#komodo rhino
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Drew some art of a turtleduck, komodo rhino, and ostrich horse!
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salty-medley · 10 months
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Just a try, I think I managed to get a closer result to the ATLA/ATLOK comics
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peony-pearl · 11 months
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rough draft of Iroh and Haruka as they start to get to know each other. Iroh has been known as The Dragon of the West for some time, and at some point held a village leader's home captive while Haruka was there performing for nobility. While Iroh seized a moment to take multiple prisoners of high blood, Haruka, an earthbender born to the lower ring of Ba Sing Se, had no interest in becoming collateral, and had less interest in not getting paid, so she Earthbent a path underground to let her audience escape, and she was able to hold back several soldiers. She isn't a trained fighter, but Haruka is a model Earthbender - stubborn and unmoving.
She manages to personally encase Iroh in rock as a 'parting gift' for the attack ruining her erhu, which she then threw at his head as he couldn't move.
Iroh then spent the night thinking about the woman as his soldiers chipped him out of the rubble.
Iroh would then manage to find the woman, and even after her erhu was replaced as payment by the nobility she was hired from, she was sent one that looked like it was made for royalty. It was sent with the tag 'My apologies for the loss of such a lovely instrument; any woman who can catch me off guard in ways other soldiers have not deserves some kind of reward - General Iroh'
Haruka squirrels the note away, both afraid and terribly proud of herself to think that she attacked Crown Prince and General Iroh and got away with it. She puts his erhu into storage, as it's Fire Nation motifs won't win over many customers, but she plays it in private.
Over time, Iroh begins to find her shows. He sneaks in as nobility, his charm winning him over with the crowds every time. He watches her play, and at first she is afraid - she can see the leftover marks from where her erhu scraped his forehead; but he never seems mad at her. Instead, he has often joined her in songs from the crowd, and soon he was introducing himself to her as she rested from a music set, walking around the handsome grounds of those who hire her.
Haruka finds it surreal that the man leading assaults on her Kingdom is seeking her out to enjoy her talents.
And then it happens - Haruka is engaged to be wed. Her parents have decided it's time for them to reap the benefits of her talents while she is handed off to someone else for more money - her days of enjoying her career are coming to a close, her voice that brought in their fortune is being silenced.
Haruka, now stripped of her agency and most of her earnings, must find her own source of income so she can escape. While on her way home to Ba Sing Se after being fitted for her wedding regalia, she and her parents find that Ba Sing Se is unreachable, as a siege by Iroh is underway.
Deciding to seek her chance, Haruka ventures off into the night to give Iroh an offer - she will entertain him and his soldiers in exchange for pay.
Iroh accepts, wanting to keep his soldiers in good spirits; and he is rather fond of the Earthbender. He hates hearing about her engagement, and he promises it won't be something she will have to worry about - however, Haruka has no interests in revisiting Ba Sing Se ever again. But when Iroh asks if she'd be interested in staying once it's under his rule, she tells him she'll 'consider it'. Still, he lets her play and he gives her payment if she is adamant on leaving.
Over time, their relationship grows, and Haruka ponders more and more about staying. The money Iroh gives her is almost forgotten, and in time she isn't just playing music, but is also joining the fight to give his soldiers an advantage against the Earthbenders.
For six hundred days, Haruka is spending sleepless nights going to Iroh's camp, often lying to her parents that she is going to see friends.
In the meantime, she's pledging her loyalty to Iroh, promising that she will follow him all the way back to the Fire Nation, even if she cannot marry him.
but Lu Ten's death changes all of that; and Haruka is thankful that she has her savings from Iroh's payments as she must stick with her original plan of finding a new life; even though she had already found it.
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elizavp-art · 7 months
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Day 24 - ATLA Zuko Fanart
Zuko's dæmon was challenging to choose, but I went with Messenger Hawk. I think they have a noble look about them but can also be cute and a little silly based on what Hawky was like.
I'd love to know what other atla animals would suit Zuko for a dæmon though~
(Also don't look at his left arm I fudged it but I'm too lazy to fix it)
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ssreeder · 1 year
my brother got a puppy recently and he's so cute he's mostly black but his front paws and the bottom of his legs are white. anyway my mom was telling me she wanted to name the puppy Boots...and you know exactly where my mind went lol
sadly the puppy ended up being named Greg (objectively horrible dog name. blame my brother.) but maybe it's for the best just in case the puppy would ever end up in a similar situation like that poor komodo rhino
As much as Greg is not the ideal name for a new puppy…. I do think it at least doesn’t doom him the way the Boots might have lol. <3
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bovidaee · 2 years
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Various animals from Zoo Tampa. What a great facility, would love to go back and visit again one day. Love the lay out, and there was some GREAT exhibit designs.
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vamp-stamp-fics · 1 month
Jet hates his face. He can't stand to look at it. He always looks away from mirrors when he's in the bathroom or ignores his reflection completely whenever he walks past water.
He doesn't believe he's ugly, no far from it. Jet knows he's not from the way girls smile shyly whenever he talks to them. The way they giggle with flustered faces whenever they're in his presence. Smellerbee always rolls her eyes whenever he indulges a little in flirting with girls whenever they pass in a town.
No, Jet hates his face because he looks just like his mother.
His beautiful, caring mother. The one that would always kiss him goodnight after telling him stories of spirits or star-crossed lovers. She was a hopeless romantic jet remembers that. His mother who would coddle him and rock her in his lap after he came home crying, another one of the village boys picking on him for how small he was. Jet used to be quite scrawny and weak if his freedom fighters could believe that.
His mother, the one that protected him from the seething hot flames the best she could the day the fire nation came to their village. while his father did his best to hold the soldiers off. And when he failed to do so, held jet tight to her as she told him to run as far as he could and to never look back. Even promising him she'd be right behind him.
He didn't keep the promise of not looking back as Jet heard the wailing screams of his mother dying. Tears blurring his view of her as the last thing he saw of her was her eyes. Only to see her killer on a Komodo Rhino in front of him with a hatred he'd never seen before.
So now jet covers mirrors. And if he can't do that, he breaks them. Letting the glass shatter as his fist covers in blood. Not only does jet hate that he looks like his mother, but he has the same hatred in his eyes as her killer. Hatred for the fire nation and what it did to him, to his own people and others.
And the thought of the only reminisce jet has left of his mother being tarnished by seeing her face with hatred in her eyes, would kill him sooner than what was to become of him in ba sing se.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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The Wallace Line - the invisible barrier through the entire Malay Archipelago keeping two world apart.
" In between two of the islands of Indonesia, there's an ancient line that is both real and not real. You can't see it, but it's there all the same. If you stood on the coast of Bali and looked east to the shores of Lombok, you'd be staring right at the line's narrowest point: a 32 km stretch of water that seems pretty unassuming. This invisible barrier weaves its way through the entire Malay Archipelago, the largest collection of islands on the planet.
See, on the western side, the animal life is characteristic of Asia, featuring rhinos, elephants, tigers and woodpeckers, to name a few. But cross the line, and things suddenly change. You won't find those same species on the eastern side. Instead, the island have a totally different cast of ecological characters, including marsupials, Komodo dragons, cockatoons, and honeyeaters.
This is what scientists call a biogeographic boundry, the meeting point of two regions of biodiversity that are highly distinct. "
Source: yt's channel PBS Eons:
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imagines--galore · 2 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Sixteen
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Allusion to death, but nothing graphic.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen,
A/N: Thank you for much for all those people who left their remarks for the last chapter. You have no idea how much it means to me!
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The bird sat on the window ledge, twittering as it discovered the flowers that were sitting prettily in a vase. It hovered over the biggest one, dipping in it's long beak and drinking from the nectar it found there.
A slight disturbance from beyond the window ledge had the bird flitting about, annoyed at having it's lunch disturbed, before he flew off.
Inside the apartment Zuko groaned as his eyelids flickered. His entire body felt like he'd been kicked around by a Komodo Rhino. And his head, Spirits he felt like his head would split open any moment. His eyes felt too hot for him to open, the act hurting him almost physically.
"You're burning up." He heard his Uncle's voice echo through the darkness. The sound of water dripping reached his ears before something cool was pressed to his forehead. "You have an intense fever. This will help cool you down."
Zuko's only response was a low moan. His throat felt like it was on fire. Despite his entire body protesting, he tried his best to sit up, his arms trembled with effort. "So thirsty." He croaked, his voice weak even to his own ears.
A set of hands pressed against his shoulders, gently pushing him to lie back down. "Orora will be returning with the water soon." He hadn't even finished his sentence when the door slid open and the young waterbender girl walked in, lugging a bucket of water beside her.
"Is he awake?" At the sound of her soft voice, Zuko forced his eyes to open slightly. Despite his blurry sight, he could see as she approached him and was at his side. Placing the bucket of water next to him she tipped some water into a cup using a ladle. He felt her gently hold the back of his head as she brought the cup to his lips. "Here, drink."
As soon as he felt the cool liquid touch his lips, he drank greedily. But it wasn't enough. Pushing aside the now empty cup, he grasped the bucket of water and all but threw the water down his throat. A lot of it trickled down the side and on the mat he was lying on.
"No! Zuko don't!" He wasn't even halfway done when the bucket was snatched from his hands and thrown to the side. Loosing whatever strength he had, he fell back onto the mat.
"You can't drink that fast. Your body is too hot to take in all that cold water." He heard her. Even through the haze of his fever, he could imagine the disapproving look in her eyes. He wanted to answer back, to argue with her, but all that came from his lips was a cough which soon intensified, prompting him to curl into himself and turn to the side.
On either side of him, his Uncle and Soulmate glanced at one another, worry and anxiousness clear in their eyes.
Stuffing the last of her purchase in her bag, Orora quickly paid the vendor before she began her sprint down the dirt path. The mid-spring sun shone down hot and unrelenting. Sweat lined her forehead as she weaved her way through the slightly crowded streets. With how fast she was running it was no surprise that by the time she reached the apartment there was a stitch at her side and she was panting heavily.
But that didn't stop her from bounding up the stairs and bursting into the apartment. "I got everything Master." She managed to say as she tried to catch her breath. Iroh looked up from where he had been wringing a wet cloth sitting in the middle of the living area. Her frantic blue eyes landed on the figure lying next to him.
"Is he any better?" She asked, her voice soft as she closed the door behind her and placed her bag on the table before coming to sit on Zuko's other side.
Iroh shook his head, even as she reached out to place a gentle hand over his forehead. Orora pursed her lips. "Is the water still cool enough?" She gestured to the small bucket that Iroh was using. Her Master nodded. "It is, though we might need to change it in a little while."
She removed her hand, so that Iroh could replace it with the wet cloth he had been wringing.
Her worried gaze assessed Zuko with the eyes of a Healer.
He was shivering, despite his body being hot to the touch. Sweat lined his forehead and neck, and she was sure it covered his chest as well. Iroh had taken off his shirt a long time ago so he would be more comfortable, and covered hims with a blanket. His breathing was deep and hoarse, as if the very air hurt his throat.
A lump formed in her throat but she quickly pushed it down. This was no time to be distressed. She was a Healer, and she would do her job properly.
"I'll start making some broth and tea." She said, standing up and moving to the table where she began to take out all manners of ingredients. "They had a merchant come in with new stock, so I was able to get fresh ingredients."
Taking out a small white paper packet, she unfolded it to reveal some leaves. "The next time he wakes up, try to get him to take this tea." She said, already bending water into the small teapot and placing it atop the stove. A small clicking sound followed as she used to spark rocks to make a fire. "Its a remedy that is tried and true. We used it up North whenever someone had a high fever." She continued, as she pulled out a jar of honey. "Add some honey to it, and he'll feel much better."
Iroh's voice had her straightening up where she stood in front of the stove. Gulping back her nerves, she turned her head to look at her Master. He smiled at her in a gentle and reassuring manner, though his eyes shone with worry as he glanced at his nephew. "I know you are worried, but he will be fine my dear." He reassured her, seeing the film of unshed tears in her eyes.
"He was in a far worse condition after the Agni Kai with his father." She tried not to flinch at the old man's words, but couldn't help herself. "He pulled through it, and he will pull through this ailment as well."
Heaving a shuddering breath, the young girl closed her eyes briefly to compose herself. She nodded. "I'm sure he will Uncle. After all," Her gaze turned soft as she trained an affectionate smile towards the feverish Prince. "He's much too stubborn to be brought down by a simple fever."
Iroh smiled in approval. It would not do to have Orora feel dismal about Zuko's current state. It was important that she remained optimistic, and not let her worries effect her abilities as a Healer. Iroh knew she would never forgive herself if she did not do her job properly. His young pupil already had a hard life, and a harder one still up ahead, and Iroh did not want her to make it even more difficult by putting herself down.
Fate was a funny thing, he mused. He lost his son, and yet he gained two children of his own. Both of them with a desperation to be loved and accepted.
As he ran the wet cloth over his nephew's forehead once more, Iroh's resolve to be there for his two charges resolved only harder.
He would never abandon either of them if he could help it.
They'd both been disappointed by enough adults in their lives.
He was dreaming.
It was a dream.
He was the Fire Lord, sitting in the throne room of the Fire Palace, a platoon of soldiers standing at attention in front of him. The fire burning behind him cast an ominous glow about the room, strange shadows flickering and dancing as if to the sound of the flames itself.
There was no scar on his eye.
On each side of him there were pillars, and even as he stared straight ahead, he could see the two dragons circling around them out of the corner of his eyes.
One Red, one Blue.
Even if it was a dream, he could sense their raw power, the heat of the fire they were created from. And yet, he stared straight ahead, not even blinking as the Blue Dragon began to circle around him.
"It's getting late." The Dragon spoke. Zuko recognized his sister's voice. "Are you planning to retire soon, My Lord?"
Zuko stared ahead, undeterred. "I'm not tired."
But the Blue Dragon did not move away. "Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while." The voice continued to whisper, and Zuko could feel his eyes begin to shut as he finally began to give into the exhaustion he felt.
"No, Fire Lord Zuko!" The Red Dragon growled in his Uncle's voice, as it neared him. "Do not listen to the Blue Dragon. You should get out of here right now." The Dragon urged. "Go! Before it's too late!"
But the Blue Dragon was not deterred. "Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko." It whispered one last time before both Dragons disappeared.
Suddenly, the entire room, along with the soldiers crumble into nothing, leaving Zuko to sit on the Throne where he had been, with nothing surrounding him but utter darkness.
In front of him, twin lights blinked and the Blue Dragon appeared. "Sleep." It growled, slowly nearing him. "Just like Mother!" It opened it's maw, showing row upon row of razor sharp teeth, as it closed in rapidly.
Zuko tried to move out of the way, tried to fight back, but he was frozen in place. All he could do was watch the dragon draw nearer.
But then it disappeared.
And he saw a hooded figure in front of him. "Zuko!"
He recognized his voice. He wanted so badly to call out to her, and say that he was there, but no sound would come out of it.
His mother sounded just as frightened as she looked as she lowered her hood to look at him with helpless eyes.
"Help me!"
He had almost held up his hand to reach out to her, but then the floor opened up beneath him and he fell through, his cries echoing in the unending darkness that surrounded him.
The tea had steeped enough, so she quickly brought it over to Iroh. Silently, she spooned some honey into a cup, her eyes flitting to Zuko who was starting to stir. Iroh poured the tea.
"You should know that this is not a natural sickness, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea." The Prince sat up, his body still trembling with the effort.
"What's happening?" He asked, his voice sounding just as weak as he looked.
"Your critical decision." Iroh replied. Orora gave him a confused look. "What you did beneath that lake. It was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body." He urged Zuko to drink more of the warm liquid Orora had prepared.
"What's that mean?" It seemed even the briefest of conversations was enough to have him coughing. He quickly laid back down, his entire body jolting with every cough.
"You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be."
Wasn't he already beautiful though? Orora wandered, pouring some more tea in case Iroh needed a cup as well. "But Master why now when he helped free Appa? He saved my life at the North Pole, wouldn't that have been against his image as well?" She asked, curiously.
Iroh hummed. "I suspect my dear, that when he saved you he did so unconsciously. He went ahead and did what was instinct for him because you are his soulmate, even though he did not know it at the time."
Adjusting Zuko's blankets the Dragon of the West continued. "When he freed the Bison, it was a conscious effort on his part, which is why his body is warring within itself."
Orora pursed her lips, her blue eyes flitting to look at Zuko's face. He'd drifted back to sleep.
Another dream.
He was at the North Pole.
He was at the bridge where he had fought Zhao.
The moon was still red where she hung in the sky.
And in front of him, halfway down the bridge stood Zhao.
Holding Orora captive.
With a finger aimed at the side of her head, the tip of it alight with a vicious flame.
"No!" The cry ripped through him from the very depths of his being. He stumbled forward, his arm held out as if to reach Orora. But then he found them being held in place by two armored Fire Nation soldiers. Zhao only smiled cruelly.
"I would do the world a service by getting rid of such watertribe filth." He growled. Zuko's eyes met hers. She stared back at him, blue eyes full utter terror, cheeks stained with the tears that were rapidly falling.
"Zuko." She called out, her entire body seemed to tremble.
His heart stopped.
She sounded scared.
She sounded so scared.
"What would your father say when he finds out your soulmate is nothing but a commoner? A waterbender no less." Zhao sneered, looking at Orora with a disgusted look on his face.
He pressed his finger closer prompting Orora to whimper in fright as the flame burned closer to her skin. "Don't!" Zuko shouted, struggling against his captors. They didn't so much as flinch.
"Better that I take care of her now, then let your father deal with such filth."
So saying, he threw Orora to the side. Zuko saw her hit her head at the edge of the bridge, the skin above her temple splitting open, bright red blood escaping the wound and trickling down her beautiful brown skin. She slumped to the floor, barely conscious.
"Orora!" He struggled again, growling viciously, as she weakly lifted her head to look at him, her blue eyes already lifeless and dull.
Zhao raised his hand, a bright yellow flame burning wickedly in his palm, ready to strike.
Ready to kill.
Orora pursed her lips.
"Its been hours. His fever should be coming down now." She hummed, looking at the shivering Prince. Her eyes darted to the small bucket of water that Iroh was still using. She scowled.
"It's not doing enough work." She stated, standing up. Without a backward glance she was out of the apartment, and marching down to the community well. Standing next to it she reached down with her arms, calling to the water that flowed underground and pulled up a huge bubble of water.
Circling her arms in the air in graceful strokes, the determined waterbender slowly made her way back up the stairs. She shifted the shape of the bubble whenever was necessary. Her brow creased in a frown of concentration as she focused on carrying the huge bubble up to the apartment.
Once inside she slowly walked to the washing area behind a decorative screen. Her arms lowered as the bubble of water settled into the large wooden tub. The water lapped gently against the edge before it settled. Without so much as a break in her stride, she quickly walked back to where Iroh was sitting.
Understanding what she was about to do, he had already pulled Zuko up, resting one arm over his shoulder to help his nephew to the tub. Orora took his other arm, trying to be as gentle as possible.
The Prince barely stirred as they half carried, half dragged him to the now full tub. With Orora holding him from under his arms, and with Iroh lifting from his feet, they managed to lower him into the cool water.
"Let me get a pillow for his head." Iroh said, quickly grabbing the pillow Zuko had been using and placing it under his nephew's head where it rested at the edge of the bath tub.
Beside him, Orora took a deep breath.
She raised her arms, palms facing downwards, her fingers relaxed and at level with the bath tub. The water began to glow as she allowed her Healing Abilities to flow through her body, to the tips of her fingers and into the water.
Her arms moved in a constant push and pull motion. The water followed her movement, back and forth along Zuko's feverish body.
Iroh stood beside her, watching on with utter fascination as his pupil concentrated on the task at hand. Never once did she falter in her movements, or lost concentration. The water continued to glow. Iroh wasn't sure how her abilities would heal Zuko since it wasn't a physical ailment he suffered from, but he was not about to stop Orora from trying.
"I shall go and prepare something to eat for both of you." He said, resting a hand on her shoulder. She gave a slight nod of her head in confirmation, her gaze never wavering from the face of the Prince as he continued to breath hoarsely.
All around him.
Nothing but darkness.
He was ten years old, his face buried in his arms, trying not to cry but failing. Even his firebending wasn't working. He felt weak and useless.
Exactly how his father made him feel.
He looked up, only to see a vision of his father standing above him, ready to strike and burn him.
Azula was born lucky
His father's voice echoed around him, magnified a hundred times over.
You were lucky to be born.
Over and over, the words continued to repeat in his father's hateful tone. There was no stopping it. No getting out of the nightmare. No one was coming to help him.
No one.
No one.
Something flickered.
He opened his tear filled eyes.
A blue light flickering.
Flickering where the thread was tied around his finger.
His lips parted in surprise as the flicker became a continuous glow and slowly grew in length, snaking away from him and into the darkness.
The voices around him had begun to muffle as he turned his attention to the glowing string.
"Well, are you going to follow it?"
Zuko blinked and he wasn't surrounded by darkness anymore.
He was on a beach, the setting sun casting a warm red glow, bathing the sky in a gorgeous orange hue. The surf lapped gently at his feet, and he could feel the sand between his toes. There was no denying what this location was.
Ember Island, where his family used to come for vacation when they had been significantly happier.
But all of this wasn't what had his heart lurching in his throat.
It was actually the sight of his cousin standing just a few feet in front of him, smiling and very much alive.
Zuko couldn't help himself. He dashed forward, kicking up sand as he went and enveloping Lu Ten in a fierce embrace. The older prince chuckled, returning the hug.
"I've missed you too, Zuko." He spoke, affection coloring his tone as he smiled at him. "You've grown so much." Lu Ten added, stepping back from the hug to look at him properly. "You'll be as tall as I was."
Zuko pulled back only to star at Lu Ten who chuckled. "Yes, I really am gone Zuko, this is just something your mind has come up with."
Finally gaining back the ability to speak, Zuko voiced his thoughts. "I don't understand, what're you doing here?" He asked to which Lu Ten ruffled his hair playfully. "I'm here to guide you back home."
Stepping aside, he pointed to a building a little ways down the beach. Zuko frowned. "But, isn't home the Fire Palace?" He asked. Lu Ten smiled and shook his head.
"You'll know the meaning of the word home on your own Zuko. But for now, follow your string." He nodded towards Zuko's finger which still glowed blue. Raising his hand, Zuko realized the string was actually leading him towards the house.
He glanced at his cousin.
"Aren't you coming with me?"
A sad smile pulled at his cousin's lips as he shook his head. "I'm afraid not. You have to finish your journey on your own Zuko."
Feeling his heart clench, Zuko nodded reluctantly. "Un-Uncle misses you. A lot." The mention of his father, Lu Ten sighed deeply, his own eyes filling with a sorrow that even Zuko felt. "And I miss him. I wish our time wasn't cut short so soon, but fate had other plans." Placing a hand on Zuko's shoulder, Lu Ten continued.
"I am glad he has you Zuko. You are a great comfort to him." Zuko pursed his lips, looking crestfallen. "Can't you come back with me?" It was a childish question he knew, but he couldn't help himself.
Lu Ten shook his head sadly. "You know I cannot. But you can go back. You have to go back." He smiled. "Father can't loose a son a second time."
Trying hard to hold back his tears, to no avail, Zuko hugged his cousin, trying his best to commit his presence and his scent to memory, even if it was a dream. It was a good long while before he unwound his arms from around his cousin, who had been returning the hug with just as much heart and soul. "Be true to yourself Zuko, and always follow your own path." So saying, the former prince of the Fire Nation stepped away. "Take care of him for me little cousin. Now go! There is someone waiting for you!"
One moment he was there, and the next Zuko blinked and Lu Ten was gone.
He allowed himself a few moments to process what had just happened, before he turned his attention to the string that still glowed on his finger. Looking up at the house in the distance, he began to walk towards it.
And though it looked like it was a lot further down the beach, it didn't take him long to reach. As he drew closer, he saw a figure standing at the top of the stairs that led up to the entrance.
A figure dressed in the calm yet beautiful blue of the Water Tribe, with a red sash tied around their waist.
The person turned, and smiled at him.
And Zuko felt the whole world stop.
"What took you so long?" She asked, looking so beautiful as she stood there with her hair so much longer then he had ever seen. Her gorgeous brown skin glowed in the setting sun, and her eyes looked like the very light of the stars was dancing in them. Zuko stood at the bottom of the steps, mesmerized by her. Orora held out a hand, the hand that glowed with her own string.
Her glow was red, of course.
"I've been waiting for you." She said, her voice soft, beckoning him to her. Watching her standing there, looking at him with such trust and adoration, her hair swaying gently in the breeze, Zuko didn't hesitate to take the last few steps towards her, his hand held out in front of him.
The moment their hands clasped together, fingers intertwining, he pulled her in for an embrace.
One that had the last remnant of darkness leaving his soul completely.
She had no idea how long she continued her Healing Session. All she knew was that by the time she was done, his body had stopped shivering and he didn't look as flushed as before. Her arms ached when she finally stopped. Her feet ached from where she had been standing for so long.
Very nearly slumping to the ground, Orora quickly caught herself on the edge of the bath tub. Her Superiors had warned her that using her Healing Abilities for so long would take a toll on her. Tiredness and hunger, two things that could be taken care of easily, but it didn't stop the body from feeling like it had been drained of it's very essence.
Iroh who had just changed Zuko's mat and blanket, patted her shoulder. "That is quite enough, my dear. You go and eat the food I have prepared. I shall finish getting him out and dressing him in dry clothes."
Too tired to even speak let alone argue, Orora shuffled her way out to the living area. There on the table was a bowl of hot soup. Spooning the warm broth into her mouth, one bite after another, she felt the exhaustion she was experiencing begin to settle into her bones. She had over-exerted herself. It would take time for her to recover properly.
It didn't take long for her to finish her meal and chase it down with a cool cup of water. By the time she was done, Iroh had already helped Zuko back on the mat. How he'd been able to lift his nephew was a mystery to Orora, but she couldn't think properly right then.
Instead she stumbled to Zuko's side laying down as she did, her head feeling just as heavy as her body. While Iroh moved to get a blanket and pillow for her as well, Zuko stirred slightly.
"Orora." He called out softly, his voice still hoarse from coughing.
She reached out to gently take his hand in her own. He opened his eyes halfway as he turned his head to look at her laying beside him. With whatever strength he had, he squeezed her hand.
"You're alright." He whispered in that same voice, though relief colored his tone. "You're here."
Orora was too tired to contemplate on what he was saying. Instead, she smiled at him and returned the squeeze with her own.
"I'm here, Zuko." She whispered, and her words seemed to reassure him that she was, indeed, fine. His eyes closed, and he went back to sleep, his breathing easy and no longer labored.
The young waterbender had been too tired to notice just how cool his hand felt as she too drifted off to sleep.
It was how Iroh found them a moment later. Asleep next to each other, holding hands.
The thread between them flickering with color for a good long while.
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
Burning Destiny (part.2)
part 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/719741684747059200/burning-destiny?source=share
part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/721589459145080832/burning-destiny-part-3?source=share
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  How many years had passed? 3 or 4? You didn't even know anymore. The town where you hid was suspended in time, it seemed as if the 100-year war had not existed. This state was due to the lack of resources that made it unimportant both for the Fire Nation and for the Earth Kingdom. People were peaceful and welcoming to the rare visitors who ventured into their corner of the world.Although you appreciated the kindness of the townspeople, you always complained to Agni about the endless monotony. Every day you went to the market, then to the school where you worked as a teacher, then home.
            It was a new day and you had just gotten out of bed. Confused, you looked out the window and noticed that the Sun was not yet in the sky. You were sure you heard a child crying. You slowly left the house and looked at the street. Not far from your house, a small child is staring in amazement at a boy no older than 12 years old. You thought it was just Li and his younger brother Taro and that the two of them were sneaking into your house to play a prank on you. Remembering that the last time they did this you lost an eyebrow you headed towards them wanting to scare them.You threw yourself at the older boy managing to immobilize him and pull his hat off his head to pull his ears. Both you and the boys screamed. The two were scared of you and you were scared of the blue arrow that adorned the head of the young man in your arms. The Avatar! You knew Agni hates you! If he is here, it means that the Fire Nation is not far away! You quickly send the smaller boy to his house and push the avatar towards your house.
 Y/N: what are you doing here?! You're crazy?! The Fire Nation will destroy the whole city to find you!
 Aang: Um, me and my friends stopped by to get some supplies ma'am..
 Y/N: my name is Y/N, I'm one of the teachers in this town. I will help you stock up, but as soon as you do, you and your friends will leave. We have a deal?
       The boy approves energetically and then bows respectfully. Y/N helps him cover his arrow and then they leave together for the market. There they meet two panicked teenagers dressed in Watertribe clothes. Y/N sighs, no wonder the Fire Nation always finds these kids. They don't even bother to change their clothes to blend in better with the crowd. The teenagers run towards the avatar looking suspiciously at the y/h/c woman. Y/N quickly explained the plan to them. She quickly buys them a good amount of food and other goods that could be useful to them on their journey. Then the woman offers them a bag with a reasonable amount of silver coins. The children hug her gratefully but she tells them that she is just trying to do her part in winning the war and advises them to run away quickly. You agreed to help them carry the supplies to their bison to make sure they would actually leave. There you met a small girl dressed in the clothes of the Earth Kingdom who seemed on the edge between panic and anger. The girl comes towards you and taps her foot accusingly. 
Toph: what took you so long?! we have to leave quickly! The crazy princess and her even crazier friends are close. i feel the komodo rhinos approaching.
 Y/N: Azula?! Run away from here immediately! 
        In a few minutes, the bison rises to the sky, and the noise of an angry Komodo rhino pierces the silence of the forest. The y/h/c woman tried to run away but it was too late as a circle of blue fire surrounded her. 
Azula: what else do we have here? who are you peasant?
 Y/N giggled bitterly. She takes a deep breath in her chest and turns to the princess. 
Y/N: let's just say I'm not exactly a peasant my dear
 The princess's face falls to the ground. All of a sudden, more expressions appear on her face than she has in years: insecurity, amazement, sadness, anger, happiness. The older woman looks at her with a broken smile and opens her arms in anticipation. The young woman throws herself into her arms and gives her a tight hug. Y/N sighs and returns the hug.Ty Lee and Mai also arrive and look at the scene in front of them confused. Then they analyze you and finally recognize you. Ty Lee quickly runs towards you and tries to join the hug but Azula angrily pushes her away then hugs you again. Y/N gives the girls an apologetic look and orders them to set up camp. After a few minutes, Azula moves away from you and begins to interrogate you. You sigh, feeling like you're talking to the old Ozai, this girl doesn't know how much she really resembles her father. But you hope that she will not go down the same path of destruction that her father decided to go down. You stop her talking with a wave of your hand. She blushes slightly and then regains the dangerous calm that is so characteristic of Fire Nation nobles. 
Y/N: let's just say I needed a break from all the stress of the Palace. I have no excuse for my actions, and my only regret is that I felt like I left you alone. I know Zuko had Iroh, and your father deserved to spend some time and rethink his actions. But, I'm afraid that Ozai applied the tactic of blaming any other people besides himself.
 Azula: You're saying my father was the reason you left? But why? He did nothing wrong!
 Y/N: let's say that the two of us had some adult arguments. You are too young to understand, believe me.
 Azula: I'm sure you'll sort everything out when we get to the palace. 
Y/N: that's all I could wish for.
            The journey to the palace was fast and tiring. Azula was getting more and more impatient with each passing day. If at first Y/N thought about a possible escape, an idea she gave up because she didn't want to hurt the three girls, then she reconciled with the idea that she would at least have a chance to roast Ozai a little for the Agni Kai with Zuko. Someone has to take the place of Ozai's heart until she returns from vacation, that is if she didn't die with Lu Ten. Y/N was starting to think that the second option was the most plausible of the two.
          Arriving at the palace, Ty Lee and Mai went to their rooms and Azula hid Y/N in her rooms. Y/N tried to rest but that was almost impossible with all of Azula's talk. Y/N had already noticed from the trip that no one had paid attention to Azula, only to the wonder princess. The good part was that now Y/N knew everything that had happened in her absence. The bad part was that the only way Azula knew how to show her affection was to report all the useful information and do anything else despicable to get recognition. Okay, maybe there was another bad part. Azula had become worryingly paranoid, Y/N had noticed how Azula tentatively smelled and tasted her food before letting her eat, how she eyed the guards suspiciously, how she seemed to check on her every few minutes to make sure she hadn't disappeared.
          After a few days in which Y/N ​​tried with all her might to make Azula a little more relaxed, the day of truth arrived. Now she was outside the Fire Lord's chambers waiting for Azula to leave so she could enter. Azula had insisted on breaking the news to Ozai but Y/N didn't want to risk that psychopath venting his anger on Azula because of her actions. Azula left the room and told Y/N she could come in. Y/N stopped thinking and entered. Ozai was sitting at his desk reading a scroll. He didn't even bother to look up and said boredly: 
Ozai: I hope you have a very good reason to bother me, Minister of Agriculture 
Y/N: I look like an old man struggling to walk without a cane, Ozai?
           Ozai gets up from the desk and for a few moments looks at the woman as if he saw Agni before him. The woman rolls her eyes but bites a sharp remark from her tongue. There are more important things than her pride at stake. She knows Ozai and knows that he is not extremely difficult to handle if you know what strings to pull. Ozai approaches her like a predator who doesn't want to lose his prey. She looks at him the way the old dragon tamers looked at a wild dragon. Yes, if she has to die, she will die fighting because she is a firebending master and is no longer afraid of burning herself.If the price to protect Azula and the rest of the world from this monster is her life, then she will pay it with a smile.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
Tell me if you want part 3!
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Another sketch brought to you by #paleostream
Anteosaurus, bane of the Permian. A titanic synapsid, build like a cress between bear and komodo dragon but the size of a rhino.
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bunjywunjy · 2 years
my friends and I got into a debate about which animal (Komodo dragon, rhino, leopard, or gorilla) would let you live if you were stuck in a windowless room with one for like half an hour- do you have any opinions over which would be the least homicidal?
of those four, probably either the leopard or the gorilla (scare the leopard enough to get it to stay on the other side of the room, try to convince the gorilla you're just a harmless little funny guy) but I'll be honest, those choices aren't great
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taxonomytournament · 3 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Results of Round 1
Long post, many stats.
The three biggest landslides were Opiliones (daddy longlegs) beating Parasitiformes (ticks) (87.89%, 334 to 46 votes), Terebellida (Pompeii worms) beating Scolecida (bamboo worms) (88.94%, 193 to 24 votes), and Hemiptera (true bugs) beating Phthiraptera (lice) (91.04%, 19 to 193 votes).
The three closest matches were Perissodactyla (horses and rhinos) beating Pholidota (pangolins) (50.6%, 747 to 765 votes), Caniformia (canines, bears, foxes...) beating Feliformia (felines, mongooses...) (50.28%, 538 to 532 votes), and Struthioniformes (ostriches) and Rheiformes (rheas) tying (50%, 144 to 144 votes).
To break the tie, I will discount my own vote (for Struthioniformes), so Rheiformes win.
Interesting that the top 3 landslides were all invertebrates (actually all top 7), while the 3 closest matches were all between Chordates (actually 4).
The average winning percent was 67.10% for all matches, and was 71.28% between non-chordates and 62.91% between chordates. So the chordate matches were closer in general.
As you may have guessed from the biggest landslides, parasites fared quite poorly. While the bracket started with 9 primarily parasitic clades, only 3 made it to this round (Hirudinea [leeches], Eucestoda [tapeworms], D. medinensis [nematode]) and all three were against other parasites.
The biggest landslide among Mammals was Didelphidae (possums) beating Hyracoidea (dassies) (80.26%)
The biggest landslide among Birds was Columbiformes (pigeons and doves) beating (flamingos) (72.34%)
The biggest landslide among Non-Avian Reptiles was Serpentes (snakes) beating Rhynchocephalia (tuatara) (60.60%). The closest match among Reptiles was Iguania (iguanas, chameleons...) beating Anguimorpha (Komodo dragon) (51.09%)
The biggest landslide among Cartilaginous Fish was Myliobatiformes (stingrays) beating Rajiformes (skates) (81.20%). The closest match was Rhinopristiformes (shovelnose ray, sawfish...) beating Torpediniformes (electric rays) (51.44%)
The biggest landslide among Bony Fish (and Chordates in general) was Osteoglossiformes (African Knifefish) beating Hiodontiformes (mooneyes) (84.71%). The closest match was Toxotidae (archerfish) beating Istiophoriformes (swordfish) (50.64%).
The biggest landslide among Echinoderms was Asteroids (starfish) beating Peripodida (sea daisies) (82.95%). The closest match was Echinacea (sea urchins) beating Gnathostomata (sand dollars) (55.38%).
The closest match among Annelids was Eunicida (eg. Bobbit worm) beating Phyllodocida (eg. Gossamer worm) (54.38%)
The biggest landslide among Gastropods was Neomphalida (volcano snails) beating Umbraculoidea (false limpets) (86.67%). The closest was Conidae (cone snails) beating Strombidae (conches) (51.39%)
The biggest landslide among Cephalopods was Sepiida (cuttlefish) beating Spirulida (Ram's horn squid) (77.53%). The closest match was Oegopsida (glass squid, giant squid...) beating Myopsida (European squid, reef squid...) (61.9%).
The biggest landslide among other molluscs was Polyplacophora (chitons) beating Scaphopoda (Tusk Shells) (84.35%). The closest was Heterodonta (edible clams) beating Palaeoheterodonta (freshwater mussels) (52.08%)
The closest match among Insects was Mantodea (mantises) beating Blattodea (roaches and termites) (72.9%). Interestingly still a pretty big landslide.
The biggest landslide among Crustaceans was Thecostraca (barnacles) beating Tantulocarida (parasites of crustaceans) (83.33%). The closest match was Branchiopoda (fairy shrimp) beating Copepods (56.54%)
The closest match among Invertibrates was Eucestoda (tapeworms) beating Amphilinidea (parasites of turtles) (50.65%).
Round 2 starts tomorrow!
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sulkybender · 2 months
Okay, so: ATLA but Zuko has an animal companion too.
We see him on the ship, thirteen and freshly banished, visiting the komodo rhinos in the brig at night.
“You understand me, girl”

She’s the meanest of all of them but Zuko takes a liking to her. 

Zuko: “Her name is Kudzu, because she grows on you” 

*crew exchanging looks*

Zuko, glaring: “She grows on you!” 

She’s also the chubbiest rhino because Zuko dotes on her and keeps sneaking her little snacks.

When he goes back to the Fire Nation in Book 3, he goes down to the stables at night to hang out with the komodo rhinos.
But none of them are Kudzu, and he misses her. 

Azula: “You smell like a barnyard”

Zuko, sadly: “It’s not the same”

He’s reunited with Kudzu when his old crew attends his inauguration. 

Jee: “we’ve brought you something”
Zuko: “KUDZU!!”

*hugging her, tearing up*

Jee: “she’s literally the worst animal I’ve ever met”

Zuko, sobbing: “I know, isn’t she wonderful?”

*bonus: Kudzu’s Lost Days segment, but she’s just eating hay and being bitchy*
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erisenyo · 11 months
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For this prompt game!
(@demondarakna and NSFW-y content ahead!)
“I don’t know,” Sokka sing-songs, “That sounded like a lot of begging at the end.”
Zuko snorts against his shoulder. “Did you hear yourself? You were gagging for it.”
“And yet you were the one gagging on it earlier.”
“And you were begging then, too.”
Sokka rolls his eyes even and wiggles down more comfortably under Zuko’s weight, enjoying the slide of their sweat-damp skin together. “Like you weren’t so desperate you could barely keep your hands off me during dinner.”
“I’m sorry.” Zuko pulls back enough to hit him with an incredulous look, “Who was deep-throating a Komodo rhino sausage at the table again?”
“It just tasted good,” Sokka huffs, pretending at disdain, “Don’t flatter yourself.” Though now that he’s thinking about it, Sokka wouldn’t mind finishing off that plate Zuko shoved into his hands before hauling him out of the formal dinner…
“Oh,” Zuko says, dry, as Sokka cranes around, finally finding the plate just off the rug and twisting to reach for it without needing to unhook his legs from around Zuko’s thighs. “You did plenty of flattering for me when you—shit, are you bleeding?”  
Sokka pauses, one arm extended toward the plate, craning back to see a wicked rug burn across his shoulders. He blinks, registering the sting—on both sides—through the lingering post-orgasm languor of his body, finally shrugging and offering Zuko a smug smile. “It was that good, huh.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Zuko says, levering himself to the side enough for Sokka to actually reach the plate, laughing at the annoyed grumble Sokka lets out over the loss of contact. “Relax, you can get right back under me—”
“Not the same.” Though still good.
“—and like you didn’t love every bit of it.”
He did, he really did, his body fucked-out and syrupy in that way only Zuko can do to him, every inch of him feeling it in the best kind of way as he rolls to the plate, grinning back over his shoulder at the way Zuko unabashedly watches the show.
“Don’t worry, love,” Sokka says as he admires the marvelous sight Zuko makes sprawled out naked in the firelight, relaxed and lazy and comfortable. “You got your own damage.”
Zuko stares a moment, uncomprehending, then glances down at himself, seeming bemused as he registers the scratches on his hips and twisting to try to see what Sokka is sure is a matching set on his back, too.
“Huh,” Zuko says, contemplative.
“Yeah,” Sokka agrees, munching into a dumpling that is still delicious even cold.
Zuko glances around at the wreck they’ve made of their Omashu suite. “…There’s probably blood in a few places.”
Considering the path they took to finally end up on the rug…yeah. Probably.
“Got a good story for it?”
Sokka purses his lips, taking another bite. “Assassination attempt?”
Zuko hums. “They’d probably be upset about that one.”
“Then nope,” Sokka says cheerfully. The cover stories have been fucked right out of him.
“Shame,” Zuko says, not sounding particularly broken up about it. But then, it’s not exactly the first time…
Sokka gives him a sideways look. “We probably can’t make it much worse, then.”
“…Oh?” Zuko says, intent, clearly registering his tone, and it might not even be ten minutes since they both came but Sokka is suddenly feeling like eating the…berries and honeyed cream, he decides, off of Zuko sounds like just the way to start the rest of the night.   
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cisthoughtcrime · 1 year
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