#im sorry anon i dont know shit about makeup!!!
stuffeddeer · 5 months
I think Dazai would like mess around with your makeup stuffs and pretends he’s you doing your makeup and he’s like HUH how tf do you use this??
you definitely yell at him for wasting products!!! what i know about makeup is that it is Not Cheap.
dazai stares at you like a deer in headlights, your favorite eyeshadow pigment decorating the tips of his fingers. did he have to try and swatch all of them..?
you’d gently sit on the edge of your vanity, telling dazai what each product does, how to properly apply it, and helping him to doll himself up like you do.
he’s all giggly the whole time, not immune to the excitement that comes from making yourself look pretty! but he’s mainly giggly because the one helping him is you ❤️
when it finally comes time for lipstick, you help him pick out a nice shade that works well with the rest of the colors he’s since applied, and he excitedly stops you before you can put it on!
“i know how to do this one, i know!” he’ll say animatedly, swiping the tube from your hand and uncapping it.
you watch in amusement as he lathers his lips, deciding not to mention that sometimes less is more. he looks too cute, who are you to stop him?
Legs swinging back and forth, you watch him from your position on the vanity’s surface. Your hands gripped the edge of the piece, keeping yourself stable as he finally recaps the lipstick tube and sets it on the now messy table, all of your properly organized pieces in disarray from Dazai’s attempt at playing dress-up.
Even though it was applied haphazardly, he looked very pretty with his big brown eyes and now full lips, eyes showcasing an impish glint and lips accompanied by a mischievous smirk. You knew Dazai well enough to know he was planning something, but it was hard to decipher just what.
“You’re gorgeous,” you smirk back, still amused even while silently noting his coy expression. Teasing, you add, “I can’t believe I was able to land such a pretty girl.”
Dazai’s grin doesn’t falter. “Not done! Next you’re supposed to blot, right?”
His words make you smile. “If you want to, yes.” And he definitely should, judging by how much of the tube he just used up. $30 well spent, you suppose.
A yelp escapes your lips before his are pressed to yours, arms wrapped around your neck from yanking you down towards the vanity chair he sat in. Dazai couldn’t help the small smile on his face as he held you close, eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the kiss.
Your hands moved from the edge of the vanity to his shoulders, not wanting to topple forward as you kissed back. Yeah, $30 well spent.
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rinhaler · 6 months
ur stepdad!gojo and uncle nanami fic got me feeling things so much so i felt the need to go into anon to confess bc im just so feral for this idea LMAO
ik ur not taking requests, and this isnt really a request but i just wanna leave this here as a lil tidbit or lil scenario bc ur fics had my mind running and i have nowhere to put it, and you can do with it as you wish, but here:
reader being a camgirl as a way to earn extra money to buy nice shit (should be paying for school but lmao) ofc, this doesnt go unnoticed by stepdaddy gojo and uncle nanami. They question where youre getting the money to buy all this cute shit, and ofc u make up an excuse, but they dont buy it.
gojo or nanami, could be either one, stumble upon your little…. “operation” one night, totally by accident while trying to get their rocks off.
they confront you about it, and perhaps they both tag team you at the same time while youre “working”, on camera for all to see. and you make SO MUCH MONEYfrom just that one night 👀
do with this as you will, just felt the need to drop this here hehe >:3
-simp anon 🐚🩷🍬
when i tell u when i first got this ask my jaw was on the FLOOR
I honestly don't know which idea I like better? The thought of them both accidentally coming across you doing a show and perving over it is so hot. Maybe Nanami finds it first and doesn't immediately tell your step daddy. He has to jerk off to it first?? He's a little taken aback by how confident you are considering how shy and seemingly innocent you are in person.
And I know Gojo is going to be teasing Nanami about being on a cam girl site.
"How did you find this, huh, Nanami?" completely winding him up with a smirk on his face that Nanami just has to ignore.
You aren't live when he shows your step daddy. He just shows him your profile. They both act clueless when you get home from college, saying your hellos and goodbyes as you go up to your room to study. (meanwhile you're actually just doing your makeup and picking what lingerie to wear to your stream).
They both hang out in the kitchen until your mother goes to bed, telling her they're just having a nightcap before her dear brother hits to road.
And then you're live, the audio playing quietly as you perform. Gojo is so surprised to see you like this but he just can't ignore the tent he feels forming in his pants.
They decide to interrupt your little show, and your viewers take note of how good your acting is! Plus the whole step-cest angle is really hot.
You make the most money you've ever made thanks to them double stuffing you and pumping you with so many loads you can barely see straight 💗
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
hi, first ask here but i just need to vent rq
we told one of our friends (who in all honesty i dont like very much in general) that we are a system and they basically haven’t texted first since then, and when we do text she always responds days later or just responds with a quick message. she did this before to some extent but never this much, and directly after we told her too. We told her over the phone and she straight up said that she doesn’t believe us because of “the amount of fakers” and like :/
dude, we trusted you enough to tell you something we literally haven’t confided in anyone else with and you say (without much knowledge of what did even is besides “funny people in your head”) that you dont think we are really a system. Like bro?? We spent like 5 minutes explaining the very very basics of what a system is and you immediately tell us we are faking??? we trusted you, she trusted you. Fuck her honesty, im so done pretending that she was a good friend, some people still like her, but talking to her does nothing but make us feel like shit. She also just belittles us all the time and is constantly complaining whenever we talk about something that she inst interested in, especially whatever our collective hyperfixation is at the time. Im pretty sure she’s only friends with us to complain about everyone else, now that im listing it all im realizing just how long she was like this.
theres also a lot of shit with not feeling like myself at all or that im still coming to terms with the fact that i was basically just created for a single traumatic event that is now over, and i know i still have a role, i still have a purpose, but thats not all i am. Im a person and im so tired of only fully fronting when i have something to do. i wanna listen to music, i wanna display our dolls, i wanna do the body’s makeup, i want to be a person. Im tired man, its even rougher bcuz how our system works i dont think i can access the innerworld, so im just stuck in the front all the time feeling like everyone but myself.
i feel so fake, i feel like im not a real person, just a fictive of some snotty guy (who i dont even look like or use the same pronouns as but i have the memories of for some reason???) who btw, our friend constantly sexualizes and literally said she wants to make out with??? She STILL fucking does this even though we said multiple times we dont like when she does that and it makes me rlly fucking uncomfortable.
also i got called emo in target today, honestly its rlly funny to me, the highlight of my day.
sorry if this is a lot, i just needed somewhere to write this all down
I want to let you know that I have read all of this and that friend doesn't sound like a friend at all. It really does sound like she only wants you there for her own gain. If she can't be nice and supportive, then do not call her a friend anymore.
Do what is best for you and your health.
I hope your days get better, though, Anon.
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notahorseindisguise · 4 months
apologies for the unasked for advice but getting more into feminine stuff feels really daunting but there are a lot of easy places to start!!
jewelery: i recommend picking either silver or gold to be the main focus when you're getting stuff, personally im a gold fan but you'll find more cool silver stuff in stores right now because of trends and such. (mixing metals is totally allowed and anyone who says otherwise is a coward but it's easier to be cohesive with one or the other) id say get a couple thin chains, nothing too long, just for daily wear, and then a statement necklace or two for fun. a couple rings too if you feel it in your heart. my favorite place for jewelery is antique stores, like local places especially because they have a lot of stuff that will last longer for cheaper.
makeup: i feel like the best and most fun place to start is eyeliner. go to your local walmart or drugstore and get a black eyeliner pen (the nyx epic ink liner is like six bucks at walmart it will last you a year and the durability is great) and a tube of mascara and then looking up a yt tutorial is always easy since there's a visual to go with it but one easy thing to do is just straight up use something with a straight edge or tape on your face and use it to guide the eyeliner wing, and then you just bring it back to the lid and put mascara on! its gonna be difficult your first few times it's annoying as shit to get used to but it's really fun!!!!
again sorry for advice you didn't ask for but girling is very fun i hope you enjoy it
thank you anon !!! i appreciate this advice. i dont wear makeup because i cant wear makeup, but thank you anyway for that <3333
and with jewelry ive looked in thrift stores many times but the issue is too things, one i want jewelry that represents me so im picky. like my beetle pendant, thats a gift from an old friend of mine who i really care about and wearing it makes me think of them, and also the beetle really represents me so . yeag idk i need something meaningful. and 2 i am quite a germaphobe and i dont know a good way to clean metal safely and so wearing an op shop necklace scares me
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hikari-ni-naritai · 7 months
re: vampire cooking post
But like if you think about it
Animals do cook their food though, like, some of them, like y'know how sheep digest their food a lot in their four stomachs and spit it out and eat it again? That's sort of a cooking.
Also humans do kind of cook their sex. Most other animals don't do, like, bdsm and kink shit. We do those things though even though we don't have to for the sex to work. And that's sort of like how we cook our food but animals don't
And some vampires do cook their blood! Like sometimes in some fictional interpretations of them. I can't name any off the top off my head but I'm sure they exist
Sorry, I realized I'm realizing I am reading way too much into that one post that you just reblogged and it's very silly
anon i dont know how to say this nicely. you sound like you got your definition of 'cook' from tiktok comments on conspiracy theorist rants saying 'let him cook 👀". like. the 'cooking' being referenced is a specific thing humans do where we apply heat and other processes to change the chemical makeup of food making it easier to digest, allowing us to use the excess energy for brain development. it's believed that the invention of cooking is what allowed us to become human in the first place. 'cook' doesnt mean 'do a process of some kind to'. and yes, some vampires in media cook and some even eat. theres a lot of anime vampires that have no problem with human food. vampire lore is so expansive that basically any trait could theoretically belong to a vampire. the post was talking about the early lore.
also im sure you dont mean any offense by it but i get really annoyed by implications of the Objective Superiority of Sex so like. lets not talk to emily about that ok? theres nothing special about sex. anyway i do think youre wrong, i think animals are quite capable of having kinks even if they arent capable of acting on them the way we are, but even supposing youre right, our ability to do bdsm would be a direct result of the sapience gained through cooking food.
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actualbird · 3 years
When you still identified as nb and had the cute lolita aesthetic your character would be cancelled for *spins wheel* fetishisation and infantilisation of transness and asian culture, *spins* being an uwu soft enby stereotype aaaaand *spins again* pandering to the cisgender audience. And yes those are things i heard people say about my own trans ass
god....anon, im so sorry you had to deal with idiotic accusations like that. it really sucks to have like, Just How You Are be shit on huhu :(((
im a dude now and while ive rebranded my aesthetic to be more me (i.e. disney tv show brother) i still do looooove lolita fashion and cutesy stuff and wearing a wig and fluffy cat ears and letting my younger sib put makeup on me sometimes. so lmao let's hope ppl who are against,,,,real people Being Like This cancel for being an uwu trans softboi or not experiencing gender dysphoria "correctly" or whatever it is gatekeepers say these days
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thisisnowanmlpblog · 4 years
I dont know if you do requests or not, but uuh: mime bomb befriending another clown based operative? Their more of an acrobat, but they have the makeup and everything and they understand sign -tea anon
Pairing: Mime Bomb x OC
A/N:Im so sorry this took so long i've been super busy. This is just the first part but hopefully I will get the other parts done quicker.This part is just platonic but i am planning on it getting romantic in later parts
TW:Caps, Yelling, door slamming, a lot of cursing, 1 year age Gap (oc is younger), daggers
Title: What A Laugh
Mime bomb finally had a week off. He could just lounge around his room without any makeup on and without having to try to communicate and infuriatingly failing.Laying down on his bed he was just getting ready to take a nap when DING! One new message from faculty.
“Hello Mime Bomb sorry to interrupt your Week off but you have been requested to join us in 30 minutes to be assigned a new mission.”. So much for his week off. If he had 30 minutes he better put on his face. He gets up grabs his makeup and puts on his face and starts walking to the faculty meeting room.
Upon arrival he hears Cleo’s voice say “Ah Mime Bomb so glad you could make it on time! We have a new mission for you!”
“What is it?” He mimes inquisitively.
“We are sending you on mission to get Dr.Bellum a ‘plasma ray’ supposedly”.
Mime bomb looks at the preoccupied scientist with a pondering facial expression.
“Hmm,” she says looking up from her screens “,oh hello Mime Bomb, we are sending you on a quest to Norway,  and its not for a plasma ray! It's for a portable plasma guns energy source, with it I will be able to reverse engineer it too make copies to power VILE and sell them to the criminal underworld to power whatever their evil hearts desire!”
“What are the missions specifics?” he replied hoping it would be clear enough.
“We need you to sneak by and be an inconspicuous party-goer while your  partner acts as distraction, but we will need you to stay in the vicinity before that to scout for any red and any red herrings” Coach Brunt answered for them.
“Don't you mean that the other way around were my partner sneaks by and I’m the distraction?” Mime Bomb asked confused.
“No I meant it  exactly the way I said it, why you usually are a wonderful distraction Jester is much more suited for a party environment.” She stated trying to answer all Mime Bombs questions. But it just added more. For example who was ‘Jester’? He thought he had there name before but where at ? Who was it? The answer was on the tip of his fingers when the doors behind him slammed open.
“SORRY I’M LATE WHAT'S HAPPENING?” said the late-comer. Ah yes now Mime Bomb remembered, Jester, one of the graduates from the year after him. The only time they had talked was when Mime Bomb was joing to report him for juggling daggers in the dorms but Jester had managed to bribe him with some water proof makeup that quickly ran out.
Jester spotted Mime Bomb and Mime Bomb made awkward eye contact with Jester.
”Is this about the thing?” Jester whispered.
“No it’s not, you definitely bought my silence with that bribe.”
 Jester nodded in response and than acknowledged faculty.
“Since you missed the meeting we will send the briefing to you tablet and you can read it you have 20 minutes till take off, dismissed.” Cleo finished the meeting off with.
Mime Bomb and Jester exit at the same time and Mme Bomb hears Jester talking to himself.
“DisMISSed more like what I MISS?” is all MB catches as his partner continues to mumble under breath.
Hearing the joke Mime Bomb silently cracks up laughing. He's laughing so hard that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. And that's how he ended up stubbing his foot directly into a corner of a wall.
“Fucking shit ass Motherfucker fuck muffin” he signs angrly.
“You know for a guy that speaks with his hands you think it would be easier for you to actually watch your language” Jester responds.That gets MB to laugh yet again and distract him from the pain. He finally understood his partners code name! And he knew Sign! WAIT A MINUTE HE KNOWS SIGN!
“Wait a minute you know sign?” Mime Bomb asked.
“Yep and those few you signed were among the first learned although I have never seen anyone sign ‘fuck muffin’ before so that's a first.”
Mime Bomb was now using the wall he stubbed his toe on for support while laughing up his lungs. At this rate he was going to need an inhaler for the mission. Oh crap the mission. Mime Bomb said goodbye and went go get ready as did Jester.Than they joined each other company at the Helicopter Pad.
“You ready to put on your best face Mimey? Hmm wait no nevermind that might be a bit too much with makeup.”. Mime Bomb had to remember to breath while getting onto the ‘copter.
Mime Bomb flashed a smile at him to show he liked the joke and than hoped in to his seat.
“Okay so brief debriefing of the mission should be loading on too my phone any second now, ah there it is let's see, ugh im discraction AGAIN? I mean i know im a jester but still, I’m sure you understand ya know with being a mime and all?”
“Yeah it's kind of refreshing doing the stealth part of the mission for once though, it's infuriating to just entertain as a professional thief we should be able to partake in both parts, why go to theif school when you could have just gone to one for Drama?.”
“I know right!!”
“So what's in the bags” Mime Bomb gestures to Jesters several duffel bags.
“Since we most likely aren't going to be running and are going to be there for several days I tried to bring everything I could to entertain people.”
“hmm guess I don't have that problem considering I just use air props.”.
It was know Jesters turn to laugh and as he was doubling over to do so Mime Bomb realized he was really glad to not have that week off.
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Hewwo may i pls request bts with a femboy (and idol) boyfriend? If you dont know what a femboy is, its a man who looks feminine and usually wears feminine clothing/crossdresses. I get a lot of hate for liking the fashion i wear so seeing you write this would make my week! Thank you so much! No pressure though, its okay if this makes you uncomfortable :^)
I'm sorry others don't like what you dress like; if girls can wear guys’ clothes, why cany guys wear girl clothes? It really annoys the hell out of me that for male people, wearing feminine clothes makes them targets for hate or fetishizing. How about we all just not give a shit about what people are wearing and give a shit about peoples personalities? I'll find out if I hate someone by their personality. Not by what they wear. 
I'll get off my soapbox now.
But anyways, I plan to do quite a bit of writing tonight. I still need to do some school work though. But I'm watching Saw, one of my favorite movie series. I hope you like it anyways anon : )
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He would be a little surprised when (y/n) came out of their shared bedroom in fishnet stockings. Seokjin would think he looked good and felt confident in looking like the most attractive couple. Seokjin’s group had dressed in feminine clothing before and saw that his boyfriend just liked them more or just as equal to men's clothing. Unfortainitly, the rest of the world did not. (Y/n) was often made fun of his clothing. Whenever this did happen, Seokjin would just get up and leave. Not wanting to hear how the other person thought of his beloved boyfriend.
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Namjoon arrived at the restaurant, His boyfriend had asked him to meet him there. He ordered a glass of water to sip on until (y/n) arrived. The place seemed a little cramped but that left his mind when a person started talking on the speakers, Namjoon hadn't noticed them until now. “Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, welcome to tonight's drag show.” Namjoon had hear of the term ‘drag show’. He personaly loved them, as it took talent and commitment to do everything. His boyfriend still had not arrived but he was catching on to what was going on. After the first few queens performed, Namjoon saw a very familiar face. It was (y/n) in a dress, high heels, and makeup. Namjoon saw how happy doing shows made him, and he was nothing but supportive. He was the loudest when supporting you in the crowd and didn't give a damn about what anybody else thought.
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Yoongi had always thought “Who cares if we’re both happy”. That didn't change with (y/n), he didn't care if (y/n) wore makeup or wore women's clothing. He would love his boyfriend, no matter what he wore or what was in his pants. When he saw the happy look on his boyfriends face from wearing what he wanted to wear, he would be just as happy. Whenever or if ever, somebody told (y/n) to wear something for “men”. God would wish mercy on that person because nobody messes with Yoongi’s boyfriend.
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Hoseok would be a supportive boyfriend no matter what; when he heard that people were bullying you. He would talk on V live to his fans and his boyfriends' fans. “Can't you see that we are happy together and (y/n) is happy wearing what he is wearing? I fell in love with him because of his personality, not for what he wears.” Hoseok would wear some of his boyfriends' stuff too. Like some large sleep clothes, he would comment about how soft and how he can see why (y/n) likes them. Fans would start to notice what items of clothing you would share now too.
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Jimin would be giggly seeing how well his boyfriend looked. Jimin would think (y/n) was attractive no matter what he wore. (Y/n) had always wanted to see Jimin in women's shorts or even a skirt. Jimin had no complaints and actually liked it. Jimin was feeling much more secure in himself and his body and the shorts made him feel confident. The worse would come when people made fun of you guys. (y/n) and Jimin would be laying in bed trying to make the other feel better, maybe just cuddling and supporting each other.
Im watching saw 2 and the needle part just came up. excuse me while I invert into myself 
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Taehyung would love it so much, he got to style and see how both styles looked and felt. When (y/n) was having a bad week, they would go shopping together and look at all sections of the store. It was like a whole new world was shown to him when (y/n) would talk to him about it. He would absolutely hate it when people would criticize (y/n) for what he wore. Taehyung would wear a dress and makeup, even more than what his boyfriend was wearing, to get more attention on him and not his boyfriend.
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Curious bunny is curious. It was like a hidden gem. Jungkook had tried his hand at doing his own makeup but wanted to do more. So when (y/n) told him, Jungkook wanted to learn to do it with him. He liked that even though you were an idol, that didn't stop you from wearing what you wanted to wear. He didn't want to wear some of the things himself, but would support you in wearing it. Jungkook still wanted to learn how to do some of the makeup techniques on himself.
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scoobiesminyard · 4 years
hey so uhhh just a heads up, that last post about bdsm was posted by a terf...
anon im sorry i didn’t know that (i dont follow that blog) im absolutely not a terf!! but i don’t think im going to delete the reblog, just because that particular post hasn’t got anything anti trans in it and i think its critique of the porn industry is kind of important. again, didn’t know that so thanks for the heads up
i do find it pretty annoying that posts rightfully criticizing makeup culture, porn etc (i find myself really frustrated by the misogynistic reality of that kind of shit but a lot of “mainstream feminism” ignores those issues because its not palatable and its a lot easier just to say “if you choose to do something, its empowering and absolutely okay no matter what kind of social pressure the world put you under to do it!!) are often posted by people who openly hate trans people/women because i dont want to support that hate at all. also as a lesbian, i feel under this extra pressure not to appear like a terf because its such a (lesphobic) stereotype that lesbians are transphobic..... sorry just wanted to get all that off my chest
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when do you think magnus first started wearing makeup?
GREAT QUESTION ANON i hope you know that i would die for you
i think magnus developed most of his fashion sense (and use of it as a form of expression) when he went to England. I mean before that he was with asmodeus doing fuck knows what and i dont think he was encouraging magnus to do a lot of self expression lol. i mean he wanted to keep Magnus on a leash, so he would be close to him and obey him and asmodeus would become King of Edom and yada yada yada evil plan, you get it. so i think before england magnus wore, i dont fucking know, black robes or something.
but then!!!!! he yeeted asmodeus back into edom because hes a king and decided to live his own life, and fucked off to England because??? unclear. im gonna go ahead and headcanon it was because of ragnor, whom he met while he was still under asmodeus’ abuse and who helped him get away from his chains, because i do what i want. anyway. for a while, life was all about trying to unlearn whatever asmodeus had been telling him about his nature and his purpose in life and figuring out who he really was and what he really wanted, because it be like that post-abuse (also lets not forget there was the abuse from his stepfather and the traumatic relationship with his mother). so it makes sense that Magnus would experiment with clothing and makeup at that time, because that’s how you express yourself to the world, its part of identity-building and it also works as an armour of sorts - Magnus dresses to look elegant, powerful and put-together, approachable but never vulnerable. this use of clothing as armour is pretty much canon, too - when he was struggling after the whole bodyswap plotline, the first thing he did was change clothes and makeup, to look happier, whole-er. Fashion, to Magnus, is self-expression, while simultaneously being a way of protection (and to some extent, hiding); hes trying not to be ashamed of who he is, to own it, to allow himself to be and not be confined by anyone else’s expectations, but hes also trying to protect himself from others, because when he was at his lowest point, his vulnerability was weaponized to manipulate him, and he doesnt want that to happen again. and then he meets Camille and it does! haha! im fine
i think that interpretation that England was the defining point for Magnus’ fashion sense is also supported by, well, his style in general. while the asian influence in his clothing is present - with the abundance of silk and the longer shirts that resemble some of indonesian traditional clothing, not to mention the brocade patterns - i think its surprisingly western? with the pants, the vests (which are very english), a lot of the military-style clothing, the makeup itself which is 100% western style… i think his influence was mostly British. but, obviously, he would want to reflect his origins and cultural upbringing as an indonesian man into his clothing - there was quite an asian community in England at that time and also he had his memories from his time in indonesia. we also cant forget that asian fabrics and style were kind of hot in Europe at that time and also influenced their fashion as a whole, and also that when magnus was born the dutch were already settled in indonesia and therefore the clothing style was (forcibly) changing to conform to european beauty standarts, so theres all of that.
as for the makeup - yes i do remember the question was about makeup im sorry i get cARriED AwaY - it was actually pretty common for men to wear makeup in both Indonesia and England up to the 20th century, so this wasn’t really, like, scandalous or anything. men wore makeup, no biggie. although i do believe that Magnus got his products from Asia, because 1- theres no way Magnus would wear that white powder bullshit that the english did, that’s disgusting; 2- its more suited to his skin tone anyway; 3- to the surprise of absolutely no one, the english sucked, and their makeup was very bad for both the skin and health as a whole. literally when i looked up makeup in the 18th century for this ask the first thing that came up was an article on how europeans were dying left and right and going bald due to lead poisoning caused by their makeup????? and they knew it was the makeup but they just. didnt do anything about it, i guess. and then died. which sounds about right
so yeah anyway Magnus is not an idiot, knows his natural products (hes a warlock!), and was born in indonesia where he knew for a fact makeup wasnt killing ppl and making them bald so theres no way he was using the english stuff. he either made it himself - which is actually pretty likely, now that i think about it. he brews his own shampoo - or he got them from Asia, which was only a portal away anyway (im saying Asia but i know, obviously, that there are thousands of different cultures in Asia and just indonesia speaks over 700 different languages. however, from my research on this, the asians had been trading makeup, fabric and other beauty products amongst themselves for centuries before the europeans even knew they existed. so i think its safe to say that there are products from all over the continent in both magnus’ collection and in each culture’s traditional use of makeup). But i like the idea of Magnus making his own stuff because that is great, beautiful, i love Magnus creating stuff and mixing potions and making his shit, hes such a genius and hes so creative and this seems to me like a space where he can be as free and wild as he wants, not to mention its something he can use to help people, but when he brews his shampoo and makeup its something that he does for himself and Magnus doesnt do a lot of stuff for himself. so yeah, im gonna go ahead and say Magnus makes his makeup. god what a time to be alive im so thankful i got this ask
and then around the second half of the 18th century the english suddenly decided that makeup wasnt for men actually and that men shouldn’t wear colorful clothing, only boring ass suits and no corsets, and Magnus was like “lmao! sure jan” because, like i said, clothing and makeup are an important part of his identity, might even be some sort of foundantion that keeps him balanced - he gets to choose what he does and what he looks like and what he wants the world to think of him when they see him, instead of being defined by what other people are saying about himself. it helps him feel secure and free from his abuse and like he has a grip on himself. so he’ll be damned if the hottest random gender binary rule of the west is gonna stop him from wearing what he wants, fuck you. this is the one thing in magnus’ life that is about him, not about penitence, not about proving himself, not about helping others, but about him and who he is, and he cant give that up
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4chanbf · 4 years
All asks
Thank you Lily!!
angel; do you have a nickname?
I dont even have a name lmao, but some ppl call me Olive, that makes me so happy
awe; how old are you?
Im 13
baby; favorite color?
Black and red
bloop; spirit animal?
Rat? idk?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
I dont even know:/ sorry
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
A cow!! i still have him i made him some kandi actually
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
Ehmm, i dont even know
bright; mermaids or fairies?
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
I have some pretty close friends, but idk if i have a best friend
buttercup; showers or baths?
butterfly; dream destination?
Idk really
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
I dont really know lol
calm; favorite scent?
Green apples are pretty nice smelling?
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
I dont remember much, however i was in this room and it had some children in it. They were like, not born or something? Society hated all of them and they were like made wrong or something bc it was a society where ppl were made like robots? anyways they were all pretty fragile and they could die easily, i dont remember any of them but this one girl, she was around 14 years old, she was tall and pale and she had long straight hair. it was like a grayish blonde color. she didnt have any eyes but where her left eye should be there was this black bead thingy? she didnt feel very good, i think she was preparing to die actually
charming; have you ever been in love?
I dont know jcjdmxm
cozy; eye/hair color?
Im a ginger:( also my eyes are like brown or something
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
Idk, i just like vampires
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
I like black roses?
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
I got a game for my switch :D
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
My bunny backpack lol
cutsie; what makes you happy?
My friends and ice coffee and music
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
Lmao never jjmhm
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
As a boy
daylight; favorite album of all time?
Three cheers for sweet revenge maybe?
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
Ive actually never been to a concert :(
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
Think so?
dobby; dream job?
Artist i think
doll; how do you like to dress?
I dress like a lesbian
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
No :’(
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
Ehm i think so
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
I used to have a pretty extreme alien phase. I better say yes i dont wanna betray 9 year old me
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
Ehm i love my friends? One of my best friends i love a lot, hes always there for me when im feeling not so good. also hes very funny i love talking to him and i really hope ill get to meet him one day!
fairy; do you have a pet?
Yes i have a dog!!
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
forever; where do you feel time stop?
I never really feel like that :(
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
No :( my poor plants :(
garden; how many languages do you know?
I speak english and danish, but im currently learning german!
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
My friends?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
Im obsessed with scenecore
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
Yes!! theyre so much fun!
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
1. I treat other ppl well mostly
yeah i hate everything else about me lmao
heart; silk or lace?
Lace, silk is making me shiver just from thinking of it
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
Ice coffeeeee!! i am gay
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
I really like both? i dont really care
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
Be in my room and cry while listening to music. sometimes i draw or play videogames too
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
My laugh is fucking ugly. also i snort when i laugh and my friends keep pointing it out 
kinky; do you blush easily?
Yea i think so
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
Idk i just want a hug
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
When im in my bed on my phone and im just talking to ppl before i sleep. or when im drinking ice coffee
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
Mcr or pierce the veil or slipknot
love; what is your favorite season and why?
I hate all seasons
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
Dark chockolate i think (i know i cant spell njnjm)
magic; what are five flaws you have?
1. Im annoying
2. Im treating myself like shit
3. I look very ugly and like a girl
4. None of the things i used to love makes me happy anymore really
5. Im stupid and i cant focus
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
They are nice and cute and loves me as much as i love them uwuwuw
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
I dont really know, im tiredd
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
On my phone. listening to music. being sad
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
Idk i feel like i dont improve, i only get worse
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
Ugly. also i draw an x instead of . and the dot over i
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
I do own a uke! cant play tho
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
Im pretty bad at that lmao 
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
Kiwi? idk, i like berries tho
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
Idk, i feel like jared, 19 so fucking much
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
That one time i accidently listened to mama by mcr, and then i was like “o shit im trans”
shine; art or music?
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
Hmmh, kinda
smitten; do you collect anything?
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
Sour candy
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Steven universe
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
My bed
soothe; digital or vinyl?
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
A hug lmao
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
That they listen. and if we can be idiot dumbasses together thats nice too
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
aesthetically pleasing
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
Ahaha no
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
I like funny kids. not the annyoing ones. dont think i want some tho
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
Misters chemical romance
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
The friend who makes a little too many jokes about wanting to die. Also the friend who never shows up bc im too busy being sad lmao
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
Had a very nice conversation with a friend. that was very appreciated
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
Both. thats not good
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
I love being in my room, but sometimes i really dont want to be here
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
I cant wait to get the fuck out of here
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
Thanks for the ask :) this took a long time nndjc
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monschoices · 5 years
talk about ari 👀
Tumblr media
Thank you mer I owe you my life 😔✊
Ari Yang!! My baby! ( Any pronouns || 20 || Virgo (sept.4) )
How tall are they?
as we all know, Ari tiny queen 5'2 ✊
How do they tend to dress?
Ari's style is really flexible, he wears any kinda shit that's in and designer, from skirts to shirts to pants to dresses to funky hats, all of them
Do they like how they look?
narcissistic ass bitch of course
Are they an only child or do they have any siblings?
Every single Yang oc/mc I have is related. (as of right now there's Ari, Willam (Mars) ,Votya (Artemis) and Atlas) [and if pb reuses the te male mcs again, there's gonna be more. Also! Votya is not from any of the choices books, they're a full on oc.]
Are they a morning person or night owl?
Ari likes to Do Stuff in the morning and wakes up early a lot so he can get many things done, unless there is some kinda party at night, because in that case, night owl, and then absolutely dead and hungover the next day
Are they a cat person or a dog person?
cat person 😔 in fact, Ari has a cat whomst he named Aria, and she's an entirely white cat, except for the big black heart shaped mark on her back (im sorry for never drawing her also, but i cant draw cats)
Got any favourite foods?
when he can eat, he likes vegan sushi. (he is vegan, yeos. also the when he can eat thing is because Ari actually suffers from a Bad Stomach Meanie which cannot be really cured, its effects can just be lightened and he sometimes gets sick from simply eating and might throw up, so he's really careful with what he eats and when 😔)
How about favourite drinks?
If ya like pina coladas! 🤧 also mojitos. like all of them
What are their favourite movies/tv shows?
usually netflix shows or whatever is going on in the mainstream media. fun fact he also watches the overwatch league so that too
Do they have any hidden talents?
Ari is really fit and flexible, so usually doing extreme stunts
Do they believe in love at first sight?
ya, only.
Who is their love interest?
😔👉👈 yall already know but beckett. please donot send Anon Hate
What are they afraid of?
actual sports (fuck te for making him do thief he would NEVER)
What are their guilty pleasures?
ASMR (he is a regular and committed subscriber of Byleth's)
What was their dream job as a kid? is it still their dream?
(not a job but still) As a kid, Ari always just wanted to be the best at everything, probably why he was valedictorian of his high school class. The dream that stayed with him is getting a phd
Have they ever broken a bone?
Yes, Ari dances on a kinda serious level, and some missteps happen 🤷‍♂️
Have they ever been in trouble with the law?
Naw, he just legally cannot afford to do that...
+ Three other random facts about them!
1. Ari is non-binary 😎
2. His first actual serious boyfriend was a trans man named Kyle back in China 😎😎 They separated on good terms and still talk a lot
3. Ari has a huuuge social media following as he streams games and does makeup videos a lot, and his fans address him using they/them pronouns
thank u for the ask again like thansk for enabling me mer 👌👌 sorry if some shit dont make sense its 2am and im not gonna proofread
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hugsfromdad · 5 years
Hey kids,
How is everyone?
It's been a long time since I've done a check-in post and I've recently been feeling a real need to reconnect with all of you on here.
TLDR: my life is really busy and crazy and theater hasn't been good for me but I'm surviving. I miss y'all sm and want to hear from you. Whether it's anon, message, comment, or reblog. I have next to no freetime rn, but i really want to reconnect and am gonna try my best to be present on here more.💗
My life update: I've been so enjoying not being on instagram and just focusing on myself, healing and growing, and the few real relationships I have outside of social media. However, it's been hard cause I realized just how few close friends i actually have and the desperate need I have for friends who live nearby me. My two current best friends live 3.5 hours away, and in Colorado... So not someone i can hit up to have supper with and get a hug from when im having a tough day. And ive been having quite a few of those recently.
Joining theater has been...an experience. My mum has helped me to realize that i joined this production with expectations of making new friends.... Those expectations, as low as i thought they were, were wrong. It's like being in a ridiculously intense class with kids who already all know each other. It's not a clique, and I'm not being excluded, but it's like trying to break into a world where i dont even speak their language, and I'm still deciding if i really even want to.
I've been spending 3-4 days a week, 3hrs+ (sometimes 10hrs) per day with these people, for now 2 months--and I still dont know more than 3ish facts about the majority of them. A couple of them i have been able to get closer to-- but only because I found a time outside of practice hours to get to know them.
This has been really difficult for me. A lot about this situation is triggering for me and bringing me back to my bad years when I knew and spent time with a lot of people, but felt really alone and had no friends... So, it gets kind of scary when im already having a bad day and i go to practice. I have to be really careful and intentional of staying on the road when I drive home because my suicidalness kicks back in real strong...yeah, it's that bad. But I'm being careful and open with my mum and therapist about this all.
On good days, I kind of maybe consider doing this again. But in actuality... I dont want to. I'm not really having fun and I don't want to put myself through this again. I dont have a passion for this and I would need some really good, close (location-wise and friendship-wise) friends in my life, and in theater, to be able to enjoy doing this again.
So yeah... That's THAT whole situation. I'm counting the days til it's over... 20. Closing night is on my birthday... Best present I could get. I really just want to have my life back from this. And i hate that I'm good at it and so the people there assume im having fun and gonna want to do this again.. And, worst of all assumptions; that im carefree and happy-- lol.
So thats pretty unfortunate, but I'm at least getting another really good learning experience, and I cannot tell yall how fucking proud of myself i am for doing this. This is a big deal and I threw myself in the deep end and it turns out im actually good at swimming--even if I dont like it.
When it comes to my personal life (what's that?) It boils down to: I need friends. I'm trying to find people close in location to me... But, because my soul is currently owned by the theater, I cant do much at all. I am trying tho.
I tried a few dating apps... Oof. Ew no. I hate dating apps and I hated every moment on there. Not finding people really and its pretty sucky, but my therapist keeps reminding me that it's not me, it's my difficult situations throughout life that's kept me from finding people to date. There was one person I matched with who I was talking to for a bit, but then they havent replied to me for 2 days now, so im hoping everything is okay, but I'm kinda used to being ghosted at this point. Ill finding someone tho. Its gotta happen.
I'm pursuing my transition more-- hopefully I'll be starting testosterone soon and I'm looking into surgeons now and saving my money with a mindset towards top surgery within a year... We'll see. But its super exciting. My theater director (who is really bipolar and freaks me out some, but seems to adore me) put a stubble beard on me with makeup yesterday cause I had mentioned wanting a beard once i got on testosterone. It nearly made me cry and I couldnt stop smiling. I wore it home and hated taking it off before bed. I really really want a beard and im so fucking close, it's giving me strength.
My music and writing and painting and all other things have come to a screeching halt since starting theater, but i have a ton of inspiration that's built up over the past couple months that I'm super excited to unleash it the moment I'm free of this commitment. Im already working on a musical about this whole experience joining theater that I think would be really good. And I really want to finish my books and get them out there. We shall see what happens.
I love you all so much and my heart constantly goes out to you all and all of your experiences and struggles. I want to be here with you and laugh and cry, morn and celebrate together. Hopefully more of the good, tho.
Please feel free to reach out to me, even though I haven't been active at all on here. Message/anon me about your life, or questions, updates, celebrations, jokes, good pickup lines for me to use on my best friend as soon as his cruise is over and I can spam him again (holy shit I miss him so much @jamesboii please come home soon). Or like just reach out and say hello-- it might take me a day to reply, but i will.
Love y'all so much, sorry for this long blurp about my life. But i just wanted to post something and try to reconnect.
What do y'all want to see me posting? Im down to try new things. ✌
Sending hugs and love,
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lesbianskylor · 6 years
*slides you five bucks* holly,,,,holly,,,pls give me greenlove headcanons,,,,the world Must Know
greenlove hcs
so . greenlove is this super poly ship a lot of my friends and i came up with. we basically all made an oc and plopped them into a poly ship with lloyd uwu
so, ill explain the ocs to you first!
micah (owner - tumblr: witchlightsands ao3: whichlights) he/him bi flower boy. he a flower boy baby!!!! hes a flirty mess of a bi and is constantly supportive of lloyd. also he loves puns. bastard nerd
rhian (owner - tumblr: cynicalmiles ao3 - cynicalmiles) nb she/her ace pan. she has the elemental power of magic! she also has two dads (nyx and max) and a bro named jayden (owner - tumblr: lightning-jay23 ao3: lightning_jay23). good at makeup. the shortest lol. she’s in the exact middle of the bastard/nerd/dumbass/valid scale
myan (owner - tumblr: qibliwinter/lesbianskylor (HEHEHEHE ME) ao3: hollyus) he/they pan. depending on the au, he’s a vet student or a volunteer or owner of a shelter! he has a dog named scritch and he’s pretty much, besides micah, the most normal one of the greenlove gang. valid nerd
bo (owner - ao3: Nagasha) she/her grayace demiro. she’s a coolass serpentine (hypnobrai)!! she grew up in a group of serpentine girls and she met lloyd at a p young age. probably the most down to earth one of the group. at the very top of valid nerd
ver (owner - tumblr: terezi-kin) he/they demiboy polysexual aro. ABSOLUTE meme trash. ASKJNDLSDFDK jokes are like, his defining personality trait at this point honestly. tall bitch but not the tallest. chaotic good dumbass bastard
celestien (owner - tumblr: iwillheckingfightyou/anywaylloydgarmadonistrans ao3: i_will_fight_you) nb they/them and arospec multisexual. tol long haired redhead, punches transphobes. they have two moms
also: here are more specific ship names
micah/lloyd - brightshipping
rhian/lloyd - emeraldshipping
rhian/micah/lloyd - sparkleshipping
myan/micah - m&mshipping
thats,, kind of all we have so far rip
OKAY - now we get into the actual hcs (which im SORRY miles youve probably heard them all in the discord nsdjkfldk)
rhian and myan are the shortest of the group, celestien and ver are the tallest
SO, rhian and myan totally ride on their shoulders and have a nerf gun fight
(in the circumstance his family is an owner of a shelter) myan and micah totally meet before meeting the others because myan has a shelter that’s like across the street from micah’s flower shop
at some point micah adopts a cat named skittles from the shelter and he cries when he first sees her bc shes so cute.
she’s around 2 years old and she’s a brown tabby with a white muzzle, paws, tip of tail, chest and stomach
she’s affectionate af
lloyd used to be single as fuck before greenlove and everybody made fun of him, so when he gets SIX WHOLE DATEMATES he laughs in their face
after the whole harumi fiasco the ninja DEFINITELY keep their eye on his datemates.
kai, to all of them: hey? hey! you hurt lloyd i hurt you
nya: (pulls out her samurai x dual swords) ill let you figure it out!
cole: ok yall seem chill but if you ever treat lloyd badly…youll regret the day you were born. anyways who likes video games here
jay: you better watch out…you better watch out…yOU BETTER WATCH OUT… YOU BETTER WATCH
zane: (gives off sense of intense protecting of lloyd)
anyways, it is eventually proven that the greenlove squad are all also extremely protective of lloyd (esp after all the shit he went through) and would never hurt him intentionally so all the ninja become cool with them
greenlove is the lloyd protection squad.
all of the greenlove squad minus lloyd: i am the lloyd guardian. guardian of the lloyd
the ninja: morro quivers before them!
greenlove gang minus greenie to morro: FUCK OFF
ver constantly tortures micah with memes and jokes
though,,, they do bond over puns
ver: you wanna go?
lloyd: yea
ver: on a date with me?
ver: OH YOU DO
ver: OHHHH
lloyd: turtles turn up
myan: hell yeah go turtles
lloyd: dead on beaches
myan: oh dear god
greenlove: (just doing shit)
ver: wait
ver: so bo’s a snake person yeah
bo: …well, the term is serpentine, but..yeah??
micah: yea- oh god ver no
ver: we’re all scalies
bo: oh, um? i dont quite get what you mean, but his name is skales! not sure how he would react to you calling him, uh, skalie?
lloyd: (wheeze)
myan has, lots of grandchildren and children
(hint: they’re all animals)
myan, when a cat gives birth: hey guys look! its our 34th grandchild :)
rhian’s basically besties with nya
whenever she goes out on a date with lloyd, nya does her makeup, and kai does lloyd’s makeup (since nya and kai are makeup masters obvs)
any love song that’s sweet and nice: plays
all of the greenlove members simultaneously: HOLY SHIT ITS OUR SONG-
celestien: happy one year babe!
ver: im 18
celestien is ur friendly neighborhood anarchist :)
they have a discord with the ninja & co (aka adding on skylor and pixal) named “0 days since our last nonsense”
ver: @everybody
kai: i will kick your ass if you tag everybody again
ver: @here
kai: bitch
ver: (feigning innocence) but you didn’t say dont tag here :) :)
kai: fucker
nobody ever. ever. EVER gives ver mod/admin permissions. it happened once and theyll never make the same mistake again
my hc shortest from tallest is rhian, myan, bo, lloyd, micah, ver, celestien
celestien when they’re around tiny animals: (tearing up) you are so small? i could crush you? you’re just? so tiny?
micah dramatically during christmas: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS , IS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU
bo: micah i know you’ve been telling us this again and again for the like past 6 hours?
ver: you know what’s my music taste? youtube channel historyteachers.
ver, yelling at the top of their lungs: this plague is bubonic! B-U-B-O-N-I-C
ver: im factkin with the lady thats always singing in those videos
he listens to it so much that all his s/os can recite renaissance man to you on instant if you asked them to
myan: love is dead. you leave me as i lay here sick and festering. you have betrayed me
lloyd: woah whats up?
myan: my dog stole my fuckign popcorn
their older siblings/parents trade embarrassing stories about them and its just terrible for them but really amusing for their older siblings/parents
kai (lloyd), nyx, max (rhians dads), the reols parents (micah), myans parents, vers parents, the snake girl gang (bo), and celestiens moms: (cackling evilly)
bo: so, i was doing this and my friend-
micah: wait
bo: what
micah: oh my god myan and rhian rhyme,
rhian (before they started dating): writes her name on something
celestien nickname cel and rhian nickname rhi cause its cute
thATS MY HCS FOR GREENLOVE WHICH I LOVE!!!!!!!! sorry for taking for fucking ever
also if yall want to request hcs then Sure but from now on with hcs being put onto my inbox ill take them as suggestions- meaning, ill delete them if i dont feel like doing them (if you ask off anon ill post privately that i dont want to do it, if on anon ill just delete it lol)
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vuisburning · 6 years
All of this is so fucking stupid
Okay so look. I don’t have a problem with any of the girls on this burnbook or on imvu period. Like when i first started and saw you guys i was like “wow theyre so pretty i want to be their friends!” (i was 15 lmao). But i also learned that some of them arent very nice. Which is fine but i just dont appreciate the drsms that comes along with these “friendships”, you know? Honestly: if you feel i have done you wrong in the past, or harmed you in any way shape or form then i am fucking sorry. You have my word. Im sorry if i called any of you ugly or if i odfended you. Im sorry for calling one of you retarded. I am sorry. Because its a new year and most of this shit happened 1-2 years ago, just move the fuck on its so fucking old like stop. It just makes it seem like you guys just want something to be mad about. You dont have to accept my apology but just ackowledge the fact that i took the time to apologize and drop it. And if theres someone posting on anon to stir up more drama, then can you please fucking stop because im fucking tired of that too. Like anons will actually say random shit to see an argument in the notes and nobody else has noticed it. They do that all the fucking time. put it this way. If Molly and Suzie are beefing, and someone anonymously write “molly has a big head”, of course molly is going to think that suzie wrote it. I remember the very first thing i posted from this account is me wishing everyone a happy new year and that i wanted to drop any beef we had and possibly be on good terms w. Everyone. And i feel like some people actually went on anon to try and sound like me and cause arguments.and its not fair to me because of course people automatically assume its me. So im going to ask that if you guys make lists, please just disclude me. I wouldnt want people to think its me doing it. And im just also going to say - if you do not like me, then that is fine. But please do not sit in the notes, throw shade and expect me not to say anything, AND THEN get butthurt when i say something you do not fucking like. It does not work that way. I also want to just stop and say that we dont have to be on good terms or have a clean slate, but id greatly appreciate if those of you who have a strong dislike for me to just leave me be and ill do the same w. You. Thats just how i am. If you dont say anything to me/throw shade or do anything to me, i will leave you alone 100%. So yes, there goes my 2 cents and im waiting on a hating ass anon to say something smart tbh. What i also dont like is that some of the girls on here are being shamed for their bodies and looks. If theyre comfortable enough to take photos of themselves, then thats beautiful. Please hop off of their tips. Some girls Actually dont mind not being skinny ,believe it or not. And some girls dont mind going natural without the makeup. Theres no reason to make them feel bad at all for it. And the girls you anons call “ugly"arent ugly. I dont see how you can call someone ugly whilst anon. And ik that was kind of off topic but idk. I feel really strongly about shaming in general lmao. But yea so i apologized for any wrong ive done anyone and i honestly just want it to stop after today. And i dont want anyone posting on anon about it either because thats just that. Idk if it will show my user but im gonna still sign off -cami
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critical--veins · 6 years
Answer all the get to know me questions :)
oh jeez tht’s so many I’m sorry u all have to scroll past this but I’ll do it for u anon 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I genuinely don’t even remember my hands r lonely
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
SO SHY3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my familyyyy & best friend when I go home for spring break :)4. Are you easy to get along with?
yah man I’m chill with everyone5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
yes ! (I hope)6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I like ppl who are genuine & kind!7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
nooooo (I wish but no)8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
this boy I’ve been talking to on & off cause he wants to see me when I come home :)) 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
not usually I guess it depends who it’s with tho10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friend paulina last night at 2am after getting back from a party lol11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“yah girl what’s up”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
quixoticelixer- red hot chili peppers
hello euphoria- turnover
all my friends- knocked loose
hurt- trophy eyes
control- citizen 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
UH HUHHH 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I mean this is an interesting question bc in the universe things happen that seem lucky or miraculous but are just due to chance so in a way yes, but NO15. What good thing happened this summer?
I met my family in honduras for the first time & they were so amazing16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ooooh this questions fun idk maybe!17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
ABSOLUTELY18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
nope19. Do you like bubble baths?
hell yah soak me up 20. Do you like your neighbors?
my across the hall neighbors in my dorm building are mean21. What are you bad habits?
NEVER LEAVING MY BED22. Where would you like to travel?
alaskaaaaa I wanna hike around denali 23. Do you have trust issues?
a little24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
GOING THE FUCK TO SLEEP25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
all26. What do you do when you wake up?
sigh rlly dramatically27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I wish I had pretty pale skin, but I like being tan too! so both28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my little sister29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope30. Do you ever want to get married?
OH YES SO BAD31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
yes!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Harry Styles for sure, Awsten Knight from waterparks is also v dreamy33. Spell your name with your chin.
L.JCYH (mood) 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I used to be a cheerleader !! (I competed so miss me with that not a sport shit) 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
OH YES37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I don’t break awkward silences bc IM AWKWARD38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
someone smart! also just someone who can be chill all the time I hate fights & pettiness so like idk just be chill39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I luv going into furniture & decor shops like home goods or kirklands lol 40. What do you want to do after high school?
 I’m in college rn studying to be a conservation biologist!
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
no some people are genuinely bad42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
usually nothing bc I’m always quiet lol43. Do you smile at strangers?
yeah sometimes!44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
space 100%, I wanna see the earth from outer space I think that would be the most life changing experience!!45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
fuckin class I need to earn my degree46. What are you paranoid about?
never finding the love of my life 47. Have you ever been high?
yah like once lol48. Have you ever been drunk?
oh yeah49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
nah50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
grey!51. Ever wished you were someone else?
every FUCKING day52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
one thing?53. Favourite makeup brand?
I dont rlly have one! but I guess I use a lot of it cosmetics 54. Favourite store?
there’s this record store called the sound garden & I used to go to it in baltimore all the time cause I live like an hour from there, THEN I FOUND OUR THEIR OTHER LOCATION IS IN SYRACUSE WHERE I GO TO SCHOOL so like idk I love that store cause it’s my lil home connection
55. Favourite blog?
too many! ily all56. Favourite colour?
green :)57. Favourite food? 
MAC & CHEESE TILL I DIE58. Last thing you ate?
toaster waffles I didn’t even toast I just microwaved bc I’m lazy59. First thing you ate this morning?
the toaster waffles60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yeah I’ve won a photography contest & a poetry contest, and I got second in an art show for my dorm lol61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
I was suspended in the 6th grade for telling a boy I wanted to punch him in the face lmaoooo 62. Been arrested? For what?
nooo63. Ever been in love? 
I don’t think so 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
fucking awful cause it was new years eve so I knew it was coming but I didn’t rlly want to, so the nerves just built & built the whole night so yeah not good not good at all65. Are you hungry right now?
nahh66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
ya’ll don’t talk to me (the ones that do I luv u)67. Facebook or Twitter?
twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr?
both!69. Are you watching tv right now?
no70. Names of your bestfriends? 
maddie & brandon71. Craving something? What?
affection always72. What colour are your towels?
blue72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
373. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
nah74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I don’t think I have any anymore75. Favourite animal?
BEARS I WANT A BEAR TATTOOED ON ME RN76. What colour is your underwear?
dark grey77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough every time79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
black 80. What colour pants?
no pants! all day long!81. Favourite tv show?
friends is one of my faves, but I also rlly love rick & morty which is a lil embarrassing but it’s the best
82. Favourite movie?
ya know I don’t rlly have a fav movie83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
the goth bitch janis 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
crush the sea turtle is the best character87. First person you talked to today?
a BOYyyyy who I’m rlly into 88. Last person you talked to today?
my friend paulina!89. Name a person you hate?
lol this girl me & my friend just started going out with, she’s so awful & we’re trying to figure out how to cut her off without being mean :/ 90. Name a person you love?
my parents91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
myself?92. In a fight with someone?
nope93. How many sweatpants do you have?
I have like 5 pairs 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
TOO MANy95. Last movie you watched?
I watched nerve but I didn’t rlly like it lol96. Favourite actress?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯97. Favourite actor?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯98. Do you tan a lot?
not rlly but I tan easily so I don’t have to99. Have any pets?
I HAVE 3 CATS & THEY’RE ANGELS100. How are you feeling?
sleepyyyy101. Do you type fast?
yah 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
yes103. Can you spell well?
I tell myself I can but actually probably not104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
yeah my friend from last year who I kinda drifted apart from I miss her a lot105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
yeah106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yes whoops 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
YEAH I LOVE TRAIL RIDES 108. What should you be doing?
writing my speech for my public presentations class & studying lol109. Is something irritating you right now?
no110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yeah 111. Do you have trust issues?
a little112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I mean my friend emily but I was laugh crying113. What was your childhood nickname?
 my friends in middle school called me Lulu lmaooo 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah I go to school out of state!115. Do you play the Wii?
no I used to tho116. Are you listening to music right now?
yah dude listening to being as an ocean rn 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
yup118. Do you like Chinese food?
I fuckin LOVEEE chinese
119. Favourite book?
idk I haven’t read for pleasure in a rlly long time 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
yes lol121. Are you mean?
no I try to be kind as fuck122. Is cheating ever okay?
noooOoOooo123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
nOOOOOOO124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
NOOOOOOOOOO125. Do you believe in true love?
yah I want to126. Are you currently bored?
yesssss127. What makes you happy?
sunday phone calls with my parents128. Would you change your name?
nah my names pretty unique I’ve never rlly met another Lucy 129. What your zodiac sign?
leo!130. Do you like subway?
yah subways dank131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
uhhhhhhh idk that’d be weird132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friend Paulina 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
”when I sit alone come get a little known but I need more than myself this time”
snow by rhcp is like one of my fav songs of all time & I just love that line idk 134. Can you count to one million?
who would ever135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I DON’T LIE TO PPL BITCH136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed ew wtf who sleeps with their door open137. How tall are you?
4′10138. Curly or Straight hair?
curlyyyy139. Brunette or Blonde?
brunette140. Summer or Winter?
summer absolutely141. Night or Day?
BOTH 142. Favourite month?
I like may cause the weather is nice & also I get to go homeee143. Are you a vegetarian?
no I’ve given up meat for a while tho & it wasn’t bad! also I eat vegan some days just bc I like doing it but I love mac & cheese too much for that shit (I know vegan mac & cheese exists but easy mac) 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk145. Tea or Coffee?
tea146. Was today a good day?
I didn’t leave my bed so yah147. Mars or Snickers?
snickers148. What’s your favourite quote?
anything carl sagan has said ever I fucking love him but one of my faves is from pale blue dot that says
”The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.”149. Do you believe in ghosts?
idk I’ve never had a ghost experience but I like the idea of it so sure150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“The plant cell typically consists of a more or less rigid cellwall and a protoplast.”
It’s the textbook for my plant evolution class lmaooo 
tht deadass just took me so long lol thanks for occupying me for like an hour
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