#it has a grapple ability? idk
dravidious · 7 months
You're quite the epic one
I just found this program that converts MTG cards into D&D monster stat blocks and at first I was like "how would that even work?" And I figured that it probably looked at power/toughness, cost, color, types, and keyword abilities to set some basic stats and powers, but still, how do you give a monster attacks based on a magic card? Probably just generic attacks based off its power that the user is supposed to rewrite into something fitting. Looking at the examples they give, there's no way it could possibly generate abilities like that. These are obviously edited afterward to add cool fitting and flavorful abilities. So I plugged in Skeleton Archer and
So I downloaded it and plugged in Skeleton Archer and there's some stuff like its language being "Can't speak but understands the language it knew in life", which is naturally from it being a skeleton, and a longbow attack, obviously from being an archer, but then
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That's... definitely not a regular archer ability. It's fitting of a black skeleton archer, and you can draw a connection to its damage ability, but how could the program possibly do that? I plugged in Apprentice Sharpshooter and, naturally, it didn't have that ability, but what it did have was
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That's DEFINITELY a reference to it putting +1/+1 counters on itself. How much of a card's text does this thing read?! I looked around the page, searching for details on how exactly this thing works. Is it AI or something!? The only thing I found was the patch notes and
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It's not AI. It's all painstakingly handwritten, looking for specific common strings of text and mapping them to custom abilities. Combining the abilities with colors and types to make even more detailed abilities like Cursed Arrow. This program is a work of art.
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weasleyreidstyles · 6 months
Serendipity Masterlist
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summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
series status: ongoing
“serendipity is the phenomenon of discovering something interesting or valuable by chance”
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18. and bellatrix isn't mattheo's mother in this fic (just fyi)
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
general warning(s): 18+ content, angst, fluff, some canon compliance, some canon divergence, typical wizarding world violence, war, torture, drugging, hospitals, familial problems, mean!harry, mean!ron....
** indicates smut warning
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~∞~ chapter one
chapter summary: on the trainride to your sixth year, your friends give you a proposition that you can't refuse.
~∞~ chapter two
chapter summary: it's your first day back as a sixth year student. Classes are more intense and your first lesson with Mattheo ensues.
~∞~ chapter three
chapter summary: the first Hogsmeade trip of the year has a rather unpleasant ending.
~∞~ chapter four
chapter summary: after you end up confined to the Hospital Wing, you're surprised when Professor Dumbledore pays you a visit.
~∞~ chapter five
chapter summary: Mattheo has been avoiding you. You find and confront him after a frustrating week.
~∞~ chapter six **
chapter summary: the growing tension between you and Mattheo snaps. He reveals something about yourself that you has scarcely any prior knowledge of.
~∞~ chapter seven
chapter summary: joyful dinner parties and a switch in point of view. Two juxtaposing starts to the christmas holidays.
~∞~ chapter eight **
chapter summary: you're given plenty of revelations: all equally as daunting as the other.
~∞~ chapter nine
chapter summary: Ginny ambushes you in the library and Ron's birthday is off to a delirious start.
~∞~ chapter ten
chapter summary: in the aftermath of Ron's poisoning, Harry learns a thing or two about where your loyalties lie when he overhears your private conversation with the headmaster.
~∞~ chapter eleven
chapter summary: intent on avoiding him, you underestimate just how desperate Mattheo is to be around you.
~∞~ chapter twelve
chapter summary: new friendships are formed and you finally learn to control your abilities. Mattheo comes to a life altering realisation.
~∞~ chapter thirteen **
chapter summary: idk how to summarise this but i will say it's pure smut...enjoy
~∞~ chapter fourteen
chapter summary: friendships are rekindled and you save Draco from certain death in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, igniting your powers in the process.
~∞~ chapter fifteen
chapter summary: now fully recovered, Draco has a task to complete. The fate of the Wizarding World hangs in the precipice of his actions.
~∞~ chapter sixteen
chapter summary: after a startling and gutting discovery. secrets are revealed and alliances are questioned as Voldemort's tyranny begins to fester into the beginnings of another war.
*invisible string fits into the plot here!!*
~∞~ chapter seventeen
chapter summary: Dumbledore's funeral reveals new allies as you navigate a world without its protector.
~∞~ chapter eighteen
chapter summary: with his new role as a secret spy of the Order, Mattheo begins to grapple with the consequences of the horrors that occur at his father's hand.
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series oneshots/headcannons:
~∞~ tulips & starlight – valentines day drabble
~∞~ serendipity hcs (mattheo) – a glimpse at his life pre sixth year
~∞~ invisible string – bonus scene from chapter 16 **
~∞~ snippets of navigating fifth year with fred weasley
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series taglist:
(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag, reblogs of the individual posts have an extended taglist)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff @babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony @dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf @devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira @foxboyapologist @lafrone @lovely-maryj @nromanovaswife @leeknows-wife @dracygf @wildlyobserving @ravenclawprincess33 @melllinaa @vellicora @lantsovheiress @emiliahoward @stunkbiggu @vcosette @prongsprincessworld @mattiesgirl @rachmmb @x-kermit-x @sun-fiower-seed @cas-planet @certaindreampost @weirdowithnobeardo @mikalovesicecream @sunasbbie @rainy-darling @faeriepigeons @lovely-blackinnon @hiireadstuff @gimalo135 @elsafromcabinsix @moonlightreader649 @blueshome @nopedefe @spencerreidsthings @navs-bhat @agent-tempest @magimtz23 @y0urm0m12 @sbrn0905 @leona-hawthorne @whatsupb18 @moni-cah @taylorann2013 @unstablereader @gisellesprettylies @nat1221
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stardustdiiving · 7 months
The way some people talk about “misogynistic writing” with the female genshin archons—specifically Nahida & Furina— kills me a bit, because while i do feel there’s valid criticisms of genshin’s writing to be made (especially regarding Ei, who I do feel was done a massive disservice writing wise), often I see people seem to come from a place of not understanding the writing/characters well, and/or leaning into like…very reductive ideas of what makes a female character “good” that honestly says more about their biases than Genshin’s
For example, a common complaint I see against Nahida & Furina is about them being made to be “weak/unserious” and how this is bad writing because genshin is unwilling to take their characters seriously—but the way this is argued seems to suggest Furina & Nahida would be better characters if they were more physically powerful, mature, or “cooler” in some way. But I really dislike the notion of girlbossification being seen as the one standard of good writing for women. A girl being strong and independent and able to punch things really hard isn’t a marker of inherent good writing
Nahida and Furina not being physically powerful or completely sure of themselves is the point. Their lack of life-experience-based maturity and overpowering physical strength are intentional and points of strength for their character writing, not flaws or weaknesses:
Nahida is the God of Wisdom—her primary source of strength is her intelligence, which comes from her curiosity about the world that is intrinsically linked to her being very caring by nature. The reason Nahida is at a disadvantage in physical strength with the antagonists—Scaramouche and Dottore—and doesn’t have an epic moment where she brute force overpowers them, isn’t because Genshin is treating Nahida like an incompetent joke, it’s because her character highlights the overall theme in Sumeru’s AQ that power isn’t everything and strength/wisdom comes from many places.
She outsmarts both Scaramouche and Dottore through her ability to strategize—if you’re trying to sell Nahida as a character who embodies wisdom, it’s far stronger writing wise to have her use her wisdom and mind to overcome narrative conflict than have her be all powerful. If you don’t think Nahida revealing she’s trapped Scaramouche in a dream loop after he tries to rip her gnosis from her, or her standing her ground against Dottore and forcing him to bargain with her when he attempts to intimidate her into giving him what he wants doesn’t make her “cool” or interesting….idk ! Maybe it’s not the writing and just your personal preference for character appeal
Furina —without getting too deep into 4.2 spoilers—has an arc revolving around the loneliness & conflict of needing to mold yourself into a performance for a greater purpose, and grappling with personal identity and autonomy in the aftermath of performance and repression shaping your life. I really don’t understand how people watch how she’s handled and come away with the conclusion her character gets bent around Nuevillette’s man pain/the fact he’s just so ~much more competent than her unless you’re just really not interested in trying to engage Furina’s writing or taking it in confusingly bad faith
Her struggling with lacking the physical power/competence a god “should” have is, again, the point of her character and they are very clear where that lack of ability comes from within the writing. Her narrative actions follow an arc that revolves around this internal conflict she has—she feels very established to be her own person and they certainty don’t shy away from expanding on Furina’s emotions without it only being done as footing for other (male) characters
I think Nahida & Furina were just not what people were expecting the Dendro & Hydro Archon to be like, I also see a lot of complaints that neither of them “act like gods” or “seem very godlike” but see, in my opinion, one of the central themes to genshin overall is to examine the relationship between humanity and the divine. Part of this also includes calling into question what a god should be, especially in relation to humans/having a sense of humanity
The center conflict within Nahida & Furina’s characters is that their sense of humanity is at odds with being held to what being a god “should” be. Nahida is imprisoned by the Sages who treat her with disdain for being a child and not being inhumanly perfect enough to be useful to them as a deity. We see Furina try to engage with her people earnestly in a more human way before realizing she needs to put up the performance that proceeds to shape her life & state of deep loneliness for the next 500 years to be taken seriously and fulfill her duties. You aren’t supposed to look at Nahida or Furina and think they’re all powerful otherworldly divine beings. You’re supposed to view the, as people—people who are young and inexperienced regarding their position in life. Venti and Zhongli act like people in the same way—the only difference is they have more experience and have had the time to accomplish more feats as original members as the Seven
Again, it’s not that I don’t think there’s criticisms to be made. Genshin to me sets up Ei to be a character who requires a lot of self reflection/growth and thought with handling her moral dubiousness, and then out of desperately worrying she won’t be likable enough, seems to bend over with trying to insist on Ei being palpably appealing while not following through on a lot of what her character really needs to feel well handled. (I feel they barely even address Ei needing to rebuild trust with her people and it’s only more clear when you now see Furina spend a lot of time handling something similar despite doing less um, government oppression thsn Ei did for instance HDJNDJDJ. But I guess me pinning where my personal dissatisfaction with her writing comes from is another post in of its own and more based in general issues with Inazuma vs viewing it as misogynistic writing alone) The trend of not letting a female character grapple with her morality and try to push her being livable at the expense of addressing her complexity does honestly feel it falls into a misogynistic writing trends. I am really bummed out with Ei’s execution when genshin has proven through other characters along with Nahida and Furina they are capable of handling a character like her writing wise imo
But I really think, again, if someone thinks none of genshin’s women are engaging or interesting, or that Nahida and Furina aren’t taken seriously enough narratively while seeming to not really understand the intent of the characters’ writing, or want to take them seriously unless they’re cool/girlboss-y enough, I feel it may say more about their ideas of handling women in fiction than it does about genshin. I get personal preferences and not being really into a character, but people so frequently frame it as a possibly misogyny pattern with how genshin writes the female archons and I can’t help but disagree. I think sometimes people don’t consider what the story is trying to say with the characters vs what they think is cool or want (and of course what we all think is cool or may want/expect narratively is always informed by our own biases). There’s a level of subjectivity in how you can interpret writing and narratives of course but they’re just not interpretations I feel fit into what’s presented in the text !
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moralesmilesanhour · 4 months
if you believe in me - 04.2
summary: a very brief intermission. between aaron and his father, miles wonders who he takes after more. wc: 1.5k a/n: this chapter is me trying to get back into the swing of things before the next major plot point (!!!) so this might feel a little slower and more introspective. thanks for reading! (reblog with ur favorite comic or manga if u want idk) taglist: @shuna-boin @aloraangelix @vhstown @sillykirb @proudgojofucker @weirdducky17 @milesandcorysupermacy prev. next
Miles hits the ground shoulder-first with a dull thud, the storage building bursting into flames behind him.
I’m gonna feel that one later, he thinks as he rolls to his feet and back into a sprint. But Oscorp’s gonna feel it, too.
With a leap and a shot of his grappling hook, it’s not long before he’s back on the sidewalk, with Aaron waiting around the corner. The older man has completely retired the Prowler suit now.
“Not bad for your first solo run,” he nods. “Could still be a lil’ quicker, but you’ll pick it up.”
Miles twists the joints of his metal claws. The steel is still shiny and new, save for a bit of soot from the explosion. The purple glow disappears as they power down with a quiet whir and detach to reveal the human flesh underneath. They work like a charm so far.
It’s been two weeks, but he hasn’t gotten to use them - Aaron has yet to send him on a mission where he’d have to. He wants to ask his uncle about it, ask why he let him do all that welding and tinkering if the claws were just for show. But Miles knows that if he does, the man’s brows would furrow and he’d get a stern speech about not getting too eager about that sort of thing. And he’d be right. 
So, like every other night, Miles says nothing but “thanks”.
“And what’s this one about?” 
You pointed at a comic sitting on the far side of Miles’ bed. On the cover stood a man wearing what looked like some imagined version of an “African” headdress. He was shirtless and dressed in nothing but shorts and brightly-colored boots, like the costume of a wrestler. The upper half of his face was obscured by a mask with white eyes tied around his head. The flat colors and dark lines make it look old, likely from the 80s or early 90s. Above the man on the cover was the title in bold graphic font: Anansi.
“You don’t know ‘Anansi’?” Miles asked with wide eyes before shaking his head. “Nah, we gotta fix that.”
He threw what he was reading aside, hovering his hand over the pile of comics until he located the very first issue. 
“So Anansi is like, this spider that gets turned into a human who has the abilities of a spider. Y’know, climbing up walls and shit.”
“Does he shoot webs out of his ass?”
“That’s not how that works, and no. Anyway, he’s got spider powers and he beats the bad guys by being a trickster instead of just brute force.”
You took the comic from him and began leafing through the worn pages, frankly more interested in the art than the plot. The sharp lines and crosshatching remind you of Miles’ sketches. You turned to Miles and held it up once you were finished looking at it.
“Can I borrow it?” 
There’s a shadow of uncertainty that crosses his face for a moment as you await his answer. 
“Mmm…I dunno. I’ve had that thing since I was ten. You gonna be careful with it?”
You place a hand over your heart. 
He snorts, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I’ll let you have it for a week, sound good?”
Miles remembers that he’s supposed to ask for his comic back on the way home, the two metal claws tucked safely into his backpack.
He sneaks a glance at his uncle, and tries to copy his stride when he walks. It looks easy, but there’s a rhythm to it. Miles keeps his gaze low, but his steps lively. The key is not to show the sweat, as they say. All of one’s effort goes into making it look like there’s no effort at all. 
Aaron looks over at his nephew, and chuckles.
“Remind me of your old man when you walk like that,” he says. 
Miles grins good-naturedly. Guess the sweat shows. But it’s fine, for now.
“What’s that mean?”
“When we was young, we used to watch the older kids walk out the corner store and try to copy ‘em. The way your pops did it…”
The man’s shoulders shook with laughter at the memory.
“He kinda looked like, like he was marching almost. Just stomping down that sidewalk!”
Aaron began to demonstrate, making his steps quicker and heavier.
“I look like that?” 
Miles wrinkled his nose and began to tone down his swaying.
“Exactly like that. Shit’s kinda amazing, really. Genetics.”
“I don’t think that’s how genetics work.”
“Oh yeah?” Aaron raised an eyebrow. “Then how come I got you stealing like my pops and me, and in my colors?”
Miles laughed, “But this is good stealing!”
“You got a point there.”
Aaron lifted his gaze upward towards the skyline. The moon was out in full tonight.
“Did y’all make good money, at least?”
“Sure did. Sometimes it was the only money that came in, that’s why we ain’t stop.”
There’s a beat of silence. Miles pats his left pocket to make sure the wad of cash is still there, and wonders if his uncle had to do the same thing, or if he kept it in a fanny pack or briefcase.
“So what made you finally give it up?”
“Oh, that one’s easy. Jeff did it for your mom. Hard to keep secrets with a baby on the way.”
Miles tried to picture a younger version of his father – less facial hair, no eye bags, better eyesight, probably – looking a pregnant Rio in the eye as she broke the news. He looks into her gentle face and…yes, there. Right there is when he decides it’s over. 
Even without the whole parenting thing, it probably killed him inside to have to lie to her every night about where he’s been. Miles gets it.
“What about you?”
Aaron shrugged.
“Couldn’t leave my nephew hanging.”
He had knocked on Miles’ door after a few weeks of radio silence and found the kid lying in bed, surrounded by dirty clothes and snack wrappers. The room smelt of stale sweat, the clothes piled up on the floor impossible to get through, so Aaron elected to stand just outside.
Miles looked up, and suddenly the man understood what had Rio so frantic on the phone. 
The boy’s gaze was…vacant. Like he was looking through him, at something far off in the distance. There were no words comforting enough to turn the lights back on behind those eyes. So Aaron had done the next best thing:
“Go wash up, we goin’ out.”
Miles doesn’t remember it that way. He hardly remembers anything from that period of time between the funeral and his uncle barging into his room. Just a long stretch of gray, and then the door cracks open, then he’s in the shower realizing how long his hair’s gotten, and soon he’s dodging the punching bag in Aaron’s apartment, carrying crates back and forth and maybe blowing some up on occasion. 
He knows in his head that he’s doing this to hurt the pockets of invisible men hiding in their glass skyscrapers and high-rise offices, and he’s as angry at them for sucking the life out of his neighborhood as he’s always been. 
But it had started with the door, cracked open just enough for his uncle’s face to poke through. Otherwise, Miles might’ve been content to lie there and become one with his mattress as he missed another week of school.
He wonders if his father went on those runs because he, too, looked into his future and hadn’t the slightest idea as to what he was looking at. 
Miles’ thoughts are interrupted when his phone buzzes in his pocket. You have his Anansi issue.
“So this is all you do in your free time, then? Comics and robots?”
Miles has his nose in another shounen manga.
“Is that a bad thing?”
You remember the helmet, and the parts set in neat little rows. And the tarp in Uncle Aaron’s car.
“Not for the most part. More interesting than what I do.”
Miles finally looks up, and squints. “What do you do in your free time?”
“I braid hair,” you reply with a bit of pride. “Pretty good at it, too.”
“Mm-hm, that’s what they all say before they fuck yo’ shit up,” he jokes, earning an issue of Jujutsu Kaisen to the face.
“Shut up, with them fuzzy ass braids.”
Miles gasped dramatically. “You said they looked nice!”
“Looked. Past-tense.”
“Chill on me, my mom didn’t have time to re-do ‘em this week.”
Seeing an opportunity, your eyes lit up.
“Ooh, let me–”
Miles narrowed his eyes at you.
“Aw, come on! You have so much hair, it could be fun! And you said you’d let me.”
You reached out to touch one of Miles’ overgrown braids but ended up swiping the air as he dodged your hand.
“I said ‘maybe’, and now the answer is no. You’re gonna ‘have fun’ in my hair? Like you ‘had fun’ with my t-shirt? I know you stole it, by the way.”
“I up-cycled it.”
“Cutting a shirt in half is not up-cycling, and you’re not touching my head.”
“You're so mean.”
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gohannygo · 2 months
Emerie lore speculation post?!! :O
Okay guys this is my little gift to myself for finishing my school work on time. Also like low key regardless if you agree or not, drop your Emerie predictions/thoughts in the comments— because for whatever reason my brain has attached itself to her, but she has like 5 mins of screen time and vary little discourse surrounding her :D
Okay guys I’m get real with you, I don’t think Emerie was created as an enhanced clone, or with some kind of special ability. I think she was made to be as plain and reg-like as possible.
Based on Nala Se’s reaction to Omega’s blood being sampled and tested, we can assume she knew and maybe even was responsible for Omegas ability to support an M-count. What I think happened was, Nala se was like “Oh oops it appears I have gotten emotionally attached to this child so I’m keeping her as my own, but I dont wanting any snoopers out there to trying to figure out whats so special about her,” so she created Emerie as a decoy of sorts. Essentially a female version of a reg to send out to the world to prove that theres no reason for anyone to inquire about Omega because look how regular female clones are. Like in a super heartbreaking way, my theory is that Emerie was essentially made to have no identity. To be an obedient little placeholder to take attention away from Omega’s existence.
Wow thats cool but why does it matter?
OKAY so throughout the premiere we saw that maybe there was some trouble in Tantiss paradise for Emerie. Shes been content(?) with complying and doing what is asked of her up until this point, but we saw her be willing to break rules for Omega’s sake, and we also saw how shaken she looked when Hemlock was like “Return to the lab, Dr. Karr”. She also looked like she was really pondering things at the end of episode three when she discovered Omega’s ability to support an M count transfer.
I think maybe during the rest of the season we’ll see her start to grapple with what she really wants to do here, as (I believe, in her own little way), she now has a sister she cares about and wants to protect. I think Omega, through her doll making and Batcher taming, has shown Emerie a little bit of light. That clones can have their own wants, and makes choices based off of them. But really, I don’t think a person who has presumably grown up being conditioned to follow rules and see herself as property would be able to quickly break out of that rigid structure shes used to and make a personal choice to try and keep Omega safe in a significant way.
What? Okay please just bear with me. Wording things is not my forte.
I think Nala Se will see an opportunity to further get in the head of an already torn Emerie. I think she might reveal her original purpose of essentially being made to protect omega. And emerie, who already sort of sees herself as a tool to being used for some greater purpose, will then feel almost like shes been given “permission” to disobey. Sort of like “Oh damn, not only is this something I want to do, but more importantly it was the purpose I was designed for yassssss”. I think she will continue acting as normal but will basically be a shooter on the inside for Omega and it will build up to her sabotaging further experimentation done on Omega if shes captured.
Idk if this makes sense or is dumb. But I just think it could be a cool avenue. Because we’ve seen clones grapple with what theyve done under imperial command and have seen some of them change their ways which is awesome. And, I think it could also be cool to see a character whos been so shaped by her upbrining, and doesnt have that soldier-ly sheer force of will to just defect. I think it could be cool to see someone go about a change of allegiance in a more roundabout way where they basically have to reason themselves through it because they arent equipped to do it any other way. But yeah its 2 AM now so goodnight.
Bonus: Here is an educational diagram I made of Emerie being “sent elsewhere” circa twentysomething BBY
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da-mous · 8 months
enjoying smb wonder but I have so many tiny nitpicks? they don't kill the game by any means but like
-only one run button, so you can't hold one and press the other to swing the elephant trunk and shoot fireballs and such without losing speed. I was literally drafting a devblog post praising the ability to do that in Mario Maker a few days ago dhgdhdgd. I get that X is the emote button but damn
-just pressing jump while airborne and touching a wall isn't enough to perform a wall jump. you have to push into the wall to enter the wallslide state first. I don't remember if this is the case in other Marios, or maybe Celeste has just spoiled me, but it's tripped me up a few times and seems unnecessary!
-the spin jump makes no sense cause like. no matter how long you press the button it's always the same height as a full normal jump. I guess this is because it can be motion controlled? I keep pressing ZR trying to get a low jump like in Mario Maker but I get the opposite instead. beyond that it also just generally seems to have next to no utility unless you really wanna do an entire full height jump to kill a koopa without getting the shell for some reason
-no triple jump? I mean I guess a thing similar to it is a badge now but. why. they coulda done a cute rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. maybe even a full chord on the final jump. woulda sounded so nice!
-speaking of which, the spin double jump badge is best badge easy (why even use half the badges that give extra height through other means when this one does it best), but it also misses the opportunity to do a rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. idk maybe they tried it and it sounded annoying or something. just weird for the first jump to make a musical sound and the second to do something different entirely
-the emote and item reserve buttons (X and A) do nothing if pressed while the run button is held. why??
-R and ZR both spin jump. Nice. ZL ground pounds and crouches. ok nice. L does... I think it does nothing at all? why? maybe I'm missing something?
-feels like the same few music tracks get reused a lot
-there's like one level with climbable poles, and you can jump off of them as expected, but pressing spin jump does nothing. "why would you ever want to do that?? why do you care about this cass??" because uhhhhhhhhh
-I love the concept of the vine grapple badge but it feels slow and jankass to use
-I always try to let go of dash panels or drop out from ceilings I'm drilling into by releasing the jump button, but you actually have to press jump. pressing jump to go down is really counterintuitive!!
-however, pressing jump does not drop you down when hanging from a horizontal pole (a mechanic in a level or two). to do that you have to press down... and then hold it for a short time..? why can't I drop down right away? "cass it's like one level???" ok yeah but you can't spin jump out of a hang either!!! what about that!!!
-ok lastly I don't get the point of elephant mario. being big isn't really an interesting ability and the melee attack is nothing new. the water spraying doesn't add much either because even if the stage you're in does happen to have water it's not a particularly good projectile. it's mainly only useful to water withered plant dudes. a key for a lock
......anyways hdgdhsgdgs game good I'm just surprised at how many tiny things feel off. maybe this is just what happens when the small details on a game are your whole job for several months lol
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hunting4fluff · 9 months
Reflex Training
HEY! I'M BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER (maybe) I started college so it came out a little slower but it's also a little longer but who cares here we gooooooo (also I added a single Spanish word in here Idk why it just felt right in the moment)
Lee Reader
Ler Miguel
Miguel/Reader or Miguel + reader (/r or /p is up for reader interpretation) 1694 word count
You would never expect Miguel to be such a physical person.
It would make sense most in combat, when all you really can do is grapple and punch, - Weaponry for you, as many other spiderpeople, was out of the question - however when it came to Miguel, you assumed he would leave touch to fighting.
It wasn't a bad thing, by any metric. It was admittedly nice to get a hand on your shoulder, letting you know his reassurance was available or the occasional flat palmed rub on your upper back when you were noticeably overwhelmed.
Today, however, left a little bit more physical touch than what you were used to.
Miguel had been praising your abilities. Your constitution was 'fairly admirable' your intelligence was 'something to be proud of…' etc. etc. But he hadn't neglected to point out your weaknesses in order to improve. Calling in today was reflex training.
Miguel had prepared a list of possible reasons why your reflexes might be off, ranging from least probable to most probable.
"Spider sense deterioration. Unlikely, though. Older spiderfolks tend to struggle with that and at that point they've already retired."
"Got it." You nodded your head as you listen intently for a cause. Miguel was anything, if not thorough.
"Mental health issues such as chronic anxiety and depression. You had listed last week that you were experiencing little to no symptoms on our new check-in."
"Still accurate." You affirm, noting the slight huff of irritation in his voice. He hadn't originally been planning on conducting mental health surveys- he knew everyone in this society experienced traumatic events and therefore had symptoms surrounding it -but after he had "Spider Therapist", Lyla and Peter all come forth with the not-so-flexible-suggestion, he wasn't exactly going to argue on the matter.
Nonetheless, you had been doing pretty well these past couple weeks. Taking a couple self care days to relax and allow yourself to enjoy things.
"Attention span difficulties." Miguel listed next.
"Attention span has been fine recently." You shrugged. Miguel quirked a brow, giving a half-heartedly disbelieving look. You smiled back and Miguel continued on the list.
"Then last but not least, inconsistent training. Have you been slacking in the training room?"
You opened your mouth to refute but hesitated. The mental health days didn't really count, you didn't think. They were rare and barely ever affected your work. However, you had been focusing more on strength training recently…
Miguel looked you over in your hesitation, a small huff of a chuckle springing from his chest.
"I'll put down 'yes' then…" He shook his head, an amused smirk quirking the corner of his lips as he pulled up a screen and started to type the information in. You shot Miguel a glare, in which he returned your glance with another snicker.
"Tell you what, we can work on it together today, alright?" He offered. It took you by surprise- Miguel never worked personally with any of the other Spider-people. It felt… special. You shrugged your shoulders, attempting to seem more nonchalant than how you actually felt, and nodded your head.
"Sounds good, I guess." Was that too relaxed? Miguel sure seemed to think so.
"What? You're not excited to work one on one? And here I thought we had a good thing goin'." Miguel teased. You rolled your eyes and giggled, crossing your arms as you grinned at Miguel.
"No, no- it sounds very exciting-"
"Ah, now you're just trying to make me feel better!" Miguel waved his hand dismissively, laughing. He was in a pretty good mood today and it was certainly a welcome change.
"C'mon, let's just go do that training thing, alright?" You laughed with him, starting to walk towards the training room. He joined your pace by your second stride, shaking his head again.
"I make the rules around here, contestón."
His taller figure allowed him a further stride, forcing you to jog to keep up with him. Making it to the training room, he opened the door to one of the simulation rooms.
The room was about 380 square feet, panels on the floors and walls used to project images of villains and obstacles that you might need to avoid or utilize in a fight. Typically this room simulated an average living room, even going so far as to materialize furniture to set the scene. Often times, Miguel encouraged this room's use for fighting robbers and inexperienced villains for those starting off, which almost made you feel insulted that he would bring you in here.
The furniture of a living room formed, it's technology akin to Miguel's suit as you would have noticed. Miguel had explained the science behind it before in one of his sleep deprived rants, but you also had been too tired to listen.
You noted the lack of a target in the room, scanning around to find only you and Miguel standing in the scene.
"You're going to be sparring with me." Miguel answered the question budding at your lips, only to provoke a new question.
"But your claws… and you're way bigger than me…" You nervously protested. In all honesty, while his claws were pretty scary, that wasn't your biggest concern. Fighting Miguel meant having to hurt him, and that wasn't something you were willing to do.
"You've fought worse, I'm sure of it." He brushed off the notion, starting to position himself from the opposite side of the couch. "And if you're really worried about my 'claws', then I can avoid using them. I'm not trying to kill you."
You were still hesitant, but the second you moved to comply, Miguel leapt at you. You dodged out of the way, just in the nick of time to feel his pinkie finger brush against your upper arm. The way you pulled out of the way, led you into a somersault and by the time you steadied yourself, Miguel was darting at you again. He reached to grab you as you jumped to the ceiling, just barely grazing your hip and causing a strangled squeak to jump from your throat.
Miguel seemed to hesitate, processing why you make such a noise, giving you more than enough time to leap back at him and tackle him to the ground. You struggled to grapple him, grabbing his wrists before he pulled both yours and his arms apart, twisting his wrist just right as to pull it from your grip.
You were screwed.
He quickly darted his hand towards you, shifting his weight to pin you as his hand clutched- your side?
Before you could question his choice of hand placement, you saw that smug grin on his face and knew you were double screwed. His fingers slowly dragged up your side, causing you to twitch and try to arch away from the touch.
Flustered blush rose to your cheeks, heating up your face once you realized how detail oriented Miguel was.
"You know, I was thinking of adding a penalty to inadequate training sessions. You think this will work fine?"
Miguel's teasing only made it harder to try and at least seem unbothered. You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you yanked at Miguel's hands, your head rolling back as you whined in protest. Verbal protest could mean laughing. You weren't going to be so easy.
"Oh, am I getting the silent treatment? There's a good way to fix that." Miguel moved his fingers towards your ribs, shooting sparks through your skin. He tapped on each individual rib, slow and teasing. Every movement was methodical and well thought out. He was anything if not thorough.
Each light creeping touch built more and more giggles bubbling up in your chest, a full grin spreading across your face as you squirmed. It would be a lie to say this wasn't a little fun. Miguel was grinning down at you, shifting to grab your wrist and holding it above your head. A small giggle slipped out before the entire dam broke, and he wasn't even touching you yet. He wiggled his fingers teasingly above your armpit, relishing in every reaction you made.
"Miguel!" You yelped out, arching away from the impending fingers.
"What? You failed reflex training and now you're gonna learn to get better!" He laughed, a devilish glint lighting up in his eyes. Suddenly, five, firm claws grazed just below your underarm coaxing a scream laugh from you. You weren't expecting his claws, much less for them to tickle so bad. You cackled and writhed, hearing Miguel's laughter mix in with yours.
"YOU SAHAID YOU WOULDN'T-" You were cut off by your own laughter, shrieking as they quickly scritched down to your side and slowly dragged up back to your ribs.
"Wouldn't use my claws? For training I wouldn't. Like I said, I'm not trying to kill you." He chuckled, speeding up the slow scritches to quick scribbles.
It felt like tingly fireworks were shooting through your ribs, causing you to cackle and screech.
"YOU'RE KILLING MEHEHE ANY-" Before you could finish your sentence, a loud squeal followed by a gasp interrupted as you started to thrash.
He slowed his touch to light tracing up and down your sides after a few moments to allow you to catch your breath, giggles still hitching in your throat before you started to calm down a little bit.
Finally he stopped, releasing your wrists as you coiled in on yourself. You caught your beath and laid there for a few moments, residual giggles slipping out here and there. He reached over and brushed some hair out of your face, laughing before he pulled you closer with one arm.
"You good?" He asked, the smug smile never leaving. You nodded your head, still smiling as you leaned into him.
"You didn't end up killing me, so that's nice." You retorted, earning one more bark of laughter from Miguel.
"Hey- it's motivation. Anyways, let's get you some water. I think we worked out your abs more than your reflexes." He joked, standing up and holding a hand out for you to grab.
Reflex training might not be so bad after all.
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rosered12 · 3 months
And while I'm on the topic! I'm still grappling with the decision to take away certain plot points for Netflix's Atla.
Like I understand combining certain plots, streamlining them into one place *cough* omashu *cough* and introducing fan favorites and plots from later seasons earlier on into season one. (i.e. azula, spirits, oma and shu)
I even understand cutting some plots! I, unlike a lot of people, figures they were going to at least cut down the pirates plot, obviously no great divide, probably no bato, and had made peace that certain nuances and characters were going to be lost in favor of fight scenes. But to lose Jeong-Jeong????
An entire episode directly related to Aang being reluctant to learn other bending techniques (specifically fire!), Burning Katara, and her finding out her great ability to heal. And! A wonderful commentary on the division and destruction of war, how fire nation propoganda hurts everyone, even those in the fire nation. Just gone???
It is really frustrating and confusing to me, especially in a season where Aang doesn't bend any other element at all outside of the avatar state. Wouldn't it make sense to have this episode to re-establish the insicurity that Anng has in regaurd to how strong his powers are? That he has a proclivity to be destructive with any bending he has not mastered and doubling down on his reluctance to learn other types??? Idk just food for thought.
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 2 months
Idk if anyone's suggested this before (I have to imagine someone has though) but what if those gold things on DJ's back ARE actually spinnerets? I mean, of a sort?
Maybe there was an early version of the boss fight where he did have some kind of webslinging/grappling ability? And could dramatically lower himself from the ceiling instead of having to climb down the walls?
(Came up with this idea while crafting and realized my brain was just referring to them as spinnerets and had a moment of "wait...ARE they that???")
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Guys wait- I just had a thought.
Idk if anyone has written a fanfic concerning this specifically, but I know a lot of people experiment with the idea of Lanyon, Rachel, Jasper, etc. taking the potion. I haven’t seen one quite the way I’m thinking, but like-
Okay, so you know how Lanyon said Jekyll had the most uncanny ability to compartmentalize his own mind? And we all are far too familiar with what exactly he meant by that. (Also him saying that it was almost like there were two Jekylls when they were together.)
What if the reason why the potion was so successful in splitting Jekyll’s soul was because of this ability in the first place? He had basically already done it mentally, but the potion completed it by separating them spiritually and created a means by which they were also separated physically.
So now I’m wondering realistically if someone else were to take the potion, just how successful would it actually be? Maybe I’m just being a slut for scary fanfics, but imagine that person becoming something otherworldly. Like if instead of separating, everything melted together, and it was super hard to tell where their surface persona starts and where their subconscious thoughts end. And in turn, their physical appearance becomes uncanny valley. Because, sure, they look human, but something is off and it’s hard to put your finger on exactly why looking at them puts a cold weight in your stomach.
Because again, Jekyll was already dividing the different parts of his brain before the experiment, so it was like sorting out a fruit bowl. There’s still the leftover flavor of pineapple on the grapes, but they are no longer mixed together in the same bowl.
But when you try to sort out the sugar from cake batter, it is incredibly difficult if it’s evenly mixed. And even if you do manage to isolate some grains of sugar, there’s still bound to be large traces of the batter. It becomes a frustratingly sticky mess where you were better off leaving the batter alone, but you didn’t and now the kitchen is a mess and the batter is ruined.
Am I making sense? Agh, I kinda want to read something like that now. All the angst one could fit into an au like that is too good. Cause in some way, it was Jekyll’s fault (left it out for some curious lodger, someone misinterpreted which vial he instructed them to consume, idk), and now he’s grappling with the realization that his potion isn’t a guaranteed divide and he’s rushing to find a cure, falling more apart every time he sees the person.
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turtlesaus · 10 months
Baby Michealangelo- TurtleDuck AU
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(Most of the design choices were inspired form Pinterest, IDK who drew them cause literally noone cited their sources x-x)
Last Turtle! Later its other characters~~;
Michealangelo Hamato
Nicknames: Mikey, Mike, Angelo Race/Species: Turtle Mutant/Yokai Age: XXX (Changes though time) Height: XXX (Same as age) Gender/Pronouns: He/Them/It Job: Close Range Fighting/ Support/ Artist
Bubbly and artistis, yet with a very thin patience, Mikey is the most chaotic of all of them, with his ADHD making him a walking classic ADHD example and clumsy central.
He got to grow up with Raph and heavily rely on his brothers, but quickly master his weapon and ninpo because he hyperfixated on them one day, and got it down pat somehow.
Considered the 'artisti one', he is the one you go to when you need something mapped out, because, despite a poor attention span, he has the memory of an elephant.
He is not allowed in the kitchen without supervision, as last time he got sidetracked while cooking, lef the room, andnearly burnt down the kitchen.
Mikey's power is like a funhouse miracle set. His abilities are all based somewhat on energy and elements, but it seems kinda random from afar. His abilities include;
Fire generation: Mikey wields a Kusari-Fundō with a laughing weight and a chain that can extend nigh-infinitely. With its extensive reach, he can burn, grapple, and cut opponents/objects. On top of using his Kusari-Fundō, he can also create small flames with his hands, though he is susceptible to larger flames.
Weight rejection: Anything within his Kusari-Fundō’s grip instantly becomes 80 percent lighter, allowing Mikey to manipulate opponents/objects of a normally colossal weight with ease.
Portals: Kind of. Mikey’s Portals are only for one thing, dimensions, and it's extremely harmful to him. He can open dimensions to other times, universes, and realms, like the prison dimension. He has been banned from doing it unless absolutely necessary.
Mikey grew up almost never seing his actual adoptice father, only his brother. He was the one who noramlized the family calling Leo 'Mama'.
With his new sibling he bonded slowly, not understanding how they thought at first, and it a took a minute for him to warm up to them. Afterwards however, he could almost never be seperated from them.
He loves Draxum (AS A PARENT BACK OFF TCEST DNI!!) so much he could probably combust.
Family Dynamics
Mikey & Leo
Mikey had the hyperactive side of ADHD, and has trouble sitting still to do anything, eg cooking; he is very fast and haphazard, and usually it turns out good, but it usually can never be created again because he guestimates his measurements. Leo patiently teaches him things, even if he forgets the smaller details, and helps him focus of things he's passionate about.
Mikey & Donnie
PB&J Duo, get together well. Mikey will bring Don ideas, Don builds them either with him or later when he has free time. Half of the cool tech ideas came from Mikey's notebook. Donnie loves to coddle and love on him.
Mikey & Raph
Mikey and Raph alone together usually leads to absoloute chaos. One is flusted easily, the other is a complete ADHD attention span presentation. They love each other, and cuddle at the drop of a beat, but don't leave them alone with a lot of energy.
Mikey & Casey
Casey constantly dotes on him becasuse he's the youngest, and has bought him doughnuts on multiple occasions. Mikey would die for him, and so would casey.
Mikey & April
Like Raph, Mikey and his sister act like a mother duck and her child. He follows her around, like Raph, and she will make sure that he gets attetion and keeps an eye on him so he doesn't do something stupid.
(More to come)
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ethanchoslin · 5 months
The Second Keeper (TSK)
Keeper (He/His) 19
First post of his, an OC or AU of interesting backstory idk want to said to lol :1
(an unofficial oc AU, for now)
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Keeper (tentatively known as The Greenman, The First Timeline, and The Savior) is a successor stickman creation created by Ethan Choslin ( me :D / Creator ) in 2007 after 2 years created Intruder in 2005. His purpose was to improve himself that he had older enough to treat his living and power granted by the creator
The savior and hero of AvA AU, being called “Supremacy Savior” by Citizens in StickCity and StickHomeland since mid 2010s. Even though been called a hero, some stickman’s still criticize and furious about the difference of his appearance
He has a friend name Dinco (Dark blue stickman) but been missing after AvA V in midnight hours
Keeper still living like any regular stickman, had a house and decent job in daily life time. Sometime he spend time experiment with energy core of dark remnant objects for…you know…science :/
Antagonists of his was Intruder, but in AvA VI AU, the real antagonists of his was Vic (Canon Victim) and Costco (dark orange stickman). Intruder in other hand had spare peace after realizing that it was his middle creation by creator ( or brother if you want to :] )
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Green and little dark hollow-headed stick figure of above-average height
Mistake ringers on the left
Can’t speak ( still open mouth, no deaf and no voice lol :} )
. A black belt with grappling hook in the right and black bag in the left
. Wristbands in the right (TDL wristband found on the far right next to destroying mountain)
. Same black belt, bag and grappling hook but with splash potion of Swiftness X, Totem of undying, and a medium diamond knife
. Regular bow with arrow of Flame I
. Diamond sword and Shield
. Leather boots with Frost Walker I, Leather Falling IV and Soul Speed II
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. When been proud by the Citizens he protecting, his happiness with a smile or a nod to prove he’s happy and excellent
. Extroverts at job, Creatives on various ideas, motivated in times, straightforward in objective
. Exciting at random behavior, Loving excitement when been gifted
. Anger issues when criminals treat towards innocent stickman on bullying and violently…not to violent I guess
. When Killing wrong or miss threarting, he would stressed, scared of fear, and cry (if their a chance when been scared to much :, )
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. Keeper can float through midair without any problem, he can fly very fast about 34 km/h but at a slower pace it’s at around 16-22 km/h. Even slower is at 6km/h
. He can stealth behind enemy easier
. incredible strength like lift a car, truck, bus. Pull out light pole, trees and hold a object that very heavy :”/
. High intelligence on serious combat and went to normal went combat deactivate
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Other curious information:
. “Supremacy Savior” Citizens quote
. Dinco (Dark blue stickman)
. TSK House
. Costco (dark orange stickman)
. TSK Wristbands (Found location)
. Intruder
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Bonus art:
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liliallowed · 3 months
BRO ok i was reading your tags and you mentioned crimson not having a DT soul, but a soul of Obsession, and i just giggled a bit at that and got excited hehehe.
i like seeing people play with concepts but EXPAND them yk??? like not being bound to them but using them to make you think
i have an au i’ve yet to share about (because it’s. so convoluted at this point and is being rewritten HEIDBDJ) but a big part of it has to do with soul traits and such, at least in regards to the humans right
like for example, one of the human characters has the trait of justice, meanwhile one of the antagonists (with relations to some of the mains) is Retribution.
Retribution is like…a corrupt justice. when you decide YOU define what is just, and you take that into your own hands, it becomes more about vengeance then what is right.
sans has karmatic abilities as well, which is sort of an in between…. fair vengeance, the vengeance isn’t for HIM, he’s moreso a vessel for what is fairly brought upon someone??
ANYWAYS IM RAMBLING, both the justice soul (and kinda sans actually) have to grapple with their similarities with said antagonist. several characters have to grapple with the positive traits they have and the negative or toxic paths those same traits could lead them down. patience turning to passivity. bravery to recklessness and pride, etc
ALL THAT TO SAY i was curious, do you see “obsession” as an evolution/ sub category/ branch OF a determination soul? the determination to push on towards this thing you are fixated on to an inhuman extent? the refusal to let go of this thing you are fixated on (which i find a cool concept because, undertale a message has a LOT to do with letting go…)
ANYWAYShope you don’t mind rambling in your inbox i just find ideas fun and want to hear yours if you’ll humor me HEE HOO
ramble away dear friend!
I love reading these ideas!
as for obsession, yeah it's more like an evolution of determination.
I think there was a post about moral traits being used in excess can corrupt into harmful behavior...
ambition => obsession was one of the given examples.
but well crimson started with determination.
it's like muddied water. its been left to rot away.
but the water NEEDS to move or it will fade away so it spirals around it's contained pool into a whirlpool.
(idk if that allegory made sense but yea)
crimson NEEDS to constantly push themself. Ben if there's nothing to gain. even if their story has already been told.
you are correct! crimson's issues is mainly the lack of closure. the inability to let go.
they TRIED severing the bonds so dear to them by killing everyone but that only made them want to stay to suffer with them instead.
obsession has a stronger density than a normal DT soul.
like it can take on 4-5 other human souls (not 6 tho. that's beyond them)
so you'd have to absorb not one not two but six or seven human souls to over power this bich's DT.
obsession also allows them to [refuse] death once, every 24 hours without a reset. even if you take away their reset they won't die that easily.
obsession has a higher LV cap than determination. it maxes out at 50 and can absorb [self inflicted pain] to boost the number up. if there's no one left to kill there's still ways to increase that LV. and their soul is one tank of an endurant killing mechine.
a direct jab at their soul won't kill them.
cutting their head off won't kill them (instantly at least. if they use a healing item in a minute or so their vessel would glitch back to a normal form.)
they're a lot like a zombie minus the infection part that can spread and the slowness and dullness of a shambling corpse. they're fucking FAST.
obsession can allow puppeteering powers and psychological manipulation through [ACT] but crimson doesn't use it. they think it's cowardly and they want to do things "legit".
if there WAS a new foe out there though... they have many abilities they don't use on dust to face them.
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shotbyafool · 23 days
ur the one person i know on here who loves the bands visit as much as i do, but lately i haven’t been able to actually enjoy it because fuckass isntreal is doing a genocide and now every time i listen to a song i think about all the palestinians displaced or killed in order for the setting to exist. not to be like “is it ok to like this thing” ppl can like whatever they want but i mean, is there a way to still enjoy the musical? idk, what do u think about this.
good q, and something I've been grappling with too. I don't claim to be an authority on anything, these are just my thoughts -- but like, you and I (and David Yazbek, and Itamar Moses, etc.) were born into a world where these atrocities either were already being committed, or which were beginning but we had no ability to stop. either because we weren't born yet or don't have any political power. it should not be so, and we should not take it as a given now, but the truth of the matter is that the land has been taken over, and people live there. I don't know what sort of people -- but people do live there, and that has been so! would real-life equivalents of the Israeli characters be, by our standards, terrible people, be Zionists? I don't know! I have no idea! quite possibly, I suppose!
it sort of makes me throw my hands up. this will probably be a relatively useless answer to your question!
if this is useful, and not to be like, all YFIP about it, but I have an inkling that the creators of the show understand some nuance to be had here -- see Itamar Moses' work on The Ally. I think if the show was made today it would've been different. obviously the show should not have been complacent, it should not have taken the events of the past year to have happened for the world (myself included) to wake up to this, but we cannot go back and change the past. and at the heart of it, obviously, is connection -- is simple stories of little people in little towns, is simple stories with no plot at all -- and while the plot certainly exists within a great political landscape (IT IS AWARE OF THIS), it doesn't try to tackle it. which is probably bad. but I'm not going back on my opinion on that it's a masterful musical, a real piece to behold, for what it's worth. I still think that to be true.
so like. I am actually not sure. is the answer. I still listen to it because I can listen to anything without thinking (problematic trait), but your question is a good one, and this is probably not useful, but it's been weighing on me. it sucks! the show is a piece of art about trying to form connections across political boundaries, but the unspoken political boundary at the heart of it is the land on which they stand, on which displacement and violence has occurred. and absurdly, now, it's a period piece, for its inability to start those conversations or even really acknowledge them. (again, I think Itamar Moses would've made a different piece today). but that doesn't undo it from being moving to me five years ago, and doesn't stop it from potentially moving me right now. it is just hard. and I hope this doesn't read as me moping in answer to you, either, but I'm incapable of coming up with something coherent!
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littlekingbergara · 6 months
funny how your anons keep on calling it the I/P conflict when the "war" is completely one-sided. you couldn't even call it a war, it's a fucking genocide. people keep on calling it the conflict instead of what it really is, seems like it's watering the issue down just so you can protect your parosocial relationship with rich celebrities.
we've used the word genocide plenty. everyone has the ability to grapple with what the watcher guys and other people they like have or have not posted or shared. and definitely nobody is watering down genocide to justify watching a youtube puppet show or 2guys1ghoul. like i prommy i am not putting the official OK stamp on them regarding israel's genocide and war crimes on palestine.
we're also allowed to discuss and have feelings about things!! idk if youve noticed but im a fan of watcher sooo yeah i want to believe theyre good people lol. sorry if that's too parasocial for you, a person who is also willingly interacting with a fan blog.
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melodianaartist · 2 years
No but one thing that makes me nearly cry is Jinx’s “I am not weak” moment in episode 4 (I think?). Because we all know she isn’t weak. Reckless, sure. But we have seen her fight. That’s not weakness (or at least physical). But since she has been treated as a weak link for all her extremely traumatic childhood and has not been allowed to heal from that…Idk it just perfectly captures that struggle of while you realistically don’t grapple with a lack of ability in some field, you spent all your childhood beeing chastised for said lack of ability and thus are still paranoid about it to the point that you don’t see your own growth.
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