#it's Reddit though so i am not sure how well it'll do
twistedapple · 6 months
@dmagedgoods the Reddit post promoting your petition is up!
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agentgrange · 9 months
I tried to ask this in the Delta Green Reddit but it was extremely unhelpful! What do you think is the difference gameplay wise between Delta Green 2017 and Fall of Delta Green. Besides being different systems do you think there is a different style of play? What is stopping someone using Gumshoe for a modern day game and 2017 for a game set in 1969? Thanks!
I love this question, I'd actually love to do a full breakdown of these two editions someday the same way AlfaBusa broke down the different editions of World of Darkness. I actually wrote *so much* the first time I got this question my phone died while I was editing it down and I lost all of it. So here's my second attempt. Bare with me:
I prefer GUMSHOE, regardless of time period. A lot of my players though like the classic D100 system. I think that mostly comes down to chance and progression. Classic Delta Green actually rewards you for fucking around and testing fate by granting you one or two percentage points every time you fail a role. I can understand why it feels like it encourages you to take more risks and play outside your characters comfort zone, and unlike GUMSHOEs point spends there's no reason not to try something you're bad at every time. You aren't going to run out of spends, and baring an alien parasite feasting on your brain your skills can only go up. Sure, you might fumble so bad that you blew yourself up with a claymore but... at least it'll be funny, right?
To most people GUMSHOE / Fall of Delta Green is the much more grounded hardboiled version of the two. You aren't a bunch of cowboy murderhobos, you're professional murderers. Your character knows their strengths and weakness, and they're one of the best in the world at what they do. Skills aren't so much how probable a character is to succeed at a task but "what skill does your character use to succeed." They have a tool belt of experience to fall back on, and they really are that good. But while most investigations will never leave your character at zero spends left, I can understand why people don't like the idea that your character can theoretically just run out ideas and use up that tool belt or point progression being something given out by the Handler in between sessions rather than something that can be earned in the moment to moment gameplay. Broadly though, on the surface Fall of Delta Green agents seem much more buttoned up (and, dare I say, flat) than their roudy D100 siblings who act like they just fell ass-over-teakettle into a Mi Go hive. And for some people thats not as fun.
The best addition to Fall of Delta Green is actually Nights Black Agents. Here's four things from Nights Black Agents you can add to FoDG to COMPLETELY change how you play the game, give it a tier one operator high speed low drag coat of paint for any era, and WELL OUTWEIGH the perceived benefits of d100 DG:
Preparedness and Bureaucracy Rework-- Preparedness alone in Fall of Delta Green is a game changer by answering the dilemma of "man every time I need a new gun I need to roleplay going to the Gun-Carry, Gun-Ross army-navy surplus store and counting out our petty cash fund to determine exactly how many bullets I have. What if I just had an Uzi under my jacket with enough ammo to wipe out this entire bowling alley?"... or you know boring shit like "man I wish I had a crowbar RIGHT NOW, hey DM do I have one?" NBA has optional rules to take the same rules that govern Preparedness and apply them to Bureaucracy. Instead of a numerical value of "how good am I at arguing with my parent agency about the collateral I need to requisition the communal AC130" you can instead skip the arguing and treat it like an elevated preparedness role. Your character works within the system offscreen to retroactively get access to privileges only afforded to members of your organization. Simply think "boy I wish we had gunship cover right now" and with an appropriate Bureaucracy roll your character already filed the mission paperwork three weeks ago. Your patron organization is only going to stick their neck out for you so many times though, so unlike other stats Bureaucracy doesn't replenish at the end of a mission. Your character will have to invest progression points into Bureaucracy if they want to keep dipping into it, and can expect to get shit-canned if it hits zero.
Network-- What if you need something done off the books? What if you really wish you had a guy who knows a guy who's willing to move an ungodly amount of Crank no questions asked, and you need them right now without having to consult your character's tragic backstory? Wonder no more, by letting Agents put points into Network they can create Brampton the Hells Angel Biker on the spot for all their black budget needs. Like Beurocracy, Network doesn't replenish on its own but players are allowed to keep the contacts they spend points on between missions to create a web of off-the-books contacts, informants, and assets.
Cover-- Did one of your Agents get caught in a C O M P R O M I S I N G position? No they didn't! With Cover, that State Trooper didn't stop Agent Yancy Grange. They stopped Rusty Sheckleford, beloved member of the Galveston Texas community with the IDs and paper trail to prove it! There's no limit to the amount of aliases you have, but like Bureaucracy and Network Cover doesn't replenish on its own. Once you hit zero your covers blown-- someone somewhere put the pieces together and any future attempts at using your alias will get you recognized.
Roleplay based skill feats like TECHNOTHRILLER MONOLOGUE-- NBA is filled with a ton of these and I encourage handlers to pick and chose which ones to offer to their players to dial in the exact level of pulp they want in their campaign setting, and Technothriller Monologue is my favorite. With a sufficiently high Firearms skill Agents can get the equivalent of an Action Surge by describing in Tom Clancy-esque detail exactly how they squeezed the trigger before canoe-ing a cultist so badly they blow out their brains through the back of their neck.
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otakween · 9 months
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Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers
Eh...gotta be honest, I found this pretty underwhelming. It had its moments, don't get me wrong, but the plot felt pretty generic and the ending was rushed. Still had fun, but the emotional investment was lacking.
Reddit told me to watch this after episode 18, so I got the timing a little off, but I felt like it'd be good to watch prior to the digiworld episodes. The only timeline wonkiness is that this takes place before Culumon's kidnapping, which I've already seen, but that's fine.
In another moment of ~fate~ the movie begins with Guilmon dying of heat (not literally lol) and it was "feels like 101" where I am today so...can relate.
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I was a pretty sheltered kid, so IDK how I would react to my parents making me travel by myself at 10...not that I'm against that, I just know 10 year old me woulda been a big crybaby about it.
Kinda weird that they gave us 2 title screens for this, one of which was just ripped from the TV show. The whole vibe was kind of a mixed bag in this, sometimes the animation felt pretty much the same quality as the show and sometimes it felt like they were stepping it up, not super consistent.
"Battle of Adventurers" is a pretty uninspired title. I feel like they could have either put something about Okinawa or the v-pet virus in the title instead so it would stand out a bit more...
Speaking of the V-Pet, I thought it was super charming with its crappy CGI lol. I totally would have fell for it in 2001. Kinda hard to believe that literally everyone downloaded it though (doctors, pilots, etc.) Or was it more like that one U2 album that was automatically distributed to everyone?
Guilmon begging to get out of the suitcase was stressful! How did he not suffocate? D: (do digimon even need to breathe?)
They really did the movie-only character (Minami) dirty this time. She had to be re-traumatized about her dead dog so many times! Just felt cruel...
All of the Okinawa cultural stuff was fun, especially the Okinawa-inspired digimon. If Digimon Go was a thing, you know they'd be region specific.
When Ruki's mom was like "oh, it's so comfortable flying on the plane!" I was like "okay, rich." That's the only explanation because flying economy is always a bad time.
Although a lot of the character animation was kinda meh, the battle animation is where this movie really shined. It was like little pockets of hype and there was a really good variety of enemy digimon. I was especially excited to see Anomalocarimon cuz it's been a minute and there was a lot of attention to detail with his bit.
Siesamon's design was really pretty, but I don't like his resting angry face. I wish they would have made his face more emotive because it kind of diminished some emotional moments...
There was one scene where it showed some buildings blowing up (because of the virus) and one of them suspiciously looked like a power plant...hopefully I'm wrong cuz oof...
Loved Mephismon's design, but with Gulfmon they did that thing that they did with VenomVamdemon where he has a second face by his crotch area...don't like that (although he is a centaur, so not technically his crotch)
There were some legit scary moments in this! The car crash scene was pretty violent and Minami screaming as she ran from the lasers also felt pretty intense for a kid's movie. (I haven't peeked at the dub yet, wondering if anything was cut)
I thought the final battle was weak as heck. Phase 1 took like 2 seconds and then phase 2 just felt kinda arbitrary like we were going through the motions. We did get a new attack though (trinity something or other). It felt kind of weird for them to just show that without any acknowledgement, but oh well. I'm sure it'll come back at some point. I was a little disappointed tbh because I thought they were doing some sort of 3-way jogress fusion
The shot with 3D MegaloGrowmon and 2D Rapidmon and Taomon was a glorious 2000s moment
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IDK why but it gave me Power Rangers vibes
Yeah so this felt pretty disposable, they tried to kind of tie things to Digimon Adventure with Omegamon and Apocalymon, but the connection was pretty vague and forced. I rather Tamers just be separate without the callbacks
While I'm a big fan of short runtimes, I do wonder if this one could have benefitted from being a little longer, just to let things breath more
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mx-piggy · 10 months
Afterparty check in! Only two episodes left… how you feeling?
Ah definitely a mixture of excitement and 'what am I gonna do with my Wednesdays when this show ends'.
I've had a lot of fun with this season because I watched the first season like a month ago, by myself in the span of a couple of days, and I didn't really pick up on any clues. Having the community around me for this season has both been really fun and very helpful; I wouldn't have any theories whatsoever without the Reddit and the fandom on here.
My main theory at the moment is that everyone looks so suspicious because a lot of them tried to kill Edgar, but only one person was actually successful in killing him. I've flip-flopped on the idea that Ulysses accidentally poisoned Edgar instead of Feng because Reddit's changed its mind about that now. After that, I'm kind of suspicious of Travis at the moment because of how much he wanted to sit in on the videos. Someone I've pretty much crossed off my list is Feng because- my friend made this pretty good point- if he was going to kill Edgar, why would he film it?
I'm fairly certain that, in the next episode, Isabel will accuse the wrong person and then the Vivan/Zoe episode will reveal who actually did kill Edgar. If my 'multiple attempts' theory is correct, I think it could be revealed in either of the episodes. With this theory, though, I must stress that I genuinely have no clue and I'm looking at this from a 'this would be cool from a storytelling point of view', and this would be the perfect way for the writers to make things more tricky after the last season like they intended.
I'm really excited for Isabel's episode because I'm pretty sure it'll reveal some kind of manipulative relationship between her and Edgar, possibly with him drugging her; again my friend had this really good idea that Edgar could have been insistent on Isabel eating the cake because it had some kind of drug in it. I feel like the whole manipulating and/or drugging thing would fit really well with the suspense genre they're going with. Not to mention the scene with Edgar and Isabel at the wedding with him insisting that they'll eat the cake was sinister and chilling as fuck.
Also, I'm expecting more Sebastian and Hannah in Isabel's episode than we've had in the past few, since they're more related to Isabel than they are Danner (of course), Ulysses and Feng.
I also think that since Vivian and Zoe's episode will be a soap opera, it'll have some dramatic reveals, which will be really cool for a finale.
I'm prepared for anyone to be the killer at this point- obviously anyone apart from Aniq (the spitter), Kyler (the skater), the Auntie (the snorer) or Colonel.
Part of me really wants Hannah and Grace to be able to run off into the sunset together, but I also would love some sapphic angst to destroy the rest of my year. By the way, I was so happy when Grace said that she thinks she's in love with Hannah. I'm looking forward to seeing what Hannah hid from Aniq and Danner (as referenced in the Sebastian episode, I believe?)
If anyone has any theories and/or wants to chat about this show, feel free to comment, reblog, DM me or add me on Discord (my tag is mxpiggy).
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
sorry guys i got so tired suddenly (i've been running on very little sleep) and i ended up napping before i finished the sketches
BUT once i finish sleeping (cuz i am still in dire need of more sleep rn my head is killing me) i will finish working on them. i did get it ready to go in clip but i still wanna line/color one of the smaller things for reference and of course edit everything to be more easily seen how i usually do, and maybe even clean them up as well i'm not sure since my brain is just not doing so hot rn
here's another preview as an apology for accidentally lying about when i was gonna post this asdfsg
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as a reminder: these sketches imma show are for angel wwx from my short fic i want to finish writing called IMBSB, or "In My Blood, Stardust Blooms" that like COI, is about the afterlife but centered on angels instead and not meant to be very long. [though who knows if i might ever write more one shots for it or make it one or three chapters long, but for now, it's just a one-and-done type project i'm planning]. more below the cut with extra art!
Here's another new text preview as well for another treat:
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more Info/art is below the cut!
here's the previews from the last preview post as well:
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And the fic summary!
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“In My Blood, Stardust Blooms” / IMBSB is a short project that not unlike COI is about the afterlife, but centered on angels this time. It delves into the mysteries of a forbidden land and loss, and of course a particular couple of angel’s love for each other. I have only done one bit of art for this project [LWJ looks the same for the most part as he does in COI however] even though I have started writing, which you can find on Reddit here and Tumblr here.
of course this doesn't count the art that i will be posting a little later!
Also, just as a detail i wanna mention: this will not be a completely happy fic, it will have a happy-ish ending, but i did come up with parallels to canon for this story! so if you think it'll be boring, i hope you won't think so now haha but of course i'm hoping for a lot of gay so it will have the best of both !
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To all my aro-ace fellas:
I love y'all. 💙🤍🧡
I'm not sure what else is there to add or to explain, so it'll be a bit of a ramble...
I was just scrolling through a Telegram channel that repost contents from an aroace subreddit (because I can't access reddit here) and I often find aces people posting about how it could feel lonely, by the way society othered us directly or indirectly...
And it gives me this urge to comfort them, but since I can't do it directly, I'm channeling that urge here.
So: I love y'all. Lots of Aromantic and/or Asexual people are ones of the most lovable peeps I've met on earth, really. (Though I've only been lucky enough to meet them online so far. I'm in a country where talk of queerness is often shut down and shamed.) And... well...
I just hope that maybe this lil post could make you feel less lonely in a world that glorifies sex and romance. Personally, being ace (and possibly aro) means to me that I'm able to see Love in a different lens than most people; it's like I have (hopefully) managed to learn a more ancient kind of Love, in its true form, before it being endorsed by romance and sex. And it's not always easy bearing this knowledge because most people define and view love differently (so whenever talk about love come up, I'm never quite sure how to reply...) But, you know the thing about ancient stuffs: they're enigmatic, mysterious, they're like magic (or are indeed magic)... And they live longer and stronger than lots of us think.
It is one of few things that makes me grateful to be the way I am. Because I think the Love I know of is just so beautiful. So... I'm wishing this thought could give y'all lonely, lovely ace and aro some hope, to discover and experience Love in that way too, as something that lives in you, something strong and ancient (like the dragons, yes!) and hopefully you'll start attracting people who feel this Love in the same way too.
Stay awesome and take care, fellas 💜💚
Lots of Love,
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nebulousfishgills · 3 years
My thoughts on the finale (long post)
Okay, I really just wanna put some thoughts down and I need to do it here. Spoilers and opinions, you can choose to agree or not, but please be respectful
I usually try to have a good attitude about things, pointing out the best in everything.
I'm having a really hard time right now.
That's not to say the episode was bad, it's just...
Well, I feel like I'm watching the Game of Thrones finale again. I just feel so unfulfilled. Then again, my hormones are a little out of wack at the moment (thanks mother nature) so my odd feelings could be because of that. I feel so angry and upset and hyped and... I don't honestly know. I really don't. I feel like I want to throw up, but not in a bad or good way.
I guess I just...
I've stayed up every night for every episode because I just adored it so much. Yet I feel like... there should be more. I know we got a second season confirmed, but we don't know when. We don't know what it means for the future of the MCU. We don't know anything.
I guess we should have expected this because Loki was supposed to be this new horizon for the MCU. Doctor Strange 2 needed a plot. Someone said this show was just a big ad for MoM, and I find myself disagreeing with that, but only a little.
I think the best way to describe it is it's like the show suddenly decided it wanted to be something else. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but after episode 3, the tone really shifted.
I'm trying really hard to hold off on my more detailed thoughts, but they just keep creeping in, so I'll just wrap up this... intro? Idk.
I think the TLDR is that I feel disappointed, but I don't really blame anyone. Kate Herron, Mike Waldron, they all did AMAZING jobs. They really deserve the highest of praise for this. Is it my favorite MCU project? Yes. Am I excited for season 2? Absolutely.
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But Game of Thrones can still be my favorite show and I can still dislike the ending.
I find writing this out is helping me feel better. Once I sleep it'll probably feel less... hopeless.
Now, next section. My thoughts on key plot points.
We all figured Kang would be introduced. I'm actually very excited to see what they do with him. The actor was just phenomenal and I can't wait to see him later on. Someone call up Erik Voss because he redeemed himself after the whole Mephisto deal
I guess the Multiverse was reborn, but not in the way I was expecting/hoping. I feel like there's a large gap between when the timeline shattered and the final scene with Loki, Mobius, and B-15. What happened? Though, I guess it makes sense. We all wanted a multiverse. We never considered the consequences.
I'm angriest about Mobius losing his memories and not getting his jetski. Like I said, Yelena can get a dog in BW after mentioning it once. But as someone on Reddit pointed out, they had to make sure Marvel would greenlight a second season. It does not mean I can't have a huge cow about it. That's what we get for jinxing it, friends.
I think I understand what Star Wars Sequel haters went through. Getting all these grand (maybe... glorious?) ideas about the ending and what a hopeful message about destiny and identity the series could give us. And the series gave us... none of that. Hell, I was so sure these would be used, and I was bamboozled. I'm sure others saw it coming, but they just looked too good to be fake out shots. My best guess is that they're gonna use this footage in season 2 for a plotline and they stuck it in here to trick us... but maybe that's just me being desperate
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It was barely 1 AM here, Marvel. The Miss Minutes jumpscare was NOT COOL. I mean, THIS IS HORRIFYING IN LIGHT AS WELL
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I'm really confused about Ravonna now. Is she good or is she bad? Where did she go? And why was it important we see her backstory and not any of the others (say, B-15 or Mobius)?
God, okay, I guess I have to address the elephant in the room now.
The Sylki kiss and then betrayal fight thing.
Let me get one thing very extremely clear before I continue: I do prefer Lokius, but I am FINE with Sylki. I think I've just been desensitized to any ship that ends with -cest because, as I've made clear here and in the past, I adore Game of Thrones and Crimson Peak.
I honestly think my main reservation about it is a flaw within myself that I dared not admit until I saw it staring me in the face: I'm probably a little possessive. I can admit this and I really dislike it about myself. But I think I'm just not a fan of Loki having a love interest in general. What makes Lokius different, I have no clue. Maybe deep down I knew Marvel was too much of a pussy to ever make it canon... then again, I was begging for a last minute kiss or something. My feelings on the matter are complicated.
But the way they handled the kiss in this episode? Gotta say, not too much of a fan. I know some antis like this, but it just felt too... not genuine. Maybe I'm just an idiot who thinks all kissing should have a meaning. A purpose. The Reylo kiss in Rise of Skywalker? Ben just saved Rey's fucking life, I think that warrants a large gesture of affection.
But this?
I think I get bad juju from the kiss, not the fact that they made it Canon. You can disagree or agree any way you want, you can even send nasty anon messages. That's my opinion and I'm choosing to stick to it.
And sending nasty anons won't do squat, I don't give a shit about faceless threats and hate.
Anyways, back to my point
The fight felt like a mutual betrayal, but at the same time it felt like neither really wanted to go through with it. I admit I felt Sylvie was more in the right and that Loki seemed a little too complacent, especially after everything he went through and saw. But like Sylvie, I didn't consider the consequences and now everything is fucked. But I still don't think Loki was right.
I think it boils down to being an impossible choice because no matter what you pick, everyone loses.
I believe that my main gripe with Sylvie and Loki's ideology split is that it feels a little too rushed and/or, dare I say it, out of character. I've agreed with Loki's characterization up until this point (again, you can disagree with me, that's your opinion and you have full right to it), but... man, I don't know. It all feels like an impossible situation.
Then again, I'm not the one in the director's chair. I'm not the team in the writers room. I don't know the first thing about making a project like this. I like taking solace in the fact that Tom had some creative control in the series about the character he loves so much. And, let's be real, he knows Loki the best out of all of us. None of us can hold a candle to that.
We can call ourselves experts, but Tom is the real expert. I trust him more than anyone. If he hated how this was turning out, he probably would have said something.
We just have to trust in the creative process
So, at the end of the day, this series was (and still is, remember, season 2 is on the way) absolutely phenomenal and I think it's Marvel's strongest work in a very long time. They know Loki is a character we all love and adore and I feel like they've done their best in honoring that. Besides, what other character is getting a second season? How awesome is that??
I found writing this out helped me process my thoughts and emotions IMMENSELY. I don't feel as... angry? Hopeless? I don't know. I keep comparing this to the end of Game of Thrones, and I feel like that's doing a disservice to Loki. Game of Thrones' ending was just absolute dog shit and there was no chance to redeem it because it was the last season.
Loki has a second season on the way.
It's not over yet.
Nothing is ever final until the universe forces it.
Kang can be stopped
The Multiverse can roam free
Loki can learn to find true happiness
Sylvie can stop running and fighting
Ravonna can redeem herself
The TVA can burn or reform (whichever you choose)
And yes
Mobius can get a jetski
We know nothing yet of season 2, what it will entail, how it connects to the rest of the Marvel Universe, or even when it will be out. But I know that I will eagerly await it when that day comes. I will once again put on a smile. I will wait hours to watch the new episode the moment it drops. I will be excited for it and enjoy it.
Because, at the end of the day, that's all it's about. Telling a story. And, mother of God, Marvel sure is telling a good one.
Until next time, my friends.
For All Time. Always!
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