chancecomdeus · 11 months
Uma carta a Deus! #31
Oi, Deus, faz um tempo desde que Te escrevi uma carta né?! Bom, vim aqui dizer que talvez hoje eu tenha entendido porque Você diz tanto para sermos como criança, as coisas quando mais novos é bem mais simples, agora como adultos tudo fica mais difícil, complicado talvez. Nossas próprias vontades gritam muito mais do que antes, porque é bem mais fácil quando alguém toma as direções por você, ainda que não se goste, você vai lá e faz independentemente do que pode acontecer. Quando se é criança você não se preocupa que algo vá dar errado porque você sabe que seja lá o que vier, tem alguém ali pra resolver as coisas e você está seguro. Só que aí a gente cresce, porque aprendeu ou viveu uma coisa ou outra, acha que sabe fazer alguma coisa e quando Você diz algo vem as dúvidas, os mil cenários no que aquilo pode dar, as milhões de coisas que se recusa a viver por se achar bom demais para certas coisas. Porém, entretanto, todavia… ninguém nunca sabe de nada além de Você e Você é nosso Pai, você é meu Pai! Meu Pai que tem o controle de tudo, que me ensina a caminhar, que me guia por onde ir, que me abraça quando estou com medo, que dança comigo porque eu amo dançar, que canta pra me alegrar, que faz o sol brilhar em um frio horroroso porque isso me faz sorrir, que me ama mesmo quando eu não Te agrado, que me corrige para ser alguém melhor, que me diz não por saber que minha motivação é errada, que me diz sim para viver uma vida abundante, que me faz e dá tanto que eu nem tenho como mensurar ou agradecer, que conhece cada partezinha minha mais do que eu mesma, porque é Você quem me criou! Você jamais guiaria para algo que fosse para meu mal, você jamais agiria de forma egoísta ou dissimulada, você jamais direcionaria sem saber o que virá! Você é meu Pai e como todo bom Pai você sempre está perto para cuidar e eu só tenho que depender de você como uma criança, porque Você sempre cuidou e sempre vai cuidar de tudo, eu só tenho que Te ouvir e obedecer, o mais Você resolve e não tenho que me preocupar, afinal, você não é apenas Pai, mas é o melhor Pai do mundo, que nunca falha, que nunca erra, que nunca se esquece de ninguém. Então, Pai, me ajuda e me ensina a ser todos os dias até o momento de Te encontrar a ser como uma criança para agradar seu coração e estar cada vez mais perto de Ti.
carol giovannini, chance com Deus.
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picsfortheday · 2 years
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xatskee · 1 year
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20230220): “Allah akan menolong orang-orang yang bergerak di atas jalan Allah.” (Abu Bakar ra) Bergerak di atas jalan Allah berarti mengedepankan Muraqabatullah, merasa selalu diawasi oleh Allah, di dalam setiap gerak, langkah, aktivitas, interaksi, bekerja, berbisnis, atau yang lainnya; a mindful living ala Islam. Mindful living ini perlu diasah. Situs HealthLine menuliskan ada enam kegiatan untuk melatihnya, 1) Berkendara dengan tenang, 2) Memasak, 3) Membaca cepat, 4) Menjahit/ merajut, 5) Menulis jurnal, dan 6) Menggambar/ mewarnai. “Sungguh, jika ada suatu perbuatan seberat biji sawi, dan berada dalam batu atau di langit atau di bumi, niscaya Allah akan memberinya (balasan). Sesungguhnya Allah Mahahalus, Mahateliti.” (Luqman: 16). Syaikh As-Sa’di dalam tafsirnya berkata, “Nasihat Luqman ini berisi anjuran untuk muraqabatullah dan melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah, apa pun yang mungkin untuk dilakukan.” Selamat beraktivitas dan semangat pagi! #Allah #will #help #those #move #intheway #Him #Muraqabatullah #all #activities #NoteToSelf. Telegram Channel https://t.me/x_QoTD https://www.instagram.com/p/Co265vnyqQR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anomadscause · 1 year
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Besides the fact that you niguhz starting’ to get on my fuhkin’ nerves.. ..'#ALREADY— **especially with all the different ways #theVillageIdiots and such mean to “"#Lead"” my #understanding of what I was saying on #theLastPost**😑! "What I know for certain is that I should probably invest in another #Tire for #Nidavellir as I’m sure we are both getting #tired of each other..🫤'even tho’ that’s not always the "”#Perception”", if you follow_ 'Which leads me to another annoying act of #LifeOnEarth and the suppose’d "#Control" and ‘#HowThatGo - but I’m really trying to steer clear of all that FuhkShht FORREAL[!]'😤 . ..#LifeOnEarth??? [#asManMadeIt]'?! Well then, #LifeIsOverRated.”😕_and that’s not even something EVEN or remotely close to being worth an argument or ""#Debate"". Plus this freakin’ movie got me feeling like I need to go and do a whole fuhkin’ personal research assignment on the creator. It’s old and everyone has had their fair share of talking about it in ""PopCulture"" or whatever but to be subjected to #theShht’, or rather, being able to place certain things #InTheWay that I oddly can…. 🤦🏾‍♂️.. . 😤'"I can’t make this fuhkING sh!t up!!" —and these niguhz spent ALL THAT TIME telling me what I CANT and COULDNT talk about (OnceUponATime). You niguhz are fuhking #RIDICULOUS. ..#SwitchAndSwap and all that fuhking #Tiqc’ing and shht'🤫 and ALL— [#WhatAJoke];#What'#aWasteOfTime. • #FreeMason | #FreeMasonry, #MasonicRule and yah’ whole #Illuminati (whatever it is atThisPoint) • 'Cause I for'DAM'sure ain’t trying to #FigureIt. ..as always..🤐— The sh!t REALLY isn’t and helping me with it to do ANYTHING but that. REAL “”#Government””-type "#Agenda" vibes.. 😔. ………………….. - thēIlluminaut’ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkriehxJmId/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dogkisser · 2 years
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Murphy in his sweet spot laying with his full body weight on me - and yes those are off brand crocs - I’m an old woman. And fun fact - when Murphy sits up in this position I can’t see the tv - so I actually spend a lot of the day not being able to see the tv because Murphy has been roused from his slumber and he needs to know if he is required to bark at something #murphythepoodle #intheway #poodle #rescuedog #dogkisserinternationalheadquarters (at Dogkisser International Headquarters) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdSGAaFNoP7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saramackenzie1982 · 2 years
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Don't stall readers and writers. It might be dangerous! If you can remember. 🤔😉 #Reader #Turns #Writer #Nobody #StallsUs #InTheWay #Remembering #Sequels #ExpensiveBooks #ReadFaster #AShame #Harvest #NewBritain #Experience #TheSeries #ThatStarted #ItAll #New https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJTzGBLDZT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aspringwind · 2 years
An Old Outlaw For You
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sanguine-salvation · 9 months
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
[ An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme - ACCEPTING! ]
There was ice in their eyes and in their fingers and in their gut.
The smell of warm blood splattered across their arm as the pain... wasn't there. Wasn't theirs. Wasn't...?
They stared in baffled, cold awe at the wounded man laying there at their feet, the split second glimpse of red enough to trip a wire in their brain. The inconceivable wrongness of it not being them, not being their blood, not being their pain, being inflicted on their little fish. He just... got in front of them? Why? Save them? Why? Why for them, what kind of madness had... had...
Oh, it did hurt now. Just not where it should have.
For the shortest moment, Dwight could see a glimpse of something only very, very, very, very few people ever knew the look of: the fear of losing someone on Viktor's face, but cast in much younger eyes.
And yet in that same second, their eyes were back to looking like broken glass, sharp and violent as they dove over Dwight, putting their body between him and the assailant and baring their teeth with an animalistic, insulted, vicious, snarling anger. Not yours. Not yours. Not. Yours!
In that instant, they didn't care what the nature of this new beast was, nor why it amongst the many, many, many magical beings that stupidly hunted Dwight— intheway— or why Dwight just did that— they could be hurt, that was allowed, why did he— they just drew their blade and flashed it in front of the creature's eyes. "He is not yours to hunt." They snarled sharply. "But now you are mine."
Their eyes flickered back to Dwight— walking? moving? breathing? bleeding?— and only stoked the flames more. This creature would bleed for the transgression, zombie or not. The swung their blade like a claw, aiming to gouge the beast's gut and keep it back and away from Dwight.
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babyawacs · 9 months
#indigenous #natives #tribes #and #aborigenees .@braz il .@usa .@america .@nativetimes @nativetimes @australia natives indigenous youh andle g r e e d of a current greenwash wave itis envogue to eat healthy declared jung le fruits these get scaled up industrialised for massproductio you are inthewa y first you secure your market access over direct pricing mechanisms direct market access many digital firms can help but foremost second youneed a list of goodactors and the people behind it and mistrust the actors youmustkickoff badactors and d eal only withthe pragmatic and goodwilling and third youneed informed alliances inthis with your own value ge neration d e f e n d e d because what hasno value is worthless donot letthem price you and sell you but guard your ressources and connect to good actors dont degrade youarenot safe from bad human nature amongyourselves too
#indigenous #natives #tribes #and #aborigenees .@brazil .@usa .@america .@nativetimes @nativetimes @australia natives indigenous youhandle g r e e d of a current greenwash wave itis envogue to eat healthy declared jungle fruits these get scaled up industrialised for massproductio you are intheway first you secure your market access over direct pricing mechanisms direct market access many digital…
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chancecomdeus · 10 months
Eu realmente não faço ideia do que você está fazendo agora, mas por cinco minutos, onde quer que você esteja, fale com o Pai, não rejeite o chamado Dele para você!
carol giovannini, chance com Deus.
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picsfortheday · 2 years
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bootofbunches · 4 years
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He's blocking my screen and my pencils...what a multitasker. 😼
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asta-daily · 4 years
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- Here it is Mylord, with the power of my magic, let me show you the bridge of Northund! The weakpoint of your ennemy! - Mmm... Tell me, Mage. Can you... - Yes Mylord? - Can you move the vision a little? There's something in the way. - Really? Lemme see... Ah. Yes indeed. - Why? - The focus has been cast a long time ago. Plants must have grown upon it. - Can you do something about it? - Not from here, Mylord. Maybe we can send someone to cut it? - Don't you think that if I could send someone there, I woudn't asked for a farsight spell from you. - True. - Then what do you suggest? - ...winter? *** - Et voilà Messire, grâce au truchement de mes arcanes, contemplez le pont de Northund, le point faible de votre ennemi ! - Mmm... Dites-moi, Mage, Pourriez-vous... - Oui Messire ? - Pourriez-vous déplacer la vision un brin ? Il y a quelque chose qui gène. - Vraiment ? Laissez moi regarder. Ah oui. Effectivement. - Pourquoi ? - Le focus a été posé sur place il y a bien longtemps. Les plantes ont du pousser. - Vous pouvez faire quelque chose ? - Pas d'ici, Messire. Peut'être que vous pourriez envoyer quelqu'un couper tout ça ? - Vous pensez bien que si je pouvais envoyer quelqu'un là bas je n'aurait pas fait appel à vous pour un tel sortilège. - C'est vrai. - Alors que suggérez-vous ? - ...l'hiver ? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6        
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mysweetminiaussie · 4 years
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My helpers in picking up leaves. #wellmaybe #moreofahinderance #intheway #goodthingtheyarecute #adorable #miniaussie #australianshepherdworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VcUG3HZUf/?igshid=1jgk5q1kwurlz
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drfpromos · 5 years
I guess #fight #street #drf #hood #streetfight #ghetto #hoodfight #crazyfights #punches #intheway #explore #smh https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6P_a7hIrC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vz7r58u50ep6
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stevewallet · 5 years
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Cute immovable object...get my cartoon books at stevewallet.com . #immovable #immovableobject #walkaround #dontsteponme #careful #bigfoot #sleepycat #catcurves #curve #detour #goaround #intheway #unmovable #iwillnotbemoved #walk #lifewithcats #stevewallet #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #catstagram #greetingcards #kitty #love #catlife #cartoon https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoPBAdHsFE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=44qunuff62cd
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