#leo had a thought
rereading hoo, its so fun to see the characters get absolute whiplash from percy
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+ bonus:
Not just the other five who have known him for a few days, EVEN ANNABETH
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milomilesmib · 4 months
(First meal the seven have together)
Percy: the name "two bite brownies" is so demanding. Like, you can't tell me how many bites it'll take to eat my sweet treat, you corporate brand bitch. What if I have a really tiny mouth? What if I want to eat it whole like Kronos did with his kids? Huh? What then?
The argo II crew:
Piper: is he drunk?
Annabeth, unfazed: no, he's just like this.
Leo: I love him already.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Piper: Percy, what's your type?
Percy: Annabeth
Piper: That's sweet.
Thalia: It's also a lie, his type is blonds
Percy: That's not true!
Thalia: The first person you ever had a crush on was a blond man.
Percy: I met Annabeth long before I met Jason.
Leo: *spews water* Jason???
Thalia: I was talking about Luke.
Percy: I never had a crush on Luke!?!
Thalia: That's bullshit.
Leo: Are we gonna talk about the Jason thing or... No....? Okay.
Percy: No it's not!
Connor: It most definitely is.
Percy: What?
Travis: You blushed every time you were around him.
Percy: I- I did not!
Clarisse: Yeah you did.
Percy: No....?
Nico: Even the way you talked about him sometimes I could tell you had a crush on him at one point.
Percy: *flabbergasted* I- I huh???
Percy: Did I????
Annabeth: *walks over* Hey Perce can you- What did you guys do to him?
Percy: *wide eyed staring at the ground, mumbling incoherently*
Thalia: He's having an existential crisis, give him a minute.
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hitwiththetmnt · 6 months
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12 Donnie has some words for MM Leo if he’s gonna survive the writing room
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sad-leon · 5 months
can i have feral leo #69
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Song 69: Abstract Nonsene by Trickle
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Song 14: Ready Now by Dodie
Feral Leo by @cupcakeslushie makes me feel many emotions. i wanna hold him gently like a feral cat <3
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koolaidashley · 14 days
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I think prodigy Leo’s Big Character Arc would be like. Just being a hero in general. He was NOT into the idea 🙁🙁🙁
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I just realized that Piper PRAYED to Aphrodite that she should let Jason live, for the sake of their love. But the moment Piper broke up with Jason, his life went downhill and he died a few months later. What if piper's prayer to Aphrodite had kind of "sealed" jason's life, but it was only as long as they were together, so the moment they split, the prayer lost its protection, breaking the invisible thread of security jason had, since Aphrodite wasn't obligated to ensure his safety anymore. Uncle Rick owes me tissue boxes.
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onejellyfishplease · 4 months
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poppitron360 · 2 days
Annabeth: *Walks into room* What the fuck…
Percy: Oh, hey, honey!
Annabeth: What the fuck are you doing?
Percy: Making you breakfast. We got eggs, bacon…
Annabeth: You’re making me breakfast… on Leo?!
Leo *lying on the floor with a frying pan on his back*: Hi, Annabeth!!
Percy: Go gentle! You’re gonna burn them!
Leo: I’m tryingg!
Annabeth: Oh my gods… hey, unrelated question, have either of you taken your ADHD medication today?
Leo: No, why do you ask?
Annabeth: No reason…
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
[ cw: scars / permanent injuries / chronic pain / ]
Leo’s shell gets some permanent cracks in it due to the Krang, and as a result his shell’s pattern is all messed up.
He makes a fuss about it in a lightheartedly vain way, but it’s clear that it bothers him, more than just the chronic pain that comes with it.
The one who breaks about the cracks isn’t Leo in the end, it’s Mikey.
It’s a night where Leo can’t sleep, insomnia and the remnants of a fit pulsing through his shell keeping him awake. When making the rounds to check up on everything, he sees Mikey, crouched over some old crayon drawings, drawings that were only salvaged by some miracle.
Mikey always loved matching with his “cool blue bro” growing up. Their shell designs were something they had in common, different from the spines/spikes that their other brothers had. It felt good to share that with Leo.
To Mikey, seeing that pattern tarnished felt a little too much like their home getting destroyed. Worse, even. The two of them are complementary colors, it hits harder when things disrupt that.
And Mikey admits this to Leo, on this day where emotion kept mounting up in him until he couldn’t help but break a little. It feels selfish to say, but it’s the truth. It’s a visual that’ll constantly haunt Mikey, knowing what the cracks represent, knowing how they lost something that was just theirs to share.
Drawing Mikey to him, a hand on Mikey’s intact shell pattern, Leo admits that that’s what kills him the most too. He can deal with the pain, he can deal with the appearance, but he can’t deal with no longer seeing himself in the crayon drawings they managed to salvage from their past. Drawings that highlight their shell patterns, because Mikey always had a lot of fun drawing those.
He always loved what they decided they represented.
“Like links of a chain!” Little Mikey had called them as he scribbled them down in oranges and blues.
“Of course it’s like chains!” Little Leo nodded, having never noticed that before, “It, like, shows how we’re- how we’re always connected!”
Little Mikey had gasped at that, stars in his eyes as he babbled endlessly about how that meant they’re the chains holding the family together, right?
“Raphie and Donnie don’t have chains on their shells, so we gotta step up to keep everyone together!” Little Mikey said as he drew big circles around his drawings of their family, overlapping circles of orange and blue around everyone.
“Yeah! And if anyone gets lost, we’ll bring them back!” Little Leo boasted with a laugh, “No one has to be alone, we’ll make sure of it!”
“We’ll make sure of it!” Little Mikey echoed with a happy giggle.
‘You sure made sure of it, Mikey.’ Leo thinks, continuing to run his hand comfortingly down Mikey’s shell.
Then a thought hits him.
“Well, we got something better than just shell patterns in common now!” Leo starts, waiting until Mikey looks up to continue, “We got portals, little brother!” He grins, “And y’know, I think you’ve done a great job keeping us all together, Miguel. Sorry you had to pick up my slack.”
Mikey looks two steps away from sobbing at that, but his smile is wide, “You just got lost, of course I had to bring you back.” He leans back, out of Leo’s hold, and looks his big brother in the eyes, “That’s what we said- Raphie and Donnie don’t have portals…”
“-So we gotta step up-“ Leo continues.
“-To keep everyone together!” The finish simultaneously, laughing a little at the juvenile words.
A wry smile crosses Leo’s face, “Again, sorry I’ve been dropping the ball there. Feels like I did a lot of the opposite instead.”
He yelps as Mikey swiftly smacks him on the head.
“Nuh uh uh, none of that!” Mikey puffs out his chest, “I’ll have no slander toward my fellow portal pal!”
“Alright, alright…”
It’s not a fix to anything, more of a new way of looking at a change. Bringing that change into their lives as something familiar.
The cracks in Leo’s shell remain, and the cracks in Mikey’s hands scar over, but their family stays together all the same.
They gotta make sure of it, after all!
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sad-leon · 6 months
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They're Tired
Lineart available for download on my patreon if any of yall wanna colour them
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acidsaladd · 2 years
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good times
[id: it is a comic of Leo, Mikey and Raph from rottmnt. In the first panel, Leo and Mikey are both hunched over a laptop, which has a small turtle where the apple symbol would go, typing aggressively while screaming intensely. The next panel is of Raph walking into the frame, curious, while Leo and Mikey are in the background, with their backs to the viewer, still screaming. In the next panel we can see the laptop’s screen over Leo and Mikey’s shoulders, and there is a screenshot of a game of “Fireboy and Watergirl” on it. The last panel is a headshot of Raph looking both extremely confused and disturbed with question marks over his head./ end id]
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totem-but-shark · 3 months
interpreting foolish making a few of his own skins as qfoolish knowing how to sew and making his own clothes is one of my favourite headcannons because one of qfoolishs main ways of expressing his love and care is acts of service, he loves through actions. So it only makes sense that he might tend and care for the clothes of his loved ones too
imagine qfoolish sewing all of Leo's clothes, each new shirt or sock getting slightly larger than the last as she grows up before his very eyes, feeling immense pride as he goes from sewing tiny rompers to elaborate dresses that take days to complete and rolls and rolls of fabrics just to her liking all for his little girl. His heart melting ever so slightly as he starts all over again knitting a red and white striped scarf for a baby Pepito.
qjaiden showing him her wings and foolish immediately insisting she hands over every vest and shirt she has to add wing holes into the back so she never has to feel constrained and hide herself ever again.
For the longest time qroiers clothes were plagued with tears and gashes. Rips in his overalls after bobby passed, the gash in his hoodie from a friendship turned backstabbing. He can't find it within himself to fix alone, he hardly knows how. Until he's adopted, qvegetta and qfoolish taking him in with open arms and suddenly there's another hand steadying his shaking fingers because qfoolish cannot undo the hurt qroier has faced but with needle and thread he can help his son repair what he has
Mixing this with another headcannon, I like to think that the suit qroier wore at his wedding might've been one of qvegettas from one of his failed marriages. Knowing he'd never allow himself to wear it and let himself be hurt again, and so instead wanting his son to have it and see it finally worn at a happy wedding. One based upon genuine love. Though he may never experience that moment himself at least someone he loves can, the cycle continuing for qvegetta but finally breaking for roier. But Vegetta is BUILT, broad as a brick wall and muscled like no other. So foolish steps in, adjusting the shoulders and waist and whatever else until it's perfectly tailored for qroier ready to walk down the aisle carrying the love of both his fathers with him.
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I've been thinking a lot about Leonarda's not-death ever since it happened back in April.
("What death?" you might ask, to which I say: "EXACTLY!")
Back in mid-April, Vegetta and Leonarda were mining together in a one-block wide tunnel. A mob (a Petriman) got between the two of them, and Vegetta told Leonarda to step back while he took care of it. At this point, they'd spent enough time together that he trusted Leo to listen to him.
Instead, she was killed by the same sweeping edge bug that killed her siblings.
Vegetta's reaction here is what's really interesting to me. Unlike most other parents on the Island, there are no shouts or tears – only a very brief "Hmm" and then silence. He very quietly takes stock of the situation, saying "Vegetta, no" and wondering aloud why Leo didn't defend herself. In chat, Foolish says "It was a bug, right? LAG" to which Vegetta slowly responds "Yes, lag. Bug." (Despite this, Foolish still asks "WHAT HAPPENED" in chat, though Vegetta doesn't reply).
Instead, he creates a slightly wider space in the tunnel where Leo's body is. He continues quietly taking stock of the situation, wondering why Leo didn't defend herself (which is what necessitated his intervention). She'd been lagging a lot that day, and he figures that must be the cause, and eventually when Leo re-appears out of thin air in the middle of the cave and collects her stuff, she confirms that the lag got to her and that's why she didn't fight the mob.
Now here's where things get interesting:
Vegetta checks the tab list. Online, it's just him, Leonarda, Roier, and Foolish. He quietly tells Leonarda "The body has already disappeared, and without a body, there is no crime. Nothing is happening. Did you die?" Leo shakes her head, and Vegetta shakes his head too, and in the kind voice he uses sometimes with Leo, he says: "I believe you have not died. Where is the body? It isn't anywhere, no mija. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake."
Leo says: "I saw Diosito (God) pa, and I was scared. God, what am I doing here?" and Vegetta laughs, telling her it's alright. Leo says "No pasa nada (don't worry / nothing happened)" and Vegetta says: "And the people who are watching us have not seen it either." To Foolish and Roier, he messages: "Secreto."
And the funniest thing about this is it worked.
Not a single person spoke about it. I saw this entire event go down live and I didn't see a WHISPER of what transpired among fans. I can't even remember if the QSMP official accounts talked about it (they sure didn't mention it in Vegetta's recap of the day). We could discuss this in meta terms of course– Leo was having known lag issues that day, Vegetta's beloved by the admins so of course they're willing to turn a blind eye rather than slap a "?" over Leonarda's life on the Eggstatistics, but meta talk isn't what I'm interested in here.
I'm interested in q!Vegetta, the weird "god-adjacent" aura he's got, and the way the universe bends to his will.
Before he took a break from the server, Rubius seemed to be a caretaker for the Eggs who died (for example, he was present when Maxo, Quackity, and Mariana & Slime said their final goodbyes to Trumpet, Tilin, and JuanaFlippa). Because of his role as an "angel" and some of his dialogue during the early days of the server, it's not a stretch to say he probably came to collect any Egg who lost a life. I can imagine he did the same when he saw Leonarda die – that is, until Vegetta said "And the people who are watching us have not seen it either." Realistically, we know Vegetta was saying this to Chat (and possibly the admins as well), but again, we're looking at this from an "in-universe" perspective.
I wonder if Vegetta was aware of Rubius' role, and this was his way of telling Rubius "No. I won't allow that to happen." We know Rubius has a soft-spot for Vegetta (and we also know that Rubius was cast out of heaven several months later) so it makes me wonder if these two instances are connected.
Either way, this isn't the first time the laws of the QSMP universe have bent for Vegetta, and I certainly don't think it'll be the last.
Rubius or no, Leo didn't die that day.
Vegetta made sure of it.
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tangledinink · 9 months
Swannie deserves to visit the lake to regain some energy. I'm sure it'll cause problems, but if I'm being real, he's *exhausted* and the lake helps with that. He cant help with the memories he now has if he can't stay up. I vote he writes down the memories, then goes to the lake.
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Swannie's all healed up.
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moomoorare · 3 months
Tap to zoom in, I swear it looks good and not blurry! Also reblog pls pls I love you <3
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It's Finally done!! All my eggs designs, ohh it took so many hours but I'm so happy with how it's turned out :D
11 bugs happy happy happy
Close ups under cut!
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