#isaac x Jackson
betwecouldmakesome · 1 year
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Moodboard: jisaac (isaac x jackson)
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tabbytabbytabby · 10 months
One Last Kiss
Word Count: 589 Words
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning: Major Character Death
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship: Isaac Lahey/Jackson Whittemore
Tags: Angst, Hurt Isaac Lahey, Protective Jackson Whittemore, Living Together, Blood and Injury, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Sad Ending
Jackson never in a million years thought that they’d find them here. Not in this small ass town in the middle of France. It had seemed the perfect spot to lay low. The house was secluded, with no other houses around for miles. It had been perfect.
Except for now.
Read on AO3
For the Deathbed Confession space for @badthingshappenbingo. Card under the cut.
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deluluassapocalypse · 13 days
I desperately need crazy unhinged bossgirl woman and their pathetic man representation. And by that I mean intelligent, ambitious, unhinged, disgustingly educated but hyperfeminine, that knows how to fight magnifically and are mad science smart queens that would do what is needed to get what they want and need, and their husband/boyfriend supporting and following them around like lovesick puppies.
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tw-edits · 1 year
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requested by anonymous
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scisac · 4 months
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scisaac in 2x11: battlefield
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Boyd: Erica kissed me!
Isaac: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Boyd: It was unbelievable!
Isaac: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Stiles: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Isaac, get the wine and unplug the phone. Boyd, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Boyd: Oh, it ended very well.
Isaac: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Stiles: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Boyd: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Stiles: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Boyd: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Isaac and Stiles: Ohhh.
Erica eating pizza in the living room: And, uh, and then I kissed them.
Derek: Tongue?
Erica: Yeah.
Jackson: Cool.
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ngqueen · 1 month
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Redrew this thing from about 4 years ago (November 2020) I'm genuinely so proud of how far I've come in the last 4 years, the improvement is INSANEEE!!
Anyways originally this comic was referencing this IBVS incorrect quote! It's so funky to look back at the things I enjoyed during the pandemic!
IBVS Chris and Isaac by @onebizarrekai
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gremlinbabe · 10 months
Teen wolf headcanons: number????
-Stiles and Erica always have the best snacks Because they’re both insatiable bottomless pits for food.
-Lydia has a secret knife collection and the first one was given to her by Allison’s father before she was even in the pack
-Boyd Is a bachata king (he’s been in classes since junior high) 
-Erica is Peruvian, Portuguese, and Dutch.
- Scott took up boxing classes sometime after his dad left because he wanted to be more macho but quit after somebody clocked him in the jaw and it left his jaw crooked
-Allison is a horse girl.
-Isaac likes going to cat cafes and is regularly given cat ears by other patrons who think he works there
-Cora has participated in underground MMA fights to bring in some extra cash but was actually so good that she ended up with a decent Fanbase
- Peter is a ranch retreat owner and doesn’t tell the pack because he feels like they would crash every weekend just to be petty for all the bullshit he’s done to them
- Jackson’s adoptive parents have been treating him to mani and petti’s ever since he came out to show they’re supportive
- Derek started working part time as a mechanic because of a recommendation from his therapist
-Kira is the fastest in the pack even tho she’s clumsy. Short distance she can even out run the born wolves
-Derek and Mason have weekly Uno matches that last for hours that the entire pack likes to bet on
-Liam plays Pokémon go and is well known for being found in weird places just to catch Pokémon
-Mason is an art student & is extremely good at police sketches and that’s how he got recruited
-Jordan can turn any pool into a hot tub if he tries hard enough
-Derek asked stiles to start taking self-defense classes after Girard
-Kira convinced Malia to crochet every time something upsets her and now the whole pack Owns sweaters, blankets, scarves, and socks. Malia is currently working on hats
-Lydia and Peter regularly gamble and place bets on who will do the most stupid thing in the pack today but neither are allowed to place bets on stiles or Derek
-Stiles purposely learns wind magic just to do aang marble trick from avatar the last Airbender
-Boyd and Isaac have a secret tick-tock account where they regularly post to pack
-The entire pack knows in theory that Peter fucks because there was no other way for Malia to come into existence but still wholeheartedly believe that he got no bitches or swag (except Scott and Allison because peters flirted with both their parents and They don’t want him to actively seduce their parents out of spite so they leave him be)
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Carpet Burn
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Benny Miller x Jack Mojave • Rating: 18+ pals • Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • ko-fi •
Summary: Santi's odd cousin comes for a visit.
A/N: This is just crack. I am so sorry. I'm using my normal tag list but please feel free to just ignore this (because I think the only person whose cup of tea this is, is me.) This is for @triplefrontier-anniversary event. Also, I blame @romanarose completely for this, as I made a joke about writing Jack as Santi's cousin ages ago.
Warnings: overuse of italics, oral sex (m receiving), swearing, I have not proofread this (I’m so sorry I just can’t look at it anymore), please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 1835
“Look, I know he’s weird.” Santi said, shutting the fridge door and holding out a beer for Frankie.
“Really weird.” Will added and Santi gave him a look. 
“But he’s family.” Santi stressed, sighing a little. 
“How is he related to you again?” Frankie took the bottle with a nod of gratitude. 
He crossed his arms and shrugged. “He’s my cousin.” 
“I thought he was your second cousin?” Will frowned.
“I thought he was your cousin once removed?” Frankie drank a gulp of the beer and pulled a disgusted face at Santi, he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well, I don’t actually know.” 
“You don’t know?” Will put his feet up on the coffee table, leaning back to look at Santi and Frankie in the kitchen. 
Benny gave his brother a look and pointed to his feet. “Bro.”
“I don’t know if he’s my fucking second cousin or cousin how many times removed or what the fuck, kay?” Santi came and sat down next to Will, swatting at his legs.
“Ow.” Will laughed, “that hurt.”
“Good. Keep your feet off my table.”
“Look you made me take my shoes off, so I think-”
“Just because you're a savage who wears outside shoes in the house,” Frankie said, sitting on the armchair, “and who puts their feet up in other people’s furniture-” 
“See?” Benny hissed.
“-without asking,” Frankie continued. 
“It’s normal to wear shoes in the house.” Will countered. 
“House shoes.” Santi said.
“Yeah, house shoes. Not outside ones.” Frankie took another swig of the beer. 
“Outside shoes.” Will tutted, he turned to his brother. “Help me out here?” 
“If you share a great grandparent he’s your first cousin once removed, if he’s the kid of your  first cousin once removed he’s your second cousin.” Benny said.
Will pulled a face. “Why do you know that?” 
“Why don’t you?” 
“Doesn’t fucking matter, he’s just visiting okay?” Santi shrugged, crossing his arms and sighing.
“He staying with you?” Frankie asked,
“Hell no.”
Will snorts. 
“I don’t think he’s that weird.” Benny picked at the label of his bottle. “I kinda like him.” 
“Yeah, well, you only met him once,” Will cut in. “Me and Frankie have met him like 5, 6 times? Dude’s insane, always causing everyone brother.” 
“He’s quirky.” Ben shrugged.
Will pulled a face. “Fish, isn’t he fucking insane?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” Frankie took a long swig of his beer.
“Hey, that is my cousin, you know?” Santi gave Will a glare.
“Sorry, Pope.” 
“Nah,” Santi grinned, “he is fucking insane.” 
“You guys are mean.” Benny teased.
“Yeah, well, you love him so much, why don’t you hang out with Jack?” Will nudged him in the side.
“You know what, I will.”
And that was how Benny ended up hanging out with Jack by himself. 
The original plan had been to grab a beer at the bar on 12th. But that had turned into four, then five, then six, then…
The guy was off his rocker, that was for sure. Benny knew that, but he kinda liked it too. He never quite knew where the conversation was going. Jack would throw in some quote from a philosopher one second, and then would talk about a tennis game the next. 
“I don’t really watch tennis,” Ben finished his seventh beer, eighth? “You watch football?” 
“Nah, too commercial, I’m not into all that capitalist shit.” Jack motioned to the bartender to bring over another set of drinks. 
“Tennis isn’t commercial?” 
“Not how I watch it brother, I only watch it in French.” He taps the side of his head. “They can’t advertise to me if I don’t know the language, you feel me?” 
Benny paused, nodding and then frowning, “Why don’t you do that for the football then?” 
Jack shook his head, “not the same brother, not the same. They got a way, you know?” 
Benny did not know. 
“A way of still getting into your psyche.” Jack tapped the bar to punctuate his sentence. “I’m not having it. Commercials are capitalism and ‘Capitalism is a social system based on the exploitation of the majority by a minority for their private profit.’” He took a sip of his beer. “Jean-Paul Sartre said that.” 
“I thought that was Marx?” 
Jack laughed long and hard, smacking Benny affectionately on the back. Benny smiled, his cheeks warm. His expression was infectious. 
“Hoo-wee!” He wiped his eyes, “I thought I’d got you there for sure, kiddo. Brother, ah, for sure.” He grinned. “But you got me, caught old Jack didn’t ya?”
Benny smiled again, “nah, just, you know. Marx is pretty famous, I guess.” 
“Don’t sell yourself short, brother, don’t sell yourself low if you gotta sell yourself at all. See, most people wouldn’t know, most people wouldn’t care.” He quickly moved his hand over his head, complaining it with a ‘zoom’ sound, “most common folk, straight over their heads, brother, or they just would be too Tiny Timmy Timid to say a peep.” 
Benny nodded, a little bewitched by Jack when he talked. Like some snake charmer, slowly lulling him into a hypnotic state. “Well, you know.” Heat rose to his cheeks that he told himself was from the alcohol. “Guess I haven’t been hit so much in the head that I’ve forgotten everything.” 
Jack nodded, taking another drink. “Very impressive all that fighting of yours, very impressive. But you could teach old Jacky a thing or two, couldn’t you? A thing or two about wrestling around.” 
“Well, erm, I-”
“Course you could brother,” Jack patted him on the back again. He left his hand there for a moment too long, trailing down his spine instead of moving away. 
“Yeah, sure.” Benny swallowed a little nervously. “So, erm, what’s your opinion on shoes on in the house?” 
That was how he ended up back at where Jack was staying. The older man insisting that he ‘showed Benny Boy the house shoe rule in person’. 
And, well, it would be rude to say no, wouldn’t it? 
“It’s a nice place,” Benny said, taking off his shoes by the front door. “Air BnB?”
“Nah,” Jack shook his head. “I don’t go in for all that, fine when it’s people renting their house because they’re on holiday themselves or something, sure. But not when it’s just jumped up landlords buying up properties.” 
“Erm, yeah.” He hadn’t really answered the question. Benny wobbled a little as he took off his trainer, the alcohol buzzing through his system making him pleasantly warm.
“Woah, hey there little brother,” Jack moved quickly to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and one hand on his waist. “Gonna fall if you’re not careful.” 
“Nah, I’m okay.” He smiled. 
Jack tutted. “Not at all, your my guest. Can’t have you falling and spilliting your pretty head on the floor can I?” 
Benny frowned, completely missing the ‘pretty’ comment, “it’s carpet?” 
Jack laughed loudly. “It sure is… carpet burn then.” He grinned, his eyes trailing over Benny’s face. “Only want that on the knees, you know?” 
“On your knees?” 
“Yeah…” Jack smiled, darting his tongue out to drag it along his bottom lip. “Let me should you, hmm?” 
“Erm, okay, yeah…?” Benny let Jack lead him, still holding onto his waist, to the sofa in the living room. Let him press him down onto the cushions. Let Jack sink to the door between his knees. 
He wasn’t stupid. It’s just that… it almost seemed impolite to ask him to stop. And who was Benny really to refuse a blow job when the oputinity arose? 
Part of him wished he wasn’t already hard when Jack palmed him through his jeans, wish he had made him work for it. But the other, much louder part, was already desperate to have his soft looking lips around his cock. 
He unzipped Benny’s jeans slowly, glancing up at the younger man and giving him plenty of oppuinities to tell him to stop, fuck off, or move away. 
Benny stayed still, breathing hard through his nose as Jack carefully pulled him free and ran his hand up and down his hot length for a moment. 
“You ever had a guy suck you off?” 
“A few times.” 
Jack hummed and nodded. “Good.” 
Benny barely had a moment to register what he had said before he licked a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, swirling his tongue over the head before dipping down and taking him into his mouth. 
Benny shuddered, letting out a painfully loud sigh at the warmth of Jack’s mouth, at how he sucked just enough to truly ignite a fire under his skin, but not enough to truly ease that ache. 
He lifted his head up, swirling his tongue over his balls before he traced the large vein on the underside of his dick and slipped him back into his warm and waiting mouth. 
Benny gasped, his thighs twitching as the pleasure in his lower stomach began to grow. He instinctively grabbed hold of the back of Jack’s head, pulling at his hair and pushing him down lower. 
Jack hummed, chucking and the vibrations ran along Benny’s cock as he followed the directions and sank lower, the older man’s hands pressed to Ben’s inner thighs to keep him spread wide. 
Benny tried to fight the urge to buck up into his mouth, chasing more of that intoxicating heat. But he couldn’t help himself, his stomach muscles twitching as he tried to stay still. Jack’s firm hold stopped him from getting too far though as he kept up his slow and tortuous pace. He let his salvia pool down, completely covering Benny’s cock as he sank lower, and lower and-
Benny cried out, swearing under his breath in a haze as he hit the back of Jack’s throat and went further still. “Shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he pulled on his hair, pushing him deeper, his back bending off the sofa. “Holy fuck, please, Jesus,” mindless words tumbled out of his mouth as Jack started to pick up the pace, fucking him in earnest. 
Sparks of pleasure ran along Benny’s spine, pooled in his stomach and overrode any other thought. He groaned loudly, throwing his head back against the cushions and squirming against the pleasure. 
He tried to pull him back a little to warn him, “Jack, fuck, Jack, I’m gonna-”
But the older man didn’t let up, taking him as deep as he possibly could. 
“Fuck!” Benny sobbed, his hips stuttering, legs shaking as he spurted down Jack’s throat, coming harder than he could ever remember. 
Jack slowed, but kept working him over, prolonging his orgasm until he pulled back fully and grinned. 
Benny breathed hard, sweat beading on his forehead as he slumped back onto the sofa, blissed out and boneless. 
“How about I get you a glass of water, brother, and then we go again?” Jack smiled. 
Benny raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I mean, I haven’t actually got carpet burn. Yet.” 
Thank you for reading! (If you've got this far, please pat yourself on the back Jack style.)
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @pimosworld @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @queerponcho @lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silver-night-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @spxctorsslxt
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xmymelosmile · 8 months
I hate how chris turned out but I'm too lazy to fix it
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gynnnicsworld · 9 months
Sterek Fics (rec list)
(Personal recommendations)
[This can include a wide variation of content, from time travel, to dark fics, non-con, MPREG, etc]
Get You The Moon by; AclosedFicIsNeverRead
Words; 180K+
Ranking: 10/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Non-Con, emotional/psychological abuse, angs x1000, stiles needs a hug, good alpha Derek hale, TORTURE, Slow burn, Eventual Happy ending, Psycho!Theo, bad friend scott. (Etc)
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
The one where Derek has been gone for 6 months building a new life, finds out that Stiles is being assaulted by Theo, so he comes back to Beacon Hills to kick some serious ass and rescue the loudmouthed human who stole his heart.
(You will need ALL the tissues, but it will have a happy ending by the time all is said and done!)
Opinion; I'm not getting over this fanfic like; NEVER. God, I really CRIED, I SCREAMED, I GOT TOO EMOTIONAL IN EVERY CHAPTER, I JUST COULD NOT STOP.
I had a strong need to read non-stop until I finished it, but I finally finished it and it hurt, because now I need a continuation. It has the perfect ending but I just don't want to let this universe go, it's just wonderful and perfectly well constructed. Damn, I want to kiss the author's hands and brain, she/He/Them truly has just created one of the best fics in the fandom. This fic DESTROYS YOU but RECONSTRUCTS YOU at the same time. (Note: Scott is shit here)
Present by reillyblack
Words; 112K+
Ranking; 8/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags; A/B/O dynamics, enemies to lovers, Werewolf culture, alternative universe, scent marking, knotting, Werewolf mates, pack family, implied Mpreg, Pack politics. (Etc)
When Stiles's best friend Scott presented as a werewolf, it was just the worst. It was front-page news, there were reporters outside his house asking him questions, and people at school stared and kept their distance or interrogated him mercilessly. Worst by far was that it meant Scott had to leave immediately to live with the werewolf pack in the mountains -- which no one knew anything about. Stiles couldn't even visit, so he only got to see Scott once a month when he came back to visit his mom. It sucked.
A year later, he presents too.
Opinion; This is probably one of those fics that you will never forget and want to read again and when you remember this fic it will bring back happy memories.
Waiting by: isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Words: 81K+ (Two shot)
Ranking: 5/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Possesive Derek, Compassionate Stiles Stilinski, Werewolf mates, Magic Derek Hale, Alternate Universe-Magic, Jealous Derek. (etc)
Not wanting to think on it too much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
Opinion: I had been looking for something to read and came across this gem, it is an entertaining read and once you start it is impossible to stop.
It keeps us trapped all the time in this world that the author built.
Derek finds himself stuck in his semi-transformed form, with his human mind missing, and he is considered; the beast
But no one can harm him or do anything to him because apparently he is connected to the nemeton and the city.
Then Stiles is selected in the blooding to be the new human to care for and feed the beast, but Stiles being Stiles can't keep things normal, and he changes everything.
Anthracite by LupusScintilla
Words: 106K+
Ranking: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨
Tags: Spark Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Derek hale, Slow Burn, Scott is a bad friend, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Hale Pack. (etc)
It's been a quiet few years, and the McCall Pack has grown and settled. But, when the Hale Pack return to Beacon Hills they find Scott isn't as welcoming as they had hoped.
Soon they, Stiles, and Lydia, find out that not everything about the McCall Pack is as it has always seemed.
Opinion:Scott is shit here, so u better not read this if that bothers u.
The friendship between Lydia and Stiles is probably one of my favorite things in this fic, and I really love the Hale pack, Derek never had to stop being alpha, he really would have done an incredible job as you will see in this fanfic.
(The fics where Derek is the alpha get all my love, so this fic gets my love.) Stiles and Derek have a slow burn romantic development so be patient, but it's worth it.
Once you start reading you won't be able to stop.
Pack Wars by: Miss_aphelion
Words: 158k+
Ranking: 5/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Pack Dynamics. Kidnapping. Angst and Humor. Slow Build. Alternate Season/Series 03. Canon-Typical Violence. idiots being idiots.
Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.
Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.
(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Opinion:There is a warning in the Fic about Stiles being kidnapped but not really kidnapped, but moderately kidnapped, and that if that is any trigger for you please don't read it.
I personally recommend this fic, Stiles was kidnapped by fools and that's too funny because they should know that Stiles is too smart for that.
Put Down in Words by: paintedrecs
Words: 203K+
Ranking: 10/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Misunderstandings. Angst. Mutual Pining. Bisexual Stiles Stilinski. Demisexual Derek Hale. Alternate Universe - College/University. Alternate Universe - Human. Professor Derek Hale. College Student Stiles. Nerd Derek Hale. Musician Derek Hale. POV Alternating. Age Difference. Derek adopts a dog. Slow Build
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Opinion: (If you think that I put all the good fics at the beginning you are wrong haha). This fic is really soft and comforting in a way I can't explain. I had actually forgotten about this fic, but checking my bookmarks, I found it.
AND THANK GOD BECAUSE I FOUND IT. It's a really sweet but tense fic, and shit I really have to read it again.
Highly recommended.
Bake to Remember, Eat to Forget by: butyoureeyessaidyes
Words: 125k+
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bakery. Spark Stiles Stilinski. Magic. Memory Loss. AmnesiaTemporary. Angst. Canon-Typical Violence. Hurt/Comfort. Hurt Derek. Hurt Stiles. Panic Attacks. Boykisses
It’s 6:18 A.M. on a Monday, and Stiles is using his thumbs to shape the fondant butt of a Winnie the Pooh sculpture. It’s the most action he’s seen in a long time.
Or the one where Stiles runs his own bakery, never locks the front door, and doesn't know he's part of a werewolf pack (until he does).
Opinion:I love bakery so combining sterek + bakery is beautiful (for me) with a little angst and memory loss and you will have a delicious fanfic that you won't be able to stop reading until you finish the last chapter.
Tell me I'm Alive by tatsukitty
Words; 37K+
Ranking; 3.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐✨
Tags; Horror body, Kidnapping, torture, panic attacks, lab rats, Mpreg, discussions of abortion, au after 5A, dub con, (etc).
“You stayed for me?” Stiles frowned, his panic fogged brain struggling to comprehend.
“You would have stayed for me.” Derek replied seriously, as if it were solid fact. As if Stiles was a constant he didn’t have to question, a law of nature.
(Or: Post 5A, Stiles and Derek captured by the Dread Doctors and experimented on.)
Opinion; I have a thing for those fics where Derek and Stiles are each other's source of comfort and warmth, basically where they need each other. And add to that kidnapping, torture, and Derek being overpowered by his primal protective instincts towards Stiles, I really love those kinds of fics. (I know, I have a problem hahaha)
The Spaz and the Sourwolf by: TheRealDanniX
Words: 24k+
Ranking: 3/5 ⭐⭐⭐
Sumamry: When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
Opinion: easy to read and entertaining, it's a light read with a captivating plot. I really like "mate" stories, so Stiles and Derek being mates is definitely one of my favorite things, adding to that a bit of a plot of Stiles being cursed and turning into different animals is really cool.
Seven Years by: QueenOfAngst21
Words: 12k+
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Kid Fic. Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski. Fluff and angst. Mates.
Seven years ago Stiles left Beacon Hills in the middle of the night. To them he was nothing more than a murderer now, they wouldn't even listen to him. No word for seven years, they last they heard Derek had torn out of town in search for him.
Seven years later the Sheriff responds to a shooting in progress, what he finds is an unconscious alpha on the floor, a bleeding passenger and a screaming baby in the back. The past has finally caught up to them.
Opinion; Very entertaining and truly satisfying read. I fucking loved everyone's initial shock so much, it was art.
I always love the fics where Stiles puts himself first and tells everyone to fuck off and finds love, security and family in Derek.
Stiles reunites with Scott and his pack after 7 years.
(And I love Lydia here)
The Werewolf Companion by: MargaretKire
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Slow Burn. Lonely Derek Hale. Scent Marking. Angst with happy ending. Mates. Happy ending. Multiple orgasms. (etc)
Stiles volunteers to be a companion for an isolated werewolf he's never met. He thought he knew way more about werewolves than it turns out he really does.
Derek didn't technically ask the Werewolf Conservation Committee for a companion human, but they insisted he have one for his mental and physical health.
Or: Derek has only had Stiles for a day, but if anything were to happen to him, he'd kill everyone in Beacon Hills and then himself.
Opinion: Derek pining for Stiles and being his number 1 protector.
Definitely seeing Derek falling in love with Stiles is my favorite thing in the world and seeing Stiles being a nervous wreck for Derek is cute.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Words: 32k (one shot)
Ranking; 4/5
Tag: Time travel. stiles trying not to ruin anything. Young Derek Hale. Paige (teen wolf). misunderstanding.
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Opinion:You have to see Stiles trying not to ruin anything in the timeline but in the end he just makes what had to happen happen.
But We're Still Sleeping Like We're Lovers by: CharWright5
Words: 109k+
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags:Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known. Alternate Universe - everyone is a werecreature. werecoyote!stiles. Werewolf!Derek. Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. alpha!Derek. Omega!Stiles. Stiles and Malia are twins. Derek and Scott are Brothers. Mating Cycles/In Heat
Summary: There are several things Stiles Stilinski knows to be facts: he's a werecoyote like his parents; his twin sister Malia could use a filter more than him; he's an Omega and terrified of his upcoming heat; and Derek Hale-McCall will never see him as anything more than his kid brother's best friend. Doesn't stop Stiles from asking the Alpha to help him during his heat. Or from developing some serious feelings that go beyond the bedroom. Basically, he's totally screwed, in more ways than one.
opinion: One thing I recognize about this fic is that the author put Stiles and Malia as siblings, and I think that tag goes well with them.
I like those fics where Derek and Scott are brothers, and I love when all that awkwardness happens between Scott and Stiles due to the fact that his brother is fucking his best friend. If you share that taste with me, this is your fic.
Don't Kiss and Tell by: Hedwig221b
words: 5k+
Ranking: 5/5
Tags: One-Sided Derek Hale/Paige. Alternate Universe - High School. Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age. Unrequited Love. Derek Hale Being an Asshole. Stiles Stilinski Being an Asshole but not to each other. Secret Relationship. Jealous Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Opinion: This is a pretty shitty fic and you end up saying "oh shit, poor Paige" because she didn't deserve that manipulation.
although here I discovered that I could read a story where Derek and Stiles are villains but as long as they love each other I read it happily.
You Lunatics! by charmingplanes
words: 139k+
Ranking 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Mates. Kidnapping. Kidnapped Stiles. disappearences. Mystery. Pack Dynamics. Pack Feels. Pack Family. Magical Stiles Stilinski. Alpha Derek. Possessive Behavior. Possessive Derek. submissive stiles. Panic Attacks. Dubious Consent
Summary: Scott went missing and Stiles is doing everything he can to find him but after year gone people are caring less and less. Nobody listens to him anymore. So Stiles has to go alone to find him. And find him he will!
But the wolf finds Stiles first.
Before he can process what is happening, Stiles is trapped with a madman deep in the forest surrounded only by his crazy followers, who are sporting some serious claws and canines, if he's seeing correctly.
And Scott is there too.
Stiles needs to get the both of them out as soon as possible, before madman Derek returns and bites his head off.
He just need to convince his best friend to leave these lunatics behind. That's all.
He needs a plan.
Okay, warning again: kidnapping and a little (a lot) of possessive behavior. (Stiles tries to escape a few times.)
Here you feel a little more of real kidnapping and Stiles' fear.
But for some reason I like these fics, I have shit to fix in my head probably. Well you've been warned, there's a bit of Stockholm here…I guess.
It's where My demons hide by; littleredridinghunter
Words: 167k+
Ranking: 100/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
(If you can't stand this type of reading, don't read it, it's really hard to read, but it's worth it in the end.) ***READ THE TAGS AND WARNINGS PLEASE, IF YOU READ IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK***
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
Opinion: But really this fic is beautiful at the end, well, mainly at ¾ of the end you can start to breathe in peace.
The love, patience, and support that the entire pack gives Stiles is something really nice, I'm really getting addicted to these kinds of stories where everyone is Stiles' protector. Because YES, Stiles definitely deserves all the love in the world.
And all the slow burn between Stiles and Derek is really slow... But it's worth it in the end. While you will really enjoy reading Derek totally and hopelessly in love with Stiles and vice versa.
I really don't want to give spoilers, but I advise you to have the clinex ready and something to hit, because believe me, you are going to need it.
Good luck with this fic, it's beautiful but it's a long and painful journey to the happy ending.
It's all part of the master plan by: littleredridinghunter
words; 167k+
Ranking: 100/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
Stiles is taken to the Argent's basement. When he comes out he knows his life will never be the same again.
The extent at which that night changes his life becomes glaringly obvious as time goes on.
Can the pack help him heal? Or will they fail to be there for him when he needs them the most?
Opinion: You guys are really going to hate Derek, you're going to hate him, you're going to love Erika and Void, but it's going to be a little hard to forgive Derek, but He was a total idiot.
Just remembering makes me very angry… good luck, you can send me a DM to talk about this fic and the previous one…. PS: I love the author of these fics, I have a big crush, I'm literally in love with all of his/her/their works. But you guys are going to hate those assholes who torture stiles.
Fix Fics (teen wolf movie)
We'll take on the World by: LookinfForatardis
Words: 20k+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Kid Fic. Fix-it for Teen Wolf: The movie 2023. True Mates. Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents. (etc)
Derek grew quiet, eyes searching Stiles’ face. “It’s called True Mates.”
“Do you think we…” he started, but cut himself off. He wasn’t sure he wanted an answer.
“Maybe,” Derek nodded anyway, eyes cast down. Their hands were intertwined on the bed where they sat, and Stiles traced Derek’s knuckles with his fingers.
“How would we know?”
Derek sighed and leaned over to rest his head against Stiles’ shoulder. “There’s always a sign."
Opinion: The author of this fic made a small universe where she/he shows us the dynamics in the Hale-Stilinski family, shows us Eli's growth, the typical problems of a family, and all the domesticity you can imagine.
I will never thank fic authors enough, because they put a band-aid on our hearts.
Eternally grateful to them for allowing us to read a little of their/her/his talent and for fixing the shitty movie that was THAT movie.
What comes After by:Katefkndoes
Words: 8K+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Scott is not a bad friend but Stiles is not charitable to him. Teen Wolf Movie. Spoilers. Fix It. Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things. Alpha Derek Hale. That Movie should be burned with fire. Eli Hale deserves nice things
Opinion: I simply couldn't stop crying throughout the entire fic, but in each chapter it was a cry for different reasons, in the first one it definitely destroyed me and I cried with Stiles and Eli for Derek's death, in the second I cried with Stiles for hope, and in the third I cried with happiness....I can't say much about this fic, because you really should read it.
i thought that was just a myth by: LookinfForatardis
Words: 8k+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Fix-It. True Mates. Angst. Angst with a Happy Ending. Getting Together. Love Confessions. Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents. Inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
When Stiles gets the call, he doesn't hesitate. There has to be a way to save Derek - he knows it in his gut. When the research points to one answer, Stiles has to hope that his gut is right, that it's always been right, and that Derek feels the same. Because if he does, then Stiles has a chance to save him.
A terrifying chance that requires Stiles not look at Derek once, but it's a chance nevertheless.
Opinion:What can I say? READ THAT FIC NOW, because it's really beautiful and totally worth it.
True Ending by: beargrove
Words: 1k+
Ranking: 4/5
Tag: Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents.
Derek is looking at him, incredulous. “You’re staying?”
Stiles stares at him like he’s an idiot, “You magic’d an us baby and then didn’t tell me for 15 entire years of his life. I’ve missed 15 years, you’ve made me into a deadbeat dad and I didn’t even know about it.”
Opinion: This is fucking funny, you need to read it.
Yes, they are not all the fics I have read and I still have more to recommend but honestly guys, I'm tired for today.
I'll make another rec list later but while that happens, I'll leave these with you.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reading them, please message me if you want to talk about the fics or sterek in general.
@fizzie-0 (hiii, ready!)
131 notes · View notes
andreafmn · 4 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: uh oh, things are changing...
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There was a tense air between (Y/N) and Derek as they reached her house. He helped her off the bike and kept his hand on her lower back as they walked to her front porch but did not say a single word. His stare was a million miles away, and she could tell his thoughts had been running rampant in his head.
“Are you okay, Derek?” the girl finally broke the silence as she slid her key into the door. “You feel weird. Like, distant.”
“I’m fine,” he said, his stoic façade still plastered on his face. “I just need to make sure you’re home safe before I get my pack.”
“They’re fine. They’re hiding up in my room.” She pulled out her phone from her pocket and showed him Isaac’s text confirming that they had locked themselves in her house. “But I need to know what you’re hiding right now because I know something’s up.”
“Everything’s fine,” he huffed. “Why are they here?”
“I thought they’d be safe here,” she responded. “Don’t change the topic, Derek. You know you can’t lie to me.”
“I just… we gotta stay away from each other for a while, okay? Believe me when I say, it’s for the best.”
The answer took (Y/N) aback. She stepped away from his touch, as though suddenly it burned her. His words had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were in a good spot, she thought. They weren’t exactly in a relationship, but they weren’t not in one either. They had been speaking consistently for the past couple of weeks, they had seen each other when they could, and they had kissed. God, did they kiss. “I-I-I don’t understand,” she stammered as she blinked away her confusion. “I thought we were good. I mean, I know our situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I didn’t think it was going bad.”
“It’s just not the time to deal with feelings, (Y/N),” he sighed. “I have to focus on how to get rid of the Kanima and why Scott would betray us. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on you too.”
“Oh, I didn’t know I was such a distraction,” (Y/N) scoffed, putting another step of distance between them. “You know, it was only a few weeks ago that you were saying you wanted this to work. No matter how long it took or what hurdles we had to go through. You said I wouldn’t have to go through life alone, not while you were here. Was that all just bullshit?”
“It wasn’t… It isn’t…” He ran his hands across his face in frustration, letting out an infuriated groan. “With everything that’s going on, I can’t risk being close to you, (Y/N). The more time that passes with the Kanima here, the more hunters will arrive. Especially now that I have a target on my back, thanks to your cousin. Being with you only makes that target bigger, and it puts it on my pack too. I have to make the right decision for them.”
“So, everything I’ve done to help you guys out means nothing?” she cried, biting down the tears that threatened to spill. “I’ve stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion. I think I’ve proven to be an asset to you and your pack when it comes to my family.”
“You have and I’m grateful,” he said. Derek took a beat before continuing. It seemed he knew the next words out of his mouth would drive a wedge between them that he wasn’t sure would ever be removed. “I just don’t know if one day you’ll turn on us like Allison has done to Scott, or even like Kate did to me.”
If there was anything he could say that would drive (Y/N) away, it was that. Her fears of one day becoming like her aunt still haunted her to that day. It was a quiet but haunting rumble in the pits of her mind, fed by her insecurities and her fears, and very much alive.
“A-are you serious?” (Y/N) wanted to appear confident and confrontational. But she couldn’t help the way her voice broke. “Do you really think I’d be capable of doing something like that?”
“I can’t be sure, (Y/N). I want to believe that you won’t and that you and your father are truly on our side, but I have to take precautions. It’s not just my life that’s at stake.”
(Y/N) didn’t know if his words stung more than the unchanging expression on his face. There was no care, no compassion. She wasn’t talking to Derek, her sour wolf. She was speaking to Derek, the alpha. “What brought this on, Derek?” she asked. “What made you change your mind all of a sudden?” 
“It wasn’t anything specifically. It’s just… the situation we’re in is basically unheard of, and I need to make sure that I’m putting a hundred percent of my brain into resolving this,” he said. “And if Scott isn’t going to help, then I have to find a way to end this once and for all. I can’t be worrying about the hunters coming from your side too.”
 Words died in the girl’s mouth as she tried to conceal the hurt that coursed through her veins. It was a betrayal like no other. “Is that really how you feel?” (Y/N) asked, her resolve quickly coming undone. “You once told me that you knew that I would never be like Kate. That there was no way I could be that heartless. Does that mean you lied? Have you always felt this way?”
And with determination like she had never seen from him, he said, “Yes.” By then, she couldn’t hold back the tears, but she wouldn’t let him see her hurt. She couldn’t keep the drops from falling, but she could keep her sobs inside. “(Y/N)…”
“Go,” she said sternly, facing her door and giving him her back.
“(Y/N), I…”
“I said go, Derek,” she restated, raising her voice. “You can call your pack after. But you need to get out of here right now.”
Before he could say another word, (Y/N) slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Shuddering cries threatened to break through, so she clasped her fist into her mouth and bit down. She did not want him to hear her. He’d been able to shatter her heart with a few words, but he did not deserve to know her pain. Not anymore.
As the tears fell, she remembered the cuts on her face. Every time another drop fell, it sank into the open wound, mixing blood and salty water down her cheeks. The sting was enough to subside the pain in her chest, but not enough to make it go away. And all she wanted was for it to go away.
Suddenly, soft steps on her stairs forced her head to snap forward to see a witness to her despair. Erica wore a sympathetic smile on her face, something that surprised (Y/N) out of her tears. It had been the first time she had even held a kind gaze toward the girl, always throwing sarcastic comments or unnecessary jabs her way. But at that moment, she came to her as a friend.
“Let’s fix up that face,” she said. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Uh, um,” (Y/N) cleared her throat. “There’s one under the kitchen sink.”
“Let’s go.”
The blonde helped her up from the ground and followed her quietly into the kitchen. She didn’t throw snarky remarks her way or make fun of the way her face was most likely a disaster. All she did was remain silent and try to help.
Once the first aid bag was on the counter, Erica patted a stool to instruct the girl to sit. Something she very much obliged to before the werewolf set to work. She put on a pair of black gloves and set to clean the wound with cleansing wipes, clearing away any debris or tear that might have mixed with her blood.
“This is gonna sting a bit, okay?” Erica announced as she uncapped the liquid stitch bottle. “Do you need something to bite down on?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “Go ahead.”
The girl winced softly as the liquid touched her skin, but it was quickly replaced with the comfort of Erica’s soft hands pinching the slash closed. She repeated the step two more times before cleaning the area once more and covering it with a gauze bandage. “There,” Erica said as she finished bandaging her arm as well. “The wound should breathe during the night to help with the healing. Try to keep it dry or without direct water contact for about five days, and you should be good.” 
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve had one too many falls not to be,” the girl chuckled as she put away the kit. “It’s actually the reason I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make sure no one else went through what I did.”
“Why can’t you?”
“At first it was because I was so behind in school, I’d never get the grades to get into a good school,” she shrugged. “Now, with the whole werewolf thing, I don’t think I could.”
“Why not? I think now it’ll be so much easier for you,” (Y/N) offered. “Now, you don’t have to deal with the seizures, and you can focus on your schoolwork. Later on, I’m sure any school would be begging to have you go there.”
“I don’t know,” the blonde sighed. “I guess, after seeing everything I have and going through what we have in such little time, I think med school seems stupid in the grand scheme of things. I would love to live a normal life, but I don’t think I was ever meant to. I mean, at first, it was epilepsy. Now, it’s the fact that I’m part wolf, part human, and I have yet to get that under control.”
Seeing Erica be vulnerable and sweet surprised (Y/N), and it was a welcome distraction to whatever it had been that had gone down with Derek. “You know this is going to end someday,” she tried to comfort her. “We’re gonna beat the Kanima, and the hunters will go back to their own lives. Life won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure? Something tells me there’s always gonna be something in this town,” she chuckled dryly. “The only way to go back to normal is to leave.” 
“Is that what you want? To leave Beacon Hills?”
“I mean, it’s a plan,” she shrugged as she sat beside (Y/N). “I didn’t think it would be like this. The constant looking over my shoulder, the fear that I’ll be caught, the fear that I’ll be killed. I wanted the strength, the power that came with being supernatural. But I didn’t really measure the danger that came with it. Unfortunately, not every hunter can be like you.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t get used to it,” the girl grinned. “But seriously, you have no reason to protect us like you have. I mean, apparently, even lovesick Allison turned on lover boy.”
“Yeah, grief makes you do unthinkable things,” she sighed. “Especially when you have a monster like Gerard whispering in your ear.”
“And he doesn’t whisper in yours?”
“God no. I don’t think he particularly likes my family. At least my dad and I.”
“Ooh, family drama?”
“None that I know the details of, but I know it has something to do with me and some woman from my dad’s past,” (Y/N) explained, remembering the not-so-hushed words from her parents. “Also, my dad sort of sides with the wolves rather than the hunters. He thinks their methods are too extreme and cause more harm than good. He told me he wants to change the group from the inside out, but it’s hard.”
“And you believe him?” Erica inquired, biting the skin from her fingers. (Y/N) could see she hadn’t noticed yet. It was something she did before turning, a way to calm her senses when everything seemed too much. “Do you really believe he’s on our side?”
“He helped me find Derek tonight, and he covered for me about the rave. I don’t think he would lie to me about that. My mom on the other hand…”
“Can’t stand us?”
“Well, you can tell her the feeling is mutual.”
“Hey,” (Y/N) exclaimed with a smile. “That’s my mom you’re talking about.”
“No offense,” Erica laughed as she threw her arms up in surrender. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you, (Y/N). I’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to you, and you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”
“Am I really getting an apology from Erica Reyes? I think I might be dreaming.”
“Oh, come on,” she chuckled. “I’m trying to be serious here—vulnerable. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me, even when I was horrible to you. You didn’t have to.” 
“Well, you got the bitch part down, I didn’t think I needed it, too,” (Y/N) grinned before she took Erica’s hand and smiled warmly. “But it means a lot that you apologized. Thank you. Maybe from here on out, we could be friends. I honestly need more in this town.”
“I think that would be great,” she beamed. “I’ve been needing a dose of estrogen after so many months surrounded by testosterone.”
As the girls laughed, footsteps came down the stairs and quickly joined them in the kitchen, followed by the pitter-patter of claws against the hardwood floor. “Well, look at these two fraternizing,” Isaac told Boyd. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I would be rude not to when it’s her house,” Boyd shrugged. “Which, again, thank you for letting us hide out here. We haven’t really received any other instruction from Derek.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will anytime soon.”
“What do you…?” Isaac’s words died in his throat as he noticed (Y/N)’s bandages and the smell of iron in the air. He was quick to rush to her side, inspecting her visible skin for any other wound. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, just a small run-in with Jackson,” she shrugged as she knelt to pet Brody, scratching him on the spot behind his ears he loved so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t heal as fast as you guys do.”
“How serious was the cut?” Isaac asked Erica, knowing (Y/N) would only wave him off. “Was it deep? I knew I should have gone with you to the station.”
“It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, Isaac. She’ll be fine.”
“Dude, calm down,” Boyd chuckled. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Thank you, Boyd,” she smiled toward the boy. “I really appreciate the vote of confidence. You should learn from him, Lahey.”
“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you get seriously hurt,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe I let you go there by yourself. I should have been there.”
“And risk getting caught by my grandfather? Absolutely not,” she reprimanded. “As a matter of fact, all of you need to lay low because while Jackson is still the Kanima, more hunters will keep flooding into town, and I don’t wanna risk any of you getting caught. If you need a place to stay, I think I can talk to my dad and help you guys out. Maybe tell my mom the basement flooded and keep you guys there?”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Boyd smiled. “We’ll talk to Derek first. See what the next steps will be.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed lightly. “And if you can find out what the hell is going on with him in the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
The four of them spent the next hour in her kitchen, talking and laughing like normal teenagers until Erica and Boyd said they were too tired to still be awake and headed to (Y/N)’s room. But not before the girl turned and thanked Argent for giving her a night where she felt normal. After that, only Isaac and her were left downstairs.
They had moved into the living room, where (Y/N) rested her head on his lap, and Brody curled up right beside them. Henry had texted her that he and her mother would be staying over at Chris’ house and that he’d keep her posted on anything that would be going down.
“I don’t understand what happened, Isaac,” she sighed as she felt his hands running through her hair. “Everything was going great until just an hour ago. What made Derek change his mind?”
“Honestly, I wish I could tell you,” he said. “But Derek’s not one to really talk about what’s going on in his head. The only time he’s ever been nice to me is when you’re around. He’s quite a dick when you’re not around.”
“But he’s still your alpha.”
“It’s not like there are many options here,” he chuckled. “And I guess I feel a bit indebted to him. If it hadn’t been for the bite, I’m pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital, or even worse…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say the words, instead taking in a shuddering deep breath. (Y/N) could see his eyes getting cloudy with tears as fear overtook him. Even if that part of his life was buried, there was no way to repress the memories.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Isaac,” she responded quietly, taking his free hand in hers. “And I’m sorry you had to go through it alone. I wish I could have at least been your friend back then.”
“I think you came at the perfect time,” he smiled softly. “Just long enough to get my shy and adorable side and stay to see my resurgence into an amazing and confident werewolf teenager.”
“You know, some people would say cocky and self-absorbed.”
“Well, those people would be wrong,” he chuckled. “But you did come at the right time. Those last couple of months, you actually gave me hope. If we had spent more time together, I think I may have even refused the bite.”
“Would you have, really?” (Y/N) mused. “Would you have given it all up?”
“I think so,” Isaac shrugged. “I mean, people around us don’t seem disturbed by what’s going on in this town. All I would have to worry about is whether or not I could pass my classes, and well, social services I guess.”
“Not funny,” she reprimanded, slapping him softly on the chest. “But the supernatural does suit you.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, calm down, Lahey.”
“I’m just kidding, Argent,” the boy laughed. “As for Derek, all you have to do is give it time. He can be a moody one.”
“Something feels different this time, though,” she sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but something’s just off.”
The last thing Derek had wanted was to make her cry. Hearing her sobs through her door made his heart wrench in his chest, and all he could do was get as far away from her as he could. His legs took off in a soft run at first but quickly turned into a supernatural sprint that had his lungs aching for air. All he could do was run.
Soon enough, the scenery of houses and cars turned into trees and bushes. Leaves crunched under his feet, and branches snapped as he stepped on them. Even when a rock stood in his way and threatened to make him lose his balance, he simply kept running.
He wished (Y/N) knew that what he did had been for her own good. If she wasn’t by his side, there was no way she could be used as a bargaining chip. Especially not with Peter back. He didn’t trust his own life in the hands of his uncle; how could he entrust him with (Y/N)’s?
By the time he had reached his family’s house, his body ached all over. Frustration filled his veins, and his limbs ached with the need for violence. He let out an exasperating scream before his fist went through a wooden board. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep breaking down the house or just sit down and cry. As much as he wanted to be by (Y/N)’s side, he knew that the best thing for her would be for him to stay as far away as possible. He had lived long enough with loneliness, though none as hurtful as this one for a long time. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he’d be the one to carry the hurt. As long as Peter was in town and her family would punish her for her affiliations, he’d just have to stay away.
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onevolon · 2 months
smile for the camera
Jack Mojave X F!reader
note: you take a picture you shouldn't have.
word count: 731
warnings: dark. angst. it's not in a desert but a forest. honestly idk what this is supposed to be lol
you can also read it on ao3.
This was a journey from the start. Sure, it wasn’t the first time she witnessed someone being left at the altar. Crazier things happened at the weddings. It makes her wonder what made them finally snap and run away every time. Especially these two looked so in lovey-dovey. But now the groom is nowhere to be seen. Weird.
One thing that is more annoying than a bride bawling her eyes out though, when the wedding is canceled, nobody cares about what will happen to the employees or what they should do. Everybody is own their own.  
And that’s why now she is middle of the nowhere in a fucking forest with all of my camera equipment trying to find her way to her car. Environmentalist piece of shits forced everybody to park miles away from the wedding location to not disturb the ecosystem more than necessary blah blah…
If she wasn’t so fucking lost, she might have appreciated the sounds of the birds chirping, the smell of the pine tree and the wind on her hair. But right now, it was extremely irritating to say the least. The smell made her stomach turn after the food she inhaled before they can take it. The wind was making her shiver to her very bones and… Maybe she should distract herself by looking at the photos.
She starts to scroll through the photos. Look all those happy faces… Now it’s all for nothing.
Okay this doesn’t really work.
She could try and take a couple of photos of the damn birds for her portfolio.
Carefully walking around the bushes, she tries to allocate the said animals. It is soothing to hear this rhythmic sound of these creatures and…
Something else was there…
Someone was…
…Someone digging something?
Yeah, there was a figure to her left with a shovel. What in the hell…
Stupidly, she gets closer while continuously pushing the button on her camera.
A man with a long coat… in a cowboy hat. Long hair… Dirty skin. You didn’t recognize him from the wedding. Who the hell-
“Well, hello there.”
She freezes.
“Wanted to see something cool, sister?” he says innocently.
She can’t move a muscle. Not even talk.
“Not a talker, huh. You would get along with him, then.” He says and point to the ground.
She instinctively follows his gesture.
There is a man.
On the ground.
Not moving.
Is he-
“Wanna join him, doll-face?”
You can’t look away. Not only because you’re both in danger but… he looks… familiar.
“I bet he would like that, now wouldn’t you, perv?” he nudges the man’s head with his boots and the man’s face turns towards her.
Oh, he looks blue.
He’s for sure-
The groom.
He is the groom.
“Was having quite the fun with that little bridesmaid. I was jealous not gonna lie. Wanted to have a good old adventure to myself.”
He killed the groom.
“And now we all are here.” He looked to her, self-satisfied.
Her heart was about to burst.
“Lost, aren’t you?”
“Who are you?”
She doesn’t answer.
He casually drops the shovel and pushes the groom to the hole in the ground.
“The great questions, sister, the essentials… Where are you from? Where you going?”
She again doesn’t answer, too occupied to discreetly try and find something to use it as a weapon.
He starts to throw the pile of dirt on top of the man.
“To be or not to be?”
“Huh?” she says, distracted by the sudden topic change.
“Another great question. To be or not to be? It always comes down to that, isn’t it?”
She doesn’t know what to say.
“You choose to be, sister. To be here.”
She shakes her head.
“Oh, yes, yes you did. “ He smirks.
She begins to tremble slightly.
“No? Why don’t you run then? You can run.”
“I can’t move.” She says stupidly.
“Sure you can. In fact, when I count to three, you will flee like you’ve never done before.” He says while patting now closed grave with the shovel, putting some leaves on top of it to cover.
She starts to tear up.
A tear drops to her face.
She takes a step back.
“Two and a half…”
Hurriedly puts down her camera and other stuff down.
She sprints.
“Game on, sister! GAME. ON.”
He goes after her.
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outtagum · 2 years
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#oh Isaac, never change
THE ORVILLE 3.06 “Twice in a Lifetime”
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 8 months
The Badger and The Snake: 1
Note: All the first years are fourteen and graduate Hogwarts at twenty in this, Derek is sixteen while Stiles is fourteen
Tagging: @axelwolf8109 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynsrosegarden @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @thebejeweledwatercat
Board by the talented af @ravenclaw-seeker
Eventually pairings: Stiles x Derek, Allison x Lydia, Issac x Scott, Ethan x Jackson, Aiden x Cora.
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"Let me look over you" Noah Stilinski fretted over his son, Stiles was slightly uncomfortable but kept it in. To be fair, neither of them knew Stiles was a wizard until about two months ago.
"You write letters to me whenever you can okay?" Noah held his son's shoulder. "Of course dad" Stiles got surprisingly choked up. Noah hugged him close and let go after a minute.
"Give them hell kid" Stiles laughed and boarded the train.
He walked to the first compartment he saw. "Can I sit here?" "Sure" A tan skinned kid smiled politely, his companion rolling his eyes but not saying.
"I'm Stiles" "I'm Danny" Danny turned to his friend. "Jackson" The other kid rolled his eyes again. Another boy ran in, hiding in a corner. "What did you do this time McCall?" Jackson grinned.
"Might've angered the Steiner twins" He squeaked. "I told them Slytherin and Ravenclaw are for smart people and they aren't smart"
"One of this days you're gonna get punched" Danny laughed.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Scott by the way" He held out his hand to Stiles who shook it. "I hope I'm in Slytherin" Jackson said. "Ravenclaw" Danny said.
"Gryffindor" Scott sighed. "I don't really have one I want" Stiles shrugged. "That's smart, you won't be disappointed then"
Stiles giggled and even Jackson cracked a smile. "Hey Jackson" A young girl with long black hair walked in. "Hey cus" He teased.
"Stiles, Scott, Danny" He introduced quickly. "This is my cousin Cora" "Hi" She waved politely. "So Derek and Laura are definitely trying out for Quidditch this year"
"After they flew into our house twice?" Cora laughed. "I still can't believe my dad's gonna be the potions teacher" Jackson hid his face.
"Peter Hale?" Scott tilted his head. "Uh yeah" "Damn dude"
"Am I supposed to know this? I'm technically muggle born" Stiles muttered. "The rest of our family died in a house fire when we were babies, my dad and cousins survived, it was rumored that a rival wizarding family did it" Jackson said bitterly.
"What if I don't get sorted" Scott whined nervously. "Maybe they'll keep you because of pity" Danny joked. "Ha ha"
Stiles couldn't hear anything, not the headmaster who Jackson was glaring at, not the fricking hat singing.
"Allison Argent!" A teacher called out. Jackson looked like he was about to throw something, Cora glared. Two teens from the Slytherin table looked away like she was beneath them, a teacher clenched his jaw but manages to look unbothered.
"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out. "That was awkward" Scott said.
"Cora Hale!" Cora took a deep breath. "Slytherin!" She whooped and ran to her brother and sister, who Stiles deduced were Derek and Laura.
"Isaac Lahley!" A young boy with curly blonde hair but too pale skin walked up shaking. "Gryffindor!"
"Lydia Martin!" A girl with strawberry blond hair skipped forward with confidence. "Slytherin!"
"Danny Māhealani" Danny patted Jackson on the back. "Slytherin!" "Aw man"
"Scott McCall!" Scott squeezed Stiles' arm, Stiles squeezed back
"Gryffindor!" Scott almost ran to the table with the Sorting hat on, the Slytherin teen boy that Stiles saw earlier, Derek, covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Aiden Steiner!" Aiden shoved past Stiles. "Ravenclaw!" "Wait what?" Aiden's twin said scandalized. "That's what happens when you act like a fool" Jackson whispered to Stiles who laughed.
"Ethan Steiner!" Ethan looked absolutely miserable. "Slytherin!" "They can separate twins?" "I guess"
"Stiles Stilinski!" Stiles was happy that it apparently didn't show his full name. 'Hmm, you're definitely loyal and smart, let us see' The hat said in Stiles' head. "Better be, Hufflepuff!" Stiles went to the table that was clapping for him.
Scott gave him a thumbs up and a grin. "Jackson Whittemore!" "Slytherin!" Peter Hale smiled genuinely and clapped for his son.
"I'm Kira!" The prefect sitting by Stiles shook his hand. "This is...wow" He grinned at all the food. "The head of house is my mom"
"That's so cool!" Stiles grinned.
Allison Argent was laughing with a few other Ravenclaws, Scott was arm wrestling with another Gryffindor, and Jackson and Danny were flirting with a couple of Slytherins.
"Boys dorm is here, you'll have to room with Boyd and Liam" Kira said. Stiles was looking around the Hufflepuff common room in awe. "I love plants" He grinned. Kira smiled fondly.
"Yo" Boyd waved from his bed, Liam looked at Stiles with a small glare. "Hi" Stiles waved.
"We're second years, you're our only first year so..." Liam mumbled. "He's just cranky because he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend from Gryffindor. I still says Theo is crazy enough to be a snake!"
"Shut your face" Stiles laughed and sat on his bed, taping a picture of his dad onto the headboard.
Day one of Hogwarts had done well, hopefully the next months did too.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
stiles: someone needs to take me out.
scott: in a dating type of way, or...
kira: assassination type of way?
peter, theo, derek, brett, jackson, isaac, erica, lydia: both. both is good.
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