#lighten up!!!
the-vengeful-demon · 4 months
He's such a gem
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bcofl0ve · 2 months
Callum said there's love between him & Austin, then proceeded to date Dua. What did he mean by that? Austin said he's happy in a 2 year relationship. Shipping them since MotA makes for 3. He has yet to move to London in 3 years, why?
is this supposed to be some sort of gotcha lmfaoo…they aren’t actually ~in love~! ive never said they were! nor have i seen *anyone* seriously, in a genuine larry stylinson theorist or gaylor way, suggest that either. so i’m not sure what you’re getting here.
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pluto-rainstorm · 2 months
Guess what, good news!
You can ship both Buddie and BuckTommy!
I sure do and it's great!
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fellas-is-it · 5 months
got tired of all depressing and hating yourself for being aro vibes on legit any other platform besides tumblr (looking at you tictac app) so wanted to listen to positive aromantic playlists and legit could NOT FIND ANY??????
And the ones that were vaguely positive were made for aroace ppl. Which is great! But im not ace!!! So WHERE'S MY POSITIVE AROALLO REP?!?!?!
Anyways i solved this hyperspecific problem myself and made a POSITIVE AROALLO playlist:
Larger image of the playlist cover i made
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maretriarch · 2 years
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
actually dark wood and carved ornamentation and gilding and clawed feet and ornate gold frames on paintings and etchings and gothic arches and jewel-toned velvet upholstery and tapestries
so jot that down
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classical-bluess · 8 days
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Can you tell which parts are my favorite
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lovediives · 5 days
self shippers should remove themselves from the chains that is the fear of judgement. like my beautiful bestie, you are not evil for having multiple f/os because you're not cheating. you are not selfish for having boundaries for not wanting to share f/os. no one is going to hate you for having obscene f/os that no one knows. no one is going to hate you for only having f/os of the most popular anime characters. relax a bit homie. its gonna be aight.
and if they do hate you? man. who cares. do what makes you happy. its your life and you deserve to have harmless fun.
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poughkeepsies · 2 months
sorry but it is soooooo ridiculous to be genuinely upset at this on Multiple levels cause 1) getting to watch a main character like buck discover their sexuality later in life and halfway throughout a successfull show as this would be absolutely MONUMENTAL representation and that's legitimately bigger in importance than anything else and 2) IT WOULD LITERALLY LEAD TO BUDDIE? LIKE THAT WOULD BASICALLY BE THE SIGNAL THAT ITS HAPPENING 3) something like this NEEDS to happen for buddie to become canon in the show. there needs to be a tangible SHIFT a moment everybody can point to as the inciting incident because as of now it would just be Jarring to have buck and eddie express any actual romantic interest in each other when the general audience expectation is that they're canonically straight and also thats simply Not been their relationship. maybe a sudden buddie confession can work in fanfiction but it simply would Not in the show because expectations have to set up for it to pay off and they're on track to do so perfectly right now
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rosietherivendell · 5 months
The Terror is wild this guy goes to the ship doctor and is like "hey man I'm suffering from paranoid thoughts and depression I need your help" and the fucking doctor tells him "I prescribe you 'party time' go have fun" and then the doctor experiences depression and hopelessness for 5 whole minutes and immediately self-immolates killing several other men with him
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badasscoffeemug · 6 days
tommy is actually the funniest person alive some of y'all are just miserable and don't get him like i do!
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zeb-z · 6 months
Can we talk again about post Purgatory effects. Because when Richas’ death message came up, Foolish didn’t just react - he panicked. He was at a loss for what to do, started tunneling into the snowman, frantically trying to create some sort of cover or safe space for the eggs and himself. But it’s Leo’s reaction to this that really gets me.
After Foolish’s panic, Leo starts acting out. Starts making light and fun of a situation where it’s definitely inappropriate. Getting Foolish’s attention, then placing chairs just for them. Starting their usual bit where they look at one another and eat the banana. Taking out popcorn and tossing it to her Pa. Making him laugh, distracting him - in exactly the way he does for her, for everyone else.
Leo left with the rest of the eggs to protect their parents. To keep her Pa safe. And now they’re both back, and he has matching cracks like hers, and is visibly still distressed from whatever happened in Purgatory, and is panicking - not sarcastically, or just doing it to add to the chaos, but honest to god panicking - so she helps in the way she knows. Protecting her dad the same way he protects, with laughter and distraction.
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untherapized-eddie · 3 months
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1.03 // 7.01
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wisebeth · 7 months
Percy describing Annabeth's eyes : They were startling gray, like storm clouds; pretty, but intimidating, too, as if she were analyzing the best way to take me down in a fight.
Jason describing Piper's eyes : kaleidoscope.
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kaleidoru · 3 months
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sad saturn satan
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dimbulb-brony · 2 months
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For Day 5 of TwiPie Week 2024! - "Pining"
They haven't seen each other for just a couple of hours.
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