cattobones · 8 months
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Carnelian the Wyvern queen
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thesovereignsring-if · 9 months
An option should be there to tell the general to fuck off don't know why the mc stood there and take that crap then lash out like a little kid
There’s the option to try and leave the confrontation before it begins- but Bellerophyn cuts it off. Nope. He decided it isn’t going to be a confrontation you can walk away from.
The confrontation is short and quick to begin with. He leaves no room for anyone to interject once he got going. It’s like getting caught in a bear trap. The MC was caught off guard and insulted by a stranger that new more about them then the MC knew about them.
I’m content with the scene as is.
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akagaminolevi · 1 year
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[OC] MerMay Ignatus and Desi going on a dad and daughter treasure hunt
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theauthorunicorn · 2 years
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the bad boys in paranormal world
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oceanmoonstarz · 11 days
Marauders Masterchef AU
Currently watching Masterchef Australia and a marauders masterchef au would go soo hard
Judges: Minerva McGonagall, Rita Skeeter, Horace Slughorn, Frank Longbottom
Guest appearance: Tom Riddle is the chef making the last Pressure Test..
Dumbledore is the chef that comes from like a week at some point and seems nice but also send like 4 people home..
Alice Fortescue is the chef that comes and help them out a few times in the Restoration Challenges during the competition
Evan Rosier is a young prodigy chef that comes a few times (and end up hooking up with Barty)
Poppy Pomfrey comes by also (Minnie and Poppy <3)
Etc, you get the idea.
Contestants: 25 (not in order of leaving)
1- James Potter, 2- Sirius Black (he registered under a fake name), 3- Remus Lupin, 4- Peter Pettigrew, 5- Marlene McKinnon
6- Lily Evans, 7- Mary MacDonald, 8- Dorcas Meadowes, 9- Pandora Lovegood, 10- Severus Snape
11- Emmeline Vance, 12- Emma Vanity, 13- Sybill Trelawney, 14- Molly Prewett, 15- Arthur Weasley
16- Bellatrix Black (her and Rita end up hooking up and after they’re found out she get ejected from the competition lol), 17- Damocles Belby, 18- Rose Rosmerta, 19- Stephen Gould, 20- Amycus Carrow
21- Edgard Bones or Amelia Bones, 22- Gilderoy Lockarts, 23- Lucius Malfoy, 24- Ignatus Prewett, 25- Myrtle Warren
It’s over the duration of a couple of weeks. They start not knowing each other’s at all.
I would probably play with the ages a little because otherwise it would be weird if most people are the same age lmao.
They all live in the same place for who knows how long so they form deep relationships. Some people fall in love along the way. Regulus and Sirius heal their relationship. Shit get messy when the families are invited.
It would literally be so fun… I can’t write it guys I have so many other project going on 😭😭 but like also I want too..
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nymeriaandignus · 5 months
Nymeria tinha uma certeza, precisava superar o medo de altura, agora mais do que nunca! Afinal tinha um dragão que gostava de rodopios e cambalhotas aéreas! Uma gracinha! Só que não! Naquela manhã tinha decidido se jogar de sua janela no segundo andar para ver se Ignatus a alcançava, claro que ela o fez, só não esperava o que viria a seguir: "Você é doida! E se você morre! Não sou sua babá, humana! Eu não devia ter te pego!" "Ótimo! É simples só me deixar cair no chão! Virar panqueca! Se eu me lembro bem eu pedi para não fazer cambalhotas da última vez e você fez isso? Não!" Ela gritava com o dragão quando sentiu alguém a encarando, os dois encararam a segundo ano @vossruimnaoquebra ao mesmo tempo e xingaram juntos: "OLHA O QUE VOCÊ FEZ AGORA TEMOS PÚBLICO!"
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ausp-ice · 1 year
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Fusion of the Month artwork of Secularis (he/they), fusion between Antitheos and Ignatus, for SymeSynth.  Edeia Site | Edeia Discord | Personal Website
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kittensartswriting · 1 year
Find The Word Tag
Thank you for tagging me, @dotr-rose-love! I'm sorry it was ages ago :') I got tagged two times with little, garden, dream, car and why and then world, space, heart and lose. I didn't have car (which is not that surprising as it's set in a world where there is no cars).
I'll tag @aohendo @kainablue @mariahwritesstuff @faelanvance with words green, no, word and night.
Valeri carefully pulled each layer of clothing to reveal his side. Agrippa winced and closed her eyes. Then she slowly re-opened them and seemed to force herself to look at the wound. "Rinse it with water. Do not touch it. Then press some bandages on it and wrap the rest tightly around my torso." He spoke on a low voice to cause as little tension on his side as possible. "What about the bullet?" Agrippa asked, her voice shaking. "You let it stay there. Right now it's blocking the wound and keeping my blood inside me. I will die out of blood loss much quicker than out of infection or lead poisoning, so keeping my blood inside me is the priority here."
Fiolew looked carefully as the soldier opened the door for a footman. A footman's suit might work here. The Spring Palace must have loaned additional people to their own staff tonight, so the guards certainly wouldn't recognize every footman. He would need to get the right kind of wig and their footman's jacket from somewhere. He already had an idea how to acquire them. He could make this work. With a self-satisfied smile he straightened up from leaning on the railing. It was already pitch black outside, which was perfectly fine with him. He quickly glanced around before slipping into the shadows of the garden.
"Where did you get the ring, captain?" The man spoke in a soft voice under which cold rage was brewing. Valeri forced himself to look up. The man's face was right in from of him. His heart skipped a beat. It must have been a dream. "Father?" he breathed in Cerfi. For a brief moment he could have sworn he was looking at his father, but after blinking Valeri recognized the face. He had barely changed at all. That long face with sharp features and those deep set eyes were exactly as Valeri remembered. Though his hair was graying and shorter, the hairline had receded a bit and some new wrinkles had appeared on his face. "Ignatus?"
"I told them you're my guard", Agrippa whispered. Valeri raisen an eyebrow. "Why?" "I didn't dare go there alone." He didn't blame her. The oracles sent cold shivers down his spine. "So now I have to act like your personal guard?" "Well you were before, right?" Agrippa grinned, but the concerned wrinkle between her brows didn't disappear. "I can always fire you, if you want." "I just got a new job and you're already firing me?"
"Along the Vuolh�� River the cities of the dead are always on the northern side of it", Agrippa said. She leaned forward, animated as she spoke. "Vuolhú is the gate between the worlds of the living and the dead and north is the land of the dead." "Isn't then most of Dir'ahin land of the dead?" Valeri asked. "No." The levity had disappeared from Ávra's voice. "The land of the living is only occupied by the enemy." She raised her eyes at Valeri. She was smiling, but there was fire in her eyes that Valeri knew all too well. "For now."
At the campus Fearathos took the route to the history department. It was in one of the oldest building of the university, from the times of Amarian Empire. The style then had strong Amarian influence. Ornamental pilars and straight columns. Faerathos had only been there once, but remembered well the grandiose entrance with a row of massive pilars behind which large entrances led to the central hall. In the middle of it was a shallow rectangular pool the same size as the hole in the roof. The hole let in a large beam of sun that moved through the day and filled the space with sun light.
The general's expression was perfectly stale, impossible to read. "That's not true -" "No! Don't you dare tell me another lie!" "Agrippa dear..." "Silence!" Her hair and skin flamed. She radiated white blinding flames. The heath burned hot on Valeri's face and he backed away as terror gripped his heart. The flames were gone as quick as they appeared. Only some embers were left smouldering in her clothing.
"'Pretty good'?" Marcus gave a laugh. "She has never lost a single duel. I'm pretty sure I'd lose to her." "You?" Faerathos asked with disbelief. "You're the best swordsman in the Empire, if not the world. Everyone thinks so." "Sure, but I'm not a duelist. I can duel of course, but I'm much more intimately familiar with techniques more useful in a battlefield than a duel. She on the other hand is expert on duel techniques. I actually saw her duel in a party. She was toying with the man. It was a performance to her, but it was clear that he would have been dead, if she'd wanted him dead." "There was a duel in a party? I don't remember that." "Unsurprising. But yes there was. Easily the best party I have ever attended. I think some foolish lord had caught his wife on the arms of Lady Moireau, or something." He chuckled. "I would like to duel with her. No one has beaten me since..." His voice trailed off and a shadows fell over his face. He didn't need to finish the sentence, Faerathos knew he was talking about father.
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triopse · 6 months
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Grouchy + Ignatus + Lurkers
Listening: Lurkers of Dronny Darko
Project: Bunkers
Game is here: https://triopse.itch.io/bunkers
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thatonemaraudersfan · 2 years
This is my first “story” or blurb or whatever you wanna call it. So please do not judge to much, I am not a master at writing.
The story of Percy Weasley
Percy Ignatus Weasley had always felt alone, like the looked different from all his siblings, maybe not in height or hair but in other ways. For one did he have glasses, something non of his siblings had, he was the only one whit curly hair (not curly curly but a bit curly at least, it was not straight at least) he was also the only one of his siblings that took rules very seriously, of course his sibling did too (except maybe Fred and George) but not on the same level as Percy did, which made him look boring in his siblings eyes, especially the ones younger then him.
He siblings were also born in pairs, first his two older brothers Bill and Charlie, who where close and hung out a lot, then the twins came and they where inseparable (until the could not be anymore, ‘cause you know) and then Ron and Ginny, who hung out a lot, maybe not all the time but the older they got, the more the hung out. Percy was the one who just did not have that bond whit anyone of his siblings, he was born 3 years after Charlie and 2 years before the twins, he even was odd in the birth order, for all his other siblings was it 2 years but not of Percy. This made his decision to leave the family a lot easier, he never really felt apart of it, so it was just easier to stand against them then stand whit them, or so he thought.
His mom and dad, even his siblings, loved him for who his was. He probably was his moms favourite child do to his pompous demeanour. To sad he did not realise this until it was too late.
Luckily a family is always family, he was breve enough to go back and say sorry for us mistakes and they saw it and simply forgave him, because at the end of the day he is family….
Credits to: @Teacher with Bad Handwriting
Who gave me this idea.
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nvael · 1 year
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                    *    𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐥 ' 𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐥 ' 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧. veintitrés años. signo zodiacal; leo. nacionalidad francesa & surcoreana. parte de la facultad st. ignatus of laconi como matriculado, cursando su tercer año en las carreras de artes audiovisuales & plásticas. residente de la mansión nueve. miembro de actividades de griego moderno, pintura, robótica, salto de longitud en el equipo de atletismo masculino & director del podcast universitario.
                         ››   expediente & conexiones .
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        buzón.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        reflejo.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        juegos.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        ediciones.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        introspectiva.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        conversaciones.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        sentence memes.
( * )        𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖    :        lista de reproducción.
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thesovereignsring-if · 9 months
Ughggjk 😤 I'd like to punch that fucker (the guy from the new chapter) and show him his place 😡🔪
None of reaction options were satisfying, honestly
Good. They're weren't suppose to be. (´・ᴗ・`)♡
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akagaminolevi · 1 year
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[OC] Dracule Ignatus and Desi, best dad-daughter duo 💖
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hotchfiles · 5 months
lover to lover getting so much love was not on my bingo card for this xmas but thank you all nonetheless 😝😝😝😝 i just needed cute gifts and knew the potters were the type to have heirlooms.
being an ignatus’ descendant i thought maybe fleamont had other stuff with the deathly hallows symbol, i mean, ignatus tombstone had it so why not lol anyway !!!!
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de nathanael ’ nael ’ yeon para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando artes audiovisuales & artes plástica en st. ignatus of lacon y ha sido asignade a la mansión nueve. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
BLOSSOM, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: blossom.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: 21 +.
país / zona horaria: gmt – 6.
triggers: incesto, pedofilia, racismo, maltrato animal, non-con.
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? sí.
¿algo que agregar? les agradezco montones por un proyecto tan lindo ♡
• nombre completo: nathanael ’ nael ’ yeon. • faceclaim: choi yeonjun. • pronombres: masculinos. • edad: veintitrés años. • fecha de cumpleaños: trece de agosto. • lugar de proveniencia: niza, francia. • descripción psicológica:
( + ) extrovertido, pragmático, encantador, altruista, vocal, leal. ( - ) cínico, intolerante, testarudo, manipulador.
• descripción física: cuenta con una estatura de un metro ochenta y dos, cabello azabache un tanto más largo del corte tradicional que suele llevar en un peinado que denomina cómo; desordenadamente perfecto. de misma manera, suele darle un giro al porte del uniforme de su facultad, adaptándolo a él sin quebrantar las reglas y en lo que a sus prendas personales se refiere, sigue las tendencias entre diseñadores, pero procura hacerlo sencillo, sin preocuparse al respecto. conserva oculto la mayoría del tiempo el tatuaje que tiene a la altura de costillar del lado derecho, con uno de los últimos mensajes de su hermano y porta múltiples piercings a lo largo de orejas, pero no los usa todo el tiempo.
• historia:
uno. entre colisiones de copas cristalinas, melodías y el eco de olas del mar mediterráneo, familias de extremos del mundo celebraron la unión pactada entre pasillos de st. mary magdalene, esperando que con los años, el sacrificio de descendencia trajera consigo un beneficio para ambos negocios familiares y trazado entre estrellas, unión de jóvenes recién graduados no demoró en florecer, dando la bienvenida a su primogénito a los pocos meses.
dos. en contra de anhelos paternales que pronosticaban atenciones infinitas para el recién nacido, nido familiar requería de esfuerzo para construirse bajo el peso de ambas dinastías por lo que el pequeño solo conoció de los cuidados del personal a su cargo durante sus primeros años. sin embargo, destino se desenvolvía en contra de corriente y existencia dejó de ser solitaria cuando durante su quinta vuelta al sol, los hados decidieron llenarlo de animosidad y finalmente, convertirlo en hermano mayor.
tres. pese a su inefable desarrollo de talentos, la manera en la que par de caobas apreciaban la existencia parecía diferir del lugar creado para él y aunque los esfuerzos no cesaron por acatar las expectativas de progenitores, le fue imposible, por lo menos de la manera esperada. sin embargo, los frutos de las conexiones entre países tan distantes que padres se empeñaron en forjar a través de los años, ramas de futuros posibles no parecían presagiar nada más que tonalidades vivaces.
cuatro. no obstante, en contra de todo pronóstico, durante su cumpleaños número quince, trato preferente de hados llego a su fin. aguardando por la llamada de su hermano menor desde el internado al otro lado de país francés, lo único que recibió fue la de los encargados comunicando la tragedia durante su hora de juegos. carencia de respuestas ante las autoridades fueron amargando su perspectiva del mundo, alejándolo de los pilares sobre los que con tanto cuidado había sido criado.
cinco. ignorar los latidos dolorosos cardiacos fue su peor error, ya que pese a que continuaba destacando en cada actividad designada, malas compañías, malos hábitos y sed insaciable de justicia fueron tomando el control de su vida hasta la catarsis ineludible. en el pasado, sueños se expandían dentro del reino unido, anhelando el ingreso a la universidad de artes de londres, lejos de cualquier legado, pero todo quedó atrás con sus faltas académicas y con la necesidad de mantenerlo en vigilancia, progenitores solo ofrecieron continuar costeando su educación si se trataba de donde su historia de amor había comenzado.
• dato adicional opcional: removido por la administración. • ¿estudiante matriculado o becado?: matriculado. • facultad: st. ignatus of laconi. • carrera: artes audiovisuales & artes plásticas. • año de curso: tercer año. • extracurriculares: miembro del club de griego moderno. miembro del equipo de atletismo masculino (salto longitud). miembro del club de pintura. miembro del club de robótica. miembro del podcast universitario (director). • ¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés?: removido por la administración.
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nymeriaandignus · 4 months
Nymeria adorava a exibição, então depois de terminar com alguns hematomas pós duelo com Vaella, se viu sendo chamada, mais uma vez para o tatame. Sentia Ignatus orgulhoso pelo vínculo, ainda que ela insistisse em mantê-lo longe. Afinal só queria perder o medo de altura, ele não precisava ter gritado com ela! Se posicionava no centro do tatame, sem esperar que sua desafiante fosse nada mais nada menos que Adrasteia! A inveja queimou sob o corpo de Nymeria. Ela tinha conseguido o que Nymeria buscara por anos. Um dragão verde. A irritação se transformava constantemente em frustração no coração de Nymeria. A morena sentiu o sangue ferver e o rosto queimar, então três gotas de água caíram em seu rosto: “Pegue leve comigo, Adrasteia! Acabei de sair de outro duelo!” Murmurou forçando um sorriso percebendo que as gotas de água aumentavam sobre sua cabeça e chiavam ao encontrarem sua pele.
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