#it diesnt feel the same
29121996 · 17 days
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
I wish hatsune miku was real
#the bin#i wish 8 cpuld make the people around me understand how important she is to me and how many songs are important to me#but i feel like im just annoying them by talking about her all the time#i feel like that about all my interests though#i let people talk about what they like so why do i always feel like im bothering them when i tell them about what i like#i guess it doesnt help that my only friend doesnt share any of my main interests#we like watching the same type of youtube videos and like some if the same music and that it#:/ idk how im supposed to meet people at all let alone people who might have interests in common with me#i just wanna show someone my favorite miku songs and talk about how good they are but i dont wanna seem annoying or weird#she ysed to like vocaloid when she was younger and she is who first introduced me to it but she diesnt like it anymore and hasn't for years#she still remembers a lot of them and some songs but almost none if them are the songs i like#and she mainly listened to english covers done by humans cause ahe doesnt listen to music thats not in english#while as.almost everything i listen to is in japanese and the human covers of songs are usually in russian#i wake up everyday and wanna gush about hatsune miku and theres nobody for me to gush to#i just want someone to be happy for me when i talk about loving something even if they dont like it themselves#but i just feel like theyre tolerating me#personal#i always feel bad for posting more personal stuff on this blog but like. if someone who follows me doesnt wanna see it then they can just#not read it. its almost always in the tags so just dont read them? and i also tag them as personal so just block the tag#anyway
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bastardbvby · 2 years
hey amaya!!
as someone who just went through the MOST harrowing lease signing ever i feel your pain. there is no anxiety like not knowing where you are going to live and eat and sleep.
i think my sit was a bit different than yours (my roommate dropped me after i did all the work cause i wouldn’t sign onto the one shitty apartement she was rude or die for and also she was using her addiction to pressure me to go along and IT DIESNT MATTER) — I signed into a single person room in a 5 bdm apartment.
BUT! the city i live in in Canada is super expensive (if kinda small) and I got a good room for a good price last minute so. My one big piece of advice is to join a fb market group or groups just for apartements in the city, ESP student apartement groups bc you’re a student. People who are moving last minute or dropping out of school or even just vacancies in student apartments WILL BE LISTED ON FACEBOOK. I got mine super cheap because I took over the lease of a guy who’s moving to Ireland for coop. You definitely have to check up on it constantly (which is shit for the anxiety), but you’ll probably find a place eventually.
again, this shit is the fuckin worst and i hope you and your roommate get a place soon :(
thank you for the advice and im glad you found an apartment !!!! we got approved for the super small place and now we're just kind of stuck because we don't know what to do like if we turn it down and then aren't able to sign another lease we're going to feel so stupid but at the same time we genuinely just don't want to live there and we thought we'd have more time to decide and apply to other places but they want us to sign the lease asap :((
we were going to apply to another place but the tenant extended their lease so thats a rip,, i just hate this feeling and every time i think something good is gonna happen it feels like its ripped away and im just constantly on the verge of tears this shit sucksssssss
hoping for the best though and that a miracle will come my way :]
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solardick · 1 month
What i like about wearing a vidible crusifix, in this evil dominant country. Is the look on peoples faces when they intantly recognize that they’re beign sinful.
Or you got thenpther people whom take pride in being cuntz. Is the loathing on their faces. Well y’all like your vedio games and your phones. You can thank god for that. And the “patriarchy” which inverntes technology.
I can go on a big long rant about femmes and thr moon. But i wont. Cause you know im tight.
Or sum bs. Hooky tomorow. Aint risking it.
Hope this ass thing they engennered on me. Goes away. Wonder whats next.
Tried rubbing one out with this feeling. Came instantly. No relax, no chill, no pleasure. Go see a third. Wonder if im going to be able to underdatnd what they’re saying this time. But, theres no need for comunication. So they’ll definatally will speak my tongue. Fuckem jamie the worst ine of the family. Spychotic tard. Womder if he’s tried to kill
Anyone recently.
Fuck theyre a bunch if fucktards. Fucken children. Wish i like fucking with people too. Maybe i can fallow them home and stalk them from outside the widow till i catch them doing somethingembarassig. And then rub it in the next day. Like they do. Why sid they wait so long before getting lazy in fucking with me? Not even original. Its the same bs my family sis to me all therouhh childhood. The same shit thwy did to me in school. I just report facts. Its like im 8 again. Or just learning to walk. With inparwnting death traps left laying around. Where the same treatment for all the positive stuff? Oh yeah. Its diesnt happen that way. Peiple only care about the negatives.
Well time to go check the mailbox and donate atleast 200$ to charity today. Will i get rewarded for that? No. Everything ive ever cared about has been being murdered since childhood. By stuid gfucktards playninh stupid. So they font have to try very hard. At least pudgy batman showed me an once of resistance when i first got there. So he has some measure of a soul. Grateful for that. But save for talking about hay shit the other day whole making a noose and raising it above his head to be as visible as possible. But after 30 years if this shit. Its imposible to keep down. But nate. Is peobably the noggist peive of shit there. So much so that god interveen and warned me about him. But, because im such a good person. I gave him a try anyway. Several chances but, all he fid was fuck around. So now. Im just going to tell him to shut the fuck up or to fuck off. Everytime i see him.
Guess i kust have to keep going u til they tire out and semd someone new.
Cant afford to give up
My only source of authentic communication. Even if its only this. The only thing thats kept me going these last 8-10 years. Windernif the have another desease to give me. At least im still obstinate. While being aexually harrased by fuck e retards. Come swith losing tour virginity in childhood and doing something stupid with it. While being chemically imbalanced with the onset of puberty. And environemntal violence, bad idols and unmonitored “subpervission” which is the whole point have havign a fucken baby. Oh well and sharing a bedroom with a spychotic older brother with murderous rage. And an alchoholic drug addled other brother. Who kept trying to convince you tondo stupid things. While given cigareets and drugs to a teenager. In fact if you combine nate and pudgy batman you have an exact replica of my fatger and his parenting. Nothign but curses and swearing and that narcisist holier than thou bs that bate gives. Well add in a little bit of my brother jamie in there. My korher wanted a girl so bad that she named her next two sons woth girl names. I literally dont know anythign better.
At least by doing this i have some sense of control o er other people fucking with me. But it be nice to have a pet or something a cat or as art bird. Save that someone will
Probably kill it like every pet ive had. But its bad enough tgat im not alloed having a coherent conversation with a doctor. But ohh well.
Ca t wait till i grt a couple boyfriends and spend the rest of my life in pure bliss. A gay gouole lookign for a queer.
Personally. Authletes arent worth that much money. Insyead of multiple millions a year. How about they make. Maybe a hundred grand a year. And all the other profit goes straight to infastucture or health care. But., nope. Some asshole gets paid too kuch money.
Unfortunatly. I could t find the last 50$ bill on my floor somewhere. Proabbaly undwr all that trash. So the children. Will have to make die with a 150$ today.
Anyway i lwanred that a mytual reception between jupiter and uranus in awua and sag means criminal imderworld.
Crows just told me they are toaking smack about me at work right now. I even asked them. And they got
More vocal
There we go. Got a receit and everything.
Yesterday nate was like hey man. And i was like fuck off. And he was like hahhahahah. Comes back later. Are you bored? Fucknoff nate. Hahahahahah laughs again. Stands theres. What the fuck did i just say?! And he was like, Fuck off. And leaves. It was great. While they were teying to piss me off with keagan being absent half the day and then tony comes up to rub it in.hwy wheres tour partner? They all suck. I dont know how people live like that. I was raiswd by those eople and i syill dont get it.
I y’all stalk ny profile and knownits me and use it agaisnt me. Then why show any respect or sparebyour names? Im getting fucked either way.
Yeah… it gets too much fir me too. Want to close it all down again. Notjing to do. And the i have zero social energy going into anything.
Well its time to go see what cruel and unusual punishment they have for me today. Do what they always do elevate the pressure of my responsibities at the same time they elevate the pressure in social relations. Stress me out as much as possible while playing another side game. Abuse me into another state of belligerence and then try Nd make me feel likes its my fault even though i don’t know whats going on. Righy now its what they are doing slowly adding in has much bs as they can while blaming it on an outside factor in which i should be routing for. Or some shit. Or maybe another girl to harrase me and ehen i ask her to stop in the my friendly esy possible i get framed for harrasment. Or some shit.
Teying to find an actuall himan being on this life line i was given. Seems an imposibility. 39 years later the world is still a threat to me. Womder what lifenis like. Noy being victimized.in a world that preaches peace, love and security. I have still left without experiencing any of it. Only its opposite. Nothing but threats.
Iys just like childhood and school. Singled out serrounded by assholes. Criminals, bigots, druggies, alcoholics, and pervs.
I guess ill never know who i am without all these fucken cockskrs ruinign ymmlife.
Bathan alm ost went to the hospital. Today. Inatigation.. ive never seen red before.
God was right. Always is. At keast ingave bc donethin in to be gratefu l for. Q
I almost pulled a jamie. Went full psychotic with a a hand held weapon. But, i cant be any more jamie than that fucktard. Playign stupid everyday. Isnt that draining? Jesus.
Promised myself i would never hurt another hum a being. But y’all
Make that very difficult. And indotn eant to be there anymore anyway. And have to be subjected to all that stupid bs. Wveryday.
Moral of that story. Dont eat ten bags of low fat popcorn over a period of three days.
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xxclutch45xx · 1 year
You know, it occurs to me that I've never come out officially on this site. There's a lot to talk about, including the fact thatmy previous experience on here, around a decade ago if I remember right, made me afraid to come out at all. The people I had encountered made it very clear that my experiences weren't valid or real in trans spaces, and I didn't even interact directly with anyone. I so often saw them telling off other ppl who were trying to explore the same things I needed to explore, so I simply was too terrified I wouldnt be accepted in any gender conconforming space. But at this point, all these years later, I have a much more solid understanding of who I am and how to avoid certain types of ppl, the ones who think gatekeeping is in any way positive to any community. All of this to say, I've DONE my self exploration, and I know how I feel, even if I don't necessarily know what the correct term for it is.
So, for the time being, I use the term Genderfluid. I know some days I feel more fem and others more masc. I never feel FULLY masc, I definitely have a more feminine lean if that makes sense. I've been using genderfluid for a few years now, and though it diesnt feel like anything special necessarily, it also doesnt feel GROSS AND WRONG. I still have more exploring to do, but my living situation kinda wont allow it, so I'm a bit stuck currently.
Hopefully this helps people get to know me a bit better, if I still have active followers that is... I haven't noticed much activity sonce returning to the site other than bots constantly following me.
Oh, and as for pronouns... I don't really know what ones I want to use. I enjoy she/her, I use he/him only at cetain times, but I've been curious about neopronouns. I'll have to see how they feel, testing them is very difficult in my current situation.
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
Um, for the dirty kpop snaps pic about hyuka, that's in Puma era...he was a minor. And this is sexual content. Idk if you feel the same but it's uncomfortable seeing minors attached to adult content. There's been many pictures of him as an adult, why not use those? Hope this diesnt come accross as me trying go argue /g
Look. I use Pinterest as where I find my selcas. I’m not hugely into kpop anymore and, honestly, I don’t follow basically any of these groups anymore. Now, there’s some where I can obviously tell the members are underage (jungkook 2014, sanha 2016, jeongin 2018, etc). I can’t tell with Kai. He was pretty young when they started and, honestly, I haven’t really noticed a huge change in his appearance over the years. Any of the selcas I use, as I said, are from Pinterest. They don’t date shit half the time, and if they do, I don’t usually check. I just use a selca and get the snap made to get it out.
Now, I understand people getting upset about making snaps for underage idols. I don’t condone that shit. But…Kai is of age now. Yeah, using selcas of him when he was underage, I avoid it if I can. But, I can’t tell the difference and, if he’s of age now, why the FUCK does it matter??
I’m really sorry about getting shitty about this, but I used to get messages like this all the FUCKING time, and I’ve had to repeat this same message 8 MILLION. FUCKING. TIMES. I’m not changing the selca. I’m sorry I upset you, but I don’t see why the fuck it matters of he’s of age now
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Switzerland voted to legalise same-sex marriage and allow same-sex couples to use sperms banks and adopt kids today (September 26th, 2021)!!! Big steps 🌈 Yay Switzerland!!
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kirksfattitties · 4 years
i know i’ve posted a clip from this before but the full scene is REALLY something
#spock starts LAUGHING and hims head SNAPS to look at him and less than a second later hes STRIDING over to spock#and bones is lie slightly lagging behind even tho hes tsller than jim so you KNOW jim is Walking With A Purpose#and when they start talking jim is very careful and withdrawn because spock was Not Emotional the first part of the movie#but jim diesnt wanna scare him back into his shell#and you can TELL that jim wants to touch spock the way hes leaning forward but he doesnt want to overstep his boundaries#and then spock is calling vger empty even though its full of logic#and bones is like ‘wow i cant believe spock is dissing logic’#but JIM is like ‘wait spock so are we talking about vger or you’#and spocks like nodding off and jim NEEDS the information spock is telling him but i also think hes kinda worried because...#... spock LITERALLY almost died#and jim. being the extra kinda guy he is. REACHES all the eat across spocks body. to the shoulder OPPOSITE of the one closest to him#and bones is probably about to tell jim that spock needs sleep and jim SNAPS! at BONES! because he’s interrupting#and then jim puts his hand back on spocks shoulder. spocks BARE shoulder. and might i remind you. vulcans are TOUCH TELEPATHS.#and then spock brings his hand up to grasp spocks arm#and THEN. IN UNISON. they REACH to hold each others HANDS.#in PERFECT UNISON.#AT THE SAME TIME.#and then spock HOLDING JIMS HAND. and saying THIS SIMPLE FEELING. im sorry. SPOCK? the VULCAN? this simple FEELING?? SIR.#and after he JUST said that vger is barren with only logic. hes telling jim. that vger cant comprehend. THIS. FEELING.#AND JIM. DOESNT FUCKING SAY ANYTHING. he just NODS. and puts his OTHER HAND. over spocks hand. and spock just NODS BACK.#they COMPLETELY understand each other in this moment and DONT HAVE to say anything. hell maybe they are talking but we just cant hear it#and then SPOCK admits that vger doesnt have the answers he was looking for. even though SUPPOSEDLY vger was calling him there.#and the vulcan kolinahr lady said spocks answers were elsewhere. so if vger isnt the answers he was looking for...............(THEN ITS JIM)#and then spock keeps talking (AND THEYRE STILL HOLDING HANDS BTW) and jim gets called to the com#but then he PAUSES before going to the com. and if you look in the background. spocks hand doesnt come down until AFTER jim crosses the room#holy FUCK i didnt realize how long my tags were#this simple feeling#spirk#this is also RIDDLED with typos if you actually read this im so sorry#also spock is vulcan hes probably cold PLEASE give him some socks
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
I feel that Daryl used to be in love with Carol, but after she married Ez3kiel, he wrongfully realised that she diesnt feel like that. So I think that he us falling in love with Connie now, and Carol is okay with that
And that’s cool! Everybody interprets shows differently and have expectations in mind of where the show is going to go, what motivates certain characters and what they are feeling (especially with characters like Daryl who don’t vocalise their feelings).
For me it’s more that Daryl and Carol have always had (and always will have) a thing for each other but they’ve never been at the same place emotionally to be able to explore it. When one of them is stable and settled, the other is going through something traumatising. They keep missing their chance with each other. But slowly they are coming to a point where they are both settled and on the same page. Hence the expectation of cannon and the set up for their spin off.
What I will say though, I stand by the belief that Carol pushing Daryl towards Connie is a defence mechanism. All of a sudden they are both settled and available and Carol is scared that the people who are close to her will continue getting hurt so she’s pushing Daryl away to keep him safe. There’s no denying that Daryl and Carol love each other very deeply (whether you see it as romantic or platonic, that’s up to you) and they just want to see each other safe and happy.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts / interpretations with me! I love hearing other peoples stand points, especially when it’s done in a friendly way. Always happy to be challenged on my views. :)
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for @bnhakaminari : Hi! How are you? May I please request Bakusquad x Omega!Reader headcanons? Maybe she's like their only omega? 🥺 It doesn't have to be female pronouns if you don't want! Also, I'm sorry if this request is weird! Thank you so so much and I hope you have a nice day/night!
Idk if you wanted poly so I did poly bc I physically can not resist poly
And it's not weird bc I really do love me some omegaverse.
Mayhaps I'll do a part 2 nsfw
• Baby GURL you're the only omega
• And thank god you are their omega
• Because all of them are Alphas
• Which can be hard to deal with
• Bevause while theyre friends, really good friends, they're still Alphas and that can get messy sometimes
• None of them are particularly aggressive with their instincts but if we have to list it it'd go
1. Bakugou
2. Mina
3. Kirishima
4. Denki
5. Sero
• In order for them to be genuinely aggressive it has to be deep rut or someone is trying to hurt their omega
• But tensions can get high since it's a bunch if alphas together all the time, they can but heads
• You're drawn to Sero and Mina first
• Sero's just really calm and down to earth and he's funny
• He's easy to be around and he smells /great/
• Its just strong enough to be calming but not overwhelming
• Mina kinda just started bothering you when you transferred in because you were pretty and you were a girl.
• Actually, Mina saw you when she was with Sero and she was like, 'that one. I want that one.'
• And Sero was immediately on board like yes we want thay one
• Your room is right next to hers
• This ends in her just being an annoying neighbor but you don't really mind because its mina and how could you not love her
• Then without really anything being said you're integrated into the Bakusquad and it's great
• Kirishima is bubbly and smiley
• Denki is just happy theres another girl
• and you're pretty so win
• Bakugou seems a little skeptic at first- unsure of where this is going but he's civil and quickly warms up to you
• Its unspoken that they take on a protective role
• Someone's giving you shit? At least one of them are there to back you up. Most of the time its Bakugou. It doesn't matter where in the room he is, he's by your side in seconds to ward off whatever BS the person in front of
• You're feeling sad? They're all there cuddling you so you feel better. They turn your ass into a burrito.
• Denki is already pulling out the memes
• You're super excited about something? They listen as you ramble warm smiles on their faces
• They'll play with your hair, massage your scalp until your purring against it
• They have a way with you and it's obvious to everyone around them
• They are MAGIC at calming you down
• If you're upset or frustrated at a training exercise, they each have their own ways to help.
• Kiri is a softer alpha in general. Along with Sero they were both raised in house holds where they were taught being an Alpha doesnt excuse being aggressive or wreckless.
• Seros mother was a beta
• Kirishimas mother was an Alpha who was raised with Betas.
• Kiri is often holding your hand in public if you get anxious
• Or letting you lean against him when you're tired or upset
• Most people think the two of you are established but you're not
• Sero absolutely gives you his jacket if you get cold
• Minas super cuddly and touchy all the time regardless of why so more often than not she's clinging to you
• That is if she's not busy making googoo eyes at you
• Need a laugh?
• Need a laugh so hard you're wheezing and struggling to breathe?
• Five minutes. That's all the time Denki needs.
• Crackheads tm
• What's even better is when yall get together when you're both sleep deprived
• It concerns the rest of the group
• and they're curious as to why you two are curled up on the floor laughing so hard you're crying over a picture of CHEESE
• But that's what happening
• Bakugous way of showing he diesnt hate you rn is
1. Buying you food occasionally
2. Helping you train
3. Offering to study with you
• But he can be really soft too
• Like that one time you just weren't having a good day and he carried you mid breakdown to your room
• You had your legs wrapped around his waist, face buried in the back of his neck as your arms were wrapped tightly around his chest
• Being the only omega in the group, they dote on you even before they ask to offically court you
• Oh you wanted that food? A few dollars short? Dont worry baby Bakugous got you
• You want to listen to a song? Kaminari "Everyone shut the FUCK up so she can hear," Denki
• You want attention? You genuinely dont even have to ask they know
• S c e n t i n g
• You realize they all pretty much smell the same as a result of scenting
• And the omega definitely comes out when they scent you (even before courtship)
• They take turns scenting you
• Each time your eyes flutter close and your grip their shirt as your cheeks burn
• But it's so nice
• And you've never really been scented
• And you're leaning into the touch, Keening at them, just completely content with your place
• And they're fawning over it
• They love it
• Thus enters this weird phase where yall might be a thing but theres no offical courting
• but theres hands and scenting and you're pretty sure Mina almost kissed you the other day
• Its a lil confusing but thays okay
• When I say you're unaware that the four Alphas are a thing
• I mean you're obliviously unaware
• You just thought they were affectionate friends
• Because some friendships are very affectionate
• And then, they ALL bring you small courting gifts and
• At the same time
• And it clicks
• Fuck they're all wearing necklaces
• Oh
• Oh
• OH
• "You want me to be everyone's omega,"
"If you're okay with it, and you like all of us, then yes."
• and obviously you're okay with it
• who wouldn't be.
• Its 10/10 lemme tell you
• you help ease tension sometimes
• Using your own pheromones or gentle touches just like they do w you
• They have uncovered another way of calming you down
• Food.
• "She's mad again," Denki whines
"Give her an apple or sumn,"
"No, you dumb bitch. Chocolate,"
"Why don't we just take her out to eat??"
• They steal kisses whenever they can
• and I mean
• Onviously if youre not okay w PDA they'll lean of that ut other than that your lips are not safe
• When you go through your first heat with them, it KILLS them.
• The top floor is used for omegas when they go into heats
• Which isnt super often because if suppressants (which most omegas take,) but sometimes the suppressants get salt
• Alpha ruts are contained to their own dorms, they don't have a separate floor
• But anyway, your suppressants wear off :)
• And they learn that your heats are particularly painful
• Because they can smell the distress and frustration in the fucking stairwell
• And they /cant/ help and it /sucks/ because they want to help /so bad/
• Expect lots of kisses and hugs and cuddles when your heat is over
• And Denki crying because he missed you
• And Eijirou holding your waist as you lean against his chest
• Listen just expect a lot of affection and love in general
• Lots of touches and kisses
• Lots of sharing scented clothes too
• They'll scent just about anything you ask them too, not questions asked
• And they melt when they see you using whatever it is
• They're best alphas tm
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Hailee × reader- You sing to her
Its karaoke night at your house. Its Thanksgiving and Hailee has a few days off from work. Hailee was eating some more turkey.
"Are you nervous about singing the song to her?" Your friend Ayesha asked.
"Yeah. Very nervous". You said. "What if she diesnt the feel the same? What if all I'll ever be as a friend?" You asked still feeling nervous.
"Hey Lexi. I'm sure she'll love the song. Just be yourself and sing to her the way you know you can". Said Ayesha.
You smiled. "Thank you for being my friend". You said. "I will definitely sing that song to her".
"You welcome. Now get the woman of your dreams". Sais Ayesha.
Once everyone sat down your cousin jon said "Okay guys. This is our first annual karaoke night. My cousin Lexi brought her friend Hailee here. I'm a huge fan of the show Hawkeye by the way".
Hailee smiled and nodded. "Thank you". She said.
"So Lexi said she wants to go first. You're up first". Said Jon.
You got up off the couch and looked at everyone. Your cousin George knows you like Hailee. So his advice to you is to sing to her and tell her what you feel.
You looked at George and his girlfriend Ayesha and nodded.
You tool a slow and deep breath. You said "Hailee, this is for you".
And you began to sing to her.
I wanna touch you baby
And you're the one I'm on
The only one that I want
I hope you're hearing this song
Yeah babe
I think of you when I'm gone
You know I'm bringing it home
Yeah ooooh
And I love you baby, yeah
You sang with so much passion and love. And after you were done singing Hailee walked up to you and said "Lexi. You singing is so beautiful. You were right. My boyfriend Daniel is a huge jerk. So I broke up with him Lexi-"
"Hailee I love you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you baby will you be my girlfriend?" You asked.
Hailee smiled and started crying happy tears. "Yes!! Yes I will!!"
And you and Hailee finally kissed as everyone cheers for you and Hailee.
(Those song lyrics are from a song called white linen by fetty wap. The song belongs to him).
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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sporksaber · 3 years
Ok, I love the role swap concept with zuko and azula, but I feel like they switch their abilities and personalities a bit too and I think itd be more fun without that. Where Azula is an antisocial and unstable genius who wants to gain power and zuko still struggles with being the less powerful and extremely empathetic sibling. So here's how I'd do it.
(Note, this is just for fun. I'm not saying anyone else's version is bad. But I've though about this so much and need it out of my head before I go off cuz make a whole comic and I do not have the time, i need to work.)
First off, Azula wouldn't call out in concern for the men like how zuko did. In my version she's allowed into the meeting because of the aptitude for strategy shes shown. She speaks up because it's an inefficient plan that uses up too many resources when there are other options. This enrages her father and leads to the agni kai. Azula is terrified and feels betrayed but has no idea how to handle any of it. She fights back during the agni kai, but in her panic she sets off a bolt of lightning. Ozai finishes the match and severely burns on her lower back. Azula is banished for her use of lightning on the fire lord (bc ozai fears she will no longer be easy to manipulate and might plot his death) and is forced to leave the next morning.
Some things to note: azula is eleven at this point. I changed the placement of the scar bc I think zuko's is very symbolic in a way that doesnt suit azula. Zuko's scar being over his eye and close to the light chakra shows the way his view of the fire nation and honour obscures his vision and how he is unaware of the truth of the world under fire nation rule. I set azula's over her spine because that chakra is based on survival and blocked by fear. It also represents trust which will fit into her arc with the gaang. Finally, she doesnt have Iroh to guide her. One of the things that bothered me was Iroh writing her off as evil despite her being a mentally unstable child. She did have to be defeated, but the way he talked about it was too dismissive. (Personally I think he was projecting his views of his brother and his perceived failures with him onto her.) Azula isnt sent to capture the avatar so she isnt given soldiers. She's completely alone without an advisor to look to or keep her calm.
Azula is given a manned ship with a disgraced soldier and an attendant when she leaves. The way I see it the soldiers zuko had were probably more irohs than his. The soldier is relieved to not be executed but hates being demoted to playing babysitter to a child at sea. The attendant views it as a punishment and hates Azula for it. Eventually the attendant will betray her and be killed for it. Azula never trusted the soldier and he eventually leaves to start a family in an earth kingdom colony. Azula doesnt miss him, he was no longer useful. The loneliness does get to her though.
Azula is obsessed with getting the underhand, so she had been successfully building connections and planting spies where needed.
(Zuko has been acting as a respectable crowned prince. He holds a zealous loyalty to his nation and father. He still faulters as Iroh tries to steer him from tyranny, but his sights are set on his father's approval and that alone. Afterall, if his prodigy could be discarded who's to say what would happen to him if he failed?)
This brings us to the start of the series. Like Zuko Azula witnesses the trap on the old fire nation battle ship go off. She investigates and finds that an air bending avatar is living at the south pole village. She decides she wants to speak with him.
Azula didn't believe the avatar existed before this point. Hiding didnt add up to her knowledge of the morality of airbenders, so she assumed the air nation avatar from the start of the war would be dead. She would know if one had appeared in the water tribe, as the south had all its benders killed and the north was compacted so close together it would be impossible to hide. Earth would be harder, but they were most likely to fight back and out act. And if in ba sing se they'd be used as a weapon or gotten rid of to preserve the peace of the city. Once the culcle progressed to the fire nation it would either be used to take over the other nations or enf the cycle for good. After all, there hasn't been an air bender for a hundred years even if the rumors of some acolytes surviving were truthful.
Azula kidnaps aang with far more ease than she should of been able to. Once he stops struggling she calmly offers him tea and promises to release him once their discussion is finished. He takes the tea and drinks it without question and besides a wary glare shows no more hostility. She thought him a fool, the tea could have easily been poisoned and promised are nothing but words. His naivete makes her job easier though.
She finds out that he was suspended frozen in the avatar state the last 100 years. And so, Azula informs him of the war and the fire nations crimes, advising him to master the elements if he wants to prevent all his new friends and the avatar cycle from certain destruction. Aang is conflicted, he never asked for any of this. Azula just gives a bitter smile. "The hands of fate were never designed to take requests, they move without regard to any life dependent on it. Dont waste your breath when there is nothing you can do."
Azula wants to see Ozai fail. If helping the avatar is what it takes then so be it. When his friends appear to save him she let's them leave without a fight. Theyll be useful in the future.
As the gaang's travels kick off she sets out to find out if the rumours about the acolytes are true. In this she finds a traveling circus. The youngest daughter and an old friend of hers was eager to escape and found Azula's life exciting. She didn't hesitate after being invited along, insisting that traveling would be easy for her and that she'd pull her own weight.
She encounters the gaang a few times as time goes by. The relationship is reluctant on the water tribe siblings part, they dont trust her and hold a decent amount of fear towards her. Her cold and calculating demeanor was unsettling, but the unhinged way she fought was terrifying. Her form was perfect and her attacks were precise, but the bigger the fight the more lost she became as she laughed and shrieked and occasionally snapped at someone who didnt seem to be there. The only worse reaction was when she zeroed in on one opponent, picking them apart both mentally and physically as she drove them to the ground. )
Things that'll happen as I move through an episode list:
Azula doesn't have her ship attacked do she diesnt run into zhao while doing repairs, instead going straight to ty lee.
Azula learns that the gaang is on kyoshi island and heads ther after them. She has been keeping track of the avatar as they move. Ty lee gets along well with the kyoshi warriors while azula buts heads with them. They dont want her there and azula hates it when people get in the way. Zhao appears to try to capture aang and Azula dips at the same time as the gaang. She tells ty lee she can stay but she insists on sticking with azula. This puts her on edge.
Ty lee gets captured by earth benders, when she escapes on her own she cements her usefulness to Azula.
They run into zhao trying to capture the avatar and azula tells him she'll capture him first. They both attack aang during the solstice, though azula's attacks are all purposefully set to miss and trip up zhao as much as possible. Aang is the best way to prove her father wrong and she's not going to lose that.
They rob the pirates that try to capture the avatar. Azula needs the resources and it gives her leverage over the gaang.
After almost killing ty lee for scaring her by popping up behind her Azula tells her why she was banished. (In more of a "my own mother thought I was a monster" way than an opening up about trauma way.)
Azula learns that zhao has captured aang and frees him. She then sets to reworking her information network as not all of them are scared enough of her to not fail her. She remedies it quickly.
Azula learns that zhao is plotting her assassination and decides it's the perfect moment to fake her death.
Azula enters the north pole to defeat zhao and gain any information she can. Ty lee rades a library during the confrontation. Zhao is surprised and infuriated to see her alive, Azula smiles as she sends him to his death knowing that she is not only helping the avatar but also that he gave her a perfect way to hide from the fire nation. (When news of his sisters death reaches hum, Zuko doesnt know what to think. She was always cruel to him, but she was still his little sister.)
The crown prince of the fire nation is sent to capture the avatar. Azula follows him as he begins his search. (Zuko begins to think he's going insane as he keeps catching glimpses of his recently deceased sister out of the corner of his eye.)
Ty lee keeps running into a girl she slowly befriends. She's gloomy and sarcastic and ty lee thinks Azula would like her. (Zuko's fiance Mai tells him that she thinks his sister is still alive.)
As Azula notices ty lee become more and more distracted as she absorbed herself into the cultures that surround them she decides it's best for them to split up. Ty lee diesnt agree, but Azula leaves anyway. She has work to do.
While traveling alone Azula cant escape the thoughts of her mother. Of her fathers betrayal. Of the life she lost because the idiot elders had no grip on proper strategy that even a child could create. She meets a boy that reminds her far too much of zuko with a mother far to similar to theirs. When she sends the bandits controlling the town running she knows it's more than just controlling a territory that compelled her. But at the same time she doubts not following through on the whim would have bothered her.
Ty lee meets toph and chat for a bit. Ty lee tells her about azula and how she left. When toph tells her she should forget her she insists that azula didnt really ditch her and that they're still friends. They talk about their friends and childhood.
Ty lee finds Azula and immidiently jumps at her, which she does not enjoy. Ty lee insists that she still wants to travel with her and Axula sighs as she let's her tag along to the next location, ba sing se.
Azula slips through guards and protocols as she tries to gain any information she can to help her once they reach the city. Ty lee befriends a guy named jet and his group, the freedom fighters. When he tries to get more than friendship she turns him down and it becomes much more awkward.
Ty lee becomes a street performer and chames everyone she meets as Azula researches the dai lee and how they keep control. After lashing out in frustration ty lee drags her out to enjoy the city's night life.
Azula learns of the presence of the avatar and location of appa. She frees him and sets to work taking control of the dai lee. She let's herself be briefly captured but her plan shifts when katara is thrown in with her. Katara is pissed just being around her and azula plays up a cool kind of annoyance. Katara briefly catches sight of the burns on Azula's back and offers to heal her, only for Azula to freak out and yell at her to stay away, backing against a far wall in a fighting stance. They are saved by the rest if the gaang and ty lee shortly after.
Azula goes back to try and salvage her plan only to be caught off guard by the appearance of her brother and his offer to return to the fire nation. Not willing to lose all possible advantages, she agrees. They battle the gaang, and when they are almost captured azula sends a bolt of lightning at aang, causing them to retreat. Katara can heal him more easily than she can maneuver them out of an execution.
Azula returns to the fire nation with her brother, mai and ty lee, starting the beginning of a large power play between her and her father. They are sent to lo and li beach house. The relationship between the siblings is tense, zuko has always been the child born with nothing who gained everything when his blessed at birth sister lost it all. Azula has always been cruel, but he cant help but let his heart catch on the moments when she's not. ("My own mother thought I was a monster, My father thought i was too difficult to keep around" "Don't let their words blind you, you need to be more careful, zuzu." "I learned the hard way to never turn your back to anyone, and the scars will always be there as a reminder if I need it." )
Azula runs into iroh, who is very disapproving of her presence. He warns her to stay away from zuko and to watch herself while at the palace. Later, zuko comes to her asking about their great grandfather. Upon being pressed he admits that he was sent a mysterious letter. He thought she was going to burn it when he handed it to her but instead the heat from the fire revealed a hidden ink. "Honestly brother, did you ever pay attention at all during lessons?" They find a autobiographical scroll of their great grandfathers life and the secret that their other great grandfather was roku. Azula scoffed at the idea of bloodlines deciding fate and quickly left. But Zuko remained conflicted.
During the day of the black sun Azula confronts Ozai. As iroh and Zuko fight the avatar. She learns that her mother left for zuko's sake and that she was never going to be fire lord. Azula tells him she'll be somthing even better and leaves the palace.
Azula and ty lee follow the gaang to the western air temple. Katara immidprntly attacks but is quickly rendered unable to bend by ty lee. Azula tells them that the only way for them to of gotten out was for Aang to be incapacitated, and she knew katara could heal him. Aang decides they can stay but have to stay distanced from everyone else.
Azula tries to teach aang fire bending but is slowly growing sick while aang is barely able to produce a puff of smoke. Unable to sleep and constantly on edge, it soon affects her bending, sending her spiraling as she loses control on the only consistent power she's ever had. Her and aang journey to find the true source of fire bending to try to help their conditions.
Still sick, Azula is itching to do anything away from the temple. Finding sokka trying to reach the boiling rock to find his father, she decides to go with him as she knows the prison well. Sokka declines but she goes anyway. They dont find his father, but they do find suki. Azula formulates a plan but they postpone when sokka's father arrives.
Azula comes up with a new plan, now reluctant to include sokka. He tells her to trust him but she insists she has no reason to. Her sickness has been getting worse and he tells her she needs to trust him, making her angry. Only when he catches her while they're escaping dies she finally begin to accept trusting him, if only slightly.
(While they're away ty lee tries to convince
Azula goes with Katara to find the man who killed her mother. Azula has no concept of why katara is so upset, which causes her to get angry. But azula tracks the man anyway.
Ember island players- azulas character has the scar across her chest. She's absolutely insane and "not entirely inaccurate, but I'd never come up with such a dumb plan." Shes also heavily implied to be more than close to ty lee, which azula has no reaction to even as the others freak out.
I havent decided the ending, zuko will probably turn to the gaang's side. I'll add more later and maybe write or illustrate a bit.
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creamytinydays · 2 years
Hi! I had heard of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (there was a tom and jerry episode of the same name which I dont remember lol but yea). I never searched up what happened in this but because of your astonishing writing, i did! And i know i am into the dark, horror, dub-con ish stuff and dark! Peeta is my kryptonite, the way you write this is...phenomenal? Extraordinary? Unexpectedly stunning? Take your pick. I am really loving this and i may sound like an impatient, inconsiderate ass but i hope you write more of this and soon. I really hope this amazing fic can be extended and concluded asap because i dont read WIPs before completion and now that i am reading this, i am insatiable, literally craving and about to die because i want more...NEED more and i feel like i wont be able to breath if more of this diesnt come soon 🤤🤤😅😅
I love nearly everything in this (except the part Peeta has a fiancee. Why oh why? I hate the idea of him getting down on onr knee/propsing, kissing and having sex with anyone but Katniss and ofc he's doing the nasty if he refused Katniss' advances and actually cares about his fiancee 😭😭😔😔😒😒why oh why, couldnt you fuckin wait before wanting to settle down, Peeta?!)
Everything else, i adore wholeheartedly. I cant wait for more and for Everlark to finally get together! 😍😍
Thank you for the message! This comment totally blows me away with your enthusiasm for the fic 💜. I had no idea that this story was going to get such an amazing response!! I really appreciate you taking the time to write this and share your thoughts 😊
I have more written, and I plan on posting the next part on Monday! So be on the lookout for that.
Much of the credit for the story belongs to Suzanne Collins and Robert Louis Stevenson for their amazing characters and concepts. Robert Louis Stevenson also wrote treasure island. Perhaps you’ve seen the movie treasure planet? It was based off of his story! and of course, credit to the Jekyll and Hyde musical. You might enjoy the soundtrack if you like this story!
I also think it’s great that you weren’t familiar with the Jekyll and Hyde concept. It’s a very old story, and I think it’s wonderful that even over 100 years later, people are still exploring it.
Also good news, at least in my mind, Peeta is not intimate with his fiancée due to the social expectations and values of the time. so don’t worry too much about that 😆
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forever--always · 5 years
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#🌹#imma go back to talking my ass off in the tags here cuz its easier than anyrhing else tbh#music is a huge part of jason life#he uses both boxing and music is an outlet for letting out his frustrations but music lers him do it in a way boxing cant really#it helps him sit and think and relax a bit#boxing lets him just let out all that pent up shit and hed probably mess with both the same days to help him vool off#hes got a temper and he hates that cuz hes scared he acts like his dad#i already imagine him getting more of his looks from the guy so knowing hes got the same hot head attitude drives him crazy#music and boxing are his only like...healthy outlets tbh#hes got other ways but theyre nit good#weed only helps for a bit and it gets harder for it to actually help him feel better but hes not brave enough to try anything else#his jacket and like 2 other layers are to hide the scars and bruises hes got from his dad and the shit hes done to himself over the years#hes pretty beat up and he hates looking at it and hed hate have anyone else know whats going on cuz he diesnt wanna be looked at differently#like its kinda this weird spot for him where he knows hes pretty but diesnt really like looking past anyhting gus neck#cuz he knows where it all came from#magic shit helps him make excuses if anyone does see him its easy to say ots all from there or boxing lying is kind of second nature to him#back to bad habits tho: he smokes even when he doesnt really want to. hes prone to getting in fights a bunch tbh. he cuts/used to cut.#hes def one to kinda sleep around a bit to distract himself and feel okay for a little while its nice having one or two people give him#positive attention#praise kink? maybe#he just wnats to feel okay
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thehugwizard · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to ask if you know something about triggers and other stuff, yk. I tried to figure it out many many times but still haven’t got answer so maybe better luck this time XD I won’t go into details of my experience because it’s still hard for me to tell about it (only one of my friends knows the full story) but the main thing is that I’m not sure I have triggers. I’m jumpy and easily startled by other people’s touchings (really easily, trust me, once my friend popped me with finger without a warning and I almost fell from chair, thanks to wall it was only almost XD), especially of situations when someone’s touching my hair, I feel very nervous and want to hide my head in my arms so no one will touch me, but usually the only thing I can do is press it into shoulders. Also I can’t stand when someone’s yelling at me, I start to cry no matter what, and I have nothing to do with it. Also I’m very afraid of sudden loud steps. But I don’t start to act like I’m reliving it all again (though I remember about it immediately and keep thinking about it), that’s the reason of my doubts. Maybe you or some of your followers/mutuals know if it’s triggers or just my overthinking? I would be very grateful to finally get to know it
- ✨
So a trigger diesnt always have to be associated with a memory sometimes its just a visceral reaction to something you find upsetting or distressing, for instance im seriously triggered by the Eeby Deeby meme, i have no explanation for it but when i see i have a very violent reaction to it, it distresses me and gives me major anxiety, same with beimg touched in certain spots, particularly near my butt, im very senstive and that can cause problems too, so a trigger is something that can cause stress, anxiety, distress, and a host of other emtional and even physical reactions, sometimes associated with past experiences and sometimes they just kinda pop up
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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