#if i eat my no no food i'll be sick as a dog for a week but it won't kill me
ssaalexblake · 1 year
aaaaand today my niece’s grandmother ended up in hospital bc she ate something she Knows she’s allergic to bc her other granddaughter Insisted she eat the thing she made, and since they’ve never bothered to say no to her before and, apparently, rank wilfully eating something she knows she’s allergic to and wasting the health service’s time over just saying no to a 5 year old, a trip to a&e was necessary. 
I literally can’t believe people sometimes. I mean I can. But I wish I didn’t. 
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avatar-anna · 2 months
Workday Blues
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2024 Masterlist
i wrote this weeks ago after a co-worker had me seeing red lol
"I just don't get it, H," you sighed, leaning back against the leather seat of your car as you waited for the light to change. Your voice felt strained, and you knew you sounded whiny, but you couldn't help it. After a long shift at work, you told yourself you reserved the right to complain. "Why can't people just, I don't know, do the job they showed up to do and get paid for?"
"I'm sorry, bub," Harry said, his voice tinny as it filled up your car. "Did you talk to your manager?"
You scoffed. "There's no point, but I swear I wanted to tell them I didn't want to work that shift anymore. I'm just so sick of—of—doing more than what's required of me and not being compensated for it."
Harry remained quiet over the phone. At this point in your relationship, he knew when you wanted his advice and when you just needed to vent about your job. The latter happened more and more as of late. Sometimes you felt bad for being so negative, but after nine hours of being overly positive as a restaurant server, you didn't have much positivity left in you.
"Need me to leave you a review again?" Harry finally asked.
Despite your exhaustion, you smiled. "What's that, now? The third one this month?"
"Fourth. Three and a half. I had Mitch leave one after the, what did you call it, 'influencer incident?'" he asked, referring to an afternoon where someone tried to pay for their meal by posting a video online.
"Hm. I'll have to bring him a slice of pie the next time I visit the studio."
"Hey, what about me? Where's my pie?"
Grin widening a bit, you said, "I'll give you something better."
"And...how far from home are you now?"
"Pulling in right now. I'll see you inside."
You pulled into the home you shared with Harry, resting your forehead against the steering wheel once the car was in park. Your feet hurt, you smelled like the food your restaurant served, and you desperately needed to take your makeup off. Sometimes you wondered why you were still putting yourself through all of this, and Harry definitely did too. For years now, Harry promised to take care of you, to take care of your student debt so you could focus on your career and not be so tired and unhappy. He didn't say it often because it typically led to an argument about independence and needing to be able to take care of yourself, but you knew how he felt, and after days like today, the idea of letting someone else take care of you financially seemed more appealing than it normally did.
Sighing, you slid out of the car, gathering your lunch bag and purse before shuffling into the house on slippered feet. "H?" you called, eyes lighting up when you heard the sound of nails scraping against wood floors. A shadow of jet black fur whipped around the corner and bounded toward the entrance hall to you, tongue out and tail wagging.
"Hi, pookie! How's my sweet boy?" you cooed. Hades nudged your leg with his nose, and you bent down to run your hands over his soft puppy fur until he eventually fell onto his back in need of belly rubs.
"You talking to me?" Harry's voice sounded like it came from the kitchen, which you followed once you straightened up and your dog was finished licking your face.
"You're gonna eat your words when you get your cute butt over here."
"I live with two boys, and only one of them greets me excitedly without fail. You do the math," you joked.
You smiled and shook your head at the comment. Harry knew your feelings about your "unflattering" work uniform, so he often went out of his way to compliment you whenever you were in it.
When you finally made it to where Harry was standing at the kitchen counter, tears nearly welled up in the corners of your eyes. "Is that—"
"Wild Cherry Pepsi," he said, his grin wide and knowing as he read your expression. "With pebbled ice. And dinner, but I know you care more about the drink with that sugar addiction of yours."
"You know me so well," you said, your voice rising in pitch as your head bowed.
"Aw, come here, bub." You shuffled over the last few steps to Harry, folding right into his welcoming embrace.
His body was firm and comforting against yours, his t-shirt soft beneath your cheek. Breathing in deep, you wrapped your arms around Harry's torso, letting every frustration you felt at work fall away as he held you.
"Thank you," you mumbled, tilting your head up after a minute or two had passed.
Harry smoothed his hand over your hair and down your back, pulling at the hair tie that held your braid in place all day. "For what?"
You shrugged, eyes closed as he began to pull the strands of your braid apart. "I don't know. For being you, for not suggesting I should quit when I know you want to."
"Another time," Harry promised. Pulling out a chair at the kitchen table, he gestured for you to sit down. You practically fell into the chair, feeling like you could finally relax as you took the plastic to-go cup into your hands and took a sip. Your eyes closed, feeling as though you could fall asleep right then even though you knew you should probably eat. As if he could tell you were on the brink of sleeping, Harry asked, "Do you want to keep talking about work or are you ready to forget?"
Harry wasn't being rude, nor was he belittling your frustration. You'd done this song and dance a time or two, but some days required you to vent more than others.
Around the straw, you said, "Can I?"
He sat beside you, taking Hades in his lap, who was happy to be held even though he was getting way too big for it. Usually, you chided Harry for holding Hades like that, but you were too tired, and honestly, it was kind of cute.
You talked while you ate, and Harry listened, letting you get everything you needed off your chest. He was quiet but attentive, apologizing for things out of his control and cursing your co-workers when you did. None of it would really improve the situation at work, but you always appreciated Harry's willingness to listen when you needed him to, and share in your anger and frustration when necessary.
Standing from the table, you took your plate and put everything in the dishwasher. Grabbing your plastic cup in one hand and Harry's hand in the other, you said, "I think I'm all done."
Harry kissed your temple before pulling you up the stairs toward your bedroom. Hades snaked between you and him to run ahead, waiting on the landing impatiently. "Good, because the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City won't wait for just anyone."
"Not a reading night, huh?" you asked, resting your head on his shoulder. Harry looked down and raised his brows in an expression that expressed he was not, in fact, going to be cracking open his book tonight. Kissing his cheek, you said, "Go ahead and start the next episode, baby. I'm gonna hop in the shower and wash my day off."
Harry, who'd been on his way to do just that, paused and frowned. "Well now I want to watch something else."
Grinning, you held out your hand while you continued to sip your drink. "Come on."
Hades, who had already claimed his spot at the edge of your bed, tilted his head to one side, clearly confused as to why his parents were walking away instead of joining him. "We'll be quick," you promised, even though you knew your dog didn't understand. But the message was for Harry too.
When you were finally in bed, watching Harry's show through eyes that were struggling to stay open, you looked up from where you resting against his shoulder. Harry's glasses were perched on his nose, his eyes focused on the television in front of him as he ran his hand idly over Hades' fur, who had conveniently found his way onto your lap once you settled into bed for the night.
"If you insist," Harry said on an exhale, turning the shower on and setting it to a temperature he knew you both liked.
"Be honest," you said suddenly. "I'd be happier if I quit, right?"
Harry was quiet, but you knew he'd heard you. He was just weighing his words. "Is another job lined up in this alternate universe?" he finally asked.
"I don't know, maybe. They argue quite a bit, though. Don't think you want to be part of all that drama," he replied, taking the remote and pausing his show. He looked down at you, eyes soft but perhaps a little concerned. You'd never considered his offer of letting him provide for you this seriously before. "Honestly? I think you'd get bored, bub."
You shrugged. "I don't know. You've said you'd always take care of me. What if I just...let you? I could be one of them," you mused, nodding your head at the women on your TV.
A nod and a noncommittal hum was your only response for a few seconds until you'd gathered your thoughts. "I'm just so...tired. I'm tired of everything I do not being appreciated. I'm tired of not being supported. I love my regulars and I like most of my co-workers, and part of me feels a sense of loyalty to this place despite, well, everything."
"We'll do some job hunting tomorrow," Harry said. "I'll help you update your resume, you'll send some feelers out, and we'll go from there. How does that sound?"
"I could get a remote job," you mused. "I'd get to be home more. I could travel more with you."
Harry kissed the top of your head. "As much as I would love that, I think your strengths lie in the connections you make with people. You certainly charmed the pants off me."
"Literally or metaphorically?"
You grinned, cheeks reddening as you recalled the night you first met Harry.
"Holy shit you're Harry Styles."
Your hand immediately clapped over your mouth, as if physically covering it would keep you from embarrassing yourself further. In your defense, it was the first time a celebrity sat in your section at work, and no one had thought to warn you. And Harry Styles, no less. The man in front of you was probably still immortalized on your childhood bedroom wall, and now you'd all but outed yourself as a fan when he'd no doubt wanted some privacy.
"I'm so sorry, I—" How were you supposed to recover from this? Harry stared at you with a small smile, a pitying one, no doubt. God, you had one opportunity to act cool in front of a celebrity and you blew it in less than ten seconds. "I'm sorry, let me start over. Hi, I'm Y/n, and I'll be taking care of you today. Can I get you something to drink?"
"Just a water please," Harry replied, his voice soft as his smile widened, which made you think that perhaps he thought you making an absolute fool out of yourself was at the very least amusing.
Once you made it back to the service station to retrieve his water glass, you gave yourself exactly one minute to collect yourself. "He's just another customer. An extremely attractive customer," you murmured, grabbing a pitcher of water from the fridge. "You can do this, Y/n. Pull yourself together."
From there, things went smoothly. You acted like you hadn't freaked out when you initially greeted Harry's table, and Harry was thankfully on board with that plan. He was polite, wasn't fussed when a dish he wanted couldn't be made vegetarian, and was surprisingly interested in making conversation with you anytime you were at his table.
"How long have you worked here?"
"Too long," you joked. "Sometimes I feel like there's a bit of Stockholm Syndrome with this place, but the tips are good."
Your eyes widened a bit when you realized he might think you were making a joke about one of his songs—which you absolutely weren't trying to do—but you didn't comment on it, and thankfully neither did he. You talked a little bit more about the career you did want to get into, and casually asked what brought him to the restaurant you worked at. It wasn't one celebrities tended to frequent, but perhaps that was its charm to Harry.
"Had a day to myself, just thought I'd do some exploring," he explained before you left him to enjoy his meal.
You'd gotten a couple more tables since then and couldn't go over and talk to Harry like you wanted, but perhaps that was for the best. You flitted around the restaurant floor like you always did, charming customers and taking complaints in stride with a smile. Tips were key, and snarky comments or not being accommodating would get you nowhere with certain customers, even if it did kill you inside just a little bit to see an insufferable person get their way.
You didn't realize it at the time, but according to Harry, he watched you—not in a creepy way, per his recollection of your first meeting. He watched you chat with regulars and help your co-workers place orders and carefully placate disgruntled customers. And all the while, you still managed to stop by his table, smiling and topping off the coffee he ordered after he ate, which, according to him he'd done just so he could keep talking to you.
Apparently, he'd been working up the courage to flirt with you when you finally set the check down on the table. "No rush," you said with a smile before heading to another table, a party of ten that you accidentally huffed to him was supposed to be a party of five.
Harry paid, then smiled when his bill and credit card came back to him. Sorry for acting like an idiot earlier. It was nice meeting you! you'd written on the receipt, adorning it with a smiley face. You watched as Harry smiled as he read your note from Expo before one of the line cooks shouted at you to run the food that was up.
You didn't think you'd ever see Harry again, a universal truth, some might've called it. But for some reason, the notion disappointed you, and not because you didn't get a picture with your teenage crush. It felt bigger than that somehow, which was altogether crazy considering you'd only just met him.
So imagine your surprise when you saw him again two days later. "He was supposed to be in my section, but he insisted on yours. Don't fuck it up," one of your more vile co-workers told you, clearly jealous. And as you saw him, his head bent over the menu and his knee bouncing beneath the booth, your heart leaped in your chest in a way that made you both nervous and excited.
"You forgot something," he said as he closed out his check for the second time that week. Time had passed in a blur, despite it slowing down every time you went over to talk to him, which was to say a lot. It wasn't as busy as the day he first came in, leaving you no choice but to check on him more than you normally would.
"Did I?" you asked, looking down at the bill with furrowed brows.
"Last time I was here, I mean," Harry corrected.
Last time, you thought. All Harry had gotten was a salad and a coffee, but the tip he left was well over half of what your other tables had left that day combined. But you rang everything in correctly. Perhaps he was expecting a discount for his celebrity status? He didn't seem like the type, but that was the only conclusion you were able to draw.
"The note you left," he continued, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. He sat up straighter, giving you a better view of the Keith Harring shirt he wore. "It didn't have your number on it, so I've had to come back the last two days so I could ask you for it. Only now I know you don't work on Mondays."
Shock ran through your entire body, to the point where you couldn't even speak. Harry, Harry Styles, mind you, wanted your number. Badly enough that he'd come back to an average Mom-and-Pop restaurant to get it.
"No, I—I don't," was all you could manage as your entire face heated up.
"I hope I'm not sounding like a creep right now," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I realize now I may have participated in some light stalking."
"You're not," you blurted, trying to remember how to speak. You felt like you'd somehow entered an alternate dimension. "Here, hold on."
You pulled your order pad from your back pocket and scribbled your number down, willing your hands to stop shaking. Ripping it off the stack, you handed it to Harry, who took it from you graciously.
"Can I call you later?" he asked, standing up from the booth. You had to back up a couple steps to give him room, and you were now aware of just how tall he was as you craned your neck to look at him.
"Please," you blurted, cursing yourself for sounding so eager. Harry didn't seem to mind, though, smiling as he slipped his phone and wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. "I—I mean, sure. I'm off at eight tonight."
"I'll be counting down the minutes," he said before cursing under his breath. "Shit. I sounded like a stalker again, didn't I?"
A laugh bubbled out of you, making Harry's shoulders relax. "I'll allow it. Just this once."
Harry laughed too, then winked, and you were honestly so proud of yourself for not swooning in front of him. "I guess I'll be talking to you later then, Y/n."
"You made me so nervous," you said as you recalled the memory of how you'd embarrassed yourself in front of Harry the first time you met.
"I know," he said, laughing when you smacked his arm. "It was cute, though! And you also made me plenty nervous, to be fair."
"That is true," you sighed, grinning a little as you turned your face into his arm. "One of us stalked the other, and it certainly wasn't me."
"Sure, but one of us has posters of the other plastered all over their childhood bedroom."
Scoffing, you sat up and scooted away from him, making Hades bark in protest. "It's one poster. And you weren't even my favorite. Zayn was."
"Sure. Keep telling yourself that."
"I will."
Sighing, you settled deeper against him, as much as you could considering the puppy still in your lap. "Sometimes I think I keep the job because that's where we met."
"It's okay to let it go. We'll have the memory," Harry promised, his hand meeting yours as he began to scratch Hades' fur. "We'll figure it out. I promise."
Nodding, you reached for the remote and pressed play on the show, content to leave the conversation there. If Harry promised to help you figure it out, then you believed him.
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ghostsvacuumcleaner · 11 months
Metamorphose | 2k
my masterlist | ao3 ✦ Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader ✦ Summary: You and Simon deal with the pain of losing a baby. ✦ TW and general warnings: established relationship, angst, fluff, sensitive content (abortion), depression and eating disorder mentions, it's painful but he comforts you
A/N: Hi everyone! Since I'm working hard on some requests I've received and in the next chapter of Shades of Red, I decided to release this kinda old drabble of mine here. I'm not too satisfied with how it ended up but enoughly to post, so enjoy <3
I'd also like to mention that I have a taglist for my longfic Shades of Red but not one for my general writing and drabbles so I'll make a post for it, but till then, if anyone's interested in being tagged in my general posts and drabbles, please let me know <3
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The sky is colored in blue, pink and purple.
Mostly blue.
You stare outside of the window while it changes, a golden yellow sun by the morning that rises; it spent too much time burning bright in the also bright blue sky. You counted the hours till it started descending. Now, the sun was nothing more than a little line by the horizon, and the sky was fading into cold colors, fading into the cold night. 
You feel hungry, but it felt wrong to eat knowing you’d be sick of your stomach the second food hits it. You’re not in town anymore, Simon decided it would be better if the two of you took some time out in the country, where it was safe and you’d have time and space to do the things you loved. Running with your dog, swimming in the lake, breathing the fresh air. Truth is, you don’t feel like doing anything. Your legs are too tired, you’re sleepy, you’re tired. You’re very tired. 
You heard him on the phone earlier. His voice was hoarse and low, he argued you wouldn’t want to receive visits. You could tell whoever it was - was insisting, pushing him too hard into allowing them to visit you. He blatantly denied, and you could feel his mood changing in a bit of seconds, his patience running low and the moment he turned off and let out a huge snort; and it had been perhaps two hours since that happened.
You let out a tired sigh, your empty sad eyes stare down at a small sign of movement under the window you were staring at. A little cocoon, seeming to be still inhabited, was hanging from a little line in there. You knew it was supposed to keep hanging till the moment that little caterpillar metamorphosed into a butterfly, and broke the shell, flying out freely. But for some reason you can’t understand - as well as many things in nature, this one cocoon is about to fall.
Your shaky hands reach out for it and before it hit the ground, you carefully pull it and it detaches without a second guess. You take a small look around the room and grab a small empty cup where the water you were supposed to have drunk evaporated, and place the small thing inside of it.
“There you go.” You mutter, the first time you hear your own voice in days, maybe weeks. 
Some things aren’t supposed to happen. And you’re not supposed to die without being conceived the chance of living, even if only for a day.
You reach for Simon downstairs, minutes later. Looking pale for the lack of food you’ve been putting yourself through, tired for even standing, collateral effects of the strong medication you’re taking for the sake of your life. 
“Baby.” You mutter, and he turns instantly from the alluring stare he was giving the fireplace. Your man’s sitting in a cozy armchair, drinking tea - cold at this point - and dissociating just like yourself. You blame yourself for a second: how can you put him through so much? Isn’t he suffering as much as you, why are you isolating him?
“Yes, my love?” He quickly responds, like he craves for hearing more of you. “Another nightmare?” he asks, standing to come closer to you.
You shook your head. “No… I found this.” you show the cup between your hands; Simon doesn’t seem to get it at first glance. “A butterfly. It’ll come out anytime, the cocoon is moving.” you state.
“Oh.” He raises an eyebrow, and sighs a little. “What a cute thing… Should we put it in the garden?” He asks, so much calm in his voice you feel yourself a little lighter. 
“I want to see it.” You state. “The butterfly, I don’t know what type it will be, I’m curious.” 
Simon looks at you like love would, if love was a person. He’s as tired as you, you can tell. Maybe his legs work a bit more than yours and his hands have the capacity of doing the hard work still, but his mind is as empty as yours.
“Of course.” He nods, and reaches for his own coat, placing it around your shoulders. You feel warm and cozy to the smell of him. “We can watch, come on.” he suggests, and grabs onto your hand. 
His squeeze is light and calm, and your body follows him instinctively, not thinking about anything but the comfort you crave right now.
For the past few days, the only thing you could think of was the void in your belly. The void you haven’t felt in months; when you told him you were pregnant, Simon stared at you in complete despair and horror for at least ten excruciating silent minutes. You weren’t used to the idea as well, you’d have to interrupt your current work, you’d have to dedicate yourself to learn the slightest about being a mother.
It is a lie that every woman is born knowing how to hold a baby. When the two of you would visit some of your friends and their children, you’d try to picture yourself as holding your own baby instead of holding theirs. You couldn’t. They’d tell you that oh, god, don’t hold him like this, while laughing. But for you that was a sinful despairing moment.
Simon knew better than you, as a matter of fact. He held babies correctly, unintentionally - but very correctly. 
You didn’t know if you were supposed to feel envious of his natural ability or proud of having this man as a daddy to your baby. 
You learnt to love the little thing growing in your belly. He did, too. He would often bring gifts to you - keeping track with your cravings, and also buying things for the baby. Baby’s little room would be full soon enough. This little creature who wasn’t even born yet was everywhere around your house. The worries about conciliating Simon’s work with your pregnancy were starting to catch the two of you off guard, and soon as he asked for a license to take care of his pregnant wife, that day. That night. So much pain, so much blood. He wasn’t a small lifeless fetus anymore, it was a whole baby. It was a girl. She had a name. 
Some things aren’t supposed to happen. 
“Your parents want to visit.” He mutters, the two of you sitting in the swinging chairs by the garden, surrounded by dozens of different kinds of flowers. The weather is fairly cold, but you don’t feel it with his coat around yourself. “Told them you wouldn’t want to.
“I don’t.” You agree. “Tell them I need time.”
“I did.” He fixes the coat you have around yourself, and glares into you as the sky fades into deeper tones of dark blue. “I was a little less polite than that, but I did.”
“If you weren’t, they wouldn’t listen.” You argue, looking at him now, too. Your eyes fall deep into the void of his own. 
For the first time in those two painful weeks, you can feel his pain flowing through his damaged soul. Like yours. 
“I know. Terribly stubborn blood you have, dear.” he mutters, moving your hair off your face. “Did you manage to eat something today?”
“No. I’m sorry.” You mutter, your voice failing for the first time.
“Don’t do this to me.” His voice comes out pained like yours. He closes his eyes, and his jaw clenches in sadness when he sees the tears start gleaming through your eyes. “Don’t apologize. Don’t cry…” he asks in an almost begging voice.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, love, this is all my fault, it’s-” you catch your breath in your throat and suddenly, you’re falling apart. Days of nothing, weeks of not feeling anything but pain in your chest, despair, panic, and now you’re falling apart in front of him. Your tears stream down your face like overflowing rivers. “It’s my fault.” You say, grabbing handfuls of your hair and tugging your face on your knees. 
Simon feels his own eyes get drenched as he can’t hold his own rivers by seeing you like this. He kneels down to the ground in front of you, pulling your hands from your hair, carefully stopping you from hurting yourself; feels excruciating to him to be able to do nothing.
“It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.” He mutters, and you feel your body moving up. He holds you like you’re lightweight and takes his seat where you were sat at, now, holding you like a baby against his lap. You tuck your face on his chest now, the tears wetting his shirt, your painful voice coming out in low groans of pain, a painful cry of a mother who lost her children. The sad dead eyes of a father who watched this happening and couldn’t do nothing about it. The grief of parents, who didn’t have the chance of raising their children.
“Why? It hurts so much, so much.” You say beneath your cry, your eyes drenched, your face red from all of the crying. His hand is caressing the back of your head as he silently cries.
“I know. I know it hurts.” his voice is almost a blow of the wind, a whisper. “I can’t possibly know how it feels for your, my darling, but it feels bloody excruciating to me, everyday. I miss her all of the time.” He admits, his voice like the one of a kid who just lost its parents. “I miss talking to her, feeling her kick in. I miss her.” 
For the past few days, the two of you seemed to be speaking in foreign languages.
Couldn’t understand each other. Couldn’t comprehend. He was in pain, so were you. None of you could see each other, understand each other. The two of you needed space. The fights, the screaming, his complaints about your refusal to get help and your anger for not feeling understood.
Right now, you feel understood.
Who could understand a grieving mother more, than the kid’s grieving father?
You miss moments that didn’t exist. That didn’t even happen.
You shouldn’t have died without even getting the chance of living. Even if for a day.
“I’d give anything to have a day with her. A fucking day, just one.” You mutter in admission, as you hug in his arms and feel his warmth start to make you calmer by the second. Simon closes his eyes in acknowledgement.
“Me too, darling. And I don’t know what can we possibly do so this hurts any less, but I’m pretty sure we can make it easier if we’re together in this.” He affirms, his hand reaching for your face and washing away your tears. You look at his eyes for the very first time in weeks now. “We face it together.” 
The sky is painted in dark blue now as night approaches and the cold finally starts rising completely. You feel it hitting your skin, as Simon has you in his arms and you hum a low lullaby to the air. He runs his hand across your belly like he somehow tries to heal you from the void you’ve been feeling.
If she feels empty, then I’ll fill her with my own love.
You close your eyes and even though in this terribly uncomfortable position, you feel warm, and you feel cared. You rest. You fall asleep in a matter of seconds
None of you had awakened in time to see the cocoon hatch and the butterfly fly out. But for the past months, for the past years - when you were facing the task of emptying your baby’s room along with Simon, or when you were working - and even in other times, when you’d catch yourself thinking about her, you’d see a blue butterfly flying around you. 
Simon was too skeptical to believe, but even so, he’d always catch every butterfly he’d see, and bring it to you. “Look, who’s coming to visit!”
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cheeseceli · 6 months
It's okay
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Pairing: I.N × Gn!Reader.
Genre: hurt/comfort.
Summary: you feel like everything is falling apart, but your boyfriend is there to hold you close.
Warning: mention of blood; mention of food; Y/n is pretty much in a breakdown; not proofread; some cursing.
Author's note: this happened to me but I had no i.n with me lmao😔 hope this might bring comfort to anyone who needs it
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The voice of your boyfriend woke you up from the confusion that was in your mind as soon as you heard him, noticing the worried expression his features had.
"You've been staring at this glass for a while now. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah" you started drinking from your glass of water, avoiding any other question. The cubes of ice had already melted "everything's alright."
"Okay then. Uh... do you want to order food? We can eat that guioza that you've been dying to try. Or we can just have the usual."
"Just order whatever you'd like."
You stood up and went to the kitchen, feeling guilty for treating Jeongin so cold-heartedly when he clearly was worried about you. But you really, really didn't have the energy to talk in the moment. And even if you did, you doubt anything good could get out of your mouth right now. So you were going to wait.
Wait until your problems disappeared, or until you were brave enough to face them. Whatever came first. But honestly, you didn't expect that any of the previous options would actually happen. You were just waiting for everything to get worse and dry you out. Those last days couldn't have gone worse and now you're just playing this game where you try to guess what horrible thing will follow in the list of disasters in your life. Maybe someone steals your phone tomorrow. Or you can break an arm before going to bed tonight. Maybe your university catches fire, your boyfriend breaks up with you and you receive a call from your parents telling you you're a dishonor. The possibilities are infinite.
Whatever the case is, you just feel something bad will happen, as apparently you have no control over your life anymore. Nothing happens as you plan it, it doesn't matter how hard you try. In the end, you can't stop unpleasant situations in your life, like letting the glass slip from your hands. Very next thing you know is the pain in your foot as the glass shatters next to it.
"Y/n? What was that sound?"
"Nothing"" you tried to keep calm and not involve I.N in your mess, even though you knew it wouldn't work. Not a second passed by and you could hear his footsteps coming closer.
"Oh shit."
"It's okay, I'll clean it."
"No, Y/n, stop. You are barefoot and already bleeding."
"It's just a small cut."
"Still a cut. C'mon."
You didn't quite understand at the moment, but when he searched for the nearest pair of shoes available to wear and took you in his arms you got it: he was bringing you brided style to the bathroom.
"You're overreacting."
"Just sit down, please." He placed you in the sink and started an inspection on your cut, analysing how bad it could be "does it hurt a lot?"
"No. I told you it's just a small cut."
"It's not that small baby. What's going on?"
He was focused on cleaning your wound and didn't really look at your face, but you knew he was paying attention to every small movement of yours. You could see he was trying to help you. For a second, you really wanted to be helped.
"Was it really that obvious that something's wrong?"
"It's the second glass that you break this week. Besides I know you well."
"Sorry 'bout that by the way."
"I don't care about a glass, Y/n. I just want you well. Can you tell me what's bothering you?"
"It's just..." now his eyes were on you, and you could notice how much he truly cared about you. Funny how just his eyes could lift a lot of weight out of your shoulders "I don't know, everything's seems wrong. My backpack ripped in the subway, my friends love to say shit about me as if it's the funniest joke ever, my family's dog is sick, I didn't have a proper meal for more than a week and this is a never ending list. I know I must be being dramatic as hell right now, but to be fair, I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown."
"Baby" I.N dried one of your tears with his thumb. You didn't even notice you started crying "it's okay to feel like that. You're not being dramatic at all. After such a hell of a week you deserve to let your feelings out. What about I cancel that order, I cook your favourite to you and we sew your bag later?"
You have him a small smile, glad you had someone so great by your side, someone who knew how to be there for you "I'd like that very much."
He smiled as well "Great."
Jeongin stood up so he'd be able to give you a proper hug. Your boyfriend wasn't the touchy type usually, but he was really great at giving hugs, so whenever a moment like this happened, you tried to savour every minute.
"We can go to your parents' house tomorrow if you'd like. Maybe your dog will get better by your side."
"It's a three hours drive."
"I'm a good driver."
You smiled, hugging him tighter and pressing your face into his chest "thank you."
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Reblogs and feedback is always appreciated!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
Hello! I love your writing! May I request some fluff with Kid, Killer, Mihawk, and Buggy where their s/o who has little cooking experience tries to surprise them by cooking something for them? Whether the food be good or bad is up to you! Thank you and have a good day!
Hi hi! Sure, always up for some fluff and I'm so happy to receive a request with Killer, I love this guy. ♡ Thank you so much for requesting. I hope the outcome will match your expectations. ☆
☆ Kid, Killer, Mihawk & Buggy with a s/o who has little cooking experience
CW :g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid has a filthy mouth 
WC : 1,4k
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"It looks like shit. I won't put that in my mouth." 
Kid is a sassy brat because this man is able to burn the water. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and red pepper flakes is probably the only thing he can cook. Yes, Killer's favorite food. But he won't ever admit that he learned that just for Killer, obviously. He needs to keep his jaggy-attitude, as the good angry punk he is.
Kid knows you have little cooking experience and had tried to eat what you cooked, but he ended up almost suffocating and dying on the ground. He made a promise to himself to only eat Killer's food. And we all know Kid is stubborn. He won't change his mind: you almost killed him, he will never eat your food again.
But then, he notices your sad face, wet puppy eyes and all the effort you put into the meal. And, it’s his favorite food: cabbage rolls. Okay, now his heart is melting, but of course, he won’t admit it.
"Well. It looks like shit but… it doesn't smell that bad." With a heavy sigh, he rolls his eyes and sniffs the plate like a fearful dog. 
He stares at you, suspicious, before planting his fingers on the cabbage rolls, watching if there are no bugs or whatever. Yes, he's been suspicious, petty, and he doesn't give a damn. "It looks… okay I guess." 
Actually, he's confused. That food looks like it's comestible. Perhaps it's a trap. He should wait for Killer to taste it first. Or just stuff those cabbage rolls into your mouth: if you don't die or cough, maybe he'll try it. 
"You know, if I die because of this food, I'll come back to life to avenge myself," before grabbing the cabbage rolls and eating an extremely small slice.
He's sweating, convinced that the nice appearance won't make up for the terrible taste. But… actually… it's… good. Like, he's not dying or suffocating on the ground. He doesn't even need to go to the nearest bathroom. 
"Can I have some more?" After eating the whole plate and almost licking it like a starving person. He doesn't like to give compliments, but do you remember the scene at Udon camp where he was eating? Right now, it's him. So clearly, he likes what you cooked.
Kid is not a man many words and "thank you" doesn't exist in his dictionary. Although he would notice all the efforts you made and even the cuts on your fingers, the words are simply stuck in his throat. But, he would kiss your forehead and smear his lipstick on it. And later, he would leave a handmade metal gift of your favorite flower or animal, as a 'thank you'. Gifts are a way for Kid to show his love. 
"You know what, I've changed my mind. Now I'll also eat your food." With his usual gruff voice and a flustered expression.
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Killer is way nicer than his captain. Quality time is definitely his love language. So if you cook something for both of you, he's honored, truly happy and probably melting inside. The outcome doesn't matter that much. The intention already means a lot to him.
Let’s assume the outcome is not that good.
"Hm, Y/N, that seems… interesting. Really al dente." While observing the carbonized pasta. 
Even without his mask, he's good at hiding his expressions. He's probably laughing because of the SMILE, but actually he wants to cry. He feels truly happy when you try your hardest just for him, but on the flipside, he knows it won't taste good. 
Why him? Is dealing with a brat like Kid not enough for his poor soul?
If he gets sick from this food, who will keep an eye on Kid? He can't take a break with that hot-headed captain. Otherwise, the crew is doomed. 
But he wants to please you, so he will taste it. And even finish the entire plate. Even if it was bad. You tried your best, just for him, all he can do is finish his food. However, he is not dishonest. "That wasn't very tasty, sweetie... But you tried your best to please me, thank you for your time. Maybe we can cook together the next time? I'll teach you some tips." 
Finally, it's a win-win situation: thanks to your limited cooking experience, he has a good reason to spend more time with you. He’s already excited to teach you some recipe.
And as the educated guy he's, Killer will of course make the dishes himself, clean up the kitchen and thank you with a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. So now his purple lipstick is smeared on your face. 
"I need to finish my work… I'll see you tonight. Thank you again for the meal, sweetie." 
Casually walking through the door and once he's out of your view, he would run to the bathroom because he's getting sick.
"Ugh, you did that to yourself" (thank you for the support, Kid)
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What a nice surprise to be welcomed with a beautiful table, his s/o well-dressed, red wine and some refined food. After dealing with Perona and Zoro all day, he only needs that. 
Mihawk's high standards mean that if the food is looking great, it's a good sign. He would never approach anything that looks bad. 
He knows that you may not have much cooking experience, but practice can help you make progress, right? Although the last time wasn't good, you can only improve yourself. Right? Right?
At least, if he dies from intoxication, the coffin will already be ready, thanks to his ship. 
"Come share that wine with me, don't stay standing like this." While serving you a glass of red wine.
He's a bit suspicious about the food. Even though the meal may be nice, it doesn't guarantee it's good and tasty. 
He's discreetly taking a sniff of the food. He has good manners, unlike those two brats, so he won’t make it obvious.
"Come sit with me and we can taste it together."
With his hawk eyes, he's looking at you and waiting for you to eat the food first. He's really observant, so he would notice all your expressions, even the most subtle ones. As your face shows no signs of disgust, then he would eat. 
And its taste really good. Although it may not be the most refined, given his high-standard, it's tasty, comestible, and well-matched to the wine. The most important thing for him. You can't waste a good wine with a bad dinner.
"You really outdid yourself, that was perfect. I’m grateful." 
Again, not a man of many words, but with his good manners, he would help you clean the dishes. Before returning to his duties (meaning: watching the kids), he would lend you his hat. This is a simple gift and a subtle way to say 'thank you'.
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"What, you did that for me? Why…? I mean, of course, you cook for me. What more normal? I'm the great Buggy after all." 
He's feeling quite confused inside. Outside, he's acting as cocky and extravagant as he always has. After all, what’s more typical for the great Buggy to be served with a great meal? That's the minimum he deserves. 
"Alright, let's eat it!" Before stuffing a huge amount of food in his mouth. And almost threw it back onto the plate. It's… foul. 
Really? What has he done wrong? Did he leave his makeup everywhere again? Or his clothes? Or maybe it's because he forgot to put down the toilet seat. Or... wait a second... there is red on the plate... red tomatoes… like his nose... are you making fun of him? How dare you? Yes, he's overthinking. 
"That's a betrayal, I'm dying... I'm dead." 
He's yelling and gesticulating wildly, and his face almost turns green due to the awful taste, but also red due to his anger. 
He’s dramatically angry, of course.
"Listen everyone! y/n is trying to KILL me!"
The room is empty but okay Buggy.
He's exaggerating too much, it's not that bad. But here he is, rolling on the floor, holding his stomach, fainting. And as the drama queen, he is, of course, he’s using his devil fruit to fragment his bodies. "I'm so traumatized that I'm TORN apart."
When he notices your sadness, he shrugs. 
"Ugh, Y/N, you know, maybe it was just the first slice…" he would say before giving one more chance to your plate. No, it's still bad. 
"That's a masterpiece, Y/N. I'm in heaven." While trying to hide his tears. "So tasty!"Yes, he's trying to please you, because maybe he overreacted before and maybe he feels bad because you were sad. 
But Buggy is way too loud and clumsy, he sucks with comedy. It's obvious that he's lying. 
"That's fine, don't force yourself Buggy."
"Really? So our relationship wasn't a complete lie? Thank you Y/N, I love… I mean, what are you saying? I wasn't forcing myself, I'm the great Buggy, duh, no one can force me."
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Okay CoraBug hours where we look at canon, go HAH No, and carry on bc I Do Not See It
Buggy and Cora being absolutely the schmooziest, goofiest couple ever.
Cora and Buggy experimenting with makeup looks together.
They each have an Egg Each, but they have each other's eggs, or they both make two each so one can have the second egg on hand for long distance stints.
Long denden calls and writing letters to each other.
Sengoku having several attacks of just as many varieties because his son is dating a pirate and it's THAT pirate as well and he's So Fucking Angry bc Buggy isn't even all that bad, he HATES it-
Uncle Garp. The shenanigans there. Need I say more?
Shanks telling Buggy about Luffy and it goes "my brother adopted the grandson of my boyfriend's honorary uncle" and you can see the smoke coming from his ears.
Cora and Buggy were childhood sweethearts, and Shanks ABSOLUTELY gave Cora a shovel talk. Roger also gave Cora a shovel talk. Rayleigh played psychological warfare as a test (Cora passed).
They do shows together and their favorites are acrobatics and aerials.
Buggy has forbade Cora from fire stunts, so Cora simply watches Buggy do them and drools respectfully. (In his defense, Buggy is VERY skilled with batons and dragon staffs.)
Devil Fruits have something they need to Feed or things that Feed the fruits. For some, it's foods, some it can be abated with tobacco. Cora uses his cigarettes and Buggy runs on sugar.
Cora is actually a very clean person and prefers unscented soaps, he just has a skill for always looking freshly mugged in an alleyway. Buggy meanwhile is a neat freak who changes up his soaps frequently, but always within a certain brand/maker rotation bc he has sensitive skin.
Drawbacks Of Devil Fruits My Beloved - they're both more lethargic in highly humid weather, or in the rain. Cora's sleepier overall when stuff gets to that point, but Buggy runs a higher risk of getting sick as a result.
Buggy sometimes has Bad Brain Days, be it an episode or he's overstimulated. Regardless, when he needs Space, he'll shimmy under Cora's feathered coat and Cora will cast a bubble for them with just enough muted input to calm Buggy down but not trigger his intrusive thoughts.
Likewise, when Cora is in Cover And Perform Mode, Buggy will gently lead him away and pull the other down to his chest, ear over his heart, and will just... talk. Random, unimportant things like "Oh I heard dinner will be this tonight" or "I've been thinking of getting x, y, z tools for the ring". Just stuff to ground him, she he isn't alone, that things are okay and fine and safe.
They have prank wars. Ritchie always wins. Nobody knows how.
Cora will straight up scruff Buggy like a cat when he gets angry and stabby.
Buggy will climb Cora like a tree when he feels playful.
<><><><> Bonus Incorrect Quotes <><><><>
Buggy: They call it committing murder because it's a commitment. It's stronger than marriage.
Cora: babe, no-
Cora: I could kill you if I wanted.
Buggy: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special
Cora: I love you-
Buggy: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Cora: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Buggy: I—
Buggy: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Cabaji, who just wanted to eat his lunch in peace:
Cora: WHY?!
Cora: *sighs*
Buggy: You bored?
Cora: Yeah.
Buggy: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Cora: I thought you’d never ask.
Cora: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Buggy: This is a lie.
Buggy: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Buggy: What’s your favorite color?
Cora: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Buggy: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Cora: My favorite color is pink.
Context: Roger and Garp having a play date, Shanks and Mihawk are sitting to the side while Buggy is doing smth mundane across the beach when Cora descends on the swordmen
Cora: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Buggy is? Because Buggy is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Mihawk: wh-
Shanks: YEAH!
Buggy: I'm very scary.
Cora: You're about as scary as a wet kitten.
Buggy: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me.
Cora: And small.
Buggy: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Buggy: Live fast, die young, leave behind a pretty corpse! That’s what I always say!
Cora: You should say something else.
Cora: What’s your body count?
Buggy: Do you mean sex or murder?
Cora, carrying a box: What would you say if- if I, hypothetically, came home with several kids one day?
Buggy: …
Buggy: What’s in the box?
Cora: What woul-
Buggy: Cora, what’s in the box?
Cora: I think you know.
Buggy: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Cora: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
What would beefy daddy lumberjack ari do for his wifes birthday 👀
༻𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐫𝐬.𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧༺
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WC:1.2k+ GIF by lilacevans
{Warnings: mentions of smut, murder, Ari being exposed for being a kidnapper but he's a master manipulator, readers birthday, marriage!!angst but turns to fluff }
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♡You were so excited for your birthday, and so was Ari. He had so much planned. Some of it was sex the rest was a surprise.
♡He had actually been lying to you by saying he was at work when in reality he was preparing your gift.
♡To say Ari was proud of what he prepared was an understatement.
♡His ego was positively inflated because of it, and you couldn't say no to this gift at all.
♡He was more excited for your birthday than you and that was because his sick kidnapper plan was about to work. He was about to have you as his fully.
♡When the day came, you were immediately woken by Ari between your legs, eating you out as if you were his last meal.
♡And then he made sure to fuck you as if was the last time. You could feel the love pouring out of him, as he spoke soft words.
♡"I love you so much baby, doing so good. Happy birthday baby, I'm so proud of you, you make me so proud. My pretty little baby with this pretty pussy. And it's all mine, I love you so much."
♡When he was done, he ran you a warm bath filled with rose petals and bath salts.
♡He wiped away his excess cum, and then lifted you bridal style and leaving you to soak in the tub.
♡He gave you a kiss on the forehead before he laid your first present out on the bed.
♡He then left for work
♡When you got out of the bath you headed back into the room and there on the bed was a dress.
♡Not just any dress, you'd seen it in a certain picture: his mum and dad's wedding day.
♡On the bed was his mother wedding dress, adjusted to fit you perfectly.
♡Your heart raced as you slipped it on, was today the day Ari was truly gonna make you his little wife.
♡Under the dress was a note. It was directions to go into Ari's chest of drawers and open the first one.
♡In the drawer was a little box, a velvet black box.
♡You opened it and in it was a ring!
♡You smiled so widely and placed it on your ring finger.
♡Throughout the rest of the day, Ari had left you notes of presents to find.
♡They ranged from your favourite food to dresses you wanted, and the final note said you had to wait until Ari got home for your last 2 surprises.
♡Ari drove home fast, he wanted you and he wanted to get rid of the priest as fast as possible so you can celebrate your honeymoon.
♡When he parked, him and priest got out and Ari opened the door calling your name.
♡You ran and hugged Ari tightly smothering his face in kisses. He smiled and then nodded his head to the side and you then saw the priest.
♡You then knew that you were getting married.
♡Ari kissed your forehead, "Stay here honey, help make the priest comfortable for a second. I'll be right back."
♡When Ari left, the priest grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes. You remember him from before Ari took you as his wife. He was a nice man and always tipped you at the bakery.
♡"Dear you need to tell me now if he's forcing this, if he's keeping you here." The priest whispered quickly and urgently.
♡You stared, your heart racing even faster over what he was insinuating. "What are you talking about?"
♡The priest looked behind you, making sure Ari wasn't coming back.
♡ "Gale and Richard were walking there dog when they saw you picking berries, and then they saw Ari put a rag in your face! Is it true?"
♡You felt all the breath leave your lungs and the blood leave your face. Ari said he saved you. He wouldn't lie.
♡"Ari said he saved me from the man trying to kidnap me." You felt tears gather in your eyes.
♡Ari came round the corner a second later and saw your shaken state and priest holding your hands.
♡"Angel get here. Now." He glared at the priest.
♡You looked at him and walked over to him, He stared down at you. "I promise we'll talk later okay angel? Go upstairs and get changed into something comfortable."
♡You went upstairs and changed into a nightgown and locked the door and then locked yourself in the bathroom. Needing as much security and space as you could get to think about everything.
♡Ari stared at the priest. "Sign the marriage form. Before I beat you into a bloody pulp for touching her."
♡The priest swallowed and signed the form shaking.
♡You were now officially Mrs.Levinson but it wasn't the way Ari wanted.
♡The priest the turned to leave, yet he never got the chance. Ari was ready to dispose of him the second he stepped into the house.
♡Ari pushed his hair out of his face and moved the body into his truck, covering it with a black sheet.
♡With a grunt then, Ari began cleaning the blood up.
♡When he was done, he headed to your room and when he found it locked he groaned and fished his skeleton key out and unlocked the door.
♡You weren't there, but the bathroom door was closed. He approached and knocked on it.
♡You wiped the tears of your face and spoke confidently or as confidently as you could.
♡"Did you put that rag around my face?"
♡Shit. Ari was glad he killed that damn priest. "Honey you know I would never hurt you. It makes my heart ache when you're hurt."
♡Silence greeted him when you spoke again.
♡"Gale and Richard saw you."
♡"You trust their words over mine? The people who claimed they saw Bigfoot over your husband."
♡Thats true, the pair always went overboard with their imagination. Maybe they mistook Ari saving you as him taking you.
♡You took a breath and spoke again, "You never let me leave. Not by myself."
♡Ari leaned his forehead against the bathroom door. That fucking priest had become a huge thorn in his backside.
♡"That's true. I'm a selfish man. I want all your attention to myself. I want you all to myself. I love you so much that I am so possessive. I know it's bad but you're my personal heaven that I want to keep as mine."
♡You slowly unlocked the door and opened it. You looked up and saw Ari. You watched his face turn from the nonchalant look to a frown.
♡He brought his hand to your face and wiped your tears away. "I'm sorry baby."
♡You stared up at him, "Can we make a deal?"
♡"It depends what it is angel."
♡"Once a month I get to go into town without you. I get to be my own person for a day. It is my birthday afterall."
♡Ari sighed and looked down at you. He saw your pleading eyes, "Okay. Once a month. But you have to give me a three day warning."
♡Your face brightened as a smile overtook it, Ari soon smiled too as you nodded.
♡He kissed you and you blushed before kissing back.
♡"The priest signed the certificate too baby, You're officially my little wife."
♡You giggled as Ari smothered you in kisses and began leading you to bed.
♡"Did you like your birthday?"
♡You smiled and took his face into your hands, "It was amazing but it would be even better if we were in bed."
♡He man handled you and threw you onto the bed and smiled wolfishly.
♡"I can't wait to breed my wife's pretty little pussy. I'm gonna knock you up Mrs. Levinson."
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hypersomnia-insomniac · 9 months
TKR Men Taking Care of Their Sick Partner HCs
Characters: Hakkai, Mitsuya, Taiju
CW: None
Reader: GN w/ high fever/super sick
Part 2
As much as he loves you, he will be wearing a mask and maintaining a 3 feet distance at all times. He has little sisters to take care of and a sewing club to run, getting sick is not an option.
He'll sit you on the couch swaddled in blankets with your favorite show/movie playing while he goes and cleans. Mitsuya's the type to clean so well that he'll leave things better than when he arrived.
If you're the type that has a chronic illness or get sick often, he'll make you a few sets of custom of PJs that are so comfortable you feel like you're floating on clouds.
Since he often cooks for his sisters and mom, you bet you're gonna get an easy to eat, nutritious meal that is so good you groggily propose to Mitsuya right then and there.
"I'll think about it. Get better first," he says calmly. Deep inside he's already designing your wedding outfits.
Once you're asleep, cuddling the plushy he made, Mitsuya will gently push your hair out of your face and just bask in your beauty.
"Sorry I can't cuddle with you, baby. I'll make it up to you when you're better, promise."
Even though the both of you have been dating for some time, Hakkai is still nervous when it's just the two of you. So, his visits will usually be with Takemichi or Yuzuha and you guys might play some games or watch some shows if you're up for it. He'll slide you some sweets or takeout you're craving as well.
If he visits by himself, however, that's different.
When he first enters your home, he's flustered. He hasn't been in your room before, especially not with just the two of you alone. But when he sees you passed out on your bed with a flushed face and heavy eyebags, he puts all his nervousness aside.
If you end up waking up a little, Hakkai will bend down beside your bed and caress your face.
"Ho- How ya feeling? Have you eaten yet?" He'll whisper, eyebrows furrowed.
You say no, and he gets straight to work. He lifts you gently from your bed and props you up on the couch. After opening the blinds just enough to let some needed light in without adding to your migraine, he'll unpack the soup he brought.
Let's be honest, no one can top Mitsuya's food, but he tried and that alone made you feel better.
Once you're done eating, he'll let you hold his hand or let you lay on his lap if you ask. Of course, Hakkai's face will be just as red as yours and trembling like a leaf. But, he loves you and you're already his partner, so he'll brave it.
My HC for him is that he's a germaphobe, total clean freak. He hardly ever gets sick, but something about snots and boogers grosses him out. Taiju runs a tight ship, a clean ship.
He probably won't visit very often. If you're just sniffling a bit, he'll drop off food and snacks before leaving. Maybe a hug, and definitely no kiss.
If you're having a full on coughing fit and sneezing like your lungs are filled with dust, he isn't coming within 10 feet of you. Taiju will use his long limbs to keep you faaaar away from him.
Taiju is the type to call you and stare at you through a window scolding you for getting sick. You're tired of it, but you know he cares when he sends someone by with a goody bag.
It's usually Yuzuha or the cat and dog duo (Koko and Inui). Most often it contains medicine and food that he forced had someone make. If you're lucky you might even get a card!
"Get Well." It reads. You're unsure if it's heartwarming or a threat. Either way, you're happy.
Author's Note:
This is the first installment of my "Sick S/O" HC series! I'll be adding onto it as I watch the anime and read through the manga. I hope to do all the characters and eventually do a girl version, but I don't quite have a grasp on Senju's personality yet and I want to release all the girls in one post.
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kangals · 3 months
writing this down for my own reference, since i've realized i can't remember shit about stellina's puppy phases: grading Kepler on how he’s been progressing over the past month (8 - 13 weeks):
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢 loves to eat, very motivated but not frantic/pica-esque, no GI upset so far
leash walking: 🟢 doing really well on both flat collar and harness.
sleeping: 🟢/🟡 - GREAT at night, sleeps for a solid 8-9 hours. during the day seems to fight against tiredness and naps very lightly, then gets cranky/overtired.
crating: 🟢/🔴 - GREAT at night. during the day he'll load up happily into the crate but has issues actually settling/sleeping. need to figure out where the discrepancy is coming from.
potty training: 🔴 this boy be pissin
general training: 🟢 loves loves looooves being trained, super focused. knows sit, come, crate, nose target, paw target. working on a down and stay/leave it currently.
manners: 🟢/🟡 good about not biting, takes treats nicely, generally listens to my verbal warnings, isn't destructive. he is starting to demand bark/jump up on me, which we're working on curbing.
grooming: 🟢/🟡 needs to be distracted with food but he's tolerated a bath, nail dremeling, brushing, tooth brushing, and ear cleaning. due for another bath soon so we'll see how that goes.
cars: 🟡 whiny but does ok on car rides. no car sickness.
outings/socialization: 🟢 has done really well in new environments, very engaged and curious but doesn't get overwhelmed. have gotten spooked a few times but recovered well.
other dogs: 🟡 very dog-focused (typical for puppy, he may grow out of it), doesn't bark or get frantic but he has a hard time shifting attention from them. does listen to stern corrections, but tends to bulldoze through more gentle ones - plays overly rough and has to be separated from stellina frequently.
other people: 🟢 friendly and curious and loves to meet people, but focusing pretty well when i ask him to ignore. did good around a small child but was a little wary of being approached too fast, which is normal.
small animals: 🟢 curious and excited about the cat but not obsessive, called away easily. will chase squirrels and birds but not intensely.
overall i'd give him a 🟢 with a few caveats (really need to work on daytime settling/crating, and god please make any sort of progress with house training). my overall impression is that he's confident and stable, with a little more innate caution than stellina but conversely he also doesn't get overwhelmed nearly as easily - less impulsive and more resilient, which has both pros and cons. i'll repeat this in another month and i'm very curious to see how he progresses as he starts growing out of the generic-puppy personality.
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mayuichi · 6 months
“... I didn't meant what I said.„
Saigiku Jouno x Reader Warning: unhealthy relationship behaviors (sorry I can't see Jouno be capable to have a healthy relationship with anybody)
Note : I skipped yesterday in my everyday fic because of some sickness, so I have to post twice today woohoo! I really hope I'll feel better soon ughhh
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Art from the anime.
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Despite the blanket covering your lap, you keep shivering from the cool air. Autumn slowly letting place to winter, December becoming colder day by day. It was one of the snowy days today. Those days you would love to spend home with your boyfriend.
Speaking of which, it was getting late, night already settled down. Yet he still isn't home. It isn't even surprising, he is part of the Hunting Dogs after all. You're used for him to get home extremely late, if just not coming home at all.
Sitting on the sofa, looking at some stupid TV show to pass the time, you're reading a book at the same time. You just want some background noises to not suffocate from the silence. You work too, of course, but your shift finishes at 5pm. It's already been two hours you're trying to kill time.
You have been waiting long enough, you're pretty sure he won't come home anytime soon. Placing down your book and turning the TV off, you make your way to the kitchen. Once again, you'd make food only for yourself. How long has it been since your last meal together ? A bit too long.
Picking each ingredient carefully, you start making yourself dinner, every so often glancing toward the window in case you'd see him come home. While waiting for the cooking to be over, checking from time to time in the oven, you pick your phone.
“I'll lock the front door. Be careful to not wake me up when you'll come home, if you even do. I have to wake up early tomorrow.„
You're pretty sure he won't even read it now. There has always been some ups and downs in between you, but it's been a while since the last good time. You couldn't help but doubt his words again. You sigh, feeling helpless.
Eating alone, you use once more the TV as only company. Does he love me? You question your own mind, knowing damn well it'll only hurt you further. But those questions keep repeating themselves in your mind until the next day.
Even throuhough your shift. You're tensed, so anxious it needs to end. He hasn't answered your last text, and didn't even went home.
Walking home, your head low, you don't want to see anyone. Holding the end of your scarf, you hurry back home. The cold air reddening your nose and ears, your fingers taking a blue tint. You even struggle to open your door, your hands shaking.
Rapidly closing the door behind you, you rub your hands against one another, yearning for some warmth. Without undoing your scarf or jacket, you make your way to the kitchen to make yourself a hot chocolate, only to see a tall figure waiting against the cupboard.
He is facing you, his arms crossed as a smirk adorned his face. “I can feel that you missed me, didn't you ?„ he hums. It isn't truly a question, he already knows the answer. Yet you don't plan on giving him one.
He raises an eyebrow when he hears your steps leaving to the bedroom, where you take off your scarf, jacket and shoes. He follows you close. “Aren't you planning on answering me ? Is it too much to ask to your little self?„
His smirk widens when he feels your heartbeat increase. He absolutely loves the way he can play your emotions like an instrument. So easy to read, and to control. “If you can't even utter a word, then what's the purpose of my presence. I thought you'd jump in my arms. Or perhaps... You don't truly love me ?„
He steps closer and closer, until his slender figure is hovering you, almost pinning you against the wall. Fluttering your eyes shut, anxiety rising in your body, your voice almost breaking as you speak. “I.. should be the one asking you that..„
He huffs in response, unsure of what you are trying to tell him. He brings his fingers under your chin. “Go ahead, word your thoughts then. I am all ears, darling.„
Your breath itchs in your throat. Feeling his soft yet hot breath against your nose, you muttered in a shy voice. “... I know your work asks you a lot of your time but.. You don't even text me...„
You see his expression not faltering even in the slightless. Instead, he just pulls away, sighing in disappointment. “Are you that needy ? Greedy for attention ? You should've known better when you desired to be with me. If you can't keep up, then I might just leave.„
His words sink in your mind. You turn your head away, barely capable to answer. “... I understand...„ it took you all your might to not let your voice break, but he knows better. He knows deep down you're dying from his words.
And even if he feels regret, speaking and admitting them out loud is another thing. He watches as you make your way to the living room, where you snuggle under the blanket and turn the TV on. He has always been cruel, but never going to that extend. Never expressing anything about leaving.
What if he truly does ? Would it make him feel better ? But you, in all that ? Does he think about how you feel ? You endured all his words, and his sadist behavior all the time, for only little to no comforting moment. You just have to handle it. Yet you are at your breaking point.
Drowning your sorrow and pain in that stupid show. It's all you can do if you don't want your mind to make you suffocate. The night quickly arrives, and with that, the cold breeze from the open window too.
Too absorbed into forgetting your aching heart, you don't hear the footsteps making their way to close the window. “Darling,„ his tone surprisingly sweet. “Here. I wouldn't want you to freeze.„
He places a hot chocolate in front of you on the coffee table, sitting down next to you. He doesn't try to touch you in any way though, surely knowing it isn't the time for it. You stare at the gentle treat he gives you.
You hesitantly reach for the cup, feeling its warmth spreading through your hands. You see him pick the TV remote to lower the volume. He lets out a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
“... Why do you act so kind suddenly ?„ you breath out, quietly blowing on the hot chocolate before taking a sip. You can hear him gulp. Perhaps he feels remorse now..
“... I didn't meant what I said.„ it's so hard for him to admit he's wrong. It makes you giggle, and you don't hide it, which makes him have a faint blush. He clears his throat, “... Don't laugh like that. It isn't fun.„
“Yet it would've been if I were the one to apologise.„ you sigh, keeping your eyes on that sweet drink he made you. He leans over you, his head almost resting on your shoulder.
“... I promise to make an effort, but please, don't leave yet. I want you to stay. It's better with you.„ it's the first time he shows himself being vulnerable. Yet, everyone has insecurities and weak side, right ? But he doesn't want anyone to see it. You're the only exception.
“If you don't push me to leave again, then... I won't. I love you also for your harsh words, but.. Just, don't make me feel like I'm a burden.„
He presses a gentle kiss on your cheek. You hope he'll change his behavior, but you can't be sure he will. You just allow yourself to doubt. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, rubbing it in a comforting gesture.
“You can't be a burden. You make me have another purpose than just serve for justice. You make me feel alive.„
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate it without permission.
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Kelly Severide- A New Baby Pt1
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I never thought I'd get married and have kids. I just didn't think that I would ever find a man I'd consider having that kind of life with, but when Kelly Severide stepped into my life everything change. We didn't meet in the best of way. He's a fireman and I'm a police dog handler. There had been a bombing and they asked me to send my search and rescue dogs in. I fell for the guy there and then.
5 years on and we are married and have a beautiful daughter who's just turned 3 named Harper.
Today I woke up feeling off. Headache and nausea on and off. I have today off from work which is fantastic, but also my daughter is here and as much as I love her she can be an absolute nightmare
"Harper can you pick your toys up please"
"No thank you mommy" at least she's using her manners right?
"Harper. Daddy won't be happy when he comes home"
"Daddy loves me so he won't shout" Harper shrugs and she's right. She's a daddy's girl and she has him wrapped round her little finger. I'm always the bad guy and that's fine this is our dynamic, but sometimes it would be good to get a little help off him
"Right come on pick the toys up before someone hurts themselves"
"But I'm playing with them mommy"
"Harper I'm not feeling very well so please pick up your toys. I'll help, but your not getting anything else out until these toys are put away"
"Fine" Harper shouts and I rub my head as a headache begins again.
Once all the toys have been picked up I sit down on the couch and close my eyes for a moment
"Yes princess?" I open one eye to look at her
"When's dinner?"
"When daddy gets home"
"When's that?"
"Soon" I reply "I'm going to take a nap. You know the rules"
"Don't unlock the door and daddy has a key to get in. Can I play upstairs?"
"Yes, but don't run"
Before I know it I'm being woken up by Kelly's voice and touch. I open my eyes and see Kelly smiling at me
"When did you get home?" I yawn
"Just. How long have you been asleep?"
"Not long" I reply glancing at the clock "how was work today?"
"The usual, how was Harper?"
"Giving me hell"
"You made any supper?"
"No not yet" I shake my head
"I'll order us some food instead. What do you fancy?"
"To be honest Kel, I don't feel to good. Think I might be coming down with something. Just order yourself and Harper something"
"You need to eat. Even if it's just some rice or something"
"Ok" I give in to Kelly. 
Once our food has arrived we all sat down together. I take small bites of food and small sips of water
"So Harper. Have you been a good girl for mommy today?" Kelly asks. Harper lowers her head a little
"I wasn't naughty and mommy has been lazy today"
"Mommy said she isn't feeling very well so you need to be a big girl and help her"
"No buts. Now eat your food and then it's bath then bed time"
"Fine" Harper pouts and takes her time eating her tea trying to make her bedtime later.
Once the Harper is in bed me and Kelly curl up on the sofa together watching TV. I swallow feeling more and more nauseous until I can't keep it down any more and the urge to throw up over comes me. I jump off the couch and run to the downstairs bathroom, Kelly following behind me.
Once I finish throwing up Kel and I head upstairs to bed
"You feeling any better?" Kelly asks as I change into one of his shirts
"Yeah. The nauseas gone now. Im just super tired. I've had a headache all day so its probably that that's made me sick"
"Maybe your pregnant" Kelly says. I roll my eyes at him
"I'm not pregnant"
"Are you sure because we're not very carful" Kelly states and to be fair he's got a point "you've been tired all week. We said if you were to get pregnant we'd be happy"
"Of course I would be, but had my period 2 weeks ago"
"Could be 2 weeks pregnant"
"Kel I'm not pregnant" I sigh getting into bed
"This is exactly what you were like with Harper"
"If it makes you feel any better I'll take a test tomorrow"
"Ok" Kelly kisses the top of my head and then wraps his arm around my waist and we both fall asleep.
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lover-222 · 11 months
Puppy Dog Eyes (TAA)
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"babe you have to get up to get up, you got training don't you?" y/n said as she turned to face him.
"i don't feel good, i'll just call them and tell them i'm feeling sick i-" he cut himself off and sneezed two times.
trent stayed home from training today, this being due to being sick. the weather wasn't helping, it was gloomy and raining. he had came down with a cold and was not feeling his best.
she nodded and looked at the time it was 9am. y/n got use to waking up early because of trent since he would be up and getting his things ready for practice. he cuddled into her and laid his head on her chest. he was more clingy when he was was sick or feeling under the weather. she didn't mind it at all.
"i'll be back i'll make you some soup and we can cuddle all you want my love" she told him as she caressed his face.
he held on to her tighter and refused to let her go, "noo just a little bit longer please?"
how could she say no to him? she could never say no to trent. she looked at his strong arms that had held hostage, "okay just 5 more minutes" she said.
once the 5 minutes were up she gently unclasped his arms from her, trying her best to not wake him up. she succeeded, y/n went into their kitchen area and started to make him some chicken noodle soup. she cut up some vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and spinach.
she then proceeded to finish off the meal. once the soup was cooking, y/n took advantage and started to clean the kitchen, although that was until she saw trent peeking out in the corner.
"you left me alone, i was cuddling with a pillow" he said sadly.
he was wrapped around in fluffy blanket that he actually gave you for your birthday last year. he actually looked adorable.
"aw i'm so sorry baby, but look i made you food. it's almost ready. if you want you can lay down on the couch and i'll bring it to you when it's ready yeah?" she said as she hugged him.
he just nodded and plopped down on the big couch. he skipped through channels and ended up going on netflix and put on a movie.
y/n placed the food on the small table that was in front of him. she sat down next to him and gave him the bowl.
"cmon it's good for youuu" she told him.
"mmm to-tired- can't hold spoon" trent said.
she playfully rolled her eyes because she knew he could but he wanted to be babied. y/n chuckled and held up the spoon with some of the soup on it and fed him. he was too adorable it was not even funny.
"have i ever told you how cute you are" she expressed while feeding him.
"not enough as you should" he playfully said.
"you have the prettiest eyes, i love them" y/n smiled.
he blushed, "stoppp i'm vulnerable right now my body hurts".
"ooooo did i just make THE trent alexander arnold blush???" y/n said playfully with a shocked expression.
trent took the spoon from her and ate the rest of his food since he wanted her to also eat. the couple finished their food and cuddled up while watching a movie.
"i think my favorite spider-man is andrew garfield" y/n spoke as she drew shapes on his back with her pointer finger.
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"what?? nah it's all about toby maguire he's the original spider-man" he said.
"yeah but the second spider-man is a skater and he's really good looking" she chuckled.
trent looked up at her while raising an eyebrow, "liarrrr you know i'm wayyyy better looking" he said confidently.
y/n laughed and made him lay down on her again, "you know you're right just keep watching the movie".
"i'm always right my love i'm always right" he repeated.
funny thing is that he was right, she would never love another man how she loved trent. everything about him was so deeply admired by her. his arms and how they would wrap around her so effortlessly. his soft skin that she would touch all over. most importantly his beautiful brown eyes, that was actually the first thing that captivated her when she met him.
to her that was her weakness, she would melt every time he would look at her. when they first started dating she would blush a lot just by him looking at her and keeping eye contact was a bit difficult. she loved the way they shined and they looked even more beautiful when the sun would beam on his complexion.
she would always tell him how he had puppy dog eyes. ever since she told him that, whenever he wanted something or was trying to convince her he pulled out that trick. he looked at her and made the most adorable puppy dog eyes ever. she couldn't resist.
"stop doing that!!" she sighed then smiled.
"why?? please please please please" trent said then did his puppy dog eyes.
she cupped his face with her soft hands, " you know i can't say no to you when you do that, it's not fair!!"
he laughed and hugged her, "but you love it!!!"
─── ・。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── a/n: i hope y'all enjoyed this :) d
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snenbubs · 6 months
Okay so early my Dumas was chewing on a glowstick idk why I like the crunch and my brother tells me to stop before I krill myself and I looked him dead in the eyes and bit tf out of the glowstick breaking it and green chimalcs are just coming out of my mouth,and while I was trying to clean my mouth I was wondering what if mammon had an s/o who's very playful and he'll just find them throwing those little tiny ass demons in the air or just straigh has a fucking tea party with them
(I think their called underlings)
Idk why I'm requesting this I'm just very eepy and want to chew on a glowstick anyways have an amazing day
Ps funny pictures
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I do absolutely love this idea though, so here u go!! I'll do HCs but if u want me to write like, a one-shot for this just leave an ask! :D
- Mammon is very playful himself, so i think thats definitely where the attraction lies between you both! He can get so serious at times, but its always easy for him to unwind when you are there, joking about and toying and laughing with him.
- You are absolutely, completely and utterly crazy but he adores it so so much.
- When the two of you first met, he thought it was an act, much like his touchy-feely friendly jester persona. He thought that you put on this entertaining personality for those around you, and it worked, clearly, as it drew him in so intently.
- SO, when he quickly found out that it wasn't an act, was he GLAD.
- You both definitely play pranks on the other sins or royals.
- Nothing too serious, it wont get you in trouble! But, a pail of water on Asmodeus' firey head is sure to get a rumble going. Honey in the pillows of Beezlebub. Just enough to have them angrily shaking their fists as the two of you giggle and laugh amonst yourselves.
- However, though he can bounce off of your playful personality well, there are moments where you catch him off guard.
- The time he caught you eating a glowstick was utterly HORRIFIC. He wasn't sure if the chemicals could hurt you the same way they did with humans on Earth, but he was NOT taking that risk.
- Que him chasing you around like a dog with chocolate.
- His underlings both love you and fear you, because how you treat them depends on your mood;
- If your happy, your playful personality will leave them joyous and replenished, a nice addition to the stressing job of serving Mammon.
- You throw tea parties for them a lot! Mammon didn't know about this for a LONG while as you mostly did it when he wasn't around, knowing his keen nature for work.
- These tea parties however aren't the fancy kind most royals would be into. The kinds that, as Mammon's partner, you're supposed to be into. No these are more like that of a mad-hatters tea party; the table is too small for you because most butler imps and hellborns are tiny. Tea is being spilt. The food is on fire. It's just absolute chaos.
- The shock on Mammon's face when he found out these things were occuring under his manors roof was something you wish you could have taken a picture of.
- But he couldn't stay angry at you.
- On the other hand, when you're upset, those poor underlings are being THROWN.
- It's not even like an accidental, in the moment thing. You just enjoy throwing them. Mammon has even bought you a few personal underlings that are specially used for throwing. He really cares about your hobbies.
- Now then... this playful personality of yours is very helpful when it comes to flustering Mammon.
- You tease him a lot, flirtatously.
- He's all bark no bite. Great at dishing out commente that'll have you flushed but so horribly bad at taking it.
- So, just one little comment; maybe mocking his accent seductively, will have him looking away all shy and meek.
- All in all, it's your playful personality that draws Mammon toward you, he loves how easy he can get along with you and how you always know how to bring a smile to his face. Being a Royal Sin is hard but knowing that you will always be there for him is what gets him through each Hellish day.
I hope you like this!!! :D feel free to leave me more reqs i rlly like them! ur my no.1 fan forreal
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ps. that picture is both really funny and horrifically scary omg 😭
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cherrydi3tcoke · 2 months
my poem about anorexia:
my caved in chest
and chicken arms
my pencil thin legs
and all my scars
my hollowed out cheeks
the rituals begin
the bags under my sockets
the definition of my chin
the fatigue every morning
the dizzy every night
the hunger pain
and the shivers
triggering myself
ana is the boss
find a way to cope
weight loss
decreased testosterone
or the absence of your period
workout routines
food diaries
sudden death
making others worried
shortness of breath
constipation or diarrhea
cut out food groups
weigh in every day
my hair falling out
lanugo on my skin
bruises on my legs
my collarbones thin
my spine visible
my sternum is too
my bicep non-existent
daydreaming about my meals
every calorie counting
working out for hours on end
stomach flat
unable to keep a friend
a kilo or a pound
obsessed with the numbers
check each ingredient
water instead of oil
unsweetened almond milk
or a rice cake
scared to attempt to bake
blueish fingers
yellow-tinted skin
distorted self-image
feeding all my friends
counting while I eat
portioning myself
starving is my treat
and teens
memorize the macros
short and small
haunted by her curse
"have you eaten today?"
"I'm worried about you"
"Do you want some food?"
"Eat a burger"
"i am not a dog, food is not my treat"
cry yourself to sleep
"but I've seen you eat"
hours in mirrors
isolate from others
heart palpations
and restless nights
incurable thirst
intermittent fasting
binges or purges
all effects are lasting
normal on the outside
dying on the inside
questions from passersby
"just one more hour"
"just one more meal"
"i already ate"
"it's not that big of a deal"
suicidal thoughts
being underweight
scared of being healthy
scared to get too sick
feeding tubes
thinking about food
racing thoughts
using laxatives
going to the gym
going for a run
never having fun
cracked, dry skin
thin, brittle nails
weakened teeth
ruining my life
ruining my relationships
ruining my future
unable to eat a bag of chips
eating disorder speaks in my place
"just eat"
excuses for each meal
obsessed with my intake
obsessed with the math
obsessed with my weight
following this path
hoping that they notice
never tell a soul
hide it all from others
staring at my empty bowl
atypical or not
never feeling valid
covering my body
starving till I'm on my deathbed
recovery is useless
"i want to stay this way"
I'll have to fight my whole life
to keep her voice at bay
searches on the Internet
vitamin deficient
"no cal is better than low cal"
refeeding syndrome
"I'm not good enough"
"once on the lips forever on the hips"
quick ways to lose weight
calculate my BMI
freak out about what I just ate
oh how she will lie
she doesn't want you to just be a number
she wants you to die.
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yeetus-feetus · 5 months
Fic idea that's just Jason and the song I Bet on Losing Dogs.
He just wants to be loved. Needs to be loved.
He felt loved when Bruce took him in. But he quickly got jealous of anyone else who took up his attention. He gets upset when Bruce chooses women over father-son bonding time. He's Bruce's baby. Needs Bruce to call him his baby the same way his mum would.
"my baby, my baby, my baby"
And it's worse when Jason finds out the reason Bruce hadn't stayed home to look after him while he was sick was because he was out with Talia. Talia, Bruce's new obsession. Talia, the one whose case files sound like cheesy romance novels.
And it's the same feeling Jason used to get when his mother would choose his father over him. Choose the drugs over him.
Bruce is his. He doesn't want to share. Bruce is supposed to be looking after him, spending time with him.
"tell your baby that I'm your baby"
Jason, older now, feeling lost and alone. He wish someone would just stand by him despite everything. Wishes Bruce would have chosen him, just on more time.
But he doesn't. He still chooses Joker.
No one chooses him. No one chooses Jason. Not anymore. A losing dog never gets chosen.
So Jason goes out of his way to do just that.
He's there for the alley kids. For the kids with abusive parents. For the kids who can't afford food. For the kids getting mugged or tempted with drugs. For the kids sobbing in the rain after getting kicked out.
He's there for Bizzaro when no one else is. He's there for the working girl on the corner who sleeps on his apartment's stoop sometimes. He's there for the failed artist wasting away by the bottle. He's there for the guy shooting up in his bar's bathroom.
"I know they're loosing and I pay for my place by the ring"
He's there for the single mother working herself done to weak bones. He's there for the sick old lady who's family has forgotten her. He's there for the boy who's knuckles need bandaging because he punched the brick too hard.
He's there for the people no one chooses.
"I'll be there on their side, I'm losing by their side"
He's there for Tim.
Tim who can't see what he's doing to himself. Tim who does everything and anything for everyone else, and never himself. Tim who sacrifices himself for 'the mission'. Tim who throws himself at danger with a worrying amount of calm. Tim who's almost died too many times. Tim who's losing himself.
"I always want you when I'm finally fine"
Jason looks out for Tim when he doesn't have to look out for himself. When he remembers to eat he makes sure Tim is eating properly. Makes sure Tim gets patched up when he doesn't tell anybody he needs it, but Jason can see it in his eyes. Helps Tim when their patrols cross over, when he needs help but won't admit it.
Jason sits on the roof with Tim when he sees him eyeing the edge for a little too long. Doesn't say anything, just sits with him in. Just silently let's him know he's there. Let's him there's someone on his side, someone who cares.
"I wanna feel it"
He watches Tim bet on loosing dogs, and he wants Tim to bet on him, too.
He wants Tim to choose him. He wants them to lose together. Wants to hold him, wants to feel held. Wants someone who understands, someone he can trust to stay. Someone who's got his back, who will still love him, even when he's wrong. Someone who will fall apart with him.
He wants Tim to sit on the rooftop with him when he's the one eyeing the edge. He wants them to hold each other while eyeing it together.
"someone to watch me die"
"someone to watch me die"
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Could you do something with little reader and Wanda? Maybe something with reader being sick rn cause honestly I’m dying rn and that would give me comfort
Sokovian recipes
Content - sick!little!reader, dummy use, cuddles, civil war!wanda, dummy use, blankets, russian soup.
Summary - when you wake up sick your mommy does everything she can to make you feel better.
Authors note - aww I hope you get better soon and I hope this helps a little bit, google translate was used so I hope nothing is wrong just let me know and I'll change it, I hope you enjoy<3
Translations - baby = malysh, kitten = kotenok, love = lyubovʹ, princess = printsessa
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You had woken up feeling very ill.
Every bone in your body hurt not to mention your sinuses were all blocked so you could only breath through your mouth.
None of this was helped by the fact that you were feeling small, the only thing that helped was that wanda was up before you.
"Oh malysh, are you not feeling well" she asked coming over to cuddle you "mommy" you sobbed hoarsely into her shoulder. "My little kotenok mommy's here my love" she said wrapping you in a blanket and picking you up.
Walking you to the living room she placed you town in front of the television and turned netflix on and selected one of your favourite shows. Pulling down a box her and the other avengers kept for you when you were feeling small she pulled out a dummy and a bottle.
After making sure you were comfortable and had your feet covered by the blanket she placed the dummy in your mouth and knelt down to speak. "Do you want something to eat lyubovʹ?" She questioned you "yes please mama, can I have some sokovian food?" You croaked out looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Yes of course printsessa" she said chuckling and placing a kiss on your forehead "thank you" you said quietly placing your head back on the sofa cushion.
As she made her way to the kitchen she found herself thanking tony for the design of the kitten being opposite the living room this way she could keep an eye on you.
Pulling down her book of sokovian recipes she got to work.
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
After adding the last of the chopped herbs wanda put the utensils in the sink so she could wash them up later.
Pulling out a bowl and a spoon she ladeled out the soup and grabbed a spoon. After turning off the stove she made her way towards the living room.
"Here we go sweetheart" she said sitting down next to you, after gently pulling you to rest against her she took the dummy out of you mouth and kissed the side of your head.
Making sure it wasn't took hot she fed you the first spoonful chucking at your pleased hum "is that nice malysh?" "Yes thank you mommy" you said quietly "such good manners lyubovʹ" she cooed at you quietly kissing your blushing cheeks.
"Mommy loves you darling, she'll get you better."
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Taglist - @bootlegmothman420 @youngstarfishdinosaur
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