#if this happens i will cry
nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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please help the UK is stuck in a groundhog day loop
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1gaynius1 · 7 months
Pic for you guys to use
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persoindlaeg · 5 months
Ok but imagine if Muriel fell or was kicked out of heaven in S3/ in an AU/ in general. Like, Heaven seems to not like them very much of them;
not doing their job and listening to Aziraphale and Crowley's conversation
Being seen as 'dim'
Helping a demon
And most importantly TAKING CROWLEY TO HEAVEN.
Muriel is already not really in Heaven's good books.
We know that the Metatron made them stay in the bookshop, but that could be a way of getting rid of them without casting them out. We know that Heaven wants to keep a good impression so that no one thinks there's any problems, so it could be plausible. Falling them might make them look bad, so they might seek other methods.
However, Muriel is basically the lowest of the low when it comes to the angel hierarchy, so falling them might not be out of the question. We know that Heaven kicks people out for minor inconveniences (shown by what we know about Crowley's falling), and Muriel has been shown as an inconvenience to Uriel and Micheal in S2Ep1 and Ep3(might be wrong on Ep numbers).
A couple more inconveniences from them might be enough to cast them to Hell or some other option.
Another reason I think this is because we know that Muriel WILL (most likely) be important in S3. Not only were they in the window during THE SCENE in S2Ep6 (you which one🥲), but they were also the one chosen to stay in the bookshop.
This could be a plot device to keep Muriel in the picture for an arc of their own, and knowing Neil Gaimen, could include being kicked out of Heaven (And maybe being adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale*cough cough*) because we know how much he likes to see us suffer.
Just thinkin about it :) (I appreciate any other opinions)
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anyhow, hear me out
whatever they decide to do with miles and gwen, i'll be fine with it.
if it goes romantic, then they confess to each other before a huge battle and then one of them (likely Miles) ends up dying/almost dying. if none of them die then miles will say "told you miracles still exist". but if miles dies then Gwen goes "told you it's gonna end horrible"
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thesoulbonder · 2 years
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Nuts & Dolts Week - Day 7 - Reunion
Hey peeps!
Day 7 of NND Week!
Wow, I sure do love fluff! Don’t you? Lucky for me, Nuts and Dolts sure is great for that :D
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itsbaditsgood · 2 years
dude when guillermo gets turned he won’t be able to say his own last name anymore because it has religious meaning to it (operating on the theory that if vampires know that a word has religious meaning they’re burned by it, which would explain how nandor was able to say his name.)
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
The day I make someone’s Joel Miller fic rec list is the day I pass. I’m serious, I will CRY (don’t think that I won’t bc I’m a little cry baby bitch)
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foundfamilywhump · 4 months
the question, you see, is not ‘is it too ooc for this character to cry’ but rather ‘what circumstances would push this character to cry’
this is the whump wisdom, go forth and make that character cry
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shay-creates · 9 months
Apparently, my decision to be silly and make fanart of someone's writing (because I genuinely enjoy the story the person is writing and I was struck with inspiration upon reading a particular scene) has benevolent and wildly unforeseen consequences.
I apparently gained a bit of control of the canon because said writer really loved the art and decided what I drew/draw is canon.
2. Writer put said artwork into the document of his story right below the scene, so now it's IN the story where people who read the story will see it (with a link to me)
3. He sent the artwork to all his friends and people he knows because he was so excited
Wholesome interaction and I watched him do all that in real time, good stuff. However...there are two more consequences I was notified of today...nearly a full week after I gave the artwork.
Seeing the artwork caused his friends to become interested in reading and hearing about his story, which means more people are reading what he's writing and giving him critique on the story (which he actively asks for).
Apparently, upon seeing the art, his writer friends got a sudden second wind to pick back up writing they'd abandoned for a few months. Because, I quote, "seeing that someone enjoyed {his} writing enough to take the time to make art of it gave them the motivation that maybe THEY can write something that will inspire someone to also create something." I have accidentally caused a writing frenzy among his writer friends and my silly idea to make art for someone has had a butterfly effect for people who I don't even know.
Uhh...I'm pretty sure there's a moral here but I am tired and have a great deal of emotions about this.
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bitchofdarkness · 9 months
I hate how fandom has become "if you haven't created anything in this very specific time frame after the release of the show/movie, everyone will have moved on"
And call me old fashioned, but that's just not me. I sometimes take ages to create and publish. And I will love a show or movie for such a long time (years, babes, years) that I just can't relate to the fast consumerism that's going on.
Because, let's be real, it can get really lonely in a fandom if most have simply moved on to the next shiny thing. Is what's created less worth, just because it was created outside the hype? Why is it such a taboo for this new fandom generation to love an old or "late" fic or art?
It's so tiring and I'm too old for the 30-seconds-hype-tiktok-shit. Just tired. So, so tired.
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apllecrash · 8 months
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Dreams of you all the time Feels so good when we're together, love
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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hngghh domestic......
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fisheem4mmal · 9 months
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History repeats itself
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raphaerolo · 2 months
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Get this man medical attention and a hug
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a couple scribbles i cleaned up. also i think i like drawing him in varying states of distress
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livsmessydoodles · 17 days
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