#killer weekend
friendof-blahaj · 6 months
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found you a little drinking buddy
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blood-horror-gifs · 1 year
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Killer Weekend 2019
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myfriendpokey · 12 days
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Nearby maniacs are waiting for your call.
Anthology Of The Killer
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akalegos · 22 days
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weekend house parties at bgc...
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iheartliquor · 2 years
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asterclaw · 3 months
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they are so siblings
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quinloki · 3 months
Killer has knot because of the SMILE Fruit.
Well that's certainly going to be a surprise to both himself and his partner. He goes to pull out- he's stuck. What the fuck does he do now?
The answer? Fuck around (pun intended) and find out until the knot goes down.
The good news about this is that Killer is renown for his level headed nature. He can crack when Kid's involved, but most of the time he's pretty even-tempered about anything and everything.
So there's no sitcom-level sort of shenanigans to deal with, but when he realizes he can tease you while he waits, and not work himself up overmuch at the same time, he certainly does.
Shame to waste a good opportunity to hear you whimper and watch you squirm. Plus, what's he know about knots of this nature? Maybe he just needs to finish a few more times and it'll go down after that.
S'only one way to find out.
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✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
@hyperbolicgrinch and @theotherwhybietoldmeso (as usual)
More from my Lestappen hero x villain + baby au. And we got some angst!
He then turned, about to get Ollie ready for the day, when he froze, his eyes wide in shock to see Max standing there, shadows angrily swirling around him.             “Max?  What are you doing here?” he asked.             “So you’ll take his offered help, but you won’t take mine?” Max hissed.  Charles frowned.             “What are you talking about?” he demanded.  Max pointed to the door.             “Carlos.  And his offer.  You’ll take his help but not mine?” he snarled.  Charles blinked before his eyes widened in realization and he huffed.             “It’s different” he argued.  Max growled.             “How?  How is it different?” he demanded.  Charles shook his head.             “Because…” he started.             “Because I’m not a hero?  Is that it?  Would you have taken my help if I was a hero?  Like you?  Like Carlos?” Max demanded.  Charles frowned.             “What’s gotten into you?  Why are you so angry about this?” he asked.  Max growled, the shadows growing larger as his anger grew, as he looked at him.             “Answer me” he hissed.  Charles snarled.             “No.  I won’t answer you if this is how you’re going to speak to me” he snapped, his eyes flashing as a bright aura began to surround him.  Max snarled and took a step towards him, just as Ollie let out a shriek, absolutely terrified of the power that was radiating off of Charles and Max as they practically surrounded him.  At his shriek, Max and Charles looked at him with wide eyes before Charles looked at Max, tears in his beautiful green eyes.             “Get out” he whispered.  Max looked at him and frowned.             “What?” he asked.  Charles pointed at him.             “Get out!  Get out of here!  Stay away from us!  I don’t ever want to see you again!” he shouted, making Max look at him with a mixture of hurt and shock before his face shuttered and a mask of cold indifference took its place.             “Fine” he replied, his voice flat and void of emotions, before he disappeared in a flash of shadows, Charles staring at the spot where he had just been standing before he let out a shuddering breath and rested his forehead against Ollie’s as he gently rubbed his son’s back.             “Sorry.  Papa’s sorry.  I didn’t mean to scare you” he murmured before he pressed a kiss to his baby hair and smiled weakly at him.             “Let’s get you ready for the day, yeah?” he asked. 
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somegrumpynerd · 9 months
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Wonder why boss hates pokemon so much...
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pressure-machine · 2 years
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THE KILLERS When You Were Young, released 18th September 2006
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arthursknight · 2 years
"mr. brightside" kind of a gay song when you think about it. what do you need to open up your eager eyes for? to see other men?
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seasidesandstarscapes · 2 months
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Luke Slattery in Swipe Night: Killer Weekend
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angeygirl · 5 months
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Whumpuary 3 - "This is going to hurt"
Crying Child Weekend Bash - Blood/Fun
2 for 1 deal (TW for animal death/animal cruelty)
(Spoilers for Act 2 of the Crying Killer AU)
In his attempts to find something worthwhile to say about all three of this offspring, Father only said two things about Evan, 'he's awfully polite' and 'quiet people are good listeners.' Evan was proving the second point quite well. He could hear everything, the slush beneath his shoes, the wind rattling the barren tree branches, even the chattering of this own teeth But his ears were trained on another sound, the sound of rattling metal.
The cage had been left out overnight, and a day later, the trapped prey was still fighting to find a way out of the bars. Evan stepped closer and looked down. It was a rat, a pretty scrawny one. Hmm, well, it was better then nothing.
He knelt next to the cage. "There's no use in all that." Evan had gone so long without using his voice that words felt foreign on his tongue.
"This is going to hurt, but look at you. If I didn't do it, the cold would."
The rat snapped its teeth.
Was it the natural way he spoke, or did some part of him want to comfort the creature? Evan looked at the rat and saw an equal. His brother was a fox hunting a squirrel, but this? This would be fair. It was going to hurt, but...
What Evan did next was perfectly fair.
This was how big kids had fun, after all. This was perfectly normal. Never mind how the thing squealed, never mind how it bit in vain against Father's work gloves made for protection against fire and steel. Never mind all the blood in the snow.
Maybe it was fun not holding back. Maybe it was fun winning without a single scratch. Maybe it was fun to be in control, dominant. Maybe it was fun to make the thing hurt.
Evan moved the trap away from the bloody site and reset it. Then he trekked back home, still listening to the chattering of his teeth and the wind in the branches and the slush under this shoes. Father's gloves were so dirty with soot and grease that a new stain wouldn't be noticed, but Evan took a shower to get the blood off if himself.
It was odd, he supposed to be standing in a half full tub of icy, reddened water fully clothed, but it was a necessity. He had only gotten a bit on his jeans, but was it worth the risk? Who knew what diseases the thing might have had. Besides, this was a sort of cleansing ritual. When he was a child the sight of a scraped knee was enough to panic him, but now? He could do so much worse.
Did he enjoy it? Was it fun? He didn't know. It was only rats and squirrels for now.
Vermin, like him.
Hope I did both prompts thoroughly enough. I'm actually really liking getting to write mini-oneshots to go with the drawings.
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wolfpup026 · 10 months
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Study of Owen Wilson as Vann Siegert in The Minus Man (1999)
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popart-vvv · 2 months
25 Favorite Albums
So, as I mentioned before, my blog header image is a collage of my favorite music artists right now. Here's the full picture, and the albums shown:
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Row 1: The Eminem Show (Eminem), I See You (The XX), Clarity [Deluxe Edition] (Zedd), Music of the Spheres (Coldplay), Self-Titled (Vampire Weekend)
Row 2: Stankonia (Outkast), Fine Line (Harry Styles), True (Avicii), Un Dia Normal (Juanes), Meteora (Linkin Park)
Row 3: 24k Magic (Bruno Mars), HIStory (Michael Jackson), The Fame Monster (Lady Gaga), Laundry Service (Shakira), Day & Age (The Killers)
Row 4: Looking 4 Myself (Usher), Red [Taylor's Version] (Taylor Swift), It's Blitz! (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), Loud (Rihanna), News of the World (Queen)
Row 5: After Hours (The Weeknd), Pray for the Wicked (Panic! at the Disco), Demi (Demi Lovato), V (Maroon 5), Tragic Kingdom (No Doubt)
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imwritesometimes · 5 months
for sure for sure gonna be watching The Film of all time tomorrow. my personal nye tradition. my go-to depresh pick-me-up film. 2016 cinematic masterpiece. the nice guys.
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