#idk i think them being brothers takes a lot of the bite out of Bruce's tomfoolery
not-another-robin · 1 year
AU where Alfred adopts the robins instead of Bruce. Everything is the same except the dynamic is significantly funnier
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draco-after-dark · 5 months
I'm honestly so curious about how JD is gonna react to Brandy. Like unless she comes to Pop village he's gonna have to be willing to travel to meet her and Bruce wouldn't let a bite risk around his kids especially since JD already bit him.
I imagine like they go to Vacay Island and JD hangs out in the woods and Bruce brings Brandy to meet him (obviously warned about the size difference prior) while the bros watch the kids (chaos potential). I feel like it would be funny if he instantaneously likes her
OOoooo I like this Idea might turn it into one of the later chapters.
This would definitely be an endgame type of situation both for the safety of JD and Bruce's family. Mans already panics around too many trolls imagine him surrounded by actual giants. it would not be a good time for ether party. He definitely would launch one of those exploding star cookies at one of them.
once their past all that it would definitely be so fucking wholesome though. Bruce would be so nervous about John freaking out and running off (something they all quickly realized was a habit of his).
Bruce would be very relived and surprised to discover that when he meets Brandy they hit it off pretty well. John is of course wary at first but Brandy just quietly sits in the nearby grass with Bruce and they just wait for him to come over on his own. She starts sharing stories of their kids (also stories about Bruce and he gets embarrassed L) Its like their having a nice picnic.
Later when they all go to the beach (the rest of the brothers/uncles were looking after the kids for them and took them all to the beach). Bruce would tell John be love for him to join them on the beach but understands that all his kids can be a lot so John just sticks hanging out near the edge of the forest away from the water.
I like to think one or two of Bruce's kids would be curious on who the lonely troll hanging back is. Bruce would explaining simple that it's actually his older brother (aka their eldest uncle) but that he's not great with people and prefers to just observer from afar. There's always that one kid that cant shake the curiously though so Bruce simple tells them they can go see him in they want but to be careful and not to be to shocked if he just bolts into the forest.
i like to think it was Cove or Bruce JR. who are the first once to approach John Dory. Both for different reason Bruce Jr. because curiosity and he is the bitter of the family so it would be very funny for the two who have both bitten him to just hit it off and start running around like absolute goblins.
Cove because as far as i know he's the one that dissed Bruce and gives me quiet sarcastic sibling vibes so i feel like he would just walk over to JD and sit in the sand. Also because i think he would do it to spite Bruce for some reason idk. Sit next to him quietly for a bit and then just start ranting about something. JD just quietly listening next to him because talking is hard (sorry bro)
I don't know much about kids but from what i know of helping with kids camps some of them just really like to talk about whatever their thinking about. (especially siblings) Kids aways appreciate just being heard so i feel like because Feral JD is already naturally quiet a few of Bruce's kids would take a liking to him quickly.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
mmm more clishes.... Idk reverse background or personality kind of au? :/
ill do you one better 1 of my favorite mutual, reverse & personality au, they’re the same age bc I have a tiny idea *shy hands*
this is uh. a really long one thay started to lag my phone too
• oh god guys I got vivid memories of ra’s being a good grandfather and I can’t get it out of my head
• i hate it ur honor
• but ok. krypton didn’t get blown up, instead, they all migrated to earth, more specifically kansas.
• the kryptonians are angry and enraged, they are treated as if they are monsters when they arrived peacefully. they tried to kill them.
• so in return, the aliens killed the humans.
• they created a secret underground. that secret underground is to help aliens or meta humans and kill humans.
• all of them hated aliens and sought to destroy them. until kal el found a reporter trying to help aliens who were injured due to an explosion the government did to take out one of their bases.
• kal el.. fell in love with her. lois lane, she is an reporter fighting for alien rights.
• he met with her. in secret. and they.. had formed a connection. an amazing one.
• and then they had a baby.
• at the alien base, but.. she was human and people did not like that. so they wiped her mind and made her believe that they never had a kid. like the last few months.. wasnt real. she had gone missing those months since the aliens didn’t want her trying to hide the baby, they made her believe the last few months was spent in a coma and kal had found her and taken her to a hospital.
• he couldn’t see her anymore. he mourned for her lost presence, but they would have killed her if she stayed.
• but now they had precious jon el. he would be the highlight of their cause.
• they noticed his powers came in faster than kal’s, so they perfected his powers.
• he was going to bring humanity down on order of his grandfather, jor el
• kal saw his son break slowly. loses that childhood innocence that kal tried to maintain.
• his sons amazing bright blue eyes dulling, loses the spark that he cherished.
• kal was going to get him out of there, try to refuge the remaining childhood he had. even if it killed him.
• damian wayne! the bright bubbly and prodigal son of bruce and talia wayne ( b & t are married, suck my— ). the press loved him, he was just.. him. he was the baby and was cute, the cutest ever
• he was an expert in martial arts due to the training his grandfather, father, mother, & so much more gave him
• ra’s owns a farm. he’s.. sorry all i get is farm ra’s vibes due to.. something:) think endgame thanos, yk?
• he was the baby robin, one that you never messed with due to the herd of heroes who would come save him
• kalel left jon with Lois, a brief note explaining the current situation
• it was weird, jon was ten and was meeting lois for the first time
“Hi, honey.. I’m lois.”
“I know.. Dad told me about you.”
“Oh.. right. What do you want for dinner?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“You have to eat.”
“No! I’m not hungry!”
• an explosive, superpower alien. Lois is way out of her head.
• he had outbursts, a lot of them. it was hard, really hard for Lois; she took some time off from the planet and focused on jon
• he broke a lot of stuff. he sometimes could not control his strength, but she was working with him
• but then one night he ran away, or flew away. he felt remorse for making Lois cry. she saw this as a win, but she lost her kid
• but then a little robin found him
“Um. Are you okay?”
“Huh-what- what do you want? Why are you talking to me?”
“Because you look sad? Yknow - hugs make people feel better. My ahki ( brother ) hugs me when I’m upset and it makes me feel better.”
“Don’t touch me.”
*Damian walked to him, smiling softly* “cmon, i won’t hurt you, silly. I’m robin.”
“A bird?”
“Haha- no, a vigilante- i sorta snuck out. My family can be a bit overbearing- and I sorta embarrassed myself at this theater thing.. some person—“
“Did I ask?”
“No.. sorry.”
“Hey— what are you doing - !”
“Hugging you.”
Jon won’t admit that he likes it, it’s different and weird, like this traffic cone in front of him. Jon pushed him off though, making himself stumble and fall on his ass.
“Don’t touch me.” With rhat, Jon flew off into the night. Damian didn’t know who this boy was. But he intended on finding out. Even if it killed him. ( maybe not that extreme, but- )
• look damian was smart, right? smarter than average, and smarter than everyone in his school. teachers included ( ha ha )
• so he had to find this boy! so he started looking into aliens. until his family put an end to it
“Damian, this is dangerous.”
“But baba ( dad )”
“No. Go to your room.”
• he did slam his door shut if you were wondering
• he will find the mysterious alien boy, okay? he will!
• his brothers teased him and said he had a crush
• no he didn’t! the boy was really mean, he pushed damian- why would he do that? whatta jerk!
• but damian did find him again when he ventured off to metropolis to visit an old friend, colin.
“Alien boy!”
“That’s not my name, bird boy.”
“And that’s not mine. You didn’t tell me yours!”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’s safer for you.”
“I can defend myself. You sound so silly, please tell me your name?”
“‘Least the first initial?”
“Fine. J.”
“J it is.”
“Wha- what? I told you my code named.”
“It’s only fair.”
“.. Okay. D.”
“D. Okay.”
• damian talked to him for a bit before jon did fly off when damian was talking about the stars, damian knew he was getting closer to him
• but he got grounded. whoops. he wasn’t supposed to go out
“Give me your phone, Damian.”
“What if I go out? I need a phone, baba.”
“I.. Your computer”
“School work.”
“What! No- but-!”
• yeah damian was very mad, but what made him madder was that apparently, his family was listening to the secret conversations between J and him. but d didn’t know that yet..
• his family needed to track down J, they didn’t care if people were aliens, the JL had aliens.. but they had no idea who this boy was, and the way damian was looking into the underground alien sanctuary, that worried rhem. Damian was smart and cunning, but he is able to portray an innocent persona, they all had the habit of undermining his intellect, so if damian began looking into this, it was for a reason
• jon found that D rambled. A lot. Even when jon didn’t respond. Jon doesn’t even know how D always found where he was. It’s so weird.
• but Lois noticed a change in jon.. he was. calmer. she didn’t know how, but when he went out, he came back calmer.
“I have to go to Gotham for a gala hosted by Bruce Wayne, would you.. like to come?”
“Do you want me to?”
“I’d like you to, but you don’t have to.”
“.. Fine.”
• lois walked to bruce with Jon in tow.
• “bruce.” “Lois, looking lovely as always.. who is this?” “Jon, my son. Say hi, Jon.” “Hi..” “He can hang around one of my sons— Damian, if you want? I’m sure him and his friends would love to have Jon around.” “What do you say Jon? Would you like that?” “Not really..” “I assume you, Damian doesn’t bite. Not anymore. And he’s pretty accepting.” “.. Fine.”
• damian was called over by his father and he did a double take. J. Was here. In front of him. Damian just internally shrugged and held a hand out, “Hi! I’m Damian! Wanna go play with my friends! there’s a game room so we don’t have to be with the gross adults.. you can also just.. sit there. My friends are pretty.. Loud?” “Okay.”
• jon had to take his hand back from damian since damian began eagerly tugging him.
“Damian seems to be accepting him pretty easily.” “I hope they can be friends, Jon.. doesn’t have any. I have only recently got him from his.. father.” “Odd, does he go to school?” “No, not yet, I’m still trying to get him adjusted.” “Ah.. Damian goes to West-Reeves. Maybe he could go there?” “That private school? Bruce.. I cannot afford that- not all of us are millionaires.” “Mhm.. I could pay.” “I can’t let you do that.” “He could get a scholarship.” “In what?” “Academics or athletics.” “Ill.. Talk to him about it. “ “well, ms lane, I just go talk with potential partners, I’ll see you later.”
• j got accepted into west reeves under a athletic thingy.
• that was cool. they became best friends!
• sorta
• flashforward 5 years to 15, their dynamic only grew. Damian told Jon his identity, jon didn’t become a hero, but did learn how to stitch damian up because tje idiot showed up bleeding a lot.
• everything was going great
On the phone, Damian: J! J! Guess what’
J: you’re so loud, D, what?
D: I got the lead! In the play!
J: no fucking way?
D: way!
J: Good j—— *crash*
D: J-?
D: J- Jonathan?
D: oh no.
• the call was ended abruptly. Jon always finished his sentences. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong.
• so damian called Lois quickly and ran downstairs to the batcave, lois wasn’t picking up either, she normally always picked up or at least sent a text. She did neither
“Damian? You should be asleep.”
“Something’s wrong! Somethings really wrong!”
“Jon and Lois- Jon- I heard a crash- and- and”
“Breathe; tell me what’s wrong.”
“I was on a call with Jon.. I told him about the play since I wanted him to go and stuff. Then I heard a crash. And then the line went dead. I’m scared— what if something happened!”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, what happened with Lois?”
“She didn’t pick up the phone— she normally does! Or she texts me and says she will call back!”
“Maybe she is asleep.”
“No! You need to believe me!”
“Damian, calm down, I do, we will go to see if they’re okay, you get back to bed.”
“No. I’m coming with.”
“No you arent.”
“Listen to your father.”
• okay fine. He’ll listen, damian went back up to his room for half an hour before calling his friends to do a rescue mission. He had an extra suit in his room, he can do this.
• with his team, it consisted of shazam, abuse, nobody, and green lantern, himself too, of course.
• captain marvel picked him up once he was ready and they met up with the other 3.
Maya: you said he’s in trouble?
Dami: Yes.
Colin: than let’s go save him!
• they went and saved the bestie, nearly got killed too
• oh and now damians sorta probably grounded when batman shows up 🤡
J:You came for me..?
D:We all did.. why are you so surprised?
J: * wraps his arms around damian * thank you
D: i- yeah.. anytime. what’re friends for?
• friends. Jon liked that. Jon also liked the way Damian’s cheeks went red when jon hugged him
• jon knew he chuckled before Damian’s arms wrapped around him. hard. Damian was a hard hugger
• jon became a superhero at 16. Damian had even more of a reason to sneak into his window every night now! Lois had began thinking the two were dating
D: Us? Dating? Please! He is way too good for me!
L: awwww, gosh, how haven’t you been swept off your feet yet?
J: he has, but he has rejected them all
D: what can I say? I’m a gay theater kid ( this is a /j i promise a big big joke ) so they gotta be dramatic enough to put up with me, AND they need to do something big and bold to actually catch my eye
L: *laughs* take notes, jon
J: mom!
• jon has gone to a few of Damian’s plays and to dress rehearsals
• he was also there to watch damian wreck a car during his drivers test
D: there was a fricking squirrel there, J!
J: are you sure? maybe you’re just a shitty driver?
D: you’re a shitty driver!
J: cmon don’t pout
D: ‘m not!
• he was pouting. oopsie. jon did get him ice cream after
• jon goes by abnormal, because he’s an alien and because I don’t have any other ideas
J: this girl asked me out
M: oh? who! tell us!
D: ..what?
J: yeah, in my physics class
T: ooh! get it, jonno
M: give us a name, coward!
J: her name is Charlotte— but she goes by charlie. she’s.. different. red head. pretty freckles—
M: pretty freckles? does Jonny have a crush?! Oh my gosh, our sons growing up, Tai!
T: im about to start sobbing
J: fuck offff— D?
D: huh?
J: you’re being quiet, you plotting??
D: uh. yeah! duh- *he nudged jons shoulder with his, forcing a grin* figuring out ways to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.
J: sucha brat- * jon ended up putting Damian into a playfully chokehold *
• damian just played along. he just smiled and watched as jon began walking with her instead of their friend group
M: hey- kid- you alright?
D: I’m onto a year younger than you Maya.
M: tou didn’t answer the question
D: I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? You’re silly.
• tai ended up pulling him aside
T: when are you going to tell him?
D: how am I supposed to when he basically has a girlfriend now?
T: are you just gonna sit there and pine all day??
D: yes, thank you for understanding
• he’s a stubborn little shit and will absolutely not confess, his best friend is happy, who is he to ruin that?
T: he’s totally jealous.
J: so- do you- do you think it’ll work? That he’ll be surprised?
T: totally
J: thank you for lending me your girlfriend, Maya
M: anytime- not literally- you aren’t having her again
• this was all a trick, sorry, d.. jon does like you
• ( hope you all saw that foreshadowing earlier :) )
• damian needed big and dramatic. jon was gonna do that. even if he was uh. sorta aloof and shy.
• he learned how to sing and play the guitar for Damian. maya and tai were gonna scatter flower petals onto the floor for Damian to follow ( they will tell him too too )
• the whole school will probably watch as Damian finally gets a big dramatic proposal
• damian will love it
M: just follow the petals!
D: I’m confused
M: trust us
• damian did and followed the petals and low and behold, jon kent with a guitar and small smile
D: j-jon?
J: hey. I wrote you a song
D: no you didn’t
J: shut up and listen dumbass
*after that amazing song of how Jon asked damian out to homecoming*
D: that was amazing
J: dramatic enough for you?
D: YES! ( damian went and sprinted to jon, hugging him so tightly before leaning in to kiss him ) we are boyfriends now right
J: yeah, idiot
D: ur the idiot
• I can’t add anymore because myphones really laggy, I hope you enjot
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heleizition · 4 years
Hello, can I please get some steph or cass or duke headcanons because all the others' backstories have been kind of covered? It's totally fine if you don't wanna, just wanted to say I love your au :) have a good day!!!
IM SORRY AA im not really sure how to integrate duke yet into the family (like he’s here and Adopted and hs parents are alive and Not Ok i think but idk HOW yk ????) and cass’s backstory doesnt change much, she just doesnt keep on Fighting,,, steph is a bit more complicated i think ? ill get into it at some point i swear ;_; !!!!!! but here are a few shifter au hc on duke, steph and cass !!!!
• steph is the one who taught tim how to skateboard !!!! and also rollers, later
• steph : id sell bruce for two cornflakes
also steph : bruce maybe ur not my dad but ur also kind of the only father figure i have rn and i rly need to be told im doing good and to get a hug but ur annoying and i dont like u but ur also kind of my dad anyway give me a fucking hug or ill bite u • cass sometimes goes out shifted into a bat to follow bruce bc a) she wants to make sure her dad is fine b) its fucking funny that the batman is followed by a bat dont u think • duke has his light powers and they’re slowly developping and he’s getting help from the league and sometimes everything is too much and he gets big headaches,,,, there is always a sibling to cuddle with to make the pain Go tho
• STEPH BECOMES A VETERINARIAN which also takes care of shifters when shifted btw
• duke gets his shifting from his dad who was also a komodo dragon
• duke is pretty close to jason they are book nerds together, but they also have widely different opinions on books which ends up with loud book debates at 2 in the morning (dont ask me about those specific opinions i havent read a book in my life thanks)
• cass is mostly verbal after two to three years after being adopted, but they all learned sign language for her. she uses it with tim and jason the most bc the three of them have non verbal days.
• steph’s favorite cuddle buddy is dick (as coyote steph and panther dick)
• cass isn’t sure what she wants to do yet but she got into a lot of different activities. one of her favorite is scuba diving.
• im still not sure what duke will do in the future sobs he’s still confused bc he got a Lot on his mind between his parents and his meta abilities and his shifting that gets to be a bit of a pain in the winter bc winter takes up a lot of energy for him
• cass is the second best at finding tim when he’s hiding (second only to selina who is also Cat and she may or may have not mom instinct when it comes to tim)
• one of cass’s favorite place to doze off is shifted, into an apron’s pocket, while jay or alfred cook. it smell nice and they both either sing or talk to her or hum,, its nice
• steph’s mom isnt a shifter ! it comes from arthur brown sadly >:( sometimes it makes steph upset 
• steph’s mom loves when steph is shifted and worked out muscles to be able to carry her coyote daughter and thats so very nice
• duke voice hey u think u could be pal with killer croc ???? we are scally buddies idk man
dick voice duke . duke no . duke .
• duke is the best imposter in among us
• duke blushed everytime dick, cass, jay and tim have called him little brother or an equivalent for the first few months  after hes been adopted.
• damian always goes to cass when he’s angry or needs to let off some steam bc they have both been Trained to kill and can handle each other
mmmm thats all my brain can muster rn i simply Love Them
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a-walk-in-silence · 4 years
The Final Coffee... For Now
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: The battle is over, and life is starting to pick up the pieces. You have one final mission complete, and there's only one person you can imagine having by your side during the mission.
Warnings: Crying, mentions of injuries, mentions of death, life crisis, there's probably a curse word or two knowing me, lewd comments
A/N: AT LAST, THE FINAL SEQUEL! This has been a wild ride and, honestly, I have been enjoying it so much! As always, I hope you enjoy! Btw if I do any followup stories, I will 100% be tagging the taglist I have, but none of the followups are intended to be a continuation, just a "fill-in-the-blanks" of sorts. Idk but I have ideas and if anybody ever requests anything I will for sure post it
Previous Part | Masterlist
You woke up in a hospital bed, a hunched over Steve sitting in the chair by your bedside table. Your eyes skipped over him and saw three figures all squished together on the couch, reading one of Morgan's favorite books. Your back was in pain, so you shifted. But the sound alerted everyone in the room, and suddenly you were surrounded.
A bundle of energy flew into bed with you, her arms wrapping around you. "Mom, you're okay," Penny said, her voice shaking. Your hand slowly brushed against her head, trying to calm down her tears while fighting to stay awake. "When Uncle Tony said you were hurt, I was so scared."
"I'm okay, don't worry. Just some bruising, maybe some nerve damage. Nothing serious." You smiled at Tony and Steve as they both managed to wrangle in a scared Morgan. "Hey, Morgoona. It's okay, I don't bite."
She looked up at you with those big saucer eyes. She was scared but she still made it the few steps towards your bed. "Auntie Y/N?"
You nodded, smiling at her. "Auntie Y/N. This is like the time your daddy ended up in the hospital because he burned his hand. Nothing serious. Just needed a little rest."
After a few more timid steps, she reached up, trying to climb onto the bed. Tony helped her get up, and she crawled the rest of the way to join you. "Daddy said you were really hurt."
"Well your daddy lied. Not surprising given how much he overreacts." Tony rolled his eyes at your remark, but you continued. "I just overworked myself. I had a really full day of running around, fighting bad guys. But it was worth it in the end. Everyone made it back. Including…" Your eyes flicked over to Penny. "Your dad. What happened when he called?"
She bit her lip before curling further into your side. "He wanted to know what happened to me. To him. Uncle Happy explained it briefly, and I told him about you taking me in. He then said he wanted to come see me, take me back to New York City and get to know me again."
Your heart broke in your chest. Of course Bobby would want to have Penny back in his life. For some reason, the thought hadn't even crossed your mind. It was stupid to assume you would have her forever. But it didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.
"Well of course, sweetie. Your dad missed so much of your life, I can imagine he doesn't want to miss anymore." You put on a brave face for her, but you knew that Tony and Steve saw straight through it. "And I know you miss him with all of your heart. I'll still be around, and visit you all the time. But your dad needs you, and you need him." You kissed the top of her head, unable to look up at Steve and Tony. You knew that they had sad looks on their faces, and you couldn't bear to see them. You knew you would cry. You couldn't cry.
"But… I don't want to leave you, or Morgan, Aunt Pepper, and Uncle Tony. You… you're my family." You could hear the tears in her voice, and it brought you that much closer to crying. "I don't want to lose you."
You rested your cheek against the top of her head. "You'll never lose me, Penny. We can visit you all the time. And we will. You're part of this family, and you're stuck with us whether you like it or not." You gave her one final squeeze before leaning back to look her in the eyes. "Can you two go find Pepper? I need a moment to talk to Tony and Steve, alone."
The two girls nodded before clambering out of bed, with Tony helping Morgan down. They left the room, waving goodbye.
And then waterworks started. Everything that happened just hit you like a truck in that moment. All of the repressed emotions, all of the tears, they all just came swelling to the top like a tsunami. And they just wouldn't stop.
Losing Bucky, finding out about your mother and your weird ass powers, seeing Peggy and Daniel again, losing Nat and getting her back, and now losing Penny… it all was hitting you in the chest over and over and over again. Your heart was breaking into smaller and smaller parts as it all caught up in your mind. Each moment, each memory, kept replaying over and over again, becoming an ongoing film reel that didn't seem to have an end.
Steve and Tony just watched as you fell apart right in front of them. They knew that rock bottom was going to hit at some point, and Penny was the feather that tipped the scale. Up and down, left and right, nothing made sense anymore. Your life had always been filled with everything, so why did you feel like you had lost it all?
You finally managed to stop crying after about an hour. The boys had left the room at some point to find coffee, and had returned, patiently waiting for you to be the first one to talk. And it took you awhile. You couldn't make sense of your own brain. But you finally managed to calm down enough to talk to them.
"I feel alone, and cold." It was the first thing to leave your lips before you just word vomited over them about everything. And you meant everything. Your entire life, childhood, being in S.H.I.E.L.D., meeting Steve and everything that ever happened. It all just came out in a pure mess of chaos as you tried to make sense of it all. And they listened to the entire thing, never speaking up or trying to talk over you. Even in moments where you would fall silent, they were silent, too. And you were so thankful that they let you get it all out before finally deciding to talk. They had even gotten you a coffee, which probably didn't help with the word vomit.
Nonetheless, you finished talking eventually. And only a few seconds of silence went between you finishing your rant and Tony talking.
"Well what are you going to do?" he asked, standing up from the couch and stretching.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion at his statement. "What do you mean?"
"He means, what are you going to do," Steve piped up. "It's your life. Right now the decisions are in your hand."
"Are you going to retire somewhere, be a miserable old spinstress and mourn the days of yonder?" Tony pouted at that decision. "Turn your pain into art? Turn art into pain? Or are you going to do something else?"
Steve stood up, wrapping an arm around Tony's shoulder. "We're here no matter what, of course. We always will be. But we can't be here for you if we don't know what the next step is."
You looked down at your hands. There wasn't much that you wanted that you could actually have, anymore. Still, you told them. "I want my family. I want my mom, Aunt Peggy, Uncle Daniel… I want Bucky and Penny and little Morgoona. I want my brother and the love of my life to always be there. But I can't have a lot of that. I can't have my mom, Peggy, Daniel, or Bucky. They're gone."
They both came and sat on opposite sides of the bed, both looking at you with nothing but love. "Then how do we fix that? I mean, we had a couple ideas-"
"Not we. You." Tony pointed at Steve, shaking his head. "As annoying and arrogant as you are, you can still make her happy without even trying."
"Don't sell yourself short, Tony. Afterall, you are her brother, practically." Steve looked back at you before smiling. "I do have some ideas. They're not much in the grand scheme of things, but I think you need a proper goodbye. I talked to Hank and he said he would help create enough PYM Particles for this, but I need your help in return."
"What kind of help are we talking about?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at Steve. You knew he would never put you in danger. If anything, you put yourself in danger.
He patted you on the leg, a small smirk sitting on his pretty face. "All I'm asking is that you help me return the stones to their proper homes, and we can work from there."
You agreed and, a week later, the two of you were standing on the rebuilt Quantum Tunnel in the middle of the forest. Bruce and Tony were currently watching the computer, double checking to make sure everything was okay. Tony gave you a cheeky smile before looking at Steve who was casually chatting with Bucky and Sam.
"You know this isn't goodbye, right?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "Come on, Stevie, we have some stones to return and messes to clean up."
"One minute," he said before looking over at Sam. There was a moment that passed between the two before Steve handed him the shield. "You know, I can't think of anyone better to carry the shield than you. How does it feel?"
Sam held the shield in his arms, almost uncertain. "Like it belongs to someone else." He gave Steve a forced smile before he looped his arms through the straps on the back. "So what gives, Rogers? Hanging up the cape already?"
Steve chuckled before looking over at you. "Nah, figured I would try some of that life Tony always talks about. Maybe one day I'll get up and kick some ass, but not as Captain America." He looked back at Sam, giving him a salute. "Captain."
You smiled softly at the scene playing out in front of you. Steve's promise to try and just have a domestic life with you was heartwarming, even if there was the implication that retirement would never truly be retirement. Then again, could you ever truly give it up either? Sure, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you weren't necessarily a field agent, and when it fell you were a silent observer to everything else. But now you had a taste for it.
But domestic life with Steve would be nice. You just weren't sure you'd be able to be as domestic as him. Especially when you had some new kind of powers that you needed to figure out. Maybe Wanda could help. But you knew the two of you would figure it out.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn you saw Tony roll his eyes at Steve, but you knew he was just being an ass just because he could be. You knew a part of him was happy for you and Steve, even if there would always be something about Steve that rubbed him the wrong way. They truly were a cat and dog, forced to get along through their human owner. And you really weren't sure if you were the human in this equation or the goldfish sitting on the kitchen counter. Either way, you were stuck in between them and you loved them with all of your heart.
"You done, Icicle?" Tony said, finally speaking up. "Not to cause any stress or anything. We can always not return the stones, doom those other timelines to be defenseless. Really, don't mind, but it would be quite rude, don't you think?"
Now it was Steve's turn to roll his eyes. "I'm going, relax, Tony." He joined you on the platform, giving your shoulder a small nudge with his own. "See you in a minute."
"We're going to the same place!" You have a playful shove before shaking your head. "Tony, human Bucky, Sam, Bruce… I'll actually see you in a minute."
Steve picked up Mjölnir, that had been sitting by your feet, before you two travelled back in time.
Returning most of the stones was relatively easy. 2013 Thor was, of course, confused as to why Steve was there, why he had the Aether in stone form, and why in the HELL was he carrying his hammer? But before he could ask any further questions, you were gone, returning the rest of the stones to their proper timelines.
The one stone that was probably the most awkward to return was the soul stone… primarily because the guardian of the stone was an old nazi general that Steve had known in WWII. Red Skull. It took everything in your power to keep Steve from punching him in the face.
"I know we punch nazis in the face, but right now, we have other things to worry about." You grabbed his hand, tugging him away from Red Skull. "If anything, we can find him in the future and kick his ass there." It took a lot of convincing but he finally agreed. You took the soul stone and gave it to Red Skull.
But once the last of the stones were returned, Steve grabbed your hand and started to fiddle with the GPS that was on your wrist. You raised an eyebrow, knowing he wouldn't tell you where you were going. Still, you couldn't help but be curious, trying to catch a glimpse of the date being input onto the device. As if he knew what you were doing, he leaned your wrist away from your prying eyes. You pouted but let him continue on.
When the two of you ended up back in the past, you weren't really sure where you were. You looked around, confused. "Where did we end up?" you asked as you glanced around.
Steve put an arm around your shoulder and turned you around, and then it hit you. Oh. Oh. This was your childhood home.
"Come on, someone's waiting inside for you." He didn't give you time to react before he was leading you into the house. It was oddly quiet. If you had to guess, Peggy and Daniel were likely at work, so why were you here?
Your footsteps were silent as the two of you made your way over to what you remembered being your old bedroom. But there were no signs that you were even living here. No screaming. No crying. No nannies looking tired. So this was clearly pre-you. But what was the date?
Yeah, okay, you could look at the GPS on your wrist, but what was the fun in that? Plus, Steve would probably stop you from doing so.
It wasn't until you heard crying just down the hall that you had an idea. The two of you went to the door, pushing it open, and inside was a very sickly you. Only she wasn't you. It was definitely your mother. And in a crib, snoozing away, was a baby.
So that meant the baby was you.
Your heart started to beat a little faster as he walked over to the bed. Your mom looked up and a small smile sat on her face even though she had just been crying. "My Y/N…" Her voice was so quiet as you sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand in your own. "You're so big… but just as big as I remember."
You smiled at her, giving her hand a squeeze. "And you've barely aged a day." You glanced back towards Steve to find that he had left, closing the door after him. You sighed before looking back at her. You knew you wanted to tell her everything, but you knew overwhelming her would make matters worse. Besides, at the end of the day, you needed this goodbye.
"I've been waiting for you. My glowing angel." She reached for a worn book, sitting on her nightstand. She handed it to you, a soft smile on her face. "This is for you." You smiled warmly at her. "How have you been?"
"Been okay, saved the world. Nothing major." You loved the smile that shone on her face. "Made sure that the world was safe enough for people like you. For the future generation."
Her eyes slowly fluttered shut, and your heart stopped in your chest. But she was still breathing. You had to hold onto that hope. "I'm dying, aren't I?" Her voice was quiet, shaking with fear. She managed to open her eyes just enough to gauge the broken expression on your face. She coughed before her head lolled to the side, staring at the crib. "Did you at least have a good childhood?"
"The best," you responded. "Peggy and Daniel took me in, raised me to be the person I am today. I fell in love and found the best family in the entire world. You would love them."
"Is that so?" Her voice was slowly becoming rougher as she kept talking. "Tell me about them."
You laughed before scooting closer to her. "There are so many of them. But I'll try and cover them all." You spent the next 10 minutes telling her about everyone. From Tony to Steve, Peter P. to Peter Q., there were so many names to cover. But she listened, only laughing every once in awhile when you mentioned a funny story.
She eventually fell asleep, so you got up and kissed her on the forehead. "Bye, mom. I hope you move on peacefully."
You left her room and saw Steve just chilling on one of the hallway couches, looking out over the estate. "You know, this is bigger than I expected Peg's house to be," he said before smiling at you. "I'm guessing Howard had a hand in this?"
"Howard and S.H.I.E.L.D., yeah." You sat down next to him, giving him a smile. "Thank you for this. I needed it." You glanced at the journal in your hands. "She wanted me to have this. I'll have to read it later."
"Explains why Peg and Daniel could never find it. Any way, we still have two more places to go." He looked down at your fidgeting hands before reaching out to take them. "You ready to get going? They should be home soon."
"Yeah. I think so."
The next place the two of you ended up was on the side of a busy highway, and you instantly recognized it. "We're in New York. What's here?" But then you spotted it: an open box sitting on the side of the road, beat up beyond belief. And you were going over to the box without a second's thought, looking inside. Sure enough, inside was a tiny black and white kitten curled up in a tight ball. "Bucky…"
"I figured you would want to get to say goodbye. He has always been by your side, so why not go back to that first moment?" Steve kneeled beside you, looking at the kitten with adoration. "It's still hard to think that he's gone."
You nodded, fighting tears from overspilling. Your hands were shaking as you reached down to give him a few small pets. "How long do we have before we need to go? How long until I drive by?"
"Few minutes," he responded, giving the kitten a tiny scratch under the chin. "And then we really need to leave to keep the timelines okay."
You couldn't look away from him, remembering the first day you brought him home. How sick he had been. But then he got better, so lively. Bucky had been your best friend when Steve was away. He was your rock.
You gave him another pet, which caused him to meow. You laughed before wiping away a tear. "You'll be the best cat ever, Bucky. You'll touch so many hearts in your lifetime. Love you, buddy. Couldn't have asked for anyone better, ya know?" You finally looked away from him to glance up at Steve. "Do you want to say anything?"
He seemed to ponder it for a moment before finally thinking of something. "Even when I couldn't always be there, I knew I could trust you to be there for Y/N. You'll be kind and lazy, and probably have your fair share of a coffee addiction as your mom. But you'll keep her happy when I fail. So you better be ready, because you have some big shoes to fill, soldier."
You smiled softly at his response before you reached across the box to grab his hand. "I love you. I'll probably thank you every five minutes during this but I mean it. Thank you. Where are we off to next?"
"Well, this next stop is very top secret. Only you and I can know about this one. Not even Tony. He'll obviously see where we went on the computer, but he can't know what we see." Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion but you didn't ask any questions. Rather, you let him input the times and locations into the device and made the time jump alongside him.
The final site was familiar, although you were standing fairly far away and in the tree lines. You were at Tony's lakeside cabin, though why you were there was definitely beyond you. In the distance, you could see several of the Avengers as they milled around and celebrated. But there were also some new faces that you just couldn't recognize. Who were these new heroes? Or, rather, new people?
Nat was sitting among them, but she looked a bit older. As you looked around, you noticed the running theme. No, it wasn't by dozens of years or anything, but just enough for it to definitely be noticeable. Like Peter. He had definitely lost a good portion of his baby fat, and he had an arm casually thrown around the waist of a dark-haired girl who was chatting with Shuri, T'Challa's sister. And Thor had definitely lost a good majority of the weight he had gained post-snap.
You were going to ask what was going on when a car pulled up, and a very grown up Penny walked out of the car with her dad, Bobby. She was a blossoming young adult, and just as beautiful as she had been when she hugged you and said goodbye.
And then Tony walked out of the house. He made some grand speech that you could only hear snippets of. Even when all of the partygoers were quiet, you were just too far away to notice. A pair of arms wrapped around you from behind as you watched the scene unfolding down by the lake. Everyone started to clap as suddenly you and Steve walked out of the house, each of you holding a small bundle of fabric cradled in your arms. It really didn't take a rocket scientist to know what those bundles were.
You placed a hand over your mouth to keep from crying out as happy tears sprung from your eyes. Your future self was surrounded by love and family, and filled with so much joy and happiness. No, you weren't sure how far into the future this was, but it definitely warmed your heart to see the pure bliss that you radiated when surrounded by loved ones.
"I know their names, you know," Steve said, lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. "I mean, I can guess. Blue and pink, boy and girl. Do you want to know?"
You shook your head, smiling at the scene in front of you. "I want to be surprised." You knew your mind was already guessing about a thousand names for those two twins, but you knew deep down that it didn't matter. A part of you knew their names, too. But why say it out loud when you can hold onto it for a little while longer?
Steve's lips found their way to your neck, gently peppering it was soft kisses. "I have another surprise, but it's not another trip to another point in time." His arms unwound from around you, causing you to turn around. The site in front of your eyes was heart stopping as you took it in. Steve, down on one knee, a ring in his hand.
"Steve." Your voice was breathless as your heart pounded in your chest. There were so many thoughts swirling around in your head, and so much you wanted to say, but then he started talking.
"I've wanted to ask you this ever since I first kissed you, ya know. Something about how well we worked together just told me this was the one. You're headstrong and stubborn, almost as bad as me. Yet you still ground me, and I ground you. When I lost you, I didn't know how to pick up the pieces. You were my everything, and this ring has been burning a hole in my pocket for about 7 years." A part of you was almost surprised to hear that he had held onto a ring this long, especially when you left him. You really felt like an ass, and it clearly showed on your face. "It's not your fault. I was the asshole, remember?" He gave you a cheeky grin before returning to the speech. "I've spent so much time away from you that I know I don't want to spend another second without you in my arms. So, Y/N L/N, I'm down on one knee, asking you to make me the happiest 105 year old in existence by marrying me."
"Jesus Christ, you're old." You laughed before kneeling down right in front of him. "You're older than sin, Stevie. Really, what is everyone going to say at the wedding? Clearly you're just some older celebrity in love with women half his age." You enjoyed watching the huge smile spread across his face as you took the ring from his hand, putting it on your finger. "You know, this is beautiful. But I half expected you to propose by giving me a cup of coffee. This is a bit of a let down, truly."
Steve finally broke, laughing. "Is this your way of saying yes?"
You rolled your eyes before pushing him to the ground, laying down next to him. "Of course it is. But did you expect anything less?" You turned your head to look at him, watching as he rolled onto his side to look at you.
"I love you. So much."
"Well I love you so much." You rolled over to meet him halfway. "When do we have to go back home? I imagine Tony and Bruce are probably waiting. Plus you have a new Captain to give all of the responsibilities of owning America's Ass to." He rolled his eyes and you smiled. "And we have a pair of kids to meet in the future. Can't be late for that, now can we?"
"No, I suppose we can't." He leaned over to you and pressed his lips against yours in a soft, sweet kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it held so much in it. A promise for a better tomorrow, surrounded by loved ones and family. Your family. And you were ready for it. It would be a long journey but you had all of the right people by your side. Tony, Steve, and, most importantly, a functioning coffee machine.
--5 And A Half Years Later--
You looked out into the forest, a small smile perched on your lips as you caught a glimpse of yourself and Steve from a few years ago. The day he proposed. And the day that the two of you threw a big party for all of your friends to introduce them to the two week old twins.
Tony took your son from his hands, showing him off to a ten-year-old Morgan so she could meet one of her new cousins. And your daughter?
Well, she had been with Steve, but Steve was walking towards you and he definitely didn't have her.
"Where's 'Nora?" you asked as he came to a stop a few feet in front of you. "Last I checked, you had her."
"Her Aunt Nat wanted to get to cuddle her and be bitter that she was named after your mom and Peggy and not her." He rolled his eyes playfully before looking around. "And Danny?"
"His Uncle Tony. Morgoona wanted to get to hold him and Tony said he would take him off our hands for a few minutes." Steve's arm wound around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. You once again glanced at the forest, catching a glimpse of the two of you before you disappeared. "Well they're in for a fun night."
"Y/N," Steve said, sounding almost exasperated. But he then laughed, kissing the top of your head. "You'll be the death of me. Come on, let's go find the kids. I'm sure they've passed hands since we last saw them."
The first of the kids that you found was Danny, being held by Human Bucky.
Okay, fine, Uncle Bucky. Whatever. You knew that was his name now but you were just so used to calling him Human Bucky.
"So I see Bucky has found Bucky," you teased before sitting on the edge of the table in front of him. "How's your second namesake doing?"
"He's good," Bucky said, eyes never leaving little Danny. "Bucky Daniel. You really had to name another one after me, didn't you, Steve?"
Steve chuckled, sitting down next to his best friend. "Nonsense, he's named after the cat. The cat was much more enjoyable company."
Bucky rolled his eyes, a smirk sitting on his face. "Yeah well he's got your dumb face, Rogers, so who's the real loser here?" He gently booped your son's nose, causing him to squirm a little. But he quickly settled, enjoying the cool of Bucky's metal arm in the hot air.
And then Nat came over with Nora in her arms, a pout on her face. "Steve, Clint said I can't teach her how to fight when she's old enough. It's rude, really. A girl's first birthday present should always be a knife."
"Nat, no knives," Steve chided, but you quipped in.
"I don't see a problem with the knife. It was one of the first presents Aunt Peggy gave me when I was a kid." You shrugged casually, earning a small glare from Steve. "Hey, it's not my fault that Peg taught me right. As much shit as I give her sometimes, I know that she wanted me to be able to fend for myself."
"I'm with the chicks," Bucky added, leaning against the table as he looked up from Danny who was still cuddled into his arms. "So it seems the final vote is 3 to 2. I guess Daddy Steve and Uncle Clint are in the minority. Guess we're gifting these two their own little sets of matching knives on their first birthday."
Steve absolutely was done with all three of you at this point. He looked around, trying to find out who would help him, but he quickly realized that a lot of the people here would easily pick yours and Nat's side. If not for ideologies, then fear. The final shapedown of this fight would leave him severely in the minority. "Can we at least wait until they're old enough to use a knife without hurting themselves."
The three of you shared a look, seeming to have a silent conversation. The three of you reached a unanimous decision, nodding in unison.
"So five?" Nat asked.
"Five seems good to me," you added, taking your daughter from her outstretched arms. "Don't you agree, little Nora?" She cooed, stretching out her arms as she settled into your arms. "I think she agrees. Human Bucky?"
"Uncle Bucky," he corrected, handing Danny over to Steve. "And I think it sounds like a good idea. Our future little Avengers. Maybe they'll get some of their parents powers."
You groaned, leaning back a little as you studied Lenora's face. "God, I hope not. I don't need them opening up portals or lifting cars with ease. I think I'd actually lose it if that happened."
The group was filled with laughter. But then a voice rose up above the laughter, silencing you.
"Umm… I just want to start this out by apologizing," Peter Parker said as he came to stand on top of Tony's table. "So, I'm sorry. But, um… I sent the Younglings to take care of a small HYDRA dispute in Michigan and I thought they could handle it but it's gotten bigger. Kamala just sent a S.O.S. to me and they really need help."
You looked over at Steve as chaos definitely broke out around you. Avengers were rushing around to get their suits and stuff in order, and you definitely weren't going to sit this out. "You gonna be okay?"
"I got Nora and Danny," he said, looking over his shoulder. You followed his gaze and saw Penny and Bobby. "Besides, I'll have them, as well as Morgan. We'll be fine."
You leaned over and kissed his cheek before climbing off of the table and walking over to Penny and Bobby. "How're you two doing?"
Penny smiled, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. "Doing alright, mom. Been thinking about what I'll do after high school." She looked at Nora, who was in your arms. "Do you want me to look after her while you're gone?"
"Her and Bucky… and also Steve. Can't trust him all on his lonesome." You smiled at her before shifting Lenora into her arms. You adjusted her hold until the baby was snuggly cuddled into her arms. "Shouldn't be more than 20 minutes. Until then, she's gonna need her big sister to keep an eye out for her."
"You got it."
With that, you ran over to Tony, who was holding your nano tech gloves. "If you don't hurry, they're going to leave without us."
"Oh shut up." You rolled your eyes before putting them on and activating the nano suit to encompass your body. "Suit up, Stark. We've got some younglings to save."
The two of you took off into the sky, followed by a couple quinjets and other flying suits and tech. Even Carol had made the trip back to Earth for the party, so she was now joining in on the fight.
You gave one final glance over your shoulder at Steve as he was surrounded by several kids and Bobby. You knew he would be kept occupied, with no missing the fight. Maybe in a few years, he'd join you, but he was happy with the domestic life. You both were happy.
And that's all that mattered…
Except you totally left the coffee machine on again.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., tell Steve I left the coffee pot on and that he should probably make sure everything is okay," you said.
"Okay. Activating Tell The Husband That You're A Forgetful Fiend and Want To Burn The House Down," she said, and you instantly turned to look at Tony who was flying beside you.
"Did you really rename the protocols on my suit? Really?"
You could hear the laugh in his voice. "Revenge for the Battle of 2023."
You were nearly floored, and almost fell out of the sky from shock. But you regained your balance, casting a glance over at him. "This has been 5 years in the making? Seriously?"
"What can I say, I'm in it for the long haul."
You shook your head, a smile on your lips. Then you spotted Sam, flying a little bit ahead of the two of you. "Hey Cap!" you called as you started to gain ground on him.
He briefly looked behind to see you coming up on his left. "Rogers, if you say it, I swear we are turning this whole mission around," he warned, but it was too late as you were soaring past him.
"On your left!"
He groaned, shaking his head. "You and your husband are equally as annoying."
You laughed before falling back to fly alongside Sam and Tony. This was your family. The quinjets full of heroes. The flying heroes that were soaring alongside. The people stuck at home, unable or unwilling to fight. All of them were yours. Very dysfunctional. But it was all yours.
Yep. All yours.
@thedaydreamingwriter @hollandroos @tomhollandd @and-drew-101 @cxptain-capsicle @jinthusiastsss @janieavalos @ilovesupersoldiers @laic2299 @artaxerxesthegreat @luckyvee @littledaph
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
Jason Todd
I have no regrets
1. I would have Willis Todd not die. he’s out of Jason’s life, and for all Jason knows he IS dead, but no. he’s alive and well (as much as he can be, anyway) and when he hears that Bruce Wayne is trying to adopt Jason Todd? well. obviously he’s going to go and fight for the little asshole, or rather, pretend to want him or whatever other tactic he can employ to get as much money as possible from Bruce. and Jason, a Babey, is obviously going to be stuck in this horrible place between a dad who is his Dad even if he isn’t a particularly good one, and a dad who is Good and nice to him and is about to let him be Robin. but like Willis is actually his dad?? and Jason does have like at least one good or okay memory of him so it’s just a Lot to try and pick one. but then he doesn’t even need to! because Willis gets what he wants (aka Not Jason) and fucks off! and Jason is left with the not-incorrect impression that he’s unwanted :) and well if his real dad doesn’t want him then why on earth would Bruce Wayne want him? he wouldn’t. there’s just no way.
2. babey Jason has to get surgery for the first time. I assume it’s bc of something from his childhood, like a broken bone or some tooth issue, idk, but the point is it’s the First Time Ever. and Jason tries to not be scared….and then he tries to pretend he’s not scared. Bruce keeps saying that it’s routine and he’ll be waiting just outside and will come in as soon as he can, and Jason will be totally okay, but Jason just. surgery has always felt like something he would literally never be able to go thru even if he wanted to, which he does not. surgery is for rich people, and anyway he’s been living w the issue for so long he’s used to it, and thus this surgery is totally unnecessary and we should go home, B. I think part of what scares him so bad is that he’ll be alone, unconscious, with strangers?? and also he’s going to be DRUGGED? and Jason knows all about drugs and how bad they are and he wants not a thing to do with them, even if Alfred says he can’t get addicted to this kind of drug. just the kind that comes after, but Alfred doesn’t say that. 
3. I would torment Jason with nightmares and paranoia that make him think he’ll end up like how he does in @lurkinglurkerwholurks ‘s Worst BatFam Headcanon of All Time (where he becomes the Joker) :) can u imagine having vivid, constant nightmares of drowning in a lurid green pool, of hearing yourself laugh and clarity comes upon u like ice down your spine, and you’re suddenly SURE, you are POSITIVE that you are the one person you hate most in this world. so u go and find someone or something that can prove you wrong, please let it prove you wrong, but no. u look in the mirror and see your killer’s face. u find your brother and he’s either terrified of you or tries to kill you. and when you wake up, there’s no relief, because didn’t you take on his persona? don’t you laugh at pain so you won’t cry? who’s to say you won’t end up like him??? :)
4. Jason becomes a dad. and he goes to every length he can to keep his baby safe. maybe he stops fighting crime. maybe he lets Bruce and Babs hook up his place with all the best security in the world. and maybe he falls into a sense of safety, when his kid gets to be 5, 6, 7 years old and no one knows that the Red Hood has a kid except people who are ready and willing to protect them. and maybe he comes home one day to find the neighbor who watches the kid while he’s at work dead, his baby gone, and some kind of evidence left behind saying that it was Two Face, and he only has so long to figure out the scheme before the kid bites it
5. imagine, if you will, Bruce dying in Jason’s arms the same exact way Jason died in Bruce’s :)
Have an outtake that isn’t angsty enough imo: I keep thinking of ways he could lose his grip on reality/his mind – being brainwashed, possessed, drugged, etc – but tbh canon does that already. so I would just make the pit madness worse. I’m gonna say fuck canon here and have it so that pit that was in Gotham is still there, and that somehow, being so near to it just heightens everything. so in addition to having the symptoms – heightened emotions and more uninhibited or whatever – he’s also blacking out. waking up all over town, headed in the direction of the pit, or looking for it maybe. he loses so much time like this, and never knows when it’ll happen or where he’ll wake up. I can’t decide if this is UTRH era where he’s scared he’ll wake up in the Manor (and then he’ll have to fight Bruce and who knows if he’ll be prepared??) or when he’s allied w the fam again and it just gets bad for some unknown reason. bc then he feels he has to hide it from everyone while also trying to fix it himself.
send me a character and I’ll put them in 5 situations that’ll cause them maximum emotional anguish
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boardwalk-absurdist · 5 years
All the numbers! 😊
Aaahhh thank you~ I haven’t done one of these in forever but I love them, so let’s go (under the cut)!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs~ I have one standard reliable water bottle that I carry with me, but I love me a clever/cute coffee mug.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate bars, natch.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy~
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Usually stuff like energetic, bubbly, and smart. They used to say gifted but around 4th grade they weren’t allowed to say that anymore.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? None of the above, I don’t drink soda. The bubbles hurt my tongue.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Oh man this is an eternal struggle tbh. I think I usually dress a bit more grunge or boho, but I want to be pastel and goth as well? The others I could take or leave.
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, as long as they aren’t those Skullcandy kind with the squishy part that you jam in your ear canal. I hate those.
8. movies or tv shows? Depends on my mood and how much time I have.
9. favorite smell in the summer? This may be weird, but like…sun sweat? You know when you’re laying out comfortably in the sunshine and there’s a nice breeze and you sweat a lil but it’s like just warm? Also the ocean, I love the beach but I live nowhere near one.
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Uh, avoid competitive people as much as possible by running in the opposite direction from the ball? Walk laps rather than play the game? I did not like gym class.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Nothin’. Sometimes I’ll have a donut or poptarts or pain au chocolat but usually it’s a lotta nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? “Players musicals”, a spotify playlist with songs from the 4 musicals my college theatre group did while I was there. Or on my iTunes, I have one called “Power Up” that is all my pump-up jams.
13. lanyard or key ring? …both? I have a keyring on my lanyard.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Ooh, the Haribo gummy frogs. With like the white part on the bottom? Idk what that shit is but I love it.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. I know it’s a play but we did read it, and I loved it. Alternatively, maybe Brave New World? I found that one fascinating.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Curled up sideways in an armchair or with my legs thrown over one arm and my back against the other.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? In the summer, I always pick one pair of sandals with a fun pattern so I get cool tan lines on my feet. Otherwise, Merrell Mocs 5evr.
18. ideal weather? Sunny and dry, maybe with a light breeze, and in the mid- to high-70s. Either that or clear, sunny, and between 15 and -15 for like a perfectly brisk day.
19. sleeping position? I usually sleep on my side with my top leg flung out so I’m like half on my stomach. But I can’t actually sleep on my stomach cuz I have titties and they are Not Comfortable.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Literally anywhere and on anything. I doodle and write on p much any surface I am given.
21. obsession from childhood? …uh. There were several. But I guess Jerry Lewis was the biggie/most embarrassing.
22. role model? That’s a tough one. Probably Bonnie Bassler.
23. strange habits? I eat most foods around the outside and save the center for last. Like poptarts, waffles, sandwiches… I also have a tic where whenever I have my car in neutral I jiggle the stick shift back and forth to like prove to myself that I am in neutral. I’m sure there are more that I’m unaware of that I just think are normal, so hey, if you know me irl and you know of a weird habit that I missed, send it my way.
24. favorite crystal? Idk. Does tiger’s eye count? It’s my favorite semi-precious stone.
25. first song you remember hearing? LORDT I have no idea, probably a Bruce Springsteen song.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Lay in the sunshine. Or swim outside.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Play in the snow.
28. five songs to describe you? These are more songs describing what it feels like to be me, but: “Fear and Loathing” and “Teen Idle” by Marina and the Diamonds, “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers, “Yo Girl” from Heathers, aaaand “Carmen” by Lana Del Rey.
29. best way to bond with you? Work on a show together.
30. places that you find sacred? Difficult to say. I guess anywhere that feels like a liminal space.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Ooh okay so I have this black cropped sleeveless hoodie that says “never trust the living” on a tombstone and has a skull, I like to pair that with some burgundy high-waisted short shorts and tights with embroidered skulls and butterflies. Then those go with my platform black and white sneakers or my 6 inch platform boots with flames on the heels.
32. top five favorite vines? rOaD wOrK aHeAd?; I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN; …wow; “little diddy”; and either happy crismus or WELCOME TO BIBLE STUDY
33. most used phrase in your phone? Probably “fair enough”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? “if you needed brain surgery, would you go to a general practitioner? No? THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL BUYING FISH FROM THE GENERAL STORE” fishtopia may finally be dead but that fucking commercial lives on
35. average time you fall asleep? Like midnight?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I can has cheezburger?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. If it’s just for a few days, duffel bag. But I prefer to travel with a suitcase for anything longer than a week.
38. lemonade or tea? Lemonade
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Uh I guess lemon cake?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Oh! One time this girl tackled this dude allegedly cuz he wouldn’t share his beef jerky. The school was put on a code yellow while the security guard separated them.
41. last person you texted? Myself, to send some gel pictures from my phone to my laptop.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets. I have shitty girl pants pockets.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? why must you hurt me in this way. I have a denim jacket that I adore, so I guess that one? But I really appreciate the aesthetic of bomber jackets.
44. favorite scent for soap? Irish Spring. am cermet
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? I guess sci-fi.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? I sleep in my underwear.
47. favorite type of cheese? Cheddar or Gruyere.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? No clue. Strawberry, maybe?
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “Once you’re in it, it’s okay.” - This is How, Augusten Burroughs Alternatively, “How unlikely! Yet here we are.” - Spaceman of Bohemia, Jaroslav Kalfar 
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? An inside joke with the Brit, I think. 
51. current stresses? oh the thousands
52. favorite font? Currently I’m really feeling Book Antiqua.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Uh, fine? Clean? My nails are Ready for some new polish.
54. what did you learn from your first job? How to scoop ice cream.
55. favorite fairy tale? I don’t think I have one.
56. favorite tradition? So in my family, we have a routine for putting up the tree (we have a fake tree that we use every year). My dad puts the tree together, my mom rearranges and bends the branches to make it look more realistic, my dad puts the lights on, and then my little brother and I decorate it with all the ornaments. It’s a lot of fun and my favorite part of Christmas.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? An abusive relationship, getting help for depression/anxiety, and my mom’s attempted suicide.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I’m a p good writer, a decent swimmer, I can do cross-stitch/needlepoint, and I am very good at taking tests/learning.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “Eat an entire ass.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Slice of life goofy high school comedy. Like Ouran, or the lighter parts of Fruits Basket.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? There’s a line in @scifigrl47‘s fic “Hollow Your Bones like a Bird’s” that has really stuck with me over the years: “It is the farthest from death that I can get, to decide, second by second, not to jump.” In a similar vein, the line “I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spat it out” from the original Avengers movie really made an impression. On a funnier note, the lines “I’ve frequently not been on boats” and “One can hardly eat cucumber sandwiches in an agitated manner” from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and The Importance of Being Earnest respectively never fail to make me laugh.
62. seven characters you relate to? Lordt that is so many. Okay. Alissa Meson from the Truth series, Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place, Lee Fiora from Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, Shiloh Wallace from Repo! The Genetic Opera, Augusten Burroughs in his memoirs (not technically a character but I relate so hard), and Bo Burnham’s stage persona (it COUNTS dammit).
63. five songs that would play in your club? “1, 2, Step” - Ciara, “Night Fever” - The BeeGees, “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” - Journey, “Chelsea Dagger” - The Fratellis, and “Damn You Look Good And I’m Drunk (Scandalous)” - Cobra Starship
64. favorite website from your childhood? Quizilla, RIP
65. any permanent scars? Several on my hands (they used to be cat scratches but I picked at them so much they scarred up), two punctures from my cat biting me on my right inner forearm, and one biggun on my left asscheek from when I fell out of a tree and had to get 6 stitches.
66. favorite flower(s)? Poppies, lavender, fireweed, and forget-me-nots.
67. good luck charms? Not really? I have jewelry that I wear every day but that’s more a habit/ritual rather than for luck.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? LORDT okay so I worked at an ice cream shop two summers in a row, right? There was this DISGUSTING cranberry stout flavor, and a p gross ginger one, plus every time someone ordered a weird milkshake we’d make a little extra so we could try some. One time someone got like a large stout (the regular, not the cranberry, which was still nasty) and pumpkin milkshake with malt. It was horrid.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It takes as much pressure to bite through a human finger as it does to bite through a carrot.
70. left or right handed? Rightie.
71. least favorite pattern? Uh. I guess paisley? It doesn’t really do anything for me.
72. worst subject? Organic chemistry or physics.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? Oooh so nutella and honey is DELIGHTFUL if you’ve never tried it. Also those parmesan bread bites from Dominos taste real good dunked in the icing that comes with the cinnamon twists.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? Like a 4 or 5.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I genuinely do not recall.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Scalloped potatoes with cheese.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Idk I kill all my plants. I have a lil sempervivum that I’ve kept alive for a few months though~
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery store sushi.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Lmao they both are bad but I’ll say driver’s license.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Are they not the same thing? I call them fireflies.
82. pc or console? PC. I grew up without a console so I lack the intuitive understanding of their control mechanisms that most people seem to have.
83. writing or drawing? Writing.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Barbie I guess?
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology.
86. cookies or cupcakes? …cookies.
87. your greatest fear? Disappointing people who took a chance on me.
88. your greatest wish? If I tell you, it won’t come true.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My little brother.
90. luckiest mistake? Not applying for summer internships. Instead I just talked to the one microbiology professor and she offered me a summer job in her lab and it’s because of her that I’m at the school I’m at for grad school and have experience and all that.
91. boxes or bags? Uh. Bags I guess? Easier to carry.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight.
93. nicknames? My parents call me Squirrelle. Some people call me T (my real name starts with a T).
94. favorite season? Spring, I think. It’s so nice to come back out of the cold.
95. favorite app on your phone? I guess fb messenger, I use it the most.
96. desktop background? It’s a colored collage of Jareth and Sarah from pika-la-cynique’s “Girls Next Door” massive crossover series on dA.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? I dunno, like a handful? Some are totally useless.
98. favorite historical era? Probably the 80s.
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alhexedander-blog · 7 years
1. selfie: Nah.  2. what would you name your future kids? Ed, Edd and Eddy.  3. do you miss anyone? Yeah I miss my big brother. 4. what are you looking forward to? Learning Escrima. 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? Yeah Kirsten.  6. is it hard for you to get over someone?  Yeah really. 7. what was your life like last year? A lot more depressing cos i didn’t know this person that’s pretty much made everything great. 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yeah, when I was like three days sleep deprived.  9. who did you last see in person? Kirsten/ 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Nah, horrible. 11. are you listening to music right now? Nope. 12. what is something you want right now? Cosmos projector, a laptop, a DD Mask and a snowboard and a snowboarding holiday! 13. how do you feel right now? Pretty chill. 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Kirsten. 15. personality description: a bit rough around the edges but I think once people warm up to me they see that even tho I’m a little weird I’m probably just about the most caring, protective and loyal person u can come across. 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yeah quite a few times tbh. 17. opinion on insecurities: they’re something that everybody has and tbh it’s pointless to pick out somebody else’s or try to mask and hide what yours are. When you admit what they are then you can just get on with working on them. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? Nah. 19. have you ever been to New York? Nope but I would like to. 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? EUNG Freestyle. 21. age and birthday? 21, Dec 14. 22. description of crush. Angelina Jolie.  23. fear(s) getting beaten up/losing an important fight, being tortured, burning alive, being neutered, having my eyeballs touched and prob some other shit. 24. height: 6ft.  25. role model: Georges St-Pierre, Wilson Jr., Attila Varga, Johnny Depp , Ataturk and Putin (but i disagree with his homophobic/racist views).  26. idol(s); Jay Park, Keith Ape, Ed Sheeran and others. 27. things i hate: homophobia, racism, islamaphobia and narcissism.  28. i’ll love you if… tbh I’m kinda like a dog with love. Just play with my hair, take me for walks and drives and I will love you tbh.  29. favourite film(s): Fight Club, Hot Fuzz and loads others. 30. favourite tv show(s) Rick and Morty, Friends, UFC, NBA, Naruto and Bleach. 31. 3 random facts: i love drawing, i love extreme weather (really hot, really cold, thunderstorms, etc) and filmmaking is now just such a big part of my life. 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? girls. 33. something you want to learn: Escrima! :) 34. most embarrassing moment? Loadssss. My first kiss was so bad. 35. favourite subject? Creative media! 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Become a filmmaker, be happy and marry someone I love. 37. favourite actor/actress? Johnny Depp and Emma Stone. 38. favourite comedian(s)? Jimmy Carr, Steven Merchant and Russell Howard. 39. favourite sport(s)? Basketball, hockey, snowboarding, MMA and BJJ. 40. favourite memory? Turkey, mountains!  41. relationship status? Better than urs. 42. favourite book(s)? The Art of War, The Way of the Fight and the Bruce Lee biography. 43. favourite song ever: too difficult. 44. age you get mistaken for? 18. 45. how you found out about your idol: I have loads haha. 46. what my last text message says: ‘wyd?’ 47. turn ons: neck kissing, biting and grabbign her ass. 48. turn offs: body odour, bath hygiene and hair. 49. where i want to be right now? Turkey! 50. favourite picture of your idol? Idk haha. 51. starsign: Sagitarrius. 52. something i’m talented at? Martial arts. 53. 5 things that make me happy: martial arts, drawing, viewing art, watching the rain/sky and going for walks. 54. something thats worrying me at the moment? Whether or not I’m expelled from college. 55. tumblr friends: too many to bother listing (irl). 56. favourite food(s): pizza, burgers and bananas.  57. favourite animal(s): dogs and cats. 58. description of my best friend: fucking funny af.  59. why i joined tumblr: online scrapbook. 
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