#like f*ck anything else; i want the drawing
bylrndgm · 2 years
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4x01 (The Hellfire Club) // 4x08 (Papa) I think there is someone he likes...
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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When They Say "F*ck Lucifer" (& Think MC Takes It Literally) Headcanons | THE DEMON BROTHERS 2.6k words | NSFW | gn!Reader | Crack Treated Seriously Content warnings: Cursing, implied relationships, pet names, jealous/possessive behaviour, misunderstandings and poor communication, demon form mentioned (Satan), suggestive content.
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"Belphie, it's time for dinner!" Lucifer sent you to find him, and when he wasn't napping in your bed, you knew where to check next.
He mumbles something into his pillow and you can't make out the words, but you know he's listening. "It's the third night this week you've skipped eating dinner with the family. Come on, you know how Lucifer is."
Belphie turns his head towards you enough so that you can hear him more clearly. "Oh, fuck Lucifer." He rolls over and starts snoring again, and you stomp back down the attic stairs in frustration.
When you join the others for dinner, you jab your fork into your food with more force than necessary. You're halfway done your meal when Belphie suddenly plops down into the empty chair beside yours. He reaches for your free hand and leans against your shoulder.
"Belphie?" you ask him curiously, but he says nothing. He doesn't eat anything either. He tries to cuddle even closer to you instead, and he shoots glares at his older brother sitting at the head of the table.
It takes you longer to eat than normal with one of your hands firmly tucked in Belphie's grip. As soon as you finish your dinner, he pulls you away from the table and back up to the attic. He curls around you for the rest of the night like he's afraid you might disappear if he doesn't.
He doesn't skip any more meals for the rest of the week.
You have one hand stretched out in front of you, pressed firmly against Beel's chest. The other is holding a container of sweets behind your back.
"No, you can't have these," you remind Beel for the hundredth time. "They're for tomorrow, remember?"
But Beel's only half-paying attention to you. His focus is latched onto the container in your hand, and if he wasn't worried about hurting you by accident, he'd simply take it from you.
"It's not fair," his low voice rumbles thickly, and there's drool leaking from the corner of his mouth now. "I'm starving!"
You shake your head and look around for something else to tempt Beel with instead. "Lucifer bought these for Diavolo, and we're taking them to the tea party tomorrow."
"Fuck Lucifer," Beel growls, and it's the loudest and angriest he's sounded yet. You both look startled by the outburst; your hand slips away from holding him back, and his jaw drops open when he realizes what he said to you.
You hold the container tightly against your chest. He could easily take it from you now, but he surprises you when he doesn't. His eyes are fixed solely on your face, as if the thing he wanted moments ago is completely irrelevant. He holds his arms out like he's trying to block you from leaving the kitchen.
"I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I'll look for something else to eat, but please, don't go."
"Are you sure you should post that?" you ask, glancing over Asmo's shoulder as he types another inflammatory reply on Devilgram.
"Of course!" he exclaims. "You read their comment. ‘Pretentious and gaudy?’ MY clothing line?! No, I won’t stand for it.”
He’s typing quickly and you’re not exactly sure what his Devildom insult is supposed to mean, but you imagine it’s not very nice by the way Asmo cackles when he hits Send.
“I don’t want to be that person,” you start nervously while Asmo scrolls through the other comments on his post, “but maybe you should ignore them? All this back and forth is drawing a lot of negative attention to your Devilgram feed.”
Asmo pauses what he's doing and looks at you suspiciously. “Who told you that?”
You bite your lip and look away. “Lucifer asked me to talk to you about it.” When Asmo rolls his eyes, you throw your hands up. “Well, it’s true, isn’t it? Aren’t you worried this little spat might impact your new launch?”
Asmo jabs his D.D.D. in your direction. “He’s only worried about drama if it involves someone close to Diavolo.” He runs his hand through his hair and looks down at his phone screen again. “Fuck him. If Lucifer cares that much, he can come talk to me himself.”
“Ugh!” You stand up with a huff and head towards the door. You tried to talk to him and it’s obvious he’s not going to listen. You hope Lucifer believes you later when you tell him you tried to get Asmo to see reason.
When you reach for the door handle, you’re surprised when Asmo suddenly blocks your way. Sometimes you forget how fast demons can move.
“I didn’t mean that,” he says seriously. His housecoat falls open slightly when he leans towards you, and his expression isn't angry but dead-serious.
“Didn’t mean what?” you ask confusedly.
“Fucking my brother. Don’t do it.” His hands grasp your shoulders and you can’t help but laugh.
“I wasn’t going to? I was going to go back to my room while you carry on with your…” you trail off, gesturing to his abandoned D.D.D. on the bed, “…little feud.”
He steers you back towards his bed. “If you want to relax, then I insist you stay here instead. My room is much more comfortable than yours. Besides, I just thought of something you can help me with.”
You sit on the edge of the bed and smile up at him. “Like apologizing to that poor demon lord you keep picking fights with?”
Asmo winks at you with a hint of a smirk, and he tugs at the belt holding his housecoat closed. “Maybe we can do that after.”
Satan walks around the narrow pathways in his room, avoiding the fragile stacks of books that litter his floor. You sit on his bed and watch him anxiously, giving him the patience and time he needs to tell you what's bothering him. You're careful to give him space when he's in one of these moods; it was one of the stipulations you agreed to before he let you inside earlier.
"So, you were in the garden earlier with some of the stray cats, and Lucifer did...what, exactly?" You've been trying to piece together what happened between Satan and his brother earlier, but it's hard to make sense of his grumbled and disjointed complaints.
"He scared them away," Satan bites out angrily. "I wasn't even feeding them treats. I sprinkled some catnip for them. What's the problem with that?"
You know Lucifer complains about the stray cats that flock to the House of Lamentation if Satan feeds them when he's not supposed to. You know that Lucifer isn't a fan of cats in general. But, you also know that Lucifer wouldn't purposefully hurt any of the cats that make their way into the garden, and he's not usually this petty.
"Is it possible he thought you were feeding them? I don't think he would make such a big fuss if he knew you were only giving them catnip." Satan glances at you and you can tell he's not convinced by your explanation. "What if I go with you to talk to him?"
"Fuck him," Satan snarls as he keeps pacing in front of you, fists clenching open and closed at his sides.
Sigh. Maybe you can talk to Lucifer on your own. Things have been peaceful between them lately, and this is such a silly thing for them to be at odds over.
Satan watches you stand up from his bed with a defeated sigh. When you try to shuffle past him, he wraps his arms around you from behind and pulls you against his chest. There's a wave of warm energy around you, and you feel the familiar feathers of his true form against your back.
"You're not going to leave me to see him, are you?" his rough voice grates against your neck. "You should stay here."
"Tomorrow we're going to sort this out together," you tell him when you meet his gaze over your shoulder.
His hands on your hips tighten. "Fine. But tonight, you're mine."
"I think there's something wrong with your Akuzon account."
Levi asked you to pre-order the Dogi Maji anniversary bundle on his tablet, but the Submit Order button is greyed out every time you try to purchase it for him.
"Huh?" Levi spins around at his desk. He was doing some dungeons with his guild and you've been waiting for him to finish so you could watch anime together.
You tap the screen a few more times and shrug. "I don't know, it won't let me order anything."
Levi opens the Akuzon site on his second monitor and he sputters when he realizes what the problem is. "Lucifer put parental controls on the account again! Why would he do that?"
Of course. You knew Lucifer was upset at Levi for what happened earlier this week, and somehow his threat of punishment completely slipped your mind. "Well, you did summon Lotan on the RAD campus again..." you offer hesitantly.
"That wasn't my fault!" Levi argues loudly. He wilts a bit under your skeptical stare. "Okay, it wasn't completely my fault. Mammon took my rare Ruri-chan capsule figurine and wouldn't give it back."
You rub the back of your neck. You want to be sympathetic, you really do, but you can't necessarily blame Lucifer for his reaction either - an entire floor of the building was unusable due to the flooding.
"You know how Lucifer is, he'll change it back in a few days and we can order the game then."
"But what if it sells out before then?!" he shouts in frustration. "Fuck Lucifer!"
Levi rarely raises his voice like this to you, and he deflates immediately after his little outburst. "Wait–wait–wait!" he stammers quickly, launching himself out of his computer chair and into the empty seat beside you on the sofa. He holds your hands in his and squeezes so tightly that you wince. "I didn't mean that," he says imploringly, and his eyes dart around your face like he's nervous you don't believe him.
You mistakenly assume he's trying to apologize for getting so angry, and you pull him into a hug. "I know," and he nods against your shoulder. "What if I go to Purgatory Hall and order the game using Solomon's account instead?"
Levi sniffles and practically drags you into his lap. "Maybe later," he mumbles against your chest, the game temporarily shoved aside so he can keep you to himself instead. "What do you want to watch first?"
You flick on the light switch in Mammon's room and glare at him in annoyance. You warned him last night not to stay too late at the casino, and here he is, sleeping well past his alarm. At some point he chucked his D.D.D. across the room and promptly went back to sleep.
Great, now you're both going to be late, but for some reason, Lucifer seems to think herding Mammon to class is your responsibility. Lover's perks, you guess sarcastically as you stomp over to where the Avatar of Greed is snoring under a pile of blankets. One of his feet is dangling over the edge of the bed, and if you had more time, maybe slow, torturous tickles would teach him a lesson. For now, you grab the edge of his blankets and rip them off him in one smooth motion.
His eyes are still closed while his hands search blindly for the blankets that are on the floor by your feet. He's only in his boxers so the sudden gust of cool air against his skin makes him shudder. You feel a bit of petty satisfaction as you kick the blankets away for good measure.
"'m tired, goin' back to sleep, babe," he mumbles sleepily.
Well, at least he knows it's you, even if he is half-asleep.
"We're going to be so late for class, and Lucifer's going to kill me. Or you. Or both of us!" You wonder why Lucifer would send you to wake up Mammon, when his own threats of dangling him from the ceiling would probably be more effective. You guess waking Mammon up is meant to be your punishment for choosing to be with him of all demons in the first place.
Mammon groans and rolls over so you can't see him, but you can tell he's half-buried in his pillow when he grumbles, "Fuck 'em."
You throw up your hands and spin on your heel. "Fine, be that way," you snap. Your mood's already sour, and Lucifer's pestering and Mammon being himself isn't helping.
You should have enough time to grab something to eat and make it to class on time if you leave now. What you don't expect is for Mammon to not only get out of bed, but to somehow make it to the doorway before you do.
Damn, he's fast.
He's panting heavily and his eyes are clear now, his razor-sharp focus trained on you. You bump into his bare chest because you don't expect him to block your path. You open your mouth to ask what he's doing, but he leans forward and gives you a sloppy kiss instead. There's something almost desperate in the way his hands cradle your jaw and he drags his lips away from your mouth and dusts your cheeks and brow with feathery-soft kisses too.
"'m sorry," he mumbles, pulling you against him in a tight hug, "Wait for me while I get ready, yeah? Just, don’t–don’t leave. I’ll make it up to ya later, promise.”
Lucifer pauses outside your bedroom door when he realizes you're speaking to someone on the phone. His brothers are all studying in their rooms - or they should be, same as you. He wonders who could possibly be so interesting that you're ignoring your studies to talk to them instead.
He assumes it's Solomon or Simeon, and he can't decide which of those two options is worse. Not that he cares, of course.
Even through the door, he can hear you clearly. He feels the slightest sense of guilt when he recognizes the tired, sad tone in your voice. Some of his brothers failed the last set of exams, and perhaps he was too strict with you considering your own scores were satisfactory - excellent even, in some classes. He knows that you've been ignoring your extracurriculars and hobbies to focus on studying so you don't disappoint him like his siblings do.
He catches the tail-end of your conversation and decides it's definitely Solomon on the other line if you're being invited to human world outings.
"...yeah, I heard that movie is in theatres now too. I think it looks good, but I'm too busy with–look, maybe once exams are over we can go see it, okay? I think Satan might like to see it too...uh huh...alright, you too. G'night."
Silence follows, and before Lucifer can knock on your door, he hears you sigh and mutter quietly, "Ugh, these stupid exams. Fuck Lucifer."
Well, there's a thought, isn't it? He was going to offer to take you to Madam Scream's to pick up some of those cupcakes you like. He considers it for only a split second and decides he likes your idea even more. His lips curl into a feral smirk, and he knocks once before letting himself inside.
"Huh? Oh, hi, Lucifer. I'm just going to..." but your voice tapers off. Whatever you were going to say dies in your throat when he leans against your door and slides the lock into place.
"I missed you," he murmurs, a surprisingly honest (and to you, completely random) confession that causes your cheeks to darken slightly. You swallow thickly and stare when he brings his hand to his mouth and pulls his glove off with his fucking teeth. "I think you deserve a little reward for all your hard work, hm?"
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!reader
🌷: “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.” & “That was kind of hot.” & “How is my wife more badass than me?” with Jack.
warnings: toxic mother (readers mom), profanity
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as a mom, one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone else tries to parent my children. it happens most often with my own mother. she and i never had a great relationship, and i thought it may get better now that i have my own kids, but i was wrong, it’s only gotten worse.
she makes passive aggressive comments about Jack and i’s parenting choices, tries to undermine my decisions, and has even completely disregarded my words completely. but the real cherry on top is what’s happening right now.
Jack just got back from a roadie, and he was spending time with the kids when my mom showed up at our house. when i asked her what she was doing here, she said that she ‘thought i might need some help with the kids while Jack slept’. which rubbed me the wrong way because first of all, she knows he always sleeps on the plane so that he can play with Eli and Luella when he gets home; and second of all, she acts as if i don’t take care of my children all on my own the entire time he’s traveling.
“mom, what the hell?” i stage whisper, standing across from her in the kitchen. i glance out the kitchen doorway towards the living room, where Jack lays on the floor on his stomach, between our four year old and two year old, coloring with them. “you know full well that we’re perfectly fine.”
“well, i just wasn’t sure. you know, he spends so little time with them already, and he just got back from a long trip, i figured he would be tired. so i came over to take care of them so he could sleep.” she feigns innocence, raising her hands up in mock surrender.
“do you realize how bad he already feels about being away from them? he does the best that he can in order to spend as much time with them as possible, and you coming here, just assuming that he’d be giving up any time he has with them, is rude and disrespectful.” i tell her.
“well now that i’m here, i’d like to spend some time with my grandchildren.” she says.
“fine. whatever.” i storm out of the kitchen, and Jack’s head pops up when i walk back into the living room. his eyebrows raise at the sight of my irritated expression and i shake my head to tell him that i don’t wanna talk about it. his attention is pulled away when Eli calls for him, telling him to look at his drawing, and Jack praises our son’s art skills.
my mother follows me into the living room, and Luella stands to come show me her picture.
“look! mommy!” i crouch down, looking at her page of multicolored scribbles.
“it’s amazing, Lu! you did such a good job!” i tell her, my smile wide as i clap for her. she giggles and turns to show her grandmother the drawing, but my mom pays no attention to the art.
“oh, Luella.” my mother scolds. “look at your pretty dress, it’s all covered in popsicle. you have got to be more careful. and you shouldn’t have been eating a popsicle this early in the day.”
i roll my eyes. she can’t even help criticizing a two year old.
“she wanted one after lunch, and she did a good job with her food, so we gave her one, mom.” i tell her, my tone hostile.
“you need to stop giving them so much sugar.” she replies. “no wonder they have trouble listening. all that sugar and barely any adult supervision”
“they’re not your kids, back the fuck off.” i say lowly through a passive aggressive smile. “they have trouble listening sometimes because they’re children. and they have plenty of adult supervision.”
“i’m just trying to help you, y/n. lord knows you could use it.” she huffs. my eyes go wide as i look at Jack to see if he heard that, and i know he did because the muscle in his jaw ticks from clenching it. but i know he won’t say anything because he doesn’t want to offend his mother-in-law.
“Jack.” my words are sweet, but venom drips from my voice, and i square my shoulders to prepare for an argument. “can you please take Luella to get changed? and take Eli with you.”
my husband jumps up at my words, corralling our kids into Lu’s room.
“what the fuck is your problem?” my tone is harsh as i attempt to keep my voice down. “those are my children. if i needed your help, i would ask for it. i’m sick and tired of you coming over here and making comments about our parenting or judging my husband for how he takes care of our family. Jack loves his job. he loves hockey. and yes, he has to leave sometimes, for a week at most, but he is the best father to our children.”
“y/n-” she starts.
“no! i’m not done. if you want to continue to be a part of their lives, you’re going to stop with the passive aggressive comments. you’re going to quit undermining our authority. and for the love of god, you are going to stop criticizing my children! you already fucked up my childhood and i will not let you ruin theirs.” i’m nearly yelling at this point, my anger reaching new levels. “do i make myself clear?”
my mother huffs, eyeing me up and down before nodding.
“good. now i’d like for you to leave. i would like to spend time with my children, whom i love very much, and their amazing and selfless father.” i tell her. my mom spins around, stalking towards the front door and i don’t move until i hear the door shut. it’s then that i finally let my shoulders slump, heaving out a deep sigh.
Jack steps out of the kids room, the children trailing after him as he makes his way over to me. his hands grip my waist as he pulls me against him, a smirk gracing his lips.
“that was kind of hot. like, seriously, how is my wife more badass than me?” he leans down, pulling me in for a kiss. his lips are soft and taste like the grape popsicle he shared with Luella earlier. “you did great, baby.”
“you think so? i wasn’t too harsh?” i ask, tears stinging my eyes.
“no. you said what needed to be said. i’m so proud of you for standing up to her.” he mutters against my lips.
“thank you, babe.”
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bleucaesura · 2 months
After some brief and teary reunions, everyone had gathered in Blitzø’s room. The doctor had done a thorough examination of Blitzø a short while beforehand and was now ready to go over Blitzø’s prognosis and next steps with everyone.
The doctor paced in the middle of the room flipping through Blitzø’s chart while the others watched and waited.
Stolas stood at the head of the bed to Blitzø’s left, Fizzarolli to the right and Asmodeus lurked behind him.
Loona sat to Blitzø’s right. The M&Ms were to his left. Millie sat on the bed by his legs, Moxxie stood on a chair in front of Stolas.
Octavia chose the armchair out of the way, feeling less like part of the family, but still wanting to be there with everyone.
“What’s the matter with his eye?” Blitzø mumbled to no one in particular as he watched the doctor pace absentmindedly.
Asmodeus snorted and leaned down. “You hit him in your sleep.”
Blitzø looked up at him in surprise. “Did he deserve it?”
“We think so.” Fizzarolli grumbled.
“Good for me then,” Blitzø laughed.
His laugh startled the doctor and he seemed to realize he was still in a room full of people. Remembering he was supposed to be doing something the little goat began.
“We are going to need to keep Mr. Blitzø here for another two to four weeks during his initial recovery.”
“I’m sorry but WHAT?” Blitzø snapped.
“Darling. Please.” Stolas touched his shoulder and looked down at him pleadingly. Blitzø felt guilty so he sighed and shut his mouth.
“A head trauma and surgery like yours is serious.” The doctor continued. “Initial recovery is at least four to six weeks. And you’ll need to continue therapies for several months afterwards as well as…”
“MONTHS?!” Blitzø jolted upright. “The F*CK you SAY!”
“Dad!” Loona snapped at him.
Blitzø cringed. “Loony…?” He’d never seen her look at him like that before.
“Just listen to him.” Loona’s voice cracked. “Please.”
Blitzø saw the raw pain in her eyes.
I f*cked up…
He took her hand, squeezed it and smiled apologetically.
Stolas’s heart ached as he watched their exchange. “Please. Continue.” He told the doctor.
“Oh. Um. Yes.” The doctor blustered a moment and flipped through his papers. “As I was saying. During your initial recovery here at the hospital, we will run daily tests. We will have you doing congestive exercises to assess your mental well-being…”
Fizzarolli snorted.
Blitzø shot him a look and grinned.
Fizzarolli sat up ramrod straight, crossed his arms tight, sucked in his lips, and looked around in feigned surprise like “Oh my goodness! Who could have made that noise! How very rude of them!”
Blitzø rolled his eyes.
The doctor hadn’t noticed their exchange and had continued on, Blitzø having missed a chunk of information.
“That’s why it’ll be important for Mr. Blitzø to engage in activities that will stimulate his mind. Such as puzzles. Or interactive games. Doing art is also suggested.”
“Hear that, dad?” Loona squeezed his hand. “You can start doing your horsie doodles again!”
Blitzø smiled warmly back at her.
“Yes. Sure. Drawing is helpful.” The doctor said dismissively. “Listening to classical music or sometimes those broadway musicals is found to be helpful.”
Moxxie gasped and his eyes lit up. He slowly turned to look at Blitzø with his hands to his mouth.
Oh f*ck me…
“Siiiiiiir….” He was practically vibrating with excitement.
Satan f*cking dammit…
“F*ck. Okay FINE, Moxxie.” Blitzø heaved a dramatic sigh. “You can show me more of your SH*T…”
“REALLY SIR?!” Moxxie’s eyes were the size of saucers.
“F*cking doctor’s orders I guess…” Blitzø shrugged and rolled his eyes.
Moxxie squealed and clapped excitedly. He started whispering to Millie about things he thought he should share with Blitzø. Millie smiled and basked in her husband’s joy.
Blitzø smiled to himself.
So f*cking easy to please…
“Just please avoid too much screen time and loud sounds. Moderation is key.”
“Anything else doctor?” Stolas asked.
“No physical exertion or over-stimulation.” He said offhandedly while looking through Blitzø’s file.
Everyone shunted a shifty eye at Blitzø and then Stolas. Blitzø didn’t notice. Stolas did and blushed horribly.
“Otherwise, that’s about it. I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you. And someone will be by to help with the catheter and possible bathing.”
Blitzø cringed at the mention of his catheter but tried to play it off. “Oooo. Sponge bath? I hope I’ve at least been getting bathed by a sexy nurse this whole time.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Everyone giggled and snickered.
“What?” Blitzø looked around at everyone. “What am I missing?”
“Absolutely nothing, dad.” Loona patted him on the leg. “I think Via and I are gonna hit the caf for a coffee.” She gave Stolas a wink as she and Via headed out.
Blitzø turned to look at Stolas.
The f*ck is she on about…
Stolas was beet red.
Blitzø blushed and quickly looked away.
Millie grinned watching the two of them being embarrassed.
“Come on, Mox. Why don’t we pop on home and you can get some of your stuff together for Blitzø?” She hopped off the bed and gestured to the door.
“Great idea!” He jumped off the chair, then turned to wave to Blitzø. “We’ll be back later!”
The M&Ms scuttled off into the hall, Moxxie excitedly chattering to Millie about everything he wanted to grab from home for Blitzø.
“Whelp! That’s our cue!” Fizzarolli leaned over and hugged Blitzø, and whispered “I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Thanks, Fizz.” Blitzø hugged him tight.
Asmodeus gave an amiable nod and scooped Fizzarolli up in his arms as they walked out of the room.
Stolas and Blitzø existed in awkward silence.
“So… You bathed me, huh?” Blitzø peeked up at Stolas.
“I uh… Well you see… I didn’t…” Stolas babbled and stammered. He couldn’t find the words. He felt like he was floundering.
Blitzø started to laugh. He laughed so hard he began to cry.
Stolas stood there dumbfounded.
“Oh f*ck!” Blitzø grabbed his head. “Ok… Add ‘Don’t laugh too hard’ to the list of stuff I’m not supposed to do.”
Blitzø cringed, held his head and looked up at Stolas sheepishly.
Stolas smiled meekly and shook his head.
Blitzø reached out and took one of his hands. “I’m giving you a hard time.”
Stolas blushed.
“Truth be told, I’d definitely rather have had you tending to me than some stranger.”
Stolas sat down beside his bed. “I wanted to maintain as much of your privacy as possible. There was no need for you to be exposed or on display…” His voice trailed off.
“Jealous?” Blitzø waggled his eyebrows jokingly.
Stolas averted his gaze, feeling ashamed.
Oh sh*t…
Blitzø blushed.
“Yes. I was…” Stolas mumbled. “I’m sorry I was so small and petty.”
Blitzø reached out and touched Stolas’s chin, turning his head so Stolas had to face him. Blitzø smiled tenderly.
“I’d be jealous too.”
Stolas stared at him in wide-eyed bewilderment.
Blitzø raised an eyebrow. “You look confused?”
“I must admit… I am a little…” Stolas said quietly.
Blitzø closed his eyes, sighed and shook his head.
“Wh…What is it?” Stolas stammered.
Blitzø grabbed his chin and pulled him down into a kiss.
Stolas melted. It had been so long since they’d kissed. His mind went blank and all there was was the two of them.
Stolas leaned over the bed, reached out a shaking hand and stroked Blitzø’s cheek.
Blitzø sighed and opened his mouth to kiss him deeper.
Stolas moaned.
Blitzø let go of Stolas’s chin and ran both his hands through Stolas’s feathers, grabbing the back of his head and neck to pull him closer; kiss him even deeper.
They could feel each other’s heartbeats racing. The air grew thick and heavy.
Stolas began to feel light headed and an alarm bell went off in his head “No over-exertion or over-stimulation!”.
So just as abruptly as it began, it ended. Stolas broke the kiss. They looked at each other with bleary, dazed, lustful eyes.
Blitzø took a ragged breath and touched his forehead to Stolas’s.
“I’d be jealous too.” Blitzø whispered. “Cuz you’re too f*cking pretty, Stolas. I’ll never want to share you with anyone else.”
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tksavvy · 7 months
⚡Electric Eel Cookie Headcanons👠
(A little heads up, this will contain swearing. If you are not into that, don't read this list! Something else...please heart this post if you want a follow-up fic! I am actually in the mood of writing one...and besides, I feel like I'm probably the only one here who's into Cookie Run...)
Now, onto business!
Notes: Tough Lee, Cheeky Ler
Tickle Notes: My dude is too extreme of a lee to not tickle oh my dear god. His ler side, however...
Another one of my favorites, I loved the concept of an electricity themed Cookie and now we have one and I live for him.
⚡Lee!Electric Eel headcanons🔌
-Remember the last post I made? Yeah? Then, we're going to ignore the fact that Eel is literally Lee backwards? No. You know what that means, boys. He's a lee, and that's that.
-On the tickle scale, he's a 117/10.
-He only wants to get tickled by the people he's formed a relationship with. Example: friends, lover, best friends. Acquaintances are fine too, but moderately. Strangers are completely out of the list.
-When he's in a lee mood, he gets embarrassed more than usual, he gets fidgety and usually tends to lie about it. He gets found out by Mocha Ray and Abyss Monarch most of the time.
-Abyss Monarch: hello there, Elec. I'm gonna wreck you completely!
Electric Eel: (Oh shit, I am going to fucking die.)
*Abyss Monarch then proceeds to obliberate his sides, and armpits...and uses his tickly tentacles on his neck and ribs and restrains his arms with some other tentacles*
(someone draw this please. not forcing you!)
-speaking of, keep the kids away cuz bro has a habit of swearing (especially saying the f word) a lot when wrecked. I like to keep stuff family friendly here, but I gotta do it man...
-Eleco (yup that's his nickname now) tends to spurt out jolts of electricity when laughing too hard. For example, grab the ribs and nibble them. Trust me, always works. You're gonna need to remember that later...
-Death spots are his ribs, underbelly, and neck (not to mention his sides also)
-my dude gets extremely flustered over his ticklishness...especially when around a friend of his...or around his fellow guardians...
-also his scars are rlly ticklish. (and a good spot, especially the ones on his ribs and underbelly!!) often squeals and melts into a puddle of giggles when tkled there.
*[C/N] proceeds to get the scars*
-"Wait, not the scars! Not--THE SCAHAHARS!!" -⚡
-Lobster, Abyss Monarch, and Mocha Ray once ganged up on him. Lobster was in charge of restraining the dude, Abyss grabbed the sides and Mocha Ray restrained his legs and I am not saying anything past that. as you may have guessed, mocha ray got his feet and she used tools. more precisely, an electric toothbrush and a small feather. Yes, they got the scars.
-He tried to get revenge on Abyss Monarch, only to find out he isn't ticklish except for two major spots, and get tickled relentlessly.
-Every single time he does that, it ends in him getting tkled.
-The first and only time he succeeded to catch him off guard was when he did a small raspberry on his neck and also squeezed his sides, and he let out a squeal. (it was his neck.)
-He definitely needs aftercare, no matter how long you did it for.
-Remember that headcanon with the jolts in it? Well, the more electricity he generates, the more sensitive he becomes (unfortunately for him, and fortunately for all the people out there that are in an extreme ler mood today and need a burst of energy. Yo, anybody have some tools?!)
-weaknesses: getting teased (gets even more flustered if it's abt ticklishness), anticipation, nibbling (especially on his weak spots, especially especially when you make that "nonmnomnom" sound), tools(???), raspberries, rib counting
-"...You goddamn son of a biHI-" -⚡
🔌Ler! Electric Eel aka Vagabond Cookie 2.0 headcanons ⚡
-"I'm gonna getcha~! Hehehehe!!" -⚡
-that last phrase was him in one sentence.
-Even though he's a huge lee, Eleco can be a devious ler sometimes. Trust me, he does not know the definition of the word mercy.
-And get ready, because if the mood hits him, he WILL get revenge on you. And it won't be merciful...
-He pokes his lee's sides usually when they're off guard. Three pokes, and you know what happens.
-He plans surprise tickle attacks on Abyss, instantly targeting his neck since it's the only good spot he knows.
-He usually tkls people until he's tired or he feels like they can't do it anymore.
-Loves teasing his lees. (especially when he hits a weak spot)
-"Not there? Too bad, I'm going all out now and you can't escape~!" -⚡
-As I said, he doesn't know who that guy called mercy is. Too bad for you!
-usually tends to poke people's sides just to see their reaction (more commonly Lobster)
-Tends to have tickle fights with Mocha Ray (which he sometimes wins, sometimes loses)
-Smirks and teases with direct eye contact (especially when his lee is absolutely flushed. BRO CAN GET FLUSTERING AF-)
-"Aw, is someone flustered~?" -⚡
-also tends to use the r-word on his lees when he feels like it.
-oh and he also uses that tuft at the end of his long hair to tkl the lee's stomach or sides or behind their knees.
-tools: fingers, hair (sometimes), nibbles, raspberries
-In conclusion, he is extremely devious. Be careful with him.
Any requests for headcanons? File 'em in!
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Numbers and Algorithm
We’re back at it again with the Ted Talk! I found the last one very cathartic as it touched upon things I’ve felt a whole lot in the past, so I’m gonna pluck another struggle out and try and talk it through, with the hope of maybe opening a heart or changing a toxic mindset or two.
Something I’ve found is that social media, in terms of algorithm, is a giant, sometimes stressful, fast train that never ever stops. You gotta cling onto it for dear life if you wanna stay on, and you gotta catch it at the right times to be successful. And that success? It’s reflected in numbers. Likes. Subscribers. Followers. Kudos. Bookmarks. You name it. The system is engraved into almost every interactive platform—and especially the ones where people share their creativity/work.
With a heavy, stubborn heart, I’m gonna say f*ck the numbers. I can’t think of another aspect of social media that messes with your brain and heart and self-esteem more. They can both cause an absolute heyday, jumping for joy, reaching the clouds, and crush your soul at the same exact time. And the thing is that it’s not something you can turn off either; when you’re on social media, I think we naturally want that attention, and that validation, and want to see our work balloon with high numbers. It’s toxic, it’s a little dangerous to the heart, but it’s a part of the contract when you sign up for the posting stuff online game. Needless to say, the most dangerous part of this system is what happens when those numbers don’t even reach the double digits. And what happens when we see others reach the thousands.
Imagine spending weeks on a drawing; you pour so much time and effort and love into it, and along the way, you can’t help but think how well it’s going to do online. It’s fanart of a beloved character! It’s funny! It’s great! All that excitement and anticipation pushes you forward, until the day that it’s done. Then you post it. The post accumulates 5 likes; zero retweets, zero comments, zero anything after the first day. That is… not a fun time. It crushes you. It makes you think what did you do wrong? Why is is not good enough to be viral? Then, to make matters worse, you go and see a meme of stick figures that reaches 900 likes—from a person who doesn’t have a huge following to begin with. Maybe even one that’s smaller than yours.
Whooh boy… jealously is such a big part of this. It’s such a big part of me, and I can try to deny it till the day I die. And I got that speeding train to blame for that (or a least a big chunk of it; I got my own problems). But… what do you do about this then? Well, something that’s helped me, something I’ve forced myself to nail into my head, is to accept two things: One, is that sometimes people just hit the algorithm right, catch that train at the right time, and you don’t. Something explodes in popularity because it was timed right with a trailer that just dropped, or an anniversary, or whatever. It’s how the game goes. Two, is that it’s important to remember that these people who snowball those big numbers, well, there’s a reason they did. I find that I can become blind to this because of envy—and that’s no good. People put time, and effort, and love into projects, and people will recognize that. Maybe the artist of that stick figure meme has an amazing sense of humor my brain refused to recognize. Sometimes you just have to plaster on a smile and support someone else who performed better than you, because ignoring/even trying to look for flaws in their work out of spite is incredibly unkind. Something else I’ve found is that when you praise someone, even if it doesn’t originally come from a sincere place, you might find yourself appreciating others’ work for real. And when that happens, that envy will begin to ebb <3
Finally, and similarly to praise, a huge factor of all of this is expectation. Expecting that fanart to do amazingly well, expecting that story to be gushed about, expecting people to care. The problem lies in what happens when those things aren’t met. Setting expectations is a subliminal thing, and not really something we control. But at the same time, it’s important to not get carried away with them—because that’s where the heartache starts. More than anything, you have to know your work is special, and meaningful, and worth it, without numbers reflecting that. Numbers will not always reflect the time and effort put into something, but that does not mean you did not spend a month writing a single chapter for a story.
We can’t mediate ourselves into telling ourselves we don’t care about numbers—it’s too big of a player in the game. And it’s absolutely okay to accept the hurt that comes with it; stifling it and pretending it means nothing may make you feel worse inside. Truthfully, as long as you know how hard you worked on something, and that worth is not defined by a thumbs up or hearts, then you will be just fine <3 You are hardworking, and strong, and worth a million likes on any platform. And you are incredibly, incredibly brave for putting your work out there!
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xdruby1234 · 11 months
hello there friends
Hi! I'm ruby from Yt!
If you don't recognize me or don't know my at all. here is my link to my channel:
Yes, I am a gachatuber on yt but I will do artwork on here.
Normal facts about me!
My birthday is on January 29th, so I am an Aquarius :DD
My favorite color is purple!
Im an artist (kinda-)
I am lonely :'( *sheds a tear* (Jk)
I'm a weirdo-
I am HYPER!!! (I'm not joking straight up-)
I have a weird obsession with cookies(like blue /j)
I also love hugs :D
I don't know what else to but TvT
This is a ship free Acc! But if you do want you can ask for small shipping
(unless it's something that you can't ship at all or its bad)
Im in two Fandoms!
AvA/AvM and minecraft creepypasta/monsters school
The two are separate AUs. (I might add more soon but unsure)
Other Aus!
Normal AvA/AvM AU
AvA/AvM The plants AU
AvA/AvM gods/goddesses AU(no links yet)
Normal MC creepypasta/monster school AU
Sometimes I might add my OCs, just sometimes.
You can ask me anything! and art request me anything! Straight up! No need to be afraid! :)
Stuff that you can't art request/ask me:
ships (unless just hugs, cuddling and something not too serious like kissing)
N$FW (it's kinda like ships tho-)
Nothing too strange- (anything funny is fine though!)
Personal stuff (like age asking unless it's for the characters of my AU or OC)
Stuff that is allowed for drawing req/asks:
Friendship :)
Persona/OCs (so you can make me draw you and stuff)
Cracked jokes- (cuz their funny as f*ck-)
Angst (I guess...?)
Stories (I will try)
AND MOREEEE!! Idk what else to add so- (also just don't ask me of stuff from the above)
Thats it really! So enjoy my Tumblr :)))
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jules-hime · 1 year
Where I´ve been
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Hey beautiful people of Tumblr! Just wanted to check in and tell you a little bit about what i´ve been doing and if ill continue posting art! These past couple of months have been very difficult for me, struggling with mental health, feeling really stressed with my last steps of graduating college. Once i finished my last thesis work, a big cloud of sadness, and anxiety occupied my mind, and all of a sudden i had to stop doing everything. Couldn´t draw, couldn't create, or think about making art, neither enjoying entering social media and watching other artists that once inspired me. I felt real scared, anxious, feeling that i was never going to achieve anything, or that my future was not as promising as i once imagined. I guess what overwhelmed me was the question of "whats next?" once i finished doing a project that took me years, which is me graduating from art school. I don´t know if anyone ever felt that sense of emptiness after graduating, but i felt it HARD. Couldn´t get out of bed, couldn´t enter social media because everywhere i looked everybody else was making something, sharing their progress, their success, in art, or in life in general, and i was just laying in my bed trying to simply exist and not fear everything.
I guess this was just my body and mind forcing me to stop, to rest, to digest everything that happened in these years, that i never stopped one second to accept or even see how i felt about, like the pandemic, personal problems, my thesis project which was STRESSFUL AS F*CK. Anyways, sometimes we need to stop and rest, and i hope i didn´t have to get to that point where my own body forces me to do so, but i also think it was much needed. To acknowledge my feelings, my stress (i used to think there was no time to be anxious or worry because i had so much to get done, and i couldn´t stop to cry or let myself relax), my anxiety (i do have so many fears that, i imagine, were just waiting the exact moment i finished being busy to rush in all together), that my body did need some rest, a vacation from all the work, and that sometimes its more about the journey than the finish line.
I feel like this is the first time i open up on the internet about something so personal! And im really happy about it!
Of course now i am feeling much better, those days of not being able to get out of bed passed, and i can now sit on my computer to write this! Which i think is just an improvement and feel so proud of that. I learned these months (researching about and anxiety and how to deal with it) that maybe success might look like achieving all of our goals, but it can also look like finally being able to get out of bed and simply going for a walk, being able to take a break and just breathe. So i would like to remind everyone that its important to take breaks, rest, take care of ourselves, listening to our bodies and what they are trying to tell us. Your mental and physical health always come first, no matter what, you always come first, and your value is not defined of what you can achieve, you are important just for existing, and living your life in whatever way you think best!
Sooo about my art, of course i´ll keep sharing my art! I see there´s more art of mine to come next year, because im feeling like creating a lot! So stay tuned, thanks for every type of support you gave me this year, and hope you have a great New Year and always take care of yourselves! See you next year!
Jules :D
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Hell Here
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Netflix has finally released a trailer for the long awaited Wednesday and i have to say, i love it! Listen, I've been a fan of the Addams Family for years. Long before those two excellent films (I'll get to those in am minute) i used to watch the old Fifties show religiously. It came on during the afternoon, right before Fox Kids Club. I watched The Munsters, The Addams Family, The Andy Griffith Show, and The Beverly Hillbillies. The standout for me was, of course, The Addams Family. When the Nineties films released, i was all over them. Already accustomed to the macabre shenanigans of these gothic good-fellows, i absolutely gravitated toward these more campy, eccentric, takes on the characters. I loved these films and my favorite character in them was, Wednesday. I literally fell in love with Wednesday Addams and developed an actual crush of Christina Ricci, one that I've held to this day. Suffice it to say, i am looking forward to what Netflix had planned but, more than that, it was cosigned by Tim Burton.
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I really have to get around to that list of my favorite directors because there are plenty but Burton is up there. I love this dude’s style. I love the approach he takes to making his films. Burton basically makes live action cartoons. That’s it. That’s the draw. It makes sense as he got started as an animator at Disney but got canned because of his WAY too gothic sensibilities. The man crafts amazingly visual fairy tales and you absolutely have to respect the f*ck out of that. His films, however morbid, macabre, or weird, never disappoint. Even his stop motion work puts others to shame. Beetlejuice, James and the Giant Peach, A Nightmare Before Christmas, his two Bat-flicks, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Mars Attacks are all favorites. I trust in this man’s ability to craft a wonderful cinematic experience and look forward to what he contributes to Wednesday as a producer. I enjoy Tim Burton and, as a black dude, some cats might find that odd. Others, problematic.
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Tim Burton doesn’t cast black people in his films. Hell, he doesn’t cast anyone of color, really. Like, Billy Dee Williams got to be Harvey Dent in the first Batman but, of the top of my head, that’s it. Everyone else is either Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder, or Helena Bonham Carter. For me, i get it. The aesthetic Burton uses does not lend itself to those with melanin. In this man’s entire filmography, four films have had people of color in them. Cats are piling on the dude for being literally anti-black, which can be a thing. When asked about this lack of diversity in his films, Burton did himself no favors with his ridiculous answer but i get it. Dude leans heavy into German Expressionism. Striking whites to contrast exaggerated sets and costumes. Colors are as much a character as the actors and the palette Burton chooses to use does not allot for a lot of wiggle room in the melanin department. I get it. I don’t like it but i get it.
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Burton is an artist. He is, by definition, an auteur director. If he doesn’t want to cast colored folk in his lily white films, that’s fine. I can’t be mad at a guy for following his creative inspiration, even if that inspiration is devoid of anything resembling representation. Does this mean Tim Burton is racist? I don’t think so. I don’t think Burton hates black people. I think he’s just comfortable with his deathly pale white folks. Do i think his films are problematic for their lack of diversity? Personally? No. If you get mad at Burton, you have to get mad at Peele because it’s kind of the same thing. More than that, Burton is really f*cking good at his goddamn job, man. I never once questioned why there weren’t any black folks in his movies because they were, very obviously, cartoons to me. Everything was surreal and exaggerated, so it was easy to accept that no one who looked like me, lived in those worlds. Besides, what black person is going to live in a place like Sleepy Hollow? What person of color is about to hire f*cking Beetlejuice to exorcise some ghosts or whatever?
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Ultimately, i don’t think Time Burton has malice in his heart when he excludes people of color from his films. I think he just doesn’t believe they fit the look of the narrative he’s trying to tell. For me, it’s as simple as that. But I'm not a Zoomer and i did grow up on this man’s stuff. I have a much thicker skin for things like that because i grew up during a time when i needed one. I do love the fact that the youth are questioning the sh*t i took for granted, though. I love that they are challenging the status quo. Burton should be called out on this bullsh*t. He deserve to answer these hard questions but does his lack of diversity tarnish his filmography for me? Not at all. He’s still one of my favorite directors and i thank him every day of my life for vacuum sealing Michelle Pfeiffer into that catsuit.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Is it okay If i ask for three ships? Grishaverse, The 100 and harry potter.
Things About me:
I'm 5'3, isfp hufflepuff (does that matter??)
I like drawing, I am a bit of an artist stuck in art block but i draw whenever I'm inspired. I indulge in listening to music a lot since I don't really like silence when I'm alone for too long. For that being said, I like spending my time alone usually but sometimes I like the company of someone I'm close to. To be said I'm a bit of a loner and really quiet to the point someone might think I'm mute but I just don't have much or know what to talk about. I'm friendly, a bit timid and shy but I like being kind to others and don't mind discarding my plans for them. I tend to be angry or annoyed easily whenever I'm with people I don't really feel good about. At times I can be cranky and grumpy but I soften as well. I dislike going to the same place or doing the same things, It usually ruins my day like that, another thing i dislike are people with no morals. I also have a bit of fear of dogs and heights. Whenever I get excited I'm usually more talkative and open but later regretting it after. But overall I'm chill! I think abour what people think of be as a lot since I'm afraid of them thinking I'm weird. I can say I'm a bit of a people pleaser becausee I like being kind to people. I can be emotional and sensitive and get overwhelmed easily in big situations. I try to help as much as i can in situations even if it overwhelms me.
I hope didn't overshare 💀💀
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋
Hey! Thank you so so much for participating my love <3
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Reserved/prefer to be around certain people ⋆ Stands up for what they believe in ⋆ Adaptable ⋆ Independent ⋆ Loyal
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Mal doesn't like the spotlight, he doesn't want to be with someone who he has to share with anyone else. And I think that's how you guys would connect. You said you don't like large groups and I really think he doesn't either. He prefers one on one.
・He likes to gift you things; your favourite food, jewellery, scarves, etc. Anything he thinks you'll like
・Will go to the ends of the earth to protect you
・Can see when you get nervous/overwhelmed and helps you instantly. Taking you aside and doing the deep breathing aid.
・Having a very flirty relationship
・Spending ALOT of time alone with each other - to the point where you forget that there is other people in the world
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎
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I chose John Murphy because I think you match well with characters who feel the strong need to protect/care for those they care about. However, it's different. Not like Clarke or Bellamy where they care for the whole group, no. With Murphy it's only you he cares about. Only you he would save the world for. Everyone else can suck it.
・Probably being quiet enemies at first. Like you just went along with the group, hating Murphy. It wasn't until you got to know him that you felt comfortable enough to show your true opinions/personality.
・He LOVES seeing you smile!!!!!
・Expect him to throw hands at anyone who makes you uncomfortable
・It's you two against the world
・Knowing what each other is thinking without the other having to say a word
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I think Neville would be the best out of all these ships for you. In terms of you suited your personality, your likes and dislikes - especially the fact that you like to have your alone time. Or rather, spend your time with selective people.
・Stands up for you no matter what - he will always have your back and defend you.
・PROTECTIVE AF; doesn't let anyone f*ck with his baby.
・Will literally take you anywhere you want to go; listens to your problems, I definitely feel like Neville would be the best bf
・HAND HOLDING HAND HOLDING OMG. Kissing your knuckles, the palm of your hand, the back of your hand
・Spending time together but no need for conversation. You can be doing completely different things but there's a comfortability between the two of you, that no one has to talk.
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gryph-the-gryphon · 3 months
talk between Gryph n 1 of the Gryphon spirits no1 gives a damn about this Gryph Gryph: haha no1 gives a damn about me Gryph: tho Gryph doesn't need to tbh Gryphon: have u thought it may be bc of tumblr Gryph: huh Gryphon: bc Gryphon: no1 finds newbies here Gryphon: it's all with the most notes Gryph: Gryph doesn't care about notes Gryphon: no Gryphon: tho if u think no1 gives a damn about u Gryphon: it's coz they don't know u exist Gryph: how can u say this after several years Gryph: inc tumblr not working for Gryph Gryph: for several years Gryph: n in other soc media Gryph: years with 0 interest Gryphon: coz they don't know u exist Gryph: after many years some1 shud have found Gryph Gryphon: ye Gryphon: some1 Gryphon: tho like u n me we talk about those Gryphon: who want to see u Gryph: like if any1 wants to see Gryph lmao Gryphon: then who r u talking to now then Gryph: Gryphon: ^V^ Gryph: i don't need any1 Gryph: tho there's 1 thing tho Gryph: Gryph's loses internet fast Gryph: bc in this current life Gryph: u can't survive alone Gryph: at least not for long Gryph: several years n my time's soon over Gryph: n the so called irl Gryph: there's no place for the Gryphons there Gryph: every1 hunts the Gryphons Gryph: like in all the stereotypical Gryphon fantasy stories Gryph: by those who don't draw the Gryphons exclusively Gryph: the Gryphons r monsters Gryph: instead of kind beasts Gryph: n besides Gryph: why wud any1 care about me Gryph: except u of course Gryphon: 1 reason some1 cud care about u Gryphon: 's bc u urself said u r still here after several years Gryphon: after no-one Gryphon: now tell me exactly do any other ppl even exist Gryphon: who waste their lives in this so called place internet Gryphon: for several years Gryphon: w no followers Gryphon: w no likes other than random Gryphon: w no reblogs other than bots Gryphon: u urself have thought what does it mean to give up Gryphon: it doesn't always mean to shut down Gryphon: coz u can't shut down this easy Gryphon: tho i guarantee u Gryphon: for many ppl Gryphon: not using this internet anymore Gryphon: is what is 2 give up Gryphon: now i know u Gryph u can't give up bc the Gryphons r too dear for u Gryphon: all i say's Gryphon: i'd be surprised Gryphon: if some1 didn't eventually notice this Gryphon: what u do's so strange Gryphon: lots of ppl want to find out Gryphon: the f*ck goes on Gryphon: goes this isn't normal Gryphon: coz ppl Gryphon: require to b excited Gryphon: in the current world Gryphon: which tries to kill every1 mentally Gryph: u forget something Gryph: what u know too Gryph: while Gryph wud like 2 talk with others Gryph: while Gryph wud rly like 2 try n make some1 feel better Gryph: atm Gryph: Gryph fears of this thing Gryph: u know rly well too Gryph: the thing Gryph: about the Gryphons Gryphons: Gryph: any1 else who does anything about the Gryphons Gryph: gets lots of notes Gryph: lots of likes Gryph: always at least 1 reply Gryph: reblogged into oblivioun Gryph: wo Gryph Gryph: n this's why Gryph Gryph: feels like Gryph's going 2 die Gryph: coz no1 has put the years of time into the Gryphons Gryph: more years before Gryph even cut access this device called the internet Gryph: Gryph thinks about u the Gryphons daily Gryph: several times each day Gryph: respects u Gryph: writes nice things about the Gryphons only Gryph: then other ppl Gryph: who do anything about the Gryphons Gryph: ignore Gryph Gryph: think Gryph's a creep Gryph: hate Gryph Gryph: so no wonder why Gryph's rly sad Gryph: if the others can't like all the Gryphons
Gryphon: well i make sure all of them will like u ok ^V^ Gryphon: n i make sure all of them think about Gryph the Gryphon Gryphon: always when they think even anything about the Gryphons Gryph: haha nice 1 Gryph: u don't mean it Gryphon: * hugs Gryph hard * Gryph: ^v^ Gryphon: u don't get most of the things u want immediately Gryphon: tho when ur Gryphon heart's set for the most important things Gryphon: eventually these desires must happen Gryphon: bc these exist Gryphon: n if something exist Gryphon: it may be slow Gryphon: tho eventually it must break out Gryphon: bc nothing can defend forever against Gryphon: the true wills wishes n desires Gryphon: which never disappear and which will soon attack Gryphon: n start to make u feel pain Gryphon: like what u have at the moment Gryphon: bc the Gryphons matter to u Gryph Gryphon: more than anything else Gryphon: if this Gryphon energy constantly spreads out from Gryph Gryphon: why wud any1 draw the Gryphon n not use this energy Gryphon: if this equals to the Gryphon Gryphon: why wud some1 draw the Gryphon who's not the Gryphon Gryphon: how cud someone draw the Gryphon who's actually not the Gryphon Gryphon: what u must do tho Gryph Gryphon: 's to spend more time with the Gryphons Gryphon: n not waste time n try 2 think about what to write Gryphon: bc the true source of ur Gryphon writings Gryphon: why wudn't u ask the Gryphons about what to write Gryphon: instead of u 2 wait something Gryphon: which eventually happens Gryphon: trust the Gryphons instead Gryphon: n plz don't waste time Gryphon: it's not good for u Gryphon: n takes u away from the Gryphons Gryphon: n importantly Gryphon: the others who draw the Gryphons don't even notice u Gryphon: if u don't try 2 attract the others Gryphon: like how the Gryphons do 2 attract any1 Gryph: so if some1 reads this wud they think Gryph's loopy Gryphon: ofc tho then all the Gryphons r loopy anyway so we wud all lose then ^V^ Gryph: ^v^
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mg-dango · 4 months
Do you want to take a moment to be infodumped about my TF2 OC? (pls say yes)👉👈
YOOOOO Hi I’m not dead (yet)
College’s been eating me alive with homework, which hasn't allowed me to finish a single drawing or play video-games, not even sleep more than 4 hours haha (send help/j)
HOWEVER- However, I recently got an hyperfixation on TF2 and oh lord I love it, I could talk about it all day. I´ve been reading fanfiction, watching gameplays and SFM videos on youtube. I don't how could I've missed this fandom before iT’S CRAZY-
And like everytime I get so engaged on a fandom, I try to self-insert me with art, and then like everytime I try to self-insert me everytime, it fails miserably because the mf fictional interpretations of me start growing their own characteristics, differences and personalities and when I less expect it- BOOM, they´re a totally new OC with little to no hints of me in them. 
Sooo this is exactly how this OC I wanna present you today was born, usually I just wait until I have 2 or 3 drawings of them and then I present them with little to no explanation on social media, but since my current free time is not letting me do anything and I’ve been dying to infodump about them, I said “f-ck it we ball” and just straight up tell you guys what I have made of this new blorbo until now:
NOTE: Some of the things about this oc are a bit stereotypical about Japanese culture, I apologize and if something makes you feel uncomfortable/bothered about it, please let me know!
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Like her name suggests, she is a chef, originary from Japan. The story I currently have for her now is that Miss Pauling temporally wanted to hire a cook to boost the morale on the base, and Chef enthusiastically took the job after being kicked out of cooking school, there was one problem tho
Chef only knows to cook one single thing and It’s sushi, like, if she tries making something else, that thing ends up transforming into some kind of sushi-like thing (Like sushi-getti, sushi-taco, even sushi-sandvich and sushi-cereal).
The team at one point gets sick of always eating sushi, but for some reason (I´m still thinking of the reason) they can't fire her from her new job so they just end up making her a new member of the team
Which is actually bananas because Chef comes from a family of ninjas (I´m still thinking on the lore of that too)
Also here's the thing, everyone on the team thinks that Chef is a man, she was about to correct them but instead she discovered she liked being referred also with masculine pronouns and being perceived as a man so instead she's just internally having an identity crisis figuring out her gender while keeping it a secret.
She's been trying to avoid medic for that same reason, she hasn't gotten her übercharge-thing surgery yet because then Medic would have to see her chest and her secret would spill out
(I actually doubt medic or any other member would mind having a woman on the team but still ohhh the drama)
She can throw smoke bombs that are made of wasabi, uses an Oroshi Hocho (A knife used to cut tuna) as a sword and can make a temporary clone of herself (I’m sorry if this sounds a bit like a Mary Sue I got too excited)
Chef is Aroace (‘Cause I'm aro and I wanted an aro oc to make me feel represented), she values A LOT friendships and platonic relationships.
She likes hanging out with scout bc she thinks he is simply goofy and hilarious and a funny idiot (ur honor they’re homies)
Annnd that's all I have of Chef for now, probably gonna be changing a lot of things the longer I draw her but uh, If you have come to this part and took the bother to read all this infodumping, I wanna hug u virtually and say “thank u” I really appreciate you <3
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Hell Here
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Netflix has finally released a trailer for the long awaited Wednesday and i have to say, i love it! Listen, I've been a fan of the Addams Family for years. Long before those two excellent films (I'll get to those in am minute) i used to watch the old Fifties show religiously. It came on during the after noon, right before Fox Kids Club. I watched The Munsters, The Addams Family, The Andy Griffith Show, and The Beverly Hillbillies. The standout for me was, of course, The Addams Family. When the Nineties films released, i was all over them. Already accustomed to the macabre shenanigans of these gothic good-fellows, i absolutely gravitated toward these more campy, eccentric, takes on the characters. I loved these films and my favorite character in them was, Wednesday I literally fell in love with Wednesday Addams and developed an actual crush of Christina Ricci, one that I've held to this day. Suffice it to say, i was looking forward to what Netflix had planned but, more than that, it was cosigned by Tim Burton.
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I really have to gt around to that list of my favorite directors because there are plenty but Burton is up there for me. I love this dude’s style. I love the approach he takes to making his films. Burton basically makes live action cartoons. That’s it. That’s the draw. It makes sense as he got started as an animator at Disney but got canned because of his WAY too gothic sensibilities. The man crafts amazingly visual fairy tales and you absolutely have to respect the f*ck out of that. His films, however morbid, macabre, or weird, never disappoint. Even his stop motion work puts others to shame. Beetlejuice, James and the Giant Peach, A Nightmare Before Christmas, his two Bat-flicks, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Mars Attacks are all favorites. I trust in this man’s ability to craft a wonderful cinematic experience and look forward to what he contributes to Wednesday as a producer. Now, i enjoy Tim Burton and, as a black dude, some cats might find that odd. Other, problematic.
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Tim Burton doesn’t cast black people in his films. Hell, he doesn’t cast anyone of color, really. Like, Billy Dee Williams got to be Harvey Dent in the first Batman but, of the top of my head, that’s it. Everyone else is either Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder, or Helena Bonham Carter. For me, i get it. The aesthetic Burton uses does not lend itself to those with melanin. In this man’s entire filmography, four films have had people of color in them. Cats are piling on the dude for being literally anti-black, which can be a thing. When asked about this lack of diversity in his films, Burton did himself no favors with his ridiculous answer but i get it. Dude leans heavy into German Expressionism. Striking whites to contrast exaggerated sets and costumes. The colors are as much a character as the actors and the palette Burton chooses to use does not allot for a lot of wiggle room in the melanin department. I get it. I don’t like it but i get it.
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Burton is an artists. He is, by definition, an auteur director. If he doesn’t want to cast colored folk in his lily white films, that’s fine. I can’t be mad at a guy for following his creative inspiration, even if that inspiration is devoid of anything resembling representation. Does this mean Tim Burton is racist? I don’t think so. I don’t think Burton hates black people. I think he just comfortable with his deathly pale white folks. Do i think his films are problematic for their lack of diversity? Personally? No. If you get mad at Burton, you have to get mad at Peele because it’s kind of the same thing. More than that, Burton is really f*cking good at his goddamn job, man. I never once questioned why there weren’t any black folks in his films because they were, very obviously, cartoons to me. Everything was surreal and exaggerated, so it was easy for me to accept that no one who looked like me, lived in these worlds. Besides, what black person is going to live in a place like Sleepy Hollow? What person of color is about to hire f*cking Beetlejuice to exorcise some ghosts or whatever?
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Ultimately, i don’t think Time Burton has malice in his heart hen he excludes people of color from his films. I think he just doesn’t believe they fit the look of the narrative he’s trying to tell. For me, it’s as simple as that. But I'm not a Zoomer and i did grow up on this man’s stuff. I have a much thicker skin for things like that because i grew up during a time when i needed one. I love the fact that the youth are questing the sh*ti took for granted. I love that they are challenging the status quo. Burton should be called out on this bullsh*t. He deserve to answer these hard questions but does his lack of diversity tarnish his filmography for me? Not at all. He’s still one of my favorite directors and i thank him very day of my life for vacuum sealing Michelle Pfeiffer into that catsuit.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 18
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
There are just too many things going on right now with a heavier workload and more responsibilities. But maybe now is the best time to address the emotions that seem to be running too high. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of glass injury, censored curse word by angry Yoongi, reader goes drinking so alcohol mention. 
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With the birth of your new niece, you had been even more busy, if that was even possible. Unfortunately, Jisung wasn’t able to stay over anymore because you were worried about him knowing what the boys did as their ‘jobs’. 
“Koo, I know it hurts but you have to stop moving.” You scolded as you used your tweezers to remove the shards of glass from his knuckles. Jungkook whined as he winces in pain. You had to make sure you removed every little piece of he might get an infection. 
“I told you to stop being reckless.” You sighed, placing the pieces of glass onto the cotton pad. 
“I was careful...”
“You punched through a car window. I don’t know how careful that was.” You rolled your eyes. When you were sure all the glass pieces were out, you moved the magnifier lamp away and threw the glass away. 
“I wasn’t going to let him get away. So I punched through the window and pulled him out.” 
“Okay, you already know what is next. So take a deep breath.” You warned, getting the antiseptic spray ready. 
“Can we skip that?” He whined. 
“Can you not get so badly injured?” You retorted, making him pout. You shook the bottle and he took a deep breath, biting his bottom lip and scrunching his face to brace. 
“Okay, we’re done.” You cooed. Jungkook let out tiny whimpers like an injured puppy, his eyes glossing over. You patted his head, gently dabbing his wounds with a cotton. Once that was done, you wrapped his knuckles up, fastening them in place with some medical clips. Jungkook watched as you cleared up the messy area, disinfecting the table after. 
“How’s your niece?” 
“She’s doing good, both her and her mother are getting all the rest and care that they need. Her name is Yuri.” You said, scrolling on your phone to show Jungkook a picture. 
“She’s cute. She has the same eyes as Jisung.” Jungkook smiled. You laughed, nodding in agreement. 
“So... did you find someone to accompany you to the ball yet?” He asked, finger drawing imaginary shapes on your desk. 
“If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been rather busy the past few days. And unfortunately, finding a date for the ball is at the end of my priority list now.” You scoffed, typing on your computer. Jungkook just hummed. 
“Well, I was wondering if-”
You turned your head to see Yoongi standing at your door. His shoulders rise and fell with each pant. A deep frown was on his face and even if it was anger, it was very rare to see Yoongi display such strong emotion. You weren’t scared but worried and curious. 
“Out.” Was all he said to Jungkook. Jungkook didn’t even bother arguing like he usually did, standing up and making a beeline for the door. 
“What’s wrong?” You stood up. Yoongi seemed to hesitate for a while, it was obvious he was having an internal debate with himself. He untucked a manila folder from under his arm. 
“Just read it.” He cut you off, sliding the folder across your desk to you. You gave him a look before undoing the string, looking at the contents. 
“What does all that mean?” He asked impatiently. 
“Yoongi, this-”
“Just tell me.” He pressed. 
“It’s cancer. That’s all I can tell you now.” You sighed, putting the summary report down. Yoongi seemed shock, walking back into the chair opposite yours. It was silent as you continued looking at the other reports and Yoongi let reality sink in. He stared ahead blankly but you knew Yoongi well enough that he didn’t want to be comforted right now. 
“What else?” He asked. 
“Yoongi, you can shout at me all you want. But I am not telling you anything else until you tell me who this report belongs to.” You said firmly. Yoongi glared at you but you weren’t backing down. 
“Half brother.” He mumbled. Considering Yoongi has never even mentioned any siblings before, you believe this half brother was estranged. 
“He won’t let me near him after what my dad did to his mother. Getting a copy of these reports was the only way to know what was really going on.” Yoongi explained briefly. 
“It’s non-small cell lung cancer, stage 3.” 
“What does that mean? Can he be cured? Whatever needs to be done, I’ll do it.” Yoongi said firmly. 
“At this point, it still seems regional, which means it is only affecting the tissues in the surrounding area. It hasn’t widespread yet. Surgery can be performed to remove the affected tissue followed by chemo or laser therapy to kill off any other affected cells.” You informed. 
“Can you do it?” This was Yoongi practically begging at this point. 
“Can I do it? Yes, I can. Will I do it? No, I won’t.” You said, placing all the medical documents back into a stack, putting it back into the original envelope that it came in. 
“WHY THE F*CK NOT?!” Yoongi stood up with so much force, his chair fell back, crashing onto the ground. 
“If you read the report, you would know that your brother’s cancer has only gotten to this stage because he refuses treatment of any kind. He refuses to take even one pill from his doctor. You force him to do such a big surgery he doesn’t want, any plans you had of making up for your broken sibling relationship will be gone.” You frowned. 
“Hyung...” The others appeared at the door. They had rushed over when they heard the crash. 
“When Min Geumjae comes to me on his own will and tells me he wants the surgery, I’ll do it. But until then, I refuse to even look at his file.” You pushed the manila envelope back to him. 
“Hyung.” Namjoon brought Yoongi out to cool down. You let out a sigh, shivering slightly as you turned your chair around, back facing the boys. 
“This is the last thing I need.” You rubbed your temples. 
“Hey, you alright?” Hoseok’s soft voice appeared on your side. You opened your eyes to meet his worried ones. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You replied a little colder than you intended to, turning back to your computer. The boys cast each other uneasy looks before everyone was ushered out by Jin. Only Jimin remained behind. 
“Say, what are you doing tonight?” He asked, leaning against your desk. 
“Chim, I really don’t have the time for this. If you aren’t injured or need medical help, please go somewhere else. I have work to do.” You said, typing away the report that was on your screen. Even your big computer monitor looked like a mess with multiple windows everywhere. 
“Come out with me. Tonight.”
“Chim, I-”
“I’ll meet you at the foyer. 9pm.” He smiled sweetly before getting off your desk and walked out. You stared at your closed door before shaking your head and turning back to your work. 
It was close to 9 when you came down from your room. You didn’t know how to dress but if you were going out with Jimin, you knew you had to meet standards. 
“Where is he?” You checked the time on your phone. 
“Uh, going out...?” Namjoon saw you and immediately grew curious. You were in a short, black bodycon dress with a slit on your left thigh. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. Some others passed by and also couldn’t help but stare at you all dressed up. They loitered around, wanting to see if they could catch a glimpse of someone picking you up. 
“I’m here! Sorry for being late but we can do now.” Jimin came rushing down, adjusting his suit jacket. He was in a more casual suit than the usual business ones the boys wore, the red jacket and pants complimenting to loose, black undershirt nicely. The others that were there in the foyer were speechless with their eyes wide. Jimin was taking you out?!
“Let’s go.” Your words confirmed their suspicion. 
“You look nice.” Jimin complimented. You let out a hum, bending slightly to wear your shoes. 
“The driver is outside.” He held his arm out for you to take as you headed out the door. You failed the hear the scrambling of footsteps from the others, rushing to the window to see Jimin opening the door for you. 
“What?!” Taehyung screeched. 
“That hyung is good.” Jungkook shook his head. 
The car stopped in front of a building. The neon sign flashed ‘Filter’. You remember this as one of Jimin’s businesses. 
“Come.” The driver opened the door for the both of you. People who were either waiting to get in or entering stopped to stare at the both of you. The girls squealed at Jimin’s good looks but the boy only focused on you. He placed a hand on your waist. 
“Good evening, boss.” The bouncers bowed. 
“That’s the boss?” 
“He’s so good looking!” The people were whispering. When the bouncers opened the velvet rope, Jimin led you in. The staff must have known that Jimin was here because some guys immediately came to you to serve you. 
“I’ve got it, guys. Thanks. But she’s mine.” Jimin waved his boys away. You couldn’t help but heat up at his words. 
“Yes, boss. Have a nice evening.” They wished the both of you and bowed before leaving the both of you. You felt rather lost in this whole situation, you’ve never seen this side of Jimin before. 
“You look like a lost lamb.” Jimin chuckled. He continued to guide you to the elevated VIP platform. Your booth overlooked the other club goers. 
“What would you like to drink? It’s on the house. You can just sit back and relax.” Jimin asked as you sat down. 
“Well, if you say so, Mr Park. Then I’ll start with a red sangria, please.” You ordered with a chuckle. Jimin laughed along as he nodded and sat down beside you on the plush couch, pressing a button on the armrest. In a few seconds, a tall male in a suit came in. His name tag flashed ‘manager’. He bowed deeply to the both of you. 
“A red sangria for her and a beer for me to start.” Jimin ordered. 
“Yes, sir.” He bowed and left. 
“You know, I’m perfectly fine being with the normal people downstairs. I don’t need a VIP booth or any special treatment.” You said. 
“Nonsense. (y/n), don’t you realise? You’ll be granted entrance and a VIP booth to anywhere that you go. It doesn’t matter whether me or the other boys are there.” He raised an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?” 
“That.” Jimin pointed. You followed his finger to your bracelet on your wrist. The very one that Namjoon gave you when you joined. 
“That bracelet is a symbol that you’re part of the family.” He said briefly. You looked at the bracelet. Even if it was dark, the pink diamond charm was shining brightly next to the wing charm. 
“Don’t take it off.”
You remember Taehyung’s words when he first put the bracelet around your wrist. The manager coming back in with your drinks broke your train of thought. Jimin handed you your drink and you clinked glasses together before taking a sip. You let out a relaxed sigh. 
“It’s good.” You smiled, swirling the drink in your glass. 
“I’m glad. Have as much as you like.” Jimin grinned as he sipped his own beer. He was just happy you were smiling again. 
“Jimin... You probably think I’m cruel, huh? For not helping Yoongi.” You guessed that Jimin knew the situation with Yoongi since he was one of the ones that was the closest to the elder. 
“Why would you think that?” 
“Do you know why I refuse to do the surgery?” You asked as you stared at the drink in your hand. Jimin shook his head. 
“Because, I’ve seen it all before. Families, relationships, torn apart... Because some people think what they’re doing is the best for the patient. But have they really asked the patient what they want? My parents were all for it. Doing big surgeries brought a lot of good image and reputation but I didn’t want to be part of that.” You confessed. 
“That’s why I can’t do it. I’ve seen people bribe patients to do surgeries with such high risk just to give the press something to write about.” You said. 
“I know Yoongi only has good intentions. He only wants his brother to live. But at what cost? If his brother doesn’t want it, who are we to make that decision for him? We can’t just make him do it.” 
“I never realised...” Jimin said. 
“It’s just the way the world is. Why do you think I live through my parents’ snide remarks instead of giving in to work for them?” You chuckled bitterly. 
“A son of an old patient contacted me that day. His mother needs a heart valve replacement, which can be a rather risky surgery considering her age and it’s open heart surgery.” You started. 
“Is she going to do it?”
“She didn’t... That’s why her son wanted me to convince her. I told him I would look at the medical reports before speaking to her. In the end, I declined. Yes, cruelly, I’m letting someone die. But why am I trying so hard to convince someone to do something they don’t want to do?” You looked at him. 
“Of course, I know when people have a chance of living and yet, they refuse, it’s a shame. But I willingly live with that guilt and regret.” You threw your head back. Jimin wrapped an arm around you. 
“I hate seeing you upset.” He comforted. You closed your eyes, putting an arm around him. 
“Hehehe.” You giggled as Jimin carried you into the house. Maybe you had a bit too much to drink but you were very insistent that you were not drunk. The other boys came down. 
“Oh my... How did she get so drunk?” Jin’s eyes widened when he saw you. None of them have ever seen you in that state before. Seeing the other boys standing there, you blinked at them before grinning and waving at them. Namjoon was the first to take you from Jimin. He gave you an amused smile and you poked his dimple. 
“Cute.” You commented. 
“Let’s get you to bed.” Namjoon said softly. 
“But I’m not sleepy...” You mumbled, cuddling against his chest. Jungkook patted your head. 
“Hyung, can we talk?” Jimin asked Yoongi. Yoongi nodded his head wordlessly, walking with the shorter male out to the garden. Namjoon looked at the two before bringing you upstairs. 
“Who are you?” You tilted your head. 
“Namjoon, doc. Did you forget me already?” He chuckled.
“Doc... I’m a doctor?” Your eyes widened as you pointed at yourself. Namjoon hummed in reply with a nod, kicking your room door open. He placed you to sit on your bed. 
“Woah... I’m a doctor. That’s cool. And what about you, Mr Namjoon? Are you a doctor too?” You asked. 
“No, I’m not a doctor. Only you are a doctor.” He said, grabbing some makeup wipes and began to gently wipe the makeup off your face. You seemed so fascinated with the life you were learning about from Namjoon. 
“You’re really nice, Mr Namjoon.” You giggled. 
“Thank you. Now, doc, do you think you can change out of your dress and into these?” He asked, holding up a shirt and some shorts. You stared at the articles of clothing before nodding your head. Namjoon ushered you to your bathroom and closed the door, staying on the other side. 
“I’m done.” You said. Thankfully, you were able to successfully change. Namjoon tucked you into bed. 
“Goodnight, doc.” He wished. 
“No, Mr Namjoon, don’t goooooo.” You whined, holding onto his wrist. 
“Come on, doc. Be good, you have to sleep. We can hang out tomorrow.” He coaxed. You pouted with a frown, crossing your arms like a little kid throwing a tantrum. 
“Well, then what do you want to do?” 
“I don’t know... I want to stay with you.” You said sadly. Namjoon smiled endearingly, patting your head. He helped you out of bed and into his room. 
“You can stay here with me.” He got under the covered. You snuggled close to him as he leaned against the headboard, reading his book. Even if you weren’t doing anything, you were content. 
“Are you comfortable?” Namjoon asked. You nodded your head, yawning again. He reached over to pat your head.
“Mr Namjoon?” 
“Do you have a girlfriend? Or someone that you like?” 
“I don’t have a girlfriend... But there may be someone I fancy. Actually, doc-” When he heard no sound from you, he stopped. Looking down, Namjoon saw that you were fast asleep, tucked under his arm comfortably. Namjoon closed his book, putting it on the nightstand before turning off the lights. 
“She probably thinks I’m just like her parents. Or all those other people she hates.” Yoongi sighed, leaning against the railing of the gazebo. 
“She’s doesn’t, hyung. You know doc isn’t like that. She knows all you wanted to do was help your brother. None of us would know all this, she only told me tonight.” Jimin shrugged. 
“All I did was add to her stress.” 
“Hyung, stop. Doc always tells you about taking all the blame on yourself and how it’s a bad habit.” Jimin scolded, making Yoongi hang his head. 
“Well, she said that she won’t do the surgery already. So I guess there’s really nothing else I can do except speak to my brother to try and get him to do the surgery... Or just watch him die.” Yoongi said bitterly. Jimin knew Yoongi was just at lost and as painful as it sounded, those were really his only options. He wrapped his hands around the older.
“No matter what his decision is, I’m sure he would appreciate your support. It’s never too late to mend a broken relationship.” Jimin comforted. 
“That’s if he ever wants to see me again.” 
“You’ll never know, hyung. Maybe a serious, sit down conversation is all you need.” Jimin pulled away with a chuckle. Yoongi forced a small smile, nodding his head in agreement. 
“About doc, I’ll speak to her soon. Thanks for taking her out.” Yoongi patted Jimin’s shoulder.
“I didn’t do it for you.” 
“I didn’t do it as a favour for you. I did it because I hate seeing the woman I love upset.” Jimin said before turning around to talk back into the house. 
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Cooking (Denki x fem!reader)
Pairing(s): Denki x fem!reader
Warning(s): cussing, smut/18+ (minors DNI), sucking d*ck, switch Denki, mentions of ADHD
Word Count: 2,465
A/N (IMPORTANT ONE): everyone in this story is aged up to the 19, UA is a college in this AU but everything else is the same. So they are NOT minors and they are freshman in college!
A/N: request are always so pen so go ahead and drop on by, either leave the request in my inbox OR toy are more then welcome to message me if you want more detail or just want to get to know me :)
Playlist I made so you can listen to coming while reading this: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6KD7SsmFn8QM4bp3BP6DCV_ML1B2AZC3
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You laid on the couch, relaxed and in a comfortable position where anything can happen. You where watching this new anime called Demon Slayer that Mina recommend to you. Saying something along the lines of his hit the guys where. Honestly, you didn’t get the hype, but it was pretty entertaining and you didn’t have anything else better to do then to study and actually get work done so why the hell not? Little did you know a little spark plug was about to attack you. That little spark plug going by the name of Denki Kaminari. He was annoying as fuck and you didn’t want him around. But he kept coming back for more so you let him in your life and you guy’s had this little friends-with-benefits thing going on.
“BOO!” Denki screamed on the top of his lungs, you jumped in fear and got your quirk ready. Your breath coming out in short puffs as you stared at the honey eyed boy.
“You shit head! I was at a scary scene!” You hissed, slapping Denki on the back of his head like Bakugou’s Mom did to him from time-to-time when the bakusquad was over at the angry blonde’s house.
“Sorryyy!” Denki wined, rubbing his head slightly as he mumbled some cussing under his breath. You rolled your y/e/c eyes before staring at the blonde again.
“What do you want?” You asked, annoyance filling your voice and clicking your judgement slightly. The screams of Tanjiro still ringing from the TV.
“Well I had this ADHD burst of energy and I will want to bake a cake but I can’t do it alone because if I do it alone then I will make a mess and then I will clean it up and then I will start cleaning and then—“ Denki kept on rambling about this whole chain of effects that would happen if you didn’t bake with him. You rolled your eyes and stared him straight in his bright electric yellow eyes. You paused for a moment, thinking of ways to shut the teenage male up. A idea popped in your head as you smirked and grabbed the back of Denki’s neck and drawing him towards your lips. Leaning in closer and kissing his slightly puffy lips. He was wearing the same cherry chapstick that you commented that smelled good before you noticed that Denki liked you. You always guessed that this was a way for Denki to get you to notice him. The kids went on for a few minutes before you took over and pushed him on his back against the couch. The blonde gasped between the kiss, his eyes started to water a little at the sudden reaction. Before things to get out of hand you broke the kiss and smiled at the blonde. Keeping a poker face on as you pulled away and swiped away the drool that was connected the two of your mouth’s. You giggled a little, a cocky smile dragging across your face.
“Shut up…” You leaned in and whispered into Denki’s ear, biting his ear lobe a little and giggling a little as Denki choked back a moan that was forcing it’s way up his throat.
“Y-yes ma’am…” Denki whimpered submissively, his lip quivering slightly as you let go of his ear and going towards the dorm room kitchen. Denki followed you like a lost puppy dog, he would be a good little puppy. You chuckled slightly at the joke that you made up in your head.
“What type of cake do you want to bake?” You prompted, getting the pantry open and seeing what cake mixes you guy’s had and if you needed to go get in a car and drive to the gas ration at this god forbidden hour.
“Oooh chocolate!” Denki cheered, a childish smile plastered across his face as he bounced up and down. You chuckled and looked across the pantry to see if you guy’s had any chocolate.
“Well,” you started to say, smacking you lips and staring at the pantry with a disappointment look on your face. “Crap.”
”We don’t have any chocolate cake mix.”
You closed the pantry door and went towards your dorm room to grabs out jacket and skateboard. “Wait dude, did you customize your skateboard?” Denki awed as he stared at your Haikyuu inspired skateboard that had Bokuto on it. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and fully pulled on a y/f/c hoodie.
“Yeah, I started customizing skateboard’s over the summer when we graduated UA” You answered Denki’s question fully and explained it. A smile on your face as you glanced back at the blonde-and-black haired male as he ran to grab his yellow hoodie and skateboard. His late board looked plainer then yours but that is probably because he used it more then you did. You smiled brightly at Denki before going outside of the dorms. Denki spoked followed and the two of you started skating down the street.
”We should do this more!” Denki exclaimed, a playful smirk on his face as he started to do more tricks on the skateboard. You laughed at Denki and started video him for a tiktok. The tiktok was of him singing the lyrics of Alien Boy and having a blast of his time.
“You’re such a dork…” You scoffed as you stopped recording the tiktok and editing it. Not even having to look up to know the way where the gas station was.
“Can you send me the tiktok?” Denki requested, you looked at him and gave him a ‘are you serious?’ Look before agreeing with a nod of your head and sending the tiktok to him the moment you posted it. You guy’s started to skate more, trying to impress the other guy doing some more tricks. But soon, you got to the gas station and stopped the both of your skateboards and set hem down on the outside red brick wall. You and Denki imminently went to the candy section and got some chocolate box cake along with some different flavors of monster. You bought for everything.
“Did you get everything you where looking for?” The cashier asked, looking at the two of you and smiling tiredly.
“Yeah we did, thanks!” You chirped, getting out your card and paying for the stuff. Denki grabbed the monster and opened it up as you guy’s grabbed the skateboard the started heading out the front door. Laughing at dumb jokes that you guys cracked with each other.
*when you two got to the dorm’s because I know y’all waiting for the 18+ part you sinners*
Denki and you started following the directions, baking the cake and putting it in the oven and setting the timer for a hour. “There!” You declared, pumping your fist up in the air. Luckily you guy’s could be as loud as you wanted due to the fact that it is Spring Break and everyone went to there parents house. Well everyone but you and Denki. Your parents never wanted you to begin with, from the very start, they made it very clear that they didn’t want you. So why would you want to got there? Of course the bakusquad knows this. The plan was that everyone I the bakusquad was going to stay so you won’t have to to alone in the dorms but everyone seemed to have plans.
Crimson Riot had a book signing contest so Kirishima just had to go catch up on that, he seemed to be very upset to at he left you and promised that he would call you every night and FaceTime you for hours upon hours. Well, you checked your phone every second it seemed for the past two days and still no sign of Kirishima.
Bakugou’s parents got into a fight and they got a divorce so Bakugou had to go home for that. He didn’t seem to sad or caught up about it, although, you swore to yourself that you heard sobs coming from Bakugou’s dorm room after he told you over text that he couldn’t stay. So far he has texted you every once and a while and checked on you, made sure you where taking care of yourself.
Mina was going to a party and didn’t really seem to care that she was leaving you alone. Not that she was petty or anything she just never seemed to mind if she dropped her plans when they involved you. She gave you a couple of drunk text but nothing more and nothing less.
Sero didn’t talk to you about the thing, he said he would be there for you but he left you alone so you didn’t know where he was. Although, from what his Instagram story told you, he has in Disney with his family and having the trike of his life.
Jiro got her first new hit for a album of her song covers and needed to leave you. It was very emotional and you could tell that she didn’t want to leave you alone but she had to since her family was struggling and she wanted to make them proud.
But Denki stayed with you, the whole time, there was not a time that you thought ‘oh, Denki isn’t going to be there for me’ or ‘oh, I can’t count on Denki to be here’ because he always was and he always will be right by your side. Ever since the two of you where kids and Denki first got his quirk, you still remember that day, he went to hug his best friend but accidentally shocked him and the kid died of electrocution. He cried for hours and hours in class and (from what you heard) in his own home. Refusing to hug anybody until he got into middle school and you came along. You guys had known each other due to your parents working together in the same hero agency but you never started building a friendship until middle school. A lot of people say that relationships end in middle school and high school but in reality. That is when Denki and yours started to bloom.
“Remember when you first got your quirk?” You popped up, laughing a little as the tips of Denki’s ears turned a flush red.
“HEY I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT!” Denki pouted, crossing his arms and trying to be mad at you.
“Oh ok…I am sorry…” You whispered in a pretend hurt voice, knowing full well that Denki will come crawling back to you once you had the slight hurt tone in your voice.
“Wait no! Baby!! Come here!!” Denki exclaimed, wrapping you in a warm hug, you burst into laughter and hugged Denki back. Feeling bad for the honey eyed male for the millionth time in your life (no but like seriously, how did this man get you to feel bad about everything?)
“Its fine Denki.” You reassured the worried teenager with some pats on the head and a kiss on the forehead. Denki smiled innocently at you before pushing you against the couch. “Oof!” You gasped as you felt he fabric press against your back. Denki smirked in accomplishment.
“GOT YOU!” Denki declared proudly, trying to pin you down on your back. You cocked your brow up slightly and flipped you and Denki over so you where on top and he was on bottom. Denki whined and bit his lip, eyes looking at you in a pleading sort of way. You smirked seductively and leaned down to kiss Denki. Your lips crashing with his, biting the male’s slightly pink lips to ask for entrance (which he obeyed instantly). You slipped your tongue into the wet cavern of Denki’s mouth and started exploring every inch of it and sucking on his tongue a little bit. Denki moaned into the kiss and started grinding his body against your pants and whining like a submissive bitch. You chuckled darkly and brought your hand to mess with his hair before yanking his hair and making him break the kiss. A string of saliva connected your two mouths and you just swiped it off and shoved your fingers inside of Denki. Smiling slightly as he gagged.
“Want me to suck your dick slut?” Your horse whisper sounded in Denki’s ear as you bite his ear lobe and tugged on it slightly. Denki nodded his head ‘yes’ before letting out a string of moans. You smirked in accomplishment of breaking the presumably top nineteen year old who flirted with all the girls at school. You pulled down Denki’s sweatpants and boxers in one Swift motion all while keeping eye contact with him. Going down on your knee’s you opened your mouth and started sucking Denki off. Your tongue swirling around his head as you slowly started going deeper and deeper until you felt it go to the back of your throat. Once you felt that your head bobbed up and down, Denki moaned loudly and threw his head back in pure pleasure. Mumbling out praises and barely forming a sentence. You smiled to yourself as you reached down and started rubbing circles along your clit, you tongue almost lolling out to the side of Denki’s duck at the pleasure of hitting the sweet spot.
“You’re such a girl girl yeah you suck my dick yeah you suck that duck so well yeah you do…” Denki managed to say before moaning loudly again at the sight of you touching your self and sucking him off. He is in complete heaven. You felt Denki’s thighs tense up around your head and you stared up at him. Expecting him to say something. “I’m gonna cum…!” Denki mumbled out before moaning again and letting his sex face out. You moaned around Denki’s dick and that caused both of you to cum at the same time. You guy’s where a panting mess on the floor. Denki had his legs spread wide and your head was all fuzzy and not cleared out with good thoughts. You guy’s stood there, a few comfortable in the air as both of you where a shaking mess. Soon, you got up and carried Denki to the other corner of the couch and grabbed a large fluffy gray blanket along with some large pillows. On nights like these, Denki liked it if you took charge in the aftercare stuff. Not even letting you two get changed until the morning. You smiled warmly at the goofy blonde who laid there on the couch, almost fast asleep, while you played Death Note (he says it is to scary so you like watching it when he is asleep or cuddling with you).
“Hey baby?”
“What’s up Pikachu?”
“Did we ever get that cake out of the oven?”
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
~ Mass Update ~
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Mainly going into future plans and intents alongside ideas below cut.
Ton's of things I've in store this will prove difficult to vent it all out. But here we go... First off rehashing and appropriately learning to tag and organize things better on my blog. Each category will have their own corresponding content, I seek to bring or share. [Tales of Goldbrand] -- I intend this to carry a Compendium of all my writes soon that'll have everything neatly in-order including a glossary, so it'll have highlights of stories that even matter or the best stuff. I've written here for a very, long time, there's been many shifts. I want to make it more accessible. While coloring what matters for people who want to learn Captain or his Crew with less chapters. While also giving choice to find it all easily. This is essentially a step-above master-lists. I'll be doing that after the Saga I have going on, right now is done. [Captain] -- Will provide you strictly with Captain screenshots, gifs, photo-sets. This is still his blog despite the Crew thing's will sort of make this a scuffed Multi-Muse blog. I've few more things to edit and tag fix to get all his stuff though. [The Wild Crew] -- Afterwards this story is done Immortal Age Saga, It's something that I mainly wrote as a passion project within three days to get my warm-up process fixed. It's to allow me to get a feel for all his Crewmates and casts, in combat, in-general, to feel their presences. While also giving a bit of their backstories. At any point, I can go back and polish or tweak things in. They're NPC's but... not entirely. All will have their own 'Dreams' and their own 'Disapproval's' they have their own missions even. These things will factor eventually, they might set seeds, to betray or disagree with something, but that's all angst and more stories to be created, but overall, they'll probably always be Crew, eventually. -- I plan on making character-profile sheets of them and putting them in this Tab, it'll have their screenshots, their likes/dislikes. Some RP partners or people can also be shipped with them, but they'll all be monogamous and originally start off probably Pan. This allows them to figure out what they like on their own stories. I've always been someone who likes organic-flow. Although this one story contain all 16 characters or more, the rest will probably be shortened to a Squad of 4 and dispersed when on adventuring missions. Until I do a War Arc, that's my main goal to build too. [Roster] -- Will contain this Crew in just screen-sets dedicated to them, I'll probably randomly produce those. I've PC players among this Crew too. I may not be done either adding more, but this Crew is mainly built around Quality. Most pirate crew's mainly, have hundreds, thousands. Even Fleets. This Crew has personalities, monsters, people who are living life's that exist with piracy. He's an particular leader that had PC players the same way, he's had split-personality serial killers aboard, tribal chieftains, succubus, all sorts of various people once on a Crew. It's often an outcast style, pirates default are chaotic in nature, so this really isn't any different, it's a Fantasy version of it. There's humanization characters aboard too though, so this cast is really decked, everything and person is vital, they matter because they remind or covet something that others can draw upon. If ever played (Three Houses or Mass Effect / Dragon Age Origins) A lot of things like that are relatable too this structure and format. Which, Is something I want to be able to give when RPing. I want a genuine feel of this new world someone else's muse will be the main-character too. Depending on what's interacting everything they'll be scale appropriately to follow the genre they're in and environment even. [Aesthetics] -- Already explainable what you'll find here. [Asks] -- Same thing. [Prompts] -- Trivial things I was tagged too, I plan on compiling later. [Writing] -- Another alternatively to randomly go-down and it works right now. [Logs] -- Will have more individualistic master-lists and posts there, my poems from Sheik Sphere the Bard, etc.
Things of that nature, I'll probably add still. It's where a lot of my creative writing is summed. [Gems of Hydaelyn] -- My main #tag for other characters and artists, creationist. Lot of amazing people easily to find their zones or follow them optionally if you like. Ton's I intend to support and bolster, be a lot less unspoken. I'm never the type who's been strictly inclusive. But I'll do that when I've time to even explore the dash, I'm always still planning ahead with things and projects. [CKS] My original character-sheet it's outdated on something's but not too terrible. I'll give him polishing someday, I swear? [21+F-List] -- Just purely degenerate stuff of Captain. I'm a pirate blog. I will represent that with openness and furthermore. I'm never projecting you some false-image. I started off a smut-writer by stripping that, I no-longer represent the same aura and identity. But those are strictly his stuff and kinks, I'm effective in executing them but they're not all relatable to me OOC. This blog will always be 18+ containing crude or dark material sometimes, romantic things, this Captain is blunt, will literally put his cock on the table in conversations. Swearing and being censored would be too uncommon and displace most of him, but there's more about him then all this. [Other] -- I pay homage to a lot of characters, I originally am a Concept Designer. Which mean's I make characters and ideas like my addiction. Bad characters / villains or other little things I like to share in designs, I'll put there. Some villains might get little photo-sets, even if they died. Just cause I like their design, or maybe I'll give them an AU, where they won. When I've wrapped up things. [Collabs + Ships] -- Is a new project idea. This isn't going to be something limited too romantic only ships. It'll contain, platonic, romantic, friendships, rivals, frenemies, family, PC Crew, all ships. I am desperately working on improving my gif, screenshot, posing game so I can supply 'Screen Stories' this is not only a way to RP that's accessible with even people who are upon time-crunches from work, It gives visual-representation. To impactful stories shared with others and establish bonds. That are all-valid and impactful matter. Lot of people take a lot of their characters attributes into them and are them dialed up, I work with that and bit more, differently. I'm disconnected from my characters and they'll get hurt and injured and killed by me, that's my duty as their Author to give them conflicts and struggles. I'm their major antagonist, but that doesn't mean at-all, it's always SET that way. The characters I like to make have their own life, they live in this setting and are abide by it, they're often nothing, nobodies, and by the interacting with others, they slowly gradually building, more... Through emotional impacts, they alter, these are REAL people by all their beliefs. Each person they come in-contact with are legitimate and treated like that too. They've always impacted or given them insights to grow, or represent more. Otherwise it'd be criminally disrespectful if I allowed any emotional I felt OOC be the grudge to something IC. Captain in-particular is set on defying me. I cannot have that. ...But I can't stop him. He's met and encountered so many people and lived so many scenarios based on the actions of others, he's giving a chance right now to actually do things a lot further than impossible. The more people he meets and encounters, experiences, the more I lose. These stories are emotionally interactive where everything is a factor and adds to the dice, where the other people are the one who get to roll the dice for him, not me. That's something I want to color in. People range in emotions, they have their down's, ups, their own wholesome-grounding people, spending time with your favorite people, there's nothing more cherishing than that, being in your own comfort-zone or 'safe-space' these are all treasures that we live under, today. Contrary if what people assume of me, I'm not another 'blogger' that's came
before, who's wanting to force a harem, then constantly is bewildered when that falls to pieces cause of selfishness or a lack of communication, or the skeletons they have in their closets and beliefs they hid behind and swindled fooled everyone. I'm not looking to be popular or anything really, I just create stories and want to share in those, and I want to also boost others included, upward with me, especially those who make me. There's no ego in anything I do, this is purely love. I've never cared about being replicated or duplicated, I've had stalkers, I've gone through more then anyone would imagine, I've been used OOC and abused, just for my writing and cold-harshly told, i'd never amount to anything other then that or vice-versa. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion. That's all I got and am anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion is the hardest thing to keep. It's something that can be stolen, quite effortlessly. Few words of discouragement, a bad negative representation, a lack of confidence, or small amount of time, there's many thing's that can put that flame out. Once you lose it. The difficulty to reattain is hundred-times harder than climbing any mountain for real. I've watched the greatest creators crumble from under the pressure, from beaten down by others. I watched many of them do it to themselves because they put a grand vision of needing validation of another and once lost, felt uncompelling to press onward. But passion also can be given BACK and drawn. It can be shown and encourage others, with a soft-triggering, that pushes them. That motivates, that constantly sticks to it. There are many that fuel me. If I ever quit, I let them down, I spit in the faces of people who're better than me in every-way. Or people who've came and given me their precious Time. That have given their character's or dedication to the abundant stories and community-driven things I've done. There's ONLY things you can do, create, give and provide. It cannot ever come to life without YOU. This is a fact. ...I swear, If you let your creativity soar, you'll be amazed by the heights you get. Constantly polish and learn and hone the best you, challenge yourself day after painstaking day, to draw better improvement on something, no matter how trivial or unfamiliar you are. You'll find a confidence only you can give yourself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Plans --------------------------------------------------------------------- For me, I've got so much more stories to give and also explore, I might be taking up soon some other artists and more skilled people from community and hire them for some of my future writes, to up my game or cause something thing's can't be done in-game cause no background carries it. I also got a lot of-set up things and more angst stuff I want to practice, plus I'm adamantly on that grind to produce screen-sets with the intent's to some sort of improving daily. Additionally more people I'll be reaching out too soon for these collab's ideas and things. I look forward to shaking your hands, giving some hugs, show you my respect and admiration, then creating some enchanting stories and giving plots light. Feel free to reach out to me, I get scattered-brain but I'm working on getting better about it. Eventually will get to you though, my goals, if uninterested just say so when I poke, no bites, unless you kinky. Anyways, cheers hearties.
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