#like he's not even talking to morty with that line he's looking at beth in the rearview mirror ???
hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
(contains spoilers for "a rick in king mortur's mort")
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i actually really loved that episode. i've been so fucking starved for morty content that this was really nice. i loved the callbacks, parallels, and contrasts that were drawn pretty clearly between this episode and "the vat of acid episode." TVOAE is actually one of the episodes that makes me the sickest to my stomach. it's so unsettling and bone chilling to watch.
this episode, on the other hand... this felt earned.
(perhaps because of my morty bias and the fact that i've gotten basically no morty this season, buuuuut...) i'm giving this one a 10/10???
wow... didn't think i'd go that far, but uhhhh... yeah. i went there.
it just mastered the art of parallels, callbacks, and development beautifully.
my initial thoughts, as always:
(this is a long one… yk how i am with morty…)
-morty acted so much like early-series rick at the beginning that i was honestly a little bit ready to accept that part of his character progression is becoming a mini-rick. to be honest, i still see that being a possibility, but this was... not exactly that.
he still took the sword for a reason early-series rick would have instead of a classic "these guys seem cool" morty reason ("oh shit these other guys want the sword so now i want the sword, even if i'm jaded and cynical about it"), and it almost felt like the "rick and morty" dynamic was flipped a little bit- as in, morty being the rigid jerk and rick being berated verbally for a second. that being said, morty was still childishly excited about being a medieval knight and it was cleared up that morty was only being rude to rick initially as a trauma response. he expected rick to abuse him, but that wasn't the case. when he realized he was safe, he let his guard down.
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(look at him sulking in line awww)
i think a little part of me melted when he called morty "lil junebug."
SHUT THE FUCK UP- i am so unwell. so mentally normal about that.
i genuinely cannot believe that's a canon nickname rick uses for morty. that. is. so. cute.
just the sweetest lil pet name.
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(plus grandpa rick putting a hand on his lil junebug's shoulder, because why not?)
-OMFG RICK APOLOGY?? like genuinely?? oh my god??
i mean... that was still kinda dickish lol. "i'm gonna intentionally do the least amount possible to actually change, but make you feel like i am."
you know what, though? bc of the fact that this is essentially a follow-up to TVOAE, i'd say the entire premise of this ep WAS change, and highlighted that... so i'm giving the undercut a pass.
-i also liked the subtle callback to the "auto park feature" with the sword "fighting deacon frost." i liked that morty didn't think it was cool, but it didn't trigger some insane reaction in rick.
he's just like, "i dunno... i thought it was cool... :(" and he moves on.
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-"holy shit, this is who i am to this kid?!... i've gotta fix this!"
and then he... actually puts in the work to better a real human connection instead of manipulating morty to keep him pliant?
-like i said, rick is still being a fucking dick here and there in the convo, but i'm genuinely proud of him.
-i'm also so happy for morty. this must have been such a healing experience for him. god. he's been through so much. shoutout to the writers for not putting him through more emotional abuse for fun.
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-another bit that made me think that morty is slowly developing into a little rick was the moment where he uses a science lecture to ruin the knights' faith in their culture. during that whole sequence, he does sound a lot like rick...
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this reminds me of an ask i answered a little bit ago where i talked about rick being morty's primary caregiver. this episode felt a lot more like a father/son type development than a grandfather/grandson.
i get that the rest of the family was proud of morty, but rick was the one saying "hey! this is the little dude i'm raising! look at him go!"
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-i was a little nervous that morty was going to kill/let rick kill the knights, which would have meant that he's veeeery similar to rick now, but he chose not to. that was a nice touch.
-(i thought the little moment where jerry was like "what's happening? appliances are breaking that i haven't touched!" was funny hehe..)
-i thought it was sweet that rick got the meeting's attention just to give morty the floor.
-i wasn't a fan of morty begging rick to stop supporting him, though. it felt like punching the underdog character with his own fist, but i guess i like it better in hindsight because it shows yet another trauma response. morty doesn't trust himself AT ALL. he thinks that by doing this his way, something will inevitably go wrong. damn.
-i also liked the little details about how witchy rick can be, haha. first, we see him ACTUALLY bend down and read the bones himself, then the witchcraft penis? that was a nice touch. rick definitely has an interest in witchcraft.
-(one of my favorite songs as a kid was "ruby tuesday," and i got so excited that the montage song was a cover of it, but... alas... no.)
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(i just thought mort looked cute here lol)
-THE HUG? (of course they had to make it less heavy with the "we're gonna make your dick so fake," comment, but it's so nice to see rick hug morty and try to calm him down.)
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-shit, man....
"i love you."
"i love you, too..."
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-as soon as morty asked rick if he was a robot/clone, i was on the edge of my seat, chewing my lip, biting my nails, pulling my hair- waiting for the reveal that he was, but...
they didn't fake us out! hey! :)
(will say that the "this family has enough clones and robots in it" comment did make me a lil nervous, bc we KNOW of a clone, but... uhhh... who's the "robot"?)
-one of my biggest issues with "rick: a mort well-lived" was that marta stayed in the game, meaning that the only part of morty that heard rick say he loved and respected him didn't join with our morty. it bothered me that our morty didn't get to hear that.
i'm so happy that they fixed that this ep. MORTY HEARD RICK IS PROUD OF HIM. MORTY HEARD RICK LOVES HIM. i hope this is the "morty gets the grandpa he deserves" beginning. i'm loving it, and hope it's far more than just 22% of the time.
overall, AHMAZING EPISODE! kinda sad we had to wait until the end of the season to get a decent in-depth exploration of morty, his current character, and his reaction to rick's healing, but i'm so glad my boy got his apologies. he got his "i love you." he got his "i'm proud of you." he got is hug.
he got his autonomy.
congrats, lil junebug.
hope ya get more <3
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selfshippinglover · 6 months
im not a RPer but id love to know more about your Morty OC! :] What is your backstory on them and do you ship them with any canon character or another OC?
AWWW OMG OMG YOU DREW THAT AWESOME AND SILLY LOOKING PRIME ART HIIIII!! *WAVES* :DDD TY TY TY TYSM FOR ASKING! :DD I don't have all their information but here's what I've got so far: (heehee rping should help with that though!)
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~ Pronouns: He/ They Xe/Xem
Sexuality: Pansexual demiboy with more of an attraction to men
~Age: 20(present)
Family: Rick(dead) Summer(dead) Beth, Space Beth, Jerry, Uncle BirdPerson
Dimension: RK-977
Backstory: A normal Morty all things considered. Has a space grandpa that drives him nuts, goes on adventures, and ends up in a big stand off with the Intergalactic Feds. Things go wrong and people get hurt leaving him and the survivors of his family running throughout multiverse as wanted fugitives.
Family relationships:
Rick: There were ups and downs, bad nights because of alcohol and drugs, and some fucked up things here and there but Rick always put Marty first and has "died" numerous times for his sake. They didn't always see eye to eye on things but his love for Marty was never in doubt. Believes there's no one that can replace his Grandpa Rick.
Summer: A bitch of a sister but one hell of a partner. Marty and Summer were often tasked with taking care of one another on adventures as well as tag teaming. They fought on and off and generally kept a distance at school, Summer did her best to raise Marty despite the circumstances.
Jerry: He and Marty are talking and seeing one another occasionally. He got a divorce with Beth and has been living on his own sense. Stays in that shitty apartment taking odd jobs here and there while trying to make time for his kids. He still has some feelings for Beth but doesn't do anything about it since Beth seems to have moved on. He hopes that he can be a better father to his kids, and maybe even a friend to Beth.
Beth: Divorced Jerry awhile back and went to work taking care of the kids herself, Beth has been doing the best she can do. Jerry can't usually pay the child support so she's stuck working full time at the horse hospital. Tired, hurt, starting to get a drinking habit, and in fear of losing her kids love, she spends as much time with them as she can and leaves Rick to care for them when she can't. She's still processing the divorce and trying to figure out what she wants amidst the war.
Space Beth: A Beth that has been with the Resistance for years before meeting Marty, she ends up on the Smith families doorstep while laying low. despite being there for a short time, she quickly takes a liking to Beth and her family. She is the reason that they end up being pulled into the Feds line of sight in the first place. She's spent most of her life fighting and she continues you to with the addition of the Smiths.
Uncle BirdPerson/BP: Another Resistance member and one of the first to join in the efforts, Marty met BP through Space Beth. They started out on uneasy terms since they just crashed on some strangers couch for awhile to hide from the FEDs. Come to find out, he knew Marty's grandfather and was friends with him when they were younger. Deciding he's trustworthy, he adopts BP as an Uncle figure and frequents his house. BP ends up telling Marty everything he went throught with his grandfather and grows close to him.
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merfairymakes · 1 year
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Here’s Andesine Beth!!! Lore under the cut because it got long.
Apatite Rick
Andesine Diane
Moldavite Jerry
Fire Opal Summer
Pearl Morty
After the war ended and the Earth colony gained its independence from the Diamonds, the time finally rolled around for the Andesines to emerge from the Kindergarten they were planted in all those years ago.
R1CK didn’t want to go. He was too busy mourning D14N3 to even think about leaving the house, but his friend from the war insisted, because they would be the first gems to be come out of the ground on this planet, and they wanted to celebrate and welcome the newcomers.
Eventually, he caved and agreed to go. Mostly to get them off his back. He spent most of the party sitting on a rock on some far off corner of the Kindergarten, when an Andesine that had just emerged approach him.
She asked why he was sitting all the way over there on his own, and if he was okay. Andesine 837H didn’t look or act exactly the gem he had lost, but R1CK was reminded of her nonetheless.
That was enough to get him to tell her his whole life story. 837H listened to him talk the entire party about how he had loved and lost, and the grief he was dealing with now that the love of his life was gone.
It was therapeutic, for him at least. Enough so that he offered to let her stay with him, since most of the other new Andesines at the party had done the same.
She agreed, not fully realizing what she was signing up for. Their relationship mostly consisted of her comforting him when he was down, and him giving pretty much nothing in return.
It was supposed to be a sort of mentorship, with him teaching her the ropes of the new civilization they were creating, but he didn’t put that much effort into teaching her. 
He would leave her on Earth sometimes when her similarities with D14N3 became more painful to see than comforting.
Sometimes R1CK would remember he was supposed to be teaching this gem something, so he’d take her on adventures with him, like he would later do with M0R7Y.
Of course, these adventures were traumatic, and after losing her physical form for the first time, 837H drew a line in the sand and said that she was done dealing with all he was putting her through.
That shocked him, and so he left her on Earth for longer than he had ever done before. Long enough to make 837H believe that he was never coming back. So, in the meantime, she threw herself into a relationship with Moldavite J3RRY, one of the first gems to show interest in her that way.
One thing lead to another, and they ended up adding Fire Opal 5UMM3R and Yellow Pearl M0R7Y to their family.
Cue Apatite R1CK crashing into her life again.
Despite everything, she missed him desperately and accepted him back with open arms. She regretted everything she said back then, and was willing to do anything to get him to stay.
She all but shoved M0R7Y at him, saying that he could be his assistant, so long as he always returned him home periodically. It was mostly a bid to keep him tethered to Earth and their family, but it worked.
Often, she feels guilty for putting M0R7Y through all this, but if it means her Apatite comes back after every adventure, then she’s willing to let quite a bit slide. Anything to keep R1CK from abandoning her again.
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bolly--quinn · 2 years
not to be ... you know but also just like HOW could people tag that post of that one line in mortyplicity where Rick says ‘very different sweetie’ in the car as ... that one ship ... when first off, he was talking to Beth ???
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
Do you have any hopes for the season finale? I saw in another ask, you described the dynamic between rick and morty this season as "very weak, distant, and downright frankly boring" and I completely agree with you! I hope that, because this is most we'll see rick and morty interacting this season, it'll have at least a few moments of what makes their dynamic so interesting to watch.
(Ok i started airing my grievances with this season, which ended up being... long, so skip this paragraph (starting at / / /) to get to my thoughts on the finale)
Oh gosh I remember that ask (I think-). And yeah, maybe I'm being a bit overly critical. I'll probably look back on this season with retrospect, and a kinder, fonder view. Ik androgynousblackbox (think thats right) made a great point about it being the season FOR rickorty shippers. And sure, I agree on some bits, like Rick acting all pissy and partying the way you would if your ex got with someone new in the planetina ep. Overall though, i think my problem lies in that I was enjoying more individual moments than episodes themselves, especially the middle three. For example- Amortycan Grickfitti. Like, I really liked the idea of the Ship getting on a crazy adventure with Summer and Morty (and Chutback). I like the idea of a Beth-Jerry-Rick adventure. But put together, it's just kinda... meh? You know? I liked the first half of the Thanksgiving special... but it kinda dragged on after that. I get that they want to give other characters (particularly female ones) more attention, which is completely understandable and i encourage it(!) but I can't help but find it underwhelming. Like, Summer in the voltron ep was like- girl how are you STILL vying for Rick's attention! He's the worst! Haven't we done this already? (I will say though I ADORE how far Beth has come, props to her for continuing to seeing through her dad's BS. I was worried the character would relapse into a more typical s1/s2 Beth, and I'm glad she didn't). Some of these plots, funnily enough, seem more fitting of the comics (they actually had a voltron parody already). Fun and entertaining for two or three-something issues, not so much a 22 minute episode. i think most of my complaints come from the dynamic between our titular characters- ok, I know I'm very biased (I mean you can see it), but I came to the show primarily for their relationship. It doesn't even feel drama-fueled, just that they kinda... can't be arsed. I'm torn because on the one hand, they're unhealthily codependent and this separation is probably a good thing, but on the other... it doesn't feel natural? I'm not sure if that's the right word- it's like, season 4 had them practically joint at the hip, but all that's suddenly flung out the window. It just kinda feels like this "i got better things to do" vibe from both of them and its strange. The only time they both got a solo adventure (I'm classifying "solo" as an adventure where they spent a significantly large portion of time together, without the other family members) was in the sperm ep and Thanksgiving ep. And, well, in the Thanksgiving ep Morty felt like a side character in his own show, and the sperm ep... um. Yeah. I don't think it's AS bad as people were saying, but I was cringing the whole time (the second hand embarrassment for Morty was so strong I had to turn off the episode multiple times and return to it. It's just like- godammit MORTY). And I think there's good reason those two seemed to be the most disliked episodes overall. They're the ones RaM spend the most time together and it's... meh. Meh? Meh. I don't mean to say the season overall is bad (it has loads of good points, and its amazing for Smith family as a whole) just that if we're talking specifically about the dynamic between these two? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend a single episode from this season so far to use as an example of their relationship.
/ / /
There's one thing this season has been pretty good at, though. And it's showing us what happens when Rick is alone.
And that brings me to the finale.
"Who is Rick without Morty?"
Well... we already know the answer to that. Pathetic. Sad. Lonely.
This season has been phenomenal in humbling Rick. (And trust me I'm happy for it- every time someone beats the crap outta this shitty old man I'm like YES!!! IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES!). Ep 1 had his "nemesis" clearly besting him, ep 2 had Beth making constant digs (love her) and overall pointing out his extreme callousness and cruelty towards even himself(ves). Ep 3- when Morty shows interest in a girl and ditches him (like seriously it's not like he's moving out, chill) he immediately goes on a bender and develops a deep attachment to the first person he can (wearing yellow, funnily enough). Ep 4, he devotes himself to becoming an "honest man" for his new child, only for it to instantly be taken away from him. Ep 5 highlights how RICK is the asshole for making fun of and taking advantage of someone well-meaning and honest, if "simple", and how literally not cool that is. Ep 6 has his crazy rivalry with the president, and they both get smacked down a couple pegs for that. Ep 7 shows what happens when he allows himself to get carried away, and that he can end up driving everyone else away in the process (lucky they still wanted to save his ass when he needed them). And episode 8? Hooooo boy. Episode. 8. We see a direct parallel in Birdperson with Morty, and the whole "Rick and [insert] 100 years!" Rick has few people he cares about, arguably only one or two that he truly devotes himself to, but when he does, boy does he go HARD. We see younger Rick, optimistic, energetic, friendly and hopeful. And we see all of that crushed in minutes. Rick is desperate for a companion, someone to see the stars with. He needs someone there, someone he can trust and rely on to stay. Someone like Morty. So without Morty, who is Rick?
No one.
And the thing is, Morty doesn't need Rick anymore. Not like Rick needs him. In season 1, Morty was this bright-eyed kid who was new to the cosmos and the multiverse, who needed his grandpa there with him as they explored all these places together. But that's not him anymore. That's not them.
The promo has Morty using the portal gun to go somewhere w/o Rick's permission (i like to think it's boob world lol). It doesn't matter to me as much where he's going, as much as he's doing it alone. He doesn't just not need Rick there, he doesn't want him.
(Also correct me if im wrong but I've missed that sweet portal gun so much. I think the last ep was like- the first time this season we saw it).
Morty's response to Rick? "Replace me!". And wow. Wow. WOW. Morty doesn't give a FUCK! I think Rick thinks that because he's so smart, that he can offer so much, that Morty will come crawling back, and I don't think he will.
Hopes for the finale! Hmm. I mean, I definitely hope "evil" Morty makes a reappearance, haha. I think we all do tbh ;). I want to see some Morty development too, this season has been very Rick-centric (not that there's anything wrong with that!) so I wanna see what's in store for Our Boy. I really hope we get to see the Citadel again, and see the state it's in, but I doubt it. We know something super big is in store, it's just a question of what? Other hopes I have is some Summer + Beth action (please let them team up Im BEGGING) and Jerry too ahaha. I'd love if some other side characters made an appearance as well. Oh- I'm definitely expecting a dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the first half leading to the second half, with the kind of angsty music that leads into the credits (pls that shit is so good (OH WAIT imagine if it was like, for the damaged coda, but like- the chopin version or smth so it could be more subtle maybe bruhhhh)). Ok haha, maybe that's asking too much, the writers made it clear in the story train ep that they weren't gonna do that big dramatic showdown (... unless 👀). Oh, I'd also love some Premium Angst too, like someone getting kidnapped/nearly dying (like ACTUALLY nearly dying). These stakes better be so damn high I could spear a man on them! OH, also I remember androgynousblackbox (is that right? I hope it is) mentioned something along the lines that they could be driving Rick and Morty apart this season in order to have them come back together stronger than ever in an explosive finale, which, I'm strongly hoping for myself.
Thanks if you made it this far! If you have any thoughts on or hopes of your own for the finale please feel free to share! :D
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totallyexhausted · 3 years
Snippet- Be Better Than Me
           Rick arched an eyebrow as Pink turned slightly; her eyes meeting the confusion and curiosity in his as she smirked. The doors opened slowly, creaking as they were forced open by two other mirages of human flesh, complete down to the male anatomy and overkilled muscles. Rick clenched his fists, gritting his teeth as the light flickered, the men entering the room, dragging another being harshly.
           Pink chuckled slightly, and Rick lunged forward, the chains restraining his movements as he realized the third figure was Morty. His feet dragging slightly on the cement as the teenager struggled to gain any type of consciousness or strength in order to stand against the two men holding him up. His face bruised and bleeding, a cut tearing through his upper and bottom lip, across the bridge of his nose as blood still fell on his dirty yellow shirt.
           The 17-year-old lifted his head slightly, his pale blue eyes meeting Rick’s momentarily as he tried to find his footing on legs that refused to stand. He whimpered lightly, realizing his lanky body wasn’t willing to cooperate. His vision wavering harshly as he tried to focus on the dimly lit room, on the flames dancing off the walls, on the wet feeling pained in his left side, or the dizzying fog invading his mind.
           Rick growled as the men let Morty go, throwing him forward as the teenager collapsed against the cold ground, his face smacking loudly against the floor. Pink laughed as she dug a hand through his grandson’s hair, yanking his face from the floor so his eyes once again met Rick’s; pain, trust… disappointment surrounding his pupils before the 17-year-old groaned slightly.
“YOU BITCH!” Rick yelled, lunging forward again and gritting his teeth once more as the metal clasped around his wrists ate at the flesh. Pink snorted, letting the teenager’s hair go as he smacked once more against the cement. She turned, smirking, “Ah ah ahh, now. Is that really any way to talk to a lady? It seems as though your pet had better manners than you.”
           Rick let out a breath, his eyes fixed on her. Anger rising in his chest as he connected with the unmoving form of his grandson. Blood was beginning to stain against the floor, spreading from a wound on his side as the teenager failed to move, failed to show any indication that he was still hanging onto consciousness. Rick cleared his throat, “Morty! M-Morty, listen, I’m goin-going to get us out of here! I’ll fix this!”
           Pink laughed again, her voice echoing around the room as it bounced from the darkest corners in the chamber. She met Rick’s eyes, a grin forming on her face as she slammed her foot against one of the teenager’s hands. Morty screamed loudly. The cries emanating, covering any other sound in the room, and Rick flinched. He swallowed, tears pricking his eyes, and Rick grit his teeth as the teenager screamed again, pulling his hand closer to himself as Pink raised an eyebrow. The sound of bones breaking under force echoing in Rick’s ears as the teenager drew in a strained breath.
Rick took a slow breath as he calmed himself, “I’m going to-to fucking kill you!”
Pink shook her head, amusement masking her features as she took a step towards Rick; her arms crossed, “Oh really? You and what Army? See, I know you, Rick Sanchez. I know everything there is to know about all the other Ricks. After all, you’re not the first Rick or Morty to come stumbling into my territory… But… I must say… you smell much different than the others before you…”
           She took a deep breath causing the older man to grimace slightly, “Thanks. It’s the lack of bathing and alcoholism.”
           “Hm. All that wit. Hiding the enemy lurking in the shadows- the true Rick Sanchez. Such a pity, such a disappointment society must be to you as you are to it. Tell me, Rick, do you know what I am?” Pink asked, stepping around Morty. She took a few steps forward, wiping her hand over the dust, grime and blood covering the walls; letting the black dirt fall from her hand slowly.
Rick moved a hand, the chains once again jingling, “Really ugly?”
Pink smirked, her fingers once again meshing against the disgusting wall, “My kind, although few thanks to intergalactic terrorism, has the ability to see into one’s mind. To read into their deepest darkest parts of themselves. To learn the things hidden away, buried so deep, locked so tightly in the worst part of a being’s soul.”
“Sounds fun. I can-can accom-omplish the same thing with a few barrier reactors, a screwdriver, and a bicycle- a bicycle helmet,” Rick stared blankly, looking at his left hand as he tried squirming it from the chains gripped around his wrist. The metal digging harshly, blood lining his arm as the chain gave slightly. Pink snorted, moving closer, “You doubt my ability, then?”
“Oh boy, here we go,” Rick rolled his eyes, huffing, “The only thing I doubt, is that you do birthday parties on the weekends in order to maintain a rather clownish and some-somewhat de-demeaning flesh of a-of a wo-woman.”  
           Silence occupied the room, and Rick paused for a moment; his wrist throbbing as blood coated the chains, making it slippery, making it relatively easier to yank his hand free. Either that or dislocate it in order to try and figure a way out of here. He shivered slightly, freezing for a moment as stillness blanketed the room, and Morty groaned, moving slightly.
           Fingers smacked against Rick’s face, pressing his chin and cheeks violently together as the hand pried his eyes away from his grandson. Fingernails digging into his face as Rick’s eyes connected with Pink’s, a crazed grin plastered against skin pulled too tightly across her face; her eyes lifeless and cold, sparkling with what Rick could only assume was the real alien harboring the pound of flesh like a puppet.
           “You doubt me, then?” She growled, her teeth chipped and rotting as she smiled. Nails digging harder into his flesh, spit splattering against his face, and Rick grit his teeth as pain rose from his neck, exploding through his head as his vision faded, as the world faded and the pain etched into his skin from sharp red nails, dug deep enough to rip the flesh from his bones…
           “Rick, I’ll say it for the last time! This is my house! And you will not plan a rebellion for the space war or whatever in my house!” Jerry yelled, walking down the stairs. He tripped slightly, missing the last two steps and stumbled into the wall with a soft thud. Rick watched amused as the younger man quickly tried to straighten himself; a wavering stern look washed across his face as he once again tried to show a dominance that they both knew wasn’t there. The older man rolled his eyes and turned back towards his project as Jerry repeated the statement.  
Rick groaned loudly, “Jesus, Jerry. It’s the Dark Intergalactic Cause. You sound like a fucking moron when you say space an-and war. Look, if you can’t remember, call them the DIC Group.”
           Jerry growled slightly, mumbling something under his breath as Beth handed her father a screwdriver. She smiled towards Jerry then her dad, “Well, I think it sounds like fun. Maybe you should lighten up, Jerry.”
           Rick snorted, flipping a screw across the table as he turned towards the younger man, crossing his arms, “Y-yeah, maybe you should-should lighten up, Jer-ry…
             Pain slicing through his left shoulder as Rick slammed his head against the boulder behind him. Screams heard from the dust clouding the atmosphere, and someone screamed his name as bullets and blasts flew through the air. Rick swallowed, gripping his shoulder, looking momentarily at the blood gushing from the stupid wound, before pushing himself away from the rock; his gun gripped hard in his right hand.
           Bird-Person flew above him, dropping an atom bomb in the distance, the explosion sending a horrific gush of copper filled air across the crumbling planet. Rick coughed harshly, stumbling as he grabbed at the portal gun hidden in his lab coat; waiting to use it; waiting for…
           Rick turned, dropping his coat on the floor as Beth ran to greet him. Her blonde pigtails jumping wildly as she ran across the hall, and Rick bent down, a huge smile radiating from his face. The 5-year-old threw herself at her father, laughing loudly as he swung her around gently.
           She pressed her little hands against his face, smiling widely; her two front teeth missing from the other night. A small Power-Rangers Band-Aid plastered against her left cheek from playing outside. She dug her hands in her pockets quickly, pulling out another Band-Aid, placing it on Rick’s forehead as he carried her into the kitchen.
           Rick threw a confused look towards his wife before Beth pressed her hands against his face once more, “I missed you, Daddy! We’re playing Doctor! Wanna play with us…
             Blood. There was so much fucking blood. Coating his body in a shield as the lifeless body of his grandson laid a few feet away, his eyes fixed on Rick in a dull stare of a dead reminder. God, there was so much fucking blood.
           Rick gagged harshly, throwing his body to the left as he vomited. Blood soaked hands wiping at his mouth as he shakily reached a hand towards Morty. There was so much fucking blood…
             “Stop,” Rick mumbled weakly as his vision cleared and the pain evaded, nails releasing his face and the older man closed his eyes, glancing down at the floor. He swallowed loudly as Pink stepped away, chuckling softly, “Family. Really, Rick? Oh, honey. But you are nothing more than a poison injected in the blood of those you love. A drug. A fatal toxicity promising adventure. Tell me, are you even the real Rick Sanchez? Or did he die years ago?”
           Rick swallowed again, breathing through his nose several times as the memories began to fade from his mind. As the hurt began to fade further in the background, and he cleared his throat as he looked up slowly, “Don’t flatter yourself. You know there isn’t such a thing as a real Rick Sanchez.”
           Pink faltered, turning halfway back to face him, “Such a lie you’ve wrapped yourself in. All hidden by an old white little lab coat…”
“Sorry, next time I’ll be s-sure to wear a fucking tux-tuxedo,” Rick interjected, wincing quietly as he struggled again to pull his left wrist from his imprisonment. He felt the skin pull, sliding somewhat from the thick metal.  
“What a simple mind. Filled with so much greatness. So much trust… love for his family. For you. Does he even know the truth? The truth about everything? About you? Does he even know who you are?” Pink stated. Rick felt a shiver run down his spine as he glanced back up, glaring towards the woman standing over his grandson’s limp form.
           The older man growled, “Don’t you fucking touch him!”
           Silence again. Embracing the dark room in a constant reminder of things and opportunities missed. And Rick felt his heartbeat quicken as he held Pink’s gaze; refusing to look away; refusing to break the threat he held against her. She snorted slightly before turning back towards the teenager, her hand gently tracing a cut on his lip like a mother soothing her child, “Why? What are you going to do about it? All chained and beaten? Besides… I think you’ve done more damage to him than I ever could in an eternity.”
           The older man’s expression faltered, and he swallowed, hard. His eyes dancing over the stilled emotion on his grandson’s face; guilt sitting heavily in his stomach, and Rick fought the urge to gag as nausea coursed through his body, pulling his hand harder against the chains.
           She was right. Rick knew she was right. Morty had been a kid- hell, he was still a kid. Only 17. Something Rick always seemed to forget. And whether he liked it or not, the kid was his grandson… whatever the hell that meant. He was his blood. Vulnerable. Susceptible. Following blindly as Rick drug him through realities, horrors, nightmares that could kill him- that had killed him. And yet, he trusted Rick with an unending love that he would never receive in return. He trusted Rick because Morty believed so fiercely that his life was nothing compared to a single smidge of his grandfather. And Rick knew- he knew the thoughts that haunted the kid every time, every silence parted between the teenager’s lips, every moment of unfocused emotion fixed on nothingness, the tears heard through paper-thin walls and red stains left unwashed in the bathroom sink- Rick knew. He’d seen the scars. The dark lines tanned against his grandson’s arms- the emotion hidden so damn deep behind a disguise of stupidity, bravery and that goddamn determination to prove himself enough. Rick fucking knew. And he never said anything… he couldn’t.
Morty had grown from the weird kid he’d once been. Fuck, he was still weird and awkward, but he was colder, harder, quieter, and he stopped worrying about everything somewhere along the way. He was devoid of things that phased other kids his age; still concerned with a girl out of his league, but no longer chasing after her like a lovestruck puppy. He’d matured into his own thought, towering over the young and pathetic memories of his youth. He reserved himself to isolation and solitude, creating a demeanor who would rather convey his emotions to himself in peace, and letting the world show their opinions of him. Letting society decide how they viewed him rather than fight against it. Because everything was bullshit, and nothing really mattered. A philosophy he had adopted from Rick, and one he lived by… one he’d die by.    
           Rick grimaced as he yanked his left hand free, busying himself as he tried freeing his other hand; trying to remember if he had any gadgets that could help him.  
“Tell me, Rick,” Pink said softly, still caressing the teenager’s face gently, “Has he even seen the real Rick Sanchez crawling beneath your skin? Such rage. Such destruction. So much blood on your hands that not even the purest Rick or Morty could absolve you of yourself. Has he seen what you’re truly capable of?”
Rick paused, and glanced down at the floor, pressing his lips together as the question reached him. He heard shifting and looked up slowly to see Pink turning towards him, and he slammed his hand back to the chains on his left. He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off, “A pity, really. What pain it must cause you to look at him. To lock away everything in your past that is their future. How it must feel to hide yourself away from everyone because you’re so afraid they’ll see you for what you really are.”
Rick belched loudly, “A badass fucking sc-scientist?”
“A monster. An evil greater than anything lurking in the depths of the universes, greater than anything hiding among the other realities.”
The older man bit the bottom of his lip. His eyes grasping between Pink then his grandson then Pink.
All of the infinite universes, the infinite families and Ricks, the infinite realities he’d lived… hell, even he’d lost track of the reality he was born into. The reality he’d lost everything. The reality he’d destroyed… the reality he’d destroyed everything… burned, incinerated, broken into so many fucking pieces that not even he could put back together again. The reality he’d fucked so hard he couldn’t fix… the reality that’d seen him; truly seen him, seen his anger, seen his rage, what he could do, what he was capable of. Because he’d lost… himself, everything. The infinite universes all boiling down to that tiny fucking and insignificant reality that he’d destroyed himself; creating the shitshow of everything he was fighting for today. The reality he had killed himself, killed what it meant to be human.
           Humanity. Humans. Weak and small. Pathetic and unimportant. The human race was weak and puny compared to the adventures lurking in the skies that he chased so desperately in the voids. Humans were weak. Sloppy. So many fucking emotions all wrapped in a wimpy fleshy suit of goopy matter. They were so easily replaced. Easily forgotten…
Despite everything, despite the Citadel, despite the vast realities and universes, Rick never had the fucking heart to tell Morty the truth… to tell him what really happened; he never had the heart to tell him about the one true Rick and Morty. About Beth. About everything he’d fucked up beyond repair; about the mess he’d created… and the inevitable end that hung over Rick as he haloed countless deaths, tragic and bitter, all his fault… including Morty’s own. Morty’s death… his end; that was something Rick couldn’t bring himself to face, but he couldn’t forget it either. Because it hadn’t happened yet, but Rick had already lived it.  
Rick sighed, “…it’s better this way. It’s better he doesn’t know.”
“Why? You think it’ll protect him? How stupid you must be. You really don’t see it, do you?” Pink stepped closer, confusion etched into the tighter corners of her features; her flesh beginning to droop slightly as her form was starting to lose shape. She ran a hand over her face, fixing the wrinkles sagging under her eyes and mouth. She took another breath, stepping forward again, “You can’t see how much you’ve destroyed him. His mind, his thoughts, his emotions. How much hurt you’ve painted on his body; the nightmares and horrors you’ve created in the darkest parts of his mind; a darkness you’ve crafted out of the safe reality he knew, and the twisted pain and hatred you’ve fashioned out of what should have been happiness, love, and joy. Such innocence he once possessed. And yet, you fail to realize that the more you try to protect him, the more you try to save him, the more you destroy him. You fail to realize you’ve killed him… and you’re slowly killing anything that’s left.”
           “I’m going to kill you,” Rick grit his teeth, “When I get out of here, I’m-I’m going to rip that stupid flesh from you-your bones, you moronic fucking slug.”
           Pink smirked as she turned slightly, “Oh, I don’t doubt that as I know who you really are. But first, I’m going to have some fun with your pet. Don’t look so worried, Rick, I’ll make sure he dies quickly.”
           She turned back towards Morty; her skin crawling and shifting as she shed bones and flesh; as she shed humanity, crafting her own form as acidic saliva dripped from her mouth. Rick pulled his left hand free, yanking harshly at his right as he heard bones crack, blood pooling from the pressure on raw busted skin.
           A laugh echoed around the room as the lights darkened; the fire dying quickly, and Rick pulled harder, winching as his right hand came free, and he fell forward; his wrist connecting with the cement, breaking fully as the dislocated bone jolted upright. He cursed loudly, pulling himself up as he struggled for the chains wrapped around his ankles, and Pink screamed.
            A blast lit the room quickly before disappearing, and Rick froze; his fingers trembling against the cold metal still wrapped against his right ankle, and he glanced up. Darkness covered the room, followed by an eerie silence that sent chills across the room. Something fell against the ground as something much larger smack against the walls, vibrating the chains hanging through the small chamber and crashing through a softer part of the wall, filling the room with dust.
           Rick coughed loudly as light filtered weakly through the dungeon, and he squinted as his eyes met the pink glob of the slug monster. He scanned the rest of the room, dust hanging thickly in the air. Rick’s fingers still pressed against the metal chains as he swallowed softly, “M-Morty?”
           Something clattered across the room sliding from the dust covered air, stopping at Rick’s feet as retching echoed off the remaining walls. The older man glanced down at the small gun sitting at his feet, the tiny purple blaster was barely anything Rick would consider harmful; but aimed correctly, fired correctly, the small fucker would be able to fire enough to kill something. Rick’s eyes locked onto the blood smeared across the handle as retching once again filled the room, and he looked up again, scanning what little he could see.
           “Mo-Morty? Where the fuck are you, you dipshit?” Rick yelled, pressing his hands once again against the metal. His fingernails pulling backwards and ripping as he struggled to pry the chains apart. The rough metal sliced through more flesh on his fingers, and Rick cursed as blood began to drip down his hands.
           Something moved, and Rick flinched as warm hands covered his, pushing his shaking hands away from the metal. Rick sucked in a steady breath as he traced over the busted knuckles and dried blood scabbed on the abused flesh; huge black and green bruises covering the left hand from where Pink’s foot broke bones; bitten back winces still audible as fingers were forced to grasp rough metal; and Rick looked up, letting out another long silent breath.
           Morty’s face was covered in blood which Rick hoped was mostly from Pink. Blood trailing from the cuts on his face as his eyes, slightly unfocused, concentrated on the stupid metal. Dirt covered the teenager’s neck and shirt as holes tore through the old material. Bruises painted against dirty flesh, dotted with droplets of blood, and a bloody red mess gathering on the 17-year-old’s left side that looked more than painful.
           Metal clattered to the ground as Rick’s eyes continued to trace over the damage. He rubbed his own wrist as it throbbed slightly, and Morty met his gaze. Unfocused blue eyes, lifeless and dull, pain hanging in the corners behind fake morality. Morty used to have Beth’s eyes; her bright blue eyes shining with so much wonder and life… but now, now, Rick feared the kid mirrored his own reflection more than anything else. You fail to realize you’ve killed him…
           Morty swallowed slightly, choking on the dust surrounding them and blood ran down his chin slowly as he wiped it with his shoulder. He smiled faintly, “You oka-okay, Rick?”
           Rick nodded lightly before finding his voice, “Wow. Those fu-fuckers really did a number on you, huh, kid?”
           Morty’s eyebrows drew together as he wiped more blood from his chin. He sighed loudly, bending down to grasp the stupid purple blaster between shaky fingers. He swallowed again, “I-I’ll be fine. Let’s just go. I just want to go home.”
           His voice was barely audible. Quiet and meek. Making Rick’s skin crawl as he hung onto every syllable. His mind racing as he wondered how Morty’s last few days differed from his own. The torture, the questions, the dimly lit dungeon…
           Morty swallowed again, wincing as he turned, grasping the blaster in his hand as he walked towards the door. He grit his teeth as he forced his body to straighten, the wound on his right thigh busting open again and the slick feeling of blood trailing down his leg, meshing against socks that were no longer soft nor white. The last few days, weeks, fuck- months, had been hell. The time spent with Rick, the time at school, with people Morty thought were his friends, and the shitty idea of something bigger in the universes that deserved Morty as he was, all plagued from the twisted crappy mind of a youthful and Disney-inspired child that he had tried to kill.
           The plan wasn’t supposed to go this way, that was for damn sure; but, considering Morty hadn’t had much of a plan when Rick convinced him to steal some Draxonen crystals, and the teenager’s own brilliant idea of stealing some weird looking weapon, Morty wasn’t really surprised it went the way it went. Besides, the pain plaguing his ribs, thigh, shit- the majority of his body, felt nice. It made him feel… alive. Something he hadn’t felt since his fight with Jessica’s boyfriend because he found out that her and Morty had slept together… several times in fact.
           Needless to say, the plan was screwed to begin with. And Rick’s stupid crystals he’d probably inhale the moment they were home, stabbed through the 17-year-old’s pocket, piercing the wound further on his thigh. Morty swallowed, resisting the urge to puke again as the stale taste of blood filled his mouth; the stupid cut on his lip refusing to stop bleeding.
           Rick cleared his throat, and Morty glanced behind him briefly to see the old man watching him. The idea that part of their situation was due to Rick pissed the teenager off… the other part was hidden in his jacket pocket; the small weapon pulsing, and Morty grasped his hand around the object, biting the inside of his cheek as spikes pierced through the globe, eating away at the flesh on his palm.
Rick didn’t give a shit about him. Something the guards had made damn clear even though it’d been obvious for a long time now. And despite his grandfather telling Morty how little he meant to him, the 17-year-old had always managed to pull himself up, to convince himself that somewhere, somehow, deep down, there was something, something riding in his grandfather that cared for the teenager. But that was just childish bullshit. Because Rick didn’t care about anyone except himself.
Morty should have known, and honestly, he should have cared. But he didn’t. It’d been a long time since he cared about something or someone. Jessica had fucked around with him for practice, and Morty had been okay with that because he was sleeping with his middle school crush; his parents calling it quits every few weeks when all the teenager wanted to do was scream for them to separate, to get divorced because he couldn’t take their arguing anymore; and Summer- Summer was moving out next Fall to attend some university a few states over. And Morty… Morty wasn’t really sure there was a point anymore.
The 17-year-old pressed his shoulder against the wooden door as he glanced again towards Rick. The older man’s eyes still transfixed on him, but a small gadget willed between his fingers. Morty rolled his eyes as he inched the door apart to see the hallway better. Black shadows danced across the dusty brick, voices in languages the teenager didn’t recognize several feet away, and the sound of an alarm blaring in the distance...
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Morty Smith
Settle in y’all cause I have to talk about my son Morty Smith for a moment. I suppose I’ll start by saying I love this boy, this poor poor boy and I want the best for him oh my heart hurts for this boy. So let’s start at the very begining (I’m told this is a very good place to start) 
Morty Smith has always had a hard life. At school he is bullied, has no friends, and struggles in his class and well the staff (or what little we’ve seen of it with Principal Vagina and Mr. Goldenfold) don’t seem particularly helpful in any of these regards. Specially since, in the pilot, it is revealed Principal Vagina had been trying to contact the Smith’s but kept leaving the messages with Rick, despite the fact Rick was the one pulling him out of school in the first place (dude come on). 
Then at home he is living with a mean alcoholic mother, Beth, and an insecure pushover, Jerry, who both neglect him, (and Summer too) and they constantly fight. 
He has anxiety disorder and is autistic, but is not being helped in either of these regards. And to make it worse his parents admit they know. Right in the pilot episode Jerry remarks that Morty has, “some kind of disability or something” and when Morty says, “I do?” he responds with, “Well, duh doy son. Look Morty I love you but we both know you’re not as fast as the other kids and if you want to compete in this world, you got to work twice as hard.” (wow the voice acting really helps this line cause writing it down is like damn. that’s cold Jerry) He doesn’t offer any kind of help, just points out to Morty that it is apparently a very obvious fact. Which shows how neglectful and unwilling they are to actually do anything. 
So let’s sit with Jerry and Morty for a second. In “Something Ricked This Way Comes” Jerry tries to help Morty on a science project, which sounds great but he more or less is just doing it because he is just jealous Morty asked Rick for help and as Beth puts it, “He is insecure about his intelligence”. Then poor 14 year old Morty is burdened the entire episode with being the responsible one, repeatedly telling Jerry not only is Pluto not a planet and it would have been fine to just not put it in their model solar system, but then having to go as far as telling him that the planet is dying and he has to convince his dad just to let it go and of course Jerry does and everything goes back to normal but Morty had to play the role of the parent the whole time and ends with him reassuring Jerry at the end of the episode that he loves him. Then in “The ABC’s of Beth” Morty and Summer have to force Jerry to admit he just needs to stop coming up with excuses and break up with his girlfriend Keara, again making Morty (and Summer too) the mature ones in the situation. “The Old Man and the Seat” is similar in that Morty and Jerry have their own adventure where Morty has to keep telling Jerry that he is making a mistake, only this time he isn’t soft or kind about it, telling his dad to stop fucking up.
Then well if we switch to Beth... We don’t get much Beth and Morty bonding throughout the show but the most prominent would probably be in “The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy” where he thought he could just have a normal day with Rick and Jerry gone, but then Beth had to try and prove she can return Summer to normal on her own only making things worse. Again much like with Jerry Morty tried to be the voice of reason, saying they should call Rick for help and becomes upset when Beth continues to be stubborn. Morty has to be the one to tell Beth this wouldn’t of happened if she had just told Summer she was hot. 
And of course his sister Summer, who he seems to have the best relationship with has to be helped by Morty too, when she threatens to run away and do something with turquoise after she discovers that Beth and Jerry did not want to have children. Of course he aids her with his famous line from “Rixty Minutes”, “Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV.
Morty is only 14 but he is the motherfucking family counselor. And he is the least favorite child too just to ya know make it worse. Rember in “Morty’s Mind Blowers” that one guy was about to kill either Morty or Summer and he was going to make Beth chose which one would live and he hadn’t even finished the question and she said Summer? Or the (worst?) example, “Rick Potion #9″ where... the family isn’t even sad Morty is gone. It was completely understandable that they wouldn’t miss Rick... But Morty? Oh my that hurts. Hold on I need a moment cause it still fucks me up. That is your little boy Jerry and Beth. And your brother Summer. What the fuck?? Y’all are, “happier with them gone” what the f u c k? (like okay this post is not about Rick but in “Rest and Ricklaxation” Rick called Jessica multiple times in tears because Morty left and these guys.... just AHHHHHH)
Of course we have Rick and I could go on and on about how terrible Rick is to Morty but I don’t think I need to beat a dead horse (I was going to try and make a horse surgeon joke here but I can’t think of one), so instead I’ll say with Rick he gets manipulated, lied to, yelled at, talked down to, belittled, and dragged around on horrible traumatizing adventures. And his parents let it happen. Even now with Beth’s new found agency, it all still happens.
And outside the family?? He gets punished by just the universe itself it seems whether its trying to have his own fantasy adventure and almost getting assulted in a restroom, wanting to be a superhero just to learn his heros are all bad people, just wanting a dragon and having the dragon prefer his grandpa, trying to return a snake to its planet and accidentally causing countless snake wars and snake time travel, Morty can never seem to win. He tries to be good or have fun but is constantly having his views and morals thrown back at him, like the universe is telling him that it doesn’t matter if he is good or has good intentions. 
So let’s put it all in a bag and shake it up huh? We got this family that constantly needs Morty to be the responsible one, the moral one, the mature one, the backbone of society, all that and a bag of chips. Let’s put in a dash of abuse, a splash of neglect, a chaotic and cruel universe and he gets... What? An occasional hug or an “I love you”? I’,m pretty sure I have a whole separate post about Morty’s anger issues/ his rising agency but damn its like who wouldn’t be angry? Every aspect of his life is so messed up, its hard to conceptualize it all. 
So I think instead of Rick leaving at the end of the season it would be interesting if Morty left because that boy deserves so much more than all of this. And of course he would still be on the show but it would be like Morty solo while the rest of the family figures their shit out. 
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amidst-thestcrs · 3 years
8 Facts about my Muse(s).
Tagged by: Someone at Summer’s old blog 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Tagging: @feralspace-bitch / @speck-of-stardust, @fightan0therday, @tr0ubled-s0uls, @starrys0nder, @hiemaleyes, @implausiblynaive, @defactomatriarch, and anyone else interested!! (You guys totally don’t have to do this if you don’t want to either ofc!) 😌👌❤❤
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1) Despite having “freedom” while living with Gary, Morti actually missed out on quite a bit of typical things that other kids genuinely experience around her age. This doesn’t really bother her until other people start making her feel like it’s a problem though. Gary always had a convenient excuse for everything: they didn’t have enough money to afford cable so they only had a dvd player; most of his family had either died or lived far away so they didn’t ever visit extended family; they lived too far away from signal towers to get wifi so they didn’t have internet; etc.. Due to this, I imagine she missed out on quite a lot of normal things and probably hasn’t even done something as simple as been in a car before.
2) Morti responds well to kindness and doesn’t comprehend mean or abrupt people as she doesn’t understand why someone would be that.
3) Her favorite animal is a frog! She adores frogs so much and used to adore the little pond by their house when she lived with Gary. He actually caught one for Morti as a pet which she still has and named Henry! It’s her most prized possession and best friend. ❤
4) I think if Morti wasn’t able to form a strong bond with the Smith family when/if she goes back home, Morti would 100% be willing to go back and live with Gary again if that ever became an option, even despite all the lies. 
5) Despite living with Gary for most of her life, Morti was still a “Morty” underneath it all as she’s always had a fascination with space even as a kid. She owned many astronomy books and even Gary brought her home a telescope for her that she used all the time to see the stars at night.
6) Morti has no memory of the Smith family whatsoever. She doesn’t remember any of them and will always feel bad for this especially since she feels like she’s probably supposed to remember them.
7) I think she puts up with the name Morti cause she doesn’t think anyone really cares enough to call her otherwise, but if given the choice, Morti would much rather go by the name September/Ember as it’s the name she’s used to and the one that feels most like her to her.
8) The Ricks have given Morti a card to stick in her pocket when she goes off on her own in the citadel. It’s basically just a little business card of sorts that she’s suppose to hand out and get back that literally says, “Hi, I’m an identity confused Morticia/Morty (not September/Ember or any other weird shit she says) from dimension C-323. I’m not lost or abandoned, I’m just annoying but they’re looking for my Rick so don’t take me. Okay, now fuck off. Scram!”. As you can tell, she did not write this note herself. 
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1) Rick’s been alone most of his life. After his parents died in the crash, he never really had any friends and was never able to marry so no other family either. Really since they died he’s been on his own.
2) In truth, I imagine Doofus Rick really wanted/wants a family like how all the other Ricks have, but it just never happened for him. The Diane (or other versions of Rick’s ex-wife) in his universe just wasn’t interested in him and honestly just felt like he was beneath her-- something she actually admitted to his face when they were in college and he tried to ask her out. Mostly any other time he tried to ask someone out since has had the same result anyways.
3) Medical science has always been more his area of expertise than other kinds of science which is the main reason why he was able to cure cancer in his dimension among other forms of awful diseases. I think he’s well known in his universe as medical genius and hero, but really he just considers himself just a regular person, nothing special.
4) He probably owns way more books than he’ll ever read in his life, most old science books and such.
5) My Rick never got a Morty like in the tv show, I imagine he tried once and the council laughed in his face. Due to this, he instead simply tries his best to help any other Morty in need that he can.
6) Rick occasionally volunteers at the Morty Daycare Center when he has free time.
7) If it wasn’t for his lack of time, Rick would most likely get a pet to help out with how lonely his life can be at times but I think he genuinely worries about not being home a lot to be able to take care of it. If he was home more, I could totally see him getting a rescue from a shelter somewhere, but he doesn’t want to burden an animal with lack of human interaction.
8) Rick’s not as stupid as everyone believes him to be, he’s actually fairly smart and can hold conversations really well. The thing with him is just mainly anxiety that makes him extremely awkward. If he didn’t worry so much about what others thought of him he’d probably have the confidence of a regular Rick but still way nicer than a typical Rick.
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1) It’s common knowledge to everyone at this point that Beth turned into an absolute disaster of a mother after Jerry died which is the main reason why Summer and Beth have such an explosive and abusive relationship. Pretty much everyone in their neighborhood, their extended family, and at Summer’s school knew about the bad blood between those two but everyone just stays quiet about it tbh, even after Summer started showing up to school with bruises. Everyone assumes these two have always hated each other, but something that isn’t really known by others is that Summer actually loved Beth a lot when she was very little despite the abuse her mother constantly took out on her. She was young and trusted the only adult in her life even if she didn’t love her back, this is something Beth sometimes brings up in arguments to either annoy Summer or in attempts to guilt trip her. Usually it’s something along the lines of “I remember when you used to love me! You thought the world of me back then!”.
2) One sure-fire way to get Summer to shut up/get under her skin is to tell her she’s exactly like her mother or even looks like her. Summer wants absolutely nothing to do with Beth and even though the two of them are very similar in looks, she does not want to be associated in any way to her mom. She heard Beth say too many times that the two of them were way too similar that even the notation of that coming from someone else, especially someone Summer considers close, will immediately struck her silent and it will bother her immensely. 
3) Summer absolutely loves astrology and knows a lot on the different zodiac signs. She’ll sometimes even guess someone’s zodiac before even knowing it and will even point it out all the time just to mess with people-- for example: “That’s such a Gemini thing to do too, you really are one, huh?”.
4) Although Summer’s attitude is a big reason why it’s hard to get close to her, that’s not the main reason why. It’s actually Summer’s trust issues that prevent her from having close relationships with people outside of her inner circle. Summer is very particular about who she trusts and lets into her life. Her trust is very hard to earn and very easy to lose. If she feels her trust has been broken, she’s very quick to immediately discontinue a friendship/relationship with someone and back away. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.” as the saying goes. Now with that said, it is possible to gain Summer’s trust back again depending on the person, but just know it’s gonna be ten times harder to gain back the second time than it already was the first time. So good luck!
5) Summer started smoking at the age of fourteen due to it being an appetite suppressant. Since Beth spent most, if not all, of her unemployment check on alcohol, there wasn’t really ever food in the house for them to eat, at least not food that was safe to consume. On the rare times they did have groceries, Beth would sometimes hide food when she was drunk then forget where she put it, eventually leading to it going molded. However instead of throwing any expired food away, she’d always save it and then serve it to herself and Summer at a later date. Due to this, Summer often had a lot of food poisoning growing up and got most of her meals from school or a friend’s house. Smoking helped her not feel hungry on times when food wasn’t available to her so she actually was a much heavier smoker as a teenager compared to now. Being out on her own now, Summer has cut back quite a bit, going from about a pack or so a day to smoking maybe four cigarettes a day. She doesn’t really smoke in her house much either, always goes outside when she wants to have a smoke.
6) Despite not being religious in the slightest, Summer went to church with Tricia ( @tr0ubled-s0uls​ ) on the occasional Sunday just to cause drama with her friend. The two of them would often talk/giggle really loud, take turns “coughing” while not-so-subtly stating “God’s not real”, and in general doing whatever to interrupt church service. The two of them would often find a way to leave early to go smoke out in the parking lot or bathrooms and would get breakfast after service. The main reason they’d do this is because Tricia’s dad often times forced her to attend his church services as he was a pastor. Needless to say, Tricia’s dad did not like Summer, for more reasons than just one.
7) Summer still visits Jerry’s grave from time to time and leaves fresh flowers on his tombstone. She’ll never admit it cause she thinks it sounds stupid, but sometimes she just vents to his graves or talks to him like he’s actually there even though she doesn’t believe in ghosts.
8) Speaking of which, Jerry is the one who actually named Summer! The only reason why she knows this is primarily because of her grandparents, but also because she has a vague memory of him proudly boosting about that when she was little. The reason why he named her was because shortly after Summer’s birth, the doctors asked Beth to hold her and feed her in attempts of bonding with her child but she wanted nothing to do with her. Instead Jerry did these things for Summer and when asked what she wanted to name her child she claimed she didn’t care. This in turn left the responsibility on Jerry in which he chose the name Summer because she was born during the summertime and he thought “Summer Elise Smith” sounded beautiful.
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evilmortys · 4 years
Have you ever talked about/drawn/ have head among about c-136’s rick? His relationship w/ his family and morty? Is her better than other ricks or worse? Etc!
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i’ve  never  talked  about  rick  c-136  much  extensively  come  to  think  of  it!  so  i  hope  you  don’t  mind  if  i  use  this  ask  as  an  opportunity  to  ramble  about  him  and  their  dynamic  and  their  dimension  in  general  a  little.  it’s  quite  divergent  from  what’s  typical  for  a  rick  and  morty  dynamic  in  places,  i  think.
first  off  i  wanna  lead  with:  morty  c-136  is  sixteen!  so  his  summer  is  of  course  older  too,  and  is  now  living  away  from  home  and  attending  college.  he  misses  her  a  lot,  but  they  still  call  a  few  times  a  week  and  bitch  about  their  parents  and  what’s  going  on  in  their  lives  and  bully  each  other  a  lot.  she  comes  home  sometimes,  usually  for  holidays  such  as  thanksgiving  or  whatever.  they’re  overly  sappy  for  a  minute  max  upon  reuniting,  then  she’s  kicking  him  in  the  balls  and  he’s  calling  her  a  dumb  bitch.
his  mom  and  dad  are  divorced,  and  have  been  since  he  was  ten,  so  jerry  is  not  really  in  the  picture.  rick  is  very  relieved  about  this  and  hates  jerry  about  as  much  as  is  typical  for  bastard  grandpas.  morty  was  sad  about  their  messy  break  up,  but  very  quickly  came  to  understand  it  was  for  the  best.  there’s  a  security  system  rick  set  up  to  kick  jerry  to  the  curb  if  he  ever  comes  around,  much  to  morty’s  aggravation,  but  it’s  not  put  to  much  use  anyway.  (usually  he  walks  over  to  his  dad’s  sad  studio  apartment  of  his  own  volition  for  custody  weekend  instead  of  being  picked  up,  because  his  dad  sleeps  until  late  noon,  so.  not  exactly  a  dependable  ride.  if  he  goes  himself  he  can  shake  jerry  awake  at  a  reasonable  hour  and ...  try  to  shake  some  sense  into  him  too.  so  he  doesn’t  come  to  the  house  much.)
c-136′s rick has a complex relationship with his beth.  she’s  still  very  much  wrapped  up  in  his  opinion  of  her  and  works  to  please,  impress  and  ultimately  attain  his  attention  whenever  she  can.  an  easy  way  to  do  this  is  back  rick  up  when  morty  backtalks  him.  if  morty  angrily  says  “shut  the  fuck  up,  rick”  within  earshot  of  his  mother,  she’s  very  quick  to  fly  to  her  father’s  defence  as  apposed  to  her  son’s-  “morty,  don’t  speak  to  my  dad  like  that!”  rick  plays  off  this,  recognizing  an  opportunity  to  make  beth  feel  like  it’s  them  versus  morty,  and  says  “thank  you,  sweetie.”  the  two  then  delve  into  conversation  about  how  morty  is  “out  of  hand”  as  if  he’s  not  even  there,  which  understandably  infuriates  him  further.  
it  hurts  him  a  lot  that  his  mom  is  so  desperate  to  feel  like  her  and  her  dad  get  along,  and  for  him  to  acknowledge  her  existence,  that  she’ll  invalidate  his  feelings  and  bitch  about  his  behavior  with  rick  to  get  it.  he  very  much  feels  like  his  mom  values  having  a  positive  relationship  with  her  dad  over  him  as  a  result.  morty  continues  to  love  and  care  about  her  even  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  it  feels  largely  nonreciprocal  at  the  best  of  times,  but  can  come  across  quite  cold,  dismissive  and  clearly  subconsciously  angry  with  beth  when  talking  about  her  at  times  as  a  result.  don’t  get  me  wrong,  they  go  see  the  occasional  movie  together  and  morty  helps  her  out  preparing  dinner  very  often.  he  cares  deeply  about  his  mom  and  he  loves  her,  of  course  he  does,  but  he's  also  felt  incredibly  estranged  from  her  for  most  of  his  life.  if  nothing  else,  they  can  always  at  least  bond  over  an  eyeroll  at  one  of  his  dad's  latest  fuck  ups  or  stupid  statuses  on  facebook.  there’s  some  stuff  about  his  childhood  i  could  tack  in  here  that’s  relevant,  but  i’m  very  conscious  of  how  long  this  is  and  i  haven’t  even  talked  about  rick  and  morty’s  dynamic  yet ...  adjaskjdfaksf  sorry!
her  alcoholism  worries  morty  whereas  rick  seems  a  little  indifferent  to  it,  or  considers  it  not  a  big  deal.  likely  because  he  knows  it  invites  accusations  of  hypocrisy  if  he  calls  out  her  self  destruction  via  these  vices.  
in  the  past,  morty’s  tried  talking  with  her,  watering  down  and  pouring  out  her  alcohol  stashes,  and  even  pleaded  for  rick  try  and  make  her  see  reason-  to  no  avail.  (his  grandpa  ended  up  cracking  a  joke  about  what  a  fucking  buzzkill  morty  is,  they  laughed  it  off  together,  and  they  both  went  out  for,  you  guessed  it,  a  fucking  drink,  or  more  likely  ten  of  them,  directly  after  the  fact.)
right  now,  beth  c-136  has  been  seeing  a  bartender  for  eleven  months.  rick  seems  to  idly  approve  of  him-  at  the  very  least,  doesn’t  hate  him  like  he  did  jerry,  which  delights  beth.  her  father  deeming  anything  in  her  life  a  good  choice  means  everything  to  her  because  she  fights  so  hard  to  impress  him  while  also  trying  not  to  look  overtly  clingy  and  needy,  because  that  seems  to  repel  him.  also,  he’s  her  genius  father  who  doesn’t  like  anyone,  so  how  the  hell  can  his  judgement  be  wrong,  right?  him  approving  of  this  guy  has  locked  him  into  her  life  for  the  forseeable  future.  again,  this  pisses  morty  off,  because  this  bartender  guy  encourages  his  mom’s  worst  vice  of  daydrinking  with  his  job  and  lifestyle.  he  makes  her  happy,  but  he’s  the  fucking  worst,  and  it  makes  morty  want  to  tear  his  hair  out.  him  and  summer  frequently  snipe  about  the  guy  in  private.  sharing  distaste  for  their  parents’  prospective  partners  is  very  valid  bonding  they  think.
c-136  rick  and  morty's  relationship  is  emotionally  flexible  at  the  best  of  times.  some  days,  so  very  rarely,  they  get  along  just  great.
to  name  one  wholesome  headcanon  before  we  Get  Into  It.  occasionally,  rick  will  pretend  to  know  absolutely  jack  shit  about  one  of  the  plants  in  morty’s  greenhouse  just  to  let  him  go  off  about  it  and  suddenly  seem  excitably  sure  of  himself  for  about  twenty  minutes  of  nonstop  infodumping.  95%  of  the  time  he  knows  absolutely  everything  about  the  plant  he’s  asking  about,  actually,  and  on  some  level  morty  is  absolutely  aware  of  it.  the  smartest  man  in  the  universe  apparently  doesn’t  know  what  a  flaxtius  olcum  is?  right.  but ...  he  still  appreciates  the  gesture  a  lot,  and  it  cheers  him  up  after  a  shitshow  adventure.
it's  not  too  clear  what  allows  these  occasions  of  treating  one  another  with  basic  respect  and  almost  fondness  to  arise-  maybe  his  grandfather's  in  an  uncommonly  gracious  mood,  maybe  they're  playing  minecraft  or  bashing  animal  crossing  together,  maybe  they're  snickering  and  exchanging  incredulous  glances  during  some  cartoonishly  evil  alien's  monologue  of  a  plan  as  it's  dictated  to  them  in  painstaking  detail …  regardless,  those  come  around  less  and  less  often,  these  days.
rick  secretly  considers  morty  to  be  very  capable  and  alarmingly  more  competent  as  of  late,  and  he's  not  sure  whether  to  feel  almost  proud  or  work  to  scramble  to  unravel  all  this progress  lest  morty  start  pulling  away  from  him  and  revelling  in  his  own  independence.  
they're  a  kickass duo  when  adventuring, very  in  sync.  morty's  less  of  a  whiny  burden  or  wide-eyed,  unremarkable  sidekick,  and  more  of  a  borderline  asset  at  this  point.  which  again,  makes  rick  feel  very  conflicted  over  how  that  skews  their  dynamic  in  a  way  that's  less  favorable  for  him,  because  morty  doesn't  need  to  lean  on  him  as  heavily  or  stick  as  close  anymore.  but  at  the  same  time,  there’s  less  inherent  risk  of  him  dying  while  they  adventure,  because  he  handles  himself  so  well.  they  can  split  up  as  needed  to  get  shit  done  faster.  morty  frequently  solo  adventures,  or  as  he  calls  it,  “runs  rick’s  goddamn  errands,  actually.”  he’s  outgrown  the  concept  of  getting  to  choose  an  adventure  and  instead  claims  the  portal  gun  every  twelve  adventures  they  have  together,  and  goes  off  for  one  of  his  own.
morty  speaks  his  mind  very  bluntly  with  rick  and  isn't  really  afraid  to  tell  him  to  get  fucked  when  he's  being  an  unreasonable  dick.  he  resents  rick  immensely  for  putting  him  down  and  pushing  him  around  all  the  time.
morty's  more  assertive,  yet  still  very  much  resigned  to  their  irrefutably  imbalanced  companionship ;  there  are  countless  factors  as  to  why.  but  primarily,  it  tends  to  boil  down  to  feeling  like  he  owes  a  lot  to  rick.  were  it  not  for  his  presence  in  his  life,  morty  knows  deep  down  that  he  wouldn't  be  half  as  interesting  or  even  marginally  as  intelligent  as  he's  capable  of  being  now.  he’d  still  be  stupid,  and  mediocre,  and  uninteresting.  unremarkable.  unworthy  of  anyone’s  attention  or  time  because  of  how  dull  he  is.
he's  at  a  point  where  (to  an  extent)  he  feels  distant  from  his  life  on  earth  at  the  best  of  times,  because  space  and  the  infinite  multiverse  has  encompassed  his  daily  life  for  so  long  and  on  some  level,  he  handles  himself  far  better  fighting  for  his  life  on  the  edge  of  the  universe  than  trapped  in  a  school  full  of  sweaty  teenagers  and  material  he  either  blitzes  through  or  can  barely  grasp.  plus,  rick  was  the  closest  thing  he  ever  had  to  a  friend  while  he  was  growing  up.  morty  cares  about  rick,  even  if  the  older  constantly  cites  reasons  as  to  why  attachment  is  moronic  and  sentiment  is  stupid,  and  he's  aware  that  rick  has  come  to  care  for  him  too-  even  if  all  his  pointed  jabs  about  not  giving  a  shit  and  aloof  front  makes  it  hard  to  believe  that  all  the  time.
the  issue  is,  once  morty  seems  to  waver  in  feeling  that  he  has  to  constantly  acquiesce  to  rick  and  falters  in  tolerating  rick  as  an  result  of  this  obligated  feeling  of  familial  love,  no  matter  how  slightly,  rick  then  begins  to  exert  control  over  their  relationship  by  other  means,  such  as  emotionally  manipulating,  gaslighting  and  outright  blackmailing  him  to  keep  him  in  line  with  what  he  wants  out  of  their  dynamic:  rick  and  morty,  a  hundred  years,  the  only  two  people  in  the  infinite  multiverse  that  truly  matter-  theretofore,  they  should  both  solely  consider  one  another  as  important,  and  worthwhile.  he's  willing  to  tarnish  any  other  connections  morty  might  form  beyond  their  duo  for  fear  of  losing  him.
he  grows  out  of  this  irrational  attachment  a  little  more  each  time  his  grandfather  lets  him  down,  disillusions  him  ever  further,  hurts  him  or  traumatizes  him  or  actively  fucking  experiments  on  him-  slowly  but  surely.  he'll  snap,  in  some  sense,  sometime.  when  exactly  can't  be  known.  what  precise  actions  he  might  take  to  pry  himself  free  of  their  codependent  dynamic  is  unclear.  but  the  way  things  are  headed,  the  two  of  them  splintering  apart  is  inevitable,  and  it's  unlikely  to  be  an  amicable  thing  at  all.  rick  often  actively  renounces  and  appears  repulsed  by  the  very  concept  of  familial  love  and  basic  attachment,  constantly  rants  and  raves  in  his  drunken  stupors  about  how  replaceable  everyone  in  his  life  is,  and  it's  hard  for  morty  to  bite  his  tongue  when  he's  behaving  like  that.
he  just  hates  that  he  feels  badly  about  himself  and  second  guesses  himself  around  rick.  strangely  enough,  when  he’s  having  to  push  through  crazy  shit  alone,  he  does  fine.  great,  even.  sure,  he’s  freaking  out,  making  everything  up  as  he  goes  along,  and  secretly  wishing  rick  was  around  to  guide  him  out  of  the  chaos  because  he  knows  in  his  heart  rick  would  probably  do  it  smarter.  but  once  he’s  with  rick,  he  feels  incapable  and  stupid  beside  him.  like,  being  apart  from  him  makes  him  feel  so  much  lighter,  allows  him  to  lean  on  the  intelligence  he  very  much  does  possess,  without  being  berated,  second  guessing  it,  and  reminded  it’ll  never  match  up  to  rick’s,  so  there’s  really  no  point  in  even  trying.
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rllysick · 4 years
Master list:
This is my master list of fanfics that I enjoy reading! I will continue to add to it as I read more or maybe write my own! Most of these fanfictions are of ao3 or tumblr
Rick Sanchez x Reader:
Ricky Doll by rickssugarplum: You’ve missed Rick for so long and you have a Rick Plushie to fill the void. Rick finds out.
Rest Easy by sammys_lover: You're frightened by a storm that's way too huge for your liking. 
Innuendos by Hoodoo:  You just needed to get some grocery shopping done. Rick turned it into a thing.
F*CKING YOUNG / PERFECT by baconprincess:  The Smith-Sanchez family meets the new neighbors. (11 Chapters, but unfinished)
Curiosity by PsychoLolita: You get swept into Rick and Morty's lives thanks to a favor from Beth. It isn't until you see Rick using his trusty portal gun that you decide to find out for yourself just what kind of scientist Rick Sanchez is. Along the way, you find yourself falling for Rick's unorthodox ways and personality. Even though he seems disinterested in you, it all feels like a strange deja vu. On the other hand, Rick knows something that you don't, and wants to keep it from you (and Morty) at all costs. Will things go completely awry, or will you settle with what the future holds? (15 Chapters, but unfinished)
Rick Sanchez x Reader (Smut):
...the line broke, the monkey got choked... by Hoodoo: You catch sight of an old guy with a Mohawk. He catches sight of you too, and makes a daring suggestion.
Heat Wave by Hoodoo: It's too damn hot. You decide to surprise Rick in his garage with some sexy times. Maybe that'll cool things off?
Honey, I'm Home by daddyzanchez: You knew the sound of a portal opening in your sleep, could recognise it in a crowd and it made you giddy. Rick being home after a long adventure with Morty meant that he was short on a dose of you, making him a little rougher than usual, and you loved it.
Interrupted Plans by daddyzanchez: Rick portals home briefly (despite having plans) to take care of you. 
Slow Sex or Mushy Pancakes by daddyzanchez: Rick gets pissy about having to choose between sex or mushy pancakes, so he chooses the next best: A quickie and non-mushy pancakes. 
Did You Read It In Cosmopolitan? by daddyzanchez:  Rick is away on adventures a lot, making your sex-life consist of a little too many quickies. You want slow for once - you'll never believe what happens next!
More Than Just A Dance by daddyzanchez: Your apartment is in for a Spring cleaning, so when you are mopping the floor whilst shaking your ass to a groovy beat, Rick sees you and orders a dance for himself. 
Steampunked by Hoodoo: Rick and reader get dolled up, but sneak away from festivities for some naughty fun. 
Good Vibes by rick-frickers: Written from a request: Can you do a Rick/Reader fic incorporating a vibrator?
There’s a first time for everything by ricks-frickers: Written from a request: Please write one of your sexyass female self-inserts of Rick taking a young woman’s virginity
Provocateur by PsychoLolita:  Rick wants to spoil you on an expensive lingerie shopping trip when decides he can't take the heat anymore, and pulls you into a dressing room stall for a little fun.
Hard Candy by PsychoLolita: You and Rick Sanchez have been flirting for months. When you pay him a visit this time, he's working on a "special candy for Summer" that he insists you don't touch. But how can you resist trying one when he isn't looking? You can't- and he's the only one who can quench your thirst after you realize the candy was actually an aphrodisiac.
Tequila Sunrise by PsychoLolita: You're secretly into some kinky stuff, but you're too shy about it to bring it out on your own. Rick C137 knows exactly what to do. 
A Woman’s Place by rehpicllib: Rick’s kind of sexist. But still manages to fuck you up.
You Asked For It by Hoodoo: You make a request of Rick: can you have a night of hardcore fluffy sex? Can he do that? And then contrariwise, what about the opposite of hardcore fluff sex? Chapter 2. Requests from an ask, first chapter fluffy sex, second chapter hardcore sex (with detoxified Rick and Toxic Rick) (2 Chapters)
Up In The Air daddyzanchez: Your job as a flight attendant suddenly gets a little more exciting (and shameful) as a tall, strange man with spiky blue hair gets onboard... (4 Chapters, but unfinished) 
Extra Credit by GoldenSnowflake: As the clanking of plates and silverware gathering food filled the air, a tall, slim figure swept into the room and took the chair opposite of mine. He stared and I blinked at him, my fork in my mouth. "Who's this?""We're partners for a project," Summer muttered as if he should've known better, despite the fact it didn't seem like she warned anybody that I was coming over at all.
Sext by Hoodoo: Rick got a piercing. It's wrecked a month's worth of havoc on his sex life, until tonight.
Hair-pulling+ by Hoodoo: A short, filthy fic about being fucked from behind by Rick, with him holding onto my ponytail. Just some nice hair pulling and dirty talk.
Mint Chocolate Chip by Hoodoo:  It's summer and it's too hot. Ice cream should make it better.
Erotic Advent by Hoodoo:  24 days of new sex toys for Rick/reader!
Zero G by Hoodoo: You always wanted to have sex in anti-gravity. Rick makes that happen.
Focused on masterbaiting:
Tracker by NikkiDoodle:  Rick catches you during your alone time. But how does he know what you're up to? 
Desperate But So Far Away by daddyzanchez: Rick is not able to be reached right now which is a bummer. You have had your hand in your pants for an hour or more but your orgasm was just not happening. 
Better Than Fantasy by NamelyCranberries: Rick catches you masturbating. Lend a Hand by deliciousdeaddove:  You walk in on something interesting... 
House sitter by deliciousdeaddove:  You're watching the Smith's house while they're out of town. Your mind drifts to one of the usual occupants and you become carried away. Then you're caught. 
Caught Rick-Handed by CrazyRaynebow:  Rick walks in on Reader masturbating and well... what else is there to say?
Focused on eating out:
Originality - A New Year's Eve Story by daddyzanchez:  How does one enter the new year with Rick Sanchez? A Slip Of The Tongue by daddyzanchez: It took a moment before you realised what you had just said but when you did, your heart dropped and it felt like a train was hitting you at maximum speed. Distractions by rick-frickers: Written from a request: reader/Rick with reader as Morty’s tutor or something and the tutor and Rick have been flirting (which Morty notices) and Rick goes under the table and goes down on tutor and she’s gotta play it cool so Morty doesn’t notice and Rick’s really into it but also wants the girl to make a lot of noise so she’ll feel embarrassed. And later the reader gets her revenge and does the same to Rick when he’s in the garage or something! 
Monthly by NikkiDoodle: You're on your period and hate it. But that didn't stop Rick. (3 Chapters)
Bloodhound by Jinkies_Lydia:  This story is about period sex. If that is not your thing turn around now. Takes place after season 2 episode 7, “Big Trouble in Little Sanchez”. The Reader comes onto Rick at her bloodiest time of the month after a wild ride previously with Rick after killing his other clone bodies, drenched in his own blood. 
Monthly by GoldenSnowflake: “She’ll be watching the house while we’re gone,” Beth explained pleasantly.Long limbs draped across the back of the sofa and the coffee table, Rick looked at me with the barest hint of interest. “She’s cute,” he assessed, turning back to the television. “Just make sure she stays the hell away from the garage.” A little odd or not, the Smiths paying to housesit while they're gone is nothing less than perfect timing. Except for the fact that Mother Nature doesn't care whose life she's ruining. Oh, and neither does Rick.
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notmyrick · 4 years
General Arc 7
/She had a Rick once/ She remembered, she used to love sweets. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane./ She remembered her life in Washington, in Michigan. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Then she had a Beth. / She remembered the fights, the tears, the chaos. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Now she only had a Beth. / She remembered her lowest point in life, how her sun can in the form of a small little girl. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Then a Beth. / She remembered a house filled with only women at one point. /She had a Rick once/ She remembered her life before she pushed papers for the council. A life before she became the most trusted advocate for the Citadel of Ricks, before she used her business expertise to grow this space hub into the most glorious city on the central finite curve. She also remembered how she was experimented on for her "unique" effects on Ricks. /She had a Rick once/ And she'd be damned if she didn't get her Rick back. /She had a Rick once/ After 10+ years, both Rick and Roxxanne dropped back into the lives of Beth. She was undoubtedly pissed, but after a few months, and a lot of yelling, Roxy was able to explain what happened, to Beth. With this Roxx and Rick was introduced to the newest edition to the family, they might've been 14 years too late, but the boy finally got to meet his grandparents. The first thing Rick did with his grandson was go on an adventure. By the time both came back for dinner, Rick was yelling "Rick and Morty forever, 100 years!" Roxy smiled, age lines starting to grow in. Rick and Roxx finally looked like grandparents. /She had a Rick once/ Rick roped Morty in his antigovernment sentiments and most of their adventures started to target either the Federation or the council of Ricks. While her husband and grandson went off adventuring, she had a mission of her own as well. She started to target every Rick that has done her or her husband wrong during their time in captivity on the Citadel. With her unauthorized portal gun and a husband who could make portal fluid with a snap of his fingers she was able to maintain this lifestyle for a while. She didn’t know why it took her forever to learn that her actions create consequences. But by the time she learnt her lesson, it was already too late. /She had a Rick once/ And her Rick bled on the asphalt of the street. The red liquid painted the ground with majority on black pavement instead of his body. She walked into the Beth's home, where all their, now only her, memories were kept. The destruction in the living room, the kitchen, the garage, everywhere. Her lips trembled, truly scared of what she'll witness, but she must. If not for her, at least for them. For her Jerry, for her Beth. For her Summer and her Morty. But most of all for her Rick. "Surveillance, playback security cams. Reenact crime scene." She ended up puking for an entire day after watching. /She had a Rick once/ "Blow up dimension SW-33T. Record destruction and blame on terrorist Ricks C-550, 301B, C-132, and C-137. Follow same procedure for dimensions A-17, Zeta 02, and alpha 9 and all their sub-universes. Send "evidence" to the Citadel." "Action confirmed, now commencing destruction on 12 multiverses." The AI replied. Roxxanne did it, she got all her revenge to the people who did her wrong, but she never felt so empty. She caressed the portal gun her Rick made her. She modified so she can go unseen, by even the council of Ricks. She was able to create her own Portal fluid since the passing of her husband. She felt empty, and now wanted to fill the void. /She had a Rick once/ She did drugs, alcohol, and sex, but they were so temporary. Why couldn't something more fill the void, why couldn't be happy? Then she found her vice. 
/She had a Rick once/ She turned her body toward the man she was sharing a bed with. Her vivacious red hair turned strawberry blonde. Her body, although impressive for her age, was still saggy in some places. She turned away from the ebony skinned man and got herself dressed. It was time for the act to begin. She grabbed the expensive but very valuable cigars he gifted her last night and left. She came back with a drugged-out woman with similar hair color as herself and draped her across the man. She checked their pluses and vital signs to ensure they were alive but knocked out. Finally, she gave a call. --- Roxxanne with makeup, a tank top, and tight jeans ran into the motel room and covered her mouth. She looked at her "friend" then at the two dead bodies on the bed. She ran back out, stuck a finger down her throat with her hands still covering her face and puked over the railing. Her "friend" came out and held her hair. Roxxanne started to pinch her skin, willing tears to come out. "I told you where he was at so you could work things out, not kill him!" "Roe! He was cheating on me! With a sex offender! That woman is a known sex offender in at least 2 states!" "What if you husband was the victim!" "Oh don't give him too much credit. Once I could believe, twice I'll pity, but for months! There is no way!" Her "friend" tried to bring Roxxanne inside, for a more private discussion, but she could already see the neighbors calling in the cops as the look out their window. "I’m going to jail. I should've never told you where he was! I can't go to jail, what am I going to do with my granddaughter!" Roxxanne broke down crying in public, she edged her peripherals to see some of the callers seem to pity her. Perfect. "Roe! Get in the room!" "No! I don’t want to! Please, don't make me go back in!" She protested and "struggled" against her grasp as she was dragged into the murder scene. The man she slept with hours before her "friend's" arrival had his head blown into smithereens. The woman she dragged in had her insides spilling out of her. She was a known sex offender with quite a racist profile, she would rape people of color and either cry wolf or torture them. Both were shot with a shot gun at close range, which is why the scene was so messy. "Roe, take the shotgun and hid it somewhere." "Please, please don’t make me do this." "We are already in too deep, you are now an accessory of murder. If you want to ever see your granddaughter again, we need to clean this up." Roxxanne looked passed her friend and saw and undercover cop car, parked outside. Roxxanne vehemently shook her head side to side, but her "friend" shoved the gun in her hands and shoved her out the door. Roxxanne shivered and shook as she descended the motel stairs with a shotgun cradled into her arms. Suddenly a man appeared in front of her and covered her mouth. She "jumped" and bit the inside of her cheeks to start the water works. "Okay miss I need you to- wait calm down, look I'm an undercover cop, not some bad guy look. Here is my badge. Everything is going to be fine now. We got witnesses that can testify for your innocence. You’re not in trouble." Roxxanne nervously shook her head and "complies" with the police. He took the gun away from her arms and told her to go to his colleague and pointed at the undercover car she spotted in the window. She agreed. --- That day her “friend” was instantly arrested and was sentence to life imprisonment. “Roe” came by and visited that friend for 3 months. Roe kept this friend sane and happy. For it was Roe who told this friend about her cheating husband, for it was Roe that was with her through the toughest times of her marriage. This friend talked to Roe everyday she was in prison through a phone and glass. In a short while, this friend looked forward to the everyday, mundane transpires of Roe. Everyday she waited for her to come back. Until one day she didn’t. This friend waited for hours, then days, then a week. This friend asked one of the guards what happened to Roe. They informed her that her friend “Roe” was assaulted last week and died just outside the prison. That friend got emotional really quick. The following week after being informed, she challenged and fought many inmates. By the next week her “friend” was found dead in her cell with no one cause how she died. The official cause of death statement: depression. Just like Diane. "Roe" disappeared neatly off the census and so was her “friend”. Roxxanne was on her driveway, garage open, smoking a big, fat cigar with a margarita on the side and sunglasses. Her strawberry blonde hair was dyed lighter and bit more pink. She puffed hazy air, relishing on the high she was on, lounging on a chair. She tapped the singe off in the designated jar that was placed on a cooler along with her drink. Although this game was quite messy, she killed three birds one stone. The void in her chest seemed to shrink, it almost made her feel complete, but previous attempts told her this was only a temporary bliss. 6 months, this game lasted her 6 months. 3 for the husband, and 3 for her "friend". She honestly thought the game would last longer; she overestimated her targets. She was always down for the long game. She had the time, money, and patience. For a 63-year-old she didn’t look a day over 50. Or at least that what she told herself. She was obsessed with a few things in life. One of them was beauty. She wanted to look young even though she did not feel young at all. Personally, if she had the option to choose, she would rather feel young than look, but she hasn't felt young since she lost her husband, so she could only go for the next best thing: looks. She was also obsessed with pushing people to their own toxicity. It didn’t really matter who, but she still has morals so she tries to aims this obsession to the disgusting people of the world. Finally, she was obsessed with- "Ah gee, Rick, we- we need to clean this up before mom gets home!" "Sh...ut up Mooorty. I... I've... You k-know what, just don't think about it. I al... always have a p-plan." A blue haired scientist just crash landed on his own house, burping through his sentence with alcohol splayed on his face. Beside him was a young brown-haired boy hunched shoulders looking at his grandfather nervously. The space craft skidded on top of their house and into their driveway. Thankfully for Rick it didn't crash into the garage, but the vehicle itself looks worse for wear. Oh, and the roof. Roxxanne took a sip or her margarita as she watched the Smith duo from afar. Her shades displayed nothing abnormal on the outside, the world oblivious to her actions. The scientist grabbed a familiar box and pressed the button. "Hi I'm Mr. Meeseeks!" "Mr. Meeseeks, repair the roof." "Can do!!" The blue humanoid immediately began the process of repairing the roof. Rick ordered Morty to pick up the metal scraps scattered on the driveway from the space craft. With only very little resistance, he agreed, and the blue haired man took off his lab coat and start fixing his hovercraft. The woman sighed and took off her sunglasses. The Smith house disappeared as she did so. Her eyes gazed around the neighborhood she actually lived in. Generally, a better-looking neighborhood than the Smith family. It was more well-kept, a bit more pretentious, and still a suburbia: the grass was a bit greener, the streets were well paved with no cracks, and the sidewalks were clean. She was a few blocks down from where the Smith family lived. She stretched in her chair before moving to place everything back in her garage. In her driveway was a posh looking car and inside the garage was a motorcycle. "Great aunt Roxx?" She stopped briefly and looked at the person who called her. She smiled and continue to pack up as she replied. "Yes, sweet pea?" "Can my friends and I stay over your house for a study session?" "No problem, just tell me the date." "Thanks grandma!" "No problem, Jessica." Once the teenage redhead left back inside her house, she finished packing. Smoking the last of her blunt, she also downed her margarita like it was a shot. The sunglasses she took off hanged on the shirt near her chest. She took a brief look back at the Smith house and saw the same scenario. She took the glasses off and placed them in a cabinet in her garage. The garage was well maintained and clean. One half was dedicated to her tinkering or self-repair for vehicles, while the other hosted her joy ride. She closed the garage door and entered her two-story house through the garage. In this dimension, she never met Rick. In this dimension she didn't meet Diane. In this dimension she never had a Beth. In this dimension, she didn't have anyone. Not until she got an invitation to a funeral. A funeral of her apparent older sister by a few years. She went out of curiosity, and met her grandniece, Jessica. Memories, probably suppressed by this Roxxanne's body, flooded into her. She had a family? In this dimension, she never found anyone who could keep up with her, thus making her all alone. In this dimension she was smart, too smart for her own good. She was a successful business woman, did time in the army, and loved to tinker with improbable science ideas. This dimension was almost an exact mimicry of her own, the only difference… The only difference was she had no relation to the Smith family. Her consciousness, after she died in her original body, rerouted her to this dimension. To be honest she was ready to start over, turn a new leaf, be a better person. Sure, she had an estranged family, but this was her chance to reconnect. In addition, she could be herself and not act in front of them because they didn’t know her. The set up was perfect. Yet, it all came crashing down when she saw a familiar family at a grocery store a month after.
She knew then, this was the catch and she was too curious for her own good.
What was this Rick like? Was he good? Was he Evil? Was he bad? Old habits die hard. Yes, she had one more obsession. She was obsessed with Rick Sanchez. This Rick was one of the terrorist Ricks. One of which she blamed for the destruction of a few multiverse. /She had a Rick once/ Rick SW-33T. /She had a Rick once/
And this was not her Rick.
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
RITW Series Oneshot: Selinium Forest
Summary: You and Rick play Cornhole than go to a pretty place. It's all fluff, all the time.
A/N: So when I was writing the back half of this short ass one shot, I based the planet off the feeling I got from this song.The first half is based on something that happened IRL and got my meatsuit all dewey and I needed to write about it. so yeah. here we are. Also I started writing this around Ch11 because I needed something light to balance out how much that chapter sucked to write.
CW: Mad smack talk but that’s about it. Pairing: Rick Sanchez/Reader Word Count: 3936
My ao3
~Rick In The Water~
“Y-You wanna try again? I know you can throw better than that,” Rick chuckled as I tossed another bean bag to Summer and Morty’s board across the yard.
“Look, old man, I already told you, I’m going to kick your ass at this game,” I grinned as the black bag slid up the board and into the small hole near the top. “Three points, bitch.”
We were playing Cornhole as per Beth’s request to get out of the house for a little bit to help them “grow as a person” or some equally half-assed excuse. We all knew it was just a weak excuse to get away from the constant bickering between the two kids for a little while. I quickly agreed, spouting off at the mouth about how Rick was going down. One raised eyebrow and an affronted reaction later, it was fucking on. Girls versus boys for teams and much to my ego’s horror, Rick was proving to be a formidable foe. My only saving grace was the fact he had to pretty much carry Morty. The poor kid could barely get his bags on the board and while Summer and I were woeful novices, we at least were able to hit on the board at all. It only took a basic understanding of gravity to get the bag to land but the force was a completely different equation. Most of the time the bag would hit the board but still sail right past the hole and back onto the grass behind it.
“Hey, Nova, check this bag out. You know where it’s going?” Rick asked, holding up his own white bag up for me to see.
“It’s going to skid right off the board just like all the rest have,” I shot back with a grin as he took position next to our goal and expertly tossed the bag. It sailed gracefully through the air, hitting the wooden plank and skidding right up to the top where it, as I had said it would, fell off the board with a small thump.
“Goddammit,” he fumed, picking up his next bag and tossing it in his hand, carefully watching as I bent over purposefully to grab another small black bag. I positioned myself on my side of the board, lining up my shot before bringing the bag back and launching it across the yard. It sailed through the air, landing on the base of the board and sliding back off into the grass.
“Son of a fucking bitch,” I swore, stepping back and glancing over to Rick. “But I guess it’s alright, you won’t sink this one either so that’ll still be three points for Summer and me.”
“Who won’t?” Rick grinned, his eyes twinkling playfully.
“Jeez Grandpa, stop flirting with Aunt Nova, if you can even call it that and just throw the damn thing,” Summer shouted, exasperated. 
The exercise in character building was proving somewhat effective, Summer and Morty were no longer fighting with each other, instead becoming increasingly frustrated with the two adults present. Rick lined up his shot, sending it soaring through the air. It slid up the plank, stopping just short of the hole and dangling right outside of it from the top.
“Oh Rick, I suppose only getting two points will have to do if that’s the best you can do,” I smirked, a cocky grin forming again as he reached down for another bean bag.
“L-Look here Princess, I didn’t see you sinking that last one either.” 
“Oho, well in that case, just watch this one.” I threw the bag, sending it soaring over the board, landing between Summer and Morty. I closed my eyes with a frustrated sigh, covering my face to ignore the taunting face I knew would find next to me.
“Watch it do what? Miss?” Rick smirked when I finding uncovered my eyes to meet his gaze. He sent his bag up the lawn where it slid directly into the hole, missing the one at the top. “What’s that? One point, me?”
“Not if I can help it,” I grumbled, picking up my bag and launching it over to the other board. It landed with a thud and stayed. “No points for anyone.”
“Oh it’s not over yet sweetcheeks, I still have one bag left.” He launched the final bag, knocking the one he still had on the board in along with it. “How many points was that Nova? Was that six? I just want to make sure my math is right,” Rick boasted, a cocky smirk forming on his features.
“Yea, and it’s going to stay at six,” I rebuffed smartly as Morty and Summer collected their bags. “Since Rick somehow managed to score, Morty, you’re up first,” I called over making sure to glance over at Rick devilishly.
“O-Okay Aunt Nova,” Morty replied nervously, edging toward the end of the board and tossing the beanbag weakly. It hit the ground and bounced up onto the board, leaving Morty to groan in frustration. Bags that hit the ground before hitting the board didn’t count, so I knocked the bag off the board, dodging out of the way as Summer prepared to make her throw.
“At least I have Summer to depend on,” I grinned over at Rick as Summer tossed her bag. The bag soared gracelessly, but still manage to flop itself onto the board. “Good job Summer!” I cheered, earning a cocky hair flip directed toward her brother.
“C-Come on Morty- y-you can do it, just toss the bag gently but ya know, use whatever muscles you’ve got to actually throw it,” Rick tried coaching his grandson, much to Morty’s irritation.
“Come on Rick, you don’t have to be mean to Morty just because you’re going to lose.” I chastised him with a playful glare.
“I-I’m not being mean, I’m offering helpful tips. The kid isn’t exactly the poster child for extraordinary muscular prowess,” Rick countered. Glaring at his grandfather, Morty tossed the bag and was over the moon when it actually slid directly into the hole. 
“Booyah!” he shouted at Rick, stealing his sister’s catchphrase. “Who’s weak now bitch!?” Rick didn’t respond, merely shrugged his shoulders in a respect that I didn’t think he was capable of when it came to Morty.
“Come on Summer, apparently Morty’s going to end up being a fucking sleeper player, I need you to sink one so we can get some points,” I told her, never taking my eyes off Rick. When I finally tore them away, I watched as Summer landed one on the board.
“The real sleeper is gonna be Summer, I’m telling ya.” Rick groaned as Summer pumped her fist in victory.
“Look, old man, don’t be mad because you’re too busy showing off for Aunt Nova to land anything on the board,” she told him smartly, pulling out her phone. “Come on Aunt Nova, Ethan wants to hang out so we need to kick their asses so I can get out of here.”
“That’s up to you right now sweetheart,” I pointed out as Morty sent another bag flying just short of the board.
“D-Do I need to be ‘mean’ for you to land shots?” Rick fumed, grabbing the white bag off the ground to toss it around while he waited. 
“Come on Rick,” I murmured, grazing my fingers against his. It always amazed me how the sparks seemed to fly from even just a simple touch. His eyes flicked up sharply, softening as they met mine. He looped his pinky in mine with a grin as we watched Summer and Morty take turns tossing their remaining bean bags.
“That’s 6-3 Rick.” Summer groaned, breaking us from our small embrace to return to our shit-talking.
“Don’t worry Summer, I’ll go ahead and wrap this game up so you can go off and do whatever the fuck you and Edgar do when you hang out,” Rick smirked, setting our bags up.
“His name is Ethan, Grandpa!” Summer shot back to deaf ears.
“Summer scored, so I go first. Let me show you how it’s done.” I grinned, picking up a bag and sidling up next to the board to prepare my throw. When I finally released it, it went soaring across landing right on the edge of the hole without falling in completely.
“That’s how it’s done huh?” Rick teased, lining up his shot.
“Well, yeah, I wanted you to feel useful so why don’t you go ahead and knock it on in there for me,” I told him coolly, my hand on my hip as he nodded sarcastically. Still, he knocked that small bag right into mine, knocking it in and leaving his own slightly to the left of the hole.
“Well, I guess you’re fucking welcome Nova,” Rick scowled, avoiding my gloating by looking up at the sky instead.
“I don’t think there’s anyone out who can figure out why you suck so bad at this game Sanchez,” I teased, lining up another shot and using it to knock Rick’s bag off albeit sending my own with it.
“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t realize I was being graced with the presence of the Cornhole Master.” 
“Bow down, bitch.”
As the game continued, the shit-talking only got worse but whatever Rick could dish out, I sent right back to him. Morty and Summer ended up being the ones to carry the game for the most part as Rick and I got wrapped up in telling each other the exact opposite of what the small bean bags actually did. In the final frame, the score was tied, 19 to 19 on our go, but we couldn’t stop staring daggers at each other.
“Do I really have to just let you girls win?” he gloated, tossing his bag with ease to land it on the board. “Hey Nova, how many more points is it for me to win? Just the one? I just can’t seem to keep track.”
“No, I’m pretty sure I just won,” I told him, smirking as my bean bag slid right into the hole.
“Oh don’t you worry sweetness, I still have three bags left. It ain’t over till it’s over.”
“Grandpa Rick, I am begging you, please just end this game so I can go vomit after having to watch this gross ass flirting,” Summer begged. My cheeks flushed as I instinctually distanced myself from Rick who raised an eyebrow at me.
“It’s okay Summer, with your Aunt a little further from me I should be able to sink this bad boy,” he pulled his arm back, launching the small bag directly into the hole, “just like that.”
“So that’s back to one point Rick, right?” Morty called over the lawn, holding up his hand up to his brow to keep the sun out of his eyes. I nodded at him with a long groan as I moved up to the side of the platform. I aimed, launching it directly over the board.
“God fucking dammit,” I swore loudly as a wide grin formed on the blue-haired man next to me.
“So we’re back to what, one point for me to win this game, right?” he smirked, “I’m just double-checking.”
“One point you won’t be getting.” I shrugged. He raised an eyebrow at my challenge, preparing himself to launch the small bag onto the board. I leaned in close to avoid traumatizing the kids across from us and whispered into his ear, “You win this game, and I’ll let you do anything you want with me.” His throw seized mid-swing, sending the bag flying past the board to land in about fifteen feet behind Summer and Morty.
“Oh you cheeky devil,” he murmured, his eyes surveying my body as I blinked up innocently at him. “Alright, you’re on.” I lined up my shot, preparing to throw when he leaned down to whisper in my ear, “But I promise you, if I win I’m gonna spank you just like I’ve spanked you in this game, just with a lot fewer clothes.” 
The bag ricocheted off of the board, landing back into the grass as I bit my lip, looking up at him breathlessly. He grinned that goddamn cocky grin at me again, undressing me with his eyes again as he moved back into position, tossing the bag directly into the hole.
“That’s game.”
“Thank fucking god,” Summer groaned loudly, pulling out her phone as she walked back into the house. “Good game Morty.”
“Wh-What about us?” Rick called after her, clearly offended.
“Morty was actually trying to win. You guys were just being… weird.”
“Sorry Summer,” I apologized as the door slid shut behind her.
“I’m just gonna go do my homework or something, s-see you later Aunt Nova.” Morty hurried behind his sister.
“Well, well, well, Ms. Cornhole Master. I guess I’ll be making an itinerary for the night.” Rick grinned as the door closed again behind Morty, leaving us alone in the backyard.
“A fucking itinerary?” I gasped, trying my hardest to seem shocked.
“Well, yeah, if you want to be vulgar about,” he said, mimicking my act of offense before a wide grin spread across his face.
“Well, what do you have on your mind, old man?” I asked, pushing up on his shoulders to whisper gently into his ear. He grabbed my waist instinctually, pulling me closer into him before seeming to think better of it and stepping back.
“Oh, you just wait for it baby doll, you’re in for the best night of your life,” he murmured, his cockiness returning in full force.
“Oh? And if it’s not?”
“Baby, it’s me. You can always expect the best, and nothing less.”
After dinner, we found ourselves rooted in front of the TV again, starting a new corn related binge, this time The Walking Corn. When the rest of the family made their way to bed, my nerves kicked into high gear, wondering what kind of perverse plans Rick could have concocted for the night. As Beth called down to us to say goodnight, Rick slid his arm around me and looked over at me devilishly.
“You wanna go out?” he asked, cocking his eyebrow as I tensed beneath him. Not knowing what was in store was sending me into overdrive and the idea of going out just brought even more possibilities to the table.
“On one condition,” I started, turning to face him with the most serious look I could muster, “you have to tell me what your plans are for tonight.”
“Getting nervous?” he teased, squeezing my side with his free hand. I nodded, embarrassed and he rested his head back, watching the TV as he continued, “Well, let’s see. I was thinking about taking you out to this planet I know of, showing you the sights and when you got all mesmerized by it, I was going to lean down and-”
“You’re going the romantic route?” I asked, genuinely surprised.
“I’m not allowed to have an ounce of romance in me?” he retorted, pulling away from me in a huff.
“I was expecting whips and chains, and like… bondage. I can get down with a date, in fact, that sounds fucking amazing.”
“W-Wait, you’re first thought was bondage and your immediate reaction was just to go along with it?”
“Well, I mean, yeah. I’ve seen some of the old magazines in your room, I thought you were into that.” I shrugged, not exactly sure where his offense was coming from.
“J-Jesus Nova, we’ve never even had any kind of talk about that kind of stuff. I don’t even know if you’re into that,” he explained, standing up from the couch.
“I mean, you know I’m into spanking and biting and stuff, I thought maybe you’d just assumed-”
“Nova, no. That is not something you just assume. What did you think I was going to do, strap you to the ceiling and shock you with a cattle prod?” Affronted, he stalked off to his garage, leaving me to wonder where I’d gone wrong. He returned swiftly with his portal gun in hand, opening one and holding his hand out to me.
“Where are we going?” I asked timidly as I put my hand in his.
To say this new world was beautiful would be an insult to it. I was awestruck from the moment I emerged on the other side of the portal. It closed behind us, leaving me to stare at my surroundings in complete and utter awe. Rick watched from beside me, my face somehow more important than the lush forest surrounding us. Tall trees towered over us, their limbs stopping just above our heads with long pastel strands blowing in the non-existent breeze. At their base was more pastel foliage that creeping all the way up to the small stone path that we had emerged onto filling the area. Pale vines were woven around the trees, intertwining with each other to create intricate patterns over the trunks of the trees.
“This place is beautiful, how did you find it?” I asked Rick, mesmerized.
“I hid out here for a little while from the Galactic Federation,” he explained, taking my hand to lead me deeper into the forest, “It’s mostly uninhabited, for the moment.”
“Are there animals here?” I asked, peering around nervously, expecting the worst kind of creature to live in such a dense grove of beauty. “Wildlife of any kind?”
“A few, but most of the creatures I’ve encountered have been of the insect variety.” We came into a small clearing adjacent to a large lake. A small cabin stood on the shoreline, very clearly slapped together quickly by a man trying to hide away from the world. 
“So that’s where you stayed?” I asked, pointing to the slipshod structure. Rick nodded quickly, leading me along the shore heading directly to it. The lake glistened in the sun, the pale purple water shimmering as we moved alongside it. I followed the sun’s rays up to the sky only to find a pale yellow ball of light looking back down at me, its rays warming me. 
“Nova, I know it’s a beautiful sky, but try not to stare into the sun,” Rick told me flatly. I brought my eyes back down to the water quickly, observing the aquatic life flittering under the surface. The fish contrasted the pastels of the world, being vibrant in colors of mostly blues and reds.
“This place is amazing,” I murmured again, bending over to dip my fingers into the cool water. The fish scurried away from my disturbance. Frowning, I watched their escape before returning to my feet.
“I thought you might like it.” Rick grinned, grabbing my hand again and tugging gently for me to follow him. 
“Why would you ever leave?” I asked softly. He didn’t say anything as he led me up to the house with a look as if to say ‘later.’
The porch was littered with sand, crunching under our feet we walked up the small set of steps. Rick fiddled with the lock carefully, allowing me to explore the small porch. A primitive chair and table were tucked into the corner, adorned with a small rusted lantern and a flat stone. I could only imagine Rick sitting there eating whatever he’d managed to scrounge up from the surrounding forest. The door unlocked behind me with a small pop and Rick offered a grand gesture inside.
“Don’t mind the mess,” he apologized gruffly as I passed over the threshold. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim interior as I explored the small cabin. To the left was a small kitchen, with only a basin and a long since used stone oven. Papers littered the floor of the room I had walked into, a small couch made entirely out of pastel wood pushed up against the wall with a coffee table at its feet.
“I can’t believe you made this,” I murmured in amazement. 
“I know, it could be better but-”
“No, Rick this place is awesome.” I insisted, looking up at him earnestly. He rubbed his neck nervously, as he looked the place over with a shrug. “The fact you built this yourself... I mean, sure the walls are a little uneven but I never took you for being this much of a survivalist.”
“Wh-What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re more of an opportunist, from my experience.”
“Nova, I put a lot more thought into things than you may think,” he told me flatly, offense lingering in his tone.
“No, I know that- I just mean- Just let me be impressed goddammit,” I chastised with a grin.
“Let me show you around.” He offered his hand but I rebuffed, gently gesturing around.
“Can’t I just… see everything from here?” I asked, confused.
He looked around, arching in his neck to look into the kitchen before shrugging softly, “There is always the bedroom.”
To the right of the front door was a tight hallway I hadn’t noticed. We squeezed down it, Rick apologizing again for the poor craftsmanship as he opened the only door. This room was much more spacious than I had been expecting, holding a large bed that had been crafted out of the same pastel wood as the couch, save for the mattress that was draped with a dusty quilt. A small chest of drawers was against the wall with the door, a rusted out flask sitting on top of it along with a dozen broken electronics. I walked over to inspect the mattress, dark stitching haphazardly holding it together and as I touched it, I was surprised to find the material soft to the touch.
“One of the few animals I found provided the skin to hold all the stuffing in.” He offered from behind me, watching nervously as I explored his former home.
“What did you fill it with?” I asked, pushing into the lumpy form, surprised at its firmness.
“It’s mostly this planet’s equivalent to cotton,” he explained, moving over to sit on the bed. “It’s basically a glorified pillow. Puts one hell of a crick in your neck.”
I stared around the room in amazement, trying to imagine Rick existing in such a pastel wonderland. I sat down on the bed, relaxing back only to realize Rick hadn’t been kidding. Any longer than five minutes on this thing would make you sore, no matter how plush it was.
“So, what’s there to do around here?” I asked, looking around the room. Rick opened his mouth to speak with a grin and I realized the opening I’d left immediately, “O-Other than the obvious,” I interjected.
“What’s wrong? Don’t wanna throw your back out on this lump of potatoes?” Rick grinned, pushing down on the unforgiving mattress as I pushed myself off of it.
“Come on, I know you had more in mind. You said you had an entire fucking itinerary,” I reminded him as headed for the door.
“W-Wait-” he called after me, following out of the room, “-calling it an itinerary was a bit dramatic on my part. I just thought you’d like to get out of the house and see this place. I love it here, so I thought you might too.”
“I do, don’t get me wrong,” I said, stopping in my tracks to turn and face me. He plowed right into, not anticipating my stopping. “And once you replace that mattress, I promise you we will break that damn bed frame.”
“Oh, you promise me, huh?”
“Baby, it’s me. You can always expect the best, and nothing less.”
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
13 and 15? For the self ship questions, whoever you want
13.) What’s something really embarrassing that happened between you? Has it become a funny story you tell to friends now or is it a deep secret you’re both taking to the grave?
it has to be one of those things that we take to the grave cause if it ever gets out between the two of us, he'll kill me khgskghds (sorry ya'll it really hurts his feelings tho TuT)
15.) Have you met each others’ friends and families? How did things go? Do you all get along pretty well or just tolerate each other? Or are any of you on bad terms for any reason? If you haven’t met them though, is there any reason why?
~So Rick can get along with my friends he'll just also be a little shit about it the entire time...but he'll even talk to me about them afterwards and bring them up occasionally! It's so endearing :) (For my bros the feeling isn't always mutual but they're willing to try for me :,))
~I've met a few of Ricks friends, the entire Smith family, and anyone that he'll actually let me tbh. No matter what I try to keep things on good terms for everyone's sake but there's always gonna be an exception or two.
Birdperson/BP: We first met at one of the many certified Ricktm parties. Despite me usual anxiety with meeting new people, his straightforward and casual tone made it easier to talk with and get to know him! I consider him a good friend myself and know he feels the same :D
Squanchy: (Just fyi we still don't have a lot of info on Squanchy as a character so I'm taking liberties jdkggbsjdk) Another one of Rick's besties that I ended up meeting at the same party as BP, he's a little bit much in the dick joke department sometimes but no one can deny that man's squanch! I hope to get to know him better in time but I'd say we hit it off well enough :)
Nimbus: Though he's a generally known as the "horny ocean guy" he's really nice too! We met on one of Rick and Morty's seas vs land battles with him. Though I was fighting on Rick's side at the time, he was polite(if not a liiittle flirty at first) and clearly has a moral code which is really surprising! All in all, I know he'll have my and Ricks backs so I trust him ^w^,,
Krombobulus Micheal: I know Rick doesn't exactly consider him a friend but Micheal feels that Rick is and I can't help but find that kind of sweet, ya know? Though of course I ended up meeting him via his uh, line of work...
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(Tagline on the back of his card)
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He's still a real nice guy despite his total lack of moral or ethics! He's also a bit unhinged and loves killing more than existing so I count myself lucky that he associates me with rick. That way he probably won't kill me if shit happens to come up.....
Beth & Space Beth: Sooo there's obviously a whole lot going on over there with these two and uhh, they're a bit annoyed or maybe weirded out?(I'm having a hard time figuring it out tbh) but we still get along! She's clearly not a fan of the age gap but ya know....we're doing our best. Plus I go out of my way to not be romantic much in front of the family.
Jerry: Though I like to hop on the train of beating Jerry up like everyone else in the family, i like his genuine communication and straightforwardness about his wants and needs. Though Jerry still has a lot of growing to do we pretty much friends :)
Summer & Morty: I consider them my kids but also kinda like friends too? Like, I'm naturally very protective of and look out for both of them but also we all can just hang out together and chill! ^-^ Though I've spent a bit more time with Morty than Summer since she's not on adventures as much(and she intimidates me) I'm sure to keep her updated and chat when I'm at the house :)
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ramheavenandhell · 4 years
The Mortys and their Stories – Chapter 3: Super Morty Fan Morty
AN: As always, it's advised to read chapter 4 of "The Lines between Ricks and Mortys" first. Warnings: surprisingly none for this chapter despite the Morty that it is about (other than that it is kind of lame as far as background stories go)
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The Mortys and their Stories – Chapter 3: Super Morty Fan Morty The first time that Morty met his grandfather, he had been confused by the man. Rick had been so delighted – excited – to finally meet him. Why that was, was something that Morty hadn't understood for a long while. At first, the boy had been a bit weirded out by the scientist since his grandfather treated him as if he was some kind of celebrity. He wore a ski hat that had the form of Morty's head, some badges on his lab coat that looked like his head or had a big red 'M' in front of a yellow background and a t-shirt that also had his face on it. There was also a red dazzler with a big 'M' around his neck, a yellow belt buckle also in the shape of an 'M' and he had a doll that looked like him that spoke weird sentences in a recorded voice that sounded very much like Morty's. Morty truly didn't understand why his grandfather did that or where he even got all of his merchandise. However, after a short time, he stopped caring about that. He actually enjoyed all the attention that he got from the crazy scientist, being the only one that was invited to come along on his adventures. Usually Morty had been below average and aside from the school bullies no one had ever paid him any attention – not even his own family. So, obviously, he was overjoyed to have finally found someone that he considered as a friend, albeit a crazy one that was a hell 'a lot older than he was, but he wasn't one to nitpick about something like that. Things however began to change drastically when his Rick brought him to the Citadel of Ricks for the first time. It was finally at that point that Morty understood where his grandfather had gotten the merchandise but not only that. He was met with the realization that his grandfather wasn't the only Rick there was, but that there were plenty different versions of him throughout the entire multiverse and so many of them were gathered here in this one place. However, this was only something that he took notice of one the side because even more he realized that there were also many different versions of himself. Normally, one would expect that the boy might have felt offended about this, seeing himself so often that he would feel like he was insignificant and nothing special, but that was not the case. In fact, he was in awe as he saw all the many other versions of himself. While most of the Mortys looked exactly the same as him, there were also ones who looked completely different. Like the Aqua Morty who looked like a fish and had to wear a helmet with water inside it so that he could actually breathe on land. Or the Cyclops Morty who had orange skin, pointed ears and only a singular eye – he actually looked a bit intimidating and dangerous. The Robot Morty looked also very interesting. And there was even a Morty whose head was in the shape of a hammer. "Woah! There are so many of them and all they're all different!" Morty said to his grandfather with starry eyes. His Rick could only grin and agree. It was at this point that Morty himself became a fan of Mortys because even though they were essentially the same as him, he thought that they were really awesome and cute. He completely fell in love with them. Loving every chance that he got to interact with them. Also loving to just watch them. So, from this moment on, he also started to dress himself in a similar fashion as his grandfather: He wore a hat in the form of a Morty head, a backpack in similar shape on which he put all of his badges that he bought on the Citadel and a t-shirt with a Morty's face on it. A similar red dazzler to that of his grandfather hung also around his neck, he also wore the same 'M'-shaped belt buckle and he even thought about getting himself a fancy tattoo, but so far only drew 'MORTY' and a heart on his stomach and abdomen. Morty and his Rick seemed to have gotten even closer than before, having now something to talk about excitedly the entire time like all the different looks or lifestyles that Mortys from other dimensions could have. Of course, those new changes didn't go unnoticed by the rest of his family for long. Especially as Jerry found one questionable fanart that the boy had drawn – he had started to actively draw and write fanfictions, too – his parents knew that they had to do something. "I don't know what we should do with him, Beth! Probably admit him to a mental hospital or something because what he does is anything but healthy!" Morty could overhear his father yelling. It wasn't rare that his parents argued with each other, but it was one of the rare times that he was the topic of their argument and they somewhat agreed that things were not okay with him. "A mental hospital, Jerry?! Really?!" his mother argued back. "I don't think that it's that serious that we need to look for medical help. Maybe we can just try to talk with him." "Not that serious?! Have you even looked at the picture that he had drawn?!" was the counter argument. "The boy is narcissistic! A little friendly talk won't just fix that magically! This probably would have never happened if he wouldn't hang out so much with your crazy father!!" "Keep my dad out of this!" "No, if anyone is at fault that our son has developed such a weird tendencies than it's Rick's!" His father thundered and didn't let his mother get another word in. "We should have never allowed him to stay with us! It's only because of your fucked up father complex!! You're probably not even going to care when the old weirdo ends up sexually molesting or even raping our son, do you?!" Morty had heard enough. He was just fed up with everything. He was fed up with his parents trying to stage an intervention – even wanting to go so far as to lock him up in a loony bin. And on top of that they wanted to place the entire blame on his grandfather and would try to kick him out of the house now. His brilliant Rick who had opened his eyes to a whole new world – a whole new level of existence even! No, he wouldn't stand for this anymore. Morty felt actually a little bad for what he was about to do, but he didn't have any other options. He had packed his Morty backpack to the brim with snacks, his block and pencils for drawing his fanart and some of the Morty merchandise that he was able to fit inside. It was in the middle of the night that he secretly snug in the garage. His grandfather had fallen asleep in front of the TV so he knew that it was save to go in there without getting interrupted or stopped by anyone. The boy grabbed his grandfather's portal gun, which rested innocently on top of the workbench. He put in one of the view coordinates that he had memorized – the ones that would bring him to the Citadel of Ricks. Maybe it wasn't the wisest choice and Morty knew that his grandfather would know where he went from the coordinates, but then again since it was the Citadel, maybe he wouldn't find him so easily. Opening a portal against the wall of the garage, Morty put the gun back where he picked it up. Slowly he moved closer to the rip in space and time that presented itself visibly as a swirling green vortex. Morty took one last look back towards the door. He really felt bad for what he was about to do. Not because of leaving his parents and sister behind, but because he was leaving his Rick despite knowing how much the man loved him. It had to be done though. In Morty's mind this was the only option to protect them both. So, he faced the portal again, took a deep breath and then walked through it. The portal closed, leaving no trace behind that it was ever there to begin with. It would take a long while before anyone in the house would rose from their slumber. It would take an even longer while before anyone would notice that Morty was gone. And it would take even longer before Rick would notice that his portal gun had been used. But who knew how long it would take before he would find his boy again… if he ever would.
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Part 12 of Entricked Fates
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 1 of Entricked Fates: Gotta Catch Me Some Morty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 2 of Entricked Fates: Mortyfied and Rickfused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3 of Entricked Fates: Ricking the Routine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 4 of Entricked Fates: Ricks will always be Ricks
Part 5 of Entricked Fates: The Morty-Lover
Part 6 of Entricked Fates: Second Chances AKA The Rick One For Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 7 of Entricked Fates: Rickvestigating the Morty Disappearances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 8 of Entricked Fates: When the Morty’s away, the Rick will play
Part 9 of Entricked Fates: It’s Not His Ricking Fault!
Part 10 of Entricked Fates: I Ricking Hate My Life!
Part 11 of Entricked Fates: The Lines Between Ricks and Mortys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
And They All Lived...
I’m not sure how many fics I have left in me for this fandom or this pairing, but I wanted to at least somewhat wrap up Tailor Rick and Hairstylist Rick’s storyline. So here’s a little something I wrote this weekend, it’s pretty feely. Just a little warning, there is a brief mention of suicidal thoughts in this one. 
Tailor Rick gets a shock when a surprise visitor appears in his kitchen and ruins his day. He seeks out his favourite Rick to make it better. It’s SFW, so no smut! Just some angsty hurt/comfort that I hope you’ll think has a happy ending. There’s a little cameo from a buck-toothed friend too, hehe. I hope you enjoy! <3
Tailor heard multiple voices coming from the kitchen. He knew that Beth was home, but Morty and Summer were both at school, and Jerry was up in his office pretending to work. Beth must've invited a friend over, Tailor's face twisted in a grimace, he didn't like guests that weren't his. He especially didn't like it when he wasn't informed before people were invited over, it was his house, damn it. He turned on his heel and headed back upstairs briefly to change out of his dressing gown and into something more presentable, all hope of having a lazy pyjama day scuppered. But, he still needed his coffee, which meant entering the kitchen and interacting with whoever it was.
Sliding quietly through the kitchen door he hoped to stealth-pour his mug of coffee without distracting them from Beth's fascinating recount of Morty's last birthday party. With his back to them, he retrieved his favourite mug from the mug tree, listening to Beth tell her guest about the birthday cake and how we'd been sent the wrong one by the bakery. A sound hit his ears then, one he hadn't heard in a long, long time, and one that immediately sent the blood rushing to his head, his heart pounding and a cool spike of something highly unpleasant thrumming under his skin.
A laugh. His ex-wife's laugh.
If he was any more dramatic of a man, he'd have dropped the mug. He settled for slamming it down on the marble counter before spinning around to confirm his suspicion. There she was, as blond and tall and narrow and… pretty, as the day they'd settled the divorce. There were a few more lines in her face now, but she looked just the damn same. Tailor felt light-headed and could do nothing but stare, expressionless, as Diane met his eyes.
“Richard,” she smiled, that smarmy little smile she'd always throw at men.
“Dad!” Beth said in surprise, finally realising that he was in the room. “I was going to come and find you–”
“No.” Tailor cut her off, shaking his head. “No,” He turned for the doorway, marching right through it. Beth followed him, uttering something to Diane before she did.
“Dad! Hold on,” he caught his wrist, halting him in the hallway. “I was going to tell you, I didn't know you were up.”
“What the hell is she doing in my house?” Tailor leaned into her face, hissing at her, spit flying. She flinched and her brows curved with hurt.
“I've been emailing her for a couple of months now, I want to reconnect,” she explained, and Tailor shook his head at her with a slack jaw. His whole body felt strange, pressurised, like his blood was trying to force its way out of him through his pores. It almost hurt.
“And you did-didn't think to tell me about this sooner?” He raised his voice, feeling his eye begin to twitch. He rubbed at it and sighed heavily, trying to get a grip on himself before he had a heart attack.
“I knew you'd try to stop me.”
“You think that? I'm not going to try and stop you, sweetie, she's your mother. I jus- I just don't want any part of it. I don't wanna hear about it, I don't want to know about it, I certainly don't want her here!” He jabbed a finger at the floor.
“Shh, she can hear you!”
Purposely raising his voice, Tailor responded; “I don't give a fuck if she can hear me.”
“I thought you could talk it out, maybe move past–”
“Are you insane?” Tailor seethed, clutching at the sides of his head, not quite believing what he was hearing. “I wouldn't piss on that woman if she was on fire. I have absolutely no interest in seeing her ever again, if she dropped dead in front of us right now, I'd step over her fresh corpse just to make my fucking coffee. Do- do you understand me, sweetheart?”
“Dad,” Beth's eyes welled, her voice wobbly.
“Get her out.”
“Fine. I'm leaving. Let me know when she's fucked off again, just like she did thirty-odd years ago.” Tailor turned and yanked his coat off the hook by the front door.
“Just calm down and stay! Talk to her just a little, ten minutes!”
“Beth. You were young when we had the divorce, I don't expect you to understand anything about it. But what you're asking me, I ju-just cannot do it.” Tailor shook his head, shrugging on his coat.
“For me?”
“What about for me, huh? J-j-j–” Tailor sighed and closed his eyes for a second, biting his tongue as a punishment for not fucking working. “Just think about me. How I feel. I haven't seen her in years.”
“I wanted to warn you,” Beth was crying now, as she spoke to him apologetically. Tailor didn't have it in him to feel guilty about it, not right then.
“Text me when she's gone.”
He let himself out, slamming the door behind him. Diane's car was parked behind his on the drive. He considered for a few seconds, putting his foot into the side of it, but decided against it. He opted to go for a walk instead, just wanting to put as much distance between himself and the house – or rather who was in it – as he could.
Ten minutes away from home, his body began to feel more normal. His eye wasn't twitching. His heart wasn't squeezing in a way that made him wonder if he was dying. His bloodstream didn't feel as though it was filled with ice. But, he did feel something. Nausea, exhaustion, a hollowness in the pit of his stomach. It felt like betrayal. His own daughter had fucked him over in the worst possible way. Of course, he couldn't exactly blame her for wanting to rekindle her relationship with her mother, or for thinking he and Diane might be civil. She had been far too young to understand why their relationship crumbled, and it wasn't something Tailor had spoken to her about once she was.
He had not been prepared to see her again. He didn't think he ever could be prepared for that; even if Beth had told him he wouldn't have been able to stomach meeting her again. Diane was a big gaping wound in his heart, his mind, his life. He was fully aware of how his relationship with her had warped him, the effects still evident all these years later. He hadn't been right since, a therapist would have a field day with him if he ever bothered to go. How on earth could he consider letting that back into his life? Even just for a minute?
But of course, he was the villain in Beth's eyes. The grumpy bastard not wanting to make his precious girl smile by speaking to mummy for a few minutes. Tailor's lip curled in disgust. He wished he had told her every little detail, looked up all the blokes she'd shagged on Facebook to show her, tell her how she knew most of them through him. Tell her about how she'd do it in their bed, never change the sheets after either, how she'd indulged in telling him on the day of their divorce that she'd use his pillow to clean herself up with sometimes. How she'd let him fuck her barely half an hour after the other guy. How she cheated on him even on the day of his father's funeral. How she was literal scum and he wished he'd portaled her out into the vacuum of space the day he found out.
Tailor's throat ached with his efforts to hold back a sob. He was in the middle of the bloody street, he could not cry here. But his name was replaying in his head in her voice. Richard. He'd just about gotten used to Rick calling him that, replacing her with him in his memory, associating that name with something good. And now it was ruined. He needed to hear Rick call him that again, over and over, scrub that woman's voice from his head once more. He reached into his inside pocket, retrieving his portal gun. It was set for the barber's already from the last time he'd used it, so all he had to do was fire it and step through and he was in another place entirely.
When he arrived, Stylist Rick was cutting around a bowl atop the head of some Rick. He couldn't stop himself from remarking; “a bowl? I thought you knew how to cut hair professionally.”
“Huh? Oh. I know right? I did try to talk him out of it. He brought the bowl from home,” Stylist snorted, not even flinching at Tailor's arrival. In fact, he didn't even look at him. Tailor wasn't sure whether he enjoyed how routine their meetings had become, how mundane his presence had become for his partner. He frowned and crossed his arms, waiting.
“I-i-it's the only way to get it to look right,” the other Rick whined, like he was tired of explaining himself. Truthfully, Tailor couldn't care less.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Stylist finally asked, glancing over at Tailor.
Their eyes met, and immediately Stylist spotted the look in Tailor's, the troubled, pained, unsure look that he'd always try and fail to hide whenever he had something on his mind. This time, though, it was different. His eyes were wet, his face was a little blotchy with pink spots high on his cheeks, the corners of his mouth pulled down in a tense sort of grimace. He looked as if he was about to burst into tears, and for a moment, Stylist didn't know what to do.
“Uhh, d-do you want to go up to the apartment? I'm almost done here, I can close up for a little while,” he suggested softly after a few moments of just staring at him, wondering how he was managing to hold it together; Stylist knew that he personally could never hold back when he was going to cry.
“Wh-who's up there?” Tailor asked, his voice sounding different, less sure and firm as it usually was.
“Nobody. Place is empty, you wanna let yourself in? I'll be like, five minutes,” Stylist glanced at the Rick in his chair, who was looking between the two of them through the mirror, a quizzical look in his misaligned eyes.
Tailor nodded, and Stylist approached him, fishing the keys out of his pocket as he did. He pressed the keys into Tailor's hand, holding them there for a few seconds so he could take a good look in his eyes. Tailor stared off to the side, refusing to make eye contact so close. He pulled away quickly when Stylist pressed a kiss to his temple, marching off towards the back door of the barber shop that led to an elevator. He took it up to the penthouse that Stylist lived in and prepared himself for the assault on his eyes that was his choice in interior design as he let himself in.
Everything was either black, white, or hot pink. It was glamorous and expensive looking, whilst still managing to maintain an air of tackiness. It didn't faze him on this occasion, though, and Tailor simply crossed the room to sit on the white leather sofa, leaning his head back with a sigh. At least nobody was around to look at him, here. He didn't know why he felt so close to tears, he'd only seen her for a moment, only heard her say one word, she hadn't really done anything but stand there looking at him. That shouldn't hurt him as deeply as it did. It wasn't like he was still in love with her, he hated her guts.
But it'd taken him by surprise, jarred him to his bones, shaken him up more than the one time he'd accidentally put the sewing machine needle through his thumb. Hurt about as much, too. Tailor cried more often than he'd like to admit, when he'd drank too much, thought too much, been alone for too long. Half the time he cried he didn't really know why he was doing it, this time wasn't much different. He knew that cow had something to do with it, but the specifics, he was clueless. He wished he could've just walked away from her without feeling anything, he wished she didn't have so much power over his emotions, he wished she was the one in agony over seeing him again. She hadn't even flinched.
Tailor let himself cry, leaning forwards, elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. It was so quiet in the room that he felt embarrassed about the amplified sounds of his pathetic sniffles and sobs. He took a few minutes like that, though, trying to get it out of his system before Stylist came up so he could try and brush it all off and sleep with him. Let him take his mind off it. He was good at that; when they hooked up he took up enough space in his head that there wasn't much room for anything else. That was probably why Tailor kept coming back to him.
The ping of the elevator announced Stylist's arrival, much sooner than anticipated. Tailor sat up, sniffing and dragging his hands over his face in a futile attempt at composing himself. When Stylist approached, pulling off his t-shirt, Tailor thought he'd gotten away with it somehow and this would go on like one of their usual meetings, getting down to business right away. But then Stylist was redressing himself in a different shirt tossed over the back of the sofa, and it became clear that it wasn't the case.
“Covered in hair; itchy,” he explained briefly, staring at Tailor the entire time. “You want something to drink, coffee?”
“I know it's early, but do you have any whisky?”
“Is my name Rick Sanchez?” Stylist snorted, heading for the kitchen. The place was open plan, and Tailor heard the clinking of glass and the slosh of liquid as he poured his drink. He came back around to the sofa, handing him a half-filled tumbler and sitting down beside him.
Tailor could feel him staring as he took a drink, and he knew the questions would come soon. He knew for sure Stylist could tell that he'd been in tears. He placed his glass down on the coffee table, sliding a sliced agate coaster underneath, resisting the temptation to down the whole drink in one. A hand touched his chin, turning his head. Stylist ran his thumb back and forth over his cheek, studying him. Here it comes.
“You haven't shaved,” the observation surprised Tailor. His brows raised.
“No. I left in rather a rush this morning,” he explained.
“A little stubble looks good on you.”
“Does it fuck. I look like a scruffy bastard.”
Stylist smiled a little. He leaned in, kissing the corner of Tailor's mouth, stroking his hand up and down his arm. Tailor closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close so that he'd continue to kiss, moving his attention to his neck. His mind was already fogging over, and he felt his heart swell with affection; a rare occurrence. Stylist's lips paused by his earlobe.
“You wanna tell me why you've been crying up here?” he whispered.
Ahh, shit. Tailor sighed and let his arms drop.
“I had a bit of a shock this morning. I'd rather forget about it.”
“I'd rather you tell me, you look terrible,” Stylist leaned back and looked at him.
“Thank you.”
“Emotionally. Physically, you look as good as always,” he clarified. A little flattery never hurt. “What happened, is everything okay? Your family's alright?”
“My family is fine. Nobody's died, if that's what you're getting at,” Tailor stated drily. “Though, if that's what you were expecting, it's going to be all rather anticlimactic if you get the truth out of me.”
“I intend to do just that. It'd be easier for us both if you just spit it out, anticlimactic or not. Don't worry about disappointing me, it's not gossip I want.”
“What do you want?” Tailor cocked a brow.
“To see you smiling, not looking like you're on the verge of a m-mental breakdown,” Stylist's brow arched in concern and Tailor sighed.
“Well, Diane was in my kitchen when I woke up today,” he told him, almost downplaying it with his tone.
“I don't exactly know how to react. I understand that you're not on good terms with her, what happened?” Stylist winced a little.
“Nothing happened, she was just there,” Tailor was getting irritable now.
“And that's what you're upset about?”
“I told you it'd be anticlimactic. You can tell me I'm being a big girl's blouse,” Tailor rolled his eyes dramatically and Stylist shook his head, scooting closer to him on the couch.
“I wasn't insinuating that you're weak. I'm just trying to understand the situation. You haven't told me much about your ex-wife. All I know is that she cheated and you had a divorce.”
“She cheated, yes. More times than I can count on both hands. She hurt me more than anyone ever has, she metaphorically ripped out my heart and spat on it. I've never loved anyone like I loved her, d-do you understand? She was everything to me. When she did that to me, I can't tell you the number of times I thought about- about–” Tailor stopped and shook his head, feeling the tears coming again. He rubbed at his eyes.
“Thought about what?” Stylist leaned forwards, putting a hand on his thigh.
“If I'd have told anyone about the thoughts I was having, they'd have had me sectioned. I've never mentioned it to anybody. I was in such a terrible place back then, it took everything in me to dig myself out. I can just about say I'm over it, b-b-but then I see her out of the blue and I suddenly realise that I'm really not. I'm not over it, am I?” Tailor finally looked Stylist in the eye, his were all bloodshot and puffy and Stylist's chest ached seeing him that way. Without hesitation, he pulled Tailor into his chest.
“Richard,” the word gained a violent sob, and Stylist stroked his hand over the back of his head softly. “Please don't do anything–”
“I'm not going to do anything stupid. I'm not going to off myself over her, I haven't thought about that in years.” Tailor hissed in annoyance, though he pressed himself closer to him.
“Thank God. You're worrying me,” Stylist's voice wobbled nervously.
“I-I-I just know that I've been acting like- like–” He sniffed loudly and started again. “I haven't been able to get it out of the back of my mind for my whole life. I keep telling myself I do the things that I do because it's my choice, but it's really not.”
“What things? Talk to me, I want to know all of it.” Stylist clutched him ever tighter, and for the first time – with his face buried in his chest – Tailor felt like he could be honest.
“I drink, I sleep around, I treat people like crap. I'm not saying that I ca-can't help all those things, but I know I only do it because I'm scared of being– I just don't want it to happen again. I don't want to feel like I did back then because I got t-too close to somebody.”
Stylist was impressed with how self aware he was. He knew that what he was saying was true, but he hadn't known that Tailor knew too. He kept quiet, though, letting him say his piece.
“I do it to you,” Tailor exclaimed, shifting so he could look up at him.
“What?” Stylist's eyes widened.
“I act like you're nothing, a-a-and that I merely put up with you. But I– you're–” he shook his head, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks.
“It's okay,” Stylist whispered, cupping Tailor's face in his hands.
“It's not!”
“I understand,” he closed his eyes, feeling something in his gut. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad, but his adrenaline was pumping now. “You don't have to say anything.”
“I want to. I wish I could just say what I feel without feeling like I'm s-si-signing my own death certificate.”
“All I want from you is your presence in my life,” Stylist told him, pressing their foreheads together. “And I want you to be happy, Richard.”
“You make me happy,” he admitted, and Stylist's heart thumped heavily in his chest.
Stylist said it. He didn't give Tailor the chance to stop him. It needed to be said.
“I love you.”
Tailor seemed to deflate a little in his arms, his muscles loosening.
“I know.” Tailor's words weren't arrogant, he didn't mean it like that. They were accepting. Stylist felt like that would be the closest thing to reciprocation that he'd hear all night; he was wrong. “I know the feeling.”
Everything went silent, Stylist's mind went blank. Tailor kissed him, and he could taste the salt in his tears that had rolled to his lips.
“I love you,” Stylist repeated, and Tailor nodded in response, kissing him again. It felt good being able to say it without being reprimanded. He wanted to say it again, but it came out muffled behind his mouth. He expected Tailor to escalate things, try to remove his clothes or something – and truthfully he wouldn't object – but he didn't. He broke the kiss and leaned into him, hugging him more tightly than he ever had before. Stylist felt like if he woke up and all of this was a dream, he wouldn't be able to stand it.
“Say my name,” Tailor whispered.
“You're the only one who gets to call me that,” that's all Stylist needed to hear.
“Just know that I'm yours, if you want me,” he told him. Tailor pulled back and gripped the front of Stylist's shirt, looking up at him.
“I do want you.”
“Then that works out quite nicely, doesn't it?” Stylist smiled.
“I can't promise I'm going to be perfect. I can't even promise I'll be alright. But I want to move on, I'm sick of trying so hard all of the time and still being miserable.”
“That's your problem. You just don't let yourself be happy, do you?”
Tailor shrugged his shoulders with a sigh, looking down at the other man's chest.
“Have you ever thought about speaking to someone?” Stylist asked, keeping his tone light.
“A councellor? Oh, of course. I've thought about it.”
“Maybe you should do it.”
“I know that I absolutely should,” Tailor let out a humourless laugh. “I've just been putting it off for the last thirty or so years.”
“Maybe it'll help. It helped me when I needed it,” Stylist told him, Tailor looked at him as though he wanted to ask him about it. But this wasn't about Stylist. “You should do it for yourself, work through all this. You deserve to live without it hanging over you.”
Tailor nodded, closing his eyes and dragging his sleeves across them.
“Tackle that, and you'll be telling me how much you love me every single day. I won't be able to shut you up, just wait and see.”
“Of course,” Tailor muttered, allowing a small laugh to escape him. Stylist pulled him into his chest again, leaning back against the sofa.
He couldn't put into words how it felt to finally be able to hold Tailor like this, without feeling him pull away, without any underlying tension, without him being blissfully unaware in his sleep. Stylist stroked his hair, allowing his hand to trace down to the curve of his neck before returning to the crown of his head, over and over. Tailor's face felt wet where it was pressed into his collar, but they weren't fresh tears anymore. He wanted to stay there, let the moment stretch on for as long as Tailor would let it, and he planned to. But Tailor wasn't going to change over night. He wasn't suddenly going to be writing love letters and serenading him. He fidgeted, making to break away from him; and Stylist loosened his grip.
Tailor rubbed his face, sucking in a jagged, post-cry breath, before picking up his whisky and finishing it off. He didn't flinch when Stylist stroked his hand up his spine and squeezed his shoulder. He looked back at him and offered a small, awkward smile. For a moment, Stylist's heart dropped, waiting for him to regain his stiff upper lip and leave.
“Thank you,” Tailor told him softly.
Stylist shook his head. “No need to thank me.”
“I really do… care about you,” Tailor said, letting his eyes drop to his chest. “I enjoy your company far more than anybody else's, I hope that says enough.”
Stylist smiled, nodding his head and massaging Tailor's shoulder a little.
“I hope that one day I'm able to offer something more than that, but for now,” Tailor trailed off with a sigh, turning back to the coffee table to place his glass down.
“I can see what you want to say, you're not a difficult man to read. You can be a confusing one, but no matter how hard you try to mask things, people notice.”
“You can wipe that arrogant smirk off your face,” Tailor grumbled.
“You aren't even looking at me.”
“No, but I know it's there.”
Stylist snorted, sitting up and leaning over Tailor's shoulder so that he could kiss his cheek. The stubble against his lips felt coarse, something he wasn't used to. As much as he liked the look of it, the texture wasn't so great.
“Hmm, you want me to shave that for you?”
“I thought you liked it,” Tailor glanced over his shoulder.
“I do. But I'd also like to show off my skill with a straight razor. Besides, a lot of people find it relaxing, getting a professional shave.”
“Having someone wave a blade around in your face? Yes, very relaxing,” Tailor tutted.
“You trust me, don't you? I'll give you a five star treatment.”
“Alright, as long as you don't Sweeney Todd me,” Tailor sighed softly.
“Don't worry, I have a very steady hand. I've only slit one throat, and that was years ago,” he grinned. “Come on, baby. I'll start heating up some towels for that pretty face.”
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trashyocstash · 5 years
take this complete reference for julie i made!
Full Name: Juliana Lillian Sanchez(nee Kenyon)
Nicknames: Julie, Jubilee, Jules, Red, Gingersnap
Birthday: May 16th 1951
Death Date: March 9th 1998
Age: 27 years old(main story/midquel), 46 years old(at death), 68 years old(if alive today)
Intelligence Type: Interpersonal(understands people)
Religion: -none-
Occupation: Nurse
Family: Gordon Kenyon(father), Agnes Kenyon(mother), Rick Sanchez(husband), Beth Smith(daughter), Jerry Smith(son-in-law), Summer Smith(granddaughter), Morty Smith(grandson) note: She and Rick are sometimes shown to have a son named Chris.
Romantic Partner: Rick Sanchez
Appearance Description
Julie has long red hair, with some of it going over her shoulders, and covering one side of her face (its inconsistent, as it depends on the side she is facing, like if she is facing left, the right side of her face is covered and vice versa, and it can be on either side if she's facing front). She also has a bit of hair covering the part in between her ear and face. It is also is usually very neat, and flows slightly.
Her skin is a pale peach colour (she is a white person, and just has pale skin, relating to her red hair), and she has a small button nose with a rounded shape. Julie has round, slightly oval-shaped eyes, that are blue, with eyelashes lining the top (she has the same eyes as Beth). Her body shape is an hourglass figure, meaning she has large breasts, a thin waist and wide hips. She is also a bit curvy, her figure can be described as very womanly and mature.
Julie wears a purple strapped dress that appears to have a white short-sleeved shirt underneath it. She also wears a pair of dark purple flats.
Julie has a kind and gentle heart. She loves helping others and is nice to everyone. She is warm, friendly and is optimistic and positive. Even when things look bleak, she tries to be uplifting and to look on the bright side of things. She is soft, gentle and very sweet to other people. Julie also believes that there is good in everyone, and doesn't believe even the worst don't have any good in them. So she does her best to find this in others. Julie cares for other people deeply and always wants to help them.
Her kindness is her biggest strength, but also her greatest weakness. The problem is that Julie is too kind. She can't stand up for herself or others because she doesn't want to hurt anyone, not realizing that that can hurt people too. Julie can be also be too trusting of others, which can put her in danger.
Julie is very shy, and tends to be timid and nervous at times. She can also be a bit awkward as well and gets easily embarrassed at times. She isn't good with crowds and doesn't like doing things like public speaking. That's not to say she doesn't like spending time with others, because she does. Julie just gets nervous when it comes to new people or a group of people.
Julie is also an intelligent character in her own right. She loves reading books, particularly romance novels, and is very good with things like math, science and English. These skills allowed her to excel in nursing school. She is also fairly logical and resourceful too, and good at memorizing and remembering things. However, due to the fact Julie becomes foolish when it comes to love, her intelligence is often underestimated and even questioned. She is very curious about the world around her, and loves learning new things.
Julie is a hopeless romantic, having wanted love since she was a little girl. She loves romance novels and movies as well. Love makes her act foolish, and sometimes she may make bad decisions, but she never means to.
Underneath this, Julie has poor self-confidence issues. She doesn't think highly of herself at times, and blames her previous romantic failures on herself. While everyone seems to find her beautiful, Julie only thinks she is average looking. She is passive and tends to go along with things, even if she doesn't want to. Her desire not to upset people prevents her from standing up for herself and being assertive and brave.
Due to Rick's influence, as time passed, Julie slowly grew more brave and confident. She became more assertive and sure of herself. Slowly but surely, she became less timid and shy because of him. But sometimes her old insecurities would still rise to the surface.
After Rick leaves, everything goes down the gutter. Julie became more withdrawn, quiet and asocial as a result. She also developed depression.
Early Life
Julie was born on May 16th, 1951 to her parents Gordon and Agnes Kenyon. When she was merely two years old, her then pregnant mother suffered an accident that not only caused her to miscarry, but become infertile as well. It was a devastating loss, but she and Gordon pulled through, and kept a protective eye on Julie from then on, something that would've been seen as strange for the time.
As a baby, Julie also met Vivian, due to their mothers being best friends themselves, and they had been friends ever since.
She was a happy child, who loved to read books and play with her dolls, all of whom she treated like her actual children, showing her desire to be a mother one day. Every night, her mother would read to her, which helped foster her love of reading. Julie also learned to cook from a young age, being taught how to be her mother, and would try and help her out.
Things weren't all pleasant though. She was bullied as a child due to her red hair and pale skin, which made her stand out easily among the other children. Some nicknames she was called were things like “loser”, “weak”, “a baby” and “a crybaby”. There was also an incident were Julie, who had a crush on a boy at her school, gathered up the courage to confess to him, but he acted all grossed out, called her ugly and then laughed at her, causing her to run off in tears. Despite her parents assurance that she was beautiful, and being defended by Vivian, the bullying was too much for her, and it gave her pretty bad self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image issues.
In her teenage years, the bullying continued, but things weren't so bad. She met Mark through Vivian, and he ended up living with Julie and her parents, causing them to end up with a brother-sister relationship.
Later, after graduating from high school, Julie attended university alongside Vivian, where she took up nursing, having a desire to help people. It was here where she dated her first boyfriend, someone Vivian knew, but broke it off as he was too stuck up for her liking. She graduated in 1975, having obtained her nursing degree, and moved in to a new house her parents bought her to celebrate. Unfortunately, the first time they came to visit, they were killed in a fatal car accident. Julie was devastated, and became very depressed and lonely, no longer being the same person. She attempted to date again, dating a guy Mark met, but this one didn't work out either, as the guy thought she was pathetic and didn't care for her interests.
Despite this, Julie clung onto the hope of finding true love, remaining optimistic and hopeful.
Meeting Rick
In June 1978, Julie was leaving Mark's house, when a portal suddenly appeared, and Rick rammed right into her. Even though he acted rude to her, she treated him with kindness and let him stay with her until his wound healed, due to him refusing to go to a hospital. It didn't take long for Rick to warm up to Julie, and they started to bond and grow close. She was even embarrassed when Mark hinted that she likes him romantically, early on in their friendship.
After a fight with Cyn, Julie discovers aliens are real and that Rick created a portal gun that allows him to traverse the universe and beyond. The next day, he took her to two different planets, where they continued to bond, and Rick gave her a crystal rose. Rick and Cyn fought a second time, which caused Julie to discover that Rick is a dangerous criminal, but she accepted him regardless. The two then went to Glorf together to hide from the fyralogins, where their friendship truly began to blossom into love.
Rick and Julie bonded, growing closer and understanding each other more, and they both realized they were falling in love with each other, but never said anything about it. After getting homesick, Rick allowed Julie to return to Earth to see her friends, which she did, but returned in tears due to a fight with Vivian. He comforted her on it, and ended up kissing her. She admits the next day that it was the best kiss she'd ever had.
That day, Rick learns more about Julie's past, before she's kidnapped by the fyralogins, who demand that Rick agree to be tortured and killed so Julie can be set free. She begs him not to, but he agrees and they confess their feelings for each other before she's dragged back to Earth. While there, she can't stop worrying about him, and feels depressed and lonely. Rick soon returns and they end up becoming a couple before making love together.
Julie is still worried about the torture Rick faced, and says there's no need to hide things from her. He points out that she's never told him about her family, causing her to admit her hypocrisy and he ends up learning about what happened to her parents. In an attempt to make her feel better, Rick takes her to Blips and Chitz, where they spend their first date.
Cyn returns later on, resulting in a final confrontation between him and Rick. After Cyn shoots Rick, Julie defends him and in retaliation, Cyn knocks her unconscious. Thinking she died, Rick kills him right back, and becomes happy to discover Julie was still alive. They talk later on, and she comforts him, saying that nothing would ever make her stop loving him.
After this, Rick and Julie begin their travels in the galaxy together. This halted a bit when Julie finally worked up the courage to apply for a nursing career, but still continued anyways. She and Rick married on April 14th, 1979.
Later Years
Julie gave birth to her and Rick's daughter Beth, sometime in 1980. She was a loving and supportive mother, and never seemed to mind Beth's odd behaviours. Despite Beth's rudeness towards her mother, Julie was never harsh or angry with her, and gave her nothing but love and kindness, even though she never got any in return. She was also unaware of the existence of “Froopyland”, and ended up taking Beth to therapy, never truly knowing what happened to her, but thinking it was the “death” of her friend Tommy.
In 1994, Rick disappeared to fight in the war against the Galactic Federation. A depressed Julie missed him everyday, knowing that he would return someday, and thinking about him all the time. His disappearance depressed her so much, that Mark even gave her antidepressants to help her.
Later, in 1997, Beth became pregnant after having sex on prom night with a boy at her school named Jerry. Despite her disappointment in her, Julie continued to help and support her, even looking after Summer once she was born.
The drastic change in her mental health began to affect her physically, and her health deteriorated until she had to be hospitalized.
Death and Legacy
Julie passed away from heart issues on March 9th 1998. In her final moments, she was surrounded with her friends and family, and was able to die peacefully, with Rick being the last thing on her mind before she passed.
Her funeral was held a week later, and was attended by not just her family and friends on Earth, but also the friends she'd made during her and Rick's adventures, the same ones who were at their wedding.
She is still remembered fondly by those who knew her. Rick, who didn't find out she died until returning to Earth, has had trouble accepting her death, and it led him down a dark path into alcoholism, suicidal depression and abusive behaviours. Even after all this time, he still loves her and misses her dearly, deeply regretting leaving and wishing he'd just stayed behind instead, protecting her and Beth on Earth.
As for Beth herself, she blames Julie for Rick leaving, and thus holds animosity towards her, but as Julie is her mother, Beth still loves her and misses her.
In the short time Jerry knew Julie, he thought of her as a good and kind person, thinking she could be a great role model for Summer. He was deeply upset too when he heard that she died, and attended her funeral.
Across the rest of the galaxy, there are still those who met Julie, and remember her fondly. Some think of her as just the wife of Rick Sanchez, but others think of her for her love and kindness that she showed everyone, and what a truly great person she was.
Damsel in Distress-Julie is kidnapped, and rescued by Rick
Pacifist-Julie hates violence
World’s Most Beautiful Woman-She is constantly described as being beautiful by most characters
Fool for Love-Julie is usually smart, but love can make her act foolish
In Love With Love-Julie is a hopeless romantic
Cute Bookworm-She’s cute, and she likes reading
Shrinking Violet-Julie is very shy and quiet
The Quiet One-Speaks for itself
Purity Personified-You can’t get more pure than Julie
All-Loving Hero-She loves everyone
I Am Not Pretty-Julie’s self-confidence issues make her doubt her beauty
Obliviously Beautiful-Everyone thinks Julie is beautiful...except for Julie herself
Nice Girl- Speaks for itself
Adorkable-She's an adorable dork
Heart Trauma-Cause of death is heart problems
Cuddle Bug-She loves hugging people, at least those she is close to
Rick Sanchez
Rick and Julie share a very close and intimate relationship. The bond they share is strong and unbreakable.
These two bring out the best in each other, and Rick believes that Julie is the only person who truly understands him. So he tends to be possessive of Julie, and worries someone will try to take her from him. He isn’t controlling, and doesn’t care about Julie having male friends, but he makes it clear Julie is his and his only. They know each other better than anyone. Rick has made Julie more confident in herself, and Julie has made Rick softer/gentler/kinder and more calm and easygoing.
Julie and Rick also help each other with their problems, and in a natural way as well. They don't force each other to change, they let things happen slowly. Julie makes sure Rick takes care of himself properly and makes him brush his teeth, or makes sure he sleeps long enough or is eating enough as well. Rick in turn helps Julie grow more confident in herself and become more assertive and stronger.
When Rick left in 1994, Julie still loved him and missed him deeply. She waited for him until her death. On her deathbed, she proclaimed her love for him. Even now after her death, Rick still secretly is in love with her and misses her all the time.
Opposites Attract-Julie is kind, loving and pure. Rick is an asshole who hates others and has seen too much. Despite their differences, they’re meant for each other.
All Girls Want Bad Boys-Rick is not a nice guy, far from it, and is a criminal. Julie loves him anyways
Love Redeems-Julie’s kindness has managed to soften Rick’s cold and hard heart.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl-Rick is pretty brooding, Julie is gentle. She gives him space and allows his growth to be natural and slow
Inconvenient Attraction-Rick is annoyed by his own feelings.
Operation:Jealousy-Rick can’t help but be jealous, even when they weren’t together
You Are Worth Hell-Rick will go through all odds just for Julie’s sake
Flowers of Romance-Rick gives Julie a crystal rose, which is a symbol for their love.
Beth Smith
Julie was always a loving, caring mother figure to her daughter, and only child, Beth.
Julie knew she wanted to be a mother for the longest time. But she decided to wait until she was married, which she did in 1979. A year after in 1980, she became pregnant and gave birth to her and Rick’s daughter Beth at age 29.
Because of the laws at the time, Julie was only able to take 6 weeks off from work, but she made those 6 weeks count. Julie looked after Beth the best she could, and even taught Rick how to properly look after their baby. As Beth grew older, Julie always remained a kind and loving mother. She helped her daughter with her dreams, and was always supportive and understanding. However, Beth didn’t appreciate her, she saw Julie as mundane, boring and unremarkable compared to Rick. This broke Julie’s heart, and despite her attempts to bond with Beth, it never worked.
After Rick left, Beth blamed it on Julie, saying her mother’s “boringness’ caused Rick to leave her. She fought with her mom, hated her and blamed her for all her problems. When Julie died, Beth was sad and did mourn her, but still held resentment towards her. Because Jerry was also similar to Julie, this furthered her dislike for Jerry. She never truly appreciated her.
Jerry Smith
Julie was upset that Jerry had gotten Beth pregnant, but never harboured any resentment towards him. She wanted Beth to be happy, and hoped she and Jerry would have a good life together. Jerry had been a bit weary of Julie at first because he was scared of her possible reaction, but was relieved to see she was kind and gentle.
He was happy to have her as his mother-in-law, and thought she would be a good role model for Summer. After her death, Jerry was saddened, and tried to comfort Beth as much as he could.
Summer Smith
Summer doesn't remember her grandmother, as Julie died when she was still a baby. But in the short time they knew each other, Julie adored her granddaughter and would help Beth take care of her at times.
Vivian Curtis
Vivian and Julie have known each since they were babies, with their mothers even being best friends for years. They have always been close with each other, and have always been supportive of the other as well.
Vivian has always tended to be a bit critical of Julie, usually regarding her choices and boyfriends. She was particularly unhappy with Rick and Julie’s relationship, thinking of Rick as nothing more than a dangerous criminal. But eventually, she got over it as always.
Mark Norris
Julie was introduced to Mark when they were teenagers. She and him instantly became friends from then on. After Mark was rescued, he began living with Julie and her parents. It was from there that they developed a brother-sister relationship that remains strong.
Mark is the most supportive towards Julie of all her friends. He gets angry when someone demeans her, and always jumps her defence. She goes to him for advice, and he always tries to help as best he can.
Like Brother and Sister-Mark and Julie are very close. They love each other, but not in the romantic sense. They love each other as the siblings they never had instead.
Platonic Life Partners-They are best friends. It's better that way.
Julie loves reading, it's her favourite pastime and she's been reading since she was able to. Her room has a shelf filled with books, and she has a few more books in her living room. Her favourite genre is romance, but she also likes adventure, sci-fi and fantasy stories. She likes classic romance novels such as Pride and Prejudice and A Room With A View, but also more modern love stories(for the 70s..) and likes reading books that have hot muscular guys on the cover. 
Julie strangely also has a fondness for video games. Since she first played Pong back when it was released into arcades, she thought it was the coolest thing ever and has been hooked since. She owns an Atari 2600 console and has a Pong console too.
She also likes space, and loves looking up at the stars. Living more in the city outskirts, Julie gets a better view of the stars. Her love for it stemmed back into her childhood, when she would sit on a blanket at night and watch the stars with her parents.  She loves learning new things from Rick, and learning in general, and their adventures together. She is fascinated by the things they come across, like a crystal/gemstone planet or a planet with two moons. She has a big curiosity for the multiverse after all.
Being a nurse, Julie also has an interest in biology and medical stuff. She has no aversion to things like blood or needles/syringes either, and is excellent at properly looking after people, including herself. She keeps a first-aid kit in her home.
Julie is also a girly girl and so she likes dressing in pretty, feminine outfits. She also loves shopping, especially for clothes. Despite being very feminine and girly, she still doesn't mind getting dirty, and loves adventures and exploring..
She also loves to cook and bake food. She learned from her mother how to at a young age, and has loved it ever since.
Proficient medical knowledge and expertise
Great at cooking and baking
Can play video games really well
Is able to get tough mean people on your side easily
She is really good at subjects like math, science and English
Great at adventuring and exploration
Alliance: Neutral Good
Astrological Sign: Taurus(May 16th)
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Enneagram Type: The Helper
Character Archetypes: Caretaker, Introvert, Samaritan
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Introverted
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Daredevil or Cautious: Cautious
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Working or Relaxing: Relaxing
Night owl or Early bird: Early bird
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Methodical and neat
Symbol: Heart
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: Other than English, Julie knows a bit of Spanish from Rick and various alien languages
Julie has very neat handwriting, and can easily write in cursive if need be. When out in public, Julie walks around a bit nervously but otherwise, her movement is normal and upright. Occasionally, she does cover her face a bit. She also tends to clap when excited.
Name Meanings and Origins
Both Julie and Juliana are English names meaning “descendant of Jupiter”. Jupiter was the leader of the Roman gods, and the god of sky and lightning. Julie is the French form of Julia, but has been used in the English-speaking world since the 20th century. Juliana is the feminine form of Julius(Iulianus).
Julie and Juliana both have origins in Ancient Rome, when it was “Iulia” (the letter j didn't exist yet). It has been used in England since the 18th century alongside its other form Gillian.
Juliana was the name of a saint and martyr from 14th century Nicomedia, Blessed Juliana of Norwich. She was also a mystic and author. Juliana was also the name of a 20th century queen from the Netherlands.
English name meaning “lilly”.
This name has two possible origins. Either as a diminutive of Elizabeth, or an elaborated form of Lilly. It has been in use in England since the 1500s.
Irish surname meaning “little wolf”.
(Love and Loneliness)
“Yea..we..we both don’t have many people in our lives, and I really like the idea of having a new friend..I mean..um...if you’re okay with it.”
“It’s...it’s not like that! I mean...he’s kinda attractive...a little...”
“Leave him alone...please don’t hurt him anymore..”
“I don’t hate you Rick, not at all. We’re still friends, and I care about you so much.”
“By the way, I stored our food in the fridge for you. Also, when I was heading off to sleep, I found they only have one bed, I guess the people here really do think we're together..”
“Rick, I worry about you because I care about you, we’re friends, and I..we’ve become close, you know you can tell me whenever something’s bothering you, or...just anything really. I...I want to be there for you..”
“Um...I’m...I’m really sorry for everything you had to suffer through in your life, nobody deserves that. If you ever want to talk more about it with me, or anything else...I’m all ears..”
“I can tell you’re upset because you don’t feel you’re as good as cooking as me. But don’t worry, I appreciate you helping me, I really do, it’s...nice...having you here with me.”
“I don't care what you think! I love him and I care for him more than anything! I’m going to keep staying around him and being there for him when he needs me! And there’s nothing you can do about it!”
“You think I'm...beautiful?”
“Please! Please don’t do this Rick! I..I love you...I don’t want you to die...please..”
“That’s not true..I love you, and I only want to be with you. Please don’t do this, I’m not worth it.”
“It’s simple really, you’re a brave, assertive, confident, strong, charming and funny guy, you treat me so well, you’re very kind and sweet with me. I love going on adventures with you. You bring out the best in me, I feel so...happy...when we’re together, and you care about the things I like. I’ve realized that I need you to be happy...and that I can’t live without you either…”
“Aw don’t be such a sore loser, Mr. Grumpypants!”
“Rick isn't the monster here Cyn, its you!”
“If he really was a monster, he wouldn't love me. But he does, and I love him too.”
“You’re not as bad as you think you are. You’re always there for me when I’m upset, you protect me and look out for me, and need I remind you of when you nearly sacrificed your life for me?”
“I will never stop loving you, no matter what.”
“I know, and it's very sweet of you, but at the most, I've only been pregnant for a few weeks. You only need to be worried when my belly gets bigger.”
“Rick...I can't sacrifice our family's well being just because I'm afraid you'll leave again. Please, don't go.”
“Before I met your father, I was lonely, and longing for love and happiness. He gave me that and more, I grew more brave and assertive, he showed me the galaxy, I married him and we had you. He’s still my soulmate, my true love, I’ll never see him again, unless there’s an afterlife..but that’s okay..I have no regrets, I lived my life to the fullest, and I can die peacefully.”
“I don't mind, I think it'll really wake the both of us up, get the blood rushing early on hmm?”
“That's very sweet of you...and to be honest, I think you’re, in turn, the most handsome man in the multiverse..”
“No, that is if you two want to come along. There's a couples discount there, so we think you and Mark should pretend to be a couple.”
“Your eyes..I guess I got lost in them again.”
“I guess I realized it...you know...when I saw how different he was from my exes, because he brought out feelings in me I had never felt with them, I saw that after you pointed it out. I ended up thinking about the fact I was falling in love with Rick, and everything I liked about him, all the times we spent together, how he brought out the best in me and made me happier than anyone else, that's how I knew he was the one for me.”
“Like I said before, Rick brings out the best in me, when I'm with him, I feel stronger, happier, more confident and brave. I notice that I bring out the best in him too, when it's just the two of us alone, he acts very sweet and kind, he showers me with affection and appears more relaxed and calm. I also remember the first time he kissed me, I felt a spark, a connection...it was the best kiss I had ever had, I knew it had to mean something. I love our adventures together and learning from him, nobody else on Earth could give me that. Another thing too, my love isn't shallow. Sure I think he’s very attractive and admire his talents, but there's more to it than that. I love him because he's brave, strong, confident, assertive, intelligent, funny and he is very sweet and kind to me. I know he seems really mean and cruel, but he has a good heart deep down, and is selfless too. He proved that..well..”
“Well, your feelings are shallow when they're only based on superficial traits, like appearance or wealth. But love is real and true when it's more than that, you love them for who they are, like their personality, if you love them selflessly, love them more than anything and they mean the world to you, I guess.”
“Rick feels that way because he’s...he’s suffered so much in his past, he doesn't think he deserves my love, that I deserve better than him..it's awful..but I try my best to help him.”
“Rick needs me and I need him, I love him more than anything. He has his problems yes, but I can deal with them. I give him the support and understanding he needs, and he always treats me well.”
“I don’t care! My love for him is stronger than how much I care about my reputation!”
“I love you more than anything, you mean so much to me..I know sometimes you feel insecure and depressed, but just know I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. No matter what happens, I'll be with you. Don't ever forget that.”
“If it makes you feel any better….I just wanted to say that every moment I'm with you, it feels like a dream, or like I'm in heaven, or like I'm in a fairy tale. I've finally found the love I've dreamed of since I was little, with you. Nobody makes me feel as warm and happy as you do.”
“Does this mean...a shopping trip when we get back home?”
“I understand why you feel that way Viv, but you see, you don’t know Rick as well as I do. Underneath that mean, callous, arrogant exterior is someone with a kind, loving, gentle heart. He really does love me and care about me, and he treats me so well, he tries to become a better person so he’ll feel like he’s good enough for me. Even though being with him has put me in a lot of danger, I don’t care, I love him more than my own life. I love him and I love being with him, and I think you can tell how much happier, assertive and more confident I’ve become because of Rick.”
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