#im v picky rn
fandom-hoarder · 1 year
"Dubcon! because there's alcohol involved but i do my best to make it clear everyone is on board" stahhhhhp you're ruining iiitttt😭
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whimsical-sonic · 8 months
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concept stuffs of sonic and blaze for my misplaced au
the outfit colors arent final! i just wanted to figure out empowered colors :]
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yeonjuins · 1 year
also!! what's your fave song from the album? devil by the window has me on a chokehold tbh
devil by the window is also my fav <3<3
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l3viat8an · 11 months
(this is completely unrelated to omegaverse so please dont make ot omegaverse related since im uncomfortable w it, only bringing this uo since i know alot of ppl associate scenting w omegaverse, but other than that enjoy :])
been thibking about scebting so heres an ask about it !!
i imagine that angels n demons have a tendency to scent things they care abiut or like alot, especially in devildom n u go down the social leader n get to lesser demons, since lesser demons are often stolen from (but most demons have wnough eespect for another if they smell another’s acent on an item, not stealing the scented item out of principle)
theres slight differences in smell depending on the type of relationship that a demon has w anither, w familial scents mainly smelling like naturey stuff such trees, the ocean, flowers n stuff (tho the flower part of their scents tend to be ALOT less prominent in familial scents, at least compared to romantic scents, tho still somewhat noticeable) platonic smelling more like citrusy scents such as oranges or grapefruit or lemons n romantic scents smell more floral n like flowers such as roses, sunflowers, daffodils, etc (but even than, no two demon scents smell the same, like one demon’s familial scent might smell like dead grass after a wild fire, acacia wood n wilted flowers, while anothers smells like wet grass after rain n wet wood)
but other than that, im mainly focusing on scenting between the demon brothers n what their familial scents smell like (just familial for now cause im too lazy to do romantic n platonic as well 🤧) since thats whats been gripping my brain the most n thats what i originally was gonna say in this ask
lucifer us v subtle in his scenting, not wanting to let ppl knwo that he cares more than he lets on, he mainly scents his coat, gloves n younger brothers, his scent mainly smells like dried n pressed flowers, oak trees n dew
mammon tries to be subtle w his scenting as to keep up hus tough guy/the great mammon act but isnt, especially bot when it comes to mc, he practically runs his entire face against their neck just to scent them, he mainly scents his sunglasses n coat, his scent smells like pine trees n dehydrated wood
levi is v shy about scenting, especially when it comed to scenting mc, not that he has anything to worry about tho, if mc decides to stay in hus him gor a long period of time tgan hus scent eill end up rubbing off on them, he mainly scents his figurines, manga, games n pretty much ant otaku stuff he has in his possession, his scent mainly smells like lake water, sea salt n pine trees
satan is somewhat picky about what/who he scents, obly ever scenting his jacket, books n his brothers, he doesnt really like scenting just Whoever comes into his life, only scenting the person/ppl in his life that he has alot of love for, which just so happens to include his brothers n mc, his acent smells like burning wood in a fireplace n the babk ot a river
might do asmo, belphie, beel, diavolo, simeon n luke at a layer date since im too tired to do so rn, all of their scents are also gonna be familial, as well since again, immtoo lazy to do romantic n platonic as well 😔
~ t4t anon
I thought scenting just another demon thing I didn’t even think of omegaverse-
But this is so sweet omggg
‘n silly little add on as always lol
After MC spends ‘too much’ time in Levi’s room or with Satan, Mammon is even worse about scenting them again. Rubbing against them almost nonstop for DAYS after cuz they don’t smell enough like him.
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amelias-art · 1 year
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my name's amelia (she/they) and i draw and make music sometimes! my main is @chaoscontrolled123, but i do miss having a separate art blog so here i go again lol
my commissions are open [HERE]!
more info under the cut
OC stuff i may post about:
Dreadnought Despair (extremely on hiatus rn) - a multimedia murder mystery fic inspired by danganronpa! it can be read [HERE]
Swear 'Em & Ferrum - an ironsworn campaign i play with my friend roadie! our elaborate campaign wiki can be found [HERE], and you can listen to the songs(!) i've written for it [HERE]!
Dangan Infinity - an upcoming infinity train x danganronpa forum RP i'm doing art for (as well as playing a mod OC!) check it out [HERE], apps are still open for another couple weeks!
JJBA: Sunset Hyperdrive - the "story" in which all my jjba OCs exist, a wacky road trip/battle of the bands set in the 2010s southwestern US! i dont plan to ever write it it's just an excuse for character designs
i have a vast assortment of pathfinder/ttrpg characters too! and one of these days i will do a game jam
a non-exhaustive list of things i make fanart for (tagged as written unless otherwise specified):
friends' OCs (#others ocs)
sailor moon
anime murder mystery games (#ace attorney, #zero escape, #danganronpa, #ghost trick, etc etc)
jjba (i tag by the english name for each part in case you need to block for spoilers)
vocal synths (mostly #synthesizer v)
i also make weird covers and original songs using synthesizer V! i have too many voicebanks but my favorites are asterian, kevin, and anri! my genre is Whatever I Feel Like but tends towards jazz and experimental. in addition to soundcloud i'm working on getting a youtube channel going
commissions are not officially open until i get meds sorted out, but if you have a request or want RP sprites or something feel free to ask! im not super online and im picky with asks i answer publicly but i try to read em all!
i CW using the #___ cw format, and the most common ones that'll crop up in my art are eyestrain, blood, and body horror!
ok thats all i got thank u for reading 💜💜 i'll be queuing up stuff this week!
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noeou · 2 years
can u elaborate more about what you feel of twst setting as a school?? i'd like to know why it makes u feel like that!
okay, disclaimer this is mainly my opinion cause im very picky for no good reason. this isn’t hate or anything, by the way.
one.) personalities. yes, i do blame personalities on setting, now this isn’t necessarily bout the nrc itself but the backgrounds of the characters.
the queen of hearts is not an exception to ‘we’re all mad here.’ i don’t think riddle should be as strict as he is, well actually, i think he is the right amount of strict but maybe he could be more insane?? not like a psycho, but yes psycho. i personally think that riddle would be much calmer and smiley, in a scarier way. he wouldn’t turn as red unless he’s upset, when flustered it’ll be a different kind of blushing. he probably won’t be easy to fluster, cause i don’t think he’d take compliments seriously. most he’d received were either mocking or forced, not really genuine. this has to do with my headcanon that the qoh killed her last lovers because of their ‘insincerity’ towards her, considering she’s mad i doubt she’s easy to genuinely love.
i haven’t watched the lion king, but i don’t think scar is actually asleep all the time. i know lions sleep a lot, but that’s because they already have everything. the ladies that bring food, shelter so forth. you could say leona has the same thing, but he doesn’t have the people’s respect. his brother has everything, if he’s like scar that should be something he wants. he wouldn’t sleep all the time, but plotting on how to get the one thing he doesn’t have.
hades sure as hell wasn’t shy in the slightest. he picked up persephone at a party and brought her home and kept her?? i’m not saying idia has to be a carbon copy, but i think (as heir to styx) he can survive without his little brother at his beck and call. if you want to look at the disney ver. HADES TOOK A GIRLS SOUL AND HAD HER SEDUCE A GOD SO HE COULD TAKE OVER THE HEAVENS!! bffr, idia aint shit.
i can go on in another post, these are three dorm leaders and things that stood out the most to me.
two.) it’s hard to see the characters that aren’t in the same dorm interact with each other. i know it happens in game but i just can’t picture anything other than it.
in the nrc, it feels as though everyone is competing with everyone. this probably is true to an extent actually, but in my mind it messes with the flow of dialogue. no one agrees with people out of their dorm (except maybe 1st years) and there is just constant bickering.
when writing im often forced to consider dynamics like this, which is near impossible if no one gets along! no new faces can show up, no new dynamics can be made... maybe im just being overdramatic.
three.) there's nothing to know about other character's backstories.
I LITERALLY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT LEONA RN TELL ME ABT RUGGIE!! each chapter, the dorm leader is the villain (jamil exception) so we only get to know about them. hate to say this, but that's boring asl.
we never get to a deep dive in ace or deuce or characters like that unless it's an event or something. new people won't be ble to learn their lore in the actual story (where it should be or at least in their cards, cause i can understand the story is already v long)
i hate having to look at the wiki for sprinkles of info about characters we talk to once or twice but do nothing for the plot (ehem, jack, you forgot him too huh.)
i could probably go on, but this already took way too long... sorry nonnie for making you wait months D:
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mateodoodle · 1 year
12, 13, 34, 45, 50! for the fic asks
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike that uave grown on you?
I think time loop Aus. For a while I didnt like reading angst in general v much and I got annoyed quickly by how long it took for the comfort part of hurt/comfort to kick in. But then I read this one that wasn't even hurt/comfort it was just oure angst all the time and I was like "damn... Gotta get me some more of this" and now im a big fan of the angst potential
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don't anymore?
If I'm being honest, not really. Im very picky and only interact with things I like a LOT so if im kind of meh on something, I usually don't engage with it if it's a focus so I don't become more meh on it
34. What aspects of your writing are drawn from your real life?
If a character stims in a way that isn't explicitly stated in canon, its more than likely it's one of my own stims. Very rarely, I give characters stims that differ from my own, i can think of like. One example from a fic I've published and another one from a class I took for short story writing last year
45. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fic?
Im gonna do two. Firstly, i think I'v egoten better at inserting action between dialogue without it being too clunky anymore, even though I still worry about that a lot. Secondly, devsloping story beats BEFORE I write. I used to struggle so much more with writing because I wouldnt plan most of it out, but I go into a LOT of detail now in my drafts and I'm even willing to go out of my way to write scenes from different parts of a story and connect them later on
50. Answer any question. I'll answer the one that asks what my favorite prompt I've written for was. My favorite was for a Convin DBH secret santa I did one year. The prompt I chose (out of two or three others I cant remmeber rn) was time travel which was so fun :¬> i love thinking out of the box with prompts/tropes because it means I have more fun coming up with goofy ideas and making them serious. Time travel fix-it fic where both halves of the ship are sent/send themselves back in time to fix the past, accidentally get in each others'ways, then reveal their situations to each other only to do a surprise pikachu face? Ugh I love that story so much!
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dokiyeom · 1 year
DWWW u will see that from now on I'll just pop on ur inbox with random pics or just . rants LMAOOO hihiih do u have maybe dc or twt?? i feel like that would be easier to interact on yk? + i have a little something i wanna show u 🤭 PLS SHARE THEM WITH ME YES!! im such a sucker of ranting about fics & fic ideas with friends istg..
ill try it when I can but i live in a small village so they don't have that here 😞 ill go to the city for uni though so ik ill explore more diff foods since im a big fan of that yk!
mmmm ok ok now ik when to send u an ask 😝 && that's so interesting?? do u still have family there or will u go alone if u move there! tbh france is only cool from a touristic pov 😭 like i could write an essay about how much i hate certain things here it's Awful BUT i do like the museums and more artistic side so yayay OHHH??? HELLO that's so cool i love how u remember only that 🙏🙏 i love tulips they are my fav flowers too 😞💔
TWT THEORIES SAID SO TOO !! that would be a very unique announcement actually ohh :O for my friends 18th bday party another friend lent me a black dress w a v line collar? it was very light and just overall v cute but simple so i might just go for something with the same vibe ngl bit im picky too and i haven't really been able to find clothes i like for a few years rn so it's a bit of a problem 👎
OMG WHAT ALBUMS?????? i want to have the carat bong so bad but ill buy it (for now) if they come here in concert yk & if i can still use v2 for concerts! i hope u soon can get ur carat bong 🙏 omg show me PLS PLS PLS i have one too and i love seeing other people's collections 😞
i have . a lot 😭 rn i have 18 albums with 2 more for my bday...... PREAPRE URSELF. i have aespa girls, astro switch on, atz treasure ep fin all to action, bts love urself answer & proof, enhypen dimension dilemma & manifesto day 1, lsrfm antifragile (I PULLED SAKURA YAYYY), nct dream glitch mode, svt director's cut (THE LUCK I HAD FOR THIS ONE got it WITH PCS for 20€) semicolon & face the sun, skz no easy & christmas evel, tbz maverick, txt minisode blue hour & tcc fight or escape and woodz only lovers left!! for my bday i alr bought enhypen border day carnival + bss second wind hehe 🫶🫶
THAT NEW THEME WOULD BE SO COOL!!! omg tell me when u did it i wanna see it first hihi 💥💥💥
omg i have both !! but tbh i don’t think i’ve logged into discord in months,, but i’ll send u my twt :D AND RIGHT !! i feel like just talking abt ur fic ideas helps a lot w the writing process
oo id rec just making it at home if it’s possible !! i feel like sukiyaki would b a bit pricey at restaurants,, but the ingredients may b a bit inaccessible :0 && agh dw abt timing for asks !! i have an extremely turbulent sleep sched so pls just send them whenever it’s convenient for u :D
&& yesyes i have family there !! but tbh id probably want to move there alone if i could,, && that makes a lot of sense !! is it like the short stay that makes france fun for tourists ? or like general novelty of things wear off over time :0 ALSO HELLO SVT DIRECTORS CUT ?? that’s so cool hello ??? whod u pull :000
and dori,, i’ve unfortunately been collecting¿ buying albums for a while now,,, like i quite literally cannot list them all fjdjshs but i have svt, lsfm, twice, stayc, aespa, nct, txt, enha, ive, nmixx, izone, red velvet, and itzy albums :D i got really lucky w where i live bc there’s an album store nearby,, so sometimes my friends n i go together :D AND YES DEF U WILL B THE FIRST TO SEE THE NEW DOKIYEOM CARRD !!!
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
random but btw i love your profile picture <3 okay anyways kakucho fics. i realised that i actually have THREE kakucho centric wips, not just two, which is a pleasant surprise but the third one only consists of a broad idea and one single sentence yet so sadly it doesn’t change much lmao.
warnings: as always angst 👍 also trauma mention plus suicidal thoughts and also talk of guns in the 1st one. also all three screenshots are different fics and only the 1st one has a title yet, which is ‘i’ve lost your war’ which are song lyrics i stole from pentatonix. also the plot of the 1st fic is that kakucho is uhm. a little depressed and traumatised after izana’s death, and while he seems fine on the outside and actually tries his best to heal he’s not okay at all and the healing doesn’t really work. give this man some therapy thank you. plot of the 2nd one is in the screenshot. 3rd screenshot is random bits and ideas for a kakucho/mikey fic in the bonten timeline in which they project izana respectively draken onto each other. first paragraph is sanzu pov but i think i wanna scrap that. tho ngl i quite like the last sentence in the screenshot. yk the one about them looking at each other they way only used to look at the person they love- i originally went for angst for that fic too but who knows maybe their unhealthy coping mechanism actually turns healthy and i am not cruel for once.
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i’m sorry this is already long help take your time to answer if you need it BUT i also have some kisaki’s mother fic bits. i called her hideko in the fic which is a name somebody on ao3 came up with for her and i’m still waiting for them to tell me if i can publish my fic with her name being hideko or not bc it was their idea (i’m obviously crediting them) buut yeah. they’re the author of ‘the diary of a boy who will never be missed’ forgot their @ rn- anyways screenshots for you. include the beginning of the fic and some of my fav bits. have fun with the non-linear narrative (which is also how the fic is written btw i am a huge fan of non-linear narratives tbh) and even less context than the fic provides. also yes hideko’s a little fucked up blame it on her trauma and all the abuse she’s endured throughout her life
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ty ty mizo mid means the world to me <33 THREE??? why i am really getting fed today thank u v much :P
firstly the title of wow like seriously thatz a really well thought of name, good job elys :DDD but yES please give this poor man some therapy for like everything hez been through like im begging for real
it may be short but that summary plus the one liner just made me brain explode/pos like oh my GOD i rlly wanna see that one seriously ehebehhe
I LIKE THIS ONE idk i kinda like sanzu's opening pov of it but like whatever you think is best of course. HMMMMMM THIS ONEEEEEEEEE i think its really interesting how you think mikey's projecting draken onto kakucho and youre seriously right so the whole basis of this fic is fascinating so im super excited to see how it goes
(hideko fic) oh its all good!! i'm not really picky with how stories are written but then again sometimes it just kinda slips my mind lol. but yeah uh i wanna give her a big hug rn. like bro. the poor thing. and i'm guessing she wouldn't be the type to run away cuz of her son ? god thatz a massive :( on my end. (pls show me more once you've finished it / published it)
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
ohhhhh i do so love reading new atla fics they’re so comforting. these are characters i’ve grown up with and adored for so long. new fics by new fans always always bring a breath of fresh air because whether i like it or not fics by old fans and tend to get a bit stagnant after a while emulating each other and not really branching outside of what we’re used to. but then new fans come along and we get gems like this:
Despite the fact that it really was probably a reasonable assumption, Zuko couldn't help bristling. “Why wouldn't I be able to cook?” he snapped.
Sokka gestured towards him with the arm that wasn't currently wrapped around Yue. “Well, you're a guy.”
“You're royalty,” Yue said at the same time.
Zuko opened his mouth to ask why either of those things would stop him from knowing how to cook, then he paused. “Wait. Do neither of you know how to cook?”
The answer was no, in the form of incoherent spluttering.
“Well,” Zuko said, turning his attention back to the rice. “You should probably start learning. Katara's not going to want to cook for you when you're married.”
More spluttering. Across the clearing, Katara made no effort to hide her smirk.
i just— i love ppl who write long atla fics sm guys
(fanfic is A Long Way Home by sushigal007)
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megglepie · 3 years
How about classic erasermic for the bingo?
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classic. perfection. so dear to me.
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im listening to new podcasts instead of relistening to my favourite one and im being so brave about it
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chamomilebears · 3 years
Sometimes I wish I had more friends who r interested in art
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lotusjwy · 3 years
@jingyilan tagged me in a fic thing! thank 🥰  
my tastes are ever changing so rn these are the types of fics i’ve been known to read, but im pretty open to reading anything! 
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
i’m gonna taggg @ootomo-sensei annnnd @gremlinmetawin bc i can’t think of any other moots i have that i interact with often! (but if i missed someone pls feel free to do this and say i tagged you!) 
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l3viat8an · 11 months
a continuation of my scenting ask :) (https://www.tumblr.com/l3viat8an/721146568161492992/this-is-completely-unrelated-to-omegaverse-so),
as i said in my prev ask, all of these will just be their familial scents cause im too lazy to do their romantic m platonic scents at another point <3
asmo scents pretty openly, iften seen scenging his brothers n mc before or afyer class, before he leaves the house, when he comes home, etc, he usually scents all of his clothes n jewelry, as well as his skin care products n bed, his scent tends to smell like lavender, snow n acacia wood
beel is alos v open about his scenting, scenting his brothers before n after school n when he gets home a fangol game, he usually alos scents his brothers, especially belphie, but he has recently gotten into the habit of scentinh mc, n he mainly scents his jacket, belphies pillow n iacket n choker/necklace, his scent smells like mushrooms n cut grass
belphie, like satan, is also v picky about who he scenys, not wanting scent just about anyone who coms into his lige eithet, oy scenting the pll who he trusts the most, whicb means that belphie tends to scwnt his brothers, n later in mc, the most, he usually scents his pillow, jacket, beel’s jacket n his bed, his scent smells like cut grass n wet sand
simeon is, again, pretty ipen about who he scents, maibly scenting luke as his son and/or younger brother, he tends to scent his coat/robe thing(?) n lukes hat, his scent smells like vanilla, wet osk wood n lavebdrr
luke is v picky about who svents, only scenting simeon as his dad and/or older brother as of rn, habing yet to work up the nerves to scent the demons he grew close to/fond of (beel, mammon n barbatos), he usually scents his hag n whatever shury simeon has on that day, his scent tends to smell like dried hydrangeas, old wood n sea water
diavolo is somewhat open about scenting, not being embarrassed about it but not having many ppl to scent due to being the crowned prince (n the only crowned
prince 😪) o fthe demon king, he tends scent barbatos n lucifer the most out of eveyone he knows, he usually scents his rad uniform n the jewelry he wears in his demon form the most, his scent smells like burning wood n bleeding heart flowers
barbatos is v picky about he who he scenys, only ever scenting the mc n diavolo, he tends to scent his rad n bukler uniforms n gloves the most, n occasionally he’ll scent an item of the mc’s if he misses them moee than usual, his scent smells like dead wood, mushrooms n sea grass
~ t4t anon
Link to the first post!
Idk why but Belphie scenting Beel’s jacket seems so sweet I can’t-
Really, random but I totally think Simeon would (later on ofc-) scent Solomon & MC too!!!!
Diavolo scenting Lucifer hejshsjsjsj he would ‘n I love that sm <3
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remarkable-ghost · 5 years
all my fault, you say???
#hi guys im v exasperated and all around just sssssiiiiiggggghhhh#my roommie literally said the rooming situation is ‘all my fault and we just haaaaad to live in apartment’#well guess what!!! you had every capability to decline!!! there are multiple ways this could have gone down and its not all on me!!!#like i get it neither of us were expecting it to be this rough but also??? youre not making it easy either???#i feel very angry at myself too because some of the complaining my roommate does like i complain about to#so while im so mad at my roommate for going on about everything like ive done the same#like i go on and on about tiny stuff and now im mad because it probably sounds like stupid reasons so like hypocrite much?#but at least for some of the stuff ive been upfront about it? like the other day i actually said ‘hey sry i dont got time for this anymore’#and the other roomie was like ‘oh my bad’ so like at least i.... told them?#but now my roomie just... has some pretty high standards and i get that maybe you cant function because of certain stuff but like#we cant all accommodate you!!! sometimes you just have to live with a messy kitchen okay??? like i understand youve always a clean kitchen#like your entire life but like plz understand we’re not at ur house!!! and i get conflicted by like ‘its their home too they should be comfy#i sort of said ‘tbh im not bothered by the kitchen’ and she was like ‘youre not? :o guess i’ll deal with it if its only me’#like im not saying you cant be upset about it but please understand that some of your stuff is just you being picky!!!#again im mad at myself because this is literally all stuff someone can call me out on too but i just wanna vent rn so grrrr!#thank heaven for people who actually know how to live with other people#ghost rants
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