#it looks sick though so we shall Weather
spotsupstuff · 10 months
Do you think ancients have nerves in their anemone hair? And if they wanted to cut it to a shorter length would they need to numb it first?
stars and heavens above you've no idea how much i had been mullin this shit over, fuckin.... cuz like Technically that hair is what a proper (our real life) sea anemones are. that's literally just it, the rest of the body is some weird ass evolution stunt circus that i've given up on tryin to explain to myself an hour into initial designing process. so by That logic they REALLY probably shouldn't be cutting it
but we don't have the evolution stunt circus rest of the body for nothin n they already do worrying body modifications so feckin hell might as well, right?
you can notice with Sparrows that she never really cuts it and it grows rather slowly
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(and also i am shit at watching out for the hair length most of the time)
so "haircuts" would be probably pretty rare and usually done by the wealthy or smth
but Also when i drew Wind as an Ancient
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my thought process was that the "hair" can be either pulled out completely (probably for those religious purposes again) or fall out naturally despite being a much more solid part of the Ancients than our own hair. es probably Some kind of medical condition
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zensations35 · 3 months
I hope this ask finds you well.
I'm a bit of a lurker on here, and, well, that Alastor fic had me weak in the knee. (I'm sure that was the intended effect, but I had to tell you)
As I haven't got a blog on here yet, I thought I'd pop into the askbox anonymously to show my appreciation with a gift of my own - a snippet from something I happen to be working on featuring everyone's favourite Radio Demon. If/When I get brave enough to do so, I shall make my presence known and let you know I wrote it.
~ Writer Anon 
Radio Silence
“Gooood morning, Alastor!” came the chirping voice of Charlie Morningstar as she twirled into the Radio Demon’s quarters, her eyes bright and her mood, as usual, higher than everyone else in Hell put together.
Alastor was still asleep, which was weird - he was up by nine, every morning, without fail.
Charlie glanced at the clock on the wall, which had just ticked by 9:04.
On the one hand, Alastor would probably kill her for what she was about to do. But she supposed her greatest weakness was caring too much about her friends...
She approached Alastor's bed, its red satin sheets glimmering in the soft light.
Charlie realised she'd never actually seen Alastor look so... peaceful. His face was more relaxed than she'd ever known it, not bearing the strained grin it did while he was awake.
She also realised she'd never seen him quite this pale, save for a slight flush on his cheeks, and a reddish tinge to his small, pointed nose.
Charlie gave Alastor a gentle shake in an attempt to rouse him - she knew he wasn't dead, she could hear him breathing.
He didn't budge.
“Oh,” she muttered, “Um... Husk! We need a wake-up call for the Radio Demon!” she called; surely as the princess of Hell (and hotel manager to boot) she should do something boss-like, and this included delegating tasks to someone who she thought would be best at it.
She’d forgotten, though, that Husk was a cranky little bastard in the mornings, and he made it everyone’s problem.
“Al, you’d better be fuckin’ dead in there,” Husk snarled as he kicked the door in, “or I swear to God-”
“Alright, alright, I’m up,” Alastor stirred, slowly sitting up in bed. 
Charlie was surprised, for a few reasons.
Firstly, she’d expected Alastor to be one of those people that snaps bolt upright when they wake.
And was it just her imagination, or was his voice awfully quiet today?
“Okay, Husk, maybe next time be a little more gentle,” Charlie smiled, but Husk was only half-listening. His face was one of utter confusion at Alastor's appearance.
Charlie looked Alastor over - he looked like he hadn’t slept a wink for the past fortnight. His bleary eyes moved slowly around the room, as though trying to make sense of his surroundings.
He rubbed them, and yawned, but it turned into a jagged cough.
Oh, Charlie thought, that would explain a lot.
“You look like shit,” Husk said.
“Hey,” Charlie turned to him, the faintest hint of a frown crossing her face for mere moments, “What Husk means is, you look really tired, Al, and we’re just a little concerned for you, is all.”
“Oh, please, I’m perfectly fine,” Alastor waved a hand lazily, “I simply... lost track of time reading last night...” Charlie winced at the strain in Alastor’s usually-flawless voice, and the dulled consonants that signified congestion. The brief sniffle Alastor gave only confirmed this.
“You’re sick,” Husk told him.
“Now, now, that was uncalled for,” Alastor’s eyes narrowed, “I know I’m hardly the most stable, but-”
“No, dumbass, you caught something, and you’re sick. Ill. Under the weather. Whatever the fuck they used to say in the 1930s,” Husk clarified.
“Excuse me, I am an Overlord,” Alastor looked affronted, but still that smile never left his face, “I do not succumb to such - to- to such- hhh-!” his words trailed off and his expression slackened, his narrow chest jumping with erratic hitches. He wrenched himself to the side as his eyes closed.
“Hehh’EITshhoo! Hh'EDT-shoo!” Alastor sneezed, doubling over at the waist, “H-hold on... Heh-HEITSHhhoo! Oh, gracious, excuse me...” he sighed, and Charlie and Husk could’ve sworn they heard the feedback of a microphone. 
Probably something to do with his radio powers, they reasoned.
“To such maladies,” Alastor finished.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mister Overlord, I’m out,” Husk made to walk away, “Playin’ nurse to a radio host ain’t in my job description - or our contract.” He slammed the door behind him. Alastor closed his eyes again, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“Ohh, my head...” he murmured, “Can you please tell that... pathetic excuse for a bartender not to do that again?”
“I’ll tell him,” Charlie said, “Now, you stay here, I’ll let the others know you won’t be up today.”
“Not happening,” Alastor managed through a few coughs that scraped at his throat, “I have my radio show, and I can’t let my listeners down.”
Charlie considered this for a moment.
No-one, not even Lucifer himself, could get Alastor to skip his beloved radio show.
“Rest up till then, that way you’ll have more energy for the show,” she eventually settled on, “I’ll get Niffty to make you tea. Your show’s at seven, right?”
Alastor nodded.
“I’ll check on you in a while, go back to sleep if you need to, okay?” Charlie asked on her way out.
“Okay,” Alastor replied quietly. He figured he should probably save his voice; in life, he’d had a tendency to lose the ability to speak entirely when stricken with a head cold, and he hoped this hadn’t lingered now. 
But as he felt a scratchy, sandpaper-y sensation in his throat, he realised this was wishful thinking.
He flopped back down onto his pillows with a world-weary sigh.
Downstairs, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Niffty and Vaggie were waiting. 
Pentious looked at his pocket watch - Jesus, the guy was nearly as dated as Alastor - which now read ten minutes past nine.
“Guys, I’m worried about Charlie,” Vaggie finally said.
“You’re always worried about Charlie,” Angel told her, “If I know her, she should be down any minute...”
The door burst open.
But it wasn’t Charlie on the other side of it; it was Husk.
“Radio Demon’s sick, we’re fucked,” Husk said bluntly before heading behind the bar, for two reasons: to try and forget the absolute horror that had been Alastor of all people looking quite that dishevelled, and also because, well, alcohol was in hand sanitiser, right? So it stood to reason that a stiff drink would help prevent any sickness from arising. Yeah. That was why.
For good measure, he put a squeeze of orange juce in there too - he remembered having read somewhere that oranges helped keep the immune system in good shape.
Niffty’s eye twitched. She bolted from her spot to grab her cleaning materials and disinfect the living shit out of the hotel.
“Weirdos,” Angel tutted, “Oh, come on, not you too!” He snapped as he saw Pentious creep towards the door.
“Well, exssscuse me,” Pentious hissed, a look of disdain on his face, “but I have a reputation to uphold, and it wouldn’t do to fall ill and render myself vulnerable. So, goodbye.”
Charlie walked in right as Pentious left, looking highly confused. This bewilderment was amplified by Niffty immediately running up to her and giving her a generous helping of anti-bacterial spray, before scurrying off again.
Charlie's gaze wandered to the bar, where Husk was drumming his hand against the counter, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.
“How the fuck did I get landed with this bunch a’ freaks?” Angel wondered aloud, “I mean, what’s the problem? He’s probably just got a cold or somethin’, not the Black Death.”
“Because if whatever he’s got is strong enough to put an Overlord outta commission, who knows what it’d do to the rest of us?” Husk phrased it perfectly, pouring out a glass of fresh orange juice and sliding it across the bar to Charlie. She drank it, and thanked him.
“Husk, I appreciate your concern - and your juice - but I’m sure Alastor’s gonna be fine. Angel’s right-”
“Not a sentence I ever thought I’d hear,” Vaggie muttered.
“- he’s just a little under the weather, he’ll be over it in a few days,” Charlie finished.
Soooooo yeah wait and seeeeee
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Okay, I hope it's okay for me to post this. I know you might have wanted to keep this private and I 100% will take it down if you want but I COULD NOT LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I DIDN'T SCREAM ABOUT IT SO
Anon. I literally NEED more of your writing. IT HAS SUSTAINED ME THIS NIGHT. I have to start by saying that. You don't have a BLOG?? MAKE ONE IMMEDIATLY PLS. I JUST. *grabby hands* Your portrayal of the characters made words fall out of my FUCKING FACE
Charlie's voice being higher than everyone else in Hell put together. -I FUCKING CACKLED
“Radio Demon’s sick, we’re fucked,” oh MY GODS HE WOULD LITERALLY SAY THAT jesszzus I loved your Alastor/Husk interactions. 🤌
Seriously, I'm SO FUCKING HONORED you sent this to me and I fucking PRAY to our lord and savior vivziepop that you continue this story 🙏
Keep slaying anon <3 ILYSM
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. 𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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remus lupin x animagus!reader
𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢, 𝚒 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠
summary: remus craves your touch and he knows you’d do anything for him, which is why he refuses to be with you. your affection spark nasty rumors from the slytherins.
notes: angst, fluff, a few slut shaming comments (will be expanded upon in later chapters), tw//the slug club :/
w/c: 5.7k
as if you were a mythical thing, like you were a trophy or a champion ring; if there was one prize, i'd cheat to win.
you and the girls had nice, established saturday mornings. dorcas, the natural early bird, woke up at seven without fail. lily, the overachiever, followed at seven thirty. mary began to stir around eight, and lily and dorcas would shake you and marlene awake no later than eight thirty.
you’d get ready together—you and marlene were always sluggish and slow in the mornings—and head down for breakfast around nine twenty. you always had a coffee, marlene and dorcas shared a pot of chamomile, lily liked earl grey, and mary liked experimenting with flavors. (she was currently enjoying matcha.)
marlene and dorcas would most likely sneak off somewhere, leaving you, lily, and mary to entertain yourselves. if the day was nice, you’d kill a few hours by the black lake. if the weather was poor, you’d get a head start on homework or wander the common room. you liked your saturday routine.
today was very different.
“mr. lupin is not taking visitors at this time, thank you very much,” madam promfrey quipped, sounding not at all apologetic. “please return at…” she checked her wristwatch. “this evening. preferably tomorrow afternoon.”
james batted his eyelashes. “c’mon, madam pomfrey. we’re regulars! you can’t make an exception for your favorite patients?”
madam pomfrey narrowed her eyes at him. “yes, because treating reckless quidditch players after every match is my favorite passtime.” she sighed, turning her head to hide how her lips quirked upwards. “fine, you may have ten- twenty minutes. but i’m being very generous, and reserve the right to kick you out at any time. alright?”
you and the marauders nodded enthusiastically. madam pomfrey waved you over to a curtain-covered bed, where remus’ hoarse grumbles could be heard.
“lukewarm water… can’t even read… so behind on potions… complete fool…”
“moony!” peter exclaimed, whipping away the curtain and jumping into a starfish-like position in front of remus, who jumped.
“pe- wormtail?” he stammered. “prongs? padfoot? hopper?”
“gee, don’t look so happy to see us. you might overexert yourself,” you teased, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. you took his hand, which was cold and beginning to crack from dryness. you frowned, glancing over at madam pomfrey, who looked busy shuffling through loose parchment.
“how are you?” james whispered. “after… y’know.”
remus snorted. “y’don’t have to whisper. pomfrey knows.”
“ah, forgot about that.” james scratched his jaw. “my question still stands, though. how y’feeling?”
“as well as one can feel after breaking most of their bones and transforming into a class five monster, i suppose.” remus licked his chapped lips. his undereyes were dark—an unusual sight—and his voice raspy from all the howling he’d done last night. he didn’t seem tired in the sleepy way; rather, worn down. “i’m just sick of this stupid bed. i’m fine. i’ve done this my whole life. i hate being here while everyone treats me like porcelain; like they pity me. and it’s boring.”
sirius furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “i don’t pity you, moony. in fact, i take great pleasure in kicking you when you’re already down. for example,” sirius cleared his throat dramatically, “let’s discuss last night, shall we?”
you glanced around the room. “muffliato,” you murmured. “yeah, we were right. i wouldn’t trust sirius with any secrets.”
sirius glared at you and returned to his story. “apparently, my kisses are not appreciated by a certain rabbit, but snot is fine? i see how it is.”
you looked at your feet. remus became defensive. “i do not have snot!”
james looked at sirius knowingly. “yes, you do. it was dripping out of your nose, mate. you fell asleep and i swear, there was a puddle of wet stuff underneath you. horrid, i tell you.” james pretended to shiver.
remus quickly changed the subject. “how’d you all leave in time?”
“peter,” you all chorused. you tilted your head towards the bashful boy. “again, peter’s the most responsible one when you’re not here. he bit us until we woke up and we snuck out before sunrise. you were already asleep then.”
“wait, so did you four get any sleep last night?”
james pursed his lips. “hopper did… and- and sirius power-napped?”
remus looked at you all disappointedly. peter jumped in. “in my defense, i was a rat surrounded by giants! excluding you, hopper. it’s not exactly easy to fall asleep knowing you could be accidentally trampled and killed!”
you pointed at peter in agreement. “see? see? nobody’s scared of you, moony. we’re scared of james’ nonexistent coordination.”
remus cracked a smile.
james was offended. “excuse me? you’re talking to the best chaser in gryffindor history, here! i’ve got a bloody plaque and everything!”
as peter and sirius laughed, you turned to remus and the two of you exchanged a quiet moment. “how are you, really?” you mouthed.
“‘m alright, i promise,” remus’ lips twitched before falling into a frown. he winced. it seemed as if the corners of his mouth were beginning to bleed.
you gasped. “merlin, you’re bleeding! let me get some salve or something, stay right there.”
remus chuckled. “i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.”
you hurried over to madam pomfrey, practically sliding on the tiled floor in your frenzy. “madam pomfrey, do you have any salve? remus’ hands are all cracked and his lips are beginning to bleed,” you huffed.
madam pomfrey blinked at you and remained silent for a second, before shaking her head clear and digging through a messy medicine cabinet. she held up a small jar labelled “BALM” and placed it in your hand. “it’s my own recipe. very effective.”
you thanked her graciously, and as you rushed back to remus, you could feel her eyes on your back, almost like she was judging you.
“rem, you’re bleeding! did you not notice?” you gushed, unscrewing the “balm” and sticking two fingers into it, scoping out a generous amount of the thick paste and grabbing remus’ hand.
remus’ chest shook with laughter as he watched you fret over him with more care than he’d give to himself. you kneeled down beside him, laying his hand on top of his leg gently, so you could rub the salve into his broken skin.
“rem, i’m serious. why don’t-”
“no, i’m sirius,” sirius interjected, laughing at his own wit. peter chuckled weakly. james didn’t speak, too busy watching you and remus interact.
“-why don’t you take care of yourself more? look, your skin is all dry and cracked. do you have eczema?”
“what’s eczema?” james’ head perked up. “is it a disease? is it contagious?”
peter sighed. “no, it’s a skin condition. it’s when you have dry patches or rashes and no, james, it’s not contagious.”
james sighed in relief.
you and remus were still in your quiet bubble. “i dunno, hopper,” remus mumbled, his eyes fixed on your careful fingers as they moved across the palms of his hands in small swirls, like young, sprightly dancers across an old theater’s well-worn stage. “all the little stuff was kinda forgotten after… y’know. i got bitten. eczema was the least of my worries.” remus laughed dryly, coughing slightly from the effort.
“have you had water? remus, you’ve got to take better care of yourself,��� you chided. there was a glass of water on the table beside him, and you adjusted the straw so remus could drink while lying down. remus waved your hand away, pushing himself up into a seated position, much to your disapproval. he looked you firmly in the eye as he took the straw out of the cup, and made a big show of drinking normally.
you bit back a smile at his stubbornness. remus smiled too, the corners of his mouth stretching and pulling too tightly. you placed your hands on remus’ cheeks, willing them into a loose position. going back for more balm, you rubbed your fingers together so the heat of your hands would melt the paste into something thin enough to spread.
“i- i’m going to touch your lips now, if that’s okay,” you breathed, suddenly hyperaware of your compromised position. you were eye level with his chest. “is this alright?” you murmured, sitting yourself on the edge of his bed once more and turning your torso in line with his. you were now eye level, so you could reach the skin on his face more easily.
“yeah, i- it’s okay,” remus dipped his head in affirmation, swallowing thickly. you watched, mesmerized, as his adam’s apple bobbed, and you had to tear your gaze away in favor of the salve on your hand.
“okay, just- um, sit still, please.” your finger was wobbly as it inched closer to remus’ face, and you prayed he wouldn’t notice. you found yourself leaning closer, your free hand coming up to cup his jaw; you felt the growing stubble scratch your palm. oh, how torturous it was to be so close to him, to run your fingers over the lips you’d desperately craved for three years, only to stop yourself from kissing him. he was hurt, and all you could think about was your unrealistic indulgences. you knew remus would never be so selfish.
remus had closed his eyes. you felt like you were taking advantage of him, in some way, by slowing down the movement of your fingers so you could take a couple more seconds to memorize his face. the cluster of freckles under his eyes, the little bump on his nose, the curve of his eyebrows that seemed to twitch with each of your touches, the scars across his cheek that you longed to touch and worship and love…
“okay! okay, i’m all done!” you blurted. you’d recoiled as soon as you found your thoughts drifting into dangerous territory. you smiled awkwardly at him. “sorry about that.” your face scrunched.
remus’ eyes seemed to bore into yours, like he knew what you were thinking. wordlessly, he smoothed out the anxious wrinkles on your face, a content calmness washing over his face as soon as he saw you untense. you prayed that he couldn’t feel your face burning up.
“you could give madam pomfrey a run for her money.” sirius broke the silence, making both you and remus jump.
peter glanced over his shoulder and found madam ponfrey deeply invested in her work. “it’s definitely been more than 20 minutes. y’reckon we should just stay until she kicks us out?”
“duh.” james rolled his eyes. “that way, evans won’t force me to do my homework.”
remus looked much better by monday. you would occasionally glance over at him, but only because you were worried about his dry skin. you’d convinced madam pomfrey to let you take the rest of the balm, and now you would force remus to apply it at least three times a day. he didn’t object, much to your surprise.
“can you drop it?” reamus threw an arm over his eyes as peter and james prattled on about the importance of stretching and peter’s father’s muggle pilates class that had done wonders for his flexibility. after seeing remus bedridden from a transformation, their concern and caring nature only multiplied.
“okay, but get this. muggles go to this person called a chiropractor, and they pay the chiropracter to break their bones!” james’ eyes were wide with wonder.
“no, james. they crack their bones,” peter corrected.
“i know! that’s wild, right? i think it could be good for you.” james patted remus on the shoulder. “if not, you should look into cupping therapy. it’s an asian practice; it’s worked for centuries! oh! oh! or, you could-”
remus groaned. “seriously, i’m fine. thanks, though.”
you sat on his bed beside him; the two of you preferred watching peter and james’ antics from a distance. you moved closer to remus, the mattress shifting under your weight.
“hey, i know you’re kind of sick of us worrying about you, but will you at least let me do the balm for you? it’s just that i-”
“yes, yes, please do.” remus interrupted. his eyes widened as if he hadn’t meant to say anything. “i mean, yes, that’s okay. i’m okay with that.”
you tried to hide your giddiness as you pulled the balm from the pocket of your robes (you’d taken to carrying it around wherever you went) and followed the routine you and remus had fallen into. he’d hold out his hand, you’d take it and apply the balm, and he’d squeeze your hand and you’d probably look up at him, all flustered, and he’d probably look down at you, all flustered, and you’d probably stay there for a moment before letting go of each others’ hands, all flustered.
you hated how much of an effect he had on you. you prided yourself on being collected and consistent and confident, but he seemed to shatter every one of your walls with just one look. and you hated yourself for never being able to stick around whenever he saw past one of your acts. when he’d ask you what was wrong, or if you were okay, or if you needed to talk, you’d always plaster this stupid smile on and brush him off.
but sometimes you weren’t okay. sometimes, your mind raced with thoughts of the war, and concerns about remus’ lycanthropy, and what would happen to him as not only a half-blood but a werewolf, and what would happen to you as a muggle born, and what would happen to the two of you if you ended up tog-
you didn’t want to burden remus with such things, so you didn’t. you didn’t want to burden anyone with such trivial worries, so you didn’t. that was something you liked about yourself: you cared about your friends enough to make sure they didn’t have to fall into your pits of distress because you never tied them down with anchors. you made sure that they could sail freely.
so there went the routine. you dropped remus’ hand and busied yourself with screwing the cap back on, and you could feel remus’ eyes on the crown of your head as you ducked down and tried to avoid his gaze.
“what’re you two up to now?” sirius leaned on the doorframe, taking in the scene before him. 
“you’re back!” you jumped from remus’ bed and ran towards sirius, enveloping him into a big hug. sirius laughed, reciprocating. he lifted you from the ground and swayed you back and forth enthusiastically, much to your glee.
“i’m back!” he boomed. “good godric, i think i’d rather kiss my mother than take another detention with binns.”
“you’re back,” remus grumbled, suddenly sullen. peter and sirius exchanged the same knowing look that they had been for weeks now.
peter waggled his eyebrows at sirius, and james, for once, caught on. james stifled a laugh. “i never noticed, but you and padfoot look really good together,” he commented nonchalantly.
“yeah?” sirius raised a brow. “d’you think so, dove?” he lowered you to the ground and looked down at you questioningly.
“erm, what?” you smiled thinly. “like, as a couple?”
“yeah,” peter agreed, “i could totally see it. you’re both… uh…” peter struggled to find traits that the two of you had in common. you and sirius more so balanced each other out rather than complimented each other.
“you’re both beautiful!” janes shouted. “suuuper handsome. real lookers, you two.”
remus turned away from james and peter’s terrible matchmaking and settled for shuffling his feet back and forth on the floor. he tried not to tap; you always knew something was up when he tapped. he wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated.
“thanks, james.” you squinted. “are you guys okay? you’re being really weird.”
“all good!” james fumbled. “i just got excited about… the two of you, s’all.”
“oh, i know! you’re both really stubborn,” peter blurted.
you looked at sirius, confused. sirius shrugged.
“alright, you’ve officially lost it. sirius and i?” you wrinkled your nose at him.
sirius laughed in agreement. “we’d never work. i’m too ravishingly gorgeous and effortlessly charismatic for hopper. she’d blind herself trying to admire my radiance, and we don’t want that, do we?”
“for your information, sirius, i’m way out of your league. resort to your flowery language if you must, but i don’t need to prove my worth. it speaks for itself,” you humphed, sticking your chin up theatrically. 
remus grinned, hiding it under his tilted face.
“alright, i’m officially done here. goodbye, marauders!” you called from over your shoulder as you scurried down the spiral staircase.
“goodbye marauder, singular!” james shouted after you.
peter looked at remus smugly. “y’good, moony? or is your skin acting up? should we apply some more balm for you?”
“yeah, y’look a little off, mate. s’everything alright?” james pitched in.
“i’m fine,” remus snapped. 
“are you sure? you seem… upset,” sirius probed, inching closer.
“i’m not upset!” remus insisted. “i’m completely fine, see?” he lifted his head up and it was comically obvious that he was upset. his eyebrows were pinched and his cheeks slightly flushed.
“okay, okay! you’re not upset. would you say that you’re… jealous?” sirius grinned.
“i don’t know what you mean.”
“oh c’mon,” james whined, throwing himself backwards onto remus’ bed. “we all know you like her.”
“i- i don’t know who you’re talking about,” remus stammered.
peter clicked his tongue. “has anyone told you you’re a shit liar, moony?”
“oh, sod off, would’ya?”
“moony’s jealous! moony’s jealous!” james and sirius cheered, watching as remus’ ears began to turn red. “oooo, you so like her,” james teased.
“i do not!”
sirius shook his finger at remus. “aha! so there is a her!”
“no! i mean, i just-”
“mate, she obviously likes you back. she’s confessed her love to you at least twice now. i dunno what you’re doing, but whatever it is, stop.” peter crossed his arms, disappointed at his friend.
remus tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. “it doesn’t matter if she likes me back, i don’t want to be with her.”
“why?” james yelled, absolutely horrified.
“that makes no sense!” sirius gasped, baffled.
“you dimwit!” peter scoffed.
“because she’s… she’s her, and i’m me!” remus snarled, whipping his head around to face his three meddlesome friends. “don’t you understand? i’m- i’m going to spend the rest of my life trapped by this damn condition and she’s been through one transformation with me and- and do you see how much she’s been struggling? she’s not been sleeping or eating properly; she’s constantly chasing me and she won’t let me bloody help her. i just know she’d spend the rest of her life trying to fix me but i can’t be fixed and i won’t let her waste her life tied down by someone like me!”
the marauders were silent.
“what do you mean, ‘someone like you?’” sirius croaked.
remus exhaled shakily. “a monster, sirius. she deserves so much more than a monster.”
monday potions with the slytherins was surprisingly your favorite class. you were good at potions, and as long as you sat near the front, you wouldn’t have to deal with the nastier specimens. today was no exception. you and lily—the two of you were almost always partners—were all the way up front, and early as well.
there were still a few minutes until class started and slughorn had not yet arrived. you and lily were sifting through your satchels for quills and parchment while you chatted.
“so where were you last saturday?” lily smoothed out her parchment with concentration.
“uh, mo- remus had a cold, so i went to check on him,” you lied smoothly.
“oh, remus had a cold, now did he?” lily didn’t look at you, but you could hear the teasing in her voice.
“yes, remus had a cold. and being the considerate and polite friend that i am, i went to check on him,” you stated plainly.
lily hummed questioningly. “let’s say i believe you—in terms of the friend bit, i mean. why haven’t i seen you all weekend? surely, you haven’t been sleeping over in the hospital wing. and you don’t seem very sick to me.”
“i-” you coughed. “i’ve been… busy.”
it was a flimsy lie, and you both knew it. lily sighed, tutting at your secretive behavior. “alright then, whatever you say. now, i have to fill you in on-”
“look, there’s two of ‘em!” mulciber’s crass voice interrupted you and lily’s peaceful conversation.
you rolled your eyes, resigning yourself to lining up your quill and parchment so they were perfectly parallel.
“the prude and the slut!” somebody laughed, their identity lost underneath the layer of chittering students who began to flood into the classroom.
you looked over at lily, examining her reaction. her eyebrows, thin and straight, twitched noticably. you watched as she pursed her lips momentarily before pulling them into a strained smile. “like i was saying, i’ve got to fill you in on mary’s minstrations at lunch.”
you smiled warmly at her. lily wore her heart on her sleeve unabashedly, and you were always better at hiding your feelings. that’s why people flocked to you for comfort, you assumed.
“hello, lovely ladies!” sirius suavely sat behind you, resting his elbows on the desk and propping his head up. “what a beautiful morning it is, but not quite as beautiful as you two,” he flirted.
you pinched his cheek. “hey, gorgeous,” you purred, looking him up and down. “i could say the same to you.”
remus slid into the seat beside sirius, smiling stiffly at you and raising his hand in greeting.
“oh! hi, remus!” you were caught off guard and your voice was pitched higher than normal. you cleared your throat. “i mean, hi.”
remus looked around nervously. “yeah. hi.”
“GOOD MORNING!” slughorn boomed, somehow even more passionate than usual. there were a few murmurs of “good morning” and other halfhearted greetings, though slughorn wasn’t at all put off by the lack of enthusiasm.
“is it just me, or has he lost it?” you heard james whisper to peter from beside you. 
“has he ever had it?” peter rebuked, making you chuckle under your breath. lily looked over at you questioningly. you waved it off.
“as you all know, your o.w.l.s. are coming up, which is why the rest of our classes this year will be dedicated to content review.”
the class groaned.
“however!” slughorn beamed. “this year’s examinations will focus primarily on brewing and less on history, which means i will be making all essays worth a quarter less.
“instead, we will be focusing on more challenging in-class potions in partners. now, i understand that you’ve all been allowed to choose partners in the past; however, to ensure that your brewing capabilities are not dependent on a certain partner,” slughorn looked at avery and crouch in the back, “i will be randomly assigning different partners for each class.
“today, we will be brewing the wit-sharpening potion—godric knows some of you need it,” slughorn muttered, “and these will be the pairs:
“evans and pettigrew, potter and crouch…” james’ head fell to his hands in defeat.
“longbottom and mckinnon, y/n and snape…”
the four marauders and whipped their heads to you in mortification. lily saw their expressions and rolled her eyes. she patted your arm reassuringly. “aw, sev’s not so bad. he’s great at potions; you’ll be such a fantastic team!”
you smiled painfully at lily, nodding along. “yeah, i bet. thanks, lily.”
“…let’s get moving, folks! the group with the best potion will be exempt from the 3 page essay for homework.”
your eyes widened. you really wanted that exemption.
“severus!” you called out meekly. “hey, it’s good to see you… again.” the last time you’d seen snape was when he’d come looking for lily only to walk in on a conversation which mainly consisted of you airing out your distaste for the boy.
“do not call me severus.”
“a- alright then!” you tried your best to be optimistic. “shall i get the ingredients, or would you like to?”
“i’ll get them,” snape scowled. he dropped his voice to a bitter hiss.“i can’t deal with another incompetant muggle-born messing things up.”
you raised your eyebrows but remained silent. there was a time and place for picking fights, and it would do no good to sacrifice your potions grade over some carbon copy blood supremacist. plus, a bad grade would only fuel the misconception that muggle-borns were less capable.
snape returned, handling the ingredients like they were precious. “you can boil the water.” snape didn’t spare you a glance before beginning to cut up the ginger root. his cuts were slow and measuredd; snape sat back and examined his work smugly. when you glanced over at his handiwork, you scoffed. 
“it doesn’t matter how carefully you cut the ginger,” you sighed in disapproval, “if the pieces aren’t even.” you held up the two slices he’d cut, holding them in the air next to each other. “see, this one has a bump, which probably adds two or three grams. just because they’re the same length doesn’t mean they’re the same volume.”
snape narrowed his eyes at you. “do you really think i would’ve missed that? you’re not better than me. keep your little comments to yourself.”
you glared at him. “sure. why don’t you run and grab a scale, snape, and we’ll inspect your work.”
you were right: snape had cut the ginger pieces unevenly. you didn’t bother rubbing it in, knowing that just being proven wrong was a blow to his ego enough.
snape dropped the trimmed pieces into the cauldron and the two of you admired the nice green that the potion changed to. snape, who liked to remain emotionless, seemed to be surprised. you cheered internally. last class, slughorn had told snape his potion coloration was slightly dull. if it hadn’t been for your advice, this potion would’ve ended up the same way.
“armadillo bile,” you read off from the blackboard. “you can do that, if you want. i’ll prepare the scarab beetles.”
snape agreed, much to your surprise. you could hear snide comments from the back of the room emerge and snape’s willing compliance.
“taking orders from a mudblood, is he?”
“he’s such a humiliation.”
“dear salazar, bella would throw a fit if she was here.”
you paid them no mind. in fact, you found yourself enjoying the slytherins’ belittling of snape. they truly were gryffindor’s opposites; no loyalty to their follow housemates.
grinding the scarab beetles turned out to be an effective stress reliever. you fell into a comfortable rhythm with old mortar and pestle, almost missing the look remus flashed at you.
you caught his eye before he could look away, and remus mouthed, “how’s it going?”
you gave him an exaggerated look of distress in response. he covered his mouth, but you watched as his eyes turned into little crescent moons, indicating his laughter. you bit back a smile.
“quit whoring around with the half-blood,” snape spat. he eyed the powdered beetle shells disdainfully, and snatched the mortar from your hands. “merlin, you’re useless.”
you let snape sprinkle in the powder and from the corner of your eye, watched as he added more armadillo bile. you were reoccupied with watching the back of remus’ head as he bent over his steaming cauldron. remus waved a hand in front of his face to fan the steam from his eyes. his partner, mary, was giggling. their hands brushed as they both reached for more ginger root, and you found yourself tensing up.
“since you’re so particular about it, why don’t you cut up the rest of the ginger?” snape jeered, sliding the knife towards your side of the desk. you barely looked up before you began to cut. you could feel snape’s watchful gaze boring holes into your hands as he searched for any reason to ridicule you, but your hands were steady. you were confident in your potion-making abilities, and it showed.
“here,” you held out four nearly identical slices of ginger root to snape, and he picked them up from your palms delicately as if the slightest touch or brush over your skin would burn him like acid.
the potion turned a pale, buttery yellow. focused, deliberate clockwise spins of snape’s wand began to reveal a pigmented buttercup color. you tapped snape’s shoulder and he recoiled, but allowed you to take over the mixing. a couple more stirs and you were left with a rich ochre potion, which had reached a consistent temperature without much bubbling.
“this is wonderful; truly fantastic work!” slughorn commended, clapping his hands together. “you should be very proud of yourselves.” in your potion-brewing haze, you hadn’t realized that slughorn had already reviewed most of the class’ potions. james and barty crouch sat in front of a cauldron that seemed to be hissing, while frank and marlene high fived each other, satisfied with their average outcome.
“you may be dismissed! the two of you,” slughorn waved at you and snape, “please stay back. and miss evans, i’d like to speak to you as well. you’re not in trouble, don’t worry,” he chortled.
lily hurried to your side, taking your hand and squeezing it reassuringly. she seemed pleased to see snape and smiled at him kindly. snape nodded his head in response, his oily hair falling from where it’d been tucked behind his ear. he pushed it out of his face bashfully.
“as fifth year students, i’d like to invite you to what i call ‘the slug club.’ it’s named after me, see?” slughorn pointed at himself jovially. “i invite the most promising fifth, sixth, and seventh year students, and i’d like you all to attend. the three of you have demonstrated incredible ability in my classroom.
“now, i’m hosting the first slug club event of the year this sunday at eight in the spare room across from my office. it’s an important meeting; you’ll introduce yourselves and get to know each other. dinner will be served as well, so there’s no excuses! i expect to see you all there.” slughorn patted his belly happily and made his way back to his desk, excusing the three of you as he squeezed through the rows of tables.
lily was sprightly as she manuevered easily through the desks. you patted your satchel, making sure you’d packed everything up. snape, who was always in a rush to get out of the classroom, lingered.
you paid him no mind as you buttoned everything up and tightened your straps, slinging your bag over your shoulder. it clanked as it hit corners and sides of tables—fifth year textbooks were much thicker and heavier than the years before.
you could feel snape’s gloomy presence behind you, trailing along like the stubborn smell of smoke. he was going down the same row of tables you were, most likely to bother you. he was so close that you could feel his sticky breath on your neck; he smelled of salty sardines and wilted cabbage. you shuddered.
snape cleared his throat ostentatiously, and before you could move aside like any decent person would do, he shoved past you proudly. his bag, heavy laden with textbooks and other snape-y evil contraptions, hit your hip. the bag bounced off of your body and flapped open—he’d forgotten to fasten it—and out fell a small book. it thudded on the ground, but somehow, snape didn’t seem to notice. you didn’t think much of it; you weren’t inclined to chase him down and return it.
curious, you slipped it into your bag for further investigation.
the marauders were waiting for you outside the classroom. “what was that, thumper?” james slung an arm around your shoulder, leaning his body weight on you until your knees buckled. the two of you wobbled before james grabbed onto remus’ forearm and grounded himself.
“slughorn invited me to ‘the slug club. it’s for promising students,” you sneered mockingly. “please, what’s so promising about me? i’ve got a couple major felonies under my belt that i’ve yet to be prosecuted for?”
sirius laughed. “godric, i love you. where’ve you been all my life?”
“in the library, with remus.” you snuck a glance at the tall, brown haired boy to find him smiling down at you, eyes darting across your face.
“ugh, you two are so infuriating.” peter kicked his satchel, which had been lying on the ground, in annoyance.
“because,” peter droned, as if it was obvious, “you’re so perfect for each other. the two of you must be the smartest, stupidest blokes i’ve ever met.”
“that’s quite the oxymoron,” remus noted.
“see?” peter pointed. “proves my point!”
“i don’t understand why you haven’t just ki-”
lily saved you from a very awkward conversation. “y/n, babe!” she skipped towards you, elated. “you’re going to slughorn’s event, right? sev promised to be my date, and i think you should find someone too. it’ll be a blast!”
james sputtered. “sev? what the bloody hell is ‘sev?’” 
lily stared at him judgememntally. “…severus? sev, severus?”
sirius’ jaw dropped. “your date is snivellus?”
lily scowled. “how many times have i told you not to call him that? he’s not so bad—babe, tell them! he was nice during potions today, right?”
you stretched your lips into a thin, pained smile. “yeah, he was… civil.” you thought​​ that was a bit too generous.
“see?” lily sighed happily. “i don’t understand why you can’t give him a chance. he’s very nice once you get to know him, i promise.”
you nodded slowly, unconvinced. you looked at remus, who looked at james and sirius, who looked completely outraged.
“evans, please, don’t go with him. hey- hey! you could go with me! mcgonagall told me slughorn invited me too, during transfiguration. ditch snivellus, we’d have a much better time together,” james winked.
lily wrinkled her nose. “you’re rancid, potter.” she turned to you and her expression softened. “bye, y/n. see you later!”
“wait,” james paused, “you don’t have a date, right? will you be my date to slughorn’s… thing? pleaaaase, thumper?”
you grabbed james by the shoulders (which was admittedly a bit difficult, because he was much taller than you) and shook him. “no need to beg, prongs. i’m all yours.”
remus began tapping his foot.
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@im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @yourallihave @cowboibeepbeep @liszblog @springflwer07 @getawayfrommewerewolf @ilovehotdads69 @soumya-13 @emmaev @urgrandadsashes @girl-ln-green @vilentia @bibli0thecary @khayhuij @summer-noir
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mybelde · 1 year
10: downpour ♤
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17 January, Monday 4.25pm
Location: Teyvat University's Foyer
Nothing ever goes as planned. Therefore people tell you to expect the unexpected. But how were you supposed to know that day it was going to rain? Even the weather forecast didn't expect it. What made things worst was that you forgot your dorm key and now you couldn't even go back to your dorm if you wanted to. You therefore resorted to texting in your gc for help
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17 January, Monday, 4.47pm
You sat at your campus' foyer as you waited for Aether to arrive. You watched the rain pouring down everywhere. To see the water droplets crash down everywhere seemed so fascinating to you. Even though it was late afternoon, the sky was so gloomy. It almost seemed like it was in sad mood. The opposite to what you were feeling currently.
Your heart was racing and you waited for Aether with anticipation.
You didn't know why you were so worked up. Was it because it was your first time seeing Aether after two weeks? Probably.
You genuinely enjoyed his company that day and you wanted to hangout with him more. But you didn't know what was stopping you from asking him again. Did you feel shy with him? Did he enjoy your company? You hoped he did. Otherwise your goal to be friends with him was going to be impossible to achieve.
You soon heard the sound of someone running towards you. You turned around and spotted a familiar blond holding a large umbrella.
"Sorry if you had to wait a long time for me to arrive yn, I came as quick as I could."
You glanced over his features, he looked like he was out of breath and was gasping for air.
"It's alright Aether, I didn't wait for long. And you shouldn't have ran all the way here when it's raining, what if you slipped and got hurt??? Your sister would probably be worried sick!!"
You heard him give a small chuckle as a response and you sighed.
"Let's just wait here for a while until you catch your breath. After all, you only came here just because Lumine told you and I feel bad."
"I came here because it was you yn."
You felt your breath hitch and you looked at him in confusion.
"W-well i heard from lumine that no one was able to pick you up... and i thought you wouldn't have liked to stay here and wait until 6 for my sister or Hu Tao to arrive when you could be doing other things. I mean I wouldn't want to be stuck in this downpour alone as well, hahah.."
Wow, he was so thoughtful.
You gave him a small smile and replied, "Thanks Aether, I really appreciate you coming here to pick me up."
"Don't mention it! So..." He held his hand out towards you.
"Shall we get going?"
"We shall."
The walk in the rain was a quiet one, despite the rain crashing down everywhere. Both you and Aether were walking to his and Lumine's house in silence. The siblings opted to live in their own house instead of the campus dorms since their house was quite near to the college.
The both of you were sharing an umbrella together and were heading towards your destination. Though the umbrella was big enough to fit you both, you can't help but fluster over the fact that you were standing so close to him. Sure, you were literally on him when he saved you from the cyclist that day but that was different! It was in the heat of the moment. This time you were actually walking next to him and trying to not get wet in the rain.
"So... how was your day?" He asked. Probably trying to break the silence between you guys.
"Hmm... I guess it was alright. But Professor Varka was definitely picking on me today. He kept on asking me questions during lecture today and I couldn't even get out of it. And I think Ms Lisa is starting to get annoyed of me and Scara's antics lol, plus..."
While you were going on and on about your day, you didn't notice how big Aether's smile was getting as he stared at you.
"Oh shit, my bad. I didn't mean to talk so much haha.."
"No its fine, your voice is so soothing to hear if I'm being honest with you."
Your heart started beating faster and you quickly became flustered.
Damn, I didn't know he was such a smooth talker.
"O-oh thanks... I didn't think my voice was actually that soothing to hear.. well what about you? How did your day go??"
Nice recovery yn.
"Me? It was pretty alright as well. I just finished my first journal entry today about Fontaine's latest invention."
"Ooo can I read it? I wanna know how you write your journal entries. I'm used to reading Lumine's entries, but I'm sure you have a different writing style than hers."
"Yeah sure! I can let you read some of my journals, oh and it looks like we finally arrived."
You looked up to see the familiar house you've been to many times. You used to visit Lumine at her house a lot since highschool, but whenever you were around, Aether seemed to be nowhere in sight. But now, it was just the two of you, in the house, alone.
And before you could do anything else, you had to get something off your chest first.
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Finally done with this chapter 💀
Took me a while to figure out what to write, hopefully it came out okay
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thefavchilde · 1 year
3. all is good vibes
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2:55pm. Day 2.
The spring brings fairly warm weather, only accompanied by a light breeze. The front of the cafe is painted in pastels, adorned with flowers and other decorations. You figure you have enough time to quickly pull out your phone and take a picture, just to brag and-
“You’re here a couple minutes early.”
The voice startles you, making you jump a little. You spin on your heel to realise you’re already face to face with the one you came here to meet. Tighnari. What a bastard…
“You scared me- Jesus Christ.” You let out a laugh, clutching at your chest dramatically.
His eyes seem to trail up and down, as though scanning you in a sense. You can’t seem to quite read the expression on his face, however. He smiles eventually, simply stating, “You live up to your title, ‘influencer.’”
“Ugh, don’t. You’ll make me sick.” You grin, hitting his shoulder lightly.
God, he’s even more attractive in real life. With a face like that, maybe he should be the one with an online following for showing off his appearance all the time.
“Shall we go in then?” He asks, snapping you out of your trance. You simply nod, as the words seem to get caught in your throat. Were you…nervous? Even just a little bit? You can’t help but notice it; it’s just slightly out of character for you to go so quiet.
A few minutes pass as you take your seats, order your drinks and get to talking. Tighnari seems the intelligent type for sure, but he speaks with enthusiasm and doesn’t bore you at all. He shows equal interest in your opinions as much as his own. A conversation with him flows naturally, as if you’d known one another for months.
You manage to narrow your ideas down to a fairly solid plan, thankfully.
You would have to sort decorations, drinks, food and invitations together. Cyno never said the party had to be massive, so Tighnari’s apartment did just fine as a venue. And in return for your help, you demand 10 of the 100 Tighnari would receive, as well as a small favour in exchange for each time you helped him after today. Solid for solid, if you will.
Conversation happens to extend itself beyond that, and you spend a good couple of hours together before eventually parting ways. You have to admit, the future is looking pretty bright.
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(a/n: this chapter has been a nightmare to get up. it wouldn’t let me edit the links on the first one the post was basically broken so this is my second try haha)
@4leyn3 @atlaincorrect @shibarinu0000 @eimuros @phoenix-eclipses @olimpios @detectiveluvr @saltishima-rex @starbbearie
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iu-jjang · 2 years
[FANCAFE] 220911 From.IU - Uaenas look over here
Uaena-ya, hello!
Are you having a good time during Chuseok (Mid-autumn Festival)? Did you eat a lot of yummy food too?
Did you receive a lot of pocket money (or gave a lot)? hehe
I’m curious how uaenas are doing during this holiday period.
I went back to my parents’ place, ate yummy food, gave and received pocket money and had a very Chuseok-ish day. 😌
During these few months preparing for the concert, time flew by so fast that I had motion sickness, but now that there’s only a week left, time seems to pass so slowly that I feel bored. Other than when I’m rehearsing, there’s nothing to do but to think about things, so every minute and every second, I would be feeling small and then large, everyday I was battling with my inner feelings which were all over the place.
I think my confidence level varied even from minute to minute. I wondered how my diary entry in the day could be so different from my diary entry at dawn.. and whether these were really written by the same person.. the dramatic contrast was surprising. keke
So these feelings of anticipation and worry made it hard for me to sleep well at night (I really had all kinds of nightmares. There was the dream that I appeared on stage, but only 10 rows of the audience were present, or the dream that our hard drive went missing and I quarreled with our engineer oppa, or the dream that at the climax of the concert, fireworks went off, but they were the size of birthday cake sparklers and so on.. 😇) Perhaps it’s because I’m nervous, I don’t have much of an appetite, check the weather app by habit and whenever it’s about 7pm, I would look up at the sky.. (But from what I see, rather than a clear day, on a gloomy day with some clouds, the sky at 7pm is actually prettier.. Everyone seems rather concerned about the weather, of course, I hope it doesn’t rain, but I think if it’s a gloomy day, reaching the concert venue earlier and enjoying this and that is much better? Don’t pray for the weather to be very clear on that day🥺keke)
I think I’ve only been thinking about the concert for the past two months. If I fail to take care of my condition, I would tell myself, ‘I’m someone who has promised to meet about 85000 people this weekend!’ then I would do a bit more of the exercise I hate, or eat another mouthful of rice, anyway I’m working hard to come to my senses. 🔥🔥
We had a full rehearsal the day before yesterday, with everyone gathered. We did. Run through rehearsal at a studio the size of the stadium stage and the stage was really~~~ big?!? But the actual stage is apparently 1.5 times the size of that??!?? I have to run about! I tried running throughout the first verse..! But I didn’t manage to get into position even after the first verse ended? Can something like this? even be possible???
This concert won’t be about taking care of my throat, but totally a battle of my stamina instead. That’s how I felt. 😌
I think this concert is a great challenge for everyone preparing for it right now. When I observe everyone, the way each person moves looks so systematic, that I felt at ease and touched by that.
People coming for the concert on that day! More than any other time, (of course this includes me 😀) please give a lot of love and support to the band members and dancers on stage and the busy staff members!
Also, the weather could be rather cooling in the evening, so do bring along a cardigan or thin jacket. Everyone! Even though it might feel stuffy and tiring to enjoy the concert while wearing a mask, please ensure that you wear one! Shall we make sure that no one gets hurt or sick from watching the concert? 🥹
That’s what I hope for the most.
Ohyu the uaenas that I miss so dearly~ now that we’re about to meet, I’m not sure why I feel so small 🙈..
Everyone would have made special preparations and went through ticketing to be here, so I want to put on a Golden Hour concert that our uaenas would not regret..! It’s just me who needs to do a good job and I will right? As I’ll be meeting uaenas on that day, I believe I can do it!!
To not appear small on that big stage, I’ll also try my best to put on a cool performance!!
I hope uaenas will be happy on that day ❤️
Please stay well for the remaining week and see you then.
Ah and for the uaenas who can’t come due to circumstances, don’t feel too disappointed..! Edam will try to capture the live atmosphere as much as possible through video (right?) Don’t feel too sad!? Let’s meet again next time!
Have a good dinner, everyone.
I’ll be going for dinner too (sujebi)
Anyway I love all of you, bbyong (T/L note: sending hearts)
(I won’t lock this post to prevent it from being copied. There may be audience members who are not members of this fancafe, so I hope they see this post and look forward to the concert 👍🏻)
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Can you write a drabble or scenario of Keito and his s/o going out on a date, but suddenly their date got interrupted by the rain? Keito feels irritated since date aren't that frequent due to his busy schedule, but then his s/o came up with an idea, "Let's play in the rain, Keito!" and before Keito gets the chance to answer them, they already jumped into the rain! Keito was hesitant at first cause he don't want to risk of being sick but seeing his s/o being so giddy and happy.. How he couldn't resist that smile? He ended up playing in the rain with his s/o. (Bonus point if the ending is Keito the ones who's getting sick and his s/o is still healthy).
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You’re grinning from where you stand, framed by the entrance to Café Cinnamon. You’ve dressed up for this special occasion by wearing the nicest casual clothes you own, and you fidget awkwardly with your hair as you wait for the green-haired boy to approach you.
“Sorry. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?” Keito says apologetically. You wave him off, it’s fine, I know you’re busy. “You look…” He swallows, uncharacteristically nervous. “You look beautiful. Apologies, you always look beautiful, I just meant that…” Shut the fuck up, brain, he wills himself to stop talking because no matter how many outings (dates!) you go on, he will never get used to how lovely you look and all he’s able to do is run his mouth like a fool and pray he doesn’t embarrass himself more than he already has.
You giggle, a slight flush on your cheeks. “You’re sweet…you look great too.”
Somehow, he manages a polite smile and offers you his hand. “Shall we?”
“Mm. I forgot to ask,” You say as you casually link your fingers together. Keito feels his brain short-circuit at the contact. “But what are we doing today?”
“Ah…” Keito hums. “I was thinking we could go eat…perhaps at Café Cinnamon?”
“Ooh, that sounds fun!” You swing your interlocked hands aimlessly.
The rumble of thunder sounds in the distance.
You’re halfway from the Café when a drop of rain falls and hits your nose. More droplets follow soon after. The rain is cool where it meets your skin, and you tip your head back, arms outstretched, to allow it to wash over you. A hand wraps around your own and  you’re hurriedly dragged into the shade of the trees. “Kei-kun!?”
“You should be careful, you might get sick.” Keito scolds as he pushes your sopping wet hair out of your face. Stupid of him, to have not accounted for the weather. His mood plummets slightly. Now this outing may very well be ruined…
“It’s fun though!” You smile, trying to cheer him up. “Come on, I don’t get sick easily.” You wheedle as you skip backwards, letting rivulets of water cascade down your skin in trails that look a little too much like tear tracks for Keito’s liking. “You know you want to~”
Keito sighs. Your eyes are sparkling as you splash around in the puddles underfoot and you look so ethereal in your happiness, surrounded by a gauzy veil of rain. Who is he to deny you this one thing? What kind of monster would be able to resist you when you look like this? “Alright…but just this once.”
The sight of Hasumi Keito, StuCo VP and leader of AKATSUKI hopping awkwardly in the rain is too cute and you laugh teasingly as you link your hands with his. “Don’t look so scared~” You spin him around in circles. “It’s just a little water.”
“Hmph.” Despite his huffy demeanour, a small smile forms on his face as he witnesses your infectious joy. Beautiful.
“Kei-kun, what’s wrong?” Staring at the cocoon of blankets that you think may be the green-haired boy as watery, red-rimmed eyes peer out at you from inside the nest. You hear an indignant cough-sneeze. “Aw…are you sick?”
A pouty glare. “How are you not? You were in the rain for longer and you weren’t wearing sufficient protection! A-a-achoo!”
Oh, he’s really too cute! You laugh. “I told you, I don’t get sick easy. Don’t worry, though! I’ll take care of you~”
WC: 500 words
this is. sooo late im sooooo sorry pls forgive me im on my kneES OTL OTL forgive me anonnie cries. and this promt was suuuper cute too? playing in the rain with a friend or lover >>> anyways. um. i hc keito as an awkward bitch when it comes to interpersonal relationships. enjoy? mwah mwah <3
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discordapples · 10 months
Interlude 1 The Collector's Riddle
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TW: Allusions to cannibalism. If you don't want to read this, jump to the bottom to find the interactive game.
Play the interactive game on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1356157087-these-violences-we-crave-a-hogwarts-legacy-dark
Alice | Hogwarts, 1857.
A girl sits at a table set for twelve. The tablecloth is busy with steaming plates. In a golden bowl drowses an assortment of fruits slowly rotting away, and, burrowing through the sweet pulp, hatchlings feast heartily.
Soon, they will weave a chrysalis around their bodies, and before the dinner is over, flies will tear through their pupas and turn their globoid eyes on her.
Her cheeks are dewed with tears. Her mouth pasty with her own sick. In the corner of the dining room, an anguished violin plucked by an invisible soloist renders a dolent aria.
No, not an aria. A requiem.
The Collector materializes at the head of the table, and as soon as he is corporeal, his sea-blue eyes hook onto her and a smile creeps upon his lips.
He unashamedly dons Jeremiah's flaxen curls, the same dimples that used to nick her fiance's cheeks; he even extends the same elongated fingers to a spoiled apple mottled with bruises and rolls it between them. Pressing against the table, his turgid gut looks about to burst.
But he is never satiated—ever famished.
He will feed until the world's bones are picked clean.
Knowing what comes next, she squeezes her eyes shut, loosening another lash of tears from her lids.
"Uh uh," he tuts her. "You agreed to let me feed on you nine times, and you didn't ask to be desensitized to your ordeals. No—you asked me to spare your little sister, and so I did."
With a snap of his fingers, her eyelids are violently peeled back and, despite her desperate attempts, she can no longer blink.
The Collector waves his hand and there, flowering amidst the piping dishes and silver cloches, is the body of her dead fiance.
Tudum, tudum.
Her heart pumps her full of dread.
She dares not stare into Jeremiah's lifeless eyes, yet she catches the waxen pallor of his skin in the tail-end of her eye; and glimpses his extinct lips, scallop-colored in the low light of the candelabras.
A sharp pain blisters from her palms as she stares with horror at the bones jutting out of her skin. Slowly—excruciatingly—the cartilage contorts and reforms into the shape of a knife and a fork.
She nearly faints with the torture, but the Collector has always made sure she can weather it without slipping out of consciousness.
He doesn't like to feed on a sleeper; prefers to season his dish with screams and drizzle it with agony.
"What are you waiting for, Alice?" He asks her tauntingly. "Dig in."
Jeremiah's body inches closer to her, his feet climbing up her empty plate.
Water burns its way down her cheeks. She can taste the salt on her tongue, and the bile crawling up her esophagus.
One more walk through the Collector's pandemonium.
One more trial, and she'll be free.
The Collector's glass fills with a tar-like substance and he reclines in his seat as her fork quaveringly prongs into the dead flesh. "The things we'd do for love..."
* * *
The Collector's Game
Still here, reader? Do you think you could do better than poor Alice?
Let's put this faith in your skills to the test, shall we?
I will hide secret messages in the upcoming Act (the chapters comprised between Interlude 1 and 2). If put together, these words will provide the answer to my riddle. Be the first to solve it, and you will win your own personal one-shot fic starring yourself with the love interest of your choice.
Do you think you have what it takes? Keep reading, and we'll both find out...
The Collector's Riddle:
Within the depths of human hearts I reside,
A hidden desire, relentless inside.
Though darkness veiled, it yearns to be free,
To taste the violence that dwells in me.
In secret whispers and forbidden dreams,
A primal hunger, more than it seems.
What is my nature?
The song and video footage used aren't mine. The song is In the End, by Tommee Proffit.
The Collector's voice has been generated through ElevenLabs.
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tavvattales · 2 years
❤︎ Matchmaker, Matchmaker, i need your help!
pronouns: she/her
platonic or romantic relationship: romantic
your lean: either is fine <3
likes and dislikes: i like dogs, sweets, flowers, and geography. i also enjoy taking naps and walks in almost any weather. singing and humming to myself is also surprisingly fun. for dislikes, i'm not fond of messes, hot weather (pls send help I'm melting), long rides by vehicles because of motion-sickness, greed and unkindness.
personality in brief: i'm told to be sweet, kind and calming to be around. personally, i think i get excited too easily though and get mistaken for an extrovert often because of my friendly nature. i tend to overthink a lot but i try not to let it interfere with my life much. instead i want to enjoy the little things in life the best i can.
thank you for listening, Matchmaker! i hope you have a lovely day ❤︎
Hello sweetie pie~ Thank you for choosing Rebby's Matchmaking Services!
Let's see here. . .
I match you with~
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Your dates mostly consist of long walks and settling down under the biggest tree the two of you can find to take a snooze, cuddled in each others arms. Afterwards going flower picking and making each other flower crowns until the moon is high in the sky.
Fluttering your eyes open from a sound sleep, you yawn, feeling a sensation of warmth wrapped around you, "Awh, she's still asleep," you say softly to yourself, admiring how cute she is when she's sleeping.
Looking at the gentle rise and fall of her chest, you brush a strand of her hair out of the way of her face, causing her to stir and blink up at you sleepily, "Y/N, you woke up before me this time," she smiles, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Leaning downwards you place a kiss to her forehead, "It's okay, you were sleeping so soundly, and I didn't want to wake you," you say, brushing the rest of her dishevled hair out of the way lovingly as she nuzzles into your hand, "Are you awake enough?" You ask.
Stretching, Ganyu nods, letting out a stifled yawn, "Our usual?"
"Our usual~"
Even though Ganyu is busy with work, most days, she always makes time for you in her hectic schedule, even stopping at the best dessert place on her way to see you just so she can see your smile.
"I'm late; I'm late; I'm so sorry, dear," Ganyu says out of breath as she hands you a small box filled with cookies, "I thought we could enjoy these over a cup of tea."
Widening your eyes in surprise, you pull her into a hug, "These look so tasty~ And you know you don't have to apologize, silly! I know work is always busy for you; I'm just happy I get to see you," you say reassuringly, guiding her inside.
As you prepare a pot of tea, the two of you engage in small talk, simply enjoying each other's company. Even though the conversations were short, it seemed like no time had passed and soon enough it was time for her to go, "I'm going to miss you," you say with a pitiful look upon your face, but Ganyu takes your cheeks in her hands softly with a knowing look in her eyes, and kisses you gently.
"We'll see each other soon, dearest. I promise~"
Ganyu loves how excited you get over things you like. She takes special note to remember your likes and dislikes, just so she can see you smile.
"Whoa~ What kind of flower is that?" You ask, going over to it and crouching down to inspect it, taking in its beauty.
"That's a Glaze Lily, Y/N," Ganyu replies happily, "They're actually quite rare in the wild! You have a good eye," a smile appears on her lips, "The best thing about them is that if you sing to them they bloom even more beautifully, shall we sing to them, darling?"
"Can we?! I would love that~."
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kampeszino · 3 months
The Revenge: A Ballad of the Fleet
At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay, And a pinnace, like a fluttered bird, came flying from far away: "Spanish ships of war at sea! we have sighted fifty-three!" Then sware Lord Thomas Howard: "'Fore God I am no coward; But I cannot meet them here, for my ships are out of gear, And the half my men are sick. I must fly, but follow quick. We are six ships of the line; can we fight with fifty-three?"
Then spake Sir Richard Grenville: "I know you are no coward; You fly them for a moment to fight with them again. But I've ninety men and more that are lying sick ashore. I should count myself the coward if I left them, my Lord Howard, To these Inquisition dogs and the devildoms of Spain."
So Lord Howard passed away with five ships of war that day, Till he melted like a cloud in the silent summer heaven; But Sir Richard bore in hand all his sick men from the land Very carefully and slow, Men of Bideford in Devon, And we laid them on the ballast down below; For we brought them all aboard, And they blest him in their pain, that they were not left to Spain, To the thumbscrew and the stake, for the glory of the Lord.
He had only a hundred seamen to work the ship and to fight, And he sailed away from Flores till the Spaniard came in sight, With his huge sea-castles heaving upon the weather bow. "Shall we fight or shall we fly? Good Sir Richard, tell us now, For to fight is but to die! There'll be little of us left by the time this sun be set." And Sir Richard said again: "We be all good English men. Let us bang these dogs of Seville, the children of the devil, For I never turned my back upon Don or devil yet."
Sir Richard spoke and he laughed, and we roared a hurrah, and so The little Revenge ran on sheer into the heart of the foe, With her hundred fighters on deck, and her ninety sick below; For half of their fleet to the right and half to the left were seen, And the little Revenge ran on through the long sea-lane between.
Thousands of their soldiers looked down from their decks and laughed, Thousands of their seamen made mock at the mad little craft Running on and on, till delayed By their mountain-like San Philip that, of fifteen hundred tons, And up-shadowing high above us with her yawning tiers of guns, Took the breath from our sails, and we stayed.
And while now the great San Philip hung above us like a cloud Whence the thunderbolt will fall Long and loud, Four galleons drew away From the Spanish fleet that day, And two upon the larboard and two upon the starboard lay, And the battle-thunder broke from them all.
But anon the great San Philip, she bethought herself and went Having that within her womb that had left her ill content; And the rest they came aboard us, and they fought us hand to hand, For a dozen times they came with their pikes and musqueteers, And a dozen times we shook 'em off as a dog that shakes his ears When he leaps from the water to the land.
And the sun went down, and the stars came out far over the summer sea, But never a moment ceased the fight of the one and the fifty-three. Ship after ship, the whole night long, their high-built galleons came, Ship after ship, the whole night long, with her battle-thunder and flame; Ship after ship, the whole night long, drew back with her dead and her shame. For some were sunk and many were shattered, and so could fight us no more - God of battles, was ever a battle like this in the world before?
For he said "Fight on! fight on!" Though his vessel was all but a wreck; And it chanced that, when half of the short summer night was gone, With a grisly wound to be dressed he had left the deck, But a bullet struck him that was dressing it suddenly dead, And himself he was wounded again in the side and the head, And he said "Fight on! fight on!"
And the night went down, and the sun smiled out far over the summer sea, And the Spanish fleet with broken sides lay round us all in a ring; But they dared not touch us again, for they feared that we still could sting, So they watched what the end would be. And we had not fought them in vain, But in perilous plight were we, Seeing forty of our poor hundred were slain, And half of the rest of us maimed for life In the crash of the cannonades and the desperate strife; And the sick men down in the hold were most of them stark and cold, And the pikes were all broken or bent, and the powder was all of it spent; And the masts and the rigging were lying over the side; But Sir Richard cried in his English pride, "We have fought such a fight for a day and a night As may never be fought again! We have won great glory, my men! And a day less or more At sea or ashore, We die -does it matter when? Sink me the ship, Master Gunner -sink her, split her in twain! Fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of Spain!"
And the gunner said "Ay, ay," but the seamen made reply: "We have children, we have wives, And the Lord hath spared our lives. We will make the Spaniard promise, if we yield, to let us go; We shall live to fight again and to strike another blow." And the lion there lay dying, and they yielded to the foe.
And the stately Spanish men to their flagship bore him then, Where they laid him by the mast, old Sir Richard caught at last, And they praised him to his face with their courtly foreign grace; But he rose upon their decks, and he cried: "I have fought for Queen and Faith like a valiant man and true; I have only done my duty as a man is bound to do: With a joyful spirit I Sir Richard Grenville die!" And he fell upon their decks, and he died.
And they stared at the dead that had been so valiant and true, And had holden the power and glory of Spain so cheap That he dared her with one little ship and his English few; Was he devil or man? He was devil for aught they knew, But they sank his body with honour down into the deep, And they manned the Revenge with a swarthier alien crew, And away she sailed with her loss and longed for her own; When a wind from the lands they had ruined awoke from sleep, And the water began to heave and the weather to moan, And or ever that evening ended a great gale blew, And a wave like the wave that is raised by an earthquake grew, Till it smote on their hulls and their sails and their masts and their flags, And the whole sea plunged and fell on the shot-shattered navy of Spain, And the little Revenge herself went down by the island crags To be lost evermore in the main.
0 notes
millytherat · 5 months
During the night i had insomnia so i created 3 ghost triplets that died in 1874, 1875 and 1876, one after the other, thats the diary of Jane, the beheaded, a way i found to tell the story (i am not putting any effort into making it sound 1800's)
"December 1874
Catherine snuck out at night, i believe she is having innapropriate activities with the daugther of the school principal again, i have recommended that she dont; during the day she was constantly daydreaming, Genevive also realized something was off, but Genevive is always off too, what would they even do without me?
Is morning, father is at work and didnt noticed, but Catherine is absent, maybe she sleept in at that girl's house, Genevive wanted to show me a new poem she wrote, maybe later, i'm felling a bit under the weather.
Catherine is dead. She was found drowned in the lake. Maybe i should stop writing for a bit, her funeral will be in a week, father sounds devastated, she always looked so much like mother, i dont know how to process all this.
February 1875
Things are bad, we grief and mourn for Catherine, Genevive stopped writing her poems, the house sounds too quiet without Cat's singing and i cant fell inspired to draw anything but portraits of my dear sister, father seems unstable, he no longer dine with us.
Genevive told me she was felling sick those days, it may be a cold, how terrible.
Havent heard of Genevive since yesterday night, she said her tea was tasting weird, i took a sip and agreed, but i never personally liked tea, i threw all the tea away.
Dead. My other sister is dead. They're both dead. Poisoned, the doctors said. It's a curse, it must be.
May god have their souls, my sisters, only 16, only 17.
May 1876
I clinged of father after Genevive's death, he sounded indifferent, he's cold, unstable, i shall not disturb him.
Recently, i fell chills in my body everytime i approach father, and i hear my sisters voices, whispering, mumbling, maybe their spirits haunt the house. Maybe they want to take care of me.
Father wants to meet me, we are going to a picnic, at the lake, i though it was insentitive, but he said is to honour Catherine's soul, endearing, i'm excited."
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elle-p · 6 months
Persona 3 FES Tartarus Entrance dialogue ripped from the US version of FES with Persona Editor.
アイギス(aegis): テストです。
桔橘 ゆかり(yukari): テストです。
戒崖 劾外(mituru): テストです。
月件 姦浬(junpei): テストです。
詰砧 宜杵(fuuka): テストです。
噛懐 巻喚(sanada): テストです。
漢懐 倹(amada): テストです。
Koromaru: Woof
Fuuka: I'll support you all from here.
[ns032_002](Tartarus entrance)
{Add to your party}
{Check status}
{Remove from your party}
{Check progress}
{Check everyone's status}
Yukari: Alright, let's go.
Yukari: Wow, I feel great!
Yukari: I'm feeling a little tired…
Yukari: Umm, I'd rather not go… I'm not feeling so good.
Yukari: Sure!
Yukari: You can count on me!
Yukari: …Okay, but don't expect too much.
Yukari: I don't think that's such a good idea…
Yukari: Let's go!
Yukari: Let's do it!
Yukari: Mind if I sit this one out?
Yukari: Do I have to go?
Yukari: …Okay.
Yukari: Come on, I wanna go!
Yukari: …Alright.
Yukari: …Alright.
Yukari: …The party's already full.
Yukari: Who should I switch with?
Yukari: So, this is Tartarus…
Yukari: I'm feeling tired… Let's go back…
Aigis: Please take me with you.
Aigis: I'm functioning perfectly and ready for battle.
Aigis: I'm feeling sluggish…
Aigis: I seem to have acquired a virus…
Aigis: Thank you!
Aigis: I will be a great help to you!
Aigis: I'll do my best, despite my condition.
Aigis: I'll do my best, though I may be a hindrance to you.
Aigis: Let's go immediately.
Aigis: Let's go.
Aigis: I recommend leaving me behind this time.
Aigis: …Yes?
Aigis: …Roger that.
Aigis: I understand. I cannot contradict an order.
Aigis: …I'm sorry I won't be able to help.
Aigis: …I'm sorry I won't be able to help.
Aigis: The party already has sufficient members…
Aigis: …Who shall I replace?
Mitsuru: You want me to accompany you?
Mitsuru: Let's do it.
Mitsuru: I'm not feeling well…
Mitsuru: I'm feeling under the weather…
Mitsuru: Very well.
Mitsuru: I won't let you down.
Mitsuru: …Very well. But, I should warn you, I won't be much help.
Mitsuru: I would prefer not to be a thorn in your side…
Mitsuru: Let's move out…
Mitsuru: What are you waiting for? Let's go.
Mitsuru: I'm not my usual self today…
Mitsuru: I'm not my usual self today…
Mitsuru: …Very well.
Mitsuru: I don't think that's a wise decision…
Mitsuru: Good choice.
Mitsuru: …A wise decision.
Mitsuru: …You already have enough people.
Mitsuru: Who would you like me to replace?
Mitsuru: Don't worry. I won't push you too hard. You'll be just fine.
Mitsuru: From now on, you'll select your party here, before you enter Tartarus. I'll explain the details some other time. Tres bien! You did well today. Now, let's head back to the dorm.
Mitsuru: I'll stay here and provide support. Now, is there anything I can do for you?
Mitsuru: Anything else?
Mitsuru: {F2 03 01 01} party members are not feeling{0A}well.
Mitsuru: Everyone has left already. No one is here besides us. Should we stop for today? …It's your decision.
Mitsuru: You don't look well… I recommend you get some rest. But, I'll leave it up to you whether or not you return to the dorm. Now, is there anything I can do for you…?
Mitsuru: You've explored {F2 03 01 01} levels in this tower…
Mitsuru: Please proceed as far as you can within Tartarus.
Mitsuru: We've climbed up as high as possible; our goal has been achieved for now. Good job.
Junpei: You know you need my help.
Junpei: Dude, pick me… You won't be sorry.
Junpei: I feel a little tired…
Junpei: I'm sick, bro! Lemme rest!
Junpei: I got your back!
Junpei: Sweet!
Junpei: …Don't expect too much.
Junpei: …It's not my fault if I drag you down.
Junpei: Let's get going!
Junpei: Let's do this!
Junpei: Actually, can I stay behind for today?
Junpei: Actually, can I stay behind for today?
Junpei: …Alright.
Junpei: What!? Come on, dude, take me!
Junpei: Thanks…
Junpei: …Good choice.
Junpei: …Hey, you got a full party already!
Junpei: Who should I switch with?
Junpei: Alright, let's do this! I'll prove that I should be in charge…
Junpei: Dude, I can't take it anymore… I'm starving…
Fuuka: Are you ready?
Fuuka: I'll support you all from here. Now,{0A}is there anything I can do for you?
Fuuka: …Anything else?
Fuuka: {F2 03 01 01} party members are not feeling well…
Fuuka: Everyone else left already… Should we go back to the dorm? I'm fine either way, so it's up to you.
Fuuka: Um… Are you okay? You don't look so good. You should rest when you're not feeling well. Now, is there anything I can do for you…?
Fuuka: You've explored {F2 03 01 01} levels in this tower…
Fuuka: Try to explore as much of Tartarus as you can.
Fuuka: You can't go any further right now, so this is a good time to stop.
Fuuka: Thanks for your hard work.
Fuuka: We've reached the top of this zone, but… …we still haven't found any clues. Is the answer really here…?
Fuuka: We've reached the top of this zone, but I think you can keep going up… What is up there, I wonder…?
Fuuka: I'm afraid this is as far as you can go right now… We'll just have to wait until January 31
Akihiko: Let's go.
Akihiko: I feel good today.
Akihiko: For some reason, I feel tired…
Akihiko: Unfortunately, I'm sick…
Akihiko: You got it.
Akihiko: You can count on me.
Akihiko: I'll try to hold my own.
Akihiko: I think it's better for me to rest, but if you insist…
Akihiko: Let's get going.
Akihiko: Let's get going!
Akihiko: Actually, I don't think I should go today…
Akihiko: Actually, I don't think I should go today…
Akihiko: …Alright.
Akihiko: What about me?
Akihiko: Okay, I'll stay here…
Akihiko: That's a good idea…
Akihiko: The party is full, so…
Akihiko: Who do you want me to switch with?
Akihiko: You guys did a great job, but you won't have to shoulder the burden forever… Tch! If only I hadn't gotten injured…
Ken: Please take me with you!
Ken: I'm feeling great right now!
Ken: Sorry, I'm kind of tired…
Ken: I'm sick…
Ken: I'll do my best!
Ken: I'll give it everything I've got!
Ken: …I guess I have no choice.
Ken: If you say so… But, I might be a burden…
Ken: Let's go!
Ken: What are you waiting for?
Ken: I feel exhausted today.
Ken: I feel exhausted today.
Ken: …Okay.
Ken: Hey! What about me!?
Ken: Sorry if I let you down…
Ken: …I'll stay here and rest.
Ken: …Your party is already full.
Ken: Who should I change with?
Shinjiro: …You ready?
Shinjiro: I'm ready.
Shinjiro: …I'm tired, but I can still go.
Shinjiro: …I think I should stay behind today.
Shinjiro: …Got it.
Shinjiro: …Leave it to me.
Shinjiro: …I'll do what I can.
Shinjiro: …I'm just gonna drag you down.
Shinjiro: …What's the hold up?
Shinjiro: Let's go.
Shinjiro: …I don't feel well.
Shinjiro: …I don't feel well.
Shinjiro: …Alright.
Shinjiro: Are you kidding me? You're leaving me behind?
Shinjiro: I'll stay and rest.
Shinjiro: I'll stay and rest.
Shinjiro: …Hey, the party's full.
Shinjiro: …Whose place am I taking?
Koromaru: Woof!
Koromaru: Woof, woof, woof!
Koromaru: pant pant
Koromaru's nose is dry.
Koromaru: pant pant sniff
Koromaru has a runny nose.
Koromaru: Woof, woof!
Koromaru: Woof, woof, woof!
Koromaru: whimper
Koromaru: whimper
Koromaru: Woof!
Koromaru: Woof, woof!
Koromaru: whimper
Koromaru: …Woof.
Koromaru: whimper
Koromaru: whimper
Koromaru: …Woof.
Koromaru: …Woof.
Koromaru: Woof!
Koromaru: Woof, woof!
Yukari: Thanks!
Aigis: This is for me? I apppreciate your support.
Mitsuru: Thank you.
Junpei: Sweet! Thanks.
Akihiko: Thanks. I'll make good use of it.
Ken: Wow, thanks!
Shinjiro: …Thanks.
Koromaru: Woof!
Koromaru seems happy.
Yukari: Just so you know, I changed my{0A}equipment.
Aigis: I have changed my equipment. I thought you'd like to know.
Mitsuru: Just so you are aware, I have changed my equipment.
Junpei: FYI--I changed my equipment.
Akihiko: Hey, I changed my equipment, if you were wondering.
Ken: I changed my equipment, okay?
Shinjiro: …I changed my equipment.
Koromaru: Arf!
Koromaru's equipment has been changed.
Yukari: Y-You want me to put this on!? sigh Fine. You're abusing your power, ya know. If my friends find out about this…
Yukari: …… I can't believe you're ordering me to wear this… You've really let this whole "leader" thing go to your head, you know that? …… Fine… I'll wear it. Hope you're happy…
Aigis: These must be… The clothes I wore before… They're very comfortable, and easy to wear!
Aigis: These clothes… Do you prefer to see me in these clothes, Main-san…? They are not suited to battle… But I do not mind wearing them. Thank you very much.
Mitsuru: …!! …… Alright, I'll wear it. But, only for the sake of the mission.
Mitsuru: Hm… What is this for? ……!? A-Are you seriously asking me to wear this!? …… A-Are you certain this will help in battle…? I want an explanation for this afterwards…!
Junpei: Dude, this is perfect! I can't wait to try it out!
Junpei: Huh? A bathing suit…? Wait… You want me to explore Tartarus in my swim trunks!? Is this some kinda punishment!? Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do…
Akihiko: H-Hey, this is… …Oh, I get it. You're testing me, aren't you? Well, you lose. I'll do whatever it takes to win!
Akihiko: Hm…? Why a bathing suit? Well, if you want me to wear it, fine with me. It's no different than what I wear while I box. …… …What? Did I say something funny?
Ken: Wha…? Are you serious!? This is gonna be so embarrassing…
Ken: Oh… These are the clothes you wear on… ……!? W-Wait… you want me to wear these…? Aaagh… Th-This is so embarassing… Fine… I'll show you I'm not a kid…
Shinjiro: Hm…? Not bad. I'll take it.
Shinjiro: ……!? Where'd you find this…? It feels good… Like nothin' in the world can stop me now…
Yukari: Here, I'm returning this.
Aigis: Here, this belongs to you.
Mitsuru: Thank you for lending me this…
Junpei: Here, you can have this back.
Akihiko: Thanks for letting me borrow this…
Ken: I don't need this anymore, so you can have it back.
Shinjiro: …Here, I'm done with this.
Koromaru: Woof!
Koromaru has returned the equipment you gave him. Received {F3 1A 01 01 02 01}. Recieved {F3 1A 01 01 02 01}. Recieved {F3 1A 03 01 04 01}.
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the-naked-king · 9 months
a cup of nostalgia
fandom: ensemble stars
characters: tenshouin eichi, sakuma ritsu & shino hajime
word count: 1629 words
summary: eichi is sick so hajime and ritsu bring a tea party to him in an attempt to cheer him up
3 pm.
It was around the scheduled time that FLAVOR would meet. This week they had been planning on hosting a tea party in the gardens. The weather was also perfect for it— the sun was actually out compared to the previously gloomy days. Everyone was actually able to coordinate a meet up which was rare given the circle had grown outside the Yumenosaki tea club so finding a time where everyone could meet up was difficult.
Truly it was a set up for a wonderful tea party… except for the fact that Eichi was yet again stuck at the hospital.
Weather fluctuations and a busy schedule did no favors for him. Maybe it was his own fault for not admitting when his body needed a break and this was the consequence for his careless mistakes.
While he felt a lot better, the doctor suggested he stay another night for observations— fortunately Eichi had this day off in advance, so he wasn’t missing any important work. Unfortunately, his day was being wasted away in this dreadful hospital room.
There was not much to do except wallow in self pity and hatred. Watching tv did not help the slightest bit— his go to entertainment only reminded him that he could not even do his job in his current condition. All that there was left to do was stare out the window, which didn’t really help him feel any better as all he could think about was the fact that he was missing out on the tea party.
Quite honestly, whether or not he would actually admit it out loud, he was looking forward to the tea party. It was one of the few opportunities where he could simply forget about everything and enjoy a cup of tea with his friends— it was his own personal sanctuary. Even though it was different from what he was used to in high school. It carried on to be his safe space.
Oh what he would do for a cup of tea brewed by Hajime and one of Ritsu’s questionable looking but scrumptious pastries.
“I suppose I shall have to wait until we can schedule another meet up.” Eichi sighed to himself before his moment of self pity was interrupted.
Knock. Knock.
Ah, it must be one of the nurses coming to check on him for what was the fifth time this afternoon. “Come in.”
The door creaked open, but rather than a nurse, Hajime peaked in. “Excuse the intrusion… Can I come in?”
Eichi looked back surprised, though his expression was quick to fade into a warm smile. “Did I not just say come in?”
“R-Right! Sorry!” Hajime’s face flushed as he opened the door to come in, Ritsu following closely behind him carrying a bag on his shoulder.
“And what do I owe for this visit? I assumed that you two would be busy with the tea party. Were you not supposed to meet up around this time?”
“Hmm~? Is Ecchan not happy to see us? C’mon Haakun… let’s just go. It seems our visit is not appreciated.” Ritsu yawned in response and attempted to turn around only for Hajime to pull him back by his sleeve.
“You know that is not what he was implying, Ritsu-oniichan.” Hajime sighed, pulling Ritsu to Eichi’s bedside. “The tea party got postponed until we can decide on another day that would work for everyone… but we didn’t want the things going to waste so we thought we would bring the tea party to you.”
Had it been canceled because of him? While Eichi did not want to assume that much importance to his position in the group, there was still a tinge of guilt if that were the case. It was difficult to coordinate a day where everyone could attend, especially when the weather was as perfect as it was today. Who knows when the next time they will be able to meet will be.
“I mean, it kindah worked out anyways… the other two got called for some last minute stuff with their units. The plan was kind of ruined to begin with.” Ritsu seemed to have taken note of Eichi’s subtle disappointment upon hearing about the rescheduling. “Haakun brewed some tea… It should still be hot in the thermos. I made some pastries.”
As he spoke, Ritsu brought a chair around to the other side of Eichi’s bed. Hajime muttered a quiet ‘excuse me’ as he wheeled the little tray table over to the bed. It wasn’t anything like the set ups they were used to— nice spacious tables with a nice little table cloth. Cute little tea pots, tea cups and centerpieces to go along with the theme of their tea parties. Rather than, it was three plastic cups, a thermos and tupperware of Ritsu’s homemade desserts.
Nothing too fancy (or at all)... but still, it was about to become one of their fondest memories together.
“Tea is good for your health. I picked a blend which would give Eichi-oniichan immunity a good boost.” Hajime proudly proclaimed as he poured the blend into a cup for Eichi who graciously accepted it.
“Thank you, both of you.” Eichi held the cup between his hands, the warmth trickling his skin as he breathed in the calming aroma of the tea which lifted his spirits almost immediately. “Though, you did not have to trouble yourself because of me.”
Ritsu clicked his tongue as he leaned back against his chair. “You think a little too much of yourself, Ecchan. We just didn’t want to waste the refreshments and the other two were busy so…”
“You are an awful liar, Ritsu-oniichan.” Hajime giggled and passed Ritsu a cup of warm tea before taking a seat across from him. “You were the one who suggested we bring the tea party to Eichi-oniichan because you were worried that he would be upset about missing out.”
Ritsu blushed slightly, caught in his own deception, though he could not really deny the truth even when Eichi looked at him all smug.
“Is that true, Ritsu-kun? I must say I am deeply touched. I had no idea you held me so high in regards.” Eichi teased, gaze shifting to the cup in his hands. He brought the cup to his lips, taking a small sip of the contents— it was pleasantly bitter, filling him with instant warmth, flavors bursting on his taste buds. Hajime never disappointed when it came to brewing tea. This was just what he needed.
Choosing to ignore that comment, Ritsu nudged the tupperware of treats towards Eichi. “Have a pastry. We went through a lot of trouble sneaking these in for you.”
The doctor recommended he stay away from sweets and focus on a healthier and more natural diet… though it had been a while since he had the pleasure to share pastries made by Ritsu. Taking a questionable looking pastry, Eichi took a bite to find it wasn’t too overly sweet— just the way he liked it.
“These are delicious… now if only they didn’t look like a kindergartener’s art project.” Despite the comment, Eichi devoured the pastry rather quickly and went for seconds.
“If you hate the way they look so much then don’t eat them.” Ritsu scoffed, attempting to take the tupperware away only for Eichi to smack his hand away.
Hajime could only giggle at the two. “You know Eichi-oniichan loves the desserts you make. He is just too shy to say so.”
“Please~ Shy and Ecchan do not go together. I think you might be a little delusional about him, Haakun~”
Each bite. Each Sip. The playful banter. It was almost nostalgic, bringing him back to the days when the tea club was simply the trio hanging out in the school gardens. Times are different now. Their schedules were packed and now they had newer additions to their circle— though he did enjoy their company too (but he would never admit that to Hiyori), it felt nice with it just being the three of them together. It brought him back to his little sanctuary… which was odd given he was currently where he dreaded to be the most. His sanctuary wasn’t a specific spot— no, it wasn’t the school gardens or Ensemble Square, it was wherever Hajime and Ritsu joined him for a cup of tea and nothing else mattered, even if it was a fleeting moment.
Holding the cup between his hands, Eichi brought it back to his lips for a longer sip, setting it down with a content little ‘ah’ as he finished his cup. “I know I already said this, but thank you, both of you. Despite the circumstances, this is really nice. It brings me back to the old days…”
Without missing a beat, Hajime poured Eichi another cup. “You say old days like it was ages ago when it was just last year.” He giggled, looking at his seniors with a fond smile. “It is very nice though… I am glad we could do this. I just wish Eichi-oniichan didn’t have to be hospitalized for it to happen…”
“Then when Ecchan is all better we will just have to do it again…” Ritsu hummed in response, lips curling into a small smile when the two nodded in unison. “Get better quickly then. Don’t be doing anything stupid or work yourself sick again, okay?”
Eichi chuckled lightheartedly. “Of course not. That is a promise.”
What was a grim day took a turn— no longer did he feel like he was bound to his hospital bed. Instead, Hajime and Ritsu whisked him away from the dreadful sterile prison, pulling him back to their sanctuary which radiated the same warmth and light that a garden tea party would have to offer.
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sonder-paradise · 2 years
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 — 𝐁𝐒𝐃 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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◊ cause i got bored in class and started drabbling in the middle of a lecture-
◊ Characters: GN!Reader, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Atsushi Nakajima
◊ Image credits: link
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— Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Delicate raindrops that scattered the darkening skies kissed your cheeks. Life went on as it always did. And yet, today, under the awning of a store window, you watched the rain with a partner.
Akutagawa quietly studied the soft droplets of water. He had never quite enjoyed the rain. Getting wet meant the possibility of getting sick or worse forcing him to take off his coat to dry.
But he didn't seem to mind the rain as much when you were around. He stopped his studies to turn to you. The cold had warmed your cheeks and he lifted a hand to gently brush his knuckles over your cheekbone.
You looked to him curiously. He seemed rather different in the rain; A little more solemn. Though perhaps the better word to use in this situation was 'tamed.'
"Shall we head back home now?" he asked softly.
You looked back at the rain-covered city. Lights mutely twinkled in the distance.
"Can't we stay a little longer?"
Akutagawa wanted to deny your request. But knowing himself all too well, he knew he couldn't. "Fine..."
With that, he shrugged off his coat and plopped it atop your shoulders. You smiled, adjusting the coat so that it lay upon the both of you. It enveloped you both in a warmth unmatched. Meanwhile, the rain continued to softly drizzle into the evening.
— Atsushi Nakajima
Squeezing the rain out of your shirt, you gaze up at the crying skies. The sweetness of the afternoon seemed to be ruined with the newfound presence of a drizzle. Atsushi followed your eyes up to the sky. He seemed content from beneath the tree branches, unconcerned about the weather.
In fact, he shut his eyes a moment to absorb the sweet coolness of the afternoon. Without a doubt, you could sense his adoration for the dainty droplets that fell from the skies.
"Does it feel nice?" you asked, observing the weretiger with keen interest.
"Try it," he said simply. He opened his eyes, grinning broadly at you as if excited to show you something new.
So, you obliged him. Tilting your head back, you closed your eyes and let the loose rain kiss your face. It tickled the warmth of your skin, but it felt peaceful and at home.
Atsushi grasped your hand in his and gently tugged you forward. He stepped out of the coverings of the large oak tree and let his hair soak in the rain.
"Come on."
And who were you to deny a man from a dance in the rain? You exhaled softly, feeling the heat of your breath evaporate into the chilly noon. Raindrops littered your bodies as he dragged you around the park.
Dancing and laughing to the melody of the star-crossed droplets descending from the heavens.
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cerebrumrott · 3 years
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Brothers x MC
Synopsis: Reaction to one of the other brothers insulting you
It had started out as a nice evening for once. Though of course that would never last with his brothers. Levi was at Mammon's throat all through dinner over some dumb figurine he was missing.
The argument quickly escalated into a full on screaming match, just as Lucifer was about to tell them both to shut up or take their pissing contest else where. You had chimed in asking them rather politely not to fight at the table.
Leviathan on his war path didn't stop to think before insults were thrown your way. "Shut up you worthless human and stay out of it for once!" Levi had snapped.
Everyone almost leapt out of their chairs in fear when Lucifer's fist loudly collided with the table silencing the room. "Leviathan you will apologize and go to your room." Lucifer said clearly a command and not a suggestion.
Levi now scared and embarrassed muttered a rushed apology to you before scampering away his tail literally tucked between his legs as he had been so startled by Lucifer's intervention that he had poofed into his demon form.
Once dinner was over Lucifer pulled you aside to ask if you were okay. With reassurance from you that you are indeed fine and didn't take anything that was said to heart he can go about his night without worry.
It had been a rather stressful day for everyone in the house. Tensions were high and it resulted in Mammon acting as the punching bag for his younger siblings. Not that he really minded in all honesty as he knew they were just letting off steam and didn't mean anything they said.
Asmodeus was currently laying into him as the two sat in the living room. Mammon admittedly antagonizing Asmodeus into saying some particularly mean things as he just played stupid further annoying his little brother.
You had been an innocent bystander, sitting on the other side of the room just watching the whole spectacle before you whilst working on a school project. Mammon had something particularly weird in response to one of Asmo's outbursts which had pulled a small laugh out of you.
Though that had been enough for Asmodeus to turn his frustration on you in that moment. "Shut up you ugly bitch!" Asmodeus snapped but as soon as the words left his mouth the regret seeped into his features.
Mammon was far past playing now as he rose from his seat glaring down at Asmodeus. "Apologize Asmodeus." Mammon nearly shouted. Asmodeus was taking far too long for Mammon's taste to apologize and it was quickly angering him to the point he could feel his teeth grinding together.
Asmodeus quickly apologized to you after seeing how serious Mammon was before excusing himself. You weren't so much as hurt by the words as you were just taken aback by the sudden turn on you.
Mammon none the less joined you were you were sitting practically draping himself over you as he pulled you into his arms. "Don't worry MC the great Mammon is here there is no need to cry." "I'm not crying-" "Shhhh, it's okay." He would loudly hush you while smiling feeling better when he hears you laugh again.
He was sitting with you in your bedroom. Excitedly explaining the plot to this new game that was coming out and how it ties into the tv show it was based off of. Though Mammon who had been pacing around the room sulking was getting rather sick of Leviathan's consumption of your attention.
Mammon short on patience snaps at his brother urging to him to just shut up and get lost. Before Leviathan could retort for himself you had leapt to his defense.
"So what you are just as big of a loser as he is now?!" Mammon scoffed though the panic in his eyes was evident when he saw how upset Leviathan was at insulting his henry.
Leviathan literally hissed in anger at his brother as his tail lashed out behind him Demon form in full swing as he positioned himself between you and the idiot now backing up with his hands raised.
"N-Now Levi lets think about thi-" "Apologize and get out!" Leviathan roared his fangs bared to his idiot of a brother.
Mammon sputtered out an apology over his shoulder as he ran out of the room slamming the door behind him as Levi turned back to you. He spends the next ten minutes making sure you are okay.
"Levi I promise I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Are you sure you're sure?" "Levi please..."
Satan had been sorting through his collection in the library when you joined him. One thing led to another and now the two of you were working on using one of the spare bookshelves to turn it into your own little reading nook where Satan could put books he wanted you to read and you could easily browse your way through them.
Things were going swimmingly if Satan had to say so himself. He was happily chattering about books he thought you would like and was even more excited when you suggested a few for him to read himself.
The two of you so engrossed in the world you had formed between the two of you had forgotten that Belphegor was attempting to nap on the couch.
Satan had handed you a book and was beaming down at you as you exclaimed excitedly starting to explain how this was one of your childhood favorites when Belphegor yelled out in frustration.
The rage in Belphegor was painfully clear to Satan as his younger brother sat up suddenly glaring at the two of you with irritation.
"MC Do you not know when to shut your damned mouth!" Belphegor snapped as he stood to leave in a fury. Though he hadn't taken more than a few steps when Satan's roar made him turn back in fear.
Satan was unable to hold himself back as he flew forward tackling his younger brother to the ground his weight driving the air from Belphegor's lungs. The two wrestled for a moment both now in their Demon forms lashing out at each other, Belphegor attempting to throw Satan off of him by kicking out and scratching him with his thorn laced tail. This did nothing more than anger Satan further as he screamed pulling back his arm to punch Belphegor right in his face.
Satan was a half a second from caving Belphegor's head in when he felt you throw yourself on him arms wrapped around his neck as you asked him to stop.
He hesitated a moment as he listened to your pleas. Belphegor used this opportunity to squirm out from under Satan bolting from the room with a speed that was unlike the avatar of sloth. Satan would have laughed had he not still been boiling inside.
Rather than chase down his brother he instead turned to you holding you against his chest as he took many, many deep breaths until finally the calm returned to him and he could look down at you without seeing red.
"Thank you for standing up for me but please don't murder the others for me." "Not even a little?"
Asmodeus had acted on instinct as he felt his arm snap out from his side his hand cracking across his brothers face. Even when his brother turned to look at him with a devastated look he couldn't help the anger seeping from him.
Asmo had spent the morning with you helping to assemble a new wardrobe for you with outfits more suited to devildom weather. Seeing as much of the clothing in majolish was designed with demon physic in mind, you had grown a bit timid in some of your choices.
Asmodeus was having none of that, wanting to show you how beautiful you are insisted on a mini fashion show in his room.
You had been loving it so far. Asmo taking special time to pull you in front of his full size mirror and point out all the best parts of you and your clothes. He was also quite enjoying the snuggling and cuddling between outfit changes.
You were trying on your last outfit, one you had been openly against initially due to its sheer fabric and open back. While in the bathroom changing, Asmo took the time to fold up your purchases slipping in a few shirts of his own for you to add to your collection that he thought you would like.
When Mammon let himself in...
The second oldest threw the door open striding in going on about something about Asmo hoarding you all to himself just as you stepped out from the bathroom shyly showing off your new shirt.
Before Asmo could throw Mammon out by the scruff he turned to look at you and snorted upon seeing what you were wearing.
"MC, How can you let Asmo do that to you? Don't you feel stupid dressed up like some old geezer?" Mammon teased not at all seeing the effect it had on you. Asmo could feel his heart clench as he saw your face fall.
"You don't like it?" "I mean MC you look like one of the pirate people from the movies you had us watching." Mammon laughed as Asmo stepped forward glaring up at him
"That's enough out of you, get out." Asmo snapped motioning towards the door as mammon gave him a confused expression
"So you can let MC walk around looking stupid? I don-" Mammon wasn't able to finish his sentence as Asmo's arm snapped out slapping Mammon across the face.
The impact sounded much worse than it truly was as Mammon stared down at his younger brother in surprise.
"Don't you dare say such things to MC when you dress like a total slob half the time! They will be taking no mind to the words of a fool like you!" Asmodeus all but growled as he grabbed Mammon by the collar of his shirt and tossed him out of his room.
Asmodeus was absolutely fuming as he walked back to you pulling you into his arms and snuggling you against him.
"Don't you listen to a single word that come out of that idiots mouth do you hear me? He wouldn't know a thing about beauty if it hit him upside the head." "You did just slap him Asmo." "My point exactly! He still couldn't see how dazzling you look!"
The two of you had been cooking dinner in the kitchen. Really it was Beel's turn to cook but he couldn't be trusted not to just eat it all before serving it so you were on babysitting duty.
Even though it wasn't your turn to do anything you still insisted on helping Beelzebub with chopping and prepping things while he took care of the more labor intensive tasks.
Whilst working Asmodeus had made his way into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. You had yet to notice him as you were too focused on kneading dough to realize the brother was walking behind you. It was only when you suddenly whipped around with a handful of dough and splattered the avatar of lust across the chest that you realized your mistake.
The shriek that came out of Asmodeus startled Beel from his own work turning back just in time to see the anger flash across his older brother's face seeing his shirt was ruined.
"MC why is it that you can never do the simplest of things right?! Are you stupid!?" Asmodeus had snapped letting his anger over take his thoughts. Too busy trying to clean his shirt he didn't notice the tears welling in your eyes, but Beelzebub did.
"Asmo, you know it was an accident so apologize for yelling at them." Beel said sternly coming over to look down on his older brother.
"I think not! Look at the state of my shirt!" Asmo huffed only now glancing up to see you wiping the tears from your eyes with the corner of your apron.
"Asmodeus, Say your sorry." Beel urged as Asmodeus pouted pulling you into his arms.
"I'm sorry MC I lost my temper and I didn't mean it." Asmo apologized and Beel beamed down at the two of you happy that you two had made up.
"Group hug!" Beelzebub announced as he was already wrapping his arms around the two of you and squeezing
Belphie had decided that today was going to be a day just for the two of you. With enough snacks and drinks hoarded up in the attic to keep even Beelzebub sated. He stole you away early in the morning content to snooze the day away with you at his side.
It was nearing mid day when Belphegor was roused from his nap. He was still curled into your side as he opened his eyes seeing you trying to have a whispered conversation with Lucifer who was looming over the bed with a sour expression.
"Seriously MC now is not the time to be wasting about when you have work to be doing. Now get up and stop being so lazy, You think you would know better than to-" Lucifer ranted his voice slowly raising in timber as he grew more heated.
Belphegor felt his own temper flare just from hearing Lucifer's voice but then knowing he was harassing you sent it over the edge. Belphegor couldn't help the growl that started in his throat his demon form appearing before he himself could register it.
Without rising from the bed he felt the thorns on his tail bristle as he wrapped it around you barricading you from his older brother.
"Go away..." Belphegor grumbled glaring up at Lucifer through his bangs. Clearly not wanting to deal with Belphegor's attitude Lucifer simply sneered and strode off making a few remarks as he left though Belphegor ignored them preferring to you you down into his arms.
"Ignore him he doesn't know anything..." Belphegor yawned tucking your head under his chin. He could feel the dwindling tension in your shoulders as he pulled you close. Rubbing his hand in circles on your back he felt the unease slowly slip from you before he himself slipped into sleep.
He admits he may be over reacting with this next part but Lucifer's already poor sleep may be just take a nose dive with the ideas he was cooking up.
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littleredwing89 · 3 years
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Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: “Shall I go get your favourite snacks from the shop babe?”, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, letting the pads of his fingers stroke down your chin, “Then when I get back we can watch whatever you want…dealers choice”.
Warnings – Mild Language. Fluff. Pre-established relationship.
Word Count: 1,876
A/N: For the last 6/7 weeks I’ve been really unwell, and this fic was a little self-therapy for me. I know some of you guys haven’t been feeling great either, so this fic is a shout out to all who need a little self indulgent fluff. And a pick-me-up. Sending all my love 💞💞 xoxo - directly linked too Useless by @internalsealpanic​ 
You wrapped the thick blankets around you tighter, sniffling into them. Your throat tickled and you coughed loudly, trying to clear the itch, shaking the bed slightly in the process. The movement startled the dog who was nestled into your side and he looked up at you for a second, ears flicking back.
“I’m ok baby”, you mumbled and he seemed to accept it, curling back up next to you, wiggling his bum to press it against your thighs.
Jason poked his head into the bedroom and saw you curled up under several blankets, wearing his old red hoodie, with your dog, snuggling in preciously. He felt his heart tug at the scene and contemplated taking a photo of you both. Another one to add to his private collection.
“Princess, you ok?”, he murmured softly, not wanting to wake you in case you were asleep. He knew you’d been struggling to sleep the last few days.
You quietly coughed again and pressed your face into the cool side of the pillow. The faint scent of Jason’s aftershave made you smile, “I'm fine”.
Jason scoffed, “Oh yeah? You wanna try again to sound more convincing?”.
“I’ll be fine, it’s just a little cold”.
You sneezed loudly and subsequently disturbed the dog again. He grumbled and flopped closer to you, resting his snout on your stomach. His big brown eyes settled on you. He growled and wagged his tail, waiting for you to stroke him. You giggled and scratched your nails over his head.
“I see he’s been of some use for a change”, Jason grinned, folding his arms and resting against the door frame.
“He’s always useful”, you defended.
“Except when there's an intruder”.
You hummed, Jason had a point…sort of.
“Well, except that”.
Jason laughed, “Why did you get him again?”.
“Because he's the bestest dog in the universe”, you ruffled his ears and smiled happily. The dog soaked up the attention, wagging his tail happily.
Walking into the room, Jason sat on the edge of the bed, patting the top of the dog's head. The smile crept onto his lips before he could stop it. You’d already noticed and was beaming at him.
“Guess so”.
“He’s been very attentive whilst I’ve been under the weather, he’s not left my side once”, you praised. The dog poked his head up and barked once, before his tongue lolled out.
Jason stared at Robbie, fighting the urge to smile like an idiot. He stroked behind the dog’s ears and murmured, “Good boy”.
“But seriously though princess, how are you feeling? Do you feel any better?”, Jason turned his attention back to you, stroking his hand over your temple.
“I feel like someone threw me into the depths of Hell, but I’ll be ok, nothing a little sleep won’t cure”, you mumbled, fighting the urge to cough again.
Jason brushed your hair back and clicked his tongue feeling you burning up. Worry etched onto his handsome face. He didn’t like seeing you like this. He wanted to take it away for you.
“Shall I go get your favourite snacks from the shop babe?”, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, letting the pads of his fingers stroke down your chin, “Then when I get back we can watch whatever you want…dealers choice”.
You snuggled into his hand, laying a kiss to his palm, “If you don't mind”.
He leant forward gently and kissed your eyelids, “Of course I don’t, princess”.
“Thank you so much…wrap up won't you? It’s supposed to snow tonight”.
“I’ll be right back, make sure he doesn't try to follow me”, Jason winked before kissing your rosy nose.
You scoffed, “He won’t, he loves me too much”.
“Now we both know I'm his favourite”, Jason boasted and ruffled the dog's fur playfully.
“Because you keep bribing him with treats”, you smirked, “You keep doing that and he’s just going to get fat and lazy”.
Jason chuckled, “I won’t be long…call me if you need me and I’ll come straight back”. 
“Go- I’ll be fine”.
Bobbing down, he rubbed his cheek against yours affectionately. His stubble tickled you, causing you to giggle softly, coated with a little snuffle. He grinned and kissed your cheek before getting up and heading out of the bedroom.
The dog settled back on your stomach, eyes closing peacefully. You hummed and carded your fingers through his soft fur, letting your own eyes fall shut.
Coming back through the apartment door, Jason shook his coat down, watching the flakes of snow hit the floor. They melted instantly creating tiny pools of cold water. You’d been right about the snow. He shuddered and unwound his scarf, hanging it on the coat rail.
Jason made a mental note to warn Bruce and the others for patrol. He didn’t want hypothermia along with bruised ribs.
He kicked his boots off and went to stride into the kitchen but stopped himself. He picked his boots up and placed them neatly next to yours. He heard your voice scolding him for leaving them messily.
‘An accident waiting to happen’ you’d said. When Jason dropped the bags on the kitchen floor, he heard the pitter patter of paws. The dog raced through excitedly, happy to see Jason again.
“I wasn’t gone that long”, he grumbled but he couldn’t deny how nice it was that he was so excited after just an hour away.
He stepped around the dog and knelt down, ready to take out the sugary snacks he’d got for you, in hope it’d somehow make you feel better. The dog plopped himself in front of Jason and started up at him expectantly, his tail wagging fervently on the floor, sweeping the dust back and forth.
“Come on man, you’re in the way”, Jason whined, booping the dog on the nose. 
He growled and sniffed at the bag, waiting for Jason to take out the first item.
“No, I’m not doing it. You’re not sniffing everything I’ve bought!”, Jason complained and scrunched up the top of the bag, hiding the goods from the dog. He wouldn’t fall into the trap you’d set yourself. Indulging the dog in smelling everything you’d picked up from the grocery store. No. Nope. No. He wouldn’t do it.
The dog whined and looked up at Jason sadly, big brown eyes swimming with disappointment. His ears drooped and his tail stopped wagging.
“I won’t fall for it!”, Jason felt his resolve crumbling. Those damned chocolate eyes. How did he know how to abuse them so easily? He must have learnt it from you.
Snuffing in annoyance, the dog nudged the top of the bag, wagging his tail slowly, almost asking for permission.
Jason caved, “Fine!!”, he tore the top of the bag open, “Just one item! Just one”. He dug out the tub of chocolate fudge ice cream knowing it’d be cold against the dog’s snout. He grinned cheekily, holding it out. Waiting for the reaction.
Sniffing it slowly, the dog snorted and snuffled all over Jason’s jeans. He shook his head, ears flopping noisily and then looked expectantly for the next item.
The dog barked.
“You’re a fucking menace”, Jason groaned.
“DON’T SWEAR AT THE DOG”, you called through before coughing violently, “I’M OK!!”.
Sighing in defeat, Jason proceeded to pull out every item, one by one, allowing the dog to sniff each one. The dog looked more and more thrilled with each product.
“You done?”, Jason chuckled and he watched the dog trot off back to your room. The treat Jason had bought him perched safely in his teeth.
Having changed into his dark sweatpants and an old red T-shirt, Jason made his way into your bedroom, juggling all of the treats he’d picked up from the little corner shop on 10th Avenue. He grinned happily and dropped them all onto the foot of the bed.
“Got all your favourites, sweetheart,…and some of mine too, the ice cream is in the freezer when we’re ready to share it”, his eyes lit up as he dug out the expensive chocolate truffles he’d been craving.
You reached forward, grabbing a tube of Pringles, humming contentedly, “You’re the best, thank you”.
Jason put the truffles on his bedside table, kneeling over your body, his voice dropping low, “Mmm say that again, princess”, he pressed a hot kiss to your exposed neck, biting it playfully.
“Jason!”, you squealed, your body flushing all over as his lips worked down, pushing your hoodie, “You'll get sick!!”, you coughed softly, the sound vibrating nastily in your chest.
He pulled back and pecked your lips lightly, “Colds are for losers”.
“Hey!”, you protested, pouting.
He dropped onto the empty space next to you and smiled, “Don't worry, I still love you princess”, he winked and kissed your forehead, pulling you tightly into his chest. Wrapping the blanket around you both tightly.
You soaked up his body heat readily and smiled into his chest, purring at the affection he showered you with, “Love or not, you're gonna get sick”.
“Nah”, he scoffed, “The virus is too scared of me”.
“That's not how-- fine, just cuddle me!”, you nuzzled his neck, curling your arms around his middle. You enjoyed these moments. Just you two. You knew no one would believe you that the big, bad Red Hood dished out cuddles so freely. Not when he was so surly. But you liked having this side to yourself.
Just as you finally settled, the dog plopped between you both, resting his muzzle on Jason’s lower stomach. His deep brown eyes looked up at you both and he grumbled low. Tail wagging impatiently.
“Guess it’s a family cuddle then?”, Jason laughed and scratched the dog on the head.
You felt all warm and fuzzy again, touched that Jason had referred to you all as a family. You smiled brightly and rested your hand on his, patting the dog together.
“Plus…”, he grinned, “I don’t think you’re in any state for an adult ‘cuddle’, are you babe?”.
You gasped and moved to cover the dog's ears, “Shush!! He’s not old enough to hear about that sort of thing”.
“He’s an adult in dog years”, Jason stuck his tongue at you and the dog.
“He’s still our baby”, you murmured and leaned down, pressing a kiss to the dog's head before resting back into Jason.
“Ours”, he smiled lovingly and kissed you softly before grabbing the TV remote, “Let’s watch that movie you wanted yeah? Snuggle in, princess”.
Special Thanks: @offendedfishnoises​​​​​​ @internalsealpanic​​​​​ @batarella​​​​​ - thank you both for proof reading you beautiful hoes xoxo
Tag List: @offendedfishnoises @internalsealpanic @batarella @batarella-mini @lucy-roo @illzarr @pricetagofficial @jadedhillon @vvipgot7be @clementinesandstars @thedeadlythoughts @fantasticwizardnerd @power-of-words23 @vintagexparker @l-inkage @fourteengemstones @ficrecsideblog @insane-without-delirium @so-now-what-huh @imjeralee @geekonaleash @dairydragon84 @dragonchildyuki @ediwdac @fxrchxldws @hyperfixationsandhecticness @chelinn @maniacproffesor @8ether @the-abyss-of-fandoms @babymango-writes @indigowcrds @catxsnow @lostoctaviaaugusta @empower-bi-women @jd-loves-everyone @xatanna-troy @blondekel77 @awsomebatlover @mora-miserium @badbiddie055 @more-cardigan-than-woman @jasonsthots @phoenixhalliwell @redhoodssweetheart @river9noble @candid-confetti​ @more-cardigan-than-woman​ -  Drop me a message if you want to be added to my tag list. Please let me know if the tag list didn’t work again, lots of love xoxo
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