#killing stalking yoon bum
freakyarts · 2 years
I just- I just wanted some clarity
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nerdy-talks · 2 years
I see you like killing stalking 👀 who do you prefer and why - Sangwoo or Yoonbum? Love the profile btw <3
Thank you so much, anon! <3
To answer your question : I like Sangwoo (I have a thing for crazy, dangerous, psychopathic characters lol) but I am Team Yoonbum all the way!
From the very beginning, I was rooting for Yoonbum. I was hoping he would somehow escape from Sangwoo's house and be able to move on in a positive direction.
But then after seeing the terrible events of his past, how he was abused, mistreated, looked down upon, and hated for no reason except for the fact that he existed.... I ended up loving Yoonbum even more (because he needs love!). I was able to understand and sympathize with him on a personal level.
And even though his past doesn't excuse his actions, it made perfect sense why he felt the way he did and why his mannerisms were so "awkward".
I think Koogi did an amazing job portraying both Sangwoo and Yoonbum in such contrasting ways, considering they both had a mountain's worth of trauma stacked on top of them.
My only wish would have been for Yoonbum to recover and find genuine happiness after everything that he endured. But even though that didn't happen (or maybe it did? Koogi, you beautifully sly fox you lol), I'm still a huge fan of Killing Stalking ^^
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sneebnationalism · 7 months
the way sangwoo views sex is so intriguing to me. he honestly isn't as sexually driven as most people seem to assume he is. rather, he's focused on what sex represents to him. he uses it as a way to feel in control and secure with himself. after bum kills jieun, sangwoo fucks him as a way to establish that despite bum gaining some power over someone in a way, sangwoo is still above him. when sangwoo refuses to suck dick, that's not just him trying to dodge the gay allegations. rather, doing so would be putting himself in a position of submission, and therefore making himself weak.
meanwhile, bum is absolutely seeking a more traditional sexual relationship and is unaware of sangwoo's perspective.
i hate how people talk about him calling bum mom during sex because everyone just sees it as a kinky thing and ignores the fact that the whole chapter is like a waking ptsd nightmare. leading up to that, there's so many parallels between bum and eunseo. he's wearing her old apron, he asks to call sangwoo by the same romantic nickname eunseo used to use on him, and other subtle things that would tie the two together.
leading up to this, sangwoo has been going THROUGH IT thinking about his childhood in general and why his life led up to this point. a lot of this centers around his mom. his childhood was full of emotional incest, sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, and just general awful treatment from his mother who he cared too much about to refuse.
because sangwoo has been tweaking for days over this, he insists on not making eye contact while he has sex with yoon bum. not only that, but just not seeing his face whatsoever. people normally say that's also because he's dodging the gay allegations, but it's because bum looks like his mom. sangwoo wants to have sex in order to establish some sort of control and feel in power over the idea of his mother. but bum switches to a position where he is on top of sangwoo, the same position he was in when his mom sexually assaulted him.
so when he calls bum mom, it's because sangwoo is now in a position of submission. he's scared. the only person who was ever able to force him into that mindset was his mother. since then, he's been so adamant on avoiding that feeling that he'd kill and torture people solely to remind himself he isn't weak.
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rene-darling · 8 months
Whenever I read bl manhwas I never fall for or like the top. I always like the bottoms more😭 does anyone else relate??
Like jooha from pearl boy is SO MHM. He's so pretty please give me a man like that I LOVE pretty men.
My red flag is that I read killing stalking and had a crush... On YOONBUM
KIM DAN FROM JINX IS SO KHHDSASGJK- come here bbg let me spoil you and give you the aftercare you deserve
I never read Painter of the Night only the first few chapters a few years ago... BUT NAKYUM KJJGDSSHJ omg, omg, omg I need him. He's so cute I need a man like him HES SO PRETTY
I read a married man and like LEE GEOM!!...UHG I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM kkjhfdashjkk I wanna have soft sex with him and treat him right. Like, take him on dates and shi...
I'm a straight woman btw.
THE BOTTOM FROM NIGHT BY THE SHORE!!!! Ughhhgg I need him. It's not a want I need him, like let me be your sugar mommy and ill pay all your depts off.
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stpvnd6794 · 11 months
Headcannons for Yoon Bum, Feitan Portor, Illumi Zoldyck, and Tamaki Amajiki
⚠️ note: there is nsfw content, mentions of cnc, might be triggering to some!! ⚠️
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Yoon Bum
- wants to be loved
- devoted, completely loyal
- will do ANYTHING asked of him
- cuddles
- obsessive, doesn’t know how to love correctly
- obsessed like STALKER LEVEL
- but it’s sweet in its own way.
- gets jealous when you talk about anyone
- hes so sweet, will plump your pillow and shit like that
- loves it when you do little things
- like just scoot closer to him outta no where
- or lay your legs on him
- or play with his hair
- LORD man will get on him knees
- no, like.. seriously. he will
- and i have a feeling he’d love random kisses, albeit will be hella shy ab it
- praise.
- complete bottom
- the only time he will dom is if you make him
- please reward him for everything
- such a good boy
- so submissive
- will do everything asked of him
- so cute
- cums too fast
- thrusts inexperienced-ly
- the cutest doe eyes
- will kind of manipulate you to get his way
- :]
- tsundere
- will tsk or tch at you for everything
- smiles just a little behind his scarf thing when he thinks you do something cute
- does the little things
- gets steals you something when he sees you eyeing it
- listening and remembering to the small things you talk about
- takes your plate to the kitchen with his when you’re both done with food
- takes bags from you when you’re holding something
- when you two walk together he’ll brush his hand against yours to see if you’ll get the hint
- things like that
- likes being the big spoon when cuddling or anything where he can hold you
- is utterly in love with you but denies it profusely
- his eyes soften just a little when he sees you
- when he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he does is pull you close(r) to him.
- or he’ll look for you if you’re not there. (and maybe panic a bit)
- switch
- definitely dom leaning
- even when he’s bottoming he’s like dominant about it.
- he likes to be caressed and wants you to be sweet
- but don’t treat him like he’s fragile or made of glass
- throw in a little degrading every now and then
- bdsm
- will spank
- makes you get on your knees more often than not
- sometimes he’ll bend you over his, spank you and make you count, if you mess up he starts over again
- so sweet afterwards
- will definitely cuddle you
- in the mornings he’s also very sweet. sometimes you’ll wake up to food or something if he’s in the mood or wakes up before you (he prob forced someone to cook tho, bc for some reason, i cant see him being able to cook 🤷‍♀️)
- :)
- you’ll have to bare with him here
- very emotionally constipated
- does this adorable head tilt when he’s confused (literally a puppy, i like do think hes like a lab or smt idk)
- he’s not used to physical touch but will hold your pinky finger with his :]
- he also will do these domestic thing he probably learned from movies
- like touching you with his cold feet
- or covering you with a blanket when you fall asleep
- will stiffly pet your head/hair
- lets you braid his hair occasionally (wont admit it but he loves those claw clip thingys)
- if he’s really tired after a mission he’ll plop himself onto you and cuddle you
- don’t touch him too suddenly though, make sure he knows what you’re doing
- be soft and gentle with him but also don’t be afraid
- sometimes he’ll release some bloodlust or just try and scare you to make you think he’s bad or “a monster”
- has a hard time knowing that you actually love him
- and don’t want him for his family, power, status, money or- you get the idea
- does want children though so.
- like a family
- and that, to him, is like- 5 kids so.
- he is very stubborn so you’re gonna have to settle with like at least one child
- i’m telling you this dude could go on for HOURS
- and i don’t mean like 1 or 2
- I MEAN LIKE 8-9 hours
- definitely tries to impregnate you
- if you have female anatomy or are fertile
- if not then he is getting like a surrogate or something
- he needs heirs
- seems vanilla but is kinda kinky
- definitely does the choking or pain(cmon mans a sadist)
- i think he’s into like pervy stuff too
- def watches you when you think you’re alone
- whether thats like taking a shower, changing, masturbating, etc.
- literally doesn’t know what boundaries are
- he gets off on you not knowing he’s there
- i feel like he’s into somnophilia
- :3
- so sweet
- timid too
- the cutest
- his favorite cuddle position is like with you two curled up facing each other and your foreheads pressed together
- likes to just stare at you
- you make him blush a lot
- with anything
- say something, wink at him, check him out, hold his hand, play with his hair, kiss him on the cheek(or anywhere), etc.
- he’ll blush
- likes for you to lay on him, no matter your size.
- the weight on him gives him comfort
- like a weighted blanket or stuffed animal
- doesn’t take compliments too well
- usually just like shakes his head or looks conflicted
- i don’t really think he’s comfortable with sex
- definitely on the asexual spectrum
- but i will say he does like intimacy and sensuality
- he just likes to be loved
- :>
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omo143omori · 6 months
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Killing Stalking, Chapter 3
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criesingayscale · 1 month
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one of my fave pages
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tha5linas · 9 months
I know i'm very late to the party and this fandom is basicly dead. BUT-
I noticed something while i read through chapter 55.
Where Sangwoo and his mom bury his dead father. First they buy some apples on the way. As we can see there's 4.
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She makes him eat a apple, or at least take one bite out of it.
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She one out of her pocket, that has cleary been eaten a bit.
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And when they get home there's only 3. Wich means the apple she took out of her pocket is the same one Sangwoo bit. She left it by the body. SHE WAS LEAVING DNA, IN CASE SOMEONE FOUND THE BODY. SHE WAS GONNA FRAME SANWOO FOR HIS FATHER'S DEATH.
Idk if anybody already saw this or talked about this. But i did not know i was gonna find another reason to hate this woman.
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yhwhsdaughter · 6 months
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Yoon Bum x Reader
[Name] was Yoon Bum’s first and only love since childhood, which seemed like a lifetime ago. He never really knew when these feelings began, but it was consuming him. Bum longed for her; the constant pain in his chest was proof of that. And it hurt. It hurt whenever she’d look at anyone that wasn’t him. Why not me? He would repeatedly ask himself. Still, when her eyes would grace him, Bum’s heart would beat faster, pumping blood into his system, elongating his life but prolonging his affliction. If it wasn’t for her, Bum would've died a painful death a long time ago.
At the remembrance of his unrequited feelings, a cough erupted from his lips. It was particularly nasty, that, [Name]—who was putting on her shoes—turned at the series of coughs coming from Yoon Bum. She craned her neck to look at him, sliding her right shoe before standing. “Are you alright?”
Bum quickly hid the tissue that he’d spit the blood in, attention flickering to her. This was a common occurrence for him, but he could never get a solid grasp on it. Bum blinked, trying not to cry as he reached for [Name], his lips unable to open, lest another mouthful of blood came out.
At his unresponsive actions, [Name] walked closer, grasping his face gently with her hands upon noting the blood at the corner of his mouth. Her thumbs worked tenderly, wiping the blood off. Bum was euphoric. He never shied away from her touch. When her fingers made contact with his face, Bum's lips parted in a quiet gasp.
“What is this?” Vomiting blood wasn’t normal by any means. “Have you gone to see a doctor?” Yoon Bum was accustomed to blood by now that it didn't phase him. He briefly wondered if he could finally tell her everything, but the discomfort in his chest made him silent. Lowering his gaze, he observed her precious fingers, painted with his blood. He had the urge to hold her hands, his fingers twitching at the notion. “Bum. Are you ignoring me?”
Oh no. At the sound of her stern tone, Bum met her gaze for a second before quickly glancing away, looking apologetic and a bit pathetic. “I...uh…” Bum didn’t know what to say, so he hesitantly outstretched his hand towards hers. “Alright, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” [Name] turned to leave which made Bum jolt in panic. He didn’t want her to leave.
Both of his hands grasped onto her arm, causing her to look back. “What?” If there was anything that Bum disliked, was [Name] being upset with him. His grip tightened, and it was surprisingly strong his skinny frame. He seemed desperate to hold on to her, pleading, “Don't leave.”
“Tell me.”
Bum whined. Even with the silent threat of leaving him, Bum stayed silent. Instead, his hands moved up her face. “Bum.” [Name] spoke seriously. Despite the roughness in her voice and demeanor, Bum had known her long enough to see that she was worried. He was beating himself up internally for causing her beautiful brow to furrow.
[Name] held onto his wrists securely, tight enough to keep him in place but not tight enough to harm. “Answer me now, or I leave.” Bum's eyes widened when he realized that she wasn’t bluffing, a cold sweat beading down his forehead. Bum swallowed, “I…”His words became caught in his throat as he tried to force out a single sentence. “I have.. Hanahaki disease.”
“It's…,” Bum struggled to explain, his lips trembling from a flurry of emotions. “It's the reason behind my coughing, the pain I feel in my chest. Why I’ve clung to you for so long. It's why I can spend hours just staring at the way you talk, the way you smile, but also...the reason why I spend hours crying to myself in bed that we're not together.” His voice was soft and strained. [Name] stared at him with an overwhelmed expression.
“I love you so much.. that my heart hurts.”
“How long?”
Bum's eyes started to water as he couldn't find the strength to speak anymore. His words had failed him, so instead he pulled her closer. The more contact she had with him, the less pressure on his chest. His lips were inches away from her neck.
“Bum, for how long..?!”
At that moment in time, Bum didn't care for anything else. He wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in her embrace. If this is where he would finally be rejected—the final nail on his coffin, he would at least get to do this—Bum pulled [Name] towards him and planted a gentle kiss on her neck. She was all he lived for; her love was all he needed.
[Name] pulled him back, her hands holding firmly onto the ball of his shoulders, “How long has this been going on?” Bum's lips parted from her neck. “Ten years..” his voice timidly confessed.
“You’re telling me… you’ve been suffering like this for ten years..?”
If Bum had just told her from the beginning, he could've spared himself from agonizing for 10 long years. But, he didn't want to risk the rejection—the mere thought of [Name] leaving him hurt even more. Bum pressed his cheek against the side of her neck again, his nose nudging her skin as if it could find an ounce of comfort in it. [Name] pulled him back again, gripping the sides of his face, “Why?? Why did you not tell me?”
For the first time, Bum raised his voice. His emotions were getting the better of him, and he didn't care about keeping this a secret anymore. If he could scream his feelings from the rooftops, he would. “Because I can’t stand the thought of you looking at me differently!” Everyone else thought he was a waste of space—a freak. But not [Name]. Not the girl who grew alongside him and stuck by him all these years, despite contrary advice.
Bum's desperation was as real as his words. Tears started to fall, rolling down his cheeks. [Name] sighed, loosening her hold. “…What can I do to help?” Bum's eyes widened. He felt like crying, laughing, screaming of joy. There was only one thing he wanted.
“Love me.”
[Name] blinked. Without hesitation, she kissed him. It was almost instinctual when Bum parted his lips in response. He couldn't help but moan as [Name] introduced her tongue, tasting the blood in his mouth. This was love, this was love..!
All of Bum's pain was erased with a few moments of her kiss. Those intense months of discomfort and aches, amounting to this—tasting [Name]’s love. She backed him into the wall, pulling away shortly after. [Name] slid down to her knees, “I’ll take care of you.” Her hands went to the waistband of his pants, pulling at it.
Bum's eyes widened like saucers, an intense blush settling on his cheeks. This wasn't at all what he was expecting, but his face couldn't hide his excitement and his body certainly didn't protest. He was almost too excited for words, but that didn't stop him.
Once his pants were down at his ankles, [Name] kissed his thigh gently. A soft moan escaped his lips as he watched her free his erection.
“Why did you allow yourself to suffer for so long..?”
Bum's breath staggered at her question, but his body remained still, wringing his hands in embarrassment. “I just...couldn't...ever ask.” His voice was low but as [Name] continued her ministrations, his breathing became more erratic. Her mouth enveloped him and the warmth nearly made Bum buck his entire cock down her throat; it took a lot of restraint not to come quickly, as well. Her hands squeezed the tender skin of his pale thighs. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever felt before. Bum tilted his head back in pleasure. He was losing himself in this explosion of pleasure.
[Name] pulled away, her lips a bit swollen and mouth filled with Bum’s seed. She swallowed most of it as she stood again, facing Bum’s love struck face.
“I love you…”
[Name] was a bit taken aback when he pulled her in for a kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Soon, their kiss was mixed with saliva, semen, and blood. His tongue explored her mouth, taking in every taste. A mix of sweet, salty and a hint of iron that was a reminder of his condition. His eyes remained half-lidded but his gaze was focused on you.
“I love you.”
He needed to say it again, to repeat it as many times as he had to. “I know.” Their kisses ended up taking them to his bed—well, the dirty mattress he had on the floor of his ratty room. Bum only wished this could’ve been at a nicer place, like [Name] deserved. Another part of him was elated. This meant that [Name] truly cared for him, right? Skinny and poor as he was, she was touching him fervently.
Bum's love was a deep, intense feeling that wasn't always easy to express in words. But his caress, his eyes, could all express them easily. Clothes were discarded quickly; [Name] straddled Bum as she threw her shirt and sweater to the side, revealing her breasts. They stared at each other, taking in the naked flesh and imprinting it to memory.
[Name] grasped his cock with one hand, aligning it with her entrance before sinking in completely, drawing out a cacophony of moans from both. Bum's grip grew tighter, and his breaths became rapid. He didn't want this moment to end. “Please…” he couldn’t think clearly with [Name] bouncing on his cock with ardor. Her hips moved slower after he spurted ropes of cum into her womb, leaning down to bite his neck and sucking on the flesh whilst her fingers pinched his nipples. “Aaah..!”
Bum's voice was low, strained with the waves of pleasure that took over his body. Her name slipped out of him in between desperate breaths. [Name] caressed his hair gently, pushing out a few strands that had become stuck to his forehead, before kissing it. Bum’s breath was ragged, his body trembling as it reached its breaking point.
Afterwards, they headed to the dingy shower to take a bath and cleanse themselves of the sweat and release. The bathtub had barely enough space for both of them to fit. [Name] sat in front of him, staring pensively. This reminded her of their time as children. Their mothers were best friends, inseparable. Bum and [Name], born in the same year, months within each other, were each other’s company out of the womb. When they were babies, their mothers would bathe them together, wishing their children would become best friends like they were, or closer.
[Name]’s eyes analyzed Bum, searching for any sign of distress. She felt a pang in her chest at the thought of him suffering due to her ignorance. And then she wondered if this is how he felt every time. Bum rested against the side of the tub, drifting sleepily but his eyes fluttering open to look at her. A hand reached out to caress her hair, his fingers moving through the strands of her wet hair with a calmness that made his heart flutter with joy. “Will it stop now..?”
Oh. That. He’d almost forgotten about his illness from how happy he was. “There’ll still be some symptoms…,” Bum whispered, “My lungs will be weak for a while. Sometimes I'll spit up daffodils…”
“But you won’t die right?” [Name] pressed, leaning forward a little, worried. Bum felt giddy at her concern. She cared for him. Even as children, despite being the younger of the two, [Name] always had a protective streak when it came to him. He smiled boyishly at her question. “A-As long as you love me, I'll be fine…”
He bit his lip, wondering if it was okay to be selfish. Bum didn’t want [Name] to be with anyone other than him. “Promise you'll stay with me? I don't ever want to be separated from you again.” He said desperately. More than anything, he wanted to keep her. “Mn.” [Name] agreed without reproach, leaning over to kiss him, first gently and then passionately. Bum eagerly returned her affection. He moaned as he felt the kiss end, his mouth tasting her sweetness and his breath catching with excitement.
“More, please....”
He begged, not wanting this moment to end and to lose the taste of her affection. [Name] tried to maneuver her body on top of his but the space was cramped. With an annoyed grunt, she shifted to be on her knees, hands holding to the edges of the tub. “Let’s just do it like this..”
“O-Okay..” In all honesty, he would’ve preferred to see her face but Bum wasn’t about to turn down any opportunity to touch [Name]. His hands found their way to her hips.
“Don’t ever leave me,” he whined.
“I won’t.”
As soon as he entered, he came. Despite being the one inside her; Bum felt that [Name] was the one making an empty man like him feel so full. “Bum..” she complained at his quick orgasm. He was a bit embarrassed, “I couldn't last long with you if I tried…” His breathing was slow and ragged, eyes glued on her back so that every curve she had was visible to him and only him. Bum could feel her wet body against his. His movements were a clumsy attempt at proving his love. His hands caressed [Name], every touch sending butterflies through his stomach. It all felt like a dream, one that he never wanted to wake up from. Yoon Bum was just a man. A boring man, with a disease that was a burden, to him and her—yet she still loved him. She made him feel special—worthy of love. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to say how he felt. He could never feel this way towards anyone else. Being inside [Name] was the closest he could get at becoming one.
“I love you so much…”
“Ngh… I love you.. “ she breathed.
The feeling of her body against his was unlike anything else he'd ever felt, and he just wanted it to keep going forever. Bum, obsessive in his thoughts, kept repeating softly, “Please never leave me, [Name]...”
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sukyattopiero · 8 months
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I'm yoon coded
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toxic-yaoi-tournament · 8 months
Toxic Yaoi Tournament Round 2: Shuake (Persona 5) vs. Oh Sangwoo/Yoon Bum (Killing Stalking)
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dariakhch · 4 months
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Thanks to my Pinterest recommendations for that~ 😷🔪
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sneebnationalism · 5 months
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happy holidays !!
(christmas 2023 ks official art)
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cutebodyhorror · 6 months
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another old drawing
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My neighbor Sangwoo
Sangwoo x Reader
Warnings: Sangwoo is a warning himself, but no smut if that's what you're worried about! Though I can make one with smut! MINORS DNI
"Don't you think us being seen together is gonna cause problems?"
"What? You really think I care about that?" Sangwoo said, quirking a smug eyebrow. Hands held in big pockets while towering over you. Closer than you were comfortable with, as your back was pressed against his driver side door.
You didn't know how you found yourself in this position. One minute, you were leaving your small two bedroom house for the bus stop, with your neighbor Sangwoo following you down the road with his grey car, tailing slowly right next to you. Pestering to give you a ride to your shared campus, like some creep.
And the next, you were here. Backed onto the side of his car door, on said campus grounds.
You smacked your teeth while looking away, trying to hide your face in the confines of your hoodie.
"C'mon. I thought you were supposed to be this cool, cold-blooded chick who'd never care what people think?"
You shoved your hands in your pockets, still looking away from his cocky smirk. Of course, you cared what people think. Especially with your livelihood involved.
"It's not about that. I can walk myself to class, you know." You said, slightly irritated. He promised to leave you alone after the ride, and yet here he was pestering you for more. Attention? Reaction? Who knew? It was funny to you, really. He was the one who was kind enough to drive you with him to your classes, and yet he's offered you a lot of things as if you had done him the favors.
Him walking you to class was the last straw, though. The one thing you could do without were rumors, and the people of Korea loved to talk.
Surely, he couldn't be this oblivious.
"You don't want to be seen with me." You stated calmly. Warm breath flowing out into the cold air.
"Look at us. We're two completely different people. I'll just make you look bad."
It wasn't a lie. You were both total opposites, and you were far from what Sangwoo would consider his type. Why was he so persistent in keeping up with you? He couldn't say. He didn't know if he found you worthy of a kill yet either, and he definitely wasn't trying to have a quick fuck.
So why?
"Do yourself a favor, quit hanging on my arm."
Your voice cut into his internal thoughts.
He was starting to get pissed. Who did you think you were? Giving him orders. Especially like that.
Sangwoo did what he wanted when he wanted no matter how unconventional, whether people knew about it or not.
He waited for you to add on, though. Smirk decreasing ever so slowly, as your words processed in his mind. Dark and gloomy eyes following your every movement.
"At least think about me. You're the most wanted and respected guy on this campus. The girls will be giving me a hard time, while the guys are gonna assume the worst, I can only imagine what would happen to you viewed in the same light."
You smiled while looking up at him, hands still in pockets.
"No offense, but I can never seem to catch a break with the people of Korea." You said jokingly. Your Korean coming out perfectly with a slight accent.
How ironic.
You were a foreign loser with no breathtaking attributes. You were the same as everyone else, and yet you were no one. Possibly worse. Even he knew it.
You began to walk off without another word, hands balled up to fists in your pockets as you felt your throat start to burn and vision blur with unwanted liquid.
Fuckin' grief. Not now. Not in front of him. You didn't know why you were getting so worked up anyway. It's not like you liked him. Not even in the slightest.
Must have been the weather.
Somewhere in between, rough and gentle, were you immediately pulled back by your arm, hands still in pockets as you were gently slammed back into the car door. Sangwoo's hand still gripping the top of your arm. Thankfully, the threat of tears had stopped by then.
"Your dress attire may be hot garbage, along with your pessimistic attitude--but to me, I've never met anyone more worth it."
Is what he wanted to say. Is what he could have said.
Sangwoo has never ever been cowardly when it came to spewing out false compliments. Especially towards women.
But you were different, and these compliments were not false.
You did all things opposite from the women he would take home and dissect.
You were considerate, but not so much where you'd disregard yourself. You were funny without even trying. You found no reason in speaking if there was nothing to speak on, enjoying the slience any chance you got. Someone he related to, and to top it all off,
You were the only girl on this dammed campus that didn't want him. Romantically or platoniclly.
And for some reason, some odd, specific reason, he loved it.
He didn't want to admit it, but you were the most interestingly beautiful living thing he's ever wanted to be around and not kill.
Going out of his way, any chance he got to be near you to annoy you. To make you laugh. To piss you off, but not so much to where he'd hurt your feelings.
That's how he knew he was truly wiped for your attention. Sangwoo was the king of hurt. Feelings. Emotional. physical. Mental. It's what he did. But when it came to you, he couldn't find one violent bone in his body. As cliche as it sounds, you take those bad thoughts away.
It was in the movies, the romance novels, the TV shows. Sangwoo witnessed it all. There is always that special someone for everyone who took it all away. Made it better, but never did he believe it. He laughed at the idea. Someone for everyone? His ass.
He never thought meeting someone who did that for him would be possible.
To him, you were like a breath of fresh air in a sea--no, swamp of men and women who all had the same stench.
He couldn't say that these feelings he harbored were romantic, but he wouldn't mind it. Then again, how would he know? He's never had a crush or a true friend.
Would it hurt if you were both, though?
You're staring up at Sangwoo surprisingly. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and eyes blown wide as his right-handed grip on your upper right arm never loosened.
Whatever he was thinking about had him lost in thought as his eyes never broke away from yours. Slight blush on his face, but you chopped it up to the cold weather.
You began to speak, ready to tell him to let you go, but he beat you to it.
"Man, you're a pain in my ass. Quit saying retarded stuff, and let's get to our classes."
He said tiresomely. Yanking your arm slightly forward while he walked. Pulling you close to his side, as he threw his arm around your shoulders after pushing down the hoodie that obscured your face, much to your refusal.
Now, the whole world could see who he was walking with, and anyone who had anything to say could choose to speak then and forever hold their busted jaw in pieces.
Thanks for the read! First time posting fanfic on Tumblr!
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omo143omori · 6 months
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Killing Stalking, Chapter 5
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