#if you believe in the slur discourse this is not the blog for you
acelessthan3 · 1 year
Posting faggot and queer like 2am gunshots to keep property values on my blog low and scare away assimilationist LGBTs who want to replace my empty lot full of native wildflowers with a 5-over-1 because they're too traumatized by their upbringing to accept the reality of our diverse marginalized community
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kinda funny how i have seen people on both the izzy critical AND izzy apologist side of this fandom claim they’ve received death threats but i have yet to actually SEE a single death threat.
personally, as soon as someone uses death threats theyve received as like, a Genuine Point in their debate over a fictional character, i usually stop listening to them. at that point they’re not saying anything abt the blorbo in question, they’re talking abt a few random assholes online, and the more someone makes it part of their argument the more suspicious i get. especially if the threats are anonymous, how do i know they didn’t send those to themself? how do i know someone ELSE who is actually on their side didn’t send the anon to make their argument look better? like getting a “i can’t believe u hate X character u should kill yourself” anon is so routine on this site that if your response is “im being HARASSED for my OPINIONS by the TERRIBLE PPL WHO STAN BLORBO” im like. cool. is this your first day here?
but idk. ur gonna make that claim without even bothering to send urself anons? that’s just lazy smh at least send urself some anons or smthng
(and like i don’t keep a tally or remember specific users who i’ve seen these claims coming from but i will just say that i spend a LOT more time looking at/interacting with izzy critical blogs, yet by FAR most the unsupported claims of death threats/harassment i’ve seen come from izzy apologists)
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bowtiepastabitch · 3 months
Heaven's Not Homophobic in Good Omens, and Why That's Important
I need to preface this with, I am not trying to start a fight or argument and won't tolerate any homophobic or bad faith arguments in response to this. Cool? Cool.
This is in large part inspired by this ask from Neil's blog, which sparked some discourse that I don't want to get involved in but that brought up some analytic questions for me.
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He goes on to reblog a question asking about Uriel's taunt specifically, clarifying that "boyfriend in the dark glasses" can just as easily be read/translated from angelic as girlfriend or bosom buddy. The idea is that an angel and a demon "fraternizing" is seriously looked down upon, not that heaven is homophobic. And that's super important.
We see homophobia in both the book and show, of course. Aziraphale is very queer-coded, intentionally and explicitly so, and we see the reaction of other humans to that several times. Sergeant Shadwell, for example, and the kid in the book that calls him the f-slur when he's doing magic at Warlock's birthday party. These are, however, individual human reactions to his coding as a gay man.
I am, personally, not a fan of heaven redemption theories for the show; no hate for people who want that it's just not something I'm interested in. I don't believe that heaven is good with bad leadership, or that God Herself remains as a paragon of virtue. To me, that's not in line with the themes and messages of the show. It's important, however, that heaven doesn't reflect human vices. Heaven can be nasty and selfish and apathetic in its own right without ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or racism. This matters for two reasons.
Firstly, we don't need the -isms and -phobias to be evil or at least ethically impure. In a world where we spend so much time fighting against prejudice and bigotry, our impulse is to see that reflected in characters whose motivations we distrust or who we're intended to dislike. While it's true that that's often the big bad evil in our daily lives, it can really cheapen the malice in fictional evil from a storytelling standpoint. A villain motivated by racism or as an allegory for homophobia can be incredibly compelling, but not every bad guy can be the physical representation of an -ism. Art reflects the reality in which it's crafted, but the complexity of human nature and the evil it's capable of can't be simplified to a dni list.
Secondly, and I think more importantly, is that for Good Omens specifically, this places the responsibility for homophobia on humanity. If you're in this fandom, there's like a 98% chance you've been hurt by religion in some way. For a lot of us, that includes religious homophobia and hate, so it makes sense to want to project that onto the 'religious' structure of Good Omens. It's a story that is, in many ways, about religious trauma and abuse. However, if heaven itself held homophobic values, it would canonize in-universe the idea that heaven and religion itself are responsible for all humanity's -isms and -phobias and absolve humans of any responsibility. Much like Crowley emphasizes repeatedly that the wicked cruelty he takes responsibility for is entirely human-made, we have to accept that heaven can't take the blame for this. To make heaven, the religious authority, homophobic would simply justify religious bigotry from humans. By taking the blame for religious extremism and hatred away from heaven and the religious structure, Good Omens makes it clear that the nastiness of humanity is uniquely and specially human and forces the individual to take responsibility rather than the system. Hell isn't responsible for the Spanish Inquisition, which by the way was religiously motivated if you didn't know, and heaven isn't responsible for Ronald Reagan.
This idea is perhaps more strongly and explicitly expressed in the Good Omens novel, in the scene where Aziraphale briefly possesses a televangelist on live TV. It's comedic, yes, but also serves to demonstrate that human concepts of the apocalypse and religious fervor are deeply incorrect (in gomens universe canon) and condemn exploitation of faith practices. Pratchett and Gaiman weave a great deal of complexity into the way religion and religious values are portrayed in the book, especially in the emphasis on heaven and hell being essentially the same. They're interested in the concept of what it means to be uniquely and unabashedly human, the good and the bad, and part of that is forcing each individual person to bear the brunt of responsibility for their own actions rather than passing it off onto a greater religious authority.
Additionally, from a fan perspective, there's something refreshing about a very queer story where homophobia isn't the primary (or even a side) conflict. The primary narrative of Good Omens isn't that these two man-shaped-beings are gay, it's that they're an angel and a demon. The tension in their romantic arc arises entirely from the larger conflict of heaven and hell, and things like gender and sexuality don't really matter at all. Yes, homophobia and transphobia are very real, present issues in our everyday lives, but they don't have to be central to every story we tell. There's something really soothing about Crowley and Aziraphale being so queer-coded and so clearly enamored with each other without constantly being bombarded with homophobia and hate. It's incredible to see a disabled angel whose use of a mobility aid makes no difference in their role and to see angels and demons using they/them pronouns without being questioned or misgendered. It's all accepted and normalized, and that's the kind of representation that we as queer people deserve.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
TW - suicide baiting; slurs
It wouldn’t surprise me if an Anti sent hateful messages anonymously pretending to be a Billy / Harringrove blog. This side of the fandom is pretty close knit, and anyone who is caught saying hateful or bigoted things is swiftly dealt with. Antis benefit from the narrative that we are a toxic fandom, so of course they would resort to anonymously pretending to be us in order to convince people we’re The Bad Guys.
I can tell you right now that none of the Billy / Harringrove blogs I’ve interacted with use the same language as is used in some of these suicide baiting messages. No one writes in this erratic manner:
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A few times when I have encountered Antis and commented directly onto their posts, I received anonymous messages that were obviously bait.
For example, that post where I responded to that Wanda M/aximoff blog? I received an anonymous message that encouraged me to laugh about the user making posts threatening to kill themselves. One, I found no such posts on their blog. I take that pretty seriously. Two, this was how that user and their friends were talking to me at that point:
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Note: As pointed out before, you can’t send screenshots anonymously. These responses follow the same pattern of other Antis accusing us of “not leaving them alone” when no one, including me, was posting about them specifically. That anonymous message was obvious bait, because they wanted me to comment on this user and they wanted specifically for me to encourage that kind of cruelty (suicide baiting). If I had done that, the above responses would have made much more sense - not that they’re justified, but this all seems like a very planned retaliation in response to the bait that someone had set for me.
This isn’t to accuse any of the above people of baiting me, and I don’t want to revisit any interactions with these blogs. I’ve blocked them, and I’ve mostly moved on. That said, I am a cautious person with trust issues because I’m intimately familiar with being gaslit… and I have a sneaking suspicion that all of this is manufactured hate in order to benefit Antis and their opinions of us. It’s too convenient for these hateful messages to fall in the laps of Anti discourse while Billy / Harringrove fans are having perfectly logical and reasonable discussions with people who may not like Billy but who otherwise aren’t harming anyone.
This is also interesting considering I was shadowbanned recently. I’ve submitted a report about that and Tumblr is working on it. I think that someone is making an effort or a group of someone’s is making a coordinated effort to orchestrate things like this. They could be an Anti or just a troll. Regardless, they want us to rise to the bait by validating or outright saying really harmful things about or to other blogs. When we don’t do that, they then argue that something else we said or did was horribly wrong even though it’s just run of the mill fandom discourse. As I said, Antis benefit from this narrative that we’re toxic and this is all too convenient for them.
I don’t believe for a second that these hateful anonymous messages are all coming from real Billy / Harringrove fans. We know each other too well. No one writes like this. This is all very juvenile. Be careful of the anonymous messages you get for now. If it’s anything like what I’ve described, report it. I report and delete any messages like that.
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defining-trans · 9 months
Ask a Transgender Person Anything 🏳️‍⚧️
I'm tired of watching the same heated conversations over and over again where nothing gets solved. This blog is the solution I've come up with.
Ask me any question YOU have about being transgender.
I don’t care if it’s phrased “problematically”, insensitive or intentionally invasive, I will do my best to answer. However, you may not like the answer I give you.
Whether you're just trying to learn more about us, are too scared to ask a trans person you know for fear of ridicule, or genuinely believe people like me are deluding ourselves into identifying the way that we do and that we need to be "taught better"/"shown the truth", you have full permission to ask me, a trans person, whatever the hell you want.
Ground Rules:
I will respond only to asks and anonymous messages sent directly to my inbox. Any questions directed at me via comments, reblogs or tags on my posts are fair game for me to ignore.
If your question is indeed rude, or would most likely be perceived as such by a trans person you know IRL, I'll explain why and, if possible, give you an example of a better way to ask it.
If your question is about queer and/or trans discourse in general, I will answer it to the best of my ability. If it's about my personal stances on said discourse, I may or may not answer it. That will depend on whether or not I feel like it.
Regardless of how I feel about the questions I’m being asked, I will not resort to ad hominem attacks. (Your background and personal beliefs have no bearing on whether or not I’m capable of answering the question you’ve asked, therefore the most I will do is discuss how said potential background/belief may have prompted you to ask it.)
The only assumption I will make about you is that you want me to answer your question. I believe this to be a fair assumption, considering you will have to go out of your way to send me your question.
Leading questions (ones intended to coerce a specific predetermined answer out of the party being asked) and sealioning (feigned ignorance with the intention of wearing one down through the emotional labor of continually explaining one’s point of view) will be treated differently than genuine questions—I will first point out what about them I find objectionable, then dissect the question. If any part of the question is salvageable or could be a genuine question in another context, I will also attempt to give a genuine answer.
I am doing this purely out of personal interest. There is no secret agenda, I will not attempt to “convert” you to my “side” of things. I’m just curious about what questions people actually want to ask a trans person but are too shy or afraid of being judged to ask someone they know.
I will answer your questions based on my broader knowledge and my own personal experiences. Neither of these things are reflective of the trans experience as a whole and should not be interpreted as such. The only trans person whom I speak for is myself.
Insults are not questions. Words such as "anything other than male or female is a mental illness" and slur-flinging and so on - by themselves - are not questions, so I refuse to entertain them. Additionally, sarcastic questions like "so were you dropped on your head as an infant or are you just stupid by choice?" will be ignored.
We are not entitled to personal information about each other. You can ask me about stuff aside from being trans (i.e. completely unrelated political beliefs), but the focus of this blog is trans stuff, so I may decline to answer any off topic questions.
I'll get to your question when I get to your question. If you start sending me entitled or guilt-tripping nonsense, it will make me less inclined to answer your question. (Not all of us have the luxury of enough free time to entertain the questions of strangers on the internet who may or may not believe we deserve to die horrible deaths, and those of us that have that and the stomach to do it won't be up for it 24/7.)
It's fine to reblog and comment on my posts even if you don't have questions for me. In fact, that would help me reach more people who might have questions about transness that I can help answer.
I'm undecided as to whether or not I'd like to open my direct messages to people looking for a civil debate or more private atmosphere. Please respect my boundaries and do not DM me with questions or arguments at this time.
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hermitcraft-8 · 6 months
FAQ to link in our pinned:
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why does your bio say "call me al" when your name is tex?
we- the system- don't have a "system name" in the same way most systems do. instead of calling ourselves the cherry cola system or something of the sort, we stick with simply one name, the name we use irl. that name is al. i, the host, use tex. you can refer to me as tex if you're confident it's me posting. otherwise, please stick with al.
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are you christian?
this one is complicated. i, tex, believe in Our Father (the christian god), and am lutheran. other people in the system have very different opinions- hills is an autothiest, helen is a pagan, and most of the others are atheist or agnostic.
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why do you post like that?
i've gotten this in reference to a few different things ive done, so i'll try to explain it concisely. i have been a big blogger for most of my internet career, up until remaking my blog around a year ago, and, as a result, i tend to blog as if i expect all my posts to get big, each one with intentional phrasing and wordplay. at the same time ive been trying to allow myself to get silly with it and talk about things that interest me, not just things that will interest my audience. if that makes sense.
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how many people are in your system?
around 50. that number fluctuates and changes. i don't announce every new arrival, and not everyone fronts.
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what's your stance on [internet discourse]?
who give a shit. if it doesn't actually physically hurt anyone, it doesn't fucking matter to me. this goes for syscource, pronoun discourse, mspec discourse, slur discourse, most fandom discourse, etc.
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can you tag [x]?
we can try. there is no guarantee we will all consistently remember to tag it though.
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why don't you like cat pictures?
i have a mild phobia of cats. it's not bad enough that i can't handle living with them but i really don't want to see them when im already in a bad mood.
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how do you pronounce hx and hxm?
same as he/him. it's a purely aesthetic change, not a verbal one.
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rabidbatboy · 11 days
i beg of you to read the new information regarding 모모, shi has also called someone a slur (r-slur) and used it like a slur (not reclamation)
i dont believe that autistics can reclaim it but even if you think you can reclaim a slur, that doesnt mean you can use it (i have the screenshot of hir saying it)
im really bad at formatting stuff but please speak on the situation, its sick (bad).
I was considering not even responding to this, but can I say for the record, don’t send me shit like this? Ever? Regardless of the situation?
As someone who has expressly stated I hate discourse and I hate drama on this account, I do not HAVE to SPEAK on ANY situation. The only reason I ever said anything originally was because the account was, at that point, sheer impersonation and nothing else.
Asking me to ‘speak on a situation’ because I’ve known someone is fucking strange. I’ve known people on here that I have not had a pleasant time with but this is my personal account. I’m an adult, this blog is my escape for fun and leisure, I’m not some celebrity ‘raising awareness’, you do not know me, I am not your friend.
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reclaimingsomethings · 7 months
Intro Post
Feel free to call us Kyra [She/They | Minor ] , for anonymous sake. We are a system and we are just here to help systems reclaim their systemhood and have fun while at it.
No need to credit me, since these are reclaimed and "stolen"
DNI banner by : @ chaoticgenders
Askbox / Requests : Open
BYI: I do not hate Endogenics. I think many of them are genuine systems who have forgotten their trauma, have been manipulated into believing their trauma isn't enough to be a "proper system", or are endogenic to cope with denial. However, that doesn't stop the harm they do as they spread misinformation about a mental condition, turn away valuable allies, misuse medical terms, and take up resources - primarily therapists.
That being said. I believe there are many malicious people in the Endogenic community and I dont want to associate with them - but unfortunately they can make some good terms and can be good with their words so! I made this blog to reclaim their terms for systems to use without the attachment to Endogenics. DNI:
If youre just here to cause shit or say slurs
Western tulpas [ Unlike endos, I have a serious hatred for these people ]
Rad-Queers or Rad-Inclusive people
NSFW Dedicated blogs [ Feel free to use the terms, Its just that im a minor soo.. ]
Those who start discourse over M-spec lesbians and the like
Don't believe in ramcoa or ramcoa survivors
You believe in "Narc Abuse" or demonized cluster b disorders
+ Basic DNI but we all know that.
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creatureheart · 8 months
To a simple blog for me to explore things about myself and my nonhuman identity, and to simply reblog relevant posts and things that I like.
You can call me Pandora. New nicknames are welcome. They/It
[[ Carrd ]] Other Sites — content will be similar [[ CoHost | TikTok | Bluesky | Pillowfort | Dreamwidth ]] [[ Main Blog ]] [[ Tags ]] — my tags for ease of access and mobile users.
Replies, comments and asks/submissions are always welcome.
BYF below — please read because the only one to blame if you see something you don't like is yourself.
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BYF — if you don't like, just block/move on
I am an Adult(Dec '93). If you are not ok with this, and I follow you, please soft block, or block me to keep yourself comfortable.
I am Queer/Asexual and Indigenous(Australian).
Most of this blog will be SFW, but there still might be possible adult content on this blog, which will be tagged. Keep this in mind if you are a minor or do not wish to see such!
I try to tag everything that I reblog with general, wide tags when they are useful. Use the content filter options and/or xkit to stop from seeing what you don't want to see. I do not tolerate hateful comments towards anything "creepy crawlie"(bug, insect, snake, rats, etc) and will block on sight. I understand phobias and squicks, but they are animals that are just as worthy or respect as anything else is. This goes DOUBLE for anyone that makes comments on people's pets.
I'm not here for drama and discourse, don't drag me into it or tell me about it.
I use the word Queer. If you do not believe in reclaiming slurs or you tag things as "q slur" just block me. I am also kink positive, pro-sex education, pro-sex worker, etc. TERFS, SWERFS, Radfems, Gender-Criticals, Truscum/Transmed, Anti-Mogai, Exclusionists, Aphobes(Ace+Aro-phobic), LGBwithouttheTQ, etc are not welcome.
I am of the old internet mindset of "if you don't like it, don't look" and "don't go looking for things you know you don't like/you know will upset you." I don't really have a set DNI (though some of the things I will never tolerate are mentioned in here) — I block, unfollow and filter liberally, because it is not on other people to cater my online space for me. If I see something I don't like, I remove it from my sight and move on. I take ZERO responsibility for other's online experience as this is my blog. If you see anything you don't like that I post or reblog, just unfollow and/or block. People just looking for an argument or who are rude will be blocked and possibly reported. Comments will be deleted. Neil Gaiman's Essay: Why defend freedom of icky speech? Video: "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People"
I'm old and tired, and kids these days would probably label me a "proshipper" as I believe there is way more nuance to this entire thing than simply the black and white mindset that the internet & fandom communities have shifted to over time. I do not condone any taboo or problematic content IRL. But it is not my place, or my right to tell others what they can and cannot do in fiction/fantasy. It's unrealistic to believe that anything created that holds taboo or problematic content means the one who created it condones it IRL. This falls along the same kind of mindset mostly conservative parents spat that "violent video games make people violent", which we all know is not true. Censoring problematic content will not stop people from creating it. They will just create it where you cannot see it, which in turn could make it harder to find, and harder to stop when actual harm is dealt. Can fictional/fantasy content affect reality? Sure! I will never say otherwise. But to believe that it always does is, again, unrealistic, and assuming that most people cannot differentiate between the two. Fiction and fantasy were created for people to be able to entertain ourselves, and to explore topics that we never would, or were impossible, in the real world in the safety of our minds and spaces we created. The actions of those who use fictional content as a reason to do taboo and problematic things in real life is entirely on them, and they need to seek professional help for their paraphilias, or harmful actions. If something... - happens between two(or more) consenting ADULTS - makes someone happy - does not harm themselves or anyone/anything IRL ...then what other people do is none of my business.
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Dividers by benkeibear
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anarchatranny-almanac · 7 months
Welcome to the Anarcha-Tranny Almanac!
This blog is a directory of and resource for pronouns, names, and terms, especially related to certain themes. We especially focus on older queer terms and pronouns, and love fulfilling requests for them especially! You can learn more about who runs the blog on our About page.
If you've been struggling to decide on or find a name or pronouns, or are just interested in what older terms, pronouns, and identities might fit you, you're in the right place!
We'll also be posting educational content on various terms, especially slurs that are reclaimed by the community and terms that have fallen out of favor. We'd love to have you along for the ride!
Information on boundaries and interaction under the cut.
We are firmly anti-exclusionism/seperatism. The exclusion of bi women and trans men from lesbianism, women from gayness, nonbinary people from transness, a-spec folks from queerness, etc. is inherently ahistorical and queerphobic, and isn't tolerated here. We do not have a DNI, and anyone can ask for pronoun/name/term ideas, but we will not entertain exclusionism in this space.
We are pro-kink, and anti-minors in kink, including kink discourse. We support kink at pride, and any pride that excludes kink is not real pride. We believe age-appropriate kink education and exposure is vital for queer people of all ages. This blog will not contain any kink-related content that isn't strictly educational, and will always be minor-appropriate.
We do not identify as MOGAI or LGBTQ+ and do not want to be referred to as such. We are not anti-MOGAI, but have had extremely negative experiences in the community (as have many other transfeminine and nonwhite individuals) and do not consider ourselves a part of it. We may use these tags because we understand there's an audience overlap.
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sidheboggle · 2 months
so basically u believe lesbians cant be fags because fag means "mlm" but it literally doesnt. give me one source where that is said
Nah nigga miss me with this discourse 😭😭😭 do what you want forever I'm not your mommy or daddy, and as a bisexual person the last thing I want to do is impose like. Rules onto other people. I don't care. I'm secure enough in my sexuality that someone using Special Words "wrong" means nothing to me.
However, what I am saying (assuming this is about my tags on the "fagdyke as an identity has morphed into a sign of being homophobic/transmisogynistic rather than just another way of being") is that there are a lot of people who are fagdykes on this site but seem to kiss the memo on uh...what a faggot is. Yes, lesbians, and bi women as well, can be faggots-ask any transfem/transmasc person who are part time dudes/women or identify as men and women...ask ME, if you want. But its really weird to see people identify this way piss and shit and moan about gay men+gnc men+trans women+really any amab/masc/transfeminine queer sexuality or just not participate in faggotry at all yet call themselves this.
I guess my point, and many people's point is that why identify this way if you have no cocksucker tendencies+you can't be normal about other cocksuckers/people who identify with being a faggot, which is half the label. It's very tiresome trying to meet others like you and they're a masc/butch woman that thinks fagdyke is a variant of butchness where you win lesbianism but now you call yourself a new word when it's more about (in MY OPINION-everyone sees it differently) identifying with both gay men and women in some way and expressing yourself in that way, hence the mishmash of slurs. The last thing people need is trying to find others like them just to be hit with the "I hate faggots they're all predators and oppress me and make me and my wombyn sisters feel unsafe" beam when visiting a so-called fagdyke's blog.
If anything, I'd rather get an ask explaining that than an ask accusing me of being a gatekeeper. Do what you want forever. What I want to know is what the appeal of this label is to people that have all dyke no fag in them AND disgust for faggy people and trans women. Like why do this. Lol
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mcyt-cfwf · 1 year
General storm patterns observed in the three storm fronts after any MCC event
The performance of players and teams will be evaluated in different threads and to varying degrees of respect as discussions may become heated and the assignment of determined values (S,A,B,C,D Tiers) may be done very graciously or rudely
As Reddit has no easy filter system and a scroll through a moderate thread may land you in comments harsher than you are willing to deal with at the moment, tread carefully for the following week after MCC as is the time most of these discussions happen (Note. the Subreddit may discuss up until the next MCC but the toxicity levels usually drop)
Discussion of the subreddit sleeping on someone’s performance or ignoring players' victories are two of the quickest ways a thread may stir heated arguments. Be aware of this as you look at the titles of threads
The discourse occurring on either Reddit or Twitter will be replied to on Tumblr, and usually, those reactions will be commented on. So is often a meta discussion that opens up on the hellsite after an event and it can be done with varying degrees of chill and respect
Tumblr has a fairly functional system to block and filter discourse but posts need to be tagged and even then posts can make it to your dashboards if any of the blogs you follow decides to engage. Tread carefully for the next 3-7 days after MCC
Dogpilling on Tumblr is a common occurrence despite it being believed otherwise. As sectors will bounce a negative take amongst itself and react to it constantly until that cycle has run its course. Posts may not be as overtly aggressive and nasty as in other storms fronts but is worth being aware that toxicity levels still rise here
As home to many of the MCC participants' accounts, Twitter will host the most reactions directed at players for their performance. Twitter hosts the harshest lines drawn between different sections of fans. This leads to the loudest and nastiest (at first glance) raise in toxicity of the three storm fronts
Even as you utilize the block button on Twitter generously, discourse still has the easiest way to slip into your dashboard. And is important to note a lot of the discourse on Twitter is very emotionally charged and may be highly upsetting as different subsections take sides and highlight a particular set of problems that may be non-existent for other sections. Tread carefully for the next 1-5 days after MCC
Dogpilling, utilizing slurs, sending death threats, weaponizing debunked information, and directly attacking the character of a player is the most common occurrence on Twitter during highly volatile discourse cycles. As opinions of both sides reach each other more easily and considering how much more emotional discussions are on the platform, this results in a side replying to another which makes the original side escalate which in turn makes the other side escalate as well, This makes discourse very widespread and the most visible. Tread very carefully if you haven’t carved a very secure bubble in the platform that you are certain will protect you from discourse
Important note.
Different audiences reside in each platform and the culture and motivations of each are informed by the different designs of each platform. No platform is exempt from discourse. Each is simply more prone to showcase more or less depending on the development of each MCC
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bilesproblems · 1 year
Welcome to Mspec Lesbian Problems, an mspec lesbian blog centered around the struggles we face
New to bi lesbians? Here's some info!
About the blog:
This blog accepts mspec/bi/pan/poly/omni lesbians and is focused on positivity for us
This blog accepts lesboys and other gender variant lesbians, even if not centered on them
This blog also accepts all queer identities. Even the ones that don't make sense. That includes sex favorable aces and romance favorable aros, orchid aces and orchid aros, xenogenders, all aspecs, etc.
This blog is stanceless on syscourse, radqueers, shipcourse, self dx validity, and other discourse that isn't specifically queer discourse. I have my own opinions but I want this blog to be a safe space for all mspec lesbians even if I don't personally agree with them on other aspects of their identity, or don't agree with their opinions on what is and isn't valid. I can go have a fit about it on my personal blog.
I said before I would not explain mspec lesbians but I changed my mind I can do that. Check for explanations already posted though like pls. I don't like explaining constantly I just volunteered because I felt like some explanations were... Not as thorough as I could explain them. And sometimes my experience would be overlooked.n
Discourse won't be tolerated, this is a SAFE SPACE.
Ableism won't be tolerated either. Using words like the r-slur, c-slur (unless it's being reclaimed) psycho(path) or sociopath or psychotic as insults, narcissist as an insult, autistic as an insult, using "delulu" to water down delusions, or anything that equates disorders to character flaws.
You may submit your own struggles thru the ask machine.
About the blog runner:
I am a bi lesbian, omni lesbian, neptunic, and lunian. My only use of the split attraction model is because I am ace and arospec
I am a full moon springtide lunian/bi lesbian/omni lesbian, meaning I am not attracted to men. Exceptions may apply to partial men who are also at least partially women. But I do accept all mspec lesbians, not just the ones like me
I am bigender. I am a hypergirl and deminonbinary. I use she/her and they/them pronouns.
I believe I'm autistic, but I haven't been diagnosed
I personally identify as critinclus because I do feel I'd need to understand someone before accepting them fully, although sometimes I also think of myself as radinclus because I can get behind most people's reasoning. But even those I don't understand are included on this blog
My main account is @redtail-lol
I'm a term collector, and the transition from "normal about labels" to "almost compulsively adding more" started with being a bi lesbian.
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starry-eyed-fag · 10 months
Would unironically love to see a writeup about the anti-rpf movement and how it connects to ableism. Homophobia I can kind of see, people seem to take way more issue with m/m rpf than of f/m from what i've seen, especially in classic rock. But ableism? (Genuine curiosity btw! )
-a curious rpf lover
so i normally don't get into shipcourse, but this is something I actually feel passionate about. RPF writers and readers are attacked for a lot of reasons, some of them fair and a matter of personal opinion, a lot of them very obviously bigoted. (also I will be reblogging this on my discourse blog @political-faggotry, if you want to send me asks in response to this post send them there!)
People take way more issue with m/m and f/f RPF than m/f RPF, as you said. This is because fanfiction and other forms of "shitty literature" have always been associated with queer people. This has been the case since at least the 1960s, when queer authors were forced to write shitty tragic stories that can't really be classified as love stories in order to have their stories told at all. A lot of queer-coded media was like this too, and cishet people caught on.
My informed opinion is that modern-day RPF was created because of an intersection of neurodivergence and queerness. Basically, ND queer people who felt out of place in society came together and formed fandoms around bands, actors, celebs, etc. Due to the increasing popularity of fanfiction in the 2000s, it was only natural that this would eventually bleed into fandoms of bands.
I think that the reason that M/M RPF fic was/is so popular is because of the trans eggs in fandom that 1) liked to project onto male characters and 2) viewed women as competition. Back when I was an egg, this was definitely what drew me to RPF. I did not like reading about Pete Wentz with his actual girlfriend, or with some female OC, I liked reading about him with a man I could project onto and who didn't feel like competition.
Anti-RPF "movements" during the 2000s was very obviously homophobic, misogynistic, and transphobic. Readers & writers would regularly get called homophobic slurs, get misogynist and transandrophobic comments, and otherwise be attacked for being queer and/or perceived female.
In the late 2010s was when the rise of calling things "problematic" because cringe culture died truly happened. Instead of saying "I don't like what you write because you're a faggot", people would say "actually you're problematic for writing that". It was literally the same shit we would get told in the 2000s, replacing words like "faggot" and the r-slur with "problematic".
I'm not saying that all people who call media problematic are like this - far from it. I call some media problematic too! However, media perceived as queer was targeted with accusations of being problematic far more than media without queerness attached, and many people who were already homophobic used this as an excuse to be homophobic while still being seen as "progressive".
I have an entire other rant about how non-MLM "progressives" can be and are homophobic sometimes, but I don't really have the spoons to write all that out right now - I will do it later though!
It would be misleading of me to not also talk about how TEHMs played a big part in the homophobia and transphobia that was directed at the (queer) RPF community. For those unaware, TEHM stands for Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Male. They are basically the TERF lesbians of the MLM gay community. They believe that gay trans men, especially nonbinary trans men and autistic trans men, are straight female fetishizers trying to invade the gay community.
TEHMs often come after transmasculine fans of yaoi anime, queer fanfiction, and yes, RPF. TEHMs will claim that the fact that transmasculine people tend to be in fandoms with a lot of M/M ships somehow "proves" that we are just fetishizing. So. Fucking. Many. Of the most common anti-RPF arguments use TEHM talking points, either intentionally or unintentionally.
TEHMs make use of dogwhistles to spread their messages even to people who are often trans-inclusionary. Claims of fetishizing MLM relationships are more often than not TEHM dogwhistles. A very common claim that I see among people who are VERY anti-RPF (not as in "i do not think RPF is good, but i don't really care all that much", but more as in "if you have ever read RPF in your life you should die") is that RPF is basically sexual assault.
Why would you accuse an entire fandom of young, queer, transmasculine people of sexually assaulting people who are usually 20+ years older than them? This is TEHM rhetoric.
I also want to touch on the ableism a little. Many RPF writers are neurodivergent, as one might expect. The majority of the ones I've interacted with are. The internet loves to get mad at neurodivergent people for having "problematic" interests, and with RPF it is no different.
We are singled out and our interests are seen as inherently disordered, immoral, etc. Those who are very strongly against RPF either do not know this, or they know this and are fine with harassing neurodivergent people over what amounts to a non-issue.
Now, that's the end of my point, but I have a few things to clarify. I am not trying to say that if you personally don't like RPF that you are actually transphobic, homophobic, and/or ableist. You are allowed to dislike anything for any reason and I don't care. My problem is with the people who hate RPF so much that they believe that reading it is a moral failing, or that it is okay to harass those that like it.
It is incredibly important to have boundaries writing RPF, which means not doing it anywhere that it is likely the people you are writing about will see. It is also okay to believe that RPF is inherently breaking a boundary; I disagree, but I see where your (not at anon) opinion is coming from and I respect it. It is not at all bigoted to dislike a thing for those reasons, as they are valid reasons to dislike something.
There is also a larger discussion to be had about the commodification of humans themselves in the music industry, but that is beyond the scope of this post.
I really only have a problem with the people who believe that it is a moral failing, or literal sexual assault, to be in a mostly harmless community that has been historically associated with queerness. That is all.
Please don't bring proship/anti discourse to this post.
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bloodfueledsundial · 6 months
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(PT: about me!)
hello!! i go by mo, but you can also call me radi, radia or radiance! i use she/hx/any pronouns including it/its with no preference!
im intersex and use the labels transfemmasc, transmascfem & transneufemmasc interchangeably for myself! im also non-human/otherkin.
i am an adhdtistic DID system/syshost. i have NPD, BPD & ASPD + a bunch of other stuff that's mostly none of anyone's business.
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(PT: dni list)
basic DNI criteria, proshippers/comshippers/profics etc, funamusea/DSP/mogeko supporters, radfems, xenosatanists, pro-c & pro-abuse paras, narc abuse believers, anti-recovery blogs, singlets who use system/plural terms, if you believe selfxself is inherently harmful and fits into the category of proshipping (obvious exceptions being when it's portrayed as incest), FtMs who use the t-slur/fb-slur, if you use TMA/TME terminology for any reason other than self-identification.
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(PT: byi / byf!)
i very often reblog mogaiblr stuff as well as disability awareness posts, anything cluster B related and rentry/carrd resources!
i don't get involved in syscourse and don't care if you're endogenic, pro-endo or anti-endo. i am anti-misinformation and anti-harassment regarding my syscourse stance.
i don't get involved in label discourse either and don't have a wish to do so. i don't mind/care if you use contradictory labels and decide to follow this blog, that's none of my business.
i am a moge-ko fictive/introject. please don't view me the same as my source. i do not and never will support funamusea/DSP, nor this is a blog about their work. though other okegom sourcemates may interact with this blog depending on if you have the same stances as me or not. proshippers, darkshippers and alike - please do not follow this blog. i am severely antiship and a trauma survivor.
thank you for reading!!
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problematicfactive · 6 months
How do you feel about fakers?
I'm assuming you mean problematic factive fakers specifically, I'm not touching on any other discourse
First off, I do believe that faking is real. I know there are people out there who claim people don't fake plurality related things, they're probably just in denial. I faked all kinds of stuff in source. Seizures and all kinds of other shit. Anything can be faked.
I categorize faking into three categories.
Bait, attention-seeking, genuinity
Bait fakers are your obvious trolls.
Think a person in the MOGAI community that only "coins identities" that are offensive to practically everyone and based in slurs the coiner cant even say. Bait. That person isn't really MOGAI, they're faking.
Attention-seeking is a lot of your average faking
these are the people you've known your entire life who randomly started ticcing after coming across a tiktoker who tics. They'll tell you the have Tourette's, but only seem to tic when its convenient for them. My faking seizures would have fallen here. I only did it for my peers to like me
Genuinity fakers are harder to explain
To me, genuinity fakers are people who get something personal (other than just a silly little kick) out of faking. These are people whos lie is elaborate, not sloppily thrown together and who feel they get a mental boost by pretending to be something they're not. These people are commonly something of an adjacent identity and don't know of it, or they aren't really faking at all. They just don't know that yet. I hope that can make sense
Bait Fakers are the worst. These are the people who choose the worst guys they can think of. Oftentimes Hitler, Stalin, Dahmer, etc. And they post the most godawful things you could find. They make a tiktok account and talk about how they want to really genuinely hurt people in the most disgusting of ways. They're trying to make us seem fucked up. And it works a LOT of the time. These people are the reasons we have to hide ourselves. That really sucks.
I dont think- unless for the purpose of interacting with this specific blog/in this specific discord community- attention seekers exist for us. If they do, they're just gonna get harassed
Genuinity fakers i have the most sympathy for. If you feel healed by pretending to heave Remerez, and you arent doing anything wrong or trying to make us seem bad, I'm not going to stop you. I physically couldn't stop you if i wanted, so if you arent hurting anyone, why would I go out of my way? Chances are high these people are factkin, diauntrho, facthearted, etc etc. I just hope these people find the term that works best for them so they don't have to lie to themselves anymore
Thats how I feel about fakers at least. I'm not making you guys agree
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