#it plays right into his aims and ambitions
thelovelyruin · 8 months
𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you’ve got a crush on choso, and he’s reading the signs.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : college au! smut, fluff, porn with plot, vaginal sex, oral sex, praise, teasing, overstimulation, fingering, edging?
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 4.7K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from see you again (rock mafia remix) by miley cyrus.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, here I am with another choso fic. thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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I got my sights set on you, and I'm ready to aim.
“And, this is Choso!”
Now, you couldn’t remember whose idea it was to go to the fair (probably Yuuji), but at this moment, you were too grateful. To think you were going to miss out on this because you would’ve instead worked on classwork that was due NEXT week. Mai begged you to take a break, and you agreed to go like a good best friend. And thankfully, you did, cause if not, you would’ve never met him.
I have a heart that will never be tamed.
Choso was a little awkward. Nervous, for sure, but he had that demeanor that told you he was a lot more chill when he gets comfortable. Now the question was, why wouldn’t he be comfortable? That was, of course, because he was meeting you. Nonetheless, his ambition drove him to initiate a conversation with you, putting his anxiety on the back burner and acting “normal.”
“So, you’re Mai’s friend?”
Obviously, you were. A blush crosses your face, giving an awkward smile before looking at Mai. She understood immediately, face lighting up a bit when she realized you had the hots for him. With a smirk, she looked at him.
“Uh, yeah! She’s my best friend, can’t you tell?”
Choso directed his attention at Mai, giving her a squinted look. Not that he didn’t appreciate her, but he was already having a hard time talking to you, and she definitely wasn’t making it easy.
“Well, now I do. Thanks for the clarification, ma’am.”
“No problem, sir.”
She jabbed his arm, causing him to chuckle. Looking back at you, he smiled a bit.
“Hopefully, you aren’t as crass as your friend here.”
“I try not to be.”
“Hey, what the hell does that mean?”
You were giggling now, loosening up as you realized there wasn’t much to be nervous about. Choso was just a normal guy, a really hot, normal guy. That didn’t stop you from tucking your hair behind your ear nervously, it was so damn obvious you were flustered, but Choso was none the wiser.
I knew you were something special when you spoke my name; now I can't wait to see you again.
“Hey Choso! We’re heading over to the rides.”
Yuuji was now walking over to you guys, patting Choso on the back. When he noticed you standing there with Mai, his face lit up with surprise.
“So, Mai got you to come out and play! You do magic on her or something?”
“NO, I DID NOT. You guys are assholes, she came out on her own volition!”
Now, you and Yuuji have known each other for a while, but he’s just as irritating now as he was when you met him freshman year.
“I thought it would be fun to relax a bit and decompress from studying.”
Choso perked up at your comment, grateful to have something, anything, to work off of.
"Oh wow, what're you studying?"
Almost instantly, everyone’s eyes were on Choso. Mai looked at him intently, mostly in shock. You looked at him more relaxed, prepared to have a normal conversation with him. But Yuuji, as oblivious as usual, did not catch on to Choso trying to make conversation with you.
“Well, as much fun as this little chat is, I’ll be stealing Choso now. Inumaki and the others are waiting for us so we can ride a few rides.”
With that, Yuuji was hauling Choso with him to somewhere in the fair. But what you did not expect was Choso looking back at you, giving you a little wave, then turning to tell off Yuuji.
I've got a way of knowing when something is right.
“So, your friend…”
Mai shot the water into the target, attempting to get one of those oversized stuffed animals for the past ten minutes. When she lost again, she slammed another 5-dollar bill on the counter, demanding another turn.
“Yeah, you talkin’ about Choso?”
The game reset and she went to town. Mai was deadlocked on the target with the precision of a sniper. But, 30 dollars later, she finally won. Cheering and practically ripping the stuffed dino off the rack, she looked at you with sparkles; she was so damn proud of herself. After that, you two decided to get some fair food.
“Yeah, him.”
Pointing to the funnel cake stand, Mai dragged you closely behind her; you were attempting to catch up as fast as possible. She quickly ordered you guys a funnel cake; of course, the two of you had to share.
“You like him? I can totally tell. You looked like you were a pot about to boil over.”
You start scoffing, laughing nervously as you feign offense to her comment. But she really wasn’t wrong.
“Yeah, well, YOU say that! Do you think he noticed?”
"Babe, he totally noticed. Choso isn't the type to say something though, so whether he did or didn't, the world may never know."
You grab the funnel cake from the window, finding a picnic table to set up base. Mai was giving you that look now, that one she gives when she has an idea, and that’s never good.
“What the hell are you-”
“You know, he’s single. Haven’t seen him talk to a girl since freshman year, and that wasn’t very long.”
“Shouldn’t that be a red flag? What if he’s an asshole?”
“Oh, he’s far from that. If anything, I just think he can’t get laid to save his life. BUT, then there’s you.”
You avert your eye contact with Mai to the floor, too embarrassed to look at her.
“Look, you don’t have anything to worry about with him. He’s a nice guy and I’m sure he’d treat you well, in more ways than one.”
She winks at you as you jab her on the shoulder. As much as you loved her, she could be a pain in the ass, but as she would say, ‘your pain in the ass.’ 
I feel like I must've known you in another life, cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes.
After finishing the funnel cake, you guys walk about the fair, looking for another game to play, that is, until a set of hands comes in front of Mai’s eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Yuuji, get your paws off my face or I’m gonna beat your ass.”
With a pout, he lowered his hands, sneering at her when she turned around. As you turn to face him, you see Choso standing beside him, already looking at you. Reacting to the eye contact, he awkwardly puts a hand behind his neck.
“Uh, hey.”
“Hi, um… how were the rides?”
“They were good until Megumi and Inumaki threw up, so Todo drove them back to the dorms.”
Yuuji then looks around you and Mai, a confused look on his face.
“What about you guys? Where’s everyone else, or did Mai scare them off?”
“Yuuji, you’re on thin ice. We came by ourselves, GIRL’S night out.”
“Well, me and Choso are doing the same, isn’t that right?”
Choso looked at Yuuji like he had two heads.
“You mean when you badgered me for an hour so I’d come with you guys? Boy’s night out, for sure.”
You chuckled at Choso’s rebuttal, which didn’t go unnoticed by Yuuji. From that, Yuuji looked at Mai, who looked at you, then at Choso, prompting Yuuji to do the same.
“Well, what’s a little get-together, am I right?”
“Weren’t you just adamant about the boy's night out thing?”
“Yes, Choso, I was, but I’ve had a change of heart. They'll be riding the rollercoaster with us, isn’t that right, Mai?”
You shoot a panicked look at Mai, and simultaneously, Choso shoots the same to Yuuji.
“Yeah, Yuuji. You’re right. Let’s head over now.”
You and Choso’s eyes met, quickly blushing and averting your gaze. In that moment, you knew you were, to put it simply, down bad.
Now I can't wait to see you again.
The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down.
Now, rollercoasters weren’t usually your thing, but when Mai gave you that puppy dog look, you couldn’t tell her no. She and Yuuji ran to the gate, leaving you and Choso behind to walk there, neither of you as excited as your friends.
“Looks like it’s a two-seater. Well, Mai, I think we should ride together!”
“You know what, Yuuji? That’s a great idea.”
You yanked at Mai’s sleeve, meeting her wide smile. The fuck are you doing? you whispered to her, still smiling in an attempt to act normal. Helping you out, duh, she whispered back, gently removing your hand from her shirt. As the ride attendant opened the gate, Yuuji and Mai flew to the front seat, leaving you and Choso on the bay.
“Is there, uh, anywhere in particular you want to sit?”
“The middle to back is fine!
With that, Choso guided you to a seat, holding your hand to help you sit in the cart. He sat down softly as you frantically looked for the seatbelt.
“Here, let me help you with-”
He noticed the harness sat right on top of your chest, which, if he wasn’t blushing before, he was completely flustered now. You both waited awkwardly for the ride attendant to strap you in.
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout.
Yuuji, extremely excited about the thrill of the ride, turned around and shot a thumbs-up at Choso. What did that mean? God, it was so obvious even Yuuji could tell. Or did Mai say something? They had been looking back and forth, which could be-
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
Well, you couldn't tell him the obvious answer, of course. You boggled your brain, trying to come up with a lie to say. But then he wrapped his arm behind your head, resting it on your neck. You were about to combust. You damn near shook with both anxiety AND rouse.
Felt like I couldn't breathe; you asked what's wrong with me.
“Somethin’ wrong? Sorry, I should’ve asked first.”
He began to retract his arm.
“No! I'm fine, you’re all good haha.”
You decided just to shut up and shoot him an awkward smile, preparing for the ride that began to take off.
“Good, can’t have you scared. Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.”
Oh, it was gonna be over soon, alright, because you were gonna pass out from the feeling of him bringing you into his chest.
The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself, my heart it can't rest 'til then.
You couldn’t get off that fuckin’ ride quick enough. You unbuckle yourself swiftly, running over to Mai, who was still talking to Yuuji.
“Hey there! How was the ride?”
“It was great, but I think we should really get going!”
She looked at you in concern, then at Choso walking up behind you guys, and then at Yuuji, who was confused per usual. Before Choso could walk up, you put your head down and walked down the bay, stopping at the ride's exit. 
“M’kay, bye!”
You were too embarrassed from getting all worked up over an arm; you couldn’t even face him. Mai stood there talking to both Yuuji and Choso, obviously upset, with Choso putting his hand up in a confused motion. God, this was torture. After a couple of minutes, Mai walked up to you, patting you on your back. And with that, you guys went back to your dorm.
Oh, I can't wait to see you again.
I got this crazy feelin' deep inside when you called and asked to see me tomorrow night.
You had just got in bed for the night, still coming down from the roller coaster, both the physical and emotional one. What were you doing? It was a perfect opportunity to talk to him, and you screwed it up. Now, he’s probably-
You’re interrupted from your thoughts by your phone ringing. You take it off the charger and turn down the brightness, reading the screen. A random number? This late? You almost declined the call, but then the asshole in you had the idea to answer and give the night caller a piece of your mind. You click the green button, putting your phone up to your ear, an arsenal of insults on standby.
“Who is this? You know it’s 11 p.m., right?”
“Oh, um, sorry. It’s Choso. Didn't realize it was so late, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Your heart dropped to your ass. Choso? How the hell did he get your number? Then, it struck you, when he and Mai talked on the bay. You shift your whole mood from threatening to weak in the knees.
“Oh, no, it’s fine! Sorry, thought you were a scam caller.”
“Yeah, I guess I could’ve texted you first. Happy you still accepted the call, though.”
“So, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to, uh, apologize for earlier. Wasn’t my intention to make you uncomfortable or anything like that.”
You began pacing around the room, trying to keep quiet and not wake Mai.
“Oh, no, I just, um, it was nothing, I was just, um…”
“I was nervous, too, to be honest. I mean, I was scared I blew my chances with you.”
You stalled your movements in disbelief at what you had just heard.
“I don’t think I, uh heard you right, could you-”
“Can I take you out tomorrow night?”
You had to turn off the mic; you couldn’t help but scream into your pillow. After gaining composure, you turned the mic back on.
“What did you have in mind?”
“How’s a movie? Yuuji said you wanted to watch that new one, Human Earthworm 3, I think?”
So, Yuuji had said something to him. To be fair, they were brothers, so that would happen eventually, but you felt something itch inside you at the thought of all the things Yuuji could have said.
“So, uh, is that a yes?”
“Oh! Um, yeah, I mean, yes, sure. What time?”
“Be ready at 6.”
You were about to begin jumping around like a goddamn maniac.
“Okay, got it.”
“Okay, see you, tomorrow, angel.”
Before he hung up the phone, you could hear Yuuji cheering in the background. What the actual fuck just happened. Like clockwork, Mai jumped up, smirking. She’d been awake this whole time.
“So, he had the balls to ask you! I wasn’t expecting that one.”
I'm not a mind reader, but I'm reading the sign that you can't wait to see me again.
Now, it’s not like you were super excited about the date or anything. Not when you started getting ready at 12 despite you needing to be ready at 6, or when you repainted your nails, or when you waxed yourself, or when you were asking Mai which outfit you should wear. 
“Trust me, whatever you wear, he’s gonna like it. He’s happy to even be dating you!”
She had a point.
“But Maiiiii, what if he doesn’t like these jeans?”
“Weren’t you wearing jeans when you met him?”
“Ugh, shut up!”
“Whatever ya want, sweetheart.”
You decided to just go for a black dress, which was pretty short, but, come to think of it, wasn’t really a bad idea. But then, what shoes were you gonna wear? Which purse would-
Your phone lit up, a text from Choso.
“Outside :)”
Shit, it was six already. You started to panic, looking for anything else you were missing. As you turn around, Mai’s holding a pair of sneakers and a purse to match. You squeal and kiss her on the cheek, rushing to put your sneakers on as you stumbled out the door.
The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down.
As you walked down the stairs, you began freaking out. You were about to be alone with Choso for hours, which you were fucking ecstatic about, but you realized you didn’t have the balls for this. But then, you get a thought from Mai, ‘Get it together, bitch!’
Damn it, why was she always right??? Not wanting to make him wait any longer, you sucked it up and walked outside. Choso leaned against his car, wearing a basic black tee covered by an aviator jacket with a pair of cuffed jeans. Damn, he looked good. Little did you know, he was thinking the same about you. That little black dress had him staring, mind trying to picture what might be underneath. You walked up to him quickly, holding your purse awkwardly, noticing his gaze checking you out. 
“You look great.”
“Thanks, not too bad yourself.”
You had to contain yourself. Like who, me? You send him a flirty smile as he opens the car door for you, going under his arm to get in the seat.
“You smell damn good too.”
The movie was pretty okay; not like you were really paying attention, though. When you guys sat down in the movie, Choso expectedly draped his arm around you, pulling you close to lay on his chest. What really sent you over the edge was halfway through the movie, when he brought his arm lower, slinking it around your waist, hand resting on your hip. He was dangerously close to your ass, there was that fine, fine line, and he was skating on it, making sure not to move too much in case he did cross that line cause the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable again. After what felt like a year, the movie was over, and people spilled out of the theatre, clearly a full house. You and Choso were stragglers, only a handful of people still sitting around, and when he noticed, he brought his arm back over, nearly making you cry at the retreat. 
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout.
“How’d you like it?”
“It was okay, not as good as the first one. What about you?”
“I haven’t seen the other ones, but it was pretty good!”
Choso stood up, taking a big stretch after sitting for so long. Your eyes immediately caught the slight lift in his shirt, his v-line and lower abs flexed as he groaned a bit, and fuck, it sounded good. He brought his hand down, encouraging you to take it, pulling you up, and putting his hand back around your waist. He held it firm, guiding you out of the theater and back to the car, helping you inside. You were dreading the fact the date was coming to an end; you had to think of something to prolong-
Choso’s phone rings, Yuuji’s contact picture illuminating the screen. With a deep sigh, he answers it.
“I take it you’re still out?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“Well, bad news. I locked myself out of the room. Can you come here and let me in?”
“I’m on a date, motherfucker.”
“Oh yeah. Bring her with you!”
“Jesus Christ.”
Choso mutes the mic, looking at you. Now, you weren’t exactly looking forward to seeing Yuuji, but spending more time with Choso was your prerogative. You give him a nod and a smile, and his annoyance fades slightly. Unmuting the phone, he rolls his eyes.
“Be there in 10.”
“Thank youuuu!”
“Fuck off.”
The ride back to their dorm was pretty fast, but it was hard to think with Choso’s hand rubbing your thigh. Once again, skating on that fine line of nearly touching a little too far up your dress, but thankfully for the both of you, he had some self-control. Your presence was eating at him, though; every time you smiled, he couldn’t help but stare at your lips or look at your ass as you walked before him, exiting the theater. Thank god your dress covered your chest, cause he’s pretty sure that would’ve killed him too.
You waited for him to open the car door, second nature, to feel his hand on your side. Yuuji sat in one of the chairs in the lobby, perking up at the sight of you guys walking through, then pouting.
“You guys took forever to get here!”
“It was 13 minutes.”
Choso, tired at this point, walked the two of you upstairs to their room. He unlocked the door with annoyance, letting Yuuji and you walk in. 
“So, where did you put your keys? I’m not unlocking it again.”
Yuuji walked to the door and stepped outside, rummaging through his pocket and conveniently pulling out his keys.
“Look, they were here all along! That’s so crazy, haha.”
When you and Choso realized what had happened, it was already too late. Yuuji had since locked the door behind him, hearing him laugh as he walked down the hall.
“That fucker had his keys the whole time. Why am I not surprised?”
“Because it’s Yuuji we’re talking about here.”
Choso took a deep exhale and sighed.
Felt like I couldn't breathe, you asked what's wrong with me.
“Sorry about the unnecessary detour, I can go ahead and-”
You brought his lips to yours experimentally, him pulling back to look at you. Damn, you were nervous, but the lack of touch and the lust had completely taken over you, you knew what you wanted, and it was him. You kiss him firmly, pushing him back onto the bed. Instantly, Choso picked your legs up and placed them on either side of him, positioning you in his lap as he kissed you back. All he could seem to do was touch you, exploring your body, hands groping everything he touched. 
Out of his mind, horny, he brought your hips down to grind against his, feeling his dick rub against you through his pants, making you moan softly. He was becoming hungry, hands climbing up your dress to unclip your bra, bringing your clothed nipple into his mouth. Indulging in the little moans he pulled out of you was nice, but Choso was fucking selfish. He wasted no time flipping you over so your back lay against the bed, opening your thighs to position himself between them. That little black dress? Choso had stripped it from you, along with that bra, somewhere on the floor of his room. Now, Choso wasn’t a virgin, but the way he stared at your topless body would make it seem like he’s never seen a pair of tits before.
“You’re so damn pretty.”
He brought his shirt over his head, discarding it and his jeans, thinking your panties should go too, but you looked damn good in that thong. So, why not have a little fun? Choso pulled up your panty line, making your thong outline your pussy, soaked lips spilling out the sides, but not quite enough that you were fully exposed. Rubbing your clit through the fabric, you were getting so wet that your thong was soaked in your pre-cum. Wished he had a photographic memory, because he was in love with the sight he got to see when he decided to be nice and finally strip you of your panties. You were on full display to him, and like a siren, you brought your fingers down to spread your lips for him, inviting him to touch you in some way. He had something way better than that; trust. Cause at this point, he was flipping you on top of him, bringing your hips up to him so he could taste his your pussy on his face. You hesitated at first, scared you were gonna suffocate him, but with one look at his face, you knew he didn’t give a fuck. He brought your hips down so your pussy landed on his tongue, then it was go time. Sucking, licking, kissing, he was doing everything he could, addicted to your taste and scent. God, your pussy was delicious. He almost damned Yuuji and Mai for taking this long to introduce you to him. For taking so long to let him date you. For taking so long to let him please you. 
“Choso, fuck!”
He was feining for it, the way you were moaning his name like a prayer, and his mouth was something to believe in. That’s why you started gripping his headboard, shamelessly grinding your pussy across his face as you feel your orgasm approaching. You look down at him with those pretty doe eyes, and when they meet his, he starts licking your clit, flapping his tongue as he drew circles around it. Every cycle, every rotation, it was too much.
You didn’t have to finish that sentence. Knew the second he felt your pussy spasm against his tongue, cumming in his mouth as he continued pleasing you, gripping your hips so you couldn’t move as you rode out your high. Finally, when you started whimpering from overstimulation, he decided to let you go, but you weren’t getting off that easy. Within seconds, Choso had you on your back, legs wide open, as he slid his dick inside your pussy.
The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself.
You honestly didn’t know you could cum that hard, let alone moan that loudly; so grateful the room next to them was vacant. But it wasn’t until Choso started fucking you slowly that you were losing yourself. He wanted to give you some time to adjust, but you were just so damn sexy, pretty face with an even prettier-
“More, please.”
He was hearing things, for sure. There was no way you were begging him to fuck you, but he fuckin’ liked it.
“More what? Tell me.”
“Fuck me, Choso.”
He didn’t have time to tease you anymore; his dick was aching so bad it could shatter. So, he gave you exactly what you wanted. At first, he kept a steady pace, gripping the sides of your pillow as his hips made you arch your back into him, but fuck, he needed wanted more. 
“I’m gonna fuck you a little faster now, that okay?”
��Yes, baby, just give it to me.”
Jesus, you were just trying to drive him insane. That pretty voice of yours calling him baby, he was already grateful you agreed to go on that date with him, but he didn’t expect this to happen (he was hoping he’d fuck you after the second or third date). He sat back on his legs as he lifted your hips to take him deeper, making you repeatedly groan his name. But, nothing could prepare you for how he began fucking you, fast and deep; he fucked you like he needed you, like he fuckin’ craved you. He couldn’t keep your name out of his mouth when he felt your pussy pulling him back in again every time he fell back to fuck you deeper. He started daydreaming about you a bit, what your next date would be like, seeing you every day, walking you to class, and then fucking you after you two completed classwork. The sound of your juices spilling out of your pussy onto his dick snapped him out of it, relishing in the sounds of your wetness and the claps of your ass every time he brought your body onto his. You felt so damn good, bringing your fingers up to touch his chest as he looked you in the eyes. And every time you looked away, he brought a hand up to put your eyes back on his. Because he needed to see how his dick made you feel and show you how good your pussy was taking it. 
“I gotta cum baby, need you to cum for me first.”
He pulled out, laying down to eat your pussy again, rutting his dick into his sheets. And when he made you cum for the second time, he slipped back inside, feeling your pussy pulsing with the waves of your orgasm. He came to the sounds of you squealing his name, your pussy milking him for all he’s worth.
My heart, it can't rest 'til then.
That was the best sex the two of you had ever had. It left you both panting, backs on the bed, mind hazy. Choso looked over at you, watching your tits rise and fall with every breath you took; he had to look away before he fucked you again, not that he wouldn’t mind. You looked up at him with those pretty doe eyes, and he swore he would melt. He brought you up to him, kissing you softly as he pulled a blanket over the two of you. You laid your head on his chest, following with his arm wrapping around your back and waist.
“So, wanna go on another date?”
Oh, I can't wait to see you again.
♱ the song used in this story is see you again (rock mafia remix) by miley cyrus. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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Heavy Metal Lover
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Karlach x F! Tav
18+ physical combat (consensual), so much teasing, public sex (kind of), manhandling, roughness, restraint, dom karlach/sub tav, strength kink, hand kink, size difference, fingering (f!), grinding, light choking, overstimulation, porn w/o plot
With her touch newly returned, Karlach is hungry for contact. Seeking out Tav for a little hand to hand combat that quickly turns heated...
Tav resisted rolling her eyes at Astarion's wide grin. That face meant only one thing, he was about to be insufferable about something.
"What?" She sighed, resigned to the incoming teasing.
"You haven't noticed, have you?" He purred, an indulgent edge of pre-emptive preening in his voice.
"Obviously not, if you're being this unbearable." She sniped flatly, turning back to hanging laundry on tip toes.
He slid his foot under the arch of her heel, biting at her teasingly when she turned to give him a glare. Baring her own absent fangs.
"Look real close now..." He pointed across camp to Karlach. She was trying to talk Wyll into sparring with her, him trying to wave her away good naturedly.
Tav roved her eyes over the tall muscular body, pushing the slow creep of lust aside to focus on any changes.
She was starting to get frustrated, suddenly sure that Astarion was just fucking with her again, trying to get her to ogle their companion.
That's when she caught it. Two newly rounded talons on her right hand, pointer and middle finger.
Tav sucked in an involuntarily breath, lips falling open. All higher thinking pulled from her mind.
"Eager, isn't she?" Astarion crooned, jolting Tav back. His voice far too knowing for her taste as he hovered behind her.
"It's only been one night since she's gotten touch back, I admire her ambition."
Knowing his hands were clasped behind his back in that leaning way he always does.
Karlach's eyes caught Tav's, waving excitedly. Like they hadn't been together all day, rocking on the balls of her feet happily.
Tav groaned, heart jelly.
"Oh," Astarion lilted out a laugh. "She's got it bad for you."
"Wait, really?" Tav turned to him, clothespin in hand. Her snarky play falling back for a moment in genuine confusion.
Astarion tilted his head at her, his demeanor falling back in kind. "Seriously? Gods, Tav, you really are unobservant."
"Hey, it's not that I don't pay attention. I'm just blind to when it's aimed at me." She huffed, crossing arms.
"Oh, I know. I'm still amazed that you were blindsided to Gale's pining."
He relented when Tav threw her arms up in frustration.
"Ah, ah, okay. You're just blind to your own suitors, we'll agree. So trust me as an objective pair of eyes. That tower of muscle wants you. Badly."
"Oh, and here she comes now!" Astarion giggled, trapezing away on delighted feet. "Good luck with your new knowledge, darling!"
"Someone wants to go hungry tonight!" She threatened after him. Him giving her a little twirl.
"Uh-oh, you two are always at each other's throats." Karlach laughed, watching him go with fond eyes. "Literally."
"Oh, we were just playing." Tav assured, returning to hanging sheets.
"What's up, Karlach?" She asked, back on tip toes. Smoothing hands over the pleats, stretching up to pin the fabric down.
Karlach grabbed the clothespin from her hands easily, pinning it above her natural reach.
"Oh! Thank you!" Tav squeaked. Trying not to give the height difference between them any thought at all.
"Well, no one will spar with me." Karlach pouted. Her eyes starting to swim with tears that she brushed away with angry fingers. Huffing out a steadying breath, smiling down at Tav.
"But I think you might be under my weight class, might be an unfair fight to ask you."
Tav's heart thrilled.
"I mean... I am stronger than I look."
This was true. She was eyeline with mostly chests, but she could pull some weight. Hells she's carried unconscious Gale over her shoulders several times now in the heat of battle.
Huh. Okay, his crush on her makes sense.
"I would love to spar with you, Karlach." She smiled, handing her up another sheet to hang.
"Really?!" Karlach bunched the fabric in her hands in excitement.
"Oh, whoops." She shook out the fabric, giving it one hard flick of her wrist. The fabric snapping in the air.
Tav let out a little involuntarily moan, then clapped her hand over her mouth. Gods below, what was that...
"You okay, soldier? Felling up to it?"
"Yeah, just.. uh, a little woozy." She tapped the side of her neck where the given pinpricks lay.
"You know, now that I'm touchable again, I wouldn't mind giving you a break some nights. Mama K's got a lot of blood to give."
Tav saw a silver head pop up in her peripheral.
"Ah, I'm alright." Tav flapped her hands in an affable way. "Though something tells me our favorite leech might start circling now."
"He's a hungry boy, we gotta keep him big and strong!" Karlach laughed.
"Okay, big and strong, I'll see you tonight." Tav teased.
Karlach's tail curled up, arching at the base. Her cheekbones heating.
"Okay... Well. Bye..." She sighed, turning and walking in a forced casualty that even Tav could clock.
Astarion's mouth had fallen open, hand hovering over his jaw. When he caught Tav's gaze, he pointed to where a tail would be on his body. Raising his eyebrows in salacious glee.
Tav didn't know much about tiefling tail etiquette but could glean enough from his pantomiming. Her own cheeks warming as she stomped at him to quit it, only fueling the bouncing suppressed laughter in his shoulders.
Initially, several of their companions had agreed to sit ringside. But as the day wore endlessly on with sun bearing down, most of them either decided to retire early or wade into the cool river with a few bottles of wine.
"Don't take too long..." Astarion sing-songed over his shoulder, a wine bottle hanging loose from his fingertips.
"Oh! Wait!" Tav called, standing and meeting him in the middle. Unbuckling the strap on the dagger at his hip, taking the bottle from his fingers and uncorking it with her teeth.
"Ugh, don't do that. You'll ruin your teeth." He chided, angling his hip for her to pull the dagger free.
"Shush." She cut into the back of her hand, dripping it into the rim of the thick glass. Swirling slowly.
He took his dagger back with a spin of fingers, seating it back with an unconscious flourish.
"Say when." She flexed her hand, encouraging more flow.
"Is never an option?"
"No, unless you want to get punched again."
"Gods, you do have a mean hook." He rubbed his jaw in memory.
"Alright fine. That's plenty." Leaning forward, he licked the stem of blood until it slowed to a stop.
"You know that only closes your wounds, right? Or I'd put you to use as a cleric on the battlefield."
He sighed dreamily. "Oh, it would be delicious. But very uncharitable motivation, I assure you."
"Well, best be off." He eyed the approaching tiefling with a mischievous twinkle. "Thank you, my darling."
She kissed his cheek. "No problem, have fun."
He waved over his shoulder as he departed, Karlach coming to Tav's side.
"Aw, you two are so cute together."
"Oh, we're not together." Tav laughed, the thought strange. "He reminds me of so many of my siblings."
"So many?" Karlach laughed. "Wait, how many do you have?"
"Entirely too many." Tav huffed, unconsciously settling into that authoritative posture she used with them.
"Aw, man. I want too many!" Karlach clicked her tongue. "Ah, well. Can't win 'em all."
"Speaking of, prepared to lose?" Tav teased, rolling her shoulders back.
"Oh, ho," Karlach laughed, settling back into a crouch. "Bring it on, babe."
Tav widened her stance, rolling her arm back in a curved elbow. Loosening her neck.
"Ready?" Tav hummed, balanced on the heels of her feet.
"Very." Karlach urged, fingers flexing.
"Then come get me." Tav smiled.
Karlach lunged forward, trying to sweep her leg.
Tav picked up her feet, ducking around her. Dodging another hand reaching for her wrist.
She laughed as she planted a foot to stand on Karlach's crouched hip. Using her shoulder as a hold to step up, swinging around her back to put her in a headlock. Hand pushing into her throat.
"Choking, huh?" She chided.
Karlach kneeled down abruptly, slamming her back into the ground.
Tav released, the air taken out of her. Still trying to lock her legs around Karlach's thighs.
"Oh, come on," Karlach laughed, prying her legs open with her hands. Her shoulder muscles rippling with exertion.
Tav's mouth fell open at the sight and sensation. Even with the full strength of her thighs, Karlach split her like cleaved wood.
Karlach turned and pinned her thighs open between her own, sitting on her pelvis.
"Hah!... Hey, why'd you stop?"
Tav's eyes darted down to the position they were pushed into.
Karlach paused, looking down as well.
Neither moved, both huffing with exertion.
A stand still, the air charged with tension. Thighs straddled criss cross, their centers pressed together.
Tav tried not to moan, just the heat coming from her core pulling slick from her.
All it would take is one of them moving their hips.
Karlach looked down at her with blown out eyes, a desperate hunger, near anger, pulling her face slack. One hand gripping into Tav's propped thigh, starting to rock her hips.
"Gods, this heat!" Gale exclaimed, emerging from his tent. Fanning himself with a thin tome, heading towards the water.
Karlach flipped Tav up by the hips, pulling her up into a more appropriate position kneeling next to her. Tav squeaked, being manhandled so easily sending another wave of arousal to her lust dumb mind.
Gale turned towards them, unaware. "Oh! Are you guys coming too? I wouldn't mind the company on the walk."
"Absolutely!" Karlach called, giving Tav a questioning raise of her eyebrows.
"Oh! Uh, yeah! I'd love to hear about that." She pointed to the tome he was holding.
Rising to feet, led by Karlach's hand. Another shock of arousal as she stared at the mesmerizing sight, curled around hers with its diabolically implicit fingernails.
Gods above and below help her.
Gale chattered excitedly ahead as they walked, and Tav was really trying to listen. Truly, she was. But Karlach was walking just behind her, a hand flat against her lower back. The spread of fingers absurd, so wide it made her knees weak. Thumb rubbing mind numbing arcs into the sensitive skin.
Through the haze of her lust she managed a few well timed sounds of affirmation, trying to focus on silly things like words.
Oh, what fresh hells had she unleashed. Feeling Karlach's wide smile behind her. Enjoying tormenting her so innocently. Wanting to swat her away and lean in as hard as possible at the same time.
After an eternity, they reached the water. The gentle swell and lapping mockingly peaceful, moon ribboned and dark. Their companions gathered, floating conversation and passing wine.
Gale sat on the dock, rolling his sleep pants up to the calf. Dipping legs in with a deep sigh.
"Not getting in, Gale?" Karlach remarked in gentle disappointment. Fingers slipping inside of Tav's waistband behind her.
Tav breathed out a fast breath through nose, stomping her foot just slightly. Sliding the movement into shifting her weight casually.
"Ah, too much skin for present company." He smiled, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. Eyes darting to Tav, then quickly away.
"But don't let me discourage you. Go on, enjoy the water in all it's glory."
"Well, what do you think, Tav?" Karlach asked in a deceptively neutral voice.
As she was about to respond, Karlach pulled her fingers taut into her waistband, snapping it against her lower back. Covering the sound with a cough.
A rush of wetness pooling in her underclothes, she hissed out a quiet threat. Karlach's fingers grazing her skin, a quivering of contained laughter in the chest she stepped back into.
"I think that's a great idea. If you'll pardon us Gale?"
She didn't wait to get his response, pulling Karlach in her wake. Her low laugh slipping out as she was led, Tav in a fast stomp, Karlach in an easy wide stride. Long legs not having to rush at all to keep up.
Tav was about to turn to lay into her when a wide hand caught around the front of her throat. Another pushing flat against her lower belly. Both burning hot.
Her breath caught, leaning head back as those fingers splayed up her neck. Sharp talons pressing into the underside of her jaw.
"I wasn't done back there." Her voice all gravel. Pressing the words into the side of her head, heat pressing into her back. The expanse of muscle a heavy presence behind her.
Tav whimpered, twisting to look behind them to gauge how close they were to the group.
"Nothing important back there, baby." She laughed, pulling Tav's chin forward with a force belieing her easy words.
"Gods, Tav," She sighed, voice all heat again. Fingers sliding down the front of her waistband, long fingers traveling a short distance quickly. "I've been so hungry to fuck you."
Tav moaned a little whine at the vulgarity, knees buckling in earnest. Karlach's own knee pushed into hers, forcing her down into an open kneel. Her large body enveloping behind, thighs encircling around hers.
Her fingers strained against the fabric for a few seconds before she huffed out a frustrated breath. Hands gripping up onto Tav's hips, pulling her up onto her belly, wrenching her leggings down onto her knees, then seating her back onto knees with barely an effort.
"There, that's better." She said decidedly. Tav delirious with lust from being handled like a five pound weight.
Karlach's fingers found her center again with a happy hum. Rounded fingertips pushing inside her with no further pretense. Tav bucking at the sudden introduction.
Karlach's other hand came back up to spread along her throat, pressing down just hard enough to make her moan. Long fingers thrusting slow thigh shaking pleasure into her. Her hips rocking into the hilt of her palm.
"Fuck, you're so tight around my fingers." Karlach hissed, rising on one knee to grind into her lower back.
Tav arched her ass into her in time, her hand and hips pulsing a rhythm into her. Gasping out staggered breaths.
"Take your top off for me." Karlach murmured, unwilling to give up her hold. Fingers tightening a wide cage into her neck.
Tav pulled her blouse open with fast fingers, pooling onto her elbows. Unclapsing the front of her bra, breasts falling free. Her hard nipples pebbling even more rigid. The combination of the sweltering night air and the fire at her back making her feel untethered.
Karlach's grinding sped up at the sight, sucking in a breath through teeth. Fingers picking up the pace a few moments later, taking a second to catch up to her hips.
Fingers now slamming into her, Tav's legs gave out, head falling back. Squeaking out fast indignant whines.
"Shhh..." Karlach urged, hand coming up from her throat to muffle over her mouth. Pulling her head back into her. "We're far, but not that far."
Tav's nails dug into her thighs, Karlach groaning quietly against her back. Tav's eyes rising into her skull, lids fluttering. Her cunt clenching in irregular pulses as her orgasm circled, drawing ever closer.
She murmured against Karlach's hand and she released slightly, fingers still plunging into her in lewd squelching.
"What was that?" She whispered, voice as sweet as her hands were rough.
"Choke me again, please."
Karlach's cunt ground into her so hard it pushed her forward. Her hand snapping back down around her throat, pulling her back flush in a sharp grip.
"Fuck yes." Karlach breathed, feeling the tremor coming from her core, pelvis bucking uncontrolled. "Give it to me, baby. Cum all over me."
Tav whimpered, cunt chasing her fingers with abandon. Her moans silenced in her throat. Head falling back, orgasm about to crest.
Karlach looked down into her eyes, pulling her jaw open further with her thumb. Licking up the inside of her lower lip with a groan.
That wrenched the orgasm from her far faster than she was ready for, her cry cut off abruptly into a hiss by Karlach's tightening fingers. Loosening as she enveloped her mouth in a muffling kiss. Tav gripped the back of her head and the curve of her horn desperately as it ripped through her. Cunt tightening down in visible pulls of her fingers, cum pushing out onto her palm with every thrust.
Karlach moaned against her mouth, the heat of her lips reigniting the hunger in her belly. Her body overstimulated all the same she whimpered against her, fast fingers still plunging.
"Just one more for me, baby. You're so pretty when you cum." Karlach urged, thumb rubbing hard circles into her cum slick clit.
Tav whined, buckling forward.
"Back." Karlach growled, fisting her hair into a ponytail. Pulling her flush once again.
"Yes, saer." Tav moaned.
"Fuck, call me that again." Karlach groaned, hips bucking hard into her back. Hand winding in a taut circle, pulling her hair back to her knuckles.
Tav moaned, a ragdoll to her demanding, in both body and words. Crying out as her second orgasm hit.
"Cum on my back- please, saer!"
Karlach shuddered against her, biting down hard into her shoulder to muffle herself. Her sharp teeth sending a shock of pain through her already unbearably high pleasure. Tav's nails curving with bruising intensity into her thigh, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out. The second wave of slick pushing into the first, dripping down Karlachs wrist. A spreading wet against her lower back as Karlach's hips slowed into choppy pulses.
"Fuck..." She slid her fingers free, veiled in a thick layer of pulling arousal. Spreading it between her two fingers indulgently, making Tav blush despite the absolutely lewd behavior she just displayed.
"Karlach..." She whined, uncomfortable.
"Okay, okay." She chuckled. Popping the fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean with a thorough tongue. As if that was any better.
When her mouth opened again, Tav caught sight of something that made her cunt ache again.
"Karlach, why do you have a tongue piercing?" She whined, finding the whole situation extremely unfair.
"Huh? Oh, I hadn't realized you hadn't seen it! Though maybe you're usually not at an angle where you can, you tiny thing."
Karlach stuck it out flat, the small rounded stud displayed in the middle of her long pointed tongue.
Tav moaned, cupping her face and licking a line up the middle. The little smooth bump sending a renewed shock through her exhausted pelvis.
Karlach groaned, eyes fluttering up then returning to hers dark again.
"Careful soldier," She warned. "You're going to burn us both up."
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thief-of-eggs · 5 months
I just think that Snowjanus would be so wonderful in a Harry Potter AU.
Hear me out-
Coryo would be aiming for top of his class. He’d be a prefect in his later years, and would be so snooty about it. He’s a Slytherin for… obvious reasons. But Ravenclaw is a close second. He thrives with potions and divination, and spends more time than not in the libraries.
Sejanus plays for the Gryffindor quidditch team. He excels in transfiguration and magical history. He loves defense against the dark arts too, but he’s not too good at it. His professors shake their heads and tell him he’s way too trusting- “why would I kill a pixie when I can just avoid it?!”
Coryo sticks to himself mostly. He hangs with his fellow prefects- Clemensia from Ravenclaw, Arachne from Slytherin, Festus from Gryffindor. But mostly he thinks they’re all too loud, too obnoxious. He’s aiming to be minister of magic one day- an ambitious feat, but one he thinks he can manage. If he pulls all the right strings.
Sejanus sits in the library quite often, drawing in his sketchbook, reading about historical events and magical species. Sometimes he and Coryo are the only two in there- and he’s quiet enough, so Coryo doesn’t mind. They even start to sit at the same table, as the years go on, silently working on their own stuff.
Coryo doesn’t go home during the holidays. He has no where to go, besides back to his depressing shell of a home with his Grandma’am. He stays back at Hogwarts, works ahead on his schoolwork, explores the empty grounds.
Except in his 5th year. When Sejanus invites him home. Sejanus- the kid he sits with sometiems, who he allows to borrow his notes since he’s gentle enough with them, since he isn’t a threat to his position as top of his class.
Sejanus- who he’s begun to sit with during breaks. Who he’s started to watch for on the quidditch pitch. Who he’s started to talk to, who he’s started to… care for.
That solidifies their odd friendship. In 6th year, Coryo starts to actively look out for Sejanus. Stops him from getting into trouble, from picking fights too easily, more frequently on Coriolanus’ behalf. “It’s not worth it Sej, people have called me worse-“ “He can’t just get away with saying that Coryo! it isn’t right-“
The first time they kiss is after a quidditch game. Sejanus is still wearing his gear, still streaked with mud, still wild with adrenaline. Coryo finds him on the pitch and Sejanus pulls him behind one of the stands and kisses him senseless.
They kiss more frequently then. After games. After tests. In the mornings, just because they can. They start to sneak eachother into their dorms- it’s all innocent. Just to sleep in eachother’s arms. To feel the other pet through their hair, to feel their heartbeats in their chests.
Coryo hasn’t been touched like this in… well. Almost in forever. Tigris used to coddle him, but he made her stop when he started school. Didn’t want anyone to see her fuss over him, and during the summers she was away on internships.
They keep their relationship secret, but everyone still finds out anyway. How can they not, when Sejanus follows Coryo like a lost puppy, when Coryo practically growls anytime someone so much as slaps Sejanus on the back for another well played game?
They all find out and it’s embarrassing at first- and Mr Plinth certainly doesn’t take well to it, once he gets word. But Coryo doesn’t let Sejanus go.
After all, how can he? He’s the one thing that stands in the way of his ambition, the one thing he values above his future. He isn’t sure when that’s happened, but it’s there. It’s real.
And he wouldn’t change it for the world
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novembermorgon · 1 month
hihi not sure how fond myrielle and aerion are of each other (would love to know more about their dynamic if you are willing to share <3) but they remind me of the “who tf is burning down my kitchen” “making breakfast for my beautiful wife” twitter meme
anon ... i giggled .
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as for marriage dynamics well .. i feel like by default any relationship with a guy everyone hates for good reason is going to be a bit strained . but somehow they're both kind of deranged enough to make it work (er.. well... somewhat...).
ive talked very briefly about it in my little myrielle post already but it kind of had to grow into anything beyond hating each other . right when myrielle gets to court she holds a lot of resentment toward him, mainly because he's the second son of a fourth son - not really heir to anything, and even when she's young she wants to aim higher than that with her betrothal. she spends a lot of time pining after the concept of another man that she deems 'better' (valarr, matarys, even daeron etc - the actual people matter less than the fact that they're further up in the succession than aerion) just because she's decided to herself that she deserves more. a little girl playing into the idea of being a wife and centering her whole worldview about that ala really twisted westerosi expectations and societal structures
it's kind of what you'd expect from two very willful very spoiled preteens; a lot of petty squabbles and little disagreements that have them bickering and squabbling and it's a bit of a mess . in time though it breezes over kind of because they both grow up and 'mature' in the sense that they aren't calling each other stupid and pushing each other over in the yard anymore LOL
by the time they're married ... well . it's .... . myrielle is fond of him and finds him handsome and dashing while they're in public and in private he at least treats her well a couple days a week which is enough . i think it's very shallow in the sense that ... i'm not sure if they ever truly know each other fully . myrielle projects her ambitions onto him and steadily heads down her path to making sure he becomes king (after the tourney at ashford meadow and the great spring sickness when things get a little crazy in how many targs are dying off) and aerion projects some idea of the wife he'd imagined himself to want onto her . in my mind he's kind of giving targ man too caught up in the idea of his ancestry and his family traditions given his whole deal with the dragon delusions etc so its lots of hey what if you pretend like you're (targ woman of his choosing) and ill be (her evil husband) and then we'll be a Proper Couple instead of a Fake Arrangement between me (perfect prince) and a lesser non-targ woman . you can see that there might be some issues here .
definitely not good . they hold resentment for each other mutually for a variety of reasons but theres also some deep seated dedication there especially from myrielle . she gets so deep into the thought of the both of them rising further than they're expected to that she in turn essentially drops everything for him and makes a lot of questionable choices and does a lot of questionable things to keep him happy and to assist him in whatever way she thinks he needs . i feel like she gets very caught up in the idea of really feeding into the idea aerion has of their marriage . tries to play into the thought of being more of a targaryen and tries to shift and change herself which never really works because she does treasure her own family and her identity but also because things just don't go the way she wants .
errr. ride or die i guess but it's weirrddddddd . which is funny to say because in practice they both cheat on each other and lie to each other and fight and bicker but they keep going back for more . why...? well.. maybe duty maybe genuine care maybe a third more evil option. me when i go out and cheat on my wife but its okay because i come back and bring her nice gifts and we do our historical targ roleplay which isn't weird at all guys i promise please guys listen its not weird its not w
rubs my chin. a lot of thoughts but i'm bad at putting them into words. i hope this is anything . probably not. one day you'll get something better from me .... .... <3
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pianokantzart · 1 year
I know it’s a rather short scene but can you give your thoughts on the scene after Mario leaves the dinner table? I love that scene since it perfectly shows us the headspace’s of both brothers
The scene starts with Mario playing Kid Icarus. It's both a fun self-reference for Nintendo, and fitting given the canonical game over screen:
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“I’m Finished!” The TV goes black, and Mario is left looking sadly at his reflection, his prematurely failing plumbing business feeling like the end of the world. Realizing this game isn’t exactly helping him distract himself from his troubles, Mario instead turns the tv to the news.
Then, Luigi comes in. He doesn’t knock before entering. He doesn’t need to. Mario left the door ajar, as if he knew his little brother wasn’t going to be far behind. Luigi gives a timid little “hey” while holding up a plate of dinner he brought for him. The tone of his voice and the look on his face seems to say “I know you’re hurting, but I’m here for you.”
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“Aw, you’re not bringing me down.” Luigi immediately knows what's on Mario’s mind, and he’s dead set on reassuring him. He tries to hand him the food, but Mario shakes his head, too upset to eat despite his brother’s efforts.
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“You know what? what do they know, huh?” Look at Luigi’s face. There is a reason why he didn’t argue at all during the dinner scene, he didn’t feel like he had anything to get defensive about. He believes in his big bro with all his heart, despite the naysayers and the bad luck. He playfully nudges Mario’s arm, trying to cheer him up, hoping to see him regain his old confidence.
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Mario is unaffected. “It’s not just them. Our whole lives people are telling us ‘we can’t do this,’ ‘we can’t do that’…” We. It’s not “people are telling me ‘I can’t do this’, ‘I can’t do that’,” it’s we. He and his brother are a package deal, have been since the beginning. Mario’s goals are Luigi’s goals, Mario’s dreams are Luigi’s dreams. When someone disregards one of them, they disregard them both.
“... Just sick and tired of feeling so small.” But unlike Luigi, Mario doesn’t have the privilege of following in someone else’s footsteps. He is the leader, the dreamer, the spearhead... it's his natural role given his far more confident and assertive personality. Luigi is just happy to be wherever Mario is, but Mario wants to aim for something greater, because achieving it means lifting both him and his brother up.
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Then the news station cuts to live footage of a serious city-wide plumbing emergency. Mario sees this, and immediately lights up. His mood does a complete 180. “This is our chance! Destiny is calling!”
Luigi is oblivious. “Destiny Delmaschio from highschool?” Already his brain is a million miles away. He isn’t worried about a thing, perfectly content just sitting next to his brother in his room, eating pasta. But Mario has other plans... big plans.
Mario grabs his brother by the wrist and drags him outside. He is back to his old self: an opportunist, an adventurer, full of gumption and ambition. Luigi, confused but ever-faithful, follows close behind.
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This scene– a rare moment of quiet in a very fast-paced and loud film– shows a new angle to the Mario Brothers' relationship. It confirms just how connected Mario feels to Luigi, how he feels like it's just the two of them against the entire world, while Luigi is shown to be not just an assistant in Mario's business endeavors, but also a great source of emotional support and comfort. Luigi just wants to follow his big brother, and will do everything he can to see to it that Mario's happy. Mario is an idealist who– after being loved and supported by his little brother for so long– wants nothing more than to do right by him in return.
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Just one final episode of what’s been one of the best villainess shows ever left. Dunno what I’ll do without my weekly dose of Rishe and Arnold.
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The firefly scene was so important for Rishe to get across to Arnold the sanctity of all life. In the future, at least in her previous lives, he’ll go on to start wars that kill thousands and thousands of innocent people so teaching him the value of even the most seemingly insignificant life is massive.
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“Don’t make me have to get rid of you.” “should I become your wife I will still move to achieve my own aims . Even if that means you toss me aside” Yess, this is why I love Rishe so much. She’s such a strong and independent woman who just refuses to live any other way besides how she wants.
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She obviously wants things to work out with Arnold and get him on the right path, but she’s not going to change who she is and conform. I feel like every time she says stuff like this something snaps in Arnold cause he not used to someone standing up to him 😂
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“I want to tell you this over and over again I think your eyes are the most beautiful in the world” bro was so flustered after Rishe told him he had to call it a night there lol.
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Despite the nice balcony talk with Arnold and Rishe it seems like she didn’t quite get thru to him with Kyle and the Coyolles negotiations. Arnold is still being an asshole to Kyle and rejecting the alliance. Was not expecting him to straight up say he can just take the watchmaking technology instead of sharing it with Coyolles.. even after Kyle’s impassioned speech there at the end Arnold brought his guard in so we’ll see what he’s playing at but it ain’t looking good.
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Michel and Arnold are probably working together and that’s how michel was able to slip around the surveillance tail. Would line up with Arnold’s military ambitions.. gonna be an interesting finale for sure.
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verdantcrimson · 4 months
Gourmand Fragrance / Wagashi Revolution - 2
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[The next day]
Keito: —Seriously, this is completely incorrigible. Can’t anything be done about how ambiguous the term ‘medium heat’ is?
Keito: What does ‘heat the water to around 50 degrees’ mean, exactly? They ought to clearly state what temperature to use!
Keito: There are vague instructions like “Pay attention to the room temperature as well!” here too...
Keito: … No, there’s no use in complaining about this. Anyways, how should I deal with the situation at hand?
Keito: If I ask for Kanzaki’s help, I’d be able to get it done in one go, but I’d like to keep it a secret from him this time…
Nazuna: Rei-chin, why don’t we take a break and get something to drink… Huh? Keito-chin?
Rei: How rare. I never thought I’d see Hasumi-kun cooking.
Nazuna: That sweet smell… Are you making chocolate?
Nazuna: Keito-chin, did you start trying to make chocolate immediately?
Nazuna: Would it be okay for me to eat some? I just got off of work and I feel like having something sugary~
Nazuna: Oh, but only if you have any leftovers, obviously! You might have wanted to give it to someone else.
Keito: No it’s- Um, That is… It’s not an issue. In fact, it would probably be best for you to have some.
Nazuna: Thanks, Keito-chin! In that case, don’t mind if I do…
Nazuna: Thank you for the food~♪  
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Nazuna: ~~~~~~Gh!?
Nazuna: Gyah!? This is unbeweivabwy hawd, Keito-chin!
Keito: … Sorry, Nito. I had been considering the possibility that maybe I just had a weak jaw, but it seems that I had simply failed.
Nazuna: You should’ve told me! I bit into it as hard as I could because I had no idea!
Nazuna: Uu, my tooth hurts… Rei-chin, are my teeth okay? None of them broke, right?
Rei: Worry not, Nito-kun. Your teeth remain aligned and in perfect condition.
Rei: My my, Hasumi-kun. It seems like you’ve created a rather deadly weapon.
Rei: Or perhaps it was meant to be a prank, replacing actual chocolate with fake chocolate.
Rei: In that case, should I have played along?
Keito: Hey, quit making fun of me. It was my bad, okay?
Keito: Guh, I knew I shouldn’t have tried making sweets without Kiryu.
Nazuna: Come to think of it, why isn’t Kuro-chin here with you, Keito-chin?
Keito: Kiryu has work scheduled for the entire day today. Since I had a bit of free time on my hands, I figured I would start practicing on my own.
Keito: However, I never expected that accomplishing my first goal, learning how to temper chocolate by heating and cooling it, would be so troublesome…
Rei: Hm. Hasumi-kun, you mentioned just now that this was your ‘first goal’. Does this mean you’re aiming for something else?
Keito: Yes. Nito is already aware, but what Kanzaki said yesterday is stuck in my head now.
Nazuna: Hm? What Souma-chin said— Do you mean the wagashi thing?
Keito: Exactly. After that, Kiryu and I had a discussion, and we came up with the idea of making wagashi that would be the star of Valentines to give to Kanzaki.
Keito: Kanzaki is always working so hard for AKATSUKI’s sake, and we wanted to express our gratitude to him…
Keito: Most of all, that disappointed expression he had on his face yesterday just won’t leave my mind.
Nazuna: I see. So I guess Keito-chin felt the same as me all along.
Nazuna: Actually, ever since I saw Mitsuru-chin’s sad face, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about if there’s anything I can do.
Nazuna: It’s so frustrating when there’s nothing I can do to help my cute juniors when they’re counting on me.
Keito: Yes. Kanzaki truly believed that I would be able to solve the issue and came to me as well.
Keito: So I feel like I should have been able to find some way to fulfill those expectations.
Keito: To do nothing for lack of a perfect plan, or to say that someone else might be better suited, excuses like those are no different from running away.
Rei: Fufu. You two have such lofty ambitions. It sure does pique my interest. ♪
Nazuna: Yeah, I totally get it, Keito-chin. It’s uncool to just do nothing!
Rei: However, if you’re struggling this hard to simply temper chocolate, how do you expect to create wagashi impressive enough to cause a sensation?
Keito: Urgh, you hit a bit of a sore spot there…
Nazuna: He’s right though.
Keito: Okay. So why aren’t wagashi popular for Valentines? There has to be a cause.
Nazuna: Putting aside technical concerns for now, what sort of wagashi can we make that would get people talking?
Rei: Since it’s Valentines season, how about doing some research on the kinds of sweets that people prefer?
Rei: Earlier, when I was walking around ES with Nito-kun, I saw quite a few Valentines Day Fairs going on.
Nazuna: Isn’t that great? Cinnamon was also advertising a limited-time menu.
Rei: So what do you say, Hasumi-kun?
Keito: Hmph. It’s irritating to be sweet-talked into something by Sakuma, but he has a point.
Keito: It’s a good idea. I’ll take your advice this time. You have my thanks, Sakuma.
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Keito: Now that that’s settled, I’ll begin researching right away.
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what if... soichiro was bella's dad, and charlie was light's dad? would anything change?
The thing is, anon, that Charlie Swan and Soichiro Yagami seem to be very influenced by their culture and lives.
Soichiro Yagami is a Japanese policeman, head of the NPA homicide division headquartered in Tokyo, with a wife he's not divorced to and children he's not estranged from. Of those children, Light Yagami is the oldest, perfect, son in a very traditional Japanese family (where Light seems to play his role very well).
Charlie Swan is from an incredibly small American town where he becomes a sheriff, is divorced from his wife very young in an absolutely miserable breakup, and estranged from his daughter whom he only meets again when she's a teenager. Just as Soichiro's very Japanese, Charlie is very American.
Basically, what I'm getting at, is that my mind is boggling trying to picture American Soichiro/Japanese Charlie, let alone the pair having the canonically equivalent children.
But I'll try.
Charlie Swan is Charlie Yagami Now
While Charlie's still a dedicated cop, we don't see him having the ambition to climb further than he does in Forks. He's as high as he can go in Forks, yes, but he has no desire to leave the town or his community.
Probably Charlie in this world would gravitate towards being a small-town chief of police in a very rural village in Japan.
He might still gravitate towards a local, vibrant, sweetheart who then leaves him. I'm not sure he'd go for Sachiko, but then again he's Japanese now and Sachiko is much more the ideal Japanese wife/mother. If he does have an ill-fated romance, he's much more likely to get custody of Light than he was in canon (where had Renee not been the mother, she never would have gotten custody of Bella).
In a traditional Japanese rural community, sudden divorce would be much more scandalous even than it is in Forks (where despite Bella's fears people really don't bring it up much/seem to care) and Light (potentially Sayu) would grow up the kids of the runaway bride who ran off to Tokyo.
Which makes it hard to imagine how this affects Light.
Light adores his family in canon, for all he professes his willingness to sacrifce them (when push comes to shove, he really hesitates). He especially idolizes his father and never questions his goal of becoming a police officer because of him.
But Light in this world doesn't have his ideal family. He has no mother, his father is the town laughing stock for all people like him and has no ambition, and he's in a small town where everyone knows everyone and grisly homicide isn't this thing he hears about that often (where I'm sure Soichiro came home with some stories from heading the national homicide division).
I think Light would want to get out of this town, desperately, to make something of himself and support his sister in the city, but I don't know if he'd want to become a cop to do so.
In fact... I think he wouldn't.
Likely, Light would aim to become a business tycoon. (Don't ask me how he plans to do this, the boy's got plans.)
Which means that Light isn't bored.
Filled with hungry ambition and bitterness, oh yes, but not bored. And boredom was one of Light's primary motivators in using the Death Note (as it was what he saw as giving him purpose).
In other words, if the notebook falls here, I'm not sure Light would be inclined to use it let alone go full Kira if he does.
The thing about Light Yagami is that, for all it seemed like destiny, Ryuk also was in the right place at the right time.
Soichiro is Now Soichiro Swan
Again, we have the point that it's unclear if Soichiro would go for Renee. He's American now but the fact that he went for Sachiko in canon means that a Renee probably isn't what Soichiro's looking for.
More, Soichiro isn't staying in fucking Forks.
He heads to Chicago, LA, New York, etc. and joins the homicide division as a detective and workaholic. (This is, of course, if Soichiro doesn't join the FBI).
My point is that Soichiro seems to have married older than Charlie and sought out a woman who would put up with his work schedule and the fact that he is a cop who can die on the job.
This means Bella's parents aren't divorced.
Now, her dad works in homicide, and she gets to hear all about the truly nasty people in the world, but she has a much more stable home life than she did in canon. Probably still suffering low self-esteem, likely feeling she's disappointing her family (she has very good grades but is very introverted and incredibly unathletic).
Now, given no one's in Forks, Bella's probably not moving to Forks nor any place the Cullens would reasonably place themselves. When we meet up with them in canon, for all they have done larger/mid-size cities in the past, they seem to be going for the rural cloudy communities in the middle of nowhere.
But alright, let's say the Cullens come to Chicago.
Well, Bella's dad's a cop, and she's been hearing war stories about domestic abuse for years. She has pepper spray, has taken (and failed at) self-defense classes, and has been told exactly what to look for in creepy men who intend her harm.
Guess which red flags Edward's raising.
I imagine Bella quickly tells on Edward and Edward gets the mortifying experience of having not only been caught by Bella Swan, but having this situation escalate and her father the homicide officer convinced he wants to rape his daughter.
We quickly enter a spiraling scenario where the rest of the family wants to move because, well, Edward, the detective is watching you like a hawk when you might eat his daughter any day now. Let's leave please? And Edward doesn't want to leave because a) Bella smells delicious b) his pride will be in ruins.
As usual, Edward's anguish escalates until he ends up murdering Bella as well as her father and perhaps the entire homicide department as Soichiro had put Edward in the system.
Bella, as usual, fails the Yandere Simulator
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mariacallous · 3 months
As democracy faces a growing assault around the world, South Korea is emerging as a country that is uniquely positioned to help lead a global democratic renewal. When Seoul held the 1988 Summer Olympics, it helped introduce South Korea to the world as a modern nation. Hosting the third Summit for Democracy this week reflects South Korea’s new ambition to support the expansion of freedom around the world, especially in the Indo-Pacific and in the global south.
South Korea’s transformation from devastation after the Korean War to economic powerhouse has inspired many developing countries. Successive Korean administrations have focused on economic development at home while maintaining an alliance with the United States and managing relations with regional powers to keep the peace on the Korean peninsula. But now Seoul is aiming higher: South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has written that he sees his country as a “global pivotal state,” taking on a bigger role in “expanding freedom and human rights, not just for ourselves, but also for others.”
Many people in the global south resist the idea of a world in which they must choose between the United States and China. In this sense, the Korean model is one to emulate: a non-Western country that has achieved economic development coupled with growing political and societal liberalization at home while navigating great power politics. As the need for global democratic solidarity grows more urgent, South Korea’s stepping up to host the Summit for Democracy underscores the important role that non-Western democracies have to play on the global stage.
South Korea has growing soft power, and the emergence of Korean pop culture as a global phenomenon (known as Hallyu, or the Korean Wave), along with South Korea’s technological prowess, can help its aspirations on the world stage. South Korea’s open society has enabled the production of both cultural and technological innovations that shape the daily life of so many people around the world. The unprecedented global reach of K-pop and K-dramas have shown the world the lifestyle attainable in today’s South Korea, and global consumers likely view the country’s freedoms positively.
Half of the world’s countries have seen a decline in at least one democracy indicator in the last five years, as measured by the Global State of Democracy Initiative. Meanwhile, authoritarian powers are learning from and supporting one another and using the international system to their advantage. Democratic leaders must take the initiative in revitalizing a global order that upholds people’s freedoms. And for democracy to thrive globally, governments beyond the United States and Europe must play a leading role in supporting it.
Yoon has warned that the “freedom and democracy we have built through sweat and sacrifice are being seriously undermined around the world and faced with grave challenges.” The Summit for Democracy provides an opportunity to demonstrate that democracies are united in defending democracy together. As host, South Korea sends a strong signal to those who continue to dismiss democracy as Western and therefore incompatible with other values. For countries that want to avoid taking sides amid global tensions, South Korea’s leadership can navigate these shoals.
South Korea’s own trajectory resonates with democracy advocates in the global south. The Korean people challenged their dictatorship in 1987 and peacefully transitioned the country to a liberal democracy. This “homegrown democracy” has enabled Seoul to flourish in economic development and innovation by ensuring the rule of law, protections of property rights, and fostering the freedom of expression so crucial to creative industries—fueling the Korean Wave. All of this makes the country’s choice to host the summit a potential game changer.
South Korea can show that although the path to democracy is context-specific, the values and institutions that sustain it—free speech, free markets, and political competition—are universal. In addition to the Summit for Democracy, Seoul will host other important meetings related to digital governance and artificial intelligence this year, including the Global AI Forum in May and the AI Summit Seoul in December. As Yoon has argued, “[W]e, as free citizens of the world, must unite in solidarity to stave off any misuse or any abuse of digital technology that could undermine our freedom.”
This week, South Korea has an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to democratic solidarity and articulate how it will intensify its support for democracy around the world. It should leverage its soft power to do so. By showcasing South Korea’s digital innovation and culture, made possible by such values as freedom of expression, the country can achieve outsized impact in making a case for democracy everywhere, not just in the West.
The countries that have been at the frontlines of democratic leadership should now help South Korea to play a leading role in strengthening global democratic infrastructure. This means using the Summit for Democracy to make clear to the Korean people and government that the world welcomes their ambition and expects the summit to translate these aspirations into action. South Korea will find its own pathway to regional and global leadership, and other democracies can provide valuable partnership along the way.
South Korea is already an impressive democracy and vibrant market economy. It can build on these achievements to emerge as a global democratic leader. One day, the Korean Wave may be known not only for its cultural capital, but also for spurring a more democratic future.
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borisbubbles · 21 days
Eurovision 2024: #33
33. BELGIUM Mustii - "Before the party's over" 32nd place
Decade Ranking: 125/153 [Above Vladana, below Iru]
and now I get to be smug: (date of posting, the night before the song was released, when it leaked.)
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When I'm right, you'll know it. Which of you was also never fooled by RTBF's extensive PR and always suspected the semi was where it would end? Belgium never do well if we're an overdog, that's been proven again and again and again. Not enough time has passed for the Eurofans to accept the truth about "The Party is Over", so let me break it to you with zero filter.
Yes, a BAD SONG. Sure, the live was Very Not Good and that didn't help, (I"ll get to that), but it wasn't "four points ahead of Besa" bad. One doesn't just tumble from "critically acclaimed fan fave and expected top ten placer" to that on the basis of one underwhelming live. Kaleen was arguably worse than Mustii and faced direct competition from three other entries (Mustii only from one and it was fucking DONS ♥) and she still scraped through. That is the difference between a good Eurovision song, and a bad one.
So what makes "Before the party's over" that bad? You mean besides that it takes forever to build up into a climax that isn't even that good?
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Besides the literal goat noises + unfortunate singing face?
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Besides the word salad lyrics that use a lot of words to say nothing at all? ("ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THE GAME OR BREAKING THE RULES") What game? What rules? WHAT ARE YOU SINGING ABOUT?! This lyrics are as tiresome to read as they were tedious to hear.
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Maybe the fact that's it's appalingly vainglorious?
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Like, what's the matter? An enibriated gay enters the stage, behaves like he's the centre of the universe, deludes himself into thinking he serves, mama (refering to his own behaviour as that in his mind, ofc) and everybody is too pre-occupied on their phones to pay him attention. That's half of homosexuality during karaoke night at the gay bar. Big deal. If the ambition is to do well in Eurovision, perhaps one should aim higher than "glamped-up Mirud"?
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That said, it wasn't until the live in the Semi i realized why nothing works. Once you see it performed on a stage the AZERBAIJANI COLOURS come out, and they're not a part of any televote-qualifier rainbow that I've ever seen. If you're going to come in all "I AM AWESOME" then gives us a reason to agree with you? It was a lot of style attempting to cover a complete lack of substance, and doing it poorly. The song was a bluff, an empty promise carefully aimed at currying jury votes (hence why it dominated early polls) and the live exposed it for what it was. End of.
I've also seen people toss around the idea that Mustii was a Sennek, but I don't believe this is fair towards either of them. Sennek had a great song, and no vision. She assumed the song would be enough get her into the final by default. She then spent the rest of the preseason guzzling down glasses of zinfandel until she took the stage and everyone -to their HORROR- understood how woefully unprepared and inexperienced she was.
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Mustii, if anything, was Sennek's direct opposite. He had an unvoteable song and a clear vision in mind (himself.) and worked VERY hard to engineer it into a qualifier. So much that he actively neglected basic human needs such as sleep? Like I've seen at least THREE different interviews where Mustii cheerfully reveals he'd been rehearsing so often that he hasn't slept in days, like dude, TAKE ALL THE NAPS IN THE WORLD. REST YOURSELF. PLEASE.
So with that in mind, I can ~understand~ why he wasn't good live. If you work yourself into insomnia and anxiety, and then are thrown into the most TOXIC BACKSTAGE of all times, yeah ofc you're not going to be at your best.
Even with a good live, I still think Belgium NQ. The song was hopeless. Let this be an eternal reminder for everyone that Fade to Blacks will no longer be tolerated in Eurovision across any flag and banner.
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the other thing about seward is that there are a number of things you can identify as morally wrong in his treatment of renfield from the perspective of 1897 and more so from the perspective perspective of 2023 but it’s not like there’s some FDA approved cure for being fanatically obsessed with collecting little piles of vermin to replicate the food chain inside your own body because you believe doing so will grant you eternal life that seward is like….. holding out on. seward is not like, avoiding steps that he knows would if followed lead to renfield chilling out on the absorbing the life of smaller organisms thing. seward doesn’t actually know how to provide treatment that would result in meaningful change, and it’s not because he’s a bad doctor, it’s because that treatment didn’t exist in 1897 and very possibly still doesn’t now - the state of the art of psychiatry continues to include a lot of guesswork and a lot of things for basically anything identified as a psychiatric condition that work for some patients and not others, rarely with any kind of deep understanding of why or of how to predict who might benefit from what protocol. some things identified as disorders continue to elude meaningful treatment. and, like, you can look at all that and say, well, seward could try to find ways to help him that would make him more comfortable or functional or whatever, but i actually do think that that is part of his aim and just as you can’t like neatly cleave the compassion and empathy he shows to other characters from his mistreatment of renfield, i don’t think you can totally separate out his weirdness and games-playing with renfield from his desire to understand him with the goal of ultimately perhaps providing some kind of help to renfield directly or to someone like him in the future through the progression of science (this is basically his argument about vivisection, right? which, unless i am drastically misreading this based on missing historical context, seward was… literally right about? unless you are against the [consensual] use of autopsies to study the human body and expressiom/etiology of disease or of cadavers as a teaching tool?) it’s not an altruistic desire and he is very clearly eyeing renfield with his own professional ambition in mind and also using his ambition to distract himself from his Problems (not very well). but i don’t think the fact that it’s complicated or impure means it’s inherently insincere and i think (this is why i care about this concept) basically all human beings ever are fundamentally incapable of knowing for certain their own motives and whether they eg want to do good or want to feel that they are good or be seen as good (if you try to argue me on this i will mentally file you on the Even Worse At This Than Most side of the spectrum). and, like, i don’t know, the nice thing about fiction is that it’s made up and doesn’t matter so there’s no real world concerns here to weigh against wrestling with the question of how a figure like this, smart and clueless and ambitious and caring and cold and selfish and selfless, might be in some ways a mirror, rather than just going “rip to jack seward but i’m different.” i mean, like, if you want. i’m not your mom.
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niuniente · 2 months
Catching up on tumblr and read your post about Sergei Dragunov's message of survival! May I ask what other characters from any fandoms are also acting as messengers for you?
There are so, so many from the past almost 20 years when I started to do this and connect the dots! Some of the characters are still questions marks with their messages but it's part of the fun to patiently figure them out - and, if there's none, then there's none and that's okay.
I'm going to introduce a few ones only so this list won't get too long.
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Dante (Devil May Cry) Dante represents a time of transition, when the old isn't here anymore but the new hasn't arrived yet either. This is because he himself is a half-devil, half-human and thus doesn't really belong to either side. This transition is pretty much always something which takes me from old to new in a way that there's no returning back to the old. It's always a positive transition. For example, I started to see him around a lot before a surgery I didn't know I needed but which improved my life's quality afterwards. And, also, 5 months before I knew I was going to apply for a school and get accepted in.
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Vergil (Devil May Cry) Vergil is a sort of a newcomer who very rarely appears. His message is a total transformation where the old completely dies and a new phase begins. Like the Phoenix. Where his brother Dante predicts a transformation in some field, Vergil predicts full scale transformation, which is inevitable. Multiple things will change at the same time but this purging is necessary and beneficial.
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Hwoarang (Tekken) Hwoarang was a very close "guide" when I was younger. His message is that keep your eyes on the price/goal but don't force it as higher forces are at play, too. Stay humble to know when to step back but don't let the inner fire for your goal and ambitions disappear. The moment of pause is only a moment of pause. This is because Hwoarang goes after whatever the hell he wants, even breaking rules and law, but bring in his master Baek (the higher force) and he immediately knows his place.
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Reno (Final Fantasy VII) Reno used to be around a lot more when I was in my twenties, worried about my career and work life. He sometimes appears to kick my ass but I'm happy I need his services a lot less now lol. This is because Reno's message is confidence as you are in a work environment. And ONLY in the work environment! Doesn't matter how you look like, doesn't matter how you are. Just be yourself. You will succeed and find the people who appreciate what you have got to give to your work field. This is Reno's message because despite his attitude, looks and the way he "violates" the workplace dress code, he is still 2nd in command right after his boss.
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Daiki Aomine (Kuroko no Basket) Aomine is bold, 100% confidence with no hesitation, because the only one who can beat Aomine is Aomine himself - according to him. So, why do you stand on your own way, trip your on feet and give up? No one can beat you but you - go for it! Know your worth and give credit to your talents.
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Grimmjow (Bleach) Grimmjow is titled as The King in Bleach so he represents ultimate rule over your own life and your own actions. You do you and don't give a shit what others want from you or what they think about you. His message isn't aimed to anything particular but it's more of a call to embody that self-sufficient regal energy, where anyone who crosses your path and says "No you can't" is nothing but a whining bastard. His the "Take No Shit" part from the motto Do No Harm, Take No Shit.
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Sergei Dargunov (Tekken) Adding Dragunov here, too, if someone missed the original post. Dragunov represents (and predicts) ultimate survival in an extreme environment where my future - from a logical point of view - is heavily threatened. Like, to that degree that IF things don't work out (soon!), I will not survive. Keep your calm, keep your emotions in check as there's no need to panic, even if the world around you was on fire. The fire will not catch you. This is because when I think about Dragunov, I feel that he will survive anything. Drop an atom bomb over him and he probably just walks away from it with some dust on him, unharmed. Then, he goes to mind his own business and assemble his pink toy tanks. I think that such a notion is a small extra; have some sense of humor, even when the world burns. There are still nice things out there to enjoy of right now.
I'm currently trying to figure out Jessica Rabbit and Fran from FFXII, who has been my faves for a really long time. Most of the guides are men because I'm naturally more comfortable and at ease in masculine energy (a psychic once noted that my energy is, at the moment, more aligned with the divine masculine - one of my current lessons is to turn that to the divine feminine, which is extremely strong on my astrological chart. I just haven't been able to tap into it yet but I'm getting there!)
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antis0cial23 · 2 months
The Pride of the Navy
Chapter 2: Great Balls of Fire
Summary: Going to a bar shouldn't hurt... Right?
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Quinlan parked her Impala in the parking lot of ‘The Hard Deck’, engine calming to soft purrs. She stared at the neon sign, the plane flashing next to the name. With a deep breath, Quinlan was out of her car. Who knows how many other aviators got called for this mission, so there was no telling who she would run into. Damn, she really needed that drink. Entering the bar, she skirted the sides, making her way to Penny in the center. Seeing the bartender put a small smile on her face.
            “Hey, Pen! Mind if I start a tab?” She smiled when Penny looked her way, Penny creating a smile that mirrored Quin’s.
            “Cas! What a lovely surprise,” Penny had already started pouring a vodka soda for Quin, her go to on nights when she needed something more than beer. Even after eight years, Penny still remembered her drink order. Sometimes Pen would make it special, adding lemonade, otherwise it was the usual vodka and club soda. “Ya know, I think some of your friends are over by the pool table.” Pen half smiled, half smirked. Quin gave an uneasy look, glancing over. A tall man stood, chest puffed out by the pool table.
            “What do we have here? And here, I thought we were special, Coyote. Turns out, the invite went to everyone.” A mock expression of betrayal played on his face. A voice Quin had only heard over the phone for the last eight years sounded, missing the crackling of bad connection.
“Fellas, this here is Bagman.” Phoenix spoke, no real indication of joy or annoyance in her voice.
“Hangman.” He almost immediately corrected. Phoenix just waved him off, muttering a ‘whatever’. Quin stared, debating going over, but scared of seeing Phoenix after such a long time of botched communication. Nodding to Penny, Quin grabbed her drink, deciding to settle in close enough to hear, but far enough to not yet be noticed. She heard the admiration when Hangman’s accomplishments were mentioned, but they quickly moved on.
            “Who are your friends?” Another man spoke, Quin once again didn’t know who. Phoenix’s two accompanying aviators spoke their names, those being ‘Payback’ and ‘Fanboy’. Quin only wondered what ‘Fanboy’ must’ve done to receive that callsign.
            “Hey, Coyote, Who is this?” Phoenix pointed to the man on the stool, right by the table.
            “Who is who?” Coyote responded, turning to see the man.
“When did you get in?” Hangman questioned.
“Oh, I- I’ve been here the whole time.” The timid man in service khakis spoke.
“The mans a stealth flight pilot.” Hangman commented, Coyote confirming his words with a mumbled ‘Literally’.
“Weapons System Officer, actually.” The ‘mystery man’ said very matter-a-fact. Quin didn’t know why, but she liked him already. Maybe it was because he went unnoticed, or because of his blatant response to the cocky looking Hangman.
            “With no sense of humor.” Hangman rolled his eyes, Quin’s distaste for him growing.
            Phoenix asked his name, and the man responded with ‘Bob’. Quin softly snorted, curious as to where this was going.
            “No, your callsign.” One of Phoenix’s companions asked.
            “Um.. It’s, It’s Bob.” Coyote let out a disbelieving sound, phoenix smiled, and Quin already loved this man, reminding her of herself with a little less bite.
“Bob Floyd? You’re my new backseater? From Lemoore?” Phoenix questioned, Quin almost forgetting Vex’s, Phoenix’s old WSO, ambitions to become a pilot. Bob nodded. Conversation died down, Phoenix playing Hangman in pool. A perfect entrance was in sight, and Quinlan could only hope it went well. Walking over to the table, Bob’s observant eyes on her, Quin bent next to Phoenix as she was lining up a shot.
“Aim left, Nix.” Quin spoke, voice steady, unlike her jumbled thoughts riddled with twisting anxiety. The quiet ringing of the bell on her necklace all she heard. Phoenix’s eyes widened as she paused.
“Holy shit.” Phoenix whispered, stsying still for a second before almost tackling her friend. “When the fuck did you get here! You could’ve texted!” Phoenix’s whole demeanor changed at the sight of Casper, as did Casper’s at the sight of Phoenix’s excitement.
“I think if I called you, you would’ve broken into my house and kidnapped me.” Quin was elated that Phoenix showed nothing but excitement, contrary to the anger she feared.
“Care to introduce us to your, dare I say, gorgeous friend?” Hangman shamelessly flirted, only making Quin grimace.
“Gentleman, this is Lieutenant Quinlan ‘Casper’ Emai.” Phoenix showed off Quin like a beautiful diamond in a glass box. Quin hated all the eyes on her, but she knew it was only going to be a short time till she could hide on the edges of the group. Hangman’s eyes only widened by a fraction, but Quin noticed. She nodded to the group, some looking surprised.
“Oh shit, no way. This is Casper?” Fanboy spoke surprised.
“The one and only, love.” Quin spoke, voice nonchalant, contrary to her inner turmoil. She truly despised large-scale attention. Phoenix flicked the bell on her neck, eyebrow raised.
“Never taken it off.” Quinlan spoke, her words nothing but honest. She never took the necklace, gifted by her most important friend, off for more than an hour at a time.
“Pardon,” Hangman interrupted the reunion, “is that a bell?” Hangman looked confused, but also slightly intrigued.
“Notice how none of us realized she walked over? Bell.” Phoenix said, pointing at the small metal ball.
“Not that it works.” Quin stated, already feeling like her old self again. And loving it at that. The old painful memories dissolving in the back of her head without a thought.
“Take your shot Phoenix, you’re holding up my win.” Hangman commented, earning an exaggerated eyeroll from both female pilots. Phoenix once again lined up, shooting. Quin took her chance to stand on the other side of the pillar Bob was leaning against.
A few more hits from both pilots, and Quin heard a name that made her breathing stop and the memories fly back into the forefront of her mind like a nighthawk, minus the stealth.
“Bradshaw! This is how I find out you’re stateside?” Phoenix lined up another shot, shooting a glance at Quin, only to see a blank expression hiding anxiety the size of the Pacific ocean staring at the pool table.
“I thought I’d surprise you.” Phoenix pulled back on the pool stick, hitting Rooster in the stomach. He hunched over, holding the corner of the table for support.
“Yeah? Well, it looks like I surprised you too.” Continuing with her turn like nothing happened, Phoenix sunk the striped ball with ease. Rooster just breathed deeply, recovering from the strike to his gut… And maybe a little to his ego.
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.” Hangman walked up to Rooster, inadvertently saving Quin from having her hiding spot discovered, lamely trying to take cover in the side of the pillar Rooster couldn’t see.
“Hangman…” Rooster paused, looking Hangman up and down, almost analyzing his presence. “You look… good.” His words sounded ingenuine, but it didn’t seem like Hangman cared in the slightest.
“I am good. Very good.” Hangman paused, smirking. “Too good to be true.” Hangman’s arrogance flooding the space in an instant. Without even a thought, Quin spoke, her mental filter gone from her moment of slight dissociation.
“Ew.” Quin’s nose scrunched, looking at Hangman with distaste. All Quin said in her mind was ‘Fuck.’ She cursed her lack of filter sometimes, and this was definitely one of those times. Phoenix and Bob gave quiet laughs, but Roosters face said it all. A mix of surprise, definitely anger, and she knew he also wanted no part of whatever was to come. His hazel eyes holding strong with Quin’s blue ones. Almost like a knife through softened butter, Payback spoke.
“So… Anyone know what this uh, ‘special detachment’ is about?” His tone oozing sarcasm at the end of his question. Everyone either shrugged or shook their heads.
“Nope” Hangman spoke, popping the ‘p’ like he was chewing gum. Irritation at its finest. “What I want to know…” A pause for dramatic effect, god, Hangman already got on her nerves. “Is who will be the team leader. And which of you has what it takes to follow me.” His smirk radiant with his unnaturally white teeth.
“Hangman, the only place your going is an early grave.” Rooster quipped; Quin surprised at his words. Who knew Rooster’s temper could get even shorter? This was going to be fun.
“Well, anyone who follows you ‘s just gonna… run out of fuel. But that’s just you, ain’t it, Rooster?” The smirk on his lips and fire in his eyes was nothing short of intriguing for Quin, but with Roosters historically short temper that had seemed to have shortened even further, she was a little on edge.
“Snug up on that perch, waiting for just the right moment, that never comes.” Hangman spoke like he was painting a picture for every other pilot present, Rooster not giving any indication of response, besides the flare of his nostrils in anger. “Oh, I love this song.” Hangman smiled, overly sweet, and turned back to his game.
“Well, he hasn’t changed” Phoenix said, amused.
“Nope, sure hasn’t.” Rooster sighed.
“Look at this, more patches.” Fanboy nodded over to the incoming pilots.
“There’s Harvard… Yale” Payback looked surprised, “Omaha... Fuck that’s Fritz.” Fanboy’s face clouded slightly with worry.
“What the hell kind of mission is this?” Worry etched its way on to his features, matching almost everyone’s thoughts. Although maybe not Hangman, he was probably thinking about himself.
“That’s not the question we should be asking. Everyone here is the best of the best.” Phoenix paused, looking around.
“Who the hell are they gonna hire to teach us?” Quin finished Phoenix’s thought, Phoenix and few other pilots nodding. The bell at the bar rang for a second time that night, first was a free round, second usually meant they couldn’t pay.
“Hangman, Payback, Coyote. Why don’t you help this man out?” Penny smiled sweetly at the two boys turning to whisper something along the lines of ‘rules are rules’ to the man at the bar. During the commotion, Rooster slipped over to the piano. Quin watched his moves, knowing what was to come. Unplugging the Jukebox, earning a collective groan from the bar, Rooster played some scales, warming up. Phoenix hit Hangman’s arm, causing him to groan.
“Really? Come on.” Hangman groaned once more, reminding Quin of a child having a tantrum. Quinlan just stayed against the pillar, not moving from her self-deemed ‘safety circle’. The music notes started flowing, a familiar opening to an all too familiar song. Quin looked away from Rooster’s sitting figure, looking at absolutely anything else.
Unknown to her, right when she looked away, he looked up. Seeing her was a surprise and he couldn’t tell just what type. Seeing her after so long made him happy, but he was still bitter about how they last parted. One thing about Bradley Bradshaw, he held grudges. Truly like no other. It had been eight years, but he didn’t know if he was ready to let those words go. And being completely honest, neither was she. By the time the song reached is chorus, the whole bar was screaming ‘Goodness, Gracious, Great balls of fire!’ at the top of their lungs, every drunk and sober person joining in. Except Quinlan. When Rooster looked back at where she had been standing, she was nowhere in sight. In her typical ghosty ways, she had disappeared without anyone realizing. The problem of Quinlan Emai was a problem Rooster was happy to deal with any other day. So, he continued playing, and Quin continued walking farther down the beach, farther away from the bar and the memories that seemed to chase her. They’d both just have to wait and see what tomorrow held in store for them, and neither wanted to see what it was. It was only a matter of time before past problems became tomorrow’s troubles, but Quin was ready to do anything in her power to stretch that time to the max. So was Rooster.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title : The Mad King
TW: Violence, implied murder, mentions of poisoning, I tried to make it as GN as possible but for the direction I want this little world to go it will be heavily implied female (or at very least AFAB) reader. Possessivness.  Also slight mentions of breeding (what can I say I am who I am) also if you get confused, the italics are the shadow and the bold the younger brother
Hope you enjoy! this is my first offical drabble/imagine so I really hope you guys like it! I have some more lined up, but just a early warning I am in uni so it can be a bit crazy! I am gonna aim for two a week :) 
They had been inseparable since childhood. The shadow and him. A figure only he could see, a voice only he could hear. A friend for the times his father cast him aside in favour of his older brother, the rightful heir. An accomplice for when he acted in envy and lamed his brother's prized mare, a scapegoat for when he was dragged in front of his father with blood coating his hands. He was told to do it, can't you see? Why don't you believe him? The shadow was the one who made him do it. 
 He was deemed flawed after that. A prince does not act out in anger, or envy and does not let bitterness rest in their chest until it comes screaming out. A good prince, a righteous prince, does not cast the blame on shadowy figures that lay lingering in the corners of rooms and the rafters of roofs. 
He was the flawed prince, the fractured brother. The one who saw strange figures at night and sneered at his brother's kindness. What kindness would he accept from a brother who stole their father away? What brother would allow him to be left forgotten and alone, ignored and slighted? What brother? 
 But maybe not a brother, comes whispers. A thief, a rouge, a greedy little pig. Suckling the milk of your father for far too long, stealing all the scraps and crumbs for himself. If he is not your brother then he is a rival, an enemy, a nemesis, a Judas. An enemy? No, a brother. At least for now. 
 Years passed slowly, and his bitterness remained. He was willing to let it rot, willing to let it freeze deep inside. For father was now dead, a nasty business involving poison and turncoats and 6 hanging bodies overlooking the City Square. No need for new seeds of bitterness to be sown when the object of your envy is six feet under. He thought he was at rest, happy to play little brother to the Rightful King. A kind and generous ruler to his people and in turn his brother. But despite this newfound love he did not forget, for how could he? It is hard to forget when whispers from an old friend continue to sound. You can only forget so much, and forgive so little when the misdoings of your brother are repeated endlessly. Yet, for now, he was able to deafen the whispers, and the shadow of his childhood slowly slithered away.
 And laid in wait, til the day of your arrival. 
The youngest child of a large royal family is a frightening and often lonely place to be. Filled with kindness, yes, but ambition can be a cruel drug, severing even the strongest of bonds. Best to send those unneeded to faraway lands, where they can be of some use, before they start to dream of a crown of their own. Despite no dreaming on your end, you were deemed to be an excess and a potential threat (no matter how small) and thus sent away to a kingdom and a king needing an heir. An alliance was made, something regarding timber and coal, although it was purely formalities. You were nothing more but livestock to be bred and tamed. 
 Even kind Kings are still men. 
 The younger brother had heard of you. A foreign royal to be tied to his brother in holy matrimony. Nothing more than a decoration to be admired. Like a pretty painting of swans on a lake. 
 But if ambition is a cruel drug, love is a crueller disease still.
 The long silent whispers became shouts when you stepped from the carriage. Your face glowed in the setting sun, but your smile was the brightest light of the day. You were introduced to both the Rightful King and the younger brother. You were courteous and gave both the same attention. But was that a look of admiration from your eyes when you looked at his brother? Or was it just the sun? No, came the shouts. Admiration, desire, want and lust was in your eyes. For him. For that stupid, gorging pig still selfishly taking and taking and taking and taking and taking. 
 What more could he possibly take? He took your father's love from you, he took your rightful place on the throne (the throne?), yes your rightful place ruling and leading. Your place as a king among men and a god among kings. And now look at him, lusting and drooling after a poor, helpless, innocent lamb. Like a wolf who strays too close to the flock. But they are yours (mine?), yours, (Mine). Do not let this thief, this rouge, this Judas steal from you again. He is not your brother but a traitor. Just as traitorous as those mutts that killed your father (a mutt), a rabid, foul dog who will taint them, destroy them, corrupt them (never). what are rabid mutts good for? (nothing but death).
 It was easy to discard his love for his brother. He wonders if he ever really loved him. Or did he just mould his hatred into a similar emotion? The stage was set and the pieces were in place. A day of hunting, together, alone, was proposed. A celebration of his brother's luck in procuring such a stunning specimen. They left early, guards half awake, the sun cresting softly, shadows following close behind. Into the forest, dark and cold, does and stags, vixen and kits, all theirs to be slain. But the younger brother was not hunting mere beasts, he was hunting a King. 
 Stopping by a stream to rest, they began to speak of their childhood. A mother only the oldest could remember, a father they both adored, and a foreign royal claimed by one but desired by another.
 It was not a quick or honourable death. It was not the death the Rightful King deserved. But why the fuck would the younger brother care for that? His task was completed, finally and truly. As his older brother lay half submerged in the creek, water lapping at his open eyes, the younger brother snatched the crown that fell in the tussle from the ground. He stared at the gaping mouth of his kin and began to revel in his good luck. He was now King and with that came you. Pure, innocent, lustful you. How his luck has changed! 
 Now what to tell the good people of his kingdom? People do not quickly forget dead kings. 
 The truth? Because in the end, is it his fault?
 The shadow was the one who made him do it.
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abbygrabska · 5 months
Evolution of the Daleks
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“These… humans will become like me.”
The Doctor and I slip behind some machinery
“Prepare them for hybridization.”
‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ begins playing and everyone stops.
“What is that sound?”
The Doctor and I step out, a radio in his hands, “That would be us.” He sets the radio down, “Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera.”
“Doctor.” “The enemy of the Daleks.” “Exterminate!” “Wait.” Dalek sec stops them.
“Well, then. A new form of Dalek.” He walks forward, “Fascinating and very clever.”
“The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter.” “How did you end up in 1930?” I ask.
“Emergency Temporal Shift.”
The Doctor scoffs, “Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, yeah?” He strides away, looking about, “Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world but instead your skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting.” He takes a deep breath, “All of which results in you.”
“I am Dalek in human form.”
“What does it feel like? You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn’t it? That’s your name? You’ve got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you’re thinking right now.” “I…. feel… everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such… a genius for war.” “No.” I shake my head, “That’s not what humanity means.” “I think it does. At heart, this species is so very… Dalek.” “All right, so what have you achieved then? With the Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! ‘Cause I can show you what you’re missing with this thing.” The Doctor points at the radio, “Simple little radio.” He pats it.
“What is the purpose of that device?” “Well, exactly. It plays music. What’s the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you’re a Dalek of course. Then it’s just noise.” The Doctor aims his sonic at the radio and a high pitch wail emanates from it.
Sec holds his head in pain while the other Daleks act erratically.
The Doctor turns to us, “Run!”
Martha and I lead everyone through the sewers until we reach a point we don’t recognize.
“Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!” The Doctor rushes past us.
We run down a tunnel and find Tallulah, “And you, Tallulah! Run!” She starts running, “What’s happened to Laszlo?” The Doctor leads everyone to a ladder, “C’mon! Everyone up!” We are all gathered around a fire in Hooverville.
“These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they wanna breed?” “They’re splicing themselves into human bodies. If I’m right, they’ve got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. We’ve got to get everyone out.”
“Hooverville’s the lowest place a man can fall. There’s nowhere else to go.” Solomon argues. “I’m sorry, Solomon. You’ve got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state, just get out of New York.”
“There’s got to be a way to reason with these things.” I wince, “No chance.”
“You ain’t seen ‘em boss.”
“Daleks are bad enough at any time, but right now they’re vulnerable and that makes them more dangerous than ever.”
A whistle is heard and someone comes running, “They’re coming! They’re coming!”
“A sentry. Must’ve seen something.”
“They’re here! I seen ‘em! Monsters! They’re monsters!”
“It’s started.”
“We’re under attack! Everyone to arms!” Solomon orders.
The men start passing out the guns and other weapons they have.
“I’m ready, boss, but all o’you! Find a weapon! Use anything!” Frank says. Some of the residents run off.
“Come back! We gotta stick together! It’s not safe out there! It’s not safe out there! Come back!” Solomon calls to them.
The pig slaves invade Hooverville, attacking those who try to escape.
“We need to get out of the park.” Martha tells us.
“We can’t! They’re on all sides. They’re driving people back towards us.” “We’re trapped.” “Then we stand together. Gather ‘round. Everybody come to me. You there, Jethro, Harry, Seamus, stay together.” The pig soldiers have forced everyone into a tight circle by the fire.
“They can’t take all of us.” Solomon starts firing.
“If we can just hold them off till daylight.” I look at the sky, “They’re just the foot soldiers.” Everyone turns and looks up.
“Oh, my God.” A Dalek is flying above, heading towards us.
“What in this world…” “It’s the devil! A devil in the sky! God save us all! It’s damnation!”
“Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that!” Frank fires at the Dalek but the bullets do nothing.
The Doctor pushes his rifle down, “That’s not gonna work.
“There’s more than one of them!” 
The Daleks begin to attack, firing upon the settlement causing explosions and starting fires.
“The humans will surrender.”
“Leave them alone! They’ve done nothing to you!”
“We have located the Doctor!” Solomon steps forward and the Doctor grabs him by the arm, “No, Solomon. Stay back.” “I’m told that I’m adressin’ the Daleks, is that right? From what I hear, you’re outcasts too.” “Solomon, don’t.” I tell him. “Abby, this is my township, you will respect my authority. Just let me try.”
Solomon pushes the Doctor away. The Doctor steps back, shaking his head.
“Daleks… ain’t we all the same? Underneath, ain’t we all kin?” Solomon sets his rifle on the ground, “‘Cause, see, I’ve just discovered this past day God’s universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was. And that scares me. Oh, yeah. Terrifies me. Right down to the bone. But it’s got to give me hope… hope that maybe together we can make a better tomorrow. So I… I beg you now, if you have any compassion in your hearts then you’ll meet with us and stop this fight. Well… what do you say?” The Dalek fires upon Solomon, killing him, “Exterminate!” “Oh, no!” The inhabitants of Hooverville scream. 
Frank rushes to Solomon’s side, “No! Solomon!”
“They killed him. They just shot him on the spot.” The Doctor moves forward, “Daleks!” Arms out to his side, he confronts them, “All right, so it’s my turn! Then kill me! Kill me if it’ll stop you attacking these people!” “I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy.” “Then do it! Do it! Just do it!” He beats on his chest, “Do it!”
My heart drops to my stomach.
There is a small conversation that we can’t hear before the Dalek speaks, “I… obey.” “What’s going on?” He asks.
“You will follow.” “No! You can’t go!” Martha cries out.
“I’ve got to go. The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds.” “But what about us?” I ask.
The Doctor looks back at the people of Hooverville before facing the Dalek.
“One condition! If I come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! Do you hear me?” “The humans will be spared. Doctor… follow.” I take his hand before he can follow, “You better come back alive, you hear me?” I take a shaky breath, “I can’t lose you to them.”
He nods, gripping my hand with both of his, and winks.
As he walks off, I see the psychic paper in my hands.
Martha is applying a bandage to a man’s arm when Tallulah walks in with a pot of water.
“Here you go. I got some more on the boil.” “Thanks.” Martha looks to the man, “You’ll be all right. It’s just a cut. Try and keep it clean.”
The man thanks her before leaving.
Tallulah leans against the wall, “So, what about us? What do we do now?”
“The Doctor gave me the psychic paper. He must’ve had a reason.” I pull out the psychic paper and show Tallulah.
“What’s that for?”
“Gets you into places. But where? He must want me to go somewhere, but I’m not sure where.”
Tallulah and Martha are searching through papers, while I pace.
“Wait a minute. Down in the sewers the Daleks mentioned this… energy conductor. Like a lightning conductor or… Dalekanuim! They said the Dalekanium was in place. But where?” I wonder. “Frank might know?” Martha suggests.
We exit the tent, and find Frank.
“Frank? That Mr. Diagoras, he was some sort of foreman? Got you jobs all over town right?”
“Yeah. he could find a profit anywhere.” “But where, though? What sort of things?” “You name it. We’re all so desperate for work, you just hoped Diagoras would pick you for something good. Building work. That pays the best.”
I turn my head to look at the Empire State Building.
We enter a service elevator of the Empire State Building.
“I always wanted to go here. Never imagined it quite like this, though.” Martha says.
“Where are we headed anyway?” Frank asks.
“To the top, where they’re still building.” I tell them.
“How come those guys just let us through? How’s that thing work?” Tallulah asks.
“It’s psychic. Shows them whatever I want them to think. According to this, we’re three engineers and an architect.” Frank takes the psychic paper and flips the empty paper over in his hands.
We enter the top floor.
“Look at this place. Top of the world.” I spot the architectural plans, “That looks promising.”
Frank walks over with me, “Hey, look at the date. These designs were issued today. They must’ve changed something last minute.”
“Daleks changing something? Seems impossible. We need to check this one against the others from before, find the difference.” “The height of this place! This is amazing!” “Careful, we’re a hundred floors up. Don’t go wandering off.” Martha tells her.
“I just wanna see.” Tallulah walks to the open area overlooking the city.
I spread the plans out on the floor side by side, studying them.
“I’ll go and keep an eye out, make sure we’re safe up here. Don’t want nobody buttin’ in.” Frank walks out a side door.
“There’s a hell of a storm movin’ in.” “I wish the Doctor was here. He’d know what we’re looking for.” Martha laments.
“So tell me, where did you and the Doctor first hook up?” Tallulah directs her question at me.
“Well, it was two years ago actually. And he looked a lot different back then. Big ears, big nose, affinity for leather jackets. He actually blew up my job, that’s how we met.” I smile sadly, “We had a couple months break before we met Martha. Our friend had to go away, it really upset both of us, so we went our separate ways for a bit.”
I suddenly realize what they did, “Gotcha! Look!” I point near the top, “There, on the mast. Those little lines? They’re new. They’ve added something, see?” “Added what?” Martha and I look at each other, “Dalekanium!”
The elevator doors open, I turn to see the Doctor and Laszlo, “Doctor!”
I lead him over to the plans, “We worked it out. There’s Dalekanium on the mast.” The Doctor grabs me and pulls me into a kiss, pulling away abruptly as the bell dings and the elevator doors close.
He runs to try and stop it, using his sonic on the panel, “It’s a deadlock seal. I can’t stop it.” “Where’s it going?” Martha asks.
“Daleks, and I doubt they’re gonna leave us alone up here.” I tell her.
“What’s the time?” The Doctor asks.
Frank checks his watch, “11:15.” “Six minutes to go. I’ve got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits.” I lead everyone outside.
The Doctor looks out on the city, “Oh, that’s high. That’s very… Blimey, that’s high.”
“And we’ve got to go even higher. That’s the mast up there, look.” I point up, “There’s three pieces of Dalekanium at the base. We gotta get ‘em off.” “That’s not ‘we’. That’s just me.” I look at him distraught, “Why not?”
“I need you to fight.”
We all are holding makeshift weapons.
“The elevator’s coming up.” “I shoulda brought that gun.” Frank laments.
“Tallulah, stay back. You too, Abby, Martha. If they send pig slaves, they’re trained to kill.” “The Doctor needs us to fight, we’re not going anywhere.” “They’re savages. I should know. They’re trained to slit your throat with their teeth.” Laszlo collapses to the floor.
Tallulah fusses over him.
“One man down and we ain’t even started yet.”
I hear the storm through the open end of the room.
“Wait a minute. Lightning.” I run to the other end of the room.
We start to arrange long metal rods from the outside across the room to the elevator, making sure they don’t touch the floor.
Tallulah speaks to us, “What the hell are you three clowns doin’?” “Even if the Doctor stops the Dalekanium, this place is still gonna get hit. Great big bolt of lightning, electricity all down this building. Connect this to the elevator, they get zapped.” “Oh my God, that could work.”
“Then give us a hand.”
Once we finish Tallulah asks, “Is that gonna work?”
“We’ve got it all piped up to the scaffolding outside.” “Come here, sit in the middle, and don’t touch anything metal.”
We huddle in the corner of the room.
The elevator arrives and the doors open right as the lightning strikes.
We all open our eyes, seeing the pig slaves dead.
“You did it!” “They used to be like Laszlo. They were people and we killed them.” Martha whimpers.
“No, the Daleks killed them. Long ago.” I rush outside, “What about the Doctor?”
I find the Doctor lying unconscious up by the mast, “Doctor!” I rush over to him and kneel beside him.
He groans, “Oh, my head.” “Hi.” I smile at him.
“Hi.” He smiles back, “You survived then.” “So did you, just about. We found your sonic halfway down.” I hand it to him, “Though I can’t help noticing… there’s Dalekanium still attached.” He gets up, “The Daleks will have gone straight to a war footing. They’ll be using the sewers, spreading their soldiers out underneath Manhattan.” “How do we stop them?” Laszlo asks.
“There’s only one chance. I got in the way. That gamma strike went zapping through me first.” I furrow my brows in confusion, before realizing with a gasp, “Oh, you clever man.”
He smiles at me before turning to the others, “We need to draw fire. Before they can attack New York, I need to face them. Think, think, think, think. We need some sort of space, somewhere safe, somewhere out of the way. Tallulah!” 
“That’s me. Three L’s and an H.” “The theatre! It’s right above them, and, what, it’s past midnight? Can you get us inside?”
“Don’t see why not.” She shrugs.
“Is there another lift?”
“We came up in the service elevator.” I tell him.
“That’ll do. Allons-y!”
We arrive to the darkened theatre.
“This should do it. Here we go.” The Doctor switches on his sonic.
“There ain’t nothin’ more creepy than a theatre in the dark.” Laszlo falls into one of the chairs beside her.
“Laszlo, what’s wrong?” Tallulah sits next to him.
“Nothing. It’s just so hot.” “But… it’s freezing in here. Doctor, what’s happening to him?” The Doctor is listening to his sonic, checking it’s frequency, “Not now, Tallulah. Sorry.” “What are you doing?” Martha asks.
“Drawing them to us. If the Daleks are going to war, they’ll wanna find enemy number one.” I tell her.
He holds up his sonic and turns it on.
“I’m telling you to go. Frank can take you back to Hooverville.” “And I’m telling you, no.” I argue.
“Abby, that’s an order.”
The doors to the theatre burst open and the human Daleks arrive, flanking us. “Oh, my god! Well, I guess that’s them then, hunh?”
“Humans… with Dalek DNA.” Frank moves to attack them but I pull him back.
“It’s all right. Just stay calm. Don’t antagonize them.” I tell him. “But what about the Dalek masters? Where are they?” Laszlo asks.
There is an explosion on stage and we all duck behind the seats for cover.
The Doctor stands slowly as we all peek over the chairs.
“The Doctor will stand before the Daleks.” The Doctor steps over a chair and walks forward on the backs of rows until he reaches the front.
“You will die, Doctor. It is the beginning of a new age.” “Planet Earth will become New Skaro.” “Oh, and what a world. With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt. That’s Dalek Sec. don’t you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you’ve done to him. Is that your new empire? Hmm? Is that the foundation for a whole new civilization?” The Doctor asks. “My Daleks… just understand this. If you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.” Dalek Sec tells them. “Incorrect. We will always survive.” “Now we will destroy our greatest enemy, the Doctor.” “But he can help you.” Dalek Sec argues.
“The Doctor must die.” “No, I beg you, don’t.” Dalek Sec crawls in front of one of the Daleks.
“Exterminate!” Dalek Sec stands just as the Dalek fires.
The Doctor speaks, “Your own leader. The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him.” He turns to the human Daleks, “Do you see what they did? Huh? You see what a Dalek really is?”
“Warning. Dalek-Humans show increased levels of serotonin.” “If I’m gonna die, let’s give the new boys a shot. What do you think, eh? The Dalek-Humans. Their first blood. Go on, baptize them.” The Doctor holds his arms out to his sides.
“Dalek-Humans, take aim.” The Dalek-Humans cock their weapons and aim at the Doctor.
“What are you waiting for? Give the command!”
“Exterminate!” The Doctor closes his eyes. Nothing happens. “Exterminate!”
Still nothing happens.
“Obey. Dalek-Humas will obey.” “Not firing.” Martha looks to the Doctor, “What have you done?”
“You will obey. Exterminate.”
The Doctor looks at the former human. “Daleks do not question orders.” “But why?” “You will stop this.” “But… why?” “You must not question.” “But you are not our master. And we… we are not Daleks.”
“No, you’re not, and you never will be.” The Doctor speaks to the Daleks, “Sorry, I got in the way of the lightning strike. Time Lord DNA got all mixed up. Just that little bit of freedom.” “If they will not obey, then they must die.” The Dalek shoots the man.
“Get down!”
We all duck behind the seats and both factions fire on each other.
“Destroy the hybrids. Destroy!”
The third Dalek is blown up.
The first Dalek is blown up. The Human-Daleks stop firing. We all stand up.
The Doctor goes over to one of the hybrids, “It’s all right. It’s all right. It’s all right. You did it. You’re free.”
All the hybrids grip their heads and scream in pain. “NO!” The Human-Daleks crumble to the ground.
“They can’t! They can’t! They can’t!” The Doctor kneels beside one of the bodies.
Martha and I join him.
“What happened? What was that?” Martha asks.
“They killed them. Rather than let them live. An entire species. Genocide.” I whisper. “Only two of the Daleks have been destroyed. One of them must still be alive.” The Doctor stands, “Oh, yes. In the whole universe, just one.”
We enter the room, Tallulah and Martha helping to support Laszlo.
“Doctor! Doctor! He’s sick.” Laszlo is breathing, heavily, wheezing. They lower him to the floor, Tallulah cradling him on her lap.
“It’s okay. You’re all right.” Martha soothes him.
The Doctor approaches us and kneels.
“It’s his heart. It’s racing like mad. I’ve never seen anything like it.” “What is it, Doctor? What’s the matter with him? He says he can’t breathe. What is it?” “It’s time, sweetheart.” Laszlo tells her. “What do you mean ‘time’? What are you talking about?” “None of the slaves… survive for long. Most of them only live a few weeks. I was lucky. I held on ‘cause I had you. But now… I’m dyin’, Tallulah.” “No, you’re not. Not now, after all this. Doctor, can’t you do somethin’?” “Oh, Tallulah with three L’s and an H… just you watch me.” The Doctor stands and takes off his coat, “what do I need? Oh, I don’t know. How about a great big genetic laboratory? Oh look, I’ve got one. Laszlo, just you hold on.” He runs about the lab, mixing up a solution, “There’s been too many deaths today. Way too many people have died. Brand new creatures and wise old men and age-old enemies. And I’m tellin’ you, I’m telling you right now, I am not having one more death! Got that? Not one! Tallulah, out of the way.” He takes a stethoscope out of his pocket and puts it on, “The Doctor is in.”
The Doctor, Martha, Tallulah and I are waiting by a park bench with Laszlo bundled in an overcoat and hat.
Frank joins us, “Well I talked to ‘em and I told ‘em what Solomon would’ve said and I reckon I shamed one or two of ‘em.” “What did they say?” I ask.
“They said yes.” Tallulah hugs Laszlo. “They’ll give you a home, Laszlo. I mean, uh, don’t imagine people ain’t gonna stare. I can’t promise you’ll be at peace but, in the end, that is what Hooverville is for, people who ain’t got nowhere else.” “Thank you. I… I can’t thank you enough.” Back on Liberty Island, we look out at the Manhattan skyline.
“Do you reckon it’s gonna work, those two?” “I don’t know. Anywhere else in the universe, I might worry about them, but New York, that’s what this city’s good at. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, and maybe the odd pig-slave-Dalek-mutant-hybrid too.” Martha laughs, “The pig and the showgirl.” I smile, “The pig and the showgirl. Just proves it, I suppose. There’s someone for everyone.” The Doctor’s smile disappears.
He walks to the tardis and we follow.
“Meant to say… sorry.” Martha sighs.
“What for.” “Just ‘cause that Dalek got away. I know what that means to you. Think you’ll ever see it again?” He unlocks the door, “Oh yes.”We enter and the Doctor pauses in the doorway, “One day.” He comes inside and closes the door.
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autolenaphilia · 8 months
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Jenny Leclue. Detectivú is a flawed game, but it also does do a lot of things right.
The main flaw is the weird gameplay. It’s basically a point-and-click adventure game, but perhaps because one of the launch platforms was the iOS, it does things weirdly. There are for example screens that are basically point-and-click or hidden object screens, where you have to move a cursor around the screen to click on points of interests. But instead of free mouse aim, you have the cursor centered on the screen, and you have to slowly move the camera around with the cursor centered, and then activate it on a hotspot. The character movement is similarly odd, it’s basically a 2d platformer, except there is no real challenge because Jenny the player character can’t die or even fail. Like just clicking and moving Jenny to where you clicked would have made things much easier, without removing any significant challenge.
It’s not too bad, but it feels that this game should be a mouse-controlled point-and-click, and that this control scheme holds it back, at least on PC. I would have liked the ability to save whenever, you are dependent on autosaves here. I would have liked more puzzles, there is too much platforming and way too few puzzles in this game. And harder puzzles too, the ones we get are fun, but I want more challenge.
And again, I don’t feel I’m being too hard on some simple mobile game, this game has ambitions to be a serious proper adventure game. It took me ten hours to beat. It’s legit overqualified to be a mobile game at that length. And it got released on PC (including natively for Linux, thanks to the devs for that) as a proper adventure title. So it feels fair to compare to other adventure games on the pc, and I wish it was more like them.
The game has a substantive story too. And the story is where the game held me, because it’s good. It’s metafictional in a way that’s really fun. The framing story is about Arthur Finklestein, who writes the Jenny Leclue series of kid’s mystery novels. Jenny is the kid detective star of these books, basically a younger Nancy Drew. And he is now on the 38th book in the series, and the formula is getting stale. He’s getting threatening letters and phone calls from his publishers to shake things up, have a proper murder for once. And Arthur rises up to the challenge.
It’s Jenny Leclue, the series’s kid detective that we play as in this new adventure. And she is a great character. The first thing is that Jenny is utterly adorable, with her glasses, unruly mop of red hair, gap-toothed smile, and autistic, nerdy nature. Part of the fun in playing her is just how cute she is. But her character goes deeper than that. And here is the metafictional element comes in.
Part of the trope of the kid detective is that the child detective is not just smarter than the other kids, but smarter than the adults as well, being able to solve mysteries they can’t. And Jenny is every bit as clever as the genre expects her to be. She is smarter than the other residents of her town, named Arthurton after its creator. And she knows it. So she has of course developed a massive superiority complex, she is arrogant about her intelligence and somewhat accurately feels that she is smarter than everyone else. Part of it is that she is a child too. Her exact age is left vague, but she can’t be much older than 13. So she isn’t yet mature enough to handle this situation and grow past it. So when the game starts, she is, as another girl puts it, a jerk to other people.
She is also very bored, and again the metafiction comes into play. Because Arthur wants to keep his genre, safe, cozy and formulaic for the kids reading, all the mysteries Jenny are given are boringly mundane. We get a taste of it in the opening of the game, where Arthur as a writer is clearly afraid and holding back, and still sticking to his formula, so Jenny solves mysteries like “what did the dean eat for breakfast” or “A scatter-brained woman lost her glasses. Where are they?” She of course feels that this is boring, and a waste of her detective talents.
And then the friendly avuncular dean of the university gets murdered, Jenny finds his body, and her mother gets accused of the murder. Jenny’s perspective on the events after her mother gets arrested are not shown directly, but appropriately depicted in a nightmare that leads us into the rest of the game.
It’s scary, but Jenny is able to recover from the trauma and start to unravel the murder mystery. There is a comment on children’s literature genre here, and it’s that kids can handle more things than adults think they are capable of, and in fact find murder and danger in books fun. Arthur Finkelstein acts as the narrator of the game, and he and Jenny end up in conflict quite often, where she is all for doing dangerous things in her investigation, while Arthur wants to keep her safe. And of course the theme is also wider than fiction. It’s about the necessity of kids growing up, abandoning the sentimental idea of childhood innocence that adults impose on them and learning to experience the darker side of life
Since her only parent is in jail, Jenny ends up temporarily fostered by the wealthy Glatz family. And I like this bit, because the Glatz matriarch threatens to make the tomboyish Jenny do traditionally girly things like dress shopping and pony rides, to Jenny’s absolute horror. I like girls being allowed to rebel against femininity like that.
And Jenny’s imprisonment in the Glatz manor enables her to meet Susie Glatz, the biological daughter of the family, and Jenny’s ally and foil for the rest of the game. And Susie is one the other side of the trap for girls that gender roles present. Susie is outwardly the perfect feminine girl that her parents want, and she genuinely likes dresses, horses and cheerleading. The thing is, Susie is also secretly an engineering inventor genius who makes all kinds of nifty gadgets. But because her parents believe strictly in gender roles, Susie has to keep her interest in science and technology a secret. So even if she largely voluntarily conforms to the femininity Jenny rejects, she is still restricted by it. And she is not taken seriously, not even by Jenny.
She is a good foil for Jenny, because Jenny has already dismissed her as a bimbo, as she calls Susie to her face. But Susie is genuinely smart, and she is smart in ways that Jenny is not, as Jenny put all her intelligence skill points into being a detective and not technology. And while Jenny is arrogant, Susie is genuinely nice and just wants to be friends with Jenny. Their relationship has a fun tension to it, that enables Jenny to grow as a character and admit that she does need help from friends like Susie. It’s great character writing. It is literal children’s novel writing, but it allows female characters to be flawed and multifaceted, talks about femininity in nuanced ways and allows the girls characters to interact with each other in ways that are about them and not about boys.
(This game passes the bechdel test in its original sense too. I can easily imagine Jenny/Susie as a budding butch/femme lesbian relationship)
There are other delights of the storytelling in this game, such as the intriguing sci-fi mystery hidden (quite literally) beneath Arthurton that Jenny partly uncovers during the game and is tied into the murder mystery. The narration once talks pointedly about the “twin peaks of Arthurton”, and that’s kinda the vibe the game has at times, which I like (Jenny shares her love of coffee with Twin Peaks’s agent Cooper and she finds people named Cooper and Cole buried in the town’s graveyard). And the game’s 2d hand-drawn artstyle is delightful throughout. The game originally released without voice acting, but a free update in 2020 gave the game full voice acting, and it’s of high quality.
The problem is that the game’s storytelling kinda disappoints in the end. It ends on a cliffhanger, a “to be continued”, with several mysteries left unsolved. And this game was released in 2019, after itself having a protracted development of years involving kickstarter funding, and we haven’t seen a sequel to date, despite the devs telling us they are working on it. It’s very much up in the air at this point, we might get a Jenny Leclue 2, we very well might not.
So I don’t know what to think about Jenny Leclue, Detectivú.The gameplay is often awkward, and the story is unfinished. Still I was so delighted by Jenny as a character, and the writing of her and Susie that I’m willing to forgive its flaws. Definitely worth the 41 sek I spent on it in a GOG sale. And if a sequel happens that wraps up the story I will be there.
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