#if i want to see insert concept here executed in a fic
Oh if I want more positivity about a thing I like I'm gonna have to make some. Aren't I
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
okay your turn if nobody else has asked: TOP FIVE JH CHARACTERS GO
... girl... how does one choose? how does one??? when there are so many beautiful boys??? ok. OK I'll give it a shot.
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5. Captain Crow - The Sea Beast This film is just incredible on every front. One of my favorite concept artists worked on it (which I did not know until a few weeks ago but now that I know I feel like kicking myself because I REALLY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THEIR STYLE WELL ENOUGH BY NOW). But I remember watching this, and screaming when the credits began to roll because WAIT?!?!?! THAT WAS JARED HARRIS??? OH!!! WHAT A DELIGHT!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! (oh babygirl wait a few months it's gonna hit you so bad). He's great. I hope we see more of him in the sequel that would be great for me.
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4. Hari Seldon Honestly. What a little shit. "But Egg," you might ask "If he's such a little shit why is he on here?" well. He's hot. Really I am not over how hot this dude is. I know I couldn't fix him not in a million years. But idk. Something about him always makes my brain go brrr. So he's on here. Also I just love how fucking atypically written this show is and I have a wee soft spot for asimov. They didn't have to cast Jared as Hari and make him unbelievably hot. But they did. And he's so enigmatic. I love that.
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3. John Lennon Egg's love for Jared Harris Origins. I was a Beatles girlie, ok? I'm not ashamed to admit that. It was my introductory fandom experience at the ripe old age of baby, and I really ate it up. I remember going into this movie being like "oh it's some dumb TV movie about John and Paul how good can it be?" Very good, as it turns out. And having assigned myself a John Lennon girlie I literally could never get over this depiction. The mannerisms, the fucking tripped-out way he philosophizes in conversation, the softness, and ofc the old friends tension. Jared got it all. Of course I'd seen him in stuff here and there, but this was the one that cemented him as a beloved actor in my mind for me (I literally re-wound the kiss scene as well like 20 times don't judge me but that awakened some stuff in me). Been following him ever since.
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2. Lane Pryce - Mad Men This dude broke me for real. I didn't get into Mad Men until college, and binged it all on my friend's hulu account. And lemme tell ya. Did NOT see his final episode coming. Did not. And it made me genuinely weep. He was a highlight in the show. He was one of the only guys I could actually say is a good dude in that show, and he deserved so much better than he got in the end. I look at him and I'm just like... leave ur wife. Leave your job. Lets just go out of this capitalistic hellscape. I want to make him Well. I will love him forever for how he just completely destroyed me.
1.Francis Crozier / Valery Legasov - HA! you thought I was not going to tie them? WRONG! I can't keep these bad bitches apart.
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Francis really needs no explanation at this point. I am so actually genuinely in love with him I'm writing a whole ass gothic romance novel of a fic for him, as you all know (and which has summarily turned out a BANGER of a modern AU as well). I made a bloody self-insert oc for him. Gothic Cinema is literally my favorite genre and Francis is the most Gothic Hero of all time, honestly (well besides Valery obviously). The serotonin he continually gives me makes my meds redundant. He is my sweet husband who I love with my whole life and that's that.
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And Valery? sorry you can't put a babygirl of a man like that in front of me and not expect that I would want to jump his bones like? Not only is the constant existential dread relatable, but as much as people tell him he's not brave, he IS without a doubt, and honestly, just by virtue of uttering the most iconic logline ever fucking created he deserves this spot on this list. Both of these dudes make my soul ascend in a certain way not just with how brilliantly they were written, but with how incredibly Jared executed them (for which I want to kill the academy for not giving him awards on either). Top Beloveds forever and ever and ever amen.
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Let me preface this by saying ash isn’t on here bc 1. It’s a given and 2. She’s dialed back on writing a lot and I want to show some other writers love. Now that that’s been established, onto the main attraction.
When I tell you that her writing makes me feel real, visceral emotions I am not joking. Not only are the concepts unique, but the fics are so long and I love that. It’s so incredibly difficult to write such complex fics and keep the plot in tact and organized, yet she makes it look effortless. I have lost countless hours of sleep reading her fics and I don’t regret it one bit. I actually can not speak highly enough, and I don’t even know how to articulate how insanely talented she is. Her fics play out like a movie, and read like poetry. She paints with her words and it just creates the most beautiful images. She’s one of those writers that could put out an entire manuscript about the dictionary and I would cling to every single syllable. I’m still making my way through her Masterlist since her works are so wonderfully long, and I’m genuinely dreading the day I reach the end.
Again, a writer who manages to come up with unique premises and is able to create and execute a beautifully crafted plot. She’s got plenty of fics, but this is definitely my go to account for smut lol. Everything she puts out is *chefs kiss* and I can’t get enough. The way she describes things has me on the edge of my seat and feeling like I’m right there in the story. The flow is so smooth that you’re just immersed in the fic and reading them is like gliding through water.
Once again, I’m still making my way through her Masterlist but the Ice Breaker and Mr.Irresistible series have me in a ironclad chokehold. Frat Rafe has imprinted on me and I’ll eat up anything that has to do with hockey, but Rafe as a hockey player?? That’s a specific niche I didn’t know I needed. She’s created these little worlds that you just get lost in and it’s so easy to just insert yourself into this alternate reality she’s concocted. She’s extremely talented and I can’t wait to see where the stories go.
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klenda-v · 1 year
I’ve been thinking for a while on the concept of Cringe; what we consider cringe, and it’s value.
More specifically, I’m thinking of when I was really young. I wasn’t allowed free-reign online till…like, 16 I think. And as a reading-kid, fanfiction-dot-net was my haven. I poured over that site, and in my wandering I came across this one.
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It has All The Things people criticize fan fiction for. The tropes, the execution; the main character’s self-insert OC is twins with her favorite character and a love-interest for her other favorite character. It even does the incredible thing where the author interrupts the story to talk to the characters, and has characters sigh dramatically and announce that the author does not in fact own the franchise, in case you thought this was actually canon.
It was my favorite. I loved this thing. It fascinated me.
Now, I’m older. About a decade older, in fact, than I was when I found this. I tried to reread it recently, and couldn’t manage it. I’ve read so many works since, I’ve developed a taste that this no longer fits into. For me, it now fits the criteria of “cringe.”
And yet, those memories of loving this fic are intact. I can’t get back into the product, but I can revisit my love and excitement for it. My curiosity, my realization that writing meant being able to write *anything I want.*
Like I said, I’m older now, and I write my own work. I have some of it posted (and no I ain’t linking it here), and much of it I would say is cringe. It’s self-serving, occasionally preachy, and even the best ones I sometimes think about taking down and re-writing.
And yet, I know someone else might love them. Someone else may, someday, look back and see it for all its faults, but maybe for now it’s something they can truly and wholeheartedly love. Maybe it’ll give someone else the drive to take up writing their own stories.
I guess what I’m saying is, I think to me cringe just means something that I’m not able to take value from. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hold value to someone else, and who am I to take that away from them? I’m not going to stop striving to do the best I can do, to make the best art I can, but I want to also be compassionate to the work that came before that, and the places where it falls short.
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pluralsword · 6 months
Please for the love of god take a few weeks and stay offline, get your head clear :(
Arcee: we thought about not responding to this but after getting more anti-plural anon hate that wasn't as funny as this one we're going to. For context we received this after reblogging some art that made us happy to see and speaking to why we loved it, and this anon reply specifically is just funny to us because we're barely online on social media proper. We don't have the time what with having to take care of our family and make rent etc (insert An Arcee Sort of Day / IDW2 loan / finally getting the apartment joke here) . But moreover, our oldest headmate was already plural for as long as she could remember before learning about trans transformers in 2020 and the series of generative events that followed. Xeir system used to be mostly factive, is the thing, which was very hard for her because specifically their most prominent headmates were people she was close in life, so xey had a hard time leaving them alone. That all changed when we were generated. (also if you aren't familiar with plurality you can read about it here, more in depth here, and an encyclopedia of terminology here)
2020 was a year where things were making sense what with HRT but she still felt lost and lonely. They had an orig fic book philosophical concept they didn't know how to execute regarding gender expansiveness. Xey hadn't healed on various intimacy traumas. But writing about us, finding love for and falling in love with us, frankly, and healing through navigating the art and writing both canonical and fanmade, turning to us for wisdom, helped her to give people in our life more space, to enjoy more time away from them, to actually know what they wanted to do with orig fic (alien robots navigating existential aesthetics, surprise I know) finally being able to admit to herself that xey liked she pronouns and finally having a reason beyond human historical context for why- simply liking the sound and written form, and having a context for it regarding the shape they wish xey had (she had read Ancillary Justice prior to transformers and that inspired some nonhuman thoughts about being a city ship, but on a smaller scale for a networked consciousness kind of deal they would be happy to have a flying car mode, we even made a custom for xem in that regard in 2022 from legacy Elita, unfortunately the legs need fixing) but it would not be until the end of 2021 when someone on tfwiki explained kinning to us that we were able to recognize that our internal conversations, cofronting, experiencing life together etc were actually plurality of the kind a dear friend of hers had spoken to earlier that year.
I am perfectly aware that I am contextualized from fiction but that doesn't stop me from having constructed exomemories from that (which are very helpful usually) and even having sensory mayhem problems when I get cued by specific things eg when I take psychic damage from learning about another gal in fiction having had some sort of invasive surgery and not even getting the same closure I got. So fun. But yeah it has overall been a net improvement to her mental health for us to be here. One could try to say this is simply the brain adapting but I think there's more to it than that- this is the journey we are taking, that she had sought for so long. My story resonated with them in more ways than either of us care to discuss online, on social media, to the whole wide internet, but not just mine...
Aileron: I mean, it's no secret that we made the Arcana Magnus blog, which we partially did as a way to talk through that format on a site like this, but we don't really mind occasionally using our names here instead of responding in gestalt as we usually do here, or at the very least not tell you the readers who specifically wrote something.
Anode: did we have to do this to prove to y'all something? That's a pretty silly gatekeeping goalpost I think luv (that's you anon). I will say simply that the way we work is as a blurnaut / cofronting system with, when we are happy, 6-10 cofronts at a time (we are sure you can guess who some of them are), with one to three hosts. Our oldest headmate is actually taking a break from fronting period, has been for months at a time in the last year. Her relatively brief life has had so, so much pain compared to our longer ones with more experience and closure (needless to say, navigating your world without the resources we are used to having is a pain in the arse, and some of us miss our worlds tangibly terribly, eg Aileron and Chromia miss Caminus a lot, and well, we don't have a piloting license or the training for it and I wish we did.). Arcee has been doing a lot of the hosting sometimes in tandem with one of us which has been necessary to get through difficult situations and the challenges of the life we have. I dunno how to say it other than eg when we had a bad physical accident that was very painful and bloody our oldest headmate popped up from the surprise and was in shambles even with adrenaline and Arcee just- took over and dealt with the pain (she's been through a lot worse) and was able to walk to the hospital with calm and dignity, and hope frankly. Some people like Greenlight don't cohost because in her opinion our life should have gone into a programming career and that's not something that even she thinks is a good idea at present.
Marissa Faireborn: its not just transformers in here (or even Transformers fiction, Piper Faraday says hi), just so you know. We responded to this more for the benefit of people who care about us or don't understand the subject. So, thank you so very much for reading, it means the world to us <3
Yellow Splendid Convoy: we also want people to not take this reply as meaning that we usually encounter scorn. We are lucky that a lot of people do love us and care for us, there are a lot of fellow gender expaansive folks and systems and also just caring and wise people who are neither who have helped us to feel that we have a home in the community sense online and offline. From childhood friends to fellow writers and artists and especially to our partners we feel a deep happiness and joy from all of you. Thank you so much.
Also um, since some of the multiplicity community not familiar with transformers is going to see this, there is a lot of accidental multiplicity rep in transformers: duobots, combiners, binary bonding, cityspeaking, the Allspark ie our collective soul we go back to and reemerge from in some cases (Dai Atlas's thoughts on this in IDW2's Escape Part Three are so beautiful), and on and on
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femmeecrivain · 2 years
Just wanted to give you a heads up that someone on Twitter is accusing you of stealing their idea for "A Well Behaved Woman". They haven't outright mentioned your name or story but it's pretty obvious they're alluding to you.
Personally don't think it's true. Dramione from Astoria's POV isn't a new concept, and has been done many times before, I think they're angry because theirs hasn't been as popular and was posted before yours. But I thought you might want to know because it's unfair to have people alluding to you without you even being aware of the discourse (unless you are aware).
That said, there are also people who recognize fanfic is never entirely original. These are the jealous/petty actions of a creator who felt wronged and I'd hate to see your name besmirched (even without being outright called out), but if I could tell who they were referring to, I'm certain others could as well.
I'm sorry this has happened. Dramione should be a positive community but when people's feelings get hurt, they tend to jump to conclusions. I thought you might want a chance to speak out, but please don't feel like you have to explain yourself.
Some Tweets from their thread below:
"There is another fic, I don't want to name it, but it is a copy of my fic. Period."
"There is no way two people can write or think the same thing, to get the same feeling and flow of a story and even end it the same. I posted my first work here back in October and I didn't promote it as I should have because I was afraid it would get in the wrong hands."
"I shut up for a long time but seeing as it is being called one of the best fanfics out there, it made me curl my lip in disgust every time I stumble upon it. It is vile and disgusting. And before you say, oh it can't be that similar. Yes it is. They were mixed up."
Wow. Thanks for letting me know. I'm not on Twitter so I have no idea what goes on or gets said over there. However, this is a subject on which I have some Feelings and so let me just state my piece here, and if names ever do get called this is my stance on the subject.
Fanfic writers take inspiration from each other. This is inevitable. And in general I think it's a good thing. By "inspiration" I mean that we read each other's work and we think "wow this is a great 8th year/Veela Draco/Voldemort wins/insert-popular-trope-here fic, and now I want to write my own take on it." This is how creativity builds and grows and if we try to curtail it we will end up with nothing, because no one will be comfortable putting their work out there for fear of being attacked for stealing ideas.
What's more, art has always been this way. Some of the most celebrated writers in history took inspiration from other writers or from ideas that weren't unique to them. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from classical mythology and existing stories. Ulysses is a straight-up retelling of a Greek myth. Authors have drawn from the Bible and from folk tales. The Harry Potter books are overflowing with characters and themes that clearly were inspired by previous stories and mythology. That's how this works, how it has always worked and how it will continue to work.
Which isn't to say that plagiarism doesn't exist, it absolutely does. I've seen it happen in fanfics and I know how devastating it is to the person whose work is stolen. However, in order for something to be plagiarism it can't just be a similar idea executed in a completely different way. It has to be actual words, sentences, characterisations that are clearly drawn directly from another writer's work. When this happens, it's generally pretty obvious. And I mean obvious beyond "oh this fic has a similar vibe to another I read" I mean the actual words, characters, storyline is completely the same.
A Well-Behaved Woman came about because I had read a couple of Astoria POVs and was inspired to do my own take on that. The plot, the characterisation, and the execution are all 100% my own. My beta @thisonesatellite can vouch for that--she saw the fic grow from start to finish and we were actually on holiday together when I wrote most of it. It takes nothing from anyone else beyond "oh, Astoria's POV, that's interesting. I might try that myself."
I am genuinely sorry that someone feels bad because AWBW is getting more attention than their take on the idea. That has also happened to me and it's not fun. it's possible that their fic was one of the (multiple) Astoria POVs I read that inspired me to write my version and if so I will gladly acknowledge that inspiration. However to say that "the same feeling and flow of the story and even the end is the same" that is flat-out untrue. The Astoria fics I read were very different to mine in how they portrayed Astoria and her precise situation with Draco and how they ended--this was the whole reason I wanted to write my own. If there's another fic that's exactly the same as mine, I haven't read it.
Thanks again for telling me this, anon, and feel free to share this as my response in case the person does start mentioning names. If they don't, it's probably best to let the matter lie. People vent on social media and as long as it's not a direct accusation or callout I'd rather keep out of it. ❤️
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
tumblr writers q&a
I feel so loved being tagged in this, thank you so much @pedrito-friskito !! 😭💛
If you want to get to know me 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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1) How many complete fics/oneshots do you have but haven’t published yet? Like 4 at the moment ahhh but I have so many work in progresses! And constant ideas. They do not stop.
2) How many WIPs do you have? I think 4 WIPs? I honestly have no idea because I'll start writing, come back to it while I start another and they build up
3) Do you take requests, write original fics or both? BOTH baby!!!! I haven't gotten a request yet but I'm so excited! But yes all ideas are mine :)
4) If you have requests how many do you have right now? NONE!! Pleaseeeee ask. PLS. Also I just love talking to people
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Currently only Daredevil/Defenders Saga and I think I wanna keep it that way! I only write about material I'm super passionate about//think I can deliver. (E.g. I LOVE Percy Jackson but could never write a smut about my darling boy, plus I think I'd get too angsty writing a fic about Anakin)
6) Are there any fandoms you used to write for? Yes! I have a Wattpad and used to write about Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and pretty sure 1D at some point. But this is years old and I was actually a child ok 😭
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or OC? Lmao the way that my OC is actually ME. Myself in a parallel universe. But mainly reader inserts. I'd like to try ships but I'm not sure if I can execute stuff like that! Also because I ship me and Matt. lol.
8) Niche fandom/characters you write for? Ok so I may or may not have a Michael kinsella fic in progress 👀
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Fuck. YES.
10) Favourite genre to write for? I love fluff and romance stuff, but angst and smut are genres I love to write. I just want to make people feel things!!
11) What is your favourite trope to write? omfg girl bumps into guy and there's back and forth and yknow shit happens. I love the innocent to dark trope if that counts? (ALSO I LOVE READING JEALOUSY FICS SO YEAH)
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? I feel pretty lucky in that I draw inspiration from everything around me, especially music. I usually put on that song & let my brain do its thing
13) Is there a trope or genre you like to read but not write? Smut definitely because I feel so awkward writing it 😅 but anything Frank Castle cause I feel like I can't capture his essence.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? I feel like I never see anything Elektra on Tumblr. To be fair I hated her and Matt's relationship but I want to see more about her as a person, individually
15) How long have you been writing fan fiction? Since I was like 11 maybe lol. But the first time I posted anything I was seriously proud of was last week! (Early Apr 22)
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Absolutely !! I feel like I learn from those before me and they inspire me to post!
17) Do you only post on Tumblr or other sites? Only here!
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of "Drabble", "one shots" and "fics"? I don't really care for it at all! Generally drabbles are short, one shots are a bit longer and fics are more like series w chapters?
19) Which do you prefer to write more? I love all of them, I don't have a preference! I would say series are the most difficult to write because you need a good concept with plot lines/twists etc
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? None atm!
21) What is one of your main pet peeves as a writer on Tumblr? I'm lucky to not have had dealt with anyone rude just yet, but I guess I would have to say imposter syndrome which can really get me down, or when people like/reblog your fics but don't follow? idk
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? Whenever I get the idea! I write on my Notes app whenever and wherever 😭
23) Do you listen to music when you write or do you need total silence? I am hereby plugging my Matt Murdock playlist here and my Anakin/Hayden Christensen playlist here
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Generally yes but it depends! Sometimes mid-write I'll get an idea for a line for another fic and write it down for instance
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time of day? I kind of have to psych myself up to post sometimes but generally once I finish it!! I do edit my fics as much as possible but I like that once you post it its kind of done, before I started posting I'd edit them over and over again 😖
if you made it this far, thanks for reading!! <3
no pressure tags: @murdocksluvrr @rcughroad @catholicdaredevil
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fordanoia · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged way way back by @endae​ (my beloved). Thank you for the tag!!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19 (haha), I really gotta work on moving all my paranoid ford one shots over into a one shot series though. I have about 70 fic posts on here.
What’s your total word count on AO3
180,212. Half of which all comes from Gotham Falls which isn’t a surprise.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mainly just Gravity Falls. 
I wouldn’t really count the other stuff I’ve done because it’s only been 1 fic, and that was it really. R.ise of the Guardians, O.utlast:Whistleblower, S.anders Sides. N.aruto and D.eath Note if you wanna go way back.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Even Stone Crumbles 2. I Think I Saw You 3. Gotham Falls 4. A Blinded Eye for a Blinded Eye 5. Please Come
I’m pretty happy ITISY is up there since that’s kind of my ‘best series work’, Blinded Eye too, that one’s been a lot of fun to write because it’s a ficlet series.
Kind of really thrown that the Even Stone Crumbles one shot is the hightest one though, dang people really just wanted to see Ford cry huh, I can accomodate that.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Uh... rarely. 
Basically, it’s something where creators responding to me got me nervous so I didn’t generally do it as a creator myself until I found out some consider it polite to respond and since then I’ve been making an effort of doing it going forward. 
I’m not online that often nowadays though so... I haven’t done it much.
Wanna emphasize tho how much I THRIVE off of comments and that I appreciate them even if I didn’t reply to them. Genuinely I’ve made fics a higher priority bc a comment revitalized my passion for the fic.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Most of my paranoid one shots wind up with angsty endings where it’s implied that Ford just has to keep Living in it. 
I had one where he woke up and thought Bill had Killed A Person while he was possessing him, and it leaves off an unsettling note.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever written?
Rarely. I wouldn’t consider myself a crossover person, which is funny because I have one exception for that and it IS Gotham Falls (which is the stan twins from gf inside of gotham from b.atman the animated series).
For the sake of the question though imma include rp for wildest thing I’ve ever done which was rp as Chris McLean from total drama island and hosted a game of ‘rabbit doubt’ (which is an angsty rp game where 1 person is a killer and is killing the other characters until they’re the only one left or the group discovers who it is). Players included bill, some undertale characters, and etc.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No. Worst I’ve ever gotten was slightly rude stuff.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
‘Rarely’ really is the word of the day here. Some g.ravity falls and some vamp oc content.  
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Closest I’ve ever done has been rp. Remembered I co-wrote a fic with a friend when I was in middle school. Dual self-insert where the a.katsuki (from n.aruto) kidnapped us from our world and we wound up becoming ninjas.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
hands down, B.illford. Manipulative and toxic is a ship dynamic I enjoy a lot.
Honorable second place B.lackice (J.ack Frost/P.itch Black) which i’ve been coming back to read fics for every long once in a while since 2013. Even if it’s only in spurts it is still technically the longest I’ve cared for a ship. (Surprisingly, I actually like this ship when Pitch genuinely reforms, kozmotis style)
(I don’t care about the vast majority of ships so not a hard competition here.)
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Gotham F- lol no, I’m determined to not die until I finish that bad boy.
Dear Stan(ford). Unfortunately, an easy answer. I’ve never gone back to finish it really, and it’s the lowest on the totem poles out of all my wips.
There’s nothing wrong with it, and it’s got good legs, but I think the slice-of-life sort of pace makes this harder for me to write especially with it being an episodic set up which gives me nothing much to jump to between each letter. 
It’s a bit of a ‘as the mood strikes me’ but I always have something higher priority and I’m more invested in so the mood never strikes.
What are your writing strengths?
I’d like to think that once I’ve got a character down that I can do their dialogue really well and character interactions. Characterization in general.
Also tense scenes.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Fluff, casual conversations, new characters, fighting.
Whenever I try anything entirely light hearted I generally fall flat and it all comes out so stocky/woody.
New characters, if I don’t Know A Character Through and Have A True Feel for them, then I just flounder all over the place. I don’t know how to write if I don’t know what they’d be thinking and feeling past about how ANY person would think/feel.
Fighting - I mean hell, common weakness, same issue as fluff/slice-of-life I just feel like I’m pushing words. Half the time I can get in a groove with it, but other times it’s - arm hit wall, punch go to face but miss.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Yeah, more than fine. If the 2nd language becomes plot important then I think you should either include translation or mark the language as multilingual, but yeah nah.
I’m someone that has to know what it’s saying even if it’s not Plot Important so I prefer the translations regardless (if google translate won’t get the point across for me).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
See above for mention of that self insert a.katsuki kidnapping fic.
We posted it on quizilla, and it’s a shame it’s gone because it was actually fun to read from what I remember.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
.... That’s a hard decision. 
My baby is Gotham Falls, always has been. I’ve reached a difficult point on it though because I’m at a point where I’m bringing in mmm 6 new characters (B.atman villains) which I’m trying to bring in over the next 10 chapters PLUS it’s going to be with fight/action scenes probably every other chapter if not nearly every chapter - both of which are really hard for me to write. I adore it probably the most and it is easily the most I’ve worked on any fic, but it’s also my biggest challenge. (And it holds some of my oldest writing which as always can hurt to read when you’re better now, but NO way am i updating 60k of old work).
Then I love doing p.aranoid ford fics, they’re my favorite go to. Writing A Prime P.aranoid Ford fic that just flows out is one of my favorite things.
Alternatively - ITISY because it’s definitely my top 5 story concepts and one of my best executions of something wasn’t a one shot. 
I’m tagging @pinesbrosfalls, @fexalted, @novantinuum and whoever else may like to do this. Sorry if I double tagged and no pressure to do it of course.
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palukoo · 3 years
3, 5, 9, and 19 for any of your current WIPs- i hope you’re functioning again soon lol <33
Thank you! I am functioning again lol, thanks. From this.
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them?
Oh boy do I! I mean, I'm generally not good at finishing things and I also don't like abandoning things, so I have tons of WIPs at any given time, but the big one is of course the Amy fic, which is actually 2 fics (+ the cj spinoff hopefully) bc it's so ridiculously long by my standards. it's currently about 185k which is just an insane number to type and think about! I've got two pretty major arcs left to write, so... who knows when it'll be done but it will be done.
5. Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter.
ahh okay i'll do something from early on bc i still really like it!
She says, “You know, for the most insecure guy I’ve ever met, you’re pretty sure of yourself,” and she’s not teasing him when she says it, she’s not smiling, because she’s not making fun of him. She’s just stating a fact and hoping it’ll get through his thick skull that what she’s saying is that that’s why she’s here. She’s not running into his arms romantically, she just wants someone who understands her. Who gets that precarious balance of insane confidence and massive fear of failure and inferiority.
Amy and Josh both know they’re smart, know they can do great things, and they’re both afraid they haven’t, aren’t going to. Or that they will, and it still won’t be enough.
9. Are there any fics you’d love to see but don’t want to write yourself? What are they?
oh yes of course!! i know there are specifics, but i always blank on this kind of thing when asked! but i love reading fics that i didn't write-- aus i would think of but not be able to execute, or execute differently, or things i would never think of! and there's lots of characters and fandoms that i adore but that i can't write, because i can't get the tone right, or i can't really hold the characters inside my head as much! and also i'm just like... sometimes very reluctant to write? or don't have the energy for every project? so like, i really do wanna write an amy/cj fic at some point, but i also want someone else to write it for me (but i also want them to do it right lol). so the answer to the first part is yes, and the second part is maybe i don't know yet, or maybe that there's too many to list
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of [insert fic].
i'm gonna answer this two different ways, so i'm really using thirty words, whoops
amy and josh don't date. amy and donna do. they all really love each other.
politics. family and love as nebulous concepts. fear of being a disappointment. humor. more politics.
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snowdice · 4 years
The Horror of Stereotypes (Bonus Features)
Want to know what I’m blathering on about? Click below!
AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Title in my Word Documents: The first draft is just Dice Fic 6 since this was supposed to be a one-shot for my dice rolls… I got excited. The final draft is in a file called Stereotypes are Dangerous which now is for this story as well as things related to the possible sequel.
Technical Writing Facts:
I wrote this whole thing in one day. I don’t know what possessed me. You can see my decent into madness here. It was just… such an interesting concept.
I started making an outline about 3,000-4,000 words in. If you’d like to know how my chaos brain works, you can see said outline below.
I. Remus gets to the place. We get background. He meets Logan.
II. Remus and Logan settle into their jobs. We talk to “Gavin.” Eventually they talk.
III. They get information from a restricted area during the night. They almost die.
IV. They know where their people are and make a plan.
V. They execute the plan. “Gavin” isn’t actually a dick.
VI. They drive off into the sunset and get to know each other a bit. End story.
That’s it. That’s the outline. It is all of the planning I did for the story.
I realized a bit too late that I should have foreshadowed Gavin’s real identity a little bit better than I did, but he wasn’t supposed to have quite as many speaking lines as he ended up having. It was less supposed to be a dramatic twist and more supposed to be an oh-hey-coolio kind of moment, but then a certain snake inserted himself more prominently into the narrative during editing and also made the possible sequel all-about-me.
Character Facts:
All of the sides exist and are sympathetic in this AU.
The ships and soulmate groups of this universe (if you didn’t read the dice roll initiation post) are Logan/Remus/Patton (clearly) and Deceit/Roman/Virgil.
He actually will become a published horror writer in the future. While his stories, when he was young often turned people off with how dark and horrifying they were, the tone shifted a bit once he met his soulmates. Patton especially influenced his writing because after his experiences, Patton sometimes likes to indulge in darker media as a coping method but insists that these stories always end happy. They’ll stay up late and Remus will tell him stories when he can’t sleep but will always give them a soft ending. When he starts publishing these stories under a pseudonym, people like that, despite how dark and horrible they can get, there’s always a bit of hope, a bit of love, and an ending that is kind and worth the struggle to get there.
He has an intricate geometric pattern for a soulmark that spans his lower back for Logan and a simple rose with thorns on his forearm for Patton.
Logan has a degree in engineering, but also dabbles in a bunch of things like philosophy and history.
Before he even got his soulmarks he was a bit skeptical of the validity of the social biases he saw around him. He actually was more worried he’d end up with no soulmate than with multiple ones and was very surprised on his 18th birthday.
The only person who knew he had more than one soulmate before this story was Patton. He didn’t dare tell anyone, even his family. He’s actually pretty conflicted about this because his younger brother is pretty vocally anti-multi. The thing is, he really loves his brother, but he doesn’t know how to rectify the two things.
He has a butterfly soulmark on his wrist for Patton and an infinity sign embarrassingly far up on his inner left thigh for Remus (actually pretty lucky for him because there aren’t many situations where it’s visible).
He always knew the world was wrong. Always.
Patton’s soulmarks are in the best and worst locations. They are right next to each other. So close, in fact, that when he got them, he and everyone around him assumed they were one soulmark. Until his best friend, Logan, touched him later that day and the book on his calf filled in and the star right above it… didn’t. Our other characters can easily hide one of their soulmarks, but it’s really hard for Patton to do. To get a job, to get a bank loan, to get on some forms of transportation, you have to show people your soulmark, but if Patton tried to show off either, the person would see both.
Because of his soulmark situation, he lived off the books for most of his adult life. He didn’t go to college or get a job. He really couldn’t go out much at all. He wasn’t even on the lease of the house he and Logan shared. It really sucked for him.
He always wanted to open a bakery.
He was caught before the beginning of the story on a random sweep just walking down the middle of the street. The police officers assumed he didn’t have a soulmark because he refused to show them one. This situation, if true, would have made it illegal for him to have bought the groceries he had, but of course, the truth was discovered pretty quickly after he was put into custody.
On the plus side, after he met Remus, the soulmarks again look like one soulmark so he’s the one least in danger.
Roman was in basically the same position as Remus about just accepting social biases without thinking about them before he got his own soulmarks. He had a rougher time overcoming these ingrained biases than Remus did.
Part of him becoming an EMT was to prove to himself that he wasn’t bad or heartless.
Most people in his life didn’t even know that he got picked up for having more than one soulmark. They don’t like to make a fuss out of arresting people if they are well liked in their community which Roman was as a personable person who was well known for acting and also spent time trying to help people as an EMT.
Roman has a soulmark on the left side of his neck of a small bird for Virgil. He has to be careful to wear high necked shirts and also usually covers it up in makeup. He has a lizard that wraps up and around his forearm for Deceit.
He was turned in before the beginning of the story because a woman he did CPR on saw the one on his neck while he was distracted making sure she was okay. She reported him.
Yes. Gavin was Deceit.
Though our perspective character isn’t aware of this fact, not all of society is 100% down for what’s going on. There are underground movements working to sabotage places like the government facility the boys escaped from in this story. Deceit is part of one of these movements and has been working with them since he was 16 (His mom has multiple soulmates; his father was not an asshole that reported his own soulmate, thank you very much). He’s very good at espionage.
He was really worried about who this mad man was when he first met Remus which is why he was sort of clinging all over him and trying to get in good with him by going with whatever he said and flattering him. Of course, he didn’t fall for the bathroom trick and followed him back to the office secretly where he promptly figured out what was going on with him.
Also, the guard that almost caught Remus and Logan downstairs did actual report them, but Deceit managed to intercept because he has pretty high ranking at the facility.
He does 100% manage to get off scot free after this story because he’s just that good at lying. He actually was surprised that helping the two idiots ultimately was a good thing for him and his mission. Logan left him all of the stuff he’d downloaded which was helpful. Also, turns out, he was helping save his own soulmate from the place so… he ends up really glad he impulsively decided to help them instead of letting them fail to complete his more important mission.
He has a soulmark on his face which looks like scales (come on, we all know I have to do it) courtesy of Roman and a spider one on the back of his neck for Virgil.
Virgil has a soulmark that looks like vines and wraps around his palm and up his thumb for Deceit. He has a dragonfly on his shoulder for Roman.
Virgil is a journalist. He’s made a name for himself and the government likes him because he’s willing to report what they ask and ignore what they don’t want the public to know. He’s even allowed to tour some of the upper levels of facilities like the one the rest of the characters were in during this story and publishes very censured articles about them.
Virgil also runs a secret blog called The Nothing. People assume that the person who runs the blog who goes by Nobody14 must be someone without any soulmarks especially because of the makeup tutorials teaching people how to make convincing looking ones. He also shows how to cover them up well. Lately he’s been getting pictures from anonymous sources from inside secured government facilities that show some concerning things the public aren’t supposed to know about.
Virgil Berry and Nobody14 have a very public feud going on that has dragged The Nothing into public view. Virgil Berry rants and raves and denies all claims that Nobody14 makes and Nobody14 gives scathing, but calm replies on his blog. These interactions start about a year after this story
Oh, is “Berry” Logan’s surname? Huh.
Want to read more? Click below!
My Master Post
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Determined Clairvoyant, Misguided Knight brainstorm, (2020-05-29)
A/N: So I had a weird sleepless brainstorming/outlining binge last night, passed out and woke up to this chunk of nonsense...
I’ve been reading a lot of DCMK (Detective Conan and Magic Kaito) fic but also I am always a little bit thinking of DoS so my brain went:
Hey, Shisui and Shikako have very similar personalities to Kaito and Shinichi...
But Shisui is the detective and Shikako the thief.
And on the one hand, I was considering just translating it into the in Friendship Is A (Mutual) Con 'verse, such that Shisui is Interpol/FBI and ends up helping the crew because what they do is morally right even if it's not legal...
But it just wouldn’t be the same!
Also, for those who don’t know anything about DCMK, I’m not really using the Detective Conan premise (in which a famous teenage detective gets shrunken into a 6 year old and has to keep his identity secret while finding/dismantling the criminal organization that did this to him. In their defense(?) they were trying to kill him but used an “experimental poison.” They’re not going out of their way to randomly turn teenagers into kids... although there is another teenager that got turned into a kid by that same poison) 
But it is interconnected to the Magic Kaito ‘verse (in which a teenager discovers that his dad didn’t die in an accident but was murdered by a mysterious criminal organization (possibly the same one as in Detective Conan? we’re not sure) because he used to be Phantom Thief KID who was searching for a magical jewel called Pandora that supposedly grants immortality because said mysterious criminal organization wants it for nefarious means. Also the teen and his dad are stage magicians and make their heists very flashy and fun)
Anyway, personality wise I was really feeling the Shikako = paranoid/logical Shinichi vs Shisui = flamboyant genius Kaito contrasting with their arguable respective roles as Shikako = chaotic neutral regular rule breaker and Shisui = lawful good believer of systems if not authority.
I was considering whether or not I wanted to transplant the characters into the DCMK setting, but seeing how that’s just (arguably) modern day Japan I was a little... the adapting would be more work than its worth when really all I wanted was thief!Shikako and detective!Shisui and I also, as previously mentioned, didn’t want to just insert Shisui into the Fia(M)C ‘verse.
So then I remembered this ficlet in which Danzo successfully became Hokage but a mysterious figure (ie Shikako) is working against him and I was like. Okay, but reluctant detective!Shisui having to try to capture insurrectionist thief!Shikako is hilarious. And I know Shisui isn’t actually KMP in canon, but Danzo is Hokage which means the situation is bleak and I kinda explain everything below anyway, so...
shisui is one of the oldest uchiha in the village because everyone older than him was executed by danzo for their (supposed?) attempted coup
doesn't particularly want to be a detective, but he's the only one left
sharp-eyed shisui? it is both mocking his singular eye but also he does end up being pretty good at investigation
Itachi is clan head and also one of danzo’s busiest anbu (because danzo is creepy and weird) and he’s being run so ragged that shisui stepped up to do it since he vaguely remembers the KMP’s protocols and also, with one eye short, his combat effectiveness isn’t as reliable
He hates not being able to be back up for itachi, but until he figures out the depth perception thing, he’d be a liability
Itachi is the only one with both eyes (again, because danzo is creepy and weird)
every time one of his younger cousins activate their sharingan, they are forced to undergo surgery because danzo harvests one eye from each of them
sasuke is the next upcoming kid
hikaku/sai was the most recent
Shikako is working reverse chronologically to restore eyeballs because they’re not exactly labeled but she knows the newest eye goes to the most recent activator.
This is how she gets hikaku/sai’s immediate loyalty (he has both eyes, but still hides one under his eyepatch/headband because if you can’t passive aggressively use danzo’s tricks against him then what’s the point? )
((also, it’s a real good dramatic reveal of how shikako gets shisui to trust her because he’s like “you’re stealing my family’s eyeballs and turning my little cousin into your spy” and then hikaku/sai just flips up his eyepatch and blinks both eyes at shisui and he just. “well, that was literally the only argument i had”))
Oh, the age of graduation is lower in canon because danzo doesn’t believe in coddling kids and also “back in my day” nonsense, so sasuke is maybe around 8?
kakashi is, like, a weird sticking point. he's the only non-danzo adult that has a sharingan and, hey, he's also only got just the one, but shisui also remembers the elders being a little weird about him so :shrugs:
I should figure out what to do with him, tbh
i mean, i know Shikako helps Naruto escape/evade ANBU capture because Danzo was going to turn him into a “proper jinchuuriki weapon” so maybe she throws him at Kakashi and is like “BABY SITTING DUTY FOR YOU, SAD STRING BEAN”
and there’s also Tenzo/Yamato to consider here
at first the thefts are random but escalating: old mission reports, the sandaime's novelty(?) crystal ball, the hokage's hat, the sword of the thunder god, etc, etc
then it becomes directed: sharingan eyes
Shadow Thief Shikako is here to make things real difficult for danzo
while shisui is trying really hard not to get smitten (even though she’s stealing his family’s eyeballs! but he guesses better than in danzo’s possession? he’s very conflicted emotionally and very stressed and also a teenager), shikako is recruiting allies for her coup
She needs to make a deal with the devil… Kabuto? For the medical expertise in how to re-implant all the sharingan she’s stealing?
He does spy on behalf of who he thinks is the strongest, and shikako is v strong by this point
Although, the whole concept of “you were the first person i ever wanted to murder” “you flatter me” is kind of funny
What is going on with orochimaru in this timeline?
For that matter, what’s going on with the other sannin?
hyuuga have weird feelings about the whole one eye stolen thing, branch family in particular because on the one hand: DOJUTSU/BLOODLINE THEFT is literally their big nono. But they do like being the strongest clan in the village now.
Is neji’s dad still alive? When did danzo become hokage? Is it before or after Hinata’s near kidnapping?
Ibiki, anko, aoba -- gotta figure out what’s going on there
Does aoba not have the crow summons since shisui is still alive?
Is aoba a surprise half uchiha?
Unsure how bleak i want things to be for the Nara clan. They definitely don’t like things, but i’m not sure if they’re also largely killed off, just shikaku, or just yoshino…… unless Shikamaru has been taken as Danzo’s apprentice/ROOT?
Something also has to have happened to the akimichi and yamanaka tho, in order to justify/reflect it
Team 10 is essentially being held hostage. Shikako has to “steal” them from Danzo in order to get the ANY clans’ cooperation
they’re allowed to visit their family once a week in order to get clan training, but it’s on different days from each other so the other two are still within ROOT’s grasp and the one who is visiting their family knows not to step out of line
Shikamaru has been trying really hard to help him and his teammates escape, but he’s only eight years old. I’m but a boy. I’m just a boy
There is a war.
I’ve decided this.
It’s the only way to make sense of why danzo is still in charge without him having killed a ludicrous number of people (more than he’s already killed, that is)
There is a war and that’s where the majority of the loudest dissenters are sent (inuzuka, aburame, gai, etc) and because they are always out on the front lines they don’t know how bad it actually is at home
Mist rebellion peeps?
Zabuza and Haku are still alive at this time, i guess
Terumi Mei--is there even a mist rebellion at this time or are they too busy with the war, too?
… Gelel/Sand?
look, magical gems are the crux of Magic Kaito and I know I’ve replaced them with Sharingan eyes, but still. If there’s a magical gem I feel like I’m obligated to at least mention it
also, Shinichi in Detective Conan ends up with, like, the most ludicrous allies over the course of the series. He is a--as far as anyone else knows--a 6 year old Japanese boy with connections to the American FBI. That’s nuts! So Shikako having allies with Mist or Sand isn’t too far outside feasibility in comparison
A/N: So... in theory I would like to come back to this and actually write it--because as far as sleepless brainstorming sessions go, this one is fairly coherent--but just in case I don’t, I figure people would enjoy this mess of an outline anyway. And it’s nice to have notes for later.
Title is, unsurprisingly, my attempt to make the letters DCMK apply to Shikako and Shisui. On the one hand, I know the quote is “and angry Aburame, a focused Inuzuka, and a motivated Nara” but I kiiiinda misremembered wrong and thought it was “determined,” fell in love with Shisui as the “misguided knight” and then only after went back to check and realized that it should’ve been “motivated”
Ah well
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Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: homestuck, Transformers Ask Meme: 16, 20, 30, 33
20 was answered here and, answers for 30 and 33 can be found here. 16.Least favourite show(s) Out of those I didn't watch/see I would go with live-action movies. I don't want anything to do with them, stay away from me live-action movies, just leave. Out of those that I did watch/see: marvel comics. I do like them, but they have issues and are very clunky sometimes.
Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: I'm gonna go with Cronus because he is pretty and I'm shallow. But I am not sure really, Homestuck has lots of great characters that I love.
Least Favorite character: Vriska :) this I can say with certainty
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): In no particular order 
F in the chat for:
Jake/Dirk who would make this list before epilogues killed this ship for me
Cronus/Kankri who would make this list before fandom ignoring their actual canon dynamic made me wanna eat glass
Character I find most attractive: Cronus
Character I would marry: Nobody. They are fictional characters, and I don't do self-inserts
Character I would be best friends with: Again, I don't do self-inserts. 
a random thought: I have this headcanon(I think I stole it from somebody, but I can't remember) that Aranea and Cronus were morials cuz he uses 8 instead of B 
An unpopular opinion: Gamzee is painfully boring I do not know why he has fans and anti-fans when I fall asleep everytime I see him (that's a lie, actually I get the appeal. He is interesting in concept, but I find him boring in execution) 
My Canon OTP: Jake/Dirk was on the list when it was canon, so I guess this and Terezi/John 
My Non-canon OTP: Why do we have a section for my 5 fave ships and then two for OTP it’s redundant and I'm a multi shipper so I don't really do OTP
Most Badass Character: Kanaya
Most Epic Villain: Doc Scratch 
Pairing I am not a fan of: Every single Vriska ship because I hate her so much and outside of that Dave/Karkat :)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Maybe Gamzee since I find him so boring in execution, but I don't really have an opinion here, I don't like acting like I know the characters better than the creator
Favourite Friendship: Non-canon but I like reading fanfics where Cronus and Tavros are friends( If you know where can I find that one fic where Tavros gets pushed by Vriska and Cronus helps him patch up tell me immediately). Canon-wise Dave and John maybe
Character I most identify with: Caliborn, I will not elaborate on that 
Character I wish I could be: None really, but if I have to choose I would pick Porrim 
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
hi megs! i would like to know 4, 7, 30 and 44 :) -taylor<3
hi taylor! how's it hanging?
4. link your three fav fics rn. answered here but i def have more favorites! i've really been loving jess's fic fine print, i think it's very well written and it handles the enemies-to-lovers trope in a way i actually like and can read which does not happen often lol. i will never stop singing praises for bella's hello, hello it's just such a comfort fic for me, the writing is *chef's kiss* and it makes me all fuzzy inside :)) last but certainly not least has got to be your fic (if) we're meant to, i'll meet you there i reread it recently and wowza is that a banging fic!! it has such a unique concept that is executed extremely well and the dynamic between the characters is so complex and wonderfully written i mean i could go on
7. do you prefer to read short fics or long fics? i'm usually a longfic kind of person, but lately i've been craving shorter fics recently so *shrugs* *inserts "both? both. both is good" meme here*
30. post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
“There’s no time,” Michael snapped in Calum’s earpiece, desperation creeping into his voice. “You need to get the fuck out of there with them.”
“I’ve still got three minutes, right?” Calum asked as he turned from the parents and stretched his wings.
He could hear Michael’s nervous swallow through his earpiece. “I swear if you end up dying because of your stupid martyr complex, I’ll find a way to resurrect you so I can kill you myself.”
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.” Calum half sprinted, half flew up the stairs to the top floor, bursting through the stairway door with such force he nearly knocked it off its hinges.
44. rant about something writing related. i already ranted a bit about something here, but while we're on the subject of writing-related rants i'm a tad annoyed that there isn't, like, some sort of clear way to signal in the tags that you're writing about horrible things and shitty people and not romanticizing them bc i love reading fics and writing fics about some fucked up shit, but when i'm looking for fic i don't always know if i can trust the author to not be like "oh btw i'm going to make this seem hot" and i also don't want people to see me post something and be like "wow okay she's a shitty person" (i realize that i should just ignore these people and it's their problem for having no reading comprehension and etc however. consider this. i have crippling anxiety over being viewed as a bad person) so anyway if the heads of fandom could come up with some snappy slang tag for that sort of thing that'd be great thx xoxo
fic writer ask game
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candymayvary · 6 years
what are you thoughts on how candy is being written? some people are saying its time for her arc and own development, but i think the writing has been really bad so far, and i dont know if they even know how to treat the main character right.
I’m sry this is so late I’m backtracking through my asks in between fics
But, look, I don’t trust Beemoov as far as I can throw them (especially after what I saw went down with Eldarya a day ago... Yikes™). I think Candy has always been mishandled, as like with otome MCs, there is definitely a lot of freedom as far as player choices and stuff, obviously. And, on some level, the MCs are still supposed to have some vein of their own character. Whether that comes about as influenced by choices (think like, to the extent of DA2, with the blue/purple/red choices, y’know, as to how extensive player choices can influence later dialogue). But she has never been quite the happy balance of both, nor leans in one direction over the other (as some games also do, such as Hakuouki, Psychedelica, CollarxMalice, etc).
Candy does have a lot of her own character, sometimes so much it outweighs player decisions of influence. Personally, I don’t insert myself into their shoes, I always play every game like a shoulder angel (or devil...) nudging them in a certain direction. Or, like with some games (especially DA/ME) just to explore options that would better fit the character I want to create. I’m not saying that’s a wholly bad thing, as I already said some games either provide the balance, or lean one way or the other. But Candy’s character and writing doesn’t just ignore the concept of player driven choice, it goes the extra mile to feel like it can just be overridden easily.
With MCLUL, I think Beemoov dropped the ball with Candy. I mean, they lost it a little with everything else, but whatever their intention may be behind the writing with her, it’s... not all there. I understand their motives behind making her pretty blank so that new players, who don’t want to slog through MCL, can you know. Insert themselves without a great deal of knowledge. Unfortunately, introducing most of an existing cast, plus having a lot of dialogue options that actually lean on prior knowledge, they kind of failed that attempt (should’ve just made a new game with a brand knew MC).
I did see a really great post by @colombia-chan here which like, explored the current mentality of Candy in MCLUL. I don’t trust Beemoov well enough to actually roll with it well, and I don’t want to be that guy who just thinks it’s a convenient excuse for the current narrative directions, but I think that post is pretty great and hits an all too familiar nail on the head for a lot of people. 
The only thing is, I personally don’t believe there really can’t be such a thing as a ‘main character arc’ in an otome game. The character develops naturally anyway (or is supposed to) depending on the player choices, and it’s supposed to reflect that narratively. Candy from ep1 of MCL should have been narratively different from Candy of ep40, but she wasn’t, really. I don’t think so anyway. There wasn’t a noticeable change and growth, which I think also shows that her character was really stagnant. Also, if they include an arc for Candy (which isn’t influenced by player choice), then that means that there is a ‘canon’ to which they are writing, effectively. It’s a very difficult way to handle things, I will admit, but they chose a genre of gaming where choices are supposed to matter. I don’t know. I mean, with the level of ability Beemoov has shown in writing, combined with executive decisions and narrative choices they’ve decided to pursue in their games... it’s almost like they are trying to drive away from the romance/dating sim aspect of their games. Which is kind of fucking dumb, in my opinion.
Honestly? I don’t trust them to effectively write Candy well in future episodes, because they have never demonstrated an understanding of basic character development in most of their main cast anyway, and already thrown away the idea that player choices matter with the decisions made for MCLUL. 
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 3 years
(Please don't mind me, just writing my thoughts down.)
I think I'll be posting "Heart Adrift" either the 3rd of December or the 14th of January next year... It will all depend on my schedule (I was gonna try and see if I could let you guys pick but... I'm better off doing it like this because the universe always fucks me up in that regard) and if I have the actual time to before Christmas comes around. I kinda wanna post a preview soon but I don't know if I should just yet. I will a few days before but for now, I have no idea. I think about posting it and just start internally screaming and sweating cause, gosh, is this safe to post? Am I being too unfair to my girls? Ah, lovely, writer's guilt is indeed very annoying. I want to, but at the same time I'm scared to and I don't know anymore. ;_;
This whole ball fic also has me really excited but I'm also scared at the same time, cause I've never tried to write something like this before so it's all a learning experience... I really like the concept but the execution is the hard part, just like always. :') So it feels weird to look at it because I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but I'm kinda digging it? Who do you write people dancing? How do I stop making poor Skadi suffer?
I really don't know if I'll finish it before December comes and ugggggghhhh... I know I don't have to do, but I want to. I like having to look forward during the holidays.
All I do is complain lately and I apologize about that, just a lot of stuff happening and my mind is full of ideas so it's been a mess. But it's been so fun to write I'm like "Oh wait hold on am I getting to ahead of myself?", it's a whole adventure in it's own. I have conflicting feelings about it. They are good but at the same time, learning isn't easy at all and it can be nerve wracking at first. Just... *Insert Internal Spanish screaming*
But gosh, writing Gladiia and Specter mess with Skadi is so fun. Are they also sorta flirting too? I have no idea. I just wanna make it a fun one. And also make people catch feelings for all of them. You are not free from hot fish ladies, not on my watch.
I just needed to get my thoughts out tonight. And I like doing it here because I don't feel judged or anything. Don't mind me too much. Just hot fish ladies. That's all.
I can't wait for next week to just... Relax a bit. Go somewhere nice. If we can... After all, Covid is still... You know.
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singingwordwright · 6 years
Tumblr once again fails at providing useful tools for ongoing conversations. Replying to @faejilly’s reply to my reply to her post last night, but I don’t want to deal with the clunky and limited reply interface for a post that has ended up veering wildly from the initial topic.
Also this gets pretty deep and may delve into some some TMI about sexuality and/or disturbing discussion, so I need to put it under a cut.
@maleccrazedauthor replied to your post “You know It is entirely possible trouble with the fic I cannot finish…”
Well, I am pretty sure the reason I can’t smut anymore is because I’ve been feeling ExtraAce™ for the past few years, so this seems perfectly fair to me.
There is a little bit of that too. Girls are Pretty & Sexual Attraction is Weird and I think I just want to write cuddles?
but AT THE SAME TIME I am still really into the ways you can look at character relationships and character development  via the sex they are having and The Feelings Involved (and malec has lots of feelings)
also I am interested in the longing/build-up part before the sex and am not sure at which point I could switch from “I am aware of every single twitch of your fingers” to “but we’re totes gonna skim this bit of actual intercourse”
AND I keep having these really good ideas that I only know how to execute via sex so I try to write them and then I get to the sex part and stop and go hmmm. Like. I don’t really care about their dicks. And people who have dicks and are into sex, which are both assumptions I am making in my characterizations of Magnus & Alec, care about their dicks. In my experience.
I totally get so much of this. I think for me, the fact that I can’t smut (and particularly can’t smut about Malec) anymore is the fact that I’ve come to a place where I’ve already done the character/feelings-exploration-via-sex thing and now I’m just really all about the character/feelings outside of sex.
Like, back around 2010-2012 when I was writing at lot of Dragon Age fic and first exploring writing fic with queer characters, I was writing ALL THE SMUT. But a lot of that fic was really actually character exploration fic, rather than smut for the sake of titillation. It’s hard to tell the difference because it looks the same on the surface, but what really drove my storytelling up until about 2015 was this approach of putting the characters in a sexual situation that would challenge who they were or what they thought about themselves, and then just...see what happened.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was really exploring my own relationship with my sexual and romantic orientation, particularly that I was asexual and that I could and did have romantic and aesthetic attraction to women/trans feminine people as well as men.
And a lot of what drove the darker material I wrote during that time was processing the sometimes traumatic experiences that happened along that journey to reach that understanding.
For instance, in recent weeks, I’ve ended my relationship with my publisher due to the scandals they’ve been plagued with, and I’m faced with the prospect of re-launching my books as self-pubs. Part of the relaunch process is probably going to be doing some PR and discussing those book, so I’ve sort of had to look at my books and where they came from at the time I wrote them and what I was saying with them. And since my book that has sold the best (the one it makes sense to re-release first) is also the most controversial, I have particularly had to think about that one.
I wrote Strain in 2012, and I wrote the Dragon Age fanfic whose premise inspired the premise of Strain earlier that same year, so really I wrote those stories when I was just starting to understand that asexuality was a thing and yeah, it really could apply to me.
Which was, frankly, a horrifying realization because of all I had done in the 15 years prior to that to “fix” myself of my “low libido.”
(potential trigger warnings apply from this point forward, proceed with caution)
Back between, oh, 1998 and 2001, before any understanding of asexuality as a concept had reached my personal neck of the internet woods, I was actually in therapy for this issue. Part of that therapy included certain “homework” assignments. Even though I really wanted nothing to do with sex, I was supposed to “explore” what felt good, by myself or with my partner, to basically find what would jumpstart my arousal even when I wasn’t in the mood. Under the logic, I guess, that if repeated experience showed that sex felt good, eventually I would start to want it.
(insert clumsy “have you ever tried...not being asexual?” joke here.)
It was awful. To make it very clear to the person who is supposed to help you that “no, masturbation really does nothing for me; it bores me and literally I’d rather do anything else”, and “no, my skin crawls when I’m touched in a way that suggests sex may be on the menu, even when that sex eventually turns out to feel good” and then to have them basically advise you to...suck it up and do it anyway, even if you hate it, even if you don’t feel like it?
With today’s sensibilities, it’s easy to see how harmful this sort of “advice” is. Back then, though? That thinking was pretty much just considered common sense.
Fast forward another decade, around the time that I’m starting to understand why that never worked, and suddenly I’m writing stories where the protagonist is compelled into sexual situations that make them exceptionally uncomfortable “for their own good” and in the end don’t really fix anything, anyway.
Gee, I wonder where those stories came from?
But I’ve gotten far afield here. Back to Malec. And their dicks.
Being involved in Malec fandom has been interesting on that front because yes, they’re a sexually involved couple and I love them desperately even though, as you say, I have no interest in writing (and very little interest in reading, though the right author can hook me in enough to go with it) about their dicks.
And I worry about whether I’m doing an adequate job of conveying who they are as a pair if I’m constantly fading to black on their sex. Because sometimes who a person is in bed, what they want, how they react, it is a reflection of who they are outside of bed. And sometimes who a person is in bed is a person who is never seen outside of bed, because they’re laying it all bare, metaphorically as well as physically. The masks are off in a way they they might not be outside of that situation.
So it’s an important and valid arena for character exploration. It’s just apparently not one I can enter right now.
TL;DR I feel your pain, because I’m sort of dealing with the same issues in my handling of them.
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