doing them because you feel like you deserve it. And it seemed like Prepose understood that at first, but then later into the issue I was like Marc PLEASE shut the fuck up about punishment lol.
People more knowledgeable than myself have said things about how this looks from the standpoint that this is also a Jewish character, but all I'm going to say as a general statement for all of Moon Knight's runs is that I wish they would let him be explicitly Jewish more often. It's mentioned in Mackay's run the clash between Marc's service to Khonshu and his Judaism, but I think that that is such an interesting part of his character that needs to be discussed WAY more!
Anyway, to make a long story short, definitely not the strongest first issue, but it absolutely had some great moments and I'm going to go forward with my expectations still pretty low, but willing to give it a shot for Layla's sake. But the fact that a run featuring Layla is already not turning out to be very good is a little bit heartbreaking for me I'm not gonna lie lol. I was going to go and buy myself a copy of this issue, but after actually reading it I didn't really want it anymore. So 😬 fingers crossed for the next issue I guess?
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carrieleblancart · 7 months
In response to your questions about the timelapse videos, here are my two cents. Engagement doesn’t usually give you anything on tumblr other than a bump of serotonin, but it can lead to commissions or sales if you provide an easy link and are chill about it. But people are touchy about the word “engagement.” They want to feel like a community or maybe a cultural salon, rather than part of an extractive media process.
Your most successful process videos are going to show a satisfying finished piece at the end and give people time to look at it and go “wow.” So for most art some editing will be necessary to get there in a short video.
Another thing I should bring up is that the music you used for that sketch video was pretty grating. If you’re going to use music, i’d suggest finding something more relaxing. Just because the video is sped up doesn’t mean the sound has to be frantic.
Your painting process is so interesting, and your art is great! People here love cats with all their hearts and mostly really enjoy art. I wish you all the best!
Hi anon, thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it, and I'm still getting used to actually getting responses, after trying to get it noticed for 10+ years (this isn't my first tumblr blog).
There's a lot going on with trying to share my art in the current internet ecosystem, probably something a lot of artists are dealing with. I'll try my best to describe what's going on on my end.
I don't like the term engagement either. I am trying to share my art through four main platforms at this time: Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and of course our precious hellsite: Tumblr. So my use of the term is more from the vernacular being used on other platforms, with what seems to be a kind of agreed upon use by artists of "this is what we have to deal with, so might as well lean into it." Maybe I'm mis-interpreting that (not surprising).
So far, Instagram is where I get my art noticed the most and has lead to the most sales/commissions/financial support. I think this has to do with the cat community that has formed over there. Tumblr definitely has its cat lovers, but I think a lot of them are over on IG so that they can follow internet cat celebrities and the like (I'm one of them!). So things like engagement and trends will dictate how I share my art with at least algorithm-led platforms. Also all of the cat people and friends I've met at shows regularly have Instagrams, not that that's a reason to be on there.
I agree that I should add time of the video at the end to show the piece to give it time to be seen. This can be easily accomplished if I make sure to take a photo of the art and include it in the video. I haven't had the best record of doing this due to my own ADHD and the pace at which these sketch paintings are being made.
Most of these recent sketch paintings were made back in August during CatCon on the spot! It's a crazy thing to do and I haven't seen anyone else do something quite what I'm doing, which is I guess part of my marketing for conventions and shows. So, sometimes I forget to take a picture at the end, but I'm getting better at including it in my process. And yes I call them sketches because they're fairly quick (I aim for 30 minutes for a 6"x6") and I don't get to add all the details I would like to if time was available. (I'm currently working on a new 3"x3" fully detailed piece of a famous internet cat, I've spent an hour and a half on it, and it's not done yet!)
Part of the timelapse question is not just to see what people prefer to determine how much time I should put into editing, but also how much effort I should put into digital storage. I have a couple different ways of recording footage, and the main way I've been doing so is with my iPhone. And so when I'm at events that I fly to, like CatCon, sometimes I'm having to transfer videos from my phone to an SD card until I can get home and get the footage onto a larger storage device. This can be tricky especially if I don't make sure to clear my phone storage before going to an event (something I'm adding to my list!) However, if I use the timelapse feature already available on the iPhone, then that makes editing and storage even easier for me later. I used this a lot with my Black Cat October series. But this timelapse footage doesn't look as good (maybe) and I don't have the option to do other edits later. Which then comes to the question for myself, am I really going to go back and make another edit for these sketch paintings? Perhaps the answer is timelapses for sketches, and full videos for fully detailed paintings.
And thank you for your input on the music part! The reason for the music in the last video was because of what's trending right now. Sometimes IG will save a copy of the video I posted with whatever music, so I had reused it in today's post. I think I'll make sure to use something more soothing/calming going forward just for tumblr, because you all have a special place in my heart.
Usually I'll open TikTok and do a separate video save to have a hi-res copy with music, but since I had recently created a shop on TT I only have commercially available music. Maybe I should take the shop down anyways, I'm really not sure if it'll help my art get notice or sell more stickers. I'd rather manage sales from my website anyways, but I feel like I should at least give it a try. You're welcome to tell me your thoughts on that!
I could go more into detail about my process for just uploading videos, but I feel like this is already getting TLDR. So feel free to let me know if you want me to ramble some more! I'd love to get input on that, as well as get an idea of what other artists are doing since I have no idea what I'm doing!
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feisaru · 1 year
Do you have any other IE ships besides FeiSaru? And do you have any sexuality/Neurodivergence Headcanons for anyone in IE?
I do. But tbf, tbf I've drifted away from the other ships ever since I played CS and these two entered my life. You could say they're the only ones I have really hard feelings on. Other than that, I pretty much just vibe with what the people I follow throw on my dash (there are a few ships that trigger me, but luckily nobody here has subjected me to them yet and I've filtered their tags)
Nevertheless, here's some other stuff I enjoy:
Enhiro!!! My babies. I love them. A lot. I wrote crap analysis on them at 3 am after I watched S3. I've heard the Japanese side of the fandom does them pretty dirty though. Glad I didn't have to witness any of that yet lmao
Arugan (Alpha and Gamma from CS) (@amalg4me's fault. These two are so friggin cute)
Rococo and Fideo
Garsha and Vanfeny (recently decided to call them Garvan)
Meia and Giris
Midori and Nishiki
Anything within the Break Trio (yes, as polycule also)
Very fine with Kdfd and Kisaku
Haruna and Kogure
Most of the typical Galaxy pairings, I think? Like Minamana, Mataten, Munetaku, Konoha and Kusaka... I kinda forgot what I shipped there because in the end I found Ozrock as an antagonist really enthralling and thus focused on him mostly. Gotta touch up on that someday.
(There's also a special ship my friend made up that I'm not listing here...) (and Aoi is a firm sapphic imo, make of that what you will)
It all comes down to I don't seek out ships, if they come to me they do, if they don't, they don't. There are various things I like seeing people get worked up over but can't say I actively ship (e.g. Takuran, Ranmasa, Nosaichi (bc I have not seen Areori)). Suma sumarum you could say I'm pretty chill over almost everything mainly bc I'm so insane over Fei and Saru that there's no room for much of anything else *fingerguns*
Now to the sexuality hcs: I have a lot of those. If you want my thoughts on any specifically, u can send 'em my way bc I wouldn't even know where to start. They come flying to me like the word of God to an ancient monarch.
And neurodivergence! Honestly, there are quite some characters in the entirety of IE that exhibit signs of being nd. Lots of them hyperfixate on soccer, use it as a coping mechanism, or both. But once again, my brain doesn't mull over the entirety of this franchise. So, (who would have thougt?) I definitely have pretty firm thoughts concerning Saru's mental problems (Fei's too but Saru's are overall easier to figure out for me)
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(Bonus little thing which I think is a pretty popular fan interpretation: Endou has ADHD and Kidou's definitely autistic)
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frobin · 2 years
it’s hilarious how frobin stans try and debunk every other robin ship. I found your debunking of lawbin post just by searching them up. Like your shit and stay in your lane. I recognise you too. You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships. I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me. It gives insecurity. The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying
EVERYONE, I'm going to answer this ask because I want to educate. I have no idea if you return anon but hey... maybe you do and maybe you actually learn something from my post. But be aware I wrote it while being pissed off.
And sorry to all the LawBin fans who find this because of anon who did not censor the ship name. I don't control the anon.
Mate... if I would try to seriously debunk La:wB:in I would put much more effort into it.
And what post do you mean? This one, that is two years old and posted because I tried to understand where you fans saw La:wB:in?
Or this one, with ONE (1) note, that I only answered because someone asked me? And sorry that I got a bit prissy in this one but I was annoyed by the fact that La:wB:in fans had spoiled me - while I was searching for FRobin on twitter - with something that turned out to be one of the thinnest anti-FRobin arguments that I've ever laid eyes on.
And I've seen quite a lot of anti-FRobin arguments. Honestly I have better anti-FRobin arguments than two people sitting beside each ohter!
"Like your shit and stay in your lane"
Yet, you are in my inbox.
"You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships."
True and even though it might seem insincere this ist the thought process: I hope that when I like their stuff - instead of retweeting it - they follow my twitter and see the many times I tweet "Please don't engage in fandom wank! Leave other shippers alone! Ship and let ship!"
And it is also true that I do sometimes tell peole "hey I'm sorry you had bad experiences with FRobin fans" because personally I mostly had positive ones. In my opinion FRobin fans are smart, calm, silent and love FRobin because it's healthy and wholesome. The exception from the rule? Most of the times Trolls.
I've told "FRobin fans" to stop to annoy others and they told me that they actually don't ship anything. Often enough people just want to stir shit up, making people hate "the shippers" and so "the ship".
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Just like you. You fell for it and you also give a very bad image towards all of the La:wB:in shippers. But I know you're just a single warrior on your path of righteousness. Good luck finding the chill to not do that anymore, mate. Maybe read my pinned post?
Before anyone wonders why I made those screenshots: I sent them to a Zo:Ro:bin shipper to show them that maybe not every attack made by FRobin fans are actually FRobin fans. And the same goes for EVERY SHIP! EVERY SINGLE SHIP!
We different shippers and organiziers sometimes work together to bring shippers home, where they belong.
"I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me."
Here is a little fun fact: You can still enjoy FRobin without engaging with the fans. Just go read fanfiction on Ao3 without an account. Go on pixiv and deviantart and look at fanarts. Don't read tweets or tumblr posts. Curate your online expirence. It is really simple.
Also I don't know what LuNami has to do with anything... but you will find assholes for every ship and every fandom (yes, FRobin too). I tend to be quite the asshole sometimes. Luckily most of the time I calm down before I go full rage.
"It gives insecurity."
FRobin fans have nothing to be insecure about. We constantly make fun of our ship because of how safe we feel in our little vessel. It's a strong ship because we have a shipwright. ;)
"The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying"
..... oh god I'm so tired. Please if you want to debunk FRobin just do your homework. If you want to know why people ship FRobin, here is some reading material. Go through it and then please give me something else to work with.
Why people ship FRobin:
Too much to read for you?
Take this:
"Franky and Robin are the mom and dad", mate that is not even accurate anymore. It's Jinbe now. Franky is a perverted Grandma.
God, imagine shipping FRobin only because of that... that is even a worse argument then "People only ship FRobin because of one non-canon scene in the anime". No dude...
The tag is "why I ship it" on this very blog. Educate yourself
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Heyya! I saw your event while scrolling through the tags and recognized you as one of the few profiles I often visit to reread posts.
Congratulations on your 1k followers! Your writing style is both simple yet unique, it's hard to come by someone who can write emotions so well and actually make you feel said emotions just by mere words. You've truly outdone yourself, both with your imagination and your portrayal!
I haven't really commented nor sent an ask since you celebrated your 500 followers (crazy innit... I blame my shyness for this) and now that you're doing an event, I think I can finally get to say how much comfort you've brought upon not only me but to the other 999 more people who found your content earning of a follow! Again, congratulations!! I look forward to seeing more from you 😭🙏💗
As for the event, you may just refer to me as Lisha for my alias!
I mostly paint/play the piano on my free time, and I absolutely love going into art museums + taking a walk outside the city. My life has been pretty chill and I'm pretty content with it so far! :)
I can say that I'm a pretty affectionate person (With ISFJ as my MBTI + cancer as my zodiac :D ), I'm mostly seen as the "wholesome" person in most of my friend groups, and people also say I'm quite great with my words
Gentleness and someone who can return my affections without having to ask for it is what I look for in a partner. Someone who resembles a sword, sharp just enough to cut, but only for the sake of defending others. Someone who knows when and how to give reassurance, because I think it's one of the most important things in a relationship.
I don't like someone who's too loud or "immature" that it feels like you're taking care of a child more than a lover. And I think this one's pretty self explanatory: "cold" or "numb" types of personas. Insecurity is never a good feeling, especially when your very own lover is the cause of it
My favourite troupe would probably be friends to lovers or childhood to lovers, having your lover originally be someone close to you before realising your feelings just sounds lovely and wholesome (I quite like the slowburn)
And for my ideal date, I would be content with just going into cafes, amusement parks or arcades! Just anything that involves spending time with them honestly
This was honestly wayyy too long, and I hope it won't be a bother to you! 😭 Either way, feel free to skip this or whatever. Have fun with the rest of the requests! I've said this 2 times already but CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN T T Please don't stress yourself out with this event!
Heyyy! First of all thank you so much for your kind words! It genuinely means the world to me. Also that you come to reread my posts - I could squeal /pos. The fact I could bring you comfort with my writing is honestly such a motivation boost 🥺💕
Also don't worry that you were too shy until now (I can very much relate - I'm horrible in making new moots because I just can't approach people at all sjsksjs). Anyway...
I have taken a look at my scryglass and have determined...
Your Perfect Match is...
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Diluc Ragnvindr
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First of all - at first you couldn't stand him at all. He seemed distant, reserved and cold (and that's what pretty much everyone in Mondstadt you knew told you, too).
It wasn't until you ran into him at the Windblume festival spilling the entire glass of grape juice he was holding over his white dress shirt.
You had prepared for the scolding of a lifetime but instead... he was laughing? He told you not to worry about it and even invited you to another glass of juice at the Angel's Share.
As you both sat together at the Tavern you started talking with him more and got a glimpse behind the facade of Diluc. Turns out your first impression of him was completely wrong. He was nice, a good listener and also had quite a good sense of humor.
You found yourself hanging out at his Tavern more and more in the time that followed and also grew closer to him until it dawned on you that you had started to develop feelings for him.
As if the butterflies whenever you heard his name already weren't enough of a clue.
Little did you know he had a gigantic crush on you for quite some time already and he saw the fact that you ran into him at the festival as a sign to finally talk to you.
Your relationship set sail the moment he gathered all his courage to kiss you as he dropped you off at your home.
Expect him to go sheer impossible lengths for you. He is a gentle and kind lover and would do everything in his power to keep you safe and secure.
Words of affirmation? He go you! He is the kind of man who senses when something is off and knows how to console you and somehow always has the right words to cheer you up.
Did he buy a piano for his living room? Sure did! He loves listening to you play.
Do you like sleeping cuddles? Because he is all about that. He likes having you close by even in his sleep, just having you there and holding you, knowing you're safe makes him feel a thousand things at once.
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Lisha, my Love? Oh... I hear you're playing the piano again, oh keep going, listening you play is like magic to me.
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chocolate-failure · 5 months
Man, shit would be so much more comfortable if I didn't have to have a strong series of thoughts and emotions about any one given experience 😕 extremely ghetto. So I'll try to be concise but I feel kinda horrible and the more I think about it the more reasons I find to feel bad so maybe I should stop thinking about it but I can't and I hate myself for not being able to let go.
I went to a concert. I had a few friends who came to visit expressly for this event and I hosted it at my parents'. Cool, so the weekend before I did shrooms with my bff and while it was nice I, of course, had a lot of mfkn thoughts about it. A lot of self hatred and negative criticalness... Idk I don't like myself and while that shouldn't come as a surprise I didn't realize the extent to which I obssess over shit that doesn't fucking matter. But hanging out with this friend made me feel like hanging out with my other friends would be a cakewalk promptly forgetting that ✨this✨ friend is both intimately understanding of my personality and also a friend who exercises an astounding amount of reciprocity. These friends aren't quite the same, well one is but the other two ate just varying degrees unhelpful which just stresses me out. I gained 6lbs over this, what, 2½ day stent?
So let me attempt to set the stage for this endeavor because I feel like there is an impossible amount of context to lay out but also this could definitely be understood without it.
I'm into kpop, over the years I've made friends due to our mutual love of kpop. Some of these friends are pretty chill while others are not so much while yet more are a bit too chill. The friends I've invited into my home for this weekend are as follows ((may be subject to change cuz I'm coming up with these names on the fly) as a matter of fact I'm really not in the mood to come up with names and trying to think of them is just holding up the story. I'll just call them 5, 6, and 7.
5 is probably the person I know the most and like the most, which is always a feat because the more I know someone the less I tend to like them. They are very insightful, thoughtful, and kind. You can tell they're an introvert but in many ways have been beaten into submission by life and toxic relationships. 5 is overall a great person but has quite a few neuroses that very much blind them from seeing their inherent worth and how valuable they are to the people who's lives they enrich. Coincidentally they are also legally blind which has hampered them living a fulfilling and independent life not only because of the disability but because of their family being less than supportive and fostering some wicked codependency.
6, I don't know so well but all that I've seen so far I'm not impressed with. She is older than me but seems to have far less of a grip on adulthood than I had as a kid. I think the reason this is is because she is a taker. I don't necessarily think she's lazy but she wants to always do the minimum, cut the most corners but receive the maximum. To me that is the definition of lazy weather you're working or not if you expect to get more than what you put in you're abusing the system in some way. Either you're taking from someone else or you're not giving your fair share which is tantamount to taking from someone else. She's aware that what she's doing is underhanded and taking advantage of a relationship but she rather have what she wants over upholding any semblance of integrity. I have people in my family who are just like her. They're the type of people to get invited to a potluck be asked to bring a dish and they arrive with paper plates or something they bought from dollar tree. They're only happy with a deal if they feel like they're ahead of you in some way and will make any given process a living hell by never shutting up about how put out they're feeling. That being said, I don't like her. I thought initially I disliked her attitude cuz just hearing her voice pissed me tf off but I think it's just her. She just doesn't give much to the relationship I have with her and I'd be better off not knowing her.
7 is new to the group. Well new to the people who have hung out irl. I've hung out with her one time before and enjoyed myself but she wasn't staying at my house. She's definitely an extravert and doesn't so much collect introverts as she attracts them. She has a very inviting and boisterous personality without being too overbearing, pushy, or loud. She's nice to be around for events but I think day to day I'm not a fan. In my home we are very giving and extremely hospitable but we also expect guests to have some fucking decorum. Like we're not going to ask you to clean the toilets or some shit but if someone is making you a meal you should participate in the preparation whether it's reading the recipe or gathering ingredients or helping to clean. After all I'm housing you on my own dime so that you won't have to pay for a hotel. I'm preparing a recipe you found online because I'm a good cook and you'd like for me to do it for you. I bought the ingredients and got all the shit ready and asked for help cooking as I needed to finish up and get in the bath because the stress of this event is causing my autoimmune disease to flare up. I'm not going to just drop everything and not do it cuz I'm not a child but I asked for help and received none. It very much felt like my childhood home was being treated like a resort rather than idk my fucking house. It's kinda shitty to act like you're on vacation at someone's house when that person is also trying to a nice time but can't because you've decided you're fun is more important than their physical health. Like could you not still have fun and also have helped so that I could treat my fucking disease??? She and 6 talked, watched vids, and otherwise made themselves unavailable until it was time to eat. 6 would later say she felt like she'd get in the way. That is one thing about 7 that it better than 6, she at least knows how to hold a conversation without complaining in every other sentence so she's a good deal more palatable even though the outcome was the same.
That's one thing I definitely inherited from my parents that's a bit of a double edged sword, being kind and generous is all well and good until you run into people who are either looking to take advantage of you or don't understand that they are, 6 being the former and 7 the later.
Safe to say with just those circumstances in place this weekend was going to be a drain. Nevermind the concert we attended and litany of emotional baggage and mental traumas tied up in the experience of self expression, self disclosure and fandom. This was overall an uncomfortable and exhausting experience.
If you've been here for any period of time you'll know that I'm rather feminine looking both in physical features and presentation. While I feel like my literary voice isn't necessarily all that feminine I hold no delusions that I don't look like an afab person though I suppose that's not entirely true because a non-negligible number of people have assumed I'm a transwoman. And while I'm not always thrilled with the fact it certainly is not lost to me that to many I am rather okay to look at. Maybe not pretty in the conventional sense but Tumblr has never been a place to be conventional and even still I do possess many of the features commonly thought of as pretty. I don't say this to be concieted or self important but to outline an experience that is common for me and known to those who find themselves reading this. I am not unattractive but something that may be lost to those who frequent this blog is how tall I actually am. I am tall for an afab person and almost short for an amab person, probably p close to the average international height for males. I'm 5'8 (173cm) and that's never been a big deal to me, like at all. I've always kind of enjoyed my height and would actually lament wanting to be taller. I would've been happy to be 5'10 but this day was the first in a very long time where I wished only to be small.
In kpop the average listed height is probably 5'10 though that is most certainly a lie. I've always been a rather saunch supporter of shorter men, I think a part of me felt us to be kindred spirits, growing up as a tall girl I thought that short men were both genuinely attractive in a way I find hard to articulate but also just generally strong to exist in a world where their worth is heavily weighted on an attribute they have 0 control over.
Honestly I've always loved short men and tall women for their fortitude but their also just fucking beautiful. I never really considered myself a man or a woman more like some kind of weird gremlin creature pretending to be a person and perhaps I had grown too comfortable in thinking I was a passable human being because holy hell did I let the gremlin come out. And maybe it's just a product of neurodivergence but the way I acted caused me so much distress I'd rather avoid having it happen again than try immersing myself in the experience again. I'm trying not to be dramatic but I feel so goddamn horrible about myself atm this isn't an exaggeration. Did I have a bad time? No. Did I have a good one? Also no. I've always enjoyed music but I think I may hate myself more than I love music and that is a sobering realization to come to.
It started with the fansign. I didn't know there was going to be one until it started and I was sharing air with these beautiful strangers that I know so much and absolutely nothing about. It's a spiralling dichotomy that I don't have a hard time reconciling myself with until I'm in the same room with these people. And I can't be a fan, there's no room for it in between racked breaths and racing thoughts. I'm just a fucking gobo trying so desperately not to give away the fact that I am in fact subhuman scum perpetuating an elaborate fraud, for what? To feel what it feels to be a girl? To enjoy the spoils of fandom? To meet my heroes? I don't even know these people and I'm expected to know what to say to them? And they're expected to tell me I'm pretty and then what? What's that suppose to do? Make me feel like I matter? To them?? What's the fucking point of any of this? And I'm surrounded by these excited screeching girls who are over the moon that he looks at her, of all people, held her hand, said she was so beautiful. What tf is this??? Is this what people do? Is this what joy looks like? I don't think joy comes in a form I'm equipped to consume and if that's what it looks like I don't want it.
I was just felt ridiculous, all dolled up in the corset I spent the better part of a month working to fit into because of course I need to lose weight and it's been the only thing I can think about for the past 10 months (10 years if I'm being honest) but apparently this was enough to strengthen my resolve. Idk, It just rings hollow to me. But maybe it's because I'm hollow. I'd like to think of myself as the thoughtful one out of my friends but maybe I'm just the cynical one. All these insights and disclosures seem to be at the expense of my own joy and I can't seem to wrap my head around what exactly is the point of all of this if it makes me feel even more horrible.
And not so much horrible as I feel utterly alien. As beautiful as I'm told I am the eyes and mind I was born with weren't designed to consume reality. I wish I could be a delulu stan. I wish I was afforded the grace of being so in love with myself that I think the world is too. That I could ever think I was anything but a lumbering oafish loser standing next to this dude I thought was unspeakably attractive or an overstimulated oddball for running through the hitouch line because I'm literally freaking tf out and want it to be over as soon as possible. I can't help but look at the snapshots from the concert and cringe. It's like looking at a tryptophobia trigger, I can't stop despite the immense discomfort it elicits. A form of self flagelltion for disobeying the dogma of an institution I was never meant to be a part of. And the kicker is I don't even want to fucking be here. I'm just visiting womanhood, casually consuming it so that maybe this shit will mean something to me. I mean look at me. There is nothing endearing or cute or attractive about the way I look. I'm just this weird kid trying not to be weird and failing in front of people I hold in high esteem. I'm much too big, much too intense, much too me to be a person to whom this experience truly belongs, to be someone who even remotely belongs here. This literally had me remeasuring my own height because I couldn't have possibly grown from last time, had I really gaslit myself into believing these men towered over me? I can't suspend my disbelief enough to feel like this is anything but thinly veiled transaction nor can I immerse myself enough to overcome my inability to read others' expressions to intuit how they feel about me. I've never been one for reading between the lines so an experience like this is hand crafted to be both overwhelming and underwhelming I'm ways that are hilariously disorienting and depressing.
I feel ridiculous for thinking that I was normal. For wanting to be normal and wating to enjoy a, while certainly not common, still rather unremarkable interaction. I think I wanted to be laughed at because at least that's an expression I understand, regardless of how someone feels about you making them laugh seems to overcome some level of decorum, it's the sliver of raw humanity that breaks through our built affects, the masks we wear to pretend we're civilized. I'm afraid that with as many masks and proxies that I've so painstakingly designed that the mask is only as convincing as its wearer and the fact that I've never been human means my masks aren't either.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: unreconciled stars
series masterlist characters: scaramouche, fischl, mona genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i'm sorry fischl and mona's aren't that good :(( this is actually my first time writing for them but i hope you enjoy <33
scaramouche's playthrough -
oof scara
scara scara scara
this boy hates his chat and at this point they don't care.
it's not like he'll badmouth them, right?
think ludwig.
that's him.
he's a very angy boy please--
as for what he does?
much like childe he'd do a lot of pvp games.
he's not too keen on showing off his personal life.
he prefers that boundary between his viewers and himself, y'know?
he honestly doesn't even understand why his viewers like him.
he knows he's a mean person and yet here they are :/
he doesn't take requests from his viewers he just kinda plays whatever he wants.
imagine his viewers' surprise when they see him streaming genshin--
they asked why a lot.
"it seemed cool."
this man just wants to play some good ol' anime games.
his chat calls him soft and he just glares.
anyway now he's actually playing.
he's not really into mondstadt's characters they're all... okay to him.
he feels a bit better in liyue.
not because it's pretty oh no no no.
because look at all the enemies outside >:))
he'll clear the whole field don't test him.
anyway, now onto the unreconciled stars event :00
this man really doesn't like katheryne--
anyway at this point he's tasked with find fritz, which he doesn't really want to do.
he sees the dude on the ground but that's only after he sees someone standing next to him.
and then he sees someone standing next to him :0
"is the guy on the floor sleeping?"
"i believe so. i've tried everything, but he won't wake up."
he will pause to look at your outfit.
it's so complex but it's so cool!!!
his chat suspects something's up but... he'll just snap at them like he normally does.
but he'll silently admire you <3
also yOU'RE T I N Y ! !
and then paimon points out your clothes and the cameras pans up your body--
"heh... and by "this person over here," you mean me, right?"
he will choose the "those unique clothes are quite beautiful" option in a heartbeat.
he doesn't care that his chat is teasing him, he just wants you to know :))
he's kinda sad when you leave, though...
"please come back soon..."
skip to a few events later when the constellation is revealed to be leonard's.
the sudden cutscene catches him off guard because he's prepared to fight someone.
"hi! sounds interesting... mind if i join you?"
he won't say anything but he will physically relax at the sight of you.
you make this man soft please--
he's lowkey angry when his character is teleported away from you :(
(name): the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers
of course he doesn't say that but his chat can tell that's what he's thinking.
this man's eyes go wide when you order the fatui around.
please help he really likes you. you're so assertive and cute and cool and just AGH--
fischl's playthrough -
fischl can and will do cosplay streams.
her fans like to watch her because of the "character" she puts up for the camera.
honestly she just does this because she genuinely enjoys cosplaying and bringing characters to life.
oz is the nickname for her pet bird :))
she definitely gets a lot of trolls in her chat that make fun of her for her cosplays and "dumb" way of speaking.
in which case she'll just yell at them using her "dumb" way of speaking.
she really does care about how people see her but her chat comforts her a lot after, so she feels better after a few minutes :))
the games she plays are very fantasy based and take place in worlds that don't exist.
once she gets into a game, she'd pick her favorite character and cosplay as them everytime she streams that game.
sometimes she does sewing streams where she actually makes her own cosplay with her fans.
they like to make it with her if they have the materials :D
genshin impact was a game her fans recommended because they actually want to see fischl cosplay the characters.
they will beg her to do the cosplay creation on stream.
(they defintitely know who she'll choose to cosplay but it's fine)
when she reaches the unreconciled stars event, she's really excited to learn about the fated meteorite granting sleep upon touch.
she's ready to go around teyvat in search of an answer when...
"katheryne! vassal of the immernachtreich, do mine ears deceive me, or didst thou cry out mine holy name in earnest supplication not one moment ago?"
some of her chat is obviously confused by your speech but her long time viewers can understand some of it.
oz, who fischl had brought with her to play, seems excited to see your familiar flying to you :)
fischl is just as excited as he is!!
please you speak just like her and you're voice is so nice and it actually sounds like the developers put thought into what the speech would mean in "proper speech."
"a pleasure to meet you again, katheryne."
some of her viewers will beg for her to skip through your dialogue.
when she sees those comments, she will purposefully let your dialogue play out, proceed to read out that same dialogue, and respond to you as if she was actually talking to you.
not just to spite them but because it's also a lot of fun for her <3
"it would seem the gods have blessed us with meeting such a well-respected being!"
translation: she's really excited to have met you.
as soon as you spoke she decided she would cosplay as you.
she's already planning out all of the materials she'll need and how much time it would take.
if your familiar is a bird, you best bet oz will be in her photo shoots for your cosplay.
most of the time you're on screen, she'll talk to her viewers about you in her classic chuunibyou style <333
she's really sad when it's time for you to leave :(((
"... goodbye, fischl. you are a good listener. i enjoy chatting with you. to be honest, most of the other adventurers in the guild only ever talk to me when they wanna hear (familiar)'s reconnaissance reports... this little journey we had... it was a great adventure. i'm just sorry that is has to end so abruptly..."
she might cry wait--
she relates to you even more now :(
"ah! what am i doing? i totally broke form..."
you're too cute pleas--
mona's playthrough -
mona does a lot of nightly streams.
it's very rare for you to catch her streaming with daylight.
she likes to share things about astrology while sitting outside drinking something warm.
she'll do a lot of nightly gaming streams as well.
mainly calmer games that people can vibe to in the background.
she prefers to keep her streams lowkey and chill, much like the life she wants to lead.
if only she had the money to do so...
yes, mona is still struggling with money even as a streamer.
she greatly appreciates any donations her fans give to her because she practically relies on them to pay her rent and daily necessities.
of course, it's not like she's completely struggling, just enough to barely get her by.
anyway, her fans ask her about playing genshin impact, inticing her with their talk about the stars and night sky in the game.
she's the type of player to take her time in the environment and take a lot of pictures of her character at night.
she's actually really excited when she hears about this new event centering around the stars and sky :D
soon enough, she gets around to the part where she is need of an astrologist.
she's HYPED to hear there's an astrologist in the game.
"someone looking for me? who is it?"
she will squeal, please.
look at you!!!
your whole design has stars and is space-themed and you're so cute and you're voice is so soothing ! ! !
she really likes listening to you talk about astrology because your voice gets even softer than before.
that scene where you go to the cliff??
please she has that scene as her lockscreen <3
you just look so cool when you start to do your process.
you're so focused and the way they animate your process in the game is beautiful.
and then the fatui harbinger interrupts one of your meetings :00
you grab onto mona's character and teleport away in a cloud of stars and specks of your elemental vision.
she's kinda embarrassed when you scold her about getting involved with the harbinger--
but not only are you really cool and awesome, you're super strong, too!
please be sassy more she really likes how proud you sound :))
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A fluorescent green gaze pierced through him from the rearview mirror. As much as the eye contact sent chills down Dale's spine, he didn't want to look away. Some primal part of his brain was much more comfortable keeping his eyes firmly planted on the predator in the back seat of the police car.
"Why won't he leave?" Dale whispered to his partner, the woman grit her teeth.
"I don't know, but I'm not the idiot who decided to fucking arrest him." spat Whitney.
"I didn't think it would work!" Dale hissed. They were trying to be quiet, but he was certain the ghost boy could hear them clear as day, especially with the quiet of the late night streets. "I was just following protocol. We're not supposed to ignore criminal activity."
"The protocol," Whitney's knuckles tightened on the steering wheel as she circled the block for the third time. "Is to not fuck with the ghosts Dale. Especially that one."
She jerked her head roughly to the boy in the back seat, he was looking around the car and humming to himself, he didn't appear to be paying attention, but that didn't mean he wasn't listening.
"Look I just... we need to at least keep up appearances. We can't just let people think we aren't even trying."
"Yes! Yes we can!" Whitney snapped her mouth shut as her volume started to rise with frustration, she glanced nervously into the mirror and took a deep breath before continuing in a low tone. "We aren't paid to deal with this kind of bullshit, we radio it in and let a Fenton or a Guy in White deal with it."
"Okay I get it!" Dale ran a hand through his thinning hair. "I just... I feel so pathetic doing nothing when ghosts are just running around destroying public property-"
"Oh yeah no that's fine Dale that's a great reason to go and put handcuffs on the most powerful ghost in the fucking city." Whitney took the next turn a little too sharply, Dale felt himself lurch sideways, but the boy in the back hardly moved. It wasn't especially surprising given his usual disregard for the laws of physics.
As well as all the other laws that Officer Dale was supposed to be enforcing.
"I told you I didn't think he would actually come willingly." Dale whispered harshly, his voice containing just the barest hint of hysteria. "I just wanted to show him that we aren't total pushovers, I didn't expect it to go this far."
They circled the block once more as Dale checked the rearview mirror again. Phantom was playing with his handcuffs, jiggling the chain and twisting his hands around them. It was almost like he was trying wriggle his way out of them, Dale knew perfectly well that they were just ordinary handcuffs, and he could phase through them at any moment. Phantom had to know that too.
Whitney flicked her eyes between the mirror and the road.
"Asshole," the word was barely audible, Dale would have missed it had he not seen her lips move. "He's just doing this to fuck with us."
"Of course he is." Dale rubbed at his face tiredly. "He's probably got nothing better to do, maybe he'll leave if another ghost shows up?"
"And exactly how long do you expect us to go around in circles waiting for that to happen?" Whitney asked through gritted teeth. "This is getting fucking embarrassing."
"Maybe we should just take him in," Dale sighed in defeat. Whitney took another corner way too hard, jostling him roughly in his seat.
"I am NOT taking Phantom back for processing. They will NEVER let us live this down, and I am NOT becoming the joke of the precinct because YOU decided to be a god damn moron and arrest a fucking ghost."
Another sharp turn and the entrance to the city park flew by their windows again, Dale had lost count how many times they'd circled the block, but somehow he was certain that Phantom hadn't.
The little shit was enjoying this, why couldn't he just sneak into a movie theatre to get his kicks like a normal teenager?
Whitney growled and pulled the car into a complete stop, the wheels screeched and Dale let out a loud WHUFF as the inertia jerked him hard against his seatbelt.
His partner violently wrenched the door open and pulled herself out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her with far more force than was necessary.
Dale followed suit and looked over the roof of the car as Whitney pulled open the back passenger door and whistled sharply, pointing up and out into the sky.
"Go on, get. Ride's over, you've had your fun."
"Awww come oooon," Phantom whined, "I didn't even get to hear you use the siren!"
"Don't care, we're the police, not baby sitters. Go find some ghost cops to bother."
"The ghost cops aren't as fun," Phantom moaned, but he did as he was told and stepped out of the car. "You know, you guys shouldn't swear so much around minors, you're corrupting the youth!"
"I'll corrupt my foot up your ass if you don't get going." said Whitney, flatly. She put her hand out and Phantom effortlessly dropped the cuffs from his wrists and tossed them at her.
He pulled a face at her as she fumbled with the handcuffs, sticking out a very green tongue.
"I saw that young man!" Dale pointed at him from the other side of the car. "Don't let us catch you disrespecting an officer of the law again! Next time you won't get off with just a warning-"
"Dale! For the love of all that is holy shut your damn fool mouth!"
Phantom hopped backwards from the irate woman, his last few steps landing on empty air. He floated gently upwards with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Well this has been fun but I gotta head off, but thanks for the company! We should do it again some time, see you around!" He waved a casual salute and swung around, legs stretching out into a long swirling tail as he sped off into the sky.
Dale felt his knees shaking as he slipped back into the car. Whitney settled into her seat, hands steady as a rock as she belted herself up and started the car.
"That was terrifying." He gasped.
"And yet you still had to keep playing bad cop."
"I'm sorry it just slipped out! He's no different to any of the other punks we deal with around here. A wiseass with no respect for authority." Dale huffed and folded his arms, crossly.
"...He probably wasn't any different, before he died." Whitney said, quietly.
Dale didn't respond, letting the statement sit heavily between them as the car pulled away from the curb.
"I forget that sometimes, you know." said Dale. "This is the first time I've ever seen him up close and he... he really does just look like some kid. How do you think he... how do you think it happened?"
Whitney let out a deep breath as they completed their final lap around the block and headed in toward the city centre.
"I have no idea, and I'm pretty sure that's the kinda thing you can't ask." she paused for a moment, before continuing with a quiet pain in her voice. "He's so young."
"I wonder if his parents know," Dale mused sombrely, "That he's, you know, still around?"
"Who knows."
A car cut them off suddenly at an intersection.
"That was a red light." Dale announced.
The police car's lights flashed as the siren echoed through the empty streets, and Whitney slammed her foot down to catch up with the offending vehicle.
The conversation was over, but neither cop forgot about the incident, and neither could look at their city's hero and menace quite the same. Dale had gotten quite good at seeing ghosts as merely 'creatures', or 'monsters', things that were entirely Strange and Other. Being up close and personal with one had been a much needed reminder of what a ghost truly was.
And that ghost, the one messing around in the back of his car, was a boy. Just a boy. A boy who had a family, a boy who had a life, a boy who had died.
When Dale got home in the early hours of the morning, he hovered by his kids' bedroom, carefully easing the door open to look at their little sleeping faces. Just to make sure they were still there, right where he left them. Still breathing, still alive.
He knew there was a family out there somewhere, parents who had looked through their son's bedroom door and seen only cold, empty sheets.
Dale stepped very carefully over the spilt lego pieces on the floor, and gave his girls both a long, heartfelt kiss on their little heads, before going back to his own room to lay by his sleeping wife's side.
No, no he truly couldn't look at Phantom quite the same way, not anymore.
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hellmry · 4 years
What do you think of this whole "ppl shipping SessRin are basically supporting paedophilia” on tumblr? I've seen lots of japapense fans on twitter and they're all basically happy for the huge possibility of having Rin as Sesshomaru's wife and the mother of Towa and Setsuna, and then I go to tumblr and see all these SessRin bashing, saying that their bond should have kept platonic, the "real" sesshomaru will not behave romantically with Rin, etc. Idk what to think? :/ What are your thoughts?
oh goody, this is going to be a long one.
it’s so ridiculous 🙄 I’ve seen this “paedophilia” argument so many times and it’s triggering how they misuse this term so much. Especially as a law student (pet peeve: people misusing technical terms and making very serious (false) accusations).
Paedophilia tends to be the umbrella term for everything with a big age gap or when one party of the couple knew the other party as a child, which shows how uneducated they are with their try hard activism. Paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder, when an adult is primary or exclusively sexually attracted to prepubescent children.
No one in their right mind ships Sesshomaru with Rin while she was still a kid, I’ve yet to see someone who actively ships them in a romantic setting with her still being a kid. All the shippers I’ve come across and fanworks made, are her being a young adult or adult.
The other term they’re throwing around is “grooming”, while thinking it means he groomed her into his wife, which is also false and a misuse of the term. Grooming happens, when an adult is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child in order to lower the child’s inhibitions with the object of sexual abuse. Sessh didn’t approach her with any sexual intentions in mind, he tolerated her following him out of pity, which turned into being her protector after a while. As I see it, Jaken was more of a father figure for her than Sessh was. He ignored her most of the times, just watching over her and made sure she was safe (i mean, like a dog...a guard dog). And he certainly didn’t “groom” her into being his wife, that dude did not show any signs of romantic interest while she was a child. Heck, he was pretty stoic most of the times.
The fact, that people who saw Sessh as a father figure for Rin exist, is actually our strongest argument against their paedophilia accusation. They wouldn’t have been able to perceive their relationship as such in the first place, if there were ANY romantic advances or signs while she was a child. Wanna see and read about a real pedophile story/relationship? Go read Lolita by Vladimir Nobakov, it’s disturbing.
Another form of grooming happens, when someone is manipulated until they’re isolated, dependent and more vulnerable to exploitation (can also happen with adults). Though it was only a filler episode, in episode 162 (Forever with Lord Sesshomaru), Sessh even gave her the free choice to either stay with humans or follow him (with his trademark line “do as you please”). In the Manga she was staying with Kaede in the end. And she was friends with Kohaku. She mostly fended for herself (with Jaken), foraging for food in the wild or secretly on farms. Rin was certainly not isolated or dependent. I’m not even digging into the exploitation point, because there is nothing to say.
I admit, they way SessRin developed is not completely unproblematic and the biggest factor is, that he met her while she was still a child. I can agree with that, but most SessRin shippers do not ship them because he knew her as a child, but because she was the first one who he cared for. If you break it down, it’s pretty much the cold-emotionless-bad boy-falls-for-a-girl-after-being-shown-kindness-for-the-first-time trope. SessRin shippers would’ve also shipped them if Rin was the same age as Kagome the first time they’ve met. Rin being a child when they met is not the base of this ship, it’s their relationship and how she broke through Sessh’s walls and that she was the first (human) being he ever cared for. She was also the reason Sessh slowly began to accept Tenseiga as his sword.
People who are saying Sessh went out of character and should’ve stayed on platonic terms with Rin, clearly have no idea about storytelling and character development. Sessh is a dog demon. Inuyasha is a dog demon. Inu no Taisho was a dog demon. Rin is a human, Kikyo was a human, Kagome is a human, Izayoi was a human. Basically, dogs love humans and create very strong bonds with them. Even staying loyal when their owner mistreats or abuses them. The whole series builds up on this dog-human dynamic. Basically every romantic interest involving a dog demon ended up being a dog-human pair. What’s not clicking?
I also find it quite funny, how some of those people can also ship Kagome and Inuyasha while preaching their (false) paedophilia speech in the same sentence. Kagome was 15 when she met 200 year old Inuyasha. 15. That’s a teenager. I’m 26 and when I see 15 year olds, they look like toddlers to me. I don’t see anyone advocating for Kagome’s minor rights. The whole world flipped when Drake was dating a 18 year old but the fandom is still pretty silent about the fact, that Kagome was also 18 when she was married to 203 y/o Inuyasha in the epilogue. InuKag and SessKag shippers don’t get the same criticism as SessRin shippers, even though Kagome is also still a minor and that’s where you see the hypocrisy.
They can ship her because her design looks older and it’s easier to forget that she’s 15/18. Usagi from Sailor Moon was 14 when she met and began a romantic relationship with Mamoru, who was 17. Even though both are considered minors, 14 is a lot different than 17 but nobody bat an eye for that either. Probably it’s because Usagi doesn’t look like a 14 year old. Kagome doesn’t look like a 15 year old. But Rin looks her age, she looks like an 8 year old when they first met, evoking a different perception in people of being a minor, the age gap and her vulnerability. That’s the only reason I can think of, why people are fine with InuKag, SessKag, KogaKag and whatever, even though it’s essentially almost the same setting as with SessRin. Rin is a minor, Kagome is a minor, they both are protected by their stronger and much older demon travel partners. And its hypocritical to try and argue a difference because grooming and abuse of an 8 year old is such as horrific as of an 15 year old. If one of them is a victim, then both are.
I’m not trying to shit on InuKag or other Kagome ships btw., I love Kagome and InuKag, I’m just trying to show the hypocrisy in their fake activism, because it’s not based on facts and information but rather on subjective feelings and perception. It’s fine and legitimate to not like SessRin because of said reasons, but it is wrong to judge others for shipping it and accuse them of supporting paedophilia. People who are triggered by SessRin, should stay away from it but leave those alone, who enjoy it.
Oh and before someone runs their mouth at me and use personal history as an argument, I’ve been a victim of paedophilia and grooming myself. I was touched and molested by my private tutor for years between 5th and 7th grade. But I’ve overcome my trauma, educated myself and I’m able to tell fiction from reality. Nobody watches Inuyasha for relationship and dating advice. Misusing terms is actually harming the ones involved and projecting one own’s traumas and struggles onto others, by shaming them for shipping something is not helping anyone and doesn’t make a difference at all.
Lastly, no SessRin shipper is condoning real life child/adult relationships. We are able to ship them because fictional stories are less dimensional than real life situations are. Fictional relationships have less nuances, cherry picked dynamics and moments that make us perceive them in a specific way. It is man made. What seems romantic in a fictional story (even between two adults) may be littered with red flags or less exciting and boring in a real life setting. People consume fiction mainly for entertainment, not for real life and dating advice.
Remember, this is just a fictional story, just chill the f out.
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occultdaddy · 3 years
Trouble by Adam Jensen is one of the best suiting songs on my c!Sapnap playlist. At least for my interpretation and headcanons. So idc really if I'm "wrong", lmao.
'xcuse me while I go into detail.
And when the static fades to black, yeah
I'll be singing all alone
Sapnap has been involved in and at the front of plenty of confrontations and fights, yet has all his canon lives intact. Quackity and Karl has both lost a canon life. Bbh and Skeppy too. Dream has lost two. George has all his too, but he's also not been quite as involved in stuff as Sapnap has. Not only is it that it seems likely for Sapnap to survive for longer, but there's also a bunch of other things driving others further and further away from him. The lack of communication surrounding Las Nevadas and Kinoko Kingdom. Karl loosing his memory. The egg thing. Dream in general lol. George sleeping more and more?
Is it living or dying that makes me afraid?
Or is it that I know my soul can't be saved?
Is dying scarier than outliving your friends and family?
Sapnap has done a bunch of bad shit. He's aware. His good actions doesn't negate his bad. Helping saving Tommy during the Disc Confrontation doesn't change that he loyally followed Dream for a long time.
There's trouble in my daydreams
It's all I've ever known
The day that I was born, trouble won't leave me alone
It's flowing in my bloodstream
And running through my veins
And when I lose my mind, it's the trouble that remains
This one is pretty self explanatory. Sapnap was born in fire. Whether that be literal or symbolic, it all bodes to trouble. He seeks it out, it seeks him out. Sapnap finds it easier to resort to anger, violence, and arson than dealing with his issues in a healthy way.
Baby, I'm a powder keg, waiting to explode
Sapnap has a hot temper and is quick to cut and burn down things in his path. Right now he might be peaceful and chill, but all it needs is a good spark to set it all off again.
Yeah, I'm a ten cent man in a hundred dollar suit
Sapnap can seem like a cocky figther and is def hot-headed. But in actually he's shy and lacks social confidence. Package it in well and no one will know your "true worth"
Baby, you should look the other way
Forget my name, 'cause I'm no good for you
While I can't recall having seen so, I def think Sapnap feels like Karl and Quackity would be better off without him at times.
There's no silver or gold in my kingdom, I've done it
All of that treasure and suffering and hurt
Shit went down my heart, blood is still spilling
Kingoko Kingdom isn't your regular Kingdom. It has no real King/official leader. It's not for power or riches, but about the people. It's generally rlly pacifistic, mainly a place for Sapnap, Karl, and George to get away from conflict and have fun. Karl wants it get famous for more friends.
Sapnap is still hurt from Dream's (and his own) actions.
I can't be your hero, so I'll play the villain
It does fit in general.
However I think a lot of my "prediction"/plot idea where Sapnap will burn down Kinoko Kingdom and likely more of the Dream SMP if all/most of these happens:
he doesn't reconcile with Quackity
Karl forgets him
George is lost in the dream world(aka the loss of a friend and main support system)
he finds out about bbh trying kill everyone in the banquet that he himself was invited to
The prison alarm and/or Dream's plans
Finding out about the torture. He does still care about Dream despite wanting him to stay in the prison and take the punishment he's been given for his actions.
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eryiss · 4 years
Fraxus Week 2020: Day 6 - Tarot
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Summary: After a crappy post-college first year, Laxus jumped at the opportunity to leave town for a week for a road trip with his friends. He intended it just to be a week away with his friends, but when he meets an unfamiliar stranger, the vacation turns into something much more. [Fraxus Multichapter]
This is the sixth part of my Fraxus Week admissions, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This year I’ve made the prompts into a single multi-chapter fic. You can see all the chapters in the Masterpost linked below. Hope you enjoy.
You can read this on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, and under the cut. Read the other chapters from this masterlist.
Chapter Six – A Carnival Reading
Bickslow had claimed it was an accident, but Laxus called bullshit. To Laxus, this seemed as though it was Bickslow and Evergreen's way of giving their new relationship their blessing. But Laxus didn't particularly care, because he had woken up sharing a relatively small bed with Freed, arm wrapped around the man's waist while pulling him close, and the man nuzzled into his chest as he slept. And, although Laxus had no intention on trying, he couldn't think of a better thing to wake up to.
With a soft smile, he shuffled slightly and pulled Freed closer. The sleeping man hummed and moved his head, revealing a small smile on his face.
This was rather a charmed life, and Laxus could get used to it.
But that was wishful thinking. They'd had their first sober kiss only a day prior, and it had exhilarated Laxus to a point no other relationships had. After that, they'd spent some time atop the RV's roof, Laxus looking up at the stars while Freed continued his book. That too had been exhilarating in a way Laxus couldn't put into words. After that, they'd eaten with Bickslow and Evergreen, spoken about how they were something of a couple but hadn't yet put a label on it, but they certainly weren't platonic.
Their friends had been supportive of that. They knew both men weren't the most emotionally vulnerable people, it seemed.
And now Laxus had woken up in the small double bed at the back of the RV, with Freed in his arms. Seeing as the man was sleeping softly, Laxus leant down and pressed his lips against the crown of Freed's head, smiling down at him.
"That was adorable," Evergreen's voice cut through the silence, and made Laxus' head snap up. He didn't think she was awake. "I didn't know you had it in you to be sweet."
"Shut up," Laxus groaned, voice a tired croak. He quickly glanced through the rest of the RV and his eyes settled on Bickslow, who was curled up awkwardly in the passenger side seat snoring and drooling onto the pillow he was spooning. He was glad that only Evergreen had seen that, as Bickslow would have gone into an overly dramatic meltdown. Which would have woken Freed up and ended the situation.
Huh. Laxus really meant it when he said he cared more for Freed than his dignity.
"I won't say anything more," Evergreen said with a smile. It was annoyingly kind. "I just think its nice. Besides, after you fell asleep we took loads of pictures," Laxus glared at her, and she laughed. "I'm joking. Well, I think so. I fell asleep before Bix so you might want to check."
"Thanks for the warning," Laxus said softly, perhaps sarcastically.
"Well, I'm only really being nice because I have something else I need to tell you," Evergreen said with a small trace of guilt in her tone. "I found that we're pretty close to a well-reviewed circus carnival, and I mentioned it to Bickslow. As you can guess, we're spending the day there."
"Why d'you need to butter me up for that?" Laxus said, not aware that he was running his hands through Freed's soft hair.
"Well, Bickslow made it pretty clear that we'd be leaving the two of you alone," Evergreen sighed. "Essentially, we're forcing you on your first date. Which might be a tad annoying to your plan of not putting labels on what you are."
Laxus glanced down at the sleeping man in the bed with him, and smiled softly. While they were taking things as they came, it certainly wasn't a bad thing that they would be spending the day together.
"I'm sure we can handle it," Laxus said softly.
"You're a hero," Evergreen laughed quietly. "Well, since you're awake now, I'm going to go for a little morning walk. See you later; oh, and keep up the kisses because it's adorable."
If he weren't wrapped around Freed, he might have thrown the pillow at the woman's retreating figure. Instead he did his best to raise his middle finger at the woman without moving Freed to a point where he would awaken. Evergreen let out a quiet laugh as she left the RV, leaving Laxus as the only person awake in the truck. As he was essentially alone, he looked down at the man wrapped up against him.
Freed really was a man of many faces, all damn appealing. Right now, his contented sleeping expression was pretty damned cute. But the night before, on the roof of the RV, he had been more handsome than any man Laxus had laid eyes on. Even the smug and cocky expression he had given Laxus when challenging him to a race at the waterpark had been hot.
It was really quite unfair that he got to be that attractive in that many ways.
"Urgh," Freed murmured quietly, and Laxus looked down at him with an expression of quiet contentment.
"Morning," He greeted.
"Morning," Freed parroted, eyes fluttering open softly. He smiled when he made eye contact with Laxus. "Well you're rather cuddly, aren't you?" Freed chuckled, but cushioned the tease with a soft kiss against Laxus' jaw.
"People always get shocked by that," Laxus commented quietly. "I've never understood why."
"Oh I fully expected you to enjoy hugging, why else would you have a body like this," Freed chuckled, moving slightly so his head was level with Laxus'. "I just expected that being in the presence of the human embodiment of annoying gossip might make you a little hesitant."
"With another guy, maybe," Laxus said the words before he could think. Was that too far for their relationship?
"You're charming too," Freed replied with a soft chuckle. "I thought that was going to be my thing."
"I gotta keep you on yer toes somehow," Laxus said with a grin. "Speaking of, Ever warned me that Bix's been plotting and apparently they're taking us to some carnival or something, and they're gonna ditch us and basically put us on a date together. You okay with that?"
"Of course," Freed nodded a little, and his nose gently traced Laxus'. "Spending time alone with you is quickly becoming a pastime of mine that I love, so you can safely assume I'll enjoy any dates we might go on. Forced on us or otherwise."
"I'm glad," Laxus smiled, jutting his chin forward so he could press his lips against Freed's in a chaste kiss. It sent a shock through him. "And I'll get to kick your ass at carnival games."
"Rather cocky attitude there, Laxus," Freed chuckled. "Misplaced, too."
"You said something similar when you challenged me to the water park race," Laxus grinned. "And remind me, who's got their lock screen as a picture of them on a waterslide screaming like they're about to piss themself."
"True, but in a carnival, you can't repeatedly push me into water and trip me up just to get your way," Freed said with a good-natured smile.
"You're really underestimating how much I like winning," Laxus grinned. "But if your so confident, we can make a bet."
"You truly are a competitive man, Mr Dreyar. I like it," Freed chuckled. "How about the loser pays for our first real date, and the winner choses what the date is."
"Sounds fun," Laxus smiled, leaning down, and pressing their lips together.
It was a slow and somewhat sloppy kiss, and both men melted into it without any difficulty. Laxus brought up one of his hands to cup Freed's cheek, smiling as the man in his arms pushed further into the embrace. Even in his half-awake state, Laxus felt a thrilling rush of excitement flow through him. Freed really did have some kind of effect on him that he couldn't describe, nor did he care to try. Because that moment was perfect.
Well, it would have been perfect. But then they heard the sound of Bickslow's phone taking a picture, followed by a loud cackling.
"I feel this is what Bickslow's mind must be like."
At Freed's comment, Laxus let out an undignified snort. The two men were walking side by side in the carnival, looking forward at the large and flashy spectacle before them. Multiple stalls lined a long pathway leading towards a circus tent, of which Bickslow was dragging Evergreen towards. Past the tent were large attractions and rides, each blurting out energetic music. It was somewhat overwhelming, but was helped by the fact the mass crowds had yet to arrive.
"I always thought it'd be a nightclub," Laxus commented, grinning. "A really loud and tacky one."
"I can see that," Freed agreed, and Laxus felt a chill run down his spine as Freed's hand grazed his own. "I haven't been to a carnival like this in years. The town I grew up in used to host one once a year."
"You used to enjoy it?" Laxus asked, looking down at the other man with a smile.
"Not exactly," Freed said with a chuckle. "It only started when I was a teenager, and I deemed myself too educated and adult to enjoy myself. So I mostly spent them in my bedroom reading, and wishing death on the people who turned the music up so loud that I could hear it half a mile away."
"So you were an edgy teenager huh?" Laxus asked with a teasing grin. "You know if you had a goth phase then you have to show me pictures so I can laugh at ya."
"Fortunately, I didn't," Freed said with a smile. "But the same goes for you. If you've any embarrassing childhood photos then it's required I see them."
"That's fair, I guess," Laxus nodded. "But don't think I didn't see what you just did. I asked for goth pics, you asked for embarrassing pics. So if I show you anything embarrassing, you gotta compensate."
"I had hoped you hadn't noticed that" Freed chuckled good naturedly.
The two continued walking down the row of stalls, eyeing the food vendors. It was a little after when they usually ate lunch, and they had decided that they'd get something to eat before playing any of the games or visiting any other attractions. That way there were nothing to distract them from the bet they had made, and neither man could blame their losses on being hungry. Laxus paled a little when Freed suggested that, as feigning weakness from hunger had been an option if he lost at a game he should have won.
After eventually settling on a food vendor with sweet smelling meat wafting from their stall, they had a quick meal and further discussed the rules of their gamble. They would both play every game available in a clockwise pattern, and would work with a points system. In the event of a draw, they would flip a coin.
The first game they played was an archery range, which was relatively simple. Laxus had gone first, claiming he had earned that by winning their race at the water park. He had done okay, managing to hit the target with each of his arrows, though with a wide range of points. He ended up with sixteen over his four arrows, which was a serviceable score. But the look on Freed's face told Laxus that the man was confident that he could win.
He did.
He got eighteen points, and even Laxus could see that there was a lot less luck in Freed's performance. Laxus would have focused on that, had he not been distracted by the confident posture, determined expression and flexing arms as he pulled the string back and took aim.
"That was," Laxus began when Freed returned with a satisfied expression. "Kinda hot, honestly."
"I'm glad you think so," Freed said, and his voice was just slightly deeper than normal. He leant forward so that their faces were almost touching, but stopped just short. "Consider it a consolation prize, as I'm winning."
The smug expression on the man's face drove Laxus almost as crazy as his teasing had. And he could do was let out a muttered 'asshole' before following in his footsteps.
They continued making their way through the games at a leisurely pace, playing each of them and teasing each other as they did so. They fell into a quick pattern where the winner of the individual game would flaunt their victory in a flirtatious and teasing way, and the loser would have to stand there and take it. Laxus felt a rush every time, because the ease at which he could be his competitive self with the other man shocked him. The fact Freed was just as confident in himself was an added bonus.
None of his past attempts at relationships had been like this. In fact, he had been so busy trying not to show the more flawed side of himself that he often forgot to be himself. With Freed, it felt like the inverse of that.
After the archery game, they had moved onto a game where they had a minute to score as many points with a basketball hoop. They had been relatively evenly matched, but Laxus' high school year as a basketball player gave him an edge. He gloated his victory by rolling up his sleeve and flexing his bicep, with a teasing 'these ain't just to look at' aimed at Freed. He didn't miss the other man's smirk at the movement.
Next was a game wherein you threw darts at balloons, and each balloon you popped had a certain score inside of it. They had five darts each, and Laxus managed to win that too. He had wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders and made a gloating show about how he had won two games in a row, and Freed had not.
The next game had them both aiming water pistols at moving targets. The person who inflated their target's balloon fasted would win, and Freed proved to have better aim. Rather than gloating, he had twisted his water gun to the side so that a cold splash of water hit Laxus on the side.
"I'm gonna get you back for that," Laxus promised, grinning.
"Why," Freed feigned innocence. "I thought you might need some cooling off. Losing that badly got you rather heated."
"So, you thought I looked hot, huh?" Laxus said, crossing his arms.
"No," Freed said, not shying from Laxus' gaze. "I thought you looked warm. You looking hot is a… continuing issue."
Laxus grinned at the compliment, but shunted his own water gun to the side so a stream of water hit the other man. Freed let out a small noise of protest, but laughed it off as the owner of the stall asked them both to move along for the next customers. Laxus wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders as they walked, and murmured into his ear.
"You looked pretty hot yourself," He said with a grin.
"I'm aware," Freed snarked back, and Laxus laughed with a grinned.
This was new as well, the ease of flirtation. It was ridiculous to think that a day ago, Laxus had been beating himself up for the idea of having some kind of crush on Freed, and now he was openly calling the guy hot in public. It was a testament to how comfortable Freed had managed to make him, Laxus supposed.
As they walked to the next stall, they noticed how different it was. Whereas the others were open and painted with bright colours, this stall was a small purple tent with dark colours and candles surrounding it. A sign beside the door claimed 'Mistress Cana Alberona's Tarot.' Laxus rolled his eyes.
"You don't believe in fortune telling?" Freed asked, apparently having seen the eye movement.
"Nah," Laxus shrugged, then looked down at Freed curiously. "Do you?"
"No, I think it's absurd. The idea that some cards magically know the intricate futures of everyone, or the fact your personality and what you'll do is written on your hand is ridiculous," Laxus chuckled a little at Freed's dismissal of the subject. "For whatever reason, it seems like everyone I know believes in it though."
"I know," Laxus grinned. "Ever once dragged me to a psychic. We got kicked out when I found her 'one of a kind crystal ball' on Amazon for twelve dollars."
"A merciful escape for you, then," Freed smirked.
Laxus agreed, but was then struck with an idea. He reached into his pocket and fished out a coin, flipping it in the air and catching it quickly. He covered it before he or Freed could see which side it had landed on, and looked to the other man with a challenging smile. Freed looked back at him with confusion.
"Heads or tails," Laxus demanded. "You get it right; I'll get a fortune. Get it wrong, you have to get one."
"Okay," Freed nodded. "Heads."
Laxus revealed the coin, and deflated at the sight of a clear head facing upwards. Freed sent him a grin that rivalled Bickslow's for its enjoyment of suffering, and he had the balls to pat the man on the shoulder in a faux comforting way. Laxus looked at the tent with a pained expression; he really couldn't be bothered to deal with the overly dramatic lies of someone with a deck of cards and an inflated sense of self-importance.
"Have fun," Freed taunted, giving him a gentle push towards the tent.
All but trudging towards his destination, Laxus placed the money in the bucket outside and rolled his eyes at the overly mysterious sounding demand that he enter the tent. He walked in, and saw a heavily cushioned room with a low table, and a woman mainly covered by purple scarves sitting at it.
They weren't scared of stereotypes, it seemed.
"Hello, lost one," The woman greeted, still forcing a weird voice. "Take a seat, my child."
Laxus did as he was told, biting his tongue when he realised that he was probably older than the woman performing the reading. He was glad this wasn't a palm reading, having a stranger grope at his hands would be too weird.
"You wish to have your unlived days laid before you?" The woman asked.
"Sure," Laxus said without enthusiasm, not entirely wanting to play along.
"You don't believe in this stuff, do ya," The woman asked suddenly, her voice a lot more normal now. Laxus, momentarily shocked by the sudden change in atmosphere, took a second to reply.
"Not really," Laxus shrugged. "Made a deal I'd come here though."
"That's fair," The woman said, and started to remove the scarves from her face. She was certainly younger than Laxus. "You don't mind do you. This place is hot enough without the candles surrounding it and the scarves. You have no idea how sweaty it gets."
"No, that's fine," Laxus said, at a loss for words when the woman pulled a beer from behind one of the cushions and took a swig from it.
"Okay, so you don't believe in this stuff, so there's no reason to lay it on thick," She said after taking her drink. "But you did pay, and just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not true. So, you wanna do this without all the added on stuff that makes the experience better, get it over and done with?"
"I guess," Laxus frowned. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening.
"Okay," The woman began, picking up her tarot deck and shuffling it like a poker player. "I'm gonna spread these you, you have to pick three. Usually I'd say there's spirit guardians guiding you, which there is but I doubt you'll care about that. Once you've picked them out, we'll turn them over and I'll explain what they mean. First individually, then as a whole."
Laxus nodded in understanding and watched as the woman laid out the cards in a smooth curve. With more care than was probably needed, he looked over the cards before picking three of them at random. Or maybe it wasn't random. Maybe it was a spirit guide.
He almost laughed at the thought.
Watching absently, Laxus saw the woman turn the left most card over, revealing an image of someone in odd clothing standing at the end of a cliff.
"The fool," The woman explained, and Laxus felt slightly offended by it. "Each card has a wide range of interpretations. In its most pure form, it can mean you'll make an ass out of yourself soon," Laxus glared at the woman for that. "But in a more spiritual sense, it speaks of a greater acceptance of the self. You will embrace the fool within you, becoming more of your real self and less burdened by your anxieties. You will find that you don't second guess your actions. You'll be as much a fool as you need to be."
Laxus almost scoffed, and tried to ignore the fact he had been considering just how much his interactions with Freed were devoid of his second-guessing nature. He didn't say anything as the woman turned the next card.
"The sun," She commented. "In its most literal sense, it means brightness is coming to your world. There will be light and growth and nurturing in your future, a new sense of happiness perhaps. But it also means the start of a new cycle. Rebirth if you will. It seems to be that you might be starting a new chapter in your life."
It was annoying, but Laxus found himself wondering if Freed would play a big part in this new chapter. He remained silent as the final card of his choice was flipped over.
"The world," The woman said, and she was smiling now. "This can mean a lot of things. Often it's further a signifier of growth and nature. But it also means that the world is literally open to you. New pathways, new experiences, a new life. That's all coming towards you, and coming soon."
"So, err," Laxus began, embarrassed that he was even entertaining the possibility of this being real. "What do they all mean together."
"I think something big's happening in your life, and pretty soon. It might have already happened. Something life changing. Something that'll open up a whole new world of possibilities, that restarts your life with something new, that allows you to be your true self in a way that you've never been before. Maybe it's an event, maybe it's a revelation or an epiphany. Maybe it's a person. But you're in for some change, and I think it's for the better."
Laxus mind forced him to think of the man waiting outside of the tent for him. The handsome stubborn man that had already had an affect on Laxus that nobody else had. The man who allowed him to have fun, and seemed to energise Laxus in a way he couldn't describe.
Maybe Freed was the change in his life.
He dismissed the thought instantly; this whole this was pointless, and wrong. He bid the woman a goodbye, and started to leave the tent. Even with his surety that fortune telling wasn't real, Laxus couldn't help but notice the similarities of what he'd been told.
Not could he help the smile that those similarities caused.
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shootingcookielover · 4 years
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Warnings: Uhhh Remus being Remus, I think, otherwise... Kidnapping, I suppose and... Attempted murder?
Prince Roman had come to face the Serpent, had come to cut the beast's head right off. And he was going to! Becaus he wasn't scared.
At all. Remus was wrong.
Remus was always wrong.
So Roman entered the caves, sword firmly grasped in his hand. When he reached the biggest cavern, he stopped. (It wasn't because he was too afraid to go further, there couldn't be any bigger caves than this one. Surely.)
He drew in a deep breath and yelled, voice barely shaking from anger, not fear: "Serpent! I've come to slay you, foul beast!"
His words echoed along the vast room around him and he felt very small all of a sudden.
He couldn't hear anything but his own echo for a bit, but when that finally died down, his heart sunk into his stomach.
Some kind of... Scratching sound was heard, but also that sound that a body makes, a body that's dragged along rough stone. (He remembered vividly that time Remus had pulled one of their servants' kids on the ground for an entire day. Roman had found it odd and a bit off-putting, but they had seemed to both enjoy themselves, so he had left them to it.)
But there was also the distinct ruffling of fabric and, on rare occasions, a blink of something yellow reflecting what little light there was.
Roman should have brought a torch, he thought, but it was too late now. He gripped his sword tighter, raising the tip against whatever may come from the darkness.
His heart dropped all the way to his feet when the serpent stood to it's full height in front of him.
Whereas before the vastness of the cave had made him feel inferior, now he felt so utterly and incredibly small, he could barely breath. He took a hesitant step back, but no more than one.
Somewhere deep in his brain there was still that thought, that stubbornness, that he wanted to prove he wasn't a coward. It kept his feet rooted to the spot, even as his sword shook with his fear.
The serpent let out an amused chuckle that sent spikes of terror and adrenaline through Roman like fireworks.
The beast shifted again, but it was too fast and the cave too dark for Roman to know what it did.
Not until giant fingers grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him off the ground with ease.
Faced with a situation like this, some fight bubbled up inside him. He thrashed weakly, quiet pleas and sometimes threats falling from his lips, but nothing he did affected the Serpent.
The fingers only gave him a bit of a shake and the sword, already held in a fumbling, weak grip, clattered to the ground, alongside his crown. The only token still connecting him to his kingdom, tumbling off into the darkness below.
Any and all fight left Roman as the beast flicked it's wrist just so that he was atop it's hand.
It had raised him towards it's face; half of it oddly human, while the other clearly wasn't.
"You've come to slay me?", The creature questioned, one hand dramatically indicating itself. "I'm almost flattered!"
Roman didn't know how to respond, couldn't, even if he had known how to. His voice seemed broken and all that fell from his lips were fragments of sentences never quite formed in his fear-addled mind.
The Serpent hummed and Roman felt his breath catch, felt his heart studder and his adrenaline spike. His mouth clicked shut and he was afraid. So, so afraid.
"Well, assuming you have given up on that, quite frankly, impossible endeavour...", The beast's eyes moved across Roman's comparatively small frame. Took in the details of his hair, left a mess by the crown he'd worn before. Took in the red sash neatly tied across his torso, the white clothing and the obviously expensive brown leather boots. "I think I'll keep you."
Finally, with the last bits of desperation and terror and utter confusion, Roman managed to ask a question. "W- what?!"
Not a long question, but a question nonetheless.
The Serpent chuckled, not answering the Prince's question, not even with one of it's own. Instead, the beast reached out with a finger of it's unoccupied hand and gently stroked Roman's head.
"You're cute."
Not even a repeat of his earlier question made it past his lips this time. All he managed were distressed gurgling sounds that were vaguely worrying, but not enough so that the Serpent noticed.
It slithered off, into the depths of it's domain, carefully clutching a tiny human in it's hand. A human that realized with sinking dread that, no, that cavern hadn't been the biggest one.
Not by a long shot.
His steps were soft and inaudible in the damp air of the cave. Instead of a lit torch he carried with him a lamp, not yet housing the flickering light of a flame.
He didn't intend to draw any attention to his presence, not now anyway.
He was here for one purpose and one purpose only; to get his moron of a brother out of trouble. That idiotic twin of his had somehow thought that running of to fight a gigantic Naga was a good idea.
Roman didn't even know the creature's name, for the stars' sake!
Remus stopped in his tracks to stare at the darkness in contemplation. Logan was rubbing off on him.
A giggle escaped him as that thought was accompanied by the most pleasant of visuals his mind could conjure. Oh, how he wished Logan would make more of those delightful screams he seemed to be bursting with!
A joyful skip to his walk, Remus continued down the tunnels. Knowing his brother, Roman hadn't bothered to step out of the main cave into one of the side ones.
And people thought Remus was the dumb twin.
Maybe he was, he mused, as he skipped along and kicked some water up from a nearby puddle. He was following his brother into certain death, after all.
At the mouth of the fourth cavern, Remus stopped. Perhaps to revel in the delicious thought of a cavern-monster that just waited for travellers to step past it's mouth, so it could crunch them with it's rock-column teeth before swallowing them.
Or, perhaps, because he caught sight of something. Of something familiar.
Through the thick darkness he could make out the vague shape of a crown and a sword. While he'd never been quite as good at vision-enhancing magic as his brother, when he fell to his knees next to the items, he knew they belonged to Roman.
He didn't mind the cave's dampness seeping into his pants from the ground, didn't care about the chill digging it's way into his legs, settling into his bones.
He only cared about his brother.
With shaking fingers he reached out, one carefully tracing along the edge of Roman's most priced possession - a katana that had been custom-made just for the prince.
It was sharp as ever, giving Remus a small cut along his fingertip. He didn't care about that either.
He numbly picked up his brother's crown and sword, gathered them into his trembling arms.
"Roman...?", He whispered into the cold, uncaring darkness of the cave-monster's belly.
He received no answer, of course, and he hadn't expected to. Not if he was being entirely honest, and there was rarely a time were Remus was anything but entirely honest.
His legs shook when he stood, they didn't shake anymore when he stepped out of the cave.
Warm sunlight chased the cave's chill right out of him, but there was something deeper, darker it could not even reach. Something that had settled into Remus' soul the moment he'd pieced together that he would actually not see his brother again.
Logan sat not too far from the entrance to the tunnels, a book propped up on his lap. Remus would have found the sight endearing, had he not been carrying the last remains of his brother.
The royal advisor looked up when he heard Remus' steps. With quick movements the book was packed up and Logan was on his feet, approaching the dour looking Duke.
"Is Prince Roman--"
"Dead.", Remus said, not caring that he had cut the other off. He stared down at the items in his arms. In the daylight it became even clearer that these were Roman's.
That tiny scratch in the metal right beneath the third crystal, the one Remus had made and always refused to answer Roman about. The small chunk of metal that had come off when Roman had fallen out of that tree in the courtyard, the one that looked a bit like a hunching figure.
The crystal that looked just a bit too smooth, a bit too round, a bit too different from the others.
"He's dead.", He repeated, as if needing to clarify. "Roman is dead! Killed by a snake or a cave or maybe a fallen rock!"
Remus clutched the crown and sword tighter.
A hysteric laugh bubbled forth from the prince at that.
"Could you imagine that, Logan?! The great prince Roman crushed into tiny little pieces of flesh and meat and bone and skin and brain, all scattered underneath a rock?! Inside a cave? Never to be seen again?!"
He laughed more, he felt light-headed, tears were falling from his eyes. "Buried under tons and tons of earth, never able to get a proper burial pyre!"
Logan placed a calming hand on Remus' shoulder and the Prince's laughter ceased. There was only pain in his eyes, not a trace of mirth as he looked into Logan's eyes.
"That thing killed my brother, Logan.", He mumbled, arms tightening around the sword and the crown once more, not caring that the blade cut into his arm.
"I'm going to get my revenge. I'm going to kill it, too, Logan. I'm going to cut it up into tiny little itsy-bitsy pieces while it is still alive, to hear it scream and cry and yell and beg in agony for it's worthless life, but I will not spare it. I will never spare it. Do you understand, Logan?"
The royal advisor could only nod, already he was forming plans in his head on how to best help the prince. The only prince, now.
Remus gave a mirthless smile and walked past Logan into the forest, soon disappearing from the cave's field of vision.
He left only a small trail of blood behind.
So uh
The fic I made to go with that piece of art up there that was pretty much just a doodle
Uhhhh yeah hope you like it. I'd like to continue it, but I know I won't have the motivation/energy to see it through to the end so. Uhm. Maybe there'll be more, but probably not.
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Oh my god, I think I've read every Jonsa centric fix-it for S8 already, but would really love one where the events of 5 & 6 go differently, specifically D*ny is stopped before destroying half of KL and instead of letting an invading army with a dead queen tell them how to handle shit they hold them accountable for the things they did wrong! I love your writing sooo much!!! 💜💜💜
sorry it took forever for me to get to this, but i hope you enjoy it!
send me prompts
The morning is cold and the wind is biting as she steps out into the courtyard.
Winterfell is eeriely quiet for a castle that is supposed to be preparing to leave for a war and as Daenerys glances around, she notes there is almost nobody about. She's just about to turn to return inside when she catches sight of Jon; he's coming down the stairs from the battlements, Sansa right behind him. From within Winterfell, the youngest of the Stark girls comes, her ever present frown hiding a smirk as she approaches.
It takes her only a moment to realize something is wrong.
"Jon, are the armies prepared?" She adopts her usual tone, violet eyes narrowing as they fall upon the man she thought loved her. Jon stands before her and Sansa hovers close beside him, her red hair a vibrant contrast to the black furs draped across her shoulders. "You are to leave for King's Landing, do not forget what you promised to me." She goes on, flicking her gaze to the Lady of Winterfell, a reminder of who controls the situation. But, as always, Sansa Stark does not falter, but rather smiles. Beside her, the younger sister's hand strays to her sword's hilt and for the first time, Daenerys feels a flicker of fear.
"We must talk before departing," Jon says casually, gesturing for Daenerys to return inside Winterfell. For a moment, she thinks she might not, but remembers that she is queen and she is a dragon, so there is nothing to fear.
The small group files back into Winterfell and down the hall towards the great hall, where Sansa's woman knight stands outside the door. Brienne of Tarth barely spares her a glance before she opens the door for their group, coming inside after them and letting it swing closed behind her. As soon as Daenerys steps into the room, she knows trouble is brewing. The northern lords that remained alive after the long night stand at the back wall, silent and stone faced. Missandei stands off to one side of the room, her expression solemn and never changing even when they meet gazes. Grey Worm stands behind the head table, which Sansa and Jon have seated themselves, leaving Daenerys to stand there before them. It's only then that she notices the shackles at his wrists. "What is the meaning of this-"
"You stand accused of war crimes against the realm you claim to rule, this man willingly participated and has been treated as any war criminal would." Sansa Stark does not hesitate to speak and those sapphire blue eyes fall upon her own, sending chills down her spine. "Do not think I won't have you placed into chains, as well."
"How dare you," Daenerys seethes, white hot rage surging through her. "I am your queen, you dare speak to me this way? I have been quite tolerant of your behavior Lady Stark, but I will not stand for this." She cannot believe this girl dares to defy her in such a way. She cannot believe Jon has condoned it. Daenerys turns her eyes to Jon and his expression is unreadable, that solemn look in his Stark colored eyes mimicked in the girl that stands over his shoulder. "I am your queen," she says again, as if this is enough.
"You are not," says the monotone voice of the wheelchair bound boy that sits to Jon's other side. Daenerys had not even noticed his presence until now, until he spoke aloud. She pins him with her gaze and like his older sister, Bran Stark does not waver.
"What did you say?" Daenerys spits out through gritted teeth, her heart races faster than ever before.
"You are not the true heir to the Iron Throne," Bran goes on in that same tone, his hands folding atop the table. "But you already knew that." He's right, she's known that since the night Jon had told her. "The Iron Throne is not yours to take."
"It is a queen's duty to protect her realm, you have not done that." Sansa intones, bringing Daenerys' attention back to her, rather than Bran. "Your duty is to us, to your people, but you would subject us to death all to lay claim to a throne you do not deserve." She tilts her head, red hair falling across a shoulder as her lips curve with a faint smirk. "A queen should choose love, but you chose fear." Daenerys recalls those words she had said to Jon only nights before, words he'd in turn spoken to Sansa. "The North cannot allow you to lay siege to King's Landing, nor claim the throne." Sansa is speaking again, bring Daenerys back from her whirling thoughts. "You will be taken to King's Landing as a prisoner of the North and we will negotiate with Cersei Lannister over what to do with you." There was only one person in that room that would know what would happen to Cersei Lannister in the coming weeks, long before they could arrive with their Targaryen prisoner, but now was not the time to speak of it. "Take her to her rooms," Sansa speaks sharply, nodding to the two guards that stand against the opposite wall, waiting for her word. "There you will stay until we leave for King's Landing."
Daenerys looks back only once, but they've already all turned their backs to her and she knows she's lost.
[ x x x ]
When they arrive in King's Landing, it's quiet.
The city has plunged into mourning for their late queen, though there's few that truly mourn the loss of Cersei Lannister. She's buried alongside her children and the people await the news of who will take the throne next.
It doesn't take long for the rumors begin to flow; whispers of a true born Targaryen son, a dragon born with the blood of a wolf, filter through the city within days of their arrival. The people of Westeros recall what it was like to live beneath the rule of a Targaryen, but this Targaryen son is quite unlike those who came before him. And there were of course the whispers about the red wolf, the she wolf of Winterfell, come back to King's Landing after all these years. Whispers told these people that their next ruler would not be one, but two, a ruling couple born of dragons and wolves.
And one half of that duo took to the stairs, following the corridors until she came to a room with a single guard posted at the door. The man gave a single nod to the young woman, knowing well that within the coming weeks he would more than likely be referring to her as queen.
Sansa pushes open the door and steps inside, allowing it to swing closed behind her.
Daenerys stands at the window, looking out across King's Landing, the view quite pretty this time of day. "Am I to call you your grace, now?" Her voice is lacking its usual tone and Sansa shakes her head only once the silver-haired woman turns around. "Where are my dragons?" She asks, the thought of her children the only thing able to still yet squeeze the breath from her lungs.
"They are safe." Sansa replies, though she knows there is little way to tame Drogon. Rhaegal is Jon's, but Drogon is a constant worry. "Drogon was seen flyng East only days ago and Rhaegal is here, with Jon." In truth, the dragon was down in the dragon pits most days- he was well behaved, for a dragon she supposed. "I have come to tell you there will be no trial for you." Daenerys looks up then, something like fear flickering across her features. "You are to be sent back to Dragonstone. You will be kept by guards of our own choosing. You will be closely monitored at all times." They have discussed her fate at length and in the end, no matter what she had done, Sansa couldn't let them execute her. Besides, in the case of Drogon... They needed her alive. "You will have no army, no dragons. Grey Worm will remain here and Missandei will stay at your side." Daenerys can't help but to feel a rush of relief at those words. "You will never be queen, but you will live."
She supposes she'll have to live with that.
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