#jack kelly x y/n
youaintnothinbuta · 2 years
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𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈.
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𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 “𝐉𝐃” 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐧
FLUFF / ANGST (it’s heathers idk how to classify it)
“rest now, darling.”
“you don’t have to be afraid with me.”
“I knew you’d come around.”
“I didn’t know how else to shut you up.”
“Don’t make me kill you right now, darling. I’m busy.”
“How’d you know it was me?”
“you gotta get better at telling me this stuff.”
“Are you that oblivious? Really?”
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𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲
𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬
𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧
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𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫
“how much longer are we gonna ignore this?”
“you’re forgiven”
missin’ her daddy
“you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
clever girl
“The hell you doin’?” - PART 1
“The hell you doin’?” PART 2
“You need me.”
“what flavour do you want?” “you.”
bathroom quickie
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for you to come home.”
“I’m willing to bet you’d make some pretty little noises.”
“You’re so good at this.”
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𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
meeting your family
playin’ house
“Don’t leave me. Don’t you dare leave me.”
“I didn’t know you could sing!”
Elvis the pelvis
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 1
(part two in smut)
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 3
first kiss
“mama, will you teach daddy how to?”
worried about you (DDM)
daddy Elvis
“oh good lord, deeper, Elvis!”
“What’re ya doing out at this time by yourself, anyway?”
“Do you have to show off?”
lunch with his family
“Thank you for being brave enough to ask.”
“I’m telling you, honey, you ain’t gon’ like it.”
“I’ve got her, you relax.”
“Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?”
“What are you doing up, little lady?”
"Don't tell me you can't ever again."
“She’s being a real brat.”
“Hey now, don’t you start questioning me too.”
“Elvis, stop it.”
“got the blood pumping quite a bit there, hey sweetheart?”
finish what you started
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 2
“Come home, baby, please.”
“Looks like Presley’s got himself a little plaything.”
“I can’t think straight with such a view.”
“I got what I wanted.”
“It’s okay, baby, come.”
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𝐅𝐞𝐲𝐝-𝐑𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐧
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“Is my princess in heat?”
“You’ll watch, and you’ll learn that you will never win.”
“Did you cum without me?”
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes”
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“Are you asking me on a date, William Wonka?”
“Thank you for telling me how you really feel.”
379 notes · View notes
miryum · 1 year
A Roll of the Die (Spot Conlon x Reader)
New York was divided into levels. Levels that made up skyscrapers and classes of wealth. There were the rich people- the top tier of New York City. Then there were the people directly under them, middle class who were their assistants or worked away at the bank or as a maid and butler. There was also the lower class. The people who had two or three jobs, scavenging away for the smallest scrap of money. Maybe seamstresses, factory workers, or newsies. And then there was the lowest of all of New York. The street rats. The homeless. The scabbers. 
Y/n hated the levels of New York. As she was on the bottom, her opinion would make sense. Y/n made a living as a scabber. She worked many small jobs- wherever she could find them. Most of the time, she sold newspapers alongside the newsies. She wasn’t officially a part of the newsie ranks, nor did she ever intend to join them, but it was a somewhat stable job that helped her maintain enough money for her and her family to eat, so in her book, it was a mighty fine job. 
However, Y/n got wind of a strike that was stirring in the newsie ranks. Her scabber friends, Mark and Joseph told her that the newsies were upset at the raise in price and were deciding to do something about it. Apparently, the newsies had stopped Mark and Joseph from buying papes yesterday while Y/n was off sewing clothes with her sister. 
“You’re kidding me, right?” Y/n groaned once she heard the news as the trio slowly made their way to the circulation centre. “You let them stop you from buying papes? What about your day's work? And now you’re telling me I should stop getting an honest day’s pay?”
“They’ll beat you up if you don’t.” Mark warned.
“Like they’d beat up a girl.” Y/n chuckled. She hopped down onto the street, a carriage barely missing her. Joseph pulled her back onto the sidewalk.
“I heard that they even got Spot Conlon on board,” Joseph gossiped. 
“That little guy?” Y/n rolled her eyes. “What’s he gonna do to me?”
“You’re not scared of him?” Mark laughed incredulously.
“No.” Y/n shrugged. The three of them got to the gate of the circulation centre and as Mark and Joseph joined the growing ranks of newsies, Y/n nonchalantly stepped up to the counter. 
“Hi Weisel.” Y/n grinned, “200 papes please?”
Weisel raised a brow. “Really? You of all people not joining the strike? Thought you scabbers would wanna change the laws.” He then turned and yelled, “200 papes for the girl!”
“Not so loud!” Y/n hissed, “the newsies can’t know I’m buying.” 
“Looks like they already do.” Weisel smirked and nodded to the crowd around her. 
Y/n sighed and reluctantly turned to face the throng. She was surrounded by angry and expectant newsies. Mark and Joseph looked worried from the back. Weisel slid the pack of papes towards her and gestured for his money. Y/n slammed her coins down and Weisel happily took them. 
“What are you doin’?” The lead newsie asked. It didn’t sound like a question. 
“Buying papes,” Y/n snorted a laugh. “Obviously.” Life on the streets had shown her to act indifferent until the first punch was thrown.
“Haven’t you heard about the strike?” Another newsie with a cigar hanging from his lips asked.
“You can’t buy papes,” another said. “We won’t allow it. For the strike to work, no one can sell papes.”
“Yeah, but some of us need to eat,” Y/n pointed out. She took her papers and started out the clump of newsies. They blocked her and Y/n stepped back into the middle of the circle. She squared her shoulders. Y/n didn’t like being surrounded. The odds weren’t in her favour and it made her feel trapped.
“You can’t sell papes!” The first newsie argued. He seemed to be their leader. “We’re in this together. I know you wanna get your money, but just cause we make pennies doesn’t give them the right to rub our noses in it. Are you gonna roll over and let Pulitzer pick your pocket? They need to respect your rights! All we ask for is a square deal. I told your buddies this yesterday, and Imma tell you this today: for the sake of every overworked kid in this whole city, I beg you. Throw down your papers and join the strike.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Real nice speech you got going on there. Worked on my friends.” She jerked a head towards Mark and Joseph. “But… it’s not gonna work on me. I need this. More than any of you. You know nothing of my life and how hard it’s been. I need to get my money. I need to feed my siblings. No one else will feed them except me. And without you lot on the streets, maybe I’ll actually be able to buy some food for myself. Ever think of that?”
Someone pushed through the crowd. A teenage boy stopped in front of her. He was maybe fifteen or sixteen with a cap pulled low over his dirty blond hair. His blue eyes pierced hers. “Listen… goil,” he finally decided on before continuing, “do you know who I am?” 
“No.” Y/n deadpanned. 
“Spot Conlon. King of Brooklyn.” The boy smirked. 
“Am I supposed to be impressed by that?” The newsies all fell silent. No one had ever talked back to Spot Conlon before. 
Spot huffed. “If you weren’t a goil, you’d be on the ground, bleeding after the soaking I gave you.”
“Then do it.” Y/n challenged. “I’ve been beaten up before.”
“Listen,” Spot ignored her comment, “I didn’t come all the way from Brooklyn for this strike just for some scabber to mess it up.” 
“Sorry, Spot Conlon,” Y/n pushed him aside and the newsies gasped. “but I gotta go.” 
“Did you just… push me?” Spot gaped. 
“Yeah. What’re you gonna do about it?”
“Leave us,” Spot Conlon waved everyone away. His newsies pushed all the other boroughs away to leave Y/n and him alone. Y/n felt a stir of panic in her chest. What was about to happen? 
“So,” Spot laid an arm around Y/n shoulders. She shrugged him off and replaced him with her papes. “Where do we start?”
“I’ve never sold in ‘Hattan before. Where do you sell?” Spot asked. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n squinted at him. “What’s your angle? Your tactic?”
“No tactic, doll, just wanna help you sell.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
 “Where do you sell, doll?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes at his insistence. “Fine. But the first sign that you’re manipulating me, I’m ditching you.” 
“Fine by me.” Spot stayed at her side as she walked to her selling spot, seeming to take it all in. He seemed relaxed, hands in pockets and looking around casually. Y/n’s wariness of the boy hadn’t gone away, but after a while, she felt herself loosen up a bit and step into the newsie role.
Y/n had one of the best days selling. With no other newsies around, people flocked to her to get their hands on the news. Some asked her where the others were and Y/n replied with, “they’re on strike.”
If her customers had been poorer, they would’ve looked on with confusion and disdain, wondering and judging her for not joining her friends to try for a better life. However, her patrons were richer and simply complimented her on staying true to business and even tipped her extra.
At the end of the day, Y/n’s bag was brimming with coins, leaving her smiling proudly. This would certainly provide a couple meals for her family. 
Y/n had expected Spot to try and disway her from selling, but he just found a bench to lounge on, watching her and the passerby’s intently. 
“You’d make a good newsie,” he commented lightly after the day had passed.
“I’ll never be a newsie.” Y/n said hotly, as if taken personal offence. “I’m a scabber.”
“Do you ever do work in Brooklyn?” Spot asked, looking at her as they walked.
“Not usually.” 
Spot hummed. “You should.”
“Why’s that?” This time, it was Y/n’s turn to look at him inquisitively. 
“I’d get to see you more.” Spot smiled softly. A group of young men passed them and Spot instinctively took Y/n’s arm, guiding her carefully past them. Once they were gone, Spot’s demeanour eased up and offered Y/n his arm. Y/n shook her head and pushed him away. 
“This is all a ploy to try and get me to join the strike,” Y/n said dismissively.
“How is me wanting to see you going to get you to join the strike?” Spot chuckled lightly. 
Y/n was silent for a moment before replying, “I don’t know, but I know you’re smart enough that you have an endgame.”
“Aw!” Spot nudged her. “You think I’m smart.”
“Listen, bud.” Y/n rolled her eyes. “I’ve heard plenty of stories about you. I know your true colours. I know not to trust you. I’m not joining the strike and I’m not working in Brooklyn. End of story. Goodbye.” Y/n then turned on her heel and walked up a set of stairs that led to her family’s apartment.
A week had passed when Y/n’s sister shared some interesting news with her. “Y/n, can you do me a favour?”
“Anything,” Y/n instantly replied, looking up from her mother- mandated sewing.
“Well, there’s a job opportunity that pays really well that’s been offered to me.” Her sister said hesitantly, a large smile growing over her face.
“Really?!” Y/n set her sewing down. “That’s great! When do you start?”
“Tomorrow. But, there’s a catch,” her sister sat down next to her. “It’s in Brooklyn and I would need you to walk me back and forth.” Y/n’s brows tightened and her sister quickly exclaimed, “But you could come back to ‘Hattan during the day to work and all I need is someone else to walk me so I stay safe! It’s really not that far away. With the pay increase, maybe I could catch a trolley some days? Or you could get a job in Brooklyn too.”
“I’m really happy for you and what this means for the family,” Y/n started, “so yes, I’ll walk you. But how did you get the job?”
“Well, see, that’s the odd part. A kid just came up to me one day and said that he knew someone who was looking for workers. He introduced me to the guy, and here we are!”
“Who was the kid?”
“Um, I think his name was Spot Connon? Or something?”
“Spot Conlon?”
“Yeah! That’s it! Do you know him?” 
“Unfortunately, yes.”
It seemed too big of a coincidence for Y/n as she marched next to her sister, walking her to work. And when Spot Conlon was seen selling papes on the next corner over, it felt too bad to be true. After she had ushered her sister inside to her new job, Y/n strode up to Spot and jabbed a finger in his chest, disrupting the few customers around him. “What the hell, Spot?!” She cried.
“Geez, Y/n,” Spot grinned. “Came all the way to Brooklyn just for me?”
“Why’d you get my sister that job? How dare we even talk to her! Stay away from me and my family and stop trying to get me to join the strike!”
“The strike’s over, doll.” Spot chuckled, waving his papes in her face. Y/n stood for a moment, processing his words. “Now, would you like to apologise for storming over here and disturbing my sales?” His words were coy and made her want to slap him.
“Just, come here!” Y/n growled, pulling him away from the customers.
“An impromptu make out session?” Spot teased, “I’m down.”
“Shut it, Conlon.” The girl turned to face him. “Why are you doing this? I don’t understand.”
“Y/n, I think I’ve made it pretty clear,” Spot’s demeanour changed drastically. “I wanna be your friend. I like being around you. If you didn’t hate me, I might even ask you out. I should be asking you the question of why don’t you like me?”
Y/n bristled, startled by his confession. “Because,” she hesitated, “because you were trying to get me to join the newsies. All my life I’ve had to look out for me and my family. I’ve had to scrape along the bottom of the barrel just to survive. It doesn’t seem fair that instead of working hard and being unhappy and burnt out, you guys earn the same amount of money but you’re happy while doing it. You have friends. You’re loved.”
Spot tilted his head. “Doesn’t your family love you?”
“They’re too busy.” Y/n muttered, shaking her head. “Mom and dad work two jobs each just to pay rent so it falls on me to earn money for food and clothes. It’s not fair.”
“Nothing about life is fair.” 
“Could you offer some sympathy instead of truth?” Y/n asked snarkily.
“Isn’t truth better than wool over your eyes?” Spot retorted easily.
After a moment, Y/n muttered, “how did you become so smart?”
Spot grinned. “I’ve always been smart, doll. You’ve just been too dumb to see it.”
“I have the same street smarts as you,” Y/n said. “It’s not my fault if I don’t have proper schooling.” Y/n’s hands balled into fists and she glared harshly at him. Spot noticed and gently took one of her hands in his. Y/n jumped back, but kept her hand in his. Her jaw tightened and Spot slowly reached up to cup her face, running his thumb over her tense jaw and then moving his hand up to her eyebrows, thumbing the space between them, making her relax.
“You’re right,” Spot whispered. “None of this is your fault. It’s a bad roll of the dice. But we can make the best outta it. We can make friends and family outta it. You can’t spend your life in misery, especially if you have people looking out for you.”
“Are you looking out for me?” Y/n was hesitant in asking her question. 
“I thought I’d made that perfectly clear,” Spot said, cocking his head slightly. “Why else would I seek you out or try and help your family? It’s not everyday I see a pretty girl. I wanna hold onto her while I can.”
Y/n exhaled a laugh, looking away from Spot. He frowned and tilted her chin toward him, forcing her to meet his eye. “Why’re you laughing? Do you think you’re a joke?” He asked, “Do you think I’m joking about you being beautiful?”
“Spot,” Y/n gently pushed his hands away from her face. “I’m a scabber. I know daughters of CEO’s might be a little outta your league, but anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“But I don’t want just anyone,” Spot muttered. “I want you.”
The tension in the air held the words aloft. Did he really mean it? Slowly, waiting for Y/n to stop him, though she never did, Spot stepped closer to her. “Is this okay?”
Y/n nodded. She couldn’t trust her words. Before Spot’s lips could brush hers, Y/n wondered, “are you sure you want to?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything, doll.” Spot smirked slightly. And then he kissed her.
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
hi everyone! i recently started some new college courses so i’ve been a bit busy, but feel free to keep sending the requests in! i’ll for sure write when i can :)
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alltoowelltom · 4 months
marry that girl
oscar piastri x reader
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, maxverstappen
oscarpiastri🔹️: There are welcomes and then there are Vegas welcomes! 😁
user1: good luck this weekend! 🧡🧡
user2: damn the jacket 😦
user3: is Y/N coming to the race??
↳ user4: yes! there are pictures of her arriving on twitter
↳ user5: i think all the wags are coming it's vegas 😭
mclarenauto🔹️: That's how it's done!
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe, alexalbon
yourusername🔹️: ready 4 u vegas
danielricciardo🔹️: but is vegas ready for Y/N..
↳ yourusername🔹️: never 🥰
user2: her smileeeee
lilymhe🔹️: Y/N come to williams everyone's ignoring me 😞
↳ yourusername🔹️: WHAT
↳ yourusername🔹️: no one puts lily in a corner 😠 omw
landonorris just posted a story:
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yourusername just posted to their story:
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liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris, yourusername
maxverstappen1🔹️: wow-
user5: Why is it so blurry?? How wasted are they all 😭
user7: i just KNOW kelly wouldn't get married in vegas...right??
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liked by yourbestie, oscarpiastri, alexandrastmleux
yourusername🔹️: weddng tings 💍
user1: Y/N?????
yourbestie: Y/N Y/L/N
↳ yourbestie: ANSWER MY CALLS RN
↳ yourbestie: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
user3: vegas was in fact NOT ready for Y/N
oscarpiastri🔹️: 😘🤩🧡
↳ user4: even drunk to the point of getting married he won't leave that orange heart 😭
user5: girlies we've lost Y/N to a man I fear
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris
oscarpiastri🔹️: mr & mrs piastri..
maxverstappen1🔹️: great end to the weekend mate!!!
yukitsnoda🔹️: @.pierregasly
↳ user1: LMAO WHAT
nicolepiastri: OSCAR JACK
↳ landonorris🔹️: oooh mummy's found out
nicolepiastri: PICK UP YOUR PHONE
yourusername🔹️: hubby 😋😋
↳ nicolepiastri: Y/N, darling, please ask your husband (?) to ANSWER HIS MOTHER
↳ yourusername🔹️: 😦🫡
↳ user3: do we think she's still wasted 💀
↳ user5: but if you really think about it, this is the most Y/N thing that Oscar and Y/N have ever done 😭
↳ user7: 😭😭😭
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yourusername🔹️ and oscarpiastri🔹️: A brief moment of silliness after the race in Vegas (aided by the insane number of shots purchased for the group by one @.maxverstappen) seems to have come into the public eye (by us). We have discussed our situation (sober) and come to the conclusion that this is the natural progression of our relationship, and despite the lack of planning, we are both looking forward to this new chapter in our relationship. 👰🤵 (Thx @.lilymhe for the wedding gift of this hideously tacky jacket from the gift shop - Y/N)
yourusername🔹️: ps. we are very sorry to our family and friends - we wish you had been there to celebrate with us, and will definitely be hosting a reception (open bar for you guys - NOTHING FOR US)
↳ nicolepiastri: as much as chris and I would have loved to be there, welcome to the family Y/N ❤️❤️
liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri
francisca.cgomes🔹️: Congratulations Y/N and Oscar!!
↳ yourusername🔹️: thank you for being my maid of honor lils!!
user2: so who will get drunk & married at oscar and y/n's reception?
↳ landonorris🔹️: @.alexalbon take notes
↳ alexalbon🔹️: 😳😳
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, carlossainz
tagged: yourusername, oscarpiastri
landonorris🔹️: taking third wheeling to a new level (jk, happy for you two)
carlossainz🔹️: I can be the fourth 🛞
lilymhe🔹️: @.yourusername @.oscarpiastri DOUBLE DATES!!
↳ yourusername🔹️: we already go on double dates with you and alex but love the enthusiasm babe!!
↳ landonorris🔹️: can I come 🧍‍♂️
user3: lando being the perpetually single friend in the group 😭
user4: now that I've come to terms with it CONGRATULATIONS GUYS
mclaren🔹️: 🧡🧡
oscarpiastri🔹️: thanks man ☺️
↳ landonorris🔹️: I know I said I was happy for you (I am) but please stop "honeymooning" in the room next to mine ifykyk
↳ oscarpiastri🔹️: ask mclaren to book our rooms on separate floors I just got married.
↳ user5: OSCAR 😦
↳ yourusername🔹️: @.oscarpiastri real honeymoon over winter break?
↳ oscarpiastri🔹️: deal 🤝
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927 notes · View notes
svechnikovvv · 1 year
soft launch
jamie drysdale x hughes!sister
masterlist: here
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liked by trevorzegras and 865,907 others
y/n.insta date night 🫶🏻🍕
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trevorzegras hands above the waist!!!
y/n.insta you’re so dramatic
trevorzegras i’m just looking out for the greater good
y/n.insta “the greater good”
trevorzegras did you just mock me?? 😧 demoted to least favorite hughes
_quinnhughes she was the favorite before??
trevorzegras i plead the fifth
_quinnhughes did y/n teach you that?
trevorzegras …i plead the fifth
jackhughes y/n soft launching???
y/n.insta showing him off and still respecting his wishes to be kept hidden 😍
jackhughes just go public already 🙄
y/n.insta easy for you to say mr i love attention
jackhughes mom, y/n’s bullying me in her instagram comments again
user1 omg who????
user2 the hand placement 😫
user3 gonna ask the morgue if they accept walk-ins
user4 me too bestie
_quinnhughes they grow up so fast (‘:
y/n.insta mom wasn’t even this dramatic when she found out
_quinnhughes someone’s got to do it
lhughes_06 WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY?
jackhughes and sometimes y
lhughes_06 jack, that’s a vowel. not the basics to asking questions
jackhughes but there’s vowels in the words. i’m still giving relevant information
lhughes_06 but “sometimes y” is not a question
jackhughes luke, are you blind? theres a y in why
lhughes_06 jack, are you stupid? y is not one of the things you ask someone when asking a question
y/n.insta go watch an episode of schoolhouse rock or something to settle this
colecaufield MISSY SINCE WHEN???
y/n.insta since you’ve been gone
colecaufield do not kelly clarkson me right now
y/n.insta okay mr. know it all
colecaufield STOP
y/n.insta no ❤️
user5 the jack and luke comments 😭
user6 i’m so nosy. i need to know who this man is asap
_alexturcotte the sunset’s nice 😃
y/n.insta i told jack to tell you, turcs. i guess my brother doesn’t value you as much as you thought 😔💔
jackhughes she’s lying, babe. i would never
_alexturcotte then why am i just now finding out?
jackhughes …then it’s definitely what it looks like
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liked by trevorzegras and 961,747 others
y/n.insta love you the most <3 (👤: jamie.drysdale)
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jamie.drysdale you’re my favorite person in the world <3
trevorzegras you make me sick
y/n.insta you’re the sweetest, jaim. but shut the hell up trevor
trevorzegras i will not be silenced
y/n.insta you knew the whole time?
trevorzegras i’ve been holding in my fangirling for MONTHS. i’m finally free from these shackles
y/n.insta i can’t stand you 😭
trevorzegras that’s why jamie chose me over you
y/n.insta who’s the one who gets cuddles from him? not you hoe
trevorzegras EXCUSE ME???
y/n.insta did i stutter? 🤨
trevorzegras jack, do you hear this blasphemy? 😧 jackhughes
jackhughes i’m watching the whole thing
trevorzegras this is outrageous. luke, you’re my new favorite lhughes_06
lhughes_06 i wasn’t before??
jackhughes does this mean i can post all those pictures of the two of you cuddled up together?
y/n.insta the what???
jackhughes trevor did it
y/n.insta sleep with one eye open, trevorzegras
trevorzegras jack, this is why cole’s number gets written on my stick and not yours.
jackhughes take. that. back.
trevorzegras no ❤️
user8 ohmygod????
user9 felt like an absent parent fr
_quinnhughes he better be serenading you with his guitar skills
y/n.insta he is, don’t worry
trevorzegras he’s making my ears bleed. where’s the concern for me?
y/n.insta you’re just jealous
trevorzegras i would never be jealous of an amateur 🥱
y/n.insta would be a shame if griffin got the videos of you singing in the shower
trevorzegras jamie you’re the best guitar player in the world
y/n.insta that’s what i thought
lhughes_06 soon she’ll be married and having kids 🥹
y/n.insta luke what?
lhughes_06 stop growing up.
y/n.insta but you’re younger than me????
lhughes_06 shhhhh. let me have my moment
user10 does jamie know any taylor on his guitar?
y/n.insta he’s getting there!
anaheimducks we love y/n & jamie in this household 🧡
liked by y/n.insta
colecaufield ATTA BOY DRYSDALE
y/n.insta i bet you have a “saturdays are for the boys” tapestry 😐
colecaufield i’m reporting your account for bullying.
y/n.insta this is why nick is better than you.
_alexturcotte cheers to the newlyweds!
y/n.insta all i did was announce we’re dating?
_alexturcotte exactly.
user11 never knew i needed jamie & y/n until now
user12 this is everything
masonmctavish23 he breaks your heart, you let me know
y/n.insta aye aye captain 🫡
elblue6 you guys are adorable!
y/n.insta thanks mama ❤️
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liked by y/n.insta and 985,641 others
jamie.drysdale it will always be you. (👤: y/n.insta)
view all comments
y/n.insta i’m sobbing in the costco parking lot
jamie.drysdale baby don’t cry
trevorzegras you had a costco trip without me? 😧
y/n.insta yes bc you’re stupid
trevorzegras this is bullying
jamie.drysdale and this is my comment section
y/n.insta BURNNNN
trevorzegras i’m evicting both of you 🥰
y/n.insta the lease is under all of our names. nice try 😘
trevorzegras how dare you not show y/n any attention
jamie.drysdale weren’t you just being mean to her?
trevorzegras i’m a changed man, jimbo
user13 HE posted this
user14 sliding down the wall. where do i get this
y/n.insta costco
masonmctavish happy for you guys
liked by jamie.drysdale
anaheimducks this is a y/n fan page 🧡
jamie.drysdale and i’m the president
user15 i’m passing away
user16 we’re all y/n
user17 do i want to be y/n or jamie
y/n.insta same
jackhughes i don’t see how you do it jamie
jamie.drysdale lots of patience!
y/n.insta you’re sleeping on the couch 😍
_quinnhughes glad my baby sister found someone good for her
jamie.drysdale trying hard not to fangirl right now, but thanks man!
lhughes_06 i want her home by midnight.
y/n.insta isn’t your bedtime 11?
lhughes_06 blocked.
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liked by jamie.drysdale and 987,450 others
y/n.insta i’d marry you with paper rings (👤: jamie.drysdale)
view all comments
trevorzegras so are you guys just exposing your messages now? is this what chivalry has come to?
y/n.insta once you get a girlfriend z, you’ll understand
jamie.drysdale ^^^
trevorzegras oh my god now he’s agreeing with you on everything. he’s in too deep. jackhughes the quicksand is deeper than we thought
jackhughes let him go, he’ll be okay
y/n.insta it’s okay babe. i got you. i can clearly see who took rose’s side while watching the titanic
jackhughes look, there possibly wasn’t enough room on that door for two of them. even if there was, it would sink because of weight
y/n.insta get out of my face
jackhughes i’m not in your face. i’m in your instagram comments
y/n.insta even worse.
jackhughes poor jamie
y/n.insta oh i’m sorry, i thought someone without bitches said something to me 🧏‍♀️
jackhughes this is why jamie is the only one that likes you
y/n.insta remember, i know where you live 😘
user18 i love y/n and jack’s sibling relationship 💀
y/n.insta i don’t. free brother for sale!
user19 y/n & jamie >>>
_quinnhughes maybe i should start posting the sibling groupchat texts
y/n.insta oh god no
lhughes_06 it’s just jack and y/n arguing the whole time
y/n.insta i think it’s pat your bedtime, moose.
lhughes_06 i think you need to be put in a home
y/n.insta 😧 i hope you fail your finals.
jackhughes “it’s just y/n and jack arguing” last time i checked, my name wasn’t luke 🤔
lhughes_06 and last time i checked, y/n’s instagram comments wasn’t the groupchat 🤔
_quinnhughes i’m related to a bunch of idiots
user20 nothing like some jamie content to get us through these trying times
elblue6 when are you bringing him home?
y/n.insta i’m afraid to with the three stooges
masonmctavish23 who is that stud-muffin? 😍
y/n.insta real
anaheimducks jamie needs to bring us coffee sometime
y/n.insta i’ll remind him 🧡
colecaufield where do i find a jamie?
y/n.insta probably doing something with a trevor. they come in pairs. it’s like 2 in 1 shampoo
trevorzegras you did NOT just compare jimbo and i’s friendship to 2 in 1
y/n.insta fight me
_alexturcotte i call being the flower girl
y/n.insta whatever helps you sleep at night turcs
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a/n: i love doing insta edits so much 🫶🏻
tags: @jackhues @jackhughesily @nowandkei @starsandhughes
573 notes · View notes
heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Lil Secret
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AN: He just needs more time
Synopsis: You are growing tired of being Jack's secret and have to make a decision on if you want to be in a relationship with him or not
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Appearance by my baby @hoodharlow 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were laying in Jack’s king sized bed at home in Louisville and your mind was going at 100 miles per hour.
There was no reason for you to reach to his side of the bed, since you knew he wasn't there, but you did anyway.
And let out the biggest sigh known to man.
There was no getting around it how much you missed your boyfriend and you knew that his job was demanding.
So was yours, seeing as you were a celebrity choreographer.
However, you and Jack grew up together in Louisville two blocks away from each other so you knew who he was. You were three years older and extremely popular and well-known throughout your entire school career.
It wasn't until Taylor Rooks birthday party in 2020 when Jack had actually gotten enough courage to talk to you and confess his feelings that he had towards you.
You remember saying to him,
"I was wondering when you were coming over here since you've been staring at me all night." With your eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on your face.
Jack turned as red as a tomato, but kept shooting his shot and now here you two were.
Jack would still get shy around you to this very day and didn't take being in a relationship with you for granted…. Or did he?
The entire relationship overall had been amazing, but now there were doubts creeping into your mind that you were trying to do your best to silence.
No one knew the two of you were in a relationship.
Not even your parents.
All except one person.
Your best friend Blanca who just happened to be at Taylor's party with you that night.
And she was sick of his shit.
"Now you know good and damn well he needs to be better about that." She said while eyeing you.
"We're just taking our time, Blanca. No need for us to rush for everyone to know about us."
"Y/N, it's almost been a year. Not even his best friend knows about you. And uh excuse me, but didn't he have the biggest crush on you in high school? He finally gets you and this is how he acts?"
All you could do was sigh.
It was frustrating when you wanted to tell the world how much you love this person and how amazing they are, but you knew Jack was shielding you from the shitstorm that would come after if the two of you did decide to come out with the news about the relationship.
When Lil Secret was released on the album, Jack didn't even warn you beforehand.
And you were pissed.
Right along with Blanca.
"Oh, so he can make a song about you, but not publicly claim you? I'll beat his ass right now."
"No. Call his ass right now and put it on speaker. I'd love to see him wiggle his way out of this one."   Blanca said while handing you the phone.
You hesitantly took it, but when he answered, you let him have it.
All while Blanca was hyping you up in the background.
"Jack, what the hell!? Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I thought it would be a nice surprise!"
"A song saying how you know I'm sick of being a secret, but you need more time? I really want to know where your thought process be at sometimes. Because what?"
"Baby, you know all of these things I have going on. I just want to protect you. These people can be ruthless."
"That excuse is really getting old and I'm tired of hearing it. And did you have to bring up the ex that shall not be named?"
That sports guy?
Kelly Oubre, Jr. 
The two of you dated for three years before you and Jack got into a relationship.
If you could call it that.
"If I knew that you were going to be this mad, I would have left it off the album."
"Um, who in the world do your friends actually think this song is about?"
"They keep asking, but I just keep brushing it off."
All Jack heard you do was sigh.
The frustrating part was that your fans shipped you with another artist and choreographer that you worked closely with all the time.
You didn't have those feelings towards him and would have to reassure Jack from time to time since that also made him feel some type of way.
You had just posted a photo on Instagram and he had liked it with his burner account and you were surprised that your phone was going off considering that it was 2 in the morning. However, your boyfriend was overseas so it was later in the day for him.
"Yes?" You said as Jack's face came into view.
"Hi pretty girl."
You melted every time he called you that.
"It's 2 in the morning over there. You should be sleeping. Instead you on instagram."
"I know, just can't sleep."
"Why? You miss me?"
You rolled your eyes so hard and Jack laughed at your outburst.
"Seriously, baby?"
"You already know my answer is yes and you see where I am."
Jack noticed you were in his bed and sighed.
"And you aren't here to keep me warm."
"Soon, pretty girl. I promise. Tour is almost over and I know I owe you a lot of kisses and cuddles."
"And not to mention that dick." You added while smiling.
"Be careful what you wish for, baby. We aren’t leaving the bed when I get back."
"I'm holding you to that."
"You have to go into the studio today?" Jack curiously asked you.
You owned your own dance studio in downtown Louisville.
When you weren't choreographing dances for celebrities, you held your own dance classes and had an exclusive workshop that people would fly from all around the country to take entitled Queens N Lettos. 
Since you're dancing in heels the entire time.
"Not until later. Maybe noon."
"You still need to get some sleep."
"I know. Now that I've heard your voice it will probably be easier for me to fall asleep." 
"Text me when you wake up. I love you."
"I love you too and I will."
What you didn't tell Jack was how you were feeling insecure.
You knew that he was yours, but your heart did sink from time to time when you saw him surrounded by different girls who he was giving his undivided attention to.
Deep down you obviously knew that he was yours, but it still made your heart hurt. Because no one knew except you.
And Blanca for that matter.
You didn't even bother bringing this up because you knew that those were his fans and a part of his job.
You would never in a million years ask him to choose between the two. 
Jack was noticing how you weren't necessarily becoming distant from him, but that's how he felt.
This had been building up for weeks until it all finally came to a head.
He wasn't sure if it was because he was overseas and the time difference, the fact that he was missing you, but something just felt off.
Scrolling through his phone on instagram, that's when he saw it.
The most recent dance video that you posted with…. Him.
Jack knew that he was only a friend to you, but the rumors that were circulating around you two had been that way for years.
Even when you were in the relationship with Kelly Oubre Jr.
It seemed as if when the two of you started dating that they actually became worse.
You had posted many videos with him dancing with you before, but this particular one just seemed to set him off. Maybe it had to do with this comment that was left underneath by your best friend.
blancaaabby: I wish you two would stop playing and date already 🙄 
All in all, Jack knew that he couldn't blame anyone but himself since it was originally his idea to keep the relationship between you a secret.
However, Blanca did know about the two of you and was just being petty.
I guess she was sick of his shit too.
It was the fact that you didn't even shut her response down which set him off even more.
yourinstagramname: blancaaababy 😌💕
Oh, that's how you wanted to play?
Okay, then.
You felt that Jack had been dodging your calls and texts and you were becoming slightly annoyed and a bit worried. It wasn't like you could ask Urban or anybody close to him because they didn't know that the relationship existed. 
It wasn't until you saw that video of him on tour because Blanca sent it to you with him saying this,
"I'm surprised no one has thrown their bra at me yet…
Oh, never mind. That didn't last long. Keep them coming, baby."
He didn't even get a chance to finish what he was saying before a bra was thrown in his direction and landed at his feet. He promptly picked it up and then you saw how a thong was also thrown which he proceeded to put in his pocket.
Now you were pissed.
Blanca- Can I please beat his ass now!?
You- I'm calling him now
Blanca- Um, I don't want to talk, I want to throw hands
You- Patience, Blanca
Blanca- 🙄  
Blanca- Well you better get to him before I do because I'm kicking his ass
When he finally did answer his phone, you were letting him have it.
“Jack, you CANNOT be serious right now.” You said referring to the multiple tour videos you came across with your boyfriend entertaining the fact that some of his fans were throwing their undergarments at him on stage. 
“Babe, it’s not a big deal.”
“Obviously to you it definitely isn’t a big deal since you seem to be so nonchalant about this.”
“You act like I’m keeping them!”
“Well are you?”
“Seriously Y/N!? I have you so why in the world would I keep them?”
“Yeah, seriously. You’re acting as if you’re single which you definitely AREN’T. A person in a relationship wouldn’t do that.”
“But to them I am. You know I have to keep up this image for my career. And what about you not even attempting to shut down the rumors of you and Damien dating, huh?"
All you did was scoff.
“Look, I love you. I truly do, but I just don’t know how much longer that I can take. And what in the world did you want me to do? Deny it and then tag you? Didn't think so."
“Wait, baby what are you saying?” Now Jack was full on panicking and didn’t know what to do. He didn't even acknowledge the last part of what you said. 
“You know what I’m saying,  but I have a class to teach so I have to go.”
“Baby, don’t hang up, we need to talk about this.” Jack pleaded with you, but you simply shook your head even though he couldn’t see you at the moment. 
“I’ve done more than enough talking, Jack. For a year and a half to be exact, almost 2. Like I said, I love you, but I just…. I’ll talk to you later.”
Without another word, you hung up your phone and shut it off completely before making your way into your dance studio in order to teach your last class of the day. 
The last thing you needed was your phone to constantly be going off during your class because you know Jack was going to be blowing up your phone non stop. 
You knew that it might be difficult to keep your mind from thinking about Jack, but you knew that you had to let it go for the time being. 
As difficult as you knew that conversation would be, you knew that it had to happen sooner rather than later.
The last thing you wanted was to end your relationship, but you were at a crossroads.
Maybe it was better this way.
No matter how hurt you knew that you were going to be. 
Jack was now pulling at his curls and blowing up your phone left and right.
He knew that your class was one hour long and immediately tried calling you again once he knew that your class was over.
It sent him straight to voicemail.
Cue the panicking all over again.
Jack- Baby, please answer me
Jack- We need to talk about this
Jack- Babe, I promise it won’t happen again. I can’t lose you.
Jack- Don’t make me fly to Louisville because I will if you don’t answer your phone
That was when Blanca answered.
"She obviously doesn't want to talk to you, white boy."
"Blanca! Please put her on the phone."
"Why should I when you've been acting like an ass towards my best friend?"
"I know and I'm trying to make it right."
"It wouldn't have to be made right if you just admitted being in a relationship with her."
"It's not that simple."
"Oh, but it is. She'll talk to you when she's ready. In the meantime, go back to your groupies."
Without another word, she hung up on him and all he did was sigh.
He couldn't lose you.
He just can't.
It had been two hours since Jack first tried to call you and he knew that he needed help because you weren’t giving him the time of day. 
And Blanca was not about to help him.
He sighed before opening the group chat between all of Private Garden and asking them for their help.
You wouldn’t be his little secret for much longer. 
Jack- I need all of you to text (insert your phone number) and tell her I love her and I’m sorry
Urban- Excuse me, WHAT?
Quiiso- I’m going to need more of an explanation because who is this girl?
Ace- And you weren’t about to tell anyone about her?
2fo- Uhh since when do you have a girlfriend?
Shloob- What the? Jack explain this
Jack- No time to explain, I will later. Please just do this because she’s mad at me and not answering me and I can’t lose her
Urban- Oh, you’re serious?
2fo- Damn, okay. Calm your ass down. We’re going, we’re going
Urban- Uh hi, I have no idea what your name is or anything about you but my best friend is in love with you and he’s sorry for whatever he did or didn’t do. Just talk to him because my mans is going through it.
2fo- Um, heyyyy. So Jack loves you and he’s sorry that he was an ass towards you. I added in that last part because if you’re ignoring him, obviously he was an ass.
Shloob- Jack is having a mental breakdown. He loves you and he’s sorry for whatever he did. On the other hand, I can’t wait to meet you.
Quiiso- I don’t know if Jack is lying or not about how you exist or if this is a prank he’s pulling on me, but he is in love with you and he obviously did something outta pocket which he’s sorry for
Ace- Um, I hope I have the right number. Jack loves you and wants to talk to you. He also said that he’s sorry and that he wants to fix whatever went wrong between the two of you and that he can’t lose you. 
When you had finally woken up the next day, you decided to turn your phone on, and you had over 100 messages waiting for you.
You didn’t have a chance to check them before your boyfriend was calling you once again.
You finally answered thinking that he suffered long enough.
He didn’t even give you a chance to say hello.
“Asleep, Jackman! Today is my day off!”
“Oh, well get dressed. I’m coming over and we’re going on a date.”
When Jack took the red eye flight back to Louisville, he was surprised that you weren't in his bed waiting for him, but then again he also knew that you were mad at him and would probably be your condo.
“I just said it’s my off day, I’m not going anywhere. And since when are you back in Louisville?!”
“That’s not important right now, we’re going on a date so get dressed.”
“Umm, won’t people see us? And I’m still mad at you.”
“Uh no, because you called me screaming at the top of your lungs."
“Just check it and call me back."
Once you did, you were floored. 
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liked by urbanwyatt, druski2funny, shloob_, yungskylark, champagnepapi, estgee, and 1,983,041 others
jackharlow: my lil secret 😍😍
urbanwyatt: oh shit. YOU PULLED Y/N?!?! HOW THE?!?! WHAT?! AND YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL US!?
quiiso: I.... and to think all of us thought her and Jason were going to get married
druski2funny: oh
yungskylark: well I'll be damned
lilnasx: druski2funny I told you she didn't want your ass
neelamthadhani: finally!
jackharlow: umm neelamthadhani what?!
neelamthadhani: jackharlow I already knew, I was just waiting for you to say something
jackharlow: neelamthadhani HOW?!?
neelamthadhani: jackharlow I'm not revealing my secrets, so stop asking
blancaaababy: it's about got damn time yourinstagramname my bestie is a baddie and the entire world needs to know about her. but also know she has a best friend that will fuck your ass up if you act outta pocket.
jackharlow: blancaaababy yes Blanca, I know
blancaababy: jackharlow I'm watching you and I will send Panchito to bite you 👀 jackharlowsource: the lil secret has finally been revealed 😍
Not even two minutes later you were calling him back.
"Yes, pretty girl?"
"I… I’m happy we don't have to hide anymore."
"Me too and I'm sorry for making it seem like I didn't want a relationship with you because that is far from the truth."
"You're forgiven."
"And can you also tell Blanca to stop threatening me?"
"Uhh, you have to take that one up with her, but doing this might put you in her good graces."
"I hope so. Anyway, we have a date at 7. I'm coming to get you around 6:45. I want to show my baby off to the world."
"And I can’t wait." 
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liked by neelamthadhani, urbanwyatt, lilnasx, theestallion, champagnepapi, 2forwoyne, and 2,753,091 others
jackharlow: she soul food and she eye candy 😍
shloob_: okay um, can we talk about how jackharlow was too scared to talk to yourinstagramname in high school?
jackharlow: shloob_ so jason could beat my ass? and why are yall putting me on blast?
quiiso: oh and how jackharlow would leave little notes in her locker
2forwoyne: and send flowers to her in class
yungskylark: and she thought it was Jason the entire time
shloob_: no matter how hard we tried to get him to talk to her, he wouldn't
jackharlow: she was a senior, she didn't want a little freshman following behind her all the time
2forwoyne: jackharlow well look at the two of you now
yourinstagramname: BABE THAT WAS YOU?!?
jackharlow: yes 🙈
yourinstagramname: jackharlow and you just let him take all the credit?!
jackharlow: yourinstagramname I won in the end anyway 🥰 yourinstagramname: jackharlow you definitely did. love you big head 😘 jackharlow: yourinstagramname I love you more and I'll show you a big head alright blancaaababy: not yall being disgusting already. yall relationship is hours old 🙄 jackharlow: blancaababy it's actually two years old as of today if we're being specific urbanwyatt: jackharlow WHAT?! TWO YEARS?!? neelamthadhani spill your secrets because how the hell did you know and no one else did?! neelamthadhani: urbanwyatt your best friend is not as discrete as he thinks lol
liked by yourinstagramname, blancaaababy, urbanwyatt, lilnasx, champagnepapi, and 2,273,084 others
jackharlow: yourinstagramname you better come here and do that split on me now. not now, but RIGHT NOW. 😍
blancaaababy: look at my boo go, the baddest 😉
saweetie: I learned from the best 😘
yourinstagramname: jackharlow BABY CUT IT OUT!
jackharlow: yourinstagramname what I do?!?
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you know what you did
druski2funny: sooo y/n.....
jackharlow: druski2funny exit stage left. no.
druski2funny: jackharlow you ain't even give me a chance to say anything!
jackharlow: druski2funny you don't need one. mine since 2020. see your way out.
druski2funny: well yourinstagramname if he messes up, you know where to find me
yourinstagramname: bye Druski
285 notes · View notes
companionjones · 1 year
The Favor
Pairing: Jack Kelly x Reader
Fandom: Newsies: The Broadway Musical
Requested by: Anon
Request: Jack Kelly x reader where the reader gets roughed up bad by Brooklyn Newsies and doesn’t tell jack who did it but since she’s his number two, they need to go to Brooklyn on business and they run into the Newsies who beat up and she gets nervous and jack gets protective?
Warnings: Cursing, Violence
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    Limping your way back to the lodging house, you cringed with every step. You wanted to make it back to your bed unnoticed, but that plan immediately went off the rails as you approached the building.
    It started off with somebody yelling from the window, “Hey, everyone! Y/n’s back!”
    Chatter immediately filled the night, coming from the lodging house, and the door opened for you.
    Racer came out toward you. “Hey, Y/n! It’s been a few hours since anyone saw you, are you--” The words died on his tongue as you came into the light.
    “I’m fine!” you called out to him. “Don’t--”
    “Jack!” Race called over his shoulder. He then looked back into the building to the boys by the door. “Get Jack.”
    You sighed as Racer walked up to you and helped you inside. “You don’t need to get him. I’m fine, seriously.”
    Race scoffed, “Yeah. Tell that to your black eyes.”
    “What the hell is this I’m hearing?” Jack was descending the stairs as you made it inside. He had fire inside him as he locked on your eyes. “Who hurt you?”
    “Jack--” you started in a calm tone.
    His jaw clenched. “Don’t start with that. Who did this to you? Tell me right now, and I’ll--”
    “Take me upstairs,” you told him once he had fully approached you.
    Jack huffed as he looked at you. He glanced around the room out of the corner of his eyes before settling his gaze back on you. He nodded before supporting your weight, just as Race did, and helping you back up the stairs.
    “This is one of the days where I don’t want to live on the roof,” Jack commented as the both of you were worn out from climbing all those stairs.
    “I know what you mean.” You laughed as Jack carefully set you down, but those laughs turned into quiet coughs.
    Jack was still standing as he asked, “Are you gonna tell me who did this to you now?”
    You looked away as your eyes grew glossy and you bit your lip, which hurt because that bit lip was split.
    Seeing you like that caused Jack to take a knee next to you. He put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey...You can tell me.”
    You took a deep breath before answering, “Do you remember, a few weeks ago, we were sitting up here, and I asked you what you were thinking?” You looked at him.
    Jack took a full seat next you and leaned on the same brick wall you were against. “Yeah, I do.”
    You smiled at him. “You wouldn’t tell me. I don’t know why, but you were so desperate for me not to know what was going on in your head that you asked for a favor.” You tilted your head as you looked at him. “...I’m calling in that favor.”
    You saw Jack’s gaze harden and his nose flare. “But...they hurt you, Y/n. You...you can barely stand.” He moved in front of you and put a hand on your knee. “Y/n...I want to kill them.”
    “I know you do,” your voice remained soft. “And that’s why you can’t know.”
    The following month, you spent recovering. The other boys sold your papes for you, and Jack barely let you leave the penthouse, no matter how much you complained.
    Once that month was over; however, you were back on your feet. You and Jack almost got into a physical fight over you going, but you ended up going with Jack over to Brooklyn to meet with Spot Conlon regarding Newsie business.
    “--Yeah?” You had been peering down an alleyway, but your head snapped toward Jack when you heard your name.
    Jack looked at you like you were acting weird, which you were. “Why are you so nervous? You’re the one who wanted to come with me in the first place.”
    “First of all, I’m not nervous. Shut up. Second of all, I wanted to come with you today because I’ve spent every day for the last month up on the roof twiddling my thumbs. You know that’s not me, Jack.”
    He replied immediately, “I know that’s not you. It also wasn’t you to have to’ve been laid up for the past month with injuries that you won’t even tell me where they came from!”
    Yes, it was true. Jack hadn’t let up on bothering you about the origins of your injuries, and you had yet to open your mouth.
    “Would you hear that, boys? The big bad Jack Kelly wants to know where Y/n L/n’s boo-boo’s came from. Why don’t we let ‘im know?” Three Brooklyn Newsies appeared from the alley across the street from the one you had been peering down.
    They were behind Jack, but when he turned around and saw them, you knew he must’ve had a bad feeling because he immediately started backing up to cover you. “What the hell are you talking about?”
    The leader of the three’s eyes shifted to you. “Y/n, why don’t you tell your boss how we know each other?”
    Jack glanced over his shoulder to see your shaking form that you were trying to distract from with a pissed-off look on your face. He slowly moved his gaze back to your enemies, and Jack asked a one-word quotation, “Why?”
    “Because you’re doing too much, Jack,” the leader clarified in a raised voice, “You think you’re getting all this power when you’re really not. You needed something to remind you of your place.”
    Through a clenched jaw, Jack lowly responded, “You went after Y/n because of me?”
    The leader was close to laughing at Jack. “That is correct.”
    Jack actually growled before jumping forward to go after the three Brooklyn Newsies.
    “Jack, don’t!” You held him back from doing what he wanted to do. “You can’t attack them.”
    “Why the hell not?!” Jack snapped.
    “Because I’m Spot’s second-in-command!” the leader remarked with a devilish look on his face. “Spot didn’t send me to take care of Y/n, but he might as well have! Jack you’re becoming too powerful for your own good, and we all know the one and only King of the Newsies is Spot Conlon. And what do you think Spot’s gonna do if he finds out you roughed up one of his best guys? I can’t imagine it would be far off from what you want to do me right now. And if that happens on both sides?”
    “A war would break out, Jack,” you finished.
    He thought a moment before quietly asking you, “Is that why you wouldn’t tell me who hurt you? Because I would start a war?”
    With tears in your eyes, you nodded.
    Jack then full turned to you and put a hand on the back of your neck. He tilted his head toward yours. “Did you ever consider that your worth fighting a war over?”
    That question stopped your heart from beating.
    “Alright, that’s enough with the theatrics.” The leader of the small gang approached you and Jack and put a hand on Jack’s should to get him to turn away from you.
    Jack did so, and he used the momentum from it to punch the leader in the face.
    So, Jack took on that guy, and that left you to fight his two minions. You dodged the first blow from the first guy, then caught the second guys fist and kicked his knees out from under him. You then threw the second guy into the first guy, resulting with both of them on the ground. To make it clear who won, you then leaned down and smashed their heads against each other, knocking them out.
    You were about to turn around to see how Jack was doing, but that was made clear when you were grabbed by the neck and yanked to your feet.
    Suddenly, Jack was looking helpless in front of you while the leader choked you in front of him.
    “Let them go,” Jack spat, “Let Y/n go, or I swear I’ll--”
    “You’ll what?” your attacker teased, “Right now, I’m holding all the cards. I think--Stop-fighting!” He was talking to you.
    You had yet to give up. You used all your strength to pull his arm just a little away from your throat, then you used all that space to get some windup before whacking your head into his nose.
    The boy stumbled back from you before you talked him to the ground and started in on punching his face. You got 9 or 10 blows in before deciding he had had enough. You got to your feet, out of breath. You told him, “I would’ve won the fight in the first place if you hadn’t surprised me.” You spat on him. “Fucking coward.”
    “You sure got that right.” Spot Conlon appeared with a large group of Brooklyn Newsies.
    “Have you been here the whole time?” Jack, who was standing next to you, asked.
    Conlon shook his head. “After these three briefly disappeared from my ranks about a month ago, I’ve sent a couple of my younger recruits to keep an eye on ‘em. They came and reported this to me as soon as the fight broke out.”
    Jack asked, “So, they weren’t working by your orders?”
    Spot scoffed, “No. Not even a little.” He looked down to the rogue leader’s bloody form. “And what the hell is this ‘King of the Newsies’ shit you were spoutin’ Timmy? You know we don’t work like that.”
    Timmy was barely able to speak. “I was trying to make you look good--”
    “Fuck making me look good,” Conlon cursed, “This is making me look shitty.” He looked back up to you and Jack. “Sorry, gotta cancel our meetin’ today so I can take care of these buffoons.”
    “All good,” you immediately responded.
    “Fine by me,” Jack was right behind you.
    The Brooklyn Newsies cleaned up their bodies and cleared out just as fast as they got there.
    Jack hugged you as soon as he could. He then brought you to arm’s length so he could examine you. “Are you okay?”
    “I’m doing just as well as you. Look at that shiner!” you laughed, referring to a bruise that was already forming under one of Jack’s eyes. You then looked into his eyes, and you saw an emotion that you had seen there many times before, but it was an emotion that you could never put a name to.
    Things fell silent between the two of you.
    “Ask me again,” Jack softly asked.
    “What?” you wondered.
    “Ask me again what I was thinking that night.”
    You didn’t have to ask what night he was talking about. “What were you--”
    Jack pulled you forward and kissed you. “...I was thinking the same thing I’m always thinking. I was thinking about how much I wanted to kiss you.”
    “Was it everything you hoped it would be?”
    Jack smiled, “And more,” he told you, then leaned back in.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, you should check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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lovingmusicalmen · 1 year
May I request a blurb for the prompt “Do you want me to carry you?” with Davey Jacobs x Reader? Or Jack Kelly x Reader, whichever you prefer.
I hope you enjoy!! This is my first time writing for Davey so let me know what you think!
Still accepting blurb requests!
Fluff 17 - "Do you want me to carry you?"
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Les was fast asleep, head resting on Y/N's knees as she idly combed through the kid's hair, talking to the other Newsies.
Davey, Jack and Les had finished up selling early that day and so had headed back to the lodging house to kill time, and go over future plans for the union. One by one, as more Newsies had returned from their days exploits, the conversation had gone from work-orientated to just chatting among each other.
Davey seemed more at ease than Y/N had seen him... well, ever, if she was going to be honest. Since she had met him, Davey had been stressed out and nervous about the future of his family, the strike, the union and now his newly acquainted brothers. So it was nice to see him relaxing with the other sellers. Cracking jokes with Crutchie and teasing Race over his latest gambling loss.
Les, however, had not quite kept up. He had come over to Y/N almost the moment she had returned to the lodging house and sat down to join her friends and demanded her attention. The kid was inexplicably fond of her - Y/N suspected it had something to do with her teaching him to tie his laces, and agreeing not to tell the other boys he hadn't known how to do it up until then in case they teased him.
Davey had confided in her that Les' admiration more than likely actually stemmed from the strike itself. She had stuck by his side through the whole ordeal, taking a couple of blows on his behalf when the bulls had arrived and she had been desperate to get him as far away from the fighting as possible.
(Davey had also admitted, rather shyly, with flushed pink cheeks that he, too, had been touched by the attention shown to his younger brother. Grateful to her that she had been looking out for him. Y/N had wondered then if she was naive for wanting to read into his words, to try and convince herself that he returned her affections)
Les had grown sleepy quickly, though. And had passed out across Y/N's lap with the quiet murmurings of the Newsies to keep him company. Davey had met her eyes a couple of times across the room, since seeing his younger brother fast asleep on her lap. And there was an undeniable apology in his expression, which Y/N was quick to dismiss each time with a grin and shake of her head.
She didn't mind it at all.
(And no, that had nothing to do with the warm feeling in the pit of her stomach when she saw Davey looking over towards her and Les with such gentle affection)
The evening had, in short, been close to perfect.
Davey stood from where he had been resting on Crutchie's bed, leaning against the wall as he chatted idly with Race and Albert, and he stretched out his arms. Y/N could have sworn that she heard his back give a crack at the movement.
"I should probably get home - our folks will be worrying about us," Davey offered by way of explanation. There were nods and farewells called to him from around the room and Davey picked his way across the floor to reach Y/N and Les.
He offered her the shy smile she was used to seeing him wear and he reached up to ruffle his hair a little under his cap.
"Figure I should collect your limpet," he said, a teasing edge to his voice. "Sorry about him."
"Don't apologise - he's a sweet kid," Y/N paused before adding: "and you're a real good brother to him, Dave."
A pink hue sprinkled across the apples of Davey's cheeks, but Y/N forced herself to look away from it, gently shaking the kid on her lap.
Les groaned and swatted at her hand.
"Leave me alone," he grumbled. Y/N shared an amused glance with Davey, who crouched down.
"Come on - we've gotta get home, Les."
"I'm comfortable," he complained again, opening his eyes just enough to shoot his brother a glare. Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.
Davey caught the action though, rolling his eyes at her in exasperation.
"I can't imagine it's all that comfortable for Y/N, though. Come on, get up."
Les opened his eyes again, this time directed up at Y/N in the same puppy-dog expression she knew Jack had been training him in to sell his papers.
"Y/N" he whined. Y/N chuckled and pinched his arm lightly.
"What do you want me to do, kid? Do you want me to carry you home?" She joked. Les looked contemplative though, and then nodded.
"That would work," he agreed.
Y/N burst out laughing, and Davey sighed again, letting his head fall down onto the mattress beside his brother.
"I told mum and dad you were a heathen," he complained. "I said they should've just stuck with me and Sarah."
"This is why I like Y/N," Les huffed, aiming a kick at Davey. "She's nice to me."
"Alright, kid - come on, your parents will be worried," Y/N cut in, laughing quietly. She pushed him off of her lap and stood up. "How does a piggy back ride sound?"
Ten minutes later, the three of them were walking the route back to Davey's family home. Les had fallen back asleep, resting on Y/N's lap, and Davey hadn't stopped spewing apologies for his brother's actions.
"Dave - I mean it, you don't need to apologise," she said with a gentle laugh. "Manhatten's nice to walk through at this time of night, anyway." She shot a teasing look at him from the corner of her eye. "Besides, the company's not all too bad, either."
Davey went bright pink, mouth gaping open slightly as he processed her... rather forward words.
"I mean - I'd never complain at the chance to spend more time with you," he managed to get out, smiling awkwardly at her.
"Such a charmer, Jacobs."
"You started it!"
The two of them lapsed into quiet laughter for a moment. Just as the two of them turned the corner down into Davey's street, he spoke again.
"Well... would I be able to take you out some time? To make up for this?" He gestured at the sleeping kid. "Without my brother, and the other's, I mean. Since we... like spending time together, and all," he added awkwardly.
"You asking me on a date, Jacobs?"
"That.... depends on your answer?" Davey tried weakly and Y/N laughed.
"And if my answer's a yes?" She asked as they came to a stop outside of the Jacobs' front door. Davey stepped forwards to scoop Les into his arms instead.
"Then yeah - definitely a date," Davey confirmed, far more confidently.
Y/N offered a crooked grin and stepped up to press a kiss to his cheek, marvelling in the stunned expression the action left behind.
"Then I'll see you tomorrow, Dave."
(Can confirm, Les was 100% not asleep, just sick of Davey's pining and decided to take matters into his own hands)
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mochminnie · 8 months
Lovin U Right
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Based off Jungkook’s Single ‘Seven’. BTS and many more Kpop idols will appear in this series. This will have no usage of your name or (y/n). The Main Character/Reader will be Plus Sized and her name is Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’. Jungkook who is life of a party, a total himbo that tries for 7 days to show you how much he loves you. Who doesn’t just want to get in your pants, wanting more than that. Himbo clingy JK wants to be loved, who wants your attention. 
Setting: College Au
Tropes: Polar Opposites
Warning: Sexual Themes, Fat shaming, College Partying, This isn’t going to be based off of Korean College more like Americanize based through Pop Culture references, Himbo like behavior of BTS.
Check out the mood board https://www.tumblr.com/mochminnie/723830921903620096/what-if-jeon-jungkook-fall-in-love-with-a-plus?source=share&ref=mochminnie
Author’s Note: This is a fictional portrayal of Jungkook and other idols. I tend to see comments about Kai and Jennie when I wrote my Rose x reader story on wattpad. I know I am writing about celebrities and this is all honesty for fun. I will be writing about Taehyung and Jennie. This book don’t match the idol’s personality. I face claimed casted these people to create a story for fun and possibly for people to enjoy. Please check out my other JK Series ‘The Warlock and The Witch.
'Seven' - Jungkook
‘I Got It’ - Thuy
'Supershy' - New Jeans
'Baby One More Time' - Britney Spears
'Fantasize' - Ariana Grande
'Euphoria' Jungkook
'Something New' - Zendaya and Chris Brown
'Left Right' - XG
'Wild Side' - Normani ft Cardi B
'34+35' - Ariana Grande
'Me & U' - Cassie
'Like Crazy' - Jimin
'New Dance' - XG
'Dance The Night Away' - Dua Lipa
'Cuff It Wetter remix' - Beyoncé
'No Problem' - Nayeon ft. Felix
‘Girls Like Me Don’t Cry’ - Thuy ft. Min
'Cool for the Summer' - Demi Lovato
'Something Real' - Summer Walker, Chris Brown, London On a Track
'Take You Down' - Chris Brown
'Hype boy' - New Jeans
'Wet The Bed' - Chris Brown
'Snooze' - SZA
'3D' - Jungkook ft. Jack Harlow
'Heart Attack' - Demi Lovato
'Check' - Girls Generation
'It's You' - MAX ft. Keshi
'Cherry' - Rina Sawayama
'You & I' - JRE
'If you Stay ' Joseph Vincent
'Somebody' - Kyungsoo (D.O.)
"Dear No One" - Tori Kelly
‘I Don’t Care’ - Jeremy Passion
‘Agora Hills’ - Doja Cat
‘Sweetest Pie’ - Dua Lipa
‘Kiss Me More’ - Doja Cat ft. SZA
‘I Know’ - RM & JK
‘Ditto’ - NEWJEANS
‘Partition’ - Beyoncé
‘Too Much’ - JK, the kid laroi, central fee
‘Perfect Night’ - Le Sserafim
‘Somebody’ - Jungkook
‘Yes Or No’ - Jungkook
'The Party & After Party' - The Weeknd
Chapter 1 
Maru lit up her cigarette up the balcony. The rest of the girls drinking soju and ordered take out tteokbokki, Korean hot dogs, and fried chicken, corn cheese. To celebrate, Their one year anniversary living together. Maru encourages Lizzie to go to the hottest parties and clubs in town. Not only that, their other roommates Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and Rose. Will try their best to get her out of the house. 
“Lizzie put down your iPad and stop reading WEBTOON.” Maru grabbed the iPad from her with one hand and the other with her cigarette smoking. 
Lizzie scoffed and yelled at Maru. “Hey, I was just starting a new story!” 
Lisa, “Maru just give her ipad back. Don’t get close to her because she has asthma.” 
Maru scoffs, “Please, It’s not like she hasn't smoked weed before.” 
Jennie, “That’s much better than cigarettes.” 
Jisoo heard the doorbell ring. “The food here!” Jisoo smiled and yelled out. Rose immediately got up with Jisoo to get the food. They prepare the food on the balcony. While the rest of the girls grabbed the plates, utensils, napkins and beverages. Maru Hiding the Ipad from Lizzie. Lizzie just gives up; she's now helping with the food. When it’s finally prepared. 
Jennie was the first to dig in. “You Know Maru can give your Ipad back if you go to the party with us.” 
Liz, “I’ll live in a moment! Maybe I’ll go. But can you give it back?” Maru gives it back then Lizzie puts it away in her room. So her and the girls play a game.  
Rosie wants to play the clueless party game then everyone else gets excited. Except Lisa doesn’t want to play. When Lisa thought that Rosie didn’t see her face scrunched up and mouthed no to the rest of the girls. “Think that I didn’t see you? I'll kill you.” Lisa got scared. Jisoo and Jennie laugh. 
Lizzie, “We will all play the clueless party game even if Lisa doesn’t want to join.” Rosie was excited again. Lisa rolls her eyes then Rosie pinches Lisa’s ears. Jennie and Jiso are trying to break them up. Lisa starts screaming. “Ow, that you bitch!” Lisa slaps Rosie. 
Rosie, “Ugh you slut!” Pushes her. 
Jennie stopped breaking the girls up and got the notification text on her phone from Taehyung. “We have all been invited to a party tonight!!! Oh would you look at that, You’re going Liz.” Jennie yelled.
Lizzie shakes her head no. “No, Just no. You girls know I don’t want to party.” All of the girls give her a look. “I mean I do party in small groups. My cousins, and family.”
Rosie, “Well this is different we’re all in our 20’s we should all go out, make out, sleep with anyone we want, we're all hot.” 
Jisoo then dances to, Girls Generation Party. “P-A-R-T-Y!!! Party time. It’s Party time!!!” 
“Come on Liz You gotta come!” Rosie
Lisa got excited. “You’re going to look hot tomorrow night! I don’t have to play the game!” Rosie glares at her. Lisa got scared a bit. 
“Let’s pick an outfit for her. She’s going to look hot hot” jisoo
Maru, blowing the cigarette in her direction.“She needs to get laid tomorrow night.” Saying calmly with a straight face.
Lizzie gives her a look. “How many gummies did you take again?” 
Maru, “2, 5. I don’t know.” Still smoking her cigarette. ‘How is this girl still going?’ Lizzie thought. After all the drinks, smoking and gummies???
“Come on Tae’s party can’t be that bad! Think about it, come on Liz. Tae is a nice guy. He’s making sure you will go.” Jennie says. 
Liz, “It’s not Tae and his friends I’m worried about.”
The girls wait for her answer. Jisoo asks, “Well? What do you say Lizzie?” But then Jisoo see the look in her eyes that somethings the matter. She didn’t ask her friend what was the matter. It seems she wasn’t too comfortable to share with the girls yet. 
Liz it’s not she’s feeling pressured. She was just worried about one of the boys that broke her heart. The worst way possible will be there… 
Cha Eun-woo.
Not only that Minnie might be there and her friends… Lizzie knows her friends will be there for her. 
Lizzie, “Okay I’ll go tonight and I have to go to this party. To face my fears. To live. You know YOLO!!!” She says the last sentence much awkwardly. 
Lisa raised her brow. “Liz Yolo?” Cringes. 
Jisoo, “YOLO!!!” She started dancing to Party again. Lizzie joins her then all of the girls join except for Maru because she was so high off of the gummies. “We can’t stop stop! It’s a party time!”  Jisoo sings. 
Rosie, “P-A-R-T-Y!!!” 
Liz, “It’s a party, We go rock rock! P-A-R-T-Y”
Jennie and Lisa joins. “Lemon soju, tequila for me, mojito for you
Let's go to Jeju, California!”
Rosie, “We got a party to head too! Come on, let's go get ready!” 
~ ~ ~
Jisoo Suggests a makeover! 
Lisa, “Lizzie already has a great sense of style and knows how to apply makeup. Don’t you think it’s problematic? She’s already gorgeous, young, and a hot mama.” 
Jennie, “It can be but it’s fun!!!” Jumping up and down and she grabs Lizzie’s to the bathroom first.
Lizzie, “Makeovers can be fun.” agreeing and smiling. 
Boy she didn’t know that the five girls are going to bathe her. Lizzie insists. “No, I got this, I can bathe myself. NO! MARU! JENNIE! LISA HELP!!!!” Calling out all of the girls names she got this. 
Lisa yelling at the girls, “SHE DOESN’T HELP WITH THE BATHING WHAT KIND OF MAKEOVER IS THIS???” She pushes the four girls away. 
 The girls make sure she gets her cooter cat, bussy clean and every nook and cranny is clean and that everything is moisturized. 
Lizzie wears contacts tonight. And prep her face before Maru works on her makeup. 
Rosie and Jennie going through her closet. Breaking down which outfit she is going to wear. 
Jisoo, “You should go for the siren seductive look!” Maru does her makeup. And Jisoo does her hair she decided to do voluminous curls. 
Lisa sprayed on some lux honey vanilla perfume. And the rest of the girls made sure one last time that everything was moisturized. 
Then Jennie presents Lizzie a black Prada bag. “Me and the girls got you a bag!” Jennie smiling showing off her gummy smile.
She puts Lizzie's phone and glasses and travel sized stuff for her contacts like case and solution and Maru puts condoms inside. Lizzie, "Jennie!" Groans, Giving her a really look. Looking at the couple of condoms that were given in her bag. "Thanks Jennie I'll be using all of these gladly." Sarcastically scoffs. “URGGGHH.” Rolling her eyes.
The final looks that Lizzie got a brown smokey eye with a cat eye liner and a burgundy lip. Her hair is down with curls. For her outfit. A black lace v neck with cutouts cami, black mini skirt with a slit, and black knee high boots. It’s not that she wasn’t comfortable wearing this, she usually wears these clothes. It’s just that she felt off if Eunwoo and Minnie and their friends saw her. Lizzie loves what the girls have done for her. Since she takes forever to get ready she takes about 2 hours and with the girls help it took about 45 mins to an hour. 
The rest of the girls also decided to wear black tonight for the party. That each of them go with their styles and personalities. The girls take selfies. 
~ ~ ~
Jungkook is getting ready with Jimin for Tae’s party. 
Jungkook sighs. Jimin asks him what’s the matter. Jungkook finishes off with his leather jacket while looking at the mirror. Wearing all black. “I’m just hoping that one girl will stay the next morning. Who just doesn’t leave me”  Then, applying some cologne. 
Jimin questions, “If she stays the next morning you’d think she’ll be the one you’re looking for.” 
Jungkook is still a little sad.  “I’m not sure, all I want is to find a girl that I can continue to date. Someone I can get to know. Who just doesn’t see me as a pretty face, more than my talents and more than a one night stand.” 
Tae then walks in the room. “Hey buddy, why so glump.” Giving Jungkook a side hug. Still being happy go lucky. 
Jimin says, “He wants to find a girl in a committed relationship.” 
Tae then messes up his hair. “You’ll find a lucky girl tonight I just know it.” Gets a notification from Jennie. 
Tae smiles from Jennie’s Text.
Me and all of the girls are going to the party tonight! Including Lizzie!
@mred435 @yourchubbychocogirl27
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ghostlyloversworld · 1 year
jack champion x gn reader
He's a bit crazy
For those who don't know what y/h/c it means your hair color 😁
it's 1:12 PM on a cool Friday day, Y/n had been practicing for their role as Kelly Ally miri
They where so tired that they could just fall asleep on their couch but sadly they couldn't sleep right now
Y/n rubs their eyes. Then yawns "you good dude? " Y/n turns to look at the person who had asked that question "yeah just tried" was all the y/h/c person told their boyfriend
He slowly nobs his head before making a funny face at what the make up artist said about something
It couldn't get better for them.....
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GIF: @gay-bucky-barnes
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
Goodness Gracious, you're so good at writing Jack hurt/comfort! If you're still taking requests, may I please request one where the reader gets a mild concussion and Jack makes sure she's ok?
Thank you!! You absolutely can, I looove writing hurt/comfort 🥺
“Have you been in pain this whole time?” — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: you get a concussion from banging your head, jack looks after you and you share a little treat from Medda together
Pairing: jack kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 1183 (sorry didn’t mean to write a novel)
Warnings: none! Fluff, comfort, probably typos
Earlier in the day, you and a couple of the other newsies had finished up selling your papers and were heading back to the lodging house. Turning sharply around the corner of a building, you entered an alleyway. Unexpectedly, a scaffold met your head with a resounding force.
How embarrassing.
Jack pleaded with you from the moment it happened, trying to offer you any sort of care. “Are you alright? Maybe we should get some ice on that. I don’t feel right letting you walk around.”
Not wanting to make a fuss, you argued with him, “I’m fine, Jack,” though the throbbing pain in your head suggested otherwise.
“I don’t think you are, Y/N. You hit your head pretty hard back there.”
“It wasn’t that hard.”
Jack dropped the conversation as you both made your way back to the lodging house. Unwilling to admit the pain you were in, you retreated to your bed, blaming your discomfort on the morning’s particularly exhausting paper hawking. Convinced that a little rest would fix it, you closed your eyes, hoping the pain would dissipate, that was, until hours passed, you only felt worse.
You hadn’t moved from your bed in hours, yet your head was becoming increasingly sensitive to light and all the noises going on around you. Not to mention, the raging headache you had going on. You figured it might be best to actually tell Jack, even if it meant swallowing your pride and proving him right.
You lifted your body up with a heavy sigh, placing your feet on the ground, taking a moment to gain some strength as you stood for the first time in hours. Slowly, your trudged your way through the corridor and across into Jack’s room, bringing your fist up to the door to knock.
“Come in.” You heard Jack’s voice call, being greeted by the door opening before you could even get your hand onto the handle.
“My head,” you muttered with a small cry, meeting his eyes with a plea for help.
“Oh, honey,” he enveloped you in a gentle hug, “have you been in pain this whole time?”
You nodded, the admission surfacing as you allowed yourself to lean into his comforting embrace.
“Should have said something earlier, sweetheart. I knew that sounded like it hurt,” Jack remarked with a mixture of concern and understanding.
Jack gently guided you to sit on the edge of his bed. With a reassuring smile, he disappeared momentarily, returning with a small bottle of medicine and spoon in hand.
He settled beside you, handing you the spoon. “Here. It’s for kids, so maybe take three spoonfuls instead of two.” A light chuckle escaped him, injecting a moment of warmth into the room. Accepting the medicine gratefully, you mustered a weak smile. Jack observed you closely as you took a few spoonfuls, reclaiming the bottle with a nod of approval before stepping out once again.
Returning, he held a damp cloth, cool water soothingly soaking through. He laid down on his bed, inviting you to get comfy in his arms and placed the towel on your forehead. The soothing sensation provided a welcome relief, and as you nestled against him, his arm draped protectively over you, the remaining tension began to ease.
“Thank you, Jack.”
“It’s alright, just promise that if you’re hurt, you won’t go hiding it from me, okay?”
“I promise.” You spoke quietly, nodding slightly.
“That’s a girl.”
The room, dimly lit by the soft glow of daylight filtering through the curtains, held a quiet tranquility. The rhythmic sounds of the city outside seemed to fade into the background as Jack, with a tenderness you hadn’t fully expected, continued to offer comfort.
He murmured softly, “Just rest. We’ve got nowhere to be right now.”
As you closed your eyes, the pain in your head dulled to a distant ache. The steady rise and fall of Jack’s chest became a calming lullaby, and the touch of his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your arm added an extra layer of reassurance.
Time passed in a hazy blur, and before you knew it, you had drifted into a peaceful slumber. Jack, careful not to disturb your rest, continued to hold you close. As time went by, you began to wake from your much needed nap. Sensing your awakening, he gently removed the damp cloth from your forehead. He smiled, his fingers gently brushing strands of wet hair away from your face. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
You took a moment to assess yourself. Surprisingly, the throbbing pain had dissipated, leaving behind a lingering sense of calm. “Better. Thanks to you,” you replied, offering him a grateful smile.
Jack chuckled softly. He helped you sit up, ensuring you were comfortable before standing up himself. “Hungry?”
The mention of food reminded you that you hadn’t eaten much throughout the day, and the prospect of a meal sounded enticing. You nodded, “A bit.”
Together, you made your way to the dining hall of the lodging house.
“Don’t tell the others,” Jack reached into the refrigerator and grabbed an inconspicuously wrapped food item.
Jack, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, stood by the stove, carefully arranging what you could now see was two slices of Miss Medda’s blueberry pie in a pan. The aroma promised a delightful treat.
You watched as he wrapped up the rest of the pie and hid it back in the fridge, clearly not wanting the other boys to steal it. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you from behind. His embrace was firm yet gentle, and the warmth of his body added a comforting weight around you, holding you steady. Nestling his face into the crook of your neck, he sighed contentedly.
“Smells good, doesn’t it?” he murmured, his lips tickling your skin as he spoke almost against them.
You chuckled, savoring the intimate moment. “Better than good. Where’d you get it?”
Jack shook his head, “Miss Medda. She made it for me.”
“Aw, how lovely.” You smiled.
Jack took one last inhale against your skin before standing up straight and placing a fingertip against the centre of the pie, feeling for warmth.
When the food was ready, Jack moved the two slices on a single plate. He handed you a fork and grabbed one for himself, his eyes never leaving yours. The unspoken connection between you two deepened as you made your way to the dining hall.
Jack, having seamlessly transitioned from caregiver to fellow newsie, caught your eye and grinned. “Feeling better?” he asked, and you nodded in affirmation. The boys around, seeing what was in front of you, got rather excited about the prospect of a nice homemade pie being available. Jack, unfortunately, let them down, saying Medda had only given him the two pieces, giving your side a gentle pinch as he lied.
You and Jack enjoyed the pie together, sharing glances that spoke volumes as the lively chatter of the other newsies filled the room. After finishing the dessert, you both cleaned up your dishes and headed back up to Jack’s room.
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Sundress season
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Summary: “Jack fucks you in a sundress after your teasing”
Pairing: Jack Harlow x reader
Genre: smut
Warning: nsfw! Kitchen s e x, oral, intercourse, sligh Dom Jack, mocking
Author note: reader isn't white!! I just like the dress in the picture :)
Request are closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feedback, comments, likes, reblogs are encouraged
DONOT repost my content anywhere. Not Wattpad, AO3, or your tumblr. I will find you
You knew Jack was going to love your dress.
It was finally getting hot outside where you both lived and you were finally able to wear some sundresses. One evening while Jack was out at the studio, you and your friends went to the store. You got a ton of random stuff while out but the most important thing you got was the sundresses.
You got a black one, a white one. They were both short; if you were to reach in them you're sure your ass would be showing. It made it perfect for you to tease Jack in.
The day you decided to wear them Jack was out. He had text you he was running a few small errands and he'll be back by 12pm. Around the time you knew he was going to get home you put on the sun dress and walked around the house acting as innocent as possible.
The door opened, in walked Jack. He was finally home and ready to spend the rest of the day with you. He walked through the foyer and the living room calling out your name. "Y/n?"
"in the kitchen." You shouted from your your spot in front of the sink. Jack walked in the room, instantly his eyes went to your sundress covered body. He's never seen that dress before on you, not that he was complaining or anything.
"wow where'd you get that from?"
You looked up. "Get what?" You acted clueless but you knew what he was talking about. "The dress," Jack walked over to you looking you up and down. "Where'd you get it from?"
You laughed taking your hands out of the sink. "Well me and Kelly (your imaginary friend cuz I know you don't got an-) went to the mall and I got these sun dresses."
Jack eyebrows lifted, "dresses? Plural?"
You nodded, "yeah I got this one and a white one."
Jack sucked in his breath. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you in them. You looked so pretty right now.
"ok, I'm going to go take a quick shower." He said. He was hoping that the quick shower would help his boner from growing.
"ok. I'm going to make lunch."
Jack walked out the kitchen not before he left a hand print on your ass cheek. You gasped and listened as he laughed his way up the stairs.
Ten minutes went by, Jack had finished his shower and was in a pair of sweats. You on the other hand was preparing some food. You settled on some sandwiches and fruit. While you were doing that you had opened the window and back door to the patio allowing a breeze to flow in.
Jack walked down the steps and looked at you as you walked around the kitchen. He loved seeing you doing normal things, but he loved you even more while doing things when it's in a sundress.
He walked into the kitchen, you turned around and smiled at him. "Hi baby. I'm almost finished with our food."
Jack nodded watching as you turned around. His eyes never left you as you reached up and tried reaching for a bowl on the top shelf of the cabinet.
Jack watched as you struggled; He purposely put them up there so he could, but this time it was Even better. The more you reached up the more your dress rid up your ass showing Jack your pantie-less ass.
"fuck." Jack muttered to himself.
"uh Jack, can you help me out here."
Jack cleared his throat and walked over to you. He pressed his front to your back and reached over you. You felt his hard dick as he leaned into you. Your bottom lip got pulled in between your teeth as you tried to hold back a whimper.
"here." Jack handed you the bowl and pulled away. You took it from him and turned around. "Thank you."
Jack Hummed and lifted your head up with his finger. You looked at him with soft eyes. Jack thumb moved over your jaw, his finger trailed up until it reached your lips. Your eyes never left his blue ones as he pushed his finger passed your lips.
Your tongue slightly swirled over his thumb as Jack spoke. "You're not wearing any panties huh?"
You nodded your head. Jack pulled his finger out of your mouth and grabbed your jaw. "You want me to fuck you huh? You wanna tease me and shit? That's all you want?"
You nodded. You could feel yourself growing wetter as Jack spoke to you. His voice was deep and raspy.
"feel what you do to me."
Jack took your hand and pressed it against his sweats. You could feel his hard dick in his boxers.
You moaned quietly as you looked up at him.
"you wanna be fucked I'm going to fuck you.."
Jack turned you around and lifted up your dress. Your heart rate picked up as you turned around and watched as Jack sunk to his knees.
Jack pushed your legs open wider as he looked at your glistening pussy. "Such a pretty pussy." You bite your finger as you felt him kiss your inner thigh.
Jack tongue moved through your fold, you moaned at the warm wet feeling. Jack moaned at your taste. "So fucking good." Jack lick up your pussy again before wrapping his lips around your fold. You hissed and gasped at his warm mouth. Your hand went to the back of Jack's head, you pushed him closer as he licked from your bundle of nerve to your dripping hole.
"you like that huh?" Jack pulled away for a second to look at you. He watched as you nodded, your eyes screwed shut from his finger moving over your clit.
"yeah." You whined.
"yeah." Jack mocked before he returned to your pussy. You moaned, pulling at his locks as his dipped his tongue into you. "Shit, just like that baby. don't stop."
Jack continued his movement, fucking your tight core sloppily, with his tongue as his finger drew lazy fast circles on your wet clit clit.
Your breathing picked up, moans grew louder. The tightness in your stomach grew as he continued. Jack knew your body well, and he knew he had to stop before you came. He wanted you to cum with him.
Jack pulled away from you. You groaned, but it was soon replaced by a yelp as Jack slapped your ass.
"be quiet." Jack turned you around over to the island so he could fuck you better.
He pushed you against the cool surface and lifted up your dress. He slapped your ass again. "Going to make it so you can't walk tomorrow."
Jack pulled down his sweats and released his hard 6 inches. You felt as he ran his tip through your wet fold collecting your juices. He pushed into you after a good Few minutes. His thick rod stretched you out making you whimper. "You're so big."
"you're so fucking tight." Jack grunted. He grabbed your hips, he sunk deeper and deeper until he was fully in you. He moved his hips slowly. You felt pain but it soon changed to pleasure when Jack thrust grew fast.
His grip on your hips was tight as he slammed into you. You moaned out loudly at his pace.
"fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Was all you could get out.
"yeah, take this dick baby! Good girl." Jack moaned at how you wrapped around him.
Jack fully pulled out and slammed into you. Tears spilt from your eyes, the feeling was just too amazing.
Your legs felt like jelly as Jack continued to pound into you. You would be on the floor if it wasn't for the counter beneath you.
Jack hissed and grunted as he entered you. Your tight walls wrapped around him made him twitch. He wasn't sure he would last long.
"I'm going to cum baby."
His right hand let go of your waist before going to your clit. He flickered his finger over the bud. Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt you stomach tighten up.
"I'm right there."
Jack finger continued. You were coming in no time. Your loud moans filled the room as your high took over. Jack wasn't far, he thrust into you before spilling his ribbons into you. His grunts filled your ears as he came.
The both of you stayed right were you were for a good minute or two. Jack rode you both through your high before he pulled out. His cum spilled slowly down your leg.
"you good ma?"
You turned around and nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."
You looked down at your thighs that had his cum on them. You took your finger and got a little before bringing it to your lips. Jack watched as you wrapped your pretty lips around his finger tasting him before pulling out of your mouth.
"taste sweet."
Jack nostrils flared. Y'all's day was going to be long. Not that you were complaining.
Slutty Sunday. Send concepts for when I wake up tomorrow!!!!!
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
ngl I keep coming back each day to read your stories, they are really good! can you do another story on newsies era mike faist and the reader? thank you :)
thank you so much, it means a lot :) even though i don’t update daily anymore, lol. although, i was better about it this week, and it only took me 6 days to update instead of 7, go me! small improvement!
female reader x mike faist
warnings: none
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I’m So Tired
“dude, open the door!” a voice sounded from the outside of Y/N’s apartment door.
“gosh, give me like five seconds!” she yelled back as she finished packing her backpack to head to the theater.
there was a long pause. “it’s been longer than five seconds!”
she grabbed her bag and flung the door open to find an impatient mike looking down at her disheveled state.
“my goodness, you are insufferable.”
mike raised an eyebrow. “i’m insufferable? you’re the one who has made us behind today. we’re going to be late because of you.”
Y/N walked out of her apartment and turned to lock the door. “we’re going to be just fine, stop being so dramatic.”
Y/N and mike had a very close bond. after being cast in newsies together, with mike as morris and the understudy of jack kelly and Y/N as hannah and a bowery beauty, they became best friends due to constantly being together. every day, they would commute to the nederlander theatre together. mike lived further into the city, so he would drive his car to Y/N’s apartment building, park it in the street, and together they would take the subway.
with mike being a year older than Y/N, a lot of their debates resulted in mike trying to act as an older figure to her, with her firing back and saying something snarky like, “you’re not my dad”. given the fact that both of them had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, their personalities fit together like two puzzle pieces. not only that, but their relationship was full of constant play-flirting that both of them though was based strictly off of friendship.
“i’m going on as jack today,” mike told her as they walked down the busy streets of new york.
Y/N yawned. “no kidding? that’s cool.”
mike sighed. “you could have just told me you didn’t care.”
Y/N quickly looked at him, realizing her yawn came off the wrong way. “i didn’t mean that sarcastically, really. i didn’t have time to make coffee today and i barely got any sleep because my neighbors dog was screeching all night,” she stopped walking, resulting in mike also coming to a stop. he stared at her sunken eyes. “i’m so unbelievably tired.”
mike nodded and continued walking. “i get it. if it makes you feel any better, we’ll share at least a little bit of stage time today since i’m going on as jack,” he said with a hopeful grin.
“ugh, that does not help my mood.”
the pair continued to the station, safely got on the subway, and headed off. on the subway, Y/N’s eyes began to flutter as if she was fighting off sleep. she’s pretty sure at some point she actually did manage to fall asleep on the short ride to their stop.
“are you… sleeping?” mike asked when he saw her head slumped to the side. he pushed her arm gently and she shot up.
“are you okay? i don’t think i’ve ever seen you this tired,” he asked her with real concern.
“i’m fine, i promise. i just didn’t get a lot of sleep, that’s all.”
mike stared back at her, not fully believing it. he put his hand to her forehead. “you feel a little warm. do you have a fever?”
“who knows, i might,” she started, being interrupted by a yawn. “i’ll just take a nap in my dressing room before i have to get ready, then i’ll be brand new.”
mike sighed. “Y/N, you are one tough cookie.”
they got off at their stop and walked into the beautiful nederlander theatre. sometimes they still couldn’t believe they did this for a living. the feeling of walking into the empty theater never changed, even after performing hundreds of shows.
they signed in and separated to their dressing rooms to prepare. she got to her shared dressing room early and was able to squeeze in a short hour of sleep before being awoken by her cast mates.
“Y/N, if you don’t get ready now you’ll never be ready in time for the show,” kara lindsay said, leaning over the girl sleeping on the small couch. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up.
“this is going to be a long night,” she murmured before getting up and sitting in front of the mirror. she began to pin strands of hair tight against her head in order to prepare for her wig to be placed.
“what’s wrong with you today? you seem off,” kara asked as she did the same thing as Y/N.
“is it really that noticeable?” she asked, resulting in a nod from kara.
“i slept horribly last night, and i think i’m coming down with a cold. i’m just so tired.”
“just think about how rewarding your sleep is going to be when you finish the show tonight. you just have to get through two hours, and you’re free to sleep,” she consoled.
Y/N nodded and yawned. “i guess you’re right.”
she continued getting ready with kara and the other girls who played the nuns and the second bowery beauty by her side. she was friends with kara and merely acquaintances with the girls, but her only close friend out of the entire cast was mike. she hated to admit it, but she almost thought there was something more seriously flirty between the two of them. something beyond the nonchalant play flirting.
as if kara was reading Y/N’s mind, kara cleared her voice and began to speak. “you and mike are together a lot. do you like him?”
Y/N froze. was she going to admit her feelings for mike to kara?
“what? no. we’re just friends, nothing more,” she said, clearly not believing her own words.
kara smiled. “the way you guys look at each other and blush as if on cue isn’t something friends just do. when you guys finally realize there’s something more, give me credit,” she stated confidently before going to the wig room to get her wig placed.
Y/N sat contemplating what kara said, and looked at the three other girls to her side that were too engrossed in their own conversations to really listen to hers. she sat back in her seat and continued her hair, the conversation never leaving her mind.
after completing the process of pinning her hair back and doing her makeup, she got her first wig placed and her hannah costume on. after she was completely ready and waiting for her first call, she laid back down on the couch and closed her eyes.
there was a knock outside the dressing room door. she heard it in her sleep, but didn’t have the energy to answer it.
the knock sounded again, but instead of stopping afterwards, whoever it was came in.
“i-Y/N, are you sleeping again?”
Y/N sat up and saw mike in his jack kelly costume, standing over her.
“yeah, i was sleeping,” she replied, dazed.
“you’re not okay to do the show tonight, you never sleep before we go on like this. you should have called off,” mike said, sitting down next to her.
“i can do it. it sucks, but i’ll be fine. it’s just one show, and then i’m free to sleep in as long as i please tomorrow. i promise i’m just fine, pinky swear,” she said playfully, holding out her pinky.
mike glared at her before rolling his eyes and interlocking his pinky with hers. “i’m trusting you on this one.”
everyone was called to the wings, and mike stood by Y/N. she felt his glance lay on her, but she ignored it and looked onstage where the final props were being set up. she could hear the bustling audience beyond the stage.
mike placed an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, causing her to lean in and rest her head on mike’s shoulder. she could have easily fallen asleep right there.
it was mike’s turn to go on. “good luck buddy, you’ll be great,” she said, patting his back.
“you too, Y/N. don’t fall asleep out there!” he whispered before running to his place.
the show actually went smoothly, to Y/N’s surprise. the roar of the audience gave Y/N a boost of energy, and she was mostly able to get through the show. however, she noticed that any time she sat down in one of pulitzer’s chairs onstage, sleep threatened her again. along side the sleep issue, she felt her cold symptoms beginning to worsen, and her throat became scratchy and her nose was beginning to get stuffed up.
while being one of the bowery beauties, mike and Y/N got at least a few minutes of indirect stage time together. when the show allowed, they made eye contact and Y/N would look back at him, dazed with both tiredness and admiration for her friend.
towards the end of the show, Y/N watched mike perform onstage, and he was magical. he was captivating, and talented, and she wanted nothing more than to watch mike perform for hours. he ran off stage, catching her eyes staring directly at him.
“you okay?” he whispered, leaning close to her ear.
she yawned in response. “all good.”
he laughed before running off. she smiled to herself, feeling oddly giddy. mike was her best friend, why was she feeling excited at mike recognizing her?
finally, after a tiring two hours, it was time for curtain call. Y/N felt like at any time, her body would collapse under the weight of her heavy eyelids coercing her to sleep. she took her bow, and grinned when mike came out on stage as jack kelly. every time he went on as jack, Y/N’s heart fluttered with pride. she wasn’t exactly sure if it was normal for her to feel this strongly about a friend.
she retired to her dressing room, undoing her costume, hair, and makeup as quickly as possible. it took her longer than expected, though, due to her drowsy and slow movements.
all of the other girls finished before her, and she was left alone in her room. she was on her last task: unclipping her head of hair.
“oh gosh, i can’t do this,” she mumbled, resting her head on the table in front of her. luckily, before she could fall asleep at her table, mike barged in the door.
“hey Y/N- oh do not tell me you’re sleeping again,” mike said, standing behind her.
“not this time. i was close,” she lifted her head up and looked at mike through the mirror in front of her. “i just want to go home. i don’t even have the energy to take my hair out of the clips.”
mike thought about it, hesitated, and spoke up. “if you want me to, i can unclip it for you. you can rest your head for a little bit and i’ll get your hair done, okay?”
Y/N blushed. “would you?”
mike smiled back. “anytime. now, head down.”
she rested her head on her arms in front of her, and dozed off into a very light sleep. she knew mike was still talking to her, but she couldn’t decipher it or reply.
mike patted the back of her head. “all done,” mike exclaimed. “now, if you don’t hurry, we’ll miss our ride and i don’t think you want that.”
Y/N stood up slowly, finding it hard to walk due to her exhaustion. they made it outside of the theater, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to walk the few blocks to the station.
“mike?” she asked softly. matching her energy, he turned around and gave her a gentle look.
“what’s up?” he asked.
“c-can you carry me?”
mike tried to hide his red cheeks. “yeah, of course, but just this once. you’re crazy if you think i’ll be doing this for you every day.”
Y/N laughed and jumped on his back. “don’t worry about it, i won’t ask again.”
she got herself situated in a piggyback position on mike, and he carried her to their station. she rested her head comfortably on his back, and the sound of his breathing quickly lulled her to sleep. the only time she was awake was when mike set her down at the station and when they arrived at their destination. on the subway, she rested her head on mike’s shoulder and took a power nap.
Y/N instinctively got onto mike’s back again after they got out of the station, and he carried her all the way to her apartment door.
“i’ll get you settled inside, and then i’m going to head out,” mike said as Y/N unlocked her door.
“you can stay. your shoulder and back was comfy to sleep on,” she said, surprising herself with how bold she was being.
“are you sure? i don’t want to interrupt your sleep.”
Y/N stopped in the middle of her bedroom as mike told her this. “dude, i literally fell asleep on you multiple times tonight. you help me sleep,” she replied.
“if you say so,” he said, smiling lightly.
they got into bed, and unbeknownst to the other, they were smiling at the thought of sharing a bed together.
Y/N laid her head on mike’s chest, and he placed his arm around her.
“is this okay?” she asked, not wanting to overstep her boundaries.
he grazed her shoulder with his fingertips. “it’s perfect.”
“goodnight mike,” she said, already half asleep in his arms.
“goodnight Y/N,” he whispered back. she swore she heard a small “i love you” from mike, but before she could decide if she did or not, she was passed out cold.
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angelsanarchy · 8 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 17 -> CH 18
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver @ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator
Jack had never done something like this before. His palms were actually sweating holding the flowers in one hand and a bag of breakfast foods in the other. He had tried hyping himself up the entire walk across the street. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door and waited. He heard someone yell out that the door was open and he wasn't sure if he should enter but he did.
"Sorry Kelly, I was just flipping the laundry-" Y/n froze coming around the corner seeing Jack.
"Not Kelly but I did bring breakfast." Jack held the bag up and Y/n smiled.
"And flowers?" She questioned.
"Who brought flowers?" Jack heard another voice and Y/n looked over her shoulder. She walked over to Jack and looped her arm into his to pull him towards the voice.
"Mom, do you remember Jack Thurlow? He's our neighbor." Y/n introduced him but she smiled brightly.
"Of course I remember him. How are you doing sweetheart? Y/n told me you were renovating your parents house. I'm sure glad you decided to stay. Your father always wanted you to come back and take over the house, start a family of your own." Linda looked different from when Jack saw her last but he knew they were both a bit worse for wear.
"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Fletcher." Jack extended the flowers towards and she took them happily.
"I've never had someone bring me flowers before! I'm usually the one that provides the flowers to the neighbors." She smelled them and he smiled at her.
"Well then I'm glad I could contribute. I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked as the resident florist so I just tried to think about what my mom liked." Jack admitted. Y/n watched him carefully as he sat and spoke with her mother.
"Sunflowers are always a happy flower to display around the home. Y/n loves sunflowers too." Y/n shook her head at him.
"Actually I like yellow flowers. Mom just hates growing roses." Y/n put her hands on her shoulders giving her a squeeze.
"They're more trouble than they're worth." Mrs. Fletcher groaned.
"How are you feeling? Y/n taking good care of you I hope." Jack sat down opposite her and Y/n stood back watching him from the kitchen as she put the flowers in a vase.
"Oh she takes the best care of me. She honestly worries too much. I keep telling her she needs to go out and live more. You should take her out!" Mrs. Fletcher clutched Jack's hands and he smiled.
"Mom...please stop trying to set me up." Y/n groaned from the kitchen.
"Hush! She's wonderful, truly. I think you two would have a great time together." Jack looked over at Y/n who was blushing.
"She is kind of a saint. I do like to hang out with her. Maybe you can put in a good word for me." Jack teased leaning into Mrs. Fletcher.
"Of course! Are you doing better? Y/n mentioned you hadn't been feeling well the other night. Sharon was complaining about a chest cold but I hadn't heard anything about a cold going around." Jack nodded at Mrs. Fletcher.
"Yeah I don't think I heard about any colds going around either but Sharon makes a pretty good case for a chest cold." Y/n snorted from the kitchen at Jack's joke that clearly went over her mother's head. She finally sat down next to her mother, the opposite side to Jack and let the flowers sit on the table.
"Did you tell him about how much his father talked about him?" Y/n's face tensed.
"Mom-" Y/n was ready to cut her off but Jack shook his head.
"No it's okay. I didn't know you actually knew my parents." Jack tilted his head.
"Oh your father visited me often. We always talked about you two and whenever Y/n was home, he would talk you up like you were his pride and joy. He truly loved you and wanted the best for you." Jack felt his heartbeat tick up a beat.
"He would brag about how smart you are and how talented. I kept telling him he needed to get you home for the holidays so we could set you two up!"
"Mom! Ease back, will ya?" Y/n complained making Jack laugh.
"What? He's handsome! Look at him." Mrs. Fletcher touched Jack's face and he laughed.
"Thank you ma'am. I'm a bit haggard right now but I appreciate it." Jack ran his hand through his hair knowing he was a bit more put together than he normally would be but that's because he knew he needed to look semi-presentable.
"Oh shut up, you're hot and you know it." Y/n clicked her tongue against her teeth and narrowed her eyes at Jack who smiled at her.
"Your mother said you liked to keep your hair long. I wasn't sure if she liked that or not based on how she talked about it but she sure did love your piano playing. I miss hearing her play the violin with the windows open during the summer. Your father would sometimes join her on the piano but she would play such beautiful music." Jack hadn't even thought about his mother's playing until he came across her violin when cleaning out her closet. He wasn't sure what to do with it so he just put it back in there hoping not to see it again.
"I'll try and remember that if I ever get the chance to sit down and play anytime soon." Jack cleared his throat and Y/n could tell he was slightly emotional about the mention of his mother.
"You're such a sweet boy." Mrs. Fletcher pinched Jack's cheek pulling him out of his daze. She covered her mouth as she yawned and Y/n stood up.
"I think it's time to lay down for a bit. Let the meds kick in so we'll be up to eat this evening." Y/n helped her mom to her feet and Jack stood up.
"It was good to see you again Mrs. Fletcher." Jack waved and she gave him another smile.
"You come back anytime. You took great care of my little Ace. Y/n says he loves your company so you're always welcome here." Mrs. Fletcher waved one last time as she let Y/n guide her into her room. Jack wasn't sure if he should wait for Y/n or not but he decided to just leave the note he had written on the coffee table next to the vase. He didn't want to be a bother while she was taking care of her mom. Jack made sure to give Ace a few head scratches before heading out the door and walking back towards the house. He tried not to think about all the conversations his parents probably had about him. What they really thought, how they really felt. Thinking about them still was too raw for him to dive too deeply into.
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rivthejellyfish · 2 years
Not Scared Anymore
Word count: 1685
Platonic!Newsies x reader
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  “Y/N! We’ve missed you, where’ve you been?” Y/N groaned internally. They had seen the Delancey twins this morning, and the day before, and the day before that, and every single time they say the same thing. The two knew it annoyed them, so they took advantage of it. Y/N turned away from the direction they were walking in, holding up a newspaper and calling out a fake headline. 
  “No need to be so cold, ya know,” Oscar said. Y/N continued to ignore them, not looking back at the two as an older man exchanged a paper for a penny. Y/N thanked him as he walked away and he only grunted in return.
  “Look at you go, selling those papes so quickly. We’re so proud of you.” One of the two put his hand on top of their head, shaking their hat around before taking it off and tossing it over to the other. Y/N sighed.
  “Just give me back my damn hat, Delancey,” They said once they had turned around. Morris shrugged, spinning the hat with his finger.
  “If ya want it back so bad, you’re gonna have to fight for it,” He said. The two brothers shared a laugh as Y/N tried to grab the hat, only for it to be tossed to the other.
  “You heard him, Y/N. Can’t make any exceptions, even for you,” Oscar said. Y/N huffed, turning around and walking away. They didn’t need their hat to sell the paper, they’d be just fine without it. And they did. They sold two papers in the next twenty minutes, glad to see the twins hadn’t followed them. However, the second they felt the relief, an annoying voice came from down the road.
  “Could you imagine walking away from a fight, Morris? I think that if someone does it says quite awful lot about them, what about you?”
  “Oh, I completely agree. I think it means that they’re a wimp, and they know they can’t win.” Y/N turned to tell them to screw off, only for Oscar to pull the papers out from underneath their arm and throw them to the side. They tried to go after them, but the two brothers blocked their path. Right as they exchanged a sinister glance, someone else butted in.
  “Delancey!” Jack called. The three looked over to see Jack storming over, David behind him with an obvious look of ‘I have to make sure he doesn’t kill anyone’. Further proving the theory of what the look meant, he grabbed Jack’s arm once they had got there and pulled him back slightly, not having the slightest trust in him. “Get the hell away from dem.” 
  “When will you learn to mind your own damn business, Kelly?” 
  “Once you two piss off.” Oscar scoffed, shaking his head. Morris rolled his eyes. He turned back to Y/N as Oscar started walking away.
  “Times gonna come when he doesn’t get here in time, and trust me when I say that both of us are looking forward to it.” He shoved the hat to Y/N’s chest, taking a final chance to glare at Jack before catching up with Oscar. As Y/N put the hat back on, Jack turned to David.
  “No, Jack.”
  “Yous saying those dicks don’t deserve it?”
  “I’m not-”
  “Let’s not argue about this,” Y/N spoke up before anything could escalate. Of course, it wouldn’t escalate too badly, but Y/N didn’t feel like hearing the two bitter back and forth while trying to sell the rest of their papers. They bent down, picking up the papers the Delancey’s had thrown to the ground. They groaned once realizing that none of the papers hadn’t fallen into the puddle, meaning they couldn’t sell any of them. No one wanted wet papers.
  “Dammit, Y/N, sorry we couldn’t get here any sooner,” Jack said as he and Davey helped pick up the soaking paper. Y/N shrugged.
  “It’s whatever. There’s always tomorrow.” Of course, both Jack and David knew that it wasn’t whatever, considering the money Y/N just lost and the small bit of dignity, but they didn’t say anything. The three walked back to the lodge house, Jack and Davey having already sold all their papers, throwing the wet papers away along the way. They walked in to see a few others had already returned, including Crutchie, Race, Specs, and Romeo. 
  “You three have already sold all your papers?” Jack said, skeptical of all of them aside from Crutchie. Race placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt.
  “Course we did, Jack, what do yous think of us?”
  “I don’t think you’d want to hear that answer,” Crutchie said, laughing at Jack’s nod to agree with his statement.
  “Hey, Y/N, what is yous doing back so early? Thought you liked to go watch the fishes or something?” Specs asked.
  “Yeah, Y/N, what’s up?” Romeo asked, not seeing the glare that Jack had sent Specs. Race, however, did.
  “It was them Delancey’s again wasn’t it?” He said, standing up as he rolled up his sleeves. “Two need to learn a lesson.” David grabbed Race’s bicep as he walked by him.
  “Go sit down.” Race groaned, turning around.
  “This is why no one likes you, Davey,” Race said as he fell back into the chair.
  “That ain’t true!” Crutchie said. “I like you, Davey, you’re a cool guy.”
  “Ok, everyone shut up,” Y/N said, making sure not to look at Crutchie when she said it, considering it was directed towards everyone aside from him. “Yeah, I had a run-in with the Delancey's, wasn’t a big deal. Got out of it without a scratch, no need to make a big deal over it.”
  “Y/N, the only reason you did was because Davey and I showed up at the right time.” Before Y/N could protest, David had to interrupt.
  “He’s right, Y/N.” Y/N sent a glare toward David, who sent an apologetic look back.
  “Hows about we teach you some tricks to help yous out when those pricks are around, might help you out a bit?” Specs suggested. Race lit up at the idea.
  “Oh, please say yes, I’ve been dying for an excuse to beat Romeo’s ass after he stole my customers from me last week.”
  “I didn’t steal shit, you’re just a lousy newsie.”
  “Oh really? Y/N, watch this.”
  “Shut your traps, both of yous,” Jack interrupted. He turned to Y/N. “That ain’t too bad of an idea, though, you wanna try it?” Y/N shrugged.
  “Don’t got anything better to do.” The second after they said it, Race jumped onto Romeo, calling for Y/N to watch and see how it was done. Jack groaned, pulling Race back.
  Y/N had finished selling their papers for the day, walking back to the lodge house to meet with Crutchie for a game of War. As they walked, they got the sense that someone was following them, but decided it’d be better to just ignore it. So they did. Until someone grabbed them by their arm, pulling them into one of the many alleyways in Manhattan. Y/N quickly regained their balance to turn to see the Delancey brothers standing there, smirks on their faces.
  “Think you’ve been avoiding us, haven’t you?” Morris said, stepping forward. Y/N rolled their eyes, going to push past the two. Right as they tried, a punch was given to their right cheek, leaving a stinging pain that Y/N could only assume was from the ring Oscar was wearing.
  “You don’t get to leave after you’ve been so disrespectful. It’s time for you to pay up.”
  “Look, I don’t want any trouble, ok? I just want to get back to the lodge house and go to sleep.”
  “Should’ve thought about that before you changed your selling spot without us knowing.” Before Y/N could respond, the two stepped forward, swinging hits at them as they backed up. Once they hit a wall, fear struck them knowing they had nowhere else to go. Another punch landed on their stomach as well as their jaw. They ducked down as the next one was sent their way, kicking Oscar in the stomach causing him to fall back. Morris tried to take the chance to grab Y/N’s leg, but Y/N lowered it quickly enough and pushed him away. Seeing as both of them were now on the ground, Y/N went to run away before they could get up. However, Oscar grabbed their foot, causing them to fall to the ground, scraping their knees and elbows. They flipped over onto their back, kicking back at Oscar as he tried to grab them again. They threw a punch at Morris, who hadn’t been expecting it, and he stumbled back. Getting back on their feet, Y/N turned and sprinted the next few blocks. They got to the lodge house, where Jack was outside. Jack saw them coming and his expression changed, turning away from David and coming over.
  “Hey, hey, what happened?” He said, putting his hands on their biceps. Y/N was breathing heavily, shaking their head. “Y/N, are you alright?” Y/N nodded, and it sounded as though they were crying. “Y/N, talk to us, come on.” Y/N looked up, showing the cuts on their face, along with a smile.
  “You should’ve been there!” Y/N exclaimed. Jack looked back at David, confused. “They had cornered me in an alley but I fought back! I kicked them and hit them and got away!” 
  “Are you talking about the Delancey’s?” David asked. Y/N nodded, jumping slightly at their excitement.
  “You should’ve seen their faces! They were so confused, they didn’t know what hit ‘em!” Jack chuckled.
  “Hell yeah, Y/N, wish I could see them now,” Jack said, smiling down at them.
  “Yeah, but are you ok, Y/N? You’re bleeding,” David said, reaching up to assess the cut on their cheek. Y/N rolled their eyes, pushing his hand away.
  “I’m fine, Davey, never been better!” 
  “How about we goes inside and tell everyone about how you beat their asses?” Jack said. Y/N nodded.
  “Hell yeah!” As Jack and Y/N turned and ran inside, David rolled his eyes, laughing himself before following behind them.
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h0nkch0c0late · 10 months
Crutchy Morris x fem! Reader, platonic!Jack Kelly x reader
Summary: When Crutchy gets sent to the Refuge, Jack Kelly and Y/n waste no time in trying to get the boy back.
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"I should've stayed back and helped him." Y/n frowned as she, Jack, and David began their mission towards the Refuge, where Y/n and Jack knew for sure Crutchy was being held.
Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he held rope in his other hand, "it's not your fault. If you stayed back, you both woulda been caught, and what good does that do ya?"
She shrugged but didn't have the energy to argue with him during that current moment, dead set on getting her boyfriend back.
As they hurriedly crossed the street to where the Refuge sat, David decided to voice his doubt.
"How can you two be sure they sent Crutchy here?" He questioned.
"How can I be sure the Delanceys stink - 'Cause that's how things work. An orphan gets arrested, Snyder gets him sent here to be 'rehabilitated.'" Jack began to explain as he turned the rope into a lasso and swung it onto a chimney pot on the roof, "the more kids in the Refuge, the more money the city sends to take care of 'em, and the more Snyder can steal." He starts climbing the rope, "he's here alright."
Y/n nods at David before following Jack, her expression glum but determined.
David looks around the place nervously, climbing after her shortly after.
As Jack taps on the window of Crutchy's bunkroom, one of the inmates, Tenpin (who was 9 years old a the most), looks up and grins.
"Cowboy! Ya miss the joint?" He greets.
"Whattayasay, Tenpin. You got a new guy, Crutchy-" Jack begins.
"The gimp? I'll get him for ya." Tenpin nods before wondering off.
Y/n watches from above, sitting next to David, who seemed to get more nervous with every passing minute.
Part of her wished that she was the one hanging from the rope instead of Jack so she could apologize to him face to face. Sure, she could do that when they got him out, but she's the impatient type.
She was also in the middle of calming David down, as he had begun to freak out how loud they were talking. Jack wasn't exactly helping as he began to have a casual conversation as Tenpin walked away.
"That's Tenpin- S'posed to get out last Christmas, but Snyder keeps tackin' more time on his sentence -"
David was frantic, "be quiet- they'll hear you!" He shushed.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the boy, "Would ya calm down, Dave! They won't hear a thing. Trust Jack a little more, will you?" She groaned.
Crutchy then appears, grinning at the sight of Jack hanging outside the window. "Hey, whattaya hangin' around here for? That Dave up there? Hiya Dave!" He waves, glancing up at David.
Y/n's head appears over the ledge once more at the voice of her boyfriend, one of her hands now covering David's mouth to keep him from whining, "hiya, loverboy!" She smiles, waving with her other hand.
He waved back, his grin widening at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Go get your hat, Crutch- kiss Snyder goodbye." Jack tells him, causing Crutchy to look away from his girlfriend and back to his best friend.
His grin drops a little, "Yeah...hey, you shoulda seen me in court today - old judge Movealong Monahan hisself! Took him two minutes to move me along to Snyder for 'my own good'" He tried to deflect.
Jack could see Y/n's impatience growing from his peripheral as he sighed, "Later, Crutchie - get your stuff." He tells, his hands wrapped around the bars.
Crutchy grabs Jack's wrist as his voice lowers, not wanting Y/n to hear. "Listen, Jack... Truth is, I ain't walking so good. Oscar and Morris kinda worked me over a little..."
Jack's eyes narrowed, "they hurt you? Don't worry, we'll carry you -"
Crutchy cut him off, "I don't want nobody carryin' me!" He whispered harshly, "especially not in front of my lady."
His eyes flash with pride, a soft smile planting his lips. "It ain't so bad. Get three squares, sorta, and there's some swell fellas..." He looks back up towards Y/n and David, Y/n's hand still over David's mouth as she began to lecture him about how annoying his paranoia was. Crutchy's smile didn't fade as he watched his girlfriend, a small chuckle coming from his throat.
Jack decided to use Crutchy's love for her against him, "what about Y/n, huh? You don't wanna leave the lady by herself now, do ya? She'll be devastated when she finds out you ain't comin' with us."
Crutchy chuckles again, looking at Jack, "she won't be on her lonesome! She's got you to protect her."
Jack frowns, "Crutchie, she blames herself for your capture. If you stay..."
Crutchy shakes his head, his smile fading as he becomes serious, "Jack, you gotta promise me you'll protect her, aight? An' I know she's gunna keep blaming herself for this, so just...keep remindin' her it ain't, okay?"
Jack looks up at Y/n and sighs, "Alright, okay, but Crutch-"
Crutchy doesn't give Jack the chance to finish his sentence as he looks back up at the two roof dwellers, "They still talk about how Jack rode outta here on that coach!"
David let's out a resigned sigh as he pries Y/n's hand off of his mouth, "Teddy Roosevelt's, right?" He responds.
"You already heard the story." Crutchy chuffed, smiling.
"You mean it's true?" David asks.
Y/n punches David in the shoulder lightly, "Of course it's true!"
Crutchy hears something, telling Jack to cheese it just as Snyder appears.
He strides towards the window, the room now in utter silence other than the sound of his footsteps as he passes the many bunks. He stops at the window, scanning the outside.
Crutchy quickly comes to the rescue (just so Jack wouldn't have to hang under the window longer than he had to), tapping Snyder's shoulder, "Uh, Mr. Warden, sir, ya know, I was thinkin', I'd just like ya to know, that when you were takin' a nap this afternoon-"
As Y/n, Jack, and David made their way away from the Refuge without Crutchy, Y/n couldn't help the guilt that began to eat at her insides again.
Because of this, she stopped in her tracks, "I wanna go back for him." She stated firmly, crossing her arms.
The two boys also stopped, turning to look at her. David's eyes were wide, "Are you crazy?!" He whispered, "You can't go back there!"
Jack frowned, "Y/n we can't-"
Y/n cut Jack off, "it's my fault he's even there in the first place! I wanna try - alone this time."
David's expression displayed the very definition of horrified. Jack had been three seconds away from being caught, and SHE WANTED TO GO BACK??????
Jack shook his head, "No. It's too dangerous for you."
Y/n scoffed, "dangerous? Since when have you ever been against me doing dangerous things?! This is CRUTCHY we're talking about!"
"I said, NO!" Jack told her, his voice raised and aggressive.
Y/n began to tear up. Never once had Jack raised his voice at her like that, but she refused to back down, "why not?!'
Jack threw his head back in frustration, "Because he doesn't WANT to be saved!!" He exclaimed.
Y/n froze in her spot, "w-what?" Her eyebrows laced together in confusion and hurt.
Jack's frustration melted, and he began to feel angry at himself for raising his voice at her. Sure, it was an accident, but as tough as she was, seeing her hurt was like seeing an injured puppy. "They... they worked him too hard and made his bum leg even worse. I'm sorry, Y/n, I tried to convince him..."
The girl's posture deflated as she took a step back, "this wouldn't have happened if I'd just..." she trailed off.
Jack stepped towards her, his hands grabbing her wrists gently, Y/n's eyes turned to the ground as she began to cry. "Hey-stop sayin' it's your fault, 'Cause it ain't, aight?" He let go of her right wrist and used that hand to lift her chin to look at him, beginning to wipe her tears away with his thumb, "It was Crutch's choice go stay anyway. You know how stubborn he gets, especially when it comes to his leg."
Y/n looked at him, her eyes still glistening with tears as she nodded. "Yeah....I-I guess..."
David was nervously tapping the ground with his foot, "Can we go now?" He questions, his eyes darting around the streets heavy with paranoia.
Jack glances at Y/n, who nods, and he throws an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah... let's go."
As they began to walk, he couldn't help glancing at the girl beside him. Protecting her was a promise he knew he couldn't break.
No matter how many times Jack told Y/n it wasn't her fault, that heavy feeling in her heart would prove as a counterpoint, weighing heavier and heavier the further they got from the Refuge.
She knew that the only way that for that feeling to go away was to hold her Loverboy again. And boy, she couldn't wait for that day to come. If it ever did.
And guilt... guilt is a hard thing to rid yourself of. -------------------------------------------------------
Bro I keep seeing two spellings of Crutchy's name it was literally so hard to choose which one to actually use.
Anyway stan Crutchy <3
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