#idc if that makes me insufferable it was funny
arbokzee · 5 months
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That which begins must always and forever end. And that which ends will begin again.
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omside · 1 year
Girl help the cute mascot character I fucking hate plays a massive role in the game I’m playing
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hrryshoney · 1 year
i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck
matty healy x reader
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A/N: here’s a matty sick!fic for you. i’m a sucker for friends to lovers, so sorry to be annoying but here’s that! maybe switching povs, i’m tired so give me a break.
warnings: kinda suggestive maybe if you squint real hard, matty’s in loveeee but readers oblivious, matty’s a little shit. religion? kind of? not really at all, but talks of God is in there. bad writing, idk n idc.
prompt: “can you kiss me? i’m sure i’ll feel wayy better if you do,”
edit: pt. 2 now posted here
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You and Matty were friends. Well, maybe best friends. You definitely thought so. You’d been beside him for as long as you can remember. So, you think you’ve earned that title.
Besides him being your, talented, smart, funny, witty and incredibly good-looking friend, he was also your insufferable rockstar friend. The cocky, arrogant one. The one who would tease you until you could feel your face get hot.
And, the one with the weak immune system, apparently.
“Darling?” You heard his call from his bedroom. He had rung your phone at promptly 7:30 AM earlier today. Telling you how he was positively dying, and how you must come over and take care of me, angel. You really must.
“Yes, your Royal Highness?” You say teasingly with a roll of your eyes, walking into his room. He looked positively pathetic. Lying down, wrapped in his white comforter.
Matty pouts a bit at that. “I’m being serious, yeah? Don’t make fun of me, this is awful.”
“Mhm, I can imagine.” You give a little pout, a feigned wave of sympathy. “Did ya need something?”
“How about some empathy?” He scoffs at you, all in good nature of course. Matty needs to get that final banter in. Anything to rile you up, even when he’s sick.
“We all get sick, Matty.” You roll your eyes with a giggle. “I know how you feel, trust me.” You move to sit on the edge of the bed. He unravels his hands to reach out for you, but you move farther away.
“What’s with that, then? Don’t love me anymore? Hm?” He maneuvers his body to be closer to yours.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not trying to get sick.” You ignore the butterflies that roll in your stomach from his grin. From the use of the word ‘love’. Of course you’ve said it to each other before. You’ve known him for almost 10 years, and he’s your best friend. But you can’t help but wish for it in a different context.
“Wouldn’t get sick for me, love?” He laughs and lays back, a little cough accompanied by it.
“Do ya want some water? Cough doesn’t sound too hot.”
“I sound hot without the cough though, right?” He winks, and you cast your gaze to the floor. You let out an unconvincing laugh. It doesn’t get easier as time passes, that’s for sure.
“You’re corny, Healy.” Your lame response feels bitter on the tongue. “Seriously, do you need anything? If not, I’ll go back to the living room and get some work in.”
He gets a gleam in his eye, and his lip quirks up. Whatever comes out of his mouth won’t be good, you just know it. So, you mentally prepare yourself.
“Can you kiss me? I’m sure I’ll feel way better if you do.” He gives that signature smirk of his, like he’s enjoying this all too much. His eyes trace from yours, to your lips, and then back up. You definitely weren’t prepared for that, though.
You feel the heat spread all over your body. Why am I friends with him, again? You glare at him. “Funny.” You say monotonous, unwavering.
“Hey, I’m being serious, darling. The offer is there.” He shrugs noncommittally. Is he joking? Like, seriously?
You never let your hopes get too high. You brush off all his flirting as jokes. He’s got supermodels and singers knocking at his door. You never thought you would genuinely be his type. Just friendly banter.
“Okay, Matty.” You brush it off once again. You don’t want your mind to wander there. Wander there like it had so many sleepless nights. Lying in bed, panting, thinking of him.
“Then come plant one on me, won’t ya?” He taps against his lips with his pointer finger, the biggest smile on his face. You wonder, is this all a joke to him?
“You ask all your friends to kiss you when your sick?” You deflect quickly, not wanting to deal with this.
“Only the pretty girls who are my best friends that come over at eight in the morning for me.” He shrugs with an easy smirk. He really is a little shit. “‘Sides, not even that sick. Don’t think you’d catch a bug from a little peck.”
“Oh, no? Thought you were ‘positively dying, darling. It’s dreadful, innit?’?” You lower your voice a few tones and put on a bad british accent to mock him.
He feigns offense with his gasp. “I do not sound like that! You’re kidding, that’s blasphemous.”
“Ah, yes. Because you’re so holy?” You let out a laugh.
“Mhm, I can have you crying out to God if you give me a kiss?” The look on his face is vile. You want to kiss it away. Smack it away. Do anything then have it taunt you like this, really. You move in your spot on the bed.
“Maybe the fever is getting to your head, Matty.” There’s only so many more poor deflections you can make. He has to notice.
“Awh, you think so?” He pouts in faux sympathy, moving closer. You feel dizzy. You scooch back on the bed.
“Yeah- yeah, think so.”
He smirks. That bastard and his smirk. “Right, what a shame, terrible, really.” He’s up close and personal now. Right next to you. Hand on your face. He brushes a stray piece of hair to the back of your head. You two are looking at each other now. All eye contact.
“I- Matty.” You breathe out. This is all too much right now.
“Yes, what?” Matty sounds annoyed. Obviously wanting to have kissed you before you moved your neck back.
“Don’t think we can- think we should, you know. Don’t wanna ruin anything.”
He sighs. “Who made those shit rules up, huh? Maybe I wanna ruin our friendship? Ruin you, yeah?” His head falls into the crook of your neck, you feel his hot breath. “Think we should just stop with the bullshit. Wouldn’t mind being something other than friends.”
“Matty-“ “Y/N?” He interrupts your unheard sentence.
“Do ya like me? I’m being serious now, angel. Honest, do you fancy me or no?” You’re getting whiplash from this conversation. How is this happening. Why now? How, now?
“I- Matty, I think you know the answer.” you furrow your brows at him and pout. He has to be fucking with you, right?
“Maybe I wanna hear you say it?” He smirks, again. You’re sick of that smirk. You really do wanna kiss it off.
“Jesus, yes, I like you. Of course I do, Matty.”
“Hm, good. That’s good. ‘Cause I like you too, angel.” He gives a grin that makes him glow. A grin that is the personification of happiness. Matty leans in.
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katiekatdragon27 · 9 months
Sometimes I look at the stuff I make and just think "Oops, my bad!" knowing damn well I'm gonna do it again.
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Yeah, this ship is gonna be my personality for a while, bare with me. (Me fighting with myself on calling it "aircorn" or "popcairy")
Airy being stupid about romance is so funny to me. Homeboy hasn't seen another object in 10 years, and Liam would NEVER let Airy get that close to him. A rock and a hard place, if you will.
Also he's a shit kisser lol.
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Another dynamic I wanna play around with in this AU (that's what this is now ig) is Liam and Popcorn. Liam finds Popcorn insufferable, Popcorn thinks Liam is boring and a stick-in-the-mud. They don't get along at all. At least they have someone to vent to 👍
Also, some Popcorn lore oooooooooo~
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Liam will be mentally ill in every piece or work I make idc.
Progress stuff under cut:
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Thank you so much with baring with my cringe, and have a nice day :)
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rocksalt-and-pie · 7 months
alright I've made a more in depth list of episodes I would like to see in a fanservice season 16 as previously mentioned in my other post:
- human Impala (should be portrayed by a 55+ years old actor or actress with a strong Detroit accent and a very loud deep voice. they have arthritis in their shoulders because Dean never oils their creaking door hinges)
- Sam and Dean body swap (the potential for jokes is just top tier and the outtakes from this will be out of this world) (Jensen playing Jared playing Sam and the other way around sounds like absolute chaos)
Cas immediately recognizes Dean even in Sam's body and it's revealed that all this time he has been looking directly at Dean's soul 😭 (no kissing in this episode though. God the psychological damage a Misha/Jared kiss would cause)
- parallel universe with female Sam and Dean that they get sent to and meet each other / alternatively: some kind of gender swap curse that makes them turn into women (the potential for misogynistic jokes turning into more understanding and therefore changed behavior is just chef's kiss)
Bonus points for Cas off-handedly mentioning that he doesn't think it's weird that he wasn't affected by the curse because technically he has no gender and the body he inhabits is just a vessel (close up on Dean's face Thinking Thoughts)
Rowena takes care of it and compliments the female versions of them and it's kinda gay ("do we have to turn you back? Shame, would have been nice to have some female company, we could have formed a coven! Or done other fun things" cut to irritated glances being exchanged between the brothers/sisters)
- Jack and Claire teaming up for a hunt (preferably saving their damsel in distress father and step-dad that got trapped in some dangerous place where they finally have nothing but time to talk things out because there is no way to escape, you have to be freed from the outside)
- stanford era Dean flashbacks (feeling lost and alone on the road)
- Bobby and Rufus in the 80s flashbacks (including baby Winchesters!)
- Bigfoot hunt (the teddy bear episode doesn't count) but it's just an escaped gorilla or something. I just wanna see them hiking again okay I like the woods
- some, like, desert monster idk. filmed on location in Arizona or Nevada in the sweltering heat. the boys being forced to remove layer after layer of plaid. show me Dean in a tank top (handprint included)
- birthday episode (either Sam's or Dean's idc. How come that in 15 years there was never a case taking place during one of their birthdays!)
- an actual wedding, either Sam and Eileen or Jody and Donna or Dean and [gun shots]
- beach episode, show me those bathing suits. give me a Bond girl moment
- another Wayward Sisters episode please
- reverse French mistake although it would be absolutely fucking insufferable and I would hate it with all my heart (but it would be sooo funny)
- resolve all the other loose threads of open ended episodes (there are so many! The tulpa from season 1! The girls in the hotel from the haunted house episode in season 2! Jesse the antichrist kid from season 5! The witch twins and how one of them brought the other back from the dead! The kid of that monster friend of Sam's that Dean killed in season 8 i think and told him to his face to come looking for him when he's grown up! That's five whole episodes right there!! and those are just the ones i could come up with from the top of my head but I'm sure there's more)
- a lot of you mentioned a proper musical episode, which. sure why not. a curse that makes you sing/perceive everything happening as music perhaps?
- and then of course. The coconuts gently colliding but this goes without saying
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yourhighness6 · 3 months
NATLA Debrief: Episode 3 (by yours truly)
Hi again! If any of ya'll are interested here's episodes 1 and 2. Thank you to those who have been following these deranged, unorganized posts, especially @phoebester (Just an fyi this will be hella long, just like the other two)
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First of all, the way they framed the opening resistence scene was genuinely so cool because I immediately thought back to the cold open for the first episode. The streets are so similar that's where my mind went RIGHT AWAY and if that is not good set design and filming I don't know what is.
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The resistance scene was so powerful for so many reasons besides those small details, too. The concept of a resistance within the FN was never addressed at all within the cartoon and I can't express how glad I am that they added this. It just makes logical sense that some people would resist, especially while so many are dying in war, and it really serves to humanize the FN people in a way that's reminiscent of book 3 ATLA. Perfect way to expand on the source material and introduce core themes earlier in the show (M Nite should be taking notes).
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It was also a perfect way to introduce both Ozai and Azula's characters. Ozai is this menacing figure stepping out of the shadows (quite literally), an almost larger than life villain who seems to have every move planned and everything calculated. He's brutal and efficient and we can see that. Azula is conniving and smart, the kind of girl who can fool anyone and come out on top, but is ultimately still a weapon under her father's control. You can tell from the moment Ozai mentions Zuko that she is the underdog, but she is determined that it will not stay that way, and she seems just terrifying enough to succeed. (also idc what anyone says Elizabeth Yu has mastered Azula's look and general vibe. I feel like the whole 'miscasting' debacle was a mix of fatphobia and being shown the wrong stills before the show came out. She looked sort of sweet and innocent in those but I get absolutely none of that from this scene)
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Ugh the exposition was great and then they have to give us this. What the absolute hell did they do to my Katara? Like there was a whole ass episode in the cartoon devoted to her getting mad because she wasn't progressing as fast as Aang and then in this fucking adaptation the maddest she sounds is when she emotionlessly declares, "I don't get it" to convey mild frustration. I'm sorry Kiawentiio, you're acting is great but the writers clearly have no fucking idea how to put your emotional range to good use. The same problem was present in the last episode and I just don't see them being able to fix it significantly enough at this point, even if they have a desire to. Not to undermine that, but there were a couple good points in this scene: Aang mentions something about bending being "beyond thought" which gives bending a more spiritual aspect that I like, and Katara's PTSD is brought up again in an intelligent way, but still, that doesn't matter if they're going to completely butcher her character. (side note: when is Aang going to learn waterbending? they haven't shown him training at all and I'm getting worried)
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This scene was fine or whatever but what in the absolute fuck is going on with Zuko and Zhao? Are they not going to do the agni kai? Like I know there's still animosity there but they were really just sitting there (semi)-calmly enjoying a cup of tea and demonstrating only mild dislike for each other. All I have to say is if they remove the agni kai altogether I'm gonna be so fucking pissed it'll bug me forever and I'll be fucking insufferable.
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Also Zuko is so mean to Luitenient Jee for no reason. I know it's because his abuse makes him see any kind of comradery as weakness so it's a good detail if that's what they're going for but ngl I also find it a bit funny. Like what did he ever do to you? And Zhao taking three tries to pass his officer exam is so perfect too like what a fucking looser lmao.
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Ba Sing Se looks beautiful. There's something so mystical about it, especially in the way Aang describes it as they walk up to the gate. It's this hub of culture and science and art, but it's also incredibly militaristic and so changed due to war it's almost unrecognizable to someone who was there a hundred years ago. The adaptation of cultures during times of change is something ATLA does so well and I'm glad to see that it's continuing in the LA.
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AHH Katara was so awkward during this whole scene and I loved it. For one thing Sokka's commentary was absolutely hilarious but it's also this reminder that Katara has been relatively isolated from other children her age and her brain is like "cute boy flirt how" and its so fucking funny. It might not be the same Katara as the cartoon who is effortlessly comfortable wherever she goes but this is so much more realistic and if she's going to be a bit different this is probably the best thing for them to change (now keep the awkwardness and give her back her anger Netflix I'm begging you)
I am slightly concerned because it looks to me like they're trying to condense at least four episodes into one and I'm not sure if that's going to be a cohesive plotline or a complete mess or not but if handled carefully I think they might be able to pull it off.
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Ooooh the explosion was super unexpected and totally cray cray thanks for keeping me on my toes. I'm assuming it was Jet that planted the bomb although I cannot for the life of me think why. Anyways Teo was adorable I'm adopting him.
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Also I am so so so happy that they gave him a little more depth beyond just 'happy glider kid' and gave a bit more nuance to his character. Of COURSE kids who grew up in war are going to be desensitized to the bloodshed OF COURSE they're going to be a little vengeful and be thinking about ways to win the war OF COURSE Aang is going to be uncomfortable with that because he didn't grow up with that militaristic mindset even if he did loose everything OF COURSE that's not going to change the fact that kids grow up hearing about death and experiencing loss as extremely young children versus Aang being suddenly thrust into this responsibility and grief because he didn't grow up like that he grew up in peacetime it just makes sense. Good job Netflix this was wonderful this was perfect I loved it.
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Okay don't get me wrong I love the way Aang wears his heart on his sleeve I love how their in-the-face storytelling makes a bit more sense with how open and emotional of a person he is it's just part of his character that was improved upon by the LA in my opinion but this is also just... such a misunderstanding of the group dynamic. Like why isn't Katara seeing these people and thinking "I can help with this I have to help with this" and Aang giving this speech to Sokka jumping on the bandwagon? I would even accept them seeing the destruction together and mutually deciding that they need to help the people there (this would probably be best as it allows us to see both character's compassion) or Aang saying something about it and Katara immediately being like "ur absolutely right" but of course they can't do that all we need is a lengthy speech from the protagonist while Katara stands there like robot girl. My mistake.
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STOP because her mocking face is so fucking perfect I love Elizabeth Yu she's perfect. Anyway, I think that they're kind of... adjusting her trauma a bit? I mentioned earlier how I feel like she's shown as a little more scrappy and an underdog as opposed to perfectly calculating and not a hair out of place, but after this scene I feel the need to expand on that. In the cartoon, Azula's abuse from her father centers around his unattainably high expectations for her that eventually cause her ultimate breakdown and the conclusion to her devastating character arc. But in the LA, they're portraying her as less of a prodigy and more of a hard worker. She still has incredibly high expectations, but in this version, she never meets them all the time. Her brother is almost leveraged against her in a way. Even if she feels like she is the best and has the constant need to prove she is the best to her father, there's always going to be this nagging insecurity that she won't be good enough to measure up to her brother. She's not being told she's worthless like Zuko, but she's not reaching every goal like cartoon Azula, either. This also might explain why she has arrows. In the cartoon, weapons are viewed with disdain by firebenders, making Zuko using them so controversial, but Azula definetely doesn't seem to be hiding her talent for the bow and arrow and even if it was a her-sneaking-away-to-practice sort of situation that's not very in character and I don't think she would do that. I think in this version she probably has them because she's trying to find every possible way to prove herself to her father beyond just firebending, and mastering a weapon is a way to do that. I'm not sure how I feel about these changes but she is clearly a different character in this version than in the cartoon and moving forward I'm going to treat her as such. (I've noticed this a bit with all of the characters except possibly Sokka: they're different people. I think this actually might be intentional. [even so I still don't like their characterization of Katara her trauma hasn't changed very much to my knowledge she should still have the same core drives and character traits])
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As well done as Azula was, there was relatively nothing in the Ty Lee and Mai department. They're just kind of existing, watching her train. Ty Lee is vaguely cheerful (and her costume is great btw) and Mai has one line about exploring the world that gives a bit of insight into her character and has a monotone voice. They're both clearly a little scared of Azula but that's basically it. Hopefully we get more on them soon.
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Back in Ba Sing Se, I noticed a bit of a parallel between Teo and Katara. The Mechanist mentions that they lost his mother due to the war, which reminded me specifically of Katara. Throughout this scene, we see that Teo remembers his mother's philosophy and adopts it into his own mindset far more than his father's. Their situation is different because while Katara is arguing for compassion Teo is arguing for fighting back, but they are both fundamentally saying the same thing. It's not enough just to accept their lot in life and try to survive or fight, it's about the big picture, and about defending the things they love. While Katara and Teo both approach this subject from a very different front, the core idea is the same. It's also telling how they are dismissed initially as idealistic for their values when they are really upholding what their mothers stood for in their eyes: for Teo, a symbol of hope in her retellings of the stories of the avatar, and for Katara, a symbol of kindness in her reminders to remain empathetic despite the horrors of war. Make of this what you will, I just thought it was a nice little parallel.
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Anyway, allow me to have a few words on the whole Jet thing (in bullet points because I don't have enough brain power to do this)
I'm glad Jet got his freedom fighters outfit. I was a bit worried when I saw what he was wearing in the first scene he was in because the fit is iconic, and so are the swords
God he's so fucking dramatic "they call me Jet" while the sun glints off his swords and he turns slightly for affect it was so funny I laughed out loud
He and Kia have no on-screen chemistry I'm sorry. Like even the fight scene was so awkward and every time they speak to each other they sound so stiff. They're good actors independently but whoever was watching their chemistry check (I'm assuming they had one pre-production but judging by this crap I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't) was either asleep or it was their first day because there is NOTHING there
What the hell did they do to the Freedom Fighters? They're so cheesy and the costumes are so bad (especially Smellerbee's). Like seriously that entire fight scene was so awkward idk what the hell happened there but it was nowhere near the quality of the rest of the episode so far
Overall, I'm not a huge fan. Also where is Sokka I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be there somewhere
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Okay here's Sokka finally. Are they just taking him out of the Jet shenanigans entirely? I wouldn't be surprised considering how many episodes they had to condense but still I would have liked to see that. Oh well, I guess they had to have Katara do something in this episode instead of just stand around while her brother and Aang have huge plot points. Anyway, this scene was very interesting to me. Sokka and the Mechanist bonded in the og but not to this extent, and I honestly liked that they did something a bit deeper with it considering they don't have as much screentime to establish Sokka's daddy issues (for lack of a better word). Anywho the Mechanist mentioning that there are other career paths to take besides just being a warrior was super cool and I think we can glean a lot from it about Sokka's future character arc. Maybe in this version he doesn't perfectly live up to his dad's expectations and instead finds his own way? It was nice to see Hakoda proud of him in the original but if they go down this path I definitely won't be mad. It's interesting while staying true to the character, it's just a different direction.
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The scene with Aang and Teo was cute. They're both good actors who play off of each other nicely, and Teo talking about how he doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps lends a bit of insight to the conversation the Mechanist had with Sokka. He probably mentioned Sokka's dad because he wondered if his parents were engineers too and maybe is looking for a bit of an apprentice since his son doesn't take after him as much. This is also another way Teo conflicts with the Mechanist's way of life and may be more similar to his mother.
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The jetara scenes at the Freedom Fighter camp had a much better dynamic. I think the fight scene was probably just them figuring each other out as actors, it just sucks that it seeped into the final take. I confess I was a bit disappointed that the Freedom Fighters didn't live up in the trees, but I guess that would be a bit difficult to engineer. I also noticed how Jet repeated Teo's "if not us, then who?" statement, which is probably just your basic commentary on how the future generations are our hope blah blah blah. It's a major theme so I shouldn't be as disinterested as I am in it but as it stands I'm still not totally thrilled with the Jet plotline as a whole and I think that may be affecting it. I feel like Sokka should be here to add some variety and spice things up a bit it's kind of boring.
The last jetara scene was definitely the best yet. I can't get over how happy I was to hear Jet say his mother taught him to fight. So often we hear how dads or older brothers are teaching the women in their family to fight but here we have a canonically badass male character saying that an older female relative was the one who taught him. One of the major complaints I have from the cartoon was how for all its talk about women being able to fight and its supposed feminist message, there were no women of the older generation fighting at all except for Jun, who wasn't even a particularly moral character like all these older men. We do have to remember that the cartoon started production over twenty years ago so it is a product of its time, when feminist issues weren't very mainstream. Another factor that might have contributed to the lack of feminism in the original was the generational discrepancies; millennials were the first to have widely accepted equal educational opportunities in the US, and even though educational opportunities are still affected by sexism, college became the norm for both male and female students at that time. This isn't to say women older than millennials didn't go to college, but this is around the time women and men started to become relatively equal as of percentage seeking higher education. Basically, they were the first generation of women expected to have careers, and therefore the writer's minds were probably shaped alongside a similar number of female peers, but primarily by men. This could have contributed to the lack of older women, but as times changed, so to did the amount of older women in professional fields. This line is a reflection of that, and I hope we continue to see more badass older women and older warrior women and women in power as the LA continues.
Other than that, I did take my shipping goggles out during this scene at the "sunrise" bit, and it wasn't about jetara. I heard from other fans in the zutara tag that the "you rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" line was removed but I keep thinking about how Katara is legitimately drawing power from remembering the sun rising, a time when the opposite element, Zuko's element, becomes more powerful. I know I'm reaching, but while I mourn the loss of our beloved "you rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" I have to find a new version. Anyway I think we should call this sunrisegate lol
Also, the way Katara is extremely hesitant to talk about her trauma whereas Jet seems completely fine with being emotional and dumping out exactly what he was feeling may have been a device but it does remind me of something I read about how ppl with PTSD will often react very differently when sharing their trauma and the same is true for many other trauma induced disorders. It was probably unintentional but I still thought it was a nice detail.
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Anyway on a less serious note Iroh and Zuko's dynamic is still top tier. I've seen a lot of people complaining about Iroh's character but I don't see anything wrong up to this point. I might be in for a shock in future episodes but I have genuinely no idea what they find so off putting. He's a great actor and the character has legitimately not changed. The line above was a bit undercut by the fact that he's standing in the middle of an enemy city with a cloth half wrapped around his face to keep part of his face from being seen, but I'm just gonna take it at face value (haha pun). I think the thing Zuko despises most is cowardice, and it affects his perception of the war in a huge way. He calls Aang a coward for escaping from prison because he was running away or whatever and I've never considered Zuko a particularly logical character but it's like... bruh he's outnumbered like fifty to one what he is gonna do? Anyway his definition of cowardice is directly tied to his honor and his perception of it in relation to his trauma and the way he held back in the agni kai and him perceiving that as cowardice maybe... Ya'll got me? This isn't fully formed because I obviously haven't seen this new rendition of the agni kai but I'm guessing the events are basically the same. Do with it what you will.
I skipped over the Azula and Zhao scene because I don't have any groundbreaking commentary except to say that I liked it. It ties Azula into the story nicely and gives Zhao something actually interesting about him (I don't hate him as much as I did in the cartoon so whenever he comes up on screen I just sort of yawn).
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Anyway, it was nice to see Katara get a bit angry. I think this captured the gaang dynamic pretty well. Aang being relatively neutral/ quiet while the siblings argue and Katara gets twice as mad as Sokka. Also he may have had the last word but she had the last laugh:
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Again, the sibling dynamic was really great but I didn't feel like Katara was carrying it as much as in previous episodes. Sokka actually played his part in making it interesting and realistic. I don't think this single argument is enough to redeem Katara's characterization in my eyes but at least we know now there is a little spark there.
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AHH THE SCARF SCENE! Scarfgate was everything I could have asked for and more. Like why does he appear directly behind her like that unless he's trying to fight her? Why does he just let her go by like that? Why does he hold out his hand in the first place? Truly is the Watergate of our time it deserves that name. (also in the same episode as the whole sunrise thing? come on) I'm probably being baited but at least I'm enjoying it.
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So I was right about the bombings! I can't believe all those cute little kids are terrorists but I couldn't believe it in the cartoon either so I guess that checks out. Either way I find the bombing far less forgivable than trying to take out the Mechanist. Innocent civilians were hurt and even though I know there was a real possibility that civilians could have been hurt in the attempted bombing for whatever reason it just seems... more brutal somehow. Like the first one was in the center of town, you know? Anyway terrorism is wrong I hope Jet finds his way.
(I was worried about how they were going to tie all the seemingly unrelated plotlines together but I think they pulled it off. Again my main problems were all concentrated around the Jet plotline but when the Mechanist was tied in it became a lot more interesting)
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When I heard this I was like "son ur about to get ur ass kicked" but the funny part is he was kind of right. Like when neither of them were bending he was winning. I guess in all fairness he is a lot bigger than Aang but I don't feel like that was an accidental detail. Anyway, I think this fight scene was the most entertaining yet and so much better than jetara against the firebenders earlier. Maybe the affects for water are just worse than air and fire (it feels slower somehow) but I'm very partial to this fight. And that's saying something because I usually fast-forward through fight scenes or just kind of tune them out or barely watch, so you know it was really good.
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I think the reason I liked it so much was that it was funny, honestly, not in the same way or to the same degree the cartoon was but I laughed out loud a couple times. For instance Zuko gets hit in the face three times in the span of ten seconds, once with a plate, once with a wicker basket, and once with his own little stick thing. Aang also put a basket over his head and some random ass lady started whacking him with a fan. Kudos to whoever choreographed that it was the best.
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Also I liked how Sokka and Katara saved the day together. Cute sibling bonding excersize. And it ended on a cliffhanger with the characters separated! My favorite kind of cliffhanger! It definitely left me wanting more.
Anyway, to recap, things I didn't like:
No Zuko and Zhao agni kai
Mai and Ty Lee were just sort of there
Katara's characterization is still so-so
Jetara plot line was boring and chemistry was not the best
It was kind of a lot for one episode, even if they managed to do it well
Things I did like:
Opening scene
Azula characterization
The Mechanist plotline
Teo and Katara parallel
Katara DID actually seem a little bit more firey in this episode
Zuko and Aang fight scene
Surprisingly good handling of all those loose ends
Overall, I would give it a 9/10. That's the highest score I've given an episode so far and I'm standing by it. I know others might have a very different opinion on it since it was condensed so much and differed a lot from the cartoon, but I agreed with many of the changes they made. One thing I would urge everyone to remember is that these are different characters from the cartoon. They're going to act slightly different and have slightly different journys and that's okay. I think it is worth comparing to the original, as it is an adaptation, but we need to remember that an adaptation is not an exact replica, nor should it be. That in no way means that we should make allowances for anything we found negative or mediocre, but it is going to be different and change in it of itself isn't a bad thing. Anyway thank you guys so much for sticking with me! I'll probably have the next episode's debrief up by tomorrow.
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enigmaticspleeneater · 4 months
I go by Finn or Finnley and have he/him/it/it's pronouns
People that sexualize MINORS
And uhh that's pretty much it go wild otherwise idc (if I think of adding more stuff I WILL)
huge postal nerd especially for postal 2 dude and corkscrew dude. I will talk about lore for hours please someone let me rant I have a million bazillion headcanons (I already gave my boyfriend brainrot from talking about it I am insufferable)
I LOVE cry of fear. Love love love it. Simon is everywhere in my doodles he's the epitome of silly. I have the lore memorized in my fleshy chunk of fat and blood in my skull and will take any opportunity to rant about it
CRUELTY SQUAD. makes my brain feel like it's slowly leaking out of my ears and I love it. I am too stupid to fully grasp some of the lore but I still will rant about the importance of the stock market and all the political shit in it I find super mega interesting
SPLATOON WOWIE I LOVEE SPLATOON and splat bands as well ESPECIALLY DISSPAIR. Will also rant about headcanons for ikkan and warabi if you're unlucky enough to be trapped by me and forced to listen
RDR2. I LOVE THOSE GAYASS COWBOYS I have beat the game multiple times and each time the ending makes me want to pull my hair out and sob until my eyes explode.
TLOU!!! I love zombie games wowie I have beat this game like over 7 times now and I plan to beat it again soon. Honestly one of the best games I've played storywise (second to rdr2)
GUILTY GEAR!!!!! I suck at this game that's basically it I just love the funny silly characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANDD UHH THATS IT !!!! Flies away
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edgepunk · 2 months
I feel you, re: P/rksb/rn, especially in the context of MSM2 :/ I technically enjoy the ship too, and I really enjoyed the game's version of it, but it's been frustrating that it's like the only thing a lot of the fandom cares about while it's like MJ and Miles don't exist, and it feels like the usual fandom only caring about white man shipping - and then outside of shippy spaces, it's just endless MJ bashing and complaining that Miles is there; even when I just want to read about plot stuff, it's hard when shippers seem to have played a completely different game to make it more canonically shippy.
Yup, making it all about the ship is one of the reasons I just. can't. lol.
Don't get me wrong, people are allowed to ship them and I enjoy them, I do! Hell, if you follow me, you know I'm a big multishipper myself and I love making shippy stuff. But it gets so exhausting when you wanna have a more objective conversation or criticism about the plot/characters, and it gets ignored or people will scream at you about how ""woke"" the game is (it. isn't THAT woke lol) then you have crowd no. 3 that is complaining that the games aren't "comic accurate" even though the writers have explicitly stated that they are NOT adapting the comics.
MSM2 made me finally realize that the SM fandom is just as insufferable as the St*r W*rs fandom where having a normal conversation is nigh impossible, and it's frustrating! This game has a lot going on that is worth discussing but it gets drowned out by multiple loud crowds that won't shut up. And don't get me started on the Miles and MJ stuff. There are legit criticisms raised by black fans about Miles' writing, but they also get drowned out by the rampant racism (you have no idea how many comments on Insom's ig posts I've seen saying that Peter should call him the n-word. vile. idc if it's a "joke" it's not funny)
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flowerslut · 1 year
Hi so this ask is a request (desperate) for twilight content since i feel like i've read all jalice fics in the fucking universe and for some reason most part of this fandom is obsessed with edbella (idc the whole saga is about them that's a detail) so here it goes: what's your currently hyperfixation inside the jasper&alice hyperfixation? like plots for fics, au, headcanons about personality traits (since jasper's canon personality is based on loving alice and being a low profile hottie with a tragic past)
yeah being a jalice girlie in the twilight saga is a rough experience bestie, I can soooooo relate to you there 😔 we truly are a group who suffers from lack of content 💔
right now my main jalicey focus is on my fic WIPs roots that I've mentioned before! I've been a bit distracted over the last several months thanks to the locked tomb fucking up my entire brain, but despite that I've still managed to write a solid 75k of roots, which has been nice.
I'm actually not real big on fixating on or even discussing headcanons unless its something I need to dissect privately for fic purposes. I'm also a huge critical bitch about other people's interpretations of my favorite characters which is why you don't see me talking about it a lot on tumblr. so many people get it (alice and jasper) so, so wrong, and obviously I have it so, soooooo right 😌💅 but lmfao okay no I mainly keep my opinions and headcanons to myself so I don't come across as an unlikeable cunt on this stupid site. unless someone asks, and then I have no problem being an asshole and telling people their tastes are bad. but I've been so well behaved recently and people have been much nicer and less insufferable in the twilight fandom in recent years which has been nice!!!!
but another huge fandom interest I have is making playlists! so I have like a dozen or so jalice-themed playlists (most of them are fic playlists for various @goldeneyedgirl stories because she really just keeps pumping out banger after banger; sometimes I swear I think about lexie's stories than I do about my own) and I am constantly listening to and working on playlists. one day I'll finish all my twilight character playlists and my Main jalice playlist, but it's already been a few years that I've been working on some of them, so what's a few more, yknow???
besides roots, I still have a kajillion big fics I need to finish outlining—my third cotn installment, it's novella, my AH au, the neglected WIP projects I have already published (sorry to my edge of it all readers, specifically). most of my jalice fixation gets redirected into planning and writing fanfiction when I'm not constantly arranging and rearranging carefully curated playlists
but thank you so much for calling jasper a "low profile hottie with a tragic past" because thats so funny. "low profile hottie" is SO good. I love any description of jasper that brushes aside the tiny bits of canon characterization we get of him to be like "ok but forget all that. he's quiet and sexy." it's like this iconic tweet:
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anyways thank u kindly for the message I am so sorry there seems to be a bit of a jalice drought currently. I know lexie has been throwing prompts into the void on here recently but I'm sure if you're in here pleading for content you've probably already read all of her stuff 10x over. I can't promise you any real content out of me this month (or next) but I can guarantee you'll get plenty of snippets!!! hold strong anon 💖
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enjoyyourdunghillbaal · 11 months
I think it's the miserable old bat across the street, bringing Missouri to other people's lives.
Bitches at her next door neighbor's dog all the time whenever they bark. Hides behind her floor to ceiling bamboo screen on the patio, so she can get away with smoking on her balcony and stare and bitch at everything that moves or doesn't move around enough to appease her.
Fucking keeping tabs on whether my patio door is open or shut, whether that's a sign of me being alive, or awake, or smoking in my apartment.
Like I said. College dormitory bullshit I have never had to put up with even once in my life.
Make your fucking rules before anybody signs anything, instead of making shit up as you go along, based on what is convenient for you or what keeps power or control of somebody else's money in your hands. That way I don't spend my money on home improvements to the aesthetic of this place, just for that to go to waste too.
That's another thing you're an insufferable bitch about Lomas. You still trying to bust a third grader's balls over ice cream sandwiches back in the early 80s? Get over it. Funny how the sherriffs have been cool AF about everything. But then again they're probably calling me buddy and patting me on the back with a kick me sign on it, huh.
Idc they're cool to me, and some dickhead that wants me to bear the burden of his bullshit role of playing enemy to the government, that implies the disrespect unto me, has been the government's doing, and isn't done trying to rake me over coals so he can have his pig roast.
I don't care what you want. What if I want to rule the world? Does it make it so?
I don't need to clarify or explain shit to you under your interrogative bullshit. Explain to me what the fuck makes you think you're the fucking Law or Government?
Some Criminally Insane Asshole in the C.I.A. doing their clandestine jobs and other illegal mafia related shit that victimizes others?
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bunnys-babies · 11 months
ELLE MY BELOVED !!!! congrats again on your milestone 💕 on all levels except physical, I am swinging over to your treehouse to give you a well-deserved smooch. you have no choice but to accept it 😽 moving on from the cringe 😬 ,, ur event !! i'm going with oikawa tooru (haikyuu). my mbti is intp + his is enfj apparently 😵‍💫 fave pastime would probably be cuddling + watching a film together?? just smth where we can both wind down and relax 🥰 UMM to get on my nerves he'd probably do pda bc he knows I'm shy ab that stuff (+ I blush suuuper easy so ... embarrassing 😐💀) & to get on his nerves I just act like I don't know him 😁 hope this is enough, my love 🌳🦍💕🦧🌳‼️
……… hello my beloved it has been so long 😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS 🫶🫶🫶
Songs for the two of you <3
1. More - The Greeting Committee
2. Sea Sick - binki
3. 02:00 AM - Sarah Crean
4. What’s Your Pleasure? - Jessie Ware
5. Sit Next to Me - Foster The People
Relationship HC’s <3
Sorry but you would have to be probably one of the most insufferable couples of all time /j HEHEHEHEHE (not really ily 😽)
But the way you guys would start out teasing sooo cute, doesn’t matter if you’re in public because it’s Tooru, so of course he’ll find some way to tease you n bug you just a little
Until you’ve had enough and bite back, and next thing you know you’re both full blown bullying each other and bickering while everyone else around you puts up with it </3
Tooru 100% tugs on the hairs at the nape of your neck to piss you off
He finds it so cute when you get upset plus he totally has twerp energy to me idc
But he is also so so so soft with you
Even if he likes to tease, his hands always find a way to touch you and caress you softly no matter the situation
Hands resting on your hips or caressing your face while you kiss, pinky finger interlocked with yours while you’re out watching a movie, fingers messing with yours while either of you tell an intriguing story, etc.
He’s just such a tender lover and can’t help but always touch you soft and keep you close :(!
He is also the biggest brat when you ignore him
It’s silly and funny and cute for .000284929 seconds before he’s had enough and gets an attitude and a little whiny and tries pushing your buttons in various ways to get your attention back on him
But you have to give him so much love after cause he will overthink and get a little sad if it goes on for too long <///3
You guys have so many inside jokes it pisses other people off LOL
Until someone points out how kind of sickeningly cute it is n then you’re both 😕 and put that shit on hold in public for a little while 😭
Extremely considerate and aware of your social battery and how you’re being treated by his company always
He isn’t one to let the company he keeps make you uncomfortable in any way and will say something in private to you and anyone else that needs to be talked to to make sure one, it doesn’t happen again, and two, you don’t feel guilty or embarrassed for him saying something
He’s also always checking in with you in little ways
Talking softer to you to see if you’re still having a good time
Bringing you into conversations and laughing alongside you to make sure you don’t feel left out
And the moment you let him know you’re ready to go home so is he 🤍 he might take a little time to say goodbye just because of the way he is and the way he wants to make sure he’s said goodbye to everyone, but he always wants to make it clear your feelings are a priority because they are <3!
And when I tell you I just know you guys had the most painful slow burn ever… good lord
He’s insecure and you can’t handle being up front and telling him you like him so!! God only knows how long it took one of you to be direct and honest /t
It was cute though and totally worth it when you finally had that first date and Tooru couldn’t hide the way he was smiling like a fool when he knew every time you dismissed his affectionate and playfully gooey remarks you didn’t actually mean it, you were just like him and almost didn’t know what to do with genuine romance 🤍
He’s so cute in the mornings it’s SICK
Calm and quiet and moves a little slow, runs his hands all over your torso and kisses the side of your face gentle before he asks how you slept
N it’s every morning, he’s this sweet and soft without fail every time he gets to wake up next to you and it’s not like he’s trying to make you feel tender and shy on purpose! He’s just a gentle and careful lover <3
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I'm hearing my mom argue w my dad
I feel too old to be hurt about this but i can't help myself
I'm 21 attending uni from home
It wouldn't really make sense to rent an apartment: it's expensive so i would have to work and study at the same time, and I'm not sure i could manage all that rn, and we don't live so far from the place anyways
Anyways I heard her voice going kinda wobbly
She sounded like she was on the verge of crying
It's bc my dad has a lover, and she dropped him off infront of our house
Mom was upset bc they spoke about her a lot
About the other women
I hated my dad for it, but my mom told me a few things that made me just sour about the whole thing
I won't make excuses for cheating, like ever, but i know my mom isn't really well either and it took a toll on my dad
I'm only writing this because i feel like i believe in love less and less
The more i know about my parents, the less i believe in true love
I guess I'm the romantic type, i just like to deny it
You will never catch me admitting it, unless i really feel like i want the other person to know
I kinda believe in acts of affection (or idk how u write it xd) rather than words
Words still mean a lot to me tho, it's just not the usual stuff I guess
Random things hit me harder or make feel warmer
I'm trying to be hopeful
But I'm avoiding people
I fear rejection
I fear hatred
I fear that I am unloveable
I am afraid of being insufferable
I am afraid that people see a lot of wrong in me and they just don't tell me so I am going around clueless
I don't expect everyone to love me
I don't like every person I meet either
I don't like to be the enemy tho
My head makes be believe sm bullshit
I'm fighting myself everyday
I am actually better at it
I started to like my face better
Like my body too
I still want to exercise
Not for a summer body
But for the childish dream i still have: being cool girl
Cool in the means of looking cool
Idc what counts as cool in the matter of personality
My personality is annoying to me but i still love myself a little bit or like moderately
I'm trying
I have the headphones i got for christmas from them on
It's kina funny
They are noise cancelling so i can't hear them
I liked to listen to them when is was little
Like is not a good word, more like i felt it was neccesary
I wanted to know what was happening around me
I don't know if other familes are like this
In highschool I liked to joke around in my head, calling them rommates (not room but living mates or how do i say it...ppl u rent an aparent together with)
I saw my dad at night coming home from work (or as i got know later, maybe from the woman) and my mom was home working always
I didn't think of my parents badly
But my mom once said that "i probably don't want to end up like them"
I don't remember when was the last time i really thought about what i want to end up as
Like seriously
I somehow felt i don't have a future
I had this belief that I will die in some accident like in a tiny one
Just whoosh erased from earth
I don't know why i felt that way but i believed it kinda and i wasn't uncomfortable with it
I thought about it matter of factly, calm, neutral
I will not get old
I will die before 30 for sure
Like that
It wasn't a decision or anything, just felt like that was my fate
I hope I will see more clearly in the future
I hope I am able to love
To give love and to recieve it
To have a healthy relationship
I really really hope i can manage to be in one once
I fear love because of (1 rejection and hate like I said before)
2 because when i lose a friend my heart breaks really hard
I can't get my head away, and I'm anxious without a stop
I have the blackhole in me
If love breaks my hearth more than that
Idk if it's safe for me
Yet atleast
I'm trying to strenghten myslef
I have too much fear in my
I hate fear
But i also hate the absence of fear
When i give up and there is nothing
At times like that fear atleast motivates me, moves me
But when emptiness fills me
I have a hard time afterwards
I probably misspelled a bunch of shit but
It's not cryptic so it counts
I am working on myself
Even when it feels like I'm stagnating
Atleast I can mever be clueless about the things i learned so far
So I'm trying:)
I actually like this one better nowadays:]
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sho-minamimoto · 1 year
Bunch of scattered/unorganized Yellowjackets thoughts (spoilers)
- could not choose between shauna and misty as my faves throughout season 1 but Lottie and Nat really got me in season 2 as well… there’s so many good characters auugghg
- i have NO clue what the heck’s going on with taissa and where her characters going im absolutely stumped. The heck’s up with that man with no eyes I wanna know!!! It feels like they’re building up to something really slowly and taking their time with it
- finding out the woman who directed Jennifer’s Body is an executive producer on the show was really funny that makes so much sense.
- is van going to miraculously survive her cancer bc of how Lottie said the wilderness is pleased with their sacrifice (of nat) and implied how it’s going to reward them?? Since they had a close up of vans reaction to Lottie saying that I feel like that might be a thing that could happen but not sure what else
- Travis is fucking insufferable in season one (thankfully eased up in ssn 2) but I still couldn’t fully hate him bc of his siblingisms with Javi I’m so simple when it comes to siblings LOL… his reaction to seeing Javi’s frozen corpse absolutely wrecked me. And him taking a bite out of his raw heart my god I was FLOORED
- I get why people dislike Misty’s thing with Walter but I can’t bring myself to hate it I want misty to have nice things and a happy freak4freak relationship truly is what she deserves. The perfect ending though would be if both of them find out they’re gay and become wlw/mlm Reddit true crime solidarity. But I can also see them getting split pretty quickly bc of misty dealing with accidentally killing nat
- I absolutely adore the misdirection with some plot threads for example the whole mystery with Travis in season 1 felt like it was building up to a reveal of sorts like who really killed him and why?? What did they want?? Only to find out super early on in season 2 that his death was an accident (but in essence Kind of a suicide) and when Lottie recounts it nat calls bullshit and I called bullshit too bc I thought there was more going on but the more the 96 plotline plays out the clearer it becomes that that really was what happened… like we don’t know the full story of what happened in the wilderness but you can broadly fill in gaps. But it’s still a different thing entirely seeing what actually happened and it recontextualizing everything in the adult timeline you’ve seen prior… there’s no conspiracy Travis wasn’t murdered and all these characters are just haunted to such an extent that becomes clearer and clearer as the show continues
- Did Not care for Kevyn Tan idc that he used to be a goth kid in love with nat he revoked that card when he became a cop and didn’t do anything to stop jay/whatever the fuck that guys name was from preying on Callie… I laughed so hard when he suddenly died completely unceremoniously not gonna lie. I loved it. Wish they killed off that other cop too though
- love coach Scott’s fuck em kids move at the end I was not seeing that coming at all but I was delighted. Gay trying to do the mass burying
- I hope Mari isn’t pit girl simply because she’s so funny she’s such a fucking hater I love her
- am really curious how the rest of the show’s going to pan out over its projected 5 seasons I think the story is a slow burn overall but with a 5 season plan that feels really purposeful… like so far only 2 people have been Eated, one simply by circumstance and the other left to die in a passive way and we’ve yet to reach a point where they actively murder someone With Intent to kill and eat and the escalation to it has been very gradual
- I saw a lot of people complain about season 2s pacing but I felt like it was. Fine? I only started watching the show a few days after the season finale ended so I didn’t wait a week between episodes so it might be one of those things where the pacing issues are lessened when watched back to back but idk
- Doesn’t taissa have senator duties to attend to or something girl has so much to answer to when she gets home from the Lottie cult misadventures
- Also her assistants car is still just kind of out there ?? Left on the side of a ditch?? Girl
- I read in an interview that originally Nat’s dream realm scene in the plane while she’s dying was going to have javi and young nat laughing mockingly to adult nat while she breaks down crying THATS FUCKING INSANE????? GOOD LORD. it didn’t make the cut and part of me wishes it did but also I’m kind of glad it didn’t bc that would’ve been. A Lot. But holy fuck
- I know the likelihood of coach Scott getting hunted and eaten is extremely high but I hope he can last another season at least. He’ll probably be hiding for dear life from the girls who Definitely want him dead now for that stunt he pulled (if they figure out it was his doing to begin with)
- I want to give Lottie a hug
- Jeff is so fucking funny I love a good wife guy. He’s so ride or die for shauna it rules. I want to see more interactions of him and Callie also I found the scene where he tells her abt the wilderness baby heartbreaking but also really sweet…
- It’s wild how much time left there still is before they get rescued how in the hell are these girls going to stay warm for the rest of the winter?? Though now that I think about it since nat knows about it there might be a more active effort to find Javi’s shelter. Or maybe find others similar to it? The impression I got from the pit girl scene was that they split up into smaller groups in different directions (bc of the different symbols hung on different trees) but I may be wrong on that one
- When spring/summer rolls back around and game starts showing up again are they going to be like “ok cool we can go back to being normal humans let’s just never talk about our winter activities again ok.”
- More Caligula next season please
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minamotoz · 2 years
next class thoughts as i rewatch season 1
• #bootycall is an atrocious series opener im sorry
• everyone acting like zig playing guitar is the weirdest thing in the world is so ???? maybe if they listened to 'be my someone' by whisperhug they would understand
• tristan trying to market himself as degrassis first gay student council president makes me want to cry. HOW DARE YOU STAND WHERE MARCO ONCE STOOD
• miles hollingsworth is a gift to mankind
• this whole storyline where shay and lola become concerned with frankies mental health bc she got highlights is hilarious
• "you dyed your hair...we thought you might....kill youself." brilliant writing
• i hate jonah but frankie crying and venting to him while hes like 'ok😐 idc😐 can you get out 😐' IS SO FUNNY
• miles going on this fake deep 'NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS IF THEY ARENT POSITIVE' rant ...king of mental health awareness
• love how the rubber room kids are suddenly allowed in normal classes and are the cool kids after being portrayed as delinquents for two whole seasons... and how the rubber room has ceased to exist just like the gifted program
• esme song and hunter hollingsworth my unhinged beloveds
• "mood killer" "im about to be a serial killer" i like grace sometimes
• maya 'horny on main' matlin
• i love my girl maya but her dunking that assholes phone in a drink was not the serve she thought it was
• miles and esme are such obnoxious assholes and i love it
• whisperhug reference? in MY degrassi next class??????
• this season is so fun but absolutely terrible for anyone coming into the show blind, almost all of the characters come off as insanely unlikeable
(more under the cut)
• everytime lolas family restaurant shows up i just think of "wait, if all the food here is mexican, what makes this place argentinian?" "me, obviously"
• god the maya feminism plotline is SOOO on the nose
• me listening to not okay: damn i wish i was listening to black or white right now
• damn tiny moves FAST
• winston my bestie you deserved way more screen-time
• i think people who hate esme just hate fun but thats just my opinion
• zig and tiny being mens rights activists im crying..... tiny i will save u...... zig you can die
• lolas masturbation plotline is so fun especially in comparison to the bleakness of miles drug addiction plot and the on the nose-ness of mayas feminism plot
• zig being personally offended that maya identifies as a feminist is SO funny im sorry
• i know i just said that miles' drug storyline is bleak as shit but him being high out of his mind and chanting 'LETS GO HUNTER' is so funny
• miles and esme popping pills in class theyre literally insane... this show is so camp
• im sorry i love the freaky little gamers so much
• love how hunter uses the word 'populars' in place of 'normie' because the degrassi writers were too afraid of actually writing hunter as a 4channer
• goldi is written as such a strawman im so sorry queen.....,
• hunter making some good points immediately followed up by him being insanely racist is so fucking funny
• im a zasha stan but oh my god the way they murdered gracevas in one singular episode is insulting
• "AM I HOTTER THAN JONAH? BE HONEST" never stop being zig novak, zig novak
• speaking of which have i mentioned how insufferable jonah is because god he sucks
• "youre not welcome here" "ooooh role reversal, fun!" ESME SONG I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU
• eric osborne was eating up every other mf in that cast
• as someone who really liked the zoë/zig dynamic in TNG, the whole 'having sex to get back at grace/maya' thing makes me want to die fr
• esme pulling the 'YOUR LIFE IS SHIT AND YOURE NOTHING WITHOUT ME' shit when miles tells her he wants to recover from his addiction... shes so manipulative but i cant hate her
• baaz vijay and yael i can fix u!!!!! i will save you from the grasp of hunter hollingsworth i prommy
• frankston is actually really cute this season if only frankie wasnt obsessed with JONAH
• the look of the school is so bizarre bc its the same building but everything looks so WEIRD its so uncanny valley
• ok, rape and death threats on twitter i can believe, but mayas address being leaked on REDDIT??????? im literally never getting over this its so funny. just make a fake kiwifarms if you wanted to make a plot about online harassment and doxing like KF existed in 2016
• miles hollingsworths back must HURT from carrying the shit out of this season
• "YOURE GOING TO DIE" i know i shouldnt think this but this storyline is so funny
• jankie is a pathetic excuse for enemies to lovers like holy shit
• i really wish we got to see a smidge of the gamers friendship dynamic this season though bc the way theyre written it just feels like the other 3 are clinging to hunter bc they have no one else while hunter gets them to help with his dumb revenge scheme. idk i wish their friend group in general was more fleshed out and less hunter-centric bc baaz yael and vijay just feel like non characters
• have i mentioned how much i love esme like omg shes such a piece of shit and its amazing
• that short little scene where hunter and baaz are tweeting more gross shit at maya and baaz is like 'ADD HASHTAG JUST SAYING' oh my god this is hilarious
• once again i love baaz yael and vijay they r so spoingy goingy <3 i love hunter but he can choke
• none of the gamer kids are threatening because theyre all like 15 lmaoooo
• winston and miles are actually boyfriends i cant believe this
• zig novak i hope you die
• noooooo hunter dont do it dont pull a rick murray nooooooooooooo definitely dont shoot zig nooo
• comparing the lockdown in #sorrynotsorry to the lockdown in all falls down is like night and day lmao
• "he was there. he was easy" "what do you mean easy?" she means zig novak is a whore maya
• miles and hunter :( :( :( :(
• tears, zig? didn't expect to s-[GUNSHOT]
• baaz x shay is my new favorite crack ship
• spencer macpherson and eric osborne kings of acting yassss
• wrapup thoughts: this season is so camp tbh. like it sucks a lot and i hate that this is what people think of when NC is brought up because NC 3 and 4 are really really good and dont get the attention they deserve bc NC1 and 2 are so bad but its still a fun season! miles esme and hunter are always extremely fun to watch, but the excessive screentime given to zig, maya (i love her but none of the storylines shes given do her justice), tristan, frankie and jonah makes it a lot worse. anyways im gonna go rewatch season 10 for the 10000th time
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tibby · 3 years
thoughts on other choices books
i’m assuming you mean besides royal romance because that’s what i mainly post about so here are my feelings on the others i’ve played:
high school story: the reason i got into choices (i was like “hey remember surviving high school from the grand old days of 9th grade science? wonder what happened to it!” and it was this) and so it will always have a special place in my heart <3 maria flores is my dream girl michael is the ultimate gbf and our little gang is so cute. minus emma, who is the human equivalent of watching paint dry. berry high forever, baby!
class act: overall not as fun or interesting as hss but WOW my love for skye crandall hit me like a ton of books. insane how a stupid mobile app understands abuse better than most pieces of media. i would do anything for my goth baby lesbian daughter. and i am very fond of ajay too.
it lives in the woods: did what stranger things/clown story thought it was doing. probably the best written and most engaging choices book imo. ava cunningham is the love of my life and #kingkang. wish the game was more sympathetic towards noah because he was clearly a grieving and traumatised teen who was manipulated and shit happens. refusing to make a third book in the series and therefore robbing me of my chance to save him (AND romance jocelyn) is a pixelberry crime i can never forgive.
it lives beneath: inferior to ilitw but LOVED tom’s development and danni is my gf <3 parker can choke tho idc. feels like a third book could have done a lot of justice to imogen but whatever i guess :/ the cult stuff was fun but honestly? the ghost was right.
the haunting of braidwood manor: the idea that i would spend diamonds on a six chapter book for a DEAD GIRL is laughable but probably the nicest art style in any of the books so far and the dead kids were fun. also very funny to me because it is SUCH a victim of pixelberry reusing art. they didn’t expect me to notice that braidwood manor is just olivia’s home in lythikos? or that the youngest dead kid is just young maxwell beaumont’s model? grow up, pb. i’m a royal romance bitch. i know my stuff.
the freshman series: still only on the sophomore book two and i think it’s very fun that they made your friends insufferable or just forgot to give them personalities. except for james, who i am very fond of and i would have romanced if it didn’t give me the option to romance becca. but i see an enemies to friends to lovers lesbian storyline, and i take it. james is cute with reyna anyway. here’s hoping that by the time junior year rules around mc finally has a personality.
queen b: FINALLY, A CHOICES BOOK THAT ENCOURAGES YOU TO BE EVIL!!!! i had such a blast with this one even if the illicit romance with your professor turned out to be dealing with the most clingy bitch in existence :/ poppy is such an entertaining villain and i think zoey is easily one of the most well rounded love interests they ever put out. also just generally a very nice art style and i have to respect any game that allows you to fuck not only your teacher, but also your best friend, your rival, AND have a threesome with your rival’s ex and close friend. genius. plus i named my hometown tumblr which made a lot of the dialogue SO fun. and i really think pixelberry is on to something by making a school gossip blog so important that teachers give out awards based on it. incredible.
with every heartbeat: honestly just playing this one to diamond mine because as avery said, why spend money on a dead girl? mateo and lennox are fun though.
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moiranetex · 3 years
Harry Potter - 1 Element idk
Erm idk what this is really. I’ve been wanting to start this story for ages so i did. It’s a bit of a mess and im not entirely sure if I like all the details. Its unedited but idc. 
The fire in the Gryffindor common room burned brightly on the eve of the second night back at Hogwarts. Classes were back in full swing, a new batch of  first years were wondering around completely lost and Hermione Granger was completing a potions essay 2 weeks in advance, in the corner of the room. It was getting increasingly difficult as none of her peers seemed to share her motivation nor her ability to be quiet. Ronald Weasley had just flipped a game of Wizards chess, that he was playing with Harry Potter, off one of the many couches that were positioned around the room. The pieces scattered all over the carpet in front of the fire as Harry, along with others, roared with laughter. Hermione concluded that this must have been one of the very rare times Harry managed to beat Ronald at the game. While little groups were placed all around the large room either chatting, reading, gossiping, playing, napping or participating in more scandalous activities, a large group surrounded two Weasley siblings in particular. Hermione knew that Fred and George Weasley were almost certainly in the process of selling their joke products to unsuspecting teenagers in their own hilariously obvious version of a black market. She huffed to herself, frustrated that she would be once again interrupted. She was after all a prefect and probably the only person in the room equipped with enough wit to go up against the twins. She felt her cheeks go red with anger, however, just as she was preparing herself for the argument that would surely ensue, the portrait that served as an entrance into the Gryffindor quarters was opened and Professor McGonagall strolled through, her beady eyes instantly taking in the scene. Chaos ensued for a good 10 seconds as students hid whatever needed to be hidden, stopped swapping spit, ceased shouting and turned respectfully towards their head of house. The Weasley twins took advantage of the large amount of students blocking their view to stash their outrageous stock. Professor Mcgonagall pursed her lips distastefully at her students, not a thing slipping past her. She chose not to comment or dole out punishments as she was, despite never admitting it, both bias and genuinely fond of every student in her house. Her eyes settled on Hermione as she started to speak in her distinguished Scottish accent
“Miss Granger, would you kindly accompany me to Dumbledores office. Apparently there is a new student joining us, she will be in your year and as you are prefect it seems only logic that she should be put under your care.”
Immediately whispers broke out among the students. It was extremely rare for someone to arrive at Hogwarts after the first year. There were those that came back slightly later from vacation, but there had only ever been a handful  in this situation.
“It probably means she was attending a different school, an International student. Thats so fun!”
“Yeah, unless she’s been shipped in from Durmstrang, then you better stick clear of her.”
“Durmstrang is a school for boys you idiot, and it probably means she’s homeschooled, so either super rich or super poor, there really is no in between.”
“Bloody hell I hope not. Remember that Slytherin chap that had been homeschooled ‘till year 7, he was a right weirdo. Even the Slytherins didn’t like him and they like anyone pure and rich.”
“SILENCE,” shouted a fed up Mcgonogall. It was starting to get late and she wasn’t in the mood for the gossip flying around her common room.
“Firstly I don’t even know why the majority of you are still up at this hour, I technically don’t have the right to dictate what time you choose to put yourself to bed but I can certainly change that if I happen to observe that it isn’t to complete schoolwork,” she sent a particularly scathing look at the Weasley twins her who, in return, smiled politely at her as innocently as they could manage.
“And Second of all, although I don’t know her very well yet I can assure you she isn’t some type of ‘weirdo’ as you have so gracefully put it Ronald. Now Hermione if you wouldn’t mind,” she gestured into the hallway, clearly wanting to get this over with.
Hermione eyes widened as she took in the people currently in Dumbledore’s office. Unfortunately Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin in her year, and his best friend Blaise Zabini were there, scowls gracing both their faces. Blaise was sat in one of the two seats in front of the Heads desk while Draco was perched on the edge of on of the smaller tables in the room. Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house and the bane of the majority of Gryffindors existence, stood in the corner with his normal grimace. Professor Dumbledore sat in his chair, behind his large desk with a pleasant smile on his lips and a baby phoenix in his hand. Finally in the second chair to Blaise’s right sat one of the most beautiful girls Hermione had ever seen. The girl had dark caramel skin, not dissimilar to Blaise. Her hair flowed down to her lower back in brown micro braids, the front being pinned back so as to not get in the way, however a few pieces were spared to frame her face. She had large brown eyes  coupled with thick lashes. She had plump lips, dimples and a small nose that contained a tiny gold piercing. Immediately Hermione noticed two things. Firstly, she shared two many characteristics with the boy beside her for them to not be closely related. The same skin tone, full mouth and thick eyebrows, however they also had the same air of superiority, grace and poise that accompanied all rich, pureblood individuals. Secondly, Hermione noted that she was groomed to perfection, only serving to prove her theory further. She was already in the Hogwarts uniform, though lacking the tie. There wasn’t a single crease in her attire, it looked expensive and well made. Her fingernails were manicured, a shiny cherry red color was glaring against the darker hues of her uniform and looked slightly out of place. Hermione observed a thin layer of makeup on the girl to accentuate her features, along with what was clearly real gold jewellery in the form of rings, a necklace, and her nose piercing.
After making these observations, Hermione concluded that she was surely dealing with some sort of pureblood brat and therefore was rather shocked when the girl gave her a large and seemingly genuine smile, her white teeth accentuated by the shiny gloss on her lips. Hermione smiled back, somewhat apprehensively but as a general rule she didn’t like to let stereotypes define how she saw people.
“Ah Hermione, come in. We were just having a little chat,” murmured Dumbledore. At this statement, Draco Malfoy lifted his head up to look at Blaise Zabini who was, for lack of a better word, fuming. Blaise was never someone who talked a lot or was overly expressive. Because of his height, good looks and general ability to intimidate people he never blended into the background but he was usually stoic, a living statue. Around his friends he was a little more open, and those who knew him very well or had had the occasion to witness him drunk knew he could be funny and open however he had always been a man of few words and was incredibly private. Draco Malfoy was almost his polar opposite, not only in appearance with his silver hair and pale skin, but also in personality. It was hard to get Malfoy to shut up a majority of the time. While he too was conventionally attractive, rather tall and certainly domineering, he loved to talk, particularly if it mean making fun of people. He, like Blaise, was intelligent and had a quick wit which he loved to share. While it was difficult to get information out of Blaise about essentially anything, Draco was an open book to such a point that he could be considered insufferable at times, even by those who loved him.  
Severus Snape, observing his two students, felt it was a good time to intervene. Not only was he bias towards members of his own house, he held an actual fondness for the two boys in front of him and the fact that he was very close to both their parents, who would absolutely be hearing about this, meant he felt somewhat of a responsibility towards the girl in the chair. The fact that she was his goddaughter didn’t escape him either.
“Dumbledore, with respect I find it…,” he paused for a second, trying to find a polite and sophisticated way to say that there was no bloody way he would allow his only goddaughter to be placed into Gryffindor.
“-preposterous to entertain the mere thought of Miss Zabini entering into Gryffindor. She would be much better suited to Slytherin, with her brother and friends. I’m sure her parents, in particular her mother, would agree with me,” he drawled, bringing up the one thing that may possibly force the stubborn Headmaster to change his mind and defy the ragged hat that currently sat on his desk.
“Come now Severus, the hat has placed her into Gryffindor and so it must be fate. I can assure you if Carmen Zabini has any other problems she can always contact me, I would be happy to deal with her,” Dumbledore replied cheerily, however it was obvious to everyone in the room that the discussion was tense and the mention of Mrs. Zabini had been employed as some sort of threat.
“Bloody hat,” mumbled a frustrated Zabini, not as discreetly as he perhaps should have.
“This is ridiculous, she cant go into Gryffindor. She’s a pureblood and she already knows us all, it’s idiotic. Not only will you have her mother breaking down the door of this school, but my father will have something to say about it too,” interrupted Malfoy after seeing just how angry his friend was.
Just as Dumbledore opened his mouth to respond the girl spoke for the first time since Hermione arrived. Turning around to look Draco in the eye, almost challenging him. She had quite a soft voice that was comforting and sounded sweet, even as she spoke icily to Malfoy. Hermione couldn’t really place the accent. It had some weird intonations from what was probably Italian, and while it was closest to a high class english accent, some words slid out sounding american.
“Draco, stop. This is ridiculous, it’s just a house. There are pure-bloods in Gryffindor, not that it matters. And I while I do have the most friends in Slytherin I know some people in other houses. Anyway it’s an opportunity to meet new people. As for mother I already had a discussion about this before coming here, if she has further issues she can take it up with my father,” she took a deep breath and then turned to her brother, speaking in a much lower tone she continued
“-and I know you’re worried about me but you are completely overreacting Blaise. We’ll still see each other all the time and I’ll even wear that idiotic watch that mother sent you if you’re absolutely serious about it.”
“Oh, I am,” muttered Blaise, giving his sister his full attention, his dark eyes still glittering in anger. He looked quite terrifying, thought Hermione.
“The Weasleys barely count as pureblood Magda,” snorts Draco in the most incredible display of brattiness and bad timing that he was capable.
Immediately all eyes were on him, he didn’t seems to regret what he said however.
“Yes thank you for that Malfoy, I’m sure thats what everyone needed to hear,” the girl, who Hermione had now learned was named Magda, said with utmost sarcasm.
“Well, if that’s all-” Magda stood up abruptly, clearly sick of the back and forth that was heading nowhere. She bent down, giving her brother a kiss on the cheek and then went over to Draco, who lowered his head so she could do the same.
“You’re an idiot. Goodnight,” she whispered, still glaring at him. Both boys frustrated her, Draco more so than her own brother but she never liked going to bed angry, especially with those she loved.
“Just doing my job aren’t I?” He replied sarcastically giving her a little grin. She rolled her eyes before nodding at Snape who nodded back to her, never being one for affection. She then strolled over to stand next to Hermione.
“Thank you very much Professor Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonnogall. If that is all I do apologise for I’m rather tired and would probably benfit from some rest,” she smiled at Dumbledore who smiled back.
“Of course Miss. Zabini, you and Hermione may go. I didn’t realise this little meeting would take so long.”
Both girls departed as quickly as they could, but not before hearing Mcgonogall and Snape arguing over whether Slytherin house should lose points over Draco’s ‘insensitive’ comment.
“It was demeaning, rude and elitist. I say he should lose 20 points for that behaviour,” they heard Mcgonogall snap.
“You cant deduct points from students for stating mere facts Minnerva,” Snape replied cuttingly. After listening to Mcgonnagal splutter for about five seconds he rephrased his sentence.
“Malfoy was merely sharing an opinion, a point of view. Opinions are diverse, you cannot go around punishing people for them.”
“You bloody watch-”
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