#insecure aziraphale
Do you have any fanfics about aziraphale being insecure about his weight? thanks you :))
We have loads on our #insecure aziraphale tag. Here are a few more to add to the collection...
Having and Holding by sheendav (M)
Aziraphale has a very specific bedtime request... one he fears Crowley will take the wrong way...
Fuck You Gabriel by smashedglassglitteringlikestars (E)
Crowley lets his angel know that it's okay to be soft.
You are beautiful, angel by Whatwashernameagain (M)
Aziraphale watches Crowley dance around his flat, drunk on good wine and freedom, and cannot help but be drawn to the way he moves, so fluid and graceful and entirely unselfconscious. He’s so beautiful with his fiery hair in the setting sun and his burning, wild eyes. Utterly breathtaking. The image of the lithe demon enjoying his body so confidently reminds him of how little he has to offer the person he craves to be close to more than he’s ever wanted anything in his entire existence. The cutting remarks spoken from smiling lips in heaven sting sharply as he remembers all of his failings as an angel. He feels very small suddenly. Crowley‘s sulfur-yellow eyes flare hotly.
Love Handles by Phoenix_Soar (E)
Crowley is a sweet thing and now that he is allowed, he wants to show Aziraphale just how lovely he finds his Angel.
As they try to adjust to the new turn their relationship takes after Armageddon, Crowley discovers that Aziraphale harbours certain self-conscious thoughts about his body. Well now, that just won’t do…
Just the Same by EmilyLouise (T)
So, the world didn't end and everything's pretty much the same, really. Apart from Aziraphale and Crowley are now in some sort of romantic relationship that neither of them knows how to navigate. But they don't need to talk about it or make it a thing. It's fine, really, apart from the times it isn't.
Things that were researched for this fic: Victorian and Georgian nightwear, the play 'Romeo and Juliet', molluscs, Aziraphale's conservation practices, the menu at the British Museum, the layout of the V&A, Italian renaissance gardens, Giant Sloths, plant varieties, the guardian crossword, compost, and the difference between BP and BC.
Snow Angel by Vagabond (T)
Human!AU. Aziraphale needs a date to his brother's Christmas party to avoid getting set up with someone. Anathema suggests Crowley, the office bad boy. They go, get snowed in, and have a heart-to-heart that ends in a Happy Christmas.
From a prompt: Human!AU: Aziraphale needs a date for family Christmas. He invites the office rebel/bad boy, Crowley.
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Crowley: Angel, can I ask you something?
Aziraphale: Of course, dear.
Crowley: Do you…like me?
Aziraphale: *visible confusion* Do I like you…?
Crowley: Yeah, you know, like………*trails off*
Aziraphale: ??
Crowley: you know what I mean…
Aziraphale: Do I have a crush on you?
Crowley: yeah
Aziraphale: My dear, dear boy………
Aziraphale: We have literally been married for the last several decades..
Crowley: So, is that a yes?
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bahoreal · 10 months
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been thinking about crowleys fall a lot. insp
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robinratt · 4 months
Good omens au where they are both artists
Crowley makes very modern and abstracy art. He isnt happy with anything he makes and is constantly looking for change in his works. He pays the bills with winning prices and getting a place in art galaries.
Aziraphale make hyperrealistic art and while he happy with what he makes. (He paint portrets of rich people that pay a lot, he earns more then crowley this way) he is verry envyous of crowley because he know he will never be able to paint that freely
Crowleys loves aziraphales steadyness and thinks his work is impressive
Aziraphale loves how crowleys work is always something new and loves it even if crowley doesnt
When they meet crowley learns from aziraphale to love his work and that he doesnt need to invent something new every day
Aziraphale learns from crowley how to let go of the specific style he works in and paint freely
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pagandaddybutart · 2 months
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Beardziraphale alt under the cut :>
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marauderswolf22 · 3 months
a person will say "oh yeah, i like this characters story and personality a lot" but the story and personality in their canon is THEIR story and personality
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lenaellsi · 5 months
I think maybe my hottest character take is that crowley doesn't hate himself or think less of himself for being a demon. aziraphale is the one with the horrific self-esteem issues. crowley thinks he is the coolest fucker on god's green earth and that is what we call dramatic irony my friends
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bodiesinthelake · 7 months
still thinking about the line "you're clever! how can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?" theres SO much to unpack
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zionworkzs · 8 months
Aziraphale is just always trying so hard and I want to hold him and tell him it's alright and that it's all gonna work out and that he doesn't have to prove himself to be worthy of love, no matter what those bastards in Heaven say.
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divinegrump · 8 months
I genuinely don't really like when artists portray Aziraphale as physically self hating or insecure. That's not what he's insecure or hates about himself, that's not what he believes is unlovable. He has a lot of other things, but not that.
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do you have any of aziraphale being insecure of his body? i can't find any good ones. Thank you :))
This is a very popular request and we have a plethora of fics on our #insecure aziraphale tag, which is linked right at the top of the pinned masterpost! You may also be interested in some of the fics on our #body worship tag. Here are more to add to the extensive collection...
An angel's pride by hapax (G)
Still, human clothing styles did change; and if he wanted to fit in (and he did, oh he did, and no matter how many times he insisted to himself that it was only to better protect and guide his mortal charges, a secret part of him found it exhilarating to be accepted as just-another-face-in-the-crowd, after such an immeasurable length of time being the odd duck in Heaven) he had at least to make an effort to change with them.
Aziraphale and his evolving relationship with clothing.
There is strength in your softness, Angel by Cuppa_Rosie_Lee (NR)
Crowley and Aziraphale return to the bookshop after a date at the Ritz. Aziraphale becomes self-conscious about his weight, but Crowley is having absolutely none of it. All the feelings and a ridiculously soft demon in love.
An Angel's Mortal Body by uravefangirlgurl (G)
Aziraphale thinks Crowley's going to leave him because he's gained weight.
You are beautiful, angel by Whatwashernameagain (M)
Aziraphale watches Crowley dance around his flat, drunk on good wine and freedom, and cannot help but be drawn to the way he moves, so fluid and graceful and entirely unselfconscious. He’s so beautiful with his fiery hair in the setting sun and his burning, wild eyes. Utterly breathtaking. The image of the lithe demon enjoying his body so confidently reminds him of how little he has to offer the person he craves to be close to more than he’s ever wanted anything in his entire existence. The cutting remarks spoken from smiling lips in heaven sting sharply as he remembers all of his failings as an angel. He feels very small suddenly. Crowley‘s sulfur-yellow eyes flare hotly.
Control of Emptiness by LiaAnastasia (M)
Everything was perfect after they saved the world until Gabriel and other angels arrived and left the broken Aziraphale behind. Crowley after a mistake trying to help his love and make him believe that he is a beautiful angel and haven't fallen.
Easy by mozbee (M)
While driving to his father's funeral, Aziraphale stops for the night at an inn, indulges in a rather whirlwind sexual encounter, and plans to take his leave very early the next morning.
And then the snowstorm hits. Or: What to do if you're accidentally stranded with the person you weren't supposed to see again: A Guide by AZ. Fell
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
"what's wrong with her" she thought about crowley and aziraphale giving each other space for their imperfect, most improper selves to come through and still being madly in love for a second too long
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noughticalcrossings · 8 months
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Out of Eden
Inktober day 16. Angel
And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying 'Where is the flaming sword that was given unto thee?'
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feuerkindjana · 10 months
Aziraphale's Guilt Complex
I can't get over how guilty Aziraphale must feel at all times.
The first time he met Crowley at the dawn of creation. He witnessed its beauty and was instantly drawn to this joyful, glowing, stunning angel and then he opened his mouth and told said angel that his hard work won't matter much in the long run. For all Aziraphale knows, he caused Crowley's Fall and the loss of his home and safety, and depending on his name and rank, maybe even started the whole rebellion.
That alone would break a person but then he gets put on Appletree Duty, fails to prevent The Fall from Grace of Adam and Eve and has to oversee them losing their home and safety. So, he tries to give them at least some sort of protection, something he couldn't do with Crowley, and hands over his sword. Which, in time, created War and caused millions of people to lose their home and safety, Falling left and right (either from Grace due to the things they did or quite literally by dying).
Aziraphale can't un-create War but he was offered the chance to right his Original Sin, to bring back the glorious creature that he hurt. He has protected Crowley whenever he could and this would protect him because they'd be together, untouchable (he doesn't know about Gabriel's trial and how very much not untouchable the higher ups are and maybe he never really understood the Fall ) and they could watch over the beautiful creation together. Of course, he'd be delighted to take that chance, not only a chance to "restore " the joy that he witnessed and destroyed but also to redeem himself, to be able to hate himself a little less.
To let go of that part of his guilt, to correct his biggest regret... that is hard to say no to.
Sadly, I don't think Crowley knows any of that. He might suspect a bit of a bad conscience about War but I don't think he understands that Aziraphale blames himself for The Fall.
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pronouncingitwang · 10 months
SORRY but the nightingale line was so fucking annoying maybe i have an incredibly low tolerance for self-referentialness but why would that line mean anything to the two of them
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See, the thing about Crowley living in his car in s2 is that I left the s1 finale with the impression that both of them finished their lunch, staggered their way back to the book shop (gently sloshed) and spent the night getting absolutely hammered. Like drain the wine cellar, night on the town, capital-P Pissed.
It’s all a bit ‘rambunctious’, as a fussy and well read angel might say.
Crowley wakes up on Aziraphale’s sofa a week later - covered in a blanket, various papers and a copy of the Sunday times.
A pot of tea’s just finished steeping, there’s cake in the tin. Somewhere across the shop, a tartan-clad figure hums (rather untunefully) to himself as he pours over a crackled hardback book.
If you asked Crowley, it’s all quite civilised, if a tad “country living magazine”. A little gauche. A bit twee - not really his ‘style’.
But he doesn’t reach for his glasses, or pat his jacket for his keys.
After all, he thinks, stretching what’s probably the correct number of limbs and reaching out for a bone china cup, why on Her green earth would he ever want to leave?
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