#it's so difficult ffs
mer-een · 11 months
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“Let nothing stand in your way.”
“You’ve got my back?”
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
in other news Kid-Nap was confirmed as a BL and now the obnoxious ON stans are protesting on the streets I-- 💀
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eternal-moss · 2 months
When people continually whitewash my favourite characters.
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[ID: A black and white, rough digital drawing of someone sitting at a desk and clutching their head in their hands. End ID.]
^thank you @describe-things
#This is mainly about Noé Archiviste. But also I will not forget what some people did to Simon Petrikov either when I was watching f&c#I’m so desperate for drawings of them. But for the love of God,is it that difficult? Somehow every other hexadecimal of their#Character design is exactly on model other than their skin. Just. .#OH YEAH I FORGOT KAEYA. FFS. Somehow it’s always the K**luc-ers that always do it. Which makes sense because they disregard his entire char#And with the new influx of atla fans people have been whitewashing Katara too! And I mean drawings of the original show too#probably delete later#And no one seems to have any problems with it? Especially if it’s sexualised art *talking more about Kaeya & Noé here.#People who whitewash the few (and when I say few I literally mean 5/82 playable characters) darker genshin characters. Actually fuck off#If I see ‘it’s just my art style’ or ‘it’s just the lighting’ *every other colour than the skin hasn’t been lightened in the slightest*#One more time-i’m going to explode#Oh and while I’m on this topic! Fuck Bochum for whitewashing literally the entire starlight express cast! Electra being the first ever#non binary character in musical theatre while also being played by black actors. And then Bochum happened.#When was the last time Pearl or Rusty had actors who weren’t white? Literally the last character who hasn’t been replaced is Momma/Poppa.#And being black is so integral to their character and music. You quite physically couldn’t#I really really hope the casting for the London performance this year is like the 1984 cast again. Please.
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rhinoyo · 4 months
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a messy anim of my wol & thancred dancing, referenced from the kekkai sensen ending ^^ <3
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sheregenerated13 · 5 months
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I changed the Stardew Valley letters from 'Your Mom' and 'Your Dad' to be from 'Your Aunt' and 'Your Bestie' to be a bit friendlier to folks who have estranged parents, etc. I also changed some of the letter contents to make sense (from a friend, not parent, etc.)
I'll pin the file to the #gaymes channel in my LGBTQ safe space server if anyone needs it! Also in my thasmin!! server :)
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vroomvroomsposts · 9 months
Being both a Charles and Carlos fan, the past few days have been exhausting… I have blocked so many anti Charles and Carlos accounts on almost all my social accounts. And I thought you know, the race weekend is done and there’s a two-week gap until the next one and things will a bit calm…
But now, what do you mean Carlos’s mum liked a tweet that was hating/calling Charles dishonourable? I don’t really care much what the drivers’ families do, because I am only here for the drivers and they are their own separate individuals. And whatever the families do shouldn’t reflect on the drivers or be their fault.
But this. This was stupid. Why would you do that? Your son is already not being liked and he had a good weekend (ignoring the robbery). And insulting his teammate who is loved very dearly and your son likes him too or at least considers him as a friend, you’re just making it worse for your son. You are just making him be public enemy number 1 without it even being his fault. Sure, he was already being treated as one by some people, and you’re just adding more fuel to that. Like chill. Stop meddling with your son’s team or whatever. You’re not helping. And this goes to Papa Sainz as well.
And Charles liking the tweet with 2019 Monza Podium picture with caption saying honour… that was so cunty of him! You tell’em baby!
Also, it’s not Carlos’s fault. You can’t blame him for something his parents decided to do.
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Possible spicy take but I’m so bored of people crying ABLEISM!!! whenever someone has a controversial opinion such as “hi I am a service worker and I feel dehumanised when all you do is stare blankly at me or bark your order at me please smile and say hello”
As an autistic person who until just 2 years ago was so socially anxious I couldn’t go outside alone, if you’re an adult and you can’t even give someone a quick smile and a “good thanks how are you?” that’s not poor social skills due to autism or social anxiety, that’s you being a prick.
It is the absolute most basic human decency and manners to fucking smile at someone and say hello and if you’ve made it to adulthood without learning that then someone deeply failed you. It takes 2 seconds and costs absolutely nothing. Yes you may find small talk or whatever uncomfortable, but most people do and it’s just a part of life that you’ve got to learn to deal with. Being a bit awkward or uncomfortable isn’t trauma. You don’t have to tell your whole life story when they ask you how you are, but don’t just fucking ignore them. And tbh associating neurodivergence with acting like an asshole is ironically one of the most ableist things you can do
Also, I see a LOT of people daily who just walk up to service workers and go “CHEESEBURGER” without a “please” or “hello” and I know that 90% of people aren’t autistic adults who were never taught the bare minimum social skills so don’t bullshit me with that excuse. You all just want any reason to be mean or rude and it’s gross
*NOTE: This post is obviously not talking about non-verbal people or anyone else who may struggle with the simplest general conversation due to disability. It’s about people who are capable of having a normal social interaction with for example friends, but then use neurodivergence as an excuse not to treat others with basic decency
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yingxtkm · 2 months
favorite character(s) to draw ?
Hmmm probably Sephiroth? If it wasn’t obvious enough by all my posts 😂 I think particularly miniroth but I do absolutely adore drawing Sephiroth and Aerith together as siblings too.
(Off tangent rant here lmao) My biggest gripe with those two are the bangs tho, FF character hair is so notoriously difficult to draw I think Tifa is probably the easiest for me to draw while all the spiky haired fuckers (Cloud, Zack and Vincent especially with rebirth’s redesign) are the most difficult for me.
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reminder to speak ur mind as soon as u want and can especially if its about smth u wanna change cuz its gonna come out eventually and sure sometimes its better later but sometimes its also better to do it as early as possible
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gaydelgard · 4 months
"choir practice isnt worthwhile" is one of the worst takes about this game (gameplaywise)
you get faith experience including for byleth (who also gets authority) AND it raises support
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t-ycho · 8 months
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attempts to draw again are being made
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Yk what I love ab trying to find tfp references? You either get shitty quality screenshots from the show/pictures from the ref book or other peoples fanart, who clearly had the same problem, and decided fuck it we roll and just winged it.
In conclusion I noticed that every single piece of fanart has a different design bc everyone just gives up and makes it up on the go💀
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nordic-language-love · 6 months
Me: I'll just get the whole booking my flights thing over and done with now. It won't take long and I'll feel so much less stressed once I'm done
My bank: Can't authorise this payment lmao also good luck getting through to customer support!
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dayasan · 6 months
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📷 Outside 秘宝 Hidden Treasure & Sahara, Bar End, Wall Market, Sector 6 Slums
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faithshouseofchaos · 1 month
I die a little in the inside when I click a like for a fic and it takes me to AO3 😭😭😭
The website has something against me it never works or goes well I fucking hate with a passion
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
my fit is so hard today i say to myself wearing the 388227383th iteration of black mesh top, jeans, and converse
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