#it's so late and i can't sleep aaaaaaa
fuxuannie · 1 year
Its so good holy
If I may
Can I trouble you for a headcannons with Gepard, Blade and Caelus when their s/o steals and wears their clothes?
Also can I become an anon here 👉👈 if yes i wanna be Caelus simp anon >:)
* pairing(s) : various hsr x reader
* prompt : request
* authors note : THIS IS SO CUTE AYIEEEE 😭😭 i luv this i love this enrnmejree,, and blades is a little sadder because i have personal experience /j
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CAELUS frowns as he looks through his closet, but his black jacket was nowhere in sight. There's no way that it would be anywhere but inside the small hotel room, but clearly it wasn't. The last time he remembers wearing it was when he visited your room, so maybe he had somehow left it in there?
He hums as he leaves, walking towards your room that was right next to his. To no ones surprise, Caelus tends to forget to knock. And you can imagine his surprise as you're staring in the mirror with glistening eyes and his jacket over your shoulders. "Pretty.." He hears you chuckle, your back turned to the mirror as your head turned around to see the design from the back.
When you turn back, you notice Caelus leaning by the doorframe with an amused smile and crossed arms. "Seems as if the wearer is much much prettier."
You blink a few times, pull his hoodie up over your head and immediately turn around to hide your face in your hands. "Aaaaaaa.. How long have you been standing there?" You asked, footsteps approaching you from behind as his arms wrap around your waist. "For a while." He hums, chuckling at your fluster as you both stood there in a comforting silence.
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GEPARD always noticed how you stared at his uniform / armor in utter confusion, how he survives in something seemingly so heavy with how much he fights and moves.
So once he caught you in his room, staring at the mirror with a baffled expression as you messily wore his armor. "Soft.." You say, but your expression gives off 'How the fuck is it comfortable.' vibes.
A smile forms at his lips, amused at your confusion as he watches you do a small 360° only to realize how easy it was to move in what you thought was an inconvenient choice to look good in the battlefield. "I told you." You jolt in surprise at the voice in the room, not realizing he had already caught you. "Well.. curiosity got the best of me.." You say sheepishly, embarrassed that you've been caught red handed.
"So? Comfortable?"
"I know, now take it off so I can go to work."
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With how busy BLADE is, it's no surprise how his mind is clouded with saddened thoughts whenever he comes back to you asleep alone in a shared bed.
One day, late at night, it's the usual when he comes home. Theres a dish left out for him as you knew well he rarely ate, clothes cleanly folded on the couch for him to change into and the house painfully silent instead of hearing the comfort of your laughter.
He eats the food, changes his clothes and turns off the lights you left on for him as he walks towards your bedroom. Once he closes the door, his eyes adjusted to the darkness as he notices how you cling onto a pillow, a stinging pain to his chest at the sight.
He walks to his side of the bed, about to sneak into bed when he notices something unfamiliar. Your clothes seemed.. different, it could've been the darkness, but once his fingers graze the fabric he could no doubt assume you were wearing his coat.
Blade's chest feels heavy, to a point its weight is impossible to bear, he pulls you by the waist to make you as close as possible to him. He'll whisper small apologies as you sleep, kissing your head and if he could promise that he'd stay here forever, he would. But he can't, so he'll settle for this moment for now until there is a day he can.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 1 month
Exhausted Santino scenario :>
Santino has a horrible sleep schedule, he stays up LATE like 2-3 am late doing some papers or whatever for his work and has to get up early, ends up overworking himself and nearly passes out from exhaustion, often forgets to eat and drink as well. And John tries to get him to bed every time, he often even falls asleep and wakes up again at those hours, only to see that Santino is still missing next to him. And Santino's quite moody/stubborn and doesn't want to listen to him sometimes. What's your opinion on how does John tries to get Santino to bed and get some sleep and take care of him? :]
Aaaaaaa this is such a sweet scenario!!
I think John is pretty emotionally intelligent, even if he doesn't use a lot of words. He knows that he can't just argue Santino into going to sleep, so instead he tries to make it seem like Santino's idea. He promises him a massage or something more spicy to get him into bed and relaxed, in the hopes that he won't want to leave once they're cuddling.
He also tells him how much he cares about him and that it hurts to see him wearing himself out.
But of course, it doesn't always work. Sometimes Santino passes out and John has to carry him to bed.
Oh, and John also brings him food and water when he’s working, and sits next to him until he has eaten to make sure he doesn’t ignore it.
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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i have had so much brainrot for haitani rindou. aaaaaaa ever since his first brief appearance in seas.1, i have had it so bad for him. lord help me. so it's about damn time i write a little something for him: lately, all i've had on the mind has been kissing him and the different ways we'd say "i love you." so that's what you're getting here.
a bit self-indulgent. will keep things gender neutral. uhh since there's no "yuu" like my twisted wonderland works,,, hm ig i'll use (y/n)?? (it looks better to me and is way shorter. might change it later tho. idk) i'll also use s/o, as these headcanons will literally be me word-vomitting with no brain-to-mouth filter. lol oops!
— little "eskimo" kisses... like the ones where lovers rub their noses together?? it's really cute! idk. i always liked those kisses.
— or maybe even just rubbing noses against each other in general?
— i can't imagine rindou verbally saying "i love you" a lot or being into pda (unless he gets really jealous and possessive. but that's another post for a different day), especially with his dangerous, i-am-surrounded-by-death-and-people-trying-to-kill-me profession. loyalties always change and you never know who can you trust.
— so small, quiet things like holding pinkies or tapping each other three times to say "i love you" or spending quality time with them. also gift giving but simple, small stuff. nothing crazy or extravagant or pricey. rindou is a simple, strong-silent-type kind of guy and i love them about him!!
— OH! and when he first meets his s/o?? he doesn't notice how much he is (unbeknowst to them) wrapped around their finger until too late. by then he's fallen so hard for them.
— but he still distances himself from them. has a lot of self-deprecation moments like "they're too far out of my league; too good for me." "i'm just protecting them. they'd have a happier, better chance at life without me." "i've killed people with these hands. these should never touch someone so beautiful like them." etc. etc.
— it isn't until ran and everyone get so fed with rin not paying to attention in meetings and skipping out on a night on the town in one of their clubs that rindou shyly strikes up a conversation with them.
— like. they all get how hard it is to find that one person with the life they all lead. but with rindou's not-so-subtle pining, it gets old pretty fast. maybe?? ran tries to set them up?? but rindou always puts an end to whatever ran's doing before (y/n) finds out.
— and even then it takes forever for the two to actually admit that they're in love. rin still doesn't want to drag (y/n) into a life they were never born for. and (y/n) doesn't want to pressure or guilt-trip rindou into telling them what he does. "he'll tell me whenever he's ready. not when i want him to."
— but when they do start officially dating and falling in love, it's a lot of private, quiet dates at home. mostly to keep (y/n)'s identity out of the public eye to protect them.
— mornings waking up to breakfast cooking, wearing rin's shirts, his arms wrapping around them, his nose brushing against their neck as a greeting kiss.
— OH! movie nights indoors. cuddles on the couch.
— sleeping together curled into each other, legs tangled together
— tho these date nights'd be few and far between. too much contact "with the normal world" results in a pattern that is easily exploitable for other rival gangs.
— will definitely get each other matching rings or subtle, hidden matching piercings as a comfort and reminder that one is always with the other.
— does drop off an anonymous flower or two at their place or their work for them.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 5 months
It's like 1 am and i can't sleep due to Decisions (drank coffee too late) so i tried to listen to ritsu's solo to calm me down but OH MY GOD HIS VOOOOICE AAAAAAA and anyways. Uhm. That did NOT help calm me down, that just made me feel emotions. Help
Oof, sorry to hear. I hope it wears off soon (or it has already worn off by the time I answer to this). Oh my god though, his solo. Was it because of the soothing voice? Because I can imagine how one would think it calms one down... But it can have the opposite effect I do not count, I have a bias.
Anyway, I feel that. I can imagine it does. I also get emotional whenever hearing it honestly.
I can only hope that you managed to calm down and have a good rest one way or another!
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valleynix · 1 year
I dislike that I have to work and my body needs rest, I could spend that time on more important things which is reading about homosexuals.
A bit late after the premiere but I just finished the chapter.
1. What are they so cute for AAAAAAA
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2. Is there a kink for that
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"Why were you ever afraid she, of all people, would have an adverse reaction to you not being human"
I wonder about the logic in that too
(bird Lunatic interacting with Dani would be like that one scene when Aurora meets Diaval and calls him pretty bird, all smiley)
5. "I am… conflicted"
6. Googling that pink flower meaning for Lunny
7. Poor little bird they just want mama to love them but she doesn't give a damn :(
They're so sad and miserable, I want to hug them pls. They need hugs and therapy <\3
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8. "Bela stands with her aunt by the fireplace"
Naur this little scene was so sweet please. Why are you making everyone be so soft with everyone. I am at my limits. The power of a forehead kiss. PLEASE
And I think these two can get along really well. like Bela is a quiet kid and she's not as chaotic as her sisters so they can spend some peaceful time together. And Bela has a lot on her plate and there are things she can't talk about with Alcina and those she wouldn't like to share with Dani or Cass. And it's not like she has friends there.
So having someone like Donna would definitely be a great help to soothe her nerves and anxiety and she could find support in her :(
Crying over them.
9. <Cassandra scoffs and moves toward her aunt. “What, none for me?”>
I bet if Daniela was there she wouldn't let Donna live peacefully until she got kisses too.
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I love how Cass can be so bold at the begging and tease the shit out of them but then she's like idk what's next🧍
(Rel tbh)
11. Please I love her so much, she's literally so perfect oh my goddess
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I swear my whole soul lights up just by a mere mention of her.
Reading it now was such a bad idea. Bad idea. How am I supposed to peacefully go to sleep now??????
And what do they mean they think they love her. I sure as hell do love her pls she's so precious.
13. Dani getting so much and Bela poor thing still getting nothing of Reader 😭 I think she should get them alone with her when Cass and Dani are out of the castle because IT'S ALWAYS CASSANDRA INTERRUPTING I SWEAR
14. Another lovely chapter. Well for most of the part because there are sus things. I wonder what that other version of Reader was talking about and I fear it... Don't have a brain for it now to look for symbolism and hints, might go back later but shit is about to go down, doesn't it 😭 But we'll see. Excited to find out how Reader's stay at Donna's place will go. And to read more about her. I'm also curious about Angie pls I think she might be a little annoying demon.
And literally even with all the pain and angst this story contains it's so comforting in a way, please. Gotta repeat myself over and over with this but I love it so much how the characters are so sweet to one another and this chapter was full of it as well ❤
who needs work or rest when you have homosexuals 😒😒 (please take care of yourself 😭)
1. HEHEHE I LOVED WRITING THIS SCENE, Alcina is so soft for them </3
2. the kink is just Alcina. that’s it
3. listen it’s a reasonable fear-
(i need to go rewatch that scene just to remember it vividly)
6. i have the meaning up somewhere on my computer if you can’t find it 😭
7. THIS SCENE HURT ME SO MUCH TO WRITE BUT GODDDDD I LOVE THEM, it literally makes me cry thinking about the tragedy of their character :(
8. the way you got it perfectly- like Bela doesn’t really think she can trust anyone to tell them about her problems (save for maybe Reader), but Donna can be like that for her :( it’s nice to see the poor girl finally de-stressing a little and getting to talk about things that bother her. i like to think they may send letters back and forth and Donna helps her anxieties and let’s her vent
9. Daniela 100% gets little head bonks from Donna as well as kisses (she initiated and Donna can’t help but smile as her niece just lightly smacks against her head)
10. CASS IS SO FUNNY SKFHSKFJSJD I LOVE HER, she’s got the teasing down but had NO idea what she’s supposed to do when the other person is actually into it
13. i have some plans for Bela getting her time >:3
14. AAAAAAAA IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT, honestly i get kinda nervous when y’all who give me analyses write me one 😭 like i’m genuinely so afraid THIS chapter will be the one that makes you like “ehhh dropped” EVEN THO IT NEVER IS-
please reading those last two parts literally made my night, i’m so happy. i’m gonna start steadily working on the next chapter since school ends this thursday (yay!) and i should be able to actually post regularly :3
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That tattoo is so good omg!! I've been wanting to get another one for so long, but I don't know what I'd get quite just yet!!
Ajdhhdd literally I looked at Saccharina and my brain just went "OOP, favorite character" but also like. As a lesbian, gooey was just 👀👀👀 (sorry if that's TMI or anything!)
That is such a good line!! Ally is so funny to me- the pure indignation they put into that line and others when it comes to Preston's unfortunate demise was always so great. Also, I love that they constantly try to cover different aspects of the queer experience!
Oooof, Mormonism is rough. I grew up in a predominantly Mormon town (as in, more Mormons per Capita than Salt lake city) and most of my friends growing up were Mormon. All of the architecture in the temples and stuff looked (from the outside, at least. I was obviously never allowed inside) so sterile! I can't imagine that. What did you do during the 3 hours of church?? Because catholic mass is only like an hour and as a kid I got so bored I wouldn't pay attention at all.
I would literally just study all the gargoyles/angels/faces in general carved into the walls and ceiling, as well as the stained glass windows and statues. My brother and I got into trouble a few times because neither of us paid attention 😂 one time, we both stood up because our grandparents and most people around us stood up, and we didn't understand why our grandparents kept frantically trying to get us to sit down until the priest started talking about how all the married couples in the church were standing 😂😂 (it was valentine's day).
AaAAAAA I'm literally so excited!!!! I've been on a FOB kick lately! What are some of your favorite songs by them?
I wish I could do that 😭 I work nights (7 days where I work 12-hour shifts and then I have 7 days off) and Wednesdays are my Mondays and Fridays, so I'm usually sleeping most of the day!! But once I'm at work, I'm absolutely gonna be juggling both to the best of my ability!
- 🪐
thanks! it was my first, and it's the only one i've gotten so far that hasn't aged terribly lmfao
"another?" mind if i ask about your current tattoo situation? (no worries, of course, if you'd rather not)
i've been so thirsty for so many npcs on this blog, being into gooey is so far from tmi lol
i love ally so much. it's a little bit headcanon-y, but i think that, with timothy, they've now had a character that is L G B and T (i choose to believe pete is bi) and, of course, ace icon liam wilhelmina.
oof that's a fuckin lot of mormons
i've only been inside temples a few times (i started dating a non-member and therefore was unworthy to enter any more), and i left entirely before i could do any of the Really Culty Stuff, but trust me, the inside is even more sterile looking than the outside. everything is white and beige and boring as all hell.
iirc they changed it to 2 hours a few years back (now they alternate doing what used to be the second and third hours), but the 3 hour system was:
the first hour was essentially mass. everyone in one room, getting preached at, sacrament (rebranded communion), singing songs.
the second hour was sunday school. idk how the adults split up, maybe it was one big class? i left when i was 17. but the kids were split up by age, each group had a teacher, and we studied different parts of the scriptures and sometimes church history.
the third hour was essentially 5 separate second, smaller versions of the first hour, separated by age and gender (everyone under 12, 12-17 boys, 12-17 girls, adult men, adult women), but without the sacrament.
it was fucking terrible lmao
holy shit that's hilarious 😂 i was always too Anxious to cause trouble, but my brothers definitely did a lot of jumping up on the seats and making noise
oh goodness um. of all the gin joints and thks fr th mmrs for sure. dance dance goes without saying. also my songs know what you did in the dark.
the entirety of american beauty/american psycho fucks HARD.
i'm not good at picking favorite songs, clearly lmao
that's a fucking killer schedule my god D:
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nar-nia · 2 years
Good morning mama xx
Here are my live updates,, sorry it's so long and makes no sense hehe
#justiceforsunoo #letsunoospeak #ilovesunoo
I'd say the same for Hee but at least hes being helpful now
Well appart from the bloody towel 🥴
Oop they have to have more ChEmIsTrY~
Naur is opening the door rly a good idea
Bestie you only just got a compliment 😭
Not them both blushing acajagshsgajagshs
A rabbit plush awwwwwe
Awwwwww Heeseung :((
Stop off hes fuxking cuddling her AAAAAAA
You two will slay come onnn
Wuh oh jake has entered the building
as he should be
Huh 😳 he kissed-
We just met (kinda)
Uh no
Hee angry
Hee jealous
I love jake and all bit like I'm pro-heey/n soooooo
Back off bitch grrrr
Heeseung 😃 wha
Hee kiss
Agahsgshsgsjsgsj THEY KISS AGAIN
Oh the day 6 warning
Sad time D:
Awwwwwwww they talk :(
Heey/n bonding
Jake better not come along me be a little jealous snake >:(
Oop sgsjsyf not hee turning the jake walking in around
Hee definitely left the door unlocked so she would walk in again 🧐
Jake's here
Heeseung jealousy era is in full swing
What if the tension between hee and jake ain't so straight 👀 they do be making alot of eye contact ahdjdkd
Wuh oh not tofu soup again
Jake's smile 🥺💖
Okay I agree with y/n
Pushing the heejake agenda
The fangirls would be thriving
oh wait he'll just BARK back
Okay imma stop here for today as its getting late but
I mean I knew it was good when I read the first 2 chapters BUT AFTER 4 MORE
one again you have Grace us with amazing writing, fabulous descriptions, gripping angst, AND HEESEUNG BEING SO ATTRACTIVE HELP
Honestly you slayed as expected and I even when I do a chain of live thoughts like this I never can Express fully how much I enjoy each tiny aspect if your writing and the story
I hope you slept well or had a good day (depending on how long you leave this to read- it is quite long)
Love you sm mum 💖
~M 🐝
"depending on how long you leave this to read" - way too long and i'm so sorry, i just felt like death those past few days. but:
AAAAAAAHHHHH 🤩🤩 you read it and you loved it 🤩
please I love the live commentary, it was so much fun to read and relive my story through your eyes 😭😭 and i can't wait to see you and Jake in a barking duel 😭
mooo thank you so much <33 I hope you get to read the remaining chapters soon too... okay selfish mode off now: thank you so, so much. I can't be praises for hee being attractive though, he can pull that off without me 😭😭 I just screamed about him today.
I love you so much more and I wish you an amazing week in case it takes you as long to see this as it took me to answer 😭😭 again, I'm sorry. Love you, sprout 💖
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farrenlux · 7 years
Tagged? Tag. I’ve been tagged
Tagged by @paperhats-and-evil-schemes ! (now... what was that about breakdancing? lol jk jk)
Rule one: tag nine people you want to get to know better. (aaaa of course if you don’t want to it’s cool I just notice you guys around a lot so I thought this would be cute cuz I think yall are rad)
@nightfurmoon @deepspacepirate @kastrology @agrossace @noideawhatimdoing02 (it won’t do the link thing idk what that means im sorry!) @a-gaybee @bilumi @levari-auriga @diamondwolfart @ichordeer @owo-lineart-owo aaaaand @ anyone else who wants to do this!
Rule two: bold the true statements:
I am 5'7 or taller
I wear glasses (contacts when I can!)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
My abs are somewhat defined
I have or had braces
I love meeting new people (Don’t be afraid to say hi! I’m just a huge scaredy cat)
People tell me I’m funny
Helping people with their problems is a big priority to me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude to people I know well
I started to say something ironically, now I can’t stop saying it (“hella rad”)
There is something I would change about my personality
I can play an instrument (french horn! well.. I could. been a while) 
I can sing well
I can do 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (//squints//)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing Maths in my head (god. no. i need to use my fingers to add single digits)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in an arm wrestle
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I can throw a punch (I’ve never been field tested no one knows)
I enjoy sports
I have learned a new song in the past week
I’ve gone running at least once a week in summer
I work out at least once a week
I have drawn something in the last month
I enjoy writing
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol (like maybe one alcohol if I add up the sips)
I have scored a winning goal in sports
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been to an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in a hospital/er in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country (Canada for like one whole second)
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (concerts are too much for me though I’ll love you from afar thanks)
I have at least one person I consider a best friend
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling (shout out to the Chid Republic)
I live in the US
There is snow right now where I live (HA)
I have hung out with friends in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with somebody
I have a crush on a celebrity (i really want to take this opportunity to let everyone know my best friend has a huuuuuge crush on Adam Driver. he’s obsessed. i don’t know how to deal with this help)
I have a crush on someone I know (i have a huge friend crush on my best friend i love him okay)
I have been in at least three relationships
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush for over a year
I have been in a relationship for more than a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have break danced
I know a person called Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I am listening to a song on repeat right now (I mean not right right now but gods let me tell you 2013 pony fan songs are really addicting)
I have punched someone in the past week
I have known someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what to do with my life (HAHAHAHAHA)
I speak at least 2 languages (NO but i swear to The Massive Thing That Sleeps Between Galaxies which i learned about in astronomy class that i WILL keep learning spanish and german!!)
I have made a new friend in the last year (i think i consider the villainous fandom one big friend? you guys are awesome and i love you.)
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princess-stabbity · 4 years
trying to decide if i’m a monster bc wink is the sweetest cat in the world and just wants to be close to me at all times but the cat litter and shredded cardboard and snot and whatever was causing those stains on the corner of my bed have me at my mcfuckin limit and i just threw a small temper tantrum
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clxudycow · 2 years
Can i request a technoblade x fem!reader smut?
Maybe phil was teaching reader about potions and it gets dark so he asks techno to let her sleep there while he has to leave, not knowing technos in a rut. Maybe reader just gets a little to annoying for his liking so he rails her?
Thats just something i thought of, you dont have to go with that prompt if you dont want.
And you dont have to do the request if you dont want!
AAAAAAA my first ask oml thank you so much 😩😩😩😩😩
Okay I have never wrote much of a fic but here we goooooo!
Y-You will help me...Right?
By:clxudyCow on Tumblr
Warnings: not edited well, noncon if you squint, and Phil being pog
Pairing: Fem!Reader x C!Techno
Genre: lemon in part 1😩
Requested? Yes by: lillianastuff
"so I do what again?" Y/n asked again. Dadza slapped his forehead and sighed before repeating, " Y/n, you put the blaze rods into the mixture to fuel It, like so-" he was cut off suddenly by realizing that that was the last of the blaze rods. He exhaled and said he would be going to the neither and that techno can help me with the potions. He mentioned I might need to sleep there bc it was getting late. Phil smiled requested that I sleep at Technoblade's house because it was late. He winked at me before slamming the door and running off.
He knew I had a crush on Technoblade, The Blood God; The Piglin of my dreams. And he would of just let me take a break and pick it up later but, no. He wanted me to confess. Oh no.
I sigh and grab my coat and put on some lingerie as I was more comfortable in it I had found. And if things do get sexual at least he gets a good view! I put on a gold necklace and head out of Phil's Cabin. I knock 3 times and he opens the door with a composed but rushed look, almost happy even, he lets me in without asking why I knocked. "Phil told me that he might need to grab some blaze rods and that you may need to sleep here for the night. Here is a book of potion recipes to study. I'll help you with a few." He finally says. I watch as he sits down in his loveseat and pats the room between his legs. I freeze. My crush wants to cuddle with me? I nervously seat down and get a little to close to his pants and grind slightly. He lets out a breathy but noticeable grunt. You decide -why tf not I'll tease this cutie! I'm a switch anyway!- "huh.? Awhh did you just moan? I thought you were the big strong man? How come just one touch is all it takes?" You tease. He looks at you and pulls you onto the ground under him and says "I'll fuck you so good you can't fucking breathe. I may be in rut but I'm the dominant one, whore." He pauses then mumbles" so.. you will help me..right..?"
idk if this was good but lemme know if you want a part two!
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beetle--bug · 3 years
HALLO~i saw the requests is open so I want to send one! If you don't mind writing them but I have this idea in my head for a while now SO
A long distance relationship! because I practically live across the world from em and I need some of that content and I'm terrible at writing lol
if you don't mind I'd be very appreciated ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I kinda want it to be like a hc for the people you write for but if its too much, could I get a tommy and tubbo? I'm a minor, so, yea(GN! reader would be great)
Thank you!
Ps. Its ok if you can't though! Thanks again! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
✧ Long Distance relationship with dsmp members ✧
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Warnings: none!
Included: Dream, Tommy, Tubbo
A/N: this was a similar ask to @lukerycyja (for some reason I can’t tag them?) so I did them together! Hope that’s okay
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♡ Dream ♡
You know that your brother Tommy streams a lot
I mean, everyone on your block must know he streams from the amount of screaming he does.
So when he’s actually doing a quiet stream, you walk in unexpectedly.
The whole scene was hilarious, and after talking about it with your brother, you thought it would be funny to play a prank on the dream smp
While you weren’t as experienced as Tommy with Minecraft, you still knew the basics of it.
Dream was wanting to write the next character arc for Tommy, and that is how you joined a discord call with Clay.
‘So Tommy I was thinking that-‘
‘You’re- not Tommy??’
‘No, I’m Y/N, Tommy’s older sister.’
‘Oh, nice to meet you y/n I’m Clay’
The two of you got on really well and so you called more often.
And you start to get a crush on him (˶◕╰╯◕˶✿)
So you tell him, you can’t keep something like that from your best friend!
And he’s so happy!
‘I- I like you too Y/N!’
After a few weeks of you two dating, he’d show you his face
Falling asleep on call together ٩( ๑^ ꇴ^)۶“
Well, one of you would fall asleep since your time zones are different
After begging and pleading your parents let you go to America to meet him (★^O^★)
And he’d take you on a date!
Very fancy and romantic ♡♡+.゚(→ε←*)゚+.゚
He w o u l d cry when you leave
And he calls you when you’re on the plane
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♡ Tommy ♡
This boy is S O F T when it comes to you
After a stream he’ll call you
It’s not that late for you, so you’re not as tired as him
‘Hi Tommy, how was your stream?’
Incoherent Tommy mumbling
Him being the stubborn person he is, he’ll refuse to sleep until you call him
And you’ll just be comfortable in each other’s silence
Virtual movie nights (★^O^★)
If he had his hair cut, he’d show you how poggers it was on a video call
‘Aww Tommy! You’re so P R E T T Y!’
‘Y/NNNNNN’ >////////<
He is a hardcore simp for you no I do not take criticism
When he’s really sleepy he is so clingy
‘Mmmmmm, okayyyy, I love you y/n’
And he completely denies it the next day
8/10 he won’t sleep
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♡ Tubbo ♡
He has a custom ringtone for you so he doesn’t miss your calls
You two make a bed sanctuary together :0
Sometimes he forgets that you have different time zones and he’ll call when it’s 1 am for you
Only to be surprised when you answer
If you fall asleep while you’re on call with him, he’d just kinda look at you (not in a creepy way lol)
Because you’re so P R E T T Y!
Why do I feel like he’d doodle you on his wrist?
Because he definitely would!
He’s just so soft I-
On your birthday he’d fly over to see you
9/10 you can’t hug him every day
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irkenheretic · 3 years
Spare RaPr headcanons? 😳👉👈
Also! Happy belated birthday!!💕
i have nO excuse as to why this is so fuckin late (thank u tho!! 💕) BUT here r some rapr headcanons for u:
theyre gay
ok thanks for coming!!!
.....jk jk here r some real rapr headcanons:
when they became tallest, they always shared a single HUGE room, since the massive wasn't built for a dual tallest. they DID have separate beds tho, until they pushed them together
red sleep-chirps and his antennae tap on purple's head (its kind of like an irken kiss!) this is the ONLY time purple's ever gonna catch him being soft so he doesnt say anything to red in fear that he'll stop doing it
purple likes the sweetest-sweet things ever, while red likes more savory flavors and too much sweetness makes him feel sick. they like to taste-test each others' snacks and make over-exaggerated gagging noises to piss each other off
purple's CLINGY!!!! but we been knew. what we didnt been knew is that red doesnt mind because he is also clingy
red calls pur "purpur" as a nickname!
the most common type of nickname is to tack on "-ie" at the end of someones name, but if you do it with red's name it makes a pretty nasty slur, and repeating his name like red does purple doesnt sound good at all, so purple resorts to whining red's name. if he wants to be REALLY overly sappy as a joke, he'll call him by snack names until red laughs
(for this one just know: their names in irken ARE the irken words for "red" and "purple" which yk, are different from the english words) purple's irken name is pronounced pretty much the same from dialect to dialect, whereas red's name is pronounced differently in seemingly every fucking dialect. purple likes to learn as many of those pronunciations as he can and if red is ignoring him, he starts changing up how he says red's name more and more until red caves and pays attention to him
red can't say his own name in the "standard" irken dialect, since his native one doesnt have a specific phoneme. this is a rapr headcanon because purple thinks its adorable. red sometimes tries to practice and he scrunches up his face all cutely when hes trying to hash out how to move his tongue and he eventually gets frustrated and aaAAAAA
yes red has used purple's hand as a stress ball a few times. that shit HURTED and he always gives purple a grumpy kiss to shut his whining up with a "no, purpur, i did NOT break your hand, shut up and stop complaining" thrown in
they feed each other snacks as a sign of affection. the one being fed the snacks resists incessantly, also as a sign of affection
the whole bridge knows on god!!!! red n pur tried hiding it from them but eventually stopped caring
since theyve known each other all their life, their "honeymoon period" when they got together was surprisingly short and then went STRAIGHT to "bitchy old married gays" but with like, frat boy energy
purple wants smeets. nobody would peg him as the guy but the thing is he hates any smeets that aren't his. red on the other hand is straight up bad with kids, nobody give this man a smeet until he finishes his character development
red is ticklish behind the antennae and this is weaponized by purple constantly..... until red finds out purple is ticklish on his thighs
literally 90% of their relationship is trying to make each other laugh on god. making each other laugh and snacks and pure unadulterated HEDONISM!!!!
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
update on (wit)jitp and also just AAAAAAA in case anyone's curious; work has been killing me with mostly 10hr shifts. my car battery decided to die yesterday when I was leaving for work so I ended up staying up 4 hours after i would normally sleep after work so that I could take my car to get a new battery only to discover that my car is extra dumb and I had to drop it off at the mechanics to get it changed ;;; which was of course an extra almost $100 in labor which. hurt.
and I had been planning on waking up early today so I could email/call apartments to try and set up days I could view them ;;;; but bc I was up late I slept late so I would be able to function at work and of course etoday will be another 10 hours :)
hopefully I can get up early tomorrow to do the apartment stuff. bc right now looking at and finding a place is my top priority, sadly writing comes after that. if I get a day where I get off early then I'll be able to do writing since I can't call at 4am, but thats not looking likely rn so ;;;
we do what we can
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self-shipyard · 2 years
It's so late for me but I can't sleep so please... Look at my husband...
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My cavaliere with blue curls... My slice of blueberry pie... my heart, my soulmate, my everything...
God he's so lovely, so handsome and so wonderful in everything he does... His expressiveness, his passion, his confidence, his beautiful mind, his...
Evey little thing about him... The way he makes my heart ache but in that good and comfortable kind of way, the way he can brighten up my world whenever I look at him... The way I wish I could give him everything he could ever want and to shower him in affection
He deserves the whole world and to show him how much I love him...
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AAAAAAA I love him so much I could weep 💕
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speuradair · 3 years
Hiya, Kokichi simp here. So nhhhhxh- before I go pass ou- I mean sleep I thought I would drop this lil thing here because I love you-
Remember that thing with sleepy Byakuya and Kokichi? I'll just yeet a small Nagito one for you so *clears throat dramatically the c o u g h s*
It was a normal saturday night, it was currently 11:36 pm and you were watching something on the TV, you were pretty focused on it that you didn't see your sleepy hope lover boyfriend approaching the couch tiredly, yawning in the process. He then sat next to you and hugged you, nuzzling your neck.
"Should we go to sleep, my hope? It's pretty late.." He mumbled tiredly, his hand was stroking your head, you could see he was fighting to keep his eyes open, he woke up pretty early that day.
"Not yet, I still need to see 3 episodes more! When I finish them, I'll go to sleep, okay?" You stroked his fluffy hair and hugged him back, you could feel him relax into your touch, he loved it so much, did he even deserve someone as amazing and hopeful as you?
Nagito sighed and moved a bit closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling you, he could fall asleep there, you were really comfortable to hug thanks to your soft clothes, making him more likely to sleep. If he couldn't get you to bed with him then..
"Do you mind if I do something, S/O? I know scum like me shouldn't do this and I shouldn't be cuddling you because I don't deserve it but.." He laid back on the couch and held you close to him, making you lay on top of him.
"N-Nagito..?! Wh-Wha-?" "I am truly sorry that I disturbed you but, I couldn't help myself. If I can't make you go to bed, I guess I'll watch this with you." He gave you a kiss on your forehead and looked at what you were watching, but he thought about how warm your body was and that made him more sleepy!
He held you tight and started rubbing small circles on your back, he was so comfortable there he nearly fell asleep! You also had your arms around him and you nuzzled your face on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
After a while of silence you checked on Nagito to see how he is doing and it looks like your boyfriend had fallen asleep! He looked so cute, his breathing was soft and you could feel his heartbeat, it lulled you to sleep too so closing the TV you cuddled Nagito and fell asleep there.
Bonus because yeah, we doin this:
The morning light slowly woke you up and you yawned before looking where you fell asleep. Your lover was still sleeping and as you tried to get up, you felt him pull you into him. "Mmm.. five more minutes.. love you, my hope.. Zzz.." He muttered and yawned before holding you close to him again. Looks like you are stuck in this for a while.
Nagito is welcome to sleep beside me anytime he wants, he has an open invitation
I bet he's so warm and comfortable too I just-
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doeyedangel · 4 years
Hey! Not an ask and idk if ur question abt night distractions was rhetorical aslkfdjd uhmm but for me what helps is finding something funny or cute to watch (can't go wrong with baby animals). If I can't think of anything to watch I'll message a bunch of friends and keep a conversation with whoever replies fastest until I get tired enough to sleep. Orrr I light a candle cuz they smell nice and I hug a stuffed animal :3 idk if any of this is helpful but I thought I'd share just in case :')
Hi omg i appreciate this so much you have no idea ;__; it was partially rhetorical but i do genuinely need ways to distract myself hjgkghfjghfg ive been thinking about watching stuff (i haven’t in a long time) but i also feel like watching things takes so much energy for me lately? which sounds super lazy and stupid but aaaaaaa and i also don’t want to bother friends since usually i get rly rly bad at night when everyones already sleeping T___T these are all super good ideas though sorry if im coming off as too negative but i rly do think all of these are very good suggestions!!! i hope ur taking care of yourself!!!
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