#irish merlin
Sooooo... I've had a thought for a while. How awesome would it have been if they had let Colin Morgan keep actual his Irish accent to remind ppl that he wasn't originally from Camelot? Like, maybe it becomes subtler as the seasons go on but it's always there and when he gets tired or angry the lilt would come out FULL FORCE and ppl that didn't know or forget would be like, yo wtf???
(Headcanon Masterlist) (Full Masterlist)
Ok so I rarely answer asks as soon as I see them but
Like.... I'm turning this into a headcanon set because I need to think about this right now (if someone else wants to expand it that's fine, or if it's popular enough, I'll add it to the next List update).
Say he's not actually from Essetir, but Ireland (from research I think it was called Hibernia during the medieval ages, or maybe Alba? I'm not sure, so I'll just stick with Ireland), and Balinor ran a little further afield before meeting Hunith, and then returning once things had settled down to live in that skanky cave, so he can keep an eye on how Camelot was doing. Hunith and Merlin travel to Essetir when Merlin is maybe twelve or so?? So the accent and customs (and even the language) is like... heavily embedded. (To cover plot holes... uh... Gaius is also Irish, but travelled over with... relatives(?) when he was so young that he doesn't have an accent, or even really any memories of home. He has however visited and been visited by his sister enough to have a good relationship with her, and they exchanged letters regularly before and after she moved to Essetir. There. Don't think about it too much.)
HOWEVER!! When he moves to Camelot, he covers it up, because Camelot already hates Bastards (check), Sorcerers (double check) and also Gaels (check again). So to make his life easier, he gives himself a generic Essetirian/Camelot accent, and no one really notices, Maybe he has a bit of a lilt here and there, but people chalk it up to him spending lots of time with a diverse set of people, and/or maybe just being a country bumpkin. The lilt definitely comes out more when he's angry, the angrier he is the stronger it is, but, what the majority of Merlin's friends don’t know, is that they've never really seen him truly angry. Annoyed, frustrated maybe, a little pissed off, but not properly angry. Not for the first few years at least, so again, no one really notices.
Sometimes he rants to himself under his breath in Gaels, more so when he's with Gaius because it's not like the guy doesn't already know, even if he can't actually understand (Gaius does mourn the loss of his heritage sometimes, especially because, when delirious, Merlin's accent comes back full force, and Gaius can't understand a word he's saying).
Anyway. I do have this scenario in my head of some poor page running into the Throne room all "Oh CHRIST, My Lord, there's a woman in the courtyard who claims to have killed Morgause and rescued Morgana!! BUT!!! She says she'll only speak to Myrddin??" And the whole room is in uproar and Merlin just rolls his eyes at them and goes "What does she look like?", at the description he just goes "Oh shit" except in Gaels and runs out. All the gang follow to see him embracing this woman and speaking fast Gaels to her. She's introduced as his sister or an old childhood neighbour/friend or something. She couldn't give less of a shit about Camelot's anti magic laws if she TRIED, and fully admits to defeating the two witches with magic, because she herself is also a witch, and basically dares Arthur to do something abut it whilst Merlin despairs. Once the shock passes, someone, probably Gwaine, just goes "Hey, Merls, what's with the accent?? And the name??" and the woman just raises her eyebrow and goes "Aye, Merls, what's with the accent and the name?" And he has to admit that he's Irish and his real name is Myrddin (I know it's actually Welsh but let’s pretend just for now) and talks in his normal accent and everyone just... blue screens.
At least three times a day for the next few weeks, if not months, he has to explain the "new" accent to friends whom he hasn't spoken to since before the incident. Overall it's very funny, and everyone in Camelot suddenly finds Merlin ten times hotter. Arthur is struggling to cope. Leon openly drools. Gwaine is so wowed he can't even flirt right. Gwen trips over every time he speaks.
His accent is naturally really toned down, from years of hiding it and just being around people who don't have that accent, but it still gets strong when he shouts, and is nigh impossible to understand when he's concussed/drugged/suffering from blood loss/exhausted to the point of delirium. He also starts using words like "aye" to mean yes, and "slán" (the original of Sláinte, meaning good health, or cheers), when he says goodbye, and it's very endearing but also very confusing.
Our man is just so much happier being able to be himself and share his culture with no backlash, because Uther's been gone a while, and Arthur made peace with the Gaels ages ago (Merlin was basically just in too deep to back out then and kept clutching straws until the sister/friend arrived and blew it all wide open). Now he just has to do the same with the magic thing.... But then again!! Sister/friend not giving a fuck has maybe done that already. So. Maybe he's already set?
Anyway. Merlin with an Irish accent. Yes Please Please Please :D
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eirxair · 1 year
Arthur: *cowers in a corner in his room, more than half drunk and delirious*
Merlin: *standing over him* D'ith mé arán rósta.
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lovable-bastard · 1 year
The one thing I love more than life is Irish!Merlin. Him having a thick accent and only Gaius, Hunith and Will understanding him
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
modern au where merlin is irish? :)
It's a long way to Tipperary by TyalanganD (@tyalangand)
Merlin is on a winter holiday with Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Elena, and Mithian. And he's feeling like a charity case.
Arthur is a prat with a hot arse, Merlin doesn't know how to ski, and the Alps are really nice. Especially if you have money.
so this is a cute fluff fic to warm your heart!!!
2. Not Every Win Gets a Medal by ingberry
It wasn’t that Arthur was obsessed; it was just that he couldn’t stop thinking about the Irish archer with those full, gorgeous lips. He’d nearly spaced out during an early qualifying heat thinking about what he’d like to do to that mouth (and also the rest of him). The opportunity to do anything about it had never presented itself and, shamefully, Arthur was pretty sure he’d sacrifice his medals for it to happen at this point.
arthur's one brain cell be like
3. Wedding Bells Ringing Out Our Fate by thenerdyindividual (@thenerdyindividual)
Merlin is Arthur’s best man. It makes sense, after all they’ve been best mates since uni. The problem? Merlin’s been in love with him almost as long as Gwen has.
merlin is northern irish here, so i hope that'll count, but i couldnt not rec this fic
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leon-doggo · 1 year
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I think Colin Morgan should have been able to have his own Irish accent for Merlin. Not only do I love the sound of an Irish accent but I also think it would have highlighted their differences and prove they can get along and work together against all odds against them. So, have a page of Irish Merlin to heal your soul
(Also I just found out Belfast wasn’t established until 1770 so I hereby change it to Waterford City)
(Also I know that the dialect is written thicker than Colin Morgan’s actual accent but listen dialects are hard :””)
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Digital version!! I like to think he’s talking to Gwen in the second drawing as she joins him for a laundry run :)
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elirwen · 9 months
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Colin Morgan as John Webster in the trailer for The Killing Kind
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themerlinrewrite · 9 months
for anyone interested in arthurian folklore and/or mythology around the world: an efficient source
recently i found this website and it has been incredibly helpful with research for my projects (and just research for interest's sake). for arthurian folklore, especially, there are not only many different versions of each story, but many different pronunciations for each name, many different names for each character - you get the idea. in my opinion, this website displays a good variety of each legend while still getting the point across rather simply.
here it is: Nightbringer
i'm going to be reblogging some other good websites/pages for folklore; view my blog page for the other ones :) also, if my fellow writers/nerds/autistic people out there want to add to this thread, i will appreciate and explore every single one of your suggestions
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casboobs · 6 months
saw fanart of hozier as a knight and i'm like cool but does gwaine from bbc merlin mean nothing to you ???
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poetryincamelot · 2 months
All right, Merlin fans, where is the discussion happening on our beloved Vlavla being in a romcom with Lindsay Lohan?
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vellihorx · 2 months
WANTED❗️any folklorists/historians/neurodivergents with hyperfocus out there, who have had a merlin/arthuriana obsession in their lives, willing to help me out with my MA research?
i will be focusing on the character of Merlin and my questions are:
1) "The Legend of Merlin" by M. Gaster - any idea how to get my hands on that? (as a lowly european citizen)
2) was there a break in the continuity of creating works about Merlin once upon a time? like, i.e., the guy's been popular up until the 16th century and then got lost before the 1930's Adventure Comics came out? if so, article recommendation is needed and welcome.
3) any significant work that forced creators to consider him as more than a background character?
4) any worthy commentary on/analysis of the BBC's Merlin? one that has actual constructive criticism.
i will be very much obliged.
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Merlin!!!!! with!!!! an!!!! accent!!!! supremacy!!!! maybe Morgana, Merlin and Gwaine being able to speak Gaels to each other and Gwaine taking every opportunity to mutter something under his breath during round table meetings to make either of them laugh (good morgana ftw)
(Referencing This Post, Part 2)
Love that I'm still getting asks about this lol.
And Oh My God YEAH! Morgana and Gwaine are so angry he hides it for so long, because they could have been gossiping!! This whole time!! Arthur always blames Gwaine when he hears something muttered just before Merlin starts laughing in the middle of a meeting, but it's always, ALWAYS Morgana.
They'll have completely normal, every day conversations in front of the rest of the gang, like Merlin: "When are we heading out for that hunt?" and then Gwaine: "Oh, Arthur said noon, but Leon is still with the new recruits so I don't know." followed by Morgana: "Yeah, I've decided to come too, I haven't been out for a while and someone needs to look after King Idiot over there." but they'll do it whilst side eyeing everyone, especially Arthur, and it puts them all on edge. They hate it SO much, but when asked about it, Merlin, Morgana, and Gwaine will just shrug and say "Just chatting. 'Bout the hunt and stuff." And no one can call them liars!! Because they really don't know!!
Anyway, it's just chaos incarnate. Especially if you add that trouble-making, magic using, couldn't-give-less-of-a-fuck-if-she-tried sister/childhood friend of Merlin's.
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gwainesworld · 2 years
“I look fondly back on Merlin, I get people coming up to me in Australia still asking me about Merlin as it’s still playing on Netflix now.
“I think people still love this show...” (interview with Eoin Macken in the Irish Mirror by Siobhan O’Connor, image by Storm Santos - 22.05.22)
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tinylilemrys · 1 year
we as fanfiction writers don't do enough with the potential of the eurovision au. the possibilities are delicious
the acts from 2 very far apart countries falling in love and having to work out how that works after the competition is over? amazing
2 acts from the same country. only one gets through their country's selection process to get to eurovision. the winner can't focus on the competition because they can't stop thinking about the other act to the point that they admit their feelings during a green room interview? delicious.
2 strangers get thrown into the same act for strategy or pr reasons, have to figure out how to make it work, and in the process fall in love? obsessed
the acts of 2 rival countries going through an enemies to lovers arc? i need it right now.
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polysprachig · 7 months
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28.09.2023 | Mediaeval narrators and fun reflections on quarantine writings
I don't know when the shift happened exactly, but sometime during the pandemic my learning objective of writing and correcting in order to practise this or that grammar rule morphed into writing and narrating in an attempt to both channel Chrétien de Troyes and act as a somewhat snarky rival (some 830 years too late) given the fact that the Romans de la table ronde, my plague escapist literature at the time, featured too many lengthy descriptions of who was sitting where at Arthur's table.
Still, while listing out my favourite lines and those which I found particularly tricky to write in my polyglot journal, I realised that the silly, opinionated narrator was one of the most enjoyable things to work on first in Irish, but then in the English translation—particularly when the project threatened to get too tedious.
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werepires · 1 year
Hey are you okay I saw you watching Colin Morgan and Bradley James sing you’re the voice on the set of Merlin
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apk02 · 2 years
I've spent the day watching Colin Morgan in his interviews and now I'm reading the fics in an Irish accent.
But it's fine. Because we love this accent. And the voice in my head sounds exactly like Colin and that's just ridiculously sexy.
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