#it's not like it would change anything probably. which makes it feel kinda useless
bitseventimes · 2 years
trying to figure out if I should come out 2 my friends or not...
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logically-asexual · 1 year
you know what would be funny? if one day the Sides were all arguing about something and they were “too emotional” about it so Logan was like “this is useless. we’re all going to My Room so you can all think clearly and we can have a civilized discussion.”
they all arrive to Logan’s room but immediately as they do they all begin arguing more and also even crying? and they’re Way More emotional than before all upset and angry and sad and stressed. and Logan, who was previously super confident about his idea, is now very confused about this development.
and everyone is like “??? don’t you feel it??” and Logan is like “feel what? i don’t feel anything?”
Roman probably leaves soon because he decided he hates being in Logan’s room (or probably he was never there in the first place) while Patton and Virgil are making sense of the emotions that they’re feeling until they figure it out —that these are Logan’s repressed emotions— and they’re like “oh no, Logan… buddy…” and Logan is like “what why are you looking at me like that?”
and then either one of two things happen. one, Logan tried to convince them to leave his room but Thomas decides that they will all stay until they can reason with Logan, which results in a funny mixture of Virgil and Patton using Logan’s language to explain to him his own feelings, gradually getting better at it and thinking more clearly, while Logan is gradually more and more emotional as they make him face it all.
or two, Logan is able to kick everyone out before they confront him and once they’re back he does his best to change topic and it kinda works but none of the others can look at Logan the same afterwards. and solving the issue is yet again postponed for another day, as is their habit. he tells them something like “you know what? i think the room didn’t work because you’re all way too emotional even in there, so maybe the topic we were discussing was the problem so it’s best that you figure it out on your own, and i’ll excuse myself.” and he leaves, the other three looking at each other like “what the hell just happened.”
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bluginkgo · 6 months
On today's Ginkgo rambles we have: the teaser, yet again. What? I really liked it.
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Spoilers, duh
Instead of dissecting it again, which many smarter people have already done, I kinda wanna ramble about how well the teaser was well... a tease. It's titled The Beginning of the End. A bit cliche, but it works here both in the context of the end of this season, and hopefully the beginning of the second.
The beginning of the end that is called Season 1. And the beginning of the true end, that is the universe of Murder Drones- be it Copper 9 or the actual story.
Not to mention, this beginning of the end theme keeps up in the entire teaser. I guess you can say I'm a sucker for being nostalgic and seeing how far the show has come.
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It starts with Uzi's Booting up// Exposition: "We are worker drones." Closely followed by what is happening to her as of Dead End. So much for the innocent worker drones, am I right? "It's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything, mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves." At this point, and especially in the teaser, it's heavily implied that maybe the humans didn't actually do that. Sure, they were probably the ones that caused it. But seeing as we get a shot of Tessa closing Nori's room/locker and then the core collapse from the pilot... eh, I don't know about you, but I think she's got something to do with it.
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Then, we have N. His cute little introduction and his killings in the pilot, followed by Dead End's scenes. A disassembly drone- a demon that has been depicted so many times by other worker drones, one of THE murder drones of the series, reduced to nothing but a scrap of metal by sentinels. Not to mention the only person from his past, V, also in grave danger. We hear him call out to her just like in Dead End throughout the entire teaser. I also wouldn't be surprised if his last desperate call for V that we hear right before we get the actual scenes for eps 7 and 8, to be used as the trio fall down in the elevator at the beginning of ep 7.
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Closely followed by V's first words. "And yet, I still feel nothing." Then we see her sacrifice at Dead End. From a simple and mindless murder machine to a friend and an ally who was willing to give herself up so the rest of the group would be safe. (D*mmit, V, come back queen😭)
Now as for something I don't quite understand/see. So please, feel free to point it out.
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BUT WHERE DO PEOLE SEE THAT HER VISOR IS CRACKED? All I see is that her visor must be turned off, because the floor is reflecting in it.
Another thing I kinda wanna touch on briefly, is Uzi's hand.
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As many people have already mentioned this, Uzi's hand lights are yellow. Of course, so far, this teaser has been for both episodes 7 and 8. So we can't confidently say what scene is from where. But this constant switching in Uzi's lights might lose its meaning. Of course, these might be the only times that Uzi's lights actually change. But if it isn't... the anxiety and fear that ought to come with seeing Uzi's purple lights turn yellow, might be less severe. Unlike in Dead End, it was both anxiety inducing and cool to see Uzi be posessed by Absolute Solver. Eh, it might be just me, though. Of course, teaser is just that. A tease. So there isn't much to go off of.
You crazy for making it through that entire useless rant. Have a cookie. ^_^
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theshyspy · 2 years
(𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭) 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 - 𝐡.𝐬
summary: in which yn is heartbroken and has a panic attack and Harry comforts her
a/n: i had a really clear plan for this from the beginning. it this that plan? no because I can't stick to plans either way I think it turned out kinda good so you should probably read.
(please like and reblog and send in some feedback. it honestly helps and means so much more than you think even if its a little tag or an emoji <3)
check out my masterlist✨
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You didn’t think it would be much of a problem when your best friend, Hannah,  moved in with her boyfriend and his roommate. But, of course, back then you had no plan on falling for the hot roommate, nor ending up as his girlfriend. It wouldn’t have been much of a…situation, hadn’t life pulled you in different directions and left you with a broken heart. 
  The cosy apartment had been like a second home, most of your nights spent safe in his arms as he gently played with your hair and lulled you to sleep. The softness of his voice and gentle words engraved in your memory. 
It was just so easy giving him your everything. You had never felt so safe in love - casually wearing your heart on your sleeve everyday. 
But now? You found the qhostlyness of the whole situation unbearable, always figuring that if you ever were to break up, you’d at least remain acquaintances. Never did you imagine how he’d make sure to be out whenever you visited or refuse to show up at events if you were there. 
However, today was too big of a deal for your presence to matter. Your best friends engagement was being celebrated and you swore that you’d be civil. For the first time in what felt like forever, you’d be in the same, old apartment together.  It was only a couple of hours, and part of your being was convinced you could deal with it.
  It was only seconds, but it felt like minutes as you stood hesitantly outside the apartment complex. The nerves crippled through you, almost swallowing the bittersweet excitement you’d nourished the past weeks. Two of your best friends were celebrating their engagement, and you refused to let anything ruin the festive evening.
Taking in a sharp breath, you relaxed your tensed shoulders as you pressed the doorbell. It didn't take long until Hannah's voice erupted from the tiny speaker, welcoming you as the door opened. 
Getting up the all too short flight of stairs, their front door came into view. You dried away the sweat forming in your palms before knocking, in a matter of seconds it swung open and revealed your best friend. Grinning, she ushered you inside and engulfed you in a side hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, letting you go as you took off and hung the small coat you brought with you. 
Smiling sympathetically, her voice softened before she continued. “But, just know you don’t need to stay, okay? Mark and I understand if it gets too hard or if you need to get out.”
Your eyes stayed glued at your coat as you offered a halfhearted smile. The gentleness in her tone tugged at your heartstrings, and having no faith in your voice, you kept quiet. 
She knew you well enough to let it be as she quickly changed the topic again. “That dress looks amazing on you by the way. I'm glad I talked you into buying it.”
Snorting, you let her wrap an arm around your shoulders and lead you into the kitchen.
You grasped that you should’ve been thankful for the kindness and loving consideration. Knowing the soft spoken proposition came from nothing but pureness. But it was useless fighting the feeling as you found the compassion rather belittling. Embarrassed you were considered in need of reassurance while he so obviously were over you. 
You’d been without him for so long, and not a day went by without you beating yourself up over how you let the memories of him keep holding in a chokehold. Why let him continue to break your heart - desperately hoping he’ll regret it - when he so clearly wouldn’t? 
Theoretically, you knew she was the last person to ever judge you or your grieving process. But the fact that he had moved on, and you still found it hard not to break down as his voice played over the radio, was nothing but embarrassing.  
  Moving into the crowd, the humid air quickly embraced your bare arms. A distinct scent of alcohol travelled through the room, and your throat itched as it hit you. Partly in need for something to cool you down and for something to ease your throbbing heart.
Dancing queen blared through the speakers, and the “small gathering” Hannah had gone on and on about turned out to be anything but small. The optimistic side of you figured it was a good thing though, seeing how it lowered your chance of running into him. 
You could just picture him, looking so effortlessly cool and completely unbothered by your presence.  His body moving in that ridiculous way he insisted was dancing, but you both knew wasn't. Just knocking the air out of your chest as he cruelly reminded you of the times you missed.
Hannah’s loud voice was barely audible over the bass as she pulled you out of your thoughts. Waving a beer in front of your face, she grinned as you took it and gulped it down.
You normally wouldn’t, but you had no intentions on dealing with nerves keeping you on high alert. The night would be impossible to enjoy if you were to spend every second staring at the door, waiting for him to waltz in. 
As the effect of your second and third bottle slowly oozed in, the night passed in a blur. You hadn’t felt that relaxed for weeks as his new songs had played over and over at the radio, (making the task of shutting him out impossible). You could block him on every platform and permanently remove his number from your phone, but what good did it do when the world seemed content reminding you he was out there, and thriving.
But now the alcohol was cursing through your veins, and you enjoyed the feeling. Swinging to the music and having your mind rest on anything other than him. It was nice, really nice.
Until he graced the corners of your eyes, demanding your attention and sobering you up.  
He moved in the corner, away from the crowd with a girl by his side as they swayed to the music. Your heart dropped, every little piece of your body tensing up as you watched the scene. His hands were wrapped around her waist, the gentle grip he’d held you with a million times before. You could still feel his touch, the softness engraved in your mind. 
As much as you wanted to, it was impossible to tear away your gaze. The scene burned itself into your brain and there wasn't a doubt in your mind it would haunt you for months. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as his wild eyes met yours. With a burning sensation in your lungs you forced in a sharp breath as the room suddenly seemed too small for the both of you. 
Automatically, your hand flew to the necklace resting on your collarbones and rubbed the hard material. The simple motion grounding you as your stomach twisted in the awfully familiar way.
It almost hurt, the way your heart slammed against your chest and your pulse rang in your ears. You must’ve been quite a sight, standing wide-eyed and tense.
Yet his expression felt gentle and familiar and you couldn’t help but long for the times he calmed the unease in your chest with a similar look. 
Overwhelmed, you forced your eyes away and turned to Hannah. With a tight smile plastered on your lips, you mouthed how you needed some air as you tried to keep your cool. She must’ve been a little drunk, because she only sent you a thumbs up and grinned. You didn’t think much of it as you pushed through the flock surrounding you within a second of her response.  
A few concerned glances were sent your way, and hadn’t it been for the high-pitched ring echoing through your ears, you would’ve minded. But you were too occupied dealing with tightened airways as you shut the apartment door behind you. 
You rushed down a flight of stairs and lunged yourself down at the last step. 
The breaths escaping your lips turned hyper and ragged as you rested your elbows on top of your knees. Your fingertips numb as they continued to fidget with the necklace.
Disappointment lingered in your stomach, almost feeling embarrassed over how little control you had over your own reaction. Just seeing him pushed you over the edge, bringing an overwhelming mixture of emotions to your chest and heart.
You couldn’t even tell what you felt, but something resembling a mixture of anger towards yourself for still being so caught up on him. And heartbroken at the sight of his body clinging to someone else, of how it reminded you of the early mornings spent dancing in the kitchen as the coffee brewed. 
The amount of sleepless nights you’d spent fantasising about seeing him again in the familiar apartment were countless. You had rehearsed the reunion a million times over in your head, picturing how you’d play so nonchalant as you swept past him. 
But as he actually stood there, right in front of you with the same gentle eyes and warm smile, you lost every sense of control and felt yourself spiral. It triggered some weird emotion and broke your heart all over again.
    The air stung in your lungs as you pushed yourself upright. You couldn’t keep sitting, leg tapping as thoughts flooded your head. Pacing back and forth in the small space, you tried to calm the restlessness crippling through you. 
Instinctively, your arms crossed over your chest as your head flung backwards. With parted lips, you let fast breaths move through you in hope one of them would leave you satisfied. 
It didn’t take long before the room started spinning and you had to stretch out for the wall. With all your weight resting on your arm, the other hand pressed against your forehead. 
The careful tone caught your attention, but you didn’t turn your head. You were more familiar with the deep voice than you were with your own.
“Hey,” he cooed, jogging down the stairs until he placed himself right beside you. His arm found its usual spot around your lower back, steadying your unbalanced frame.
Every part of you reacted to his hand on your body, how his warm palm laid awfully close to your hips and the way his body fit perfectly against yours. 
You had convinced yourself that the breakup and the following distance that had grown between you changed everything, but something about him had this undeniable effect on you. As much as you thought you would  hate it, in this moment you were thankful. 
   “Hey, it's okay, you hear me? It’s okay, I just need you to take some deep breaths for me, can you do that?”
Nodding your head, you looked up at him as he offered a warm smile in return.  “Good.”
He led your arm over his shoulder and brought you back to the stairs. His hand holding you in a firm grip as he guided you down. “Here.”
Kneeling down, he faced you with a careful smile. You couldn’t tell if calmness was real or not, but either way you appreciated it as he let his hand rub against your forearm. 
“Can you take some deep breaths for me,” he asked, carefully addressing your still hyper breathing. 
You just nodded again, not trusting your voice to actually carry your words. Gaze moving away from him, you tried to keep your focus on a dot engraved in the wall before you, knowing distracting your thoughts was the best way to go about it.  
Having him so close to you again felt so odd. At one hand every fibre in your being had longed for it, for his fingers to send sparks up your spine and his loving smiles to be sent your way. But on the other, you knew it would pass and you would have to start the process of getting over him all over. This moment was already burning into your mind and the idea of the pain that would follow was enough for the world to crumble underneath your feet. 
Before you knew it, the few calm breaths that had fallen off your lips turned hyper again. 
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.” His voice sounded muffled as the words met your ears. Black dots were clouding up your vision and the room felt like it was spinning. 
Within a second, his grip around your arm was tight as the other flew up to your shoulder. All your weight resting against him as your ears rang.
“I know that it hurts, sweetie, but I need you to open your eyes.” He rubbed his thumb against the bare skin on your arm, his action barely grounding you as he continued. “You’re okay, you hear me? I’m here and not going anywhere.”
Your heart felt tight in your chest as your eyes shot open. His gaze bore into yours, and you felt so exposed. Normally you would have turned away, but the gentle expression on his face almost forced your eyes to stay on him.
“It’s okay, I promise.”
You could only detect the sincerity in his eyes as the words fell off his lips. As if this moment was only a fraction of what he meant, like the whole ordeal that had gone down between you was swept under the rug for now. 
Your mind had played tricks on you before, but right now you seemed to need the statement, and you were willing to cling onto it for what it was worth. 
He offered you a proud smile as your breaths slowed down once again.
He shifted, and in no time your body was cooped up between his legs. Your back resting against his torso.
You couldn’t even comprehend what was happening, and never in your wildest dreams did the night involve this. Whatever it was. Your mind found it odd, trying to picture what the scene must’ve looked like if someone walked down the stairs and saw you. But no matter how weird it seemed in your mind, your body found the setting all too comforting. 
He felt exactly how you remembered, the smell still tempting you to just lean against him and bask in his scent. Hearing your name fall off his lips was like music to your ears, and as he started gently caressing your arms, your muscles relaxed. 
Apparently he wasn’t satisfied with your respiration yet as he spoke up. “I need you to take some deep breaths for me, love.”
Your back stiffened for a millisecond as the old pet name fell off his lips so effortlessly. Every part of you had longed for the sweet names he always gave you, but as he said it and it registered in your mind, you weren’t really sure what to feel. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quickly, picking up on the small cue as your body tensed. “Old habit.”
It took a second before you recognised how pleasant it had played through your ears.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind.” The ends of your lips tugged up as you let your body lean into his touch and relax against him.
“Good,” he mustered. 
Hadn’t it been for the obvious lack of oxygen in your brain, you would’ve sworn he sighed contently.
“Take a deep breath,” he said as his fingers softly climbed up your arm, inhaling with you.
“Good. You’re doing so good, now exhale.” 
His fingertips gently traced a line down to your elbow as you let out a shaky breath. Letting your eyes close once again, you rested your head underneath his chin as you kept following his deep breaths. 
You weren’t really sure how long you stayed like that, but you could finally feel yourself calmed down. The only thing on your mind was how you needed to get home and just rest. Of course, the way his body was pressed up against you made an appearance through your thoughts, but you could freak out about that later.
The bass from the party drummed through the walls, and the way it echoed through the hall did nothing to help the headache brewing in the back of your head. Preferably you’d just lay down right there and sleep it off. 
“I think I should head home,” you uttered, breaking the silence and pushing yourself to an upright position. The heat provided by his frame ceased, and you had to stop yourself from shivering as you took in a deep breath. 
“You’re feeling better?” He asked, scooting himself forward on the stair. 
You turned around, a grateful smile resting on your face as you spoke. “Yeah, thank you. I’m just tired.” As if on cue, you placed the back of your hand in front or your lips and let out a big yawn. 
“Do you want me to give you a lift?”
Hesitating, you bit your lip and looked away from him. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Harry.” 
You’d already been reminded of so many of the reasons you still loved him, and you weren’t really sure you could take more of them. 
“Are you sure?-” he asked, getting up from the stairs, “-I know how exhausted you get after these. I mean, you’re still shaking. We don’t even have to talk, I just want you to be safe.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, and you hated it. You knew how much he still affected you, but no part of him needed to know that. 
Just the idea of being in the car with him for 10 minutes made you nervous, but you refused to let it show. He even said you didn’t need to talk.
“Okay.” Your eyes found their way back to his, a small smile on your lips. “If you promise to not charge me for gas.”
He snorted. “I’ll just get my keys.”
“Nope,” he said, changing the station again as one of his songs played through the speakers. 
The interview about his new album apparently was no better as he changed the station again. Snickering, you looked over at him and watched his tensed shoulders. 
“You can talk if you want to,” you told him, fighting a smile over his nervous antics.
“Yes, I think I’d actually prefer it if you did.” It’d make the breakup more distant, seem like we hadn’t cut all contact and left me unsure as to what was okay to say. But you didn’t tell him that.
“I always imagined we’d stay friends or something, after you know. Everything.” You confessed, letting your gaze follow the buildings outside. 
You could feel how his gaze bore into you as soon as the sentence fell off your lips. You weren’t really sure where you got the confidence from, but you told yourself how you would keep avoiding each other after tonight. What did you have to lose?
You glanced at him, watching as he bit his eyes shifted from the rear mirror.
“I don’t think I could've done that.” He said, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips as one of his hands brushed the back of his neck.
“Really? … To be completely honest,” you started, shifting your gaze away from him again. Your eyes followed a raindrop racing down the window, trying to form the words spinning in your head. 
“I think I would have prefered to see you with someone else if that's what it took for me to still be in your life.”
He stayed quiet, the hum of the car the only thing playing through your ears as you tried to ignore the nerves running wild in your chest over the fact that the words actually had slipped off your tongue.
One of the first things that drew you to him was the way he made you feel completely at ease. You could ramble or have your nerves spew out the weirdest sentences, yet he never made you feel stupid or small. It was so refreshing and you just enjoyed being around him. When he’d later told you how he loved talking to you because ‘you always speak your mind’, you just slowly grew inseparable. 
Now, after everything had changed, you found some comfort in knowing at least that hadn’t.
“I mean at one point I would’ve had to get used to seeing you moved on.”
Your hand travelled back to your necklace, fidgeting with the small heart, not really knowing if you wanted to know the thoughts rushing through his head.
“I don’t think I ever could be around you and not just show you how much I love you.” 
He broke the silence, and you couldn’t stop your head from turning towards him. His lips formed a thin line as his brows knitted together. You could have recognised the nerves crippling through anywhere as his gaze stayed fixed at the road in front of you.
“What do you mean?” You asked as his silence told you he wouldn’t continue on his own.
“I don’t know… I just see you and wish I could go back and change everything.” 
He let out a heavy breath, and you could see how his grip around the steering wheel tightened.
“And it’s so… weird? I mean I haven’t seen you in forever, yet I see you everywhere. I mean, I know you’ve been over by the way you folded the blankets and how you put the honey on the counter instead of  the cupboard. I can’t even avoid you in my own home.”
You couldn’t tell whether your heart clenched or fluttered at his words, but your eyes narrowed trying to comprehend the words. 
“Everything reminds me of what I don’t have, and I don’t even know how I would begin to process you with someone else.” The words sounded strangled as they crawled up his throat. 
He lifted a hand, letting it rub against his temple as he let out a quiet sigh. You turned your gaze away from his pained expression, trying to figure out how to let the words sink in. 
Seeing his career blossom and flourish had you convinced you were alone in the mess. He had seemed so happy as you cried at his interviews. 
Now he seemed just as hurt as you were and you had no clue as to how to even begin to let that progress. 
You hesitated, voice low as you confessed. “I’m not sure what to say.”
“If it helps, I don’t know what I want you to say.”
“It helps a little,” you muttered, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked down at your lap.
He snickered and glanced over at you before parking the car. You hadn’t noticed you were back at your apartment, but as you saw the complex, your heart sank a little. 
You were glad you finally had gotten the chance to talk to him again and it hurt more than you thought now that it ended. Talking with him always eased you, and tonight had only reminded you of the power he held over your wellbeing. Like he always made you feel better no matter what.
As if reading your mind, he opened his mouth. “I totally get it if you don’t want to, but would you maybe like to grab a coffee or something next week?”
“I’m sorry, I can't.” You cursed your schedule as you saw his shoulders slump. You had dreamed of this and now you actually blew it.
“Of course,” he said, plastering on a smile. 
“But, it's only, what? Nine thirty? Do you maybe wanna come up?” You gestured to the apartment he’d been in a million times before
A genuine smile crept onto his lips, his eyes staying fixed at you. Watching as you nervously fidgeted with your fingers.
“Really? Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude.” 
“You don’t,” you told him, voice soft and gentle as you smiled at him.
“Okay, yeah. I would really like that.”
(I feel like I have forgotten someone please let me know if you wanna be added or removed <3)
@tenaciousperfectionunknown @japanchrry @5-seconds-of-bucky @hoodhoran @suchalonelysunflower @notanacousticsetcal @lukeshemmo
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the-pobble-terrarium · 9 months
can I get an info dump on how you feel about princess celestia and or twilight
GIGGLES I'm glad to see interest in them !!! (assuming this is AU related)
I haven't fleshed out Twilight's and the Princesses backgrounds very much- mainly because I can't think of anything to change, but compared to in-show Twilight, the rewrite AU one is much more. quiet and threatening if you don't know her well- she's kinda got that thousand yard stare and she's more or less completely non-verbal. Her name also changes in the AU! From Twilight Sparkle to Meteor Strike!
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(Here, have some old concept art!)
And as expected, Meteor- the socially awkward barely verbal anxiety horse is NOT happy when she's made a princess on the spot Speaking just off the top of my head, I think it would lead her to resent Celestia a bit for putting something so big on her without even asking, and she might begin to connect with Luna a bit more, sharing how it felt Celestia sort of just. Does stuff without asking- like she knows what’s best always. I think this would accumulate in them confronting Celestia and telling her “hey we know you think this is what's best but it’s actually not. Please ask before you make such big changes.” Celestia takes it hard at first but eventually understands sometimes she needs to take a step back and not assume.
If this where an actual MLP episode, it would probably go something along the lines of Celestia making assumptions on how to help without asking constantly, leading to a LOT of unhappy ponies confronting her on it and Celestia at the end writing what SHE learnt for once- "Sometimes you think you know what's best for somepony, but today I learnt it's important to ask before you make such big assumptions. A good friend always makes sure their friend is comfortable, rather than simply assuming they are."
Speaking of Luna and Celestia! These designs were originally made completely separate as a way to mess around with a "biblically accurate princesses" idea, but I think they could fit really nicely into this AU with a few minor tweaks!
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(Sorry for such low quality, I had to pluck them from an old twitter post because I can't find the Sai file I drew them on)
That would also probably mean Meteor would gain "biblically accurate" qualities after her 'graduation' over time... Which would probably make her even freakier looking to outsiders LMAO
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I also imagine the process of transformation is VERY painful for the immediate part of the spell (growing wings/a horn), and for the rest it takes time to form. What I mean by that is when a pony is made an alicorn via magic it's pulling magic from their body to form entirely new limbs, nervous systems, shifting magical components to specific parts- which is PAINFUL. And when these limbs are formed, they're small- over time they'll grow, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis! They've emerged from their cocoon, but it still takes time for them to pump fluids into their wings before they can fly! Which means Meteors wings are more or less useless for a few months...
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(“Really? I don’t even get to use these things??”)
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pocketmau5 · 2 months
“Never Satisfied” being discontinued feels like the end of an era for me.
Specifically web comics with privately hosted sites. All the webcomics I read at that time of its production are all “dead” now: Monster Pop by Maya Kern, Monsterkind by Enenkay/Taylor C, Cucumber Quest by GiGi, Paranatural by Zack, and I thought Sakana was gonna be but it came back after a 3 year hiatus. (There are more, but I can’t remember their names. There is one where I distinctly remember the alt text on a page saying how another artist “lovingly redlined Avery’s ass”) A lot of newer comics are hosted on apps, like webtoons, now. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I think it’s convenient that they are all here together, but I do miss how incredibly personalized and charming browser experience each comic had. It’s just kinda odd to feel the passage of time and how things change in this way
Majority of the comic artists I follow have shifted away from comics and instead have taken to writing novels because they hell of a lot easier. Which is great for them and I definitely encourage doing whatever it takes for your mental and physical health. I think having the ability to write novels are an incredible skill and feat in of itself! However, I can’t help but feel a bit dejected. Because of my reading disability and vision impairments, I can’t enjoy these stories when they are converted from a comic into written form. It’s difficult for me to read walls of text, and even harder for me to retain it. Even typing this is difficult. I just have to pray that I didn’t make any typos and that this shit is actually coherent! And since these books are all very small productions, none of them are on audible so I can’t even listen to it. Sure, there is text to talk, but BOY is it hard for me to retain anything I’ve heard when the Stephen Hawking synthesizer is reading to me. Maybe it’s the cadence? Regardless, a lot of the comics I listed above have an ending written out that I will never be able to know of because I suck at reading. Hell! I’d be more willing to “tough it out” and struggle for long periods of time, but reading fatigues me something fierce. I got maybe 5 minutes max before I have go lay down. I don’t even get to retain what I read either! I just get exhausted, and I’m useless for the rest of the day.
For some reason, comics don’t seem to do that. I have absolutely no idea why. It is the only written media I can consume with ease. All I know is that I hate it, and it fucking sucks to be this way. If I know how I could fix it, I would. But so far, nothing seems to do anything,
I know it’s selfish of me, but I am curious if artists would be more inclined to finish a project if there was better system for comic artists. Of the comic artists I have followed years ago and still continue to make comics usually have a partner that they work with. Perhaps if there could be some kind of business platform where there was a team of artists working on an idea, like what they do with animations. ….However, considering how underpaid and overworked artists in general are, I’m sure the only improvement would be the rate of production. I know that is especially bad in other countries. They overwork and underpay their employees, which doesn’t really help resolve burnout, the whole issue I’m trying to address. Not that I have any right to say anything on the matter. My stupid ass can’t make more than 6 pages of a webcomic before hitting an art block.
Unrelated, but something I think is kinda funny is how many artists and comic artists I follow that have come out as trans within the last couple of years. In hindsight, it is probably why I liked and connected to their work so much.
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nedsseveredhead · 3 months
Ned Im on my hands and knees tell me everything about Rena
Okay disclaimer first Rena is sooooo self indulgent like. Deeply mary sue oc that i have stuck into canon events because im already cringe enough to make a one piece oc i might as well go all out on it. I deeply deeply hope this doesnt show up in any actual op tags but if it does i Apologize please just scroll by fjdnxnx
OKAY SO DONQUIXOTE RENA.... Is the daughter of Rosinante and a different less important oc named Seraphima. Rosi is the brother of a major one piece villain named Doflamingo. Theres like a whole arc i wont get into cause its not important for this mess but Doflamingo killed their father like. Right infront of Rosi when they were kids. Rosi ran away and was found by the Fleet Admiral of the marines, Sengoku. Sengoku raised Rosi like a son. Later on when Rosi is older he is sent on an undercover mission to take down his brother. During that he finds the young traumatized character Law, redirects all his energy into saving and protecting him. Which he does but Doflamingo kills him for it.
SO WITH THAT BRIEF RUNDOWN OUTTA THE WAY. Rosi left on his mission to take down Doflamingo shortly after Rena was born. This was to be his last job as a marine, then hed retire and raise his daughter with his wife and all would be great. Obviously this did not happen. However, Doflamingo didnt know Rosi had a family- if he did he probably would have hunted them down and killed them too. So to prevent this, Renas mom changed their last name to hers and enlisted Rena into the marines so she could be on the "good" side. She became Sengokus like.. right hand, being his basically granddaughter and all. And she was a prodigal shot too. She rose through ranks and made a name for herself pretty fast.
But she was very conflicted about the whole thing. She knew of her father, probably wrote to him or spoke to him on the phone (the snail???). But she never met him. The first time she ever actually saw him in flesh was his funeral. And yes Doflamingo did that, and she deeply hates him for it. But also.... Who the hell sends a new father on a mission like that? She cant help but feel that its the marines fault she never got to meet him. Just as much as its Doffys. And that feeling only intensified when Doflamingo was welcomed under the Marines wing as a warlord, and she just had to sit silently and accept that. Over the years too, since she was always by the fleet admirals side, she heard a lot more of the marines less heroic dealings. Like defending slavers in Sabaody (which is also the first she ever really started to look at Kidd and Killer hehehe). All of this culminated in the war at Marineford, where she just couldnt accept this absolutely useless war where marines were slaughtering a man who just wanted his son back. So when Shanks showed up to stop it, she approached him and offered anything she could give to just have a lift to the next island. Shanks loves raggedy ass kids so he was like lol yeah and smuggled her outta Marineford. Thus she gained her first poster, not a wanted poster at all but a missing poster for Vulpes Rena. She hated it.
Anyway Shanks drops her off in the new world. Hes nice and all but he has no room for a newbie ex marine on his crew. Good luck kid! But that's fine, Rena had her eyes on joining the Heart Pirates, captained by Law. She recognized the name from some reports she found in Sengokus desk from her father. So she knows he has some kind connection, and she wants to know what it is. By some divine providence she does end up finding him, and convinces his first mate (my friends oc lol) to take her to him to talk. Law accepts her as soon as he finds out shes Rosis kid. Feels he owes it to her, since he kinda led to her dad dying and all.
The two end up with a sibling like relationship. Like refer to eachother as brother and sister, since Rosi was definitely adopting Law if all had gone according to plan. When Law leaves to face down Doflamingo, Rena follows because god damn it you are NOT telling her she cant get a punch in on the man who shot her dad. And she does get a shot in!!! And then promptly gets her ass handed to her cause like girl lmao. Still. Bonding time for her and Law lmao. Luffy eventually defeats Doffy and afterwards she takes her (Rosis) last name back. Shes Donquixote Rena, thank you very much!
In Wano her mission was to keep an eye on Basil and figute out what he was doing and thats when she met Killer officially ooooOooOOoooOo. Tbh im still working on that part in my official canon but idk they make out, get arrested, meet back up with Kidd, make out again. Etc
Lets see other Rena facts...
- She is so fucking clumsy. She inherited it from Rosi. Her crew makes her keep a life ring with her on deck cause she constantly topples over the edge and cant swim
- Shes a devil fruit user!! The Calm Calm fruit (also Rosis lmaooo) which means she can make anything in a radius around her or anything she touches completely soundless. Been trying to work out an Awakened version of it cause shes due for a powerup but cjdnd
- Shes a marksman/sniper! She has on her person at all times atleast two pistols, and will usually have her rifle "Silent Night"
- She eventually joins the Kidd Pirates to be with Killer (and Kidd) and is their ship doctor (she picked up a few things from Law and well... They cant do much worse)
- She loves pop music its so embarassing
- I gave her my fear of albatrosses. Get wrecked pirate girl
- she has a playlist but its a huuuuge work in progress lmao
UHM THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN.... If i ever find an oc ask thingy ill rb it and fill it out for her lmao but heres this for now thank you i love you
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
I bet ksh wrote the "what if Lloyd wasn't a useless drunk" fic right after ppl who read the "Lloyd dies at the beginning and everyone is better off bc of it" fic accused him of hating Lloyd's character lmao. Just to be like "see i don't hate him (more than normal fans do)!" And then it started new discourse about the only palatable way Lloyd was avoiding death/getting significant screentime in his stories was if he was totally ooc lol
about this au
askhdjksah "see i don't hate the guy!" (<- wrote a completely different guy with the same name)
some people accused him of character bashing and even when most of his readers pointed out that he wasn't writing anything that wasn't either canon or completely in character, suho still decided to see if he could write a fic that involved lloyd frontera as a main character without being an antagonist. and it turned out it was really fucking hard lol
so he just. changed a few things. couple little nothings.
the thing is i can kinda see suho. despising. lloyd's character alskhkda
is just that. the guy has everything he would kill for. he has his parents, a little brother, financial stability and a potential loyal friend right there and he wastes all of it by being a complete bastard. he would want to wring his neck sooo bad ajkskda
maybe in a particular bad night when he misses his parents, feels really lonely and only had one cup of ramen to eat the entire day, he reads a part of tkbi where lloyd acts especially nasty and gets really bitter so he writes a rant fic about how things would've been so much better if lloyd had just died and stopped making his family miserable.
once he gets it out of his system, he probably feels a bit embarrassed about how angry the fic turned out but he does see a glimmer of a good idea there so he turns it into a tamer version of an outline, where he strips away most of the raw emotion and changes it into a bittersweet tale of how the death of someone irrevocably changes the lives around them in ways that sometimes aren't predictable.
it's not even a "he died and everyone was happy about it" fic as that would be 1) in bad taste and 2) not in character. it would've been more about how lloyd's death paralyzed the fronteras so much in their shock and grief that some key events in their downfall would've been missed. how the absence of abuse would've allowed julian to flourish onto himself even as he dealt with mixed feelings about the way he feels about his older brother and whether he wishes to forgive him now that he's dead but can never make amends to him. like. that kinda thing.
and because it turns into a genuinely good fic it escapes containment from ksh's usual readers circle and ends up being a hot topic into the general fandom.
which is divided between those who think is a very bittersweet fic that doesn't bash the character but does point out his canon actions and depicts his death as tragic while acknowledging the consequences both bad and good it has. and those who think it's still in poor taste to write something that basically boils down "if he died everything would've been okay" and point out the narrative itself does carry heavy negativity against lloyd.
it is. messy.
suho isn't really affected by the criticism he gets but he does try not to project too hard onto his fics and some called out it almost seems personal so he kinda panics and writes something that deflect the accidental emotional vulnerability that slipped through and writes the other fic and he even makes lloyd suffer just a little bit in this one. compared to what the fic would actually be if he was being more honest. it is after all an attempt at making it seem like he doesn't hate the guy (more than normal that is) lol
of course that fic starts other kind of discourse but! i do see lloyd being a divisive character in the fandom in general, a lot of people would really dislike him based on his abuse on julian, his meanness to javier and the contempt he shows for his parents, but i can also see some people woobifying him and thinking he just needed some,,, idk, love ig?? (*cough* ignoring the fact he had a family that loved him and he alienated by his behavior *cough*). so the discourse that ensues after his second fic is less targeted to him and more in line with the discourse that would surround og!lloyd anyway so it's fine.
i also kinda love the idea of suho being the kind of cryptid writer that doesn't really leave author notes or has any online presence besides their ao3 notes. so he just drops the most compelling pieces of fiction people have read in the entire year and then vanishes again, only replying to nice comments with a "thanks!" or "happy you liked it :)" and a "👍🏽" or "ok" to assholes.
so he drops his "Lloyd dies at the beginning and everyone is better off bc of it" fic, drops from the face of earth to everyone else, sees the discourse it starts, writes the "what if Lloyd wasn't a useless drunk" fic, drops it and then sees an even bigger discourse start all without commenting a single thing about it askjdksa
he drops two consecutive atomic bombs on the fandom and then dips out. he has two jobs he's got no time for disk-horse after all aksdjkla
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Season 2 Episode 5 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I'm glad we're getting to see more of her character.
Wrecker taking Omega out on scrap hunting missions is adorable. 🥰
Tech looking at what Omega brought and being like "this is useless". 😭
Hunter, Tech and Echo in their civilian clothing! Happy to see the outfits changing up a bit more frequently this season. At least they're getting chances to relax.
Hunter and Echo are so the parents. 😭
They way they are constantly looking at each other like "🙄 oh well, should probably tag along and make sure they don't get killed". 🤣 (Edit: added "don't" in because I missed it out. Oops. 😭)
"To what?"
I swear, the more I watch this, the more I realise how much like Echo I am. 😭
Wanted Gonky, got Mel.
And while we're on the topic, R.I.P, Mel. ☹️
Although the moment they left her outside I felt like something was going to happen to her. And I was right.
Ngl, I think this has been my least favourite episode so far. It wouldn't say it was bad, I just wasn't as invested as other eps. 😕
The Batch feel very much like side characters in their own story this episode and I don't love it.
But I am happy that we got more Phee!
And Omega getting excited over treasure hunting is adorable. 🥰
Them getting split up was... kinda pointless. 🙁
Oh no, they were split up! What's going to happen?!
Nothing. The other three just walk around the side with practically no issue whatsoever, so... yeah.
Although Hunter, mate. If you could stop falling off of things that would be great. 🤨😂
Hopping back to an earlier scene, Hunter running over to check on Wrecker after Phee pushed him out the way was sweet.
So that's what the giant metal thing was.
Was hoping it would have more of a role this season, ngl.
Looked cool but was kinda underused.
Legitimately thought the Maruader was a goner though. 😥
I thought this episode was gonna be a 2 parter with the amount of stuff happening in the last few minutes. I guess the ending felt a little sudden but the episodes are short, so that's bound to happen.
Hunter is so exasperated, omg. 🤣
Poor Wrecker took a bit of a beating as well. 😭
Wrecker throwing the monster thing out the window! 😭🤣
I know loads of people were calling the last episode pointless and filler, but I actually feel like this episode was less relevant.
Probably gonna need to sit on it a bit and pick it apart to see where it really starts to tie in to the main story.
Oh, and we got to see a little hint of Hunter's enhancement coming through! Liked that little touch. 🥰
Was really excited to see Echo again and he was there! But he was very much giving S1 Echo.
And by that, I mean he was there but he wasn't really doing anything. 😕
Echo and Hunter feel particularly grumpy atm, though. Something to do with the nugget delivery? Something to do with finding out what the others had been up to last episode? Tensions causing problems? 🤔
That's what I'm more interested in. The changing character dynamics in the Batch. We seem to have put that on the back burner atm.
Isn't always a bad thing (look at last ep for example) but I hope we go back to exploring the conflict soon.
Turns out I was wrong about the Tech and Omega stuck in a cave thing. Wonder when that is going to turn up. 🤔
Overall thoughts about this episode is that it was alright. I didn't dislike it, but it just didn't click with me the same way every other episode has.
Seeing more Phee was great, but the Batch felt like side characters in their own story, which I don't always love. Omega had a little bit of time to shine, though, which I appreciate.
Little bit annoyed by the lack of decent Echo content this episode. Was hoping with him being gone for 2 eps he'd have more time this episode and he didn't. He was just kinda there. But hopefully we'll get more of him next ep. We know that he's with Omega and Gungi at some point and I feel like it would make sense for that to come up soon.
We did get some Hunter content, though! Very much giving off tired parent vibes. But he's letting Omega do her thing and I love that. 🥰
But yeah, overall I thought it was fine. Not desperate to rewatch it like I was with the other eps but I'll definitely sit on it. Hopefully, if I mull on it and go back over the ep I'll get more into it.
Once again hoping for more Echo content soon. ☹️
Also, where is Gonky at???
Edit: Thanks @eriexplosion for pointing out the missing word! "Make sure they get killed". Ffs, how did I miss that? 😭🤣
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cutelittleriot · 5 months
Chapter 6
Branch is awoken by a sudden knocking at the entrance to his bunker. Groaning he checks the time "Who knocks on someone's door at 5am?!" He asks himself. He usually gets up at around dawn but he still would have enjoyed another hour of sleeping. He is also made aware by a very sharp and sudden pain in his fingertips....pawtips? Doesn't matter but it hurts. It's almost like a sharp stabbing pain.
"I think my claws are coming in" He says to himself. It makes sense given the pain around his fingertips. First his hands changed into paws and now his claws are coming in to accommodate his newly changed paws.
Getting up he puts on his robe and heads to the entrance "What?" He says with a yawn. Ti his surprise it's Poppy and..."Why do you have a suitcase?" He asks confused.
"Well since I'm gonna be transforming and I definitely don't want the other trolls to see me until I'm done I decided I'm gonna be staying with you until it's done!" She says clapping her hands together.
"Wait what-" "Don't worry it's only gonna be a few days I already told my dad and they think I'm going to hang out with Barb to deal with some queenly stuff. If anything goes wrong we will know. I mean it's not like we are actually leaving the village?" She says. Counting to 10 mentally in his head he allows her in. 'It's too early to deal with this' Branch thinks to himself.
"I'm gonna go get dressed there is some fruit on the table if your hungry" He says heading to his room. He has a feeling he is forgetting something important but nothing is coming to mind. As he is putting on his best it hits him and he bolts to his kitchen "SUGAR! POPPY WHATEVER YOU DO DONT-"
"MMMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!" Poppy screams with her mouth closed in obvious pain. "Eat anything" Branch finishes too late. Poppy looks at him confused and a bit scared as her eyes water in both pain and confusion. "Its ok Poppy this happened to me too I will help you through it" He says gently wiping away her tears and she nods.
He goes over to get a few paper towels "Now I need you to spit into this" He says handing her the paper towels and she proceeds to spit out a piece of apple and four of her teeth. "Good good now you will just need to wash out your mouth for a few minutes and the bleeding will stop" He explains to her and she nods before heading over to the bathroom and washes out her mouth.
She didn't expect that to happen! She was just wanting some breakfast. She had gotten a apple and right at the moment she bit down she could hear and feel something wrong with her mouth as she could hear Branch yell at her to not do what she just did.
It hurt.....it hurt alot. It was like when she was loosing her baby teeth only this time it actually hurts! Heading to the bathroom she proceeds to wash out her mouth for a good 5 minutes before stopping when she stopped tasting blood. Scared she opens her mouth to see that 4 of her teeth were gone just like.....oh. "So that's what happened" She says to herself as she realizes what happened to Branch the day before yesterday. Now there is a throbbing pain where her teeth were before.
She heads back out to see Branch has washed off the blood from her now useless teeth. "Uhm I didn't know what you wanted me to do with them so I just washed them off" He says awkwardly. "Itsh fine" She says noticing her lisp. "We can shave them for later we can look back at them and remember thish whole thing" She says being her usual optimistic self to which Branch chuckles at.
"So uhm yeah sorry for not telling you that would happen I kinda frogot as I just woke up" He says emberassed for forgetting something so important. "Itsh fine Branch really. It wash probably going to happen shoon anywash" She lisps. The two make their way to the couch and try to relax after their already eventful morning and it wasn't even 6am yet.
"I actually thought your teeth jusht grew. I didn't think your teeth actually fell out!" Poppy laughs and Branch only chuckles a little at her thought process. "I wish it was that simple but it wasn't. You should have seen how horrified I was. I thought something bad was happening to me but then I remembered your dad saying how we had fangs and that's when it clicked for me" He explains.
"Shpeaking of transhformationshs whatshs transhforming today" She asks curious as she has been noticing that Branch has been wringing his hands alot for some reason. "My claws are growing in. It's not exactly pleasant. It honestly hurts not as bad as the fangs but it's up there" He says examining his paws. There is the beggining of a little slit at his fingertips to where the claws will grow out of. He just hopes they are retractable.
Poppy leans over to get a closer look not noticing how red Branch is getting from the close proximity. "Oh wow your handshs are now almosht completely pawshs! Sho adorable!" She coos as she messes with his paws again not noticing just how much redder he is becoming. While yes they are dating Branch is still getting used to physical touch for having little to no physical contact for 20 years.
"I can't wait to shee what mine will look like I bet they will be sho adorable!" She says excited. "Yeah can't wait to see them. You don't have to worry as it won't hurt a bit so it's sort of a break as it's only mildly uncomfortable. Well it was for me." He explains.
Poppy then proceeds to yawn "Let me guess you didn't sleep at all last night?" Branch asks knowing his girlfriend all to well. "Nope" Poppy says rubbing her eyes. "Was it becuase you were trying to think of a excuse to stay with me until this is over?" Branch asks with a smirk. "Yep" Poppy says tiredly resting her head on Branchs shoulder much to his surprise. "Well I'm going out to forage for some supplies if you want you can rest in my bed I won't mind" He suggests and she nods sleepily. Gently he picks her up and manages to carry her to his bed. It's a bit strange though usually he has a bit of trouble carrying her,not that she is fat or anything! But now he could do so with ease. Was his muscle strength increased as well with this transformation? Becuase if so that's another good thing to come out of this.
He quietly leaves his girlfriend to sleep in peace though how she is managing to sleep through the pain of her growing fangs is a mystery to him. Shrugging to himself and deciding to not ask questions he grabs his scavenging supplies and heads out as the sun is starting to rise over the horizon. He is actually a bit excited he is wanting to see what's different with his currently transforming body.
Not even 10 minutes into his cavanging he is hit with a few things. First is the overwhelming new sounds and smells. At first it was almost too much and he had to take a minute to gather himself before going back. He knew his hearing was enhanced but also his sense of smell? That's a new one on him. It's both a good thing and a bad thing. It's good as it allows him to locate food much easier than he could before just by smelling them. Bad news is he could smell things he really wishes he couldn't such as dead animals and bad smelling plants. He has to plug his nose when he gets near one.
Another new thing is the urge to run on all fours which is something he absolutely refuses to do. Well maybe not in front of other trolls. He decides to give it a try after giving it some thought. Making sure nobody was around he lowers himself onto all 4s and to his surprise it didn't feel as weird as he thought his pawpads feel ok against the ground like they were made for this purpose and well it was true they were probably made for this. The only thing wrong is his legs they didn't feel right whenever he tried to walk. Like something was missing he has no idea what though.
Deciding to hold off on further testing he decides to get back to scavenging albeit on 2 legs this time. He manages to grab alot more valuable and rare stuff this time around due to his new enhanced senses.
Around lunchtime though he notices something about his paws that very well make him have a near panic attack.His paws were turning gray. Not the gray of what he was like before but it's close. "No no no" he whispers in horror as he continues to stare. He has to control his breathing as he can't be having a panic attack in the middle of the forest. While this transformation has been less than pleasant that isn't enough to make him grey again!
He feels fine mentally and mostly physically the pain in his fingertips says otherwise. He then remembers that King peppy did say that their ancestors colors weren't as bright or saturated as they are today so this might also just be apart of the transformation. He will keep a very VERY close eye though. The grayness seems to only be around his paws up to his wrists and doesn't seem to go past that. Keeping a close eye on his paws he gets back to scavenging.
Though around to mid afternoon his fingertips begin to hurt more and more the stabbing feeling returning tenfold with a vengeance. Hissing through his fangs he decides to head back to his bunker having found enough for today. Thankfully the grayness didn't spread at all which eases his nerves a little.
When he enters his bunker again he doesn't see Poppy anywhere and his ears twitch as he listens for her and he can hear that she is still sleeping at the moment which is good she needs to get as much sleep as she can.
As he begins to put away his finds of today the stabbing pain escalates even more and he is unable to let put a yell of pain as he holds his paws.
Poppy awakes to the sound of Branch yelling in pain. Jumping out of his bed she races to where she hears it only to see Branch holding his paws in pain. She is about to go to him when she smells it.
Going over to him and looking at his paws she notices that there is blood coming from those slits that were there this morning. She then watches in horror as black claws violently come out of the slits and they were covered in blood. "Oh my gosh Branch!" She yells in shock as he looks at his new claws in horror. He doesn't seem to respond to her as she gently guides him to the bathroom to wash off the excess blood.
He doesn't seem to react much to the cold water that was being washed over his paws he just continues to stare at them. After everything has been washed and dried she decides to guide him to the couch and he still doesn't respond to her.
'They are long' that's the only thing that's currently going through his mind as he is looking at his claws. Currently twisting and turning his paws every which way. He honestly doesn't know what he was expecting he knew he was growing claws that much was obvious,he just wasn't expecting them to be this long. They were only a few centimeters long but still!
"Branch are you ok?" He finally realizes that Poppy has been trying to talk to him. 'I'm doing just great Poppy I just had claws rip come of my fingers very painfully might I ad so yes I'm just peachy!' He sarcastically yells mentally. "I'm ok now the pains gone so that's good. Also it seems your lisp is gone" He says noticing it as he can see her fangs are about the same length as his.
"Oh really? I didn't notice but that's not important right now. I mean are you really ok? " She says knowing how her bf likes to let people think he is ok as to not burden them with his pain and handle it by himself.
"I'm one hundred percent sure I swear" He days putting up his paws. He goes back to looking at them,the claws are still out but right now it's like when he is flexing his fingers,so he tries to relax them and the claws retract into his paws and he sighs in relief in that they are retractable. This significantly decreases the chance of him accidentally scratching someone on accident.
"Well that's good I was really worried when I heard you yell" She says looking at him. He isn't the one to yell usually not in pain only when it really hurts is when he yells. "You can always come to me when you are in pain Branch I will help you out" Poppy says smiling at him.
"I know that it's just you were asleep when I got back and I know you needed your rest, and it only got that bad not long after I returned" Branch explains to her to which she just shakes her head. "Branch it doesn't matter if I'm asleep I want you to come tell me so I can help you. You shouldn't be alone for the amount of pain your going through right now" She says putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to be going through this exact pain myself soon remember?" She explains to him and he already knew that. He isn't looking forward to it.
He absolutely can't stand seeing his girlfriend in pain and would try his best to lessen it or prevent it all together if he could but alas for this scenario he cant. The least he could do is be there for her. "Yeah I know and I promise I will be there for you when it gets bad just come get me and I will be there asap it doesn't matter what I'm doing I want you to tell me" He tells her because she also has a habit of not telling others when she is in pain and she just nods.
The two trolls decide to just sit with eachother in silence for a few minutes before the sound of their stomachs growling alert them that once again they haven't eaten at all today. All Branch had was a berry or 2 while out scavenging while Poppy was asleep.
"How about I make us some soup it will be easy on those growing fangs of yours" He says and Poppy nods with a smile. He heads to the kitchen and begins to get cooking while Poppy heads back to the bathroom to look in the mirror curious about her new fangs.
She opens her mouth and "Oh wow those are some sharp looking fangs that's for sure" She says surprised. It's one thing to see someone with them its a whole other thing to actually feel them in your mouth. To actually be able to feel them with your tounge and all that. They even peak out of her mouth with her overbite,which in her opinion makes her look absolutely adorable.
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(What her fangs look like with her overbite)
She also uses this opportunity to look at her new grown fur. The fur around her neck is considerably longer than anywhere else it was almost like a little scarf. Just like with branch there tufts of fluff around her elbows wrists ankles and knees. Though there are also long tufts around her upper arms near her neck. Feeling the fur it was so soft! It was holding a fuzzy blanket!
She is in there for a while just looking at herself making all kinds of faces in the mirror with her new fangs and messing around with her longer fur when Branch calls for dinner and her ears twitch at his voice. "Huh that's new they usually don't do that" She says a bit surpirsed. While troll ears can move they usually only react with extreme emotion or when a troll willingly moves them. They usually don't move on their own or react like this though she has noticed that Branchs ears have been doing this ever since his transformation started.
She makes her way back to the kitchen and Branch hands her a bowl of hot soup with veggies and it smells absolutely delightful though she knows Branch is a good cook. Even if she wonders how he thinks his Grandma's fluffleberrycake is good she isn't going to ask as everyone has different tastes.
The two eat their soup in relative silence and its very delicious she needs to ask Branch for the recipe later it's easy on her still growing fangs but they are close to being done as the pain is lessening by the hour. She eats 2 helpings before feeling full while Branch actually had 3 seeing as he missed breakfast and lunch. They actually managed to empty the whole pot much to their surprise.
"Wow we must have sure been hungry" Branch says a bit surprised at seeing the empty pot. "Well we both missed breakfast and lunch so this is the only thing we ate today. And don't try to deny it Branch I know you too well." She says bopping him on the nose causing him to blush. He doesn't say anything as to not give her the satisfaction even if she was right.
The two begin to change into their pajamas when a thought hits Branch. "Uhm by the way Poppy where are you going to sleep?" Branch asks his girfriend. "Oh I'm sleeping in your room. I brought my sleeping bag so don't worry" She cheerfully says not noticing Branch now resembles a tomato with how red he is.
This is actually the first time Poppy has ever slept over let alone sleep in his room! 'Ok Branch don't freak out its not like we are going to do anything' "Just curious why my room specifically?" He asks. "Oh well its just so in case something happens to one of us during the transformation and need help in caseit gets super painful" She explains as she rolls out her sleeping bag.
Yeah that makes sense to Branch. Yep totally makes sense. They both go to brush their teeth before bed and both lay down in their respective places. Poppy who is on the near the end of his bed yawns "Goodnight Branch see you in the morning" She yawns before turning over and within a few minutes he hears the familiar sound of her soft breathing.
It takes him maybe a good half hour before he can sleep knowing that Poppy is in the same room as him. He wonders what new thing is going to transform and if it's going to hurt as much as his claws.
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rokirokiro · 2 years
Scaramouche headcanon
Modern AU, highschool AU
cw : mention of mommy issues, he's a meanie so he himself is a warning too, terrible English (not my country language and I'm bilingual), no proofread (is this how you spell it)
he's Ei's first child, and Raiden Shogun as his little sister, and her second.
VERY VERY smart but also VERY VERY arrogant.
calls his classmates by their grades.
"woi, 55! Shut the hell up."
he always gets the first in everything- every subject, school ranks, sports.. you name it. he's basically good at everything
definitely smirk in front of everyone when his name escaped from the teachers mouth (highest mark)
if someone has the same mark or surpassed him he'll definitely give them a DEADLY glace the whole day until that person feels the shiver even at home, and even before going to bed and sleep.
he DEFINITELY hate teaching someone about anything and people around him DEFINITELY avoid asking help from him too mainly because of his snappy demeanour, even if it's super hard questions.
eat lunch by himself, does everything by himself. if a teacher assigned group project for his class he will show up at the teacher's office and DEMAND an individual project and he definitely won't change his mind about it.
he doesn't, maybe like NEVER in many years, engage in gaming entertainment. he doesn't play games since he wants to focus on his studies to impress Ei (she usually keep on track on Shogun and he kinda feel left out and it make him pretty upset but he doesn't show it though,, despite his icy cold attitude he's actually pretty fragile around his mam "( perfectionist and mommy issues things).
despite being the BEST of the BEST, he would usually skip his club activities and speaking of club,, he picked the club with the least members and less activities because he doesn't want to communicate. he doesn't think school clubs are important AT ALL.
somehow he wears his uniform pretty decently- tie placed nicely and he even tugged his shirt too because he doesn't want to ruin his perfect achievements with some dress code crap (he doesn't care about discipline and attitude though what a weirdo)
his days of absence are very predictable too. school celebration? absent. the firefighters coming to demonstrate the usage of extinguisher and crap? oh his table is pretty dusty today. motivational speech? no need to say much, he disappeared to thin air already, never even appear at that very day.
he only comes when it's a normal day of studying and something that benefits him though.
he definitely participate in many sports competition. THIS MAN IS COMPETITIVE AF. prayers for his rivals.
man doesn't talk to his sister at school unless it's necessary (probably a year or two difference or so..).
back to the sports competition, he's the hope athlete of whatever house he is. he always win every competition he take part of- and always gets number one too! own a lot of golden medals but he pretty much abandon them at his house's store because he don't think they're enough :(
in races like 200x4,, he will definitely shout at the person which is his teammate, behind him to run faster.
"don't run like some snail at summer, press your feet and run faster you stupid!"
if his team doesn't won then (haha) prepare for missiles of insults and deadly glares from the Scaramouche himself because he won't ever forgive them for being such losers (according to him).
will definitely remember their names forever, you can't run from this man. if they were placed in a team with him again he will definitely object and tell the teacher to switch the participant with someone else because they're 'slow and useless.'.
athlete of the year.
will purposely wear it when he arrive at home to show them off to Ei, secretly hoping for some recognitions.
(she will definitely praise him no worries haha she just won't go overboard with the praises).
man definitely become tomato and reply with a
and run to his room. he at least got some congrats from his mam. the attention he always wanted but definitely isn't enough.
and is definitely why he likes sports day! he can compete with people and make fun of them, plus getting some nice comments from his mam too. a fine day in a boring year!
have a small group of,, not friends but definitely a group he can at least fit himself in. consist of the annoying talkative next class boy named Childe and a bratty girl next class named La Signora and others that called the Fatui.
have I touched about his favorite subject? it's definitely science, especially astronomy! he like studying stars and meteorites! (if he's in Puroseka his unit is definitely Leoni try to change my mind). gets 90-100 in science literally.
pretty quiet in class, open mouth whenever he think is necessary.
teachers best student but
Note : I'll definitely continue this soon, well, actually this is just a test. but I had fun writing it. it's my first fanfiction I've ever posted btw, thanks for reading anyway :)
I'll include romance between him (and other characters) and reader in the future.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
So I work in a hospital as an ER clerk now, and last night’s shift was rough. We had a Code Blue called overhead from Main Admissions because a patient collapsed in the lobby almost as soon as they hit the doors. Response time of the nurses/doctor was amazing, and watching them do so much for this person was the only positive of the experience. After an hour of working on the patient, the person unfortunately passed away, and it was just a very somber time. During the whole thing I felt so useless, because as a clerk there’s nothing I can do to help except stand nearby and make sure that if the doctor needs something (like calling in extra people, or asking family about medical history for the patient) I get that done quickly. It was very hard for me to be there, not because of what was happening (although that was difficult too, of course) but just because I couldn’t do anything else to be of help to this patient during their time of need. Some of the nurses were trying to be encouraging and saying I handled it well and did the best I could do for my position, but still.
I was telling my coworker about this whole thing when he came in this morning for our shift change, and he says to me “oh is this your first death?” Like my dude why would you say it like that??
Like as someone who willingly took a job in an ER I knew what I was getting into and that these situations would probably happen to me at some point, and I’m not bothered by death or blood or bodily fluids or anything like that, but I still have compassion and empathy for the patients and their families. And it seemed like to him the whole thing just didn’t even matter, which bothered me.
But to end this on a positive note, I interact with every patient who comes into the ER, and help them with paperwork if we need to transfer them and things like that, and I’ve had so many of them tell me that they think I’m doing a great job, and that I’m very kind and that they enjoy talking to me. I’ve even had patients who were more difficult with the doctors and nurses say they’d rather talk to me and let me help them because I make them feel welcome and comfortable. That always makes me feel like I’m doing something right, at least.
I know this doesn’t really fit this blog as much, but I just needed to talk about this situation. Kinda hit me hard when it happened.
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Would our werewolves ever suffer from ailments which could affect their shifting? Perhaps being unable to shift into the wolf or not being able to change back? No longer hearing the wolf inside or losing their strength? Stress related or some AU sickness or magic?
How would you think each would handle it?
Sorry for the angst!
what an interesting question. my short answer would be that: yes, yes this could potentially exist in this universe. it kinda makes sense to me for wolves to have specific illnesses that a human wouldn't have... things that could affect them not only physically, but also mentally as well!
as for how each would handle being sick... i'll leave some Thoughts under the cut.
Chris: regardless of the ailment, whenever Chris gets sick, he's GONE. he doesn't get sick often, but when he does he just becomes completely useless. can barely take care of himself. if he ever went through periods of not being able to shift it'll take him LONG time to recover. which, if it happens to be that he can't shift from wolf to human, would be very inconvenient. not only because he's got to work to maintain his flat, his house, and his life overall, but also because he wouldn't be able to be with his pretty girl, and that would be what would hurt him the most. on the other hand, if he weren't capable of shifting into his wolf form from his human form, he'd probably feel incredibly frustrated and inadequate bc at the end of the day he's an alpha and his wolf side is part of his pride as a werewolf, if that makes sense.
Minho: manages well enough on his own because he just... grew up taking care of himself. he'll be extra pouty if kitten is close just because he wants attention (she knows he's doing it on purpose, and he knows she knows, you know? lee know). anyway, minho already has trouble figuring out his instincts, so you could kinda say he's pretty much chronically ill on this aspect. unfortunately, this is a thing he carried over from his human self before being turned. he already had a condition, so it makes sense it affects his inner wolf, too.
Changbin: also becomes a bit useless when sick, but to a lesser degree than chris. will still be capable of going through with her day as long as his ailment isn't too serious, and will also heal fairly quickly if he follows doctor's orders religiously, but he'll be super whiny about it the entire time. cranky mood to the max. will snap at people often. not being able to hear his inner wolf or shift from either form would frustrate him, but it wouldn't be crippling.
Hyunjin: this boy is fuelled by spite, and something like being sick won't stop him. fuck everything and everyone, he's gonna keep doing his thing for as long as he can. he's passed out in inconvenient places before because of this mentality lol. heals quickly overall.
Jisung: hardly ever gets sick at all. he's been blessed with amazing health and antibodies. he does, however, tend to suffer from mental related stuff... will try his best not to burden anyone with his problems but will eventually open up to kitten or minho or chris about it.
Felix: hardly ever gets sick as well. his time living in the forest has prepared him for almost anything and made him immune to a lot of things because of it. will be able to push through just fine if he does get sick, though.
Seungmin: will keep any problems to himself. doesn't like it when people worry about him so if he's feeling bad he'll isolate himself until pretty mum figures it out and goes into his flat to pull on his ear. will suffer in silence.... i don't want to add much here because i don't wanna spoil anything i've got planned for seungmin hfdsljkfds
Jeongin: also doesn't like to burden people with his problems, but is definitely more open than seungmin. will also become a little useless when sick, and he'll need a lot of help from his pack mates to get better.
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wisellamawerewolf · 2 months
I was bored so I decided to watch a King Fu Panda 4 (yeah yeah I'm late to this train, whatever) so here are my thoughts I guess:
(Spoilers under the cut)
I gotta agree with most people who reviewed the film: it's really mid. Nothing too bad it's just pretty plain. I'll lay out the pros and cons, because I can:
- animation looks good (as always);
- quite a few jokes were actually pretty funny;
- it's a low bar, but I didn't feel bored watching it. The pacing might have been a bit too fast, but at least it was mostly entertaining;
- Lizard lady = hot. Judge me.
- As mentioned before, the pacing was just too fast, and it hurts the characters dynamic and the plot overall;
- Po's character arc sorta felt repetitive and less significant compared to previous films. Also the film kept hammering the point and making fun of the fact that Po isn't good at sharing wisdom, that ended up not saying anything meaningful at all. In the scene where he gave a seed to Zhen, he just basically repeated what Shifu told him and that was supposed to be the most significant scene in the movie.
- New character Zhen was pretty much on a thin ice for me for almost the entirety of the movie.
It's gonna sound weird, but she was just a little too good at fighting Po, which barely makes sense considering her backstory. She was basically raised on the streets and then "adopted" by Chameleon. At first I was like "oh yeah Chameleon probably taught her to fight or whatever" but then it was revealed that Chameleon can't fight, so we never got a proper explanation in this regard ig.
Zhen's character arc not only felt unoriginal, but also kinda rushed. Her betrayal almost made me groan out loud, it was this predictable and overused. Her interactions with Po are supposed to be charming, but for me they just did nothing. It didn't really feel like her attitude towards him progressed or changed in any significant way. She wasn't closed or reserved and slowly warmed up to him as their journey progressed, she pretty much kept her view of him as a "lovable idiot" through the film, so in the result it looked like she felt bad for betraying him not because she had a change of a heart and progressed as a character, but because she was always good and kind deep down and doing bad things to good people is bad™.
- The main antagonist felt underwhelming. I liked Chameleon's design and mannerisms, but I have to admit that she's a lackluster of a villain. She did not feel threatening at any point in the movie, it sorta felt like it tried to hype her up as a mighty foe at first, but it just gave up halfway through, then basically admitted she's useless in combat. She was defeated way too quickly as well and in a very unsatisfying manner. I at least hoped she would be dragged by force into the spirit realm by other masters whose Kung Fu she stole, but instead Tai Lung just kinda held her like she was a kitten and just returned into the realm while she kinda screamed. Could've at least made it more dramatic, but oh well.
- On a completely separate note, the second and partially the third act felt like they were written by people from the Illumination studio. The den of thieves specifically felt Illumination-esque, because of the usage of three "cute but deranged" baby rabbits and goofy "PG violence is fun" folk. Probably an incoherent complaint, but idk how else to explain it.
It might seem like I have a lot more negative things to say compared to the positive, but truth to be told, it's not a bad film. It's mediocre, but I genuinely thought it was pretty fun. I see how it could've been better, but at the end of the day, it is what it is. Actually it made me want to rewatch the previous movies, so maybe I will get to it sometime.
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longlivedead · 7 months
long post about systematizing the fate/stay night power scaling to unique ttrpg rules, avoid unless you got that obsession like i do
ok so first things first, theres been some attempts to make fsn ttrpg rules before and they dont use the stats in the actual game, they usually just convert d&d to be more applicable to fsn. boring! so i tried to make a ttrpg ruleset that actually looks like the game.
so firstly the stats are obvious, the fucking series has them already:
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HP or Defense stats could be tied to Endurance, damage to Strength or Magical Power, accuracy based on Agility, Luck can do mulligan effects or other shit idk. NP is the one thing thatd be hard to put into mechanics since they defy logic by design. if youve ever played the ttrpg Exalted i think the artifacts are a good comparison; the higher the Rank, the more rules you can break.
so what about numbers? well the series has some already:
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theres two ways to do this:
make the numbers exact (like you pick Rank D for Strength in character creation so the stat starts at 20) and the number is used for dice (either roll a die under your stat number or add the stat number to the roll, whatever)
make the numbers relative to rank (like spend 20 points for Strength in character creation so the stat is Rank D) and the rank itself determines the die target/bonus (like Rank A = +5 to the roll)
either works, tho that still doesnt decide the dice and numbers you use. i lean more towards the 2nd option (cuz otherwise ranks are useless) with a d100 cuz big number is fun. in terms of "target to roll under" or "add this to your die" i lean towards target. so with d100 the Ranks would be something like:
E = roll 35 or under
D = roll 45 or under
C = roll 55 or under
B = roll 65 or under
A = roll 75 or under
EX = roll 85 or under
and the stuff like A+ or C++ would either be from skills (you can buy in character creation) or experience (spend 20 points to make a D Rank stat a D+ Rank stat). in terms of dice rolls, giving a + to a rank would probably bump up the number by 5. so like B++ would have a target of 60 or under. these numbers arent solid or anything, im just drawing in the sand.
for character creation, i like the idea of giving you points to buy for stats and using the Ranks table for the costs; Magi would have 150 points and Servants would have 300 points to spend, and so you would spend, for example, 30 points to make a stat like Endurance Rank C. you use any leftover points for class/personal skills etc. which would be pretty nebulous and/or personal since thats how theyre treated in the series. i drew up a massive list of some and it was a waste of time, so many of them overlapped it wasnt funny stop laughing
when making Servants, class is obviously important. this table could either work as either a template you could apply during character creation or just a suggestion for a starting point.
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trying to figure out magic is too much of a pain in the ass since theres like a million different types and they kinda do whatever the writer wants in the moment. so my judgement call is to just say fuck it, pick a particular type of magic you wanna focus on and let your magic stat determine how good you are at it. go crazzy.
and finally, even though this system isnt exactly finished or real, i made a character sheet because i clearly have too much time on my hands and have underlying problems i could be solving instead
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hope its interesting. you have my permission to play this if you think its worth it, feel free to change things around to better fit what you want out of it. ok now paypal me $30 you asshole
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howiwatchmooves · 1 year
Wednesday (2022)
   The story itself was a little bit messy at the beginning. There are too many plot lines, and there are definitely way too many characters. Some of them are useless throughout the whole series and play a bigger part in the whole action only in the end. Some of them could never exist, and we wouldn't lose anything.
   On the other hand, I liked the way all the details about the main mystery linked in the last episode, and the ending was... logical, I guess. It just was making sense, and it wasn't stupid. An antagonist had a reasonable motivation. They weren't doing all the evil stuff because they are just evil. Of course, we've got a bunch o plot twists, which I wasn't expecting as always. It was nice to be caught off guard by the show.
   Overall the plot was kinda stuffed with everything and everyone, luckily the ending set things straight and we’ve got a decent story at the end, tho I’d not say it’s extraordinary or breathtaking.
   Well... Let's start with Wednesday herself. First of all... I should've said that earlier, but the thing is, as almost 20 y.o. respectable old lady, I feel a bit too old to watch the show. And it's absolutely okay, it’s a teenage show, it wasn't made for me in the first place. I guess at 15-16 I’d would be amused by the main character, who's not like other girls, have soooooo many abilities, who's the outsider amongst the outsiders, and doesn’t give a fOck about people around, but at the same time, they are still super nice to her and would LITERALLY DIE FOR HER. Likeee... I've lived a little. I just know if someone would act that way irl, they'd probably be bullied or ignored by everyone. So why are you like that? Why are you trying so hard for her? It isn't worth it. She doesn’t send you any signals, the signals are literally -_-. Just find yourself a less toxic friend/love interest.
   I'm not saying Wednesday should be a nice, polite extrovert. Like, no, she's Wednesday Addams after all (although I’ve never watched other Adams family film adaptations, here am I, reviewing that bloody show, only because Ima a cool TikTok girl). The ugly truth is, It doesn’t make her a complex, multifaceted character, she’s just cold and rude all the time. She BARELY changes in the end, but I was hoping for more improvement. And to be completely honest pretty much everyone in this show is like that. I can’t even pick a favorite character, they’re all so... empty ig. Of course, such characters have the right to exist, I have nothing against them. I’m just more into character development, complexity, and controversy of actions (like the actions that are controversial toward the character’s belief system, not society's morals controversial, because you’ll find plenty of the last one in that show). 
Moving on to the Visuals:
   Omg, Hyde is just a big fucking joke, like how much money they had for that show? Not so much ig.
   Alright, I’m just mocking the poor kids’ show.
   I usually don’t talk about CGI in that category. The visual part of the show was fine. Colors, character design and scenography were consistent and created the right atmosphere (they should have released the show around Halloween tbh). I liked some of the Wednesday outfits, it’s classy but modern at the same time. Enid’s looks were fun too, I think I just want to dress like both of them, depending on my mood. 
   Welp, it was ok ig. Like again, I wish they should have released the show around Halloween, that would be so on point. I liked the whole mystery detective vibes, I just wish the plot would be more concentrated on that.
   There was also one really annoying thing I should mention. Like all these funny quirky things for GenZ, like mentioning Instagram and TikTok or talking about mansplaining and misogyny that doesn’t make any sense. As an official GenZ delegate, I assure you: it’s cringy, we don’t want that, don’t do that ever again pleaseee. 
The soundtrack was fine, but nothing special. 
Soooo that’s pretty much it. The show’s okay overall, I don’t regret spending some time on it, but If you won’t watch it you won’t lose much.
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