#its picrew time soon
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
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@vihola tagged me to make some OCs in >this< picrew so ofc I jumped on the opportunity!
Tagging (if you want to, up to you & no pressure if not!) @rainofaugustsith @mercurypilgrim @tearlessrain @darth-bagel @outcastcommander @messes-of-men and anyone else who wants to do this one! <3
Have one Saarai because, of course, she is my favourite hahah Also a Maiite!! because this one has vitiligo!! (honestly it has so many options, props to the OP of the picrew! <3) Maite’s a little more red than she should be (she’s more orange-y red really) and ideally her hair would have a more reddish undertone too buuuut everything else was lovely to be able to find options for her in a picrew for once! :D I gave Rai a cocktail and a nice jungle bg because honestly ya girl needs a vacation to a planet that has a nice jungle to remind her of home, she’s EARNED it lmao I had to think a bit for what to put Maite in bc I didn’t really want to cover up all her vitiligo but also I didn’t want them to be dressed exactly the same lmao then I remembered that IRP she likes to steal her husband’s work button-ups and wear them as sleep shirts when he’s done with them so I went for that and some cute shorts & sandals :3
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feistyvampire · 1 year
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Edgar had only been wandering, admittedly confused and disoriented with everything going on around him, when he came to face to face with someone so familiar. “Rain!”
It was more then a little baffling - he hadn’t seen them since some time last year he’s sure and yet here they are in front of him. His head tips back in order to look up, with the fact they have a decent amount of height over him. But it doesn’t seem he’s intimidated — Rain is quiet and gentle even when Edgar has latched onto them tightly. They do hug back, clinging on like their life depends on it; this place is strange and they already aren’t big on the atmosphere of it.
Yet everything is just really confusing.
“What’s the matter?” They ask tentatively, voice barely coming above a worried whisper, “Where are we?” It’s the follow up question that makes Edgar remain quiet, and eventually his ears drop visibly.
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“Nowhere near home.” He mutters under his breath, burrowing his face against Rain. “It’s nothing, I missed you. That’s all.” He adds, tightening his grip. It seems like he’s going to stay like that for a while if he can help it. It’s a familiarity he can take comfort in and if he’s lucky forget all his struggles for a little while.
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
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30 Days of Artihunter Complete!
Below the cut would be a side diary on the thought process of each day- how I felt during the time and what made me decide to draw the ship in that portrayal. It would also contain some deep thought messages of how I feel I suppose.
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Day 1 revolved around me thinking quickly on this idea- that it is pride month and its their time to shine again. What is anything more appropriate than the first art style I drew Rain world in for the first day? I've thought of the roses of explosion spears.
I was feeling creatively driven on this day- wanting to use my painterly style but with not exactly my designs- I also want to mimic how they appear in the game more.
Purple, orange, yellow. Great colors. I'm a sucker for citrus and sunset palettes.
Was feeling lazy this day, but also experimental. Some people saw this piece and thought that the shelter is the tent- that's actually just the entrance. The "tent" is a carpeted roof to the entrance, and the two are enjoying the light rain or the start of it before they head in to the actual shelter. At some point in the future I should design more unique shelters and entrances.
Around the time, I was listening to The Cardigans. Sometimes Youtube gives me sped up versions where the thumbnail has a cute stuffed animal or character. It reminds me of the Sylvanian Family toy series. My very first Artihunter-related commission was the two in pretty dresses with the pups, so I was reminiscing on that too.
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I was feeling sleepy so I wanted to draw the two comfortably. I think I was in the mood to draw a wrinkled blanket.
When a character kisses another, it leaves a heart. This is not usually lipstick but rather just an evident smooch mark. You might've seen a similar thing in the newest picrew. Yes- those are smooch marks!
Felt stylistic. Wanted to be different I think. This was the first daily artihunter piece Videocult retweeted. I'm not sure if they realized but whatever floats their boat. I was really fond of how people draw Artificer as this rough, scraggly, rat coyote thing, so I wanted to draw it my way.
It was at this point I realized my daily artihunter hasn't shown the one aspect of their relationship- that they both are fighters and relish on the violence. I drew them fighting a vulture because of Hunter's expedition: Birdwatching
I think... I was feeling sad this day. You'll see this pattern soon in the future days.
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I was feeling violent. I wanted to draw gore for once.
I was browsing through twitter and found funny slugcat GIFs and drawings where the slugcat is shaped like some sort of long stringbean. This would be one of the few pieces where it involves another character unrelated to the two.
I think I was on a manic state this day- feeling silly.
Then the silliness crashed down from... something. As the days progressed, my anxiety attacks would worsen and be evidently consistent throughout (and as of writing I still have them, but to a lesser extent at least). This would continue until around day 26. But as of this day, I wanted to show my arti's caring side, comforting hunter.
Amidst an anxiety attack, I wanted to draw them as beans in reminiscent of the specific style of an artist whose small doodles make me smile and laugh.
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I think I was feeling empty headed for ideas on this day, so I looked at the rain world art tags for inspiration- it just hit me that I could also draw other artist's depictions of artihunter, so I drew them in one of my styles. Maybe someday I will do more of this. I hope the other rw artists don't find this weird.
I've randomly thought of shovel knight and thought about how cozy the campfire cutscenes were. I wonder if shelters could have ventilations to warrant a campfire inside. It would be nice I think.
It was father's day. This is not a genderbent drawing- I just wanted to draw them in different colors and wearing cool ties, while receiving mugs that call them dad. That's about it. If you think about it, I think arti and hunter would get a maximum of four mugs per year for each- on mother's day, on father's day, on their birthdays, and on rain world's version of the winter holidays.
Butch sapphics/lesbians. I was humorous.
I was feeling upset and certainly riddled with the anxiety and restlessness. I just wanted to draw the family at peace.
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I was curious on my friends' input on what prompt for this day, so I asked them what should the two be doing. Several of them gave different answers, so I combined all of them.
I was feeling terrible but I wanted to push forward with the daily artihunter. Their arms have bruises here but they're holding on- just like what I was going through that day.
Anxious, again. I wanted to draw them resting closely. I think I was touch starved.
I wanted to cheer myself up so I went around for memes on tumblr and saw one I found funny and could fit my vision (er- one of my visions) of the ship. I found the sunstone dialogue at the back to replace the dialogue of Hatred a genius move and I'm glad I cracked people up with that detail.
People seemed to like this one- I was feeling painterly that day. Arti's kids are part of their life, and now they're part of Hunter's. I think Hunter would be a great mumdad.
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I think... It was around this time my anxiety attacks started to leak out and break open completely. There was a lot of buzz. I was restless. Uncomfortable. Spiraling. People left and right trying their best to comfort me, and then finally the people who helped me snap out of it out of reasonable concern and grips on reality. I'm quite ashamed of being that, but I think at this time, I finally learned how to slowly breathe again. I felt mellow. I drew them as tomatoes with iterator farmers.
I wasn't feeling sad. More like tired. I had school all day until late at night and I had no time to make the drawing, so I made something relatively simple.
I planned this prompt for a while- I wanted to draw them in their wedding wear. The complexities are the exchange of the simplicity for the day before. I at times still cringe at the wedding comics, but they were fuzzy. I think they should slow dance after everything they been through. I think they should hold each other gently until their next stressful moments come. I think they should be happy.
A round about way of compiling most depictions I have of the two. Its funny I always draw their anthro versions taller than the other portrayals, but thats the vibes. They all each have different ways of showing affection. They all each have different experiences despite being similar to one another. Yet they're all the same persons at the source.
Today was polarizing. There were a lot of things I did not expect. A rollercoaster of emotions. But somewhere in there of the today, even with the tears on my face, the throbbing headache and the shaking hands- I was happy. I should acknowledge that I have accomplished another of what appears to be another consistent art month, with absolutely no missed days. I wanted to make it off with a bang- something reminiscent of one of my first artihunter drawings. I shall rest, but I'll see everyone in the fields of Art Fight, where I will smile once more to hopefully live up to my prime and focus on what's important to me in drawing.
With pride month ending, I would like to thank my friends and the rw community for being supportive of my barbie playhouse. 5 Months went by so fast, so many episodes and mistakes but I march forward, evolving and fluctuating, learning. There were things that meant a lot to me and are significant that is considered otherwise by others.
Some people will look at this- all that I've done- think its crazy, maybe unhinged, think I have made them with the intent of malice. Maybe I have not done enough. Maybe I misrepresented them. Maybe I was too proudy or ignorant- perhaps all that was true and I didn't know about it until its too late. There is a certain truth in me that it difficult for me to explain to others and there are some things I think about that don't need sharing.
I wish I wasn't so sensitive to everything but me frolicking about with whatever I want to draw contradicts it. It makes me want to step down or run off to a new quieter place- a new account to disguise myself- but I know I can't let them win that way.
Maybe there are two or more people in me, all conscious. Or maybe I am indecisive and want to explore everything about thing because I love thing and I want to see it in all angles. Whatever I'm doing, I know its out of love and appreciation. I misremember even significant things. I lose myself, but I pick up the pen and draw because its the one thing I know best for myself.
I do not look for validation. I only look for peace. I only look to be comfortable knowing that I'm not making the opposite of peace. I only look to make myself happy.
To the people I've hurt on my journey, the people I've thought fondly of but also fear, the people who hurt me- thank you for being part of my stay in Rain World even if painful and I'm sorry for everything I've wronged you on.
To the people who brought light to me, who tolerated me, who were kind to me, who were patient to me, who didn't mind what and how I was, who encouraged me, who defended me, who talked to me, who shared memes with me, who were calm and honest to me, who acknowledge my flaws, who made me feel safe- thank you. Even if some of these moments were brief. Even if I don't know who or what you are on the other side. Even if something in the future may happen to us. I love you. /p
I say this all with genuine thoughts, and I hope I'm not being emotionally manipulative because I genuinely do appreciate this fandom and I'm grateful that lots of people in it are appreciative of me.
Thank you, again.
P.S. I have realized throughout this month I have worded the drawing artihunter everyday thingy wrong (oops) Well. At least know that I will continue to draw artihunter, and I do not think I'll get tired of the ship and drawing them anytime soon.
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elisedonut · 1 year
i like the concept of hogwarts being like semi-sentient? and having like it's own magic in a way i've seen it around a few times and i really like it
but i really really like the idea of it trapping people in a time loop like just repeating the day over and over again why would it do that? idk soulmates? it likes some students and don't want them to leave yet? something needs to be done before they leave? the school is tempermental and just feels like it?
anyway yeah im thinking about an au where percy just gets trapped for like 6 months if its with someone else and for what reason depends on the day some ideas that have circled in my head include
Percy being fully by himself because the school just likes him and doesn't want to let him go yet
Percy being trapped with Draco because the school decided it would be good for Draco because he did something really fucked or something
Percy being trapped with Remus because i don't know having a teacher involved is fun and could open up possibilities that otherwise would be cut off like easily leaving the school, people believing them a little easier also the idea of a time freeze causing Remus not to turn and as a resulting having a few months where Remus just doesn't have to deal with it interesting also i like Lupin
Percy and all the quidditch captains and head girl and it actually being something that happens every year for 7th years just with how long maybe being random
Percy being trapped with Marcus preferably in a situation where Flint is like obsessed with him(has a crush because i love it) and it maybe even being his fault they're trapped was it an accident or intentional? i don't know
Percy being trapped with Oliver in a situation where they are either already together or like really close to it because one of (or both of) them are scared of things changing after graduating even though they are excited about their futures' i feel like it would 100% be an accident for this one like the school went oh? don't want to leave aright! i can do that for you!
Percy being trapped with the twins or any of the siblings i just think it would be interesting and force them to interact a bit which would be good for them preferably in a situation where it's not a very well known thing so all of them are confused as hell
Percy not being sure if Luna is actually trapped with him or just being Luna for like a month because he does keep seeing her in different places and when talking to her she sometimes says stuff that could be referencing that she knows that day is repeating but she's Luna and a second year so he's just so confused (bonus points if she really isn't and it's just like her being just more in tune with it or something) (also can easily be tacked onto any of the others because it's funny)
Percy being trapped with Harry because i like anything that forces them to get to know one another and because i think while Harry would not be like ecstatic being trapped with Percy specifically but would be happy about not having to leave Hogwarts so soon especially if this happened first or second year
if you made it this far through my ramblings here's a little Percy picrew i made
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malrido · 4 months
Ok since you're a fellow malrido shipper, I must know all your headcanons
I GOT YOU. Some of these are character headcanons but can be used ship wise- Also I am a roleplayer and roleplay them with my friend so I may include little story things from those. Gonna put everything past keep reading because i might have gone overboard (I love them so dearly)
-Malleus calls Riddle his rose, his queen, or his treasure. He mainly uses the first two- the second one being used more to tease him.
-Speaking of teasing- Malleus loves teasing Riddle. Fae in general are already mischievous and Malleus is no different. You even see him teasing Riddle during his birthday jacket card with the whole "I'd bring you with me~" to the deserted island thing.
-Malleus "purrs". There are sound bites i've heard of "dragons" basically creating a rumbling noise with their chest (Malleus denies that its purring). Riddle thinks its nice and has used it to fall asleep before. Audio clip from youtube below.
-Later on they end up having two kids. both girls- Rosemary and Morgan (based on Morgan le Fey). I've created picrews of them that I'll add below.
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-Malleus is whipped. He is down so bad for Riddle... most of the time he will listen to what Riddle says and do whatever he asks. He's also offered to smite multiple people for Riddle
-Malleus wants to KILL Riddle's mom. Like... not exaggerating. It's a point of contention between them. Obviously Riddle doesn't want his mother to die- but Malleus thinks she's slighted him and almost gotten Riddle to break up with him one too many times and needs to go.
-Riddle loves being wrapped up in Malleus' tail. It makes him feel safe and also its nice and warm. He can almost instantly fall asleep as soon as Malleus puts his tail over Riddle.
-Malleus is VERY over protective. To points that have gotten them into arguments. Riddle is terrified of being controlled like he was by his mother again- while Malleus is terrified of Riddle leaving him, getting hurt, or dying.
-Sometimes Malleus just teleports into Heartslabyul, scoops Riddle up, and walks off towards Riddle's room or Diasomnia. Doesn't matter if Riddle is busy- he needs his rose. A great way to piss Riddle off sometimes- but he will stop when scolded. Malleus absolutely gets whiny (he will deny it) but will always listen to his queen.
-During Malleus' 4th year he just teleports back when hes not busy to be with Riddle. Even if Riddle is studying he just likes being in the room or holding Riddle in his lap. This also helps with Riddle's stress- as Trey and Cater would be gone so he doesn't exactly have somebody to ground him.
-Riddle is convinced Malleus is cursed and thats why every invite somehow falls through or goes wrong or forgotten. Afterall Riddle prides himself on memory and timing. Malleus still says its impossible for him to have been cursed.
-I... do have nsfw headcanons with them that I will not get into but if you're 18+ feel free to dm me if you're curious lmao
-Malleus is glad he mostly hides his tail because every time its out and he sees Riddle it starts thumping against the ground. He has almost broken his own bed frame when he was just sitting and reading with his tail out then Riddle paid him a surprise visit. As soon as Riddle walked into the room his tail starting thumping and cracked the bed frame
-Malleus has memorized all 810 rules of the queen of hearts before they were even dating. It was when he was interested in Riddle and wanted to do something that would make him happy.
It's almost 1 am so I'm going to stop there but I may add to this post honestly... Also if you have any questions about scenarios I will be happy to tell you my answer- also just what you think about all of these in general!
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🌟💫🗡️FGL DR🗡️💫🌟
[ FGL = Forbidden Gay Lovers ]
• {{ First Name: Mars }} • • {{ Middle Name: Heston }} • • {{ Last Name: Butcher }} • • {{ Rank: Royal Blacksmith }} • • {{ Age: 24 }} •
• {{ Pronouns: They/He }} • • {{ Gender Identity: Non-Binary TransMan }} • • {{ Romantic Orientation: Gay Quasiromantic }} • • {{ Sexual Orientation: Gay Demisexual }} • • {{ Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous }} •
• {{ Parent(s): None (dead) }} • • {{ Sibling(s): Jasper Butcher (He/Him, 18); Junebug Butcher (He/Him, 10); Henry Butcher (He/Him, 2) }} • • {{ Other Family Member(s): Uncle Timothy (He/They); Uncle Jasper (He/Him); Unnamed Family Members }} • • {{ Partner(s): Prince Darcy Valerian }} • • {{ Best Friend(s): Xavier Thomas (They/Them, 23); Darrius Smith (They/He/It, 24); and Klaus Wood (It/Its, 22) }} • • {{ Friend(s): None }} •
• {{ Description: Tousled light brown hair (fluffy, short); Pale fair skin; Bright brown eyes; Lean, muscular body; 5’11”; Multiple ear piercings; Dagger Tattoo on right forearm; Star constellation tattoos on left forearm, covering scars; Random scars all over body }} • • {{ Accessories: Silver stud earrings; Silver helix on both ears; Silver industrial on left ear; Silver rings on both hands; Single black cord necklace with a moon crescent hanging from it }} • • {{ Style: Flowy white/black/brown shirts with leather drawstrings at the top; Brown/black/tan trousers; Leather black/brown boots; Long, cascading brown/black jackets }} • • {{ Personality: Same as in my CR }} • • {{ Specific Trait(s): Tough; Intelligent; Book-smart; Best at blacksmithing }} • • {{ Extra Fact(s): There is no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, queerphobia, etc. there; The Queen obliterates the law about Royals and Middles/Lows not being allowed to be together soon after I shift there }} •
• {{ Hobbies: Blacksmithing; Writing; Poetry; Reading; Horse-back-riding; Sword-fighting }} • • {{ Likes: Food; Working Out; My Siblings; My Uncles }} • • {{ Dislikes: The Royals }} • • {{ Pet(s): Cat (named Moon) }} • • {{ Dragon Type and Name: NightWing/Anechoic }} • • {{ Horse Name: Caspian }} •
• {{ Face Claim/Inspo }} •
Wylan Hendriks/Van Eck (Jack Wolfe)
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• {{ Me in this DR (Picrew Form) }} •
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• {{ Rankings }} •
• {{ Royal Class }} •
• {{ Royal Staff }} •
• {{ Royal Picks }} •
• {{ Middle Class }} •
• {{ Middle Staff }} •
• {{ Middle Picks }} •
• {{ Low Class }} •
• {{ Darcy and Mine’s Story }} •
• {{ The Queen came to my workshop during mid May three years ago, looking for a new Blacksmith since the one she had before had just retired.
Darcy accompanied her, trailing behind her, completely silent. He had a politely interested expression for the most part of the trip.
Then he saw me. His eyes brightened in curiosity, and he didn’t keep his eyes off of me for the rest of the time.
I continued to show the Queen my workshop and handiwork, answering her questions. I felt his eyes on me, the back of my neck prickling.
I glanced at him only once, curious as well. He was tall; five, maybe six, inches taller than me. He had bright blue eyes, neatly fluffy blond hair, and smooth, pale skin. His face was an oval shape, his jawline smooth, a soft curve to his cheeks. He was very beautiful, and I had a hard tearing my eyes away from him.
When he and the Queen left, I went over the memory of him again and again while I made a test sword for the Queen.
Our first meeting was at midnight on a Wednesday.
I had gone for a ride on Anechoic, and the clouds were thick around his wings.
I bumped into Darcy on his dragon, an IceWing named Gregale, and we stopped our flight, both us and our dragons staring, transfixed, at one another.
We ended up flying the rest of the night till morning together, having races, calling things back at each other.
At sunrise, Gregale and Anechoic’s wings line up, and Darcy gets up from the saddle and steps onto Anechoic. He crouches on Anechoic’s shoulder right in front of me. We transverse a few more words before he remounts Gregale and flies back to the Palace.
Before he leaves, he gives me a swift kiss on the back of my hand.
We meet up every night after that. }} •
(might add more to this if i come up with anything else/remember anything) @zipperrants here’s the gay romance zip 💅
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metalcereal · 2 months
Bestie where'd your main acc go are u ok
HI I have legitimately no real reason why I'm not active much anymore other than I have no media to obsess over rn but hi yes hello I'm still here, and I am delighted that you sent this to check in :3
im also not living an interesting life to post about :P i'm working part time rn and I'm so used to the job (its my fourth year at this place) that there's nothing really to talk about. I could tell you guys about the chocolate-banana-split-lady but that story is more fun to tell in person tbh, but otherwise I'm just doing chores and trying to manage my pain until bed (oh yeah, update, All my joints hurt now, and I still have not gone to the doctor)
hopefully i'll start drawing more soon so I should be posting again in a bit :3
sorry I'm online like once a week rn :'0
but I am getting my nose pierced tomorrow so I guess i'll update you guys on that :)
im just rambling saying nothing rn, sorry erbgsbhrgksjfh
anyways tag me in tag games and picrews!! I'll def do those esp since I have nothing else to post
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chaosteddybear · 4 months
Information gathered and finalized
Age: 45
Height: 6'6"
Pronouns: she
Sexuality: pan
Relationship style: monog
Species: drow
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BG3: Astarion, but did lead Gale on for a bit before turning him down...
Star signs: taurus sun, cancer moon, leo rising
Alignment: Chaotic neutral. She goes by her own moral compass and does try to help people but not to her own detriment or that of those she loves.
Soul Coin: A simple silver coin with spikes on its rim
Backstory: A bard from the underdark, Turgi will probably never return home. She struggled with the rules down there - she couldn't comprehend the hierarchical structure of anything, struggling to understand why genders are different as well as bloodlines. Due to the circumstances of her birth, she had so much responsibility, and no desire to fulfill it. She's not hugely good or evil, but she was very unsettled by how poorly many were treated.
When the tadpole came, she was thrilled. At first, curious and scared. But ultimately, excited. Breaking out of that ship, meeting new friends along the way... She loved it. And. It was the first time she breathed surface air. She does miss her childhood friend though, one in particular, and wonders how they're doing. Maybe someday she will send word, when she feels more settled.
Goal: Turgi really just wants to make sure her friends are happy and take care of. And she wants to get by, make music, and thrive emotionally.
Fear: Wasting time away not spending it doing the right things with the right people.
Also Turgi is afraid of people around her going without the things they need, food water healing etc.
Food: Turgi can't stand frivolous food, so like pastries or anything that doesn't provide sustenance. Loves a good jerky 😬
Misc Q&A answers, collected
- For Turgi, love is just a kind of vibe. She spends her life in search of maximizing good vibes and minimizing bad ones. She doesn't believe in attachment, but she does have people she gravitates to and whose relationship she will cultivate even if it means some bad vibes along the way. She would die for them, and protects them out of admiration respect and an overwhelm of good vibes when thinking of them or when being around them, especially when they do things she admires.
- In a modern AU she would be a bodyguard for someone important 🙂 in game she channels this energy to Astarion her love, but irl she'd probably get paid to do it because she's dang good and her music is her weapon. Maybe pro wrestler for some time?
- Admires and respects gods but only if she feels like they earned their spot.
- If someone pushes her boundaries, she will step to them. Physical or mental, as soon as her vibes are off, she will take care of it. She does the same for the boundaries of people she feels protective over. Turgi pays a lot of attention to what's going on around her and tries her best to get ahead of this ever happening, but if she can't she will nip it in the butt. For repeat offenders showing no sign of wanting to change, she will let them know they're unwelcome completely.
-Her dice would be clear with little gray webs in them
- Doesn't really have any enemies now that Cazador is dead 🤔 other than bane bhaal and myrkul and their followers....
- She knows she's kind of not cunning or intelligent. She's wise though :3 and she's accepted this as her weakness and isn't doing anything about changing that, but she knows to trust others like Mix and Sasli for these skills 😂
- Would hold a wine glass from the base, and entertain herself with trying to balance it on her palm when bored, watching the vibrations in the liquid move as she vocalizes or plays an instrument, or spinning it in circles at a 45 degree angle on the table. Her wine would get very aerated.
- She rather just walk away than lie. Lying ruins the vibes, is very uncool, man. But she's not above rudely exiting a conversation if she senses lying or manipulation. Chaotic neutral at its purest 😂 Sasli has no idea but when she and Turgi first met, her lying put their friendship at risk more than just telling the damn truth would have 😤🙄 It took Mix forcing Turgi to give her another chance.
- Turgi a few instruments. She mostly enjoys a hand drum, but she can also strum string instruments - anything she can do with her hands and not a pick. Depending on her mood or what the vibes are missing she will play anything and everything. On a perfect night around the campfire she will default to rhythm and blues, vocalizing along with it.
Aesthetically, the instruments are mostly worn but well decorated with beautiful patterns either she or a friend put on them. Sasli loves to decorate them for her.
Turgi loves surrounding herself in things people made for her, so she keeps little trinkets Sasli whiddles her and holds them in high esteem.
Her outfit mostly is comprised of very comfortable and loose fitting clothes, as small as she can get away with, decorated with pieces gifted to her by friends. She wears leg wraps that Sasli cut for her out of thick cotton, fastened with decorative pins she bought from an artist she had a crush on a few years ago. And a worn silk belt, double thick, that Mix gifted her once as an apology for getting her into a bit too much trouble. She wears a kerchief from Dag as well, and uses it to clean up messes sometimes.
She also wears a choker with a stone on it from Sasli's collection.
- Turgi likes mulled wine and dark beer. Likes black tea with milk and honey as well.
- Love Language: support swapping ♥️ she is very aware of what she needs and her skills, as well as those of those she loves, and loves how people can work together to figure shit out. She also loves quality time. Can you jam together?
- From my closet she would steal yoga pants or booty shorts and sports bras 😌😌
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strangeauthor · 5 months
Mael Of Utona
info time about one of the main villians yayyyy
i dont have a drawing of him (or at least one that i drew) so heres a picrew thats probably gonna be outdated soon
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No one knows what the hell Utona is--most people don't even think it even exists. And yet he's inexplicably the most popular man in the world. Celebrity endorsements, Person Of The Year, fans praising him and posting pictures while giving him the nickname "Lord"...its like he has a certain charm about him that makes people listen to what they say.
And you'd be right.
Well, "charm" might be a bit and understatement. In actuality, he has a power that makes people obey his every command, turning them not only into his servants and pawns, but extensions of himself. While he's not the leader of B'trayed, he is the one members answer to in lieu of the mysterious "real" leader.
When he enters the room, everything goes silent, and the tension can be filled. Despite this, Mael is polite. Almost too polite, and he carries an unnatural aura. Indeed, no one wants to get on his bad side. People who do, they never end up the same. It's best if you just do what he says and don't try to defy him. Or else.
Because of this, he's one of the more dangerous members of the group, and the one Nick and friends try to stay away from the most.
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whumpshaped · 9 months
hey does anyone wanna see a new demon i made yesterday.
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hes rosier. heres some rosier lore copied from the server
for context, in the angel demon au i have with mill (@whumpsday), bellamy is prince of hell (the devil's son) but hes still unmistakably bellamy. so as soon as he can he kills the devil, takes over, and reforms hell entirely by killing off the powerful sadists, forcing everyone else into submission, bribing those who just want power and are willing to help with the reform, and puts laws in place to protect lesser demons and fallen angels. he comes up with the idea of angel sanctuaries where the fallen can be protected. and he needs guards for those sanctuaries. thats where rosier comes in, because hes powerful yet not very interested in torture and has never hurt angels before (a clean record is required)
rosier.. "and by his sweet and sugared words, he tempteth men to fall in love." his eye got messed up by some magic damage. he uh. couldnt fix it bc it was by the devil and its just..... sort of messed up forever
rosier is sort of inspired by big cats. but not in a shax way. shax is like a housecat. rosier is a jaguar/tiger/lion/just anything big and dangerous ok
but hes also just very tired of killing and torture. the devil halfway blinding him was like the last straw and he just left. went away to the most desolate fucking place he could find and just stayed there
then he heard bellamy killed the devil, which he had zero interest in bc surely the heir must be as insufferable as the father. then he slowly hears abt the reforms and he slithers back. just to take a look at least. and .. well its all very different
he sees a poster abt open positions at the angel sanctuary. his record is clean of any angel abuse. he did torture human souls for a good while which he found no particular enjoyment in. then he just turned to feeding on lesser demons, sometimes killing them to see if it sparks anything. but more and more hes thinking maybe hes just not into that. but he has all this power.... and theres all these defenceless angels here. and if that means an audition w the new devil? well. hes in
he has this very calmly confident air abt him. but hes very polite, very compliant
rosier is kind of on the same level as asta. he could likely take zyr in a fair and a dirty fight both actually
i wouldnt say hes necessarily a good character. hes indifferent a lot of times. and he also doesnt step in bc its not worth it. he goes to earth and sleeps w ppl and clearly takes advantage of them. he kills. he used to torture. he didnt stop out of moral qualms rly he stopped bc it wasnt smth he liked doing.
but then he does get into the moral side of it when he starts working for bellamy. and as he gets to know bellamy better he gets into it even more
he feeds primarily on lust, sexual pleasure and fear.
and now i must admit i made him specifically to seduce bellamy. i have created a new blorbo doll to shove towards mill's blorbo and i am saying "now kith"
rosier also very much finds bellamy attractive but doesnt even think about doing anything abt it until he sees bellamy swooning. and then hes like. aha. fair game then. and begins making the subtlest comments
he also immensely enjoys seeing bellamy flustered. he thinks its the cutest thing. he loooves that bellamy tries to hide it but cant
but also rosier has a good sense of descerning when hes allowed to flirt, and hes otherwise very much focused on his job and knows his place. he wont ever embarrass bellamy or challenge his authority. not unless its just the two of them and tasks for the day have been dealt with and he can play around :)
i cant get the image of this overused trope out of my head. the "hey boss u look tired" [gives gentle massage]
"relax, your majesty. everythings going well. you can stop and breathe for a minute."
(context: bellamy is a vegetarian in the au, VERY strange for a demon because demons usually eat meat. and raw meat at that)
also also the first time when rosier asks him out and it starts out as if hes abt to make some request regarding his position/job but then its like "your majesty if i may be so bold- i noticed you havent had a proper break in a while and as your loyal servant i cannot approve of such behaviour. ive prepared some food and i'd be honoured if you graced me with your presence :)" and its all absolutely free of meat. no meat whatsoever. rosier isnt even eating meat. and its fucken gourmet stuff and not the sort of food the devil made for him thats like..... well this was the first thing i saw on the human market that didnt have meat in it here u go. its actually well thought out and yummy and amazing and rosier is very proud of it bc he made it himself but he absolutely wont reveal that fact until he sees that bellamy loves it
(in response to bellamy gushing about his angels. bellamy has a BUNCH of angels who are bonded to him, and he affectionately refers to them as "his flock")
rosier loves to listen to him when he gets like that. he loooves how passionate bellamy is about making an impact. and it gets him into the whole angel thing sooo much. he ends up sort of collecting his own flock, not by bonds but just on an emotional basis. he tells bellamy he has no idea how it happened but the angels seem to love him a lot lol he gives bellamy all the credit for it tbh. "it wouldve been unthinkable before, you know. ive met angels before the sanctuary system, and their first reaction was not to be concerned about my eye. everythings so.. different now. its nice."
ok thats all thank u stan rosier
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transmickey · 11 months
tuesday tuesday tag game tuesdaaayyy 🕺ty mr @creepkinginc for tagging 🌾
name: ajax ☀️
pronouns: he/him
where do you call home? northern england
favorite animal: turtles. maybe lizards too. 🦎🐢🦎🐢🦎🐢
cereal of choice: frosties/frosted flakes but i am honestly not really a cereal person
are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? visual - i am so entirely useless at learning any other way
first pet? i have never had a pet!!!! which is truly terrible. i am planning to get one as soon as i'm living somewhere which will allow it (next year pls i want a cat)
favorite scent? anything citrusy 🍋🍋🍋
do you believe in astrology? kind of? i think its fun to look into and read stuff
how many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? about 45 right now ?? i make a new one every month and then have a few for very specific ~vibes~ 🎶
sharpies or highlighters? highlighters ooooo i love coloursss
a song that makes you cry: call your mom by noah kahan
a song that makes you happy: striptease by carwash
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! i do not.. at least i do not share any HAHA but i will take this chance to tell all you lovely creators that you are wonderful and i cherish u every day thank YOU!
aaannddddd picrew time i was tagged by @stocious + @creepkinginc !! what a silly little dude
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tagging @jademickian @golden28s @ian-galagher @vintagelacerosette @tanktopgallavich @grumble-fish @rereadanon @mickeysgaymom @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @lupeloto if u wanna (+ also have a cookie 🍪)
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ikatako38 · 3 months
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Happy 2-Year Anniversary to TPWCH!
The last few weeks and months have been a bit rough for me, so I don’t have anything else ready to show you today, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty to look forward to!
OC Memes - Technically not for the anniversary, but rather to celebrate 300 kudos. I’m almost done with these! Here’s a WIP!
Anniversary Art ’24 - I’m working on a group photo for all the important characters in the TPWCH universe—including the sequel—so we’ll finally have exact visual representations for every important character beyond Picrews! I’ll be sharing a WIP soon.
Tako’s Getting Treated for ADHD - I’m taking the test tomorrow and have my follow-up next week. My ADHD has held me back since the very beginning of the fic and even before, so if everything goes well I might be able to be somewhat more productive on the fic going forward!
Ship Wars Ahead - A Tumblr poll tournament coming in April!
And now for the big one…
TPWCH is getting crossposted!
Okay, hold on, put the pitchforks down for just a second…
I know FFN is dead and Wattpad is cringe. But each site has its strengths that AO3 doesn’t quite cover. Particularly, I’ve always liked the format of Wattpad making it feel easier to comment and encouraging discussion among readers! FFN also holds a lot of sentimental value to me, and I’ve been wanting to return there for a while. Since I’ll be reposting chapter by chapter, it also allows new readers to ease into the story like many of you did when the fic was first coming out on AO3, instead of having to commit to such an intimidating 150,000-word chunk of fic all at once. And if the fic takes off on one or both of those other platforms, it’ll be a good thing for everyone! Not only will the TPWCH community continue to grow, but also—try as I might—I’m only human and more comments/interaction will automatically motivate me more to write and get chapters out for all of you! Skimming, dividing up, and posting old parts of the fic is also a minimally stressful way to get myself to engage with the fic and increase motivation.
Somehow I already had accounts on both of these platforms. Here they are! I’ll be getting my FFN profile pic and Wattpad bio fixed in the next few hours, and I’ll have a teaser for the TPWCH launch up in the next day or two.
FanFiction.Net Account
Wattpad Account
Both crosspostings are starting on 3/8
3 & 8 day!
From then on…
- FFN will update with one chapter every Friday, with any half chapters posted on the intervening Wednesday.
- Wattpad chapters will be broken up into ~3,000-word chunks and will update three times a week—Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday
Let me know what you think!
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-hii im Sof
- i am genderqueer and use any pronouns
- i am demiromantic & demi-omnisexual (is that even a word idk but its what i always say) so if you dont think any of those are valid you can kindly leave :)
-mbti: infp
- i mostly post about fandoms: mainly marauders, sometimes heartstopper and other times its just my random thoughts (i also really like pjo but i dont really post about that)
- talking about fandoms:
- im a slythern 💚🤍
- im a sirius black kin
- i am cabin 15 (Hypnos)
- join the remus lupin religion! https://www.tumblr.com/tea-blankets-andstars/750300786606669825/we-must-make-this-a-real-thing-who-else-wanta-to
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-i sometimes make art traces (which if you dont know is pretty much where i trace over a photo and then make it my own)
- i do this because im still pretty incure about my actual art style
- for my art i use iArtbook to draw & pinterest for the refrence photo
- maybe sometime soon i will post my actual art
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- please send asks i need more people to talk to
- pinterest: Miz_whatevermynameis
-ao3: reggiespoetryshelf
-spotify (my love): mizwhatevermynameis
- instagram (where i only post my art): tea_blankets_andstars
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- this is the link for the picrew i used for my pfp: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1987953
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🪸🐚🪼Merman DR Script🪼🐚🪸
☆🌊 Name: Cosmo 🌊☆
☆🌊 Species: Merpeople 🌊☆
☆🌊 Age: 20 (immortal though) 🌊☆
☆🐙 Pronouns: He/It/Ne/Love 🐙☆
☆🐙 Gender Identity: Trans Boycreature 🐙☆
☆🐙 Romantic Orientation: Aromantic 🐙☆
☆🐙 Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual 🐙☆
☆🐙 Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Biqueerplatonic; Pansensual; Panaesthetic 🐙☆
☆🪼 Parent(s): None (dead) 🪼☆
☆🪼 Sibling(s): None 🪼☆
☆🪼 Other Family Member(s): None (dead) 🪼☆
☆🪼 Partner(s): Darcy (Siren, He/It/They) 🪼☆
☆🐚 Description: Wavy messy short-ish black hair; Brown eyes; Pale, fair skin; Several ear and facial piercings; Scars all over; Long deep red scaly tail; Red markings on face; A black cord necklace with a cool stone attached; Gills on both sides of neck; Fins on the back of the arms and down spine; Webbed hands; Top and bottom surgery scars 🐚☆
☆🐚 Abilities: Shape-shift; Heightened senses (sight, scent, hearing, etc.); Can breathe in and out of water, because my body holds both human lungs and gills, my human lungs aren’t needed but i can use them when i need to go above surface and can’t use my gills 🐚☆
☆🧜‍♂️ Extra Fact(s): I cannot die/be killed by anything; Darcy cannot die/be killed by anything; There is no such thing as ableism, queerphobia (includes transphobia, homophobia, etc. etc.), racism, just hate and discrimination in general of any kind; No pollution whatsoever 🧜‍♂️☆
☆🐠 Info On My Clan: In my clan, every time a new generation is born, the previous generation dies. The only way to continue this clan of Merpeople, is by mating and reproducing. The clan started with eight (four pairs, pairs of two), so there are four lines of my clan. I will be the last of my line, since I will not reproduce. 🐠☆
☆🐠 Info on Merpeople and Clans in general: There are seven clans in total. Not all have the same culture and tradition and way of living as my clan. All other clans, for instance, do not have their previous generation die off as soon as the next one is born. That is why they are able to build villages and palaces and houses, and have other such things. My clan has always been secluded and is often forgotten about by the other six clans, just because of how little we are seen. Each clan has its own unique tail and facial marking colors. For instance, my clan’s tail and facial marking colors are varying shades of red, orange, and yellow. Another’s is varying shades of brown. And another’s is varying shades of blue. You get the gist of it. In every single clan, though, our age of maturity is 20, and then we stop physically aging and are considered full-grown. 🐠☆
☆🦑 Me in This DR (Picrew Form) 🦑☆
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☆🐋 Inspo Pictures For What I Look Like In This DR (credit to original creators!!!) 🐋☆
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☆🐡 My Own Sketches Of What I Look Like In This DR 🐡☆
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ෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆෆ ꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜꩜
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Ada (@thesaintelectric, picrew credit here) vs. Ticketaker (@cherrycookies / @vermillionverse)
Ada info:
Description: ada was made immortal (doesn't age/heals/resurrects but can still be hurt) in an anomalous event that killed everyone nearby and also wiped her own memory. she was later found by her now boss Dark (of marshall carter and dark fame) and has since been very effectively molded into his subordinate over the course of around 1000 years. in fact she got so good at it he disappeared and she has been carying on his will independently, now unable to imagine living any other way.
divorced (her fault) acted as a mercenary in multiple wars, frequently changing sides and selling anything to anyone (information, equipment, herself) is also a literal war criminal as a result of this works with the foundation (scp) & assisted in its founding works for basically the embodiment of capitalism
Other notes from the submitter: shes an scp OC. also she is straight up 1000 years old there are tons of instances of her betraying friends for her 'job' (she doesn't get paid by her boss & does a lot of side gigs to earn actual money) or otherwise being a bitch, i just stuck to the main ones. personality wise shes basically numb to all the awful shit she does now so seems calm even in life or death scenarios. because even if she does die she'll walk it off soon enough
Ticketaker info:
Description: Ticketaker is the Mayor and Leader of a Town/Island named Vermillion. She presents herself as the ringleader of the circus, which she is, since the island is literally a big carnival. She's very smarmy and sarcastic, putting on a fake smile most of the time. She has done everything wrong and nothing wrong.
Crimes: Murder (Both of innocents and her former love interest), Careless city planning (Poor worker safety, not focusing on active hazards), Capitalism, Made a deal with an evil spirit, Stuck a cage on another characters head permanently
Other notes from the submitter: she's the most woman to ever woman
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mad-voidling · 10 months
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(Shoutout to @house-of-mirrors for inspiring the pic!! Go check out their work it’s great!)
Figure it was time to introduce my own silly little guy!! The picrew is slightly jank cause their design is only roughly humanoid lol, but I’m okay with it! I already have some more of its story planned out in my head besides the stuff I’m going to be putting below the cut, so feel free to ask about anything and/or send a calling card my way!! Their name is the same as my profile name
(minor spoilers for Heart’s Desire)
- Agender and Aroace, not exactly out but it hasn’t had any trouble with people questioning them about it (We’re living underground with devils and people with tentacles for f___’s sake!!)
- Awoke in New Newgate knowing their name and nothing else about itself. When asked about this initially, they would seem to space out for a moment before jolting back to reality and seeming to not have heard the question at all. Thus, most don’t ask anymore
- It’s constantly wrapped up in layers of cloth and such, and no one’s seen what’s underneath it, not even Idris themselves. They’ve tried, but for unknown reasons, it’s physically incapable of removing any of it itself. When anyone else tries, they fly into an uncontrollable panic that they never seem to remember once they’ve calmed down
- Quite tall, but not freakishly so yet, probably around seven feet or so
- Has an almost instinctual loathing and mistrust of Mr. Stones, has complicated feelings on the Masters in general but will choose any of them over Stones
- Sometimes, if it focuses hard enough, it can see the night sky, full of brilliant and vibrant stars
- Has a tendency to hoard things that catch their eye, usually shiny stuff but really anything they find interesting. Their organization of their collection seems chaotic, but there’s a logic to it that only it knows
- Occasionally cloisters itself in its lab for extended periods when it gets really focused on some research
- Not a fan of alcoholic beverages, has mastered the art of subtly dumping drinks into nearby plants
- Has… Complex feelings about the other players of the Marvellous. Their relationships with the Bishop and Beechwood are the simplest because they don’t interact/talk much outside of the game. It’s somewhat concerned about both of them for different reasons, but isn’t about to barge into their lives or anything (Besides, what could they really do? Collecting candles isn’t a crime, and Beechwood is a bit beyond help at this point)
- Certainly not friends with Virginia, but they have a mutual respect for each other. They met even before Idris became a player of the Marvellous when they were both after the Correspondence Stones, which Idris won far and square. Their lives have overlapped several times since then, and they’ve learned to get along fairly well
- Not a big fan of the Manager, finds his whole hotel uncomfortable and doesn’t trust him in the slightest. That isn’t helped when it finds out about the whole Tristram thing, which it thinks is a bit too convenient for their liking based on what they know. Also sick of him making his personal issues the problem of literally everyone else (it’s not our fault you’re not over your divorce yet bro). When the Horrors:tm: get to be to much they’ll stay in the Mirror-Marches, thank you very much
- Speaking of Tristram, Idris has a big soft spot for him. It understands what it’s like not to know yourself, to brush your fingertips against memories but not be able to grab hold of them. As soon as it gets the chance it gets his mind back and returns to it to him with zero hesitation. Once everything is said and done I imagine that the two of them + Cora remain good friends
- Mr. Pages confuses Idris immensely. Though the Master doesn’t usually seek them out, when the two do interact, it acts overly familiar with them. Not to an uncomfortable degree, but it’s still strange, and when it breaks into their wine stores, it almost seems to want to tell them something, but never lets it slip. Hmm. They also both share an interest in books, so that and the Marvellous usually ends up being the focus of their conversations
- Loves their work as a Correspondent, despite the inherent danger that comes with working with the Correspondence. It feels comfortable to them, as if they’re coming home. The letters seem to flow out onto whatever it’s writing on, which has led to them getting lost in thought a few times and their clothes catching on fire
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