crippleprophet · 11 months
really wanna connect with more people with brain damage. hiii i’m mac, i’m 24, & i have white matter disease 👋🤗 i have a movement disorder (dystonia, chorea, ballismus, etc), balance issues, memory loss, possibly some heightened mood swings + speech loss stuff but i’m not sure if it’s correlated. if ur out there please send me an ask or dm if you want? 💓💓
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bpod-bpod · 5 months
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FOXC Fixers
Newly discovered role in vessel cells for proteins FOXC1 and FOXC2 as regulators of cell communication to enable intestinal regeneration after injury from loss of blood supply (ischemia)
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Can Tan and colleagues
Department of Medicine, Feinberg Cardiovascular and Renal Research Institute, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in EMBO Reports, May 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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heardatmedschool · 2 years
“... and that’s why we call it ‘Cementeric Ischemia’.”
About Mesenteric Ischemia.
I’d say “badum tss”, but an up to 80% mortality rate is a bit too grim.
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drforambhuta · 5 months
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The primary factors contributing to organ failure include the following:
1. Infections and Sepsis: Severe infections, notably sepsis, can induce organ failure by triggering dysregulated body responses, causing inflammation and damage to multiple organs.
2. Cardiovascular Factors: Conditions like heart attacks and congestive heart failure can diminish blood supply to organs, leading to oxygen and nutrient deprivation, ultimately resulting in organ dysfunction.
3. Trauma and Injury: Physical trauma from accidents can directly damage organs or set off events leading to gradual organ dysfunction.
4. Chronic Diseases: Conditions like diabetes and chronic kidney disease can progressively undermine organ health, resulting in eventual failure.
5. Autoimmune Disorders: Immune system attacks on the body's tissues, as seen in rheumatoid arthritis, contribute to inflammation and organ damage, fostering organ failure.
6. Drug and Medication-Induced: Some medications, especially when misused, can be toxic to organs, leading to failure over time.
7. Genetic Factors: Inherited disorders can predispose individuals to organ failure by affecting specific organ structures or functions.
8. Ischemia and Hypoxia: Insufficient blood supply or low oxygen levels can lead to organ failure, often caused by conditions like blood vessel blockages.
9. Metabolic Disturbances: Imbalances in electrolytes or severe acid-base disturbances can profoundly affect organ function, arising from conditions like diabetic ketoacidosis.
10. Inflammatory Responses and Cytokine Storms: Exaggerated immune responses, like cytokine storms, can cause widespread tissue damage, contributing to organ failure in conditions like severe viral infections.
11. Microvascular Dysfunction: Abnormalities in tiny blood vessels can significantly impact organ health, as seen in diseases like systemic sclerosis.
12. Environmental Exposures: Long-term exposure to environmental toxins, such as air pollution, has been linked to cardiovascular and respiratory issues, leading to organ dysfunction.
13. Age-Related Factors: Advancing age increases susceptibility to organ failure due to gradual declines in organ function.
14. Nutritional Deficiencies: Inadequate nutrition, including specific nutrient deficiencies, can compromise the body's ability to maintain optimal organ function.
15. Endocrine Disorders: Disruptions in the endocrine system can lead to hormonal imbalances affecting organs like the liver, kidneys, and heart.
16. Surgical Complications: Postoperative complications, such as infection or excessive bleeding, can contribute to organ failure, especially in complex surgeries.
17. Psychosocial Factors: Chronic stress, depression, and anxiety can influence physiological changes that may contribute to organ dysfunction over time.
18. Immunodeficiency States: Compromised immune systems increase the risk of organ failure, especially in the presence of infections.
Doctors suggest undergoing regular full body health checkups to detect and manage risk factors for organ failure before the condition becomes fatal.
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wishesmsg · 11 months
Acute coronary syndrome
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Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a term used to describe a range of conditions that result from sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. The reduced blood flow is usually caused by atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque inside the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart.The three main types of ACS are:- Unstable angina: This occurs when the blood flow to the heart is partially blocked, causing chest pain or discomfort, but the blockage is not severe enough to cause a heart attack. - Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI): This occurs when a blood clot partially blocks a coronary artery, reducing blood flow to the heart muscle and causing damage. The name "non-ST segment elevation" refers to the pattern on an electrocardiogram (ECG) that indicates the location and extent of the damage. - ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI): This is the most severe form of ACS and occurs when a coronary artery is completely blocked by a blood clot, causing a large area of the heart muscle to be damaged or die. The name "ST segment elevation" refers to the pattern on an ECG that indicates the location and extent of the damage. - Chest pain or discomfort: This is the most common symptom of ACS. The pain may feel like pressure, squeezing, fullness, or tightness in the chest. The pain may also spread to the arms, neck, jaw, back, or stomach. - Shortness of breath: You may feel like you are out of breath or can't catch your breath, even when you're not exerting yourself. - Nausea or vomiting: You may feel sick to your stomach or vomit. - Sweating: You may feel sweaty or clammy. - Lightheadedness or dizziness: You may feel dizzy or lightheaded. - Fatigue: You may feel tired or weak. - Severe or prolonged chest pain, particularly if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, or lightheadedness - New or sudden onset of shortness of breath, particularly if it occurs at rest or with minimal exertion - Any combination of symptoms that are new, severe, or persistent - High blood pressure: High blood pressure can damage the arteries and make them more prone to atherosclerosis. - High cholesterol levels: High levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or "bad" cholesterol can contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. - Smoking: Smoking can damage the lining of the arteries and promote the buildup of plaque. - Diabetes: People with diabetes are more likely to develop atherosclerosis and ACS. - Family history: A family history of heart disease can increase the risk of developing ACS. - Age: The risk of ACS increases with age. - Obesity: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis and ACS. - Age: The risk of ACS increases with age, especially in people over the age of 65. - Gender: Men are more likely to develop ACS than women, although the risk for women increases after menopause. - Family history: A family history of heart disease or stroke can increase the risk of developing ACS. - Smoking: Smoking damages the lining of the arteries, making them more prone to atherosclerosis, which can lead to ACS. - High blood pressure: High blood pressure can damage the arteries and increase the risk of developing ACS. - High cholesterol levels: High levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or "bad" cholesterol can contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, increasing the risk of ACS. - Diabetes: People with diabetes are more likely to develop atherosclerosis and ACS. - Obesity: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis and ACS. - Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can contribute to the development of ACS. - Stress: Prolonged or chronic stress can increase the risk of developing ACS. - Unhealthy diet: A diet high in saturated and trans fats, salt, and sugar can increase the risk of developing ACS. - Heart attack: ACS can cause a heart attack, which occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, leading to damage or death of the heart muscle. - Arrhythmias: ACS can disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart, leading to abnormal heart rhythms or arrhythmias. - Heart failure: ACS can damage the heart muscle, reducing its ability to pump blood effectively, leading to heart failure. - Cardiogenic shock: In severe cases of ACS, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body, leading to a condition called cardiogenic shock, which can be life-threatening. - Stroke: ACS can increase the risk of developing a stroke, which occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted. - Depression and anxiety: ACS can be a traumatic event and may lead to depression and anxiety. - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Some people who have experienced ACS may develop PTSD, a mental health condition that can cause flashbacks, nightmares, and other symptoms.It's important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms of ACS to prevent these complications from occurring or worsening. With prompt and effective treatment, the risk of complications can be minimized. Read the full article
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🔵 Encefalopatia anossico-ipertensiva e ipercapnia nelle malattie polmonari (ipercarbia) 👉 Leggi l’articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2020/10/05/encefalopatia-anossico-ipertensiva-e-ipercapnia-nelle-malattie-polmonari-ipercarbia/ ✅  #cervello #ipercapnia #ipercarbia #encefalopatia #ictus #asterixis #ischemia #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
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🔴🇮🇹 PARALISI MAI PIÙ…audio Mp3 DCS di Auto Ipnosi DCS Vera e professiona...
🔴🇮🇹 PARALISI MAI PIÙ…audio Mp3 DCS di Auto Ipnosi DCS Vera e professionale unica al mondo scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo 
  #infarto   #ictus #paralisi 
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 LA TUA MENTE PUÒ TUTTO SE SAI COME FUNZIONA E SE SEGUI ALLA LETTERA LE ISTRUZIONI FACILI A PROVA DI NONNO A PROVA DI PIGRO A PROVA DI IDIOTA... Centinaia di persone nel mondo con Metodo DCS hanno risolto i loro problemi e aiutato i loro caro in tutto il mondo anche se non volevano aiuto... Ogni volta che ci tuffiamo a mare, c’è’ solo un momento di riflessione poi dopo ci si affida al nostro pilota automatico e si fa il tuffo... Tuffati ora... 
 Agisci ora: 
 Chi ti ha detto impossibile? Era un Dio? Era un guru bla bla? Era un deus ex machina? Nel mondo, migliaia di persone,  a cui era stato detto che non c’era nulla da fare, hanno avuto il miracolo della loro mente, persone laiche e non. Dire che secondo la scienza ed il sistema non c’è nulla da fare, che non ci sono rimedi, che non è possibile non significa che non esista la soluzione: il miracolo della tua mente... La tua Mente è potente e può fare tutto se sai come fare... Mai dire Mai... se lo desideri, inizia anche con un solo audio mp3 DCS e capirai il primo potere del Metodo DCS... METODO DCS NON PLUS ULTRA NON È PER TUTTI ⚔️🔥⚔️ L’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale è per chi: 1 non trovato soluzioni altrove 2 per chi non vuole essere aiutato 3 per chi si vergogna di farsi vedere presso un guru 4 per chi ha paura di essere manipolato 5 per chi si rifiuta di essere aiutato 6 per casi impossibili 7 per casi dove i guru ripetono no no no Solo a te la scelta ma a prescindere dal dr Saracino, approfondisci il tema dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale trascurata dai mass media e dai poteri forti anche presso un professionista dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale della tua zona in cui risiedi... Se non hai voglia di girare cappelle, puoi provare un audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio... Puoi partire da un solo audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o del tuo caro oppure scaricare più di un audio mp3 DCS per avere un risultato molto più veloce e che abbraccia più angoli del tuo o dei tuoi problemi... Molta gente sceglie di base i seguenti audio DCS: NO DEPRESSIONE NO PANICO NO PASSATO NEGATIVO MOLTO CONTROLLO DEI NERVI SALUTE ED ESITO EGO ENTUSIASMO magari sono partiti da un solo audio DCS cone NO ALCOL oppure NO DROGA e poi, vedendo risultati ed effetti spettacolari, hanno voluto accelerare il tutto ... Ascolta , condividi e commenta se ti garba con amici e parentesi... La colpa non è tua La colpa è della TV e della Tv Paura che causa a te e al tuo caro, tutto di più, dall’ansia, alla paura, alla depressione, alla tristezza, all’aia tua, alle dipendenze, alla droga, all’alcol e via discorrendo.... Immagino Non ci credi ma se riflettiamo un attimo, magari, ci sono molto vicino... Tutto è partito dagli anni 60 come spiego in questo video... Seguimi e commenta se ti va.... La bella notizia che con ipnosi DCS e autoipnosi DCS, anche con un solo audio DCS mp3 professionale, che fa per te ed il tuo caro che magari non vuole il tuo aiuto, puoi eliminare e cancellare un problema alla volta... Funziona, fidati, e lo dice un mentore oltre che un guru Non colpevolizzare e non colpevolizzarti perché la colpa è della TV Paura e non tua o di tuo figlio! Solo a te la scelta se cambiare destino... Metodo DCS è l’unico Metodo al mondo  a prova di Pigro e pigrizia che non ti fa mettere la tuta, non ruba tempo prezioso a te e ai tuoi cari, che è a prova di pigro e pigrizia... Provalo e ti meraviglierai.. #passato#ricordi#mindset#potere#volere e scarica subito Audio Mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio cambia con i Fatti e non i bla bla il tuo destino... Assurdo quanta gente si arrende a chi non crede che si possano ottenere i miracoli della propria mente... Parla e sentenzia il guru di turno e la gente ci crede... Mai arrendersi e mai dire mai... Approfondisci il mondo dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale e credi nel tuo potere mentale guidato dall’ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale... Se ami scoprire di più e agire subito, prima che sia troppo tardi,   al posto di pensare e credere che non ci sua più nulla da fare per te o il tuo caro, come ti ha detto chi non crede in se stesso e nel potere degli essere umani, clicca ora sul sito e scarica audio mp3 DCS :
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cyclic-laughter · 6 months
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buh. do you ever shut UP
younger days of ischemia and spire
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swallowtail-ageha · 10 days
"We were uncomfortable singing with our own voices a lyric about rape" then dont fucking do an english cover of a song about a bunch of bandits going on a murder and rape spree???
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doctorweebmd · 4 days
very nice people in comments/bookmarks responding to me being insane in the author's comments of my fics: i hope op is doing well UwU
op: <3 hours of sleep, refreshing the EHR to see if the guy she coded for 30 minutes last night is still alive, just ate half a pint of icecream, going back to work in 4 hours and somehow still writhing in guilt for not putting out a fanfic chapter in >1 month
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jackals-ships · 1 year
momther has texted to inform me they're in fact gonna do the heart catheter thing at around 1:30pm tomorrow, hopefully thru the wrist which ig is an option but regardless im still sitting here like 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
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tenspontaneite · 2 years
How about: 16, 18, 20? (If desired.)
All under a readmore for length! No spoilers herein.
16: Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
,,,, I will be honest, no I do not. I write a thing and there is a constant ongoing vibe check that checks the written character against my brain's perception of their vibe, and this happens always constantly every second of my writing and daydreaming about writing, forever.
18: What is the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
yeah I literally don't know what to pick here. Is cyclogenesis more or less obscure than the precise nerves and muscles involved in the movement of dog ears? If I say I've been reading a book about the various mass extinction events our planet has experienced throughout its history in order to better worldbuild the ancient history of one of my fics, is that more or less obscure than the time I read one particularly helpful paper on the experimental study of limb ischemia via limb compression (i.e. torniquets) in order to research PIAJ Rayla's hand damage?
(I'm going to take a wild guess and say the most obscure thing I've researched for worldbuilding is cytoplasmic incompatibility, maybe??? but who knows maybe that's basic shit to cytologists)
20: What is your favourite thing about writing fanfic / writing in general?
So like, not to get overwhelmingly genuine on main or anything but. These days, I have to say, it's the...synergy? The synergy moments. The more I write at longer projects like PIAJ, the more it happens where I'll just be thinking about something in a story - maybe a stubborn blank space in the story, or a bit I intentionally left unplanned to allow for flexibility, or something I'd not even considered before at all - and then I'll just have...a thought, and then it unwinds and expands, and then somewhere down the line I have something that fits seamlessly into the greater whole like it was always there, and the entire story is instantly better and richer for it. I can practically feel the weaving of it into the greater story, almost like a physical sensation in my mind, and it just feels...not even being artistically dramatic about this here, it feels golden. Like, in a pseudo-synaesthetic way, it feels golden. It's just a perfect experience.
There's a lot I find rewarding about writing, but nothing else quite on that level. It's basically rapture every time ngl. Apotheotic, even.
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clumsyrunner · 5 days
It’s never easy to accept when a friendship stagnates or ends. It’s been 10 years, 5 months and 24 days since the stroke happened. I haven’t heard from Sharye since work the day before the stroke. I think she came to the hospital once while I was in a coma, but (obviously) I don’t remember and am going off of what I think I remember someone telling me. We met each other 26 years ago when we were…
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regenhealthsolutions · 2 months
A micro-fragmented collagen gel as a stem cell-assembling platform for critical limb ischemia repair
Critical limb ischemia is a condition in which the main blood vessels supplying blood to the legs are blocked, causing blood flow to gradually decrease as atherosclerosis progresses in the peripheral arteries. It is a severe form of peripheral artery disease that causes progressive closure of arteries in the lower extremity, leading to the necrosis of the leg tissue and eventual…
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vascularhyd12 · 2 months
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medicomunicare · 2 months
Cumino nero: la spezia che mostra potenzialità curative per le malattie cardiovascolari e cerebrali
Nigella sativa: distribuzione ed usi medicinali La Nigella sativa, comunemente conosciuta come cumino nero, appartiene alla famiglia delle Ranunculaceae. Il frutto della pianta Nigella sativa contiene da tre a sei carpelli, ciascuno dei quali contiene semi che diventano neri una volta maturi. L’India è il più grande produttore di cumino nero, mentre Brasile, Colombia, Malesia e Canada sono tra i…
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