fallingthruspace · 1 month
After watching you post about the Lost Boys for ages I finally fell victim to the lure of hot punk vampires. This movies fucks severely and I'm very glad I watched it. I'm def a David simp now lol. Thanks for the new fixation, I think I'm gonna like this fandom 🖤
Also since you liked The Lost Boys so much you should check out my girl @charlizekkelly ‘s book Shadows of The Night. It’s based on The Lost Boys and a super fun read❤️
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firestorm09890 · 6 months
something about the previous three cantos being titled "The Unloving", "The Unconfronting", and "The Unchanging", making Canto V's title "The Evil Defined" stand out as a marked shift. something about Leviathan giving us lots of context for Limbus Company. something about whales in Moby Dick frequently being referred to as "leviathans" and "Leviathan" (proper noun) in explicit reference to the bible. I think we have a big storm coming
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Hieronymus Bosch's 1500 painting The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things. The four outer discs depict (clockwise from top left) Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
Seven Deadly Sins
Gluttony (Gula)
Sloth (Accidia)
Lust (Luxuria)
Pride (Superbia)
Wrath (Ira)
Envy (Invidia)
Greed (Avaricia)
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
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My demonsona, based around the deadly sin of envy.
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bonesofchaos · 1 month
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soraeia · 9 months
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“!!!” Sisters???
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ethelgodehel · 10 months
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🖤 7 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖘 𝕷𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 🖤
𝕲𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖎𝖟𝖆 𝖆𝖘 𝕴𝖓𝖛𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖆
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lestoriediteresa · 2 years
27° - Elena
"Vuoi avere tutto Eleonora, deve essere tutto tuo, giusto? Non puoi sopportare di non venire considerata, di essere scartata, che poi a cosa ti serve? Sei una viziata. Sei patetica!" Teresa rimproverava spesso Eleonora che stizzita cercava di coinvolgere nel suo turbine di rabbia e insoddisfazione anche Asia e Morena.
"Guarda che non sono solo io, prenditela anche con lei!" rispose indicando una fine sagoma verde che faceva capolino da dietro la sua ombra.
"Oddio, lei chi? Chi si è aggiunto?" chiese Teresa preoccupata. Non voleva scoprire altri lati di se stessa ma allo stesso tempo non poteva più nascondere l'esistenza di quella figura.
"Sono Elena, la tua Invidia" si presentò "Sono sempre stata quì nascosta dietro l'ombra di Eleonora e finalmente mi hai notata." Mentre parlava quella piccola sagoma verdastra si discostava dall'ombra nera di Eleonora strisciando lenta nel vuoto. A pochi metri da Teresa si fermò e, fissandola diritta negli occhi, continuò il suo monologo quasi sensuale, lento e ipnotizzante "Vorresti essere tu al suo posto vero? Vorresti essere tu come lei...avere quel corpo, quel viso, anche quel piccolo particolare...vorresti avere l'intelligenza di lui e l'intraprendenza di lei, i suoi occhi azzurri e le sue gambe lunghe..."
"Ma di chi stai parlando, lui...lei...non capisco" chiese perplessa Teresa, quelle parole la stavano rimbanbendo.
"Parlo di tutti, lei che cammina per strada, lui in biblioteca che studia...chiunque tu veda, hai qualcosa da invidiargli. Ti piace scrutare le persone, guardarle in ogni piccolo particolare, conoscerle...ma la curiosità è solo una scusa..."
Le parole di Elena avevano fatto effetto. Teresa era stata totalmente ipnotizzata, tutto intorno a lei si era fermato come anche il suo corpo; il suo sguardo fisso nel vuoto lasciato dalla sagoma di Elena che nel frattempo aveva ripreso la sua serpeggiante marcia verso quel corpo paralizzato. Raggiunta Teresa la sagoma iniziò la scalata arrotolandosi prima attorno alle gambe, poi alla vita fino al collo, terminando la sua salita sulla spalla.
"...conoscere le persone ti permette di capire cosa ti piace di loro così da poterle invidiare. E l'invidia ti porta ad odiarle e ad allontanarti da loro. Ma la lontananza ti fa sentire esclusa quindi l'invidia aumenta ancora di più fino a diventare insopportabile"
Posò le sue piccole mani sulle guance di Teresa sollevandole delicatamente il volto per poterla meglio fissare negli occhi; lentamente spalancò le fauci inghiottendola proprio come un serpente avvelena e poi assapora la sua preda.
Teresa guardava il tutto da lontano, in terza persona, come se non fosse successo a lei, immobilizzata dal veleno di quelle parole, resa cieca dal vuoto che la stava avvolgendo.
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magpie-masterpieces · 5 months
Updating some of my Demon OCs! First up is my beloved backstabbing bitch, Invidia! 🐍
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poparthurdaniel · 1 year
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Invidia Contaminatrice Contaminator Envy #arte #art #poparthurdaniel #pop #digitalart #invidiacontaminatrice #artecontemporanea #arteastratta #astrattismo #contemporaryart #nft #contaminatorenvy #invidia #pixel #popart #artedigitale #arthur #newart #artist #envy #fakefriends #colors #fluid #fluido #greenenvy #poparthur #espressionism #digitalartist #vangogh #digital https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPsFq1Ihbl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poisonedbybeauty · 2 years
You better make sure, in the next season of your life, that the person that walked away from you, knows what they’re missing. You better do something so strong and so big with your life that they have to sit on the couch and say: ”That’s the one that got by”
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lu2211 · 2 years
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
How does the Ministry function? Headcanon
Despite what it would seem, the Clergy's ruler is not actually the current Papa, which can be easily seen in the Chapters, where everything seems to be much more under Sister Imperator's control. However, even she seems to be under someone's supervision, aside from Satan himself. How does it all work, then?
Not much to be added here. Obviously, the person on the very top of the Clergy is going to be the Dark Lord. However, since unlike some deities he actually believes in free will, he doesn't really intervene much,
The Council of Seven Deadly Sins
The ones actually in charge. The Council, as the name shows, consists of seven members, each representing a sin. They are all in some way supernatural beings and have been granted immortality to guide the Clergy, however it is not impossible for the members to change. If one is somehow overpowered and killed, the person who defeated them gets their spot. It is unknown who is the most powerful member of the Council, therefore they do not have an official leader. Instead, they draw lots on who is in charge of their next meeting.
The Council of Seven Deadly Sins consists of:
Superbia (Pride) - The Director
Avaritia (Greed) - Representative currently unknown
Luxuria (Lust) - Representative currently unknown
Invidia (Envy) - Representative currently unknown
Gula (Gluttony) - Representative currently unknown
Ira (Wrath) - Mister Saltarian
Acedia (Sloth) - Representative currently unknown
Due to the fact that they obviously must attend to very many things at once, only one of them (The Director) is actually in the Ministry th entire time. The rest visit when they feel like and for official meetings.
Does Sister Imperator not being here confuse you? That's because she fits in the next category.
The Assistants of The Council
As of now, the only known member of this group is Sister Imperator, who serves as the Assistant of The Director. However, due to how her boss is, she is the one running the Ministry most of the time. Something that she was prepared to since she was a child.
For reasons known only to himself, mister Saltarian does not have an assistant right now and has not had one for almost a century.
The Papa
While the Papa holds a lot of power when it comes to Siblings of Sin, in reality he is completely powerless in the end, as any of the Council members of Assistants of the Council can easily veto Papa's decisions. In reality, the role of a Papa is much more representative than anything. They do, however, have a lot of paperwork to keep up with. So sadly, while the title is a great honor, it actually comes with much less power than one would think.
If for whatever reason there's more than one Papa at a time (for example, one of them is too old to function on his own, but he's not willing to retire (like Papa Nihil), another Papa can be chosen to function alongside him. In this case, the older Papa is mostly in charge of the more mundane tasks while the younger Papa takes on the more "important" aspects of the job. There can be up to two Papas at once, however one of them must be "retired" in theory.
A Papa can serve his duties alone until he reaches 80 years of age, however they can resign at any point (or can be forced to do so). He does keep the title, but it is mostly an honorific. A retired Papa is not forced to work, but they can choose to. If a Papa chooses to keep working after his 80th birthday, he will be forced to accept a second Papa to work alongside him.
The Cardinals
Unlike in the Catholic church, in the Clergy a Cardinal is not just a fancier Bishop, it's a fully functional, separate role. The Papa can have up to twelve Cardinals (which have to be accepted by at least one of the Council members) to serve as his own assistants and advisors. Not to be confused with a Papa's personal assistant, which is a completely different function.
The Cardinals also help manage the Ministry while the Papa is away. They are also temporarily in charge (still below the Council, of course) if something happens to their Papa and the new one is not yet chosen.
All heirs of the current Papa have to become a cardinal when they reach the age of 30, however due to the bloodline, they can, if they so wish, skip all the way from Deacon to a Cardinal, seeing as their education for their role begins way earlier. A younger sibling also counts as an heir. (So for example, Terzo has been a Cardinal to his father and both of his brothers.)
If a Papa dies without leaving an heir, the next Papa is chosen by the Council from his Cardinals.
Whenever a new Papa is chosen, he is given a choice to either keep the Cardinals of the previous one, or he can select a new bunch. Cardinals forced into retiring are given the title of an Archbishop.
The Archbishops
Despite how fancy the title sounds, it's just that. A title. The Archbishops get a fancier outfit, yes, but that's about it. They have the same responsibilities as regular bishops. The Archbishop title is mostly a way to show respect to them for their service, as it is given almost exclusively to former Cardinals and very few Siblings that have done something extraordinary to earn the title.
The Bishops
In the clergy, the role of a Bishop is not as fancy as it is in the catholic church. It can be summarized to a priest with more experience. A Bishop's role is mostly to educate Deacons and help younger Priests while doing the work they did as Priests. Of course, they get more paperwork than regular Priests. It takes 10-15 years for a priest to become a Bishop.
The Priests
Their role is similar to the catholic priests, except satanic, of course. There really isn't much to say here.
The Deacons
The lowest on the "Priest path" of the Ministry. The students. The ones who aren't Priests yet, but they wish to become them. One must be a Deacon for five years to become a priest. The earliest one can become a Deacon is 16 years old. An exception to that is an heir to the Papacy, who becomes a Deacon at age 13.
The Siblings of Sin
Despite theoretically being the lowest in hierarchy among the humans of the Ministry, they can be found all over the positions of power which are not directly related to religion itself. For the Clergy, anyone who has been baptized is a Sibling of Sin. They are under no obligation to become Priests or climb the ladder. Siblings of Sin are simply members of the Clergy, no matter what their exact function is. Can one Sibling of Sin have some level of control above others? Yes, absolutely, due to their administrative function or other things like that. In the Church's ranks, however, they are even.
The Nameless Ghouls
Despite me putting them at the bottom here, the Ghouls do not actually have a fixed position in the hierarchy of the Ministry. They are summoned with a specific purpose and/or to serve a specific person. Unless that person passes a contract made with a Ghoul to someone else, the Ghoul only serves their summoner at first. In most cases, however, the Summoners and Ghouls get attached to each other and Ghouls are granted freedom. While they still usually work under their Summoner, just with much more possibilities. The Ghouls respond to their Summoners almost exclusively. The Ghouls have their own hierarchies, but that's for another post, I guess.
Written by Jez.
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @copiaspowderedjizz @calliedion-dungeon @nuntia
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
The Seven Deadly Kwami Sins
I kinda just said "What if I did this" one night and here we are. This is more an excuse to make kwamis that aren't based off animals, and in this case, demons.
Let's crack into this with the first of them:
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We start with the greatest of sins, Superbia, Kwami of Pride. The only one of the sins to have wings. Oh, and all their names are going to be the latin of their sins (I hope. I tried to do my research, so I'm fairly (not really) confident they're right)
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The second sin we have is Libidine, Kwami of Lust.
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The third is Ira, Kwami of Wrath. This is also an exception to the rule I have with kwami names and holder names. I know Ira is used for Absolution!Ondine, but like, themes.
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The fourth is Desidia, Kwami of Sloth.
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The fifth is Invidia, Kwami of Envy
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The sixth is Gula, Kwami of Gluttony
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Lastly, the seventh is Avaritia, Kwami of Greed.
This is probably the closest to a miracle box you'll get from me, which I'm calling (as of now) Heavenly Light, Hellish Shadow. It's a box meant for the seven sins and the seven virtues, direct contrasts. I figured it'd work well with the kwami system I have, plus, why the fuck not?
Anyway, I might get around to making the seven virtues. We'll see
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ossyria · 8 months
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bonesofchaos · 1 month
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invidia re'mon
6ft without heels, perfect figure, straight teeth, beautiful hair. invi has crafted her body to look like true perfection the minute she crawled out of hell, intent on thriving in the human world. the dashes of colour on her cheeks and forehead are the only part of her true self she allowed to remain when she remade herself. they're a dark red, that she usually matches her lipstick to and part of her brand now.
enveeous, her account, focuses mainly on fashion and cosmetics, most recently her own clothing line she launched at the end of last year. with a follower count of over 40.8 million, it's safe to say just about everything she promotes sells out.
invi is very thankful to her followers and it shows. they are feeding her after all. she arranges monthly meet and greets, give-a-ways of her products and clothes she no longer wears. she throws parties and only invites fans, always has tome for them in street. the only time she's asked them not to bother her is when she's spending time with her daughter, wreche.
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