#im cis so i dont think i can speak on this lol
vote2 · 10 months
i do acknowledge i need to watch what i say wrt gender women men cis ppl etc just augh.
#its like. im a trans man 100% i want nothing to do w being seen as a women i acknowledge that. i also acknowledge that I am putting#literally zero effort in my irl life to present as a guy at all. partially lack of resources and embarrassment etc stuff like that partiall#the autism i literally look in a mirror and see a guy#and i go to class go to work and until soemone explicitally refers to me as a woman i think of myself as a guy. so like its this weird#disconnect of what i actually do vs what i percieve as expieriencing in my daily life where i am objectively living#as a cis woman who just dresses and acts a bit masc. lol.#and like that doesnt bother me atm until i get to a setting where i am gendered frequently. then i feel nauseas etc but whatever ill deal#so i always hesitate whenever i talk abt women feminism men makeup beauty expectations etc (also i am mixed thai and white which#def plays into everyhting ofc ofc) as i dont know rly what is like. not fine idc if i say smthn uncouth just i dont want to at all#seem like im doing what these other trans guys do and latch onto my femininity and 'girlhood growing up' etc or like#its all dumb to me ofc im a feminist i consider anything i speak abt feminism free the nipple being against gender essiantialism etc etc#as in feminism (not that women arent/cant be femnists just in terms of im not trying to sound like a woman) and#ofc growing up as and my current life experiences have obvi had a large impact on myself how i veiw the world my political beliefs and all.#but like. im always scared it sounds like im idr the phrase someone else used but a i dont want to seem like im latching onto girlhood as#a failsafe or whatever. its just mm ykwim its a weird feeling. cause like im a 21 year old man and read my posts as such el oh el.#idk its all weird and idk if its a specific to me thing or whattttt it just like. i feel silly sometimes and i dont want my points to be#misconstrued :) anyways me posting this after rewatching and posting abt pearl has nothign to do genuinly lmfao just timing its been#on my mind after that dumbass trans guy posting abt the lonelyness he feels abt abandoning womanhood#after watching barbie. lol and then i saw someone in the comments of some ig quote it w like 30 replies all positive like get a lifeee#i understand it can feel isolating being trans and everyones relationship back to womanhood is diff and complecated but by god. shut up#anywayyyyyssss mmm okay im done whateverr#maybe all a fear in my head and literally none of this has every crossed anyones mind however it bothers me :(
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bibibi-tchx · 4 days
Twitter has been RIPPING ppl apart for not liking the new storyline,, but like it rlly does have an assault undertone with it and it’s a rlly uncomfortable storyline why don’t Twitter get that 😭
i dont like twt that much purely bcus the amount of people who just stick to an opinion and refuse to see the otherside- of course this is common everywhere but twts algorithm makes me more mad than boomwhackers
seriously the story has taken such a dark tone now, where liv is being praised for assaulting a character who canonically lacks the true capabilities to think for himself, and has suffered abuse at the hands of his father
kafaybe i must stress
of course people are going to be uncomfy with it- you can see the lack of consent from dom’s character, and it is sickening that they wld even think to write that in
bcus the fanbase is mainly cis men who have been raised in ways to ignore their fellow men- the whole stupid belief that men cannot speak up (which they can, and anyone who disagrees with men being able to also be victims can kindly get off my blog) they wont view it as assault, and therefore we have another will graham type situation where a character begins to get so misconstrued to the point where he is unrecognisable both to the fandom and to the actor themself
its a horrible cycle and tbh im so disappointed in triple h- sure its nothing compared to the gore that we are beginning to see be resurfaced, but a company who preaches modern views should not be encouraging a storyline where a male victim is unable to recieve the help he needs
the whole thing proper mugs me off ugh
ty blue for submitting this cus i feel like im going insane lols <3 stay safe <3
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ok wait now i wanna talk abt weird/interesting things from my experience getting top surgery. ive seen other ppl talk abt some of these things b4 but not all of em
i thought my surgeon was gonna do the incision, like, underneath the curve of my tiddies?? he ended up kinda slicing thru the middle of them, so my scars run over the middle of my pecs, not underneath them
speaking of; ig my pecs are more developed than i thought since my chest isnt like perfectly flat but rather both my pecs have a layer of fat/flesh on them and i can feel the muscle underneath
also the dip/space inbetween from when i had tiddies looks p much exactly the same, my surgeon said sometimes it ends up buldging out and a revision is needed but thankfully that didnt happen to me
the discharge nurse let me know afterwards that my tits were 11 kilograms (right 6kg and left 5kg) like no fucking wonder i have back pain at the tender age of 19
so yknow how pain raises ur body temp and makes u sweat?? immediately upon waking up i was so warm and damp i told a nurse id soiled myself and needed a change of underwear, i hadnt! i was just really fucking sweaty lol
i also threw up twice after waking up (fortunately into containers both times), turns out anesthetic doesnt agree w/ me, also it was like a dark bottle green?? since id been fasting from the night b4 ig i was bringing up nothing but bile
pre-surgery they cldnt get the IV in my left hand and had to switch to my right and ig that made my heart rate pick up bc one of the asistants immediately came by my head and talked to me to calm me down, he was rlly nice :)
im p sure i conked out within seconds of them getting the IV in and starting up the anesthetic too, none of that 'count back from 10' shit, i took like 2 and a half deep breathes and was OUT
from a combination of the iodine and natural swelling/bruising my chest looked REALLY yellow for like 3 weeks after surgery
i got sent home the same day i got my surgery, they keep some ppl over night if theres complications but apparantly i was all good to go after resting in the post-op ward for few hours
speaking of, i woke up, puked, got some water, dicked around on tumblr, called my mum, took an 'i lived bitch' selfie, slept for a few hours, woke up, went on tumblr again, got dressed w/ some help from a nurse, pissed (by myself, woo!), and then got discharged
my scars are uneven! my left incision goes further under my armpit than my right one, and my scars vary in thickness, it actually looks kinda like ive got two scars on my left side bc it thins out so much in the middle for a few milimeters
my nipples are also a lil uneven and they ended up puckering up as they healed so i kinda looks like ive always got stiff nips oops, also theyre more brown than pink
apparantly that might be bc they took the nipple graft from my areaola bc they werent able to graft the actual nipple, idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯, obvi it doesnt look perfectly like a cis guy's nipples but i knew the chances of achieving that were relatively small + p dependent on how i healed so like im not too bothered by it
my surgeon used dissolvable stitches and one of em ended up poking out thru my scar a lil b4 it disolved, which was weird
showering w/ a plastic sandwich bag duct taped to ur chest so u dont get ur scars and nips wet is An Experience TM i'll tell u that
my scars stretched!! it happens!! esp if u raise ur arms, which u will inevitably have to do eventually, idk if they'll ever fade on their own or if i'll need scar revision treatment in the future but fortunately they didnt go keloid
my surgeon used what he called crosshatched stitching rather than drains so that saved me a lot of discomfort, i DID get a slight build up of like, i think around 40ish mls of fluid in my left side a few weeks after surgery, but my surgeon dealt w/ it by p much just poking it w/ a syringe and draining it out lol
which i didnt even feel him do at the time bc of the nerve damage lmao, which was weird asf since i could very much SEE him sticking the needle in but couldnt feel it at all
i regained my mobility like, straight away?? my surgeon said bc im young + relatively healthy it was likely that id bounce back from surgery quick but like,, i had none of the exhaustion, pain, or immobility ive seen ppl describe??
i couldnt lift my arms very high for a while obvi but like i was fine dressing myself and even washing my own hair if i just leaned over
having to sleep upright for a few weeks after surgery was v annoying since i usually rotate like a shawarma trying to find a comfy sleeping position
the post-op chest binder was sensory hell bc it was scratchy and it kept slipping down my back since it had no shoulder straps, also i accidentally bruised my ribs a lil bit by wearing it too tight oops, the fuckin relief i felt when they told me i cld stop wearing it
the post-op 'please wear these at all times so u dont get thrombosis' socks were p comfy tho, idk why they didnt cover my toes tho
regaining the sensation around ur scars is weird! my right side's been completely fine but ig bc my left scar is thicker + longer ive been getting some pain n tightness, its not a persistent issue or anything but its just kind weird bc ive never had any surgeries or major injuries to heal from before this one
u will have to get ur boobs felt up and examined probaby multiple times b4 surgery, this will feel very different from touching ur own boobs and, in my case, was ticklish??
my posture has improved somewhat since getting top surgey, what not having 11kg of weight hanging off ur chest and compressing it in towards ur ribs/spine for roughly 9 hours a day will do to a mf ig
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s0lar-ch3ri · 5 months
tell me all about dnd character(s) please i am begging
ohevet: first ever character! uses she/they i think (and if they didnt, they do now! update: JUST REMEMBERED, IT WAS HE/HIM FOR A CIS WOMAN! THROW OUT THE OTHER IDEA SORRY) and also my first aroace character. his name is a joke with that honestly, as ohevet is hebrew for love. i lost the stat sheet a bit back BUT im working on rewriting the stats so i can make an actual character of him! his backstory is kinda silly and i dont really remember it rn so ill also be redoing that shit for sure, but i do know one thing, he's cursed. with this marking on his face, hes able to get "Stackable Concussions" (which me and my dms came up with stat affection ideas but i do also wanna make my own for funzies, and i doubt either would mind if you also wanted to lol). by the end of the campaign, he had been like the only one to not try to seduce someone (my friend had gotten a nat 20 to seduce "mommy nature" so theres that) and had a stack of 10 concussions. how he was still standing is beyond me. did i fall for him? abso-fucking-lutely, i made him hot and wanted him carnially and yet hes aroace so what can my gay ass do? (fun fact: one of my dms is my now girlfriend!) btw before i forget, mountain dwarf fighter, and had a lizard he took off the floor rather then pay for a pet, one of the players had its brother/cousin.
ivy: meant to be an npc for my campaign (which btw ill gladly talk about BUT MY PLAYERS CANNOT SEE THIS LOL ARCADIAN AND GAYWITCHNERD SKIP TO THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON IVY), but a played character in my friend's (arcadian) campaign (arcadian was the one to try and seduce "mommy nature" btw). speaking of npc, the played character and npc have different stories, so we going with npcs rn! ivy (she/they/star pronouns lol) was meant to be a royal guard who did training and learning in the forests, but im thinking of making her a shop owner (eh, probs for out of dnd oc shit). while in the forest, she sorta fell for a nymph there which looks a lot like one of my players characters (agreed romance thing lol). while in town, i plan for her to sorta like fall for said player after bumping into them and shit. that being said, love wont be her only motivation! i do have some plot ideas i need to think up, but im pretty ready to connect shit in. also shes gonna have a dog familiar (my dog) just to involve her somehow lol. oh yeah she slso has gay moms
NOW WE TALK HER AS A PLAYED CHARACTER! in arcadians campaign, shes a half-elf druid like before, but her lesbian parents arent really too existant. (hey gaywitchnerd, i dont mind you reading this, but your character wouldnt know this info) due to issues with her planet, ivy has had her set of challenges, and is looking for strength in knowledge (literally). back home, theres some fucking secret thing there for some deity. on this route, its a pursuit of learning what the deity is. (another idea i had was that the swamp she once lived in is commonly disregarded, and due to anxiety she worried about it being forgotten and shit happening to it so she went looking for power to protect it) there are religions based around it, but ivy isnt exactly religous but still learning as much as she can about it. (fun fact for this one, but its related to the oc: i was planning for her to have BPD, but i wasnt sure how to play one so as a non-dnd character im gonna find ways to incorperate it, also she likes one of the pcs and an npc, the pc is my gfs one but i doubt they realise it lol)
hunter: like all my characters, i go into it with a basis, something i build around for them (ivy is an acception, she was just gonna be an npc), and hunters no different. since the campaign features 3-4 tabaxis (cant remember for sure), an undead, and other various magical people, i wanted to be just a regular guy, which i am! human fighter guy and all that, pretty normal (most extraordinary thing is that hes a magician)...except humans arent fucking normal here because its a tabaxi village. i fucking love that i didnt know this btw! CAUSE I DID NOT, NOR DID MY FRIENDS REALIZE. the story with this guy that i got is he was a traveling performer, one who used this bow tie made special by his fiancé, which works like the bandana chip uses. this however, got taken while traveling, and hes not willing to preform at a show or anything until he gets it back. for the tabaxi village hes disguised as a cat and his whip is his cat tail (this is to make up for the fact that im not a tabaxi with them all lol)! fun fact for him now: his original design was meant to look feminine and masculine to encapsulate my bigenderness in a character ("the most magical thing about them is their gender!"), but ended up feeling too extra for the "just a guy" vibe and got a total redesign lol (he/him cishet man btw, gonna be fun to try <- bigender afab)
techic: my newest campaign character (who i get to play again in 5 minutes, but by the time i finish writing this, we may have started already lol)! a genderfluid tiefling warlock, who worked as a cashier at a 8/12 before shit went down (its an apocalypse campaign). (update, it did actually, writing while we wait for players to arrive) the funny idea with this one? "what if they made a deal for surgery and just got more out of it?". not much on them rn so fun fact time! their mom is a pc (played by arcadian) and currently being locked in a closet cause they ate their zombified partner!
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fagmegumi · 1 year
u not a lesbian tho ur bisexual
Okay so let me clear this up not even for the benefit of anon but for my mutuals who don’t know me irl and may get the wrong impression from it.
what i meant to say in those tags is that the reason i still feel comfortable going to women’s places in my current state of existence is that 1) lesbianism AND womanhood both come in many diverse flavors of gender experiences so to speak 2) ERGO even lesbians who are straight up cis women can and will be attracted to people with various kinds of gender experiences, both “internally” so to speak (‘identity’) and “externally” (various configurations of genitals, breasts or lack thereof, body hair, presentation, etcetc.) this isn’t the case for ALL obviously but its certainly the case for some. Like I personally know lesbians who know about my gender situation and would still fuck me lol im not even being prescriptive rn as you point out i am NOT a lesbian and its not up to me to say what they should or shouldnt do. Im literally describing reality. 3) as i exist right now, i am a person with breasts, a pussy, and a relatively feminine face (though invisalign is doing wonders on my jawline, werk!). To say that no lesbian who sees me in a bar dancing could possibly be attracted to the person they see is genuinely so far out of the bounds of reality it boggles the mind. Also this is neither here nor there but i don’t exactly consider myself a “man”, like I would never want to fill the social role of ‘man’ the way a cis man does. That’s why i call myself transmasc but not a trans man. If id been born with a penis and assigned male at birth and raised a boy etcetc, i would STILL want to socially and/or medically transition bc I simply dont see myself as a genuine 100% man the way i dont see myself as a woman.
If i ever do manage to get hrt and I acquire more masculine characteristics etc the situation will be different, like I wouldnt feel as comfortable going to spaces for women. Also I should specify that the bar i went to today does not call itself a “lesbian bar”, it is a bar for queer women of any sexuality (and their friends and allies of other genders). Not every single person in there was a woman, and not every single woman was a lesbian. Statistically in fact many of them were probably bisexual, and honestly assuming otherwise is lowkey pretty biphobic lol
lastly, i also want to specify that, even if im pre-transition and i look for all intents and purposes like a cis woman (something that makes my life hell in many generic lgbt places, where the general misogynistic and boys-club vibe makes it so gay dudes will tolerate me at best and assume im a ‘fag hag’) i still would never have sex with a lesbian without clarifying my gender situation to them first. I simply would not feel comfortable with that in fact the thought makes me pretty nauseous. But at the same time 1) i know (again, for a fact) there are plenty of people who use the label of lesbian who WOULD fuck me even after knowing and 2) i dont think grinding a little on a stranger in a bar you saw from a cross the room and found really hot, or even having a short dancefloor makeout with them, is anywhere on the same level.
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pet4pet · 1 year
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ intro ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
im bunnie/rae/deer!
im trans nb (genderfluid i think!) and bi/pan/queer/something like that idk that shits difficult
im also autistic and have Fucked Up Brain Disorder, both of which affect my interaction with sexuality and also everything lol
i am aceflux so my interest level/activity may also fluctuate!
im like 98% t4t, theres exceptions to every rule but generally speaking t4t 4 life, and polyam too (currently single)
UK based so generally work on those timezones but with the caveat of a dogshit sleep schedule most of the time oops
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ dni ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
bigots or bigotry based kinks (raceplay, detrans/sissy, etc.)
pedos/"maps"/etc. and related kinks (ddlg, agere etc.)
minors/no age in bio
cryptobros/nft fans/billionaire techbro dicksuckers
cis men you can follow just fuckin behave and dont expect interaction from me ^^'
kinks, comfortable language and misc under the cut!
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ kinks ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
i am a switch and most of these i like both as sub and dom! exceptions noted with [s] for as a sub and [d] for as a dom
petplay! (bunny, puppy, deer??? difficult/rare one but is me!)
power dynamic stuff in general
soft degradation/humiliation
breeding (no preg!) [s]
size difference [s]
edging/denial/orgasm control
free use
rough use [s]
soft omorashi (mainly desperation/humiliation aspect)
oviposition maybe?? is a new one for me
probably others ive forgotten!
i do my best to tag harder kinks but just lmk if theres a specific thing you need tagged and ill see what i can do o7
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ language ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
gender neutral names (both for pet names and dirty names)
gendered names when i have specified a gendered feeling (eg. if i say i wanna be your boyfriend, masc terms are okay in that situation, etc.)
pretty much any terminology for my genitals (pussy, cunt, hole, clit, dick, etc.)
honestly just dont refer to my chest unless i have first, then you can mirror my terminology (most likely just chest)
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ misc. ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
asks very welcome just dont be a weirdo pls!!! if you read this and follow it it should be fine?
if im not comfortable with an ask/dm ill probably just ignore it bc im an anxious person lol sorry
if you want a specific thing pls tell me i am the big 'tism i need clear communication and also being able to consent to sexting prior is good too
no unsolicited pics pls, and dont ask for them either unless i bring it up i am Big Shy
if you fail the vibe check i will block you cause thats what its there for, but im usually pretty chill so you shouldnt need to worry!
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
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pharaohbean · 6 months
heya there!!
my name is zero, but you can also call me k! im not new to tumblr per say (ive been stalking this place for a While now lol) but this is my first post here! i am a fangirl, a writer, and above all else a Weird Person LOL
i am a fan of the original ygo series, ace attorney, the case files of jeweler richard, project sekai/hatsune miku: colorful stage (and vocaloid in general!), and genshin impact! my favorite characters from each of them are yami, edgeworth, richard, toya+mafuyu, and childe+neuvillette+cyno! (can you tell i REALLY like either bad boys or emotionally constipated guys?)
i am also a writer! while i don't have an ao3 or anything, i've definitely written a LOT (no nothings complete dont ask lol) for pretty much all my fandoms! i'm also an avid enjoyer of music, but really only j-rock and vocaloid haha i also plan to get an ao3 one day!! but not today!!
some other interesting things about me: my pronouns are she/they! i am an istj and a 4w5! that means i dont speak Emotion! and i am simultaneously proud and terrified of that fact! i also play d&d with my two besties! i cannot draw for the life of me (ive tried it Ends Poorly)! i am a straight cis aroace female and uninterested in a romantic relationship at this time ;)
im super open to new friends, asks, and dms of all kinds! please send them! especially about fandom stuff! i think about sun/moon dynamics in all my fandoms+fav characters way too much. and my besties can only suffer in silence for so long LOL
speaking of my besties, you should absolutely go check them out! blu (@xxluckystrike) and bee (@busybussinbee) are two very awesome people and fairly new to tumblr!
thanks for reading! ^-^
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butchmartyr · 1 year
Hi! I'm getting married (soonish, we haven't set a date yet) to a transfemme who is early in their transition. I met them when they were 18 and j a depressed anxious socially awkward nerd and over the past like ~year I've watched them blossom into themself (it's magical). But as a tme person sometimes i feel like I'm not fit to be the main person supporting them during this journey, bc they don't have any irl tgirl/transfem friends.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm always trying to learn more about transmisogyny. I took them to get an affirming haircut by a woman I met on Lex, I help with makeup. I've been trying to help them make friends bc they still do have like, a diagnosed social phobia lol. I think it'd be good if I WASNT the main support for this stuff in many ways. And they are like 10x as confident now that they present more authentically, but it's a process. And idk. I know them rly well and love them a lot but I worry sometimes that I'm somehow hurting them or doing the wrong thing.
I know I can't do everything for them (codependency lol) but I want to be the best partner I can be. I'm always asking what they want but sometimes it's like, j figuring out as we go bc it's all new. So what would YOU want from a tme partner ig? How do you assume I could be helpful, better, etc?
Feel free not to respond if this is too much. I don't mean to be putting too much on you. I'm just trying to treat my fiance better and better each day (failing sometimes).
hello and congrats!!! first off this is so touching and aaaa. my god. anyway.
it sounds like you’re really on the right track for sure :) friends are extremely important especially for ppl in minority groups that make socializing harder, so trying to help to her get out of her shell and get to know other people is certainly a great idea; both because she deserves having something of a social group, and because like you say, trans friends can be really critical. i can’t speak with authority since I don’t know you & your situation, but it could definitely help with supporting her and whatnot; i value my transfem friends irl a lot and they’re wonderful with buoying my transition. im not sure id say you’re ‘not fit’ for it unless you dont want to be, since there’s a lot of ways to support and be there for someone’s transition. my femme is tme and she has been wonderful with my transition and helping me explore different gender stuff by helping me with womens clothes, sometimes a little makeup, and her support when im mixing things up with my presentation. she’s happy to change and play with her vocab too; when i realized i like being called pretty from time to time now she works it into when she’s teasing me or being sweet, things like that.
as far as other things id want to see in a tme partner, the willingness to look at transmisogyny and learn about it and work it over is pretty important to me; but it sounds like you’re already working on this, so just keep your mind open with a clear heart. if you make a mistake, trust that you can learn from it and move on. id also say to let her be the one to define and speak about her transition and her past as well, and not to get tripped up on gender too much; i had an ex who was a lesbian and hated hearing me talk about my past as a boy. was very unfortunate. so keep an open mind and if you don’t understand something or you’d like to understand more, try not to be too afraid to ask; I can’t speak for her exactly, but I can say i really don’t mind getting asked about gender stuff or transmisogyny since it shows that someone cares and also gives me a chance to make sure we’re on the same page. and also, while this may be a little risqué, so long as she’s not ace or something id think about making sure you touch and love on her body holistically. a lot of trans women don’t get touched like how cis and other women do, so don’t be afraid to get a little handsy if she doesn’t mind it. having our bodies be actively wanted (touching sides, thighs, etc) can be really very wonderful when we’re taught that we’re repulsive in every way that matters.
so tl;dr: getting her more friends is a great idea for a milieu of reasons! don’t walk on eggshells with transmisogyny too much, just keep an open mind and maybe think about biases sometimes but don’t let it get to your beat and beat you up over it. but I think your concern sounds like it might be a sign that you care and are gonna try, and if that’s the case then approach any issues that come up from an angle of love and i think it should buff out. anyone wanna chime in in the replies?
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eden-falls · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why you love them? Thanks....
i've never gotten an ask before this is really exciting omg!!!!!! i'll start at 10 and work up to 1 i think
10. lio fotia (promare)
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look at him! squishy! i love him!
9. neiru aonuma (wonder egg priority)
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i really cant explain this one. she's my favourite out of the main four and its not about being relatable (ai and rika are more like me) but just. neiru's vibes are immaculate that's all i have to say
8. nie huaisang (mo dao zu shi)
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my fav mdzs character!! (the other favs are jiang yanli, jiang cheng, and jin ling. i love pain.) i thought the way he's written was just genius i never saw what would happen coming. he's also just really silly and funny and i luv him <3
7. howl (howl's moving castle)
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my first anime crush!! he'll always have a special spot in my heart. i think book howl is a lot more flawed and interesting (and welsh like me) but i love anime howl too. he's so pathetic.
6. count d (petshop of horrors)
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his whole character is fascinating. he's pretty too. i've also had a crush on him since i was pretty young (first read the series when i was FAR too young for it lol). i wish he and leon could reunite one day but thats the shipper in me speaking lol
5. kyouka izumi (bungou stray dogs)
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it took me a while to decide who my favourite bsd character is but i eventually landed on her. it's not a super deep reason or anything i just think her cold but gentle personality is nice. she's also my favourite to draw!
4. xie lian (tian guan ci fu)
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I HAVENT FINISHED TGCF YET but for him to be placed so high up is quite a feat i think. again his gentle and sweet personality is what draws me to him. there's something going on with him that i dont know about yet and that keeps me interested. he's also so goofy :)
3. noe archiviste (vanitas no carte)
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this boy. he's perfect. an excellent specimen. words cannot describe my love for him. moving on.
2. sangonomiya kokomi (genshin impact)
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she literally defines me. the second i saw her i knew i would love her forever. she's my beloved.
1. suou (children of the whales)
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anyone whos been following me for more than a week knows how much i love him! he's my favourite character ever and i cant really explain why he's just perfect in every way.
im not super great at explaining my feelings so i hope this made sense lol
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zhongscara · 10 months
For that character ask you know I have to:
@alhaithams-big-naturals (< saw a different anon do this and wanted to try >.<)
Sexuality Headcanon: TBH IM NOT SO SURE... maybe a cop out but i think hes unlabelled. in the words of 2010s fujioshi hes p much cynosexual (JK LOL) Gender Headcanon: another guy i hit with the "he can be a cis or trans guy whenever i like beam" A ship I have with said character: CYHAINO like they will always be perfect... the enemies to lovers... finding trust in each other in a world thats rapidly changing... their deep respect for each other while also being awkward with their feelings... UGHHHHHHHH A BROTP I have with said character: i think him and dehya are a great duo. obsessed w how she thinks hes a bit crazy and he just genuinely admires her work ethic. A NOTP I have with said character: haikaveh/kavetham whatever ppl wanna call them A random headcanon: i think alhaitham would become invested in collei learning how to read. imagine alhaitham copying down storybooks his grandmother kept to give to her. alhaitham going around writing down stories from the desert when cyno mentions that he wishes he could give collei stories from the desert to read. i just think alhaitham would admire collei's genuine dedication to learning. he'd let her read some of his simpler books and teach her about writing essays tell tighnari that collei's going to be making scholars cry in a few years and tighnaris like "Please dont teach her how to write scathing rebuttals." General Opinion over said character: hes my darling... im an alhaitham lover... whenever he speaks i giggle and kick my feet and twirl my hair around my finger like "omg and what next? you're so smart btw <3"
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levmada · 2 years
i have a question because your post about asexuality is having me question my sexuality all over again. if levi was real would you want to be in a relationship with him? or is it because he’s fictional that makes you attracted to him? i find myself not attracted to anyone but people similar to levi.. i dont know how to explain it but real people don’t do it for me.
god i still get confused so dw. ummmm i'll explain more about my experiences maybe the context will help and then i'll answer ur question.
i dated a few real ppl before i realized my sexuality in 2020. i was 19ish. all girls and two transmasc guys who hadn't physically transitioned... lastly i forced myself to date 2 cis men bc i know now i was in denial. in any of those cases was it genuine romantic attraction i felt? i dont think so but especially not the men/mascs. i have no frame of reference for what romantic or sexual attraction feels like for sure? either way i no longer mistake those feelings for genuine attraction since i went about researching asexuality and did some reflection. i got attached to those ppl for other reasons and misconstrued it as romantic attraction.
to make it easier ive loathed every single experience ive ever had sexually irl. that shouldve been more obvious in retrospect but i was a teen and wanted to / felt pressure to be Normal yk. it was disgusting and super uncomfortable to me and there was nothing wrong w the way i was being treated.
i have felt attraction to a FEW irl men, but every time they were unattainable. like frank iero from my chemical romance was like the loml once... and kurt cobain? but also there are very few of these men i can think of. never been attracted a man/masc irl in my dating pool so to speak (like i said, i dont think ive felt genuine romantic feelings for a real person before).
weird thing. im never attracted to fictional women/fem characters. not in the way that i imagine and feel about aki/levi/eren/other fictional men. so what. am i asexual queer then bc im nonbinary?? idfk.
i can't look at a pic of a fem/woman or masc/man and be like omg im in love im imagining scenarios but i do recognize that theyre attractive if that makes sense.
but also pron with real ppl turns me off😐like gross
(i have stared at the screen thinking so long abt ur question lol). if levi was real. i don't think i'd be attracted to him. even if he wasnt a stranger and i knew everything about him. like him being fictional makes him unattainable which is part of it for me? theres no way for him to get to know me so to speak. god idk. the answer is no, but it's hard to explain why.
u said u r attracted to ppl similar to levi, i assume fictional people? yeah same, like i can think of my biggest fictional loves and theyre almost all similar. i guess that's us having a type?
in any case, your sexuality and stuff is gonna change from when ur a teenager. as u mature and get new experiences u can make more sense of the way u feel, i think. i dont think it's productive to feel u HAVE to label and define everything strictly, bc attraction and identity are very complex and nuanced and influenced by a ton of factors, but i understand wanting to understand urself. it's hard.
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i agree with you every time you speak about how its so incredibly important to acknowledge female oppression based on sex, but why is it so hard to not call trans men "women"? like i don't get why so many people refuse to do that. both trans men and women have uteruses and vaginas, so why do they insist that it erases female oppression or harms women? it doesnt? the same thing happens with trans women. i think it really isnt that hard to speak about certain types of oppression while at the same time acknowledging that they very often overlap each other. like trans women and cis women both suffer misogyny, theyre both targets of sexual harassment and assault, and they both are the main victims of prostitution. trans men and women both suffer from sex-based oppression, obstetric and medical violence. trans men who are cis-passing dont suffer sexual harassment though, and they can navigate society with a considerable amount of male privilege (and so many radical feminists forget this, there ARE trans men who pass completely, most trans men who have used testosterone for a long time do, and they dont have to suffer misogyny in their daily life. it feels almost a bit insulting to hear people speak about them like they suffer the exact same oppression cis women do) trans women usually can't do this. people are diverse, and i dont get why its so difficult to speak about these things without excluding certain groups of people or just being fucking rude or disrespectful to them, many times on purpose. (sorry if i didnt explain myself well btw, english is not my first language)
Hi anon, your English is fine! Its super good actually. And thank you for acknowledging that female oppression is based off sex. But you should have stopped at "I agree with you every time you speak" lol! Jokes aside...
Transwomen (I think thats who you meant when you said transmen) are able to get surgery to have a sort of vagina, but no, they do not have uteruses... Not sure where you got that misinformation. Even if they had a uterus surgically transplanted, it would be nonfunctional and ultimately pointless to everyone. As they do not have eggs, they would be unable to have periods or get pregnant. I suspect there would be serious health risks involved too. In the same way, a transman would never be able to produce sperm even if they had a dick or balls surgically transplanted.
Girls, women, and boys are the main victims of prostitution and sex trafficking, simply because most of the "clients" are straight males. A smaller percentage of them are also sexually attracted to males, but as many of them are pedophiles, they prefer boys over grown men. So passing/not passing/extent of transition also has a lot to do with it. Traffickers of course do not care if someone is trans or not. If someone looks like a young female, they are a potential target. If they are not "passing" and look like an adult male, traffickers are likely uninterested because they are not sexually attracted, the clients are not interested, and a male is harder to physically fight and control. Or if they are smaller and young, they will happily traffic boys too- whether or not they identify as a girl. I guess what Im saying is that they do not purposefully look for transwomen, they look for girls, young women, and boys (and sometimes young men that are small/look way younger than they are). Basically anyone who looks young and vulnerable. Aside from sex, age is the next largest indicator of risk. It may even be number 1. Its not gender presentation. A female could identify as and present as a male but it would not matter to them if they can tell that they're female.
Transwomen are definitely victimized as well, but it is on incomparable scales, partly due to the vast difference in population size (1% to 50%), and usually for different reasons- transphobia, (which may or may not be mixed with misogyny). To say they are "both the main victims" makes it seem like its an equal amount, which is very much is not, luckily for transwomen.
All populations- including boys and men- experience sexual harassment and assault, but obviously that does not mean we might as well put them all in the same sex category because sex is not defined by level of oppression. Its not like, "oh you've experienced x amount of oppression in your lifetime, you may as well sit with the ladies" lol.
Transwomen are not oppressed under laws that only apply to females. Women are denied equal legal and social rights for being female, and as transwomen are biologically male, they are given equal rights from birth. As long as their birth certificate says "male", they will always be given these rights by the government.
I definitely agree that transmen who are cis-passing dont suffer sexual harassment (as much) and that they can navigate society with male privilege. But they can still be denied legal rights for being biologically female though, or be discriminated against anytime it says "female" on academic, professional, or legal paperwork. (And then transphobia can mix in with the misogyny when they see a male passing person). I also agree that they dont suffer the exact same oppression as cis women and that transwomen are not given this same luxury, because unfortunately as transwomen come to learn, misogyny is real and its a monster.
Why do you find it insulting to hear people say that passing transmen suffer the same oppression cis women do (because you know its not completely true), but you dont think its insulting to say that passing transwomen do NOT suffer the same oppression cis women do?
I think your whole argument boils down to "transwomen are oppressed just as much as ciswomen so should be considered women". Not only is that clearly not true when you look at laws, but again, sex is not defined by levels of oppression or life experience.
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shadyhouse · 2 years
Actually Babe, your most leo trait is policing what other people can say based on what YOU think their gender is... the closet exists for a reason babe LOL but being trans Im surr u knew that xoxo
look, i dont normally respond to shit like this but it needs to be said. you're not in the right here, you couldve just taken the advice. even if you are closeted, we were speaking through private dms.
you're not entitled to tell me anything but when i, as a trans person, am under the impression that you are cis, because you have it not only in your bio but you've said it on your blog multiple times, i have the right to be made uncomfortable by you saying slurs. even if it's "quoting a meme". in my mind, you DIDN'T have the right to say it. you couldve just explained yourself and apologized rather than be a rude asshole about it. being a jerk isnt fun and quirky and i want nothing to do with people like you.
what was i supposed to do?? i don't have any idea that you being closeted is the case if you never talk about it. when a trans person goes to you, someone that presents themselves as cis, and says that you did something potentially transphobic, and you blow it way out of proportion.... im sorry but i have the right to be made uncomfortable interacting with someone like you. even if you are closeted. how the fuck was i supposed to know? i'm sorry for assuming your gender but why are you so self absorbed that you need to have the final word in this interaction. learn from it and move on. I'VE certainly learned from it.
you couldve just corrected me. i even said myself "sorry if im assuming things ignore this if not" and you STILL had to go and be rude about it. i told you myself that i WASN'T offended and i just wanted to give you a heads up about being careful with what slurs you say, even "light-heartedly".
but now I am angry because you did not respect the advice i had to give to you, yknow in order to not come off as transphobic? something that you should certainly want to be aware of if you are closeted :) and if that's the case, you STILL can't be saying slurs because i can GUARANTEE that no trans person would be comfortable with someone who isn't openly transgender saying those things. it just comes off as offensive. THAT'S what i was trying to warn you about you fucking idiot.
regardless of the situation, your actions speak volumes. you either respect trans people when they're trying to help you, or you don't. don't make this about yourself and DON'T make ME out to be the bad guy. go fuck yourself. and stop stalking my blog you fucking weirdo, i blocked you for a reason.
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Im 25 years old, Im a young guy and I love tickling. I wish I could do some BDSM tickling someday and I was wondering, how was finding people to tickling? Can you tell me more about it!
btw: great body and videos ;)
in my humble opinion, the key to finding our people is to approach things naturally and with an authentic desire to form connections. you can post personal ads & try randomly messaging people on fetlife or reddit or other forums to some degree of success, but in my experience i've met my tickle friends the same way i've met other friends in life. by SOCIALIZING :)
go to meetups in your area, attend munches, parties, and gatherings that are tickle themed. get out there & SOCIALIZE. and no, i dont mean PLAY parties where the focus is entirely on public play. i mean the vanilla events where you can introduce yourself to the community, make small talk, truly get to know others on a personal level before even considering BDSM play. people can sense if youre genuinely interested in them VS only talking to them to get something out of it. if you show interest in getting to know people, then you can start to build trust and help them feel more comfortable with you.
this is especially important for straight cis men. i have been hurt, abused, or used by several guys in this community and dont trust newbies, even if they have good intentions. i dont want to speak for everyone, but i know others share the same feelings as me. the men i've played with i have known for years (spiffy i've known for almost a decade!) and even then i asked for references from other people theyve played with. understand that we value safety, so if we dont feel safe with you, we will not play or entertain you.
also, to add on. dont make everything about kink. dont try to turn every conversation into an RP or tease. DONT MAKE EVERYTHING SEXUAL! nothing turns me off more than someone who pretends to care about me then tries to sneakily get me to tease them or turn the conversation kinky!
anyway, moving on. i know a lot of us suffer from social anxiety and depression, so going to events may be easier said than done. however, it will be much harder to form strong connections if you dont log off the internet every once in a while and engage in person. even if it feels awkward or youre worried people will think youre weird, at least you were brave enough to try. i went to a meetup in los angeles years ago by myself and was so anxious i almost stayed home, but i faced my fear & ended up meeting some of my best friends from the community there. trust me, its worth subjecting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of being known lol.
this isnt to say you cant make good friends online. ive met cool people from tumblr, fetlife, reddit, and even TMF. however, eventually i went on to meet these people in person and grew close enough with them that i felt comfortable playing. i dont think i wouldve felt safe enough to play with these people without meeting them in person first.
now i cant speak for EVERY person but this is my personal opinion mixed with experience and the best advice i can think of to offer you. please read it carefully & consider what i'm telling you. i hope you are successful in your search 🙏🏽
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eirian · 2 years
gener thoughts
ive identified as trans for 9 years and i never thought id identify as anything else anymore. ever since starting my trans journey i identified as many labels, including a binary trans man, a demiboy, a nonbinary guy, and agender, but i never thought id consider identifying as cis again until today
it feels really weird?? its just. ive been introduced to the concept of gender being what you make of it, there are no hard-set rules of what you have to be in order to id as something like a woman or a man or nonbinary or whatever you feel is best. it just depends on whats most comfortable for you, yknow? and that thought made me realize that damn. maybe im just a gnc cis person
i like being called a guy, it gives me euphoria. ive had top surgery and ive been on t long enough to grow a goatee and have a deep voice. i like being called they/he/it way more than she/her (she/her still makes me uncomfy). but i constantly find myself remembering identifying as a girl back in the day, and wishing i still was a girl, and it just. occurred to me that i can be a girl again? like, its fine. i dont have to give up who i am currently to be a girl again. i can be a girl but with guy flavoring lol. i can be a gnc girl who is also a guy. im a girl who calls himself a guy. tons of gnc girls (mostly lesbians from what i see) use he/him pronouns and even get top surgery so like..why would that be a problem for me yknow?
at first i was like "ah man i dont wanna be cis, id lose the community ive built myself around all these years :(" but i realized that me ending up deciding im actually gnc cis doesnt negate the experiences ive had as a trans person! i WAS trans for 9 years. i DID transition, both medically and socially. all that happened and nothing can change that, i still have those memories and experiences and always will. so in a way i dont think i'll necessarily Lose the community and i'll still have all the information and knowledge of a trans person but i guess i wont feel as comfortable speaking for trans people anymore (which makes sense bc i wouldnt be trans LOL so why would i speak for them)
so uh. this isnt set in stone, im just thinking about things
tl;dr i might be a gnc cis girl who is also a guy after being trans for 9 years and my head is spinning
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menalez · 1 year
I agree completely and its crazy idk the thing that bothers me the most is people getting mad at women for saying they like 😺 because whatever arguments that are supposedly progressive WHEN ITS NEVER BEEN ACCEPTED FOR WOMEN TO DO THAT?? but ive seen people acting like being a "cis gay/lesbian" is inherently a position of more power or whatever like. Yea
Additionally i see stuff thats like saying women are boring for just having vaginas and no dick!! and like she/her 😺 is so lame ir makes you fall asleep (yes i have actually seen this post yayy) nd its like. The same concept... Sort of, like do they realize just your typical cis women is made to feel uncomfortable in her body and vulvas and etc are treated as disgusting and again women are already shamed for rhe tiniest things already?? So this isnt progressive or revolutionary either
Most women freak out over having hair on their legs, a lot of women think their natural face is too gross and sickly to be seen in public, men acr like vaginas are disgusting all the time thinking they're inherently unclean and "used" and you know the roastie talk and etc....
Men think penis = default Better organ bc its what males have, we're already made to feel inferior lol
None of this is new
Also can you show me.your reply to anon who talked ab the same ? Im curious
its insane!!! they literally think its mean of lesbians to like pussy bc uhhh.. some identify as women and they dont have a coochie so its somehow backwards to be a lesbian now ?? or sth??
and yeah true true for the rest too!! its all rebranded misogyny and homophobia rly. but somehow made progressive bc u throw in "cis" in front of it even tho by definition cis would probably not neatly apply to most "cis women" anyways. also this was what i was referring to,, i didnt say much tho bc this type of shit speaks for itself:
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